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Philip Emery 43 Trinity Road, Y015 2EZ, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, Great Britian Email: gravitybks@aol.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
148522: HENRY WIGGIN & COMPANY LIMITED - Welding, Brazing and Soldering: Wiggin Nickel Alloys
148557: HENRY WIGGIN & COMPANY LIMITED - Wiggin Nickel Alloys 94
148558: HENRY WIGGIN & COMPANY LIMITED - Wiggin Electrical Resistance Wires
148550: HENRY WIGGIN & COMPANY LIMITED - Wiggin Nickel Alloys: Machining
148548: ROCOL LIMITED - Rocol Molybdenised Lubricants
68575: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION LIMITED (ED.) - Through the Great Canadian Wilderness
167368: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION LIMITED - Food from Your Garden: All You Need to Know to Grow, Cook and Preserve Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
147807: COMBINED ELECTRONIC SERVICES LIMITED - Ces Electronic Components Catalogue
005997: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION LIMITED (ED.) - Reader's Digest Pocket Treasury of Great Quotations
64320: GRANTHAM FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED - Grantham V Swindon Town, F.A. Cup 2nd Round Proper, Saturday, December 7th, 1968 : Official Programme
64318: GRANTHAM FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED - Grantham V Rotherham United, F.A. Cup (2nd Round Proper), Saturday December 12th, 1970 : Official Programme
153778: MARTIN LIMON - Tales from the East Riding
168647: LIMON, MARTIN - Tales from the East Riding
73771: LINDBERG, G AND M. LINDBERG - Odhams New Pictorial Encyclopedia
167358: LINDEMANN, EDNA M. AND NANCY WEEKLY - Charles Cary Rumsey 1879-1922
66304: LINDEMANN, KELVIN - Huset Med Det Gronne Trae
005475: LINDESAY, VANE - Aussie-Osities
167012: LINDHOUT, HELEN - Beyond the Threshold of a Dream (a Journey Into the Music of Justin Hayward)
5036: LINDO, LLOYD (ED.) - Forces '88
162999: LINDSAY, DAVID W. (ED. AND INTRO.) - English Poetry 1700-1780: Contemporaries of Swift and Johnson
157820: LINDSAY, JAMES R. - The Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly February 1945
168590: LINDSAY, ROBERT AND HOWARD HEELEY - Shackleton Wr977: Duty Carried out 1957-1971
66307: LINDSAY, B. - The Story of Animal Life
66310: LINDSEY, DAVID - Heat from Another Sun
150876: CUNARD LINE - Cunard Line Embarkation Notice Southampton Services, No. 9, September 1958
141335: BERGEN LINE - Bergen Guide 1961
141724: BERGEN LINE - Summer Holidays in Norway 1960
155533: CIRCLE LINE - Circle Line Cruise Guide: America's Favourite Boat Ride
144877: LINES, CHARLES - The Book of Warwick
152694: LINES, CHARLES - Hardwick Hall and the Cavendish Story
73772: LINES, CLIFFORD AND LAURIE BOLWELL - Revise Geography : A Complete Revision Course for Gcse
147733: LINFOOT, M. ; D. GIBSON & M. KORANSKI (EDS.) - Grantham Town V Boston United: Lincolnshire County Senior Cup, Tuesday 8th August 1995
137800: LINGARD, JOAN - Strangers in the House
66312: LINGSTROM, FREDA - This Is Norway
135913: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Merry Muse
132745: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Voyage of the 'Challenger'
66313: LINKLATER, ERIC - A Year of Space : A Chapter in Autobiography
164956: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Cornerstones: A Conversation in Elysium
164204: LINKLATER, ERIC - Magnus Merriman
66325: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Raft and Socrates Asks Why : Two Conversations
66314: LINKLATER, ERIC - John Moore's England
66318: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Cornerstones : A Conversation in Elysium
66315: LINKLATER, ERIC - Position at Noon
66320: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Faithful Ally
66321: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Impregnable Women
66322: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Impregnable Women
66323: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Impregnable Women
66324: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Man on My Back : An Autobiography
85280: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Great Ship and Rabelais Replies: Two Conversations
140564: LINNELL, C.L.S. - St. Bartholomew's Church Sloley
158182: LINNELL, C.L.S. - The Church of St Mary Happisburgh
66326: LINNEMANN, WILLY-AUGUST - Bogen Om Det Skjulte Ansigt : Europafortaellinger
136075: LINZ, CATHIE - As Good As Gold
66328: LINZ, CATHIE - Remembrance of Love
66330: LIPMAN, MAUREEN - You Can Read Me Like a Book
77815: LIPMAN, MAUREEN - How Was It for You?
009202: LIPPERT, WOLFGANG - Flowers of Field and Meadow
157024: LIPSIUS, FRANK - Alexander the Great
156101: LISA - My Royal Album
153266: DE LISLE, TIM (ED.) - Wisden Cricket Monthly June 2000
151896: LISLE, MARGARET - One Glorious Term
167630: LISLE, CLIFTON - The Farm at Melbrook
66332: LISLE, ERIC - Under Honour's Flag
66333: LISLE, ERIC - Under Honour's Flag
168801: LISS, PAUL; LLEWELLYN, SACHA - Raymond Sheppard (1913-1958): Master Illustrator
168802: LISS, PAUL; LLEWELLYN, SACHA AND ALAN POWERS - Stanley Lewis (1905-2009)
168803: LISS, PAUL AND SACHA LLEWELLYN - "Damn the War!": Images of the First and Second World Wars
137981: LISTER, RAYMOND - British Romantic Art
66334: LISTER, ROBIN (RETOLD) - The Story of King Arthur
161885: LISTER, MARTIN AND DAVE WOOLLEY - Rambling in the Plymouth Countryside
132861: LISZT, FRANZ - Les Preludes: Symphonic Poem, No. 3 for Full Orchestra (to Lamertine)
146295: LISZT, FRANZ - Rhapsodies Hongroises for Pianoforte: Book 1, Nos. 1 to 9
146283: LISZT, FRANZ - Sonate H Moll B Minor
159267: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK - Pottery and Porcelain: A Guide to Collectors
168117: LITT, TOBY - Exhibitionism
164118: LITTLE, BRYAN - Cheltenham in Pictures
168057: LITTLE, BRIAN (ED.) - Number One Royal Crescent Bath: A Guide
144634: LITTLE, SUE - Gardening: The Good Web Guide
152232: LITTLE, BRIAN - Banbury in Old Picture Postcards: Volume 2
157223: LITTLE, ALAN - The Lawn Tennis Championships: Media Guide, 1983
4932: LITTLEWOOD, BARBARA (ED.) - Aa Camping and Caravanning in Britain 1986
4933: LITTLEWOOD, BARBARA (ED.) - Aa Camping and Caravanning in Britain 1986
005404: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Oleander, Jacaranda : A Childhood Perceived
137966: WALKER ART GALLERY LIVERPOOL - Foreign Catalogue: Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours, Tapestry, Sculpture, Silver, Ceramics
137969: WALKER ART GALLERY LIVERPOOL - Supplementary Foreign Catalogue : Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours, Sculpture, Prints, Photographs
74236: LIVERSEDGE, STAN - This England Job
66345: LIVERSEDGE, STAN - Busby : Epitaph to a Legend
84935: LIVERSEDGE, STAN - Liverpool : The Official Centenary History 1892-1992
162021: LIVERSEDGE, STAN - Let's Play Soccer
66346: LIVERSIDE, DOUGLAS - The Queen Mother
66347: LIVERSIDGE, DOUGLAS - Queen Elizabeth II : The British Monarchy Today
168770: LIVESEY, B. & S.J. STACEY - A Look at Clifton Beds.
167163: LIVINGS, HENRY - Flying Eggs and Things: More Pennine Tales
154890: HELEN LIVINGSTON - Francis Frith's Sevenoaks & Tonbridge
010617: LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Quiet Murder
66348: LIVINGSTON, JACK - Die Again, Macready
83859: LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Unwillingly to Vegas
161447: LIVINGSTONE, RUSS - Then and Now: A Collection of Love Poems
66349: LIVINGSTONE, MARGARET - Daughter of the Sun
160393: LIVIUS - Romische Geschichte Buch XXIII-XXV: Der Zweite Punische Krieg II
160392: LIVIUS - Romische Geschichte Buch XXI Und XXII: Der Zweite Punische Krieg 1
66352: LLEWELLIN, PETER AND SAUNDERS, ANNE - Aa Book of British Towns
66351: LLEWELLIN, PETER AND SAUNDERS, ANNE - Aa Book of British Towns
162287: LLEWELLIN, PETER AND SAUNDERS, ANNE - Aa Book of British Towns
66353: LLEWELLYN, HARRY - Passports to Life : Journeys Into Many Worlds
72530: LLEWELYN-BOWEN, LAURENCE - Fantasy Rooms
146520: LLORENS SERRA, TOMAS - Guide to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
94491: LLOYD, PENNY - What's the Time?
