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Title: The Republic of the Southern Cross: And Other Stories. With an Introduction by Stephen Graham. Constable's Russian Library.
Description: London, Constable, 1918. First British edition. A very nice bright copy in original green cloth, gilt lettered spine and original unclipped printed dust-wrapper. xiii[iii]+162 pp. In very good condition, tight and clean. Dust-wrapper a little chipped at edges. Mild foxing to fore-edges. One of some six volumes published by Constable in their Russian series between 1915 and 1918. Short stories by some of the most avant-garde and important literary figures of the time collected and edited by Stephen Graham, traveller, author and Russophile. Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov ????´??? ?´???????? ???´??? 1873-1924. Leading literary figure in pre-revolutionary Russia and "acknowledged organising genius of Russian Symbolist movement". Founder of Skorpion. Grossman in Cornwall (1998).

Keywords: Literature|Translation|Featured|Russian|Russian Avant Garde|Slavonic

Price: GBP 92.00 = appr. US$ 131.37 Seller: Marijana Dworski Books
- Book number: 37941

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