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dscf11330: . - Brushes in the Sun: Artists from the Okanagan and surrounding area.
dscf11316: . - Venetian Heritage 2016-1999: Restoring and Promoting Venice's Artistic Patrimony
dscf11429: . - From Borso To Cesare D'Este The School Of Ferrara 1450 to 1628
dscf11899: . - Calli e canali in Venezia. A portrait of 19th-century Venice
dscf11245: . - Codex: Grey Knights
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dscf11492: Katherine Clements - The Coffin Path SIGNED
dscf11507: Katherine Clements - The Crimson Ribbon SIGNED
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dscf11642: Brandy Colbert - The Revolution of Birdie Randolph SIGNED
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dscf10568: Michael Collins - St George and the Dragons: The Making of English Identity SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11817: Patricia Hill Collins - On Intellectual Activism
dscf11801: Allesandra Comini - Schiele in prison
dscf11595: Michael Confino - Russia Before the "Radiant Future": Essays in Modern History, Culture, and Society
dscf11235: James S.A. Corey - Leviathan Falls
dscf11933: Corinda - 13 Steps to Mentalism
dscf10038: Bernard Cornwell - Fools and Mortals
dscf10489: Bernard Cornwell - War Lord
dscf11617: Con Costello - A Most Delightful Station: British Army on the Curragh of Kildare, Ireland, 1855-1922
dscf11643: Andrew Cotter - Olive, Mabel & Me: Life and Adventures with Two Very Good Dogs SIGNED
dscf11486: Jeni Couzyn - Creation of the World in /Xam Mythology
dscf11692: Tom Cox - Villager SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10266: Michael Crick - Sultan of Swing: The Life of David Butler
dscf10561: Ian Crofton - Fringed With Mud & Pearls: An English Island Odyssey
dscf11754: Ron Crosby - Andris Apse: Odyssey and Images-An Illustrated Biography SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11707: Anthony Cross - St Petersburg and the British: The City through the Eyes of British Visitors and Residents
dscf11403: Sarah Crossan - Here is the Beehive SIGNED
dscf10134: Bob Curran - Dark Spirit: Sinister Portraits From Celtic History
dscf11886: David Currell - Shadow Puppets and Shadow Play
dscf11505: JRL Currie - Runaway Train, Armagh, 1889
dscf11315: Rodney Dale - Louis Wain: The Man Who Drew Cats
dscf10183: Roger Daltrey - Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite: My Story
dscf10818: Alex Danchev - Cezanne: A Life
dscf11744: Daniel Bernardi, ed. - Filming Difference: Actors, Directors, Producers, and Writers on Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Film
dscf11520: Shirley Darlington - Eugene Burnand: In Search of the Swiss Artist (1850-1921)
dscf10474: David Hockney, Martin Gayford - A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen
dscf11016: David McFadden, et al. - Jack Lenor Larsen: Creator and Collector
dscf11027: David Fraser, et al. - Last of the Kriegies: The Extraordinary True Life Experiences of Five Bomber Command Prisoners of War
dscf10924: David Starkey, ed. - England's Sea Fisheries: The Commercial Sea Fisheries of England and Wales Since 1300
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dscf10055: Richard Dawkins - Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder
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dscf11548: Chris Day et al - A History of Treason
dscf10993: David Denison - English Historical Syntax
dscf11673: Dennis Sharp, ed. - Kisho Kurokawa: From the Machine Age to the Age of Life
dscf10326: Matthew Dennison - The First Iron Lady: A Life of Caroline Ansbach
dscf11897: Grace Dent - Hungry SIGNED
dscf10428: Frankie Dettori - Frankie: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11829: Deborah Devonshire - Wait For Me!: Memoirs of the Youngest Mitford Sister SIGNED
dscf11289: Ted Dexter - 85 Not Out
dscf11338: Aleksandar Diklic - Belgrade, the Eternal City : a Sentimental Journey Through History
dscf11836: Emma Donoghue - Frog Music SIGNED
dscf11841: Emma Donoghue - Learned By Heart SIGNED
dscf11237: Stephen Downes - Music and Decadence in European Modernism: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe
dscf11166: Neville Duke - Test Pilot.
dscf10503: David Dunaway - How Can I Keep from Singing: Pete Seeger
dscf10544: Stuart Durant - Christopher Dresser
dscf11191: Edward Dusinberre - Beethoven for a Later Age: The Journey of a String Quartet SIGNED
dscf10797: Geoffrey Dutton - White on Black:The Australian Aborigine Portrayed in Art
dscf10276: Christopher Dyer - Making a Living in the Middle Ages: The People of Britain, 850-1520
dscf11783: A. Dynkin, N. Ivanova eds. - Global Perestroika: Transformations of the World Order
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dscf11978: Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - Fleur: Book Two in the Kirov Saga
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dscf11593: Edgar Cortright, ed - Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
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dscf11655: Emrys Jones, ed. - The Welsh in London
dscf10240: Rodney Engen - The Age of Enchantment: Beardsley, Dulac and their Contemporaries
dscf11554: Edward Enninful - A Visible Man
dscf11884: Edward Epstein - Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer
BC-GYBP-2SGM: Espensen, Jane; etc.; Ferreira, Julio - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Haunted
dscf10260: A.S. Evans - Beneath the Waves: A History of HM Submarine Losses 1904-1971
dscf11693: Lee Evans - The Life of Lee SIGNED
dscf11264: Michael Cooper-Evans - Rob Walker
dscf10870: Doreen Evenden - The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London
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dscf11302: Mohamed Fahmy - Marriott Cell, The: An Epic Journey from Cairo's Scorpion Prison to Freedom
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dscf11113: William Feaver - The Lives of Lucian Freud: Youth 1922 - 1968
dscf10407: Antonia Felix - Notre-Dame de Paris: History, Art, and Revival from 1163 to Tomorrow
dscf10570: Sean Ferrer - Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit
dscf11576: Patrick Ferriday - Before the Lights Went Out: The 1912 Triangular Tournament SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11720: Stephen Few - Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten 2nd edition
dscf10463: Ophelia Field - The Kit-Cat Club: Friends Who Imagined a Nation
dscf10080: Donna Finando - Acupoint and Trigger Point Therapy for Babies and Children
dscf10977: Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy - Jock Of The Bushveld SIGNED
dscf11326: Russell Flinchum - Henry Dreyfuss, Industrial Designer: The Man in the Brown Suit
dscf10549: Radu R. Florescu - Essays on Romanian History
dscf11547: Floris Heyne, et al - Apollo: VII - XVII
dscf11051: Carl Fogarty - Foggy on Bikes SIGNED
dscf10109: Alice Ford - John James Audubon: A Biography
dscf10184: Roger Ford - Germany's Secret Weapons Of World War II
dscf11489: Dan Hassler-Forest - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Politics: Transmedia World-Building Beyond Capitalism
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dscf11144: Julia Fox - Jane Boleyn: The Infamous Lady Rochford
dscf11260: Francesco Caglioti, ed - Verrocchio, Master of Leonardo
dscf11383: Francis Peddle, ed. - The Annotated Works of Henry George, Volume 2 :Progress and Poverty
dscf11571: Frank Broughton, ed. - Boy's Own, the Complete Fanzines 1986-92: Acid House Scrapes and Capers
dscf10933: James Franks - Scram from Kenya!: Colony to Republic 1946 - 1963
dscf11606: George M Fredrickson - Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa
dscf10398: S.J. Freedberg - Painting in Italy 1500-1600
dscf10749: Peter Freestone - Freddie Mercury
dscf10148: Richard Fremantle - Masaccio: The Complete Paintings by the Master of Perspective
dscf11690: Otto Friedrich - Olympia: Paris in the Age of Manet
dscf10548: Mary Fulbrook - Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice
dscf11028: Diana Gabaldon - Through the Stones: A Companion Guide to the Novels of Diana Gabaldon
dscf10922: Diana Gabaldon - Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone
dscf11966: Robert Galbraith - The Cuckoo's Calling. 1st. UK edition, 2nd printing.
