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38283: DUNN, SARAH - The Big Love: Library Edition
28644: DUNN, JIMMY; CARON, TOM, FOREWORD - Funnyball: Observations from a Summer Ball Park
27581: DUNN, JUDY - Distress and Comfort
20082: DUNN, J. R. - Full Tide of Night
20081: DUNN, J. R. - Days of Cain
16192: DUNN, JOSEPH - Transformed Lives
7285: DUNN, ROBERT H.; ULLMAN, RICHARD S. - TQM for Computer Software
36524: DUNNING, JOHN - The Bookman's Wake: A Mystery With Cliff Janeway
31602: DURAND, DAVID - Stable Chaos: An Introduction to Statistical Control
17040: DURAND, DAVID - Stable Chaos : An Introduction to Statistical Control
30781: DURANT, WILL - The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the Great Philosophers
34283: DURHAM, CARL T. (CHAIRMAN) - Outer Space Propulsion by Nuclear Energy : Hearings before subcommittees of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of the United States Eighty-Fifth Congress Second Session on Outer Space Propulsion By Nuclear Energy January 22, 23, and February 6, 1958
22851: DURNIL, GORDON K. - The Making of a Conservative Environmentalist: With Reflections on Government, Industry, Scientists, the Media, Education,Economic Growth, the Public, the Great Lakes, Activists, & the Sunsetting o
7287: DURRELL, GERALD MALCOLM - Menagerie Manor
6758: DURRENMATT, FRIEDRICH - Die Widertaufer : Eine Komodie in Zwei Teilen
39199: DURST, F., ED. - Practical Applications of the DISA Laser Doppler Anemometer
26597: DUTOURD, JEAN - Memoires De Mary Watson: Roman
8378: DWYER, D. J. - The City in the Third World
28976: DYER, WAYNE W. - Your Erroneous Zones : Escape Negative Thinking and Take Control of Your Life
25125: DYSON, ESTHER - Release 2.1: A Design for Living in the Digital Age
2931: EARLE, NICK - From .Com to .Profit: Inventing Business Models That Deliver Value and Profit
16227: EARLEY, JAY - Transforming Human Culture: Social Evolution and the Planetary Crisis
40511: EASTER, K. WILLIAM; ROSEGRANT, MARK W.; DINAR, ARIEL, EDS. - Markets for Water: Potential and Performance
1081: EASTON, CAROL - Jacqueline du Pre: A Biography
31389: EBBELING, DONALD C. - Courtroom Crucible: The Smith Charities
36756: ECK, DIANA L. - Banaras: City of Light
21320: ECKSTEIN, FRITZ (EDITOR); LILLEY, DAVID M J. (EDITOR) - Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology : Volume 1
38293: ECO, UMBERTO;WEAVER, WILLIAM, TRANS. - The Island of the Day Before
25321: ECO, UMBERTO; WEAVER, WILLIAM - Baudolino
29913: EDDINGS, DAVID - King of the Murgos
27904: EDDINGS, DAVID - The Shining Ones
27901: EDDINGS, DAVID - The Ruby Knight
27831: EDDINGS, DAVID - The Diamond Throne
27767: EDDINGS, DAVID - Sapphire Rose
27583: EDDINGS, DAVID - Domes of Fire: Book One of the Tamuli
25249: EDDINGS, DAVID - The Ruby Knight
17338: EDDINGS, DAVID. - The Shining Ones
17323: EDDINGS, DAVID. - The Diamond Throne
16538: EDDY, SANDRA E. - XML in Plain English
37904: EDEN, EMILY - The Semi-Attached Couple and the Semi-Detached House
14783: EDGE, FRED - Borrowed Time : Living with Cancer with Someone You Love
38143: EDGERTON, ROBERT B. - Death or Glory: The Legacy of the Crimean War
38510: EDITIORIAL STAFF - Index of Plant Diseases in the United States
37857: EDITIORIAL STAFF - Women's Costume 1600-1750
34648: EDITIORIAL STAFF - Fractals in Science: An Introductory Course
30835: EDITORIAL STAFF - THINK: 200 Years of Work In America
29195: EDITORIAL STAFF - 30 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy
38451: EDITORIAL STAFF - Noise Control
34964: EDITORIAL STAFF - Lewis and Clark's America: A Voyage of Discovery; Lewis and Clark's America: A Contemporary Photo Essay
34963: EDITORIAL STAFF - The Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China
34837: EDITORIAL STAFF - Adventures in Reading and Playing: McGinley Piano Course
34835: EDITORIAL STAFF - Art from Cologne
34836: EDITORIAL STAFF - Deutches Liederbuch
34834: EDITORIAL STAFF - Daedalus; The Making of Modern Science: Biographical Studies
34833: EDITORIAL STAFF - Wood Handbook: Basic Information on Wood as a Material of Construction with Data for Its Use in Design and Specification
34832: EDITORIAL STAFF - The Changing Distribution of Industrial Profits: The Oil and Gas Industry Within the Fortune 500, 1978-80
34828: EDITORIAL STAFF - One Hundred and One Songs You Love to Sing
34824: EDITORIAL STAFF - The Anatomy of Sleep
34823: EDITORIAL STAFF - Our Roots in History: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the First Chinese Exclusion Act
34652: EDITORIAL STAFF - City of Southampton: Official Handbook 1965
34375: EDITORIAL STAFF - Technique of House Nailing
32381: EDITORIAL STAFF - Best American Magazine Writing 2005
31871: EDITORIAL STAFF - Pentax Family 15
31849: EDITORIAL STAFF - Let's Collect Shells
31827: EDITORIAL STAFF - How to Use and Enjoy Your New General Electric Automatic Electric Range
31781: EDITORIAL STAFF - Classic Home Cooking
31494: EDITORIAL STAFF - Louisiana, a Dream State: River Trails, Bayous, and Back Roads
30972: EDITORIAL STAFF - Woodstock School of Art 1990
30790: EDITORIAL STAFF - The Teaching of Buddha
30694: EDITORIAL STAFF - The New American Standard New Testament
30683: EDITORIAL STAFF - The Money-Saver Chicken Cookbook
30361: EDITORIAL STAFF - Smartmodem 1200 Hardware Reference Manual
30261: EDITORIAL STAFF - Readings in Economics 77/78
30260: EDITORIAL STAFF - Readings in Economics '74/'75
30116: EDITORIAL STAFF - Not By Bread Alone
29925: EDITORIAL STAFF - Landmarks of Liberty
29821: EDITORIAL STAFF - IBM Proprinter: Guide to Operations
29757: EDITORIAL STAFF - Greatest Short Stories, Vol. IV: Foreign
29701: EDITORIAL STAFF - Fondue Cook-In
29474: EDITORIAL STAFF - Come With Us to Story Book Land
29450: EDITORIAL STAFF - Churchill, The Life Triumphant: The Historical Record of Ninety Years
29401: EDITORIAL STAFF - Burpee's Farm Annual 1888: Garden, Farm, and Flower Seeds
29358: EDITORIAL STAFF - Beautiful Toronto
29326: EDITORIAL STAFF - ARRL Hudson Division Convention at Shangri-La '76
29198: EDITORIAL STAFF - 9th Air Force Association 2000 Membership Directory
29196: EDITORIAL STAFF - 365 Sex Tips
29193: EDITORIAL STAFF - 1976 Bicentennial Anniversary Orlando Hamcation
29094: EDITORIAL STAFF - Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work
29028: EDITORIAL STAFF - Expo 67 Official Guide
28996: EDITORIAL STAFF - Amateur Radio '74 National Convention
28989: EDITORIAL STAFF - 1980 ARRL Hudson Division Convention
28988: EDITORIAL STAFF - 1973 New England ARRL Convention
28987: EDITORIAL STAFF - 1970 ARRL National Convention at Boston
28621: EDITORIAL STAFF - Estado De Oaxaca, Mexico: Guia Turistica
39545: EDITORIAL STAFF - Critical Legal Compliance Issues for Healthcare Organizations, Thursday, May, 22 1997
39389: EDITORIAL STAFF - U.S. Aviation Today
39286: EDITORIAL STAFF - A History of Barnard College, Published in Honor of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the College, 1964
39278: EDITORIAL STAFF - Companion Library: Aesop's Fables; Arabian Nights
39163: EDITORIAL STAFF - Collector's Guide, Vol. 19: Santa Fe, Taos, Albuquerque
36768: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Old West: The Gamblers
34130: THE EDITORS OF RESEARCH ALERT - Attracting the Affluent: The First Guide to America's Changing Ultimate Market
30726: EDITORS OF PLAYBOY - The PLAYBOY Book of Humor and Satire
28581: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Computer Basics
7291: EDMUNDSON, MARK (EDITOR) - Wild Orchids and Trotsky: Messages from American Universities
30699: EDSALL, THOMAS BYRNE - The New Politics of Inequality : How Political Power Shapes Economic Policy
28964: EDSON, MARGARET - Wit: A Play
17517: EDWALDS, LORAINE - The Woman-Centered Economy: Ideals, Reality and the Space in Between
36732: EDWARDES, MICHAEL - Everyday Life in Early India
12014: EDWARDS, GEORGE C., III; WAYNE, STEPHEN J. - Presidential Leadership : Politics and Policy Making
10514: EDWARDS, RICHARD H. JR. - Tales of the Observer
35579: EDWARDS, KIM - The Memory Keeper's Daughter
6384: EGAN, LEONA RUST - Provincetown As A Stage
30147: EGE, SEYHAN N.; KLEINMAN, ROBERTA W.; CARTER, MARJORIE L.C - Organic Chemistry Study Guide
38513: EGGERS, MELVIN A.; TUSSING, A. DALE - The Level of Economic Activity
17482: EGLI, IDA RAE (EDITOR) - No Rooms of Their Own: Women Writers of Early California
12298: EHRLICH, PAUL R. - The Machinery of Nature
13126: EHRMANN, JACQUES, COMP. - Structuralism,
37005: EIG, JONATHAN - Opening Day : The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season
33509: EINSTEIN, ALBERT - Out of My Later Years
633: EISEN, MARTIN - Introduction to Mathematical Probability Theory
27332: EISENBERG, LEE - The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your Life
10819: EISENSTAEDT, ALFRED - Eisenstaedts Celebrity Portrait
27201: EISLER, KIM ISAAC - Revenge of the Pequots: How a Small Native-American Tribe Created the Worlds Most Profitable Casino
10036: EISNER, ROBERT - Travelers to an Antique Land : The History and Literature of Travel to Greece
22849: EISNER, MICHAEL D.; SCHWARTZ, TONY - Work in Progress
16752: EKMAN, KERSTIN; TATE, JOAN - Blackwater
26606: ELDIN, PETER - The Magic Handbook
38202: ELIOT, GEORGE - Brother Jacob
40479: ELIZABETH STROUT - The Burgess Boys
32737: ELKIND, DAVID - Hurried Child : Growing up Too Fast Too Soon
5496: ELKIND, DAVID - The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon
17189: ELLERT, H. - The Material Culture of Zimbabwe
27252: ELLINGER, HERBERT E. - Automechanics
