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509784: King George II - South Sea Bubble : National Debt Act 1731. An Act for the further Application of the Sinking Fund, by paying off One million of South Sea Stock; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, and Orders lost, burnt, or otherwise destroyed.
509785: King George II - Pilotage Act 1731. An Act for the better Regulation and Government of Pilots licensed by the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent, and to prevent Mischiefs and Annoyances upon the River of Thames below London Bridge
418575: John Temple Graves II - The Skelly Oil Company's Ten Year Progress and Prospect. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1929.
509793: King George II - Printing of Thuanus' Histories Act 1733. An Act for granting to Samuel Buckley, Citizen and Stationer of London, the sole Liberty of Printing and Reprinting the Histories of Thuanus, with Additions and Improvements, during the Time therein limited.
350992: King George II - 1741. Common Recoveries, etc. Act 1741 c. 20. An act to amend the law concerning common recoveries, and to explain and amend an act made in the 29th year of the reign of King Charles II, entitled, and act for prevention of frauds and perjury, so far as the same relates to estates pur auter vie.
509786: King George II - Hat Manufacture Act 1731. An Act to prevent the Exploration of Hats out of any of his Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America, and to restrain the Number of Apprentices taken by the Hat-makers in the said Colonies or Plantations, and for the better encouraging the making Hats in Great Britain.
509787: King George II - Sir Robert Sutton, etc., Restrained from Going Abroad Act 1731. An Act to restrain Sir Robert Sutton Knight of the Bath, Sir Archibald Grant Baronet, Denis Bond, William Burroughs, Esquires, Richard Woolley, and THomas Warren, from going out of this Kingdom for the space of One Year, and until the End of the then next.
350963: King George II - 1738. Deeping Fen Drainage Act 1738 c. 39. An act to enable the adventurers, owners and proprietors of the Taxable Land, and the owners and proprietors of the Free Lands, in Deeping Fens and other fens in the county of Lincoln therein mentioned, to raise a competent sum of money for the effectual training of future preservation of all the said fence, according to their agreement in that behalf, and to carry the said agreement into execution, and for the other purposes therein mentioned.
350964: King George II - 1739. Coinage Duties Act 1739 c. 5. An act to continue the duties for encouragement of the coinage of money.
350965: King George II - 1739. Woolwich Church. Act 1739 c. 9. An act for applying a sum of money, given by the will of Daniel Wiseman Esq, deceit, for finishing the new church at Woolwich in the county of Kent; and to raising an annuity buying assessment on the parish of Woolwich, during the lives of Mary Wiseman and Elizabeth Crouch, and the life of the survivor of them, pursuant to the said will.
350969: King George II - 1739. Wool Act 1739 c. 21. An act taking off duties upon woollen and bay yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more effectual preventing the exportation of Wolf in Great Britain, and will, and will manufacture, from Ireland to foreign parts.
351000: King George II - 1741. Preservation of Roads Act 1741 c. 42. An act for the preservation of the public roads in that part of Great Britain called England.
350968: King George II - 1739. Supply, etc. Act 1739 c. 19. Act for granting to his Majesty the sum of £500,000 out of the sinking fund, for the service of the year 1739.
347154: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xiv. An Act for Regulating The Trial of Controverted Elections or Returns of Members to Serve in Parliament, so far as The same Relate to Ireland.
346923: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xcvii. An Act for Raising The Sum of Eight Hundred Thousand Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for The Service of Ireland.
346925: King George III - 1804. Cap. Cv. An Act for The better Collection and Security of His Majesty's Revenue in Ireland.
609476: King George III - Cap LXVII. An Act for Raising The Sum of £12 millions by way of Annuities. 1803.
609471: King George III - Cap XXV. An Act for Rendering The Payment of Creditors more Equal and Expeditious in Scotland. 1811.
609472: King George III - Cap XXVI. An Act for Raising The Sum of £4,981,300 by way of Annuities. 1811.
609473: King George III - Cap XCIX. An Act Relating to Duties on Legacies and Shares of Personal Estates. 1802.
609474: King George III - Cap LXV. An Act for Vesting in Trustees certain Lands and Hereditaments, at Charlton, in The County of Kent, for further Promoting The Service of His Majesty's Ordnance. 1803.
609475: King George III - Cap LX. An Act for Remedying certain Defects that have Occurred in The Issuing of certain Exchequer Bills. 1803.
347957: King George III - 1814. Cap. Xc. An Act for Remedying Defects in The Laws Relative to The Building and Repairing of County Bridges, and other Works Maintained at The Expence of The Inhabitants of Counties in England.
609422: King William III - Encouragement of Manufactures Act 1698 c. 10. An Act for The more Effectual Imploying The Poor, by Incouraging The Manufactures of this Kingdom.
346972: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lxi. An Act for The further Encouragement of Irish Mariners, and for other Purposes Relating thereto.
346973: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Raising a certain Sum of Money by Way of Annuities on Debentures, for The Service of Ireland.
346975: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xxxv. An Act for Regulating The Prices at which Grain, Meal, and Flour, may be Exported from Great Britain to Ireland, and from Ireland to Great Britain.
346976: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xxxvi. An Act for Revivinng, Continuing and Amending Several Laws for The better Collection and Security of The Revenues of Ireland.
346977: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xxxi. An Act for Continuing and Granting Duties to His Majesty in Ireland.
346980: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xiii. An Act for Prohibiting The Exportation, and Permitting The Importation of Corn, and for Allowing The Importation of other Articles.
346992: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xli. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay and Cloathing of The Militia of Ireland.
346993: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xlii. An Act to Amend The Laws for The better Regulation of The Linen Manufacture in Ireland.
348269: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xxi. An Act for Authorising The Commissioners of Customs and Excise to make an Allowance for The necessary Subsistence of Poor Persons Confined for Debts or Penalties sued for under their Orders.
346625: King George III - 1817. Cap. Cxxi. An Act for Regulating Payments to The Treasurer of The Navy under The Heads of Old Stores and Imprests.
347739: King George III - 1817. Cap. Cxv. An Act against Payment of Labourers in Goods or by Truck, and to Secure their Payment in The Lawful Money of this Realm.
609445: King George III - Cap LXXVI. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money from The Consolidated Fund of Great Britain, for The Service of The Year 1807; and for Appropriating The Supplies Granted in this Session of Parliament. 1807.
609444: King George III - Cap LXXIII. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Raise The Sum of £4,500,000 for The Service of Great Britain. 1807.
414370: Randolph S. Churchill III - The Queendom of the United State: An Englishman's reflections on The American Monarchy. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1957.
609460: King George III - Cap LIII. An Act to Enable The Commissioners to Issue Exchequer Bills, on The Credit of such Aids or Supplies as have been Granted by Parliament for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1814. 1814.
609459: King George III - Cap L. An Act for Repealing The Several Duties of Customs, and Granting other Duties in Lieu thereof, as Relates to The Duties Payable on Salt Exported. 1814.
609462: King George III - Cap XLVI. An Act for Altering The Period during which Writs of Assistance shall Remain in Force. 1814.
347848: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xxiv. An Act for Restraining The Negotiation of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, under a Limited Sum, within that Part of Great Britain called England.
347234: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxxii. An Act to Permit certain Goods Imported into Ireland to be Warehoused or Secured, without The Duties due on The Importation thereof being First Paid.
347647: King George III - 1766. Cap. Xxxvii. An Act for The better Regulating of Buildings, and to Prevent Mischiefs that may happen by Fire.
347646: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act to Authorise The Issue of Exchequer Bills, and The Advance of Money out of The Consolidated Fund, to a Limited Amount, for The Carrying of Public Works and Fisheries in The United Kingdom.
346879: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxiii. An Act for The Discharge of Debtors in Execution for Small Debts, from Imprisonment in certain Cases.
346883: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxiv. An Act for The further Relief of Debtors, with Respect to The Imprisonment of their Persons.
346884: King George III - 1801. Cap. Cvi. An Act to Secure certain Persons Born within The Territories of France, and other Persons therein Described, from Imprisonment for Debts Contracted in Parts Beyond The Seas.
346886: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cviii. An Act for The Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors.
346893: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xi. An Act to Authorise His Majesty, to make Regulations Respecting The Trade and Commerce to and from The Cape of Good Hope.
346894: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cv. An Act to Authorise His Majesty to make Regulations Respecting The Trade and Commerce to and from The Cape of Good Hope.
346895: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxi. An Act for Reducing The Duty of Customs on Coffee Imported into Great Britain when taken out of Warehouse for Home Consumption.
346897: King George III - 1809. Cap. Xx. An Act to Make Perpetual Several Laws Relating to The Encouragement of The Silk Manufactures.
346899: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xxxviii. An Act for Repealing The Several Duties of Customs upon Tea Imported into Great Britain, and Granting a Duty in Lieu thereof.
346901: King George III - 1809. Cap. Xi. An Act for certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain.
346902: King George III - 1809. Cap. X. An Act that Allows a Bounty on Raw Sugar Exported, until The Twenty-Fifth Day of March 1810.
346904: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxix. An Act for certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain; and for Suspending The Countervailing Duties and Bounties on Sugar when The Duties Imposed by an Act of The Last Session of Parliament.
346905: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxii. An Act to Allow an Additional Bounty on Double Refined Sugar, and to Extend Former Bounties on other Refined Sugar to such as shall be Pounded, Crashed, or Broken.
346906: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cix. An Act for Reducing The Bounty Payable on The Exportation of Refined Sugar from Great Britain, and for Allowing The Like Bounty on The Exportation of Sugar Candy, as is Payable on Refined Sugar.
346907: King George III - 1806. Cap. X. An Act for Discontinuing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain, and for Allowing other Drawbacks and Bounties in Lieu thereof.
346908: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xciii. An Act for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain.
346909: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xxiv. An Act for Discontinuing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain, and for Allowing other Drawbacks and Bounties in Lieu thereof.
346911: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxx. An Act for Permitting The Exportation of Salt from The Port of Nassau in The Island of New Providence, The Port of Exuma and The Port of Crooked Island in The Bahama Islands.
346912: King George III - 1809. Cap. Xvii. An Act to Authorise His Majesty, During The Present War, to make Regulations Respecting The Trade and Commerce to and from The Cape of Good Hope.
347002: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xxiii. An Act for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.
347004: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xl. An Act for Raising The Sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds by Way of Annuities for The Service of Ireland.
347005: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xli. An Act for Restraining The Negociation of certain Promissory Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange in Ireland.
347006: King George III - 1805. Cap. L. An Act for Regulating Licences for The Sale of Spirituous Liquors, Wine, Beer, Ale and Cyder, by Retail, and for Discouraging The Immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors in Ireland.
347007: King George III - 1805. Cap. Li. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Additional Stamp Duties, for Amending The Laws Relating to The Stamp Duties.
347008: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lii. An Act for The better Regulation of Licences to Persons in Ireland Dealing in Excisable Commodities, and Engaged in The Several Occupations therein Mentioned.
347009: King George III - 1805. Cap. Liii. An Act for The Collection of The Malt Duties in Ireland, and Regulating The Trade of a Maltster.
347118: King George III - 1803. Cap. Lxxxviii. An Act for The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Militia of Ireland.
347119: King George III - 1803. Cap. Clviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty The Sum of Fifty Thousand Pounds, for Building Glebe Houses in Ireland.
347120: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cvi. An Act to Enable The Commissioners of First Fruits in Ireland to Lend certain Sums of Money (Interest Free) to Incumbents or Benefices there.
347121: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxxii. An Act for Empowering His Majesty, for a Time, to Accept The Services of such Parts of His Militia Forces in Ireland.
347123: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lxxx. An Act for Continuing Several Laws Relating to The Regulating The Prices at which Corn and Grain may be Exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
347125: King George III - 1809. Cap. C. An Act for Securing The Collection of The Duties on Auctions in Ireland.
347126: King George III - 1809. Cap. Ciii. An Act for Making Provision for The Building and Re-Building of Churches, Chapels, and Glebe Houses in Ireland.
347127: King George III - 1809. Cap. Civ. An Act made in The Parliament of Ireland, for Granting Life Annuities with Benefit of Survivorship.
347129: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xciii. An Act as Permits British Hops to be Imported into Ireland at a Low Rate of Duty.
347130: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxxviii. An Act for Providing Accomodations in Assize Towns for The Judges in Ireland, where such Accommodations are not already Provided.
347131: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxiv. An Act for Regulating The Allowance of Drawback on The Exportation from Ireland of British Plantation Sugar.
347133: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxii. An Act to Exempt from The Payment of certain Duties, such Members of both Houses of Parliament Serving for that Part of The United Kingdom.
347179: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xxxi. An Act for Empowering His Majesty to Accept The Services of such Parts of His Militia Forces in Ireland as might Voluntarily offer themselves to be Employed in Great Britain.
347180: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xxxii. An Act to Enable The Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of Ireland to Issue Treasury Bills on The Credit of such Aids or Supplies as have been Granted by Parliament.
347181: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xlvi. An Act for Raising The Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills, for The Service of Ireland for The Year 1806.
347182: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xlvii. An Act for Raising a certain Sum of Money by Way of Annuities or Debentures for The Service of Ireland.
347188: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxiii. An Act for Raising and Establishing an Additional Force in Ireland for The Defence of The Realm.
347189: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties on The Importation, and to Allow certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of certain Sorts of Iron, Sugar and Tea into and from Ireland.
347192: King George III - 1803. Cap. Xcvii. An Act for The better Collection and Security of His Majesty's Revenue of Customs and Excise in Ireland.
347194: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxiv. An Act for Raising The Sum of One Million Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for The Service of The Year 1803.
347196: King George III - 1814. Cap. Cxlii. An Act to Permit The Exportation of Tea to The British Colonies in America, Guernsey, Jersey, Europe and Africa, without Payment of Duty.
347199: King George III - 1814. Cap. C. An Act to Repeal The Schedule by which The Drawbacks and Bounties on Sugars Exported from Ireland.
347201: King George III - 1818. Cap. Vii. An Act to Indemnify all Persons who've been concerned in Advising, Issuing, or Carrying into Execution any Order or Orders for Permitting The Importation and Exportation of Goods and Commodities in Foreign Bottoms into and out of certain of His Majesty's West India Islands.
347225: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lv. An Act for Allowing a certain Proportion of The Militia in Ireland, Voluntarily to Enlist into His Majesty's Regular Forces.
347226: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lvi. An Act for Increasing The Militia of Ireland, under certain Limitations and Restrictions.
347227: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Encouraging The Exportation of Salt from Ireland.
347228: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lxi. An Act to Repeal certain Duties on Foreign Goods, Wares, and Mechandise Exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
347230: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lxxii. An Act for Raising The Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for The Service of Ireland for The Year 1807.
347232: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty, certain Duties on The Exportation from Ireland of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise therein Mentioned.
347233: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxix. An Act to Prohibit The Exportation of Jesuits Bark and Cotton Wool from Ireland.
347235: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xli. An Act to repeal certain Duties of Excise in Ireland, and certain Stamp Duties in Lieu thereof.
347236: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xlii. An Act to Grant to His Majesty certain Duties and Taxes in Ireland.
347238: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xlv. An Act for The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Militia of Ireland.
347239: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xlvii. An Act for Quieting Possessions and Confirming Defective Titles in Ireland.
347241: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxii. An Act for The better Collection and Security of The Revenues of Customs and Excise in Ireland.
347242: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxiv. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Accept The Services of Volunteers from The Militia of Ireland.
347243: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxv. An Act for The Building and Rebuilding of Churches, Chapels, and Glebe Houses, and The Purchase of Glebe Lands and Impropriations, in Ireland.
347604: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xvi. An Act for Raising The Sum of Eighteen Millions, by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of The Year One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventeen.
347605: King George III - 1817. Cap. V. An Act for Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco, and Snuff in Great Britain.
347606: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxxvii. An Act Relating to Tolls on Carriages used in Husbandry, and to Remove Doubts as to Exemption of Carriages not wholly Laden with Manure, from Payment of Toll.
347644: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxviii. An Act to Explain and Amend The Laws Relating to The Militias of Great Britain and Ireland.
347801: King George III - 1815. Cap. L. An Act for The Abolition of Gaol and other Fees, Connected with The Gaols in England.
347818: King George III - 1772. Cap. Xlv. An Act for The better Regulation of Carters, Carriages, and Loaded Horses; and for Removing Obstructions and Nuisances upon The Streets and Highways within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland.
609531: King George III - Cap XXXVI. An Act for Altering and Amending Several Laws Relating to The Duties of Excise upon Malt. 1808.
347716: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxix. An Act for Repealing The Duties on Perfumery and on Licences for Vending The same.
609530: King George III - Cap LXI. An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire into The Publick Expenditure and The Conduct of The Publick Business in The Military Departments therein Mentioned. 1808.
347656: King George III - 1779. Cap. Lxii. An Act to Permit The Removal of Lime, and other Articles necessary for The Improvement of Land, without Cocquet or Bond.
347655: King George III - 1779. Cap. Xxv. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties upon The Produce of The Several Duties under The Management of The Respective Commissioners of The Customs and Excise in Great Britain.
