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500756: Mike Gent - Alan Moore. One of the best comic book writers in the English language. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2009.
500673: Mike Gent - Doctor Who & The Daleks in Comics. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2003.
417515: David Gentilcore - Peasants and Pellagra (Niacin or Vitamin B3 Deficiency) in 19th Century Italy. An original article from History Today magazine, 2014.
297193: Gino Vinicio Gentili - Roman Life in 1,600 Year Old Color Pictures. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1957.
611106: Rev. Alexander Gentle - Parish of Alves. Presbytery of Elgin, Synod of Moray. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
360344: Gentleman's Magazine - Hindoo Pilgrims and Living Waters, by C.F. Gordon Cumming. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360345: Gentleman's Magazine - Etienne Tabourot, the Seigneur des Accords, by James Mew. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360343: Gentleman's Magazine - Romance in the Suppression of Books, by W.H. Olding. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360341: Gentleman's Magazine - Barbarian Warfare, by J.A. Farrer. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360339: Gentleman's Magazine - Greek Brigand and Village Superstitions, by Lucy M.T. Garnett. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360338: Gentleman's Magazine - Trades, Crafts, and Callings, Old and New, by Edward Whitaker. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360337: Gentleman's Magazine - Saint Jeannet, near Nice, France, by Hugh MacMillan. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360333: Gentleman's Magazine - The Garden Snail, by Grant Allen. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1884.
360331: Gentleman's Magazine - Family Nomenclature in England and Wales. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856. No author is given for this article.
360330: Gentleman's Magazine - Notices of such of the Family of Babington as were Members of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856. No author is given for this article.
360329: Gentleman's Magazine - Fireworks in the Green Park at the Peace of Aix la Chapelle. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856. No author is given for this article.
360328: Gentleman's Magazine - The Kingdom of Oude. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856. No author is given for this article.
360325: Gentleman's Magazine - Francisco D'Almeida, by Francis Harwell. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856.
360324: Gentleman's Magazine - Obituary : Samuel Rogers, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. Biographer of Poets of England. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856. No author is given for this article.
360322: Gentleman's Magazine - More Worcestershire Superstitions, by J. Noake. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856.
360320: Gentleman's Magazine - Cardinal Alberoni, by Francis Harwell. An original essay from The Gentleman's Magazine, 1856.
369397: LONDON GENTLEMEN'S CLUB - 1867 : The Junior Carlton Club House, Pall Mall. David Brandon, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
625081: Ian Gentles - The Purchasers of Northamptonshire Crown Lands 1649-1660. An original article from the Midland History Journal, 1976.
507719: Ian Gentles - The Management of the Crown Lands, 1649-60. An original article from the Agricultural History Review, 1971.
511168: Aubrey Gentry - Some Queer Champions : the faggot-eating champion ; champion smoker ; weight-carrying champion & others. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1908.
251839: Geo. Jeffery, Esq., F.S.A. - Rock-cutting and Tomb-architecture in Cyprus during the Graeco-Roman Occupation. A rare original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1915.
199452: Geo. V. de Noyer, M.R.I.A. - The Remains of Ancient Stone-Built Fortresses and Habitations occurring to the West of Dingle, County Kerry. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1858.
236405: Geoff B. Bailey, C. Dickson, J. Miller & PV. Webster - Excavations on The Roman Temporary Camps at The Three Bridges, Camelon, Falkirk. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2000.
508608: Geoffrey Drage, Esq. - Alien Immigration, 1895. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1895.
504648: Geoffrey Johns, illustrated by W.C. Nicolson - Silk Mask Jim : an amazing story of a dual personality, a Jekyll & Hyde case in real life recently unearthed by the Chicago police. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
237875: National Geographic - The World's Highest International Telephone Cable (Andes, Chile, Argentine). An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1930.
614768: National Geographic - Painting History in The Pacific. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1944.
227064: National Geographic - Yanks in Northern Ireland (PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY). An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
260037: National Geographic - The Society's New Map of Asia. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1933.
260090: National Geographic - Lapland's Reindeer Roundup. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1949.
260141: National Geographic - New Northwest Map Completes The National Geographic Series of The United States. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
260599: National Geographic - Pilgrimage to Holy Island and The Farnes: Hundreds of Pilgrims Wade Across Oozing North Sea Sands to Visit This Early Center of Christianity in Northern England. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
260055: National Geographic - The Society takes part in three Geographic Expeditions : seeking new deep-sea creatures ; exploring craters for volcanic secrets & is the South Pole afloat on a Glacier ? An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
297003: John E. H. National Geographic - Life in The Land of The Basques. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1954.
405630: National Geographic - The Nation Honors Admiral Richard E. Byrd. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1962.
405793: National Geographic - Ancient Iceland, New Pawn of War. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1941.
233937: National Geographic - The Color Palette of The Caribbean (PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY). An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
233945: National Geographic - Nicaragua, Largest of Central American Republics. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
260654: National Geographic - Current Scientific Projects of The National Geographic Society. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
296961: National Geographic - A New Light Dawns on Bird Photography. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1948.
227137: National Geographic - The Society Maps a New Australia. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1948.
405870: National Geographic - Hong Kong Restored. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1947.
237944: National Geographic - 21 photographs ONLY. Winter Lights and Shadows in The Nation's Capital (America). An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1935.
405724: National Geographic - Tutankhamun's Golden Trove. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1963.
405719: National Geographic - Six to the Summit: America's First Everest Expedition : How We Climbed Everest : The First Traverse: Up one Side of Earth's Mightiest Peak and Down the other. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1963.
260209: National Geographic - The Society's New Map of Central Europe. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1951.
260195: National Geographic - National Geographic's New Map Shows United States 150,697,000 Strong. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
260639: National Geographic - Silkworms in England Spin for The Queen: In a 15th-Century Castle, Thousands of Pampered Larvae Make Silk for Elizabeth's Coronation Robe. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
260640: National Geographic - Burr Prizes Awarded to Dr. Edgerton and Dr. Van Biesbroeck. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
406028: National Geographic - First La Gorce Medal Honours Antarctic Expedition. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1967.
260223: National Geographic - Our Narrowing World: The Story of The New National Geographic Map. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1951.
260224: National Geographic - Uncle Sam's House of 1,000 Wonders: All Americans Benefit from The National Bureau of Standards, Where Science Has Served The Citizen for 50 Years. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1951.
297240: National Geographic - H. R. H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Introduces to Members The Narrative of His Round-The-World Tour. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1957.
260626: National Geographic - Probing Ice Caves of The Pyrenees: Daring French Speleologists, Exploring Frozen Underground Rivers at 10,000 Feet, Find Danger, Silence, and Strange Beauty. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
260126: National Geographic - Trawling The China Seas. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
260257: National Geographic - Southwest Asia Again Makes History: New National Geographic Map Shows Where Modern Crises Erupt Among Scenes of Man's Earliest Civilizations. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
237994: National Geographic - War Clouds over Danzig and Poland's Port. August 1939. 8 photographs only. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1939.
614806: National Geographic - Normandy's Made-In-England Harbors. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
260113: National Geographic - Sheep Airlift in New Guinea. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1949.
237927: National Geographic - The Western National Parks invite America out of Doors. 16 photographs. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
614722: National Geographic - New National Geographic Society Map Charts South America's Wartime Importance. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1942.
227054: National Geographic - New Map of Europe and The Near East. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
233938: National Geographic - The First Autochromes From the Ocean Bottom : Marine Life in its Natural Habitat Along the Florida Keys is Successfully Photographed in Colors. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
233962: National Geographic - Air Conquest : From the Early Days of Giant Kites and Birdlike Gliders, The National Geographic Society has Aided and Encouraged the Growth of Aviation. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
237940: National Geographic - The Society's New Caribbean Map : Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies - Gate-way of Discovery. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
405528: National Geographic - The Last Great Animal Kingdon; a Portfolio of Africa's Vanishing Wildlife. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1960.
260651: National Geographic - Climbing Our Northwest Glaciers. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
405813: National Geographic - Ancient Temples and Modern Guns in Thailand. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1941.
297300: National Geographic - The Arab World. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1958.
260061: National Geographic - The Society Awards hubbard Medal to Anne Morrow Lindbergh. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
405587: National Geographic - Flags of the United Nations. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1961.
260103: National Geographic - Top of The World: The National Geographic Society's New Map of Northlands. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1949.
233959: National Geographic - In Smiling Alsace, where France has resumed Sway. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
297109: John E. H. National Geographic - Caldy, The Monks Island. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1955.
260633: National Geographic - The Society's Hubbard Medal Awarded to Commander MacMillan. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
237997: National Geographic - Heart of a Hemisphere of Vital Importance is the Area Portrayed in the Society's New Map of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1939.
614703: National Geographic - The American Scene : Little Tommy Tucker ; Sky-romping Acrobats ; Fun on a Ferris Wheel & more. Photographs only. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1941.
405833: National Geographic - America on the Move. Photographs only. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1946.
297284: National Geographic - Paris. Vibrant Heart of France. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1958.
227045: National Geographic - Map of The Northern and Southern Hemispheres. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
237976: National Geographic - Pennsylvania Dutch - In a Land of Milk and Honey. 10 Colour photographs. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1938.
260196: National Geographic - Alaska's Automatic Lake Drains Itself. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
260179: National Geographic - New National Geographic Map Shows Changes in Asia and Europe. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
233965: National Geographic - The Black Hills of South Dakotsa, once Hunting Grounds of the Red Men. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
233969: National Geographic - Sicily : Island of Vivid Beauty and Crumbling Glory. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1927.
405754: National Geographic - President Johnson Dedicates the Society's New Headquarters. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1964.
405930: National Geographic - America's 6000-Mile Walk in Space. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1965.
405607: National Geographic - Australia's Amazing Bowerbirds. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1961.
297251: National Geographic - Cappadocia: Turkey's Country of Cones. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1958.
405843: National Geographic - Sigiriya, Sri Lanka : A Fortress in the Sky. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1946.
237986: National Geographic - The Mystery of Auroras : National Geographic Society and Cornell University Study Spectacular Displays in the Heavens. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1939.
237995: National Geographic - The Society's New Map of Central Europe and the Mediterranean. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1939.
237929: National Geographic - World's Largest Free Balloon to Explore Stratosphere. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
260078: National Geographic - Airlift to Berlin. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1949.
238844: GEOGRAPHY - The Progress of Geographical Knowledge. By Colonel Sir T.H. Holdich, C.B., K.C.I.E., F.R.G.S. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1902.
367291: GEOLOGY - On Fluidity; and an Hypothesis concerning the Structure of the Earth. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, 1820.
616778: BRIGHTON GEOLOGY - The Strata of a Remarkable Chalk Formation in The Vicinity of Brighton and Rottingdean. By J. F. Daniell F.R.S. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1818.
616806: MINERALS & GEOLOGY - An Inquiry into The Connection between Crystalline Form and Chemical Composition, and The Causes which Influence The Changes of The Former in The Same Mineral. By Francois Sulpice Beudant. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1819.
364949: GEOMETRY - 1790. The Science of Geometry. 3 Plates. Original plates from the New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia, 1790.
364962: GEOMETRY - 1790. System of Geometry, or the Science of Quantity, Extension, & Magnitude. 1 Plate. An original plate from the New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia, 1790.
364973: GEOMETRY - 1741, Conics. 1 Plate. An original plate from Chambers' Cyclopaedia, 1741.
619132: A. D. George - The Rise and Fall of The Manchester Motor Industry. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2004.
512703: George Rennie, F.R.S. - The Quantity of Heat developed by Water when violently agitated. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1856.
512704: George Rennie, F.R.S. - Experiments to determine the Resistance of a Screw when revolving in Water at different Depths & Velocities. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1856.
508551: George Grosvenor, Esq. - Statistics of the Abatement in Crime in England & Wales, during the Twenty Years ended 1887-88. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1890.
510508: George Buist, Esq., Bombay. - The most Advantageous Form for Common Field-Gates, of various Materials, with a View of Determining that which will best ensure Lightness, Strength, Cheapness, & Durability. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1843.
417143: Wilma George - Fauna of the Printed Map. An original article from Map Collector Magazine, 1978.
502678: T.J. George - Some Named and Dated Pieces of Earthenware of The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries From The Manfield Collection, now in The Northampton Museum. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1913.
198174: George Rolleston, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. - Researches and Excavations carried on in an ancient Cemetery at Frilford, near Abingdon, Berks, in the years 1867 - 1868. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1869.
350787: King George I - 1718. Land Tax Act 1718 c. 1. An act for granting to his Majesty and aid by a land tax to be raised in Great Britain, 1719.
350788: King George I - 1718. Taxation, etc. Act 1718 c. 2. An act for continuing the duties on malt, mum, cider and perry, for the year 1719, and for enlarging the time for entering at the Exchequer such assignments of reversionary annuity are therein mentioned; and for better securing the duties on hides and skins, vellum and parchment.
350789: King George I - 1718. National Debt Act 1718 c. 3. An act for applying certain over plus monies, and further sums to be raised, as well by way of a lottery, as by loans, was paying off and cancelling Exchequer bills, and for lessening the present rate charged in relation to those bills; circulating and exchanging for ready money the residue of the same bills for the future.
609395: King George I - Security of the Sovereign Act 1714 c. 13. An Act for The Further Security of His Majesty's Person and Government.
609394: King George I - Riot Act c. 5. An Act for Preventing Tumults and Riotous Assemblies, and for The more Speedy and Effectual Punishing The Rioters.
356268: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - 1743. King Henry III. From the King's Monument at Westminster. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
197983: George R. Corner, Esq., F.S.A. - An Account of Excavations on the Site of Roman Buildings at Keston, near Bromley, Kent. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1855.
509855: King George I - Silk Subsidies, Various Duties, Import of Furs, etc. Act 1721 c. 15. An Act for Encouragement of the Silk Manufactures of this Kingdom; and for taking off several Duties on Merchandizes exported; and for reducing the Duties upon Beaver-Skins, Pepper, Mace, Cloves, and Nutmegs imported; and for Importation of all Furs of the Product of the British Plantations, into this Kingdom only; and that the two Corporations of Assurance, on any Suits brought on their Policies, shall be liable only to single Damages and Costs of Suit.
260192: Long George W. - Occupied Austria, Outpost of Democracy. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
356280: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - 1743. Nicolas Tindal. Translater of Rapin de Thoyras' History of England. Engraved by George Vertue, 1735. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
609251: King George I - Equivalent Act 1714 c. 27. An Act for Taking and Stating The Debts Due and Growing Due to Scotland by Way of Equivalent in The Terms of The Union; and for Relief of The Creditors of The Publick in Scotland, and The Commissioners of The Equivalent.
609250: King George I - Land Tax Act 1714 c.1. An Act for Granting an Aid to His Majesty, to be Raised by a Land-Tax in Great Britain, for The Year 1715.
623182: Irene George - Syr Dafydd Trefor, a Anglesey Bard. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1934.
350821: King George I - 1722. Continuance of Acts, 1722 c. 8. An act for continuing some laws, and reviving others therein mentioned, or exempting apothecaries from serving parish and ward offices, and upon juries; and relating to jurors; and the payment of Siemens wages, and the preservation of naval stores, and stores of war; and concerning the militia and trophy money; and against clandestinely running of unaccustomed goods, and for more effectual preventing frauds relating to the customs, and frauds in mixing silk stuffs to be exported.