29584: ELLIOTT, JOHN E.; GREY, ARTHUR L. - Economic Issues and Policies: Readings in Introductory Economics
40440: ELLIOTT, WILLIAM - Tying Rocks to Clouds: Meetings and Conversations With Wise and Spiritual People
375: ELLIS, ANDREW W.; YOUNG, ANDREW W. - Human Cognitive Neuropsychology
37097: ELLIS, B. N. - Cleaning and Contamination of Electronics Components and Assemblies
34257: ELLIS, DAN - Growing Up Stoned: Coming to Terms With Teenage Drug Abuse in Modern America
32876: ELLIS, A. J. - Basic Algebra and Geometry for Scientists and Engineers
27451: ELLIS, EDWARD S. - The Path in the Ravine: Forest and Prairie Series
39681: ELON, AMOS - The Israelis: Founders and Sons
18731: ELSHTAIN, JEAN BETHKE - Women and War
6541: ELSON, LOUIS C - Realm of Music
14827: EMERSON, EVERETT H. (EDITOR) - American Literature, Seventeen Sixty-Four to Seventeen Eighty-Nine : The Revolutionary Years
17993: EMERSON, RU - The Empty Throne
397: EMPEY, LAMAR T. - Juvenile Justice: the Progressive Legacy and Current Reform
29860: ENGE, HARALD A.; WEHR, M. RUSSELL; RICHARDS, JAMES A. - Introduction to Atomic Physics
31470: ENGE, HARALD A.; WEHR, M. RUSSELL; RICHARDS, JAMES A. - Introduction to Atomic Physics
10278: ENGELER, ERWIN - Introduction to the Theory of Computation
7489: L'ENGLE, MADELEINE - A Wind in the Door
39909: ENGLISH, PETER C. - Rheumatic Fever in America and Britain : A Biological, Epidemiological, and Medical History
39908: ENGLISH, PETER C. - Rheumatic Fever in America and Britain : A Biological, Epidemiological, and Medical History
39905: ENGLISH, PETER C. - Rheumatic Fever in America and Britain : A Biological, Epidemiological, and Medical History
36026: EPSTEIN, JASON - Book Business: Publishing Past, Present, and Future
29529: EPSTEIN, CYNTHIA FUCHS - Deceptive Distinctions: Sex, Gender, and the Social Order
32642: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - The Praise of Folly
40445: ERAUSO, CATALINA DE; STEPTO, MICHELE; STEPTO, GABRIEL, TRANS. - Lieutenant Nun: Memoir of a Basque Transvestite in the New World
39193: ERDELYI, A. - Asymptotic Expansions
27210: ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Bingo Palace
7299: ERDRICH, LOUISE - The Beet Queen
34546: I. I. EREMIN, E. K. GODUNOVA, A. A. GOL'DBERG, I. JA. GUBERMAN, JA. S. MIROšNICENKO, S. M. NIKOL'SKII, M. I. RED'KOV, L. I. RONKIN, AND M. N. ŠEREMETA - American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2 Volume 88 : Twelve Papers on Real and Complex Function Theory
36078: ERHART, MARGARET - Unusual Company
38880: ERIC HERSHBERG; FRED ROSEN - Latin America After Neoliberalism : Turning the Tide in the 21st Century?
38879: ERIC HERSHBERG; FRED ROSEN - Latin America After Neoliberalism : Turning the Tide in the 21st Century?
38878: ERIC HERSHBERG; FRED ROSEN - Latin America After Neoliberalism : Turning the Tide in the 21st Century?
29013: ERIKSON, ERIK H. - Childhood and Society
31848: ERNST, FREDERIC; SCHWARZ, H. STANLEY, EDS. - Lectures Francaises: Intermediate, Book Two
39414: ERNST, GEORGE C.; MARLETTE, RALPH R.; BERG, GLEN V. - Cylindrical Reinforced Concrete Shell Roofs, Ultimate Load Theory and Tests--Bulletin No. 5
37119: ERTL, G.; KUPPERS, J. - Low Energy Electrons and Surface Chemistry
3298: ESCALONA, SIBYLLE K. - The Roots of Individuality: Normal Patterns of Development in Infancy
7300: ESCUDIER, JEAN-NOEL - The Wonderful Food of Provence
20912: ESCUELA LATINOAMERICANA DE MATEMATICAS 1986 RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL); CARDOSO, F.A.; DE FIGUEIREDO, D.G.; LORIO, R.; CARDOSO, F. - Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of Elam VIII, Held in Rio De Janeiro, July 14-25, 1986
6545: ESQUIVEL, LAURA - The Law of Love
27268: ESSIG, MARK - Edison & the Electric Chair: a Story of Light and Death
18413: ESSLIN, MARTIN - Brecht : The Man and His Work
25244: ESTES, ROSE - The Price of Power
25073: ESTES, ROSE - Master Wolf
11141: ETTLIE, JOHN E. (EDITOR) - Manufacturing Strategy : The Research Agenda for the Next Decade
38597: EVANS, MICHAEL K. - Macroeconomic Activity: Theory, Forecasting, and Control
37598: EVANS, LOUIS JR. - The Communicator's Commentary: Hebrews (Vol. 10)
5163: EVANS, LARRY - Chess Catechism : Including the Ten Best Games of the Modern Era
4508: EVANS, MYRON (EDITOR); KIELICH, STANISLAW - Modern Nonlinear Optics (Part 1)
4450: EVANS, MYRON (EDITOR); KIELICH, STANSLAW (EDITOR) - Modern Nonlinear Optics (Part 2)
31833: EVERDELL, M.H. - Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics
31016: EVERITT, WILLIAM LITTELL - Communication Engineering
9551: EVERITT, WILLIAM LITTELL - Communication Engineering (Second Edition)
23633: EVERS, CRABBE - Murder in Wrigley Field
26615: EWENS, WILLIAM L. - Becoming Free: The Struggle for Human Development
37475: EWING, HEATHER - The Lost World of James Smithson : Science, Revolution, and the Birth of the Smithsonian
36789: EWING, WILLIAM A. - The Body: Photographs of the Human Form
27295: EZORSKY, GERTUDE, ED. - Moral Rights in the Workplace
26616: FABER, MICHEL - The Crimson Petal and the White
24065: FABER, MICHEL - The Crimson Petal and the White
2352: FABRICIUS-BJERRE, FR. - Laerebog i Geometri : Afsnit II
6172: FABRICIUS-BJERRE, FR. - Laerebog i Geometri : Afsnit I
2719: FABRY, JOSEPH - The Next To Final Solution: A Belgian Detention Camp for Hitler Refugees
34027: FACAROS, DANA; PAULS, MICHAEL - Rhodes & the Dodecanese
31087: FAGAN, BRIAN M. - The Journey from Eden: The Peopling of Our World
26441: FAGAN, BRIAN - Time Detectives: How Archaeologists Use Technology to Recapture the Past
8897: FAGAN, BRIAN M. - In the Beginning : An Introduction to Archaeology
11358: FAGES, J.-B. - Comprendre Levi-Strauss
22943: FAHEY, DAVID; RICH, LINDA G. - Masters of Starlight: Photographers in Hollywood
38319: FAILES, JANICE MCCALL; CAWOOD, FRANK W. - High Blood Pressure Lowered Naturally
37626: FAINARU-WADA, MARK;WILLIAMS, LANCE - Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal That Rocked Professional Sports
31365: FAIRES, VIRGIL MORING - Applied Thermodynamics
19082: FAKINOS, ARIS - The Marked Men
24399: FAKINOU, EUGENIA - Astradeni
37219: DE FALBE, JOHN - The Glass Night
37550: FALER, PAUL GUSTAF - Mechanics and Manufactures in the Early Industrial Revolution Lynn Massachusetts 1780-1860
12561: FALK, QUENTIN - Anthony Hopkins : The Authorized Biography
36096: FALK, RUTH - Women Loving: A Journey toward Becoming an Independent Woman
11725: FALKNER, DAVID - The Last Hero : The Life of Mickey Mantle
38138: FALLS, JOE - The Boston Marathon
7302: FALUDI, SUSAN - Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
27406: FAMILY CIRCLE - Family Circle Illustrated Library of Cooking, Vol. 1, A-Bev
31181: FAN, LIANG-TSENG - Continuous Maximum Principle : A Study of Complex Systems Optimization
11885: FANGER, DONALD - Dostoevsky and Romantic Realism : A Study of Dostoevsky in Relation to Balzac, Dickens, Gogol
13398: FANNING, ANTHONY E. - Planets, Stars and Galaxies
29166: FANNING, LEONARD M. - The Rise of American Oil
24394: O'FAOLAIN, NUALA - Are You Somebody: The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman
34968: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Maker of Universes
34967: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Gates of Creation
32708: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Magic Labyrinth
30409: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - Strange Relations
27570: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - Dark Is the Sun
6548: FARNDON, JOHN - Encyclopedia of Photography
7304: FARNHAM-DIGGORY, SYLVIA - The Learning-Disabled Child (The Developing Child Series)
37437: FARR, DENNIS - Courtauld Institute Galleries
37250: FARREN, PAT, ED.; PALEY, GRACE, FOREWORD - Peacework: Twenty Years of Nonviolent Social Change
19721: FARRINGTON, BENJAMIN - What Darwin Really Said
36519: FARSON, RICHARD; CRICHTON, MICHAEL, FOREWORD - Management of the Absurd: Paradoxes in Leadership
2010: FASS, PAULA S. - Kidnapped: Child Abduction in America
23735: FAST, JULIUS - Body Language
38976: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Unvanquished
31764: FAULKNER, HAROLD UNDERWOOD - American Economic History
31558: FAULKNER, HAROLD U. - Politics, Reform and Expansion 1890-1900
28943: FAZZINI, RICHARD - Tutankhamun and the African Heritage: A View of Society in the Time of the Boy King
796: FEAGIN, JOE R. - The Urban Scene: Myths and Realities
10527: FEATHER, LEONARD G. - From Satchmo to Miles
14621: FEATHER, NORMAN - An Introduction to the Physics of Mass Length and Time
34839: FEATHER, NORMAN - An Introduction to the Physics of Vibrations and Waves
34489: FEATHER, LEONARD; HAMMOND, JOHN, INTRO. - The New Yearbook of Jazz
24601: FEDER, MIKE - New York Son
17824: FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO - Change in the savings and loan industry
31360: FEDERER, HERBERT; JONSSON, BJARNI - Analytic Geometry and Calculus
34522: M. V. FEDORJUK, T. FREY, A. A. GOL'DBERG, I. S. IOHVIDOV, M. G. KREIN, V. B. LIDSKII, V. V. NEMYCKII, S. L. SOBOLEV, P. L. UL'JANOV, AND V. S. VLADIMIROV - American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2 Volume 34 : Eleven Papers on Analysis
11150: FEERER, MICHAEL - Premiere with a Passion
36819: FEFFER, MELVIN - The Structure of Freudian Thought: The Problem of Immutability and Discontinuity in Developmental Theory
23491: FEIFFER, JULES - Knock, Knock
15439: FEIGENBAUM, GAIL; BOGGS, JEAN SUTHERLAND - Degas and New Orleans : A French Impressionist in America
4016: FEIGENBAUM, EDWARD A.; MCCORDUCK, PAMELA - The Fifth Generation : Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World