609532: King George III - Cap XXXVIII. An Act for Granting Annuities to Satisfy certain Exchequer Bills. 1808.
347810: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lx. An Act Relating to The Execution of Letters of Attorney and Wills of Petty Officers, Seamen, and Marines, in His Majesty's Navy, and to make New Provisions Respecting The same.
347777: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxix. An Act for The Importation of Hides, Calve Skins, Horns, Tallow and Wool, in Foreign Ships, on Payment of The Like Duties as if Imported in British or Irish Ships.
347779: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xxx. An Act for Erecting a Lazaret on Chetney Hill in The County of Kent.
347780: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxiv. An Act for Raising The Sum of Thirrty-Six Millions by Way of Annuities.
609506: King George III - Cap XXIX. An Act for Granting an Additional Duty on English Spirits Imported into Scotland. 1801.
348032: King George III - 1800. Cap. I. An Act to Prohibit The Exportation of Rice.
348034: King George III - 1809. Cap. Lxxxi. An Act to Amend Several Laws of Excise Relating to Paper, Silks and Salt, and for Authorising The Seizure of Utensils in Cases where Vessels used in Excise Manufactories are Subject to Forfeiture.
348035: King George III - 1813. Cap. Lxx. An Act to Authorise The Sellers of Glass, Hides, Tobacco and Snuff, to Charge The Additional Duties on any Articles Ordered Before but not Delivered.
348036: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties of Excise in Great Britain, on Tobacco and Snuff, and on French Wines.
347978: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xxi. An Act for Allowing The Use of Salt, Duty Free, in The Preserving of Fish in Bulk or in Barrels.
347980: King George III - 1819. Cap. Cix. An Act for The Further Encouragement and Improvement of The Irish Fisheries.
609448: King George III - Cap XLII. An Act for Better Regulating The Publick Records of Scotland. 1809.
509797: King William III - Relief of the Poor Act 1696 c. 30. An Act for Supplying some Defects in the Laws, for the Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom.
347736: King George III - Auction Duties, etc. Act 1779 c. 56. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties on Licences to be taken out by Persons Acting as Auctioneers.
609534: King George III - Cap LIII. An Act for Raising The Sum of £3 millions by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1808. 1808.
609533: King George III - Cap LII. An Act to Grant certain Allowances to Adjutants and Serjeant-Majors of The Militia of England. 1808.
609535: King George III - Cap X. An Act for Granting Bounties on The Importation of Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Pease, Beans, and Indian Corn, and of Barley, Rye, Oat and Indian Meal, and Wheaten Flour and Rice. 1800.
609428: King William III - Correspondence with the Pretender Act 1697 c. 1. An Act Against Corresponding with The Late King James II and his Adherents.
609421: King William III - Ale Measures Act 1698 c. 15. An Act for The Ascertaining The Measures for Retailing Ale and Beer.
346969: King George III - 1802. Cap. Cv. An Act for Providing a Proper Salary for The Office of The Chancellor or Keeper of The Great Seal of Ireland.
346995: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxv. An Act for Regulating The Prices at which Grain, Meal, and Flour, may be Exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
346996: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Stamp Duties in Ireland.
346997: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxvii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty, certain Duties on The Importation of The Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, herein Mentioned, into Ireland.
346998: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxix. An Act to Amend The Laws for Regulating The Linen Manufacture of Ireland.
347000: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xx. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Stamp Duties in Ireland.
609446: King George III - Cap LXXV. An Act for The Support and Maintenance of Curates within The Church of England. 1807.
609447: King George III - Cap III, 1810. An Act for Raising The Sum of £500,000 by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1810. 1810.
346859: King George III - 1805. Cap. X. An Act for Making further Provision for The Effectual Performance of Quarantine.
609543: King George III - Cap LVIII. An Act for Amending The Law with Regard to The Course of Proceeding on Indictments and Informatons in The Court of King's Bench in certain Cases. 1808.
609540: King George III - Cap XVIII. An Act to Indemnify Persons in The United Kingdom to Qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for Extending The Times Limited for those Persons. 1811.
609537: King George III - Cap LXVI. An Act for The Abolition of certain Holidays, and for Altering and Extending The Time for Keeping Open The Chief Office of Excise. 1809.
609536: King George III - Cap VI. An Act for Raising The Sum of £3 millions by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1807. 1807.
609575: King George III - Cap VIII. An Act Concerning Common Recoveries Suffered in Copyhold or Customary Courts by Attorney. 1807.
348428: King George III - 1794. Cap. Li. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties of Customs, on Slate, Stone and Marble.
347995: King George III - 1799. Cap. IV. An Act for Raising a Sum of Money, by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for The Service of The Year 1800.
609580: King George III - Cap LXIX. An Act to Permit The Exportation of Corn, Grain, Meal, Malt, and Flour from any Part of The United Kingdom, without Payment of Duty, or Receiving of Bounty. 1814.
609578: King George III - Cap XXVIII. An Act for Raising The Sum of £14,200,000 by Way of Annuities. 1807.
609577: King George III - Cap XXIX. An Act for certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain. 1807.
609576: King George III - Cap LXXXVIII. An Act to Restrain The Negotiation of Promissory Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange, under a Limited Sum, in England. 1808.
609581: King George III - Cap CXXXI. An Act for Charging an Additional Duty of Lignum Quaffia Imported into Great Britain. 1803.
346407: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxxviii. An Act for Vesting in His Majesty certain Parts of The Forest of Exmoor otherwise Exmore, in The Counties of Somerset and Devon.
609582: King George III - Cap LXVII. An Act to Allow Viva Voce Verdicts to be Returned to The High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary of Scotland. 1814.
609589: King George III - Cap CXLIV. An Act for Establishing and Maintaining a Permanent Additional Force for The Defence of The Realm. 1806.
609588: King George III - Cap LXIX. An Act to Repeal The Duties of Excise Payable in Great Britain, and to Grant other Duties in Lieu thereof. 1803.
609586: King George III - Cap CXXVIII. An Act for The Regulation of The Collection of The Duties of Customs in Great Britain in certain Cases. 1803.
609585: King George III - Cap CXLIX. An Act for Granting to His Majesty some Money out of The Consolidated Fund of Great Britain for The Year 1806. 1806.
609584: King George III - Cap CXLV. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Settle Annuities on certain Branches of The Royal Family. 1806.
346956: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xlv. An Act to Continue Several Laws passed in The Parliament of Ireland, Relating to The Regulating and Extending The Tobacco Trade.
609583: King George III - Cap CLVI. An Act for Appropriating certain Balances Arising The Forfeited Estates in Scotland to The Use of The British Fisheries. 1806.
609602: King George III - Cap CXLI. An Act for The Regular Examination and Audit of The Publick Accounts of this Kingdom. 1806.
609601: King George III - Cap CXLII. An Act for The Better Regulation of The Office of Survey or General of Woods and Forests. 1805.
609600: King George III - Cap CXLIII. An Act for Enquiring into The State of Windsor Forest in The County of Berks. 1806.
346849: King George III - 1803. Cap. Xxx. An Act to Relieve, upon Conditions and under Restrictions, The Persons therein Described from certain Penalties and Disabilities to which Papists or Persons Professing The Popish Religion.
346851: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxvii. An Act to Render Valid Marriages Solemnized in certain Churches and Chapels in which Banns had not usually been Published.
348028: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xl. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties on certain Foreign Linens Imported into this Kingdom.
348029: King George III - 1812. Cap. X. An Act for Charging an Additional Duty on Rice Imported into Great Britain.
348030: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xviii. An Act for Regulating The Payment of The Duties on Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs and Mace.
609599: King George III - Cap CXXXIX. An Act Relating to The Duties of Excise upon Malt. 1806.
609598: King George III - Cap CXIX. An Act for Improving The Funds of The Chest at Chatham, and for Transferring The Administration of The same to Greenwich Hospital. 1803.
609597: King George III - Cap XXVIII. An Act for The Redemption and Purchase of The Land Tax. 1800.
609596: King George III - Cap XXXVI. An Act for Raising The Sum of £4 Millions by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for The Service of The Year 1803. 1803.
609595: King George III - Cap XXXV. An Act for Vesting certain Lands and Hereditaments in Trustees, for Further Promoting The Service of His Majesty's Ordnance at Woolwich. 1803.
609594: King George III - Cap XXVI. An Act for Duties of Customs on The Goods, Wares, and Merchandise therein Enumerated, in Furtherance of The Provisions of certain Orders in Council. 1808.
609593: King George III - Cap XXVIII. An Act for The Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors in England. 1813.
609592: King George III - Cap XX. An Act for The Time being in Ireland, One of The Commissioners for Executing The Office of Lord High Treasurer in England, without Salary. 1807.
609591: King George III - Cap CXXX. An Act for Better Collecting The Duties on Auctioneers. 1803.
609590: King George III - Cap I. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties upon Malt, in Great Britain, for The Year 1805. 1805.
346415: King George III - 1814. Cap. I. An Act for The Encouragement and Reward of Petty Officers, Seamen, and Royal Marines, for Long and Faithful Service, and for The Consolidation of The Chest at Greenwich with The Royal Hospital.
346417: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xvii. An Act to Indemnify such Persons in The United Kingdom as have Omitted to Qualify themselves for Offices and Employments.
346418: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xv. An Act for Making Provision for The better Support of His Majesty's Household, during The Continuance of His Majesty's Indisposition.
346419: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xvi. An Act for Empowering The Governor and Company of The Bank of England to Advance The Sum of Three Millions Towards The Supply for The Service of The Year 1808.
346420: King George III - 1814. Cap. Vi. An Act for Restraining The Negociation of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange under a Limited Sum, in England.
346421: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xxiii. An Act to Repeal The Duties of Customs upon The Importation of Citrat of Lime, and to Grant other Duties in Lieu thereof.
346422: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xxii. An Act to Repeal The Duties of Customs Payable on The Importation of Tobacco, and to Grant other Duties in Lieu thereof.
346979: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xiv. An Act for The Making of Starch from Rice or Potatoes, or any Mixture thereof, and The Importation of any such Starch from Ireland Free of Duty.
509794: King William III - Taxation Act 1695 c. 10. An Act for Continuing several Duties granted by former Acts upon Wine and Vinegar, and upon Tobacco, and East-India Goods, and other Merchandize Imported, for carrying on the War against France. Continued by an Act 8 & 9 W. 3. cap. 20. until 1706.
346848: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cli. An Act to Enable His Majesy to Grant New Leases on former Rents for The Benefit of Charitable Institutions, or Augmentation of Ecclesiastical Corporations.
347231: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxvii. An Act for Prohibiting The Exportation from Ireland, and for Permitting The Importation into Ireland, Duty Free, of Corn and other Provisions.
347798: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xlviii. An Act for Providing Clergymen to Officiate in Gaols and Houses of Correction within England and Wales.
609430: King William III - Escape of Debtors, etc. Act 1696 c. 26. An Act for The Effectual Relief of Creditors in Cases of Escapes, and for Preventing Abuses in Prisons and Pretended Priviledged Places.
609477: King George III - Cap LVII. An Act for Increasing The Duty on Corks Ready Made, Imported into Great Britain. 1808.
347603: King George III - 1817. Cap. Vii. An Act made in The Parliament of Great Britain and in Ireland for The better Prevention and Punishment of Attempts to Seduce Persons Serving in His Majesty's Forces by Sea or Land from their Duty and Allegiance to His Majesty.
348434: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxviii. An Act for Regulating The Payment, of The Duties on Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs and Mace, and for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties thereon.
347989: King George III - 1794. Cap. Lxxiv. An Act for Respecting The Publick Highways, within that Part of Great Britain called England, which Relate to The Performance of Statute Duty.
347964: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xlix. An Act for Altering and Amending The Laws of Excise with Respect to Salt and Rock Salt.
347966: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xviii. An Act to Facilitate The Hearing and Determining of Suits in Equity in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster.
347967: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lxvi. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Avail himself of The Offers of certain Yeomanry and Volunteer Corps to continue their Services.
348429: King George III - 1798. Cap. Xciii. An Act for Ascertaining The Duty Payable on Taxed Carts.
347699: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxxi. An Act for The Encouragement of Finding and Working Mines and Minerals within Ireland.
346922: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxxxix. An Act made in Ireland for The Import of Malt into Ireland.
346927: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xviii. An Act for certain Rates and Duties, and to Allow certain Drawbacks and Bounties upon Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, Imported into and Exported from Ireland.
346960: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act for Granting Bounties on The Importation into Ireland of Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats and Indian Corn, and of Barley, Rye, Oats, Indian Meal, and Wheaten Flour and Rice.
609427: King William III - Duties on Marriages etc. Act 1697 c. 35. An Act for Preventing Frauds and Abuses in The Charging, Collecting and Paying The Duties upon Marriages, Births, Burials, Batchelors and Widowers.
348410: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxi. An Act for Encouraging The Art of Making New Models and Casts of Busts, and other things therein Mentioned.
348411: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxiii. An Act to Prevent Abuses and Frauds in The Packing, Weight and Sale of Butter, and to Repeal certain Acts Relating thereto.
348239: King George III - 1810. Cap. Civ. An Act for Altering The Amount of certain Duties of Assessed Taxes.
347800: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xlvi. An Act for The better Care and Maintenance of Lunatics, being Paupers or Criminals, in England.
348158: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cl. An Act for Rectifying Mistakes in The Names of The Land Tax Commissioners, and for Appointing Additional Commissioners, and Indemnifying such Persons as have Acted without Due Authority in Execution of The Acts.
347172: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cviii. An Act for The better Collection and Security of The Revenues and Customs and Excise in Ireland, and for Preventing Frauds therein.
609283: King William III - Blackwell Hall Act 1696 c. 9. An Act to Restore The Market at Blackwell Hall to The Clothiers, and for Regulating The Factors there.
609284: King William III - Escape of Debtors, etc. Act 1696 c. 27. An Act for The More Effectual Relief of Creditors in Cases of Escapes, and for Preventing Abuses in Prisons and Pretended Privileged Places.
609285: King William III - c. 23. An Act for Granting to His Majesty of Tunnage and Poundage, towards Raising The Yearly Sum of £700,000 for His Majesty's Household, 1697.
609286: King William III - Exportation Act 1697 c. 40. An Act for The Explanation and Better Execution of Former Acts Made Against Transportation of Wooll, Fullers Earth, and Scouring Clay.
609287: King William III - Encouragement of Manufactures Act 1698 c. 10. An Act to Prevent The Exportation of Wooll out of The Kingdoms of Ireland and England into Foreign Parts; and for The Encouragement of The Woollen Manufactures in The Kingdom of England.
609288: King William III - c. 21. An Act for Laying Further Duties upon Sweets, and for Lessening The Duties as well upon Vinegar, as upon Low Wines and Whale Fins, and The Duties upon Brandy Imported, 1698.
609289: King William III - Taxation Act 1698 c. 3. An Act for Laying Further Duties upon Wrought Iron Silks, Muslins and some other Commodities of the East Indies, and for Enlarging The Time for Purchasing certain Reversionary Annuities.
609290: King William III - Plate Assay Act 1700 c. 4. An Act for Appointing Wardens and Assay Matters for Assaying Wrought Plate in The Cities of York, Exeter, Bristol, Chester and Norwich.
609292: King William III - Appropriation of Revenue Act 1700 c. 12. An Act for Appropriating £3700 Weekly, out of certain Branches of Excise, for Publick Uses, and for Making a Provision for His Majesty's Household and Family.
609436: King George III - Cap. LXXXVI. An Act for The More Effectual Encouragement of The British Fisheries. 1808.
347596: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxxiii. An Act to Authorize Exchequer Bills to be Issued on The Credit of The Loan Granted by an Act for Raising The Sum of Seventeen Millions.
609424: King William III - Trade to Newfoundland Act 1698 c. 25. An Act to Incourage The Trade to Newfoundland.
346984: King George III - 1803. Cap. Xii. An Act as Relates to The Prohibiting The Exportation from Ireland of Corn, or Potatoes; and to The Permitting The Importation into Ireland of Corn, Fish, and Provisions, without Payment of Duty.
347718: King George III - 1810. Cap. Xxxix. An Act for Repaying in certain Cases The Duty Paid on The Export of Foreign Plain Linen.
609527: King George III - Cap XXII. An Act for Making Several Laws Relating to Permitting The Exportation of Tobacco Pipe Clay from Great Britain to The British Sugar Colonies in The West Indies. 1808.
609526: King George III - Cap CXLI. An Act to Render Justices of The Peace more Safe in The Execution of their Duty. 1803.
347223: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xlviii. An Act for The better Collection and Security of The Revenues of Customs and Excise in Ireland, and for Preventing Frauds therein.
346962: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxv. An Act for The better Regulation of The Office of Master of The Rolls, in that Part of The United Kingdom called Ireland.
348273: King George III - 1799. Cap. Lix. An Act for Permitting certain Goods, Imported from The East Indies, to be Warehoused and for Repealing The Duties now Payable therein and Granting other Duties in Lieu thereof.
348421: King George III - 1810. Cap. Xl. An Act for Discontinuing The Bounty of Exportation of Oil of Vitriol, and Allowing a Drawback of a Proportion of The Duties Paid on The Importation of Foreign Brimstone used in Making Oil of Vitriol.
