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Bytown Bookery 5803 Rockdale Road, Box 83 K0A 3H0 Vars, Ontario, Canada. Tel.: +1 613-429-2900 Email: bytownbookery@rogers.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
27203: ROSS, MALCOLM, EDITOR - Poets of the Confederation
22152: ROSSI, SARA - Collector's Guide to Paperweights
27630: ROSSIF FREDERIC, MADELEINE CHAPSAL - Mourir a Madrid N°40, L Histoire Vecue de la Guerre D Espagne
25825: ROSTAND EDMOND - L'Aiglon, Drame en Six Actes, en Vers
rostand: ROSTAND EDMOND - Cyrano de Bergerac
25105: ROTH, PHILIP - Un Homme
25117: ROTH, PHILIP - Deception
25099: ROTH, PHILIP - La Tache Folio # 4000
27769: ROTHAUGE, ARLIN J. - Sizing Up a Congregation for New Member Ministry
19698: ROTHSCHILD, LORD - Meditations of a Broomstick
27614: ROTUNDO - Ex Libris Eroticis 050796
25820: ROUSSEAUX ANDRE - Litterature Du Vingtième Siècle, Tome VI
26539: ROUSSET H. J. - Travail Du Verre / Coupage - Percage - Soufflage - Depolissage - Gravure - Argenture - Dorure - Collage - Confection D Appareils Menagers - Optique - Physiques - Chimiques.
27000: ROUTHIER A. B. - Quebec, a Quaint Mediaeval French City in America at the Dawn of the Xxth Century Its Topography, History, Legends and Historical Treasures and Surroudings
20542: ROY, GABRIELLE - Road Past Altamont, the
26867: ROY, GABRIELLE - Children of My Heart.
26770: ROY CARMEN - Littérature Orale en Gaspésie
27137: ROY JULES - La Vallee Heureuse
24361: ROY, GABRIELLE, FRANCOIS RICARD - Pays de Bonheur D'Occasion Et Autres Récits Autobiographiques épars Et inédits
27334: ROY, CLAUDE - Danse Du Ventre Au-Dessus Des Canons
26816: ROY GABRIELLE - Cashier, the
27204: ROY, GABRIELLE - Children of My Heart
17465: ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS, MONTGOMERY LEGION - International Family Cook Book
27336: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS, J. C. PALMES - Architectural Drawings from the Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects
16092: ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS. TWILLICK SQUARDRON 832 - Family Cook Book, ( Undated) Fund Raising Recipes
18375: ROZSA GYORGY - Die Schonsten Gemalde Der Historischen, (1977)
25151: RUBINOWICZ DAVID, GEORGES LISOWSKI, TRANSLATOR - Journal D'Un Enfant Juif [21 Mars 1940-1er Juin 1942]
27797: RUBINOWICZ DAVID, - Dagboek Van
430: RUBINSKY HOLLEY - At First I Hope for Rescue
15281: RUBINSKY, HOLLEY - At First I Hope for Rescue
2277: RUBINSTEIN ALVIN Z. (EDITOR) - Arab-Israeli Conflict Perspectives
24363: RUBIO, MARY & ELIZABETH WATERSTON - Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume I 1889-1910
10282: RUBTSOV, A. V.;MOKHOV, V. I. - Joking Aside! Time to Laugh Seriously
27733: RUCKA, GREG - Critical Space
25219: RUDORFF, RAYMOND - Paris Spy: A Discreet Guide to the City's Pleasures,
27142: RULAND BERND - Attention Aux Faussaires!
27701: RULAND WILHELM - Legends of the Rhine
13827: RULAND WILHELM - Finest Legends of the Rhine, the Small Edition with 10 Illustrations
27467: RUMILLY ROBERT - Papineau
19752: RUSSELL MARJORIE L. , EDITOR - American Quilter Ultimate Projects. Vol. X I X, No. 5, 2003
1465: RUSSELL KENT DUR - A Little Amercian Cookbook
26668: RUSSELL, JOSEPHINE DORR - Spied a Blossom Passing Fair
7223: RUSSELL JOHN, TEXT - Gauguin
26845: RUSSELL, SHARMAN APT - Anatomy of a Rose Exploring the Secret Life of Flowers
26720: RUTLEDGE, DONALD - Various Bravery
16081: RUTMAN DEBORAH, CAROL HUBBERSTEY, - Supporting Young People's Transition from Government Care Research Project Stage 2 Report
2337: RYGA GEORGE - Ecstasy of Rita Joe and Other Plays Edited with an Introduction by Brian Parker
22994: SA, SHAN - Les Conspirateurs
27059: SABATIER ROBERT - Dédicace D'Un Navire, Poemes
27058: SABATIER ROBERT - Les Chateaux Des Millions D'Années.
27057: SABATIER ROBERT - Icare Et Autres Poe`Mes
27727: SACCO, VINCENT F. - Deviance Conformity and Control in Canadian Society
13713: SACKVILLE - WEST V. - Pepita
11117: SADE, MARQUIS DE & SADE - Les Crimes de L Amour (Ldp Classiques)
8401: SADLER JUDY ANN - Christmas Crafts Kids Can Easy Crafts
9444: SAGAN NICK - Idlewild Uncorrected Proof
27136: SAGAN FRANCOISE - Aimez-Vous Brahms.
26772: SAGAN FRANCOISE - Bonjour Tristesse
2239: SAINSBURY JR. LIEUTENANT NOEL - Bill Bolton, Flying Midshipman
25213: SAINT - AMAND IMBERT DE. TRANSLATOR ELIZABETH GILBERT MARTIN - Women of the Valois Court: Famous Women of the French Court
27600: SAINT-MARTIN, LORI - Portes Closes
23083: SALAMAN MERULA - Christopher's Book
23080: SALAMAN MERULA - Christopher's Rainy Day Book.
5390: SALES CAROL A. , FRANCES A. OWEN, MARY ANN LESPERANCE - Experiential Exercises in Human Resource Management
2064: SALINGER PIERRE, GROSS LEOMARD - Mortal Crimes a Novel of International Intrigue
2038: SALINGER J. D. - Franny and Zooey
20917: SALOMé, JACQUES - Papa, Maman, écoutez-Moi Vraiment Pour Comprendre Les Différents Langages de L'Enfant
9977: SALVATORE, DIANE - Love, Zena Beth
26026: SALVATORE, R. A. - Passage to Dawn. Fogotten Realms Legacy of the Drow, Book IV
8639: SAMS HOWARD W. - Color Television Training Manual
27582: SAN-ANTONIO - Morpions Circus
27581: SAN-ANTONIO - