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BOOKS015311I: Kayne, Richard S. - The Antisymmetry of Syntax
BOOKS013636I: Kaza, Stephanie - The Attentive Heart : Conversations with Trees
BOOKS030812I: Kazandzhiev, S.(Spiridon) [1882-1951] - Istorichesko vreme : krizata v materialniia i dukhovniia zhivot i nashitie zadachi : Skazka durzhana v Sofiia na 9 April 1932
BOOKS007184I: Dravidar Kazhagam - The Role of Dravidar Kazhagam in Protecting 69% Reservation in Tamilnadu
BOOKS013195I: Kazhdan, Alexander [ Kazhdan, Aleksandr Petrovich (1922-1997) ] ; & Constable, Giles - People and Power in Byzantium : An Introduction to Modern Byzantine Studies
BOOKS007006I: Kazi, Mushtak Ali - Journey Through Judiciary
BOOKS023293I: Kazik-Zawadzka, Irena - Les ’hapax eiremena’ et les mots rares dans les fragments papyrologiques des trois grands tragiques grecs
BOOKS025136I: Kazimi, Bahman - Musiqi-i Ilam
BOOKS025137I: Kazimi, Bahman - Musiqi-i qawm-i Talish
BOOKS025089I: Kazimi, Bahman ; & Sa'idi, Mitra - Musiqi-i qawm-i Turkman
BOOKS025152I: Kazimi, Bahman - Musiqi-i qawm-i 'Arab
BOOKS020320I: Kazimi, Iraj - Dilfan dar guzar-i tarikh : mashahir-i ahl-i haqq
BOOKS020688I: Kazimi, Bahman - Huviyat-i milli dar taranahha-yi aqvam-i Irani
BOOKS007824I: Kea, Ray A. - Settlements, Trade & Polities in the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast
BOOKS018557I: Keal, Paul - Unspoken Rules and Superpower Dominance
BOOKS015616I: Keane, Webb - Signs of Recognition: Powers and Hazards of Representation in an Indonesian Society
BOOKS016362I: Keane, Maureen - Mrs. S.C. Hall : A Literary Biography
BOOKS005101I: Kearney, Richard - Modern Movements in European Philosophy
BOOKS013874I: Kearns, John T. - Reconceiving Experience: A Solution to a Problem Inherited from Descartes
BOOKS006960I: Kearns, Michael S.; Solla, Sara A. & Cohn, David A., editors: - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11. Proceedings of the 1998 Conference
BOOKS016729I: Kearns, Rollin - Vorfragen zur Christologie, II
BOOKS021066I: Kearny, John Watts - Sketch of American Finances, 1789-1835
BOOKS015159I: Keary, C. F. - The Morphology of Coins
BOOKS021594I: Keating, Rex - Nubian Rescue
BOOKS006006I: Keatinge, Richard W. ; editor: - Peruvian Prehistory : An Overview of Pre-Inca and Inca Society
BOOKS026373I: Keay, F. E. (Frank Ernest) - A History of the Syrian Church of India
BOOKS026636I: Kebric, Robert B. - In the Shadow of Macedon : Duris of Samos
BOOKS026408I: Keck, Egon ; Søndergaard, Svend ; & Wulff, Ellen ; editors: - Living Waters: Scandinavian Orientalistic Studies Presented to Frede Løkkegaard on his Seventy-fifth Birthday, January 27th 1990
BOOKS027986I: Keck, Maria - Zur Kenntnis der Duquenois Reaktion auf Haschisch und Marihuana
BOOKS007055I: Kecskemeti, Paul - Meaning, Comunication and Value
BOOKS028539I: Kedar, Benjamin Z. - Crusade and Mission : European Approaches Toward the Muslims
BOOKS015438I: Kedilaya, A. Shanker ; editor: [ Kesiraja (fl. 1260)] - Sabdamanidarpana, by Kesiraja, with the commentary of Linganaradhya
BOOKS021332I: Kedourie, Elie - Nationalism
BOOKS016765I: Keech, William R. - Economic Politics: The Costs of Democracy
BOOKS021635I: O’Keefe, Tim - Epicurus on Freedom
BOOKS021767I: Keele, Kenneth ; et al. - Leonardo da Vinci : Anatomische Zeichnungen aus der königlichen Bibliothek auf Schloss Windsor : Hamburger Kunsthalle, 1979
BOOKS014010I: Keeler, Ward - Javanese Shadow Plays, Javanese Selves
BOOKS015103I: Keenan, Jeremy - The Tuareg : People of Ahaggar
BOOKS019476I: Keenan, Edward L. - The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apocrypha : The Seventeenth-century Genesis of the "Correspondence" Attributed to Prince A. M. Kurbskii..,.
BOOKS017340I: Keene, Henry George - The First Book of the Anvari Suheli : A Literal Translation in English
BOOKS008531I: Keesing, Roger M. - Melanesian Pidgin and the Oceanic Substrate
BOOKS015213I: Keesing, Roger M. - Kwaio Religion : The Living and the Dead in a Solomon Island Society
BOOKS003954I: Keffer, Hajo - De Obligationibus: Rekonstruktion einer spatmittelalterlichen Disputationstheorie
BOOKS021760I: Zaryehun Keflé - Kakadréw mastawasa / zegegetena qeneber, baZaryehun Keflé
BOOKS023198I: Kehrig, Henri. - Le Privilege des vins à Bordeaux
BOOKS018474I: Kehya, Ali Oguz - Murtazam Benim
BOOKS031261I: Keicher, Otto - Raymundus Lullus und seine Stellung zur arabischen Philosophie : mit einem Anhang,..,.
BOOKS024083I: Keiding, Nils Rud - Protein-bound Carbohydrates and Proteins of Serum from Diabetic Patients and the Relation to the Late Diabetic Manifestations
BOOKS003290I: Keijzer, Frans Gaspard - Outline of the Geology of the Eastern Part of the Province of Oriente, Cuba (E of 76' WL). With notes on the Geology of Other...
BOOKS003208I: Keijzer, Fred - Representation and Behavior
BOOKS005682I: Keil, Charles - Tiv Song
BOOKS020097I: Keil, Frank C. ; & Wilson, Robert Andrew ; editors: - Explanation and Cognition
BOOKS002261I: Keilhack, Konrad - Einfuhrung in das Verstandnis der geologische-agronomischen Karten des Norddeutschen Flachlandes. Ein Erlauterung ...
BOOKS025038I: Keiling, Horst - Archäologische Zeugen der jungsteinzeitlichen Bauernbevölkerung Mecklenburgs
BOOKS026412I: Keiling, Horst - a collection of 5 extracts concerning German archaeology, ca. 1974-1987
BOOKS010834I: Keiser, Elizabeth B. - Courtly Desire and Medieval Homophobia : The Legitimation of Sexual Pleasure in Cleanness and its Contexts /
BOOKS009401I: Keith, A.M. - The Play of Fictions: Studies in Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 2
BOOKS008084I: Keith, W.J. - Regions of the Imagination: The Development of British Rural Fiction
BOOKS024632I: Kejlbo, Ib Rønne - Rare Globes : A Cultural-historical Exposition of Selected Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Made Before 1850..,.
BOOKS026526I: Kekelidse, K [ Kekelize, Korneli ] - Die Bekehrung Georgiens um Christetum / von K. Kekelidse
BOOKS010873I: Kekes, John - Moral Wisdom and Good Lives
BOOKS015112I: Kelemen, Pál. - El Greco Revisited: Candia, Venice, Toledo.
BOOKS028246I: Kelion, John L. - The Postal History of Shkodër : Postal and Telegraph Cancellations and Postal Cachets until 29th November 1944
BOOKS002480I: Kelkar, Ray Bhadur G.K. - Relatorio sobre os melhoramentos agricolas dos campos comunais de Goa
BOOKS006884I: Kelkar, Ashok R. - Prolegomena to an Understanding of Semiosis and Culture
BOOKS022290I: Kelkar, Ashok Ramchandra - Studies in Hindi-Urdu : I: Introduction and Word Phonology
BOOKS002069I: Kelle, Johann Nepomuk - Die Bestimmung in Kanon 19 des Legationis edictum von Jahre 789
BOOKS028449I: Kelle, Johann Nepomuk von [1828-1909] - Die deutsche Dichtung unter den Fränkischen Kaisern 1024-1125
BOOKS021368I: Kelleher, Margaret - The Feminization of Famine : Expressions of the Inexpressible?
BOOKS013509I: Kellenbenz, Hermann [ 1913 - ] - Die Zuckerwirtschaft im Kölner Raum von der napoleonischen Zeit bis zur Reichsgründung.
BOOKS007396I: Kellenbenz, Hermann - Die Zuckerwirtschaft im Kolner Raum von der napoleonischer Zeit bis zur Reichsgrundung
BOOKS004209I: Kellenberger, J. - The Cognitivity of Religion. Three Perspectives
BOOKS018421I: Keller, Otto [1838-1927] - Kritische Beiträge zum IV. Buche der Horazischen Oden
BOOKS019134I: Keller, Morton ; & Melnick, R. Shep ; editors: - Taking Stock : American Government in the Twentieth Century
BOOKS031594I: Keller, Gustav - Bericht des Regierungsrates an den Kantonsrat über das Truppenaufgebot : Rede.,. in der Kantonsratssitzung von 11. Nov. 1918
BOOKS008848I: Keller, Lynn - Re-making It New : Contemporary American Poetry and the Modernist Tradition
BOOKS015662I: Keller, H. U. ; & Szego, K.; et al; editors: [ European Space Agency. Publications Division ] - Images of the Nucleus of Comet Halley [ Volumes I & II ]
BOOKS018443I: Keller, Albrecht; Finckh, Ludwig - Schwaben und Schwabenstreiche
BOOKS016574I: Keller, Suzanne Infeld - Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society
BOOKS017703I: Keller, Margarete - Sage und Lied in Kleeberg : Zur Folkskunde eines rheinfränkischen Dorfs
BOOKS011444I: Keller-Escher, C ; & Escher-Bürkli, Jakob - Genealogie der Familie Escher vom Glas 1320-1885, nachgeführt über die Jahre 1885-1935
BOOKS020508I: Keller, Evelyn Fox - A Feeling for the Organism : The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock
BOOKS028005I: Keller, Friedrich Ludwig [1799- 1860] - Erwiederung auf das veröffentlichte Gutachten des J. Rüttimann betreffend die Basler Festungswerke
BOOKS023955I: Kellermann, Bernhard [1879-1951]; editor: - Was sollen wir tun? Mit Diskussionsbeiträgen von Theodor Plievier, Th. Lieser, Adam Scharrer, Bernhard Bechler, Robert Havemann
BOOKS003097I: Kelley, Jonathan & Klein, Herbert S. - Revolution & the Rebirth of Inequality. A Theory applied to the National Revolution in Bolivia
BOOKS016779I: Kelley, Harold H. ; Holmes, John G.; Kerr, Norbert L.; Reis, Harry T.; et al: editors: - An Atlas of Interpersonal Situations
BOOKS022105I: Kelley, Mike [ Welchman, John C. ; editor: ] - Minor Histories : Statements, Conversations, Proposals
BOOKS027604I: Kelling, Georg - Ueber die Blutserumreaktion der Carcinomatösen [together with two other offprints]
BOOKS002258I: Kellman, Philip J. & Arterberry, Martha E. - The Cradle of Knowledge: Development of Perception in Infancy
BOOKS005411I: Kellman, Steven G. - The Self-Begetting Novel
BOOKS007829I: Kellner, Douglas - Critical Theory, Marxism and Modernity
BOOKS013715I: Kelly, J. N. D. (John Norman Davidson) - Golden Mouth: the Story of John Chrysostom - Ascetic Preacher, Bishop: The Story of John Chrysostom - Ascetic Preacher, Bishop
BOOKS019346I: Kelly, Thomas [1909-1992] - A History of Adult Education in Great Britain - Second Edition
BOOKS011689I: Kelly, Jennifer & Kelly, Gary, editors: [Seward, Anna] - Bluestocking Feminism. Writings of the Bluestocking Circle 1738-1785. Volume 4: Anna Seward
BOOKS011690I: Kelly, Gary; editor: [Scott, Sarah] - Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the Bluestocking Circle 1738 - 1785: Volume 5: Sarah Scott
BOOKS011032I: Kelly, Catherine E. - In the New England Fashion: Reshaping Women's Lives in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS007123I: Kelly, John D. - A Politics of Virtue : Hinduism, Sexuality & Countercolonial Discourse in Fiji
BOOKS005865I: Kelly, Gail P. & Elliott, Carolyn M. - Women's Education in the Third World : Comparative Perspectives
BOOKS017097I: Kelly, Walter Keating - Proverbs of All Nations, Compared, Explained, and Illustrated
BOOKS016596I: Kelly, Henry Ansgar - Satan: A Biography
BOOKS019642I: Kelly, Aileen M. - Views from the Other Shore : Essays on Herzen, Chekhov and Bakhtin
BOOKS024361I: Kelly, Douglas - The Arts of Poetry and Prose
BOOKS004093I: Kelsey, Seabn - Inventing a Republic: The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649-1653
BOOKS029101I: Kemal, Cenap - Terminologie internationale en Turc : phonétique et formes graphiques
BOOKS003282I: Kemiläinen, Aira - L'affaire d'Avignon (1789-1791) from the Viewpoint of Nationalism
BOOKS012306I: Kemilev, Asen - Preselenieto na severno-dobrudzhanskitie Bulgari prez 1940 godina
BOOKS023910I: Kemmer, Claus - Von Cranach bis Baselitz : Meisterwerke des Clairobscur-Holzschnitts
BOOKS001889I: Kemmerling, D.L.L. and Woudstra, H.W. - De Geologie en Geomorphologie van den Idjen & Analyse van Merkwaardige Watersoorten op het Idjen-Hoogland
BOOKS013006I: Kemp, Peter - H.G. Wells and the Culminating Ape: Biological Themes and Imaginative Obsessions
BOOKS029982I: Kempen, C. J. J. van - De cultuur der Hevea
BOOKS021448I: Kemperman, J. H. B. [ Kemperman, Johannes Henricus Bernardus ] - The Passage Problem for a Stationary Markov Chain
BOOKS003324I: Cui Yongqiang ; & Chen Ken - Tests : Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
BOOKS008457I: Kendall, Leon T.; & Fishman, Michael J.; editors: - A Primer on Securitization
BOOKS016319I: Kendall, Laurel - Getting Married in Korea: Of Gender, Morality and Modernity
BOOKS004290I: Kendeigh, S. Charles - Invertebrate Population of the Deciduous Forest: Fluctuations & Relations to Weather
BOOKS012251I: Kenderova, Stoianka & Ivanova, Zorka; compilers: [Narodna biblioteka "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii", Orientalski otdel] - Iz sbirkite na osmanskite biblioteki v Bulgariia XVIII-XIX vek: katalog na izlozhba ot rukopisi i staropechatni knigi
BOOKS012187I: Kenderova, Stoianka [ Kenderova, Stoyanka ] - Knigi, biblioteki i chitatelski interesi sred samokovskite miusiulmani (XVIII - purva polovina na XIX vek)
BOOKS016650I: Kendon, Adam - Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance
BOOKS017775I: Kenen, Peter B. - Essays in International Economics
BOOKS011765I: Kenez, Peter - Cinema and Soviet Society from the Revolution to the Death of Stalin
BOOKS027450I: Uchu Kagaku Kenkyujo (Japan) - An Aerodynamics in Relation to an Aeroassisted Orbit Transfer Vehicle
BOOKS017334I: Kennan, George F. - From Prague after Munich : Diplomatic Papers, 1938-1940
BOOKS017864I: Kennard, Jean E. - Vera Brittain & Winifred Holtby : A Working Partnership
BOOKS013657I: Kennedy, Jean (Jean de Chantal) - Isle of Devils : Bermuda under the Somers Island Company, 1609-1685
BOOKS009047I: Kennedy, William J. - Authorizing Petrarch
BOOKS005333I: Kennedy, Alan - Meaning and Signs in Fiction
BOOKS004203I: Kennedy, John ; editor : - Nubian Ceremonial Life : Studies in Islamic Syncretism & Cultural Change
BOOKS022484I: Kennedy, John C. - People of the Bays and Headlands : Anthropological History and the Fate of the Communities in the Unknown Labrador
BOOKS028711I: Kennedy, Hugh N. - Crusader Castles
BOOKS015496I: Kenner, Hugh - Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett. The Stoic Comedians
BOOKS030560I: Kenner, Friedrich [ Heyzmann, Udalryk ] [ Dudík, Beda ] - Beiträge zu einer Chronik der archäologische Funde in der österreichischen Monarchie..,. [together with two other monographs]
BOOKS015242I: Kenney, Rowland - The Northern Tangle, Scandinavia and the Post-War World
BOOKS014002I: Kenny, Anthony John Patrick - Aristotle's Theory of the Will
BOOKS003794I: Kenny, Vincent - Herman Melville's 'Clarel' . A Spiritual Autobiography
BOOKS017245I: Kenrick, Donald ; & Puxon, Grattan - Sinti und Roma : Die Vernichtung eines Volkes im NS-Staat
BOOKS013054I: Kensinger, Kenneth M.; editor: - Marriage Practices in Lowland South America
BOOKS006502I: Kensley, Brian & Schotte, Marilyn - Guide to the Marine Isopod Crustaceans of the Caribbean
BOOKS019000I: Kent, Raymond K. - Early Kingdoms in Madagascar, 1500-1700
BOOKS001837I: Kent, Daniel - District Census Handbook: Mokokchung District
BOOKS001838I: Kent, Daniel - District Census Handbook: Tuensang District
BOOKS001805I: Kent, Daniel - Nagaland. Paper 1 of 1987.Households & Household Population by Language mainly Spoken in the Household
BOOKS015276I: Kent, Conrad ; & Prindle, Dennis Joseph - Park Güell
BOOKS021088I: Kenyatta, Jomo - Facing Mount Kenya : The Tribal Life of the Gikuyu
BOOKS021061I: Kenyon, Walter Andrew [1917-1986] - The Inverhuron Site, Bruce County, Ontario, 1957
BOOKS001012I: Keohane, Nannerl O. ; Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth ; & Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth ; editors: - Feminist Theory : A Critique of Ideology
BOOKS016251I: Kepel, Gilles - Muslim Extremism in Egypt : The Prophet and Pharaoh
BOOKS020946I: Kepes, Gyorgy [1906 - 2001] ; editor: - The Nature and Art of Motion
BOOKS008228I: Kepley, Vance, Jr. - In the Service of the State: The Cinema of Alexander Dovzhenko
BOOKS012577I: Kepner, Susan Fulop; editor: - The Lioness in Bloom: Modern Thai Fiction About Women. Translated, Edited & with an Introduction.