365819: George Long, editor. - Dog : the English name for the digitigrade quadruped which is so faithfully attached to man. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365820: George Long, editor. - Dorsetshire, an English County. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365822: George Long, editor. - Durham, an English County. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365821: George Long, editor. - Ducks, Anati'nae. A subfamily of the Anatidae, including the true ducks of Swainson only. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365823: George Long, editor. - Egypt and Egyptians. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
149644: George Bentham, F.R.S., and others - The Recent Progress and Present State of Systematic Botany. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1874.
365825: George Long, editor. - Elephants. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365824: George Long, editor. - Electricity. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365826: George Long, editor. - Emigration; colonization. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
365827: George Long, editor. - East India Company. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
609252: King George I - Mutiny Act 1715 c. 34. An Act for Preventing Mutiny and Desertion, and for The Better Payment of The Army and their Quarters.
609253: King George I - Duchy of Cornwall Act 1715 c. 37. An Act to Enable The Regalities and Lands now Remaining in The Crown in North and South Wales and County of Chester, to The Prince of Wales.
609249: King George I - Civil List Act 1714 c.1. An Act for The Support of His Majesties Household, and of The Honour and Dignity of The Crown of Great Britain.
365828: George Long, editor. - Epilepsy. A complete original article from the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1837.
609254: King George I - Taxation Act 1715 c. 43. An Act to Continue Duties for Encouraging The Coinage of Money; and to Charge The Duties on Senna as a Medicinal Drug, and for The Appropriating Several Supplies Granted to His Majesty.
615547: George Hickling, F.G.S. - The Variation of Planorbis Multiformis, Bronn. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1913.
157145: George E. Fox, F.S.A., and W.H. St. John Hope, M.A. - 1890, Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia.
157139: George E. Fox, F.S.A. - Notes on a recent discovery of part of the Roman Wall of London. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1890.
510879: George W. Beadle, President of the University of Chicago. - The Place of Genetics in Modern Biology. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1962.
251591: George E. Fox, Esq., F.S.A. - 1891, Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia.
510096: George Findlay, Assoc.Inst.C.E. - The Working of Railways. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1875.
199128: George du Noyer, Esq. - The Cross-legged Sepulchral Effigies, existing at Cashel. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1844.
356272: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - 1743. King Stephen. Stephen of Blois. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
260152: Long George W. - Sea to Lakes on The St. Lawrence. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
225368: Prof. T. Neville George - Fossils and The Evolutionary Process. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1953.
350841: King George I - 1725. Taxation, etc. Act 1725 c. 26. An act for repealing the duties laid upon stuff, buying act made in the eighth year of her late Majesty's reign, and for ascertaining the rate according to which the remaining duties are to be paid, and forgiving further encouragement to the Greenland fishery.
350842: King George I - 1725. Customs, etc., Revenues Act 1725 c. 28. An act for the improvement of his Majesty's revenues of customs, excise and inland duties.
350845: King George I - 1726. National Debt Act 1726 c. 3. An act for redeeming sundry annuities transferable at the Bank of England, and the annuities payable on standing orders for army debentures, by the produce of the sinking fund, for applying to the same fund the money remaining in the Exchequer on the head of the bank debt, and making provision for future claims on the same date, and for applying the lottery tickets, 1726, which were returned into the Exchequer, to the discharge standing orders made out for the sufferers at Nevis and St. Christophers, as far as the same will extend.
609262: King George I - Debts Due to the Army, etc. Act 1718 c. 14. An Act to Continue The Commissioners Appointed to Examine, State and Determine The Debts due to The Army, and to Examine The Demands of Several Foreign Princes and States During The Late War.
609263: King George I - Colne River, Essex: Navigation Act 1718 c. 31. An Act for Cleansing and Making Navigable The Chanel from The Hythe at Colchester to Wivenhoe; and for Making The said Act more Effectual.
510905: George F. Bass, Research Associate, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. - The Promise of Underwater Archeology. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1963.
356258: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - 1743. King Henry VI. Painted on Board in the palace of Kensington. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
510931: George W. Hawes, Ph. D., Curator in the National Museum. - 1880. Geology, by George W. Hawes, Ph.D. Surveys ; Stratigraphy ; Lithology ; Clay Slate ; Coal & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
510932: George F. Barker, Professor of Physics in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. - 1880. Physics, by George F. Barker. Heat ; Electricity ; Light ; Acoustics & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
510933: George F. Barker, Professor of Physics in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. - 1880. Chemistry, by George F. Barker. Chemical ; Physics ; Inorganic & Organic. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
510934: George W. Hawes, Ph. D., Curator in the National Museum. - 1880. Mineralogy, by George W. Hawes, Ph.D. American Progress ; New Minerals ; Important Studies & Artificial Minerals. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
366183: George Rennie, F.R.S. - On the Expansion of Arches. An original article from Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1842.
609264: King George I - c.7. An Act for Collecting in Great Britain and Ireland, and other Parts of His Majesty's Dominions, The Duties Granted for The Support of The Royal Hospital at Greenwich, 1715.
609265: King George I - Whitechapel Highways Act 1721 c. 30. An Act for Repairing The Highways from The Stones End at Whitechapel Church in The County of Middlesex, to Shenfield; and to The Furthermost Part of The Parish of Woodford, Leading to The Tower of Epping in The County of Essex.
350792: King George I - 1718. National Debt Act 1718 c. 9. An act for continuing certain duties upon coals and culm, and for establishing certain funds to raise money, as well to proceed in the building of new churches, is also to complete the supply granted to his Majesty; and to reserve over plus monies of the said duties for the disposition of Parliament; and for more effectual suppressing private lotteries.
350798: King George I - 1718. Keeping of Gunpowder Act 1718 c. 26. An act for preventing the mischiefs which may happen by keeping two great quantities of gunpowder in near the cities of London and Westminster, or the suburbs thereof.
350800: King George I - 1718. Highway (Scotland) Act 1718 c. 30. An act for amending and making more effectual the laws for repairing the highways, bridges and ferries in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.
624533: A. D. George - Industrial Archaeology in Bolton and District. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1977.
198063: George R. Corner, Esq., F.S.A. - Notices of John Lord Stanhope...with reference to certain Letters to him...together with some Account of Sir Thomas Holcroft and Sir John Wotton, the writers of two of those Letters. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1860.
510181: George Moyle, M. Inst. C.E. - Conversion of Metre Gauge to Indian Standard (5 feet 6 inches) Gauge on the Bengal Nagpur Railway. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1890.
512461: George Wilson, M.D., F.R.S.E. - The Influence of Sunlight over the Action of the Dry Gases on Organic Colours. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
510950: George F. Barker, Professor of Physics in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. - 1887. Physics, by George F. Barker. Heat ; Electricity ; Light ; Acoustics & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887.
306102: George Henry Law, D.D., F.R.S., Lord Bishop of Chester - [1814] A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester at the Primary Visitation of that Diocese, in July, August and September 1814.
350819: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1721 c. 21, c. 22, & c. 23. [South Sea Company] An act to enable the Southsea company to dispose of the effects in their hands by way of lottery or subscription, or to sell part of their fund or annuity payable to the Exchequer, in order to pay the debts of the said company; and for relief of such who intended to have the benefit of a late act touching payment of 10\% therein mentioned. TOGETHER WITH an act to prevent the mischiefs by forging powers to transfer such stocks, or to receive such annuities or dividends of therein mentioned, or by fraudulently personally think the true owners thereof; and to rectify mistakes of the late managers for taking subscriptions for increasing the capital stock of the South Sea Company, and in the instruments founded thereupon, TOGETHER WITH an act for prolonging the times for hearing and determining claims before the trustees, in whom the estates of the late South Sea directors, and of John Aislabie, likewise of James Craggs, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
510958: George P. Merrill, Curator in the National Museum. - Petrography for 1887 & 1888. The Physical & Chemical Conditions of Crystallization ; Contact Metamorphism ; Necrology & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1888.
512462: George Wilson, M.D., F.R.S.E. - The presence of Fluorine in Blood & Milk. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
511779: George Brochner, of Copenhagen. - Studying the Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1902.
195226: George J. Goschen, Jun. - A Driving Tour in Corsica. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
510180: George Ernest Stevenson, M. Inst. C.E. - The Gas-Supply of Buenos Ayres. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1890.
350829: King George I - 1722. Copyholds Act 1722 c. 29. An act to enable lords of manors more easily to recover their fines, and to exempt infants and femmes covert from forfeitures of their copyholder states in particular cases.
512504: George Biddell Airy, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal. - George Biddell Airy, Presidential Address, 1851 to the British Association, Meeting at Ipswich. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1851.
512463: George Wilson, M.D., F.R.S.E. - The extent to which Flouride of Calcium is soluble in Water at 60 degress Fahrenheit. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
609407: King George I - Militia Act 1714 c. 14. An Act for Making The Militia of that Part of Great Britain called England more Useful, and for Obliging an Annual Account to be made of Trophy-Money.
509864: King George I - Civil List Act 1714 c. 1. An Act for the better Support of His Majesties Household, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown of Great Britain.
199404: George Scharf, Jun. - The Windows of King's College Chapel, Cambridge. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1855.
609363: King George I - Woollen Manufacture Act 1714 c. 15. An Act for Regulating, Improving and Encouraging of The Woollen Manufacture of Mixt or Medley Broad-Cloth, and for The Better Payment of The Poor therein.
251654: George Hubbard, Esq., - Notes on the cathedral church of Cefalu, Sicily. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1898.
198249: George Rolleston, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.S.A. - Further Researches in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Frilford, with Remarks on the Northern Limit of Anglo-Saxon Cremation in England. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1880.
148274: George C. Boon, F.S.A. - Micaceous Sigillata from Lezoux at Silchester, Caerleon, and other Sites. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1967.
511810: George Wharton James, of Pasadena, Cal. - Two Men in a Marble Trap, Arizona : exploring the Canyons of the Colorado. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
350846: King George I - 1726. Importation Act 1726 c. 5. An act for importing salt from Europe into the province of Pennsylvania in America.
350847: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1726 c. 8. [South Sea Company] An act to enable the South Sea Company, with the licence and content of the East-India company, to taking Negroes within their limits of trade, and to deliver the same at Buenos Ayres.
350848: King George I - 1726. River Dun, York: Navigation. Act 1726 c. 20. An act for improving the navigation of the river Dun, from a place called Holmstyle in the township of Doncaster in the County of York, to Wilsick House in the parish of Barmby Dun in the said County.
350849: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1726 c. 22. An act for enlarging the times for hearing and determining claims by the trustees for raising money upon the estates of the late directors of the South Sea Company, and others, Â… And for applying the produce of the said estates for the benefit of the South Sea Company.
512793: George Jesty & John Gray, Agent of F.D. Dickinson, M.P. - White Mustard TOGETHER WITH The Growth of White Mustard as a Green Crop for Sheep. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1845.
169595: George Frederick Beltz, Esq., K.H. F.S.A. - An Inquiry into the existing Narratives of the Battle of Cressy, with some Account of its Localities, Traditions , and Remains. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1840.
508657: George K. Holmes, Esq., Special Agent in Charge of Farms, Homes & Mortgages, Census of 1890. - Investigations of Mortgages & Farm & Home Proprietorship in the United States. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1893.
251961: George Jefferey, Esq., O.B.E., F.S.A. - Notes on the Origin of the Doric Style of Architecture. An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1928.
251449: George Laurence Gomme, Esq. - On Traces of the Primitive Village Community in English Municipal Institutions. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1880.
148343: George C. Boon, F.S.A., and H.N. Savory, F.S.A. - A Silver Trumpet-Brooch with Relief Decoration, Parcel-Gilt, from Carmarthen, and a Note on the Development of the Type. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1975.
609396: King George I - National Debt Act 1714 c. 19. An Act for Raising £910,000 for Public Services, by Sale of Annuities.
504656: George Bourne, illustrated by T. Somerfield - A Magician Among The Maoris, Northern Island of New Zealand. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
350790: King George I - 1718. Religious Worship Act 1718 c. 4. An act for strengthening the Protestant interest in these kingdoms.
350791: King George I - 1718. Corporations Act 1718 c. 6. An act for quieting and establishing corporations.
350795: King George I - 1718. Deer Stealers Act 1718 c. 15. An act for making more effectual and act of the third and fourth years of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, entitled an act for the more effectual discovery and punishment of deer steelers.
350797: King George I - 1718. Trade to the East Indies Act 1718 c. 21. An act for the better securing the lawful trade of his Majesty's subjects to and from the East Indies; and for the more effectual preventing all his majesties subject trading thither under foreign commissions.
624512: A. D. George - The Development of The Lancashire Cotton Factory. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1980.
350803: King George I - 1719. Manufacture of Serges, etc. Act 1719 c. 13. An act for ascertaining the breadths, preventing frauds and abuses in manufacturing serges, pladings and singrums, and for regulating the manufacturers of stockings in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.
509856: King George I - Sevenoaks Grammar School and Charity Act 1721 c. 31. An Act to vest the Ground, Wharf and Key, called Wooll-Key, in the Parish of All-Saints Barking in the City of London, with the buildings and Warehouses thereupon, in Trustees for his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors for ever, subject to an Agreement made on his Majesty's Behalf with the Wardens and Assistants of the Free-School in Sevenoaks in the County of Kent.
350810: King George I - 1720. Journeymen Tailors, London Act 1720 c. 13. An act for regulating the journeyman tailors within the weekly bills of mortality.
350812: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1720 c. 28. [South Sea Company] An act for raising money upon the estates of the late sub- governor, deputy governor, directors, cashier, deputy cashier, and accountant of the South Sea Company, and of John Aislabie, and likewise of James Craggs, towards making good the great loss and damage sustained by the said company; and for disabling such of the said persons as are living to hold any office or place of trust under the ground, or to sit vote in Parliament for the future, and for other purposes in the said act expressed.
350813: King George I - South Sea Bubble : National Debt Act 1721. An act for making several provisions to restore the public credit, which suffers by the frauds and mismanagement of the late directors of the South Sea Company, and others.
350820: King George I - South Sea Bubble : National Debt Act 1722 c. 6. An act for reviving and adding two millions to the capital stock of the South Sea Company.
150105: George Thin, M.D. - The Nucleus in The Frog's Ovum. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1885.
350827: King George I - 1722. Trade to the East Indies Act 1722 c. 26. An act to prevent his Majesty's subjects from subscribing or being concerned in encouraging or promoting any subscription for an East-India company in the Austrian Netherlands; and for the better securing the lawful trade of his Majesty's subjects to and from the East-Indies.
512001: George Stacy, of Perth, Western Australia. - The Fate of the Pearler Ethel, West Australian, Perth. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1900.
350833: King George I - 1724. Customs Act 1724 c. 7. An act for rating such unrated goods and merchandises as are usually imported into this kingdom, and pay a duty ad valorem upon the oath of the importer; and for ascertaining the value of all goods and merchandises not inserted in the former present book of rates; and for repealing certain duties upon drugs and rags; and for continue the duty upon apples; and for ascertaining the method of admeasuring of pictures imported.