130651: LLOYD, JOAN - Guatemala: Land of the Mayas
159616: LLOYD, HENRY - A Walk About Truro Cathedral
165442: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - The Search for the Niger
66360: LLOYD, GEORGINA - For Love of Money
132531: LLOYD-JONES, ROBIN - Lord of the Dance
143881: LLOYD, ALISON (ED.) - A Sideways Glance
143826: LLOYD, SARAH - An Indian Attachment
66361: LLOYD, GEORGINA - For Love of Money : Sixteen Murder for Gain
66362: LLOYD, GEORGINA - For Love of Money : Sixteen Murders for Gain
66364: LLOYD, JOHN - The World's Veteran to Vintage Cars
66366: LLOYD, TOM - The Charity Business : The New Philanthropists
143637: LLOYD-JONES, W.R. - All Saints Church Newland: "the Cathedral of the Forest"
66367: LLOYD-DODD, F. T. AND B. J. LYNCH - Organization and Administration of Industry
167320: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER; HIND, CHARLES - A Guide to Great Dixter
140712: LLOYD, WYNDHAM E. B. - A Hundred Years of Medicine
167097: LLOYD, DAVID; KLEIN, PETER - Ludlow: An Historical Anthology
154367: GRAHAME LLOYD - Daffodil Days: Glamorgan's Glorious Summer
156032: POLLY LLOYD - About Exmoor
167884: LLOYD, BARBARA - The Colours of Southern India
4303: LO, KENNETH - The Wok Cookbook
66368: LO, KENNETH - A Guide to Chinese Eating
66370: LO, KENNETH - Kenneth Lo's Chinese Cookery Course
66369: LO, KENNETH - Chinese Food
164809: LOBBAN, J.H. (ED.) - Goldsmith: Selected Essays
166576: LOBEL, RICHARD, ALLAN HAILSTONE AND ELENI CALLIGAS - Coincraft's Coin Checklist 1656 to 1816
003412: LOBSENZ, NORMAN M. - West Germany
137470: LOCK, STEPHEN; SMITH, TONY - The Medical Risks of Life
000548: LOCKE, LAFE - The Name of the Game: How Sports Talk Got That Way
150232: LOCKE, OLLIE - Laid in Chelsea: My Life Uncovered
96305: LOCKE, JANET - A Rose for Bridie
168644: LOCKETT, TERRY A.; HALFPENNY, PAT (EDS.) - Staffordshire Porcelain, 1740-1851
66374: LOCKHART, J. G. (THE JANITOR) - Babel Revisited : A Churchman in Soviet Russia
66376: LOCKHART, ROBERT BRUCE - Giants Cast Long Shadows
99759: LOCKITT, C. H. (ED.) - The Adventure of Travel
77472: LOCKLEY, R. M. (INTRO AND COMMENTARIES) - Britain in Colour
167805: LOCKMILLER, DAVID A. - Scholars on Parade: Colleges, Universities, Costumes and Degrees
113: LOCKWOOD, RICHARD - The Official Tccb Cricket Statistics 1991
168553: LOCKWOOD, STEPHEN - Bradford Trolleybuses
167528: LOCKYEAR, HAROLD - This Part of Devon: A Description of Hartland and Welcombe for Visitors
006572: LOCKYER, DAPHNE - Julio : The Unsung Story
160957: DICKIE BIRD WITH KEITH LODGE - White Cap and Bails: Adventures of a Much Travelled Umpire
66387: LODGE, OLIVER - Atoms and Rays : An Introduction to Modern Views on Atomic Structure and Radiation
006074: LODGE, OLIVER - The Substance of Faith Allied with Science : A Catechism for Parents and Teachers
153376: DICKIE BIRD WITH KEITH LODGE - White Cap and Bails: Adventures of a Much Travelled Umpire
166163: DICKIE BIRD WITH KEITH LODGE - White Cap and Bails: Adventures of a Much Travelled Umpire
162095: LODGE, ERIC - The Yorkshire Dales Official Guide
167585: LODGE, ERIC - The Yorkshire Dales: Official Guide with Map
3101: LODGE, OLIVER W. F. - The Things People Do : Short Stories
158639: LODGE, DEREK - J.B. Hobbs: His Record Innings-by-Innings
160969: LODGE, DEREK - The Test Match Career of Walter Hammond
166730: LODGE, DAVID - Therapy: A Novel
159319: DICKIE BIRD WITH KEITH LODGE - Dickie Bird: My Autobiography
156430: DAVID LODGE - Small World: An Academic Romance
167840: LODWICK, JOYCE AND VICTOR - St Peter's Parish Church Carmarthen: A Guide Book
132373: LOEWE, MICHAEL - Everyday Life in Early Imperial China During the Han Period, 202 Bc-Ad 220
161776: LOEWENBERG, GERHARD - Parliament in the German Political System
66389: LOEWENFELD, CLAIRE AND PHILIPPA BACK - The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices
167972: LOEWENSTEIN, LOUIS K. (ED.) - Urban Studies: An Introductory Reader
167579: LOFTHOUSE, JESSICA - Off to the Lakes: A Lakeland Walking Year
156080: LOFTIE, W. J. - Authorised Guide to the Tower of London
83736: LOFTIE, W. J. - Authorised Guide to the Tower of London
71460: LOFTING, HUGH - Doctor Dolittle's Caravan
002367: LOFTS, NORAH - Michael and All Angels
66393: LOFTS, NORAH - Lovers All Untrue
66394: LOFTS, NORAH - The Lute-Player
149049: LOFTUS, HARRY - Touring the Lake District, the Pennines and Yorkshire Dales
154382: LOFTUS, HARRY - The Lake District, the Pennines and the Yorkshire Dales
146257: LOMAX, FRANK - St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore
168383: ACP - EEC CONVENTION OF LOME - Compilation of Texts III: 1 September 1977 - 30 September 1978
166794: LONCASTER, WENDY AND MALCOLM SHIELDS - Fred Elwell Ra - a Life in Art: A Perspective on a New Old Master
168845: LONCASTER, WENDY & SHIELDS, MALCOLM - Walter Goodin: Above All, the Sky
84206: LONDERVILLE, JOHN D. & MARGARET D. - The Little World on Maple Street
004516: PHILLIPS LONDON - European Ceramics & Glass & Oriental Ceramics & Works of Art : Wednesday 16 February 1994 at 11. 00 Am and 2. 00 Pm
152629: BRIDGE HOUSE ESTATES AND THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON - The Tower Bridge Official Souvenir Brochure
148694: PHILLIPS LONDON - Old Master Drawings: To Be Sold by Auction Wednesday 11 December 1991
68883: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS IN LONDON - Portuguese Art 800-1800 : Winter Exhibition 1955/56
147646: WEDGWOOD SOCIETY LONDON - The Wedgwood Society London: Newsletter No. 24
020037: LONDON, SHERRY; REINFELD, ERIC - Real World After Effects
147474: PHILLIPS LONDON - Fine 19th Century European Paintings & Watercolours: Tuesday 18 June 1991
142953: PHILLIPS LONDON - Arms, Armour & Militaria, Wednesday 7 April 1993
166178: MUSEUM OF LONDON - The Museum of London
162380: TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON - Electronic Keyboard Grade 1 from 2003
66402: LONDON, JACK - The Call of the Wild : White Fang
66403: LONDON, JACK - White Fang
66404: LONDON, JACK - White Fang
66406: LONDON, JACK - White Fang
66407: LONEY, S. L. - Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners
154565: GEORGE LONG - The Folklore Calendar
4763: LONG, E. T. - St. Laurence Church: Combe Longa Church Handbook
138818: LONG, CECIL MICHAEL - Somerleyton Hall
140561: LONG, E. T. - The Story of the Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul Hanborough
156149: ROGER LONG - A Grim Almanac of Old Berkshire
71368: LONGDEN, PETER - The Fun Guys Stories : The Hen Coat : The Ship Shape
153746: LONGFELLOW, H W - The Poetical Works of Longfellow, Including Recent Poems, with Explanatory Notes, Etc.
84605: LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. - Evageline: A Tale of Acadie
66409: LONGFELLOW, H. W. - The Poetical Works of H.W. Longfellow
66410: LONGFELLOW, PAMELA - China Blues
66408: LONGFELLOW, H. W. - The Poetical Works of H.W. Longfellow
66412: LONGFORD, ELIZABETH - Victoria R.I.
166346: LONGFORD, FRANK - Saints
66413: LONGFORD, LORD - Abraham Lincoln
66415: LONGLEY, MICHAEL - The Echo Gate : Poems 1975 - 79
148174: LONGSTAFFE, ERNEST - Six Cameos for Concert Parties: A Selection of Crisp Sketchettes Requiring Little or No Scenery
165975: LONGUS - Daphnis & Chloe
166863: LONSDALE, CYNTHIA - Ouseburn Gems
145891: GéZA VON HABSBURG; MARINA LOPATO - Fabergé: Imperial Jeweller
140694: LORD, CELIA - Morton St. Paul's, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire: . A Treasure House of William Morris & Edward Burne Jones Windows
99776: LORD, BETTE BAO - Spring Moon
168804: LORD, GENEVIEVE W. - Scarborough's Floral Heritage: Over 100 Years of Parks and Gardens in Britain's First Resort
149899: LORD'S TAVERNERS - The Lord's Taverners 1971
006995: LORENZ, ANDREW - A Fighting Chance : The Revival and Future of British Manufacturing Industry
66424: LORENZ, ANDREW - A Fighting Chance : The Revival and Future of British Manufacturing Industry
137708: LORIE, JONATHAN (ED.) - The Traveller's Handbook: The Insider's Guide to World Travel
149650: LORIMER, MALCOLM G. (ED.) - Lancashire Cricket Yearbook 1998
66425: LORIMER, JAMES - The Ex : A Picture History of the Canadian Natonal Exhibition
161380: LORSCH, JAY W.; TIERNEY, THOMAS J. - Aligning the Stars: How to Succeed When Professionals Drive Results
66426: LOSHAK, DAVID - Daily Telegraph Guide to Retirement
163320: LOTI, PIERRE - The Sahara: A Spahi's Love Story
147834: LOTI, PIERRE - Pecheur D'Islande
73182: LOTTMAN, EILEEN - Dynasty
77492: LOTZ, WOLFGANG - The Northern Renaissance
73478: LOUIS, H. W. (ED.) - The Motor Cycle 13 December 1951
73477: LOUIS, H. W. (ED.) - The Motor Cycle 6 December 1951
133058: LOUVISH, SIMON - The Death of Moishe-Ganef: A Levantine Tale
83129: LOVATT-SMITH, LISA - London Living
66431: LOVE, CATHERINE E. - Diamond Italian Dictionary : Italian-English, English-Italian
166878: LOVE, JOHN A. - Penguins
149638: LOVE, LINDSAY (ED.) - Kevin Sharp Benefit Year 1991: Souvenir Brochure
66432: LOVECE, FRANK - The X-Files Declassified : The Truth!