346752: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xix. An Act for Making a Free Market for The Sale of Fish in The City of Westminster, and for Preventing The Forestalling and Monopolizing of Fish.
347132: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxiii. An Act for Directing The Application of Several Sums Granted by Parliament to The Dublin Society, and to The Farming Societies in Ireland.
609468: King George III - Cap LXXI. An Act for Raising The Sum of £14,600,000 by way of Annuities. 1809.
609463: King George III - Cap XLV. An Act to Continue The Period for Purchasing The Legal Quays in The Port of London. 1814.
609464: King George III - Cap XLIV. An Act to Amend The Laws Relating to Spiritual Persons. 1814.
609465: King George III - Cap XXXIX. An Act for Raising The Sum of £5 Millions by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain, for The Year 1814. 1813.
609466: King George III - Cap XXXVII. An Act for The Effectual Administration of The Office of a Justice of The Peace, in Parts of The Counties of Middlesex and Surrey. 1813.
609467: King George III - Cap LXX. An Act for The Further Improvement of The Land Revenue of The Crown. 1814.
609558: King George III - Cap CLV. An Act for Applying Balances Arising from The Forfeited Estates in Scotland, Towards Makng Canals, Harbours and other Publick Works there. 1806.
347719: King George III - 1810. Cap. Lvii. An Act for The Effectual Encouragment of The Manufacture of Flax and Cotton in Great Britain.
347720: King George III - 1810. Cap. Xxvi. An Act for Granting a Duty of Foreign Plain Linen taken out of Warehouse and Exported to Foreign Parts.
347721: King George III - 1809. Cap. Cix. An Act Respecting The Woollen Manufacture, Relating to The said Manufacture; and Allowing Persons Employed in any Branch of The Woollen Manufacture to set up Trade in any Place in Great Britain.
347722: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxxi. An Act for Suspending Proceedings in Actions and other Proceedings Relating to The Woollen Manufacture.
347723: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act to Prohibit, The Exportation of Cotton Wool from Great Britain.
347724: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxlii. An Act to Reduce The Duties on all Sheep Wool The Growth of The United Kingdom, which shall be Sold by Auction for The Growers or First Purchasers.
348134: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxxvi. An Act for Abolishing certain Offices in The Customs and for Regulating certain other Offices therein.
609310: King William III - Recovery of Small Tithes Act 1695 c. 6. An Act for The more Easy Recovery of Small Tithes.
346961: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxxii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Several Sums of Money for Defraying The Charge of certain Permanent Services in that Part of The United Kingdom called Ireland.
609479: King George III - Cap LXXXV. An Act to Regulate The Trade between Great Britain and The United States of America until The End of The Next Session of Parliament. 1808.
609441: King George III - Cap LXXXI. An Act for Granting to His Majesty after The Ratification of The Definitive Treaty of Peace, certain Additional Duties of Excise in Great Britain. 1803.
348412: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xlvi. An Act for The Further Regulation of The Butter Trade of Ireland.
609311: King William III - Quakers Act 1695 c. 34. An Act that The Solemn Affirmation and Declaration of The People called Quakers, shall be Accepted instead of an Oath in The Usual Form.
609312: King William III - Paving the Haymarket Act 1696 c. 17. An Act for Paving and Regulating The Hay Market in The Parishes of Saint Martin in The Fields and Saint James within The Liberty of Westminster.
346982: King George III - 1803. Cap. Viii. An Act to Empower The Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor to Apprehend and Detain such Persons for Conspiring against His Majesty's Person and Government.
346991: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act for Making Provision for The Wives and Families of Militia Men of Ireland.
346863: King George III - 1810. Cap. Xx. An Act for Removing Doubts as to The Power of Appointing Superintendants of Quarantine and their Assistants.
347144: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cvi. An Act to Provide for The better Execution of The Acts Relating to The Revenues, Matters and Things under The Management of The Commissioners of Customs and Port Duties.
609315: King William III - Fireworks Act 1697 c. 7. An Act to Prevent The Throwing or Firing of Squibbs, Serpents, and other Fire Works.
346983: King George III - 1803. Cap. Vi. An Act for Restraining The Negociation of Promissory Notes and Inland Bills of Exchange, under a Limited Sum, within Ireland.
346986: King George III - 1803. Cap. X. An Act for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.
346987: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxvi. An Act for Charging certain Rates and Duties, and for Allowing certain Bounties and Drawbacks upon Goods, Wares, and Merchandise.
346988: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxvii. An Act for Charging certain Increased Countervailing Duties on The Importation into Ireland.
346989: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a Duty upon Malt made in Ireland, for The Year 1804.
346990: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxxiii. An Act for Empowering His Majesty to Direct The Augmentation of His Militia Forces in Ireland, to an Extent therein Mentioned.
347052: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxviii. An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire and Examine into any Irregularities and Abuses which might have taken Place.
347053: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxx. An Act for Regulating Licences for The Sale of Spirituous Liquors, Wine, Beer, Ale, and Cyder, by Retail in Ireland.
346694: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xv. An Act for certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain.
346696: King George III - 1813. Cap. Cxxiv. An Act for Allowing The Use of Salt Duty-Free for Curing Conge, Polock, Bream, Ray and Scate.
609486: King George III - Cap XXXIV. An Act for Allowing, under certain Restrictions, The bringing a Limited Quantity of Coals, Culm, or Cinders, to London and Westminster, by Inland Navigation. 1807.
622716: Ralph Hanna III - Two British Library Biblical MSS: Some Observations. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2005.
348166: King George III - 1768. Cap. Xxxii. An Act as Relates to The Preventing The Stealing or Destroying of Turnips.
348167: King George III - 1813. Cap. Cviii. An Act for Granting Stamp Duties in Great Britain, with Regard to The Duties on Re-Issuable Promissory Notes and on Conveyances on The Sale and Mortgage of Property.
348168: King George III - 1817. Cap. Lxiv. An Act to Abolish certain Offices, and Regulate others, in Scotland.
348169: King George III - 1817. Cap. Lx. An Act to Regulate certain Offices in The Courts of Exchequer in England.
348175: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxviii. An Act for Continuing and Granting to His Majesty a Duty on Pensions, Offices and Personal Estates.
609316: King William III - c.25. An Act for Granting to His Majesty, Further Duties upon Stampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, 1698.
348347: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xcviii. An Act to Allow The Importation of Spanish Wool, in Ships Belonging to Countries in Amity with His Majesty.
348355: King George III - 1797. Cap. X. An Act for The Exportation and Carrying Coastwise of Wheat and Rye, and to The Importation of Several Articles of Provision.
346963: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xv. An Act to Empower The Lord Lieutenant or Governor of Ireland, to Apprehend and Detain such Persons or shall be Suspect for Conspiring against His Majesty's Person and Government.
346964: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xvii. An Act for certain Acts of The Last Session of The Parliament of Ireland, for Granting Duties to His Majesty.
346965: King George III - 1801. Cap. Vi. An Act for Increasing The Number of Field Officers of The Several Regiments of Militia in Ireland.
346966: King George III - 1802. Cap. Cxviii. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay of The Militia of Ireland.
347965: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xx. An Act for Making Further Regulations in Respect to The Pay of The Officers of The Royal Navy, in certain Cases therein Mentioned.
347951: King George III - 1729. Cap. Lii. An Act to Continue The Act for Further Regulating The Trade and Business of Pawnbrokers.
347791: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxxi. An Act for Charging an Additional Duty on certain Seeds Imported.
347628: King George III - 1810. Cap. Cvi. An Act for Regulating The Manner of Assessing Lands in certain Cases, to The Duties Arising from The Profits of Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices.
622726: Ralph Hanna III - Lambeth Palace Library MS 260 and some Aspects of Northern Book History. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2006.
346926: King George III - 1805. Cap. Iv. An Act to Empower The Lord Lieutenant or Governors of Ireland to Apprehend and Detain Persons that they Suspect for Conspiring against His Majesty's Person and Government.
346698: King George III - 1814. Cap. Clxxxiv. An Act for The Examination of Accounts of The Receipt and Expenditure of The Colonial Revenues in The Islands of Ceylon, Mauritius, Malta, Trinidad, and in The Settlements of The Cape of Good Hope.
609489: King George III - Cap XXI. An Act for Permitting East India Goods Prohibited to be Worn or Used in Great Britain, and Warehoused. 1801.
347657: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxxvi. An Act for Abolishing certain Offices in The Customs, and for Regulating certain other Offices therein.
346489: King George III - 1814. Cap. Cii. An Act Relating to The British White Herring Fishery.
347804: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lv. An Act to Enable The Commissioners of His Majesty's woods, Forests and Land Revenues to Contract for The Purchase and Surrender of Crown Leases.
347805: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Granting Annuities to certain Exchequer Bills.
347806: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xlii. An Act to Facilitate The Administration of Justice in that Part of The United Kingdom called Scotland, by The Extending Trial by Jury to Civil Causes.
347808: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xliii. An Act for The Effectual Prevention of The Use of False and Deficient Measures.
347674: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxii. An Act for Extending The Period of Preference Granted and Contained by Acts to Bodies Corporate and Persons for The Redemption of The Land Tax.
347675: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxxxiii. An Act for Regulating The Appointment of Commissioners for Granting to His Majesty a Contribution on The Profits Arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices.
347676: King George III - 1809. Cap. Xcii. An Act for Charging The Sum of Eleven Millions, Raised for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1809.
348309: King George III - 1800. Cap. Liii. An Act for Granting a Bounty on The Importation of Rye.
347654: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxxv. An Act for Relating to The Stamp Duties; and for Extending The Rates and Duties of Stamps, now Payable on Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, to all other Materials.
609439: King George III - Cap V. An Act for Empowering The Commissioners of Kilmainham Hospital to make Rules and Regulations for The Payment of Pensions to Soldiers on The Establishment of that Hospital. 1807.
609423: King William III - Dover Harbour Act 1698 c. 5. An Act for The Repair of Dover Harbour.
622698: Ralph Hanna III - A New Fragment of Speculum Vitae. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2003.
347792: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxcii. An Act to Remove certain Difficulties in The Disposition of Copyhold Estates by Will.
347793: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxcvi. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Raise The Sum of Six Millions for The Service of Great Britain.
347794: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxc. An Act to Improve The Land Revenue of The Crown, as far as Relates to The Great Forest of Brecknock, in The County of Brecknock.
347795: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxxviii. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Grant to John Francis Erskine of Mar Esquire, and His Heirs and Assigns The Feu Duties and Quit Rents Arising in The Lordship of Stirling.
347796: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxxvii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Sums out of The Respective Consolidated Funds of Great Britain and Ireland.
347803: King George III - 1815. Cap. Liii. An Act to Continue The Duties and Contributions on The Profits Arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices in Great Britain.
609491: King George III - Cap LXVII. An Act to Permit The Importation of Swedish Herrings into Great Britain. 1807.
346781: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cii. An Act for The Encouragement of The Pilchard Fishery, by Allowing a Further Bounty upon Pilchards Taken, Cured, and Exported.
609513: King George III - Cap CXII. An Act for Granting to His Majesty The Sum of £200,000, to be Issued and Paid to The Governor and Company of The Bank of England. 1802.
609512: King George III - Cap CX. An Act for Raising The Sum of £5 Millions by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for The Year 1803. 1802.
609511: King George III - Cap LXXXIV. An Act to Amend The Laws Relating to Spiritual Persons Holding of Farms; and for Enforcing The Residence of Spiritual Persons on their Benefices, in England. 1803.
609510: King George III - Cap LXXII. An Act for The Increase and Preservation of Timber in Dean and New Forests. 1808.
509877: King William III - Bank of England Act 1697 c. 3. An Act to give further time for the Administering of Oaths relating to Talleys and Orders, and for the easier Dispatch of the Publick Business in the Exchequer, and in the Bank of England.
347954: King George III - 1772. Cap. L. An Act for Encouraging The Manufacture of Leather, by Lowering The Duty Payable on The Importation of Oak Bark, when The Price of The Bark shall Exceed a certain Rate.
347953: King George III - 1772. Cap. Lv. An Act for Preventing Frauds and Abuses, in Relation to The Trade carried on between Great Britain and Ireland.
347969: King George III - 1817. Cap. Iii. An Act to Empower His Majesty to Secure and Detain such Persons as His Majesty shall Suspect are Conspiring against His Person and Government.
348367: King George III - 1774. Cap. Ix. An Act for Allowing The Importation of Fine Organised Italian Thrown Silk in any Ships or Vessels, for a Limited Time.
348366: King George III - 1774. Cap. Lxxi. An Act to Prevent The Exportation to Foreign Parts of Utensils made use of in The Cotton, Linen, Woollen and Silk Manufactures of this Kingdom.
348364: King George III - 1772. Cap. Lxviii. An Act to Impower The Magistrates therein Mentioned to Settle and Regulate The Wages of Persons Employed in The Silk Manufacture within their Respective Jurisdictions.
348363: King George III - 1767. Cap. Xlvii. An Act for Discontinuing The Duties on Logwood Exported.
348356: King George III - 1779. Cap. Xl. An Act for better Securing The Duties on Starch.
348353: King George III - 1768. Cap. I. An Act to Prohibit for a Limited Time The Exportation of Corn, Grain, Meal, Malt, Flour, Bread, Biscuit and Starch, and also The Extraction of Low Wines and Spirits from Wheat and Wheat Flour.
348350: King George III - 1765. Cap. Lvi. An Act to Prevent Abuses and Frauds Committed by Persons Employed in The Manufactures of Combing Wool and Worsted Yarn, in The County of Norfolk.
348349: King George III - 1765. Cap. Xxiii. An Act for Repealing Several Laws Relating to The Manufacture of Woollen Cloth in The County of York.
348348: King George III - 1774. Cap. Xxv. An Act for The Preventing Frauds, and Embezzlements, by Persons Employed in The Woollen Manufactury.
348111: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxxxii. An Act to Grant to His Majesty Duties upon Auctions in Ireland, in Lieu of Former Duties thereon, and to Provide for The Regulating and Securing The Collection of The said Duties.
509807: King William III - East India Company Act 1697 c. 44. An Act for raising a Sum not exceeding Two Millions, upon a Fund for Payment of Annuities, after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per annum, and for Settling the Trade to the East Indies.
609440: King George III - Cap LXXIV. An Act for The Effectual Preventing Bribery and Corruption in The Election of Members to Serve in Parliament. 1803.
348088: King George III - 1774. Cap. Xliv. An Act for Preventing of Frauds and Abuses Committed by Persons Employed in The Manufacture of Hats.
348089: King George III - 1801. Cap. I. An Act for The Manufacturing of any Fine Flour from Wheat or other Grain, and The making of any Bread Solely from The Flour of Wheat.
348096: King George III - 1798. Cap. Xxxiii. An Act Respecting The Performance of Quarantine and for Laying any Embargo on Ships or Vessels, or for Prohibiting or Regulating The Exportation of any Goods.
348213: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lxxii. An Act to Fix The Election for Glamorganshire at a Central Place within The said County.
348214: King George III - 1809. Cap. Cxviii. An Act for better Securing The Independence and Purity of Parliament, by Preventing The Procuring or Obtaining of Seats in Parliament by Corrupt Practices.
348215: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lx. An Act for The Preventing of Bribery and Corruption in The Election of Members to Serve in Parliament for The Borough of Aylesbury in The County of Buckingham.
348216: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lxxxiv. An Act for The Further Regulation of The Trials of Controverted Elections, or Returns of Members to Serve in Parliament.
348217: King George III - 1803. Cap. Xlv. An Act for Preserving The Peace, and Securing The Freedom of Election, in The Towns of Nottingham, and County of The said Town.
348219: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xxvii. An Act for Carrying into Execution The Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Concluded between His Majesty and The United States of America.
348221: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Amending The Law with Regards to The Course of Proceeding on Indictments and Informations in The Court of King's Bench in certain Cases.
348222: King George III - 1809. Cap. Cxix. An Act concerning The Administration of Justice in Scotland, and concerning Appeals to The House of Lords, further Time for Making their Report.
348223: King George III - 1809. Cap. Cxx. An Act for The Several Laws for Raising and Training The Militia of Ireland.
348224: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xl. An Act to Alter The Practice of Courts of Equity, in Suits in which Members of Parliament are Defendants.
348225: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xi. An Act for Establishing certain Regulations in The Ofices of The House of Commons, and to Establish other and Further Regulations in The said Offices.
348294: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lix. An Act to Insure The Proper and Careful Manufacturing of Fire Arms in England, and for Making Provision for Proving The Barrels of such Fire Arms.
347645: King George III - 1799. Cap. III. An Act for a Duty on Pensions, Offices and Personal Estates, in England, Wales and The Town of Berwick upon Tweed; and certain Duties on Sugar, Malt, Tobacco, and Snuff, for The Service of The Year 1800.
347797: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxxv. An Act for Repealing The Stamp Office Duties on Advertisements, Almanacks, Newspapers, Gold and Silver Plate, Stage Coaches, now Payable in Great Britain.
347799: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xlv. An Act for Continuing The Premiums Allowed to Ships Employed in The Southern Whale Fishery.
