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BOOKS012960I: Grivans, Hugo Maksimilians [1901-19??] - Pie dzives vartiem
BOOKS031591I: Grizas, Gytis ; Vasiliauskas, Ernestas ; Griciuviene, Egle ; & Adomenas, Mantas - Seliai ..,./ The Selonians : Baltic Archaeological Exhibition : Catalogue
BOOKS009458I: Grmek, Mirko D.; editor: - Western Medical Thought From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
BOOKS006240I: Gröber, Gustav [1844-1911] ; editor : [ Baist, Gottfried ; et al. ] - Grundriss der romanischen Philologie : I. Band : Geschichte und Aufgabe der romanischen Philologie..,.
BOOKS007326I: Gröber, Gustav [1844-1911] ; editor : [ Baist, Gottfried ; et al. ] - Grundriss der romanischen Philologie : II. Band , 1. Abteilung : Romanische Sprachkunst ; Romanische Verslehre ..,.
BOOKS028685I: Groc, Gérard ; & Caglar, Ibrahim ; editors : - La presse francaise de Turquie de 1795 à nos jours : histoire et catalogue
BOOKS007456I: Groch, Juraj ; et al. - Riport o neznej revolucii
BOOKS007921I: Grodzinsky, Yosef - Theoretical Perspectives on Language Deficits
BOOKS020096I: Grodzinsky, Yosef ; & Amunts, Katrin ; editors: - Broca's Region
BOOKS027284I: Groeneveld, K. O. ; Meckbach, W. ; & Sellin, I. A. ; editors : - Forward Electron Ejection in Ion Collisions : Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Physics Institute, University of Aarhus.,.,
BOOKS003416I: Groeneveld, Robbert Coenraad - An Analysis of Chromospheric Emission Lines at the 1962 Eclipse
BOOKS024464I: Groenewold, Gabriele - Ich und kein Ende : der Mythos von Oedipus und der Sphinx
BOOKS015433I: Grof, Stanislav - The Adventure of Self-discovery: Dimensions of Consciousness and New Perspectives in Psychotherapy and Inner Exploration
BOOKS013525I: Grof, Stanislav [1931 - ] - Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy
BOOKS026302I: Groh, Gyula - Atomrombolas elematalakitas
BOOKS011186I: Grohshennig, Max - Joen Pedersens Agnatiske Descendenter
BOOKS015836I: Grolier, Maurice J. - Bibliography of Terrestrial Impact Structures
BOOKS027405I: Grøn, Ole ; Krag, Anne Hedeager +; & Bennike, Pia - Vikingetidsgravpladser på Langeland
BOOKS022831I: Grønbæk, Jakob H. - Die Geschichte vom Aufstieg Davids (1. Sam. 15-2. Sam. 5) : Tradition und Komposition
BOOKS026355I: Grønbech, Kaare [1901-1957] - Mongolian in Tibetan Script [together with one other offprint]
BOOKS014079I: Grondin, Jean - Sources of Hermeneutics
BOOKS025055I: Grondin, Jean - Von Heidegger zu Gadamer : unterwegs zur Hermeneutik
BOOKS019528I: Gronegger, Thomas - Das Ricetto der Biblioteca Laurenziana : Eine Rekonstruktion des Projekts von Tribolo und ein neuer Vorschlag für ..,.
BOOKS030660I: Grøngaard Jeppesen, Torben - Middelalderlandsbyens opståen : kontinuitet og brud i den fynske agrarbebyggelse mellem yngre jernalder og tidlig middelalder
BOOKS022363I: Grøngaard Jeppesen, Torben - Middelalderlandsbyens opståen : kontinuitet og brud i den fynske agrarbebyggelse mellem yngre jernalder og tidlig middelalder
BOOKS031159I: Groningen, B.A. (Bernhard Abraham) van - La composition littéraire archaïque grecque : Procédés et réalisations
BOOKS025661I: Udvaklget for Samfundsforskning i Grønland - Befolkningssituationen i Vestgrønland : bebyggelsespolitik og befolkningsudvikling
BOOKS024843I: Meddelelser om Grønland - 8 short monographs from "The Scoresby Sound Committee's 2nd East Greenland Expedition in 1932 to King Christian's Land
BOOKS030537I: Grønnesby, Geir - Helleristningene på Skatval : ritualer og sosial struktur
BOOKS031731I: Grønnow, Bjarne ; & Jensen, Jens Fog - The Northernmost Ruins of the Globe : Eigil Knuth's Archaeological Investigations in Peary Land and Adjacent Areas .,.
BOOKS008318I: Gronnum, Nina - The Groundworks of Danish Intonation: An Introduction
BOOKS021123I: Gronstedt, Anders - The Customer Century : Lessons from World Class Companies in Integrated Communications
BOOKS008283I: Gröntved, Johs. - Botanische Untersuchungen auf der Insel Dago (Hiiumaa) : Ein Beitrag zur Flora Estlands
BOOKS025412I: Grøntved, P. ; Larsen, Evald ; Pihl, Stefan ; & Sørensen, Bent Møller - En naturhistorisk undersøgelse af Omø i Storebælt
BOOKS019499I: Grøntved, Julius ; & Seidenfaden, Gunnar - The Phytoplankton of the Waters West of Greenland [ The Godthaab Expedition 1928 ]
BOOKS006849I: Grønvold, Didrik Hegermann [1855-1928] - Af Kopistens Papirer
BOOKS022199I: Grönwall, Karl Axel Anders - Nordöstra Skånes kaolin- och kritbildningar samt deras praktiska användning
BOOKS017353I: Groodt-Adant, Juliette de [1892-1964] - Geschichte des französischen Einflusses in Syrien (Histoire de l’influence française en Syrie)
BOOKS006918I: Groombridge, Brian ; & Luxmoore, R. A. - Pythons in South-east Asia : A Review of Distribution, Status, and Trade in Three Selected Species
BOOKS007658I: Groos, Arthur - Romancing the Grail : Genre, Science, and Quest in Wolfram's Parzival
BOOKS006640I: De Groot, J.J.M. - Die Hunnen der vorchristlichen Zeit. Chinesische Urkunden zur Geschichte Asiens. 1.Teil [bound together with: (same), 2. Teil]
BOOKS004326I: Groot, Johan Jacob - Sedimentation in Coastal Plain of Delaware in Relation to Peneplanation in Appalachian Region.A Paleogeographical Investigation.
BOOKS003311I: Groot, Robert de - Quantitative Analyses of Pediments & Fluvial Terraces applied to the Basin of Monforte de Lemos, Galicia, N.W.Spain
BOOKS030192I: Groseth, Lars - Å finne sted : økonomiske og rituelle landskap i Telemark i sen-neolitikum og bronsealder
BOOKS013913I: Gross, Alan G. ; & Keith, William M.; editors: - Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science
BOOKS019413I: Gross, Zygmunt ; & Gross, Felix - Socjologja partji politycznej
BOOKS019244I: Gross, Ruth T. ; Spiker, Donna ; & Haynes, Christine W. ; editors: - Helping Low Birth Weight, Premature Babies : The Infant Health and Development Program
BOOKS013391I: Gross, Hans ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik : Band 54, 1. und 2. Heft [1913]
BOOKS008282I: Gross, Babette - Willi Munzenberg: Eine politische Biographie
BOOKS017448I: Gross, Gustav [1856- 1935] - Karl Marx : Eine Studie
BOOKS024189I: Gross, Hans ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik : Band 58, 3. und 4. Heft [1914]
BOOKS004295I: Gross, Grancis L.,Jr. & Gross, Toni Perior - The Making of a Mystic. Seasons in the Life of Teresa of Avila
BOOKS003456I: Gross, John; editor: - After Shakespeare: An Anthology
BOOKS001981I: Gross, Gunter - Zur Geschichte der Gerberei in Sachsen
BOOKS000576I: Grossberg, Michael ; & Tomlins, Christopher L. ; editors: - The Cambridge History of Law in America. Volume III: The Twentieth Century and After (1920 - )
BOOKS022035I: Grossberg, Michael ; & Tomlins, Christopher L. ; editors: - The Cambridge History of Law in America. Volume I: Early America (1580-1815)
BOOKS022036I: Grossberg, Michael ; & Tomlins, Christopher L. ; editors: - The Cambridge History of Law in America. Volume II: The Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1920)
BOOKS013637I: Grosse, Rudolf; Blum, Siegfried; & Götz, Heinrich - Beiträge zur Bedeutungserschliessung im althochdeutschen Wortschatz
BOOKS019584I: Grosse, Johannes - Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, der Entdecker der Ursache des Kindbett-Fiebers : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medicin
BOOKS000662I: Grosshans, Henry - Hitler and the Artists
BOOKS013381I: Grossi, Vincenzo [1860 - 1913] - Lingue, letteratura, e tradizioni popolari degl’ indigeni d’America. Parte I: (Eschimesi, Pelli-Rosse, Messicani)
BOOKS028417I: Grossing, Franz Rudolph von [1752-1817] - Freymüthiger Briefwechsel zwischen einem Reichsbürger und Landmanne über Teutschlands jezige Angelegenheiten ... 1. - 2. Heft
BOOKS018246I: Grossinger, Richard; editor: - An Olson-Melville Sourcebook : Volume II: The Mediterranean : Eurasia
BOOKS009783I: Grosz, Katarzyna - The Archive of the Wullu Family
BOOKS024131I: Grote, Ludwig [1893-1974] - Die Tucher : Bildnis einer Patrizierfamilie
BOOKS029033I: Grothe, Hugo [1869-1954] - Auf türkischer Erde : Reisebilder und Studien
BOOKS028638I: Grothusen, Klaus Detlev ; editor : - Die Türkei in Europa : Beiträge des Südosteuropa-Arbeitskreises der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft zum IV. Internationalen..,.
BOOKS027801I: Grothusen, Klaus-Detlev ; editor : [ Südosteuropa-Arbeitskreis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ] - Albanien [ Südosteuropa-Handbuch Band VII ]
BOOKS004275I: Grotnik, Casimir J., compiler & editor: - Synods of the Polish National Catholic Church 1904 - 1958./ Synody Polskiego Narodowego...
BOOKS009273I: Grottanelli, Vinigi L. - The Python Killer: Stories of Nzema Life
BOOKS026180I: Internationalist Communist Group - Al-Mitraqah : majallah shuyu'iyyah thawriyyah li umum al-mintaqah al-'Arabiyyah [No. 3, Avril-Septembre 1986]
BOOKS011040I: Classical Numismatic Group - Triton XV : The BCD Collection of the Coinage of Thessaly
BOOKS028885I: Groupe de recherche sur la mémoire du nord du Maroc, Jami'at 'Abd al-Malik al-Sa'di, Kulliyat al-Adab bi-Titwan - Aspects de la mémoire de Tanger et de Tétouan : actes du colloque (18-20 février 1993)
BOOKS010603I: Grousset, Rene - The Sum of History
BOOKS009387I: Grousset, Rene - In the Footsteps of the Buddha
BOOKS015322I: Grousset, René [1885 - 1952] - The Empire of the Steppes: History of Central Asia
BOOKS028300I: Grove, Peter - Deutungen des Subjekts : Schleiermachers Philosophie der Religion
BOOKS025694I: Grove, Carl Frederik, Fyringeniør [1822-1883] - Havets ødelæggende Virkning paa Danmarks Kyster og Midlerne, som bør anvendes derimod
BOOKS019702I: Grove, Richard H. - Green Imperialism : Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600-1860
BOOKS002748I: Grover, S.P. & Nanda, J.K. - Rickshaw Pullers of Chandigarh - A Special Survey
BOOKS002710I: Grover, S.P. - Survey Report on Village Kaimbwala
BOOKS002771I: Grover, S.P. - Town Survey Report : Mani Majra
BOOKS009045I: Grozinger, Karl Erich - Kafka and Kabbalah
BOOKS012650I: Grua, Gaston [1903-1955] - La justice humaine selon Leibniz
BOOKS027598I: Grube, Guilielmus [ Grube, Wilhelm Feodorowitsch ] - De tumoribus quibusdam benignis in nasi superficie obviis eumque deformantibus / scripsit Guilielmus Grube
BOOKS030497I: Gruber, Johannes - Lassalle : Drama
BOOKS009163I: Gruber, William E. - Comic Theaters: Studies in Performance and Audience Response
BOOKS018576I: Gruber, Jacob W.; editor: - The Philadelphia Anthropological Society: Papers Presented on Its Golden Anniversary
BOOKS012153I: Gruber, Nicolas & Keeling, Charles D. - Seasonal Carbon Cycling in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda
BOOKS021713I: Grubeshlieva-Balina, Mariia [1900-1970] [ Balina, Mariia Grubeshlieva ] [ Grubeshlieva, Mariia ] - Khliabu i vino : stikhotvoreniia
BOOKS012422I: Gruemmer, Gerhard [Grummer, Gerhard] - Die gegenseitige Beeinflussung hoeherer Pflanzen, Allelopathie
BOOKS007558I: Grugel, Jean - Politics & Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America & the Caribbean in the New World Order
BOOKS013136I: Gruhn, Isebill V. - Regionalism Reconsidered: The Economic Commission for Africa
BOOKS000286I: Grujic, Vladimir - Skolsko reformatorski rad J. St. Popovica u Srbiji 1840-1848 : pedagosko-istoriska studija
BOOKS029733I: Grum-Schwensen, Arne - Slægten Schwensen fra Gl. Haderslev : Stamtavle og biografiske Data ..,.
BOOKS003826I: Grum, Carl Chr. - Fremstilling af Sognepraesten til Frederiksberg og Hvidovre Menigheder,Herr Hof-Praedikand S.Schiodtes Forhold i Injurie Sagen..