dscf11482: Robert Galbraith - The Ink Black Heart
dscf11110: Ian Gardiner - In the Service of the Sultan: A First Hand Account of the Dhofar Insurgency SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10862: James Gardner - The ARTful Designer: Ideas Off the Drawing Board
dscf11086: James Gardner - Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune: A History of the Sussex Lunatic Asylum SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11780: Henrietta Garnett - Wives and Stunners: The Pre-Raphaelites and Their Muses SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11188: David J. Garrow - Protest at Selma: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Revised Edition, 2009
dscf11808: Dante Giacosa - Forty years of design with Fiat
dscf10826: Sepp De Giampietro - Blood and Soil: The Memoir of A Third Reich Brandenburger
dscf11985: Giorgio Verzotti, ed. - Marlene Dumas: Sorte
dscf11499: Thomas Glass - Lincoln's Senior Generals: Photographs and Biographical Sketches of the Major Generals of the Union Army
dscf11863: Ruth Glasser - My Music is My Flag – Puerto Rican Musicians & their New York Communities 1917–1940
dscf11904: Fred Goddard - Battlefields of Life SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10956: Peter Godwin - The Fear: The Last Days of Robert Mugabe
dscf10130: Igor Golomstock - A Ransomed Dissident: A Life in Art Under the Soviets
dscf10776: Daphne Goodall - The Flight of the East Prussian Horses
dscf11551: Len Goodman - Len Goodman's Dancing Around Britain SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11619: Nandini Gooptu - The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India
dscf11649: Dillian Gordon et al. - The Wilton Diptych
dscf11050: Eli Gottlieb - Best Boy: A Novel SIGNED
dscf11496: Eddie Grabham - From Grand to Grove: Entertaining South Bedfordshire SIGNED
dscf11865: Peter Grant - Philanthropy and Voluntary Action in the First World War: Mobilizing Charity
dscf11518: Kester Grant - The Court of Miracles SIGNED
dscf10798: Robert Gratiot - Reflections: The Art of Robert Gratiot
dscf11404: D.E. Gray - Gumshoe: The Walter Sunderland Story
dscf11549: ian Green - The Gauntlet and the Fist Beneath SIGNED/Numbered
dscf11195: Gene Gregorits - HATCHET JOB: The Gene Gregorits Reader
dscf11878: Philippa Gregory - Dawnlands
dscf11922: Philippa Gregory - The Taming of the Queen SIGNED
dscf6988: Philippa Gregory - The Taming of the Queen
dscf11820: Elly Griffiths - The Great Deceiver SIGNED
dscf10810: Peter Guralnick - Feel Like Going Home: Portraits in Blues and Rock'n'Roll
dscf10578: Ilona Edelsheim Gyula - Honour and Duty: The Memoirs of Countess Ilona Edelsheim Gyula
dscf10436: Stephen Haggard - Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform
dscf10429: Z'Ev Ben Shimon Halevi - A Kabbalistic View of History
dscf11964: Araminta Hall - One of the Good Guys SIGNED
dscf11488: Adam Hamdy - Pendulum SIGNED & Numbered Goldsboro Books First Edition
dscf10115: Jonathan Hammer - Ball and Hammer: Hugo Ball's "Tenderenda the Fantast"
dscf11555: Sophie Hannah - The Couple at the Table SIGNED
dscf11727: Hapi Hara - The Chintamani Crystal Matrix: Quantum Intention and the Wish-Fulfilling Gem
dscf11914: Louise Hare - This Lovely City SIGNED
dscf11111: Harewood Earl of, George Henry Hubert Lascelles - The Tongs and the Bones. The Memoirs of Lord Harewood SIGNED
dscf11427: Phil Harris - Magic Carpet Ride: The Story of My Life SIGNED
dscf10623: Robert Harris - The Second Sleep SIGNED
dscf11064: Max Hastings - Did You Really Shoot the Television?: A Family Fable SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11738: Barbara Hauss - Airworld: Design and Architecture for Air Travel
dscf11775: Paula Hawkins - A Slow Fire Burning SIGNED
dscf11902: Noah Hawley - Anthem [ SIGNED] First Edition
dscf11982: Haynes - Mazda MX-5 1989 to Sept. 2005 Owners Workshop Manual
dscf10571: Haynes - Harley-Davidson Sportster: '70 to '10 Service & repair manual
dscf10607: Jaime Hayon - Jaime Hayon Works
dscf10082: Edna Healey - Coutts and Co. 1692-1992: Portrait of a Private Bank SIGNED
dscf11450: Kate Heard - High Spirits: The Comic Art of Thomas Rowlandson
dscf11951: Paul Heiney - George Soper's Horses: Celebration of the English Working Horse SIGNED
dscf10850: Helen Drutt, et al. - Peter Skubic: Between
dscf11261: Alexandra Heminsley - Under the Same Stars SIGNED
dscf11247: Henry Lord, Peter Pugh - Masters of Design: Great [Golf]Courses of Colt, Mackenzie, Alison and Morrison
dscf11405: Philip Hensher - King of the Badgers SIGNED
dscf10738: Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling - A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears)
dscf11718: Nick Hewer - My Alphabet: A Life from A to Z SIGNED
dscf10382: Jim Hewitson - Tam Blake and Co.: Scots in America, 1540-1940 SIGNED
dscf11962: Peter Heyworth - Otto Klemperer: His Life and Times: Volume 1, 1885 -1933
dscf7489: CÉSAR HIDALGO - Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies
dscf11896: Max Highstein - The Healing Waterfall: 100 Guided Imagery Scripts for Counselors, Healers & Clergy
dscf11538: Jack Hight - Siege SIGNED/Lined & dated
dscf11537: Jack Hight - Holy War SIGNED & Numbered
dscf11731: Harry Hill - Fight!: Thirty Years Not Quite at the Top SIGNED
dscf10949: June Hill - Diana Springall: A Brave Eye
dscf11506: Justin Hill - Viking Fire SIGNED
dscf10361: Marshal von Hindenburg - Out of My Life
dscf11494: David Hingley - Puritan SIGNED
dscf11490: David Hingley - Traitor SIGNED
dscf11508: David Hingley - Birthright SIGNED
dscf11974: Ben Hinshaw - Exactly What You Mean SIGNED
dscf11424: Harwood P Hinton - Courage Above All Things: General John Ellis Wool and the U.S. Military, 1812-1863
dscf10940: Clive Hirschhorn - The Universal Story: The Complete History of the Studio and All Its Films Updated Edition.