35917: FEIGL, HERBERT; BRODBECK, MAY, EDS. - Readings in the Philosophy of Science
28451: FEINSOT, LOUISE, ED.; BARRETT, WAYNE, INTRO. - Walking Tours of America: Mini-Tours on Foot of Major Cities
25071: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - March to Madness: The View from the Floor in the Atlantic Coast Conference
24029: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - March to Madness: The View from the Floor in the Atlantic Coast Conference
22913: FEIST, RAYMOND E. - Krondor: The Assassins
17315: FEIST, RAYMOND E. - Shadow of a Dark Queen
34533: N. I. FEL'DMAN, A. V. KUZNECOV, JU. I. MANIN, I. R. ŠAFAREVIC, E. G. ŠUL'GEIFER, A. D. TAIMANOV, B. A. TRAHTENBROT, AND A. I. VINOGRADOV - American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2 Volume 59 : Twelve Papers on Logic and Algebra
21674: FELDMAN, DAVID. - Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? and Other Imponderables
16547: FELDMAN, DAVID - Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? and Other Imponderables
39649: FELIX, DAVID - Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic: The Politics of Preparations
27781: FERBER, RICHARD - Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems
19679: FERBER, RICHARD - Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems
11081: FERGUSON, CHARLES H. - Computer Wars : The Fall of IBM and the Future of Western Technology
19580: FERGUSON, CHARLES A.; HUEBNER, THOM - Sociolinguistic Perspectives: Papers on Language in Society, 1959-1994
30647: FERRIER, J. TODD - The Logia: Or, Sayings of the Master
13486: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - The Whole Shebang : A State-of-the-Universe(s) Report
38381: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Seeing in the Dark: How Amateur Astronomers Are Discovering the Wonders of the Universe
35723: FERRIS, TIMOTHY, ED. FADIMAN, CLIFTON, GEN. ED. - The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
26151: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - The Whole Shebang: A State-Of-The-Universe(S) Report
18136: FERRIS, CLIFFORD D. - Linear Network Theory
4418: FERRIS, TIMOTHY (EDITOR); FADIMAN, CLIFTON (FOREWORD) - The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics
2333: FEYDER, LINDA - Shattering the Myth: Plays by Hispanic Women
38977: FEYMAN, R. P. - Theory of Fundamental Processes (Frontiers in Physics)
40395: FEYNMAN, RICHARD P - What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character
22985: FICHTNER, WOLFGANG; MORF, MARTIN, EDS. - VLSI CAD Tools and Applications
37146: FIEDLER-WINTER, ROSEMARIE, ED. - Engel, Engel.
31753: FIELDER, H.G., ED. - A Book of German Verse from Luther to Liliencron
23884: FIELDING, HELEN - Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
17693: FIELDING - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 37 : Fielding
8820: FIELDING, HENRY; HUTCHINS, ROBERT MAYNARD (EDITOR) - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 37 : Fielding
36668: FIELDS, JENNIE - Crossing Brooklyn Ferry: A Novel
1194: FILIPOVIC, ZLATA - Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo
34549: N. D. FILIPPOV, A. L. GARKAVI, JU. P. GINZBURG, V. V. ROZEN, B. M. ŠAIN, L. N. ŠEVRIN, AND A. A. VINOGRADOV - American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2 Volume 96 : Ten Papers on Algebra and Functional Analysis
609: FILLMORE, PETER A. - Notes on Operator Theory
15814: FILMAN, ROBERT E. (EDITOR) - IEEE Internet Computing : Volume 8 : Number 4
28525: FINCH, EDWARD RIDLEY, JR.; MOORE, AMANDA LEE - Astrobusiness: A Guide to the Commerce and Law of Outer Space
27774: FINCH, SHEILA - Shaper's Legacy
21992: FINCH, ROBERT - Outlands: Journeys to the Outer Edges of Cape Cod
24540: FINCKE, GARY - Inventing Angels: Poems
40416: FINDLEY, PAUL - Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S.-Israeli Relationship
29082: FINKELSTEIN, ROBERT J. - Nonrelativistic Mechanics
39803: FINNISH TRAVEL ASSOCIATION - Finland: Tourist Guide 1970
31048: FIORE, JORDAN D.; STONEHOUSE, JEAN F. - Massachusetts in Contention: A Chronological Survey 1775-1783
29332: FIREBAUGH, MORRIS W. - Artificial Intelligence: A Knowledge-Based Approach
11029: FIREBIRD SOFTWARE - Star Trek : The Rebel Universe
37842: FIREMAN, JANET R. - The Spanish Royal Corps of Engineers in the Western Borderlands: Instrument of Bourbon Reform, 1764 to 1815
5260: FIRESMITH, DONALD G. - Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Logical Design
29970: FIRSTBROOK, P. L.; FIRSTBROOK, PETER - Lost on Everest: The Search for Mallory & Irvine
14141: FIRTH, RAYMOND - Essays on Social Organization and Values
37164: FISCHER, THOMAS C. - Legal Education, Law Practice, and the Economy: A New England Study
24682: FISHEL, ELIZABETH - Sisters: Love and Rivalry Inside the Family and Beyond
16064: FISHEL, ELIZABETH - Sisters: Shared Histories, Lifelong Ties
15110: FISHER, B. AUBREY - Small Group Decision Making : Communication and the Group Process
10320: FISHER, YUVAL - Spinning the Web : A Guide to Serving Information on the World Wide Web
37408: FISHER, JULIE - Nongovernments: NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World
34589: FISHER, MICHAEL; OWENS, RICHARD (EDS.) - Executable Modal and Temporal Logics: IJCAI '93 Workshop, Chambery, France, August 28, 1993. Proceedings
18217: FISHER, PETER; VITON, PHILIP - The Full Costs of Urban Transport : Part I Economic Efficiency in Bus Operations; Preliminary Intermodal Cost Comparisons and Policy Implications
17808: FISHER, FRANKLIN M.; SCHINKEL, MAARTEN-PIETER (EDITOR) - Microeconomics : Essays in Theory and Applications
39782: FISHER, ALAN E. - Chemical Stimulation of the Brain
31885: FITZGERALD, EDWARD, TRANS. - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishpur
29692: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - Flappers and Philosophers
7315: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - Babylon Revisited, and Other Stories: And Other Stories
39601: FITZGERALD, DON, ED. - The Pacifica House Hawaii Cookbook
39661: FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE - The Life of Dylan Thomas
35372: FITZSIMMONS, JAMES A.; FITZSIMMONS, MONA J. - Service Management for Competitive Advantage
30251: FITZSIMMONS, JOHN - Raccoon
12374: FJESTAD, STEVEN P. - Blue Book of Gun Values
25708: FLAGG, FANNIE - Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man
14055: FLANAGAN, WILLIAM - Dirty Rotten CEOs : How Business Leaders Are Fleecing America
38106: FLANAGAN, DAVID - Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
7316: FLANAGAN, DAVID - JavaScript Definitive Guide
19072: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - Trois Contes
17839: FLEISHER, BELTON M. - Labor economics: theory and evidence
38065: FLEMING, KEITH R. - Power at Cost: Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification, 1911-1958
22746: FLEMING, GLADYS ANDREWS - Creative Rhythmic Movement: Boys and Girls Dancing
40383: FLETCHER, ANGUS - Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode
37876: FLIIGHT, GRAHAM; LANE, PETER, CONSULTANT ED. - Introduction to Ceramics
40424: FLOOD, GAVIN - An Introduction to Hinduism
31979: FLORIN, LAMBERT - Ghost Towns of the West
31958: FLUCKIGER, ALFRED; FYLEMAN, ROSE, TRANS. - Tuck: The Story of a Snow-Hare
36213: FLYNN, IDA M.;MCHOES, ANN MCIVER - Understanding Operating Systems
20093: FLYNN, MICHAEL - Rogue Star (Firestar)
8299: FLYNN, PATRICIA M. - Facilitating Technological Change : The Human Resource Challenge
39337: FOCH, A. - Lecons Sur L'Hydrodynamique Appliquee: Deuxieme Annee 1932-1933
37587: FODEN, GILES - Mimi And Toutou's Big Adventure: The Bizarre Battle Of Lake Tanganyika
10112: FODERARO, JOHN K.; SKLOWER, KEITH L.; LAYER, KEVIN - The FRANZ LISP Manual : A document in four movements
7618: FODOR'S - Fodor South America -1984
7617: FODOR'S - Fodor Rome - 1987
6259: FOGLIA, LEONARD; RICHARDS, DAVID - Face Down in the Park
31433: FOLEY, DANIEL J. - Garden Flowers in Color
34655: FONTEIN, JAN, GEN. ED. - Living National Treasures of Japan
7319: FOOS, LAURIE - Ex Utero
5145: FOOT, PHILIPPA - Virtues and Vices and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy
27820: FOOTE, SHELBY - The Civil War: A Narrative Fort Sumter to Perryville
24302: FORBES, CAROLINE - The Needle on Full
16394: FORBES, CHERYL - Notes of a Reluctant Pilgrim: The Idea of Pilgrimage in Everyday Life
11964: FORD, STEPHEN - Acquisition of Library Materials
10687: FORD, COLIN; HARRISON, BRIAN - A Hundred Years Ago : Britain in the 1880s in Words and Photographs
24229: FORD, MICHAEL THOMAS - My Big Fat Queer Life: The Best of Michael Thomas Ford
31824: FORDER, H.G. - Geometry: An Introduction
2580: FOREST PRODUCTS SOCIETY - Profitable Solutions for Quality Drying of Softwoods and Hardwoods
18705: FORESTER, TOM (EDITOR) - The Information Technology Revolution
50172: FORNAESS, JOHN ERICK; STENSOES, BERIT - Lectures on Counterexamples in Several Complex Variables
10500: FORREST, ANTHONY - Captain Justice
37682: FORREST, KATHERINE V. - Amateur City
22379: FORREST, KATHERINE V. - Murder at the Nightwood Bar
16488: FORREST, KATHERINE V. - The Erotic Naiad
7320: FORSYTH, FREDERICK - Negotiator
25552: FORT, TOM - Under the Weather : Us and the Elements
38287: FORTUNATO, JOHN - Embracing the Exile: Healing Journeys of Gay Christians
20095: FORWARD, ROBERT L. - Timemaster
40350: FORWARD, SUSAN; BUCK, CRAIG - Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and its Devastation
26406: FOSBACK, NORMAN G. - Stock Market Logic
31375: FOSSUM, KARIN; BARSLUND, CHARLOTTE, TRANS. - Calling Out for You!