252569: Harold George - Oxford at Home : Education. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
509851: King George I - Navy, etc. Act 1714 c. 25. An Act to prevent Disturbances by Seamen, and others; and to preserve the Stores belonging to his Majesty's Navy Royal; and also for explaining an Act for the better preventing the Imbezilment of his Majesty's Stores of War; and preventing Cheats, Frauds, and Abuses in paying Seamen's Wages; and for reviving and continuing an Act for the more effectual Suppression of Piracy.
509853: King George I - Robbery, etc. Act 1719 c. 23. An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Transportation of Felons.
251681: George E. Fox, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., W.H. St. John Hope, Esq., M.A., and Clement Reid, Esq., F.R.S. - 1900, Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia.
198190: George Witt, Esq., F.R.S. - An Account of Implements for the Bath found in a Stone Coffin at Urdingen, near Dusseldorf. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1871.
148990: Dr. George Dawson, and others - 1897. Ethnological Survey of Canada. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1897.
350822: King George I - 1722. Norwich, Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. Act 1722 c. 9. An act for the better qualifying the manufacturers of stuffs and yarn in the city of Norwich, and liberties thereof, to bear offices of magistracy in the said city, and to regulating elections of such officers.
350835: King George I - 1724. City of London Elections Act 1724 c. 18. An act for regulating elections within the City of London, and for preserving the peace, good order and government of the said city.
350836: King George I - 1724. Keeping of Gunpowder Act 1724 c. 23. An act for making more effectual and act passed in the fifth year of his Majesty's reign, entitled, and act for preventing of mischiefs which may happen by keeping too great quantities of gunpowder in or near the cities of London and Westminster, the suburbs thereof.
510318: Mr. George Sinclair, New Cross, Surrey, Author of the Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. An uncommon original article from the prize essays and transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835. - The Grasses & other Plants best Suited for Pasture during the Winter. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835.
356300: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - The Monument of King Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
510322: Mr. George Smith, Architect, Edinburgh & James Blaikie, Esq. of Craigiebuckler, Advocate in Aberdeen. - The Quarries of Sandstone in the Edinburgh & Glasgow Districts, & of the Principal Slate-Quarries in Scotland TOGETHER WITH the Slate Quarries of Aberdeenshire. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835.
510337: Mr. George Mather, Shepherd, New Scone, Perth. - The Sheep-Maggot & Fly, with Observations Relative to the other Kinds of Vermin to which Sheep are Liable. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835.
510336: Mr. George Smith, Architect, Edinburgh. - The Construction of Cottages, Suited for the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, & Adapted to the Climate of Scotland. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835.
613257: C. Oswald George - British Public Finance in Peace and War. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1941.
510365: George Dempster, Esq. of Skibo. - Plantations Made on the Estates of Skibo, in the County of Sutherland. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1837.
198163: George Scharf, Esq., F.S.A. - Notes on a Picture representing the Three Children of Philip King of Castile, in the possession of Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., F.S.A. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1869.
169604: George Ormerod, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., S.A. - An Account of some Ancient Remains existing in the District adjacent to the confluence of the Wye and the Severn...namely the probable line of the Brirish Akerman Street, the southern termination of Offa's Dyke, the Earthworks of Buttindune... An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1842.
350807: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1720 c. 1 & c. 2. [South Sea Company] An act for restraining the sub-governor, deputy governor, directors, treasurer or cashier, deputy cashier, and accountant of the South Sea Company, from going out of this kingdom for the space of one year, and until the end of the then next session of Parliament; and for discovering their estates and effects, and for preventing the transporting or alienating the same TOGETHER WITH an act to disable the present sub- governor, deputy governor and directors of the South Sea Company, at, from and after the respective times for electing a sub- governor, deputy governor and new directors of the said company, to take, hold or enjoy any office, place or employment in the said company, or in the East India Company, or Bank of England, and from voting upon elections in the said company.
350811: King George I - 1720. Trade to East Indies, etc. Act 1720 c. 21. An act for the further preventing his Registry's subjects from trading to the East Indies under foreign commissions; and for encouraging and further securing the lawful trade thereto; and for further regulating the pilots of Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet.
512481: George Busk, F.R.S. - A List of Sertularian Zoophytes & Polyzoa from Port Natal, Algoa Bay, & Table Bay, in South Africa ; with Remarks on their Geographical Distribution, & Observations on the Genera Plumularia & Catenicella. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
198104: George Scharf, Esq., F.S.A. - Notes on several of the Portraits described in the preceding Memoir, and on some others of the like character. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1866.
198106: George Scharf, Esq., F.S.A. - Remarks on a Portrait of the Duchess of Milan, recently discovered at Windsor Castle, probably painted by Holbein at Brussels in the year 1538. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1866.
356286: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - The Monument of King Edward V and his Brother, Richard in Westminster Abbey. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
197954: George Pryce, Esq. - 1853. An Examination of the Church of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, with a view to ascertain whether the claim usually accorded to Simon de Burton, and the two William Canynges, as the founders and re-constructors of that edifice, is based upon fact. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1853.
614396: Patrick George - Painting What You Can See. An original article from the London Magazine 1962.
509889: King George I - Mutiny Act 1714 c. 3. An Act for the better regulating the Forces to be continued in His Majesty's Service, and for the Payment of the said Forces, and of their Quarters.
609409: King George I - Trade to East Indies, etc. Act 1720 c. 21. An Act for Preventing His Majesty's Subjects from Trading to The East-Indies under Foreign Commissions and Securing The Lawful Trade.
509881: King George I - Church Patronage (Scotland) Act 1718 c. 29. An Act for making more effectual the Laws appointing the Oaths for Security of the Government, to be taken by Ministers and Preachers in Churches and Meeting-houses in Scotland.
509890: King George I - Crown Lands (Forfeited Estates) Act 1715 c. 50. An Act for appointing Commissioners to enquire of the Estates of certain Traitors, and of Popish Recusants, and of Estates given to Superstitious Uses, in order to raise Money out of them severally for the Use of the Publick.
512487: George Newport, F.R.S., F.L.S. - The Reciprocal Relation of the Vital & Physical Forces. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
512826: George Buckland, Land-Agent. - Farming of Kent. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1845.
371230: F.B. George - The Consett Iron Company's Steam Locomotive Cranes. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1968.
609369: King George I - National Debt Act 1718 c. 3. An Act for Applying certain Overplus Monies, as well by way of a Lottery, as by Loans, towards Paying off and Cancelling Exchequer Bills.
152327: George Young, Ph.D. - The Existence of Certain Semicarbazides in more than one Modification. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1901.
350843: King George I - 1725. Suitors of Court of Chancery Act 1725 c. 32. An act for better securing the monies and effects of the suitors of the Court of Chancery; and to prevent the counterfeiting of East-India bonds, and endorsements thereon; as likewise endorsements on South-Sea bonds.
615610: George Hickling, F.G.S. - British Permian Footprints. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1909.
350852: King George I - 1726. Crown Lands - Forfeited Estates Act 1726 c. 28. An act for sale of such of the forfeited estates in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, as remain unsold, and are vested in the Crown; and for determining such claims on the said estates, as having been duly entered remain undetermined.
509865: King George I - Pilotage Act 1716 c. 13. An Act for the better regulating of Pilots for the conducting of Ships and Vessels from Dover' Deal, and the Isle of Thanet, up the Rivers of Thames and Medway.
509866: King George I - Exportation, etc. Act 1716 c. 21. An Act for continuing the Liberty of exporting Irish Linen-cloth to the British Plantations in America Duty-free; and for the more effectual Discovery of and prosecuting such as shall unlawfully export Wool and Woollen Manufactures from Ireland; and for Relief of John Fletcher, in respect of the Duty by him paid for a Quantity of Salt lost in the Exportation for Ireland.
619193: George W. Shrubsole, F.G.S. - A Settlement of Prehistoric People in Delamere Forest. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1892.
609398: King George I - Journeymen Tailors, London Act 1720 c. 13. An Act for Regulating The Journeymen Taylors within The Weekly Bills of Mortality.
609397: King George I - Persuading Soldiers to Desert, etc. Act 1715 c. 47. An Act for The Exemplary Punishment of Persons who Seduce Soldiers to Desert, or who shall Inlist Themselve in His Majesty's Service in Great Britain or Ireland or The Islands of Jersey or Guernsey.
361843: MADNESS OF KING GEORGE - George III. Report made by the Physicians attending his Majesty, from the commencement of his indisposition to the 28th of February. An original article from the Universal Magazine, 1789.
609373: King George I - Plate Duty Act 1719 c. 11. An Act for Laying a Duty Upon Wrought Plate; and for Applying Money Arising for The Clear Produce by Sale of The Forfeited Estates.
609376: King George I - Trade to East Indies, etc. Act 1720 c. 21. An Act for The Further Preventing His Majesty's Subjects from Trading to The East-Indies under Foreign Commissions.
619201: George W. Shrubsole, F.G.S. - The Locality of Great Boughton in The Time of The Romans. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1895.
371381: GEORGE BUCHANAN, 1571 - Ane Admonitioun, Direct to The Trew Lordis Mantenaris of The Kings Graces Authoritie. An original small format article from the Harleian Miscellany, 1808.
624839: A. D. George - West Cumberland - The Industrial Archaeology. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1970.
369393: GEORGE & HENRY GODWIN, ARCHITECTS - 1867 : Elmdale House, Clifton Downs, Bristol. George & Henry Godwin, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
510462: George Bell, Esq. Woodhouselees, Dumfriesshire. - The Comparative Produce of Thorough-Drained & Undrained Land. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1841.
350830: King George I - 1723. Papists Act 1723 c. 4. An act for explaining and amending an act to oblige all persons, being papists, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and all persons in Great Britain, refusing neglect in to take the oath appointed for the security of his Majesty's person and government, by several acts herein mentioned, to register their names and real estates.
350831: King George I - South Sea Bubble : National Debt Act 1723 c. 5. An act for redeeming certain annuities after the rate of 5 pounds percent per annum; and for payment of the principal and interest understanding orders for the blank tickets in the lottery granted for the service of the year 1714; and for making good the loss which happened in the Treasury of his Majesty's Exchequer, by the reduction of guineas; and for granting relief to Catherine Collingwood, widow.
198040: George Richard Corner, Esq., F.S.A. - Observations on the Remains of an Anglo-Norman Building in the Parish of Saint Olave, Southwark, hitherto assumed to have been the Hostelry of the Priors of Lewes, but now believed to have been the Manor House of the Earls of Warren and Surrey... An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1860.
347952: King George I - 1727. An Act for The Free Importation of Cochineal, during The Time therein Limited.
512497: George Buchanan, F.R.S.E., Civil Engineer. - On some proposed Improvements in Valves, Stopcocks or Stoppers for regulating the Passage of Fluids, by the Use of Flexible Sustances. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
619200: George W. Shrubsole, F.G.S. - The Roman Earthenware Waterpipes in The Grosvenor Museum. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1895.
609366: King George I - c. 15. An Act for the Better Regulating The Office of Sheriffs, and for Ascertaining their Fees, and The Fees for Suing out their Patents, and Passing their Accounts, 1716.
609365: King George I - National Debt Act 1716 c. 7. An Act for Redeeming The Duties and Revenues on Four Lottery Acts Passed and for Redeeming Annuities Payable on Orders out of The Hereditary Excise.
619225: George W. Shrubsole, F.G.S. - Shocklach Churchyard Cross. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1899.
624933: A. D. George - Carlisle's Industrial Archaeology. An original article from the Industrial Archaeology Journal, 1973.
609362: King George I - National Debt Act 1714 c. 12. An Act for Enlarging The Fund of The Governor and Company of The Bank of England; Relating to Exchequer Bills.
198070: George Scharf, Esq., F.S.A. - Additional Observations on some of the Painters contemporary with Holbein. In a Letter to J.G. Nichols, Esq. F.S.A. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1863.
148886: George Jennings Hinde, Ph.D. - The Organic Origin of The Chert in The Carboniferous Limestone Series of Ireland and its Similarity to that in The Corresponding Strata in North Wales and Yorkshire. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1887.
352600: George Claridge Druce, F.S.A. - Notes on Birds in Mediaeval Church Architecture. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1914.
152654: Drs. George , and Frances Elizabeth Hoggan - The Origin of The Lymphatics. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1875.
609368: King George I - Piracy Act 1717 c. 11. An Act for The Further Preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for The Effectual Transportation of Felons, and Unlawful Exporters of Wool.
609370: King George I - National Debt Act 1718 c. 9. An Act for Continuing certain Duties upon Coals and Culm, and for Establishing certain Funds to Raise Money.
215579: George Speake, George - A Seventh-Century Coin-Pendant from Bacton, Norfolk, and its Ornament. An original article from the Journal of The Society for Medieval Archaeology, 1970.
609367: King George I - Papists Act 1716 c. 18. An Act to Oblige Papists to Register their Names and Real Estates; and for Enlarging The Time of such Registering; and for Securing Purchases Made by Protestants.
251558: George Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A. - An Archaeological Survey of Kent. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1888.
199507: George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S. - on discoveries of Roman Remains in Sedbury, within the Parish of Tidenham, Gloucestershire, and on the supposed Site of a Roman Military Position there, near the confluence of the Severn and Wye. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1860.
199508: George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S. - The Chapelry of St. Briavel's, Gloucestershire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1860.
509507: George N. Barnes, M.P. - Trade Unions & their Secretaries. An original article from the Review of Reviews, 1908.
225088: Prof. T.N. George - The Training of The Geologist. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1949.
197929: George Roberts, Esq. - Memoir on the Practice of Banishment, as it obtained in the Reign of James II. among those who were sentenced to death for their Participation in the Rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1852.
508556: George G. Chisholm, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., F.R.G.S. - An Examination of the Coal & Iron Production of the Principal Coal & Iron Producing Countries of the World, with Reference to the English Coal Question. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1890.
511830: George Wharton James, of Pasadena, Cal. - The Fire Dance of the Navahoes : a description of the North American Navahoe Indian's rites & ceremonies particularly the Fire Dance. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
199639: George Scharf, F.S.A. - Queen Elizabeth's procession in a Litter to Celebrate the Marriage of Anne Russell at Blackfriars, June 16, 1600. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1866.
199691: George V. Du Noyer, M.R.I.A. - Ancient Sun-Dials. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1868.
350824: King George I - 1722. Taxation Act 1722 c. 18. An act for grant-in-aid to his Majesty by laying attacks upon papists, and for making such other persons, as upon due summons shall refuse or neglect to take the oath therein mentioned, to contribute towards the said tax, for reimbursing to the public part of the great expense occasioned by the late conspiracies; and for discharging the estates of papers from the two third parts of the rents and profits thereof for one year, and all arrears of the same, and from such forfeitures as are therein more particularly described.
350825: King George I - 1722. Lotteries Act 1722 c. 19. An act to continue the duties for encouragement of the coinage of monies; and for relief of William late Lord Widdrington; and to prevent foreign lotteries being carried on in this kingdom; and for ascertaining the duties on bound books imported; Â… And for discharging the duties of rock salt lost on the rivers Weaver and Mersey...
624896: A. D. George - Industrial Archaeology in Manchester. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1971.
198185: George Stephens, Esq., F.S.A. - Scandinavian Runic Stones which speak of Knut the Great, King of all the North. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1871.
308695: David George - Early Victorian Church Restoration in Shropshire: Cound, 1841-3. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1989.