dscf11670: Thomas Hockey - America’s First Eclipse Chasers: Stories of Science, Planet Vulcan, Quicksand, and the Railroad Boom
dscf11004: Tamas Hofer - Hungarian peasant art
dscf11872: Robert Holdstock - Lavondyss SIGNED by Author & Illustrator
dscf11058: Richard Holmes - Coleridge: Darker Reflections
dscf11053: Margaret Hooks - Tina Modotti: Photographer and Revolutionary
dscf11765: Anna Hope - Expectation SIGNED
dscf10070: Matthew Horner - He Shot, He Scored: The Official Biography of Peter Ward SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11590: E.W. Hornung - The Complete Raffles (Complete and Unabridged) Includes: The Amateur Cracksman, the Black Mask, A thief in the Night, Mr Justice Raffles.
dscf11000: Brian Horton - Two Thousand Games: A Life in Football SIGNED
dscf10207: Khaled Hosseini - And the Mountains Echoed
dscf10224: Adrian House - The Great Safari: Lives of George and Joy Adamson
dscf11149: Paul Howard - Sex, Lies and Handlebar Tape: The Remarkable Life of Jacques Anquetil, the First Five-Times Winner of the Tour de France SIGNED
dscf10944: Mark Hudson - Our Grandmothers' Drums SIGNED/ Inscribed
dscf11739: Ralph Hyde - London Parish Maps to 1900 : A Catalogue of Maps of London Parishes within the Original London County Council
dscf11833: Ian Wallace, ed. - Leonard Jenyns: Darwin's Lifelong Friend
dscf11534: C. F. Iggulden - Darien: Empire of Salt SIGNED
dscf11646: Conn Iggulden - Empire [First Edition, first printing]
dscf11645: Conn Iggulden - Lion SIGNED
dscf11758: C.F. Iggulden - The Sword Saint
dscf11625: Celia Imrie - The Happy Hoofer SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11497: Robin Ince - The Importance of Being Interested: Adventures in Scientific Curiosity SIGNED
dscf11333: Fred Inglis - Raymond Williams
dscf11215: Kazuo Ishiguro - Klara and the Sun
dscf11851: Steven Isoardi - The Dark Tree – Jazz and the Community Arts in Los Angeles. CD included.
dscf11879: Eddie Izzard - Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death and Jazz Chickens SIGNED
dscf10201: Jack Rankin, intro. - Jack Vettriano - Days of Wine and Roses
dscf11211: Kevin Jackson - Constellation of Genius: 1922: Modernism Year One
dscf11457: Alan Jackson - London's Local Railways 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged
dscf11653: John Jakle - The Gas Station in America
73-WU7A-ONU4: Emil Jakubowski - Kunststoffe im Raum. (Plastics in Interior Decoration); Felix Nitsch
dscf11771: Peter James - Absolute Proof SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10957: James Craig, ed. - Envoys to the Arab World 1947-2007: Vol. 2 The Mecas Memoirs, 1944-2009
dscf11272: Jane Smiley, preface. - The Sagas of the Icelanders
dscf10551: Gertrude Jekyll - Gertrude Jekyll: The Making of a Garden. An Anthology
dscf11889: Jennifer Scott, fwd. - Harald Sohlberg
dscf10004: Carsten Jensen - I Have Seen the World Begin
dscf10936: Jeremy Munday, ed. - Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies: 94
dscf11885: Jeremy Lewison, ed. - A Genius of Industrial England: Edward Wadsworth, 1889-1949
dscf11881: Jerzy Miziolek, Hubert Kowalski - Chopin Among Artists and Scholars
dscf11510: Philip Jodidio - Mario Botta
dscf11414: JoEllen DeLucia, ed - Migration and Modernities: The State of Being Stateless, 1750-1850
dscf10806: Susan Johann - Focus on Playwrights: Portraits and Interviews
dscf11644: Angela John - Turning The Tide: The Life of Lady Rhondda
dscf10396: Tana Johnson - Organizational Progeny: Why Governments are Losing Control over the Proliferating Structures of Global Governance
dscf11153: Claude Johnson - The Black Fives: The Epic Story of Basketball’s Forgotten Era
dscf11726: Paul Jones - End to End SIGNED
dscf11468: William Jordan - Spanish Still Life from Velazquez to Goya
dscf10802: Joseph Miller, ed. - The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History
dscf10998: Joyce Brown, ed. - A Hundred Years of Civil Engineering at South Kensington: The Origins and History of the Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, 1884-1984
dscf11834: Jack Kagan - Novogrudok: The History of a Shtetl SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11109: Pablo Casals/ Albert Kahn - Joys and Sorrows
dscf11093: Pablo Casals/ Albert Kahn - Joys and Sorrows
dscf11866: Laura Kasischke - Where Now: New and Selected Poems
dscf10110: Jean-Paul Kauffmann - The Struggle with the Angel: Delacroix, Jacob, and the God of Good and Evil
dscf10997: Franz-Xaver Kaufmann - European Foundations of the Welfare State
dscf11824: Terry Keegan - The Heavy Horse: Its Harness and Harness Decoration SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11945: Alice Keene - The Two Mr. Smiths: Life and Work of Sir Matthew Smith, 1879-1959
dscf10845: Richard Kendall - Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement
dscf10536: Paul Kenrick - The Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants: A Cladistic Story
dscf10685: FG Kenyon - The Text of the Greek Bible
dscf11934: H Kern, trans. - The Lotus Sutra - Saddharma-Pundarika: The Lotus of the True Law - The Ancient Mahayana Buddhist Text, Complete
dscf11807: Simon Kernick - Kill A Stranger SIGNED
dscf11787: Marian Keyes - The Woman Who Stole My Life SIGNED
dscf10030: Urs Kienberger - 111 Years of Waldhaus Sils
dscf11725: Stephen King - Fairy Tale First Edition First Printing, with foiled quote on spine
dscf11312: Rudyard Kipling - Toomai of the Elephants SIGNED by Sabu
dscf11201: Alex Kirkbride - American Waters SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10521: Alex Kirkbride - American Waters SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11948: Howard Kirschenbaum - The Life and Work of Carl Rogers
dscf11955: John Kiszely - General Hastings 'Pug' Ismay: Soldier, Statesman, Diplomat: A New Biography
dscf11923: Matthew Kneale - English Passengers SIGNED
dscf10375: Heinz Knoke - I Flew for the Fuhrer: Story of a German Airman
dscf10906: Elizabeth Knowles - Laura Knight in the open air
dscf11932: Joseph Knox - The Smiling Man SIGNED
dscf10785: Stephan Koja - Gustav Klimt: Landscapes
dscf11544: Laurence Kominz - The Stars Who Created Kabuki: Their Lives, Loves and Legacy
dscf10504: KS Komireddi - Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India
dscf11883: Allen Kossof - The Soviet Youth Programme: Regimentation and Rebellion
dscf11397: Richard Koszarski - Fort Lee: The Film Town
dscf11965: Vincent Poklewski Koziell - The Ape Has Stabbed Me: A Cocktail of Reminiscences SIGNED
dscf8754: Chris Kraus - After Kathy Acker: A Biography
dscf11638: J. Krishnamurti - Last Talks at Saanen, 1985
dscf11553: Jukia Kristeva - Proust and the Sense of Time