BOOKS012057I: Grun, Anastastus [Gruen, Anastastus] [pseudonym of Auersperg, Anton (1806-1876)] - Nibelungen im frack. Ein gedicht
BOOKS024483I: Grünbaum, Adolf - Psychoanalyse in wissenschaftstheoretischer Sicht : zum Werk Sigmund Freuds und seiner Rezeption
BOOKS021227I: Grünberg, Karl - Studien zur österreichischen Agrargeschichte und Agrarpolitik, I
BOOKS006234I: Grunberger, Richard - Red Rising in Bavaria
BOOKS027947I: Grund, Alfred [ Strnadt, Julius ] - Beiträge zur Geschichte der hohen Gerichtsbarkeit in Niederösterreich [bound together with: "Inviertel und Mondseeland" ]
BOOKS003190I: Grundtvig, Johan [Grundtvig, Johan Diderik Nicolai Blicher (1822-1907)] [& Schiern, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus (1816-1882)] - Den Romerske Revolution 1848-49 [bound together with 2 other books]
BOOKS029532I: Grundtvig, Johan Diderik Nicolai Blicher [1822-1907] - Belysning til striden om Peder Oxe
BOOKS029531I: Grundtvig, Johan Diderik Nicolai Blicher [1822-1907] - Peder Oxes Finantsbestyrelse : et Forsvar mod Dr Troels Lund
BOOKS020262I: Grunebaum, Gustave Edmund von [1909-1972] ; editor: - Studies in Islamic Cultural History
BOOKS028290I: Grünert, Max Theodor [1849-1929] - Die Begriffsverstärkung durch das Etymon im Altarabischen
BOOKS031301I: Grünfeld, Arnold - Die Lehre vom göttlichen Willen bei den jüdischen Religionsphilosophen des Mittelalters von Saadja bis Maimûni
BOOKS018160I: Grunnet, Kai - Salmonella in Sewage and Receiving Waters : Assessment of Health Hazards due to Microbially Polluted Waters
BOOKS027942I: Grünwald, Claudia - Zeitliche Organisations- und Belastungsstruktur handwerklicher Arbeit
BOOKS028291I: Grunzel, Josef - Die Vocalharmonie der altaischen Sprachen
BOOKS022060I: Grupen, Claus ; Shwartz, Boris A. ; & Spieler, Helmuth - Particle Detectors - Second Edition
BOOKS020351I: Gruys, Albert - Cartusiana : un instrument heuristique..,.: [Volume I]: Bibliographie générale. Auteurs cartusiens
BOOKS020352I: Gruys, Albert - Cartusiana : un instrument heuristique..,.: [Volume II]: Maisons
BOOKS029637I: Gruzenberg, S.O. (Semen Osipovich) [1876-19??] ; editor : - Nauchno-literaturnyi sbornik "Budushchnosti" : prilozhenie k ezhenedielnomu izdaniiu : t. I - 1900
BOOKS023191I: Grynberg, Henryk - Pomnik nad Potomakiem
BOOKS021214I: Grzegorzewski, Jan [1845-1922] - Ku Czarnomorzu : zarys baltycko-czarnomorskiej dynamiki ludow
BOOKS017011I: Gschliesser, Oswald von - Die nationale Einheitsbewegung in Deutschtirol im Jahre 1848
BOOKS028513I: Gstrein, Heinz - Fortschritt ohne Klassenkampf : Arabischer Sozialismus
BOOKS012504I: Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu Guyuan bo wu guan - Guyuan Bei Wei mu qi guan hua
BOOKS016168I: Zhong gong zhong yang dang shi zi liao zheng ji wei yuan hui / Zhong yang dang an guan (China) - Zunyi hui yi wen xian / Zhong gong zhong yang dang shi zi liao zheng ji wei yuan hui, Zhong yang dang an guan bian
BOOKS009636I: Guardino, Peter F. - Peasants, Politics and the Formation of Mexico's National State: Guerrero, 1800-1857
BOOKS021335I: Guarducci, Margherita - La tomba di Pietro : notizie antiche e nuove scoperte
BOOKS022180I: Guba, Egon G. ; & Lincoln, Yvonna S. - Fourth Generation Evaluation
BOOKS014084I: Gubar, Susan ; & Kamholtz, Jonathan ; editors: - English Inside and Out: Places of Literary Criticism
BOOKS011910I: Gubar, Susan - Critical Condition: Feminism at the Turn of the Century
BOOKS006812I: Gubbannavar, Shivanand - Political Ideas of Hardekar Manjappa
BOOKS017718I: Gubbay, Lucien - Sunlight and Shadow : The Jewish Experience of Islam
BOOKS016376I: Gubbins, David - Time Series Analysis and Inverse Theory for Geophysicists
BOOKS009607I: Guberman, Igor' ; & Okun', Aleksandr - Putevoditel' po strane sionckikh mudretsov
BOOKS008006I: Gubern Salisachs, Santiago - La ruptura de promesa matrimonial y la seduccion de la mujer ante el derecho y la Ley
BOOKS030415I: Gubler, Adolphe [ Gubler, Adolphe-Marie (1821-1879)] - De la coloration noirâtre des centres nerveux chez les individus de race blanche, remarquables par l'abondance du pigment ..,.
BOOKS028583I: Güclü, Yücel - The Question of the Sanjak of Alexandretta : A Study in Turkish-French-Syrian Relations
BOOKS002653I: Gudmundson Kristjanson, Lowell Wayne - Estratificacion socio-racial y economica de Costa Rica: 1700-1850
BOOKS005016I: Gudmundson, Lowell - Costa Rica Before Coffee. Society and Economy on the Eve of the Export Boom
BOOKS029676I: Gudmundsson, Gunnar - Epilepsy in Iceland : A Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation
BOOKS006480I: Gueldner, Sarah Hall - A Study of the Relationship between Imposed Motion & Human Field Motion in Elderly Individuals Living in Nursing Homes
BOOKS003214I: Guelmino, Djordje - Problem malariji u Srbiji
BOOKS009937I: Guenin, Louis M. - The Morality of Embryo Use
BOOKS014083I: Guenon, Rene - The Multiple States of Being
BOOKS013937I: Guenther, Herbert V. - Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained: Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet
BOOKS013374I: Guenthner, Franz; & Guenthner-Reutter, M.; editors: - Meaning and Translation : Philosophical and Linguistic Approaches
BOOKS020890I: Guercio, Antonio del - Koray Aris
BOOKS009706I: Guerin, M. Victoria - The Fall of Kings and Princes: Structure and Destruction in Arthurian Tragedy
BOOKS008238I: Guérin, Amand - Bretagne
BOOKS006669I: Guérin, Léonce - Dernière lettre de Guillaume à Augusta
BOOKS027762I: Guérin, Maurice de [1810-1839] [ Trébutien, Guillaume Stanislas (1800-1870); editor: ] [ Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin ] - Journal, lettres et poèmes. Publiés avec l’assentiment de sa famille
BOOKS006445I: Guerlac, Suzanne - The Impersonal Sublime: Hugo, Baudelaire, Lautreamont
BOOKS010490I: Gueronniere, Alfred de la, Comte - L'homme de Sedan
BOOKS009179I: Guerrero, Emilio Constantino [1870-19??] - Sangre Patria
BOOKS006859I: Guerrero Navarette, Yolanda & Sanchez Benito, Jose Maria - Cuenca en la baja edad media : un sistema de poder urbano
BOOKS015055I: Organisation of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas (Minority) - New Epoch : Organ of the Organisation of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas (Minority) - Abroad Committee. Vol. 1, No. 2 [1988]
BOOKS017975I: Guershoon, Andrew - Certain Aspects of Russian Proverbs
BOOKS007551I: Guest, Stephen - Ronald Dworkin
BOOKS030112I: Guevara, Ernesto "Che - Den prepei nanai to Vietnam Monaxo ston agona
BOOKS006898I: Guèye, Youssouf - A l'orée du Sahel : Nouvelles
BOOKS014414I: Guggenbühl-Craig, Adolf - From the Wrong Side : A Paradoxical Approach to Psychology
BOOKS028385I: Guglia, Eugen - Studien zur Geschichte des V. Lateranconcils (1512-1517)
BOOKS028386I: Guglia, Eugen - Studien zur Geschichte des V. Lateranconcils : Neue Folge
BOOKS025500I: Guha, Amalendu - The Economy of Afghanistan during Amanullah's Reign, 1919-1929
BOOKS023494I: Guha, Saumen ; editor: - Battle of Archana Guha Case Against Torture in Police Custody : Arguments, Counter-arguments and Judgement at the Trial Court
BOOKS016786I: Guha, Ranajit - History at the Limit of World-history
BOOKS014301I: Gui, Benedetto & Sugden, Robert ; editors: - Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations
BOOKS020417I: Guicciardini, Francesco [1483-1540] - Maxims and Reflections (Ricordi)
BOOKS028138I: Guichard, P. ; Lorcin, M.-T. ; Poisson, J.-M. ; & Rubellin, M. ; editors : - Papauté, monachisme et théories politiques : études d'histoire médiévale offertes à Marcel Pacaut, I - II [Two Volumes]
BOOKS000953I: Guignard, Alfred - De la suppression des octrois et de leur remplacement, suivi d'un résumé des taxes communales établies en Belgique
BOOKS017247I: Guignon, Charles B. ; & Hiley, David R. ; editors: - Richard Rorty
BOOKS021717I: Guilaine, Louis - L'Amérique latine et l'impérialisme américain
BOOKS007222I: Guilcher, Andre - Coastal and Submarine Morphology
BOOKS009357I: [Byron, George Gordon Noel] Guiliano, Cheryl Fallon; editor - Lord Byron: Volume XI: Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte and Don Juan Canto VIII and Stanzas from III and IX...
BOOKS029244I: Gruppe James Guillaume - Libertäre Blätter : No. 8 : März 1974
BOOKS031028I: Gruppe J. Guillaume - Anarchistische Blätter Nr. 5
BOOKS029754I: Guillemain, J. ; & Landa, L. - Matériaux d'archéologie & d'histoire par MM. les archéologues de Saone-et-Loire et des departements limitrophes : No. III
BOOKS006428I: Guillemin, Jeanne - Urban Renegades. The Cultural Strategy of American Indians
BOOKS010517I: Guilleminet, Paul - Coutumier de la tribu Bahnar des Sedang et des Jarai de la province de Kontum. Tome I & II
BOOKS012434I: Guillen i Fernandez, Empar [Segarra, Pere (1858-1942)] - El Manuscrit de Pere Segarra: recull historic d’Ivars d’Urgell i diari de l’autor, 1932-1938
BOOKS022606I: Guillén y Tato, Julio F. [1897-1972] - Noticia de un atlas inédito de Diego Homen (1561)
BOOKS005597I: Guillerme, Andre E. - The Age of Water : The Urban Environment in the North of France, A.D. 300 - 1800
BOOKS031605I: Guillermet, Fanny - Autour de la grève générale : Quelques notes d'une Genevoise
BOOKS014935I: le Guilloux, Patrice - Le conte du naufragé : (Papyrus Ermitage 1115) ; texte hiéroglyphique, transcription et traduction commentée
BOOKS005470I: Guimaraes, Venancio - A Questao da Leba.,..
BOOKS019753I: Musée Guimet (Paris, France) - Symbolisme cosmique et monuments religieux : [expostition] juillet 1953, Musée Guimet, Paris.
BOOKS005303I: Guimond, Serge ; editor: - Social Comparison and Social Psychology: Understanding Cognition, Intergroup Relations, and Culture
BOOKS012499I: Le Guin, Charles A. - Roland de la Platiere: A Public Servant in the Eighteenth Century
BOOKS007712I: [Equatorial Guinea] Gobierno General de los Territorios Espanoles del Golfo de Guinea - Anuario estadistica de los Territorios Espanoles del Golfo de Guinea 1942 y 1943
BOOKS022795I: Werkgroep Nieuw Guinea (Deventer) - Papua's slachtoffer van grof spel
BOOKS004106I: Guiton, Margaret - La Fontaine. Poet & Counterpoet
BOOKS018263I: Guizard, A., capitaine au 117e bataillon. - Le Réquisitoire contre Trochu, Favre et consorts formulé d'après les documents officiels : Histoire militaire et politique ..,.
BOOKS023859I: Guizot, Francois - Historical Essays and Lectures
BOOKS006776I: Government of Gujarat - Report of the Commission of Inquiry (Shri Justice R.B. Mehta) on Police Firings at Dohad District Panch Mahals..,.12th July 1960
BOOKS002403I: Gulati, Leela - Fisherwomen on the Kerala Coast : Demographic & Socio-economic Impact of a Fisheries Development Project
BOOKS022195I: Gulbrandsen, Johan Magnus - Research Quality and Organisational Factors : An Investigation of the Relationship
BOOKS030064I: Guldberg, Gustav Adolph [1854-1908] - Die Menschenknochen des Osebergschiffs aus dem jüngeren Eisenalter : eine anatomisch-anthropologische Untersuchung
BOOKS031765I: Gule, Lars - Social Development and Political Progress in Two Traditions : A Conceptual and Comparative Analysis of Western and Arab-Islamic
BOOKS012193I: Gülensoy, Tuncer - Kutahya ve yoresi agizlari : inceleme, metinler, sozluk
BOOKS027583I: Gülke, Carl - Verlauf und Verknöcherung der Stirnnaht
BOOKS009343I: Gullace, Giovanni - Gabriele D'Annunzio in France: A Study in Cultural Relations
BOOKS014871I: Gullberg, Kurt ; editor : - Järnåldern i Mittnorden : ett symposium kring nya arkeologiska och ekologiska forskningsrön
BOOKS002905I: Gullestrup, Hans - Community Development in Western Samoa. Survey of a Project Form & Its Implementation
BOOKS028329I: Gullick, J. M. - Kuala Lumpur, 1880-1895 : A City in the Making
BOOKS029638I: Gullo, Salvatore - Das Tempo in der Musik des XIII. und XIV. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS013632I: Gulløv, Hans Christian ; & Kapel, Hans - Haabetz Colonie, 1721-1728: A Historical-Archaeological Investigation of the Danish-Norwegian Colonization of Greenland
BOOKS024624I: Gulløv, Hans Christian - From Middle Ages to Colonial Times : Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Studies of the Thule Culture in South West Greenland ..,
BOOKS010398I: Gulpaygani, Lutfullah Safi - Discussions Concerning Al-Mahdi / Written by Ayatullah al-'Uzma Hajj Shaykh Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani
BOOKS020689I: Gulrudbari, Sattarpur Ibrahim - Dunya-yi marmuz-i jinn
BOOKS028667I: Gülsoy, Ufuk - Hicaz demiryolu
BOOKS005901I: Gumpel, Liselotte - Metaphor Reexamined : A Non-Aristotelian Perspective
BOOKS021064I: Gumpert, Carl - Fränkisches Mesolithikum : Die steinzeitliche Besiedlung der fränkischen Rezat und oberen Altmühl im Tardenoisien
BOOKS009334I: Gumperz, John J. [Dil, Anwar S.; editor:] - Language in Social Groups. Essays by John J. Gumperz. Selected and Introduced by Anwar S. Dil
BOOKS017509I: Gunaji, Nagesh Vasudev - Shri Sai Satcharita : Or, The Wonderful Life and Teachings of Shri Sai Baba..,.
BOOKS018415I: Gunaratana, Henepola - Mindfulness in Plain English
BOOKS026896I: Gunaratnagani [ Parikha, Vasanta ; editor: ] - Tarkatarangini / Gunaratnaganikrta ; sampadaka Vasanta Ji. Parikha
BOOKS031274I: Gunasinghe, Newton - Saarbu mandala muthalaaliththuvam
BOOKS031232I: Gunathilaka, Samson - 71 mathaka suvanda
BOOKS013123I: Gunatilleke, Godfrey - The Ethnic Dimensions of Socio-economic Development
BOOKS008235I: Gunda, Béla - Ethnographica Carpathica
BOOKS003349I: Gundermann, Iselin - Untersuchungen zum Gebetbuchlein der Herzogin Dorothea von Preussen
BOOKS020577I: Gunderson, Erik - Declamation, Paternity, and Roman Identity : Authority and the Rhetorical Self
BOOKS024917I: Gundry, Mark R. - Beyond Psyche : Symbol and Transcendence in C.G. Jung
BOOKS001530I: Gune, Vithal Trimbak - The Judicial System of the Marathas : A Detailed Study of the Judicial Institutions in Maharashtra from 1600- 1818 A.D....
