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Title: Cubic Cosmic City
Description: Hoensbroek, Drukkerij Rosbeek. 0, 1st Edition. Printed wrappers containing an accordion folded sheet printed with 8 color isometric projections of a sphere by which form is defined by identical cubic cells and color by 8 different cubic three-color-groups. In 1965 Willem Graatsma and Jan Slothouber, both designers at DSM, launched the Centrum voor Cubische Constructies (Centre for Cubic Constructions). 9th publication illustrating the creative printing by Rosbeek of Hoensbroek, Holland. 20 x 20 cm. Pen line on rear side of wrapper. Contents are fine. Rare Rosbeek publication. Very Good.

Keywords: Art, Design, the Netherlands, Cubic Cosmic City, Cubic, Constructions Centre, Willem Graatsma, Jan Slothouber Art

Price: EUR 80.00 = appr. US$ 86.95 Seller: Concept Books
- Book number: 002903

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