dscf11175: Kurt Kalata, ed. - Hardcore Gaming 101 Presents: Castlevania (Color Edition)
dscf11688: John Laband - The Assassination of King Shaka
dscf10680: William Laffan - Thomas Roberts: Landscape and Patronage in Eighteenth-century Ireland
dscf10717: John Lahr - Joy Ride: Lives of the Theatricals SIGNED
dscf8821: Javier Lamban - Sevres 1740-2006
dscf11007: Hugh Land - Birds Of Guatemala
dscf11585: Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant Resurrection SIGNED Limited Edition
dscf11586: Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant Bedlam SIGNED Limited Edition
dscf11459: Richard Lane - Images from the Floating World: the Japanese Print, including an illustrated dictionary of Ukiyo-e
dscf10417: David de Lara - Leo Villa's Bluebird Album
dscf10258: Lennart Larsson - Carpets from China Xinjiang & Tibet
dscf11959: László Polgár, Bruce Pandolfini - Chess: 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games
dscf11512: Laura Barnett, ed. - When Death Enters the Therapeutic Space: Existential Perspectives in Psychotherapy and Counselling
dscf11600: Tim Lawrence - Love Saves the Day: A History Of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979
dscf11529: Nigella Lawson - Simply Nigella: Feel Good Food SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11266: Yoon Ha Lee - Phoenix Extravagant
dscf10075: Li Zhenyu and Shi Lei - Plants of Mount Emei
dscf11796: Clare Leighton - The Farmer's Year: A Calendar of English Husbandry
dscf11815: M.G. Leonard - The Ice Children SIGNED
dscf11359: Valerie Lester - Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World
dscf11877: Gail Levin - Becoming Judy Chicago
dscf11979: Mervyn Levy - Carel Weight
dscf10550: David Lewer - The Temple Church in London
dscf11132: Francis Ames-Lewis - The Intellectual Life of the Early Renaissance Artist
dscf10144: Wilmarth Lewis - Rescuing Horace Walpole
dscf10927: Lee Chor Lin - Batik - Creating an Identity
dscf10928: Eric Lister - Portal Painters. A Survey of British Primitive Fantasists
dscf11152: Natalie Livingstone - The Mistresses of Cliveden: Three Centuries of Scandal, Power and Intrigue in an English Stately Home
dscf11121: Brian Lockhart - The Town School: A History of the High School of Glasgow
dscf11917: John Vernon Lord - Drawing Upon Drawing: 50 Years of Illustrating
dscf11843: Will Lorimer - The Awesome Headfux SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11906: H.P. Lovecraft - Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft. Commemorative Edition
dscf10175: Andrew Lownie - Stalin's Englishman: Guy Burgess, the Cold War, and the Cambridge Spy Ring
dscf11931: Caroline Lucas - Another England: How to Reclaim Our National Story SIGNED
dscf10910: Stephen Lycett - Mr Blackwood's Fabularium SIGNED/ Inscribed
dscf10372: Lynn Gumpert, intro. - Landscape After Ruskin: Redefining the Sublime
dscf11228: CJ Lyons - Farewell To Dreams: a Novel of Fatal Insomnia SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11641: Humphrey Lyttelton - It Just Occurred to Me Signed/Inscribed
dscf11905: Donald Macauley - The Power of Robert Simpson [Composer]: A Biography
dscf11842: Stuart MacBride - Now We Are Dead SIGNED
dscf11798: Stuart MacBride - The Dead of Winter SIGNED
dscf10190: Fiona MacCarthy - The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination
dscf11674: Hamish Mackie - Hamish Mackie Sculpture: Life in Bronze 2020
dscf11855: Elizabeth Macneal - Circus of Wonders SIGNED
dscf11100: Maggi Hambling, James Cahill - War Requiem & Aftermath SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10778: Laurie Maguire - Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The 'Bad' Quartos and their Contexts
dscf10347: Jamal Mahjoub - A Line in the River: Khartoum, City of Memory
dscf11374: Christopher Makos - Warhol: A Personal Photographic Memoir
dscf10577: Hilary Mantel - The Mirror and the Light.
dscf11868: Marc Leger, ed. - Identity Trumps Socialism: The Class and Identity Debate after Neoliberalism
dscf11439: Marina Warner, essay - Forms into Time: The Works of David Nash
dscf11022: Mark Adams, ed. - The Evolution of Theodosius Dobzhansky: Essays on His Life and Thought in Russia and America
dscf10253: Jan Marsh - BLOOMSBURY WOMEN
dscf10989: Yann Martel - The High Mountains of Portugal
dscf11743: Meg Mason - Sorrow and Bliss SIGNED
dscf11803: Meg Mason - Sorrow and Bliss SIGNED
dscf10794: Christopher Masters - Windows in Art
dscf11546: Matthew Fort, foreword. - Nigel Howarth's Obsession SIGNED
dscf11980: Max Wykes Joyce, Introduction - Marian Bohusz
dscf11686: Maxwell Craven, Michael Stanley - The Derbyshire Country House Vols. 1&2 (Complete set)
dscf11797: Peter May - A Winter Grave SIGNED
dscf11913: Theresa May - The Abuse of Power: Confronting Injustice in Public Life
dscf10262: E R Mayhew - The Reconstruction of Warriors: Archibald McIndoe, the Royal Air Force and the Guinea Pig Club
dscf10596: Graham Mayhew - The Monks of Saint Pancras: Lewes Priory, England's Premier Cluniac Monastery and its Dependencies 1076 - 1537 SIGNED
dscf10789: Ewa Mazierska - Women in Polish Cinema
dscf10338: Clifford McCarty - Film Composers in America: A Filmography, 1911-1970
dscf10799: Robert McCrum - Shakespearean: On Life & Language in Times of Disruption
dscf11947: Ken McGinley - No Risk Involved: The Ken McGinley Story: Survivor of a Nuclear Experiment
dscf11816: Jon McGregor - Lean Fall Stand SIGNED
dscf10917: Ian McGuire - The Abstainer
dscf11662: Michael McIntyre - A Funny Life SIGNED
dscf11790: Peter McKergow - Astride Two Centuries: The Life of Bob McKergow SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11335: Suketu Mehta - Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found SIGNED
dscf11894: Melanie C - Who I Am: My Story SIGNED
dscf11503: David Mellor - The Bruce Lacey Experience - Paintings, Sculptures, Installations, Performances
dscf5271: James Mellow - Hemingway - A Life Without Consequences
dscf11809: Charlotte Mendelson - The Exhibitionist SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10967: Mervyn King, John Kay - Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an unknowable future
dscf11336: Tom Mes - Agitator: The Cinema of Takashi Miike
dscf10174: Ayatollah Ali Meshkani - Obligations and Prohibitations in Islamic Divine Law
dscf11756: Margaret Meyer - The Witching Tide. First Edition. Sprayed Edges
dscf11760: Helen Meyrick - Frank Hyder Poet of a Threatened Eden SIGNED by the Artist
dscf11483: Michael Fairhurst, ed. - Age Factors in Biometric Processing
dscf11286: Michael Wedel, et al - 100 Years Studio Babelsburg: The Art of Filmmaking
dscf11785: Michael Robinson, Geoffrey Wyborn, Richard Dare - Burhill Golf Club 1907-2007 SIGNED