609378: King George I - Judgments, Wales and Counties Palatine Act 1721 c. 25. An Act for Obligations to be taken by Two Chief Justices, The Mayor of The Staple, and The Recorder of London.
356257: George Vertue, Engraver (1684-1756) - 1743. King Henry V. From an antient Picture now in the Palace at Kensington. Engraved by George Vertue. This is an original 279 year old copper engraving separated from Rapin de Thoyras' History of England, London, printed 1743.
609377: King George I - South Sea Bubble : South Sea Company Act 1720 c. 28. An Act for Raising Money upon The Estates of The Late Sub-Governor, Deputy Governor, Directors, Cashier, Deputy Cashier and Accountant of The South Sea Company.
198080: George Sharpe, Esq., F.S.A. - Portraits from Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, and Wilton House. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1863.
512292: George Brocklehurst, of Gainsborough. - The Trent Aegir. The Tidal bore at Gainsborough. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
619186: George W. Shrubsole, F.G.S. - The Traffic Between Deva and The Coast of North Wales, in Roman Times. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1887.
509760: King George I - Fish Act 1714 c. 18. An Act for the better preventing fresh Fish taken by Foreigners being imported into this Kingdom; and for the Preservation of the Fry of Fish; and for the giving Leave to import Lobsters and Turbets in Foreign Bottoms; and for the better Preservation of Salmon within several Rivers in that Part of this Kingdom called England.
406912: George Augustus Sala, illustrations by J.W. Couldery - Dumbledowndeary Come to Life Again. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1892.
149625: George J. Romanes, M.A., F.L.S., &c. - Physiology of The Nervous System of Medusae. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1876.
509761: King George I - Edinburgh Beer Duties Act 1716 c. 5. An Act for continuing the Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one sixth Part of a Penny Sterling, on every Pint of Ale and Beer that shall be vended or sold within the City of Edinburgh...
509762: King George I - Estreats Act 1716 c. 15. An Act for the better regulating the Office of Sheriffs, and for ascertaining their Fees, and the Fees for suing out their Patents,and passing their Accompts.
509763: King George I - General Pardon Act 1716 c. 19. An Act for the King's most Gracious, General, and Free Pardon.
509764: King George I - Crown Lands - Forfeited Estates Act 1717 c. 8. An Act for vesting the forfeited Estates in Great Britain and Ireland in Trustees, to be sold for the Use of the Publick; and for giving Relief to lawful Creditors, by determining the Claims; and for the more effectual bringing into the respective Exchequers the Rents and Profits of the said Estates, till sold.
510055: George W. Marshall, LL.M. - The Families of Marshall, of Rampton & Tuxford, in the County of Notts., with Extracts from the Parish Registers of those Places. An original article from the Reliquary, Quarterly Journal & Review, 1868.
509767: King George I - Keeping of Gunpowder Act 1718 c. 26. An Act for preventing the Mischiefs which may happen by keeping too great Quantities of Gun-powder in or near the Cities of London and Westminster, or the Suburbs thereof.
509854: King George I - Salt Duties, etc. Act 1721 c. 4. An Act for taking off the Duty upon all Salt used in the curing of Red Herrings, and laying a proportionable Duty upon all Red Herrings consumed at Home only; and for ascertaining the Customs and Excise payable for the Sugar-Houses in Scotland; and for making an Allowance for Salt lost in any Harbour or River of this Realm; and for the better securing the Duties on Salt delivered in Scotland.
509768: King George I - Bruntisland Beer Duties Act 1719 c. 8. An Act for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or One sixth Part of a Peny Sterling, upon every Scots Pint of Beer or Ale vended or sold within the Town of Bruntisland, and Liberties thereof, for increasing the publick Revenue of the said Town, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
509771: King George I - River Darwent, Derby: Navigation. Act 1719 c. 27. An Act for making the River Darwent in the County of Derby navigable.
509772: King George I - Bath Highways, Streets, etc. Act 1720 c. 19. An Act for continuing an Act made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, Intituled, An Act for repairing and enlarging the Highways between the Top of Kingsdown Hill and the City of Bath; and also several Highways leading to and through the said City; and for cleansing, paving, and lightning the Streets, and regulating the Chairmen there; and for explaining and making the said Act more effectual.
509773: King George I - Buckinghamshire Roads Act 1720 c. 24. An Act for Repairing the Road from Wedover to the Town of Buckingham in the County of Bucks.
509774: King George I - Marylebone Road Act 1720 c. 26. An Act for Repairing the Road from Saint Giles's Pound, to Kilbourne-Bridge, in the County of Middlesex.
509775: King George I - Shoreditch Highways Act 1720 c. 32. An Act to explain and amend the Act of the Twelfth Year of Her late Majesties Reign, Intituled, An Act for Repairing the Highway or Road from the Stones-End in the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the County of Middlesex, to the furthermost part of the Northern Road in the Parish of Enfeild in the same County, next to the Parish of Cheshunt in the County of Hertford.
509776: King George I - Eden River, Cumberland (Temporary Tolls for Improvement) Act 1721 c. 14. An Act for making the River Eden navigable to Bank End in the County of Cumberland.
254482: George Lindsay Johnson, M.A., M.D. - Some Curious Optical Illusions. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1897.
152631: George StewardsBrady, C.M.Z.S., and David Robertson, F.G.S. - Dredging off The Coast of Durham and North Yorkshire in 1874. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1875.
199827: George Scharf, F.S.A. - The Principal Portraits of Devonshire Worthies. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1874.
604533: M. Dorothy George - Some Caricatures on The Clergy of Wales. An original article from The National Library of Wales Journal, 1945.
150760: George Seton, M.A. - The Expediency of recording Still-Births An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
150761: George Seton, M.A. - Certain Cases of Questioned Legitimacy under The Operation of The Scottish Registration Act (17 &18 Vict.c 80). An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
512418: George Busk, F.L.S. - The Employment of Gutta Percha for Modelling. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1847.
255835: George D. Abraham, illustrated by W.C. Nicolson. - Mr. E.C. Crump, the climber who was lost for 18 days in the Lakeland Crags : Mountain Mysteries. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
251588: George E. Fox, Esq., F.S.A. - Recent discoveries of Roman Remains in Lincoln. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1892.
251559: George Scharf, Esq., C.B., F.S.A. - A Brief Account of a Small Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots; preserved at Osborne House, in the Isle of Wight. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1888.
251440: Prof. Dr. George Stephens, F.S.A. - On an Ebony Pax bearing the Legend of St. Veronica. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1881.
260170: Long George W. - Yugoslavia, Between East and West. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
260166: Cameron George G. - Darius Carvedd History on Ageless Rock. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
610457: F. George - Notes on some Glaciation Features of Ubekendt Ejland, West Greenland. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1969.
252030: George H. Gabb, Esq. - The Astrological Astrolabe of Queen Elizabeth. An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1936.
601301: George D'Oyly - Bellamy's Translation of the Bible; with Notes critical and explanatory. A review with excerpts. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1818.
170563: George D'Oyly - The Bishop of London and Mr. Belsham, in Vindication of the Unitarians. A review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1815.
602393: George D'Oyly - Clavier's History of Early Greece. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1811.
349574: Thomas Dunham Whitaker & George D'Oyly - Chalmers On the Christian Revelation. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1817.
600432: George D'Oyly - Dealtry's Principles of Fluxions. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1811.
170640: George D'Oyly - Heber's Bampton Lectures. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1817.
600763: George D'Oyly - Translation of the Bible. Bellamy, Sir J. B. Burges, &c. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1820.
600756: George D'Oyly - Abernethy, Lawrence, etc. on the Theories of Life; a review of the various ideas. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1819.
602504: Kingscote Georgiana - The Decline of Indian Taste. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1891.
623940: Linda Georgianna - King Hrethel's Sorrow and The Limits of Heroic Action in Beowulf. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1987.
240494: Georgi Georgiev - The Azmak Mound in Southern Bulgaria. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1965.
421952: Desmond Fitz-Gerald - Nathaniel Clements, Irish Politician and some Eighteenth-Century Irish Houses. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1966.
421950: Anthony Coleridge and Desmond Fitz-Gerald - Eighteenth-Century Irish Furniture: A Provincial Manifestation. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1966.
414915: Gerald Cadogan, Anthony Harding and Roger Howell - Pavlopetri, an Underwater Bronze Age Town in Laconia. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1969.
510913: Gerald S. Hawkins, Astronomer, Smithsonian. - The Secret of Stonehenge. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1964.
407798: Gerald Clarke, illustrated by W.R.S. Stott - Jones Number One. An exciting story from the American oil-fields.This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
148381: F.H.T., Gerald Brodribb, Alan McWhirr, and Maggi Darling - 1977. Romano-British Chimney-Pots and Finials. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1977.
420995: Desmond Fitz-Gerald - Irish Gardens of the Eighteenth Century: The Baroque and the Rococo. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1968.
504706: Gerald Pearce, illustrated by W.R.S. Stott. - Tough, Pugnacious Hercules : the story of the toughest man, physically & mentally. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
247982: Gerald Brenan, illustrated by Rene Bull. - The Sultan and the Seddsman. The Story of How Phineas Skinner Served the Empire. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1900.
511443: W.G. Fitz-Gerald - The Science of Slaughter : German & French Siege Guns ; Explosion of a Land & Earth Mine : Firing a Torpedo from a Torpedo-Boat & more. An uncommon original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1914.
603105: A. Gerard - The Systolic Rhythm: The Structure of Coleridge's Conversation Poems. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1960.
363440: Ernest Gerard - Tests of Electric Motors on Belgian State Railways. An original article from Engineering, 1901.
603020: Albert Gerard - Coleridge, Keats and The Modern Mind. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1951.
610972: Rev. William Gerard - Parish of Strickathrow. Presbytery of Brechin, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
620958: GERARDUS III, HOLLAND - 1871 : Tomb of Gerardus III, Roermond, Holland. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
416952: Norman Geras - Marx and Human Nature: Refutation of a Legend. Published by Verso 1983.
610167: I. P. Gerasimov - The Geographical Study of Agricultural Land Use. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1958.
420621: Charlotte Gere - Eliot Hodgkin: Painter and Collector. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1990.
504399: Cathy Gere - Restoring Faith : British antiquarian Arthur Evans sought to re-enchant the world with his utopian interpretation of Crete's ancient Minoan civilisation. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2009.
421747: J.A. Gere - Thomas Jones (1742-1803): The Welsh Writer as an Artist. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
613825: Robert G. Scott and Peter A. Gergay - Dear Mr Scott… an Exchange of Books and Letters Between Robert G. Scott and Peter A. Gergay. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1982.
619890: Dorian Gerhold - John Hanforth and Manchester's First Stage Coaches. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2007.
506031: Gerke - Cost of Levelling in Germany. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1893.
622923: GERMAN HOSPITAL, DALSTON - 1864 : The German Hospital, Dalston. Professor Donaldson, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
616897: GERMAN ERRORS, WORLD WAR ONE - What Every German Doesn't Know. An original article from The National Review, 1919.
513282: CANOEING IN GERMANY - Our German Canoe Trip : Four Englishmen's holiday canoeing down a small German river, thought by the local police to be foreign Spies. By David McLean. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1906.
411768: GERMANY - A Consultation in San Remo; Doctors Discussing the Condition of the Crown Prince of Germany. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1888.
408599: GERMANY - Holy Trinity Church, Wildbad, Wurtemberg. An original print and short accompanying article from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
621311: GERMANY, DALSTON - 1864 : The German Hospital, Dalston. Professor Donaldson, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
622983: MEMORIALS AND CROSSES IN GERMANY - 1883 : Way-Side Memorials and Crosses in Germany. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
368014: GERMANY - Parliament Building, Stuttgart. Architect; Erwin Heinle et al. By Jurgen Joedicke. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1961.
367937: GERMANY - Auditorium Building, Hamburg University, Germany. Architect; Bernhard Hermkes. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1961.
357613: Germany - William I, German Emperor. The Emperor William's 88th Birthday. The daily march past of the Guards. An original print from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
411794: GERMANY - Flooding in North Germany: Saving People at Lenzen on the Elbe and Flooded Street at Domitz on the Elbe. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1888.
411796: GERMANY - The Orangery at the Palace of Charlottenburg, Berlin. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1888.
411807: GERMANY - The Emperor of Germany Taking His Daily Drive in the Park at Charlottenburg. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1888.
363755: Germany - Germany : Treaty of Defensive Alliance between His Britannic Majesty and the Emperor of Germany, 20th May 1795. From Woodfall's Impartial Report of the Debates that Occur in the Two Houses of Parliament, 1795.
416694: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY - Unveiling the German National Monument at Rudesheim on the Rhine. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
510130: M. Desire Gernez - Researches on Ebullition : liquids heated in contact with solids. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1875.
366793: Maurice Gerothwohl - European Policy and the Balkans. An original article from the Monthly Review, 1903.
602736: Stanley Gerr - The Suitability of The Big Wooden Schooner for Long-Distance Deep-Sea Trading. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1975.
316717: Gerry Kearns, Paul Laxton & Joy Campbell - Duncan and The Cholera Test: Public Health in Mid Nineteenth-Century Liverpool. A rare original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1994.
405968: Georg Gerster - Saving the Ancient Temples at Abu Simbel, beside the Nile. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1966.
514550: Gervase Phillips, Manchester Metropolitan University. - Douglas Haig & the Development of Twentieth-Century Cavalry. An original article from Archives, the Journal of the British Records Association, 2003.
514540: Gervase Phillips, Manchester Metropolitan University. - An Army of Giants : Height & Medical Characteristics of Welsh Soldiers, 1914-1918. An original article from Archives, the Journal of the British Records Association, 1997.
415172: Geraldine C. Gesell - The 'Town Fresco' of Thera. A Reflection of Cretan Topography. Author's presentation copy. 1980.
205008: W.M. Gesner - On The habits of The pouched Rat, or Salamander, (Geomys Pineti,) of Georgia. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1860.
200352: William Gesner - Mica Beds in Alabama. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879.
200609: Rutherford J. Gettens - Minerals in Art and Archeology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1961.
420483: Crommer de Geus - The History of the Dutch Wall Tile as Exemplified in the Vis Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1921.
366323: Sharon Gewirtz - Anti-Fascist Activity in Manchester's Jewish Community in the 1930s. An original article from Manchester Region History Review magazine, 1990.
411124: Michael Geyer - The Nazi State: Machine or Morass? An original article from History Today, 1986.
603951: Leo Freiherr Von Geyr - Some Comments on The Rebuilding of The German Bundeswehr. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1965.
612502: A. Ghali - Three-Dimensional Analysis of Shear Walls. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1972.
417513: Stella Ghervas - The Congress of Vienna: A Peace for the Strong following Napoleon's Defeat. An original article from History Today magazine, 2014.
285455: Brewster Ghiselin - D.H. Lawrence in Bandol. An original article from the London Magazine 1958.
614925: Amal Kar and Bimal Ghose - The Drishadvati River System of India: An Assessment and New Findings. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1984.
610693: Ghose, B., Kar, Amal. & Husain, Zahid. - The Lost Courses of the Saraswati River in the Great Indian Desert: New Evidence from Landsat Imagery. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1979.