BOOKS002972I: Keppel, Arnold - Gun Running and the Indian North-West Frontier
BOOKS030813I: Kerala, Government ; Director of Public Relations - True Picture of the Situation in Kerala
BOOKS020448I: Kerala, Government of - Border Disputes : The True Story : Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala
BOOKS023718I: Keranvi, Rahmatullah Sahab [ Qasmi, Mushir Ahmad ; compiler: ] - Reply of Two Fallacies of Christians. Taken from Izharul-Haq. Written by Maulana Rahmatullah Sahab Keranvi (RH)
BOOKS023719I: Keranvi, Rahmatullah Sahab [ Qasmi, Mushir Ahmad ; compiler: ] - Glad Tidings of Last Messenger's Advent in the Bible
BOOKS022254I: Keranvi, Rahmatullah Sahab [ Qasmi, Mushir Ahmad ; compiler: ] - True Followers of Jesus. Taken from Izharul-Haq. Written by Maulana Rahmatullah Sahab Keranvi (RH)
BOOKS009916I: Keraval, P. - Le langue ecrit: ses origines, son developpement et son mechanisme intellectuels
BOOKS005640I: Kerecsenyi, Edit - A muramenti horvatok tortenete es anyagi kulturaja
BOOKS018603I: Kerényi, Karl - Der antike Roman: Einführung und Textauswahl
BOOKS012985I: Kerényi, Karl [1897-1973] - Der frühe Dionysos : Die Eitrem-Vorlesungen, gehalten an der Universität Oslo im September 1960
BOOKS005713I: Kerenyi, C. - Eleusis. Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter
BOOKS005711I: Kerenyi, C. - Prometheus. Archetypal Image of Human Existence
BOOKS000886I: Kerenyi, Gyorgy, editor: - Volkstumliche Lieder
BOOKS015278I: Kerényi, Karl [1897 - 1973] [ Kerenyi, Carl ] - Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life
BOOKS024960I: Kerényi, Karl [1897-1973] ; editor: - Die Eröffnung des Zugangs zum Mythos : Ein Lesebuch
BOOKS014395I: Kerkering, John D. - The Poetics of National and Racial Identity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
BOOKS015536I: Kerkvliet, Benedict J. - The Huk Rebellion : A Study of Peasant Revolt in the Philippines
BOOKS026213I: Kern, Walter [1922-2007] - Atheismus, Marxismus, Christentum : Beiträge zur Diskussion
BOOKS009042I: Kern, Robert; editor: - The Caciques: Oligarchical Politics & the System of Caciquismo in the Luso-Hispanic World
BOOKS022234I: Kern, Fritz - Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages
BOOKS009851I: Kérouan, Alain - Les confessions d'un séminariste bréton [part 2]
BOOKS009172I: Kérouan, Alain - Les confessions d'un séminariste bréton [part 1]
BOOKS004905I: Kerr, Clark - Labor Markets and Wage Determination. The Balkanization of Labor Markets and other Essays.
BOOKS001638I: Kerrebrock, Jack L. - Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines
BOOKS022140I: Kershaw, Ian ; & Lewin, Moshe ; editors: - Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison
BOOKS001869I: Kërstiq, Gjorgje - Kolonizimi i Serbise jugore
BOOKS024479I: Kertelge, Karl ; editor: - Der Prozess gegen Jesus : historische Rückfrage und theologische Deutung
BOOKS031437I: Kertogh, Step'an - Istoriia kazachestva v Armenii : materialy natsional'nogo arkhiva Armenii i Voenno-istoricheskogo arkhiva Rossiiskoi Federatsii
BOOKS023684I: Kertzer, David I. ; & Barbagli, Marzio ; editors: - Family Life in the Twentieth Century [ The History of the European Family , Volume 3 ]
BOOKS005372I: Kertzer, Jonathan - Poetic Argument. Studies in Modern Poetry
BOOKS013707I: Kesckemeti, Vilmos ; editor : - Zsido Evkönyv az 5689 Bibliai evre. II. Evfolyam
BOOKS021823I: Keshava Naik, H. P. - Some Aspects of Feudal Elements in the Vijayanagara Polity, 1336-1565 A.D.
BOOKS013661I: Kesiakova, Elena [1942 - ] - Philippopolis / Filipopol prez rimskata epokha
BOOKS011491I: Kessel, Peter J. van ; & Bodart, Didier ; editors : - La collection d'opuscules relatifs aux dernieres annees du Regime autrichien at a la Revolution brabanconne rassemblee par ..,.
BOOKS025362I: Kessler, Josef - Isokrates und die panhellenische Idee
BOOKS015049I: Kessler, Herbert L. ; & Zacharias, Johanna - Rome, 1300: On the Path of the Pilgrim
BOOKS017583I: Kessler, Edwin ; editor: - The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs
BOOKS011942I: Kessler-Harris, Alice - In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men and the Quest for Economic Citizenship in 20th-Century America
BOOKS013564I: Kesting, Marianne - Auf der Suche nach der Realität : kritische Schriften zur modernen Literatur
BOOKS005331I: Ketchiva, Paul de - Confessions of a Croupier. The Inside Story of the Gambling Game from the Authoritative Angle of the "Bank"...
BOOKS010435I: Ketmann, Gerhard & Schildt, Joachim; editors: - Zur Literatursprache im Zeitalter der fruhburgerlichen Revolution: Untersuchungen zu ihrer Verwendung in der Agitationsliteratur
BOOKS015332I: Keto, C. Tsehloane - The Africa Centered Perspective of History & Social Sciences in the Twenty First Century
BOOKS005706I: Kette, W. - Die Lupine als Feldfrucht
BOOKS002543I: Kettenmann, Helmut; & Ransom, Bruce R.; editors: - Neuroglia
BOOKS010197I: Kettiger, Johannes - Ueber den Zustand der Volksbildung in Basellandschaft : von einem Mitgliede des schweizerischen Volksbildungsvereins..,.
BOOKS005715I: Kettunen, Lauri - Etymologische Untersuchung uber estnische Ortsnamen
BOOKS030722I: Kevers, G. - Contribution à l'étude du Kivu : monographie de la région de Walungu en territoire de Kabare
BOOKS003706I: Kewalramani, Hassaram Jessaram - Tim Tim Tandanan Ji
BOOKS002087I: Zhang Kexin - Piao bo! Xun mi jing shen jia yuan : Zhang Kexin zuo pin / An Artist's Quest : The Paintings of Zhang Kexin
BOOKS029165I: Key, Anna ; editor ; & Sharkey, Paul ; translator : - Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación)
BOOKS029036I: Keyder, Caglar ; Öncü, Ayse ; & Pamuk, Sevket ; editors : - New Perspectives on Turkey : No. 12 : Spring 1995
BOOKS029034I: Keyder, Caglar ; Öncü, Ayse ; & Pamuk, Sevket ; editors : - New Perspectives on Turkey : No. 9 : Fall 1993
BOOKS029035I: Keyder, Caglar ; & Öncü, Ayse ; editors : - New Perspectives on Turkey : No. 21 : Fall 1999
BOOKS008171I: Keylor, William R. - Jacques Bainville and the Renaissance of Royalist History in Twentieth-Century France
BOOKS030199I: Keymeulen, André van - Les trésors monétaires modernes trouvés en Belgique, 1434-1970
BOOKS023157I: Keys, Ancel Benjamin [1904-2004] - A Study of the Selective Action of Decreased Salinity and of Asphyxiation on the Pacific Killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis
BOOKS012709I: Keys, Gillian - The Wages of SIn : A Reappraisal of the 'Succession Narrative'
BOOKS018814I: Keyser, Paul de [1891-1966] ; editor: - Ars folklorica Belgica, II: Noord en Zuid-Nederlandse Volkskunst
BOOKS031427I: Khach'atryan, Valeri N. - Haykakan teghanunnere sepagir aghbyurnerum : (teghagrakan ev stugabanakan k'nnut'yun)
BOOKS030459I: Khach'atryan, Olya - Haya asttso zavaknere
BOOKS031430I: Khach'atryan, Lalik ; & Avetisyan, L. N. - Hamematut'yun-dardzvatsayin artahaytut'yunnere hayerenum (V-XVI dd.)
BOOKS015262I: Chali Khachen - Songkhram Lao-- yutthaphum Long Chæng
BOOKS010589I: Khadabadi, B.K. - Vaddaradhane : A Study
BOOKS012320I: Khadzhinikolova, Elena - Bulgarite v IUzhna Makedoniia: 70-te godini na XIX vek
BOOKS029336I: Khafaji, Thamir Kazim - al-Maraqid wa-al-maqamat al-bahiyah fi al-Hillah al-Sayfiyah
BOOKS023981I: Khaffaf, 'Abd 'Ali ; 'Atrush, 'Abd al-Hakim Muhsin ; & 'Ali, Radiyah Shamshir - Ta'addud al-zawjat wa-atharuhu fi al-usrah wa-al-mujtama fi al-Yaman
BOOKS000907I: Khakimova, K.Z. ; & Kravets, L.N. - Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie otnosheniia i klassovaia bor'ba v dorevoliutsionnom Uzbekistane : konets XIX-nachalo XX v.
BOOKS008428I: Khalaf Allah, Ahmad Rabi' 'Abd al-Hamid - al-Fikr al-tarbawi wa-tatbiqatuhu ladá Jama'at al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin
BOOKS015795I: Khalaf, Samir - Lebanon's Predicament
BOOKS023318I: Khalaqi, 'Ali Salih - Adat wa-taqalid al-zawaj wa-aghanih fi Yafi
BOOKS029317I: Khalaqi, 'Ali Salih - Shall al-'jab : shall al-ddan diwan Yahyá 'Umar al-Yafi'i "Abu Mujab" : wa-dirasah 'an hayatihi wa-ash'arihi
BOOKS019615I: Khalatbari Limaki, Mustafá - Farhang-i mardum-i Tunukabun : Shahsuvar
BOOKS014227I: Khalid, Kamal - Fi sahat al-tughyan : shahid 'ala aghrab muhakamat Misr [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS015680I: Khalid, Mansour - The Government They Deserve : Role of the Elite in Sudan's Political Evolution
BOOKS007624I: Khalidi, Rashid - Under Siege : P.L.O. Decisionmaking During the 1982 War
BOOKS011094I: El Khalifa, M.D.; Ford, Richard & Khogali, Mustafa M.; editors: - Sudan's Southern Stock Route: An Environmental Impact Assessment
BOOKS000257I: Khalifah, Mayy Muhammad - Muhammad ibn Khalifah, 1813-1890 M : al-usturah wa-al-tarikh al-mawazi
BOOKS028199I: Khalifeh-Soltani, Iradj - Das Bild des idealen Herrschers in der iranischen Fürstenspiegelliteratur dargestellt am Beispiel des Qabus-Namé
BOOKS023885I: Khalil, Gusman ; & IArullina, Tatiana - Kude izcheznala Volzhka Bulgariia / Bulgarskata durzhavnost na Volga prez XX vek : sbornik istoriko-publitsistichni materiali
BOOKS009988I: al-Khalil, Samir - The Monument : Art, Vulgarity and Responsibility in Iraq
BOOKS031384I: Khalil, Ahmed Abdel Raouf - Genesis and Ecology of the Vertisols of Eastern Sudan
BOOKS019033I: Khalil, Ahmad Mahmud - Siyahah fi dhakirat Jabal al-Kurd (Kurd Dagh)
BOOKS025127I: Khaliliyan, Hamid ; compiler: - Hadis-i khuban : hikayat'ha-yi akhlaqi va karamat-i mashahir-i Takht-i Fulad-i Isfahan / gird'avarandah: Hamid Khaliliyan
BOOKS030334I: Khaliliyan, Hamid ; compiler : [ Majmu'ah-i Farhangi-i Tafrihi-i Shahrdari-i Isfahan ] - Bustan-i fazilat : Mashahir-i madfun dar takyah-i Burujirdi - Dar-i Kushki
BOOKS007339I: Khaliq, Salih Muhammad - Tarikh-i ruznamah'nigari-i Balkh
BOOKS022237I: Khaliqi, Ruh Allah - Sarguzasht-i musiqi-i Iran
BOOKS005961I: Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq (Iran) [ Organisation der Modjahedin des iranischen Volkes ] - Die Agonie des Dollar-Imperiums und die imperialistischen Verschwörungen der USA
BOOKS002465I: Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq (Iran) [ People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran ] - The Statement of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Response to the Recent Accusations of the Iranian Regime.
BOOKS017413I: Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq (Iran) [ People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran ] - The History of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), 1965-1971, vol. 1.
BOOKS020924I: Khamluan Sulavan ; Thongphet Kingsada ; Costello, Nancy A. ; compilers: [ Sathaban Khonkhwa Vatthanatham Lao ] - Vatchananukom Katu-Lao-Angkit / Katu-Lao-English Dictionary
BOOKS029396I: Pho. Khammunhuang - Phua phaendin mae : huam botkavi lae kapkon tang tang thi songsaeng thoeng bothian 'an lamloet bon senthang haeng sivit huam kan
BOOKS029393I: Phun Khammunhuang - Phumpanya phændin mæ : liapliang phanphaya
BOOKS027805I: Okaeo Sihalat ; & Phanvongsa Khampanya [Sathaban Vithayasat Sangkhom hæng Sat (Laos)] - Sitthi manut læ sisan thang dan vatthanatham : ekasan kongpasum sammana vitthayasat khang vanthi 12-13 Mangkhon 2012
BOOKS029407I: Khamphæng 'Onsa - Namha sut khopfa
BOOKS013268I: Khamphakaeo 'Inthavong - Ahan ban hao / doi Tho. Khamphakæo 'Inthavong [læ 'ik sam khon]
BOOKS029400I: Khamphoei Vannasopha, Maha - Botkavi hæng dæn sukhavadi / paphan doi Maha Khamphoei Vannasopha
BOOKS025036I: Khamphoei Vannasopha, Maha - Religious Affairs in Lao P.D.R. : Policies and Tasks / Maha Khampheuy Vannasopha.