609525: King George III - Cap C. An Act for Enlarging The Time which Horses may be Let to Hire without being Subject to any Annual Duty. 1802.
609524: King George III - Cap XLVI. An Act for The Prevention of Frivolous and Vexatious Arrests and Suits; and to Authorise The Levying of Poundage upon Executions in certain Cases. 1803.
609523: King George III - Cap XII. An Act as Allows certain Bounties on British Plantation Raw Sugar Exported. 1808.
609522: King George III - Cap XXXI. An Act for Establishing certain Regulations in The Office of Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, Parks and Chases. 1803.
609521: King George III - Cap XI. An Act for Discontinuing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain. 1802.
609519: King George III - Cap I. An Act for Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco, and Snuff in Great Britain; and on Pensions, Offices, and Personal Estates in England. 1809.
609518: King George III - Cap XIII. An Act for Allowing Further Time for The Payment of Instalments on certain Sums of Money Advanced by way of Loan to Several Persons Connected with and Trading to The Islands of Grenada and Saint Vincent. 1799.
609516: King George III - Cap XCVII. An Act to Grant The Judges of The Commissary Court of Edinburgh a Fixed Salary in Place of their Present Salary and certain Fees and Payments. 1815.
609517: King George III - Cap XI. An Act for Granting certain Duties upon Income, as Relates to The Appropriation of The Duties Imported and Exported. 1799.
609515: King George III - Cap LXIII. An Act for Repealing The Duties and Drawbacks Payable on Silks, and for Granting othr Duties and another Drawback in Lieu thereof. 1807.
347734: King George III - 1794. Cap. Lv. An Act for Saving to His Majesty The Duty of New Subsidy on Tobacco, Imported into that Part of Great Britain called Scotland.
347216: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xi. An Act to Provide for The Recovery of Penalties, for Securing The Rates and Duties in Ireland in Respect of Dwelling Houses, Fire Hearths, Windows, Male Servants and Licences to Persons Dealing in Exciseable Commodities.
609449: King George III - Cap CLXIX. An Act to Provide for The Charge of The Addition to The Public Founded Debt of Great Britain, for The Service of The Year 1815. 1815.
347171: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cv. An Act for Regulating The Collection of The Duties in Ireland, on Fire Hearths, on Dwelling Houses, on Coaches and other Carriages, on Male Servants, on Horses and on Dogs.
348296: King George III - 1818. Cap. Lxxix. An Act for Granting Duties on Auctions in Ireland.
348297: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxiii. An Act for Securing The Collection of The Duties on Auctions in Ireland.
348298: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxxx. An Act for Rectifying a Mistake in an Act of The Last Session of Parliament for better Collecting The Duties on Auctioneers.
609490: King George III - Cap XIX. An Act for Permitting The Importation of Masts, Yards, Bowsprits, and Timber, for Naval Purposes, from The British Colonies in North America, Duty Free. 1808.
348121: King George III - 1763. Cap. Xxix. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties on Wines Imported into this Kingdom, and Duties upon all Cyder and Perry.
348127: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xxix. An Act to Charge an Additional Duty of Customs on Brandy Imported into Great Britain for The Purpose of Exportation.
371343: KING WILLIAM III - 1691 : A Description Of The Most Glorious And Most Magnificent Arches Erected At The Hague, For The Reception Of William The Third, King Of Great Britain, With all the Motto's and Latin Inscriptions that were written upon everyone of the said Arches. A rare original large format article from the Harleian Miscellany, 1810.
609455: King George III - Cap LXIV. An Act to Continue certain Temporary or War Duties of Customs on The Importation of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize into Great Britain. 1814.
348430: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xcii. An Act for Altering The Period of Making up The Annual Account of The Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper.
348123: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxv. An Act for Repealing The Duties of Assessed Taxes, and Granting New Duties in Lieu thereof.
348120: King George III - 1798. Cap. Xc. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Raise The Sum of One Million for The Uses and Purposes of Making Forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Certificates, Receipts, and others.
347140: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xciv. An Act to Enable The Commissioners for Executing The Office of Lord High Treasurer of Ireland, to Contract for The Purchase of The Duties of Prisage and Butlerage in Ireland.
347141: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xcv. An Act for The Regulating and Providing for The Relief of The Poor, and The Management of Infirmaries and Hospitals in Ireland.
509874: King William III - Security of King and Government Act 1695 c. 27. An Act for the better Security of His Majesty's Royal Person and Government.
347664: King George III - 1808. Cap. Ii. An Act for certain Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco and Snuff in Great Britain; and on Pensions and Offices in England.
346953: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Stamp Duties in Ireland, on Bonds, Bills of Exchange, and Promissory Notes.
346954: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lii. An Act for Declaring what Persons shall be Disabled from Sitting and Voting in The House of Commons of The United Kingdom.
347611: King George III - 1806. Cap. I. An Act to Empower The Auditor of The Exchequer to Constitute a Trustee for The Execution of The said Office in The Case therein Mentioned.
609550: King George III - Cap XXVI. An Act for Empowering His Majesty to Secure and Detain such Persons as His Majesty shall Suspect are Conspiring Against His Person and Government. 1801.
348432: King George III - 1768. Cap. X. An Act to Permit The Exportation of Malt.
348433: King George III - 1794. Cap. Xv. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Additional Duties on Bricks and Tiles made in, or Imported into, Great Britain.
609456: King George III - Cap LVI. An Act for Encouraging The Art of Making New Models and Casts of Busts, and other things Mentioned. 1814.
346717: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xli. An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire into The Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites, and Emoluments received in Several Publick Offices in Ireland.
609458: King George III - Cap LI. An Act to Revive and Continue, until Nine Months after The Conclusion of The Present War, an Act for The Free Importation of Cochineal and Indigo. 1814.
609555: King George III - Cap CL. An Act for The Better Regulation of The Office of Receiver General of The Duties of Customs in Great Britain. 1806.
609551: King George III - Cap XXVIII. An Act for Granting certain Duties of Customs on Timbeer, Sugar, Raisins, and Pepper, Imported into and on Lead Exported from Great Britain. 1801.
609552: King George III - Cap XXXI. An Act for The Time of Keeping in Steep, for Malting, Barley Damaged by Rain in The Last Harvest. 1801.
609553: King George III - Cap XIII. An Act for Increasing The Bounties on Flour Imported from America, in Ships which shall have Cleared Out between certain Periods. 1801.
609556: King George III - Cap CLI. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Grant New Leases on Former Rents for The Benefit of Charitable Institutions, or Augmentation of Ecclesiastical Corporations. 1806.
346672: King George III - 1802. Cap. Iii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, for The Service of The Year 1803.
347183: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lv. An Act to Provide for The Payment, at The Bank of Ireland, of The Interest on certain Debentures now Payable at The Exchequer of Ireland.
509876: King William III - Standard of Silver Plate, etc. Act 1696 c. 7. An Act for Incouraging the bringing in Wrought Plate to be Coined.
609478: King George III - Cap LX. An Act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakes, and other Artificers Occupying The Cutting of Leather. 1808.
346408: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxxiv. An Act for Altering The Rate at which The Crown may Exercise its Right of Pre-Emption of Ore in which there is Lead.
346409: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxxiii. An Act to Grant further Powers to The Commissioners of Chelsea and Greenwich Hospitals with Respect to Pensions on those Establishments.
346411: King George III - 1814. Cap. Ii. An Act for Directing The Application of The Residuary Personal Estate of Anna Maria Reynolds Spinster, bequethed by her to The Use of The Sinking Fund.
346412: King George III - 1814. Cap. Iii. An Act for Continuing to His Majesty certain Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco, and Snuff, in Great Britain.
346413: King George III - 1814. Cap. Iv. An Act for Raising The Sum of Twelve Millions Five Hundred Thousand Pounds, by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1815.
346414: King George III - 1814. Cap. V. An Act to Enable The Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to Issue Exchequer Bills, on The Credit of such Aids or Supplies.
347671: King George III - 1767. Cap. Xlii. An Act for The Several Statutes now in being for The Amendment and Preservation of The Public Highways of this Kingdom.
347672: King George III - 1805. Cap. V. An Act for Consolidating certain Provisions Relating to The Duties under The Management of The Commissioners for The Affairs of Taxes.
347673: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxi. An Act for Transferring The Receipt and Management of The Duties on Licences for using or Exercising The Trade and Business of an Horse Dealer.
347950: King George III - 1787. Cap. Xxxvii. An Act for Further Regulating The Trade and Business of Pawnbrokers.
609557: King George III - Cap CLIV. An Act for Taking Down The Present Building in which The Treasury Chambers and Offices of The Court of Exchequer in Scotland were Situated, and Erecting New Buildings. 1806.
609559: King George III - Cap CXXXII. An Act for Permitting Goods Imported into Great Britain, to be Secured in Warehouse without Payment of Duty. 1803.
609560: King George III - Cap LX. An Act to Give Further Time for Purchasing The Legal Quays and Warehouses, in The Port of London. 1807.
609561: King George III - Cap LII. An Act for Indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in Issuing or Carrying into Execution certain Orders of Council for The Prevention of The Exportation of Gunpowder, Saltpetre and Naval Stores. 1803.
609563: King George III - Cap LI. An Act for Consolidating The Provisions of The Several Acts Passed for The Redemption and Sale of The Land Tax. 1803.
609564: King George III - Cap XXXII. An Act for Making Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of The Militia in Great Britain, while Disembodied. 1807.
609565: King George III - Cap XXXVII. An Act for Altering and Amending Several Laws Relating to The Duties of Excise upon Malt. 1807.
609573: King George III - Cap XXIV. An Act Concerning The Disposition of Real and Personal Property of His Majesty. 1807.
609566: King George III - Cap XXXIX. An Act for Charging Publick Accountants with Interest upon Balances; and other Purposes Relating to The Passing of Publick Accounts. 1807.
609567: King George III - Cap XL. An Act to Alter The Practice of Courts of Equity, in suits which Members of Parliament are Defendents. 1807.
609568: King George III - Cap XLIII. An Act for Suspending Proceedings in Actions, and other Proceedings Relating to The Woollen Manufacture. 1807.
609569: King George III - Cap XLVI. An Act for Inquiring into The State of Windsor Forest, in The County of Berks, and for Ascertaining The Boundaries of The Forest. 1807.
609570: King George III - Cap XXXIII. An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire into The Publick Expenditure, and The Conduct of The Public Business in The Military Departments. 1807.
609572: King George III - Cap XXVIII. An Act for His Majesty's Treasury to Issue Exchequer Bills, on The Credit of Aids or Supplies which shall be Granted by Parliament for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1807. 1807.
609574: King George III - Cap VII. An Act for Raising The Sum of £1,500,000 by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1807. 1807.
609546: King George III - Cap XXIV. An Act for Permitting The Importation into Great Britain of Hides and other Articles in Foreign Ships. 1808.
609547: King George III - Cap XVIII. An Act for Regulating The Payment of The Duties on Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs and Mace. 1808.
609548: King George III - Cap XVI. An Act on certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar fom Great Britain. 1808.
609549: King George III - Cap VIII. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a Duty on Pensions, Offices, and Personal Estates in England and Wales, and The Town of Berwick upon Tweed. 1800.
609482: King George III - Cap III. An Act to Indemnify Persons who have Advised or Acted under an Order of Council for Making Regulations with Respect to The Navigation and Commerce between His Majesty's Subjects and The Subjects of The United States of America. 1807.
609481: King George III - Cap LXXXIV. An Act for The Prevention of Smuggling, and for Regulating The Periods for Cancelling and Delivering up certain Bonds Relating to The Revenue of Customs. 1808.
347190: King George III - 1803. Cap. Lxxxv. An Act to Enable His Majesty more Effecutally to Raise and Assemble, in Ireland, an Additional Military Force for The better Defence and Security of The United Kingdom.
348435: King George III - 1766. Cap. Xxv. An Act for better Regulating Apprentices, and Persons Working under Contract.
348431: King George III - 1799. Cap. Cv. An Act as Permits Sir William Bishop, George Bishop and Argles Bishop, to Carry on The Manufacture of Maidstone Geneva.
346958: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxxvii. An Act for The Entry and Return Voyages of certain Ships which may Import Rice or other Grain from The East Indies, and to Authorise The Importation of Rice or other Grain into Ireland.
347151: King George III - 1807. Cap. Vii. An Act to Permit The Free Interchange of every Species of Grain between Great Britain and Ireland, shall Extend to Grain The Produce of those Countries only.
347963: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xliii. An Act for Granting, for Two Years from The Fifth Day of July 1817, Bounties on Sugar Refined otherwise than by Claying.
347968: King George III - 1817. Cap. Ii. An Act for Raising The Sum of Twenty-Four Millions, by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of The Year 1817.
609483: King George III - Cap XXII. An Act to Allow an Additional Bounty on Double Refined Sugar and to Extend former Bounties on other Refined Sugar. 1807.
346426: King George III - 1791. Cap. I. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties upon Worts, Wash, and other Liquors brewed or made in England.
346427: King George III - 1757. Cap. Xxviii. An Act to Enable His Majesty to make Compensation to The Officers of The Late Wine Licence Office, for The Loss of their Offices.
346434: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxx. An Act until Eight Months after The Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace.
346435: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act to Permit The Importation of Goods and Commodities from Countries in America belonging to any Foreign European Sovereign or State in Neutral Ships.
346438: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xvii. An Act for The Exportation to The United Kingdom, of Wool from The British Plantations in America.
346439: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxvii. An Act for The Importation of Masts, Yards, and Bowsprits, or of Timber Fit for Naval Purposes, from The British Colonies in North America, Duty Free.
347772: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xcvi. An Act for Applying The Amount of The Bounties on certain Linens Exported from Great Britain towards Defraying The Charge of The Loan made and Stock Created in The Present Session of Parliament.
609484: King George III - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1807 c 23. An Act for The South Sea Company or Corporation. 1807.
347134: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxvi. An Act to Empower The Lord Lieutenant or Governor of Ireland to Apprehend and Detain such Persons as they shall Suspect for Conspiring Against His Majesty's Person and Government.
609442: King George III - Cap X. An Act for The Benefit of Preference to certain Bodies, Companies, and Persons, in Contracting for The Redemption of Land Tax. 1799.
609437: King George III - Cap LXXXIX. An Act for Enabling The Commissioners to Examine Accounts of Public Expenditure in The Barrack Office, More Speedily and Effectually to Investigate The said Accounts. 1808.
609504: King George III - Cap LXXXI. An Act to Amend Several Laws of Excise Relating to Paper, Silks, and Salt, and for Authorizing, The Seizure of Utensils in Cases where Vessels used in Excise Manufactories are Subject to Forfeiture. 1809.
609502: King George III - Cap II, 1809. An Act for Raising The Sum of £10,500,000 by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1809. 1809.
609503: King George III - Cap LXV. An Act for Giving Jurisdiction to Justices of The Peace to Hear and Determine Prosecutions for Penalties Incurred by any Offence Against The Laws. 1809.
347817: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxxxi. An Act to Prevent Frauds in The Buying and Selling of Hops, and for The better Collection of The Duty on Hops; and to Prevent Frauds and Abuses in The Trade of Hops.
347822: King George III - 1810. Cap. Cxii. An Act for Abridging The Form of Extracting Decrees of The Court of Session in Scotland, and for The Regulation of certain Parts of The Proceedings of that Court.
346543: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxvii. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Militia of Ireland; and for Making Allowances in Cases to Subaltern Officers of The said Militia During Peace.
346882: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lx. An Act to Enable The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to ascertain what Sum shall be Paid into His Majesty's Treasury.
346532: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxiii. An Act for The better Protection of The Trade of The United Kingdom During The Present Hostilities with France.
346533: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxx. An Act for better Regulating The Office of Agent General for Volunteers and Local Militia, and for Regulating The same.
346534: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxi. An Act for The better Prevention and Punishment of Attempts to Seduce Persons Serving in His Majesty's Forces by Sea and Land.
346535: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxix. An Act to Provide for The Charge of The Addition to The Public Funded Debt of Great Britain, for The Service of The Year 1815.
346536: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxv. An Act to Defray The Charge of The Pay, Clothing and Contingent Expences of The Disembodied Militia in Great Britain and The Miners of Cornwall.
346537: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxvi. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Local Militia in Great Britain to The 25th Day of March 1816.
346538: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxii. An Act to Repeal The Excise Duties and Drawbacks on Epsom Salt.
348122: King George III - 1766. Cap. Xxiv. An Act to Permit The Exportation of Quantities of Malt belonging to certain Merchants in The County of Norfolk.
347737: King George III - 1770. Cap. Viii. An Act to Discontinue, for a Limited Time, The Duties Payable upon The Importation of Tallow, Hogs-Lard, and Grease.
346968: King George III - 1802. Cap. Cix. An Act for Authorising and Rendering Valid The Discharge of certain Militia Men in Ireland.
609487: King George III - Cap XLIV. An Act for Allowing a Drawback on certain Linens Exported from Great Britain to The West Indies. 1807.
609488: King George III - Cap VIII. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Additional Duties on Paper, Pasteboard, Millboard, and Scaleboard, made in or Imported into Great Britain; and on Tea Imported into and Sold in Great Britain. 1801.
