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- - Dieter Roth.  Gesammelte Werke/ Collected works, Band 20/40. Bucher uns Grafik/ Books and Graphic. Teil/ part 1/ 2.

Title: Dieter Roth. Gesammelte Werke/ Collected works, Band 20/40. Bucher uns Grafik/ Books and Graphic. Teil/ part 1/ 2.
Description: Stuttgart, Edition Hansjorg Mayer, 1972/1979. Paperbacks, 222/409 p. Edities Haags Gemeentemuseum 1972/ 1980.


Price: EUR 140.00 = appr. US$ 152.16 Seller: Exalto in boeken - Hein Exalto
- Book number: 5191

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