BOOKS011017I: Guneratne, Katharine Bjork - In the Circle of the Dance: Notes of an Outsider in Nepal
BOOKS026721I: Gunnarsson, Ewa ; Andersson, Susanne ; Rosell, Annika Vänje ; Lehto, Arja ; & Salminen-Karlsson, Minna ; editors : - Where Have All the Structures Gone? : Doing Gender in Organisations, Examples from Finland, Norway and Sweden
BOOKS023035I: Elín Gunnlaugsdóttir - Composition and Dynamical Status of Heathland Communities in Iceland in Relation to Recovery Measures
BOOKS025160I: Guntel, Christian Nikolai - Slægten Guntels Slægtoptegnelser og udgiveren Christian Nikolia Guntels erindringer
BOOKS024018I: Günther, Robert ; editor : - Musikkulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens im 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS031361I: Günther, Emil - Geist und Herz des österreichischen Soldaten : ihr Studium und ihre Pflege / von einem k. k. Officier
BOOKS030907I: Günther, Otto [1861-1922] - Avellana-Studien
BOOKS027288I: Gunton, J. D. ; & Droz, M. - Introduction to the Theory of Metastable and Unstable States
BOOKS023410I: Gupta, Rumi - Devi-devataom ke astra-sastra
BOOKS018747I: Gupta, Parmeshwari Lal ; & Srivastava, Sarojini [ Bharat Kala Bhavan ] - Gupta Gold Coins
BOOKS030516I: Das Gupta, Bhanoo Bhushon [1896-19??] - Paper Currency in India
BOOKS007330I: Gupta, Shashi Prabha - Demographic Differentials Among the Rajputs and the Jats . A Socio-Biological Study of Rural Haryana
BOOKS002302I: Gupta, Asim Kumar - Physical, Mental & Social Fundamentals of Ancient Indian & Chinese Medicine
BOOKS002910I: Gupta, Sisir - Kashmir : A Study in India- Pakistan Relations
BOOKS002802I: Das Gupta, Charu Chandra - Origin & Evolution of Indian Clay Sculpture
BOOKS010538I: Gupta, B.S. - Guru Tegh Bahadur : A Study
BOOKS010346I: Das-Gupta, Arindam & Mookherhee, Dilip - Incentives and Institutional Reform in Tax Enforcement: An Analysis of Developing Country Experience
BOOKS009016I: Gupta, Motilal; editor: - Pratapa-Raso of Jachika Jivana
BOOKS009015I: Gupta, Motilal ; editor: - Matsya Pradesh Ki Hindi Sahitya Ko Den
BOOKS007567I: Gupta, Motilal; editor: - Govinda-Nandadhan
BOOKS007550I: Gupta, Saroj - Seasonal Variations in Body Fluids and Electrolytes
BOOKS006720I: Gupta, Bhupesh - Masterpiece of Left Opportunism : Critique of CPM Draft Political Resolution
BOOKS006694I: Gupta, Dipankar - Nativism in a Metropolis: Shiv Sena in Bombay
BOOKS006395I: Gupta, Shiva Kumar - Marriage Among the Anglo-Indians
BOOKS023425I: Gupta, Badlu Ram - The Aggarwals : A Socio-economic Study
BOOKS002664I: Gupta, A.P.; editor: - Morphogenetic Hormones of Arthropods, Volume 1, Part 2: Embryonic and Post Embryonic Sources
BOOKS022255I: Gupta, Hargovinda - Betava
BOOKS014930I: Gupta, Jyoti Sen - Eclipse of East Pakistan : Chronicles of Events Since Birth of East Pakistan till October, 1963
BOOKS004730I: Gupta, Raghuraj - Hindu Muslim Relations
BOOKS000928I: Gupta, Rakesh - Bihar Peasantry and the Kisan Sabha (1936-1947)
BOOKS000742I: Gupta, Pabitra ; & Dutta, Pratap C. - Anthropometry in India (1868-1961) : A Reference Manual of Somatological Studies
BOOKS000072I: Das Gupta, Pranab Kumar - Impact of Industrialization on a Tribe in South Bihar
BOOKS000073I: Das Gupta, Pranab Kumar ; & Khan, Iar Ali - Impact of Tea Plantation Industry on the Life of Tribal Labourers
BOOKS000069I: Das Gupta, Biman K .; Basu, Arabinda; Raychaudhuri, Bikash; & Gupta ,Pabitra: editors: - Proceedings of the Symposium on Purum (Chote) Revisited
BOOKS021360I: Gupta, Anil - Empiricism and Experience
BOOKS021524I: Gupta, Bishan Kumar - Political Movements in Murshidabad, 1920-1947
BOOKS023553I: Gupta, Parmeshwari Lal [1914 -2001] - The Imperial Guptas [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS008778I: Gupte, T.V. [ Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu Social Club, Poona ] - Ethnographical Notes on Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu Compiled by Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu Social Club, Poona
BOOKS006549I: Gupte, Taramati - Gaekwad Cenotaphs
BOOKS026498I: Guraya, Muhammad Yusuf - Allama Iqbal and the Authority to Interpret Shariah in a Modern Islamic State
BOOKS014684I: Gürcan, Nedret - Bulut indi : siirler
BOOKS025146I: Gurdani, Bahadur - Iz, izmah, galiram / nivisandah, Bahadur Gurdani
BOOKS014657I: Gurji, Abu al-Qasim [Gourji, Abu'l-Qasim] - Temporary Marriage (Mut'a) in Islamic Law
BOOKS012592I: Gurney, R. J.; Foster, J. L.; & Parkinson, C. L.; editors: - Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change
BOOKS000777I: Gurney, Joseph John - Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends
BOOKS028653I: Gurney, Robert [1879-1950] ; & Lebour, Marie Victoria - Larvae of Decapod Crustacea : Part VI : The Genus Sergestes
BOOKS008137I: Guroff, Gregory; & Carstensen, Fred V.; editors: - Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union
BOOKS022696I: Gurr, Andrew ; Mulryne, Ronnie ; & Shewring, Margaret; editors: - The Design of the Globe
BOOKS020251I: Guru, Sambhu Dayala - Raigarh [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers, 12 ]
BOOKS006785I: Gurumurthy, K.G. - Kallapura. A South Indian Village
BOOKS011981I: Guscin, Mark - The History of the Sudarium of Oviedo : How It Came from Jerusalem to Northern Spain in the Seventh Century A.D.
BOOKS021007I: Guscin, Mark - The Tradition of the Image of Edessa
BOOKS020608I: Gushahgir, Ala' al-Din [ Goushegir, Aladin ] - Le combat du colombophile : jeu aux pigeons et stigmatisation sociale / Gusha' ya nabard-i kabutar'baz
BOOKS009442I: Guss, David M. - The Festive State: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism as Cultural Performance
BOOKS015526I: Guss, David M. - To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest
BOOKS016372I: Gussenhoven, Carlos - The Phonology of Tone and Intonation
BOOKS025184I: Gustafson, Birgitta ; Hagberg, Ulla ; & Ljungberg, Anders; editors: - Populär Arkeologi [a collection of 64 issues ca. 1983-1999]
BOOKS030424I: Gustafson, Lil ; Heibreen, Tom ; & Martens, Jes ; editors : - De gåtefulle kokegroper : Kokegropseminaret 31. november 2001
BOOKS017216I: Gustafson, Sandra M. - Eloquence Is Power : Oratory and Performance in Early America
BOOKS004429I: Gustafson, J. P., editor: - Gene Manipulation in Plant Improvement. 16th Stadler Genetics Symposium
BOOKS028042I: Gustafsson, Harald - Mellan kung och allmoge : ämbetsmän, beslutsprocess och inflytande på 1700-talets Island
BOOKS013081I: Gustafsson, Berndt - Kyrkoliv och Samhällsklass i Sverige omkring 1880: En kyrkohistorisk sociologisk Undersökning
BOOKS000547I: Gustavson, Anne Lotte ; & Sachs, Therese ; editors: - Themes and Theories in Migration Research : Proceedings from an International Seminar on Migration Research...,.
BOOKS022672I: Gutenbrunner, Siegfried [1906-1984] - Von Hildebrand und Hadubrand : Lied, Sage, Mythos : mit einem Anhang über "Anwendung graphischer Konstruktion auf ....
BOOKS024778I: Guth-Dreyfus, Katia - Transluzides Email in der ersten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts am Obter-, Mittel- und Niederrhein
BOOKS001189I: Guthke, Karl S., editor: - Hallers Literaturkritik
BOOKS027985I: Guthörl, Volker - Rehwildverbiss in Buchenwaldökosystemen : Untersuchungen über Informationsgehalt, Funktion und Schäden
BOOKS007639I: Guthrie, R. I. L. - Engineering in Process Metallurgy
BOOKS025407I: Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Lourdes ; & Tomás González, Conchita ; compilers: - Catalogo de dibujos y grabados de la sección de Africa y mundo arabe
BOOKS013337I: Gutkind, Curt Sigmar [1896- 1940] - Cosimo de' Medici, pater patriae, 1389-1464
BOOKS018679I: Gutkind, E.A. - Revolution of Environment
BOOKS001206I: Gutman, Daniel - Truth and Beauty
BOOKS029949I: Gutmann, Bruno [1876-1966] - Die Stammeslehren der Dschagga : Erster Band
BOOKS029948I: Gutmann, Bruno [1876-1966] - Die Stammeslehren der Dschagga : Zweiter Band
BOOKS017289I: Gutmann, Matthew C. - The Romance of Democracy : Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico
BOOKS026947I: Gutmann, Bruno [1876-1966] - Dichten und Denken der Dschagganeger : Beiträge zur ostafrikanischen Volkskunde
BOOKS011695I: Gutner, Tamar L. - Banking on the Environment: Multilateral Development Banks & Their Environmental Performance in Central & Eastern Europe
BOOKS009304I: Gutschick, Vincent P. - A Functional Biology of Crop Plants
BOOKS016533I: Gutting, Gary ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Foucault
BOOKS022844I: Guy, Josephine M. ; & Small, Ian - Politics and Value in English Studies : A Discipline in Crisis?
BOOKS016655I: Guyer, Paul - Kant and the Claims of Knowledge
BOOKS016519I: Guyer, Paul - Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics
BOOKS030086I: International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzman - The International Campaign to Defend the Life of Dr. Abimael Guzman
BOOKS005156I: Guzman, Gonzalo Martin - Aportacion al estudio del peso molecular y de la distribucion de tamanos moleculares en altos polimeros
BOOKS018910I: Guzmán Esponda, Eduardo [1891- 19??] - Sitios y figuras
BOOKS016890I: International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzman [ Martens, Rolf (1942-2008)] - A collection of 12 handbills, pamphlets, etc. ca. 1994-1996, in English, Danish, Swedish and German; most issued by Rolf Martens
BOOKS019758I: Guzman Aguilera, Antonio - Los motivos del águila : Cantos a la raza y a los héroes
BOOKS029492I: Gvaramaze, Lili - K'art'uli xalxuri koreograp'ia
BOOKS030827I: Gvazawa, Georges ; editor : - Promethée : Organe de défense nationale des peuples du Caucase, de l'Ukraine et du Turkestan: Revue mensuelle: No. 31: Juin 1929
BOOKS018122I: Gvozdetskii, Nikolai Andreevich - Soviet Geographical Explorations and Discoveries
BOOKS017347I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : [ Whalen, Philip ; & Snyder, Gary ] - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo Informationen : 2. Jahrgang : Nr. XX [1969]
BOOKS029116I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! 34 / 9.bis ende nov. 69
BOOKS029139I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo : Vol. II : Nr. 3 : Issue 21
BOOKS023144I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Jahrgang 2 / Nr. 13 / Ausgabe 31 / Ende Aug-1969
BOOKS022650I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! 53 : Märs 71
BOOKS013723I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo Informations : 2. Jahrgang / Nr. 6 / 24. Ausgabe / Ende April 1969
BOOKS029052I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! Sippenzeitung Fun Embryo Informationen : Ausgabe 38 : 7.- 28. februar 1970
BOOKS028760I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo Informationen Ausgabe 32 : 2. Jahrgang Ende Sept. bis Mitte Okt. 1969
BOOKS031628I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hoptcha! Sippen-Zeitschrift nr. 67 / 68 [1988]
BOOKS021944I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor : [Zappa, Frank ] [ Mothers of Invention ] - Alla Zappa : Festschrift anlässlich der Zark-Expo & Mothers-Konzerte in Zürich im März 1976
BOOKS028843I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor : - Hotcha! : Heisse Weinnachtsnummer 50 [1970]
BOOKS028877I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor : - Hotcha! 46 : Monsterausgabe! Kreative Sippenzeitung für Subkultur / L'Oeuf Prematureegg 7 / 8
BOOKS012923I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo Information : Nr. 41 (3. Jahrg.) : vom 18. April bis 9. Mai 1970
BOOKS023661I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! 54/55 : April 71
BOOKS028755I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Fun Embryo Informationen nr. 40 : Creative Sippenzeitung
BOOKS023658I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! Fun Embryo Information : 3. Jahrgang / 1. Nummer / Ausgabe 37 / Vom 19. januar bis 7. februar 1970
BOOKS023659I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! : Zeichen nr. 42 / Vom 16. mai bis 6. juni [1970]
BOOKS023660I: Gwerder, Urban [1944- 2017] ; editor & publisher : - Hotcha! 51 (4. Jahr) Januar MCMLXXI
BOOKS008625I: Gwyn, William B. - Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain
BOOKS000666I: Gyemant, Ladislau - Miscarea nationala a românilor din Transilvania : între anii 1790 si 1848
BOOKS028751I: Gygax, Katharina Elisabeth - Beiträge zur Geographie von Ponta Delgada, Angra do Heroismo und Horta (Azoren)
BOOKS002604I: Gyivicsan, M. Sz.; Makkai, L., et al, editors: - Bibliographie d'oeuvres choisies de la Science historique hongroise 1964-1968
BOOKS019880I: Györgyey, Klara - Arrogans alazattal
BOOKS022415I: Gysin, Marcel - Recherches géologiques et pétrographiques dans le Katanga méridional
BOOKS008277I: Haacke, Hans - Nach allen Regeln der Kunst
BOOKS000218I: van der Haak, Kees - Broadcasting in the Netherlands
BOOKS003315I: de Haan, Johan Frits - Effects of Aerosols on the Brightness & Polarization of Cloudless Planetary Atmospheres
BOOKS018706I: Haan, W. de ; Schouten, C. ; & Matthijsen, P. M. - Monografie van de ertsafzettingen te Mangani (Sumatra) op de concessies der Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Aequator
BOOKS012964I: Haarder, Andreas; Piø, Iørn; Schrder, Reinhold; & Sørensen, Preben Meulengracht; editors: - The Medieval Legacy: A Symposium
BOOKS001902I: Haaren, Jozef Pieter Maria van - Anaemia & Work Capacity in African Industrial Workers of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
BOOKS016873I: Haarh, Erik, compiler: - A Limbu-English Glossary
BOOKS009845I: Haarløv, Britt - The Half-open Door : A Common Symbolic Motif Within Roman Sepulchral Sculpture
BOOKS005568I: Haarlov, Niels - Microarthropods from Danish Soils. Ecology, Phenology.
BOOKS031772I: Haarløv, Britt - New Identifications of Third Century Roman Imperial Portraits
BOOKS022202I: Haarløv, Niels - Microarthropods from Danish Soils : Ecology, Phenology
BOOKS007335I: Haarmann, Harald - Die Sprachenwelt Europas. Geschichte und Zukunft der Sprachnationenen zwischen Atlantik und Ural
BOOKS024477I: Haartman, Lars von - The Nesting Habits of Finnish Birds : 1. Passeriformes
BOOKS024850I: Haas, William V. [1912-1997] - Die grosse Revolution : Drama in fünf akten
BOOKS017710I: Haas, Mary Rosamond ; compiler: - Thai-English Student's Dictionary
BOOKS017256I: Haas, Ernst B. - Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress. Volume 2: The Dismal Fate of New Nations
BOOKS009559I: Haas, Louis - The Renaissance Man and His Children: Childbirth and Early Childhood in Florence, 1300-1600
BOOKS002886I: Haas, Christopher - Alexandria in Late Antiquity : Topography and Social Conflict
BOOKS005039I: Haas, Rudolf - Die Prägungen der Mannheimer Münzstätten ca. 1390, 1608-1610, 1735-1826
BOOKS024761I: Haase-Derrett, Susan - Gustav Mahler and the Idea of Redemption: The Influence of a Nineteenth-Century Perception of Nature on Gustav Mahler's ..,.