BOOKS023568I: Khan, Muhammad Nu'man - Mashahir-i adab aur Bhopal
BOOKS011383I: Khan, Mohammad Hameedullah - Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence (A Comparative Study)
BOOKS011071I: Khan, Nurul Islam; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers : Noakhali
BOOKS011072I: Khan, Nurul Islam; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Mymensingh
BOOKS011061I: Khan, Nurul Islam; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Rangpur
BOOKS011043I: Khan, Nurul Islam; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Comilla
BOOKS002936I: Khan, Fazl-Ullah & Kham, Ahman - Socio-Economic Survey of Village Turangzai
BOOKS002890I: Khan, Mohammed Said - The Voice of the Pukhtoons
BOOKS010711I: Khan, Shafique Ali - Two Nation Theory as a Concept, Strategy and Ideology
BOOKS010700I: Khan, Rashid Ahmad - Pakistan's Policy Towards the Arab Israel Conflict
BOOKS010423I: Khan, Abdul Hafeez - The Conspiracies against Pakistan and the Women in the Lives of Politicians
BOOKS009203I: Khan, Khaja - Studies in Tasawwuf
BOOKS019089I: Khan, Nurul Islam ; editor: - Faridpur [ Bangladesh District Gazetteers (No. 4) ]
BOOKS007087I: Khan, M.S. - Regulation and Control of Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices in Pakistan
BOOKS027841I: Khan, Mohammad Israil - Sarasvati in Sanskrit Literature
BOOKS006704I: Khan, M.E. - Family Planning Among Muslims in India : A Study of the Reproductive Behaviour of Muslims in an Urban Setting
BOOKS006574I: Khan, Badiuddin A. - Structure of Industrial Relations in Pakistan
BOOKS006463I: Khan, Haseen - The Captives of Tirah
BOOKS006346I: Khan, Zafarul-Islam - Wounded Valley : Kashmir Today
BOOKS018974I: Khan, Akbar Ali - Some Aspects of Peasant Behaviour in Bengal, 1890-1914 : A Neo-classical Analysis
BOOKS017197I: Khan, Razia - Argus Under Anaesthesia
BOOKS020642I: Khan, Nur Muhammad - Al-qissah al-haqiqiyyah li hayah al-muslimin fi zill al-hukm al-Rusi wa al-Sini
BOOKS005536I: Khan, Nurul Islam ; editor: - Pabna [ Bangladesh District Gazetteers, No. 5 ]
BOOKS005425I: Khan, M.E.; & Prasad, C.V.S. - Fertility Control in India : A Critical Evaluation of the Role of Incentives in Promoting Sterlization among Industrial Workers
BOOKS012620I: Khan, Shahrukh Rafi - Government, Communities and Non-governmental Organizations in Social Sector Delivery: Collective Action in Rural Drinking Water
BOOKS002167I: Khan, Muhammad Ilyas - PK 805 But the Truth
BOOKS001912I: Khan, Raja Abbas - Real Azad Kashmir
BOOKS000888I: Khan, Shaharyar M. - The Shallow Graves of Rwanda
BOOKS000102I: Khan, Samsam-ud-Daula Shah Nawaz [ Beveridge, H.; & Prashad, Baini; editors and translators: ] - The Maathir-ul-Umara being Biographies of the Muhammadan and Hindu Officers of the Timurid Sovereigns of India..,.Volume II
BOOKS010721I: Khan, Shafique Ali - The Lahore Resolution Agreements For and Against (History of Criticism)
BOOKS010718I: Khan, Shehzad Ahmad - Studies in Persian Poetry
BOOKS004528I: Khan, Ahmad Saeed ; compiler : - A Bibliography of the Works of Abu'l-Raihan al-Biruni
BOOKS021313I: Khan, A.D. - A History of the Sadarat in Medieval India. Volume I: Pre-Mughal Period
BOOKS022396I: Yusuf 'Ali Khan [ Subhan, Abdus ; editor: ] - Zamimahiyi Tazkirah-yi Yusufi (Hadiqat al-safa) / talif, Yusuf 'Ali Khan ; basa'i va ihtimam, 'Abdussubhan
BOOKS023093I: Khan, Samsam-ud-Daula Shah Nawaz [ Beveridge, H.; & Prashad, Baini ; editors and translators: ] - The Maathir-ul-Umara being Biographies of the Muhammadan and Hindu Officers of the Timurid Sovereigns of India.,..Volume III
BOOKS025134I: Khaniki, M. L. - Zindani-i shumarah-yi 3951 : jurm: mahriyah
BOOKS025595I: Kharchlaa, Platon - Fundament zhizni : svidetel'stvo i izbrannye stat'i
BOOKS009152I: Khare, R.S. - The Changing Brahmans : Associations and Elites among the Kanya-Kubjas of North India
BOOKS006207I: Khare, R.S., editor: - The Eternal Food : Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists
BOOKS017139I: Khare, H. C. (Harish Chandra) ; editor: - Issues in Vedic Mathematics : Proceedings of the National Workshop on Vedic Mathematics, 25-28 March, 1988..,.
BOOKS023898I: Kharitonidou, Angeliki - Greek Traditional Architecture : Andros
BOOKS003830I: Kharusi, Ahmed Seif - Zanzibar : Africa's First Cuba : A Case Study of the New Colonialism
BOOKS023329I: Khashim, 'Ali Fahmi - al-Darijah al-Maghribiyah bayna al-'Arabiyah wa-al-Amazighiyah : taliq ala' Muhammad Shafiq fi kitabih, al-Darijah al-Maghribiya
BOOKS024595I: Khasia, Zoya - Siqvaruli da imedi khvalis
BOOKS003984I: Khatoon, Zubeida - Institutional Agricutural Credit in the Former N.W.F.P.
BOOKS021243I: al-Khattabi, Hamad ibn Mohammad [319-388 AH] - al-Bayan fi i'jaz-il-Qur'an
BOOKS009399I: Khayr'khvah, Akbar - Bandar-i Kiya Shahr va nigahi bih Sifidrud
BOOKS020805I: Khayrandish, Muhammad Husayn - Sirjan dar khisht-i kham : nim qarn pish
BOOKS023296I: Khayri, Masad ; & Ibrahim, Baha' al-Din - Ahmad Yasin : usturat al-sumud wa-al-tahadda / Mas'ad Khayri, Baha al-Din Ibrahim
BOOKS018987I: Khean, Yun [ Sakonsupha Thongnoi ; Suchit Wongthet ; editors & translators: ] - Khru'angdontri Kamphucha boran / Upakarn tantri puran Kambuja
BOOKS025007I: Khemphon, Maha - Pavat 'Anachak Sikhottabong buhan/ The History of the Ancient Kingdom of Sikhottabong/ khonkhwa læ khian doi Khemphon Sængpathum
BOOKS001070I: Kher, S.P. - The Finances of Mysore State
BOOKS011448I: Khilani, Lakhmi - Sindhi Kutchi Lok-Sanskriti
BOOKS011832I: Khilnani, Sunil - Arguing Revolution: The Intellectual Left in Postwar France
BOOKS031395I: Khing, Hoc Dy - Ryang Buddhisaen Nang Kangri : siksakatha ning 'atthapad / toy Pandit Sbhacar Ghing Hukdi
BOOKS023458I: Sanong Khlangphrasi - Sinlapa pao khæn : mahatsachan hæng siang khong banphachon Thai / The Art of Khaen Playing: Miracle of Thai Ancient Voices
BOOKS012275I: Khlevniuk, Oleg V. - In Stalin's Shadow: The Career of "Sergo" Ordzhonikidze
BOOKS029858I: Center for Khmer Studies / Majjhamandal Khmersiksa - Siksacakr : Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies : No. 8-9 (2006-2007) : Special Issue on Buddhism
BOOKS029380I: Nguyên Khác Khoái - Chua bênh cam cúm
BOOKS029379I: Nguyên Khác Khoái - An thân bô máu
BOOKS001810I: Khobragade, D.P. & Lyngdoh, K.S. - Survey Report on Town Tura
BOOKS024554I: Khomeini, Ruhollah - The Lamp of Guidance into Vicegerency and Sanctity (Misbah ul-Hidayah ila'l-Khilafah wa'l-Wilayah)
BOOKS023525I: Khoroche, Peter - Towards a New Edition of Arya-Sura's Jatakamala
BOOKS003403I: Khosla, Romi - Buddhist Monasteries in the Western Himalaya
BOOKS002579I: Khourchid, Said - La Langue de Yunus Emre : Contribution a l'histoire du turc pre-ottomane Volume I-III
BOOKS013547I: Khouri, Abraham A. - Copie de l'Affaire de l'Election de l'Archévêché Grec-Orthodoxe du Mont-Liban
BOOKS015011I: Khoury, Adel Theodor; & Wiegels, Margot ; editors: - Weg in die Zukunft : Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Anton Antweiler zu seinem 75. Geburtstag / hrsg. von Adel-Theodor Khoury und Mar
BOOKS009472I: Khowaiter, Abdul-Aziz - Baibars the First: His Endeavours and Achievements
BOOKS013744I: Khrapunov, Igor N. [ Chrapunow, Igor Nikoplaevic ] - Mogilnik Druzhnoe : III-IV vv. nashei ery / Cemetery of Droozhnoye : 3rd-4th centuries
BOOKS003139I: Khristov, Kh; Stoikov, G. & Mijatev, K. - Rilskii Monastir. Istorija - Zodchestvo - Rezba - Stenopis
BOOKS010405I: Nua'on Khruathongkhieo - Kæroi Phra Laksami
BOOKS004170I: Khubchandani, Bansi - Bhaji Vayal Zindgi
BOOKS001072I: Khubchandani, Lachman, M., editor: - Language in a Plural Society
BOOKS001071I: Khubchandani, Lachman M. - Tribal Identity : A Language & Communication Perspective
BOOKS020811I: Khudavirdi Taj'abadi, Muhammad - Tarikh-i siyasi va ijtima'i-i Kirman az vurud-i Islam ta payan-i Al Buyah
BOOKS027628I: Khudayi, Mabubah - Mafhum-i rast va chap dar asatir-i Iran
BOOKS020234I: Khudri, Sayyid Shihab - Farhang giyahan darwi Kurdistan : Kurdi-Farsi
BOOKS016662I: Khuhro, Hamida ; editor : - Sind Through the Centuries : Proceedings of an International Seminar held in Karachi in Spring 1975
BOOKS029516I: Khull, Ferdinand [1854-1942] - Die Geschichte des Skalden Egil Skallagrimsson : Ein germanisches Dichterleben aus dem zehnten Jahrhunderte
BOOKS024509I: Khulqi, Mihrdad ; & Marashi, Muhammad Husayn - Dastur-i hakkaki / talif-i Mihrdad Khulqi ; [virastar va namayahsaz, Muhammad Husayn Marashi]
BOOKS006711I: Khun de Prorok, Byron [1896 - 19??] - Göttersuche in Afrikas Erde: Fünf Jahre Ausgrabung in Karthago, Utica und der Sahara
BOOKS017010I: Khunji Samkani Farsi, 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz [active 14th century CE] - Shams al-hisab al-Fakhri / ta'lif-i Shams al-Din 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz Khunji Samkani Farsi ; ba guzarish-i kitabshinasi ..,.
BOOKS019223I: Khurana, Rakesh - From Higher Aims to Hired Hands : The Social Transformation of American Business Schools & the Unfulfilled Promise of Management
BOOKS019791I: Khurasani, Nur Muhammad [ Ahmad, Abdul Qadir ; editor: ] - Jamiul-ashiya / critically edited with introduction by Janab Hakim Abdul Qadir Ahmad Sahib
BOOKS000751I: Khurshid, Abdus Salam - Newsletters in the Orient. With Special Reference to the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent
BOOKS031443I: Khurshudian, Eduard ; & Zohrabian, Armine - Sassanian Coins of Armenia
BOOKS021049I: Khurshudyan, L. A. (Lendrush Arshaki) - Istina-edinstvennyi kriterii istoricheskoi nauki : prichiny i tseli novogo etapa antiarmianskoi kampanii, razvernuvsheisia ..,.
BOOKS029459I: Khutsishvili, Niko - Ierusalimis jvris monastris mitsa'tm'plobloba sa'kar'tveloshi
BOOKS020280I: Khvudgu, Sa'adat - Luristan dar inqilab-i mashrutiyat
BOOKS021408I: Kansammana thang Wichakan ruang "Phromdæn hæng Khwamru" (1989 : Mahawitthayalai Thammasat) - Phromdæn hæng khwamru : ruam phraniphon læ botkhwam thang wichakan phua pen kiat nuang nai wara khrop 100 pi Phraya 'Anumanratch
BOOKS031834I: Kiaer,William - Relation of Fibroadenomatosis ("Chronic Mastitis") to Cancer of the Breast
BOOKS024581I: Kibler, William W. ; Zinn, Grover A. ; Earp, Lawrence ; & Henneman, John Bell ; editors : - Medieval France : An Encyclopedia
BOOKS012929I: Kich, Aziz; editor: - La litterature amazighe : Oralite et ecriture ; specificites et perspectives
BOOKS012921I: Kich, Aziz; editor: - L' Amazighite: Bilan et perspectives. Actes du colloque : Les Etudes Amazighes..,.4 et 5 Mars 2002
BOOKS016496I: Kidd, Colin - Subverting Scotland's Past: Scottish Whig Historians and the Creation of an Anglo-British Identity 1689-1830
BOOKS004988I: Kidd, Walter E., editor: - British Winners of the Nobel Literary Prize
BOOKS027618I: Kidd, Alan J. ; & Roberts, Kenneth ; editors : - City, Class, and Culture : Studies of Social Policy and Cultural Production in Victorian Manchester
BOOKS001241I: Kidd, Alan - State, Society and the Poor in Nineteenth-Century England
BOOKS007982I: Kidwai, Ayesha - XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu
BOOKS015558I: Kieckhefer, Richard ; & Bond, George Doherty ; editors: - Sainthood: Its Manifestations in World Religions
BOOKS020889I: Kiecksee, Heinz - Die Ostsee-Sturmflut 1872
BOOKS000146I: Kiedron, Stefan - Niederlandische Einflusse auf die Sprachtheorie von Justus Georg Schottelius
BOOKS008271I: Kiefer, Jack Carl [Brown, Lawrence D.; Olkin, Ingram; Sacks, Jerome & Wynn, Henry P.; editors:] - Collected Papers III: The Design of Experiments
BOOKS003375I: Kieft, Cornelis - Geology & Petrology of the Tarna Region (Southern Swedish Lapland)
BOOKS028721I: Kiel, Machiel - Ottoman Architecture in Albania, 1385-1912
BOOKS013145I: Kielbicka, Aniela; editor: - Zbiegostwo chlopow w wojewodztwie krakowskim na przelomie XVI i XVII wieku
BOOKS009819I: Kienast, Walther - Der Herzogstitel in Frankreich und Deutschland ( 9. bis 12. Jahrhundert). Mit Listen der altesten deutschen Herzogsurkunden
BOOKS006187I: Kienast, Dieter - Kienast : Gärten / Gardens
BOOKS016941I: Kienecker, Michael - Prinzipien literarischer Wertung : sprachanalytische und historiche Untersuchungen
BOOKS025293I: Kieniewicz, Stefan [1907-1992] - Konspiracje galicyjskie, 1831-1845
BOOKS018802I: Kienle, Eberhard - A Grand Delusion : Democracy and Economic Reform in Egypt
BOOKS009639I: Kienné de Mongeot, Marcel [1897-1977)] ; & Bontemps, Ch.- Aug.; editors : - Vivre intégralement : la revue d'hygiène sociale et de libre-culture : Issues no.s 68, 93; 95-121, 123; 124; 146 [5e-7e Année]
BOOKS013685I: Kienné de Mongeot, Marcel [1897-1977)] ; editor : [Mouvement Social "Vivre"] - Vivre d'abord : No.s 201 - 230 [12e- 14e Année : Janvier 1937 - Aout 1939]
BOOKS012689I: Kienné de Mongeot, Marcel [1897-1977)] - Vivre d'Abord : Revue de defense de la personnalite et de la dignite humaines [a collection of 3 issues ca. 1948-1954]
BOOKS011258I: Kiepenheuer, Kaspar - Crossing the Bridge : A Jungian Approach to Adolescence
BOOKS024317I: Kierimo, Kyösti - Observationes de Latinitate Porthaniana (Beobachtungen zur Latinität Porthans)
BOOKS010637I: Kierkegaard, Niels [1853-1923] - Hans Højgards Kjæreste : Fortælling [bound together with 5 other pamphlets by the same author]
BOOKS026319I: Kierkegaard, Niels [1853-1923] [Knudsen, K.C.] - Om Livet i Hjemmet : Fire Foredrag [bound together with 5 other pamphlets]
BOOKS017677I: Kiernan, Robert F. - Frivolity Unbound : Six Masters of the Camp Novel, Thomas Love Peacock, Max Beerbohm, Ronald Firbank, E.F. Benson, P.G. Wodehous
BOOKS028546I: Kieser, Hans-Lukas - Vorkämpfer der "Neuen Türkei" : revolutionäre Bildungseliten am Genfersee (1870-1939)
BOOKS015994I: Kiev, Ari ; editor: - Magic, Faith, and Healing : Studies in Primitive Psychiatry Today
BOOKS013364I: Kieval, Hillel J. - Languages of Community : The Jewish Experience in the Czech Lands
BOOKS030881I: Kifishin, A. G. (Anatolii Georgievich) - Drevnee svíàtilishche Kamennaíà Mogila : opyt deshifrovki protoshumerskogo arkhiva XII-III tysíàcheletii do n. ’e. : Tom I
BOOKS027241I: Kijowski, Jerzy ; & Tulczyjew, Wlodzimierz M. ; editors: - A Symplectic Framework for Field Theories
BOOKS029390I: Musée des Arts Décoratifs de la Ville de Lausanne / Kokusai-Koryu-Kikin - Comment emballer cinq oeufs : l'art de l'emballage au Japon
BOOKS000078I: Kilby, Peter, editor: - Quantity & Quiddity . Essays in U.S. Economic History
BOOKS017222I: Kileff, Clive ; & Kileff, Peggy ; editors: - Shona Customs : Essays by African Writers
BOOKS008950I: Kilikdar, Bibhas Kanti - Tripura of Eighteenth Century with Samsher Gazi Against Feudalism (A Historical Study)
BOOKS027917I: Killmann, Wulf - Struktur, Eigenschaften und Nutzung von Stämmen wirtschaftlich wichtiger Palmen
BOOKS019579I: Kilmurray, Elaine ; & Ormond, Richard ; editors: [ Volk, Mary Crawford ] - John Singer Sargent
BOOKS030797I: Kilpi, Eino ; editor : - Kansan lehti 1899-1924
BOOKS012140I: Kilson, Martin - Political Change in a West African State : A Study of the Modernization Process in Sierra Leone
BOOKS031919I: Kilwardby, Robert [ Pinborg, Jan ; & Fredborg, Karin Margareta ; et al. ; editors : ] - The Commentary on "Priscianus Maior" Ascribed to Robert Kilwardby
BOOKS029692I: Kim, S.K. ; & Walker, A. Earl - Cerebral Paragonimiasis
BOOKS003081I: Kim, Jeong-Hak - The Prehistory of Korea
BOOKS006209I: Kim, Young-Ho - Tao-sheng's Commentary on the Lotus Sutra : A Study & Translation
BOOKS007927I: Kim, Rebecca Y. - Improving Children's Lives: Alternatives to Current Antipoverty Policy
BOOKS007869I: Kim, Hyunjoo - Transcultural Customization of International Training Programs
BOOKS007515I: Kim, Kyun - Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory in Historical Perspective
BOOKS002114I: Kim, Joong- Eun - Die Geschichte der Übersetzung des Alten Testaments ins Koreanische
BOOKS011990I: Kim, Seung-kyung - Class Struggle or Family Struggle? The Lives of Women Factory Workers in South Korea
BOOKS031857I: Kim, Il-song [1912-1994] - Twenty-year-long Anti-Japanese Revolution Under the Red Sunrays : 4 : (November 1938 - August 1940)
BOOKS022161I: Kim, Pu-sik [1075-1151 AD] [ Pak, M. N. (Mikhail Nikolaevich); editor: ] - Samkuk sagi : Izd. teksta, perevod, vstup. statia i kommentarii M.N. Paka
BOOKS031213I: Kim, Jin-Ah - Form und Inhalt in der Sinfonik um 1800 am Beispiel der Sinfonien Anton Eberls
BOOKS001354I: Kimati, V. P. - Childhood Protein-Energy-Malnutrition (PEM) & Measles in Tanzania
BOOKS016265I: Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn [1863-1910]; editor: [Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778)] - Correspondence of William Pitt, When Secretary of State, with Colonial Governors and Military and Naval Commissioners in America
BOOKS008265I: Kimber, Clarissa Therese - Martinique Revisited: The Changing Plant Geographies of a West Indian Island
BOOKS018624I: Kimche, Jon - The Second Arab Awakening
BOOKS016707I: Kimmel, Michael S. - Absolutism and Its Discontents: State and Society in Seventeenth Century France and England
BOOKS011867I: Kimmel, Carole A. & Buelke-am, Judy; editors: - Developmental Toxicology
BOOKS016740I: Kimmerling, Baruch - The Invention and Decline of Israeliness: State, Society, and the Military
BOOKS029800I: Rim Kin [1911-1959] - Nan Smabavi / Samapheavi : Pannadhikar nin qnakprae samrual S'in Sudha
BOOKS013490I: Kinberg, Johan Gustaf Hjalmar [1820 - 1908] - De Tragulo javanico: Dissertatio zootomica
BOOKS020517I: Kinberg, Olof [1873-1960] - Rättspsykiatriska utlåtanden 1907-1916
BOOKS030701I: Kinch, Emanuel [1862-1934] - Erklaering, dateret den 27. September 1904, fra Hr. Emanuel Kinch
BOOKS002364I: Kinder, Marsha; editor: - Luis Bunuel's The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
BOOKS028518I: Kindlimann, Sibyll - Die Eroberung von Konstantinopel als politische Forderung des Westens im Hochmittelalter .,.,.