20103: FOSTER, ALAN DEAN. - The Day of the Dissonance
12710: FOSTER, CLAUDE - Poetic Allegories
37535: FOSTER, ALAN DEAN - Trouble Magnet: A Pip and Flinx Adventure
27686: FOSTER, ALAN DEAN - Lost and Found
37168: FOULDS, ALAN E. - Boston's Ballparks & Arenas
26084: FOWLER, KAREN JOY - The Jane Austen Book Club
16271: FOWLER, LOIS J.; FOWLER, DAVID H. - Revelations of the Self: American Women in Autobiography
16065: FOWLER, CONNIE MAY - Before Women Had Wings (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
39287: FOWLER, CHARLES B. - Dance as Education
32082: FOWLES, GRANT R. - Analytical Mechanics
33801: FOX, FAULKNER - Dispatches from a Not-So-Perfect Life: Or How I Learned to Love the House, the Man, the Child
23287: FOX, STEPHEN - Big Leagues: Professional Baseball, Football, and Basketball in National Memory
21026: FOX, LESLIE; MAYERS, D. F. - Computing Methods for Scientists and Engineers
20104: FOX, ZACHARY - All Fall Down
35655: FRADENBURG, LOUISE OLGA - City, Marriage, Tournament: Arts of Rule in Late Medieval Scotland
33234: FRAIBERG, SELMA H. - The Magic Years: Understanding and Handling the Problems of Early Childhood
5569: FRAME, JANET - Living in the Maniototo
37214: FRAMPTON, KENNETH; CAMARGO, JEFFERSON LUIZ, TRANS. - Historia Critica Da Arquitetura Moderna
10474: FRANCIS, DICK - The Danger
8893: FRANCIS, DICK - 10 Lb. Penalty
7323: FRANCIS, DICK - Reflex
7322: FRANCIS, DICK - Field of Thirteen
5499: FRANCIS, DICK - Wild Horses
40411: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Ann the Word: The Story of Ann Lee, Female Messiah, Mother of the Shakers, the Woman Clothed With the Sun
36508: FRANCKE, LINDA BIRD - Ground Zero: The Gender Wars in the Military
27165: FRANGIPANE, LEO G., M.D.; KUNKELMAN, GARY - From Mourning to Mornng: Healing in America's Time of Crisis
38980: FRANK, NATHANIEL H. - Introduction to Electricity and Optics
36176: FRANK, HARRY - Introduction to Probability and Statistics:Concepts and Principles: Concepts and Principles
31060: FRANK, PHILIPP - Philosophy of Science: The Link Between Science and Philosophy
25143: FRANK ARTHUR WORSLEY - Shackleton's Boat Journey
27304: FRANKEN, AL - Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot: And Other Observations
17041: FRANKL, DANIEL - Electromagnetic Theory
50136: FRANKLIN, W.S.; GRANTHAM, G.E. - General Physics
11682: FRANKS, JOHN A. - The Company Director and the Law
35763: FRANZEN, JONATHAN - The Corrections
36931: FRASCOGNA, XAVIER M.; HETHERINGTON, H. LEE - This Business Of Artist Management
14989: FRASER, FLORA - The Unruly Queen : The Life of Queen Caroline
38435: FRASER, DAVID - Blitz
34840: FRASER, DOUGLAS - Village Planning in the Primitive World
16469: FRASER, KEATH - Bad Trips
29531: FRAYN, MICHAEL - Democracy
28106: FRAZER, VERNON - Free Fall
13073: FRAZIER, IAN - Family
32058: FRAZIER, IAN - Family
29590: FRAZIER, GARY; INGENE, CHARLES, ET AL., EDS/ - Efficiency and Effectiveness in Marketing
25780: FRAZIER, IAN - Great Plains
37568: FREDRIKSON, ROGER L. - The Communicators Commentary: John (Vol. 4)
36214: FREEDMAN, JAMES O. - Idealism and Liberal Education
27232: FREEMAN, MARGARET B.; SIPRESS, LINDA - The Unicorn Tapestries
25486: FREEMAN, HAROLD - Introduction to Statistical Inference
23226: FREEMAN, MICHAEL - The New 35Mm Handbook
20941: FREIDLIN, MARK - Functional Integration and Partial Differential Equations
5038: FREIHEN, WOLFGANG; CHALKLEY, A. A. - Modern Photographic Techniques
13210: FRENCH, THOMAS A. - Psychoanalytic Interpretations : The Selected Papers of THomas M. French, M.D.
37327: FRENCH CULINARY INSTITUTE (NEW YORK, N.Y.) - French Culinary Institute's Salute to Healthy Cooking: From America's Foremost French Chefs
29125: FREUD, SIGMUND; RIEFF, PHILIP, ED. - Sexuality and the Psychology of Love
21406: FREUDENBERGER, NELL - Lucky Girls: Stories
34587: FRIBOURG, LAURENT; TURINI, FRANCO (EDS.) - Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation - Meta-Programming in Logic: 4th International Workshops, LOPSTR '94 and META '94, Pisa, Italy, June 20 - 21
28733: FRIDAY, NANCY - My Mother My Self: The Daughter's Search For Identity
10052: FRIEDEN, BERNARD J. - The Future of Old Neighborhoods
38982: FRIEDEN, BERNARD J. - The Future of Old Neighborhoods: Rebuilding for a Changing Population
36712: FRIEDHOFF, RICHARD MARK; PEERCY, MARK S. - Visual Computing
18216: FRIEDLAENDER, ANN FETTER - The Interstate Highway System : A Study in Public Investment
38983: FRIEDMAN, MILTON; HELLER, WALTER W. - Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy: A Dialogue
35779: FRIEDMAN, THOMAS L. - The World Is Flat: A Brief History Of The Twenty-first Century
35778: FRIEDMAN, THOMAS L. - The World Is Flat: A Brief History Of The Twenty-first Century
35777: FRIEDMAN, THOMAS L. - The World Is Flat: A Brief History Of The Twenty-First Century
35608: FRIEDMAN, JOHN; ALONSO, WILLIAM, EDS. - Regional Policy; Readings in Theory and Applications
35311: FRIEDMAN, LEE S. - Microeconomic Policy Analysis
29251: FRIEDMAN, RICHARD S., COLONEL - Advanced Technology Warfare: A Detailed Study of the Latest Weapons and Techniques for Warfare Today and into the 21st Century
28714: FRIEDMAN, THOMAS L. - Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World After September 11
26015: FRIEDMAN, SALLY; FARRAR STRAUS AND GIROUX - Swimming the Channel: A Widow's Journey to Life
23363: FRIEDMAN, RICHARD C.; RICHART, RALPH M.; VANDE WIELE, RAYMOND L., EDS. - Sex Differences in Behavior; A Conference
20105: FRIEDMAN, C. S. - The Madness Season
19826: FRIEDMAN, AVNER; GLIMM, JAMES; LAVERY, JOHN - The mathematical and computational sciences in emerging manufacturing technologies and management Practices
19136: FRIEDMAN, MAURICE - Abraham Joshua Heschel & Elie Wiesel, You Are My Witnesses
17231: FRIEDMAN, ARTHUR D. - Logical Design of Digital Systems
33411: FRIEDMANN, JULIAN - How to Make Money Scriptwriting: A Guerilla Guide for Selling to Producers, Script Editors, and Agents in the Film and TV Industry
36137: FRIEZE, IRENE H.; PARSONS, JACQUELYNNE E.; JOHNSON, PAULA B.; RUBLE, DIANE N.; ZELLMAN, GAIL L. - Women and Sex Roles: Social Psychological Perspective
39752: FRISON-ROCHE, ROGER; TAIRRAZ, PIERRE - Mont Blanc Aux Sept Vallees
17169: FROESE, VICTOR - Whole-Language: Practice and Theory
29934: FROHNMAYER, JOHN - Leaving Town Alive: Confessions of an Arts Warrior
1928: FROHNMAYER, JOHN - Leaving Town Alive: Confessions of an Arts Warrior
20931: FROLOV, K.V.; FURMAN, F.A. - Applied Theory of Vibration Isolation Systems
34842: FROMAN, LEWIS A. - Princples of Economics
32355: FROMKIN, VICTORIA; RODMAN, ROBERT - Introduction to Language
34843: FROMM, ERICH; MARX. KARL; BOTTOMORE, T.B. - Marx's Concept of Man; Marx's Economic and Philsosophical Manuscripts
31011: FROST, BEATRICE - At the Piano, Book One: Based on Folk-Tunes of Many Countries
16728: FRUCHT, ABBY - Licorice
38382: FRYE, ELLEN - Amazon Story Bones
15657: FU, KING-SUN - Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Applications
6027: FUCHS, KARL (EDITOR); FROIDEVAUX, C. (EDITOR) - Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the Lithisphere-Asthenosphere System