BOOKS003431I: Haase, Gunter - Struktur und Gliederung der Pedosphare in der regionalischen Dimension
BOOKS003664I: Haase, Gunter, editor: - Arbeiten zur Bodengeographie
BOOKS028912I: Haase, Rudolf - Aufsätze zur harmonikalen Naturphilosophie
BOOKS024428I: Haastrup, Søren - Young Drug Abusers : 350 Patients Interviewed at Admission and Followed Up Three Years Later
BOOKS003424I: Haavio, Martti - Heilige Haine in Ingermanland
BOOKS017370I: Habenicht, Hermann [1844-1917] - Grundriss einer exacten schöpfungs-geschichte
BOOKS008609I: Haber, Honi Fern - Beyond Postmodern Politics: Lyotard, Rorty, Foucault
BOOKS003637I: Haber, Stephen H. - Industry and Underdevelopment : The Industrialization of Mexico, 1890 - 1940
BOOKS023907I: Haberland, Eike - Untersuchungen zum äthiopischen Königtum
BOOKS008002I: Haberland, Wolfgang - Amerikanische Archaeologie: Geschichte; Theorie; Kulturentwicklung
BOOKS021569I: Haberland, Eike ; Pauli, Elisabeth ; & Schulz-Weidner, W. [ Jensen, Adolf Ellegard (1899-1965) ; editor : ] - Altvölker Süd-Äthiopiens
BOOKS004074I: Haberlandt, Michael ; editor : [ Verein für Österreichische Volkskunde ] - Zeitschrift für österreichische Volkskunde [ 17 issues ca. 1899-1912 ]
BOOKS026458I: Haberlandt, Friedrich J. [1826-1878] - Wissenschaftlich-praktische untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete des Pflanzenbaues : Erster - Zweiter Band
BOOKS031196I: Häberlen, Klaus - Erzählung eines Lebens in drei Epochen
BOOKS010347I: Haberman, Shelby J. - Advanced Statistics. Volume I. Description of Populations
BOOKS014081I: Habermas, Jürgen - The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society
BOOKS015654I: Habermas, Jürgen - Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy
BOOKS021986I: Habermas, Jürgen - The Liberating Power of Symbols : Philosophical Essays
BOOKS005630I: Habib, I.H. - Tennessee Williams: A Descriptive Bibliography
BOOKS025329I: Habibi, Ahmad Mu'inuddin - Islam ka nizam-i qanun / Talif : Sayyid Ahmad Mu'inuddin Habibi Haidarabadi
BOOKS029328I: Habibi, Pizhman - Ashkawt-i Huse Kokan : (shakar-i bewena-y sada-y bistam)
BOOKS007140I: Habicht, Werner - Dorf und Bauernhaus im deutschsprachingen Lothringen und im Saarland
BOOKS015561I: Habicht, Christian - Athens from Alexander to Antony
BOOKS014228I: Haboubi, Najib Y.; editor: - Gastrointestinal Polyps
BOOKS016748I: Habsyah, Attashendartini ; Sudiharto, Mooriati ; & Trihusodo, Putut - Perjalanan panjang anak bumi
BOOKS020666I: Habtewold, Tibebu - Ecology and Management of Grasshoppers (Orthoptera) of Cereals in Central Ethiopia
BOOKS014536I: Habu, Junko - Ancient Jomon of Japan
BOOKS029833I: Nou Hach [Nu Hac (1916- ca.1975)] - Phka srabon
BOOKS029835I: Nou Hach [Nu Hac (1916- ca.1975)] - Mala tuangcitt
BOOKS029832I: Nou Hach [Nu Hac (1916-ca.1975)] [ Laporte, René ; & Pech Thinh ; translators : ] - Phka srabon / Fleur fanée : Traduction de Rene Laporte et Pech Thinh
BOOKS005163I: Hachmann, Rolf; et al; editors: - Ausgewahlte Bibliographie zur Vorgeschichte von Mitteleuropa
BOOKS004697I: Hachmann, Rolf ; editor : - Frühe Phöniker im Libanon : 20 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabungen in Kamid el-Loz
BOOKS023774I: Hackenbroch, Yvonne ; Sframeli, Maria ; & Cesaritti, Susan Scott - I gioielli dell’elettrice palatina al Museo degli argenti / The Jewels of the Electress Palatine in the Museo degli argenti
BOOKS011925I: Hacker, Jacob S. - The Divided Welfare State: The Battle over Public and Private Social Benefits in the United States
BOOKS010336I: Hackett, Rosalind I.J. - Art and Religion in Africa
BOOKS012467I: Hacking, Ian - Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory
BOOKS014980I: Hackmack, Hans [1900-1970] - Eine Einführung in die sozialistische Gedankenwelt : Zusammengestellt für die Arbeiterjugend
BOOKS017300I: Hacohen, Malachi Haim - Karl Popper - The Formative Years, 1902 - 1945 : Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna
BOOKS030664I: Hadawi, Sami - La Palestine mise en évidence
BOOKS022158I: Hadding-Koch, Kerstin - Acoustico-phonetic Studies in the Intonation of Southern Swedish
BOOKS009237I: al-Hadi, Amal 'Abd [ Markaz al-Qahirah li-Dirasat Huquq al-Insan ] - La taraju', sa-nuwasilu ma badanah : kifah qaryah Misriyah lil-qada' ala' khitan al-inath
BOOKS030197I: Hadidi, al-Husayn - al-Hayah al-fikriyah wa-al-ruhiyah bi-al-majal al-Bizani khilal al-qarnayn 18 wa-19 M
BOOKS017401I: Hadiyan, Kurush - Sadah'ha-yi sarvari : nigahi bih tarikh va jughrafiya-yi Kurdistan-i Ardalan
BOOKS031881I: Hadjisavvas, Sophocles [ Chatzesavvas, Sophokles ] - Olive Oil Processing in Cyprus : From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period
BOOKS009609I: Hadley, Elaine - Melodramatic Tactics: Theatricalized Dissent in the English Marketplace, 1800-1885
BOOKS026160I: Hadrovics, Laszlo - Die ungarischen Vorlagen eines alten kroatischen Dichters
BOOKS030707I: Hadrovics, Ladislas [ Hadrovics, László (1910-1997)] - Zur Geschichte der kroatischen Rechtschreibung im XVIII. Jahrhundert
BOOKS005563I: Hadrovics, Laszlo - Schrifttum und Sprache der burgenlandischen Kroaten in 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS020888I: Hadzi-Mulic, Smail - Pomor dojencadi i male djece
BOOKS018607I: Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August [1834-1919] - Aus Insulinde : Malayische Reisebriefe
BOOKS026821I: Haecker, Valentin [1864-1927] - Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Eigenschaftsanalyse (Phänogenetik) : gemeinsame Aufgaben der Entwicklungsgeschichte, Vererbungs..,.
BOOKS025243I: Haehling, Raban von ; editor: - Griechische Mythologie und frühes Christentum
BOOKS029849I: Samn Háel - Ryan Maccuraj
BOOKS004839I: D'Haen, Theo ; Grübel, Rainer Georg ; & Lethen, Helmut ; editors : - Convention and Innovation in Literature
BOOKS020316I: Haendcke, Berthold [1862–1951] - Arnold Böcklin in seiner historischen und Künstlerischen Entwicklung : Ein Vortrag
BOOKS014086I: Haeri, Shahla - Law of Desire : Temporary Marriage in Shi'i Iran
BOOKS024076I: Haertel, Friedl - Die Vorfahren der Kinder Haertel-Rodler : Eine nordost-südostdeutsche Ahnenschaft
BOOKS020797I: Hæstrup, Jørgen - Dengang i Danmark : Jødisk ungdom på træk 1932-1945
BOOKS010469I: Hætta, Odd Mathis - Fra Steinalder til samisk Jernalder
BOOKS028457I: Haeutle, Christian - Archivalische Reisen im vorigen Jahrhundert
BOOKS010717I: Hafeez, Sabeeha - Tha Changing Pakistan Society
BOOKS028146I: Hafemann, Dietrich - Die Niveauveränderungen an den Küsten Kretas seit dem Altertum. Nebst einigen Bemerkungen über ältere Strandbildungen ..,.
BOOKS006807I: Hafez, Sabry; & Cobham, Catherine: - A Reader of Modern Arabic Short Stories
BOOKS028437I: Haffner, August [ Haffner, Auguste ] [ Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, (303-373 CE)] - Die Homilie des heiligen Ephräm von Syrien über das Pilgerleben : nach den Handschriften von Rom und Paris
BOOKS014726I: Haffu, Ghanim Muhammad ; & Butani, 'Abd al-Fattah - al-Kurd wa-alahdath al-wataniyah fi- al-'Iraq khilala al-'ahd al-malaki, 1921-1958
BOOKS013007I: Hafkin, Nancy J. & Bay, Edna G.; editors: - Women in Africa : Studies in Social and Economic Change
BOOKS030943I: Hafner, Stanislaus ; & Prunc, Erich ; editors : - Thesaurus der slowenischen Volkssprache in Kärnten : Band 2 : C - dn
BOOKS028015I: Hafner, Stanislaus ; & Prunc, Erich ; editors : - Thesaurus der slowenischen Volkssprache in Kärnten : Band 1 : A- bis B-
BOOKS026993I: Häfner, Leopold; Gritzner, Maximilian ; & Haug, Ludwig ; editors: - Die Constitution : Tagblatt für constitutionelles Volksleben und Belehrung : No. 79 : 28. Juni 1848
BOOKS026992I: Häfner, Leopold; Gritzner, Maximilian ; & Haug, Ludwig ; editors: - Die Constitution : Tagblatt für constitutionelles Volksleben und Belehrung : No. 78 : 27. Juni 1848
BOOKS008850I: Haftendorn, Helga; Keohane, Robert O.; & Wallander, Celeste A.; editors: - Imperfect Unions : Security Institutions Over Time and Space
BOOKS024471I: Hagberg, Bo - Cognitive Impairment and Personality Change in Relation to Brain Dysfunction
BOOKS000629I: Hage, C. & Tegner, H. - Om Betingelserne for Handelssamkvem med det Vestlige Siberien.Indberetning.
BOOKS022688I: Hage, Edvard Philip Hother - Tale ved den danske Folkeforenings Sørgefest for Orla Lehmann
BOOKS008086I: Hagege, Claude - The Dialogic Species
BOOKS031466I: Hagège, Claude - Adpositions : Function-marking in Human Languages
BOOKS012143I: Hagelman, Charles W., Jr.; & Barnes, Robert J.; editors: - A Concordance to Byron's Don Juan
BOOKS008525I: Hagelsten, Johs. E. - Af Helsingørs saga
BOOKS002174I: Hagelweide, Gert - Quellenkunde zur Pressegeschichte Dortmunds und der Grafschaft Mark. Bibliografie, Standortnachweis,Archivalien und Literatur.
BOOKS026410I: Hagen, Maximilian von - Die südafrikanische Krise
BOOKS010212I: Hagen, Susan K. - Allegorical Remembrance: A Study of 'The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man' as a Medieval Treatise on Seeing and Remembering
BOOKS013281I: Hagen, Jon B. - Radio-frequency Electronics: Circuits and Applications
BOOKS004383I: Hagen, Wolfgang - Die Schillerverehrung in der Sozialdemokratie. Zur ideologischen Formation proletarischer Kulturpolitik vor 1914
BOOKS003303I: Hagen, Wim - Chemistry & Infrared Spectroscopy of Interstellar Grains
BOOKS026460I: Hagen, Karl [b. 1866] - Über die musik einiger naturvölker (Australier, Melanesier, Polynesier)
BOOKS029534I: Hagen, Ellen Helga Louise [1873-1967] - En frihetstidens son : Carl Bernhard Wadström : bergsvetenskapsman, forskningsresande, filantrop
BOOKS023877I: Hagen, Manfred - Die Entfaltung politischer Öffentlichkeit in Russland, 1906-1914
BOOKS027394I: Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf [1801-1874] - Johann Oekolampad und Oswald Mycolius : die Reformatoren Basels : Leben und ausgewählte Schriften
BOOKS000232I: Hagendahl, Harald [1889-1986] - La correspondance de Ruricius
BOOKS013510I: Hagerup, Hilarius Henn. - De catechumenis ecclesiæ Africanæ ineunte sæculo quinto. Disputatio
BOOKS005628I: Hagerup, O. - Etude des types biologiques de Raunkiaer dans la flore autour de Tombouctou
BOOKS007354I: Hagerup, O. - Zur Periodizitat im Laubwechsel der Moose
BOOKS000981I: Hagerup, Olaf - Zur abstammung einiger Angiospermen durch Gnetales und Coniferae
BOOKS012041I: Hägg, Inga; & Hägg, Robin ; editors : [Backe-Forsberg, Yvonne ; Fossey, John M. ; Frizell, Barbro] - Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine : Fascicle 2 : Finds from the Levendis Sector, 1970-72
BOOKS003173I: Haggard, Patricia - Police Ethics
BOOKS009197I: Haggard, Stephan & Lee, Chung H,.; editors: - Financial Systems and Economic Policy in Developing Countries
BOOKS017911I: Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider) [1856-1925] - The Private Diaries of Sir H. Rider Haggard 1914-1925
BOOKS025811I: Hagner, Johan - Guds Under i Gallaland
BOOKS022074I: Hagopian, Frances ; & Mainwaring, Scott ; editors: - The Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America : Advances and Setbacks
BOOKS022806I: Hagström, Sten - Kölner Beinamen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts, 2:1
BOOKS015886I: Hagstrum, Jean H. - Eros and Vision: The Restoration to Romanticism
BOOKS005473I: Hague, Rene - A Commentary on 'The Anathemata' of David Jones
BOOKS018581I: Hähle, Hermann - Warum ist Erde ein Heilmittel? : die neue Heilkrafterde "Sandfrei" : die biochemische Radiumkur ..,.
BOOKS024679I: Hahn, Sebastian - Thomas Bradwardinus und seine Lehre von der menschlichen Willensfreiheit
BOOKS028913I: Hahn, Fritz Felix - On the Dictyonema-fauna of Navy Island, New Brunswick
BOOKS007817I: Hahn, Peter L. - The United States, Great Britain & Egypt, 1945-1956: Strategy & Diplomacy in the Early Cold War
BOOKS031826I: Hahn, Otto [1879-1968] ; & Meitner, Lise [1878-1968] [Levi, Hilde (1909-2003)] - Das B-Strahlenspektrum von Radium und seine Deutung
BOOKS009350I: Hahn, J. G. von (Johann Georg) [1811-1869] - Bemerkungen über das albanesische Alphabet [contained in Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien]
BOOKS016677I: Hahn, Ferdinand - Christologische Hoheitsitel : Ihre Geschichte im frühen Christentum
BOOKS004947I: Hahn, Ferdinand - Kurukh Folk-lore, in the Original. Collected and Transliterated by Revd. Ferd. Hahn...