347609: King George III - 1811. Cap. Xviii. An Act to Indemnify such Persons in The United Kingdom for Offices and Employments, and for Extending The Times Limited.
609492: King George III - Cap LXIX. An Act for Discharging from The Claims of The Crown certain Real and Personal Estates Belonging to General De Lancey, Late Barrack Master General. 1807.
347929: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxiv. An Act for certain Temporary or War Duties of Customs on The Importation of Goods, Wares and Merchandise into Great Britain.
347136: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxxv. An Act to Empower His Majesty's Commissioners of Lieutenancy for The City of London to Carry into Execution to Provide for The Defence and Security of The Realm.
347135: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxxix. An Act for Granting Additional Duties of Excise, as Relates to The Exportation of Tea to Ireland.
347137: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cxlii. An Act for The Wives and Families of Ballotted Men, Substitutes, and Volunteers, Serving in The Militia of Ireland.
347149: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxxxviii. An Act to Repeal Part of The Excise Countervailing Duty on Irish Hops Imported.
509798: King William III - Lustrings Act 1696 c. 36. An Act for the further Encouragement of the Manufacture of Lustrings and Alamodes within this Realm, and for the better preventing the Importation of the same.
609443: King George III - Cap LXXIV. An Act for Effectually Securing The Payment of The Debts of Traders. 1807.
347732: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xviii. An Act to Suspend Proceedings in Actions, Prosecutions, and Proceedings under certain Acts Relating to The Woollen Manufacture.
347745: King George III - 1803. Cap. Lix. An Act for Remedying certain Defects in The Laws Relative to The Building and Repairing of County Bridges, and other Works Maintained at The Expence of The Inhabitants of Counties in England.
347746: King George III - 1813. Cap. Cxvii. An Act to Prevent Damage to certain Bridges in Scotland from The Floating of Timber.
347984: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xl. An Act to Remove Doubts Respecting The Payment of Drawback on The Exportation of French Wine in certain Cases.
347985: King George III - 1819. Cap. Lxxxix. An Act to Continue an Act made in The Fifty-Seventh Year of His Present Majesty, for Suspending a Part of The Duties on Sweets or Made Wines.
347986: King George III - 1817. Cap. Cxi. An Act to Suspend a Part of The Duties on Sweets or Made Wines.
347987: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lxiii. An Act to Repeal The Additional Duty on British Made Wine or Sweets Granted by an Act of this Session of Parliament.
347988: King George III - 1810. Cap. Ci. An Act for The Purchase of The Prisage and Butlerage of Wines in Ireland.
347996: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxvi. An Act for Allowing certain Tiles to be Made Duty-Free to Serve for Draining.
347842: King George III - 1791. Cap. Xli. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Sums of Money out of The Consolidated Fund; for Applying certain Monies therein Mentioned for The Service of The Year 1791.
348110: King George III - 1768. Cap. Xliv. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Grant The Reservation in Fee Simple in an Annual or Fee-Farm Rent of One Hundred and Thirteen Pounds.
609480: King George III - Cap LXXXVII. An Act for Repealing The Rates and Taxes taken by Licenced Hackney Coachmen, and for Establishing others in Lieu thereof; and for Amending Several Laws Relating to Hackney Coaches. 1808.
348133: King George III - 1798. Cap. Liv. An Act to Amend Several Laws of Excises Relating to Coachmakers, Auctioneers, Beer and Cyder Exported, Certificated and Debentures, Stamps on Hides and Skins, Drawbacks on Wine and Sweets, and Ale and Beer Licences.
348427: King George III - 1768. Cap. Lxxiv. An Act for Reducing The Rates and Duties Payable upon The Importation of Great Raisins.
609505: King George III - Cap LXV. An Act to Repeal certain Duties on French Goods Imported into Great Britain, and on Foreign Hides Exported to France. 1814.
346485: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xxv. An Act for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.
347055: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxxxvii. An Act to Regulate The Collection of The Duties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize Imported or Exported into or from Ireland.
346921: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxxiv. An Act for Establishing and Maintaining a Permanent Additional Force to be Raised in Ireland, for The Defence of The Realm, and to Provide for Augmenting His Majesty's Regular Forces.
369869: GEORGE III - Death of George III; General View of his Age; His Public and Private Character; Accession of George IV; Death of the Duke of Kent. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1820.
347743: King George III - 1813. Cap. Lxxvii. An Act for Empowering Grand Juries to Present Bridges, and Tolls to be Paid for Passing The same, in certain Cases.
347744: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxliii. An Act Relating to The Building and Repairing of County Bridges.
509875: King William III - Taxation, etc. Act 1695 c. 31. An Act for continuing to His Majesty certain Duties upon Salt, Glass Wares, Stone and Earthen Wares, and for granting several Duties upn Tobacco Pipes, and other Earthen Wares, for carrying on the War against France, and for Establishing a National Land Bank, and for taking off the Duties upon Tonnage of Ships upon Coals.
347983: King George III - 1812. Cap. Viii. An Act for Repealing The Duties and Drawbacks on The Importation into and Exportation from Great Britain of Spanish Red Wine.
609451: King George III - Cap LXVI. An Act for Reducing The Duties Payable on Horses, used for The Purposes therein mentioned, for Two Years. 1816.
348049: King George III - 1800. Cap. X. An Act for Granting Bounties on The Importation of Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Pease, Beans and Indian Corn.
348057: King George III - 1817. Cap. Cxviii. An Act for Authorising The Executors or Administrators of Deceased Licensed Navy Agents to Receive Prize Money.
348063: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xxxi. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a Duty on Pensions, Offices, and Personal Estates, in England and Wales.
348064: King George III - 1811. Cap. Lxi. An Act for Charging The Sum of Seven Millions Five Hundred Thousand Pounds, Raised for The Service of Great Britain.
348065: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxx. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties, and Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Imported into and Exported from Ireland.
348070: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxxv. An Act to Amend Several Laws Relating to The Allowing The Importation of Rape Seed and other Seeds used for Extracting Oil.
348071: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xxxvi. An Act as Relates to Allowing British Plantation Sugar to be Warehoused.
348079: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xlv. An Act for The Continuation of Persons in Office, Place or Employment, Civil or Military, within The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
348080: King George III - 1817. Cap. Cxxviii. An Act for Extending The Exemptions from The Duties Granted by Acts of The Years of His Present Majesty's Reign, in Dwelling Houses in Scotland.
346981: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xi. An Act to Remove certain Restraints upon The Correspondence by Letter between Persons Residing in Great Britain and Ireland, and those Residing in Foreign Countries.
347142: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xcvi. An Act to Amend The Laws Respecting The Accounting for Money Presented in Ireland for The Making, Repairing, Widening or Fencing of Publick Roads, and The Building and Repairing of Bridges, Pipes, or Gullets.
347143: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xcvii. An Act to Permit The Free Interchange of every Species of Grain, between Great Britain and Ireland.
347145: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxx. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties, and Allowing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares and Merchandise.
347146: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxxi. An Act as Prohibits The Importation of Gunpowder, Arms, and Utensils of War from Ireland.
348314: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxiv. An Act to Exonerate, in certain Cases, Foreign Spirits Imported During The Suspension of The Spirit Intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland.
347776: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xcvi. An Act to Authorise The Commissioners of Excise to Order The Restoration of Exciseable Goods Seized or Detained by Offices of Excise.
347781: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxiv. An Act to Extend The Exemption Granted by Law on Coals and Culm for which The Coast Duties have been Duly Paid.
347784: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxv. An Act for Allowing The Bringing of Coals, Culm, and Cinders to London and Westminster, by Inland Navigation.
347786: King George III - 1815. Cap. Lxx. An Act for better Regulating The Formation and Arrangement of The Judicial and other Records of The Court of Session in Scotland.
347787: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxvii. An Act for The Further Prevention of Frauds in The Manufacture of Sweets.
347788: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxviii. An Act for The Effectual Encouragement of The Manufacture of Flax and Cotton in Great Britain.
347789: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxix. An Act as Allows The Use of Salt, Duty-Free, for Curing Fish in Bulk or in Barrels; and to Repeal certain Laws Relating to The Allowance of Salt for The North Seas and Iceland Fisheries.
347790: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxxx. An Act for Granting an Additional Bounty on The Exportation of The Silk Manufactures of Great Britain.
347706: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cxxxiv. An Act for Allowing a Drawback of The Duty on Coals Consumed in Lead Mines in Cornwall.
347708: King George III - 1816. Cap. Lxxiii. An Act for Removing Difficulties in The Conviction of Offenders Stealing Property from Mines.
347773: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xci. An Act to Prohibit, until The Fifteenth Day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred, The Exportation of Rice.
347774: King George III - 1801. Cap. Lxxxvi. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Stamp Duties on Cards and Dice.
347138: King George III - 1803. Cap. Cliv. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Countervailing Duties on The Importation into Great Britain of Refined Sugar of The Manufacture of Ireland.
609470: King George III - Cap LXIV. An Act for Enabling The Commissioners for The Reduction of The National Debt to Grant Life Annuities. 1809.
609469: King George III - Cap LXVII. An Act for The Redemption and Sale of The Land Tax, and to make further Provision for Exonerating small Livings and Charitable Institutions from The Land Tax. 1809.
347210: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxxii. An Act for The better Regulating The Issuing and Granting of Permits and Certificates, for The Conveyance and Protection of certain Exciseable Goods in Ireland.
348119: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lvi. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Stamp Duties on The Matters of Securing The Duties on Certificates to be taken out by Solicitors, Attornies and others.
609435: King George III - Cap. LXXVI. An Act for Raising The Sum of £10,500,000 by way of Annuities. 1808.
609457: King George III - Cap LIV. An Act to Prevent Vexatious Suits against Spiritual Persons. 1814.
346634: King George III - 1818. Cap. Xii. An Act for The Regulating of His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on Shore.
346635: King George III - 1818. Cap. Lxxvi. An Act to Subject Foreigners to Arrest and Detention for Smuggling within certain Distances of any of The Dominions of His Majesty.
347714: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xx. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Accept The Services of a Proportion of The Militia out of The United Kingdom.
347715: King George III - 1811. Cap. Xliii. An Act for Altering The Time at which The Additional Duties of Customs Imposed by an Act.
347717: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxxviii. An Act which Respects The Removal of Wool, within a certain Distance of The Sea.
346251: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xii. An Act for Several Laws Relating to The Prohibiting The Exportation and Permitting The Importation of Corn.
346252: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xv. An Act to Facilitate, and Render more Easy, The Transportation of Offenders.
346253: King George III - 1807. Cap. Iii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties upon Malt in Great Britain, for The Service of The Year 1807.
348244: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xliv. An act to Allow Corps or Yeomanry or Volunteer Cavalry, when Assembled for The Suppression of Riots or Tumults, to be Quartered and Billetted, and Officers on Half Pay to Hold certain Commissions.
348245: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xvii. An Act as Prohibits The Exportation of Pig and Bar Iron, and certain Naval Stores, unless The Pre-Emption thereof be Offered to The Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy.
348246: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xcvi. An Act Relating to The Duties on Income, as Respects The Delivery of The Statements to The Commercial Commissioners of London, under The Amount of Twenty Pounds.
348249: King George III - 1800. Cap. V. An Act for Several Laws Relating to The Prohibiting The Exportation, and Permitting The Importation of Corn and other Articles of Provision.
347650: King George III - 1794. Cap. Xlix. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of The Consolidated Fund; for Applying a certain Sum of Money therein Mentioned for The Service of The Year 1794.
348436: King George III - 1799. Cap. Lxxii. An Act to Repeal The Duties Imposed by an Act for Granting an Aid and Contribution for The Prosecution of The War.
348438: King George III - 1799. Cap. Cvii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes for Small Sums of Money.
609438: King George III - Cap. LV. An Act for Charging 12 Milions, Part of The Loan of £12,200,000, Raised for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1807. 1807.
346959: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxxvi. An Act for Enabling The Lord Lieutenant or Governors of Ireland, to Prohibit for a Limited Time, so as such Prohibition shall not Endure beyond The Expiration of Six Weeks from The Commencement of The Next Session of Parliament.
346234: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxlix. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of The Consolidated Fund of Great Britain for The Year 1806.
609500: King George III - Cap XIV. An Act for Empowering His Majesty to Shorten The Time for The Meeting of Parliament in Cases of Adjournment. 1799.
609501: King George III - Cap III, 1809. An Act for Raising The Sum of £500,000 by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1809. 1809.
609499: King George III - Cap LXXI. An Act for Augmenting The Number of Field Officers and other Officers of Militia within Great Britain. 1803.
609498: King George III - Cap XXXV. An Act for Imposing a Duty on Cotton Wool, The Growth of The British Colonies, Exported from Great Britain. 1808.
609497: King George III - Cap XXXIV. An Act to Prohibit The Exportation of Cotton Wool from Great Britain. 1808.
609496: King George III - Cap XXXIII. An Act to Prohibit The Exportation of Jesuits Bark from Great Britain. 1808.
609495: King George III - Cap CVIII. An Act to Promote The Building, Repairing and Providing of Churches and Chapels, and of Houses for The Residence of Ministers, and The Providing of Church Yards and Glebes. 1803.
609494: King George III - Cap CIX. An Act to Amend The Laws Relating to Spiritual Persons Holding of Farms, and for Enforcing The Residence of Spiritual Persons on their Benefices in England. 1803.
609493: King George III - Cap CXV. An Act to Carry into Effect a Convention Made between His Majesty and The King of The Netherlands and The Emporer of all The Russias. 1815.
346724: King George III - 1801. Cap. C. An Act to Repeal The Tax on Salaries, Profits, of Employments, Fees and Pensions in Ireland.
346725: King George III - 1801. Cap. Ci. An Act for The Trial of Controvertd Elections or Returns of Members to Serve in The United Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland.
346726: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xcviii. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Militia of Ireland.
346718: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xlii. An Act of The Parliament of Ireland as Relate to The Lighting, Cleansing and Watching of Cities and Towns.
346719: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xliii. An Act Relating to Servants Wages, shall Extend to all Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland.
346720: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xliv. An Act for Regulating and Providing for The Relief of The Poor and The Management of Infirmaries and Hospitals in Ireland.
346722: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xlvi. An Act for Raising The Sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds by Way of Annuities, for The Service of Ireland.
346723: King George III - 1807. Cap. L. An Act to Repeal The Several Duties under The Care of The Commissionrs for Managing The Stamp Duties in Ireland.
347713: King George III - 1819. Cap. Cxxvi. An Act for Requiring The Proof, to Obtain Drawback of Duty on Coals used or Consumed in Calcining or Smelting Tin, Copper, or Lead Ores in The Counties of Devon and Cornwall.
609434: King George III - Cap. LXXIII. An Act to Improve The Land Revenue of The Crown in England, and also of His Majesty's Duchy of Lancaster. 1808.
346753: King George III - 1801. Cap. Iii. An Act as Relates to Permitting The Use of Salt, Duty Free, in Preserving of Fish.
346754: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xcvii. An Act to Continue Several Laws Relating to Encouraging The Fisheries Carried on at Newfoundland and Parts Adjacent, from Great Britain, Ireland and The British Dominions in Europe.
347846: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xlii. An Act to Enable The Commercial Commissioners Appointed to carry into Execution certain Acts for Granting Duties upon Income.
348042: King George III - 1798. Cap. Lxxxiii. An Act to Authorise Exchequer Bills to be Issued on The Credit of The Loan Granted by an Act.
348086: King George III - 1803. Cap. Lxxviii. An Act for Regulating The Prices at which Grain, Meal and Flour may be Exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
348087: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xxx. An Act for Securing The Duties of Customs upon Goods Removed from The Out Ports and other Places to London.
348259: King George III - 1760. Cap. Xix. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Raise The Sum of One Million for The Uses and Purposes therein Mentioned and for Appropriating The Supplies Granted in this Session of Parliament.
348265: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxvii. An Act for Repealing The Duties on Customs on Buck Wheat Imported into this Kingdom, and for Granting other Duties.
348250: King George III - 1794. Cap. Xxxii. An Act for Enabling The Commissioners of The Stamp Duties to Stamp Bills of Exchange and Notes in certain Cases.
348266: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xxix. An Act for Granting Bounties on The Importation of Wheat, Wheaten Flour, and Rice, until The First Day of October 1800.
348267: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxvii. An Act for Repealing The Duties of Customs on Buck Wheat Imported into this Kingdom.
348271: King George III - 1813. Cap. Xxii. An Act for Empowering The Commissioners of Excise to Sell Salt Seized, Duty-Free, either for Exportation or for Curing Fish, and to Reward The Seizing Officer.
348278: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxxi. An Act for Discontinuing certain Deductions from Half Pay, and for further Regulating The Accounts of The Paymaster General.
348279: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxx. An Act for further Regulating The Issue and Payment of Money to His Majesty's Forces Serving Abroad.
348280: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxix. An Act to Increase The Drawbacks and Countervailing Duties on Tobacco, and to Limit The Tonnage of Ships in which Wine may be Exported when Duties are drawn back.