1313: FUENTES, CARLOS - Christopher Unborn
17052: FUENTES, CARLOS. - The Old Gringo
24929: FUGH-BERMAN, ADRIANE - Alternative Medicine--What Works: A Comprehensive, Easy-To-Read Review of the Scientific Evidence, Pro and Con
37093: FULGHUM, ROBERT - All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things
14932: FULKERSON, D. R. (EDITOR) - Studies in Graph Theory : Part I
33477: FULLER, MILLARD - More Than Houses: How Habitat for Humanity Is Transforming Lives and Neighborhoods
29883: FULLER, H. H. - It's a Wrap
29223: FULLER, ANNA - A Literary Courtship: Under the Auspices of Pike's Peak
26639: FULLER, ALEXANDRA - Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood
24947: FULLER, MILLARD - Bokotola
24606: FULLER, MILLARD; SCOTT, DIANE - No More Shacks!: The Daring Vision of Habitat for Humanity
17634: FULLER, MICHAEL A. - An Introduction to Literary Chinese
22061: FULWILER, TOBY - The Working Writer
10933: FURST, ALAN - The Polish Officer : A Novel
36139: FURUBOTN, EIRIK G.;RICHTER, RUDOLF - Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics
30450: FUSFELD, DANIEL R. - The Age of the Economist: The Development of Modern Economic Thought
27256: FUTTERMAN, ENID - Bittersweet Journey: A Modestly Erotic Novel of Love, Longing, and Chocolate
37013: FYE, W. BRUCE - American Cardiology: The History of a Specialty and Its College
37850: GABRIEL, RICHARD P. - Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community
17201: GADNER, MARTIN - Wheels, Life and Other Mathematical Amusements
15394: GADOL, PETER - The Mystery Roast
38984: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - Economics and the Public Purpose
36022: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - The Affluent Society: Third Edition, Revised
28488: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - A Life in Our Times: Memoirs
18354: GALE, STEPHEN; MOORE, ERIC G. - The Manipulated City: Perspectives on Spatial Structure and Social Issues in Urban America
35113: GALEN - The Sharp Edge of Love : The Erotic Passions of Submissive Women
35945: GALISON, PETER - Einstein's Clocks, Poincare's Maps : Empires of Time
27276: GALLEY PRESS - Galley: Gourmet Cooking
27275: GALLEY PRESS - Galley: American Cooking
17064: GALLIHER, JOHN F. - Deviant Behavior and Human Rights
3921: GALLOP, JANE (EDITOR) - Pedagogy : The Question of Impersonation
29151: GALSTON, ARTHUR W. - The Life of the Green Plant
13666: GALSWORTHY, JOHN - The Forsyte Chronicles : Six Volume Set
37826: GANDHI, OM P. - Microwave Engineering and Applications
39422: GANNON, THOMAS; CHASE, DAVID, INTRO. - Newport Mansions: The Gilded Age
29175: GANS, HERBERT J.; LINDEMAN, ERICH, M.D., FOREWORD - The Urban Villages: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans
39370: GANTZ, LIEUTENTANT COLONEL KENNETH F., USAF - Air University Quarterly Review: Air Force Nuclear Propulsion : Vol. XI, Nos. 3 & 4, Fall & Winter
20107: GARAGIOLA, JOE - It's Anybody's Ballgame
19534: GARCEAU, OLIVER - Political Research and Political Theory
32690: GARCIA-AGUILERA, CAROLINA - Bloody Shame : A Lupe Solano Mystery
32688: GARCIA-AGUILERA, CAROLINA - Bloody Shame : A Lupe Solano Mystery
34844: GARD, WAYNE - The Great Buffalo Hunt
10489: GARDNER, HOWARD - The Arts and Human Development
33164: ; GARDNER, MARTIN, ED. - Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd
32351: GARDNER, HOWARD - To Open Minds: Chinese Clues to the Dilemma of Contemporary Education
30277: GARDNER, MARTIN - Relativity for the Million
28958: GARDNER, MARTIN - Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements
28599: GARDNER, MARTIN - Did Adam and Eve Have Navels: Discourses on Reflexology, Numerology, Urine Therapy, and Other Dubious Subjects
27896: GARDNER, MARTIN - The Relativity Explosion
27339: GARDNER, HOWARD - To Open Minds: Chinese Clues to the Dilemma of Contemporary Education
26647: GARDNER, HOWARD - Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi
22065: GARDNER, JAMES ALAN - Trapped
20108: GARDNER, JAMES ALAN - Vigilant
18541: GARDNER, GERALD C. - Who in the World Is in Charge?
7334: GARDNER, JOHN - The Life and Times of Chaucer
34971: GARFUNKLE, STANLEY - Developing the Advertising Plan : A Practical Guide
38164: GARLAND, ANNE WITTE; NADER, RALPH, INTRO.; FARENTHOLD, FRANCES T. - Women Activists: Challenging the Abuse of Power
29862: GARLAND, STEPHEN - Introduction to Computer Science With Applications in Pascal
28396: GARLAND, HENRY; GARLAND, MARY - The Oxford Companion to German Literature
17989: GARNER, ALAN - Elidor
3073: GARNICK, DAVID KARL - Coordination in Distributed Systems
25864: GARRETT, RANDALL - Lord Darcy Investgates
4001: GARRETT, JAMES M. - The Tenuous Balance : Conventional Forces in Central Europe
37631: GARRISON, WEBB - A Treasury of White House Tales
20109: GARRISON, PAUL - Red Sky at Morning
31152: GARSON, G. DAVID; BIGGS, ROBERT S. - Analytic Mapping and Geographic Databases
23560: GARSON, BARBARA - All the Livelong Day: The Meaning and Demeaning of Routine Work
12595: GASH, JONATHAN - The Gondola Scam
11442: GASKIN, JAMES E. - Corporate Politics and the Internet Connection
10413: GASSNER, JOHN; ALLEN, RALPH G. - Theatre and Drama in the Making : Volume 2
28195: GASTINEL, NOEL - Linear Numerical Analysis
36023: GATES, BILL;HEMINGWAY, COLLINS - Business the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System
23298: GATES, LEWIS E. - Studies and Appreciations
22970: GAUNT, PHILIP - Beyond Agendas: New Directions in Communication Research
2550: GAURON, ANDRE - European Misunderstanding
39520: GAUTHIER-VILLARS ET CIE, EDITEURS - Extrait Du Gauthier-Villars Catalogue General 1961-1962: Sciences Physiques
39513: GAUTHIER-VILLARS ET CIE, EDITEURS - Extrait Du Gauthier-Villars Catalogue General 1961-62: Sciences Appliques
39512: GAUTHIER-VILLARS ET CIE, EDITEURS - Extrait Du Gauthier-Vukkars Catalogue General 1961-62: Mathematiques
39496: GAUTHIER-VILLARS ET CIE, EDITEURS - Extrait Du Gauthier-Villars Catalogue General 1961-62: Chimie, Biologie, & Medecine
10452: GAY, LAVERNE - Wine of Satan : A Tale of Bohemond, Prince of Antioch
3410: GEAR, WILLIAM C. - Computer Organization and Programming
20112: GEAR, W. MICHAEL - Starstrike (Daw Book Collectors)
15849: GEAR, C. WILLIAM - Computer Organization and Programming
26651: GEARING, FREDERICK O. - The Face of the Fox
32750: GEBHARD, DAVID; MANSHEIM, GERALD - Buildings of Iowa
12307: GEEHR, RICHARD S. (EDITOR) - Soviet History and Film : An Undergraduate Student Perspective
15114: GEHRKE, WILHELM - FORTRAN 90 Language Guide
30940: GEIS, GILBERT, ED. - White-Collar Criminal: The Offender in Business and the Professions
35122: GEIST, BILL - Little League Confidential: One Coach's Completely Unauthorized Tale of Survival
33611: GEIST, BILL - The Big Five-Oh: Facing, Fearing, and Fighting Fifty
30923: GEIST, BILL - Way Off the Road: Dicovering the Peculiar Charms of Small-town America
38411: GEIVANDOV, E. A., ED. - Zhenshchina V Poslovitsakh I Pogovorkakh Narodov Mira: Liubov, Krasota, Supruzhestvo, Deti, Raznotsvete
24396: VAN GELDER, L. - Are You Two Together?