BOOKS001447I: Hahn, I.; Kakosy, C.; Komoroczy, G.; Maroti, E. and Sarkady, J., editors - Oikumene. Studia ad historiam antiquam classicam et orientalem spectantia, 5
BOOKS001446I: Hahn, I.; Kakosy, C.; Komoroczy, G.; Maroti, E.; and Sarkady, J., editors: - Oikumene. Studia ad historiam antiquam classicam et orientalem spectantia, 4
BOOKS026431I: Hahn, Hanno ; & Renger-Patzsch, Albert [1897-1966] - Hohenstaufenburgen in Süditalien
BOOKS026464I: Hahnemann, Steffen - Middelalderens selvejere i det danske Østersøområde : på sporet af lægsopbygningen bag skibsledingen
BOOKS026859I: Hahr, August [1868-1947] - Uppsala forna ärkebiskopsborg : Sankt Eriks gård och dess historia
BOOKS011137I: Nguyên Giang Hai - Nghê luyên kim cô o miên Dông Nam Bô Viêt Nam
BOOKS023018I: Vu Quang Liên ; Vu Quang Dung ; & Dinh Hông Hai - Van hóa dân gian làng Tri Chi
BOOKS028303I: Haidacher, Sebastian - Studien über Chrysostomus-Eklogen
BOOKS007255I: Haidar, Aziz - On the Margins: The Arab Population in the Israeli Economy
BOOKS006263I: Haidarabadiyan, Sahram - Muhrha-i Iran-i bastan wa sikkaha-i islami
BOOKS023408I: Haider, A. F. - The Administrative Structure of the Safavid Empire
BOOKS003002I: Haig, I.T.,editor: - Proceedings of the Duke University Tropical Forestry Symposium, School of Fortestry, Duke University...April 21-26 1965
BOOKS005877I: Haight, Wendy L. & Miller, Peggy J. - Pretending at Home. Early Development in a Sociocultural Context
BOOKS015119I: Haij, Curt [ Sveriges filatelist-förbund ] - Svensk lösen : i Sverige lösenbelagda postförsändelser : en studie
BOOKS012955I: Haik, Albert R. [Field, Henry; & Laird, Edith M.; editors:] - Key Lists of Archaeological Excavations in Iraq: 1842 - 1965
BOOKS023431I: Haikam, Pauning ; & Kapfo, Kedutso - Zeme Folktales
BOOKS006124I: Haile, Berard [1874-1961] - The Navaho War Dance : A Brief Narrative of Its Meaning and Practice
BOOKS006729I: Haillant, Marguerite - Fenelon et la Predication
BOOKS027021I: Haimerl, Franz [1806-1867] - Darstellung der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen über die Parteien und deren Stellvertreter im civilgerichtlichen Verfahren ..,.
BOOKS006657I: Hain, Radan [1959 - ] - Staatstheorie und Staatsrecht in T.G. Masaryks Ideenwelt
BOOKS020968I: Haines, Michael R. ; & Steckel, Richard Hall ; editors: - A Population History of North America
BOOKS000561I: Hair, William Ivy - Bourbonism and Agrarian Protest. Louisiana Politics 1877-1900
BOOKS005704I: Hais, Frantisek [1818-1899] - Vzpomínky prazského písnickáre, 1818-1897
BOOKS003507I: Haites, Taeke Binnert - Geologie en Petrologie van het Zuidoostelijke Artfjall (Zuidelijk Zweedsch-Lapland)
BOOKS013910I: Haj, Samira - Making of Iraq, 1900 - 1963 : Capital, Power and Ideology
BOOKS005887I: Haj, Samira - The Making of Iraq, 1900 - 1963 : Capital, Power, and Ideology
BOOKS024493I: Haj-Amini, Bahman - Musiqi-i Kurdha-yi Hawraman : awanwisi wa tajziya wa tahlil
BOOKS011812I: Haji, Ishtiyaque - Moral Appraisability: Puzzles, Proposals, and Perplexities
BOOKS004051I: Hakak, Lev - Equivocal Dreams. Studies in Modern Hebrew Literature
BOOKS024550I: Hakam, 'Abd al-Shakur - Barandazi-i Hizb-i Ittihad va zindaniyan-i istibdad
BOOKS021984I: Hakfoort, Casper - Optics in the Age of Euler : Conceptions of the Nature of Light, 1700-1795
BOOKS010488I: Hakim, Remi - An Introduction to Relativistic Gravitation
BOOKS009067I: Hakim, Muhammad A. - Bangladesh Politics: The Shahabuddin Interregnum
BOOKS015693I: Hakim Lahauri, Shah 'Abdulhakim [1700-1758 CE] [ Qazvah, 'Ali Riza ] - Tazkirah-i mardum-i didah
BOOKS016323I: al-Hakim, Tawfiq [ Hakim, Tawfiq ] - The Return of Consciousness
BOOKS021617I: Hakim, Khalifa Abdul - The Metaphysics of Rumi : A Critical and Historical Sketch
BOOKS020601I: Hakimi, Mohammad - In the Shore Aurora (Dar fajr-e-sahel)
BOOKS020820I: Hakimi, Isma'il - Sama dar tasavvuf
BOOKS022498I: Hakken, David ; & Andrews, Barbara - Computing Myths, Class Realities : Ethnography of Technology and Working People in Sheffield, England
BOOKS013316I: Hakki, Rusen - Yuvarlak masa oturumu: Siirler
BOOKS013318I: Hakki, Rusen - Hüznün dalgin kuslari: Siirler
BOOKS029020I: Hakobjanyan, Artashes - Mesropyan ughghagrut'yan haght'anake
BOOKS023591I: Halabi, Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Hayy [d. 1708 CE] [ Siqilli, Khalid ibn Ahmad ; editor: ] - Kitab Maarij al-wusul bi-al-salah 'ala akram Nabi wa-Rasul
BOOKS020613I: Haladara, Gurupadasarmma [b. 1879] [ Haldar, Gurupada ] - Baidyaka-brttanta / Gurupada Haladara pranita ; [Bharatibikasa Haladara karttrka sankalita] [ Baidyakabrttanta ]
BOOKS006815I: Halappa, G.S. ; Rao, K. Raghavendra ; & Rajasekhariah, A.M. - The First General Elections in Goa : A Comprehensive Study & Critical Analysis
BOOKS018913I: Halappa, G. S. ; editor: - Studies in State Administration
BOOKS014771I: Halasz, Emma - Désiré Nisard ses idees littéraires son influence en Hongrie
BOOKS021071I: Halawi, Mohammad bin Ali al-Akwa - al-Juz' al-thalith min safhah min tarikh al-Yaman al-ijtima'i wa qissat hayati
BOOKS001168I: Halayudha [ Bhattacharyya, Durgamohan; editor : ] - Brahmana-Sarvasa : A Pre-Sankara Vedic Commentary by Halayudha
BOOKS006081I: Halayya, M. - An Economic Analysis of the Indian Tea Industry & Public Policy
BOOKS016837I: Halberstam, Michael - Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics
BOOKS015724I: Halbfass, Wilhelm - On Being and What There Is: Classical Vaisesika and the History of Indian Ontology
BOOKS028599I: Halbout du Tanney, Dominique - Istanbul vu par Matrakci et les miniaturistes du XVIe siécle
BOOKS017439I: Hald, Kristian [1904-19??] - De danske stednavne paa -um
BOOKS020385I: Hald, Peter Tetens - De summa animi perfectione : specimen exegeticum
BOOKS015162I: Haldane, J. S. (John Scott) [1860 - 1936] - The New Physiology and Other Addresses
BOOKS002455I: Haldar, Hiralal - Hegelianism and Human Personality
BOOKS006030I: Haldar, S.K. - Report of an Enquiry into the Living Conditions of the Tea Plantation Workers in Darjeeling-Terai, West Bengal, 1948
BOOKS006291I: Haldar, Gurupda Sharma; Prapten, Vividha Swarnapadak; Bhashayamanuditam, Kesharikanta Sarmana Hindi - Kalighata-Kalikagranthamala No. 3 [Sanatasujatiya-Madhyatma-sastram: Sankara-Bhasyopetam...
BOOKS004850I: Haldar, Aruna - Some Psychological Aspects of Early Buddhist Philosophy Based on Abhidharmakosa of Vasubandhu
BOOKS020721I: Halder, Franz [1884-1972] - Hitler als Feldherr
BOOKS009617I: Hale, William & Kienle, Eberhard; editors: - After the Cold War: Security and Democracy in Africa and Asia
BOOKS005077I: Hale, Frederick, editor: - Danes in North America
BOOKS004286I: Hale, Charles N. - Resistance & Contradiction. Miskitu Indians & the Nicaraguan State 1894 - 1987
BOOKS003489I: Halen, Pierre - Marcel Thiry. Une Poetique de l'imparfait
BOOKS010625I: Hales, E.E.Y. - Mazzini and the Secret Societies : The Making of a Myth
BOOKS011874I: Haley, David B. - Dryden and the Problem of Freedom: The Republican Aftermath 1649 - 1680
BOOKS016971I: Halfmann, Jost ; & Rexroth, Tillman - Marxismus als Erkenntniskritik : Sohn-Rethels Revision der Werttheorie und die produktiven Folgen eines Missverständnisses
BOOKS020181I: Haljak, Gunnar - Livländische Münzen aus der Ordenszeit : 13.-16. Jahrhundert / Orduaegsed Liivimaa mündid XIII-XVI Sajand
BOOKS017310I: Halkin, Abraham S. ; editor: - Zion in Jewish Literature
BOOKS010471I: Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd - Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching
BOOKS031070I: Hall, C.C. - Chemische Werke Essener Steinkohle A.G. Bergkamen, Near Kamen-Dortmund, Germany : Inspection of Fischer-Tropsch Plant ..,.
BOOKS014101I: Hall, David L. - Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism
BOOKS011779I: Hall, John R.; editor: - Reworking Class
BOOKS013703I: Hall, Alex - Scandal, Sensation, and Social Democracy : The SPD Press and Wilhelmine Germany 1890-1914
BOOKS007645I: Hall, S.R. & Ashida, T.; editors: - Methods and Applications in Crytallographic Computing. Papers Presented at the International Summer School...18-27 August 1983
BOOKS021553I: Hall, Catherine ; & Rose, Sonya O. ; editors: - At Home with the Empire : Metropolitan Culture and the Imperial World
BOOKS006215I: Hall, John R. - The Ways Out: Utopian Communal Groups in an Age of Babylon
BOOKS015516I: Hall, John Whitney ; & Mass, Jeffrey P. ; editors: - Medieval Japan: Essays in Institutional History
BOOKS005702I: Hall, Carl W.; & Olsen, Wallace C.; editors: - The Literature of Agricultural Engineering
BOOKS013219I: Hall, Marcia B. - After Raphael : Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
BOOKS002589I: Hall, Peter & Hay, Dennis - Growth Centres in the European Urban System
BOOKS020434I: Hall, Donald - Goatfoot Milktongue Twinbird : Interviews, Essays and Notes on Poetry, 1970-76
BOOKS022333I: Hall, Thomas ; Magnusson, Börje ; & Nylander, Carl ; editors: - Docto peregrino : Roman Studies in Honour of Torgil Magnuson
BOOKS025167I: Hall, C.C.; Craxford, S.R.; & Gall, D. [British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee] - Interrogation of Dr. Otto Roelen of Ruhrchemie A.G.
BOOKS023776I: Hall, Philip S. - To Have this Land : The Nature of Indian/White Relations, South Dakota, 1888-1891
BOOKS002657I: Hallager, Fr. - Magister Ole Bjorn og de Besatte i Thisted
BOOKS013209I: Hallager, Frederik Kristoffer [1849-1921] - Hysteri: Hysteriens Symptomer og dens Behandling
BOOKS009848I: Hallaire, J. - Des noms qui parlent: Hommes et femmes dans la societe sar d'apres les noms d'initiation
BOOKS015567I: Hallaq, Wael B. - Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic Law
BOOKS014777I: Hallaq, Wael B. - The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law
BOOKS002211I: Hallberg, Daniel G. & Hallberg, Calinda E. - Indus Kohistani : A Preliminary Phonological and Morphological Analysis
BOOKS009745I: Hallden, Soren - True Love, True Humour and True Religion : A Semantic Study
BOOKS006077I: Hallen, Barry & Sodipo, J. Olubi - Knowledge, Belief, and Witchcraft. Analytic Experiments in African Philosophy
BOOKS005295I: Hallendorff, Carl & Schuck, Adolf - History of Sweden
BOOKS024238I: Haller, Paul - Hundert Jahre des Kampfes zwischen Privat- und Staatsbahnanhängern in der Schweiz
BOOKS022564I: Haller, Charles-Louis de [ Haller, Karl Ludwig von (1768-1854) ] - Histoire de la révolution religieuse, ou de la réforme protestante dans la Suisse occidentale
BOOKS029719I: Haller, Rudolf ; & Stadler, Friedrich ; editors : - Ernst Mach : Werk und Wirkung
BOOKS018012I: Haller, John - Die geologische Karte von Suess Land, Glettscherland und Goodenoughs Land [Der zentrale metamorphe Komplex von NE-Grönland T. 1]
BOOKS017988I: Haller, John - Die geologische Karte der Staunings Alper und des Forsblad Fjords [ Der "Zentrale metamorphe Komplex" von NE-Grönland, Teil II]
BOOKS001305I: Haller, C. v. - Strategi og Politik. Et Bidrag til Belysning af Staternes Magtstilling
BOOKS000118I: Haller, Albert Arno - The Spatial Organization of the Marine Hunting Culture in the Upernavik District, Greenland
BOOKS004309I: Hallett, Richard William - Isaac Babel
BOOKS018608I: Hallgarten, S. F. - Alsace and its Wine Gardens
BOOKS010244I: Hallgren, Bertil - Specific Dyslexia ("Congenital Word-Blindness"): A Clinical and Genetic Study
BOOKS016985I: Halliday, Fred - Two Hours That Shook the World: September 11, 2001 - Causes and Consequences
BOOKS016059I: Halliwell, James Orchard [Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (1820-1889); editor:] - The Thornton Romances : The Early English Metrical Romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant.
BOOKS031656I: Tanums Hällristningsmuseum [ Sällskapet för förhistorisk konst i Skandinavien ] [ Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art] - Adoranten : årsskrift for Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art [a collection of 19 issues, 1970-2013]
BOOKS021346I: Hallyn, Fernand - The Poetic Structure of the World : Copernicus and Kepler
BOOKS013319I: Halman, Talat Sait - Can kulagi: Siirler
BOOKS014372I: Halper, Stefan A. ; & Clarke, Jonathan - America Alone : The Neo-conservatives and the Global Order
BOOKS009367I: Halperin, Rhoda & Dow, James; editors: - Peasant Livelihood: Studies in Economic Anthropology and Cultural Ecology
BOOKS017806I: Halperin, Rhoda H. ; & Dow, James ; editors: - Peasant Livelihood : Studies in Economic Anthropology and Cultural Ecology
BOOKS005452I: Halperin, Rhoda H. - The Livelihood of Kin: Making Ends Meet "The Kentucky Way
BOOKS012096I: Halperin, Sandra - In the Mirror of the Third World: Capitalist Development in Modern Europe
BOOKS001426I: Halperin, Ernst - The Triumphant Heretic. Tito's Struggle against Stalin
BOOKS020898I: Halperson, Joseph - Das Buch vom Zirkus : Beiträge zur Geschichte der Wanderkünstlerwelt
BOOKS002304I: Halsey, Frederick A. - The Metric Fallacy. An Investigation of the Claims made for the Metric System & Especially of the Claim that its Adoption ...
BOOKS015038I: Halvorsen, S. - The Central Nervous System in Regulation of Erythropoiesis
BOOKS008608I: Ham, Jennifer & Senior, Matthew; editors: - Animal Acts: Configuring the Human in Western History
BOOKS015371I: Hamaker-Zondag, Karen - Elements & Crosses as the Basis of the Horoscope
BOOKS029156I: Hansamo Hamala - Badabub 'Ityopya wagena lemad, yaDerasé hezb tarikena 'anwanwar : (katent 'eska 1966 'a.me.)