BOOKS027859I: King, Michael [1945-2004] ; editor : - Te Ao Hurihuri : Aspects of Maoritanga
BOOKS028228I: King, Norbert - Mittelalterliche Dreikönigsspiele : eine Grundlagenarbeit zu den lateinischen, deutschen und französischen Dreikönigsspielen.,.,
BOOKS013801I: King, Sallie B.; translator: [Satomi, Myodo (1896-1978)] - Journey in Search of the Way: Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo
BOOKS011372I: King, John; Whitaker, Sheila & Bosch, Rosa; editors: - An Argentine Passion: Maria Luisa Bemberg and her Films
BOOKS011153I: King, Dennis - Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism
BOOKS009604I: King, Richard A.; Rotter, Jeremy I. & Motulsky, Arno G.; editors: - The Genetic Basis of Common Diseases
BOOKS006501I: King, John - The Genetic Basis of Plant Physiological Processes
BOOKS016368I: King, Gary ; Tanner, Martin Abba ; & Rosen, Ori ; editors: - Ecological Inference: New Methodological Strategies
BOOKS005960I: King, Susan Sanderson, editor: - Human Communication as a Field of Study. Selected Contemporary Views
BOOKS005504I: King, A. Hyatt - Mozart in Retrospect. Studies in Criticism & Bibliography
BOOKS010074I: King, Kimball; editor: - Hollywood on Stage: Playwrights Evaluate the Culture Industry
BOOKS007404I: King, Winston L. - Buddhism & Christianity : Some Bridges of Understanding
BOOKS021109I: King, Willis Percival [1839-1909] - Stories of a Country Doctor
BOOKS021116I: King, James - The Last Modern : A Life of Herbert Read
BOOKS002615I: Kingreen, Helmut - Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann (1843 - 1909). Ein bedeutender deutscher Physiologe an der Schwelle zum 20. Jahrhundert
BOOKS019190I: Kingsbury, Damien - The Politics of Indonesia - Third Revised Edition
BOOKS012431I: Kingsbury, Henry - The Secret Trial of Brown University : April 26-May 5, 2004
BOOKS021026I: Kingston, John; & Beckman, Mary E. ; editors: - Between the Grammar and Physics of Speech [ Papers in Laboratory Phonology I ]
BOOKS030338I: Kinkelin, Hermann - Kurze Belehrung über das metrische Mass und Gewicht
BOOKS006531I: Kinney, Arthur F. [1933 - ]; editor: - A Companion to Renaissance Drama
BOOKS005909I: Kinoshita, Yasuhito & Kiefer, Christie W. - Refuge of the Honored : Social Organization in a Japanese Retirement Community
BOOKS014018I: Kinsley, David R. - Goddesses' Mirror: Visions of the Divine from East to West
BOOKS015916I: Kinsley, David R. - Hindu Goddesses : Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition
BOOKS005324I: Kintgen, Eugene R. - The Perception of Poetry
BOOKS002787I: Kinzie, Mary - The Judge Is Fury: Dislocation and Form in Poetry
BOOKS029741I: Kiørboe, Lars ; Kiørboe Preben; & Kiørboe, Jørgen ; editors : - Optegnelser vedrørende familien Kiørboe : III
BOOKS005981I: Kiparsky, V. - Die Kurenfrage
BOOKS019264I: Kiple, Kenneth F. - A Movable Feast : Ten Millennia of Food Globalization
BOOKS002758I: Kiple, Kenneth F.; & Ornelas, Kriemhild Conee; editors: - The Cambridge World History of Food: Volume II
BOOKS006422I: Kiple, Kenneth F. & King, Virginia Himmelsteib - Another Dimension to the Black Diaspora. Diet, Disease, and Racism
BOOKS015100I: Kippenberg, H.C. ; Bosch, L.P. van den ; Leertouwer, L. ; & Witte, H.A. ; editors : [ Baaren, Theodorus Petrus van ] - Commemorative Figures : Papers Presented to Dr. Th. P. van Baaren on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, May 13, 1982
BOOKS016461I: Kippenberg, H.C. ; Bosch, L.P. van den ; Leertouwer, L. ; & Witte, H.A. ; editors : - Genres in Visual Representations : Proceedings of a Conference Held in 1986 by Invitation of the Werner-Reimers-Stiftung ..,.
BOOKS020378I: Kippenberg, H.C. ; Bosch, L.P. van den ; Leertouwer, L. ; & Witte, H.A. ; editors : - Popular Religion
BOOKS019577I: Kippenberg, H.C. ; Bosch, L.P. van den ; Leertouwer, L. ; & Witte, H.A. ; editors : - Approaches to Iconology
BOOKS030395I: Kirakosian, A. - Hay parberakan mamuli matenagitut'yun, 1794-1967 : hamahavak' ts'ank / A. Kirakosian
BOOKS009038I: Kiran, Jaidev - Mitrasen
BOOKS009946I: Kirby, Sandra; Greaves, Lorraine & Hankivsky, Olena - The Dome of Silence: Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport
BOOKS016426I: Kirch, Patrick Vinton ; & Green, Roger Curtis - Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia : An Essay in Historical Anthropology
BOOKS016425I: Kirch, Patrick Vinton - The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms
BOOKS003488I: Kirchhoff, Raina - Die Syncategoremata des Wilhem von Sherwood : Kommentierung und historische Einordnung
BOOKS024336I: Kirchhoff, Jochen - Klang und Verwandlung : klassische Musik als Weg der Bewusstseinsentwicklung
BOOKS003864I: Kirchler, Erich; Rodler, Christa; Holzl, Erik & Meier, Katja - Conflict and Decision-Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines
BOOKS028979I: Kirchner, Iwan - Sperrfeuer um Nahost : der Kampf um Vorderasien und Ägypten vom Mittelalter bis zu Gegenwart
BOOKS024578I: Kirchner, Walther - Commercial Relations between Russia and Europe 1400 to 1800 : Collected Essays.
BOOKS022883I: Kirchner, Oskar - Die mikroskopische Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers [ Die mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Thierwelt des Süsswassers, Theil I ]
BOOKS027494I: Kirczenow, G. ; & Marro, J. ; editors : - Transport Phenomena : Sitges International School of Statistical Mechanics, June 1974 Sitges, Barcelona / Spain
BOOKS005173I: Kirimal, Edige Mustafa - Der nationale Kampf der Krimtürken mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1917-1918
BOOKS026475I: Kirk-Greene, Anthony H.M. ; & Stone, John ; editors: - Ethnicity, Empire and Race Relations : Essays in Honour of Kenneth Kirkwood
BOOKS015266I: Kirk, Pamela - Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz: Feminism, Art and Religion
BOOKS014669I: Kirk, Poul - Hope and Onefootland: Exploring Vinland 1981
BOOKS004491I: Kirk, R. ; & Lewis, D.J. - The Phlebotominae of the Ethiopian Region
BOOKS019858I: Kirk-Greene, A. H. M. (Anthony Hamilton Millard) - A Biographical Dictionary of the British Colonial Governor : Volume 1. Africa
BOOKS022621I: Kirkby, R. J. R. (Richard J. R.) - Urbanisation in China : Town and Country in a Developing Economy, 1949-2000 AD
BOOKS012622I: Kirkby, R. J. R.; Bradbury, Ian K.; & Shen, Guanbao - Small Town China : Governance, Economy, Environment and Lifestyle in Three Zhen
BOOKS029640I: Kirkendale, Warren - Fuge und Fugato in der Kammermusik des Rokoko und der Klassik
BOOKS029641I: Kirkendale, Warren - Fugue and Fugato in Rococo and Classical Chamber Music
BOOKS011103I: Kirkeskov, Hans - Oprorende Kendsgerninger. Elith Jensen Sagen Kort Fortalt: Et Juridisk Dokument
BOOKS026228I: Kirkham, Pat ; & Thumim, Janet ; editors: - You Tarzan : Masculinity, Movies and Men
BOOKS005986I: Kirkinen, Heikki - Les origines de la conception moderne de l'homme-machine: le probleme de l'ame en France a la fin du regne de Louis XIV .,..
BOOKS003170I: Kirkpatrick, Patricia G. - The Old Testament and Folklore Study
BOOKS017085I: Kirkpatrick, Frank G. - The Ethics of Community
BOOKS019619I: Kirmayer, Sieglinde - Der Miesbacher Anzeiger : Heimat- und Kampfblatt 1847--1950. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der bayerischen Provinzpresse
BOOKS024696I: Kirmmse, Bruce H. - Kierkegaard in Golden Age Denmark
BOOKS019580I: Kirpotin, Valerii IAkovlevich [1898-1997] - Proza, dramaturgiia i teatr : stat'i / V. Kirpotin
BOOKS006941I: Kirste, Johann [1851-1920] - Orabazes
BOOKS011631I: Kirusnamurtti Castirikal, Tetiyur Es. - Kanapati upacanai allatu Mahakanapati vitanam
BOOKS003338I: Kisch, Hanan Josef - Petrographical & Geological Investigations in the Southwestern Tydal Region, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
BOOKS025315I: Kishan, B. V. - Schopenhauer’s Conception of Salvation
BOOKS022808I: Kishnani, Valiram - Sindh ja Santa Ain Mahatmaun
BOOKS012548I: Kishore, Nand - Sikhs of India! Know Your Heritage! Recognise Your Destiny!
BOOKS019409I: Iran. Sazman-i Ittila'at va Amniyat-i Kishvar - Tarh'hava karikaturha-yi mardumi bih rivayat-i asnad-i Savak
BOOKS030246I: Sazman-i Muhassilin va Danishjuyan-i Irani-i Kharij az Kishvar - Junbish-i danishju'i [nr. 15, 1362 (1983 CE)]
BOOKS001389I: Kisielewski, Jacek - Gastrotricha from Raised and Transitional Peat Bogs in Poland
BOOKS003265I: Kisjanto, Jahja - Risk Factors for Stroke in Young Indonesian Women
BOOKS001557I: Kisliakov, N.A. ; & Vorob'eva, M.G., editors: - Material'naia kul'tura narodov Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana
BOOKS017712I: Kiss, Katalin É. - The Syntax of Hungarian
BOOKS028726I: Kissling, Hans Joachim ; & Schmaus, Alois ; editors : - Serta monacensia : Franz Babinger zum 15. Januar 1951 als Festgruss dargebracht
BOOKS001235I: Kissling, Christopher C.; Taylor, Michael ; Thrift, Nigel & Adrian, Colin, editors: - Regional Impacts of Resource Developments
BOOKS002978I: Kissmeyer, A. - Etudes sur les naevi pigmentaires de la peau humaine (Melanoblastomes Benins)
BOOKS000241I: Kissmeyer, A. - La Maladie de Boeck. Sarcoides cutanees benignes multiples.
BOOKS023931I: Kist, Johannes - Die Nachfahren des Grafen Berthold I. von Andechs
BOOKS003327I: Kisun'ko, Grigorij Vasil'evic - Sekretnaia zona : ispoved' general'nogo konstruktora
BOOKS016495I: Kitano, Hiroaki - Foundations of Systems Biology
BOOKS028919I: Istanbul Kitapligi [ Celik Gülersoy Vakfi / Fondation de Celik Gülersoy ] - Istanbul Kitapligi : katalog / Bibliothèque d'Istanbul : catalogue
BOOKS006092I: Kitchen, Martin - The Political Economy of Germany, 1815-1914
BOOKS019772I: Kitson Clark, G. S. R. (George Sidney Roberts) [1900-1975] - An Expanding Society : Britain 1830-1900
BOOKS011907I: Kitson, Peter J.; Treharne, Elaine; et al; editors: - The Year's Work in English Studies, Volume 74: 1993
BOOKS011900I: Kitson, Peter J.; et al; editors: - The Year's Work in English Studies, 77
BOOKS014709I: Kittel, Gerhard [1888-1948] - Die Probleme des palästinischen Spätjudentums und das Urchristentum
BOOKS018348I: Kivy, Peter - The Possessor and the Possessed : Handel, Mozart, Beethoven and the Idea of Musical Genius
BOOKS024151I: Kiyani, Manuchihr - Parchamdar-i hamasah-i junub : Sardar-i 'Ashayir Sawlat al-Dawlah Qashqayi, pizhuhish, 'aks, asnad, madarak
BOOKS030668I: Kiyani, Kiyamars - Az Chah-i Kazima ta Chalqafa : nim nigahi bih tarikh, farhang va adab-i Il-i Qashqayi
BOOKS009106I: Kiyat, Mehmet - Dogu: Siirler
BOOKS030683I: Kizis, Yiannis - Greek Traditional Architecture : Thrace
BOOKS031388I: Kizis, Yiannis - Greek Traditional Architecture : Samothrace
BOOKS030724I: Kjær, Hans [1873-1932] - Ydby Hede og dens mindesmærker fra oldtiden [together with 7 other offprints, etc]
BOOKS026403I: Kjær, Hans - Gravkister fra Stenalderens Slutningstid : nye Undersøgelser
BOOKS008243I: Kjaergaard, Dagny - La doctrine de la primaute de la vie contemplative par rapport a la vie active dans la Somme de Theologie de Saint Thomas...
BOOKS013640I: Kjellman, Nils - Die Verbalzusammensetzungen mit "durch
BOOKS003921I: Kjellmark, Knut - En Stenåldersboplats i Järavallen ved Limhamn
BOOKS003910I: Kjerrulf, Harald - Om Alta och Altsmorning
BOOKS025751I: Kjetterup, S. [pseudonym of Carl Theodor Sørensen (1824-1914)] - Om vort Forsvar : Et Foredrag
BOOKS025761I: Evangelisk-lutherske Fri-Menighed i Kjøbenhavn - Udkast til en Forfatning for den evangelisk-lutherske Fri-Menighed i Kjøbenhavn
BOOKS003993I: Kjolbye, Jorgen; Stougaard, Jorgen & Reimann, Inge, editors: - Papers dedicated to Erik Hjalmar Larsen on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday November 2nd 1973
BOOKS021090I: Klabunowski, Je. I. [ Klabunovskii, E. I. ] - Asymmetrische Synthese
BOOKS004856I: Klaes, Norbert - Conscience & Consciousness : Ethical Problems of Mahabharata.