35168: GELERNTER, DAVID - The Muse in the Machine: Computerizing the Poetry of Human Thought
29981: GELERNTER, DAVID - Machine Beauty: Elegance and the Heart of Technology
36914: GELLES, RICHARD J.;CORNELL, CLAIRE PEDRICK - Intimate Violence In Families
27811: GEMMELL, NIKKI - The Bride Stripped Bare: A Novel
39455: GENERAL ELECTRIC - Illumination Design Data
39454: GENERAL ELECTRIC - Mazda Lamps
40354: GENET, JEAN; SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL, INTRO.; FRECHTMAN, BERNARD, TRANS. - The Maids and Deathwatch: Two Plays
37352: GENSLER, KINERETH - Without Roof
22262: GEOFFREY C. WARD - The Best American Essays 1996
17902: GEOGE, KING III - A Streamboat Named Sabino
16228: GEORGE, NELSON - The Death of Rhythm and Blues
30515: GERBERG, MORT - The Computer Dictionary
40405: GERE, JAMES M.; WEAVER, WILLIAM, JR. - Analysis of Framed Structures
33809: GERSBACH, HANS - Designing Democracy: Ideas For Better Rules
31934: GERSENSHON, DANIEL E.; GREENBERG, DANIEL A. - The Natural Philosopher 2
37761: GERSTEL, NAOMI; GROSS, HARRIET ENGEL, EDS. - Families and Work
23756: GERTEINY, ALFRED G. - Mauritania
25672: GERTZ, BILL - Breakdown : How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11
7344: GERZON, MARK - A Choice of Heroes
29331: GEVARTER, WILLIAM B. - Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing
29073: GIANCANA, ANTOINETTE; RENNER, THOMAS C. - Mafia Princess: Growing Up In Sam Giancana's Family
29656: GIANGRECO, D.M.; MOORE, KATHRYN; POLMAR, NORMAN, ED. - Eyewitness D-day: Firsthand Accounts from the Landing at Normandy to the Liberation of Paris
14415: GIBBON, EDWARD - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 41 : Gibbon II
25502: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vols. I and II:Great Books Vols. 40 and 41
8824: GIBBON, EDWARD; HUTCHINS, ROBERT MAYNARD (EDITOR) - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 40, 41 : Gibbon
33788: GIBBONS, ROBERT D. DYSKEN, MAURICE W. - Statistical and Methodological Advances in Psychiatric Research
18857: GIBBONS, KAYE - A Virtuous Woman
18855: GIBBONS, KAYE - A Virtuous Woman
7348: GIBBONS, REGINALD (EDITOR) - TQ 20: Twenty Years of the Best Contemporary Writing and Graphics from Triquarterly Magazine
7347: GIBBONS, KAYE - A Virtuous Woman
35211: GIBBS, E.P.J. - Virus Diseases of Food Animals: A World Geography of Epidemiology and Control, Vol. II: Disease Monographs
35210: GIBBS, E.P.J. - Virus Diseases of Food Animals: A World Geography of Epidemiology and Control, Vol. 1: International Perspectives
39394: GIBBS, R.C.; WAY, KATHARINE - A Directory to Nuclear Data Tabulations
20115: GIBSON, EDWARD - In the Wrong Hands
7350: GIBSON, WILLIAM - All Tomorrow's Parties
7349: GIBSON, JOHN - Fifty Hikes in Southern Maine: Day Hikes and Walks in Southwestern, Central, and Coastal Maine (Fifty Hikes Guide)
39772: GIBSON, ELEANOR J.; WALK, RICHARD D. - The "Visual Cliff"
34845: GIDE, ANDRE - Les Nourritures Terrestres
30408: GIDE, ANDRE; BUSSY, DOROTHY, TRANS. - Strait is the Gate
34448: GIEDION, SIGFRIED - Space, Time, and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition
29068: GIES, JOSEPH AND FRANCES - Leonard of Pisa and the New Mathematics of The Middle Ages
34848: GILBERT, W.S.; SUDBURY SAVOYARDS - The Sorcerer: An Original Modern Comic Opera in Two Acts
34847: GILBERT, W.S. - The Sorcerer: An Original Modern Comic Opera in Two Acts
34299: GILBERT, JOHN H. (EDITOR) - Speech and Cortical Functioning : Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of British Columbia, April 1972
32299: GILBERT,FELIX; GRAUBARD, STEPHEN R. - Historical Studies Today
29427: GILBERT, JOHN R. - Cats Cats Cats Cats
17684: GILBERT; GALILEO; HARVEY - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 28 : Gilbert, Galileo, Harvey
8775: GILBERT, BIL - The Trailblazers
39167: GILBERT, BIL; EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Old West: The Trailblazers
11717: GILCHRIST, ELLEN - Victory Over Japan
22074: GILCHRIST, ELLEN - Victory over Japan
18550: GILCHRIST, ELLEN. - I Cannot Get You Close Enough: Three Novellas
6972: GILCHRIST, ELLEN - Victory Over Japan: a Book of Stories
23205: GILDER, GEORGE - Life After Television
39377: GILES, CEDRIC, ED. - Journal of the American Rocket Society
37909: GILL, BRENDAN - Many Masks : A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright
37777: GILL, SUMNER H.; GILL, LOIS L. - Selected Writings of the Reverend Sumner H. Gill
38782: GILLE, J-C; PELEGRIN, M.J.; DECAULNE, P. - Feedback Control Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, and Design
36584: GILLIGAN, CAROL - In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development
33126: GILLIGAN, CAROL - In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development
28968: GILLIGAN, CAROL; ROGERS, ANNIE G.; TOLMAN, DEBORAH, EDS. - Women, Girls, and Psychotherapy: Reframing Resistence
23956: GILLIGAN, CAROL; LYONS, NONA P. - Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School
18270: GILLIGAN, CAROL; LYONS, NONA P. - Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School
10054: GILPIN, LAURA - The Pueblos : A Camera Chronicle
26368: GILSON, ETIENNE - God and Philosophy
33575: GINGERICH, OWEN - Scientific Genius and Creativity
7358: GINGERICH, OWEN - Scientific Genius and Creativity (Readings from Scientific American)
30951: GINGRICH, NEWT - Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America
30913: GINSBERG, DEBRA - Waiting: The True Confessions of a Waitress
11770: GIORELLO, GUILIO (EDITOR); STRATA, PIERGIORGIO (EDITOR) - L'Automa Spirituale : Mente, Cevelli e Computer
6149: GIOVANNI, NIKKI - Blues For All The Changes
34849: GIRADOUX, JEAN - Aventures De Jerome Bardini
34659: GIRADOUX, JEAN - Electre
22547: GIRARD, GUY; GIRARD, ARMAND - Mary Queen of Peace Stay with Us
10803: GIRODIAS, MAURICE (EDITOR) - The Olympia Reader
17265: GIRODIAS, MAURICE (EDITOR) - The New Olympia Reader
24209: GIRZONE, JOSEPH F. - Kara, the Lonely Falcon
37369: GISE, PETER; BLANCHARD, RICHARD - Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Fabrication Techniques
36720: GITLIN, ANDREW; MYERS, B.; BURNS, M; BRINGHURST, K.; COOLEY, V. - Teachers' Voices for School Change: An Introduction to Educative Research
26655: GITLIN, TODD - Inside Prime Time
10656: GITTER, MICHAEL - Do You Remember?: The Book That Takes You Back
7360: GLAD, PAUL W. - McKinley, Bryan, and the People
37921: GLANTZ, KALMAN;PEARCE, JOHN - Exiles from Eden: Psychotherapy from an Evolutionary Perspective
31206: GLASER, L. C. (EDITOR); RUSHING, T. B. (EDITOR) - Geometric Topology: Proceedings of the Geometric Topology Conference Held at Park City, Utah, February 19-22, 1974
24889: GLASS, CHARLES - Tribes with Flags : A Dangerous Passage Through the Chaos of the Middle East
38491: GLASSFORD, THOMAS - Cadaver Equisito
37735: GLEASNER, BILL; GLEASNER, DIANA - Maui, Molokai, Lanai Traveler's Guide
50195: GLEASON, ANDREW H. - Linear Analysis and Calculus, Mathematics 21, 3 Volume set
34424: GLEICHEN, ALEXANDER: EMSLEY, H.H.; SWAINE, W., TRANS - The Theory of Modern Optical Instruments.
32295: GLEICK, JAMES - Chaos: Making a New Science
32243: GLEICK, JAMES - Chaos: Making a New Science
23063: GLEICK, JAMES - Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman
37123: GLEINIGER, ANDREA;SCHWARZ, HANS-PETER;DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTURMUSEUM;FRANKFURT AM MAIN (GERMANY) - Bauen Heute: Architektur Der Gegenwart in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland offentliche Bauten, Mehrfamilienwohnhauser Im Sozialen Wohnungsbau, Einfamilienhauser
23309: GLENN, JEROME CLAYTON - Future Mind: Artificial Intelligence The Merging of the Mystical and the Technological in the 21st Century
28495: GLICK, LEONARD B. - Abraham's Heirs: Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe
15092: GLORIOSO, ROBERT M.; COLON-OSORIO, FERNANDO C. - Engineering Intelligent Systems : Concepts, Theory, and Applications
10070: GLYCK, ZVONKO - Photographic Vision
14447: GODWIN, GAIL - The Good Husband
18865: GODWIN, GAIL. - Father Melancholy's Daughter
19837: GOES, ALBRECHT - Von Mensch zu Mensch Bemnhungen
33959: GOFF-MAIDOFF, INGRID - Good Mother, Welcome : We Are Glad You Are among Us
31689: GOL'DENVEIZER, A.L.; HERRMANN, G., ED./TRANS. - Theory of Elastic Thin Shells
21556: GOLDBARTH, ALBERT - A Lineage of Ragpickers, Songpluckers, Elegiasts & Jewelers: Selected Poems of Jewish Family Life 1973-1995
25346: GOLDBARTH, ALBERT - Great Topics of the World: Essays
38741: GOLDBERG, SEYMOUR - Unbounded Linear Operators
17033: GOLDBERGER, ARTHUR S. - Topics in Regression Analysis
38987: GOLDEN, SIDNEY - Elements of the Theory of Gases
37413: GOLDENBERG, GARY - Nurses of a Different Stripe: A History of the Columbia University School of Nursing 1892-1992
36963: GOLDMAN, ARI L. - The Search for God at Harvard
36926: GOLDMAN, FRANCISCO - The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop?
36043: GOLDMAN, WILLAIM - Control
4529: GOLDSCHMIDT, WALTER - The Human Career : The Self in the Symbolic World
12783: GOLDSMITH, ARTHUR A. - The Photography Game: What It Is and How to Play It
23247: GOLDSMITH, DONALD - The Hunt for Life on Mars
19227: GOLDSMITH, DONALD - Worlds Unnumbered : The Search for Extrasolar Planets
37786: GOLDSTEIN, ROBERT JUSTIN - American Blacklist: The Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations
28180: GOLDSTEIN SOFTWARE INC. - Joe Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet Data Management Graphics for IBM PC and Compatibles
23425: GOLDSTEIN, EDA G. - Borderline Disorders: Clinical Models and Techniques
10941: GOLDSTON, ELI - The Quantification of Concern : Some Aspects of Social Accounting (Benjamin Fairless Memorial Lectures Ser.)
30693: GOLDSTON, ROBERT - The Negro Revolution: From Its African Geneiss to the Death of Martin Luther King
28584: GOLLEHON, JOHN - Conquering Casino Craps
35609: GOLLIER, CHRISTIAN - The Economics of Risk and Time
20901: GOMEZ, A.; JIMENEZ, M.A.; GUERRA - Approximation and Optimization : Proceedings Havana 1987
10660: GONDOLATSCH, F. (EDITOR); LEDERLE, T. (EDITOR) - Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1963 : Containing the 1535 Stars in the Third Fundamental Catalogue (FK3)
17147: GONNET, G. H.; GONNET, GASTON H. - Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures
27155: GOODCHILD, PETER - Edward Teller: The Real Dr. Strangelove
36136: GOODMAN, ALLEGRA - Paradise Park: A Novel
12020: GOODMAN, ELLEN - Making Sense
35127: GOODMAN, RICHARD ALAN - Temporary Systems: Professional Development, Manpower Utilization, Task Effectiveness, and Innovation
28378: GOODMAN, ROBERT - The Luck Business: The Devastating Consequences and Broken Promises of America's Gambling Explosion
22272: GOODMAN, ALLEGRA - The Family Markowitz
22273: GOODMAN, ALLEGRA - The Family Markowitz
27657: GOODRICH&KAY - International Organization Politics and Process
30912: GOODWIN, DORIS KEARNS - Wait Till Next Year: A Memoir
37573: GOOKIN, DAN;RATHBONE, ANDY - PCs for Dummies
35876: GOOS, G.; HARTMANIS, J., EDS. - Distributed Systems--Architecture and Implementation: An Advanced Course
32678: GOPNIK, ADAM - Paris to the Moon
25928: GOPNIK, ADAM - Paris to the Moon
7694: GORDIMER, NADINE - None to Accompany Me
35341: GORDON, GEOFFREY - System Simulation
32141: GORDON WRIGHT/ARTHUR MEJIA, JR. - Age of Controversy: Discussion Problems in Twentieth Century European History
30424: GORDON, GEOFFREY - System Simulation
21104: GORDON, GEOFFREY - System Simulation
19832: GORDON, JOHN - Jose De Rivera
19817: GORDON, THOMAS - Familienkonferenz : Die Losung v. Konflikten zwischen Eltern u. Kind
630: GORDON, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Ring Theory
16585: GORE, AL - Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit
38991: GORES, JOE - Gone, No Forwarding: A DKA File Novel
38989: GORES, JOE - Final Notice: A DKA File Novel
38448: GOREY, EDWARD - The Glorious Nosebleed: Fifth Alphabet
7696: GORKY, MAXIM - M Gorky Selected Stories
25304: GORNICK, VIVIAN - Women in Science: 100 Journeys into the Territory
34596: GöRZ, GüNTHER; HöLLDOBLER, STEFFEN (EDS.) - KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence Dresden, Germany, September 17 - 19, 1996, Proceedings
15532: GOSS, ALBERT E.; NODINE, CALVIN F. - Paired-Associates Learning. The Role of Meaningfulness, Similarity, and Familiarization
33868: GOSS, FREDERICK D. - Success in Newsletter Publishing: A Practical Guide
16109: GOTTDIENER, MARK - Cities in Stress: A New Look at the Urban Crisis
36996: GOTTLIEB, LORI;JACOBS, JESSE - Inside the Cult of Kibu: And Other Tales of the Millennial Gold Rush
37174: GOULD, ALBERTA - First Lady of the Senate: A Life of Margaret Chase Smith
37170: GOULD, ALBERTA - First Lady of the Senate: A Life of Margaret Chase Smith
37169: GOULD, ALBERTA - First Lady of the Senate: A Life of Margaret Chase Smith
36331: GOULD, STEPHEN JAY - Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History
36210: GOULD, STEPHEN JAY - Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms: Essays on Natural History
26666: GOULD, LOIS - La Presidenta
24009: GOULD, STEPHEN JAY - Ever since Darwin : Reflections in Natural History
23999: GOULD, JAMES A. - Classic Philosophical Questions
34851: GOVONI, NORMAN A.P. - Contemporary Market Research: Perspectives and Applications
32008: GOYENS, CHRYS; ORR, FRANK - Blades on Ice
4192: GRACZYK, JACEK; SWIATEK, GRZEGORZ - The Real Fatou Conjecture
34031: GRAE, CAMARIN - Slick
11985: GRAFTON, SUE - M Is for Malice (Kinsey Millhone Mystery Ser.)