348291: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxv. An Act for Granting to His Majesty, During The Present War, The Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace.
347648: King George III - 1775. Cap. Xxxiii. An Act for Settling Buckingham House with The Appurtenances upon The Queen, in Case she shall Survive His Majesty.
347652: King George III - 1819. Cap. Lxxviii. An Act for Transferring The Duty of The Supervisor of The Receiver General's Receipts and Payments to The Comptroller General of The Customs in England.
347117: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lvii. An Act for Vesting a certain Fund in Commissioners at The End of Every Quarter of a Year.
347707: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cxxv. An Act for The Punishment of Persons Riotously Destroying or Damaging Buildings, Engines and Machinery, used in and about Collieries and other Mines.
347185: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lvii. An Act for The Collecion of The Malt Duties in Ireland, and Regulating The Trade of a Maltster.
347186: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Establishing certain Regualtions in The Collection and Management of His Majesty's Revenues of Customs, Excise, and Taxes in Ireland.
347942: King George III - 1810. Cap. Cxvii. An Act to Direct that Accounts of Increase and Diminution of Publick Salaries, Pensions and Allowances.
348039: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxvii. An Act to Allow Viva Voce Verdicts to be Returned to The High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiticary of Scotland, in certain Cases.
348091: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxi. An Act to Prevent The Granting in Future any Patent Offices, to be Exercised in any Colony or Plantation.
348092: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxi. An Act to Amend and Regulate The Assessment and Collection of The Assessed Taxes, and of The Rates and Duties on Profits Arising on Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland.
348093: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cviii. An Act for Making Compensation to The Patentee Officers of The Pleas Side of The Court of Exchequer in Ireland.
348097: King George III - 1800. Cap. Xlv. An Act for Securing The Duties on Glass, and to Continue Several Laws Relating to The Granting a Bounty upon certain Species of British and Irish Linens Imported.
348106: King George III - 1819. Cap. Lxxxviii. An Act to Repeal The Annual Excise Duties upon Malt, Tobacco, and Snuff, and to Grant other Duties in Lieu thereof, for The Service of The Year Ending 1820.
348037: King George III - 1812. Cap. Xcv. An Act to Regulate The Assessment and Collection of The Assessed Taxes, and of The Rates and Duties on Profits Arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland.
347174: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cix. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Several Sums of Money for Defraying The Charge of certain Permanent Services in Ireland, as Relates to The Military Survey of Ireland.
347624: King George III - 1816. Cap. Lxv. An Act for Granting Duties on The Profits Arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices that Extend to The Due Assessment and Collection of The Duties for Past Years.
348423: King George III - 1790. Cap. Xlii. An Act for Indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in Advising or Carrying into Execution an Order of Council Respectively The Importation of a Limited Quantity of Saltpetre.
609431: King William III - Plantation Trade Act 1695 c. 22. An Act for Preventing Frauds and Regulating Abuses in The Plantation Trade.
347771: King George III - 1810. Cap. Liii. An Act for Preventing Frauds Relating to The Exportation of British and Irish made Malt from one Part of The United Kingdom to The other.
609454: King George III - Cap LX. An Act for The Better Preventing The Embezzlement of His Majesty's Cordage. 1814.
347840: King George III - 1799. Cap. Lxv. An Act for Allowing a Further Bounty upon Pilchards Exported.
346721: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xlv. An Act for The better Supplying The City of Dublin with Coals, and for The better Encouragement of The Colleries of Ireland.
347735: King George III - 1791. Cap. Xlvii. An Act to Prevent other Ships than those Laden with Tobacco from Mooring and Discharging their Lading at The Places Appointed by an Act.... for permitting the Importation of Tobacco and Snuff
348182: King George III - 1817. Cap. V. An Act for Continuing to His Majesty certain Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco, and Snuff in Great Britain.
509879: King William III - Crown Lands, Forfeited Estates Act 1698 c. 2. An Act for Granting an Aid to His Majesty, by Sale of the Forfeited and other Estates and Interests in Ireland; and by a Land Tax in England, for the several Purposes therein mentioned.
348238: King George III - 1812. Cap. Cxiv. An Act to Enable The Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to Issue Exchequer Bills, on The Credit of Aids or Supplies as have been Granted by Parliament for The Service of Great Britain.
348405: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xlvii. An Act for Settling and Securing Annuities on Lord Colchester, and on The next Person to whom The Title of Lord Colchester shall Descend, in Consideration of his Eminent Services.
348406: King George III - 1819. Cap. Xliii. An Act to Authorise The Receipt and Appropriation of certain Sums Voluntarily Contributed by The Most Noble John Jeffreys Marquis Camden, in Aid of The Public Service.
348407: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxxviii. An Act to Discharge from a Disputed and Dormant Claim of The Publick, Several Estates belonging to The Right Honourable William Carr Earl of Erroll, Lord High Constable of Scotland.
348408: King George III - 1815. Cap. Xviii. An Act to Settle and Secure an Annuity on Lord Walsingham, in Consideration of His Services as Chairman of The Committees of The House of Lords.
348409: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lxxvi. An Act for Settling and Securing a certain Annuity on The Viscountess Kilwarden, and on The Family of The Late Arthur Lord Viscount Kilwarden.
348417: King George III - 1816. Cap. Xxv. An Act for Charging certain Duties on The Importation of Butter.
348418: King George III - 1816. Cap. Xxvi. An Act for Charging certain Duties on The Importation of Cheese.
348419: King George III - 1812. Cap. Cxxxiv. An Act for The better Regulation of The Butter Trade in Ireland.
348422: King George III - 1817. Cap. Lxxxv. An Act for The Importation of Corn and other Articles in any Ship and from any Country.
348425: King George III - 1819. Cap. Cxxxviii. An Act for Appointing Commissioners for Carrying into Execution a Duty on Pensions and Offices in England.
346757: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act for The More Effectual Encouragement of The British Fisheries.
346758: King George III - 1807. Cap. Li. An Act for The More Effectual Encouragement of The British Fisheries.
346759: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lxvii. An Act to Permit, until The End of The Next Session of Parliament, The Importation of Swedish Herrings into Great Britain.
346760: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxxvi. An Act for The More Effectual Encouragement of The British Fisheries.
346761: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cx. An Act for The Further Encouragment and better Regulation of The British White Herring Fishery, until The First Day of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen, and from Thence to The End of The Next Session of Parliament.
346762: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxiv. An Act for Increasing The Drawback on Linens Exported from Great Britain to The West Indies.
346772: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxxv. An Act to give further Time for The Payment on The Conditions therein Mentioned, of Instalments on certain Loans Advanced to The House of Alexander Houstoun and Company to Charles Ashwell.
346773: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xvi. An Act for certain Bounties and Drawbacks on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain.
346775: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lxv. An Act to Exempt Sales of West India Produce, by The West India Dock Company, for Payment of Duties and Charges, from The Auction Duty.
346776: King George III - 1806. Cap. Liii. An Act for Indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in Advising, Issuing or Carrying into Execution any Order or Orders for Permitting The Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities.
346778: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xlix. An Act for Allowing a Drawback on certain Linens Exported from Great Britain to The West Indies.
346782: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cx. An Act for The Further Encouragement and Better Regulation of The British White Herring Fishery, until The First Day of June 1813.
346787: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xcviii. An Act for Increasing The Drawback on Linens Exported from Great Britain to The West Indies.
346795: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lxiv. An Act for Granting Bounties for Taking and Bringing Fish to The Cities of London and Westminster, and other Places in The United Kingdom.
346802: King George III - 1805. Cap. Ci. An Act to Restrain The Disposition of Lands, whereby The same become Unalienable, as Restrains Colleges within The Two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
346805: King George III - 1803. Cap. V. An Act for Discontinuing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain, and for Allowing other Drawbacks and Bounties in Lieu thereof.
346806: King George III - 1802. Cap. Xi. An Act for Discontinuing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain, and for Allowing other Drawbacks and Bounties in Lieu thereof.
346807: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lix. An Act for Allowing Additional Bounties on Refined Sugar Exported, and Discontinuing The Duty thereon Granted by an Act of this Session of Parliament.
346820: King George III - 1816. Cap. Xcv. An Act to Authorise such Person as His Majesty shall Appoint to Transfer a certain Sum in Three Pounds per Cent.
346827: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cxxxix. An Act to Regulate The Binding of Parish Apprentices.
346828: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cxli. An Act for Enabling Ecclesiastical Corporate Bodies, under certain Circumstances, to Alienate Lands for Enlarging Cemeteries or Churchyards.
346765: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxviii. An Act for Extending The Bounty now Payable on Pilchards Exported to The West Indies or Mediterranean to Pilchards Exported to any Parts Beyond The Seas.
346766: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxi. An Act for Authorising His Majesty in Council to Allow, During The Present War, and for Six Months after The Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace.
346767: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxxii. An Act for Enabling His Majesty to Permit The Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities into, and from, The Port of Road Harbour, in The Island of Tortola.
346768: King George III - 1809. Cap. Xlvi. An Act to Authorise The Principal Officers of The Customs in The British Colonies and Plantations in America and The West Indies, to Examine Witnesses on Oath.
346769: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lxxx. An Act to Provide for The more Effectual Examination of Accounts of The Expenditure of The Publick Money in The West Indies, and for The better Discovery of Frauds and Abuses therein.
346770: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxxv. An Act to Permit The Importation of Rice, Grain, and Flour from any Foreign Colonies on The Continent of America into certain Ports in The West Indies.
346771: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xci. An Act for Enabling The Commissioners Appointed to Examine Accounts of Public Expenditure in The West Indies, more Speedily and Effectually to Investigate The said Accounts.
348261: King George III - 1774. Cap. Xliii. An Act for Rebuilding The Office of The Six Clerks of The King's Court of Chancery; and for Erecting Offices for The Register and Accountant General of The Court.
348033: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cviii. An Act to Repeal certain Drawbacks and Countervailing Duties of Excise on Beer and Malt; to Alter The Drawbacks on Plate Glass, and to Prevent Frauds therein.
347147: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxxii. An Act for Enabling The Lord Lieutenant to Appoint Commissioners for Enquiring into The Several Funds and Revenues Granted for The Purposes of Education.
347148: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cxxiii. An Act for The Sale of His Majesty's Quit Rents, Crown, and other Rents, and of certain Lands Forfeited and Undisposed of in Ireland.
347155: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xvi. An Act for The Sale of His Majesty's Quit Rents, Crown and other Rents, and of certain Lands Forfeited and Undisposed of in Ireland.
347156: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xviii. An Act to Grant to His Majesty certain Inland Duties of Excise and Taxes in Ireland.
347157: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xix. An Act to Provide more Effectually for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.
347158: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxxv. An Act to Secure The Payment of The Duties on Licences Granted to Persons in Ireland Dealing in Exciseable Commodities.
347159: King George III - 1804. Cap. Xlviii. An Act for Raising a certain Sum of Money by Way of Annuities or Debentures, for The Service of Ireland.
347167: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lxiii. An Act for Defraying The Charge of The Pay and Clothing of The Militia of Ireland.
347168: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lxv. An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire into The Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites, and Emoluments which have been Lately received in The Several Publick Offices in Ireland.
347170: King George III - 1805. Cap. Lxxvi. An Act made in The Parliament of Ireland, for The Support of The Honour and Dignity of His Majesty's Crown in Ireland.
347173: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cvii. An Act for an Additional Duty on Spanish Red Wine, Imported into Ireland.
347175: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cx. An Act for Exempting from The Duties on Profits Arising from Property, and for Raising The Sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds by Way of Annuities.
347176: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cxii. An Act to Appoint Commissioners to Enquire and Examine any Irregularities or Abuses which may have taken Place in Conducting and Managing The Paving, Cleansing and Lighting The Streets of Dublin.
347177: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xii. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties and Allowing Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, Imported to and Exported from Ireland.
347178: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xiv. An Act for Regulating The Drawbacks and Bounties on The Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.
347202: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cxiv. An Act for Raising The Sum of Six Millions, by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1808.
347205: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xx. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Appoint The Chancellor of The Exchequer, for The Time being in Ireland.
347206: King George III - 1808. Cap. Cviii. An Act for Carrying into Execution and Effect certain Provisions and for Making Compensation to The Patentee Officers of The Pleas Side of The Court of Exchequer in Ireland.
347207: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxx. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties, and for Allowing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Imported to and Exported from Ireland.
347208: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxix. An Act for The Collecting of The Malt Duties in Ireland, and for Regulating The Trade of a Maltster.
347211: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxxxiii. An Act for Raising The Sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds by Way of Annuities for The Service of Ireland.
347212: King George III - 1808. Cap. Ciii. An Act for Establishing The Bank of Ireland, and for Empowering The Governor and Company of The Bank.
347213: King George III - 1807. Cap. I. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties, and for Allowing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, Imported to and Exported from Ireland.
347214: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xiv. An Act to Repeal certain Duties of Excise and Stamp Duties in Ireland.
347215: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xii. An Act to make Further Regulations with Respect to Licences for The Sale of Spirituous and other Liquors by Retail in Ireland.
347217: King George III - 1807. Cap. V. An Act for Empowering The Commissioners of Kilmainham Hospital to make Rules and Regulations for The Payment of Pensions to Soldiers on The Establishment of that Hospital.
347218: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xvi. An Act to Grant to His Majesty certain Duties on The Importation, and to Allow Drawbacks on The Exportation of certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, into and from Ireland.
347220: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xviiii. An Act to Provide for The Decrease and Suspension, in certain Cases, of Part of The Countervailing Duties on British Refined Sugar Imported into Ireland.
347221: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxiii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty The Sum of Fifty Thousand Pounds for Building Glebe Houses in Ireland.
347222: King George III - 1807. Cap. Xxii. An Act for The Improvement and Extension of The Fisheries on The Coasts in Ireland.
509878: King William III - River Trent Navigation. Act 1698 c. 20. An Act for making and keeping the River Trent, in the Counties of Leicester, Derby and Stafford Navigable.
369515: NAPOLEON III - 1858 : Prince Napoleon's Villa, Paris. M. Normand, Architect. An original page from The Building News & Engineering Journal.
609450: King George III - Cap LXV. An Act for Granting Duties on The Profits Arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades, and Offices so far as Extend to The Due Assessment and Collection of The Duties for Past Years. 1816.
347709: King George III - 1811. Cap. Cxiv. An Act to Permit The Services of The Regiment of Miners of Cornwall and Devon to be Extended in Ireland.
347710: King George III - 1811. Cap. Lxxxiii. An Act for Allowing The Like Drawback of Duty Paid on Coals used in certain Mines and Smelting Mills in Devonshire, as is now Allowed in The County of Cornwall.
347711: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxxvii. An Act for The Security of Collieries and Mines, and for The better Regulation of Colliers and Miners.
346800: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xxx. An Act to Authorise His Majesty to Make Regulations Respecting The Trade and Commerce to and from The Cape of Good Hope.
509806: King William III - Embezzlement of Public Stores Act 1697 c. 41. An Act for the better preventing the Imbezlement of his Majesty's Stores of War, and preventing CHeats, Frauds and Abuses in paying Seamens Wages.
347153: King George III - 1807. Cap. X. An Act for Raising The Sum of One Million by Treasury Bills for The Service of Ireland for The Year 1807.
347958: King George III - 1814. Cap. Xiv. An Act to Provide that Property Vested in The Accountant General of The High Court of Chancery as such shall, upon his Death, Removal, or Resignation, Vest from Time to Time in those who shall suceed to The Office.
346821: King George III - 1816. Cap. Cxxxvi. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Grant certain Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Escheated and Devolved to His Majesty by The Dissolution of Hertford College, in The University of Oxford.
348263: King George III - 1767. Cap. V. An Act to Explain and Amend into One Act of Parliament, The Several Statutes now in being for The Amendment and Preservation of The Publick Highways of this Kingdom.
348154: King George III - 1798. Cap. Xci. An Act for Raising The Sum of Three Millions, by Loans or Exchequer Bills.
348118: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xlviii. An Act to Make Provision for The Adjustment of The Accounts of The Consolidated Fund of The United Kingdom, and for Making Good any Occasional Deficiency, which may arise in The Fund in Great Britain or Ireland.
609432: King William III - Coinage Act 1695 c. 19. An Act to Encourage The Bringing Plate into The Mint to be Coined, and for The Further Remedying The Ill State of The Coin of The Kingdom.
609452: King George III - Cap LXXXIX. An Act for The Regular Conveyance of Writs for The Election of Members to Serve in Parliament. 1813.
609453: King George III - Cap L. An Act to Suspend The Granting of Offices in Reversion, or for Joint Lives with Benefit of Survivorship. 1808.
347150: King George III - 1807. Cap. Vi. An Act for Empowering His Majesty to Accept The Services of such Parts of His Militia Forces in Ireland as might Voluntarily offer themselves to be Employed in Great Britain.
348136: King George III - 1766. Cap. Xiv. An Act for Repealing The Duties Granted upon Cyder and Perry, and for Granting other Duties on Cyder and Perry in Lieu thereof.
346572: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clxiii. An Act to Regulate The Issuing of Licences to Allow Open Boats to Proceed to Foreign Parts.
