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No Author Stated - Cells of Battle Abbey. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1871.

Title: Cells of Battle Abbey. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1871.
Description: Sussex Archaeological Society, 1871. First Edition, Disbound. Very Good. 6 pages. Note; this is an original article separated from the volume, not a reprint or copy. Size: 15 x 23 cms. Multiple copies available this title. Quantity Available: 2. Category: Sussex Archaeological Society; Inventory No: 605114.

Keywords: BZDB395 Sussex Archaeological Society; Unbranded No Author Stated Cells of Battle Abbey. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1871.

Price: GBP 12.50 = appr. US$ 17.85 Seller: Cosmo Books
- Book number: 605114

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