612571: S. N. Ghosh - Boundary Shear Distribution in Channles with Varying Wall Roughness. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1972.
615157: Peter Ghosh - Gibbon's First Thoughts: Rome, Christianity and The Essai Sur L'Etude de la Litterature 1758-61. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1995.
612453: S. Ghosh - Boundary Shear Distribution in Open Channel Compound. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1971.
615232: P. R. Ghosh - Gibbon's Dark Ages: Some Remarks on The Genesis of The Decline and Fall. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1983.
615287: P. R. Ghosh - Gibbon Observed. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1991.
240425: A. Ghosh - The Centenary of The Archaeologica Survey of India. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1962.
370339: Prof. J.C. Ghosh - Presidential Address, Section of Chemistry, Twelfth Indian Science Congress, August 1925.
514490: J.C. Ghosh, D.N. Das Gupta, N.C. Roy, & H.K. Chatterjee - Studies on the Photosensitizing Action by Iodine ; Isomeric Transformation of Allocinnamylidene Acetic Acid into the Normal Form in Methyl Alcohol, Chloroform, and in Mixtures of Alcohol, Chloroform and Water. An offprint from the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Volume 34.
612817: K. K. Ghosh - Wire Mesh as Shear Reinforcement in Concrete. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
253106: A. Sarathkumar Ghosh - Tricky Animal Traps. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
514479: Bhupendra Nath Ghosh - The Electrokinetic Potential and its Relation to the Rate of Coagulation of Colloids. Part 1. An offprint from the Transactions of the Chemical Society.
337575: David Giacardi - Classics Illustrated : Americans & British Editions of these Comics are very Collectable. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
324854: David Giacardi - Garth. Looking Back at The Career of The Daily Mirror's Ever-Popular Comic Strip Character. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
324983: David Giacardi - The Bonnie and Clyde Story. Books and Comics about The Legendary Bandits. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1994.
198532: Giacomo Boni, Hon. F.S.A. - The Niger Lapis in the Comitium at Rome. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1900.
410515: Giuseppe Giangrande - The 'Recensio Lacapeniana' of Eunapius' Vitae Sophistarum. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1954.
222478: Gibb, J.H. - The AngloSaxon Cathedral at Sherborne. With an Appendix on Documentary Evidence by R.D.H.Gibb. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1975.
150806: Prof. A.W. Gibb, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. - Solid Geology. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1934.
418850: J.H.P. Gibb - Resorting Sherborne Abbey in Dorset. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
225207: Sir Claude Gibb - Two Thousand Years of Engineering. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1951.
410495: H.A.R. Gibb - The Achievement of Saladin. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1952.
619101: Tony Gibb - Secondhand Bookselling in Manchester: A Personal Backward Glance. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2001.
422741: Thomas Gibb - The Landslip and Movement of the Moss in Auchengray Estate, Slamannan, August, 1861. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1862.
419411: Frederick Gibberd - The Kielder Reservoir: A New Lake for Northumbia. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1974.
323271: Robert Gibbings - Memories of Eric Gill. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1953.
412219: Peter Gibbins - Logics as Models of Music. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1976.
613227: Gwilym Gibbon - The Public Social Services. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1937.
611004: Rev. Charles Gibbon - Parish of Lonmay. Presbytery of Deer, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
367050: William Gibbon - Account of a Burial Urn, Discovered a Colney, in Norfolk. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1803.
367053: William Gibbon. - Observations on the Remains of a Stone Cross, or Pillar, at Hemsby, in the Hundred of West Flegg, in the County of Norfolk. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1803.
613220: Gwilym Gibbon - The Expenditure and Revenue of Local Authorities. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1936.
415827: Robert W. Gibbon - The Old Church of Deer, Aberdeenshire. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1927.
605536: Charles Gibbon - The Dedications of The Churches and Chapels. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1860.
619650: J. Harold Gibbons - The Royal Shrine at Westminster. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1911.
614871: C. L. M. H. Gibbons - Tors in Swaziland. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1981.
371084: Chester H. Gibbons - History of Testing Machines for Materials. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1935.
511981: Daniel Gibbons - Monkey, the Siberian terrier : the Biography of a Famous Dog in the United States, who has won countless prizes, and is valued at five thousand dollars. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1903.
603368: T. H. Gibbons - Dubliners and The Critics. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1967.
239317: W.A. Gibbons - The Rubber Industry, 1839-1939. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1940.
351651: Major A. St. H. Gibbons - Bagging a Man-Eater. A true account of Lion hunting in Africa. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1898.
412167: Tom Gibbons - Modernism in Poetry: The Debt to Arthur Symons. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1973.
615661: James Gibbons - Action of Light on certain Vanadium Compounds. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1876.
324609: P. N. Gibbs - Books on Western Films. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1988.
195199: Anthony Gibbs. - A Chapter of Accidents (Hunting). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1897.
205180: Wolcott Gibbs - List of Apparatus relating to Heat, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, and Sound, available for Scientific Researches involving accurate measurements. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1878.
424090: Gary Gibbs - The Van Doos: 22nd Regiment of Canada. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2014.
200606: George Gibbs - Instructions for Archaeological Investigations in The United States. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1861.
200776: George Gibbs - Physical Atlas of North America. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1866.
424096: Gary Gibbs - The Zeughaus Coat - Corporal, Coldstream Guards c. 1798. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2014.
604144: N. H. Gibbs - Arms Control and Disarmament. An original article from The Journal of The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 1972.
424099: Gary Gibbs - Yeomanry Parades: Guidons Displayed in 1994 and 2000. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2015.
506849: L. Gibbs - The Iron Chest, who belonged to Mr. G.P. Watson, Londonthorpe. An original article from the Reliquary, Quarterly Journal & Review, 1888.
205088: George Gibbs - On The Language of The Aboriginal Indians of America. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1870.
502577: Philip Gibbs - An Old Flemish House: The House of The Visitation at Bruges. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1911.
424092: Gary Gibbs - 1936, Nazis in London. The funeral of the German Ambassador. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2014.
366679: Vicary Gibbs - The Battle of Boroughbridge and The Boroughbridge Roll. An original article from The Genealogist, 1904.
205030: George Gibbs - The Intermixture of Races. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864.
351660: Captain M. Gibbs - A Forest on Fire : The story of a great bush fire in Albury, NSW, Australia. Homesteads wiped out, a town threatened and how the people fought the flames. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1898.
150915: Professor Willard Gibbs - Electro-Chemical Thermo-Dynamics. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1888.
604922: Thomas Gibbs - A First List of Derbyshire Agaries, part 1. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1908.
420309: Roger Gibbs - The Cresta Run. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
604933: Thomas Gibbs - A First List of Derbyshire Agaries, part 2. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1909.
325379: Martin Gibbs - Philip Gibbs. Author and Journalist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2001.
351642: Captain M. Gibbs. - For the Company's Credit. An exciting story of a race at sea between big ocean-going liners, the struggles of the engine room staff, and the ultimate victory of the British owned ship of the Pacfic Steam Navigation Company. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1898.
617168: Gary G. Gibbs - Child-Marriages in The Diocese of Chester, 1561-1565. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 1988.
422498: Robert Gibbs - Ferrer Bassa and the Pseudo-Ferrer at Pedralbes. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1992.
149296: Professor Walcott Gibbs - Complex Inorganic Acids. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1884.
604965: Thomas Gibbs - Mycological Notes on The Seasons 1909-1910. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1911.
424102: Gary Gibbs - Badges of the North Irish TA Band. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2017.
620712: C. W. Gibby - Some Old Durham Roads. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1943.
620715: R. H. Edleston and C. W. Gibby - Grave Covers at St. Oswald's Church, Durham. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1948.
620720: C. W. Gibby - The Church of St. Mary The Less, Durham. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1950.
416720: GIBRALTAR - A Picnic in the Cork Woods, near Gibraltar. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1877.
423172: Charles R. Gibson - An Occasional Peculiarity in 'my own' Colour Vision. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1908.
622736: J. Harris Gibson - Notes, Historical and Antiquarian Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1879.
615593: A. H. Gibson - The Local Intensification of Draught Produced in a Horizontal Air Current by The Presence of an Inclined Rod. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1909.
298763: J.P. Gibson - Some Notes on Prehistoric Burials on Tyneside and The Discovery of Two Cists of The Bronze Period in Dilston Park. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1906.
217296: T. A. Gibson - Gum-Trees and Beni Ulid. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
622394: Alex Gibson - Neolithic Pottery from Ogmore, Glamorgan. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1998.
207396: George H. Gibson - High-Speed Electric Interurban Railways. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
245893: Gibson T. A. - The Last Romantic. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
420473: Eugenie Gibson - Stuart Embroiderers at Chequers. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1919.
620684: John Gibson - Mount Grace Priory. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1934.
620691: John Gibson - The Parish Church of Warden, Northumberland. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1936.
505259: George R. Gibson - A Lampful of Oil : Petroleum Wells & Refining. Colonel Edwin Laurentine Drake, also known as Colonel Drake, was an American businessman and the first American to successfully drill for oil. An uncommon original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
401072: J.M. Gibson - The 1566 Survey of the Kent Coast. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1994.
401005: D.R.J. Perkins and A.M. Gibson - A Beaker Burial from Manston, near Ramsgate. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1991.
422834: George A. Gibson - On a Class of Definite Integrals. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1887.
603926: D. T. W. Gibson - Military Signalling - Whose Capbadge? An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1965.
420520: Eugene Gibson - Mr. Percival D. Griffiths' Collection of Old English Needlework. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1922.
420535: Eugenie Gibson - Gloves from the Collection of Mr Robert Spence. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1919.
421323: Eugenie Gibson - Chinese Carved Lacquer in the Royal Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1928.
421358: Eugenie Gibson - Some Fans from the Royal Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1927.
227076: Sir Christopher H. Gibson - Through Paraguay and Southern Matto Grosso. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
316076: Rev. E.P. Gibson - The Parish Registers of Stock Harvard Cum Ramsden Bellhouse, Essex. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1880.
514542: William Gibson - Sully the Lawn Sleeves : The Appointment of Claudius Crigan as Bishop of Sodor & Man, 1784. An original article from Archives, the Journal of the British Records Association, 1998.
407768: H.T. Gibson of Waihi, New Zealand, illustrated by Henry Coller - Blue Mary's Last Run. The humorous true story of a steam engine and a stranded cutter.An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1919.
421268: Eugenie Gibson - Gloves from the Collection of Robert Spence, Part 2 only. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1920.
292589: Annemarie Gibson - Medieval Corn-Drying Kilns at Capo, Kincardineshire and Abercairny, Perthshire. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1988.
420492: Frank Gibson - Old English Barometers. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1921.
299113: William Waymouth Gibson - Birtley Fell, County Durham. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1944.
299114: William Waymouth Gibson - The Manor of Winlaton. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1945.
200728: R. E. Gibson - Science, Art and Education. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1953.
604311: D. T. W. Gibson - Engineers, Technicians, and The Army - with Particular Reference to Electronics. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1957.
413036: Strickland Gibson - Recent Books on Binding. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1923.
622754: T. E. Gibson - Early Notices of Liverpool. From Blundell's Diary, 1702-1728. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882.
622766: T. E. Gibson - Lancashire Mortuary Letters, 1666-1672, From The Crosby Records. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1884.
502893: Eugenie Gibson - The Golden Age of The Fan in France. An original article from the The Connoisseur, 1920. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1920.
423159: Charles R. Gibson - A Demonstration of Vibrating Plates and Bars. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1906.
622735: T. E. Gibson - A Century of Recusancy, Illustrated from The Records of The Blundells of Crosby. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1879.
423611: William Hamilton Gibson - A Few Native Orchids and their Insect Sponsors. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1896.
611176: Rev. James Gibson - Parish of Avoch. Presbytery of Chanonry, Synod of Ross. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
611676: Robert Edward Gibson - Numerical Solution of Some Problems in The Consolidation of Clay. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1953.
604390: T. A. Gibson - Foch: The First Supreme Commander. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1959.
610832: Rev. Alex Gibson - Parish of Balmaghie. Presbytery of Kirkcudbright, Synod of Galloway. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
623933: Gail McMurray Gibson - Bury St. Edmuds, Lydgate, and The N Town Cycle. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1981.
617114: Ralph Gibson - French Local and Regional History. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 1983.
285211: Robert Gibson - Letter from Paris. By Robert Gibson. An original article from the London Magazine 1954.
614179: A. Craig Gibson - Explanation of a Deed on Parchment, (Date 1723), Presented to The Society by Mr. Harrison, of Castle Street. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1861.
614184: A. Craig Gibson - Original Correspondence of The Lord President Bradshaw; with other Documents Illustrating His Personal History. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1862.
614195: A. Craig Gibson - Every-Day Life of a Country Gentleman of Cheshire in The 17th Century: as Shewn in The Private Expenditure Journal of Colonel Henry Bradshaw, of Marple and Wybersleigh. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1863.
614201: A. Craig Gibson - Popular Rhymes and Proverbs Connected with Localities. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1863.
503015: Eugenie Gibson - Some Fine Needlework. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1925.
503047: Eugenie Gibson - Old Needlework in The Collection of Sir William Plender, Bart., G.B.E. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1927.
503052: Eugenie Gibson - Some Needlework in The Collection of Sir William Plender, Bart., G.B.E. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1927.
614221: A. Craig Gibson - The Lakeland of Lancashire. No. 1. Hawkshead Town, Church and School. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1865.
614222: J. Harris Gibson - British Silver Military War-Medals. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1865.
614251: J. Harris Gibson - Notes Upon War Medals, Naval and Military. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1868.
614244: A. Craig Gibson - The Lakeland of Lancashire. No. 3 - The Two Conistons. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1867.
614261: Thomas Gibson - Land and Fresh-Water Shells of Great Britain. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1868.
614263: A. Craig Gibson - The Last Popular Risings in The Lancashire Lake Country. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1869.
128961: William Sidney Gibson - Church bells. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
620637: William Sydney Gibson - Auckland Castle. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1862.
502778: Frank Gibson - Eighteenth-Century French Engravings, after Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1916.
289811: Alex Gibson - Dating Balbirnie: Recent Radiocarbon Dates From The Stone Circle and Cairn at Balbirnie, Fife, and a Review of its Place in The Overall Balfarg/Balbirnie Site Sequence. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2010.
609623: William Gibson - Some Further Traces of The Franklin Retreat. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1932.
623497: William T. Gibson - Patronage and Connection: The Career of The Rev. William Talbot (1720-1811), Chancellor of Salisbury. An original article from The British Library Journal, 1999.
421363: Eugenie Gibson - Lace in the Royal Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1932.
151614: G.E. Gibson, Ph.D. - On an Hypothesis as to the Nature of Planck's Quantum of Action. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1912.
611959: John Edward Gibson - Investigation of Multi-Folded Plate Structures. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1965.
622746: T. E. Gibson - Some Old Country Sports - From The Crosby Records. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1881.
614608: Andre Gide - Advice to a Young Writer: Translated from The French by John Russell. An original article from the London Magazine 1958.
201110: J. W. Gidley - Pleistocene Cave Deposit of Western Maryland. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1918.
275456: Adam Gielgud - The Prussian Army. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1866.
513983: Frances & Joseph Gies - Omen in the Middle Ages : The Lives of real Women in a vibrant Age of Transition.
