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Title: The Antique Collectors’ Club edition of OLD CLOCKS AND WATCHES & THEIR MAKERS. Being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the different Styles of Clocks and Watches of the past, in England and Abroad. To which is added a List of Eleven Thousand Makers.
Description: Antique Collectors’ Club, Suffolk, 1977. Revision of the 3rd Ed. with another 250 illustrations added to the original 800, together with an introduction and additional comments. 4to. 517pp. + [i]. Approx. 1050 b/w. ills. altogether with many from photos. Illus., good in lightly rubbed d/w. faded to spine.


Price: GBP 25.00 = appr. US$ 35.70 Seller: Francis Edwards Booksellers
- Book number: 280064

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