BOOKS006726I: Klahr, Saulo; editor: - Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney. Volume 4: Systemic Diseases and the Kidney
BOOKS015432I: Klaits, Joseph - Servants of Satan: Age of the Witch Hunts
BOOKS003277I: Klami, Hannu Tapani - Mutua magis videtur quam deposita : Uber die Geldverwahrung im Denken der romischen Juristen
BOOKS026745I: Klami, Hannu Tapani - The Legalists : Finnish Legal Science in the Period of Autonomy, 1809-1917
BOOKS006770I: Klaniczay, Tibor; Nemeth, S. Katalin & Schmidt, Paul Gerhard, editors: - Antike Rezeption und nationale Identitat in der Renaissance insbesondere in Deutschland und in Ungarn
BOOKS022748I: Klapheck, Thomas - Der heilige Ansgar und die karolingische Nordmission
BOOKS017482I: Klarer, Elisabeth - Jeg fløj med rumskib / af Elisabeth Klarer ; samt andre kontaktberetninger fra Sydafrika
BOOKS030061I: Klatter-Folmer, Jetske - Turkse kinderen en hun schoolsucces : een dieptestudie naar de rol van sociaal-culturele oriëntatie, taalvaardigheid ..,.
BOOKS006683I: Klauber, Laurence Monroe [1883-1968] - Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories and Influence on Mankind
BOOKS010839I: Klaus, Alisa - Every Child a Lion : The Origins of Maternal and Infant Health Policy in the United States and France, 1890-1920
BOOKS015742I: Klausenburger, Jürgen - Morphologization: Studies in Latin and Romance Morphophonology
BOOKS031595I: Klavins, Kaspar - The "Other" and the "Self" : Supplement to East-West Cross-cultural Studies
BOOKS002322I: Klebel, Ernst [ Voltelini, Hans ; editor : ] - Forschungen zu den deutschen Rechtsbüchern: [Parts 4 & 5] : Die älteste datierte Schwabenspiegelhandschrift und ihre Ableitungen
BOOKS028066I: Klee, Frederik [1808-1864] - Syndfloden : En Raekke af geologiske Hypotheser, fremsatte fra et verdenshistorisk Standpunct
BOOKS030264I: Klee, Ernst - Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich : Wer war was vor und nach 1945?
BOOKS015217I: Klee, Robert - Introduction to the Philosophy of Science : Cutting Nature at its Seams
BOOKS025699I: Kleen, Emil Andreas Gabriel, [1847-1923] - Socialpolitiska kåserier / D:r Emil A.G. Kleen
BOOKS002288I: Klees, Hans - Herren und Sklaven : die Sklaverei im oikonomischen und politischen Schrifttum der Greichen in klassischer Zeit
BOOKS015346I: Klehr, Harvey ; Haynes, John Earl ; & Anderson, K. M. (Kirill Mikhailovich) - The Soviet World of American Communism
BOOKS014575I: Klein, Herbert S. - Parties and Political Change in Bolivia, 1880-1952
BOOKS013990I: Klein, Dennis B. - The Jewish Origins of the Psychoanalytic Movement
BOOKS024901I: Klein, Josephine - Jacob's Ladder : Essays on Experiences of the Ineffable in the Context of Contemporary Psychotherapy
BOOKS011141I: Klein, George de Vries - Sandstone Depositional Models for Exploration for Fossil Fuels
BOOKS011035I: Klein, Alan M. - Little Big Men: Bodybuilding Subculture and Gender Construction
BOOKS026941I: Klein, George deVries ; editor: - Holocene Tidal Sedimentation
BOOKS008462I: Klein-Franke, Felix - Die klassische Antike in der Tradition des Islam
BOOKS008440I: Klein, Herbert S. - Bolivia: The Evolution of a Multi-ethnic Society
BOOKS011743I: Klein, Maury - Rainbow's End: The Crash of 1929
BOOKS008461I: Klein, Herbert S. - Haciendas and Ayllus: Rural Society in the Bolivian Andes in The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
BOOKS015864I: Klein, Richard - Cigarettes are Sublime
BOOKS005208I: Klein, Viola - The Feminine Character. History of an Ideology
BOOKS019754I: Klein, Hermann Joseph [1844-1914] - Proshloe, nastoiashchee i budushchee vselennoi : obshchedostupnyia besiedy po kosmologicheskikh voprosov
BOOKS023984I: Kleinau, Hermann - Die von Werle im Raum Braunschweig-Nordharz-Halberstadt : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der welfischen Dienstmannschaft ..,.
BOOKS015617I: Kleinman, Arthur - Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture: An Exploration of the Borderland Between Anthropology, Medicine and Psychiatry
BOOKS000301I: Kleinmanns, Joachim - Schau ins Land : Aussichtstürme
BOOKS010747I: Kleinmichel, Sigrid - Aufbruch aus orientalischen Dichtungstraditionen : Studien zur uzbekischen Dramatik und Prosa zwischen 1910 und 1934
BOOKS030258I: Kleinschmidt, Harald - Ruling the Waves : Emperor Maximilian I, the Search for Islands and the Transformation of the European World Picture c. 1500
BOOKS030997I: Kleisner, Tomás ; & Holecková, Zuzana - Mince a medaile posledních Rozmberku..,./ Coins and Medals of the Last Rosenbergs ..,.
BOOKS024272I: Klejn, Leo S. [ Klein, L. S. (Lev Samuilovich) ] [ Sindbæk, Søren M. ; Simpson, Ian R. ; & Randsborg, Klavs ; editors: - Meta Archaeology
BOOKS005784I: Klekowski, Edward J., Jr. - Mutation, Developmental Selection, and Plant Evolution
BOOKS027943I: Klem, Knud - Skibsbyggeriet i Danmark og hertugdømmerne i 1700-årene : om skibsbygning og handelskompagnier i den florissante periode
BOOKS013875I: Klemm, David E.; & Zöller, Günter; editors: - Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute and Others in Classical German Philosophy
BOOKS031821I: Klemme, Heiner F. ; Pauen, Michael ; & Raters, Marie-Luise ; editors : - Im Schatten des Schönen : Die Ästhetik des Hässlichen in historischen Ansätzen und aktuellen Debatten
BOOKS018711I: Klemming, Gustaf Edvard ; & Eneström, Gustaf - Svenska almanachor, kalendrar och kalendariska skrifter intill 1749
BOOKS022443I: Klemming, Gustaf Edvard [1823-1893] - Birgitta-literatur : Bibliografi
BOOKS022697I: Klemming, Gustaf Edvard [1823-1893] - Ur en antecknares samlingar
BOOKS024371I: Klempt, Adalbert - Die Säkularisierung der universalhistorischen Auffassung : zum Wandel des Geschichtsdenkens im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
BOOKS031657I: Klenner, Fritz ; compiler : [ Pressereferat des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes ; editors : ] - Putschversuch - oder nicht? : Ein Tatsachenbericht über das 4. Preis- und Lohnabkommen und die beiden gescheiterten..,.
BOOKS020786I: Klenovskii, Dmitri [ Klenovskii, Dmitrii I. (1892-1976) (pseudonym of D.I. Krachkovskii)] - Stikhi : Izbrannoe iz shesti knig i novye stikhi (1965-1966)
BOOKS022095I: Kleshchev, Alexander [ Kleshchëv, Aleksandr Sergeevich ] - Linear and Projective Representations of Symmetric Groups
BOOKS011982I: Kletz, Trevor A. - Improving Chemical Engineering Practices: A New Look at Old Myths of the Chemical Industry
BOOKS001082I: Klevenskii, M. - V.M. Garshin
BOOKS010643I: Kley, Dale van; editor: - The French Idea of Freedom: The Old Regime and the Declaration of Rights of 1789
BOOKS003298I: Kleyn, Henri Florian Willem - Contribution to the Geology of the Odemira - Sao Luis Region (Southern Portugal)
BOOKS003188I: Klieman, Kairn A. - The Pygmies Were Our Compass : Bantu and Batwa in the History of West Central Africa, Early Times to c. 1900 C.E.
BOOKS003401I: Klieneberger, H.R. - The Christian Writers of the Inner Emigration
BOOKS026747I: Klim, Jan ; & Schödelbauer, Vladimír - Ceskoslovensko 1918-1939 : specializovaný katalog známek a celistvostí
BOOKS029504I: Klimburg-Salter, Deborah E. ; Taddei, Maurizio ; Allinger, Eva ; Seipel, Wilfried [ Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien ] - Buddha in Indien : die frühindische Skulptur von König Asoka bis zur Guptazeit
BOOKS020356I: Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim - Manichaean Art and Calligraphy
BOOKS021107I: Klimpfinger, Sylvia - Die Testmethode in der Persönlichkeitsbegutachtung, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
BOOKS006722I: Klindt-Jensen, Ole - Foreign Influences in Denmark's Early Iron Age
BOOKS018759I: Klindt-Jensen, Ole ; Helbaek, Hans ; & Møhl, Ulrik - Bornholm i folkevandringstiden og forudsætningerne i tidlig jernalder
BOOKS018681I: Klindt-Jensen, Ole - Bronzekedelen fra Brå : Tidlige keltiske indflydelser i Danmark
BOOKS016851I: Kling, David William - The Bible in History: How the Texts Have Shaped the Times
BOOKS002577I: Kling, Blair B. - Partner in Empire : Dwarkanath Tagore and the Age of Enterprise in Eastern India
BOOKS024577I: Klinge, Matti - The Finnish Tradition : Essays on Structures and Identities in the North of Europe
BOOKS010911I: Klingebeit, Hermann [ Neumann, Max ] [ Korn, Karl ] et al. - Fünf Briefe an Sozialdemokraten und solche..,.[together with 4 other German pamphlets concerning socialism and trade unions]
BOOKS007308I: Klinger, Max - Volk in Ketten : Deutschlands Weg ins Chaos
BOOKS031083I: Klinghoffer, Arthur Jay - The Angolan War : A Study in Soviet Policy in the Third World
BOOKS023842I: Klitgård, Ebbe - Chaucer in Denmark : A Study of the Translation and Reception History 1782-2012
BOOKS005449I: Klockmann, Thomas - Gunther Tessmann: Konig im weissen Fleck. Das ethnologische Werk im Spiegel der Lebenserinnerungen...
BOOKS004818I: Kloetzli, W. Randolph [ Kloetzli, Randy ] - Buddhist Cosmology : Science & Theology in the Images of Motion and Light
BOOKS020520I: Klopfenstein, Albert - Die Haftpflichtversicherung beim Halterwechsel des Motorfahrzeuges : Art. 48² MFG
BOOKS022720I: Klöpper, Rudolf - Niedersächsische Industriekleinstädte : siedlungsgeographisch betrachtet ; Beispiele zur Umwandlung der Kulturlandschaft .,.,.
BOOKS008731I: Klose, Dietrich O. A. - Ludwig II. König von Bayern : sein Leben und Wirken auf Medaillen und Münzen : Ausstellung zum 150. Geburtstag
BOOKS015168I: Klossowski, Pierre - Diana at Her Bath / The Women of Rome
BOOKS005312I: Klostermaier, Klaus K. - A Survey of Hinduism
BOOKS030262I: Stiftsmuseum Klosterneuburg - Der Traum vom Weltreich : Österreichs unvollendeter Escorial
BOOKS029650I: Klotz, Gérard ; editor : - Politique et économie au temps des Lumières / textes réunis par Gérard Klotz
BOOKS013576I: Kloutsiniotis, Rania ; & Faraclas, Nicolas [ Kloutsiniote, Rania ; & Pharaklas. N.] - Greek Traditional Architecture: Tzia (Keos)
BOOKS016564I: Kluge, Bernd ; & Bannicke, Elke [Münzkabinett Staatliche Museen] - Für 8 Groschen ist's genug : Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Münzen und Medaillen
BOOKS020830I: Kluge, Helen Lait ; et al. ; editors: - Billedet som kampmiddel : kvindebilleder mellem 1968 og 1977
BOOKS026924I: Kluge, Ernfried Eduard [1892-1962] - Die russische revolutionäre Presse in der zweiten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 1855-1905
BOOKS017459I: Klusacek, Christine - Die österreichische Freiheitsbewegung : Gruppe Roman Karl Scholz.
BOOKS028556I: Klusáková, Lud'a - Cestou do Carihradu : osmanská mesta v 16. století videná krest'anskýma ocima
BOOKS004136I: Klussmann, Rudolf - Systematisches Verzeichnis der Abhandlungen welchen in den Schulschriften samtlicher an dem Programmtausche...1876 - 1885
BOOKS006505I: Klutstein, Ilana - Marsilio Ficino et la théologie ancienne : oracles chaldaïques, hymnes orphiques, hymnes de Proclus
BOOKS022044I: Kly, Yussuf Naim ; editor: - The Black Book : The True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz)
BOOKS001383I: Kmita, Jerzy - Problems in Historical Epistemology
BOOKS000646I: Kmita, Jerzy - Essays on the Theory of Scientific Cognition
BOOKS025545I: Knabe, G. S. (Georgii Stepanovich) [1920-2011] - Materialy k lektsiiam po obshchei teorii kul'tury i kul'ture antichnogo Rima
BOOKS003557I: Knack, Martha C. & Stewart, Omer C. - As Long as the River Shall Run : An Ethnohistory of Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation
BOOKS014144I: Knapp, Bettina Liebowitz - Women in Myth
BOOKS019368I: Knapp, Rüdiger - Die Vegetation von Nord- und Mittelamerika und der Hawaii-Inseln
BOOKS009955I: Knapp, James F. - Literary Modernism and the Transformation of Work
BOOKS009553I: Knapp, Bettina L. - Celine: Man of Hate
BOOKS008053I: Knapp, Peggy A. & Stugrin, Michael A.; editors: - Assays: Critical Approaches to Medieval and Renaissance Texts. Volume 1
BOOKS005546I: Knapp, Bettina L. - Word, Image, Psyche
BOOKS024872I: Knapp, Bettina Liebowitz - French Fairy Tales : A Jungian Approach
BOOKS009803I: Knauft, Bruce M. - From Primitive to Postcolonial in Melanesia and Anthropology
BOOKS022213I: Knauss, Otto - Die Entstehung der Grünberger Familiennamen
BOOKS024644I: Knecht, R. J. (Robert Jean) - Richelieu
BOOKS005862I: Knechtel, Wilhelm K. & Panin, Sergius A. - Oekologisch-zoogeographisches Studium an Coleopteren des rumänischen Faunengebietes
BOOKS001922I: Kneeland, Samuel [1821-1888] - An American in Iceland : An Account of Its Scenery, People and History. With a Description of Its Millennial Celebration ..,.
BOOKS002045I: Kniewald, Dr. Dragutin ; editor : - Dr. Ivan Merz : Zivot i Djelovanje
BOOKS013992I: Knight, Chris - Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture
BOOKS017392I: Knight, Stephen Thomas - Robin Hood : A Mythic Biography
BOOKS015828I: Knight, Alan ; & Nakano, Yoshiko ; editors: - Reporting Hong Kong : Foreign Media and the Handover
BOOKS005664I: Knight, W.F. Jackson - Many-Minded Homer. An Introduction
BOOKS025469I: Knight, John B. ; & Ding, Sai - China's Remarkable Economic Growth
BOOKS021921I: Knilli, Friedrich ; & Reiss, Erwin ; editors: - Semiotik des Films. Mit Analysen kommerzieller Pornos und revolutionärer Agitationsfilme
BOOKS023206I: Knoblich, Hans - Der Kupfer-Weltmarkt
BOOKS016772I: Knoch, Otto - Eigenart und Bedeutung der Eschatologie im theologischen Aufriss des ersten Clemensbriefes
BOOKS024270I: Knoche, Ulrich [1902-1968] - Die römische Satire
BOOKS018299I: Knoepflmacher, U. C. - Laughter & Despair : Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era
BOOKS031004I: Knöll, Pius - Neue Fabeln des Babrius
BOOKS019385I: Knorring, Harald von - Sigillen från 1200-talets Rusteberg / Die Siegel von Rusteberg im 13. Jh. : medeltida sfragistik och heraldik
BOOKS012782I: Knowles, Richard Paul [1950- ] - Reading the Material Theatre
BOOKS031573I: Knox, Vicesimus [1752-1821] - The Works [Volumes 1-7]
BOOKS015188I: Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott [1888 - 1957] - Enthusiasm : A Chapter in the History of Religion : With Special Reference to the XVII and XVIII Centuries
BOOKS013989I: Knox, Bernard MacGregor Walker - Essays Ancient and Modern
BOOKS005488I: Knox, MacGregor - Common Destiny : Dictatorship, Foreign Policy, and War in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
BOOKS005386I: Knox, George - Critical Moments: Kenneth Burke's Categories and Critiques
BOOKS004156I: Knox, Wilfred L. - St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles
BOOKS020160I: Knox, MacGregor - Common Destiny : Dictatorship, Foreign Policy, and War in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
BOOKS025832I: Knudsen, Niels - Sønderborg Skipperlaug 1571-1971
BOOKS004609I: Knudsen, H. - En gammel Kronike om Graabrodernes Udjagelse af deres Klostre i Danmark : Meddeelt med oplysende Anmaerkninger
BOOKS020093I: Knudsen, Johannes (1872-1929) ; editor : [ Ravn, Rasmus Pedersen (1602-1677) ] - Rasmus Pedersen Ravns Borringholms Krønike 1671
BOOKS022513I: Knudsen, Herman - Employee Participation in Europe
BOOKS030954I: Košenina, Alexander - Karl Philipp Moritz : literarische Experimente auf dem Weg zum psychologischen Roman
BOOKS009781I: Ko, Dorothy - Teachers of the Inner Chambers : Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China
BOOKS021836I: Köb, Edgar Helmut - Die Brahma-Brauerei und die Modernisierung des Getränkehandels in Rio de Janeiro 1888-1930
BOOKS023823I: Kobai, Eiken - Understanding Jodo Shinshu
BOOKS009427I: Atsushi Kobata - Kingin boeki shi kenkyu
BOOKS003847I: Kobler, Franz - Der Teilbau im romischen und geltenden italienischer Recht mit Berucksichtigung des franzosischen Rechts
BOOKS028010I: Kobza, Voieslav - IEvanheliie vid Tarasa : chy bula pryrodnoiu smert' Shevchenka?