137230: LOVEJOY, JOE - Bestie : A Portrait of a Legend
165411: LOVELESS, WILLIAM - The Confused Generation: A Personal Account of the Generation Who Lived Through the 20th Century Amdist Vast Social Change, Having Already Experienced the Greatest War in History
151430: LOVELL, MARC - Shadows and Dark Places
66433: LOVELL, K. - The Growth of Basic Mathematical and Scientific Concepts in Children
73791: LOVELOCK, YANN (ED.) - Physic Meet and Metaphysic: A Celebration on Edward Lowbury's 80th Birthday
131445: LOVER, SAMUEL - Handy Andy
146715: LOVER, SAMUEL - Handy Andy: A Tale of Irish Life
166986: LOVETT, RICHARD - Ireland 100 Years Ago: The Beauty of Ireland Illustrated
149318: LOVGREEN, P.G. - Kidsons Impey Liverpool & District Cricket Competition Official Handbook 1991
66442: LOW, CHARLES R. (ED.) - Captain Cook's Three Voyages Round the World : With a Sketch of His Life
66441: LOW, A. M. - Parachutes in Peace and War
131138: LOWE, JOHN - Into Japan
000546: LOWE, CARL - Journeys by Rail
154596: CHRISTIE'S ROBSON LOWE - Australasian Stamps and Postal History: Melbourne, Australia, Wednesday, 17 October 1990 at 10. 30 A.M. And 2. 00 P.M.
74717: LOWE, EDITH - Good Night Stories
162456: LOWE, W.D. (ED.) - Caesar in Britain: Selections from the Fourth and Fifth Books of Caesar's Gallic War
146587: LOWE, DAVID ; RICHARDS, JACK - The Lace Heritage: A Guide to Nottingham Lace
163641: LOWNEY, DECLAN (DIRECTOR) - Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
157378: LOWREY, THOMAS - These Hundred Years 1876-1976: The Work and Witness of Newington Presbyterian Church
72202: LOXTON, HOWARD - Caring for Your Cat
66447: LOXTON, HOWARD - Guide to the Cats of the World
66448: LOXTON, HOWARD - Railways
66449: LOXTON, HOWARD (ED.) - Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs
3646: LOYE, C. V. (ED.) - Host's Dansk-Engelske Og Engelsk-Danske Lommeordbog
66232: LESLIE BISHOP COMPANY LTD (ED.) - Savoury Favourites for Summer Parties
62494: CREATIVE EDITORS & WRITERS LTD - Seeds of Thanks
69709: STANLEY GIBBONS LTD. - Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue 1963. Part 1: British Commonwealth, Ireland and South Africa
69710: STANLEY GIBBONS LTD. - Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue. Part One, 1967: British Commonwealth, Ireland and South Africa
166950: NORTH OF SCOTLAND ORKNEY & SHETLAND SHIPPING COMPANY LTD - 1963 Holiday Sailings to Orkney & Shetland: First Class Passenger Ships from Leith & Aberdeen May to September 1963
148758: ACHIM MOELLER LTD - Selected Paintings, Drawings and Graphics of the 19th and 20th Centuries
166299: NORTH OF SCOTLAND ORKNEY & SHETLAND SHIPPING COMPANY LTD - 1964 Holiday Sailings to Orkney & Shetland: First Class Passenger Ships from Leith & Aberdeen May to September 1964
154855: STAFF OF HELIGAN GARDENS LTD - The Lost Gardens of Heligan: Handbook and Essential Guide to the Gardens & Wider Estate
68577: READERS DIGEST ASSOCIATION LTD. (ED.) - Know Your Garden Friends & Your Garden Foes
152993: WOOKEY HOLE CAVES LTD - Wookey Hole: The Caves and MILL
152669: S.S. GREAT BRITAIN TRADING LTD - S.S. Great Britain: A Walk Through Guide
152297: WOOKEY HOLE CAVES LTD - Wookey Hole: The Caves & MILL
152027: MAGGS BROS LTD - Catalogue 1186: Natural History Medicine & Science Including Special Collections of Books on Orchids and Cage Birds
68299: POWER TOOLS (SPECIALISTS) LTD. - Power Tools and Engineering Equipment
150345: GREATEST EVER (UK) LTD - Greatest Ever Footballers: The Definitive List of the Very Best Teams and Players of All Time
150181: NORFOLK LAVENDER LTD - The Story of Norfolk Lavender
150011: ROCOL LTD - Rocol: First in Molybdenum Disulphide Lubrication
152254: STANLEY GIBBONS LTD - Stanley Gibbons Priced Postage Stamp Catalogue 1956 (Stanley Gibbons Centenary): Part I, British Empire
147461: POTTERIES MOTOR TRACTION CO LTD - Pmt House Magazine March-April 1967
142223: J.W. ARROWSMITH LTD - Arrowsmith 1854-1954, 1954-1979
77532: PATONS & BALDWINS LTD - Children's Outfits Knitted from Beehive Fingering
167472: FRANCIS EDWARDS LTD - Catalogue No. 856: The Fine and Applied Arts: Books on Architecture, Painting, Costume, Furniture, Oriental Art, Etc.
83261: BERTRAM ROTA LTD - First Editions
147554: ROBT. MCTEAR & CO. (AUCTIONEERS) LTD - Sale of Fine Antique Furniture, British & European Paintings, Silver, Ceramics and Jewellery: Friday 20th March 1998, Clydeway Business Centre, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow, G3 8ep
89027: J CLARKE-HALL LTD - First Editions Catalogue 39
142898: ALLOY WIRE CO. LTD - A Booklet of Technical Data Relating to Resistance Wire and Tape for Electrical Applications
147116: BEMROSE AND SONS LTD - Our Own View of the Matter
142858: FRY'S METAL FOUNDRIES LTD - Fryolux Solder Paint
142857: FRY'S METAL FOUNDRIES LTD - Soft Solders for Service at Elevated Temperatures
65174: HOTPOINT LTD. - Four Way Cooking : How to Get the Best out of Your Hotpoint Oven
147477: CHURCHILL MACHINE TOOL CO. LTD - Churchill Model 'Pch' Universal Grinding Machine
161458: THE EDEN PROJECT LTD - Eden: The Guide
66652: MAGGS BROS. LTD. - English Literature and Books Printed in England Prior to 1800. Part 5: S-Z
83252: BERTRAM ROTA LTD - First Editions
144509: BRIDGENS & SON LTD - 108 Souvenir Photographic Views of Sheffield and District
168279: LUBBOCK, ADELAIDE - People in Glass Houses: Growing Up at Government House
66452: LUCAS, E. V. - A Wanderer Among Pictures : A Companion to the Galleries of Europe
141648: LUCAS, WILLIAM - Dorset Born: The Story of a South Dorset Village Childhood in the Years Around the Great War
138314: GALERIE SANCT LUCAS - Gemalde Alter Meister Winter 1989/90
66457: LUCAS, S. BERESFORD - The Mysterious Airport
66456: LUCAS, GEORGE - Star Wars : A New Hope
66455: LUCAS, E. V. (ED.) - The Gentlest Art : A Choice of Letters by Entertaining Hands
72829: LUCAS, JEREMY - The Faroes Venture
77363: LUCAS, JACK W. - Vegetarian Nutrition
66458: LUCIANI, MARTINA - Technology for Art in Europe
146547: LUCIE-SMITH, EDWARD (INTRO. AND TRANS.) - Impressionist Masterpieces at the Jeu de Paume, Paris
66461: LUCIE-SMITH, EDWARD - Symbolist Art
165892: LUCIE-SMITH, EDWARD - First London Catalogue: All the Appurtenances of a Civilized, Amusing and Comfortable Life
160238: LUCY, MARY ELIZABETH; FAIRFAX-LUCE, ALICE (INTRODUCTION) - Mistress of Charlecote: The Memoirs of Mary Elizabeth Lucy
2368: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Pasifal Mosaic
66464: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Gemini Contenders
156388: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Aquitaine Progression
66467: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Parsifal Mosaic : The Aquitaine Progression
66468: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Road to Omaha
66463: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Bourne Identity
001422: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Matarese Circle
66462: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Aquitaine Progression
66465: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Icarus Agenda
149911: LUDNELL, NORMAN - Atmlink 155 Pci Network Interface Cards User Guide
66469: LUFT, LORNA - Me and My Shadows : A Family Story : Living with the Legacy of Judy Garland
167864: LUKACS, C.; TARJAN, E. - Mathematical Games
167026: LUKE, HARRY - Cities and Men: An Autobiography Volume II: Aegean, Cyprus, Turkey, Transcaucasia and Palestine (1914-1924)
66471: LULOFS, MADELON - Gummi
66472: LUMB, NICK, MICHAEL HOBBS AND JOHN PINNER - The Complete Book of Golf : Techniques, Great Golf Courses, History
167803: LUMMIS, W.M. - The Churches of Bungay
66474: LUND, BRIAN (EDITOR) - Picture Postcard Monthly, September 1988
94343: LUND, BRIAN AND MARY (EDS.) - Picture Postcard Monthly February 2008, No 346.