163541: Robert Giffen - Bad Harvest and Agricultural Depression. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1882.
605847: A. E. Van Giffen - Continental Bell - or Disc-Barrows in Holland. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1938.
508583: Dr. R. Giffen - The Return of Rates of Wages in the Mines & Quarries in the United Kingdom. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1891.
163495: Robert Giffen - Recent Accumulations of Capital in the United Kingdom. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1878.
171300: Robert Giffen - The Budget. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1909.
163504: Robert Giffen - On the Fall of Prices of Commodities in Recent Years. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1879.
163545: Robert Giffen - The Utility of Common Statistics. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1882.
602250: Robert Giffen - The American Silver Bubble. American monetary system, bi-metallism, etc. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1890.
505184: Robert Giffen - Russian Railways. An uncommon original article from The Fortnightly Review, 1868.
182697: Sir Robert Giffen. - The Wealth of The Empire, and how it should be used. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1903.
612959: Robert Giffen - A Financial Retrospect, 1861-1901. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1902.
508541: R. Giffen, Esq., LL.D. - Recent Changes in Prices & Incomes Compared. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1888.
324403: Denis Gifford - Ally Sloper. The Legendary Cartoon Character. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1984.
170516: John Herman Merivale & William Gifford - Wewitzer's School, Kett's Flowers, of Wit. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1814.
361030: H. Gifford - The Evolution of Tyutchev's Art. Publisher's Offprint. Published by The Slavonic and East European Review 1959.
170514: William Gifford - Badham's Translation of Juvenal. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1814.
423736: Dr Gregory Gifford - The British Empire on Trial. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2021.
170524: Charles Lamb & William Gifford - Wordsworth, The Excursion; a Poem. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1814.
600141: Charles Robert Maturin & William Gifford - The Tragic Drama. The Apostate. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1817.
348861: William Gifford - Shakespeare's Himself Again! An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1816.
360671: Henry Gifford - Pasternak and the Realism of Blok. Publisher's Offprint from Oxford Slavonic Papers. Published by Oxford Slavonic Papers 1967.
360672: Henry Gifford - Russian Conscience. Publisher's Offprint from Forum for Modern Language Studies. Author's presentation copy. Published by Modern Language Studies 1976.
170569: John Barrow & William Gifford - Elphinstone's Account of Kabul ...comprising a View of the Afghan Nation, etc. A summary with textual excerpts. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1815.
616019: Edwin and Joyce Gifford - The Sailing Performance of Anglo-Saxon Ships as Derived from The Building and Trials of Half-Scale Models of The Sutton Hoo and Graveney Ship Finds. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1996.
600454: William Gifford - Jeremy Bentham's Church of Englandism and its Catechism examined. A review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1819.
267470: Denis Gifford - The Evolution of The British Comic. An original article from History Today magazine, 1971.
612293: E. W. H. Gifford - The Design and Construction of The Calder Bridge on The M1 Motorway. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1969.
603126: Henry Gifford - The Use of Comparative Literature. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1962.
612005: Edward William Henry Gifford - Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1966.
610728: Rev. John Gifford - Parish of Nenthorn. Presbytery of Kelso, Synod of Merse and Tiviotdale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
367356: WILLIAM GIFFORD - Interesting Memoir of William Gifford, by himself, verbatim. An original article from Hone's Every Day Book, 1827.
325275: Denis Gifford - Popeye. A Seventieth Birthday Tribute. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1999.
368198: C.H.P. Gifford - Advertising and Economic Waste. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1934.
601225: Robert Southey and William Gifford - Bell and Lancaster's Systems of Education. A critical review comparing the fundamentals of the two systems. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1811.
512594: J.W. Gilbart, F.R.S. - The Laws of the Currency in Ireland, as exemplified in the Changes that have taken place in the amount of the Annual Circulation of Bank Notes in Ireland since the passing of the Act of 1845, TOGETHER WITH Should our Gold Standard of Value be maintained if Gold becomes depreciated in consequence of its Discovery in Australia & California ? two complete uncommon original articles from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1852.
512636: J.W. Gilbart, F.R.S. - The Laws of the Currency, as exemplified in the Circulation of Country Bank Notes in England since the passing of the Act of 1844. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
402420: Arthur N. Gilbert - An Analysis of some Eighteenth Century Army Recruiting Records. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1976.
402471: Arthur N. Gilbert - Military Recruitment and Career Advancement in the Eighteenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1979.
607863: Edward Gilbert - The First Norman Cathedral at Canterbury. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana, 1973.
149172: Gilbert Thomas Morgan, D.Sc., F.I.C. - Our Present Knowledge of Aromatic Diazo-compounds. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1902.
239452: William H. Gilbert - The Cherokees of North Carolina: Living Memorials of The Past. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1956.
610068: J. N. L. Baker & E. W. Gilbert - The Doctrine of an Axial Belt of Industry in England. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1944.
610375: E. W. Gilbert - Andrew John Herbertson 1865-1915. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1965.
412375: Michelle V. Gilbert - Art: The Primitive View. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1982.
512735: John Bennet Lawes & Joseph Henry Gilbert - Home Produce, Imports, Consumption, & Price of Wheat, over Forty Harvest Years, 1852-53 to 1891-92. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
610292: Edmund W. Gilbert - Geographie is better than Divinity. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1962.
609828: E. W. Gilbert - English Conurbations in The 1951 Census. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1952.
359150: R.A. Gilbert - The Sieges of Bristol : English Civil War. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR). Published by ABMR Publications 1978.
254625: F.M.Gilbert - What Makes A Cricket Ball Curl In The Air? An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
610150: E. W. Gilbert - Pioneer Maps of Health and Disease in England. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1958.
417318: Martin Gilbert - A Path to Peace in the Middle East Inspired by the Past. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
412504: Martin Gilbert - Horace Wilson: Man of Munich? An original article from History Today, 1982.
359103: R.A. Gilbert - Arthur Machen ; A.E. Waite. A Forgotten Collaboration. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1975.
299133: Edward Gilbert - Anglian Remains at St. Peter's, Monkwearmouth. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1947.
299124: Edward Gilbert - New Views on Warden, Bywell, and Heddon-on-The-Wall Churches. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1946.
618248: Charles Gilbert - Shanghai, The Native Born and The Case of Denton Welch. An original article from the London Magazine 1991.
420451: Christopher Gilbert - Newly-Discovered Seventeenth Century Carving by Thomas Ventris of York. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1966.
607921: Edward Gilbert - Problems of Early Northumbrian Architecture. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1964.
205397: G.K. Gilbert - Modification of The Great Lakes By Earth movement. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1898.
418134: Richard Gilbert - The Ampleforth College Himalyan Expedition: Schoolboys on Kolahoi. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1978.
507293: A Seaplane Observer. Illustrated by A. Gilbert. - Adrift in a Mine-Field : two men drifting through a mine-field on a crippled sea-plane, fending off mines with their bare hands. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1916.
298513: C.J. Gilbert - The Evolution of Romney Marsh. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1933.
205329: G.K. Gilbert - Continental Problems of Geology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892.
275221: William Gilbert - Club-House Sobriety. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1864.
205299: G.K. Gilbert - The History of The Niagara River. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1890.
424013: David Gilbert - Community in Mining History: Imagined Communities and Mining Communities. An original article from Labour History Review, the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1995.
609942: E. W. Gilbert - Practical Regionalism in England and Wales. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1939.
361959: Gilbert Blane, M.D., F.R.S. - Account of the Nardus Indica, or Spikenard. An original article from the Literary Magazine & British Review, 1791.
512529: J.B. Lawes & Dr. J.H. Gilbert - Agricultural Chemistry, especially in relation to the Mineral Theory of Baron Liebig. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1851.
349141: Gilbert, E.W. - Practical Regionalism in England and Wales. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1939.
610511: Edmund W. Gilbert - The RGS and Geographical Education in 1871. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1971.
354494: Richard Gilbertson - D.H. Lawrence in Cornwall. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1980.
502157: Sir Walter Gilbey - Animal Painters. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1905.
348877: Octavius Graham Gilchrist - Baker's Biographia Dramatica; or a Companion to the Play House, containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, from the Commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions.; an updated edition. A review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1812.
607380: Roberta Gilchrist - A Reappraisal of Dinas Powys: Local Exchange and Specialized Livestock Production in 5th to 7th Century Wales. An original article from Medieval Archaeology, 1988.
170748: Octavius Graham Gilchrist - Clare's Poems. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1820.
607528: Isabel Gilchrist - The Countess of Shrewsbury Part I and II. A complete original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1885.
367664: Thomas Gildard - On the late John Mossman, Honourable Royal Scottish Academician. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1892.
422982: Thomas Gildard - An Old Glasgow Architect, Thomas Gildard, on Some Older Ones. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1894.
504283: Robert Gildea - 1968 in 2008, a global movement which exploded in Japan & the USA before it reached Europe : a new Europe-wide project to investigate the impact of 1968 & its sometimes bitter legacy. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
601270: William Gildea - One of Canon Gore's Dissertations An original article from the Dublin Review 1896.
601775: William Gildea - Mr. Otley's Doctrine of the Incarnation. A rare article from the Dublin Review, 1897.
418607: Joseph B. Gilder - Ik. Marvel' alias Donald G. Mitchell, Essayist, 1822-1908: Man and Writer. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1909.
225209: Prof. H.P. Gilding - The Physiology of The Capillaries. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1951.
508970: Herbert A. Giles - The Book Language of China. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
500569: S. Giles - Rider Haggard's Non-Fiction : The Factual Books of The Master Story-Teller. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
316686: Phyllis M. Giles - The Last of The Warrens: Sir George Warren, K.B., 1735-1801. A rare original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1991.
324814: Ken Giles - Collecting Penguin Specials : Penguin Enthusiasts. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
419405: Colum Giles - Modernising the Medieval House: 17th Century Improvements in West Yorkshire Gentry Houses. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
324780: Steve Giles - The Poetry of Thomas Hardy. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
619036: Phyllis M. Giles - The Peplexed and Ill-Managed Affairs of The Stockport Bank 1791-1827. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1992.
513767: Sue Giles - The Transatlantic Slave Trade : Bristol's role in context. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2008.
618999: Phyllis M. Giles - The Portico Library Post-Box: A Link with 1883. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1983.
292264: Melanie Giles - Collecting The Past, Constructing Identity : The Antiquarian John Mortimer and The Driffield Museum of Antiquities and Geological Specimens. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2006.
324749: Steve Giles - The Science Fiction Novels of H.G. Wells. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
514522: Giles Barber, Librarian, Taylor Institution, Oxford. - Noah's Ark, or, Thoughts before & after the Flood. An original article from Archives, the Journal of the British Records Association, 1983.
361444: George Gilfillan - Mrs. Ellizabeth Barrett Browning. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1847.
508398: George Gilfillan - The Genius of John Milton. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1848.
361419: George Gilfillan - Thomas Hood, English poet, author and humorist. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1847.
361415: George Gilfillan - Life and Correspondence of John Foster. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1847.
361434: George Gilfillan - Felicia Dorothea Hemans, English poet. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1847.
361423: George Gilfillan - George Crabbe, English poet, surgeon and clergyman. An original article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1847.
317077: Jonathan Gili - Allen Lane's Christmas Books and Cards. A rare original article from the Private Library Quarterly Journal of the Private Libraries Association, 1984.
347504: Oliver J. Gilkes - Amateurs and Professionals. The Excavation of Angmering Roman Villa 1935-1947. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1998.
347488: Oliver J. Gilkes - Excavations at Rocky Clump, Stanmer Park, Brighton, 1951-1981. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1997.
347433: Oliver J. Gilkes - Iron Age and Roman Littlehampton. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1993.
619008: J. A. Gilks - The Collared Urn from Fairy Holes Cave, Whitewell, Lancashire. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1985.
403420: Andrew Gilks - Britain's Unknown Cavalrymen; Volunteer Units during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2007.
603271: Stephen C. Gill - Wordsworth's Breechs Pocket: Attitudes to The Didactic Poet. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1969.
415409: M.A.V. Gill - The Knossos Sealings: Provenance and Identification. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1965.
500596: Michael Gill - Collecting Books About London. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1994.
603204: Stephen Gill - The Composite World: Two Versions of Lady Chatterley's Lover. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1971.
500571: Michael Gill - Children's Books of the Second World War era. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
325113: Michael Gill - Topographies of Ireland. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
207374: Theodore Gill - Systematic Zoology: Its Progress and Purpose. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907.
325226: M. Gill & N. Gill - Historic Hospitals. Their Histories. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1998.
325137: Michael Gill - Books about Kent. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1997.
260042: Mrs. Richard C. Gill - Mrs. Robinson Crusoe in Ecuador. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1934.
510936: Theodore Gill - 1880. Zoology, by Theodore Gill. Anal Respiration in Animals ; Light & its effects on Animals ; effects of Starvation ; a fresh-water jelly-fish & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880.
624522: M. C. Gill - Northern Mine Research Society. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1980.
510953: professor Theodore Gill - Zoology in 1886, by Professor Theodore Gill. Acalephs ; Asterioids ; Insects ; Vertebrates, Fishes & Fish-like forms & more. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887.
325012: Michael Gill - Gerard Hoffnung : Broadcaster and Musical Cartoonist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1995.
324783: Michael Gill - The Left Book Club. A Fascinating Experiment in Mass Market Publishing. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
324721: Michael Gill - Mabel Dearmer. Children's Author and Illustrator. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
339242: M.C. Gill - The Wharton Lead Mines in Swaledale. An original article from the Local Historian, 1988.
152529: T.P. Gill, and others - Discussion Education in Ireland. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1908.
238858: Theodore Gill - The Name Mammal and The Idea Expressed. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
323849: Desmond Gill - John Alfred Spranger. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1984.
619595: Richard Gill - The Hanging Bridge, Manchester. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1890.
182781: Sir David Gill. - The Origin and Progress of Geodetic Survey in South Africa, and of The African Arc of Meridian. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1905.
405897: William J. Gill - Pittsburgh, Pattern for Progress. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1965.
324985: Michael Gill - Collecting Books About Yorkshire. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1994.
619054: Miriam Gill - Now Help, St. George, Oure Lady Knyght… to Strengthe our Kyng and England Ryght: Rare Scenes of Saint George in a Wall Painting at Astbury, Cheshire. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1995.
205374: Theodore Gill - Some Questions of Nomenclature. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896.
324756: Michael Gill - Hugh Lofting. Creator of Doctor Dolittle. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
324933: Michael Gill - Peter Straub : Horror Novelist . Author of Ghost Story. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1994.
238885: Theodore Gill - 1904. Flying Fishes and Their Habits. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904.
324696: Michael Gill - Thomas Burke. Son of London. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1990.
624769: Crispin Gill - Industrial Archaeology on The Doorstep. An original article from the Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 1966.
316774: Geoffrey Gill - Cholera and Public Health Reform in Nineteenth-Century Wallasey. A rare original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2001.
337588: Michael Gill - Collecting Books About France. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1995.
299264: J. P. Gillam - Second Century Defences at Corbridge. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1959.
299246: J. P. Gillam - Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1957.
620726: J. P. Gillam - Calpurnius Agricola and The Northern Frontier. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1953.
299188: I. A. Richmond & J. P. Gillam - Buildings of The First and Second Centuries North of The Granaries at Corbridge. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1953.