BOOKS004216I: Hamalainen, Pekka Kalevi - In Time of Storm. Revolution, Civil War & the Ethnolinguistic Issue in Finland
BOOKS023212I: Hamann-Bock, Imke ; Hansen, Mareike; Karwaski, Alexandre; Kuhr, Sina; & Riis, Thomas; editors: - Medieval Towns in Northeastern Europe
BOOKS021973I: Hamann-Mac Lean, Richard ; & Schüssler, Ise - Die Kathedrale von Reims. Teil 1 : Die Architektur ; Band 3 : Tafeln
BOOKS027353I: Hamberger, Julius Wilhelm Franz [1801-1885] - Die Cardinalpunkte der Franz Baader'schen Philosophie
BOOKS008304I: Hamblin, Nancy L. - Animal Use by the Cozumel Maya
BOOKS020780I: Hambro, Christian Einar - Under Scepter : En Fortælling
BOOKS026123I: Hambro, Christian Einar - Fremad : en Fortælling
BOOKS028890I: Informationsstelle Lateinamerika / Peru-Gruppe Hamburg - Die peruanische Gewerkschaftsbewegung von den Anfängen bis 1979
BOOKS019376I: Hamburger, Povl [1901-1972] - Subdominante und Wechseldominante : Eine entwicklungs-geschichtliche Untersuchung.
BOOKS007394I: Hamburger, Franz - Die Neurosen des Kindesalters
BOOKS017417I: Hamburger, Michael - Art as Second Nature : Occasional Pieces, 1950-74
BOOKS009107I: Hamdani, Nasrul ; & Hisyam, Muhamad, [ Puslit Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan ] - Komunitas Cina di Medan dalam lintasan tiga kekuasaan, 1930-1960
BOOKS009111I: Hamdouch, Bachir - Specialisation subie et sous-developpement du Maroc: Les effets du regime de la "Porte ouverte" et de la domination de zone
BOOKS012911I: Hamdouchi, Miloudi - Le prix de la blessure
BOOKS014811I: Hamdouchi, Miloudi - Le saint et le symbole
BOOKS003075I: Hameiri, Yehezkel - Prisoners of Hate : The Story of Israelis in Syrian Jails
BOOKS007539I: Hamel, Frank - Human Animals: Werewolves and Other Transformations
BOOKS004107I: Hamel, Frank - Jean de la Fontaine
BOOKS010846I: Hamer, John H. - Humane Development : Participation and Change Among the Sadama of Ethiopia
BOOKS001118I: Hamer, D.A. - The Politics of Electoral Pressure : A Study in the History of Victorian Reform Agitations
BOOKS019063I: Hamerman, Nora ; editor: [ Zepp-LaRouche, Helga ] [ Schiller Institute ] - Saint Augustine : Father of European and African Civilization : International Conference of the Schiller Institute..,. 1985
BOOKS019234I: Hameroff, Stuart R. ; Kaszniak, Alfred W. ; & Scott, Alwyn ; editors: - Toward a Science of Consciousness II : The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates
BOOKS011564I: Hamidy, U.U. - Bahasa Melayu dan kreativitas sastra di Riau
BOOKS027796I: Hamilakis, Yannis ; editor : - Labyrinth Revisited : Rethinking ’Minoan’ Archaeology
BOOKS017797I: Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson [ 1909-1987 ] - Appeasement's Child : The Franco Regime in Spain
BOOKS016571I: Hamilton, James T. - Regulation through Revelation: The Origin, Politics, and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program
BOOKS013100I: Hamilton, Paul - Wordsworth
BOOKS002053I: Hamilton, Henning - Frankrike och Tyskland Aren 1866 - 1874. Anteckningar
BOOKS004041I: Hamilton, Paul - Coleridge's Poetics
BOOKS010953I: Hamlin, Alan P. ; & Pettit, Philip ; editors: - The Good Polity: Normative Analysis of the State
BOOKS024425I: Hamm, Berndt ; Moeller, Bernd ; & Wendebourg, Dorothea - Reformationstheorien : Ein kirchenhistorischer Disput über Einheit und Vielfalt der Reformation
BOOKS024395I: Hammad, Muhammad Salim - Tadmur : shahid wa-mashhud, 1980-1991
BOOKS005458I: Al-Hammadi, Abdulla - The Big Terrorism of Nations Destroyers. Documented Stories & Atrocities during the Savage Iraqi Invasion of State of Kuwait...
BOOKS000119I: Hammar, Eva Thorne - Le developpement de sens du suffixe latin "-bilis" en francais
BOOKS029979I: Hammarberg, Figge - Zur Kenntnis der ontogenetischen Entwicklung des Schädels von Lepidosteus platystomus
BOOKS019850I: Hammarström, Tommy ; editor: [ De förenade FNL-grupperna ] - Laos : en skrift utgiven av Vietnambulletinen
BOOKS016500I: Hammen, Rich. - Studies on Impaired Fertility in Man with Special Reference to the Male
BOOKS023135I: Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von [1774-1856] - Über die Länderverwaltung unter dem Chalifate / von Joseph von Hammer.
BOOKS014481I: Hammer, T. Skotte - Nomenklatur for Træer
BOOKS010902I: Hammer, Marie Signe Jørgensen [1907- 2002] - Alaskan Oribatids
BOOKS006719I: Hammer, Heinrich - Traktat von Samaritenermessias : Studien zur Frage der Existenz und Abstammung Jesu
BOOKS014499I: Hammer, Espen - Stanley Cavell: Skepticism, Subjectivity and the Ordinary
BOOKS020851I: Hammer, Marie - Collemboles [ The Zoology of East Greenland ]
BOOKS027919I: Hammer, Martin - Analyse der funktionellen Rolle des Neurons VUMmx1 bei der klassischen Konditionierung des Rüsselreflexes der Biene
BOOKS005811I: Hammerich, Louis L. - Zur deutschen Akzentuation
BOOKS022136I: Hammerich, Louis Leonor [1892-1975] - Clamor : Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Studie - Zweite Auflage
BOOKS006762I: Hammerich, Fr. - En Skolastiker og en Bibeltheolog fra Norden
BOOKS027770I: Hammerich, L.L. (Louis Leonor) [1892-1975] ; editor : - Visiones Georgii : Visiones quas in purgatorio Sancti Patricii vidit Georgius miles de Ungaria a. d. MCCCLIII
BOOKS003199I: Hammerich, L.L.; Jakobson, R.; van Schooneveld, Elizabeth; Starck, T.; Stender-Petersen, Ad.; van den Baar, A.H.,et al: editors: - Tonnies Fenne's Low German Manual of Spoken Russian Pskov 1607. Volume I - IV
BOOKS021068I: Hammerich, Louis Leonor [1892-1975] - Clamor : Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Studie
BOOKS008421I: Hammerich, Louis Leonor [1892-1975] - The Beginning of the Strife Between Richard Fitzralph and the Mendicants: With an Edition of his Autobiographical Prayer...
BOOKS026133I: Hammerich, Peter Frederik Adolf [1809-1877] - Præsident Hans Nansen den Ældres Levnet / Ved Fr. Hammerich
BOOKS025288I: Hammerich, Kai Frederik - Den danske Dommerstand under Enevælden : Et Bidrag til Retsvæsenets Historie i det 17. - 18. Aarhundrede
BOOKS027191I: Hammerich, Martin [1811-1881] - Smaaskrifter om Cultur og Underviisning, leilighedsviis udgivne af Martin Hammerich : I-V.
BOOKS008990I: Hammermo, Olle - Spraklig variation hos barn i grundskolealdern
BOOKS003827I: Hammermuller, Bruno - Laaland-Falster. Entwicklung des Bodenreliefs, Stromtaler und Kustenbildung
BOOKS007272I: Hammerschmidt, Ernst; Hauptmann, Peter; Kruger, Paul; Ouspensky, Leonide, & Schulz, Hans-Joachim - Symbolik des Orthodoxen und Orientalischen Christentums
BOOKS030182I: Hammerschmidt, Ernst ; editor : [ Dillmann, August (1823-1894) ; Bachmann, Johannes ; Simon, J. ; et al. ] - Anthologia Aethiopica
BOOKS003334I: Hammershaimb, E. - Das Verbum im Dialekt von Ras Schamra : Eine Morphologische und Syntaktische Untersuchung des Verbums in den Alphabetischen.,..
BOOKS013757I: Hammersley, Martyn; & Atkinson, Paul - Ethnography : Principles in Practice
BOOKS028737I: Hammerstein, Jürgen - Die Herde im römischen Recht : Grex als rechtliche Sachgesamtheit und Wirtschaftseinheit
BOOKS027890I: Hammes, Wolfram - Wachstum, Wasserverbrauch und Produktivität des Wasserverbrauchs von Pappeln unterschiedlichen Alters : Populus x euramericana
BOOKS027874I: Hammond, Winfred Nii Okai - Ecological Assessment of Natural Enemies of the Cassava Mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti : Mat.-Ferr. (Hom.: pseudococcidae ..,.,.
BOOKS004953I: Hammond, Albert L. - Proprieties and Vagaries. A Philosophical Thesis from Science, Horse Racing, Sexual Customs, Religion and Politics
BOOKS007115I: Hammoudi, Abdellah - The Victim & its Masks : An Essay on Sacrifice & Masquerade in the Maghreb
BOOKS021976I: Hamner, J.W. ; & Widéen, Harald - Die Grabsteine der Ruinenkirchen in Wisby
BOOKS009910I: Hampshire, Stuart - Two Theories of Morality
BOOKS000189I: Hampson, R.T. - Origines Patriclae; or a Deduction of European Titles of Nobility & Dignified Offices from their Primitive Sources
BOOKS017715I: Hamrin, Agne - Spansk Horisont
BOOKS002100I: Hamrin-Thorell, Ruth, et al - Kvinnors Rost och Ratt
BOOKS007620I: Hamvultando [de Oliveira, Dr. Joaquim Antonio] - Sentimentos Harmonicos
BOOKS008352I: Hamy, E. T. (Ernest-Théodore) [1842-1948] - Notice sur la roche fendue de Santenay (Côte-d'Or) .
BOOKS028859I: Hamzah, al-Mustafá - al-Hajj Muhammad al-Tuhami al-Hamri al-Ubiri : 'alim mawsu'i min bilad Ahmar
BOOKS031371I: Hanaki, Taiken [ Aryaraksitasuri ] - Anuogaddaraim : English Translation by Taiken Hanaki
BOOKS027855I: Hanawalt, Barbara - The Ties That Bound : Peasant Families in Medieval England
BOOKS009537I: Hanchard, Michael George - Orpheus and Power: The Movimento Negro of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1945-1988
BOOKS026176I: Hancke, Niels [1837-1895] - Skizzer : Ny Samling
BOOKS019151I: Hancock, James A. ; Kushlan, James Anthony ; Kahl, M. Philip ; Harris, Alan ; & Quinn, David - Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World
BOOKS006265I: Hancox, N.L., editor: - Fibre Composite Hybrid Materials
BOOKS002215I: Hand, Joni M. - Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350-1550
BOOKS028798I: Handayn, Muhammad - al-Jihat al-tarikhiyah al-kubrá bi-al-Maghrib : jihat Sus al-kabir, al-qarnayn 17/18 : watha'iq ghayr manshurah
BOOKS020103I: Handel, Stephen - Perceptual Coherence : Hearing and Seeing
BOOKS007414I: Bunde Deutscher Nahrungsmittel-Fabrikanten und -Händler - Zur Konservierungsfrage : Versammlung behufs Beratung von Abänderungen der Festsetzungen des Deutschen Nahrungsmittelbuches..,.
BOOKS012944I: Handler, Andrew [1935 - ] - An Early Blueprint for Zionism : Gyozo Istóczy’s Political Anti-semitism
BOOKS024193I: Handley, Eric W. ; et al [ Turner, E. G. (Eric Gardner) ] - Ménandre : Sept exposés suivis de discussions par E. W. Handley... [e.a.] Entretiens préparés et présides par Eric G. Turner..,.
BOOKS003781I: Handlin, Oscar - Boston's Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation
BOOKS023929I: Zentralverbandes der Handlungsgehilfen - Die Gehaltsfrage zer Handlungsgehilfen..,. [together with two other pamphlets, ca. 1910-1912]
BOOKS008941I: Handoo, Jawaharlal ; & Handoo, Lalita - Hindi-Kashmiri Common Vocabulary
BOOKS008554I: Handoo, Jawaharlal - Kashmiri Phonetic Reader
BOOKS001759I: Handoo, Jawaharlal - A Bibliography of Indian Folk Literature
BOOKS001760I: Handoo, Jawaharlal, editor: - Folklore of Rajasthan
BOOKS001011I: Handoo, Lalita - Folk and Myth : An Introduction
BOOKS003809I: Hands, D. Wade - Reflection without Rules : Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory
BOOKS013934I: Hanegraaff, Wouter J. - New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought
BOOKS006324I: Hanel, R.A.; Conrath, B.J.; Jennings; D.E. & Samuelson, R.E. - Exploration of the Solar System by Infrared Remote Sensing
BOOKS008999I: Hanes, Jeffrey E. - The City as Subject: Seki Hajime and the Reinvention of Modern Osaka
BOOKS009132I: Haney, David P. - William Wordsworth and the Hermeneutics of Incarnation
BOOKS018244I: Hanfstaengel, Edgar; Dörnhöffer, Friedrich; Halm, Philipp M. ; Karlinger, Hans ; Oldenborg, Rud. ; et al; editors: - Jahrbuch der Münchner Kunst. Erster Jahrgang
BOOKS030515I: Cung Duong Hang - My thuât nu phuc truyên thông Viêt Nam
BOOKS020005I: Hanhart, Rudolf - Appenzeller Bauernmalerei / Appenzell Peasant Art
BOOKS022962I: Hanihara, Kazuro ; & Akazawa, Takeru ; editors : - Paleolithic Site of the Douara Cave and Paleogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria : Part 2: Prehistoric Occurences and Chronology
BOOKS003872I: Hanihara, Kazuro ; & Sakaguchi, Yutaka ; editors: - Paleolithic Site of Douara Cave and Paleogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria : Part I : Stratigraphy and Paleogeography ..,.
BOOKS023360I: Hanihara, Kazuro ; & Akazawa, Takeru ; ediors : - Paleolithic Site of the Douara Cave and Paleogeography of Palmyra Basin in Syria : Part III : Animal Bones and Further Analysis
BOOKS012545I: Hanish, Otoman Zar-Adusht [18??-1936] [Ammann, David, translator:] - Das Leben Jesu: Enthuellungen nach bisher unbekannten orientalischer Quellen
BOOKS020649I: Hanke, Wilfried ; editor: - Biology and Physiology of Amphibians : Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biology and Physiology of Amphibians
BOOKS017590I: Hankey, Julie - A Passion for Egypt: Arthur Weigall, Tutankhamun and the Curse of the Pharaohs
BOOKS029173I: Hanks, Lesley - Buffon avant l'"Histoire naturelle
BOOKS015698I: Hanks, Jane Richardson ; & Hanks, Lucien Mason - Tribes of the North Thailand Frontier
BOOKS012264I: Hanna, Judith Lynne - To Dance is Human: A Theory of Nonverbal Communication
BOOKS016658I: Hanna, Patricia ; & Harrison, Bernard - Word and World: Practice and the Foundations of Language
BOOKS020011I: Hanna, Rida Milad Nasr - Ayah jamilah fi tarikh al-Kanisah
BOOKS027776I: Hannah, Barbara - The Animus : The Spirit of Inner Truth in Women : Volume Two
BOOKS002386I: Hannah, Herbert Bruce - Culture and Kultur Race Origins or the Past Unveiled. Being Lectures delivered at the Calcutta University in 1919
BOOKS012603I: Hannas, Wm. C - Asia's Orthographic Dilemma
BOOKS004092I: Hannay, David - The Later Renaissance
BOOKS026513I: Hannemann, Max [1892-19??] - Die Seehäfen von Texas, ihre geographischen Grundlagen, ihre Entwicklung und Bedeutung
BOOKS031935I: Hannestad, Niels - Tradition in Late Antique Sculpture : Conservation, Modernization, Production
BOOKS019315I: Hannestad, Knud ; Jordal, Knud ; Klindt-Jensen, Ole ; Schmidt, Knud Rahbek ; & Stief, Carl ; editors : - Varangian Problems : Report on the First International Symposium on the Theme 'The Eastern Connections of the Nordic Peoples..,.