346573: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cliv. An Act for Fixing The Rates of Subsistence to be Paid to Innkeepers and others on Quartering Soldiers.
346576: King George III - 1815. Cap. Clii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty The Sum of Twenty Thousand Pounds, to be Issued and Applied Towards Repairing Roads between London and Holyhead.
346577: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxvii. An Act for Preventing he Embezzlement of Stores.
346580: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxv. An Act to Carry into Effect a Convention made between His Majesty and The King of The Netherlands and The Emperor of all The Russias.
346581: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxvii. An Act to Permit The Importation into Great Britain and Ireland, in Neutral Vessels from States in Amity with His Majesty.
346582: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxviii. An Act to Regulate The Clearance of Vessels, and Delivery of Coast Bonds, at Creeks and Harbours in Great Britain.
346583: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxi. An Act for Maintaining and Keeping in Repair certain Roads and Bridges made in Scotland.
346585: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxv. An Act for The Relief of The Out Pensioners of The Royal Hospital at Chelsea.
346578: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxxiv. An Act for Raising The Sum of Thirty-Six Millions by Way of Annuities.
346579: King George III - 1815. Cap. Cxix. An Act to Enable The Trustees of Turnpike Roads to Abate The Tolls on Carriages, and to Allow of their Carrying extra Weights in certain Cases.
347191: King George III - 1803. Cap. Xcii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Duties on The Importation of Goods, Ware, and Merchandise Exported from Ireland.
348373: King George III - 1779. Cap. Lix. An Act for Repealing The Duties on all Inhibited Houses in Great Britain.
347187: King George III - 1806. Cap. Lx. An Act for making more Effectual The Several Laws Relating to The First Fruits Payable out of Ecclesiastical Benefices in this Kingdom.
346957: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xli. An Act for Allowing The Importation into Ireland or British and Foreign Hops at a Like Duty as is Payable in Great Britain for The same.
346955: King George III - 1801. Cap. Xlix. An Act to Indemnify Persons who have Omitted to Qualify themselves for Offices or Employments in Ireland According to Law.
346967: King George III - 1802. Cap. Cxvii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty certain Additional Duties on Goods Imported into and Exported from Ireland.
346974: King George III - 1802. Cap. Liii. An Act to Indemnify Persons who have Omitted to Qualify themselves for Officers or Employments in Ireland According to Law.
346928: King George III - 1807. Cap. Lxi. An Act to Repeal certain Duties on Foreign Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
346929: King George III - 1805. Cap. Cxi. An Act for Erecting and Establishing Publick Infirmaries or Hospitals in this Kingdom.
347244: King George III - 1808. Cap. Lxvi. An Act for Enforcing The Residence of Spiritual Persons on their Benefices in Ireland.
347591: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxxv. An Act for Raising The Sum of One Million Seven Hundred and Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for The Service of Ireland.
347593: King George III - 1806. Cap. Cvii. An Act for Rectifying Mistakes in The Names of The Commissioners for Putting into Execution an Act for Granting a Duty on Pensions, Offices and Personal Estates in England.
347594: King George III - 1808. Cap. Xxvi. An Act for Granting Duties of Customs on The Goods, Wares and Merchandise therein Enumerated, in Furtherance of The Provisions of certain Orders in Council.
347598: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xi. An Act to Facilitate The Progress of Business in The Court of King's Bench in Westminster Hall.
347599: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xiv. An Act for those who have Omitted themselves for Offices and Employments in The United Kingdom.
347600: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xxx. An Act to Regulate The Interests and Periods of Payment of Navy, Victualling and Transport Bills.
347602: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xv. An Act for Granting an Additional Bounty on The Exportation of The Silk Manufactures of Great Britain.
347766: King George III - 1801. Cap. X. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Insurances, and on certain Indentures, Leases, Bonds, or other Deeds.
348369: King George III - 1767. Cap. Xxxiii. An Act for Repealing The Several Duties upon Houses, Windows and Lights, and for Granting to His Majesty other Duties.
348370: King George III - 1765. Cap. Xxxviii. An Act for Repealing The Several Duties upon Houses, Windows, and Lights; and for granting to His Majesty other Duties upon Houses, Windows and Lights.
609509: King George III - Cap VIII. An Act for Reducing The Duties Upon Spirits Distilled from Melasses or Sugar, or any Mixture therewith. 1799.
609508: King George III - Cap I. An Act for Continuing certain Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco and Snuff in Great Britain. 1810.
609507: King George III - Cap II, 1810. An Act for Raising The Sum of £10,500,000 by Exchequer Bills, for The Service of Great Britain for The Year 1810. 1810.
609433: King George III - Cap. LXVII. An Act for Granting an Additional Duty on Copper Imported into Great Britain. 1808.
346483: King George III - 1812. Cap. Ii. An Act to Permit Sugar, The Produce of Martinique and other Conquered Islands in The West Indies.
346484: King George III - 1813. Cap. Civ. An Act to Permit The Entry into Ireland for Homes Consumption of Sugar, The Produce or Manufacture of Martinique, Mariegalante, Guadaloupe, Saint Eustatia, Saint Martin and Saba.
346436: King George III - 1805. Cap. Xxxv. An Act for Carrying into Execution The Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and The United States of America.
346437: King George III - 1806. Cap. Xvi. An Act for Carrying into Execution The Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and The United States of America.
347816: King George III - 1800. Cap. Lxxxii. An Act for The Duties on Foreign Hops Imported, and for Granting other Duties in lieu thereof.
347849: King George III - 1819. Cap. Cx. An Act to Remove Doubts Respecting The Dues Payable to The Levant Company.
347926: King George III - 1818. Cap. Xvi. An Act for Reducing The Duties Payable on Horses used for The Purposes therein Mentioned.
348060: King George III - 1766. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Additional Duties on certain Foreign Linens Imported into this Kingdom; and for Establishing a Fund for The Encouraging of The Raising and Dressing of Hemp and Flax.
348061: King George III - 1799. Cap. Lxi. An Act on Raw Linen Yarn, The Produce of The Territories of The King of Prussia, and Imported Directly from thence into this Kingdom.
348074: King George III - 1794. Cap. Xxxiv. An Act for Indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in Advising or Carrying into Execution, an Order of The Lords Commissioners.
348075: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xi. An Act for Granting certain Duties upon Income, as Relates to The Appropriation of The said Duties.
348076: King George III - 1817. Cap. Xli. An Act Relating to The Office of The Agent General, and for Transferring The Duties of The said Office to The Offices of The Paymaster General and Secretary of War.
348077: King George III - 1799. Cap. Xxxviii. An Act for Allowing The Importation of Rape Seed, and other Seeds used for Extracting Oil.
348081: King George III - 1798. Cap. Xxx. An Act for Disallowing The Bounty on Sail Cloth or Canvas, The Manufacture of Great Britain, Exported to Ireland.
348082: King George III - 1814. Cap. Lxxxi. An Act for Granting certain Rates and Duties, and Allowing Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods and Wares Imported into and Exported from Ireland.
346970: King George III - 1802. Cap. Ciii. An Act to Repeal The Additional Duty of Six Pounds per Centum on The Duties Payable on The Importation into Ireland of certain Goods Imported by Retailers or Consumers.
346971: King George III - 1802. Cap. Lx. An Act for Regulating and Allowing Drawbacks on Sugar Exported from Ireland, and for Allowing British Plantation Sugar to be Warehoused in Ireland.
346994: King George III - 1804. Cap. Lviii. An Act for Directing certain Publick Accounts of Ireland to be Laid Annually before Parliament.
609426: King William III - River Tone: Navigation. Act 1698 c. 8. An Act for Making and Keeping The River Tone Navigable from Bridgwater to Taunton in The Country of Somerset.
609425: King William III - c.22. An Act for The More Full and Effectual Charging of The Duties opon Rock Salt. 1698.
618613: Graeme Wilson and Atsumi Ikuko - Gogo Dancer of Shinjuku. An original article from the London Magazine 1971.
275778: C.P. Ilbert - King Laurin's Rose-Garden. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1870.
502917: Rt. Hon. The Earl of Ilchester - Cameos of Queen Elizabeth and Their Reproduction in Contemporary Portraits. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1922.
297555: J.H. Iliffe - Excavations at Alchester, 1928. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1932.
403741: T.B. Mitford and J.H. Iliffe - Excavations at Kouklia (Old Paphos), Cyprus, 1950. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1951.
297525: J.H. Iliffe - Excvations at Achester, 1927. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1929.
416603: ILLINOIS, RAILWAY ACCIDENT - Railway Accident at Chatsworth, Illinois, in the United States. Two original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
621130: J. S. Illsley - Trade and Transport on Llyn Padarn in The Late Eighteenth Century. An original article from The Caernarvonshire Historical Society, 1979.
612565: J. M. Illston - Long-Term Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Beams. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1972.
368918: DREAMS AND SENSORY ILLUSIONS - The Cause of Dreams, 1753; with Joy and Grief in Dreams, why superior to reality, 1793; with Effects of Imagination on Pregnant Women disproved, 1764. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
507616: Illustration - H.M. Bateman : None But the Brave Deserve the Fair. An original colour illustration from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1922.
507617: Illustration - Fougasse : The Perfect Store. An original colour illustration by Fougasse from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1922.
507618: Illustration - The Dyspeptic's Christmas. An original colour illustration by Alfred Leete from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1922.
507619: Illustration - She Wandered Down the Mountain-Side! An original colour illustration by Chas. Crombie from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1922.
364810: ILLUSTRATION - Science for the Nursery. Sir Robert Ball Lecturing to Children at the Royal Insitute on "Great Chapters from the Book of Nature". Drawn by Fred Pegram. An original print from the The Sphere Illustrated Newspaper, 1901.
364807: ILLUSTRATION - The Babes in the Wood. Drawn by John Hassall. An original print from the The Sphere Illustrated Newspaper, 1900.
364808: ILLUSTRATION - The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. Drawn by Dudley Hardy, R.I. An original print from the The Sphere Illustrated Newspaper, 1900.
408710: ILLUSTRATION, H.C. SEPPINGS-WRIGHT - The Great Fire at Antwerp. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1889.
408702: ILLUSTRATION, R. BARNES - Candidates for Employment. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1889.
408705: ILLUSTRATION FROM A SKETCH BY W.J. FROST, H.M.S. GARNET - Negro Minstrels on Board a British Ship at Zanzibar. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1889.
368843: AMERICAN ILLUSTRATOR. - The Dreamer, by Josephine Preston Peabody. Illustrated by a Series of Pictures by Elizabeth Shippen Green. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1906.
362014: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: A Yorkshire Terrier Dog, dressed, along with a large drum - printed in 1920. An original coloured cat print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
361883: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: Floss, Vic, and Tom encounter a dog - printed in 1907. An original coloured cat print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
368799: AMERICAN ILLUSTRATOR. - The Mistress of the House. Being a Series of Pictures by Elizabeth Shippen Green. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1905.
362042: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: a pair of cats in love - undated, but likely 1980s. A coloured cat print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
362034: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: cat editor and a poet cat - undated, but likely 1920s. Later and basic hand colouring to what must have been a black & white print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
362023: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: a cat splashing in a barrel - undated, but likely 1920s. Later and basic hand colouring to what must have been an original black & white print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
362030: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: A Yorkshire Terrier Dog, dressed, carrying a duck in a basket - printed in 1920. An original coloured cat print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
362021: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: two pigs & two people - undated, but likely 1920s. Later and basic hand colouring to what must have been an original black & white illustration by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
362020: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: two cats shopping - undated, but likely 1920s. Later and basic hand colouring to what must have been an original black & white illustration by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
361874: Louis Wain Illustrator - Louis Wain: Dr Grimalkin, Friskers and Tom falling out of a cart - printed in 1907. An original coloured cat print by the foremost cat illustrator of the early 20th century.
416003: Sara I. Immerwahr - The Earliest Athenian Grave. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Hesperia, the Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Published by American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1982.
416046: Sara A. Immerwahr - Some Pictorial Fragments from Iolkos in the Volos Museum. Author's presentation copy. 1985.
414996: Sara A. Immerwahr - The Use of Tin on Mycenaean Vases. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from 'Hesperia'; Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Published by American School of Classical Studies 1966.
513281: CANADIAN IMMIGRANT - My Experiences in Canada : the diary of an English emigrant. By Percy H. Gentleman. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1906.
416843: IMMIGRANTS - The Great Hall at 'The Strangers' Home', West India Dock Road: A Lodging for Seafaring Asiatics, Africans and South Sea Islanders. An original woodcut engraving, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
367225: IMMIGRATION - Immigration to the United States through Ellis Island, 1917; nationalities and their spread through the varied states. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1917.
615560: A. D. Imms - Observations on The Homopterous Insect Phromnia (Flata) Marginella Oliv. In The Himalayas. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1915.
621401: IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LONDON - 1874 : Imperial Buildings, Queen Victoria Street, London. F. J. Ward, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
622389: Edward Impey - The Buildings on The Motte and Kilpeck Castle, Herefordshire. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1997.
416339: FRUIT IMPORTS - Fresh Wharf, London Bridge: Landing Oranges for Christmas. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1874.
368861: IMPRESSARIO - Obituary of John Philip Kemble; British actor, theatre manager, and playwright. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1823.
624240: MARBLE ARCH IMPROVEMENT - 1908 : Marble Arch Improvement. W. E. Riley, Architect. An original page from The Building News & Engineering Journal.
622847: MID-LONDON STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 1871 : Plan of Proposed Mid-London Street Improvements to be Made in Association with The Construction of an Underground Railway. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
611055: Rev. John Imray - Parish of Longside. Presbytery of Deer, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
367702: Edmund J. Mills & John Imrie - On the Relation of the Ash Tree to the Height of Plants. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1900.
624534: Laurence Ince - The Neath Abbey Ironworks. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1977.
354682: Peter Inch - British 1940s Book Illustration. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1986.
354319: L. C. WEBBER- INCLEDON - Letters Of The Fanes And Incledons. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1904.
512377: Incognito - New Guinea Patrol : an Australian patrol, cut off in the wilds without food or water, which eventually succeeded in extricating itself & getting back to safety. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1944.
616968: EGYPTIAN INDEPENDENCE - Self-Determination in Egypt. Written by Pyramid (pseud.). An original article from The National Review, 1923.
606732: F. A. Inderwick - The Rye Engagement. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1894.
606731: F. A. Inderwick - Rye under The Commonwealth. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1894.
414833: INDIA - Expedition to the Naga Hills, India. A series of six engravings including a Sikh of the 42nd Light Infantry. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
408535: INDIA - Scenes of the Campaign in Central India; Inside of Kirwee and Calpef. Two original prints and short article from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
357604: India - Incidents in the Career of a Probationer for the Indian Staff Corps. Two original pages of illustrations and accompanying text from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
416322: INDIA - Tombs of the Gond Rajahs, Chanda, Central India. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1875.
408555: INDIA - Coorg, India: The Town of Mercara and Native Officials of Coorg. Two original prints from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
407657: Afghanistan/India - The Afghan Frontier Difficulty; the Durbar at Rawul Pindi. An original print from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
416234: INDIA - The Fort of Attock in the Punjab, surrendered to the Afghans. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1849.
414841: INDIA - The Installation of the Maharajah of Burdwan, Bengal. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
416295: INDIA - Embarkation of Artillery in Railway Trains in India. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1875.
360569: INDIA - 1843. Madras. FEATURED in Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. A single article, extracted from an issue of the Chambers' Edinburgh Journal.
357605: India - Notes from an Indian Rest Camp. An original print from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
414834: INDIA - Visit of the Viceroy of India to Jeypore. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
416618: INDIA, MILITARY - Military Hill Manoeuvres in India. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
513219: INDIA - Village Life in India. By N.F. Cooke. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1948.
357578: India - In Camp at the Rawul Pindi Durbar. A series of portraits, with each individual named, including Sirdar Goorwan Ali Khan, Kassanadar. An original print from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
416735: INDIA, MUMBAI - New Post Office Building, Bombay. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1877.
416736: INDIA, FAMINE - Famine in India: Natives Waiting for Relief at Bangalore. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1877.
416747: INDIA, JOWAKI CAMPAIGN - The Jowaki Campaign, North-West Frontier of India: Attack on an Afreedi Town and Inside an Afreedi Fort. Two original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1877.
416746: INDIA, KOLHAPUR - The Rajah Ram High School, Kolapore, India. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1877.
416853: INDIA - The Maharajah Scindiah of Gwalior, India and His Councillors. An original woodcut engraving, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
622996: INDIAN COURT, SOUTH KENSINGTON - 1883 : The Indian Court, South Kensington. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
416805: AMERICAN INDIANS - In the Western States of America: Bartering with Indians. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
416863: AMERICAN INDIANS - To the New West with the Governor-General of Canada over the Canadian Pacific Railway. A series of original woodcut engravings, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
514265: PUEBLO INDIANS - Palefaces Sitting on Big Dogs. By John Brown. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1956.
416803: AMERICAN INDIANS - North American Indian Sports. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
357620: Dutch East Indies - Java and Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. An original print featuring 8 views, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
357787: INDIGO - Indigo Manufacture in Tirhoot, Lower Bengal. An original woodcut engraving from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
368505: SCOTTISH INDOLOGIST - John Leyden, M.D. Scottish orientalist and translator. A Biographical Memoir. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1811.