dscf9891: Michael O'Neill - Alexander McQueen: Redefining Beauty
dscf11441: Gregory Michno - Forgotten Fights: Little-Known Raids and Skirmishes on the Frontier, 1823 to 1890 [Western Indian Wars, US History]
dscf10958: Luuk van Middelaar - Alarums and Excursions: Improvising Politics on the European Stage
dscf10943: Ronald Millar - Kut: The Death of an Army
dscf11849: Warren Miller - Freedom Found: My Life Story
dscf11987: Colin Mills - The Nigel Tranter Bibliography SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11368: Vil S Mirzayanov - State Secrets: An Insider's Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program
dscf11234: Pankaj Mishra - Age of Anger: A History of the Present SIGNED
dscf11255: Robert Moffat - The Matabele journals of Robert Moffat, 1829-1860, Vol.1. Facsimile reprint
dscf10492: Molecule-R - Molecular Gastronomy By Molecule-R: An Introduction to the Science Behind 40 Spectacular Recipes
dscf10285: Monica Smith, ed. - The Social Construction of Ancient Cities
dscf10310: Lucy Monro - Spirits of the Sands: the Arabian Horse in its Homeland
dscf11280: Michael Moorcock - Wizardry and Wild Romance
dscf11067: Bridget Riley and Paul Moorhouse - From Life SIGNED
dscf11757: Caitlin Moran - More Than a Woman SIGNED
dscf11436: Caitlin Moran - More Than a Woman SIGNED
dscf11634: Caitlin Moran - How to Build a Girl SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11637: Liane Moriarty - Apples Never Fall SIGNED
dscf11942: Brian Morris - The Collected Poems of Brian Morris
dscf10368: Grant Morrison - Zenith: Phase 1
dscf10553: Vanessa Morton - The Performer's Tale: The Nine Lives of Patience Collier
dscf11377: Taps/Moses - Taps / Moses : International Top Sprayer [German/English text]
dscf11981: Alison Mowbray - Gold Medal Flapjack, Silver Medal Life: The autobiography of an unlikely Olympian
dscf11832: Jojo Moyes - The Giver of Stars SIGNED
dscf11709: Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri - Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum The Sealed Nectar Biography of the Noble Prophet
dscf11986: Francis Muel - Front and Back: Tapestry of the Apocalypse at Angers
dscf11668: Gary Mulgrew - Gang of One. SIGNED
dscf11915: Steve Mulligan - Terra Incognita SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11484: Bill Munro - Humvee
dscf11730: Alexandra Munroe - Cai Guo-Qiang: I Want to Believe
dscf11864: Andrew Hunter Murray - The Last Day SIGNED
dscf11656: Andrew Murray - The Sanctuary SIGNED
dscf10756: George Nafziger - Napoleon at Dresden: The Battles of 1813
dscf10005: Susan Nagel - Marie Therese: The Fate of Marie Antoinette's Daughter
dscf11279: Sandor Nagyszalanczy - The Art of Fine Tools
dscf10701: Naomi Noble Richard, ed. - Court and Samurai in an Age of Transition: Medieval Paintings and Blades from the Gotoh Museum, Tokyo
dscf11055: Pete Nash et al - Runequest. Sixth Edition
dscf11515: Alix Nathan - The Warlow Experiment SIGNED
dscf10602: Ernest Neal - Badgers
dscf11983: Jo Nesbo - Blood on Snow SIGNED /Inscribed
dscf10354: Patrick Ness - Burn
dscf10212: Hakan Nesser - The Root of Evil
dscf11197: Eric Newby - Learning the Ropes: An Apprentice in the Last of the Windjammers
dscf11954: Alexander Newley - Unaccompanied Minor
dscf11232: Nick Wallace, ed. - Bernice Summerfield - Collected Works
dscf10884: Donald Nijboer - Cockpits of the Cold War
dscf10745: none - Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords Special Edition
dscf11532: none - Songs of Fellowship: vols. 1 - 4 in one volume: 2200 Songs and Hymns. Combined Words Edition
dscf10205: Guy Norris - Boeing 787 Dreamliner
dscf11003: Michael Norris - London Choir School An Anthology
dscf10867: Notaras, Gerassimos - GREEK BANKNOTES: A JOURNEY 1822-2002
dscf11558: Okechukwu Nzelu - Here Again Now
dscf10697: Chigozie Obioma - An Orchestra of Minorities
dscf10211: Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police
dscf11141: Per T Ohlssohn - Albert Bonnier: His Life and Times
dscf10532: Jonathan Oliver - The Language of Beasts
dscf11950: Judith Oliver - Singing with Angels: Liturgy, Music, and Art in the Gradual of Gisela Von Kerssenbrock
dscf11746: Thomas Olivri - Geek-Art: An Anthology: Art, Design, Illustration & Pop Culture
dscf11687: Ollie Ollerton - Scar Tissue SIGNED
dscf10509: Stuart Olson - Steal My Art: The Life & Times of T'ai Chi Master T.T. Liang
dscf11186: Christopher Ondaatje - Woolf in Ceylon: An Imperial Journey in the Shadow of Leonard Woolf 1904-1911
dscf10788: Christopher Othen - The King of Nazi Paris: Henri Lafont and the Gangsters of the French Gestapo
dscf11087: Edgar Otto - Ed Otto : NASCAR's silent partner SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11713: R.J Overy - War and Economy in the Third Reich
dscf11767: David Owen [Lord Owen] - Cabinet's Finest Hour: The Hidden Agenda of May 1940 SIGNED
dscf11409: Lelia Packer - Monochrome - Painting in Black and White
dscf5085: Max Page - The City's End: Two Centuries of Fantasies, Fears, and Premonitions of New York's Destruction
dscf10658: Pratapaditya Pal - Indian Sculpture: Volume II 700-1800
dscf10151: Priya Parmar - Vanessa and Her Sister SIGNED
dscf11636: Elisabeth Parry - Thirty Men and a Girl: A singer's memories of war, mountains, travel, and always music SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11857: Gulwali Passarlay - The Lightless Sky: An Afghan Refugee Boy's Journey of Escape to A New Life in Britain SIGNED
dscf11822: Chris Patten - Not Quite the Diplomat SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11772: Darwin Payne - Behind the Scenes: Covering the JFK Assassination
dscf11535: Susan Pearce - Charles Robert Cockerell in the Mediterranean: Letters and Travels, 1810-1817
dscf11916: Rick Pease - Filling Station Collectibles With Price Guide
dscf10800: Rae Pennycuick - The Cambooya Story 1840-1990 SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10469: Benjamin Percy - Red Moon SIGNED
dscf11465: Caroline Criado Perez - Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10085: Govin Permanand - EU Pharmaceutical Regulation: The Politics of Policy-Making
dscf10204: Gillian Perry - Paula Modersohn-Becker: Her Life and Work
dscf10762: Pete Seeger, ed. and selected by Rob Rosenthal - Pete Seeger in His Own Words
dscf11390: Phil Chantler, Gerald Driessens - Swifts. A Guide to the Swifts & Treeswifts of the World
dscf10819: Michael Phillips - William Blake: The Creation of the Songs
dscf10952: Giles Paley-Phillips - One Hundred and Fifty-Two Days SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11793: Walter Pichler et al. - Otto Wagner, 1841-1918: The Expanding City: The Beginning of Modern Architecture