BOOKS006994I: Hannestad, Lise ; Stolba, Vladimir F. ; & Shcheglov, A. N. - Panskoye I : Volume 1 : The Monumental Building U6 : Plates
BOOKS026539I: Hannestad, Lise - The Followers of the Paris Painter
BOOKS022448I: Hannestad, Lise - The Hellenistic Pottery from Failaka : With a Survey of Hellenistic Pottery in the Near East : Volume 1 & 2
BOOKS020055I: Hannestad, Knud - L'évolution des ressources agricoles de l'Italie du 4 ème au 6 ème siècle de notre ère
BOOKS006273I: Hannestad, Lise ; Stolba, Vladimir F. ; & Shcheglov, A. N. - Panskoye I : Volume 1 : The Monumental Building U6 : Text
BOOKS000968I: Hannick, Christian, editor: - Fundamental Problems of Early Slavic Music and Poetry
BOOKS031218I: Hannig, Rainer - Pseudopartizip und sdm.n=f : Der Kernbereich des mittelägyptischen Verbalsystems II
BOOKS008021I: Hannover, Adolph - Den menneskelige Hjernskals Bygning ved Cyclopia og Misdannelsens Forhold til Hjerneskallenas Primordialbrusk
BOOKS015840I: Hannover, Adolph [1814 - 1894] - Le cartilage primordial et son ossification dans le crâne humain avant la naissance
BOOKS020453I: Hannover, Adolph [1814-1894] - Epithelioma cylindraceum foliaceum og globosum : En pathologisk-anatomisk undersøgelse
BOOKS020454I: Hannover, Adolph [1814-1894] - Om Bygningen og Udviklingen af Skjæl og Pigge hos Bruskfisk tilligemed udforligere Beskrivelse af tvende herhen hørende Former
BOOKS024459I: Hans, James S. - Contextual Authority and Aesthetic Truth
BOOKS006360I: Hans, Holaram Hasija - Journey of Fragrance
BOOKS015223I: Hans, James S. - The Value(s) of Literature
BOOKS015017I: Hans, Valerie P. - Business on Trial: The Civil Jury and Corporate Responsibility
BOOKS011453I: Hans, Ashok - Karyala : A Folk Theatrical Form of Himachal Pradesh
BOOKS030829I: Hans, Holaram Hasija - Master Sindhi Poet Narayan Shyam
BOOKS006419I: Hansborg, Harald - Guldets Forhold i Organismen ved intravenøs Indgift af nogle komplexe Guldforbindelser
BOOKS006286I: Hansdah, Chinmayee (Marandi) - Potkoj (Seren potob)
BOOKS027690I: Hansen, Gerhard - Vækkelsesbevægelsernes møde med færingernes enhedskultur : en analyse, ca. 1850-1918
BOOKS014637I: Hansen, Wilhelm; editor: [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde. Kommission für Arbeits- und Geräteforschung. - Arbeit und Gerät in volkskundlicher Dokumentation: Tagungsbericht ... Schleswig, 5.-8. April 1967.
BOOKS024271I: Hansen, Henny Harald - The Kurdish Woman's Life : Field Research in a Muslim Society, Iraq
BOOKS011943I: Hansen, Aage [1894-1983] - Sætningen og dens led i moderne Dansk
BOOKS024842I: Hansen, Axel - Om chlorosens, den aegte blegsots, optraeden i Europa gennem Tiderne : en medico-historisk Undersøgelse
BOOKS030950I: Hansen, Mogens Herman - Polis and City-State : An Ancient Concept and Its Modern Equivalent : Symposium January 9, 1998
BOOKS026278I: Hansen, J. Philip ; Hasholt, J. ; & Sass, Helge ; editors: - Dansk Veterinærhistorisk Årbog, 22. årgang, 1961-1962
BOOKS026574I: Hansen, J. Philip ; & Vejlstrup, C. Grove ; editors: - Dansk Veterinærhistorisk Årbog, 13. årgang, 1946
BOOKS025187I: Hansen, Ulla Lund - a collection of 18 offprints and extracts, ca. 1969-1991
BOOKS026034I: Hansen, Hans ; editor: - Borkens Lyre : Viser og Sange fra Borchs Kollegium : Trykt som manuskript
BOOKS019338I: Hansen, Kjeld - Vascular Plants in the Faeroes : Horizontal and Vertical Distribution
BOOKS002496I: Hansen, Jules - Les Coulises de la Diplomatie. Quinze Ans a l'Etranger (1864-1879)
BOOKS010271I: Hansen, J.P. Hart & Gullov, H.C.; compilers & editors: - The Mummies from Qilakitsoq: Eskimos in the 15th Century
BOOKS025763I: Hansen, Harald - I Anledning af den mellem Herr Professor H. N. Clausen og Herr Cand. A.C. Larsen førte Skriftvexling om det theologiske Facultet
BOOKS024145I: Hansen, Henny Harald - Mongol Costumes: Researches on the Garments Collected by the First and Second Danish Central Asian Expeditions..,.
BOOKS031985I: Hansen, Mogens Herman - Die athenische Volksversammlung im Zeitalter des Demosthenes
BOOKS026069I: Hansen, Hans Christian Svane [1906-1960] - Marchér med os! Nogle Ord om den socialdemokratiske Ungdomsbevaegelses Program og Arbejde / af H.C. Hansen
BOOKS031787I: Hansen, Mogens Herman ; editor : - Sources for the Ancient Greek City-State : Symposium August, 24-27 1994
BOOKS008810I: Hansen, Thorkild - Min Kubinhagin ila Sanaa
BOOKS008447I: Hansen, Hanna E. - Forensic Aspects of HLA Serology
BOOKS007111I: Hansen, Karen Tranberg - Keeping House in Lusaka
BOOKS006989I: Hansen, Hans Mølholm [1899-1960] - Studies on the Vegetation of Iceland
BOOKS025478I: Hansen, Hans Poul - Steen Steensen Blichers barndom og ungdom
BOOKS031708I: Hansen, Jens Andersen [1806-1877] - Om Cancelliraad Søren Hempels Fremstilling af den danske Kirke-Kamp : Et nødvendigt Tillæg til Fyens Stifts Adresse-Avis ..,.
BOOKS006300I: Hansen, Peter Allen - A Bibliography of Danish Contributions to Classical Scholarship from the Sixteenth Century to 1970
BOOKS017829I: Hansen, Albert - Studier over Isolering af det Antitoksinbaerende Protein fra andre Serumbestanddele
BOOKS025515I: Hansen, Holger Bernt - Fynske praestekonventer : studier over den fynske geistlighed, 1809-1848
BOOKS017364I: Hansen, Per Hofman ; compiler: - Bibliografi over Asger Jorns skrifter / A bibliography of Asger Jorn’s writings
BOOKS016499I: Hansen, Per Christian - Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems
BOOKS005928I: Hansen, Asgar Rosenstand - Artikelsystemet i Rumaensk
BOOKS005805I: Hansen, Ove J. - The Genus Cycnium Benth. emend. Engl. (Scrophulariaceae) : A Taxonomic Revision
BOOKS005808I: Hansen, Ernst Sigfried - Kurier der Heimat; das Spiel um Schleswig zwischen Kapitulation und Programm Nord.
BOOKS005639I: Hansen, Hans Jorgen - Danian Foraminifera from Nugssuaq West Greenland wioth Special Reference to Species Occurring in Denmark
BOOKS025870I: Hansen, Frederik - Kajnæs Sogns Historie
BOOKS027340I: Hansen, Carlo V. - Hektiske Augustdage : Oplevelser under Folkestrejken i Odense 18.-23. August 1943
BOOKS005588I: Hansen, Kjeld - Ecological Studies in Danish Heath Vegetation
BOOKS005570I: Hansen, Kjeld & Jensen, Jorgen - Edaphic Conditions and Plant - Soil Relationships on Roadsides in Denmark
BOOKS013153I: Hansen, Carl Rise [1911 - ] - Præsteindberetninger om Fæstegods m. v. i Vendelbo Stift 1568 og 1599
BOOKS025558I: Hansen, Paul-Erik - Poul Helgesens historiske forfatterskab
BOOKS004889I: Hansen, Axel - Om Chlorosens den aegte Blegsots Optraeden i Europa gennem Tiderne. En Medico-Historisk Undersogelse
BOOKS004134I: Hansen, Wolfgang - Eine Untersuchung der Amplitudenverteilung der seismischen Wellen bei den Messungen des F.S. "Valdivia" 1975 ....
BOOKS013092I: Hansen, Peter Allan - A List of Greek Verse Inscriptions down to 400 B.C.: An Analytical Survey
BOOKS012397I: Hansen, Carl Rise - Missionær Christian Vilhelm Grønning : en slesvigsk missionær i Indien og hans elever i 1800-tallet
BOOKS001996I: Hansen, Niels Bugge - That Pleasant Place. The Representation of the Ideal Landscape in English Literature from the 14th to the 17th Century
BOOKS000377I: Hansen, Erik W. - The Synchronic Fallacy: Historical Investigations with a Theory of History
BOOKS001020I: Hansen, Henny Harald - An Ethnographical Collection from the Region of the Alawites
BOOKS000970I: Hansen, William F., translator: - Saxo Grammaticus & the Life of Hamlet: A Translation, History & Commentary
BOOKS022133I: Hansen, Ulla Lund ; & Nielsen, Svend ; editors: - Sjællands jernalder : beretning fra et symposium 24. IV. 1990 i København
BOOKS003471I: Hansen, Kaj - Die Gestein des Unterkambriums von Bornholm. Nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die tektonischen Verhaltnisse von Bornholm
BOOKS015470I: Hansen, Mathias ; editor: - Ernst Hermann Meyer : Das kompositorische und theoretische Werk
BOOKS014998I: Hansen, Edith - Med korset til Arussis Urskove
BOOKS012566I: Hansen, Svend Aage - Early Industrialisation in Denmark
BOOKS004819I: Hansen, Bertel - The Genus Balanophora J.R. & G. Forster : A Taxonomic Monograph
BOOKS029556I: Hansen, Mogens Herman ; editor : - The Ancient Greek City-State: Symposium on the Occasion of the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences ..,.
BOOKS020034I: Hansen, Søren - Træk fra Odense under den tyske Besættelse : 9. April 1940 - 5. Maj 1945
BOOKS020336I: Hansen, Harald - Tredive Aar af vor Forenings Liv : En Fremstilling af de vigtigste Begivenheder i den broderlige Arbeidsklasses Hjælpeforening
BOOKS021016I: Hansen, Alfred ; & Pedersen, Anfred - Chenopodiaceernes og Amaranthaceernes udbredelse i Danmark
BOOKS023174I: Hansen, Henny Harald - Mongol Costumes
BOOKS021668I: Hansen, Erling ; compiler : [ Ipsen, Poul Janus ] - Poul Janus Ipsen : Grafik / Graphic Works 1964-1995
BOOKS007823I: Hansen, Karen Tranberg - Distant Companions : Servants and Employers in Zambia, 1900 - 1985
BOOKS026136I: Hansen, Frants Johannes [1810-1852] [ Nyegaard, Hans Haagen (1824-1893)] - Lyriske Digte / Efter Forfatterens Død samlede og udgivne ved H.H. Nyegaard
BOOKS027152I: Hansen, Niels Peter - Efterladte religiøse Digte : Med en Skizze af den Afdødes Levnet
BOOKS027660I: Hansen, Maria Fabricius - Ruinbilleder : antikfascinationens baggrunde i 1400-tallets italienske maleri
BOOKS026416I: Hansen, Joseph [1862-1943] ; compiler & editor : [ Boberach, Heinz ; & Wettengel, Michael ] - Rheinische Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte der politischen Bewegung 1830-1850 : 1. - 4. Band
BOOKS022204I: Hansen, Kaj - Die Gesteine des Unterkambriums von Bornholm : nebst einigen Bemerkungen über die tektonischen Verhältnisse von Bornholm
BOOKS023913I: Hansen, Henny Harald - Investigations in a Shi’a Village in Bahrain
BOOKS023019I: Hansen, Lene - Security as Practice : Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War
BOOKS031179I: Hansen, Mogens Herman - The Sovereignty of the People's Court in Athens in the Fourth Century B.C. and the Public Action Against Unconstitutional ..,.
BOOKS017486I: Hansen, Claes Kastholm - Den kontrollerede virkelighed : virkelighedsproblemet i den litterære kritik og den nye danske roman i perioden 1830-1840
BOOKS029385I: Hansen, Mogens Herman ; editor : - Introduction to an Inventory of 'Poleis' : Symposium August, 23-26 1995
BOOKS024862I: Hansen, Kasper Lykke ; [ Statens Naturhistoriske Museum ] - E museo lundii addendum : A Series of Annotated Catalogues Based on Subfossil and Recent Material ..,.
BOOKS027107I: Hansen, Cathrine Gerner - A Roman Bath in Carthage: An Architectural Description and Evaluation of a Building Excavated by the Swedish Mission to Carthage
BOOKS013225I: Hanson, Eric O. - The Catholic Church in World Politics
BOOKS002951I: Hanson, A.H. & Douglas, Janet - India's Democracy
BOOKS009749I: Hanson, Bo - Application of Rules in New Situations : A Hermeneutical Study
BOOKS006284I: Hanson, F. Allan & Hanson, Louise - Counterpoint in Maori Culture
BOOKS018356I: Hanson, Harold Carsten; & Jones, Robert Lewis - The Biogeochemistry of Blue, Snow, and Ross' Geese
BOOKS004398I: Hanson, Joe A. & Goodwin, Harold L., editors: - Shrimp & Prawn Farming in the Western Hemisphere. State-of-the-Art Reviews & Status Assessments
BOOKS021390I: Hanson, David T. - Waste Land : Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape
BOOKS001646I: Hansra, B.S. and Shukla, A.N., editors: - Social, Economic and Political Implications of Green Revolution in India
BOOKS025033I: Hansson, Pär - Samhälle och järn i Sverige under järnåldern och äldre medeltiden : exemplet Närke
BOOKS014641I: Hanstein, Hartwig - Studien zur Entwicklung von Ionescos Theater.
BOOKS001583I: Hanstrom, Bertil - The Brain, the Sense Organs & the Incretory Organs of the Head in the Crustacea Malacostraca
BOOKS006179I: Hantke, René - Landschaftsgeschichte der Schweiz und ihrer Nachbargebiete : Erd-, Klima- und Vegetationsgeschichtliche Entwicklung der letzten
BOOKS009218I: Hanusz, Mark - Kretek: The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia's Clove Cigarettes
BOOKS001995I: Hanzo, Thomas A. - Latitude and Restoration Criticism
BOOKS024939I: Cao Xuân Hao [1930-2007] - Tiêng Viêt, van Viêt, nguoi Viêt
BOOKS025053I: Happ, Heinz - Grundfragen einer Dependenz-Grammatik des Lateinischen
BOOKS002597I: Haq, Mushir-ul - Islam in Secular India
BOOKS004724I: Haqqi, S. Anwarul Haque - The Colonial Policy of the Labour Government (1945-51)
BOOKS009173I: Haque, Azizul - Trends in Pakistan's External Policy 1947-1971 : With Particular Reference to People's China
BOOKS006754I: Haque, M.A. - Muslim Administration in Orissa (1568 - 1751 A.D.)