74204: LUNDY, DEREK - The Way of a Ship
161031: LUNN, JONATHAN - Killigrew and the Golden Dragon
78570: LUNN, JONATHAN - Killigrew and the Sea Devil
66478: LUPERTZ, MARKUS - New Museum Buildings in the Federal Republic of Germany = Neue Museumsbauten in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
161025: LURIE, ALISON - The Nowhere City
002227: LURIE, ALISON - The Last Resort
66480: LUSBY, JIM - Making the Cut
66483: LUSCOMBE, WILLIAM G. (ED.) - Where to Fish 1949-1950 : 'the Field' Guide to the Fishing in Rivers & Lakes
66485: LUSTBADER, ERIC VAN - White Ninja
4940: LUTIN, MICHAEL - Your 1994 Horoscope: Scorpio 23 Oct- 22 Nov
130677: LUTYENS, W. E. - Sons of God: A Devotional Commentary on the Fourth Gospel
150059: LUTZ RADTKE, OLIVER - Chinglish: Found in Translation
147593: LUUK, ERNST - Outlook Berlin
147603: LUUK, ERNST - Outlook Berlin
130660: LUZ, CLEMENTE - Brasilia
66491: LYALL, GAVIN (ED.) - The War in the Air 1939-1945 : An Anthology of Personal Experience
66487: LYALL, DAVID - The Gold That Perisheth
66495: LYE, KEITH - Passport to United States
151119: LYELL, JANE - The Battle of Flodden Field, September 9th 1513
66496: LYLE, SANDY WITH JOHN ANDRISANI - Learning Golf: The Lyle Way : The Sure and Simple Way to Play the Game
150349: BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME - Borough of Newcastle-Under-Lyme Coronation Celebrations 12th May, 1937 (Elementary Schools' Section)
147329: BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME - Newcastle Carnival May 30th 1988: Official Programme
146909: BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME - Souvenir of the Charter and Carnival Celebrations May 1990
147486: BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME - Borough of Newcastle Under Lyme: Souvenir of the Charter and Carnival Celebrations May 1990
160184: LYNAGH, MICHAEL; EGLINTON, MARK - Blindsided
157789: LYNAM, J.E. - Welcome to Stonesby "the Village by the Tree Stump"
134327: LYNCH, TONY - Manchester United Special
72805: LYNCH, GERALD - Troutstream
160708: LYNCH, STEVEN - The Wisden Guide to International Cricket 2014: The Definitive Player-by-Player Guide
156260: STEVEN LYNCH (ED.) - The Espn Cricinfo Guide to International Cricket 2010
160780: LYNCH, STEVEN (ED.) - The Wisden Guide to International Cricket 2012
152996: LYNCH, MICK (ED.) - The Oxford Story
151231: LYNCH, STEVEN (ED.) - The Cricinfo Guide to International Cricket 2008
153460: STEVEN LYNCH (ED.) - The Cricinfo Guide to International Cricket 2008
66499: LYNCH, BARRY - Bbc Health Check : With 14-Day Action Plans for Better Health
149452: LYNCH, STEVEN - The Lord's Test, 1884-1989
66500: LYNCH, PATRICK - From the Beginning
73242: LYNCH, TONY - The Official F.A. Premier League Annual
160984: LYNCH, STEVEN - The Lord's Test, 1884-1989
158733: LYNCH, STEVEN - The Lord's Test, 1884-1989
72116: LYNN, SHERYL - Simon Says
66504: LYNN, SARA - Home
3922: LYNN, SARA - Farm Animals
66502: LYNN, JACK - The Hallelujah Flight
72809: LYNNE, JAMES BROOM - Jet Race
134866: LYNTON, NORBERT - The Flower Show : An Exhibition on the Theme of Flowers in Twentieth Century British Art
4602: LYON, HUGH - An Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships
148401: LYON, W.E. (ED.) - The Horseman's Year 1949-1950
77480: LYON, W. E. (ED.) - The Horseman's Year 1952
164872: LYON, THOBURN C. - Witness in the Sky
157851: SAMANTHA LYON - Not a Guide to Shrewsbury
84915: LYON, MARY (TRANS.) - Without Alphonse: The Diary of a Frenchwoman in Scotland
72810: LYONS, GENEVIEVE - The Lovely American
1090: LYONS, ANDY (ED.) - Bookable Offence : The When Saturday Comes Special, No. 2
160501: LYONS, DAVID B. - The Curious Case of Faith & Grace
66508: LYONS, ANDY - Bookable Offence : The 'When Saturday Comes' Special. 2
66510: LYONS, ANDY (EDITOR) - Bookable Offence : The 'When Saturday Comes' Special. 2
66511: LYONS, ANDY (EDITOR) - Bookable Offence : The When Saturday Comes Special. 2
142297: LYONS, JOHN (ED.) - New Horizons in Linguistics
002347: LYREN, CARL - 365 Ways to Cook Chicken
158740: A.G. STEEL; R.H. LYTTELTON - Cricket
165367: LYTTLETON, RAYMOND A. - The Modern Universe
66514: LYTTON, LORD - Rienzi: The Last of the Roman Tribunes
66515: LYTTON, LORD - The Last of the Barons
146850: MAAS, RUPERT (INTRO.) - Victorian Engravings
165103: MABOGUNJE,AKIN L. - Development Process: A Spatial Perspective
153000: MACADAM, JOHN - Bodmin Moor: 400 Million Years in the Making
138270: MACARI, LOU - United - We Shall Not Be Moved
66522: MACARTHUR, JENNY - Showjumping and Eventing
167048: MACARTNEY, C.G. - My Cricketing Days
144495: MACARY, LEONCE - William the Conqueror at Falaise: Arlette Legend
85241: MACASKILL, DUNCAN - Duncan Macaskill: Recent Work
168467: MACAULAY, ROSE - Potterism: A Tragi-Farcical Tract
166416: MACAULAY, LORD - Historical Essays
156359: MACAULAY, LORD - The Essays of Lord Macaulay: Warren Hastings
163764: MACBETH, GEORGE - The Burning Cone
66526: MACBETH, GEORGE - The Samurai
010618: MACBETH, GEORGE - The Survivor
66529: MACCARTHY, MARY - Simple Trompe L'Oeil : 20 Stylish Projects Using Stencils and Faux Finishes
004118: MACDONALD, ANNE - Spindrift
66534: MACDONALD, ISOBEL - The Buried Self : A Background to the Poems of Matthew Arnold 1848-1851
66532: MACDONALD, B. C. - Car Repairs Properly Explained
150836: MACDONALD, FIONA - Aztecs: Dress, Eat, Write and Play Just Like the Aztecs
66535: MACDONALD, JOHN D. - One More Sunday
66537: MACDONALD, MALCOLM - The Sky with Diamonds
66540: MACDONALD, PHILIP - The Link
142870: MACDONALD, ALEC - St Andrew's Church & Bygone Bolam
66530: MACDONALD, A. M. (ED.) - Chambers Essential English Dictionary
168434: MACDONALD, GEORGE - The Princess and Curdie
66531: MACDONALD, ALEXANDER - In Search of el Dorado : A Wanderer's Experiences
150276: MACDOUGALL, SANDRA; MONTEITH, JOY - Greenock Place Names
148877: MACDOWELL, EDWARD - Sea Pieces, Op. 55: Book 1
71665: MACE, DAVID - Shadow Hunters
66541: MACER-WRIGHT, SYDNEY - A Dickens Anthology
147812: MACEY, ROBIN - A History of Nottingham Hot Air Balloon Club 1978-2009
66544: MACFADYEN, ARCHD. - The Conversations of Christ
66545: MACFADYEN, DAVID - Flowers from the Cottage Garden
168263: MACFADYEN, M.A. - Bygone Bassetlaw
148807: MACFARLANE, CHARLES AND THOMAS ARCHER - The Popular History of England, CIVIL, Military, and Religious, from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Year 1885: Half-Vol. V
66546: MACFARLANE, IRIS - Tales and Legends from India
148976: MACGOWAN, KENNETH - Monasterboice: An Illustrated History and Guide
159956: MACGREGOR, NEIL - Britain's Paintings: The Story of Art Through Masterpieces in British Collections: Part 5 Pain and Pleasure Plus a Chronology of Britain's Art
66551: MACGREGOR-MORRIS, PAMELA (ED.) - Pelham Horse Year. 2
66550: MACGREGOR-MORRIS, PAMELA - Pelham Horse Year
66547: MACGREGOR, ELIZABETH (ED.) - How Annual 1973
66549: MACGREGOR, SUE - Woman of Today
159955: MACGREGOR, NEIL - Britain's Paintings: The Story of Art Through Masterpieces in British Collections: Part 4 Nature and Time Plus a Chronology of Britain's Art
159954: MACGREGOR, NEIL - Britain's Paintings: The Story of Art Through Masterpieces in British Collections: Part 3 Gods and Humanity Plus a Chronology of Britain's Art
66552: MACGREGOR-MORRIS, PAMELA (ED.) - Pelham Horse Year. 2
99802: MACHADO, ANA MARIA - Exploration Into Latin America
000707: MACHIN, R. E. - Science in a Coalfield
164915: MACINNES, COLIN - City of Spades
163621: MACK, ROBERT F. - An Album of Leeds Corporation Buses
167855: MACK, JOHN (ED.) - Africa: Arts and Cultures
020013: MACKAY, JAMES - The Guinness Book of Stamps Facts & Feats
166510: MACKAY, JAMES (ED.) - The Penguin Collector 98, June 2022
168159: MACKAY, DAVID; SIMO, JOSEPH - Help Your Child to Read and Write, and More
66566: MACKAY, MAC (ED.) - Canon League Division One : Norwich City V Luton Town, Saturday November 10, 1984 : Official Match Day Programme
83255: MACKAY, MAC - Norwich City V Hull City, Saturday 28th September, 1985 : Official Programme
66563: MACKAY, JAMES A. - Money in Stamps
168683: MACKAY, SHEILA - Faces of Leith
168646: MACKENNA, ROBERT WILLIAM - Through Flood and Fire
66574: MACKENZIE, LEE - Innocent Victim
164573: MACKENZIE, KENNETH - The Poems of Kenneth Mackenzie
4534: MACKENZIE, LEE - Lover's Meeting (Emmerdale Farm Book 4)
154385: MACKENZIE, MICHAEL - Young Words: Award Winning Entries from the 1986 W.H. Smith Young Writers' Competition
166675: MACKENZIE, NORMAN - The Escape from Elba: The Fall and Flight of Napoleon 1814-1815
66573: MACKENZIE, LEE - All That a Man Has...