dscf11612: Bill Piggott - Austin-Healey: A Celebration of the Fabulous Big Healey
dscf11165: Graham Pitchfork - The Sowreys: A Unique and Remarkable Record of One Family's Sixty-five Years of Distinguished Service SIGNED by Freddie Sowrey
dscf10531: Frederik Pohl - Jem: The Making of a Utopia
dscf11256: Agnes Poirier - Left Bank: Art, Passion and the Rebirth of Paris 1940–1950
dscf11929: Norman Polmar - Project Azorian: The CIA and the Raising of the K-129
dscf10448: POPESCU-VÂLCEA, Gheorghe - Romanian Miniatures: Miniatures and Ornaments in Romanian Manuscripts
dscf11023: Henry M Poulson - Dealing with China SIGNED & Inscribed
dscf11937: Cecelia Powell - Turner's Rivers of Europe: The Rhine, Meuse and Mosel
dscf10984: Dermot Power - The Art of the Film: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
dscf10907: Alan Powers - Twentieth Century Houses in Britain: From the Archives of "Country Life"
dscf11749: Andres de Prada - The Founder of Opus Dei The Life of St. Josemaria Escriva. Vol. 3 : The Divine Ways on Earth
dscf11800: Kumar Pradhan - The Gorkha Conquests: Process and Consequences of the Unification of Nepal, with Particular Reference to Eastern Nepal
dscf11812: Sue Prideaux - [August] Strindberg - A Life
dscf11935: Christopher Priest - The Gradual
dscf11976: Derek Pringle - Pushing the Boundaries: Cricket in the Eighties SIGNED
dscf10226: Philip Pullman - The Secret Commonwealth: The Book of Dust Volume Two
dscf11434: Gerd Puritz - Elisabeth Schumann: A Biography
dscf11251: Rory Putman - The Deer Manager's Companion - a Guide to the Management of Deer in the Wild and in Parks
dscf11682: Rene Raaijmakers - ASML's architects: The story of the engineers who shaped the world's most powerful chip machines
dscf11163: Francois Rabelais - Gargantua & Pantagruel
dscf11892: Martyn Rady - The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe
dscf11042: Ian Rankin - A Song for the Dark Times SIGNED
dscf11926: Ron Ranson - The Paintings of John Yardley
dscf11126: P. R Ramachandra Rao - Bhuvanesvara: Kalinga temple architecture
dscf11630: Henrik Reeh - Ornaments of the Metropolis – Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture
dscf11364: Humphry Repton - The Red Books for Brandsbury and Glemham Hall
dscf11957: David van Reybrouck - Congo: The Epic History of a People
dscf11946: Richard Morphett, ed. - R.B.Kitaj : a retrospective
dscf11036: Keith Richardson - The Greta: The Story of a Lakeland River as it Flows Through the Life and Times of Keswick and Its People SIGNED
dscf11794: Beau Riffenburgh - The Photographs of HG Ponting
dscf11214: Thomas L. Riis - Frank Loesser
dscf11661: k.a. riley - Recruitment: A Dystopian Novel (The Resistance Trilogy, Book 1)
dscf11550: Rick Riordan - Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer SIGNED
dscf10916: Farah Naz Rishi - I Hope You Get This Message SIGNED
dscf11298: Charles Ritchie - Laughter is the Best Weapon: The Remarkable Adventures of an Unconventional Soldier
dscf11837: Mary Robinson - Climate Justice: A Man-Made Problem With a Feminist Solution SIGNED
dscf11963: Graham Robson - Triumph Spitfire & GT6 Spitfire 1,2,3,Iv,1500; Gt6 1,2,3
dscf5160: Francesc Catala-Roca - Miro: Ninety Years
dscf11297: Roger Freeman, ed. - All Change: British Railway Privatisation
dscf11819: Richard Rope - Something to Live For SIGNED
dscf11306: Rosalind E. Krauss, intro. - David Smith: Photographs 1931-1965
dscf11928: Michael Rosen - So They Call You Pisher!: A Memoir SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11354: Richard Freiherr von Rosen - Panzer Ace: The Memoirs of an Iron Cross Panzer Commander from Barbarossa to Normandy
dscf11291: Leone ross - This One Sky Day First Edition. [Colour sprayed fore edges]
dscf11705: Andy Rouse - Little Owls: Living on the Edge
dscf10590: Christopher Rowell - Turner at Petworth
dscf11603: Trevor Royle - Culloden: Scotland's Last Battle and the Forging of the British Empire
dscf11716: Martin Rundkvist - Mead-halls of the Eastern Geats : Elite Settlements and Political Geography AD 375-1000 in Östergötland, Sweden
dscf11968: Rusakov, Yury - Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings. Book Illustrations. Stage-set and Costume Designs.
dscf10129: Zuzana Ruzickova - One Hundred Miracles: Music, Auschwitz, Survival and Love
dscf10650: Edward Ryan - Paper Soldiers; The Illustrated History of Printed Paper Armies of the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries
dscf10723: Jennifer Ryan - The Spies of Shilling Lane SIGNED
dscf11320: Karl Sabbagh - A Rum Affair: A True Story of Botanical Fraud
dscf10084: Oliver Sacks - On the Move: A Life
dscf11627: Peter Sagan - My World SIGNED
dscf11792: Andrew Saint - The Image of the Architect
dscf11611: Paul M. Sammon - Future Noir:The Making of Blade Runner
dscf11952: Polly Samson - Perfect Lives SIGNED
dscf11388: Sandra Phillips, ed - Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance, and the Camera
dscf11577: sangharakshita - The Bodhisattva Ideal: Wisdom and Compassion in Buddhism
dscf11432: Sathnam Sanghera - Marriage Material SIGNED
dscf11871: C. J. Sansom - Revelation SIGNED
dscf10167: Mitsugi Saotome - Principles of Aikido
dscf11458: J Savage, ed. - The Development of Persistent Criminality
dscf11722: Simon Scarrow - Traitors of Rome
dscf11170: Simon Scarrow - The Honour of Rome
dscf10992: Simon Scarrow - The Emperor's Exile
dscf10449: David Schaff - Rodin: Plasters & Bronzes
dscf10563: Meriel Schindler - The Lost Café Schindler
dscf11717: Lee Schofield - Wild Fell: Fighting for nature on a Lake District hill farm
dscf10487: Barry Schwabsky - The Widening Circle: The Consequences of Modernism in Contemporary Art
dscf11560: Chic Scott - Deep Powder and Steep Rock: The Life of Mountain Guide Hans Gmoser SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10882: F. Scott Fitzgerald. Matthew J. Bruccoli, ed. - F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters: A New Collection
dscf11524: Norman Scott - An Accidental Icon: How I dodged a bullet, spoke truth to power and lived to tell the tale SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11888: Dave Seager - Geordie Armstrong: On the Wing Limited Hardcover Edition
dscf10534: Mihail Sebastian - Journal 1935-1944 The Fascist Years
dscf10280: Anthony Seldon - 10 Downing Street: The Illustrated History
dscf11891: Seldon, Anthony - Foreign Office : The Illustrated History SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11875: Will Self - Shark. SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11918: Will Self - The Butt: An Exit Strategy SIGNED
dscf11345: Daphne Selfe - The Way We Wore: A Life in Clothes. Inscribed by author.