299186: J.P. Gillam - Excavations at Low Brunton Milecastle, No. 27, in 1952. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1953.
299183: R.P. Wright & J. P. Gillam - Third Report on The Roman Site at Old Durham. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1953.
299175: I. A. Richmond & J. P. Gillam - Further Exploration of The Antonine Fort at Corbridge. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1952.
299162: R.P. Wright & J. P. Gillam - Second Report on Roman Buildings at Old Durham. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1951.
299157: I. A. Richmond & J. P. Gillam - The Temple of Mithras at Carrawburgh. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1951.
299143: Eric Birley & J. P. Gillam - Mortarium Stamps from Corbridge, 1906-1938. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1948.
607984: J. P. Gillam - The Northern British Frontier from Antoninus Pius to Caracalla. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1970.
607992: J. P. Gillam - The Investigation of The Commander's House Area, on Site XI, Corbridge, 1958 to 1970; The Structures. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1971.
621663: Stanley Gillam - Humfrey Wanley and Arthur Charlett. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 1999.
403745: John P. Gillam - Dales Ware: a Distinctive Romano-British Cooking-Pot. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1951.
403648: J.P. Gillam - Romano-British Derbyshire Ware. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1939.
621680: Stanley Gillam - The Bodelian Library in The Nineteen Thirties. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 2003.
611029: Rev. James Gillan - Parish of Tough. Presbytery of Alford, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
511538: W.S. Gillard - Round the World in a Canoe. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1904.
511138: E. Leslie Gilleains - Pulpit Devices : a raised stand for preachers in a Christian church. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1901.
267521: Mollie Gillen - The Residences of The Duke of Kent. An original article from History Today magazine, 1971.
614749: Helen Trybulowski Gilles - Nigeria: From The Bight of Benin to Africa's Desert Sands. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1944.
296970: Helen Trybulowski Gilles - Ceylon, Island of The Lion People. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1948.
624285: C. G. K. Gillespie - A Description of The Hebrew Roll of The Pentateuch in The Chetham Library, Manchester. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1884.
316632: James L. Gillespie - Matthew Swettenham Ricardian Profiteer. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1984.
614976: J. B. Goddard and A. E. Gillespie - Advanced Telecommunications and Regional Economic Development. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1986.
610797: Rev. George Gillespie - Parish of Cummertrees. Presbytery of Annan, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
619816: James L. Gillespie - Richard II's Cheshire Archers. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1974.
622660: Alexandra Gillespie - The Lydgate Canon in Print from 1476 to 1534. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2000.
614045: Malcolm Gillett - Treasured Island: A Brief Introduction to The Joys of Collecting Die Insel-Bucherei. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2012.
411078: Sheridan Gilley - Immigration into Britain: The Irish. An original article from History Today, 1985.
511597: E. Leslie Gilliams - The First Wireless Newspaper : the Wireless Telegraphy. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1903.
512128: E. Leslie Gilliams - Fighting the Gipsy Moth, Lepidoptera : a war being carried out in the Sate of massachusetts against the gipsy moth. The pest was imported from Europe & threatened to devastate the forests & orchards of the State. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
257036: E. Leslie Gilliams - Election Bets in America. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1901.
253543: E. Leslie Gilliams - A Steel Banquet, for Andrew Carnegie at the Carnegia Laboratory of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
511152: Leslie E. Gilliams - Cartown, U.S.A. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1901.
352402: E. Leslie Gilliams - Among the Outlaws of Pennsylvania. An original article from the Wide World Magazine 1899.
260220: E. Thoms Gilliard - New Guinea's Paradise of Birds. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1951.
297104: E. Thomas Gilliard - To The Land of The Head Hunters. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1955.
297289: E. Thomas Gilliard - Feathered Dancers of Little Tobago. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1958.
260628: E. Thomas Gilliard - New Guinea's Rare Birds and Stone Age Men: Filming Exotic Birds of Paradise and Living with Primitive Tribes, an Ornithologist Scores Important New Firsts. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
405554: E. Thomas Gilliard - Exploring New Britain's Land of Fire; the Largest Island of the Bismarck Archipelago. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1961.
297224: E. Thomas Gilliard - Coronation in Katmandu. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1957.
405614: E. Thomas Gilliard - Strange Courtship of Cock-of-the-Rock; the Rare Bird of British Guiana. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1962.
617946: Penelope Gilliatt - Known for Her Frankness. An original article from the London Magazine 1968.
420467: Harrold E. Gillingham - The Horologium Achaz made by Christopher Schissler of Augsburg in 1578. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1926.
503237: Paul Gillingham - The Macartney Embassy to China, 1792-94 : A Motley Collection of Wedgwood China, Clocks, a Planetarium & a Hot-Air Balloon Accompanied an Expedition to Peking, designed to Open up The Imperial Kingdom to British Commerce & Diplomacy. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1993.
414644: James Gillis - The Protestant Associators at Edinburgh; Letter of the Right Rev. Dr Gillis. An original article from the Catholic Magazine 1840.
200508: Henry Gillman - Characteristics Pertaining to Ancient Man in Michigan. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1875.
602927: Thomas C. Gillmer - The Thera Ships as Sailing Vessels. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1985.
602730: Thomas C. Gillmer - The Thera Ship. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1975.
602790: Thomas C. Gillmer - The Thera Ships - A Re-Analysis. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1978.
602841: Thomas C. Gillmer - An American Topsail Schooner. A Proposal in Experimental Archaeology. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1980.
238021: Captain William Gillon - Note on a Pair of Iron Shears and a Hone Stone, Found on The Site of The Crannog of Lochlea, Near Kilmarnock. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1880.
611864: Cyril Arthur Gillott - Durgapur Steelworks Project: Administration, Co-Ordination and Measurement of The Civil Engineering and Building Works. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1964.
625285: Sara Gillott - Bestwood: A Sherwood Forest Park in The Seventeenth Century. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1985.
170800: William Gilly - Martyn's Memoir Religious Missions. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
600399: William Gilly - Henry Martyn's Memoirs; Religious Missions. Martyn was Chaplain to the East India Company. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
200404: Frank A. Thackery & M. French Gilman - A Rare Parasitic Food Plant of The Southwest. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1930.
503746: Sander L. Gilman - Images Beyond History, Photographs of The Western Front : images of the First World War & the photographs of Alan Cohen. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2001.
424037: Carolyn Gilman - The Battle of St. Louis, 1780, Part 2: L'Annee du Coup. An original article from Missouri Historical Review, the journal of the State Historical Society of Missouri, 2009.
424042: Carolyn Gilman - The Battle of St. Louis, 1780, Part 1: L'Annee du Coup. An original article from Missouri Historical Review, the journal of the State Historical Society of Missouri, 2009.
618877: John M. Gilman - Some Bristol Channel Trading Sloops. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1964.
417249: Patricia Gilmartin - Terrae Animatae: Metamorphic Maps on Postcards. An original article from Map Collector Magazine, 1994.
421469: John Gilmartin - Vincent Waldre's Ceiling Paintings in Dublin Castle. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1972.
614799: Eddy Gilmore - Crimea Reborn. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
500171: Donald Gilmore - Revenge in Kansas, 1863 ( a raid & its bloody aftermath in the no man's land of the American civil war). An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1993.
614748: Eddy Gilmore - Liberated Ukraine. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1944.
239096: Charles W. Gilmore - The Horned Dinosaurs. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1920.
239071: Charles W. Gilmore - Reptile Reconstructions in The United States National Museum. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1918.
227083: Eddy Gilmore - I Learn About The Russians. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
323322: J.S.L. Gilmour - Thomas Hood, with a checklist of works. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1955.
618696: Peter Gilmour - The Alarmist. An original article from the London Magazine 1984.
614514: Peter Gilmour - A Woman of Leisure - Sheila Adams. An original article from the London Magazine 1986.
323393: J.S.L. Gilmour - Charles Blount, 1654-1693, with a checklist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1958.
417834: Arthur Gilpin - The Bird Species of Swaledale, Yorkshire. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
623579: Arthur Gilpin - Danish Forest Wildlife. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
623694: Arthur Gilpin - Birds of a Jutland Shore. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1963.
623643: Arthur Gilpin - Birds of River Rio Tietar in Central Spain. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
405890: Robert R. Gilruth - The Making of an Astronaut; Project Gemini. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1965.
415970: J.D. Gilruth - Ancient Churches on the Angus Northesk. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1937.
323877: David Gilson - Edith Olivier. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1986.
323845: Daivd Gilson - Jane Austen's Verses. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1984.
323691: D.J. Gilson - Serial Publication of Jane Austen in French. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1974.
152740: Professor G. Gilson - Cytological Differences in Homologous Organs. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1893.
323671: D.J. Gilson - Jane Austen's Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1974.
323658: D.J. Gilson - Herbals in The Fry Collection at The Taylor Institution. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1973.
324057: David Gilson - Books and Their Owners. Some Early American Editions of Jane Austen. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1999.
366881: Martha Phillips Gilson - A Woman's Winter on Spitsbergen. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1928.
324098: David Gilson - Jane Austen and Europe. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2003.
298785: Julius P. Gilson - St. Julian The Harbinger, and The First of The English Percys. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1908.
199023: Gilyard Beer, R. and Coppack, Glyn. - Excavations at Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire, 1979 80 : the Early Development of the Monastery. An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1986.
606017: Marija Gimbutas - Middle Ural Sites and The Chronology of Northern Eurasia. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1958.
225051: C.T. Gimingham - Insecticides. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1948.
236214: G.S. Gimson - Lion Hunt: A Royal Tomb-Effigy at Arbroath Abbey. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1995.
621627: John Ginger - A Southwark Musical Club. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 1993.
617305: John Ginger - Ivy Compton-Burnett. An original article from the London Magazine 1970.
617895: John Ginger - Caroline on The Rivers. An original article from the London Magazine 1966.
617951: John Ginger - The Classical, Romantic, Expressionism of Cesare Beppo. An original article from the London Magazine 1968.
422549: John Ginger - New Light on the Painter Gawen Hamilton: Artists, Musicians and the Debtor's Prison. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1992.
509025: Gino Calza Bedolo, London Correspondent of the Giornale D'Italia. - An Eagle's War. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
421839: Leonardo Ginori - Nineteenth-Century Caricatures in Cosmopolitan Florence. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1981.
421876: Leonardo Ginori - Old Properties of the Ginori, one of the Old Patrician Families of Florence. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1977.
613770: Louis Ginsberg - An Open Letter to a Beginner Bookseller. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1974.
368430: Morris Ginsberg - The Moral Basis of Political Conflicts. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1949.
622552: Louis Ginsberg - Open Letter Two to a Beginner Bookseller. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1974.
416150: Paul Ginsborg - The Politics of Lenin. An International Socialists Pamphlet. Published by International Socialists 1974.
421879: Madeleine Ginsburg - Buttons: Art and Industry. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1977.
612955: Benedict William Ginsburg - Shipping Subsidies. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1901.
422529: Michael Ginsburg - Art Collectors of Old Russia: The Morosovs and the Shchukins. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1973.
506639: Nusserwanjee Sheriarjee Ginwalla - The Indian Civil Service. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1887.
617936: Natalia Ginzburg - Portrait of a Friend: Translated from The Italian by Richard Burns. An original article from the London Magazine 1968.
240256: P. R. Giot - The Chambered Barrow of Barnenez in Finistere. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1958.
513245: HUNGARIAN GIPSIES - A Picture-Hunter in Hungary. By A.W. Cutler. A complete 2 part uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
400499: F.F. Giraud - Cinque Ports: Notes from the Minute Books of the Corporation of Faversham 1570-1740 An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1909.
400546: F.F. Giraud - Record of Inquisition at Faversham, dated 19th September 29th Elizabeth; respecting the value and disposal of hatters' goods. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1914.
400362: F.F. Giraud - On the Parish Clerks and Sexton of Faversham, A.D. 1506-1593. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
400318: F.F. Giraud - On Goods and Ornaments at Faversham Church, A.D. 1512; an inventory. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1889.
400442: F.F. Giraud - Extracts from the Faversham Archives 1585 - "Instructions to every several Towne or Member of the Fyve Portes for the Captayne of the select Band and Companye" An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1900.
400098: F.F. Giraud - Faversham Town Accounts Anno 33 Edward I. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1876
400388: F.F. Giraud - The Service of Shipping of the Barons of Faversham. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1895.
400364: F.F. Giraud - Faversham; regulations for the Town Porters, 1448. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
400448: F.F. Giraud - Payments by the Town of Faversham in 1635-6; extracts from the Chamberlain's Accounts and notes from the Wardmote Book. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1900.
400210: Francis F. Giraud - Municipal Archives of Faversham, A.D. 1304-24. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1882.
400569: F.F. Giraud - Cinque Ports, Faversham; Orders of Faversham Wardmote for a Cesse for Shipping in 38th Year of Reign of Queen Elizabeth and Names of Persons Charged. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1917.
400480: F.F. Giraud - Notes on an Early Cinque Ports Charter. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1905.
400099: F.F. Giraud - Expenses of the Corporation of Faversham, Temp. Hen. VIII. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1876
603079: H. K. Girling - Wonder and Beauty in The Awkward Age. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1958.
292211: Paul C. Buckland & Mike Parker Pearson & Andy Wigley & Maureen A. Girling - Is There Anybody Out There? A Reconsideration of The Environmental Evidence From The Breiddin Hillfort, Powys, Wales. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2001.
422357: F.A. Girling - Angle-Brackets of the Late Sixteenth Century. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1941.
624212: ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS - 1902 : St. Paul's Church for Girls. Gerald C. Horsley, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
618472: Emilia Di Girolamo - Golaccio. An original article from the London Magazine 1999.
418083: Mark Girouard - Country House Plumbing: Grottoes and Buffets. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1978.
623659: Mark Girouard - Stobhall, Perthshire. The Home of The Earl and Countess of Perth. Part I Only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
419168: Mark Girouard - Watercolours of Bridgwater, Somerset by John Chubb (1746-1818). A unique record of a Georgian country town and its people. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1989.
613616: Mark Girouard - Blackmoor House, Hampshire. The Property of The Earl of Selborne - Part II only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1974.
419972: Mark Girouard - Whitby, North Yorshire: The Architecture of a Prosperous Harbour Town. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1988.
609183: Mark Girouard - Great Days of Trade, Whitby, North Yorkshire. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1988.
417925: Mark Girouard - Spitalfields, London: An Area to Fight for. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
418052: Mark Girouard - Country House Plumbing; Conduited Water Supplies and Conduit Houses. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1978.
623622: Mark Girouard - The Home of Sir William and Lady Hayter. The Warden's Lodgings, New College. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
420142: Mark Girouard - Assembly Rooms, Part 3: Spreading the Nash Gospel, Assembly Rooms attached to Public Buildings. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
623634: Mark Girouard - Living in the Pool of London. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
613339: Mark Girouard - Clontra, Co. Dublin. The Home of Mr and Mrs Harris Tomkin. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
419399: Mark Girouard - The Battle of Liverpool Street Station, London. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
422636: Mark Girouard - The Evolving Taste for Victorian Architecture. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1973.