66572: MACKENZIE, JEANNE - A Victorian Courtship : The Story of Beatrice Potter and Sidney Webb
4854: MACKENZIE, LEE - Emmerdale Farm Book 4: Lover's Meeting
168459: MACKENZIE, W.J.M. AND KENNETH ROBINSON (EDS.) - Five Elections in Africa: A Group of Electoral Studies
66578: MACKENZIE, LEE - Shadows from the Past
66579: MACKENZIE, LEE - The Brothers. Book 3
168076: MACKENZIE, COMPTON - The Monarch of the Glen
4533: MACKENZIE, LEE - Prodigal's Progress (Emmerdale Farm Book 2)
165723: MACKENZIE, RICHARD - A Wee Nip at the 19th Hole: A History of the St Andrew's Caddie
144407: MACKINNON, VERONICA - Tip-Top Gardens: Great Britain's Top 100 Gardens
144207: MACKINTOSH, A. W. P. - Royal Leicester: The Story of the Royal Family's Direct Link with Leicestershire
66583: MACKMAN, E. W. - Electronics and A.C.
66584: MACKRELL, BRIAN - Only the Land Endures
001965: MACKSEY, JOAN & KENNETH - The Guinness Guide to Feminine Achievements
165001: MACKSEY, KENNETH - Battle: Normandy 1944: Life and Death in the Heat of Combat
134295: MACKU, ANTON - Vienna
66586: MACKWORTH-YOUNG, ROBIN - Windsor Castle
155210: MACKWORTH-YOUNG, ROBIN - Sandringham
66587: MACLAGAN, THOMAS T. - The Royal English Dictionary and Word Treasury
167486: MACLAGAN, D.W. - A Popular Guide to Tewkesbury Abbey
163245: MACLAGAN, D.W. - A Popular Guide to Tewkesbury Abbey
168478: MACLAGAN, ERIC - The Bayeux Tapestry
012353: MACLAINE, SHIRLEY - You Can Get There from Here
157691: MACLAREN, A.C. - Cricket Old and New: A Straight Talk to Young Players
149453: MACLAREN, A.C. - Cricket Old and New: A Straight Talk to Young Players
66590: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Athabasca
153055: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Satan Bug
153056: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Bear Island
66614: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - River of Death
66615: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - San Andreas
152230: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Where Eagles Dare
66623: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Way to Dusty Death
66596: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Caravan to Vaccares
66599: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Circus
66616: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Seawitch
66617: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Seawitch
66603: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Floodgate
66604: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Force 10 from Navarone
66605: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Force 10 from Navarone
66606: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Goodbye California
159139: MACLEAN, J.M. - Recollections of Westminster and India
4983: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Partisans
66601: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Circus
66624: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - When Eight Bells Toll
66620: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Way to Dusty Death
73238: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Captain Cook
2144: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Puppet on a Chain
153057: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Dark Crusader
66593: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Bear Island
66592: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Bear Island
66591: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Bear Island
3312: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Way to Dusty Death
164783: MACLEAN, ALEXANDER - The Haggis
156986: IAN MACLEAY - Cole Play: The Biography of Joe Cole
66630: MACLEOD, MARY - In the Dragon's Mouth
150313: MACLEOD, ROBERT - Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Architect and Artist
008430: MACLEOD, JILLY - Great Inventions
159966: MACLEOD, ROBERT - Charles Rennie Mackintosh Architect and Artist
66631: MACLEOD, ROBERT - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
2328: MACLEOD, ALISON - No Need of the Sun
166750: MACMAHON, K.A. - The Pictorial History of Beverley Minster
151641: MACMAHON, K.A. - Beverley Minster
66634: MACMAHON, DESMOND - Brass, Wood-Wind and Strings : The Instruments of the Orchestra
146571: MACMILLAN, NORMA (ED.) - Perfect Poultry
66635: MACNAB, P. A. - Highways and Byways in Mull
158947: MACNAIR, JAMES I - The Story of the Scottish National Memorial to David Livingstone
168085: MACNAIR, JAMES I. - Livingstone the Liberator: A Study of a Dynamic Personality
71527: MACNEILL, ALASTAIR - Alistair Maclean's Time of the Assassins
153905: MACPHERSON, STEWART - Form in Music: With Special Reference to the Designs of Instrumental Music
152399: MACPHERSON, ENA - Scotland
004981: MACPHERSON, ARCHIE - Action Replays
143937: MACPHERSON, KATHARINE LIVINGSTONE - Pictures from Canadian History for Boys and Girls
66636: MACPHERSON, A. S. - Detsches Leben : Erster Teil
140715: MACQUARRIE, ALAN - Cille Bharra: The Church of St Finnbarr, Barra: A Short History
161372: MACQUEEN, ADAM - The King of Sunlight: How William Lever Cleaned Up the World
167570: MACQUEEN-POPE, W. - Carriages at Eleven: The Story of the Edwardian Theatre
167566: MACQUEEN-POPE, W. - Haymarket: Theatre of Perfection
66637: MACQUEEN-POPE, W. - The Footlights Flickered
162862: MACREADY, GORDON - In the Wake of the Great
71779: MACSELF, A. J. - The Amateur's Greenhouse
003895: MACSELF, A. J. - Special Manures for Garden Plants
66638: MACSELF, A. J. - Bulb Gardening
66639: MACSELF, A. J. - The Amateur's Greenhouse
145604: MACSHANE, DENIS - Globalising Hatred: The New Antisemitism
66644: MACVICAR, ANGUS - Super Nova and the Frozen Man
66645: MACY, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Arts in a Permissive Society
95969: MADAN, RASHMI (ED.) - The Apprentice: The Official Magazine to Accompany the Hit Tv Series
136400: MADDEN, LIONEL - Sir Charles Tennyson - an Annotated Bibliography of His Published Writings
66646: MADDEN, PAUL (ED.) - Keeping Television Alive : The Television Work of the National Film Archive
164449: MADDICK, PETER - Once Upon a Time in the Sixties
158146: MADDISON, JOHN - An Introduction to Felbrigg Hall Norfolk
152536: JOHN MADDISON . [ET AL.] - Blickling Hall
168811: MADDOCK, HENRY E. - St Patrick's Church, Patrington: Its History and Architecture
166770: MADDOX, BRENDA - Reading the Rocks: How Victorian Geologists Discovered the Secret of Life
167915: MADELEY, RICHARD - Fathers & Sons
149856: MADEYSKI, JERZY - Janina Berdak Pejzaze
149855: MADEYSKI, JERZY (ESSAY) - Stefan Berdak Collage
71664: MADSEN, DAVID - U.S. S.A.
66649: MADSEN, AXEL - John Huston : A Biography
163575: MAETAMM, MARKO - Kolmas Raamat = the Third Book
163574: MAETAMM, MARKO - Perekonnalood Ja Igasugused Teised Lood : Ja Mo~Ned to?o?D Aastatest 2006 Kuni 2013 = Family Stories and Many Other Stories : And Some Works from 2006 to 2013
64186: GOLF WORLD MAGAZINE - The Piccadilly World of Golf 1974-75
70088: TENNIS MAGAZINE - Tennis Strokes and Strategies
147330: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? MAGAZINE - The Essential Guide to Family History: A Step-by-Step Introduction to Creating Your Family Tree
163187: EDITORS OF SEW NEWS MAGAZINE - The Sew Simple Guide to Easy Sewing and Embellishing
153074: THE RAILWAY MAGAZINE - Indexes
61431: BRITISH CHESS MAGAZINE - January 1994 (No. 1, Volume 114)
003658: MAGEE, SEAN - Daily Telegraph Flat Racing Yearbook : The Complete Illustrated Review of the 1991 Season and Preview of 1992 Prospects
66650: MAGEE, SEAN - The Channel Four Book of Racing
152159: MAGNESS, T. A. - Hill of the Jackals
166074: MAGNUS, PHILIP - King Edward the Seventh
152242: MAGNUS, PHILIP - Gladstone: A Biography
161436: MAGOWAN, R.S. - London Londres: A Book of Photographs
144050: MAGRUDER, MICHAEL TOKYO - Net : Reality
132728: MAGUIRE, SUSIE AND AMANDA HARGREAVES (EDS.) - Something Wicked : New Scottish Crime Fiction
145765: MAH, ADELINE JEN - Chinese Cinderella: The Secret Story of an Unwanted Daughter
66656: MAHER, TERRY - Against My Better Judgement : Adventures in the City and in the Book Trade
160745: MAHMOOD, SYED KHALID (ED.) - Focus on World Cup 1975-87
158809: ZEESHAN MAHMUD - Cricket Literature: A Miscellany of Most Unbelievable, Bizarre, Whimsical, Curious & Eccentric Articles on Cricket
66659: MAHONY, PATRICK - Unsought Visitors : A Book of Visitations
145918: O'MAHONY, MARIE; BRADDOCK, SARAH - Fabric of Fashion
158936: DAILY MAIL - Pictorial Souvenir of the Wedding of His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent and Miss Katharine Worsley, 8th June 1961, York Minster
62617: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Book of Furnishing Decor and Kitchen Plans
154451: DAILY MAIL - Pictorial Souvenir of H.R. H. The Princess Margaret Countess of Snowdon
62619: DAILY MAIL - Daily Mail Book of Furnishing, Decorating and Kitchen Plans 1969
66661: MAINE, BASIL - People Are Much Alike : A Book of Characters, Places and Conversations, with an Englishman's Reflections Upon These
165610: MAINE, BASIL - Basil Maine on Music
142108: MAIS, S. P. B. - The Yorkshire Dales
148589: MAITLAND, J.A. FULLER - Robert Schumann 1810-1856
87905: MAITLAND, BRIAN - Silvermeadow
155553: MAJOR, ERNIE (ED.) - Memories of Basingstoke
148897: MAJOR, ALAN - Hidden Kent
161155: MAJOR, JOHN - More Than a Game the Story of Cricket's Early Years.