dscf11393: Ethan Shagan - The Rule of Moderation: Violence, Religion and the Politics of Restraint in Early Modern England
dscf11723: G.W. Shaw - Dead Rich SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11307: Wang Shixiang - Classic Chinese furniture: Ming and early Qing dynasties
dscf10356: Lionel Shriver - The Motion of the Body Through Space
dscf10340: Harry Sidebottom - Warrior of Rome II: King of Kings
dscf11704: Jeanloup Sieff - Jeanloup Sieff: 40 Years of Photography / 40 Jahre Fotografie / 40 Ans De Photographie
dscf10929: Evelyn Silber - Jacob Epstein: Sculpture and Drawings
dscf11719: Iain Sinclair - Hackney, That Rose-Red Empire: A Confidential Report SIGNED
dscf11583: Isaac Bashevis Singer - Shosha
dscf11342: Raghubir Singh - River of Colour: The India of Raghubir Singh
dscf10000: Edith Sitwell - Selected Letters Of Edith Sitwell
dscf11971: Torild Skard - Women of power: The World's Female Presidents and Prime Ministers 1960-2010
dscf11125: Peter Skoglund ed. - Picturing the Bronze Age (Swedish Rock Art Research Series, Vol. 3)
dscf11799: Neil Slaven - Electric Don Quixote: Story of Frank Zappa
dscf11664: Glen Smale - Porsche 911 Scrapbook: The Air-Cooled Cars
dscf11818: Robin Small - Nietzsche and Ree: A Star Friendship
dscf11017: Wilbur Smith - Men of Men
dscf10631: Michael Buffalo Smith - Prisoner of Southern Rock: A Memoir
dscf11652: Rebecca Smith - Rural: The Lives of the Working Class Countryside SIGNED
dscf11930: Rob Magnuson Smith - Seaweed Rising SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10625: SMITH, Thomas W. Damien Sanders, annotator - A Narrative of the Life, Travels and Sufferings of Thomas W. Smith
dscf10931: Wilbur Smith - Legacy of War
dscf11676: Sobel, Dava; Andrews, William J. H. - The Illustrated Longitude
dscf10932: Diana Souhami - Gertrude & Alice
dscf11823: David Sox - Bachelors of Art: Edward Perry Warren and the Lewes House Brotherhood
dscf11115: Charles Spencer - Bakst in Greece SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10772: Sphyroeras, Vasilis - Maps and mapmakers of the Aegean
dscf11242: Paul Spicer - Sir George Dyson: His Life and Music
dscf11614: Nina S Spiegel - Embodying Hebrew Culture: Aesthetics, Athletics and Dance in the Jewish Community of Mandate Palestine
dscf11703: Simon Stĺlenhag - Things from the Flood
dscf11473: Brian Staveley - The Empire's Ruin SIGNED
dscf10909: Rick Stein - Rick Stein's Spain SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11599: Jonny Steinberg - Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage
dscf11588: James D. Watson. Edited by Gunther S Stent - The Double Helix: Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. Critical Edition
dscf10265: Stephen Shore, photographer, Lynne Tillman, intro. - The Velvet Years: Warhol's Factory, 1965-67
dscf11174: Rebecca Stephens - On Top Of The World SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11958: Charles J. Stephens - Louis E. Stephens His Life in Letters SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11463: Brian Steptoe - Vintage Funfairs: Amusement Rides, Carousels and Fairground Art
dscf10366: Michael Stewart - The Time Of The Gypsies
dscf11519: Derek Stidder - Watermills of Sussex, v. 1: East Sussex
dscf11420: Kristine Stiles - Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings. 2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded
dscf10053: Ben Stokes - On Fire: My Story of England's Summer to Remember
dscf11010: Brad Stone - Amazon Unbound
dscf11672: David Stone - Caravaggio: Art, Knighthood and Malta
dscf11811: Emma Straub - This Time Tomorrow SIGNED
dscf10926: Monique Levi-Strauss - The Cashmere Shawl
dscf11296: Jay Strongman - Steampunk: The Art of Victorian Futurism
dscf11204: Samanth Subramanian - A Dominant Character: The Radical Science and Restless Politics of J.B.S. Haldane
dscf11669: Donna Summer - Ordinary Girl: The Journey SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10355: Jamie Susskind - Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech
dscf11960: Sheila Sweetinburgh - The Hospital in Medieval England: Gift-giving and the Spiritual Economy
dscf10641: Ian Sykes - In the Shadow of Ben Nevis SIGNED
dscf11895: John Szwed - Space is the Place: The Life and Times of Sun Ra
dscf10581: Bryan Talbot - Grandville. SIGNED
dscf11742: Gabriel Tallent - My Absolute Darling SIGNED
dscf11048: Tim Tate - The Spy who was left out in the Cold: The Secret History of Agent Goleniewski
dscf10349: Erik Tawaststjerna - Sibelius, Vol. III: 1914-57
dscf10408: Dick Taylor - Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank 1988 to present [2018]. Owner's Workshop Manual
dscf10610: John Taylor - Man with a Mission SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10661: Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter - The Long War
dscf10567: Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter - The Long Earth
dscf10059: Dorothy Howell-Thomas - Duncannon: Reformer and Reconciler, 1781-1847
dscf11223: Gordon Thomas - Ruin from the Air: The Atomic Mission to Hiroshima
DSCF3650: Hugh Thomas - The Murder of Rudolf Hess
dscf11474: Paul Thomas - Nanoart: The Immateriality of Art
dscf10430: Ian Thompson - The English Lakes: A History
dscf10863: Michael Thomsett - The German Opposition to Hitler: The Resistance, the Underground, and Assassination Plots, 1938-1945
dscf11146: John Wells-Thorpe - Behind the Facade: An Architect at Large SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10051: T. Thurai - The Devil Dancers
dscf10173: Ruth Tiidor - Atlas of damage descriptions of archival materials = : Arhiivimaterjalide kahjustuste atlas = Arhiva dokumentu
dscf11887: Adrian Tinniswood - The Art Deco House
dscf11477: Tirion, Rappaport, Remaklus, eds. - Uranometria 2000.0: Deep Sky Atlas, : The Northern Hemisphere to -6 Degrees
dscf11278: Pamela Todd - William Morris and the Arts & Crafts Home
dscf10986: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun
dscf10202: Tom Hewlett, intro. - Jack Vettriano. Affairs of the Heart 10th June- 31st July 2004 Portland Gallery , London