419252: Mark Girouard - Assembly Rooms: The Most Elegant Recreation. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
420141: Mark Girouard - Elizabethan Holdenby, Northamptonshire, Part 1: Its Original Appearance in Light of the Surviving Evidence. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
623652: Mark Girouard - Trevalyn Hall, Denbighshire. The Home of Sir Clement and Lady Jones. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
623653: Mark Girouard - Plas Teg, Flintshire. The Property of Mr. Patrick Trevor-Roper. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
623741: Mark Girouard - Glin Castle, Co. Limerick. The Seat of the Knight of Glin. Part I only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1964.
419265: Mark Girouard - The Palais-Royal, Paris. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
419564: Mark Girouard - Dr Samuel Edmund Walker (1810-1869), London Property Speculator and Cornish Rector. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
418099: Mark Girouard - Assembly Rooms of the 18th Century. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
623584: Mark Girouard - The Imagination of Hawksmoor. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
613599: Mark Girouard - Elizabethan Holdenby - Part II only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
623723: Mark Girouard - Mount Ievers, County Clare, Eire. The Home of Squadron Leader N. L. Ievers. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
623733: Mark Girouard - Schloss Anif, Salzburg, Austria. The Home of Graf Johannes Moy. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1963.
623658: Mark Girouard - Charleville Forest, Co. Offaly, Eire. The Property of Lieut-Col. C. K. Howard-Bury. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
173107: F. A. W. Gisborne - The Northern Territory. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
128731: Thomas Gisborne - Accumulations of Capital. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1847.
601438: Thomas Gisborne - Agriculture draining. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1849.
242666: Robert Gisler - Loan-Words in Semitic Languages Meaning Town. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1939.
339292: Clare Gittings - Probate Accounts : A Neglected Source. An original article from the Local Historian, 1991.
625009: L. Gittins - Soapmaking and The Excise Laws, 1711-1853. An original article from the Industrial Archaeology Journal, 1977.
623555: Charles Gittins - Primary Education in Wales. An original article from The Transactions of The Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1969.
624108: Brian Gittos and Moira Gittos - Gresham Revisited: A Fresh Look at The Medieval Monuments of North Wales. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 2012.
603441: Julian Gitzen - Charles Tomlinson and The Plenitude of Fact. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1971.
603478: Julian Gitzen - Gary Snyder and The Poetry of Compassion. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1973.
603701: Julian Gitzen - Transatlanti Poets and The Tradition Trap. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1983.
251820: M.S. Giuseppi, Esq., F.S.A. - Some Fourteenth-Century Accounts of Ironworks at Tudeley, Kent. A rare original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1912.
347524: Montague S. Giuseppi - The River Wandle in 1610. A rare original article from the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1908.
251668: M.S. Giuseppi, Esq., F.S.A. - On the Testament of Sir Hugh Nevill, written at Acre, 1267. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1899.
623949: James Given - The Economic Consequences of The English Conquest of Gwynedd. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1989.
623214: No Author Given - The Anglesey Hunt 1839-1855 - Continued. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1956.
623198: No Author Given - History of The Bulkeley Family. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1948.
623209: No Author Given - The Mappe of Commerce. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1954.
240091: Einar Gjerstad - Stratigraphic Excavations in The Forum Romanum. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1952.
297482: Einar Gjerstad - The Stone Age in Cyprus. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1926.
240119: Gutorm Gjessing - The Circumpolar Stone Age. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1953.
605974: Gutorm Gjessing - Prehistoric Social Groups in North Norway. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1955.
409718: Tihomir R. Gjorgjevic - Rumanian Gypsies in Serbia. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1929.
416182: Martin Glaberman - Shopfloor Struggles of American Workers. Published by Industrial Workers of the World no date.
508930: W.E. Gladstone - Probability as The Guide of Conduct. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
508938: W.E. Gladstone - Greece and the Treaty of Berlin. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
152314: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1901. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1901.
216596: Gladstone - Liberty in The East and West. An uncommon original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
151363: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1895. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1895.
349260: W. E. Gladstone - The Slicing of Hector. A review of Professor Geddes' work on the Homeric poems, with textual excerpts A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
152701: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1893. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1893.
149375: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1894. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1894.
216548: W.E. Gladstone - Last Words on The County Franchise : Extension of Household Suffrage to the Counties. An uncommon original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
357637: Gladstone - The Defeat of the Gladstone Ministry, June 1885. Two original prints from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
129753: W.E. Gladstone - Lord Macaulay. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1876.
601033: W.E. Gladstone - Speeches of Pope Pius IX. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1875.
602285: W.E. Gladstone - Count Montalembert on Catholic interests in the nineteenth century. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1852.
509255: W.E. Gladstone - Locksley Hall & the Jubilee. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1887.
509256: W.E. Gladstone - Dawn of Creation & of Worship. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1885.
349413: W.E. Gladstone - Homer and his Successors in Epic Poetry. Homer, Virgil, Tasso's works are compared. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1857.
349416: W.E. Gladstone - Prospects Political and Financial for the Coming Years for Britain at home and abroad; including the possibility of cessation of income tax, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1857.
349419: W. E. Gladstone - The Bill for Divorce. Biblical and Theological arguments for and against it on the occasion of the proposal for an amendment to the Law, relating to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes in England. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1857.
349418: W.E. Gladstone - Homeric characters in and out of Homer. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1857.
150056: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1885. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1885.
512602: J.H. Gladstone, Ph.D., F.R.S. - The Influence of the Solar Radiations (part 2) on the Vital Powers of Plants growing under different Atmospheric Conditions. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
601439: W.E. Gladstone - Giacomo Leopardi, Italian Scholar and Writer. An appreciation. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1850. 1850.
150224: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - The Specific Refraction of Solids. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1881.
149198: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1902. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1902.
622159: Robert Gladstone - Early Charters of The Knights Hospitallers, Relating to much Woolton, Near Liverpool. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1902.
508830: W.E. Gladstone - On The Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion [by George Cornewall Lewis]. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
366019: J.H. Gladstone, F.R.S. - The History of Lighthouse Illumination. An original article from Macmillan's Magazine, 1862.
150916: J.H. Gladstone, Ph.D., F.R.S., and Walter Hibbert, F.I.C. - The Conduction of Alloys and Solid Sulphides. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1888.
602528: W. E. Gladstone - Electoral facts of today.The effects of the Irish Home Rule question on voting, etc. With textual figures, etc. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1889.
602522: W. E. Gladstone - The English Church under Henry the Eighth. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1889.
148971: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1897. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1897.
508867: W.E. Gladstone - Aggression on Egypt and Freedom in The East. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
151008: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1886. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1886.
155018: J.H. Gladstone, F.R.S., and Alfred Tribe, F.C.S. - The mutual helpfulness of Chemical Affinity, Heat, and Electricity in producing The Decomposition of Water. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
508880: W.E. Gladstone - The County Franchise and Mr. Lowe Thereon. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
128621: W.E. Gladstone - Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1844.
149269: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1884. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1884.
149812: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1891. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1891.
216568: W.E. Gladstone - The Paths of Honour and of Shame : The Russo-Turkish War. An uncommon original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
508912: W.E. Gladstone - On Epithets of Movement in Homer. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
150903: Dr. J.H. Gladstone, and others - 1888. The Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1888.
148834: Dr. J.H Gladstone, and others - The inquiries relating to The teaching of Science in Elementary Schools. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1887.
154982: Dr. Gladstone, and others - Report of The Committee for The purpose of investigating The Chemical Constitution and Optical Properties of Essential Oils. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
267724: Irene Gladwin - The Norman Sheriff. An original article from History Today magazine, 1974.
625107: Paul Gladwish - The Herefordshire Clubmen. An original article from the Midland History Journal, 1985.
612460: Cynthia Gladwyn - The Isambard Brunels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1971.
603837: Lord Gladwyn - The State of The United Nations Organization. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1962.
154991: J.W.L. Glaisher, B.A., F.R.A.S. - The Function that stands in The same Relatiton Bernoulli's Numbers that The Gamma-function does to Factorials. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
154992: J.W.L. Glaisher, B.A., F.R.A.S. - The Law of Distribution of Prime Numbers. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
150337: J. Glaisher, F.R.S. - 1867. The Rainfall in The British Isles. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1867.
150714: J.W.L. Glaisher, B.A., F.R.A.S. - Certain Definite Integrals. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
152402: J.W.L. Glaisher, B.A. - Certain Propositions in The Theory of Numbers deduced from Elliptic-transcendent Identities. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1873.
149665: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A. - Partitions and Derivations. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1874.
150262: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - The General Analogy between The formulae of singly and doubly Periodic Functions. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1881.
149603: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - Certain Determinants. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1876.
150715: J.W.L. Glaisher, B.A., F.R.A.S. - Lambert's Proof of The Irrationality of pi, and The Irrationality of certain other Quantities. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
152638: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - Formulae of Verification Partitions. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1875.
152578: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - Algebraical Expansions, of which The fractional series for The cotangent and cosecant are The limiting forms. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1880.
182451: J. W. L. Glaisher. - Certain Special Enumerations of Primes. together with, Notes Circulating Decimals. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1878.
151119: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - Summation of a class of Trigonometrical series. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1879.
150558: J. Glaisher, F.R.S., and others - 1868. The Rainfall in The British Isles, 1867 - 68. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1868.
149129: J.W.L. Glaisher, M.A., F.R.S. - The Enumeration of The Primes in Burckhardt and Dase's Tables. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1877.
367682: John Glaister - The Pollution of Scottish Rivers. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1897.
423033: Dr. John Glaister - Sewage Disposal and Purification: a Critical Study on Applicability, Economy and Efficiency. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1901.
423162: John Glaister - River Pollution and River Purification in Scotland. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1907.
422792: Dr John Glaister - An Enquiry into the necessity for Legislative Reform in Scotland in regard to Uncertified Deaths. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1885.
367594: John Glaister - The Physiology of Sleep, with a consideration of the different Theories propounded as to its cause, and the suggestion of a new view of the Subject. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1880.
367740: John Glaister - The Future of The Race: A Study in The Present-Day Aspects of Social Bionomics. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1911
422985: Dr John Glaister - The Anti-Toxin Treatment of Diphtheria. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1895.
423212: John Glaister - A Memoir of John Mann (1827-1910): Businessman and Treasurer of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1911.
356899: Dr. P. Glan - On the Intensity of the Light reflected from Glass. An original article from The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 1874.
201333: Ph. Glangeaud - Albert Guadry and The Evolution of The Animal Kingdom. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909.
611721: William Henry Glanville - Roads and Road Usage: The Application of Science. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1959.
618746: Brian Glanville - The Fast Life of Father Bruno. An original article from the London Magazine 1987.
618717: Brian Glanville - Franco and La Polacca. An original article from the London Magazine 1985.
614638: Brian Glanville - The Footballers. An original article from the London Magazine 1959.
614620: Brian Glanville - Goalkeepers are Crazy. An original article from the London Magazine 1959.
614423: Brian Glanville - The Man Behind The Goal. An original article from the London Magazine 1963.
614444: Brian Glanville - Alberto Moravia: An Interview. An original article from the London Magazine 1963.
611784: William Glanville - Economic and Traffic Studies. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1960.
608139: Brian Glanville - The Footballers. An original article from The London Magazine, 1959.
607792: Philippa Glanville - The Parr Pot. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1970.
604511: Brian Glanville - Goalkeepers are Crazy. An original article from London Magazine, 1959.
618445: Brian Glanville - A March in Time. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
614388: Brian Glanville - The Dying Footballer. An original article from the London Magazine 1962.
242467: S.R.K. Glanville - Some Recent Excavations in Egypt. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1936.
618145: Brian Glanville - Please Talk to me About Cricket. An original article from the London Magazine 1983.
617339: Brian Glanville - Greenberg. An original article from the London Magazine 1967.
511275: Eliane Glaser - Commemorating a Myth : the 350th Anniversary of Cromwell's readmission of Jews to England - it never happened. An original article from History Today magazine, 2006.
367575: Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Patents Specifications and Remarks to the two Houses of parliament regarding Patent Law Amendment, by Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1877.
602576: Tom Glasgow Jr - The Navy in The First Elizabethan Undeclared War, 1559-1560. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1968.
618919: Tom Glasgow - Elizabethan Ships Pictures on Smerwick Map, 1580. Background, Authentication and Evaluation. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1966.
618932: Tom Glasgow - Oared Vessels in The Elizabethan Navy. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1966.
316759: G.H.H. Glasgow - The John Lees Inquest of 1819 and The Peterloo Massacre. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1999.
602610: Tom Glasgow Jr - Maturing of Naval Administration 1556-1564. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1970.
602627: Tom Glasgow Jr - List of Ships in The Royal Navy from 1539 to 1588 - The Navy from its Infancy to The Defeat of The Spanish Armada. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1970.
602570: Tom Glasgow Jr - The Navy in Philip and Mary's War, 1557-1558. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1967.
408538: GLASGOW - Industrial Exhibition of the Working Men's Club, Glasgow. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
408613: GLASGOW - The New Free Barony Church, Glasgow. An original print with separate short article, from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
367571: Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Suggested Amendments to the Patents for Inventions Bill, 1876. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1876.
619874: G. H. H. Glasgow - Three Liverpool Doctors and their Coronial Ambitions: A Historical Perspective to The Medico-Legal Conflicts Surrounding The Elections of 1836, 1867 and 1891. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2005.
306272: Architects of Glasgow - [1852] The Sanitary Improvement of the City of Glasgow. With a plate.
367481: Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Death of Andrew Liddell, iron and brass foundry workshop owner in Glasgow, 1855. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1855.
618884: Tom Glasgow - The Shape of The Ships that Defeated The Spanish Armada. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1964.
416693: GLASGOW - The New Municipal Buildings, Glasgow: Laying the Foundation Stone. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
602594: Tom Glasgow Jr - The Navy in The French Wars of Mary and Elizabeth I. Part III: The Navy in The Le Havre Expedition, 1562-1564. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1968.
416712: GLASGOW - Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text, from the Illustrated London News, 1883.
602666: Tom Glasgow Jr - Historical Document Gorgas' Seafight. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1973.
602732: Tom Glasgow Jr - Comments on List of Ships in The Royal Navy from 1539 to 1588. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1975.
369924: GLASS - 1864 : Glass Painting, Ancient & Modern. By Mr T. Gambier Perry. Read at the South Kensington Museum, July 4th. Six original pages from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
240420: Sandra Glass - The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1962.
364939: GLASS - 1790. A Treatise on Glass. An original article from the New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia, 1790.
618427: Charles Glass - The Duke Rode Up Front. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
607325: R. E. Glasscock - The Lay Subsidy of 1334 for Lincolnshire. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1964.
400714: R.E. Glasscock - The Distribution of Lay Wealth in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, in the Early Fourteenth Century. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1966.
619024: Lionel K. J. Glassey - The Revolution of 1688 in The North-West of England. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1990.
316650: L.K.J. Glassey - The Origins of Political Parties in Late Seventeenth-Century Lancashire. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1987.
366853: Frank P.S. Glassey - Helsingfors. A Contrast in Light and Shade. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1925.
601875: James Glassford - Fergusson; Reports of Decisions by the Consistorial Court in Actions of Divorce, concluding for Dissolution of Marriages under English Law. A summary. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
367440: Charles F.O. Glassford - History and Description of the Kelp Manufacture. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1848.
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