BOOKS020322I: Koçer, Hasan Ali - Egitim sorunlarimiz üzerine incelemeler ve düsünceler
BOOKS027100I: Koch, Gerd - Die Materielle Kultur der Ellice-Inseln
BOOKS014610I: Koch, Eduard Emil [1809-1871] [ Koch, Adolf Wilhelm (1843-1912) ; & Lauxmann, Richard (1834-1890) ; editors : ] - Geschichte des Kirchenlieds und Kirchengesangs der christlichen, insbesondere der deutschen evangelischen Kirche [ Band 1.-8.]
BOOKS023686I: Koch, Herbert ; Mercklin, Eugen von ; & Weickert, Carl - Bieda
BOOKS002821I: Koch, Johan Diederich Conrad - Onderzoekingen over Acetanilde
BOOKS027099I: Koch, Gerd - Materielle Kultur der Gilbert-Inseln : Nonouti, Tabiteuea, Onotoa
BOOKS010047I: Koch, Walo [1896-1956] - Pflanzensoziologie und Wald [together with 3 other offprints ca.1936-1945]
BOOKS025783I: Koch, Carl Frederik [1860-1925] [ Kierkegaard, Søren (1813-1855) ] - Søren Kierkegaard og Emil Boesen : breve og indledning : med et tillaeg
BOOKS011916I: Koch, Gertrud - Siegfried Kracauer: An Introduction
BOOKS031137I: Koch, Hal [1904-1963] - Pronoia und Paideusis : Studien über Origenes und sein Verhältnis zum Platonismus
BOOKS031849I: Koch-Westenholz, Ulla [ Koch, Ulla Susanne ] - Mesopotamian Astrology : An Introduction to Babylonian and Assyrian Celestial Divination
BOOKS015415I: Koch, Peter - Die Erfindungen des Dr. Konrad Adenauer
BOOKS019931I: Koch, Walther ; & Jbell, Carlo - Skizzchen mi Spitzchen
BOOKS020186I: Koch, Richard ; & Smith, Chris - Suicide of the West
BOOKS021093I: Koch, Ludvig - Den danske Landsbyskoles Historie til 1848
BOOKS025845I: Koch, Ludovica - Nordiske myter i italiensk belysning
BOOKS009157I: Kochanek, Stanley A. - Patron-Client Politics and Business in Bangladesh
BOOKS029929I: Kocher, Ambros ; & Gutzwiller, Hellmut ; editors : - Rechnungen des Stiftes Schönenwerd : Zweiter Band : 1406 - 1419
BOOKS030864I: Kochubei, IU. M. - V.V. Dubrovs'kyi (1897-1966) iak skhodoznavets'
BOOKS000969I: Kochumuttom, Thomas A. - Comparative Theology : Christian Thinking and Spirituality in Indian Perspective
BOOKS022441I: Kockel, Ullrich ; & Nic Craith, Máiréad ; editors: - Communicating Cultures
BOOKS017976I: Kocks, Klaus - Brechts Literarische Evolution: Untersuchungen zum Ästhetisch-Ideologischen Bruch in den Dreigroschen-Bearbeitungen
BOOKS000527I: Kocsoy, Sevket - Irak Türkleri ve Türk-Irak iliskileri, 1932-1963
BOOKS028591I: Kodaman, Bayram - Les ambassades de Moustapha Réchid Pacha à Paris
BOOKS028009I: Koder, Johannes - Negroponte : Untersuchungen zur Topographie und Siedlungsgeschichte der Insel Euboia während der Zeit der Venezianerherrschaft
BOOKS005697I: Kodolanyi, Janos, Jr.,editor: - Ethnic Communities,Ethnic Studies, Ethnic Costumes Today
BOOKS008270I: Koedt, A. Peschcke - Det radikale Tvangsstyre. Nye Strejflys
BOOKS030126I: Koefoed, Emil [1858-1937] - Direktør, Professor, Dr. phil. Emil Koefoeds Erindringer : Efter original-manuskriptet i Danmarks Farmaceutiske Højskoles Arkiv
BOOKS016730I: Koefoed-Petersen, Otto - Catalogue des sarcophages et cercueils égyptiens
BOOKS003526I: Koefoed, C.A. [ Kofod, Andrei Andreevich (1855-19??) ] - My Share in the Stolypin Agrarian Reforms / C.A. Koefoed
BOOKS022181I: Koefoed-Petersen, Otto - Les stèles égyptiennes
BOOKS022182I: Koefoed-Petersen, Otto - Catalogue des bas-reliefs et peintures égyptiens
BOOKS014377I: Koehn, Nancy Fowler - The Power of Commerce : Economy and Governance in the First British Empire
BOOKS017453I: Koehn, Henry - Die Nordfriesischen Inseln: Die Entwicklung ihrer Landschaft und die Geschichte ihres Volkstums
BOOKS005405I: Koelb, Clayton - The Incredulous Reader. Literature & the Function of Disbelief
BOOKS026394I: Koelbing, Huldrych M. [1923-2007] - A collection of three offprints & extracts ca. 1964-1967 concerning medical history
BOOKS012560I: Koelstra, R. W. ; & Tieleman, H. J. - Ontwikkeling of migratie : een onderzoek naar mogelijkheden ter stimulering van de werkgelegenheid in minder ontwikkelde regio's
BOOKS009319I: Koenig, Walter D. & Mumme, Ronald L. - Population Ecology of the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker
BOOKS006551I: Koenig, Thomas - The Philosophy of Georges Bastide. A Study Tracing the Origins & Development of a French Value Philosophy....
BOOKS023466I: Koenig, Mario ; & Zeugin, Bettina ; editors : [ Unabhängigen Expertenkommission Schweiz--Zweiter Weltkrieg ] - Die Schweiz, der Nationalsozialismus und der Zweite Weltkrieg : Schlussbericht Unabhängigen Expertenkommission
BOOKS015641I: Koenker, Diane; editor: [Vserossiiskaia konferentsiia professional'nykh soiuzov (3rd : 1917 : Petrograd) - Tret'ya vserossiiskaya konferentsiya professional'nykh soiuzov...,./ Third All-Russian Conference of Trade Unions..,.1917
BOOKS018140I: Koepnick, Lutz Peter - The Dark Mirror : German Cinema between Hitler and Hollywood
BOOKS004022I: Koeppel, Emil - Studien zur Geschichte der Italienischen Novelle in der Englischen Litteratur des Sechzehnten Jahrhunderts
BOOKS017551I: Koerner, Reinhard; Müller, Wolfgang; Poethke, Günter; & Treu, Kurt ; editors: - Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete : 34. Band
BOOKS006844I: Koester, Frank, [1876-1927] - Hydroelectric Developments and Engineering : A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the Development, Design, Construction..,.
BOOKS007994I: Koethe, John - The Continuity of Wittgenstein's Thought
BOOKS005130I: Koffmane, Gustav - Geschichte des Kirchenlateins. Entstehung und Entwickelung des Kirchenlateins bis auf Augustinus-Hieronymus
BOOKS006275I: Kofler, Josef Alois - Die falsche Rolle mit Deutschland
BOOKS023991I: Kofler, Leo [1907-1995] - Marxismus und Sprache : zu Stalins Untersuchung "Über den Marxismus in der Sprachwissenschaft
BOOKS012680I: Kofman, Sarah - Socrates: Fictions of a Philosopher
BOOKS022642I: Kogan, P. S. (Petr Semenovich) [1872-1932] - Obshchestvennoe znachenie MKhT
BOOKS020795I: Kogbetliantz, Ervand George [1888-1974] - Sommation des séries et intégrales divergentes par les moyennes arithmétiques et typiques
BOOKS001521I: Kogekar, S.V. ; & Park, Richard L. ; editors : - Reports on the Indian General Elections 1951-52
BOOKS025039I: Kögl, Otto - Das Feuerlöschwesen der Stadt Rosenheim : 100 jahre Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rosenheim, 1860-1960.
BOOKS023707I: Köhler, Ludwig [1880-1956] ; Baumgartner, Walter [1887-1970]; & Stamm, Johann Jakob ; compilers: - Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament : Lieferung III : Nevat - R'H.
BOOKS010956I: Köhler, Ludwig [1880-1956] ; & Baumgartner, Walter [1887-1970] ; editors: - Supplementum ad Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros
BOOKS010864I: Kohler, Timothy A. & Gumerman, George J.; editors: - Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies: Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes
BOOKS002601I: Kohler, Lennart & Jakobsson, Gunborg - Children's Health & Well-Being in the Nordic Countries
BOOKS013017I: Kohler, Joachim [1952 - ] [Köhler, Joachim] [Koehler, Joachim] - Zarathustra’s Secret: The Interior Life of Friedrich Nietzsche
BOOKS002513I: Köhler, Jochen ; compiler: [ Wissenschaftlichen Ausschuss, Deutsche Afrika-Gesellschaft e. V.] - Deutsche Dissertationen über Afrika : Ein Verzeichnis für die Jahre 1918-1959
BOOKS022455I: Köhler, Ulrich ; editor: - Zur Ethnographie der Tzotzil von Chenalhó : Ergebnisse und Methoden einer Feldforschungsübung in Mexiko
BOOKS019500I: Köhler, Ludwig [1880-1956] ; Baumgartner, Walter [1887-1970] ; Stamm, Johann Jakob [1910-1993] ; et al. ; editors : - Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament : Lieferung II : Tabba - nabat
BOOKS023236I: Köhler, Ludwig [1880-1956] ; Baumgartner, Walter [1887-1970] ; et al. ; editors : - Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament [Volume 1]
BOOKS028613I: Kohler, Georg - Über das Böse, das Glück, und andere Rätsel : zur Kunst des Philosophierens
BOOKS018805I: Köhler, Bernhard [1882-1939] - Das Recht auf Arbeit als Wirtschaftsprinzip / Von Bernhard Köhler, Leiter der Kommission für Wirtschaftspolitik der NSDAP
BOOKS021095I: Kohlhaas, Anton - Geschichte des Steinkohlenbergbaues im heutigen Stadtgebiete von Stolberg (Rhld.)
BOOKS014588I: Kohlheim, Volker - Regensburger Rufnamen des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts : Linguistische und sozio-onomastische Untersuchungen
BOOKS012765I: Kohli, Atul; editor: - The Success of India's Democracy
BOOKS004658I: Kohli, Surindar Singh - Sikh Ethics
BOOKS001073I: Kohli, Manorama - India & Bhutan : A Study in Interrelations 1772-1910
BOOKS020119I: Kohli, Atul - State-Directed Development : Political Power and Industrialization in the Global Periphery
BOOKS026415I: Kohlmeyer, Kay ; Strommenger, Eva ; & Abou-Assaf, Ali ; compilers: - Land des Baal : Syrien, Forum der Völker und Kulturen
BOOKS014066I: Kohn, Livia ; & LaFargue, Michael ; editors : - Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching
BOOKS015510I: Kohn, Livia - Taoist Experience: An Anthology
BOOKS019797I: Köhne, Ernst - Die Betriebstypen in den Landbauzonen des Kreises Stade : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umformungsmöglichkeiten ..,.
BOOKS007099I: Kohyama, Susumu, editor: - Very High Speed MOS Devices
BOOKS006631I: Køie, M. ; & Rechinger, K. H. - Symbolae Afghanicae: Enumeration and Descriptions of the Plants Collected By L. Edelberg & M. Koie ...[Volume] V.
BOOKS014668I: Koiumdzhieva, Emiliia [Kojumdgieva, Em.] - Fosilite na Bulgariia, VIII: Sarmat
BOOKS012254I: Koiumdzhieva, Em. ; & Strashimirov, B. - Fosilite na Bulgariia, VII : Torton
BOOKS006222I: Kok, Ans de - La place du pronom personnel regime conjoint en Francais: une etude diachronique
BOOKS030053I: Kok, Jan ; Knotter, Ad ; Paping, Richard ; & Vanhaute, Eric - Levensloop en levenslot : arbeidsstrategieën van gezinnen in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw
BOOKS031422I: Kokins, Aigars - Krasu zemes : krasu simbolisms akmens laikmeta
BOOKS020986I: Kokot, Józef ; editor : - The Miseries of the Prussian Eastern Provinces
BOOKS022467I: Kokot, Waltraud ; & Dracklé, Dorle ; editors: - Ethnologie Europas : Grenzen, Konflikte, Identitäten
BOOKS024051I: Kokowski, Andrzej ; editor: - Sarmaci i Germanie
BOOKS023963I: Kokowski, Andrzej - Grupa maslomecka : z badan nad przemianami kultury Gotow w mlodszym okresie rzymskim
BOOKS017017I: Kokubun, Ryosei [1953- ] - Chugoku seiji to minshuka : kaikaku, kaiho seisaku no jissho bunseki
BOOKS009670I: Kola, Andrzej; editor: - Studies in Lake Dwellings of the West Baltic Barrow Culture
BOOKS015851I: Kolaly, Mohamed El - Essai sur les causes de la criminalité actuelle en Egypte : Etude critique d'étiologie criminelle
BOOKS020709I: Kolaric, Miodrag ; & Garasanin, Draga ; editors: - Iliri i Dacani / The Illyrians and Dacians
BOOKS023044I: Kolaroff, Ivan - La Loi roumaine pour la nouvelle Dobroudja : les terres "mirié" et la propriété foncière rurale en Bulgarie
BOOKS011737I: Kolarz, Walter - Communism and Colonialism : Essays
BOOKS028168I: Kolb, Fabian - Exponent des Wandels : Joseph Weigl und die Introduktion in seinen italienischen und deutschsprachigen Opern
BOOKS019601I: Kolbuszewski, Jacek ; editor: - Annales Silesiae XVII
BOOKS023753I: Kolderup Rosenvinge, L. (Lauritz) [1858-1939] ; & Lund, Søren Jensen - The Marine Algae of Denmark : Contributions to Their Natural History. Vol. II: Phaeophyceae: 1. Ectocarpaceae & Acinetosporaceae
BOOKS003378I: Koldewijn, Bernard Willem - Sediments of the Paria-Trinidad Shelf. Reports of the Orinoco Shelf Expedition Volume III
BOOKS001007I: Kole, A.P. - A Contribution to the Knowledge of Spongosphora Subterrenea (Wallr.) Lagerh : The Cause of Powdery Scab of Potatoes.
BOOKS023302I: Kolendo, Jerzy ; editor: - Antiquitates Prussiae : studia z archeologii dawnych ziem pruskich
BOOKS031911I: Kolendo, Jerzy - Le traité d'agronomie des Saserna
BOOKS026393I: Kolendo, Jerzy ; Andrzejowski, Jacek ; Bursche, Aleksander ; & Nowakowski, Wojciech ; editors : - Nowe znaleziska importów rzymskich z ziem Polski I / Neue funde römischer Importe aus Polen I
BOOKS020036I: Kolesár, Milos ; editor: - Slovenská rocenka I : 1932
BOOKS021191I: Koliqi, Ernest [1903-1975] - Djepi Arit : novele
BOOKS029019I: Kollegger, Willibald - Albaniens Wiedergeburt
BOOKS022530I: Kollenbach, Dorothea [ Frost, Dorothea ] - Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner (1867-1939) : Krankheitslehre und Diätetik
BOOKS005738I: Koller, Marvin R. - Social Gerontology
BOOKS009879I: Kølln, Herman - Der Bericht über den Dänenkönig in den St.-Wenzels-Biographien des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts / von Herman Kølln.