7699: GRAFTON, SUE - N Is for Noose
28888: GRAHAM, OTIS L. JR., ED. - The New Deal: The Critical Issues
13238: GRAHAM, BILLY - God's Guidance : A Slow and Certain Life
34852: GRAHAM, FRANK JR. - Since Silent Spring
30832: GRAHAM, VIRGINIA; BLOCK, JEAN LIBMAN - There Goes What's Her Name: The Continuing Saga of Virginia Graham
30059: GRAHAM, MALCOLM - Modern Elementary Mathematics
17409: GRAHAM, IAN. - Object-Oriented Methods
7700: GRAMMER, KELSEY - So Far
23792: GRANNIS, CHANDLER B. - What Happens in Book Publishing
3608: GRANT, JOHN - Logical Introduction to Databases
31793: GRANT, JOHN A., ED. - Discussions of William Blake
27207: GRANT, MICHAEL - The Ancient Historians
18617: GRANTA MAGAZINE - Granta 66 : Truth + Lies
16176: GRANTA MAGAZINE - Granta 49
34506: GRANVILLE, WILLIAM ANTHONY; SMITH, PERCEY F.; LONGLEY, WILLIAM RAYMOND - Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
7701: GRASS, GUNTER - Local Anaesthetic
27456: GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY - The Southwest Pacific Since 1900
25510: GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY - The Southwest Pacific to 1900
25509: GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY - The Southwest Pacific Since 1900
16605: GRAUBARD, STEPHEN R. (EDITOR) - The Artificial Intelligence Debate: False Starts, Real Foundations
9994: GRAUER, ROBERT T. - A COBOL Book : Of Practice and Reference
37274: GRAVER, ELIZABETH - Have You Seen Me?
6917: GRAWOIG, DENNIS E. - Decision Mathematics
35134: GRAY, JOHN - Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships
38311: GRAZER, GIGI LEVANGIE - The Starter Wife
31560: GREAVES, RICHARD HENRY; WRIGHTON, HAROLD - Practical Microscopical Metallography
27433: GREELEY, HORACE - Proceedings at the Unveiling of a Memorial to Horace Greeley at Chappaqua, NY, February 3, 1914
15107: GREEN, JAMES W. - Cultural Awareness in the Human Services
1369: GREEN, PAUL E.;TULL, DONALD S. - Research for Marketing Decisions
38315: GREEN, JESSE - O Beautiful
35922: GREEN, WILLIAM - Digital Image Processing: A Systems Approach
34661: GREEN, OTIS H. - Spain and the Western Tradition: The Castilian Mind in Literature from El Cid to Calderon
34660: GREEN, OTIS H. - Spain and the Western Tradition: The Castilian Mind in Literature from El Cid to Calderon, Vol. II
32689: GREEN, SIMON R. - Drinking Midnight Wine
30636: GREEN, GERALD - The Last Angry Man
29512: GREEN, SHARON - Dark Mirror, Dark Dreams
26670: GREEN, ALAN - A Company Discovers Its Soul: A Year in the Life of a Transforming Organization
16130: GREEN, STELLA; ZIMMERMAN; SCOFIELD - Fifty Hikes in New Jersey
15537: GREENBERG, HAROLD - Integer Programming
33759: GREENBERG, MARTIN H. ED. - Cat Crimes II/Masters of Mystery Present More Tales of the Cat
6266: GREENBERG, VIVIAN E. - Children of a Certain Age: Adults and Their Aging Parents
33618: GREENE, JOHN C. - The Death of Adam: Evolution and Its Impact on Western Thought
33140: GREENE, GRAHAM - Brighton Rock
31485: GREENE, JOHN C.; SOSIO, LIBERO, TRANS. - La Morte Di Adamo: L'evoluzionismo e La Sua Influenza Sul Pensiero Occidentale
1213: GREENFIELD, RICHARD;GREENFIELD, IRVING A. - The Life Story of Menachem Begin
33918: GREENFIELD, ROBERT - Timothy Leary: A Biography
30320: GREENFIELD, GEORGE - Scribblers for Bread: Aspects of the English Novel Since 1945
24757: GREENLAW, LINDA - The Lobster Chronicles: Life on a Very Small Island
23350: GREENLAW, LINDA - The Hungry Ocean: A Swordboat Captain's Journey
37126: GREENOUGH, SARAH; HAMILTON, JUAN - Alfred Stieglitz: Photographs and Writings
35508: GREGORY, R.L.; ZANGWELL, O.L., EDS. - The Oxford Companion to the Mind
27913: GREGORY VEECK - The Uneven Landscape: Geographic Studies in Post-Reform China
25473: GREGORY, ROBERT H.; VAN HORN, RICHARD L. - Automatic Data-Processing Systems: Principles and Procedures
40398: GREGORY, ISABELLA AUGUSTA - Irish Myths and Legends
30942: GREIDER, WILLIAM - Who Will Tell the People?: The Betrayal of American Democracy
37167: GREKOVA, I. - Klassika XX Veka Vdovii Parokhod
33920: GRESCOE, TARAS - The Devil's Picnic: Travels Through the Underworld of Food and Drink
6796: GRESSMAN, THOMAS S. - Shadows of War
39610: GREY, ZANE - The Man of the Forest
36302: GRIBBIN, JOHN - Climatic Change
28570: GRIEGER, INGRID ZACHARY, EDS. - Cognition and Emotional Disturbance
21021: GRIES, DAVID. - Compiler Construction for Digital Computers
7370: GRIFFIN, W. E. B. - The Soldier Spies : Men at War 3
6205: GRIFFIN, NICHOLAS - The House of Sight and Shadow
4098: GRIFFIN, DANIEL - India by Road and Rail : Diary of an Overland Journey in Nehru's Time
38296: GRIFFITH, NICOLA - Slow River
2005: GRIFFITH, WILLIAM E. - Sino-Soviet Relations, 1964-1965
13766: GRIFFITHS, DAVID F. (EDITOR) - The Mathematical Basis of Finite Element Methods : With Application to Partial Differential Equations (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Ser.)