dscf10427: Susan Tomes - Out of Silence: A Pianist's Yearbook SIGNED
dscf10186: Trini Tommaso - Vasco Bendini: LuceLenta
dscf10559: Harry Torczyner - L' ami Magritte. Correspondance et souvenirs
dscf11847: Amor Towles - The Lincoln Highway SIGNED
dscf11939: Polly Toynbee - An Uneasy Inheritance: My Family and Other Radicals SIGNED
dscf10395: Simon Toyne - Solomon Creed SIGNED
dscf11257: Danny Trejo - Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption and Hollywood
dscf10683: Rose Tremain - Islands of Mercy SIGNED
dscf11944: Giles Tremlett - Espańa: A Brief History of Spain
dscf10831: Letizia Treves - Beyond Caravaggio
dscf11273: Chogyam Trungpa - Great Eastern Sun: The Wisdom of Shambhala
dscf10603: Malcolm Turner - BOAC and the Golden Age of Flying
dscf10804: Alwyn Turner - Glam Rock: Dandies in the Underworld
dscf10535: Stuart Turton - The Devil and the Dark Water
dscf10872: Gray Tuttle - Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China
dscf11615: Jake Tyler - A Walk from the Wild Edge SIGNED/ Inscribed
dscf11700: Phil Tyrer - Endeavour Works - a Life in Power The Pyroban Story SIGNED
dscf11908: Various - Albrecht Durer and His Legacy: The Graphic Work of a Renaissance Artist
dscf10250: various - The Last Frontier: Kelly Richardson
dscf11470: Various - Three Centuries of La Rioja Alta SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11735: various - Lucio Fontana : From Figuration to Abstraction
dscf11925: vars. - Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Walker Evans: Documentary and Anti-Graphic Photographs
dscf11850: Ashutosh Varshney - Ethnic Conflict & Civic Life – Hindus & Muslims in India
dscf11331: Mark Cotta Vaz - The Art of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - Including the Screenplay
dscf11208: Mark Cotta Vaz - Industrial Light and Magic: Into the Digital Realm
dscf11367: Giorgio Verzotti - Claudio Guarino
dscf10635: Hugo Vickers - Malice in Wonderland: My Adventures in the World of Cecil Beaton
dscf11907: Victoria Salley, intro. - Nature's Artist: Plants and Animals by Albrecht Durer
dscf11350: Alan Viner - The Restoration of the Ketch-rigged Tamar Sailing Barge "Shamrock", 1974-79
dscf11275: Vitaly Naumkin, ed. - State, Religion and Society in Central Asia: A Post-Soviet Critique
dscf10537: Vivien Noakes, ed. - Isaac Rosenberg: 21st-Century Oxford Authors
dscf7296: VOGELAAR C. - Rembrandt en Lievens in Leiden
dscf10968: Robert Wainwright - Miss Muriel Matters: The fearless suffragist who fought for equality
dscf11269: Tetsuya Wakuda - Tetsuya
dscf11715: Celia Walden - Payday SIGNED
dscf11533: Scott Walden - Photography Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature
dscf10842: Jerzy Waldorff - The rest is silence: The Powazki cemetery in Warsaw
dscf11527: Murray Walker - Unless I’m Very Much Mistaken SIGNED
dscf10208: Derek Walters - The History of the British U Class Submarine
dscf10724: Guy Warner - World War One Aircraft Carrier Pioneer: The Story and Diaries of Captain JM McCleery RNAS/RAF
dscf11466: Tim Waterstone - The Face Pressed Against a Window: A Memoir SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11943: Sid Watkins - Life at the Limit: Triumph and Tragedy in Formula One
dscf11665: Paul Thompson/ John Watterson - Beware of the Bull: The enigmatic genius of Jake Thackray SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11217: Derek Watts - Young Jim: The Jim Parks Story SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11136: Wayne Cocroft, Roger Thomas - Cold War: Building for Nuclear Confrontation 1946-1989
dscf11666: Alain Weill - Parisian Fashion: "La Gazette Du Bon Ton", 1912-1925
dscf11903: Alison Weir - Queens of the Age of Chivalry, 1299-1409
dscf10630: Stephen J Weiss - Second Chance: In Combat with the US 'Texas' Infantry, the OSS, and the French Resistance during the Liberation of France, 1943-1946 SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf11702: Stuart Welch - Room For Wonder: Indian Painting during the British Period 1760-1880
dscf11124: Wendy Cameron, ed. - English Immigrant Voices: Labourers' Letters from Upper Canada in the 1830s
dscf11349: David Whitehouse - Cage Cups: Late Roman Luxury Glasses
dscf11399: Geoffrey Whitfield - The Roots of Terrorism in Israel and Palestine. Uses and Abuses of the Abrahamic Covenant
dscf10911: Fergus Wiggin - The Tiger And The Wren Biography of Mahatma Gandhi's last raj boy.
dscf10465: Lauren Wilford - The Wes Anderson Collection: Isle of Dogs
dscf11417: Candice Carty-Williams - Queenie SIGNED
dscf11498: Philip Nanney Williams - Nannau - A Rich Tapestry of Welsh History
dscf11835: Fredric Wilson - The Theatrical World of Angus McBean: Photographs from the Harvard University Theatre Collection
dscf11802: Tony Wilson - Tony Wilson: Melodist to Requiem Painitngs and Prints 1979-2002 SIGNED
dscf10955: Bob Wilson - My Autobiography - Behind the Network SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10321: Ryder Windham - Star Wars: The Complete Vader
dscf11607: Stanley Winkelman - A Life in the Balance: The Memoirs of Stanley Winkelman
dscf10805: Beatrice Wood - I Shock Myself: The Autobiography of Beatrice Wood
dscf10166: Jeremy J. Wood - Speed on the Downs: The Lewes Speed Trials 1924-39
dscf11559: Simon Woolley - Soar SIGNED/Inscribed
dscf10052: Steve Wozniak - iWoz - Computer Geek to Cult Icon: Getting to the Core of Apple's Inventor
dscf10221: Li Xiangning - Contemporary Architecture in China: Towards A Critical Pragmatism
dscf10147: Prof. Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi - Islamic Political Theory Volume 1 (Legislation)
dscf11609: Ch'an Master Sheng-yen - Complete Enlightenment: Translation and Commentary on The Sutra of Complete Enlightenment,
dscf10869: Yuzo Endo, intro. - BioBran/MGN-3. Basic and clinical application to integrative medicine
dscf11575: J. Zhang - The Cosmopolitanization of Science: Stem Cell Governance in China
dscf11440: Nell Zink - Doxology
dscf10999: Dorothy de Zouche - Roedean School, 1885-1955
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