152407: MAJOR, D. R. - A Short History of Parc an Greet
167293: MAJOR, JOHN - Cementing the China Vase: David Hartley and America 1774-1784
166701: MAJOR, JOHN (FOREWORD) - Britain in Europe: The European Community and Your Future
163295: MOLLIE MAKES - How to Sew: With over 80 Techniques and 20 Easy Projects
66666: MAKOWER, FRANCES - Elizabeth Longford : The Authorised Biography
66667: MAKOWSKI, HENRY - Every Child's Book of Birds and Bird-Watching
136754: MALADORNO, ALICE W. - Un Dottore Di Padova Alla Berlina: John Bastwick
163337: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Natural
156465: MALAMUD, BERNARD - The Fixer
152148: MALCOLM, RONALD - No Lovelier Sanctuary
147117: MALDEN, PERCY - A Short Guide to the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Cleobury Mortimer
830: MALDEN, RICHARD - The Story of Wells Cathedral
66671: MALES, DOLLY - Simple Poems for Your Enjoyment
66672: MALET, A. AND ISAAC, JULES - Xviie & XVIII Siecles
490: MALLALIEU, HUON (ED.) - Popular Antiques Yearbook: Trends and Prices for Collectors in 1988
149058: MALLETT, REDDIE - How to Get Well According to "Nature's Way", with an Alphabetical List of Ailments and Their Appropriate Treatment
66677: MALLETT, ASHLEY - Geoff Lawson
167391: MALLINSON, JEREMY - Les Minquiers: Jersey's Southern Outpost
158840: MALLINSON, ALLAN - Man of War
147803: MALLINSON, RUFUS H. - Free-Lance Journalism with a Camera
005936: MALLINSON, JEREMY - The Shadow of Extinction : Europe's Threatened Wild Mammals
66678: MALLORY, KATHRYN - A Frenchman's Kiss
166789: MALLORY, ROBERT - Newark in the Second World War
159252: MALONE, LAURENCE ADAMS - How to Mend Your Treasured Porcelain, China, Glass, and Pottery
66679: MALONE, MICHAEL - Uncivil Seasons
77727: MALONE, CAROLE - The Richard and Judy Story
145264: MALONE, GARETH - Choir
165046: MALORY, THOMAS - The Death of King Arthur
167865: MALTIN, TIM; ASTON, ELOISE - 101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic... But Didn't!
136518: MANBY, CHRIS - Getting Personal
66683: MANCHESTER, P. W. - VIC-Wells : A Ballet Progress
66682: MANCHESTER, P. W. - VIC-Wells : A Ballet Progress
167051: MANDELA, NELSON - Conversations with Myself
004452: MANDER, C. H. R. - A Painless Guide to New Users of the Post Office Radio Services for Yachts and Other Small Craft
163749: MANDER, RAYMOND & JOE MITCHENSON - Theatrical Companion to Maugham: A Pictorial Record of the First Performances of the Plays of W. Somerset Maugham
165684: MANDER, JOHN - Great Britain or Little England?
147639: MANDUCA, JOHN - Tourist Guide to Malta and Gozo
147346: MANFORD, FINN - Finn Manford
62751: DE MANIO, JACK - Life Begins Too Early : A Sort of Autobiography
137244: MANKELL, HENNING - Firewall
137123: MANKELL, HENNING - The Return of the Dancing Master
145610: MANLEY, K. A. (ED.) - Library History: Volume 6, Number 5, 1990
66689: MANLEY, K. A. (ED.) - Library History: Volume 8, Number 2
142561: MANNERING, DOUGLAS - The Art of Leonardo Da Vinci
66699: MANNING, ROSEMARY - Heraldry
159911: MANNING, OLIVIA - The Sum of Things
166591: MANNING, OLIVIA - Fortunes of War: Volume II, the Levant Trilogy
74021: MANNING, JOANNA - Take Back the Truth: Confronting Papal Power and the Religious Right
157187: MANNING, PAUL AND RICHARD ROSENFELD - Gloucestershire 1889-1989: One Hundred Years in Words and Pictures
66697: MANNING, PAUL - 1984 and All That
85252: MANOLIU, IACINT (ED.) - Challenges to the CIVIL Engineering Profession in Europe at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: Proceedings of the Euceet-Ecce International Conference: Sinaia, Romania, 13-17 July 2001
66702: MANOLSON, FRANK - The Language of Your Cat
005807: MANSELL, JOANNA - Night with a Stranger
151399: MANSELL, GUY - Travels in Arctic Norway
66705: MANSELL, JOANNA - Illusion of Paradise
66706: MANSELL, NIGEL AND ALLSOP, DERICK - Driven to Win : An Autobiography
66707: MANSFIELD, JOHN M. - Man on the Moon
66708: MANSFIELD, T. C. - Of Cabbages and Kings
168152: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE - The Escape and Other Stories
66709: MANSON, J. B. - Rembrandt 1607-1669
163293: MANSOUR, DIANA (ED.) - Decorative Home Embroidery
166620: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall
003915: MANTELL, KEITH - Dovedale Guide
132911: MANTELL, K. H. - Haddon Hall: An Illustrated Survey of the Historic Home of the Manners Family, the Derbyshire Seat of the Duke of Rutland
152727: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall
149039: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall: The Derbyshire Home of the Manners Family
66710: MANTELL, KEITH - Dovedale Guide
139547: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall: The Derbyshire Home of the Manners Family
66711: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall
144669: MANTELL, KEITH - Dovedale Guide
167287: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall: The Derbyshire Home of the Manners Family
146693: MANTELL, KEITH H. - Haddon Hall
66712: MANTLE, JONATHAN - For Whom the Bell Tolls : The Lessons of Lloyd's of London
150429: MANTLE, JONATHAN - Making It Happen: The I.M. Group Story
93037: MANTLE, JONATHAN - Benetton: The Family, the Business and the Brand
164081: MANWARING, G.E. AND BONAMY DOBREE - The Floating Republic: An Account of the Mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797
168462: MANWELL, M.B. - Nobly Planned
157830: MAPLE, LES - Francis Frith's Around Windsor
148743: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS - A Traveler's Map of Britain & Ireland
165554: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS - Sunken Treasures
165545: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS - Ancient Greece
135936: O'MARA, MICHAEL (ED.) - Classics of Humour
003362: MARA, PAM - The Ark
66715: MARBOE, ERNST - The Book of Austria
650: GOBINEAU. MARCELINE - Stephanie: The Passions of Spring
136320: MARCH, PETER R. - CIVIL Airliner Recognition
130982: MARCH, RUSSELL - The Cricketers of Vanity Fair
142318: MARCH, WILLIAM - The Official Guide to Windsor Castle, the Town and Neighbourhood of Windsor
156531: MARCHANT, RONALD - All Saints Laxfield: A Short Guide and History
139042: MARCHANT, DON; GUTHRIE, NORMAN - Isaac Newton, 1642-1727
66716: MARCHANT, BESSIE - An Island Heroine
007585: MARCHETEAU, MICHEL . [ET AL.] - Dictionnaire de L'Anglais Economique Et Commercial
007588: MARCHETEAU, MICHEL, J.-P. BERMAN ET M. SAVIO - L'Anglais Economique Et Commercial : 20 Dossiers Sur la Langue Des Affaires
007587: MARCHETEAU, MICHEL, J.-P. BERMAN ET M. SAVIO - L'Anglais Economique Et Commercial
66718: MARCHETTI, ELIZABETH - Picnics and Barbecues
160299: MARCHIORI, GIUSEPPE - Delacroix
99706: MARCHUK, GURI - Science and Siberia
020036: MARCO, JOHN - The Eyes of God
020035: MARCO, JOHN - The Eyes of God
66719: MARCO, JOHN - The Eyes of God
96461: DI MARCO, LEONARDO - The Big Book of Pasta
165824: MARCUS, MARGARET FAIRBANKS - Flower Painting by the Great Masters
161018: MARCUSE, F. L. - Hypnosis: Fact and Fiction
151527: DE LA MARE, AIDAN J. - Snowshill Manor Gloucestershire
162619: DE LA MARE, AIDAN J. AND MICHAEL JESSUP - Snowshill Manor Gloucestershire
167480: DE LA MARE, WALTER - Collected Rhymes & Verses
154957: DE LA MARE, AIDAN J. - Snowshill Manor Gloucestershire
165879: DE MARE, ERIC - Wren's London
71808: MAREK, RICHARD - Works of Genius
158930: MARGERISON, H. - Edward VIII and George VI
66723: MARGERISON, T. E. - Helps to the Study of Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Book 3)
164623: MARGETTS, MARTINA - Classic Crafts: A Practical Compendium of Traditional Skills
66724: MARGOLIN, PHILIP - Gone, But Not Forgotten
138226: MARIACHER, GIOVANNI - Glass from Antiquity to the Renaissance
167074: MARIANI, PROFESSOR - Official Guide to the Climatic Health Resort of Locarno and Its Surroundings
97741: DI MARIO, UMBERTO . [ET AL.] - Diabetes in the New Millennium
166340: MARITAIN, RIASSA - Adventures in Grace
367: DANIEL MARK - World Famous Sporting Moments
162329: ZIMBABWE CRICKET UNION MARKETING - New Zealand in Zimbabwe 2000: Official Tour Brochure
157709: ZIMBABWE CRICKET UNION MARKETING - New Zealand in Zimbabwe 2000: Official Tour Brochure
71813: MARKHAM, MARCELLA - Old Is... Great!