365987: INDONESIA - Natural History of the Bohon-Upas, or Porson-Tree of the Island of Java. An original article from The Universal Magazine for 1784.
414872: INDONESIA - A Chinese Festival at Sourabaya, Java. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
416329: INDONESIA - Girls Weaving Sarango in Java. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1875.
416870: INDONESIA - Surveying on the New Guinea Coast - A Nocturne. A series of original woodcut engravings, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
621887: INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM, EDINBURGH - 1862 : The Industrial Museum, Edinburgh. Captain Fowke, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
416786: FISHING INDUSTRIES - Our Fishing Industries: Spratting, and Salmon Poaching. A collection of original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
416787: FISHING INDUSTRIES - Our Fishing Industries: Line Fishing for Cod. A collection of original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
416705: FISHING INDUSTRIES - The International Fisheries Exhibition, Kensington. Two original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
416709: FISHING INDUSTRIES - Our Fishing Industries: Whitebait Fishing. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
416711: FISHING INDUSTRIES - Our Fishing Industries: Crab Catching in Cornwall. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
416813: FISHING INDUSTRIES - Sardine Fishing and Curing. A series of original woodcut engravings, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
414824: INDUSTRY - The Royal Tapestry Manufactory at Windsor. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
621705: PALACE OF ART AND INDUSTRY - 1862 : The Palace of Art and Industry - View Looking West. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
368794: NEW ENGLAND FISHING INDUSTRY - Decadence of the New England Deep Sea Fisheries. By Joseph William Collins. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1897.
414832: INDUSTRY - A Visit to Pears' Soap Works. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
367239: STEEL INDUSTRY - The Steel Industry around the World; Industry's Greatest Asset, by William Joseph Showalter. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1917.
513081: AUSTRALIAN TOBACCO INDUSTRY - The Tobacco-Farmers : Tobacco-Growing in North Queensland. By Charles Walters. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1950.
416702: IRISH INDUSTRY - The Irish Industrial Exhibition at Cork. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
611723: Jack Ineson - The Relation between The Yield of a Discharging Well at Equilibrium and its Diameter, with Particular Reference to a Chalk Well. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1959.
514123: RUSSIAN INFANTRY - In the Barracks of the Czar. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1893.
511715: Captain W.S. Eardley Howard 29th Punjab Infantry. - In the Land of Jade and Rubies : travels among the Kachins in the hills of North East India. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1901.
200944: Leopold Infeld - Einstein's New Theory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1951.
621013: INFIRMARY, LEEDS - 1864 : New Infirmary, Leeds. South Elevation. G. Gilbert Scott, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
367275: DERBYSHIRE INFIRMARY - The Mode of Ventilating & Warming the Infirmary at Derby. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, 1817.
624157: MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY - 1908 : Manchester Royal Infirmary. E. T. Hall and J. Brooke, Architects. An original page from The Building News & Engineering Journal.
621956: ROTHERHITHE INFIRMARY - 1892 : Rotherhithe Infirmary: Alterations and Additions. Messrs. Newman and Newman, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
621018: INFIRMARY, LEEDS - 1864 : New Infirmary, Leeds. G. Gilbert Scott, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
622927: ST. PANCRAS INFIRMARY - 1869 : St. Pancras Infirmary, Highgate. John Giles and Biven, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
405668: Huntley Ingalls - We Climbed Utah's Skyscraper Rock; Titan Tower. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1962.
421544: John Ingamells - William Doughty: A Little-Known York Painter. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1964.
171285: W. R. Inge - Modernism. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1909.
242630: C.H. Inge - Tool Marks, Tell Ed-Dwweir, Palestine. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1939.
202735: W.R. Inge - The Birth Rate. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1917.
363080: Ernest Ingersoll - The Red Man in a New Light. An original article from the Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
505215: Ernest Ingersoll - Silver San Juan : A Trail to A High Mine in The Sierra San Juan. An uncommon original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1882.
505275: William H. Ingersoll - Portraits of Our Saviour : The Veronica Napkin, at St. Peter's, Rome ; Fresco From The Catacombs of Domitilla, Rome ; The Ravenna Mosaic ; The Head of Christ & more. An uncommon original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
505168: C.M. Ingleby - The Ideality of The Rainbow : meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. An uncommon original article from The Fortnightly Review, 1865.
406412: Arthur Ingleby - A Passing Phase. (A Short Story). An original article from The Adelphi, 1931.
617840: Richard Ingleby - Christopher Wood. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
623977: Francis Ingledew - The Book of Troy and The Genealogical Construction of History: The Case of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1994.
200907: Lloyd G. Ingles - Barro Colorado Tropical Island Laboratory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1953.
610110: E. R. Inglis - A Further Note on Frederik Hendrik Island. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1950.
151518: R.H. Inglis Palgrave, F.R.S. - The Specie Reserve of The United Kingdom. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1906.
603169: Fred Inglis - Classicism and Poetic Drama. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1966.
611729: Claude Cavendish Inglis - Changes in The Wash as Affected by Training Walls and Reclamation Works. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1959.
611607: Charles Inglis - Analytical Determination of Shear Stresses and Torsion Stresses in Beams and Shafts of Any Given Uniform Section. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1948.
611883: Claude Cavendish Inglis - The Long-Term Effects of Training Walls, Reclamation and Dredging on Estuaries. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1958.
611507: Rev. James Inglis - Parish of Kirkoswald. Presbytery of Ayr, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610965: Rev. Robert Inglis - Parish of Edzell. Presbytery of Brechin, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610933: Rev. David Inglis - Parish of Lochlee. Presbytery of Brechin, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
622686: Erik Inglis - A Book in The Hand: Some Late Medieval Accounts of Manuscript Presentations. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2002.
610844: Rev. Thomas Inglis - Parish of Lochrutton. Presbytery of Dumfries, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
611619: Charles Inglis - Mathematics in Relation to Engineering. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1948.
422573: Alison Inglis - Sir Edward Poynter and The Earl of Wharncliffe's Billiard Room. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1987.
510658: J.H. Ingram - The Land of Mud Castles, Southern Morocco : Castellated Fortresses, where the Berber Tribesmen & Feudal overlords live. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1947.
512365: J.H. Ingram - Rio De Oro - Land of Mystery : a Spanish Colony on the Atlantic Coast of Africa. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1945.
421375: Isabel Ingram - Chinese Tile Reliefs in Pennsylvania Museum. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1932.
401417: Major A.N. Ingram - Mid-Eighteenth Century Cavalry Swords. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1951.
611043: Rev. William Ingram - Parish of Echt. Presbytery of Kincardine O'Neil, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
510637: J.H. Ingram - Gypsies of the Arctic : Norway ; Sweden ; Finland & Russia. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1946.
502807: Miss Caroline P. Ingram - Miss Mary Linwood : Lace & Needlework. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1917.
421366: Lady Ingram - Double Glaze Satsuma Pottery. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1932.
407324: Rev. James Ingram - The Mosaic Pavement Discovered at Thruxton, Hants, in 1823. An original article from the Proceedings of The Archaeological Institute, 1849.
199152: J. Ingram - Medieval Pottery. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1846.
259606: H.J. Ingram, illustrated by Reginald Cleaver. - Tramping To The Polar Sea. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1938.
611533: Rev. James Ingram - United Parishes of Fala and Soutra. Presbytery of Dalkeith, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
412255: P.G. Ingram - Artistry in History. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1977.
422247: T.L. Ingram - John, Fourth Duke of Bedford, 1710-71. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1988.
420505: Lady Ingram - Japanese Lacquer Incense Boxes. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1931.
609915: W. H. Ingrams - The Hadhramaut: Present and Future. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1938.
405785: Helge Ingstad - Vinland Ruins Prove Vikings Found the New World. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1964.
257235: Arthur Inkersley - Vasco Pelota or Basque Ball, A Ball Game. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
253535: Arthur Inkersley - Pampas Plumes. Pampas Grass. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
625231: Ian Inkster - Scientific Culture and Education in Nottingham, 1800-1843. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1978.
267070: Tom H. Inkster - Waddell's War on The Whalers. An original article from History Today magazine, 1966.
621392: INLAND REVENUE OFFICES, MANCHESTER - 1874 : Inland Revenue Offices, Mount Street, Manchester. Messrs. Pennington and Bridgen, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
611082: Rev. John Innes - Parish of Fordyce. Presbytery of Fordyce, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
611074: Rev. George Innes - Parish of Deskford. Presbytery of Fordyce, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
600241: Cosmo Innes - Puritanism in the Highlands the Men, a group who protested against the Established Church of Scotland. With details of various murders and trials by professed Christians. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1851.
255723: J.R. Innes, late Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore, & formerly Inspector of Prisons, Straits Settlements. Illustrated by A.E. Jackson. - Ways That Are Dark : The Methods of Chinese Criminals. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1916.
415695: J. Brodie Innes - Kinloss Abbey. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1907.
128859: Cosmo Innes - Puritanism in the Highlands.The Men, a group who protested against the Established Church of Scotland. With details of various murders and trials by professed Christians. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1851.
415956: Thomas Innes - Heraldry in Scottish Church Decoration. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1935.
128735: Cosmo Innes - Scotch topography and statistics. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
401655: R.A. Innes - Jeremy Lister, 10th Regiment, 1770-1783: Letters, Part 1. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1963.
401659: R.A. Innes - Jeremy Lister, 10th Regiment, 1770-1783: Letters, Part 2. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1963.
600804: Cosmo Innes - Scotland before the Reformation ; with details of various bishopric incumbents, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1851.
509983: C.F. Innocent, A.R.I.B.A. - High Bradfield, Kirkton of Bradfield in the Ronksley MSS. An original article from the Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society, 1924.
510612: Robert M. Macdonald. Illustrated by Kenneth Inns. - The Dancing Dead, New Guinea : discovering gold. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1928.
507451: Charles Harrison Gibbons. Illustrated by Kenneth Inns. - Vancouver Island, the Place of the Evil Spirit. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1926.
507265: E. Sarsfield. Illustrated by Kenneth Inns. - Our Fishing-Trip, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron located on the eastern side of the U.S. state of Michigan. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1937.
622937: LANCASHIRE INNS - 1883 : Old Lancashire Inns. The Old Boar's Head, Middleton and The Seven Stars, Manchester. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
511474: Robert M. Macdonald. Illustrated by Kenneth Inns. - Mad Harry : Gold Prospecting in North Queensland. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1927.
624790: Donald Insall - Railway Station Architecture - Part II. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1967.
418823: Donald Insall - Bruges: City on a Human Scale. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
622931: INSANE ASYLUM, CALIFORNIA - 1873 : The Branch Insane Asylum, Napa, California. Messrs. Wright and Sanders, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
364153: Inscription - Thomas Ridgway Bridson. Written in ink in a large hard, on the reverse of a single leather book board. Undated, but probably mid 18th century.
367170: INSECTS - Beetles and Parasites to check the Ravages of the Gipsy-moth and Brown-tail Moth. By L.O. Howard. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1914.
240317: Ray Inskeep - The Fourth Pan African Congress. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1959.
621571: Jane Insley - Robert Hamilton, Potter. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2013.
513795: Jane Insley - Watt's Pots : Creamware in the Garret Workshop of James Watt, Steam Pioneer. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2012.
504703: Inspector Ranjit Singh, Indian Police & Captain Thomas Charles, illustrated by Ernest Prater. - Wali Khan's Riad : Wali Khan was a Pathan desperado who conceived something new in the way of border forays. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
369959: ROYAL INSTITUTE - Prof. Michael Faraday Lecturing at the Royal Institution, from a Sketch by Alexander Blaikley. An original page from The Illustrated London News, 1856.
366984: ROYAL INSTITUTE - On the Advancement of Science, as Connected with the Rise and Progress of the Royal Institution. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1817.
622942: SUNDERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY INSTITUTE - 1883 : Sunderland and Durham County Institute for The Blind. J and T. Tillman, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
367834: COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE - Commonwealth Institute, South Kensington. Architects; Robert Matthew, Johnson-Marshall & Partners. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1963.
623139: CHELSEA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE - 1891 : Chelsea Polytechnic Institute. J. M. Brydon, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
239373: Smithsonian Institution - A Brief Summary of The Smithsonian Institution's Part in World War II. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1945.
200575: Smithsonian Institution - Centenary of Augustin Fresnel. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1927.
200632: Smithsonian Institution - Pile-Work Antiquities of Olmutz. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1866.
201545: Smithsonian Institution - History of Discovery Relative to Magnetism. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1863.
205024: Smithsonian Institution - Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864.
201041: Smithsonian Institution - Bird Sanctuaries of New Zealand. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904.
201107: Smithsonian Institution - Art in The Caves. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1867.
201257: Smithsonian Institution - Maritime Disasters of The Antilles. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1867.
238838: Smithsonian Institution - The Wanderings of The Water Buffalo. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1901.
201605: Smithsonian Institution - Scientific Expedition to Mexico. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864.
201638: Smithsonian Institution - Mont Blanc Observatory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1893.
201639: Smithsonian Institution - Pekin Observatory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
201655: Smithsonian Institution - Notable Advance in Color Photography. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
201807: Smithsonian Institution - On The External Appearance of The Sun's Disk. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1866.
201895: Smithsonian Institution - Utilization of Volcanic Steam In Italy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1923.
205085: Smithsonian Institution - Life and Labors of Henry Gustavus Magnus. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1870.
205104: Smithsonian Institution - Hail-Storm on The Bosphorus. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1870.
205124: Smithsonian Institution - Organic Bases. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1872.
207338: Smithsonian Institution - Graham Bell's Tetrahedral Kites. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
239066: Smithsonian Institution - William Bullock Clark. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1917.
207219: Smithsonian Institution - Count Von Zepplin's Dirigible Air Ship. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1899.
207254: Smithsonian Institution - Report of the Excecutive Committee of the Board of Regents on the Henry Statue. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1883.
207263: Smithsonian Institution - Report on the Work of the Astro-Physical Observatory for the year ending June 30, 1895. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.
205111: Smithsonian Institution - Indian Mode of Making Arrow-Heads and obtaining Fire. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.
238806: Smithsonian Institution - The Pekin Observatory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
201881: Smithsonian Institution - Current Advances and Concepts in Virology, by Members of The Medical Staff, Lilly Research Laboratories. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1959.
363244: Loyal Orange Institution - The Orange Institution, a slight sketch. An original review article from The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 1813.
201581: Smithsonian Institution - Experiments of P. W. Bridgman on Properties of Matter When Under High Pressure. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1918.
622959: ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION - 1883 : Work of The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Charles H. Cooke, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
207206: Smithsonian Institution - Expedition Toward The North Pole. Instructions to Captain Hall, by Hon. G.M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.
205202: Smithsonian Institution - Visit to The Luray Cavern, in Page County, Virginia. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
319788: Smithsonian Institution - The Terrestrial Globe at The Paris Exhibition. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1889.
207239: Smithsonian Institution - Hertz's Experiments. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892.
514883: MUSICAL INSTRUMENT - Some Ancient Viols. By Watson Lyle. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1935.
621335: INSURANCE, LONDON - 1864 : The North British and Mercantile Insurance Offices, Threadneedle-Street, London. Thomas Piper and J. E. Goodchild, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
616950: INTELLECTUALISM - Intelligentsia. By Hugh E. M. Stutfield. An original article from The National Review, 1922.
357739: NAVAL INTEREST - Her Majesty's Wood-Cased Iron Frigate Inconstant, 16 Guns. An original woodcut engraving from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
414807: NAVAL INTEREST - The Turret-Ships Abyssinia and Magdala, for the Defence of Bombay Harbour. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1871.
408681: NAVAL INTEREST - H.M.S. Nassau Going into Playa Parda Cove, Strait of Magellan. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
408852: NAVAL INTEREST - The Italian Squadron at Portsmouth; Reception of English Admiralty on Board the 'Re Umberto'. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1895.
408563: NAVAL INTEREST - Attempted Launch of the Iron-Clad Frigate Northumberland at Millwall. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
352848: Automata Interest - Natural Magic ; Infant Education ; On the Duties & Advantages of Society. No. III. - Abuses of Benefit Societies ; Ephemera, Or Day-Flies ; Automata Interest, The Invisible Girl, described by David Brewster, contained in The Saturday Magazine, Issue No. 8, August 18th, 1832: The Polar Regions, etc. A complete rare weekly issue of the Saturday Magazine, 1832.
414854: NAVAL INTEREST - The Volunteer Review at Portsmouth: The Gun-Boats Medina, Medway, Ant and Speedy Opening Fire. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
408602: NAVAL INTEREST - Race between Four Ships of the Channel and Mediterranean Combined Fleet. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
408596: NAVAL INTEREST - Memorial of Admiral Sir William Parker Bart., G.C.B., in Lichfield Cathedral. An original print, with accompanying article from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
408585: NAVAL INTEREST - Our Iron-Clad Fleet: the Ship 'The Bellerophon'. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
408569: NAVAL INTEREST - The Launch of the Northumberland: Fixing the Camels at Night. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
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