BOOKS010324I: Haque, Muhammad Enamul - Manisha-Manjusha (Prabandha Sankalan)
BOOKS001433I: Haraguchi, Torao; Sakai, Robert K.; Sakihara, Mitsugu; Yamada, Kazuko & Matsui, Masato - The Status System & Social Organization of Satsuma. A Translation of the 'Shumon Tefuda Aratame Jomoku'. Analyzed & Translated
BOOKS005441I: Harahap, Marwali; editor: - Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Infections
BOOKS000562I: Harapi, Tonin - Zgjimi : operë në 2 akte
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BOOKS007166I: Harbsmeier, Michael ; & Larsen, Mogens Trolle ; editors: - The Humanities Between Art and Science : Intellectual Developments, 1880-1914
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BOOKS012172I: Hardcastle, Valerie Gray; editor: - Where Biology Meets Psychology: Philosophical Essays.
BOOKS007364I: Hardcastle, Valerie Gray - The Myth of Pain
BOOKS000279I: Hardee, A. Maynor - Jean de Lannel and the Pre-Classical French Novel
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BOOKS005637I: Harding, A. F. ; editor: - Climatic Change in Later Prehistory
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BOOKS016871I: Harding, Gerald Lankester - The Antiquities of Jordan
BOOKS021728I: Harding, Richard - The Evolution of the Sailing Navy, 1509-1815
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BOOKS024776I: Hardy, D. A. (David A.) ; Keller, J. ; Galanopoulos, V.P. ; Flemming, N.C. ; & Druitt, T.H. ; editors: - Thera and the Aegean World III: Proceedings of the Third International Congress..,.3-9 September 1989. Volume II: Earth Sciences
BOOKS005562I: Hardy, Barbara - The Appropriate Form. An Essay on the Novel
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BOOKS006481I: Hargrove-Huttel, Ray Ann - Virginia Henderson's Nature of Nursing Theory & Quality of Life for the Older Adult
BOOKS015067I: Hargrove, Eugene C. ; editor: - The Animal Rights / Environmental Ethics Debate : The Environmental Perspective
BOOKS026887I: Haribhadra [active 8th century CE] [ Dixit, Krishna Kumar ; translator & editor: ] - Acharya Haribhadra's Astaka Prakarana (with Hindi Translation, Annotations, and Introduction)
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BOOKS008567I: Haring, Lee - Verbal Arts in Madagascar: Performance in Historical Perspective
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BOOKS017150I: Harker, Patrick T.; & Zenios, Stavros Andrea ; editors: - Performance of Financial Institutions : Efficiency, Innovation, Regulation
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BOOKS016569I: Harlan, Lindsey - The Goddesses' Henchmen : Gender in Indian Hero Worship
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BOOKS030949I: Harms, Bernhard [1876-1939] - Der Stadthaushalt Basels im ausgehenden Mittelalter; Quellen und Studien zur Basler Finanzgeschichte:
BOOKS010450I: Harms, Ernest; editor: - Problems of Sleep and Dream in Children
BOOKS001888I: Harms, Klaus - Das Domkapitel zu Schleswig von seinen Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1542
BOOKS000308I: Harms, Robert - Games Against Nature : An Eco-Cultural History of the Nunu of Equatorial Africa.
BOOKS014824I: Harnack, Otto - Die klassische Ästhetik der Deutschen: Würdigung der kunsttheoretischen Arbeiten Schiller's,Goethe's und ihrer Freunde
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BOOKS005927I: Harnisch, Hartmut - Bauern- Feudaladel - Stadteburgertum
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BOOKS004897I: Harper, Francis, editor: - The Travels of William Bartram. Naturalist's Edition. Edited with Commentary & an Annotated Index.
BOOKS022438I: Harper, T. N. (Timothy Norman) - The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya
BOOKS003074I: Harre, R. & Secord, P.F. - The Explanation of Social Behaviour
BOOKS011674I: Harrell, Stevan; editor: - Perspectives on the Yi of Southwest China
BOOKS014386I: Harries, Elizabeth Wanning - The Unfinished Manner : Essays on the Fragment in the Later 18th Century
BOOKS021083I: Harries, Karsten - The Ethical Function of Architecture
BOOKS008402I: Harrington, Daniel - Lessons From the Granite Mountain Shaft Fire, Butte
BOOKS018703I: Harrington, John Peabody - A Brief Description of the Tewa Language
BOOKS018701I: Harrington, John Peabody - An Introductory Paper on the Tiwa Language, Dialect of Taos, New Mexico
BOOKS021766I: Harrington, John Peabody [1884-1961] - Vocabulary of the Kiowa Language
BOOKS013956I: Harris, Errol E. - The Reality of Time
BOOKS011719I: Harris, George W. - Agent-Centered Morality: An Aristotelian Alternative to Kantian Internalism
BOOKS011515I: Harris, Grace Gredys - Casting Out Anger : Religion Among the Taita of Kenya
BOOKS003093I: Harris, Ian ; editor : - Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth-Century Asia
BOOKS010574I: Harris, Nigel - Thinking the Unthinkable: The Immigration Myth Exposed
BOOKS011686I: Harris, James R. - The Great Urals: Regionalism and the Evolution of the Soviet System
BOOKS008107I: Harris, Jane Gary; editor: - Autobiographical Statements in Twentieth-Century Russian Literature
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BOOKS017824I: Harris, Frank Reginald - The Life of Edward Mountagu, K.G., First Earl of Sandwich (1625-1672) : Volumes I & II
BOOKS005226I: Harris, Mark - Saul Bellow. Drumlin Woodcock
BOOKS003757I: Harris, John - English Sound Structure
BOOKS000331I: Harris, Richard Jackson - A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication
BOOKS000738I: Harris, Mark [1969 - ] - Life on the Amazon: The Anthropology of a Brazilian Peasant Village
BOOKS031977I: Harris, Alice C. ; editor : - The Indigenous Languages of the Caucasus : Volume I : The Kartvelian Languages
BOOKS011646I: Harris, Norman Dwight - Europe and Africa: Being a Revised Edition of Intervention and Colonization in Africa
BOOKS003723I: Harris, Roger McL. ; & Smolicz, Jerzy J. - Australijczycy polskiego pochodzenia : Studium adaptacji i asymilacji mlodego pokolenia
BOOKS000285I: Harris, Joseph E. - Repatriates and Refugees in a Colonial Society. The Case of Kenya.
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BOOKS024874I: Harrison, Brian - Waiting for China : The Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca, 1818-1843, and Early Nineteenth-century Missions
BOOKS018491I: Harrison, Jane Ellen [ Joubert, Joseph ] [ Sundwall, J. ] [ Persson, Axel, W. ] [ Blinkenberg, Chr. ] [ Nilsson, Martin P. ] - Epilegomena to the Study of Greek Religion [ bound with 11 other monographs & offprints concerning Classical Antiquity, 1905-50]
BOOKS016778I: Harrison, Mark - The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison
BOOKS003554I: Harrison, Robert - Gallic Salt : Eighteen Fabliaux translated from the Old French
BOOKS004690I: Harrison, Edward R. - Cosmology. The Science of the Universe
BOOKS020108I: Harrison, Charles - Conceptual Art and Painting : Further Essays on Art & Language
BOOKS001150I: Harriss, G.L. - King, Parliament, and Public Finance in Medieval England to 1369
BOOKS019545I: Harrisse, Henry [1829-1910] - Christophe Colomb, les corses et le gouvernement francais
BOOKS026417I: Harrisson, Tom [1911-1976] ; & Harrisson, Barbara V. - The Prehistory of Sabah
BOOKS018405I: Harrisson, Tom ; editor: - The Sarawak Museum Journal. Vol. XII. Nos. 25-26 (New Series) [July -December, 1965]
BOOKS009133I: Harshav, Benjamin - Language in Time of Revolution
BOOKS007230I: Harshé, Rajen - Pervasive Entente : France and Ivory Coast in African Affairs
BOOKS024739I: O’Hart, John - The Irish and Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry
BOOKS013591I: Hart, John - Herodotus and Greek History
BOOKS009966I: Hart, Dianne Walta - Thanks to God and the Revolution: The Oral History of a Nicaraguan Family
BOOKS008372I: Hart, Trevor; editor: - Justice the True and Only Mercy: Essays on the Life and Theology of Peter Taylor Forsyth
BOOKS008135I: Hart, Thomas R. - Cervantes and Ariosto: Renewing Fiction
BOOKS007157I: Hart, Gillian; Turton, Andrew; White, Benjamin; Fegan, Brian & Ghee, Lim Teck; editors: - Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia
BOOKS022506I: Hart, Jonathan ; & Bauman, Richard W. ; editors: - Explorations in Difference : Law, Culture, and Politics
BOOKS018939I: Hart, Craig H. ; editor: - Children on Playgrounds : Research Perspectives and Applications
BOOKS006088I: Hart, Ailsa L.; Stagg, Andrew J.; Graffner, hans; Glise, Hans; Falk, per; & Kamm, Michael A.; editors: - Gut Ecology
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BOOKS004152I: Hart, Henry - A Relevant Memoir. The Story of the Equinox Cooperative Press
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BOOKS029666I: Hartelius, Hans - Cerebral Changes Following Electrically Induced Convulsions : An Experimental Study on Cats
BOOKS020552I: Harter, Hugh A. - Tangier and All That
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BOOKS011227I: Harth, Dietrich & Gebhardt, Peter; editors: - Erkenntnis der Literatur: Theorien, Konzepte, Methoden der Literaturwissenschaft
BOOKS006329I: Harth, Erica - Cyrano de Bergerac and the Polemics of Modernity
BOOKS022247I: Hartig, Marina ; editor: - Jorn / Wemaëre : et kunstnerisk parløb
BOOKS010087I: Hartjen, Clayton A. & Kethineni, Sesha - Conmparative Delinquency: India and the United States
BOOKS028483I: Hartl, Dimitri - Die Pseudosympetalie von Correa speciosa (Rutaceae) und Oxalis tubiflora (Oxalidaceae)
BOOKS029039I: Härtle, Heinrich [1909-1986] - Die Kriegsschuld der Sieger : Churchills, Roosevelts und Stalins Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
BOOKS011640I: Hartley, Anthony - Gaullism: The Rise and Fall of a Political Movement
BOOKS010478I: Hartley, Marsden - Somehow a Past: The Autobiography of Marsden Hartley
BOOKS014751I: Hartman, Sven S. - Parsism : The Religion of Zoroaster
BOOKS007052I: Hartman, Sven S., editor: - Syncretism : Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Cultural Contact, Meeting of Religions, Syncretism..,.1966
BOOKS017745I: Hartman, Geoffrey H. - Psychoanalysis and the Question of the Text
BOOKS005361I: Hartman, C.G. - Emphasizing and Connecting Particles in the Thirteen Principal Upanishads
BOOKS012334I: Hartman, Geoffrey - A Critic's Journey: Literary Reflections, 1958-1998
BOOKS026564I: Hartmann, Günther [1924- 2012] - Xingú : unter Indianern in Zentral-Brasilien : zur einhundertjährigen Wiederkehr der Erforschung des Rio Xingú ..,.
BOOKS028464I: Hartmann, Richard [1881-1965] - Die Religion des Islam : eine Einführung
BOOKS024105I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 49. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1924]
BOOKS014850I: Hartmann, Ernest - The Biology of Dreaming
BOOKS015782I: Hartmann, Hans Walter [1905 - 19??] - Korsika zur Zeit der Französischen Revolution 1789-1794
BOOKS009432I: Hartmann, Gunther - Keramik des Alto Xingu, Zentral-Brasilien
BOOKS031120I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 53. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1925]
BOOKS007247I: Hartmann, Jul. - The Jet-Wave Rectifier. An Account of its Constructional Development during the Years 1919-1929 [bound with one other item]
BOOKS002555I: Hartmann, Lars von - Zur Biologie der Wasser und Ufervogel im Scharenmeer Sudwestfinnlands
BOOKS013025I: Hartmann, Paul ; Patil, B. R. ; & Dighe, Anita - The Mass Media and Village Life : An Indian Study
BOOKS003579I: Hartmann, Martin - Die arabische Frage mit einem Versuche der Archaologie Jemens [ Der islamische Orient : Berichte und Forschungen. Band II ]
BOOKS017943I: Hartmann, Richard - Das Sûfîtum nach al-Kuschairi
BOOKS001589I: Hartmann, Günther [1924-2012] - Gold und Silber : Gold der Kuna, Panama : Silberschmuck der Mapuche, Chile
BOOKS025627I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 47. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1924]
BOOKS028463I: Hartmann, Richard [1881-1965] - Die Krisis des Islam
BOOKS021072I: Hartmann, Hermann [1914-1984] - Theorie der chemischen Bindung auf quantentheoretischer Grundlage
BOOKS031145I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 46. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1923]
BOOKS022928I: Hartmann, Grethe - The Girls They Left Behind: An Investigation into the Various Aspects of the German Troops Sexual Relations with Danish Subjects
BOOKS023126I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 48. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1924]
BOOKS024494I: Hartmann, Max ; & Pascher, Adolf ; editors : - Archiv für Protistenkunde : 50. Band : Heft 1 - 2 - 3 [1924]
BOOKS003978I: Hartmeier, Winfried - Immobilized Biocatalysts. An Introduction
BOOKS002705I: Hartog, Cornelis den - The Epilithic Algal Communities Occurring Along the Coast of the Netherlands
BOOKS009716I: Hartshorne, Charles - Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy
BOOKS011568I: Hartt, Julian N.; Haert, Ray L. & Scharlemann, Robert P. - The Critique of Modernity: Theological Reflections on Contemporary Culture
BOOKS007196I: Hartung, Wolfgang - Suddeutschland in der fruhen Merowingerzeit : Studien zu Gesellschaft, Herrschaft, Stammesbildung bei Alamannen und Bajuwaren
BOOKS001658I: Hartung, Fritz - Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
BOOKS000373I: Hartveit, Lars - The Art of Persuasion: A Study of Six Novels
BOOKS003825I: Hartvigson, Hans H. - On the Intonation & Position of the So-Called Sentence Modifiers in Present-Day English
BOOKS031488I: Harut'yunyan, Khach'ik ; & Ter-Vardanean, Georg - Mik'ayel anvamb 17. dari erku grich'
BOOKS018404I: Harvald, Bent - Heredity in Epilepsy : An Electroencephalographic Study of Relatives of Epileptics
BOOKS012634I: Harvey, Peter (Brian Peter) - An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics : Foundations, Values, and Issues
BOOKS009491I: Harvey, H. R.; editor: - Land and Politics in the Valley of Mexico: A Two-Thousand-Year Perspective
BOOKS006004I: Harvey, Paul H. & Partridge, Linda, editors: - Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, Volume 6, 1989
BOOKS013030I: Harvey, Joy Dorothy - Almost a Man of Genius: Clemence Royer, Feminism, and Nineteenth-Century Science
BOOKS010654I: Harvey, William - Scottish Chapbook Literature
BOOKS020394I: Harvey, Fredrick Burn - Church Rate Opposition : Its Fallacies Exposed and Refuted
BOOKS021404I: Harvey, A. E. (Anthony Ernest) - A Companion to the New Testament - Second Edition
BOOKS016428I: Harvey, Peter (Brian Peter) - An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics : Foundations, Values and Issues
BOOKS017625I: Harward, Vernon J. - The Dwarfs of Arthurian Romance and Celtic Tradition
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