165289: MARKHAM, JOHN - Church of St. John of Beverley, Beverley: The History of a Struggling Parish
166995: MARKHAM, JOHN - Streets of Hull: A History of Their Names
168274: MARKHAM, LEONARD - York: A City Revealed
162662: PATRICIA E. DEANS & JOHN MARKHAM - Around Beverley
168370: MARKHAM, ROBERT - Colonel Sun
164481: MARKO, KSYNIA (ED.) - Textiles in Trust: Proceedings of the Symposium 'Textiles in Trust' Held at Blickling Hall, Norfolk, September 1995
66732: MARKS, RONALD - Psoriasis : A Guide to One of the Commonest Skin Diseases
71552: MARKS, LAURENCE AND GRAN, MAURICE - Dorien's Diary: My Intimate Confessions by Dorien Green
66730: MARKS, LAURENCE AND GRAN, MAURICE - Dorien's Diary : My Intimate Confessions by Dorien Green
161632: MARKS, VIC - The Test & County Cricket Board Guide to Better Cricket
140876: MARKS, JOHN - A Guide to the Vitamins : Their Role in Health and Disease
66727: MARKS, J. - Mick Jagger : The Singer, Not the Song
94517: MARKS, ALAN - The Thief's Daughter
66728: MARKS, J. - Mick Jagger : The Singer, Not the Song
142638: MARKS, RICHARD - The Souvenir Guide to the Burrell Collection
161317: MARKS, VIC - The Wisden Illustrated History of Cricket
4697: MARKS, LAURENCE; GRAN, MAURICE - Dorien's Diary : My Intimate Confessions
66734: MARKSTEIN, GEORGE - Ultimate Issue
66735: MARKSTEIN, GEORGE - Ultimate Issue
2967: MARKSTEIN, GEORGE - Ultimate Issue
66737: MARLING, SUSAN - American Affair : The Americanisation of Britain
003284: MARLOW, JOYCE - The Oak and the Ivy : An Intimate Biography of William and Catherine Gladstone
4248: MARLOWE, ANN - The Winnowing Winds
145076: MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER - Doctor Faustus
167638: MARO, P. VERGILIUS ; H.E. GOULD AND J.L. WHITELEY (EDS.) - Vergil Aeneid Book One
167635: MARO, P. VERGILIUS ; H.E. GOULD AND J.L. WHITELEY (EDS.) - Vergil Aeneid Book Six
148408: MARQUARDT, MERVIN A. - Jesus and the Stranger: Matthew 4: 1-11 for Children
132964: MARQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCIA - A Great Introduction to Gabriel Garcia Marquez
99619: MARQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCIA - The General in His Labyrinth
137652: MARRANCA, BONNIE (ED.) - A Slice of Life : Contemporary Writers on Food
154176: MARRIOTT, H. - St Davids Cathedral
143774: MARRIOTT, J. W. - Short Stories of to-Day
163564: MARRIOTT, H. - St Davids Cathedral
66747: MARRISON, L. W. - Wines and Spirits
66744: MARRISON L W - Wines and Spirits
66745: MARRISON, L. W. - Wines and Spirits
66746: MARRISON, L. W. - Wines and Spirits
138655: MARRYAT, CAPTAIN - Mr. Midshipman Easy
163256: MARRYAT, CAPTAIN - Masterman Ready: Or the Wreck of the Pacific
168261: MARSAY, MARK - Baptism of Fire: An Account of the 5th Green Howards at the Battle of St Julien, During the Second Battle of Ypres, April 1915
011766: MARSDEN, MONICA - Further Adventures of Sooty
168400: MARSDEN, BARRY M. - Scarborough Tramways: Including the Scarborough Cliff Lifts
66757: MARSDEN, W. E. AND V.M. MARSDEN - World in Change
66755: MARSDEN, COLIN J. - British Rail Motive Power 1983 : Combined Volume
66758: MARSDEN-FEREDAY, PETER J. - Peak District Tales for Young and Old
161472: MARSDEN, JONATHAN - Buckingham Palace: Official Souvenir Guide
150532: MARSH, JOHN - Lake Counties at Work
162144: MARSH, JOHN AND RAY RILEY - Orders to Cruizers: The Career of the 20 Gun Frigate Hms Experiment 1740-63
011506: MARSH, DAVE - Glory Days : Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s
008122: MARSH, DAVE - Glory Days : Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s
150546: MARSH, JOHN - Keswick and the Central Lakes in Old Photographs
66769: MARSH, NGAIO - When in Rome
150552: MARSH, JOHN; GARBUTT, JOHN - Lancashire North of the Sands in Old Photographs
66762: MARSH, JOHN - A Stake in Tomorrow : World Class Lessons in Business Partnerships
141157: MARSH, HARRY R. (ED.) - Bury St Edmunds Official Guide
001500: MARSH, SUSAN - Stand Still, My Heart
166552: MARSH, JOHN - The Gospel of St. John
66761: MARSH, JEAN - Fiennders Keepers
66784: MARSHALL, NORMAN (ED. AND INTRO.) - Three Restoration Comedies : 'the Way of the World' (William Congreve), 'the Country Wife' (William Wycherley), 'the Beaux' Stratagem' (George Farquhar)
66781: MARSHALL, JEANETTE - Shopping for Health
3883: MARSHALL, CHRIS - World of Birds: The Illustrated Encyclopedia Volume 2
151229: MARSHALL, CHRIS (ED.) - The Cricketers' Who's Who 2007
151232: MARSHALL, CHRIS (ED.) - The Cricketer's Who's Who 2008
151233: MARSHALL, CHRIS (ED.) - The Cricketer's Who's Who 2006
151226: MARSHALL, CHRIS (ED.) - The Cricketers' Who's Who 2003
148387: MARSHALL, O.R. - Nathan & Marshall: A Casebook on Trusts
167597: MARSHALL, PETER - Honley Bridge and Newtown
66776: MARSHALL, F. - The Old Testament : The Book of Judges, with Maps, Notes, and Introduction
163829: MARSHALL, F. - The Gospel of St Matthew
140570: MARSHALL, POLLY - Wesley Memorial Church Epworth: The Years between 1888 and 1988
001959: MARSHALL, CATHERINE - Thorn Bird Country
165781: MARSHALL, PETER (ED.) - Hampshire County Cricket Club Illustrated Handbook 1985
66779: MARSHALL, GARY - Red Mesas
66786: MARSHALL, ROSAMOND - Jane Hadden
66771: MARSHALL, A. C. (ED.) - Tit-Bits Book of Wrinkles : A Complete Book of Invaluable Hints on Every Home Subject
66772: MARSHALL, BRENDA (ED.) - Economy Cooking
66785: MARSHALL, NORMAN (ED.) - The Comedies of William Congreve
66780: MARSHALL, HELEN LOWRIE - The Gift of Wonder
97463: MARSHALL, CHRIS - The Encyclopedia of Ships: The History and Specification of over 1200 Ships
66777: MARSHALL, F. - The School and College St. Matthew (Revised Version)
166311: MARSHALL, NORMAN - The Other Theatre
158632: MARSHALL, PETER (ED.) - Hampshire County Cricket Club Illustrated Handbook 1978
149226: EXCHANGE & MART - Summer Events Map '90
71823: MARTEL, JOHN - Conflicts of Interest
166265: MARTEL, YANN - The High Mountains of Portugal
168086: MARTER, IAN - Down and out in Beverly Hills
135842: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The 1986 County Championship Review
66789: MARTIN, C. M. - Cassell's French-English English-French Compact Dictionary : With Phonetic Symbols
161595: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; COLDHAM, JAMES (RESEARCH) - The Complete Who's Who of Test Cricketers
160726: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Twenty Years on: Cricket's Years of Change, 1963 to 1983
165019: MARTIN, JAMES - Slow Cooking: Mouthwatering Recipes with Minimum Effort
149615: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Bedside Cricket
153349: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International December 1982
153273: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Classic Ashes: Edgbaston 2005, England Won by Two Runs
153225: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International June 1990
153227: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International July 1988
153216: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International October 1989
153206: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International March 1990
153205: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International February 1990
153198: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International August 1990
153189: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International November 1989
153160: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International October 1990
153159: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International April 1988
153154: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International November1990
153144: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International September 1989
153137: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International April 1990
153136: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International February 1989
151636: MARTIN, ANTHONY JAMES - The Church of Saint Michael Framlingham
160372: MARTIN, STEWART - Othello William Shakespeare for Gcse
153148: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International January 1989
161624: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Grand Slam: England in Australia 1986-87
161623: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER; RHYS, CHRIS - The Cricketer Book of Cricket Eccentrics and Eccentric Behaviour
66797: MARTIN, RICHARD - An Introduction to Nature. 1
153188: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International January 1990
153187: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International December 1989
153967: MARTIN, IAN KENNEDY - Z Cars Annual
152224: MARTIN, RODGER (MANAGING ED.) - The Worcester Review Volume XXXII, Numbers 1 & 2
167791: MARTIN, E.J. (ED.) - The Melton Scout Campsite 80th Anniversary Book
153162: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International September 1990
153163: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International July 1990
66800: MARTIN, ROBERT - The Mystery of the Bullion Robbery
162984: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - Cricket - a Way of Life: The Cricketer Illustrated History of Cricket
66794: MARTIN, LES - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade : The Junior Novel
66791: MARTIN, DAVID S. (EDITOR) - Advances in Cognition, Education, and Deafness
153129: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International April 1989
66790: MARTIN, C. M. - Cassell's French-English, English-French Compact Dictionary : With Phonetic Symbols
003361: MARTIN, JUDITH - Look What's Cooking Pennsylvania Style