BOOKS024863I: Köllner, Lutz - Militär und Finanzen : zur Finanzgeschichte und Finanzsoziologie von Militärausgaben in Deutschland
BOOKS000607I: Kollontai, Alexandra Mikhailovna [ Kollontaj, Aleksandra Mihajlovna (1872-1952)] - Wem nützt der Krieg : Am Jahrestag der russischen Revolution 1918 / Alexandra Kollontay
BOOKS007734I: Kolm, Serge-Christophe - Justice and Equality
BOOKS012147I: Kolm, Serge-Christophe - Modern Theories of Justice
BOOKS023022I: Geldgeschichtliche Sammlung Kreissparkasse Köln - Das Fenster in der Kreissparkasse Köln [ a collection of 98 issues ca. 1965- 2011]
BOOKS028646I: Kölner, Johann Rudolf [1800-1877] - Wie der radikale, saure, berüchtigte Kölner von der liberalen Regierung in Lostallo drei April-Tage hindurch eingesperrt..,.
BOOKS010818I: Kolodko, Grzegorz W. - From Shock to Therapy : The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation
BOOKS011988I: Kolodko, Grzegorz E. - From Shock to Therapy: The Political Economy of Postsocialist Transformation
BOOKS005512I: Kolodny, Annette - The Lay of the Land. Metaphor as Experience & History in American Life & Letters
BOOKS025373I: Kolodynski, Andrzej - Spojrzenie za ekran
BOOKS023820I: Kolonomos, Žamila ; editor: - Poslovice i izreke sefardskih Jevreja Makedonije / Proverbs and Sayings of the Sephardi Jews of Macedonia
BOOKS028184I: Kolowrath, Rudolf - Ludwig Baumann : Architektur zwischen Barock und Jugendstil
BOOKS030582I: Kolozsváry, Blasius [pseudonym of Béla Kun (1886-1939)] - Von Revolution zu Revolution
BOOKS006193I: Kolpe, S.B. - Upsurge of Shudras & Ati-Shudras
BOOKS000778I: Kolpe, S.B. - Buddha vs. Krishna. Is Bhagwadgita Spurious? Discovery of Original Gita
BOOKS030875I: Kolupaieva, Ahniia Vitaliïvna - Ukraïns'ki kakhli XIV - pochatku XX st. : istoriia, typolohiia, ikonohrafiia, ansamblevist'
BOOKS004177I: Komai, Hiroshi - Migrant Workers in Japan
BOOKS030255I: Komata, Damiano - Qyteti iliro-arbëror i Kaninës
BOOKS025790I: Hovedorganisationernes Agitations Komite - Kommunistisk Konservatisme eller socialdemokratisk Radikalisme?
BOOKS021219I: Komitee für die Heimreise deutscher und österreichischer Sozialisten in der Schweiz, Zentralstelle Eintracht Zürich ; editors : - An die deutschen und österreichischen Arbeiter und Soldaten in der Schweiz
BOOKS027017I: Tübinger Antifaschismus-Komitee - Faschismus in der BRD : eine Dokumentation faschistischer Aktivitäten
BOOKS012313I: Trakiiski vurkhoven izpulnitelen komitet [Mikhalchev, D.; Ormandzhiev, Iv. P. & Karamandzhukov, Khr.; editors:] - Trakiiski sbornik: Kniga 3 - 4 / Revue thracienne. Edition du Comite de l'union des refugies de Thrace en Bulgarie, Fasc. 3 & 4
BOOKS028529I: Komlos, John - Die Habsburgermonarchie als Zollunion : die Wirtschaftsentwicklung Österreich-Ungarns im 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS016057I: Kommunistische Partei der Scjhweiz, Sektion Basel-Stadt und -Land. - Rote Einheitsfront gegen kapitalistische Ausbeutung : Klasse gegen Klasse : Kommunal-Programm der Kommunistichen Partei ..,.
BOOKS031728I: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, Zentralkomitee - Informations-Material Nr. 3 : März/ April 1930
BOOKS007792I: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, Parteivorstand - Wissen und Tat : Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur : 4. Jahrgang, Heft 1. - 9. [1949]
BOOKS030673I: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, Parteivorstand der KPD Abt. Agitation - Der Agitator : Argumente für die Diskussion : Innerparteiliches Material der KPD [7 issues 1951-1953]
BOOKS029394I: Kommunistischen Jugendinternationale, Exekutivkomitee der - Aufruf der Teilnehmer des Kongresses und des Jugendtages der Sozialistischen Jugendinternationale in Amsterdam ..,.
BOOKS027866I: Komnats'kyi, Petro - Atlantyda
BOOKS029331I: Thitinop Komonnimi ; editor : - Siang nai sanam santiphap : botbat witthayu chumchon chaidæn Tai kap kansang phunthi klang / bannathikan, Thitinop Komonnimi
BOOKS000190I: Komornicka, Anna M. - Simonides z Keos. Poeta i Medrzec.
BOOKS013119I: Komunistická strana Ceskoslovenska, Ústrední výbor [Czechoslovakia, Communist Party] - Akcní program Komunistické strany Ceskoslovenska prijatý na plenárním zasedání ÚV KSC dne 5. dubna 1968.
BOOKS015398I: Konarovskii, Mikhail Alekseevich - Strana gor i legend : Ocherki ob Afganistane
BOOKS002233I: Konarska-Pabiniak, Barbara - Teatr w Dawnym Plocku 1808-1939
BOOKS000165I: Koncz, Csaba ; Chua, Nam-Hai ; & Schell, Jeff ; editors: - Methods in Arabidopsis Research
BOOKS001746I: Konczyk, Grzegorz and Zdanowski, Jerzy - Zarys historii i przemian spoleczno-ekonomicznych Kuwejtu
BOOKS003319I: Kondrat'ev, K. Ya., editor: - Atmospheric Radiation Studies (Radiatsionnye Issledovaniya v Atmosfere)
BOOKS012319I: Koneva, Rumiana - Goliamata sreshta na bulgarskiia narod : kulturata i predizvikatelstvata na Voinite 1912-1918
BOOKS025464I: Kongres pravnika Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (1st : 1924 : Zagreb) - Spomenica na prvi zbor pravnika Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca u Zagrebu od 19. do 21. rujna 1924
BOOKS012304I: Bolgarskii Natsionalnii Kongress - Mi-bolgari a ne tatari
BOOKS030365I: Kongsted, Ole ; editor : - Studia musicologica regionis Balticae : I
BOOKS018999I: Kongsted, Ole [ Trehou, Gregorius (fl. 1568-1611); Tollius, Jan (ca.1550-ca. 1603) ; & Bertolusi, Vincenzo (ca. 1550-1607 or 8)] - Motetter / af G. Trehou, J. Tollius og V. Bertholusius [ Musik i Danmark på Christian IV’s tid ; bd. 5 ]
BOOKS014826I: König, Georg ; & Wancura, Ingrid - Einführung in die chinesische Ohrakupunktur
BOOKS015275I: Konigsberg, Ira ; editor: - American Criticism in the Poststructuralist Age
BOOKS025209I: Königsson, Lars-König ; & Paabo, Katrin ; editors: - Florilegium florinis dedicatum
BOOKS001798I: Koninckx, C., editor: - Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Industrial Revolutions and the Sea", Brussels 28-31 March 1989
BOOKS003495I: Koning, Leonard Pieter Gerrit - Over het Mechanisme in den Haard van diepe Aardbevingen
BOOKS003367I: De Koning, G. - Geologie des Ida ou Zal (Maroc). Stratigraphie, Petrographie et Tectonique de la Partie SW du Bloc Occidental du Massif...
BOOKS030859I: Kononenko, Vasyl' - Modernizatsiia Het'manshchyny : proekty kozats'koï administratsiï 1687-1764 rr.
BOOKS015744I: Kononow, Alexander [ Kononov, Aleksandr Terent'evic (1895-1957)] - Geschichten über Lenin
BOOKS026465I: Konrad, Gunter ; Konrad, Ursula ; Schneebaum, Tobias - Asmat : Leben mit den Ahnen : steinzeitliche Holzschnitzer unserer Zeit/ Asmat : Life with the Ancestors : Stone Age Woodcarvers
BOOKS012570I: Konrad, Paul - Zur Ethnographie der Bhils
BOOKS001496I: Konstantinov, P. - Gabrovo i Gabrovsko. Antropogeografski Ocherk
BOOKS012259I: Konstantinova, Violeta - Ezikovite vuprosi v bulgarskiia pechat prez XIX vek
BOOKS019888I: Konstants, Zigurds - Auseklis Bauskenieks : gleznas / [sastaditajs un teksta autors Zigurds Konstants]
BOOKS023637I: Konstanzer, Renatus - 11 Monate hinter der Maginotlinie : aus dem Kriegstagebuch eines elsässichen Reservisten
BOOKS027428I: Kontes, Basileios [ Kondis, Basil ] ; et al. - He epektatike politike ton Skopion sylloge engraphon (1934-1992)
BOOKS029541I: Kontrapunkt (Firm) [ Meyer, Kim ] [ Dansk Design Center ] - The Crowning Touch / Kronen på mærket
BOOKS011550I: Kontzi, Reinhold; editor: - Substrate und Superstrate in den romanischen Sprachen
BOOKS003417I: Koob, K.A. & Zerwes, G.P. - Study on Omnidirectional Satellite Antennas for Telemetering & Tracking in the UHF Band. Final Report
BOOKS024307I: Kooijmans, Leendert Hermanus Louwe - Onderzoekingen over de streptokokken uit verontreinigd water
BOOKS003409I: Kooistra, M.J. - Soil Development in Recent Marine Sediments of the Intertidal Zone in...Oosterschelde (Netherlands).A Soil Micromorphological...
BOOKS020478I: Kool, Catherina H. - Das Kinderspiel im Indischen Archipel
BOOKS011744I: Koopman, Hilda & Szabolsci, Anna - Verbal Complexes
BOOKS016515I: Koopmans, Tim [ Koopmans, Thijmen ] - Courts and Political Institutions: A Comparative View
BOOKS012713I: Kopecky, Petr - Parliaments in the Czech and Slovak Republics : Party Competition and Parliamentary Institutionalization
BOOKS000655I: Köpeczi, Bela - Une enquête linguistique et folklorique chez les Roumains de Transylvanie du Nord 1942-1943
BOOKS009823I: Kopelson, Kevin - Beethoven's Kiss: Pianism, Perversion, and the Mastery of Desire
BOOKS013420I: Kopicki, Edmund - Katalog podstawowych typow monet i banknotow Polski oraz ziem historycznie z Polska zwiazanych : Tom II : 1506-1632
BOOKS031644I: Kopicki, Edmund - Katalog podstawowych typow monet i banknotow Polski oraz ziem historycznie z Polska zwiazanych : Tom I : Sredniowiecze : Czesc 1
BOOKS031645I: Kopicki, Edmund - Katalog podstawowych typow monet i banknotow Polski oraz ziem historycznie z Polska zwiazanych : Tom I : Sredniowiecze : Czesc 2
BOOKS010847I: Kopko, Peter - Apostolus Bybliensis saec. XIV. / grammatisch-kritisch Analysiert von Peter Kopko
BOOKS026157I: Kopp, Richard - Oberst Otto Frederik Vaupell : En Skildring af hans Deltagelse i de danske Krige og et kort Rids af hans øvrige Liv
BOOKS025029I: Kopp, Hannes - Erziehung im Wandel : Kindererziehung in den Jahren um 1890 und 1970 im Spiegel je einer deutschschweizerischen ..,.
BOOKS008735I: Koppara, Bi. Ec. - Elakki krsi
BOOKS023732I: Koppel, Ivan [1873-19??] - Der Bau der Atome und das periodische System
BOOKS008368I: Köppen, Wladimir Petrovich [1846-1940] ; & Wegener, Alfred [1880-1930] - Die Klimate der geologischen Vorzeit
BOOKS000528I: Köprülü, Ziyad - Insan haklari acisindan Irak Türkleri / The Iraqi Turks in Perspective of Human Rights
BOOKS005429I: Kopylova, V.I. - Juvelirnoe Iskusstvo Urala.../ Jewellery Art in the Urals. Sverdlovsk Jewellers.
BOOKS020300I: Kora, Stefan - Wincenty Witos a panstwo polskie
BOOKS026989I: Korac, Miomir - Slikarstvo Viminacijuma
BOOKS014001I: Korbel, Josef - Danger in Kashmir
BOOKS017038I: Korchnoi, Victor [ Korcnoj, Viktor L. ] [ Kortschnoi, Viktor ] - Antischach : Mein Wettkampf um die Weltmeisterschaft gegen Karpow in Baguio City 1978
BOOKS017398I: Korczak-Branicki, Xavier [1815(?) -1899] - Les nationalités slaves : Lettres au Révérend P. Gagarin.
BOOKS002661I: Korein, Dezso [1870 - 19??] - Gondolatok es epizodok
BOOKS025918I: Korfitsen, Svend Johan Valdemar [1840-1900] - Gamle Minder : optegnede af en gammel Kjøbenhavner
BOOKS005881I: Korg, Jacob - Ritual & Experiment in Modern Poetry
BOOKS023070I: Korkmaz, Esat - Pir Sultan Abdal : Ücüncü Ölmem Bu Hain
BOOKS029709I: Korkuti, Muzafer - Qytetërimi neolitik dhe eneolitik në Shqipëri
BOOKS029708I: Korkuti, Muzafer - Archaeological Studies on the Prehistory of Albania
BOOKS029706I: Korkuti, Muzafer - Parailirët, Ilirët, Arbërit : histori e shkurtër
BOOKS016164I: Kornai, András - On Hungarian Morphology
BOOKS023933I: Körner, Hans - Frankfurter Patrizier : historisch-genealogisches Handbuch der adeligen Ganerbschaft des Hauses Alten Limpurg zu Frankfurt..,.
BOOKS015257I: Körner, Stephan - Fundamental Questions of Philosophy : One Philosopher's Answers
BOOKS020554I: Körner, Stephan - The Philosophy of Mathematics : An Introductory Essay
BOOKS027491I: Körner, J. G. ; Kramer, G. ; & Schildknecht, D. ; editors : - Current Induced Reactions : International Summer Institute on Theoretical Particle Physics in Hamburg 1975
BOOKS024077I: Körner, Hans - Die Würzburger Siebold : Eine Gelehrten-familie des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS017225I: Kornerup, Thorvald Otto [1864 - 1938] - Das golderne Tonsystem als Fundament der theoretischen Akustik
BOOKS001967I: Kornfeld, Phyllis - Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America
BOOKS020664I: Kornhall, David - Den fornsvenska sagan om Karl Magnus : Handskrifter och texthistoria
BOOKS028628I: Kornrumpf, Hans-Jürgen - Beitraege zur osmanische Geschichte und Territorialverwaltung
BOOKS029775I: Korpiola, Mia - Between Betrothal and Bedding : The Making of Marriage in Sweden, ca. 1200-1610
BOOKS023784I: Korsching, Friederike - Beduinen im Negev : eine Ausstellung der Sammlung Sonia Gidal
BOOKS004424I: Kort, V.G. & Samoilenko, V.S., editors: - Atlantic Hydrophysical Polygon-70. Meteorological & Hydrophysical Investigations.
BOOKS030020I: Kort, Joop de - Interactions Between the Planner, Managers and Workers in Centrally Planned Economies : The Example of the Soviet Union
BOOKS011395I: Kortan, Enis - Le Corbusier gözüyle Türk mimarlik ve sehirciligi / Turkish Architecture and Urbanism through the Eyes of Le Corbusier ..,.
BOOKS031618I: Korte, Anne-Marie ; editor : - Women and Miracle Stories : A Multidisciplinary Exploration
BOOKS021275I: Korten, David C. ; & Alfonso, Felipe B. ; editors: - Bureaucracy and the Poor : Closing the Gap
BOOKS028661I: Kortepeter, C. Max. - Ottoman Imperialism during the Reformation : Europe and the Caucasus
BOOKS028720I: Kortepeter, Carl Max - The Ottoman Turks : Nomad Kingdom to World Empire
BOOKS030156I: Kortlandt, Adrian - Textuur en structuur van het broedvoorbereidingsgedrag bij de aalscholver
BOOKS010277I: Korus, Kazimierz - Die griechische Satire : Die theoretischen Grundlagen und ihre Anwendung auf Homers Epik
BOOKS026535I: Korzen, Iørn - L'articolo italiano fra concetto ed entità : uno studio semantico-sintattico sugli articoli e sui sintagmi nominali italiani.,.,
BOOKS024803I: Korzeniewski, Dietmar [1933-1979] ; editor & translator: [ Calpurnius Siculus, Titus ] - Hirtengedichte aus neronischer Zeit : Titus Calpurnius Siculus und die Einsiedler Gedichte
BOOKS001526I: Korzon, Krystyny, editor: - Druki oficyny ossolinskiej 1828-1918
BOOKS014734I: Kos, Peter; & Semrov, Andrej - Rimski republikanski novci / Münzen der römischen Republik
BOOKS029928I: Kos, Marjeta Sasel ; editor : [ Slovenska Akademija znanosti in umetnosti ] - Arheoloski vestnik : 59 : 2008
BOOKS012576I: Kos, Peter ; & Demo, Zeljko ; editors : - Studia numismatica labacensia : Alexandro Jelonik oblata
BOOKS013529I: Kos, Peter - Ig : Najdba antoninijanov tretjega stoletja / A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani
BOOKS018713I: Kos, Mateja - Beloprstena keramika na Slovenskem : Zbirka Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Cream-coloured Earthenware in Slovenia ..,.