20915: GRIFFITHS, DAVID F. (EDITOR) - Numerical Analysis : Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, June 28 - July 1, 1983
7372: GRIFFITHS, PHILIP JONES - Great Journeys
6216: GRIMES, MARTHA - Hotel Paradise
25455: GRINSTED, J. (EDITOR); BENNETT, P. M. (EDITOR) - Plasmid Technology (Second Edition)
26675: GRISCOM, CHRIS - Feminine Fusion
24478: GRISCOM, CHRIS - Feminine Fusion
20126: GRISHAM, JOHN. - A Time to Kill
38124: GRISHAM, JOHN - A Painted House
26676: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Pelican Brief
20130: GRISHAM, JOHN. - The Street Lawyer
20129: GRISHAM, JOHN. - The Testament
20128: GRISHAM, JOHN. - The Chamber
20127: GRISHAM, JOHN. - The Runaway Jury
20125: GRISHAM, JOHN. - The Rainmaker
20124: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Summons
20122: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Firm
20121: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Pelican Brief
7375: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Pelican Brief
7374: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Firm
31014: GRISMER, RAYMOND L. - Cervantes: A Bibliography
21654: GROEN, JANNY; SMIT, EEFKE - The Discipline of Curiosity: Science in the World
11951: GROGAN, DENIS - Science and Technology : An Introduction to the Literature
37054: GROMYKO, ANATOLY; HELLMAN, MARTIN, EDS.-IN-CHIEF - Breakthrough: Emerging New Thinking Soviet and Western Scholars Issue a Challenge to Build a World Beyond War
31694: DE GROOT, S.R. - Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
25285: GROOTHUIS, DOUGLAS R. - Unmasking the New Age
37218: GROSS, FRANCOIS - Les Avions En 1000 Photo
23915: GROSS, PAUL R. (EDITOR); LEVITT, NORMAN (EDITOR); LEWIS, MARTIN W. (EDITOR) - The Flight from Science and Reason
7548: GROSS, MAURICE - Mathematical Models in Linguistics
38993: GROSS, HARVEY - Sound and Form in Modern Poetry: A Study of Prosody from Thomas Hardy to Robert Lowell
12764: GROSSBERG, STEPHEN (EDITOR) - Neural Networks and Natural Intelligence
37465: GROSSMAN, DAVID A. - America's Urban Capital Stock, Vol. One: The Future of New York City's Capital Plant: A Case Study of Trends and Prospects Affecting the City's Public Infrastructure
36617: GROSSMAN, LOUIS I. - Endodontic Practice
35350: GROSSMAN, STANLEY I. - Calculus
8292: GROSSMANN, REINHARDT - Reflections on Frege's Philosophy
39112: GROSSMANN, F. - Bruegel: The Paintings, Complete Edition
18829: GROVE, ANDREW S. - Swimming Across: A Memoir
18135: GROVE, WENDELL E. - Brief Numerical Methods
38095: GROVES, RICHARD;CAMAIONE, DAVID N. - Concepts in Kinesiology
29273: GROW, LAWRENCE; VON ZWECK, DINA - American Victorian: A Style and Source Book
23793: GRUBER, KARL; KOCHAN, LIONEL, TRANS. - Between Liberation and Liberty: Austria in the Post-War World
27095: GRUBISIC, BRETT JOSEF - Contra/Diction: New Queer Male Fiction
14478: GRUNBERGER, RICHARD - The Twelve Year Reich
39417: GRYLLS, W.M., ED. - WINDirections: British Wind Energy Association Newsletter
39416: GRYLLS, W.M., ED. - WINDirections: British Wind Energy Association Newsletter
39410: GRYLLS, W.M., ED. - WINDirections: British Wind Energy Association Newsletter
7376: GUARE, JOHN - John Guare: The War Against the Kitchen Sink (Contemporary Playwrights Series)
33703: GUASPARI, JOHN - Theory Why: In Which the Boss Solves the Riddle of Quality
33430: GUELZO, CARL M. - Introduction to Logistics Management
450: GUGLER, JOSEF;FLANAGAN, WILLIAM G. - Urbanization and Social Change in West Africa
31239: GUGLIOTTA, GUY; LEEN, JEFF - Kings of Cocaine : Inside the Medellin Cartel - An Astonishing True Story of Murder, Money, and International Corruption
31238: GUGLIOTTA, GUY; LEEN, JEFF - Kings of Cocaine
19844: GUGLIOTTA, GUY; LEEN, JEFF - Kings of Cocaine Inside the Medellin Cartel an Astonishing True Story of Murder Money and International Corruption
38995: GUILLEMIN, VICTOR - The Story of Quantum Mechanics
36791: GUILLEN, MICHAEL - Five Equations That Changed the World: The Power and Poetry of Mathematics
7378: GUISNEL, JEAN - Cyberwars: Espionage on the Internet
40397: GUNN, DREWEY WAYNE - Tennessee Williams, a Bibliography
39328: GUNTER, RICHARD R.; ANDERSON, SALLY F., ET AL., EDS. - Ballistic Missiles, Vol. II, Revision I
39327: GUNTER, RICHARD R.; ANDERSON, SALLY F., ET AL., EDS. - An Introduction to Ballistic Missiles, Vol. III, Revision 1
39326: GUNTER, RICHARD R.; ANDERSON, SALLY F., ET AL., EDS. - An Introduction to Ballistic Missiles, Vol. IV, Revision 1
39325: GUNTER, RICHARD R.; ANDERSON, SALLY F., ET AL., EDS. - An Introduction to Ballistic Missiles, Vol. I, Revision 1
30218: GUPTA, AMAR; PRASAD, BANDREDDI, EDS. - Principles of Expert Systems
30040: GUPTA, AMAR; PRASAD, BANDREDDI, EDS. - Microcomputer-Based Expert Systems
6025: GUPTA, H. K. (EDITOR); DELANY, FRANCES M. (EDITOR) - Zagros, Hindu Kush, Himalaya : Geodynamic Evolution
33001: GURDJIEFF, G. I. - Meetings with Remarkable Men
34443: M.R. GURU BAWA - Songs of God's Grace
36005: GUSTAFSON, JAMES PAUL, M.D. - The Complex Secret of Brief Psychotherapy
15736: GUTCHEON, BETH RICHARDSON - More Than You Know : A Novel
16072: GUTCHEON, BETH - Five Fortunes
37899: GUTKOWSKI, RICHARD M. - Structures: Fundamental Theory and Behavior
39223: HAAS, A.M.; BOUMA, A.L., EDS. - Shell Research: Proceedings of the Symposium on Shell Research, Delft, August 30--September 2, 1961
12812: HACKER, TINA (EDITOR) - Shalom
13384: HACKETT, THOMAS P. (EDITOR); WEISMAN, AVERY D. (EDITOR); KUCHARSKI, ANASTASIA (EDITOR) - Psychiatry in a General Hospital : The First Fifty Years
31772: HADLEY, W.A.; LONGOBARDO, G. - Automatic Process Control
33054: HAFNER, KATIE; MARKOFF, JOHN - Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier
7385: HAFNER, KATIE - Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier
26404: HAGE, JERALD; AIKEN, MICHAEL - Social Change in Complex Organization
40429: HAGEN, STEVE - Buddhism: Plain and Simple
13146: HAGGARD, H. RIDER - Ayesha : The Return of She
892: HAIBLUM, ISIDORE - Interworld
32713: HAIG-BROWN, RODERICK - A Primer of Fly Fishing
35518: HAIGHT, GORDON S. - George Eliot : A Biography
35817: HAILEY, ELIZABETH FORSYTHE - A Woman of Independent Means
30682: HAILEY, ARTHUR - The Moneychangers
33749: HALBERSTAM, DAVID - Firehouse
7386: HALBERSTAM, DAVID - Summer of '49
4147: HALDERMAN, JERRY - Gay Questions
8369: HALE, LUCRETIA P. - The Peterkin Papers
35715: HALEM, LYNNE CAROL - Separated and Divorced Women
19428: HALES, PETER B. - Silver Cities : The Photography of American Urbanization, 1839-1915
12529: HALEVY, ELIE - The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism
29002: HALL, JAMES E. - Analytic Geometry
15372: HALL, MATTHEW - The Art of Breaking Glass : A Novel
37901: HALL, CHARLES - Running Water : The Essential Guide to the Water Services
36322: HALL, CARL L. - Technical Foundations of Client/Server Systems
34447: HALL, NEWMAN A.; IBELE; WARREN E. - Engineering Thermodynamics
33469: HALL, ROBERT W. - Media Math: Basic Techniques of Media Evaluation
32078: HALL, RICHARD S. - About Mathematics
31737: HALL, CALVIN S.; LINDZEY, GARDNER - Theories of Personality
30570: HALL, JAMES NORMAN - The Far Lands
29945: HALL, JOHN A. - Liberalism: Politics, Ideology and the Market
28927: HALL, CALVIN S.; LINDZEY, GARDNER - Theories of Personality
27637: HALL, SARAH - Haweswater
2462: HALL, RAYMOND L. - Ethnic Autonomy - Comparative Dynamics: The Americas, Europe, and the Developing World
23255: HALL, SAM - Counter-Terrorist
22884: HALL, ROBERT E. - Digital Dealing: How E-Markets Are Transforming the Economy
17790: HALL, MARSHALL, JR. - The Theory of Groups
6884: HALL, W. P. J. - A Bibliographical Guide to Japanese Research on the Chinese Economy (1958-1970)
40541: HALL, ROGER - You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger
22962: HALLE, LOUIS JOSEPH - Out of Chaos
33021: HALLIDAY, DAVID; RESNICK, ROBERT; DERRINGH, EDWARD - Selected Solutions for "Fundamentals of Physics," Second Edition Extended
28107: HALLIDAY, FRED - From Kabul to Managua: Soviet-American Relations in the 1980s
25887: HALLINE, ALLAN G. - Modern American Play
248: HAMBLY, BARBARA - Dragonsbane
35600: HAMBURG, MORRIS - Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
28934: HAMILL, DENIS - Throwing 7's
10631: HAMILTON, F. E. (EDITOR) - Industrialization in Developing and Peripheral Regions
26421: HAMILTON-PATERSON, JAMES - The Great Deep: The Sea and Its Thresholds
23913: HAMILTON, JANE - The Book of Ruth
29390: HAMMER (IVANESCU), PETER L.; RUDEANU, SERGIU; BELLMAN, RICHARD, PREFACE - Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas
20882: HAMMER, IVANESCU PETER L.; RUDEANU, SERGIU; BELLMAN RICHARD (PREFACE) - Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas
33940: HAMMESFAHR, PETRA - Merkels Tochter.
1250: HAMMOND, WILLIAM C. III - 12 Step Wisdom at Work
39812: HAMPSHIRE, STUART, ED. - The Age of Reason: 17th Century Philosophers
16991: HANAN, MACK; KARP, PETER - Customer Satisfaction: How to Maximize, Measure, and Market Your Company's Ultimate Product"
26389: HANCOCK, BILL - Network Concepts and Architectures
36573: HANDLIN, OSCAR - Boston's Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation
31052: HANDSCOMB, D.C. - Methods of Numerical Approximation
37610: HANDY, CHARLES - Beyond Certainty: The Changing Worlds of Organizations
24926: HANDY, CHARLES - Age of Unreason
4341: HANG, HSEUH-MING (EDITOR); WOODS, JOHN W. (EDITOR) - Handbook of Visual Communications
5683: HANLEY, WAYNE - A Life Outdoors: A Curmudgeon Looks at the Natural World (Man and Nature ; 1980)
37594: HANNA, JAY S. - Marine Carving Handbook: The Design and Making of Billetheads, Trailboards, and Other Marine Carvings
34110: HANNAWAY, PAUL - What To Do When The Doctor Says Its Asthma: Everything You Need To Know About Medicines, Allergies, Food And Exercise To Breathe More Easily Every Day
34662: HANSEN, ALVIN H. - Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles
26684: HANSEN, JOSEPH - Backtrack
19126: HANSEN, MAREN TONDER - Mother Mysteries
17931: HANSEN, RON - Hitler's Niece: A Novel
7703: HANSEN, JOSEPH - Bohannon's Country: Mystery Stories
38996: HANSEN, BENT - A Survey of General Equilibrium Systems
14991: HANSON, JIM - The Next Cold War? : American Alternatives for the Twenty-First Century
35725: HANSON, DIRK - The New Alchemists: Silicon Valley and the Microelectronics Revolution
36611: HANSSEN, BEATRICE; BENJAMIN, ANDREW - Walter Benjamin and Romanticism
12317: HAO-HEYI-SUICHU - Out of China's Earth
5506: HAPGOOD, FRED - Up the Infinite Corridor: Mit and the Technical Imagination
4253: HAPGOOD, FRED - Up the Infinite Corridor : MIT and the Technical Imagination
10066: O'HARA, JOHN - Sermons and Soda-Water (3 Volume Set)
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