147621: MARTIN, C.M. - Cassell's French-English English-French Compact Dictionary with Phonetic Symbols
160126: MARTIN, GEOFFREY H. - Colchester Official Guide
160945: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER - The Top 100 Cricketers of All Time
164958: MARTIN, LINETTE - The Cats
153164: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International May 1990
66795: MARTIN, MARK - Traditional Britain
66796: MARTIN, NANCY - Hit Man
166564: MARTIN, GEORGE R. R.; DOZOIS, GARDNER (EDS.) - Old Venus
153134: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International July 1989
153127: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International December 1990
153124: MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Cricketer International May 1988
66808: MARTINEAU, GILBERT R. - Holland : Travel Guide
144707: MARTINEZ, TEODORO - Tenerife: La Palma-Gomera-Hierro
137685: MARTINI, STEVE - The List
161030: MARTINI, STEVE - Compelling Evidence
164843: MARTINSON, MOA - Livets Fest
151416: MARTON, SANDRA - A Game of Deceit
157795: MARTON, J.B. - J.B. Dancer
71812: MARTYN, ELIZABETH AND DAVID TAYLOR - The Little Kitten Book
004838: MARTYN, LEE - Masters of Metal
148968: MARTYN, PHILIP DOCTON - Morwenstowe Church
164547: MARUYA, SAIICHI - Sasamakura
66809: MARUYA, SAIICHI - Singular Rebellion
74178: MARVEN, NIGEL - Incredible Journeys : Featuring the World's Greatest Animal Travellers
168233: MARWICK, ARTHUR - The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, C. 1958-C. 1974
164972: MARWOOD, G.W. - The Story of Holy Trinity Church Bosham
166409: MARX, KARL - Wage-Labour and Capital
156302: ST MARY'S MILDENHALL - St Mary's Mildenhall Parish News August 1979
168146: MASCARO, JUAN (TRANSLATOR) - The Bhagavad Gita
167078: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Thanks Before Going: Notes on Some of the Original Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
167111: MASEFIELD, JOHN - The Ledbury Scene
164850: MASEFIELD, JOHN - The Widow in the Bye Street
165445: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Enslaved and Other Poems
66813: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Midsummer Night and Other Tales in Verse
66818: MASHITER, ROSA - A Little Book of Afternoon Teas
66820: MASHITER, ROSA - A Little North Country Cookbook
155595: MASKELL, DAN - Start Lawn Tennis with Dan Maskell: The L.T. A. Book for the Young Player
151159: ANDREW MASLEVIC - Dunston 1894: Tyneside Sheet 22
005583: MASON, F. VAN WYCK - The Gracious Lily Affair
141041: MASON, PHIL - Seldom a Dull Moment: A Romp Down Memory Lane
003907: MASON, R. H. - Photography
168344: MASON, HUGO - All Saints' Church Brockhampton Herefordshire: Illustrated Guide
66823: MASON, HERBERT MOLLOY - To Kill Hitler : Attempts on the Life of Adolf Hitler
66825: MASON, JANET - Countrywoman's Verse
66824: MASON, J. H. N. - West Country Walks & Legends
160660: MASON, ROBERT - Eyewitness Nam Number 2: Chickenhawk
001671: MASON, ANTHONY - The Time Trekkers Visit the Romans
168542: MASON, PETER D. - Fighting Church Fenton: The Story of Royal Air Force Church Fenton (1937-1989)
159832: MASON, RONALD - Jack Hobbs: A Portrait of an Artist As a Great Batsman
165056: MASON, OLIVER - The Gazetteer of England : England's Cities, Towns, Villages and Hamlets: A Comprehensive List with Basic Details on Each: Volume 2 L-Z
154329: MACCONNAL-MASON - Paintings by Dianne Flynn
168777: MASON, A.E.W. - The House in Lordship Lane
164422: MASON, J. EDWARD (ED.) - Battles and Dispatches
163506: MASON, JOHN AND ANNE - Kent in Photographs
161363: MASON, JAMES - The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice
157261: MASON, RONALD - Jack Hobbs: A Biography
134591: MASSEY, J. STIMSON - The Play-Time Book
165325: MASSEY, C.I. - A Short Guide to the Museum and the Natural History of the Scarborough District
167978: MASSINGER, PHILIP - The City Madam
66828: MASSINGHAM, BETTY - Flower Arrangement
131504: MASSON, GEORGINA - A Concise History of Republican Rome
142084: MAST, TOM - Over a Barrel: A Simple Guide to the Oil Shortage
71538: MASTERS, JOHN - The Himalayan Concerto
132548: MASTERS, JOHN - The Himalayan Concerto
153567: MASTERS, RICHARD (ED.) - England V New Zealand, First Test 2-6 June 1994, Trent Bridge: Official Souvenir Programme
151764: MASTERS, RICHARD (ED.) - England V West Indies, Texaco Trophy Series 1995: Official Souvenir Programme
150317: MASTERS, RICHARD (ED.) - England V West Indies, Edgbaston 6-11 July 1995: Cornhill Insurance Test Series, Third Test Match, Official Souvenir Programme
156948: MASTERS, RICHARD (ED.) - England V West Indies: Cornhill Insurance Series Sixth Test Match, Foster's Oval 24-28 August 1995: Official Souvenir Programme
162197: MASTERS, BETTY - The Growth of Portsmouth
156978: GRAHAM MASTERTON - Master of Lies
166787: MATANLE, IVOR - World War II
71822: MATHER, ANN - Such Sweet Poison
137597: MATHER, MARSHALL - John Ruskin: His Life and Teaching
66840: MATHER, ANNE - Tender Assault
84805: MATHER, ANNE - A Relative Betrayal
73937: MATHER, LINDA - Gemini Doublecross
66842: MATHEW, DAVID - Acton : The Formative Years
002768: MATHEWS, BASIL - A Little Life of Jesus
66843: MATHEWS, BASIL - The Clash of Colour : A Study in the Problem of Race
166035: MATHEWS, RUPERT - Ceawlin: The Man Who Created England
66844: MATHEWS, H. F. - The New People of the King
66846: MATHISON, MELISSA - Lennox
002532: MATLOCK, CURTISS ANN - Summertime
147614: MATSON, G.J. - Let's Take a Photograph!
150711: MATTA, FRANCES - Heligan: A Guide to the Plants of the Pleasure Grounds
66848: MATTERSON, E. M. - Play with a Purpose for Under-Sevens
151912: MATTHEW, W. P. - Exterior Decorating
66852: MATTHEW, W. P. - Water Services
160267: MATTHEWS, HERBERT - Great Interviews of the 20th Century, 13: Fidel Castro 1957
001459: MATTHEWS, PATRICIA - Love Forever More
66861: MATTHEWS, TONY AND COLIN MAYERS - Developing a Small Firm
165883: MATTHEWS, STANLEY - Football Parade
143128: MATTHEWS, C.N.G. - Instructions in Electronics
151080: MATTHEWS, TONY - Birmingham City: A Complete Record, 1875-1989
137539: MATTHEWS, TONY - The Blues Who's Who
4706: MATTHEWS, RUPERT - Amazing Ufos and Aliens
140906: MATTHEWS, E. C. - Lavender at the High School
141142: MATTHEWS, TONY - Golden Greats of Wolverhampton Wanderers: Book One, the Goalscorers
001558: MATTHEWS, LEONARD - The Children's Bible Treasury
66857: MATTHEWS, PETER AND BUCHANAN, IAN - The All-Time Greats of British and Irish Sport
66855: MATTHEWS, PATRICIA - Love's Daring Dream
165405: MATTHEWS, W.R. - The Purpose of God
66853: MATTHEWS, LEONARD J. - The Prodigal Son
1673: MATTHEWS, PATRICIA - Love Forever More
165938: MATTHEWS, STANLEY - Feet First
83087: MATTHEWS, RICHARD - Nightmares of Nature: The Truth Behind the World's Most Dangerous Animals
163412: MATTISON, CHRIS - The Care of Reptiles and Amphibians in Captivity
66863: MATTSON, OFVERSTE H. - Minnen
150792: MAUCHLINE, MARY; GREEVES, LYDIA - Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal, North Yorkshire
81293: MAUCHLINE, MARY AND LYDIA GREEVES - Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal
151482: MAUDE, RODNEY - St Thomas's Church Salisbury
159922: MAUDE, ALAN H. - Guide to the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Petworth
66864: MAUDE, PAMELA - Worlds Away
156636: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - Cakes and Ale or the Skeleton in the Cupboard
66873: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - Creatures of Circumstance
66877: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - The Round Dozen
66866: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - A Traveller in Romance : Uncollected Writings 1901-1964
66870: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - Catalina : A Romance
66880: MAULE, HENRY - Caen 1944: The Brutal Battle
62752: DE MAUPASSANT, GUY - Bel-Ami
166080: MAURIAC, FRANCOIS - Therese: Containing Therese Desqueyroux, Therese Chez le Docteur, Therese a L'Hotel; la Fin de la Nuit
1430: MAURIAC, FRANCOIS - Genitrix
161023: MAURICE, RENE LOUIS AND KEN FOLLETT - The Gentlemen of 16 July
166073: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - Hungry Hill
66883: MAUROIS, ANDRE - A Voyage to the Island of the Articoles and Other Stories
4753: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Call No Man Happy
003764: MAWHINNEY, THOMAS A. H. - The Sword of the House of de Marillac
71553: MAWSON, MONICA - Carefree Cookery: Meat, Poultry, Game
66885: MAWSON, MONICA - Hamlyn's Guide to Herbs and Spices
000234: MAXFORD, HOWARD - The a-Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films
001412: MAXIM, JOHN - Shadow Box
66888: MAXIM, JOHN - Shadow Box
156746: MAXIMIN, BERANGERE (INTERVIEW) - Anton Yakutovych Painting
85335: MAXWELL, C. F. - Plan 79
167631: MAXWELL, GAVIN - The Rocks Remain
84635: MAXWELL, ARTHUR S. (EDITOR) - Signs of the Times: The World's Prophetic Weekly
155725: MAXWELL, CATHLEEN - The Claverton Herbal
66890: MAXWELL, GAVIN - The Rocks Remain
131288: MAY, E. J. - Mortimer's College Life
158202: MAY, PETER - Peter May's Book of Cricket
006110: MAY, ISOPEL (ED.) - Italian
149625: MAY, PETER - Peter May's Book of Cricket
148344: MAY, E.J. - Dashwood Priory or Mortimer's College Days
165810: MAY, PETER - Peter May's Book of Cricket
66896: MAY, WILLIAM J. - Things Work Together
160180: JOHN ALLAN MAY - The Complete Book of Golf: A Guide to Equipment, Techniques and Courses
66893: MAY, DERWENT AND LYKIARD, ALEXIS (EDS.) - New Stories. 2
001889: MAY, JUTTA - The Visitor's Guide to Corsica
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