BOOKS006942I: Kosai, Yutaka - The Era of High-Speed Growth : Notes on the Postwar Japanese Economy
BOOKS023555I: Kosambi, Meera - Pandita Ramabai's Feminist and Christian Conversions : Focus on Stree Dharma-neeti
BOOKS012971I: Kosatev, Todor - Trakiiskiiat vupros vuv vunshnata politika na Bulgariia, 1919-1923
BOOKS029727I: Koschatzky, Walter - Thomas Ender, 1793-1875, Kammermaler Erzherzog Johanns
BOOKS008555I: Koshal, Sanyukta - Ladakhi Phonetic Reader
BOOKS005940I: Koshar, Rudy, editor: - Splintered Classes. Politics & the Lower Middle Classes in Interwar Europe.
BOOKS012116I: Koshar, Rudy - From Monuments to Traces : Artifacts of German Memory, 1870-1990
BOOKS030965I: Koshchenets, E. V. - Kharakternik dARRAd : Vvedenie v runicheskuiu magiiiu : Ukrainskaia praktika starshego futarka : Ezoterika : Nachal'noe posobie
BOOKS030884I: Koshetar, U. P. (Uliana Petrivna) - Ukraïns'ka hreko-katolyts'ka tserkva v suspil'no-politychnomu zhytti Halychyny 1900-1939 rr. : navchal'nyi posibnyk
BOOKS014153I: Kosicka, Jadwiga ; & Gerould, Daniel Charles - A Life of Solitude: Stanislawa Przybyszewska : A Biographical Study with Selected Letters
BOOKS009578I: Kosinski, Tomasz Jozef - Zycie erotyczne Slowian
BOOKS009550I: Kosinski, Tomasz J. - Slowianskie tajemnice
BOOKS016539I: Koskenniemi, Martti - From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument
BOOKS005968I: Kosmala, Hans - Hebraer - Essener - Christen : Studien zur Vorgeschichte der fruhchristlichen Verkundigung
BOOKS001524I: Kosman, Marceli - Z dziejów Biblioteki Kórnickiej
BOOKS019795I: De Kosmos (Amsterdam) [ Salajan, Ioanna ] - Cosmic Paper. No.s 1, 9, 11 [1972-1975]
BOOKS008792I: Koss, Stephen E. - Lord Haldane : Scapegoat for Liberalism
BOOKS018007I: Kosslyn, Stephen Michael ; Thompson, William L.; & Ganis, Giorgio - The Case for Mental Imagery
BOOKS005876I: Kosslyn, Stephen Michael ; Thompson, William Ladd ; & Ganis, Giorgio - The Case for Mental Imagery
BOOKS011162I: Kossman, Nina; editor: - Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths
BOOKS018577I: Kostelanetz, Richard - On Innovative Music(ian)s
BOOKS016995I: Kostelanetz, Richard ; editor: - Writings on Glass : Essays, Interviews, Criticism
BOOKS012338I: Kosten, Thomas R. & Kleber, Herbert D.; editors: - Clinician's Guide to Cocaine Addiction: Theory, Research, and Treatment
BOOKS003012I: Koster, M. ; Musaph, H. & Visser, P., editors: - Psychosomatics in Essential Hypertension
BOOKS010723I: Kostic, Svetislav - Verb Syntagmata in Hindi: Structure and Functions
BOOKS001074I: Kostic, Mihajlo M. - Belopalanacka kotlina : Drustvenogeografska proucavanja
BOOKS030920I: Kostmann, Jenö - Restive Austria
BOOKS023959I: Kostrzewski, Józef [1885-1969] - Wielkopolska w pradziejach
BOOKS002503I: Kostrzewski, Jozef - Dzieje Polskich Badan Prehistorycznych
BOOKS006441I: Kosuge, K. - Chemistry of Non-stoichiometric Compounds
BOOKS020682I: Kotantam, Ko. Ma. ; & Murukecan, Pa. - Vermutal vitaivarai: cirmiku citta vaittiyam
BOOKS020572I: Kotantapani, Ki - Kancanammanai
BOOKS003361I: Kotanyi, C. - Radio Emission in the Virgo Cluster & in SO Galaxies
BOOKS010364I: Kothandaraman, Ponnusamy - Tamil varalarril Tantai Periyar
BOOKS018650I: Kothari, M.M. - The Calls for National Debates
BOOKS023537I: Kothari, Rita - Sitamau Rajya ka samajika arthika itihasa (19vim sati)
BOOKS023794I: Kotraiah, C. T. M. - Irrigation Systems under Vijayanagara Empire
BOOKS031010I: Kotsur, V. P. (Viktor Petrovych) ; & Trachuk, Oleksii V. [ TSentr pam'iatkoznavstva NAN Ukraïny ta UTOPIK ] - Rzhyshchivs'kyi arkheodrom 2 : doslidzhennia, konferentsiï ta ekperymental'ni studiï 2002-2004 rokiv
BOOKS025428I: Kott, Jan - Mitologia i realizm
BOOKS016245I: Kottak, Conrad Phillip - Past in the Present: History, Ecology, and Cultural Variation in Highland Madagascar
BOOKS000750I: Kotwal, Firoze M. P. - The Supplementary Texts to the Sayest-ne-Sayest
BOOKS019609I: Kotzageorge, X. ; & Panagiotopoulou, Annas - Neotere kai synchrone historia tes Thrakes : vivliographikos hodegos
BOOKS031759I: Kotze, Astrid von - Organise & Act : The Natal Workers Theatre Movement, 1983-1987
BOOKS000700I: Koubi, Jeannine - Rambu Solo : "La fumée descend" : le culte des morts chez les Toradja du Sud
BOOKS023430I: Koul, Omkar Nath [ Kaula, Omkara Aina ] ; & Syamala Kumari, B. - Ka'sir sury layih / Nursery Rhymes in Kashmiri
BOOKS023438I: Koul, Omkar Nath ; Raina, Soom Nath ; & Bhat, Roopkrishen - Kashmiri-English Dictionary for Second Language Learners
BOOKS028594I: Koumoulides, John T. A. - Cyprus and the War of Greek Independence, 1821-1829
BOOKS004408I: Kounta, Albakaye - Que revienne la rosee sur les oasis oubliees
BOOKS017348I: Kour, Z. H. - The History of Aden, 1839-72
BOOKS029150I: Kouremenos, Kostas E. - Greek Traditional Architecture : Phokida
BOOKS029176I: Kouremenos, Kostas E. - Greek Traditional Architecture : The Sarakatsani
BOOKS021437I: Kousoulas, D. George (Dimitrios George) - Revolution and Defeat : The Story of the Greek Communist Party
BOOKS017184I: Kousser, Thad - Term Limits and the Dismantling of State Legislative Professionalism
BOOKS018341I: Kovacek, Michael ; editor: [ Glasgalerie Michael Kovacek (Wien) ] - Glas aus vier Jahrhunderten
BOOKS012208I: Kovachev, Rumen - Opis na Nikopolskiia sandzhak ot 80-te godini na XV vek: prevod i komentar na novootkrit timarski opis ot poslednata chetvurt...
BOOKS022708I: Kovács, Eva - Limoges Champlevé Enamels in Hungary
BOOKS029895I: Kovács, Marianna ; & Harangozó, Márta ; editors : - Marton László
BOOKS031791I: Kovacs, David - The Heroic Muse : Studies in the Hippolytus and Hecuba of Euripides
BOOKS030895I: Kovalenko, Natalija Dmytrivna - Istorychna hramatyka ukraïns'koï movy : Navchal'no-metodychnyi posibnyk
BOOKS022244I: Kovalevsky, Sonja (pseudonym) [ Kovalevskaia, Sofia Vasilevna (1850-1891) ] - Vera Vorontzoff : Berättelse ur ryska lifvet / Sonja Kovalevsky
BOOKS008701I: [Narasimhan, K.V.] "Kovena - Towards Emancipation (A Brief Methodical Analysis of Politico-Socio-Economic Evolution with an Alternative)
BOOKS017508I: Kovesi, Julius - Moral Notions
BOOKS008301I: Kovintacami Pillai, Irama [ Ampalavana Tecikar ] - Tiruitai Marutur Aruttiru Ampalavana Tecikar iyarriya Tiruc corrutturai talapuranamum tevarap patikankalum
BOOKS021158I: Kovoor, Abraham T. [1898-1978] - Exposing Paranormal Claims
BOOKS014400I: Kowalik, Jill Anne - The Poetics of Historical Perspectivism : Breitinger's Critische Dichtkunst and the Neoclassic Tradition
BOOKS017160I: Kowalke, Kim H. ; editor: - A New Orpheus : Essays on Kurt Weill
BOOKS016753I: Kowallis, Jon Eugene von - The Lyrical Lu Xun: A Study of His Classical-style Verse
BOOKS012611I: Kowallis, Jon Eugene von - The Lyrical Lu Xun : A Study of His Classical-Style Verse
BOOKS015041I: Kowalska-Lewicka, Anna; editor: - Studia z kultury ludowej Beskidu Sadeckiego
BOOKS002004I: Kowalska, Jolanta - Tree of Life Dance : Cultural Universals in Motion
BOOKS015790I: Kowalski, Ronald I. ; editor: - Kommunist: Ezhenedel'nyi zhurnal ekonomiki, politiki i obshchestvennosti..,.Nos. 1 - 4 (1918)
BOOKS001391I: Kowanda, Wilhelm - In Zonen der Zukunft. Zwischen Silberbergen,Gummiwaldern,Indianerdorfen & klassischen Ruinenstatten. Reise-Episteln aus Bolivien
BOOKS026523I: Kowdi, A. V. - Spotlight on Goa
BOOKS007362I: Koyela, Fokwang John - The Busy Spider and Other Poems
BOOKS007361I: Koyela, Fokwang John - The Fly and the Broom
BOOKS029355I: Koz'min, I - Oppozitsiia v Sibiri : Materialy dlia dokladov raboty partaktiva I kruzhkov tekushchei politiki
BOOKS030891I: Kozak, D. N. - Poselennia nevriv, slov'ian ta hermantsiv na Styri
BOOKS010278I: Kozbial, Jan - Studien zur deutschen Intonation
BOOKS010290I: Kozielek, Gerard - Bibliograpie der deutsch-polnischen Wechselbeziehungen in der Literatur
BOOKS013574I: Kozinski, Zbigniew; & Pietrzyk, Zdzislaw; editors: [Sikorski, Wladyslaw (1881 - 1943)][Jaworski, Wladyslaw L. (1865 - 1930)] - Listy Wladyslawa Sikorskiego do Wladyslawa L. Jaworskiego i Prezydium Naczelnego Komitetu Narodowego, 1914-1919
BOOKS019823I: Kozlenko, IAroslava ; & Ostrovskii, Valerii ; editors : - Stepan Bandera : Materialy do navchal'no-vykhovnykh zanyat'
BOOKS026751I: Kozlowski, Józef - Proletariacka Mloda Polska : sztuki plastyczne i ich twórcy w zyciu proletariatu polskiego 1878-1914
BOOKS001525I: Kozlowski, Jan - Szkice o dziejach Biblioteki Zaluskich
BOOKS023493I: Kozorog, Miha ; & Mursic, Rajko ; editors: - Sounds of Attraction : Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Popular Music
BOOKS010323I: Kozulin, Alex ; Gindin, Boris; Ageyev, Vladimir S.; & Miller, Suzanne M.; editors: - Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context
BOOKS021104I: Krabbe, Knud Haraldsen [1885-1961] - Studies on the Morphogenesis of the Brain in Reptiles
BOOKS026260I: Krabbe, Thora Alvilde Christiane - Thora Alvilde Christiane Krabbe født Elmquist
BOOKS011533I: Krabbe, Knud H. [Krabbe, Knud Haraldsen (1885-1961)] - Histologiske Undersogelser over Corpus Pineale
BOOKS020798I: Krabbe, Oluf ; editor: - Dansk Lovsamling . Aargang 1943 [bound together with same, Aargang 1944]
BOOKS017650I: Krabbe, Knud Haraldsen [1885-1961] - Studies on the Morphogenesis of the Brain in some Amphibia, Ascaphus, Rana, Nectophrynoides
BOOKS003737I: Kracauer, Siegfried [1889-1966] - Jacques Offenbach and the Paris of his Time
BOOKS018362I: Kradin, Richard L. - The Herald Dream : An Approach to the Initial Dream in Psychotherapy
BOOKS003078I: Kraemer, Erik v., editor: - Huit miracles de Gautier de Coinci. Edites d'apres le manuscrit de Leningrad (Bibl. Publ.,fr.F.v. XIV.9)
BOOKS010045I: Kraemer, Erik v. [Sundwall, J.] [ Zilliacus, Henrik] [Kerkkonen, Gunvor] [Jansson, Jan-Magnus] - Les maladies designees par le nom d'un saint [bound together with 4 other monographs & short papers]
BOOKS013385I: Kraemer, Erik von [Widnas, Maria] - Les quinze signes de jugement dernier: Poeme anonyme de la fin du XIIe...[bound together with: "Les synaxaires slavo-russes...
BOOKS006764I: Kraemer, Erik v. - Le type du faux mendiant dans les litteratures romanes depuis le moyen age jusqu'au XVIIe siecle
BOOKS016277I: Kraemer, Joel L. ; translator: [Tabari, 838?-923 AD] - The History of al-Tabari : Volume XXXIV: Incipient Decline
BOOKS001580I: Kraemer, Erik v., editor: - 'De la bonne enpereris qui garda loiaument sen mariage', miracle mis en vers par Gautier de Coinci. Edition critique
BOOKS003445I: Kraemer, Erik v. ; editor : - Du clerc qui fame espousa et puis la lessa : Miracle de Gautier de Coinci publie d'apres quinze manuscrits.
BOOKS005528I: Krafft, Jacques-G. - Poesie corps et ame. Etude sur l'esthetique de la poesie suivie de quelques generalisations
BOOKS025887I: Kraft, Emma - Luftskipperen og hans Søn : Fortælling for Piger og Drenge
BOOKS030364I: Kraft, Salomon [1898-1979] - Pomorhandelen på Nordnorge under 1800-talets förra hälft
BOOKS020674I: Krag, Thomas Peter [1868-1913] - Stenbænken
BOOKS013093I: Kragelund, Patrick - Dream and Prediction in the Aeneid: A Semiotic Interpretation of the Dreams of Aeneas and Turnus
BOOKS013665I: Kraggerud, Egil - Aeneisstudien
BOOKS030032I: Krahmer, Emiel Jacques - Discourse and Presupposition
BOOKS002247I: Krain, Matthew - Repression and Accommodation in Post-Revolutionary States
BOOKS007804I: Krainer, Robert E. - Finance in a Theory of the Business Cycle: Production and Distribution in a Debt and Equity Economy
BOOKS006893I: Krajewski, Bruce - Traveling with Hermes : Hermeneutics and Rhetoric
BOOKS010904I: Krakauer, Eric L. - The Disposition of the Subject: Reading Adorno's Dialectic of Technology
BOOKS028439I: Kralik, Dietrich, Ritter von Meyrswalden [1884-1959] - Die dänische Ballade von Grimhilds Rache und die Vorgeschichte des Nibelungenliedes
BOOKS031002I: Kralik, Dietrich - Walther gegen Reinmar
BOOKS006643I: Kramar, Karl - Die Ankunft der Germanen, Litauer und Slaven aus der Urheimat am Altaj
BOOKS009849I: Kramer, Martin ; editor: - Middle Eastern Lives : The Practice of Biography and Self-Narrative
BOOKS019289I: Kramer, Jane - Whose Art Is It?
BOOKS008207I: Kramer, Lloyd S. - Threshold of a New World: Intellectuals and the Exile Experience in Paris, 1830 - 1848
BOOKS017974I: Kramer, Jack - Travels with the Celestial Dog : A Documentary
BOOKS016884I: Krämer, Dietmar - Esoterische Therapien 1 : Neue Therapien mit Ätherischen Ölen und Edelsteinen in Verbindung mit Bach-Blüten-Hautzonen
BOOKS016881I: Krämer, Dietmar - Esoterische Therapien, 2 : Neue Therapien mit Farben, Klängen und Metallen; Diagnose und Behandlung der Chakren
BOOKS016213I: Kramer, Edna Ernestine [1902- 19??] - The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics
BOOKS004835I: Kramer, Victor A., editor: - American Critics at Work: Examinations of Contemporary Literary Theories
BOOKS002420I: Kramer, Fritz - The Red Fez : Art and Spirit Possession in Africa
BOOKS013050I: Kramer, Fritz W. [1941 - ] - Literature among the Cuna Indians
BOOKS003553I: Kramer, Christoffel - Electrische Ladingen aan Berijpte Oppervlakken. En Hun Betekenis voor het Onstaan van Onweders
BOOKS027244I: Kramer, P. ; & Rieckers, A. ; editors: - Group Theoretical Methods in Physics : Sixth International Colloquium Tübingen 1977
BOOKS012998I: Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXVIII : I : 1974
BOOKS028704I: Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatische Studien / Études asiatiques XXVI - 1972
BOOKS019907I: Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXVII : 2 : 1973
BOOKS019981I: Kramers, Robert P. ; May, Jacques ; & Ouwehand, Cornelius ; editors : - Asiatischen Studien / Études asiatiques : Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde : XXVII : I : 1973
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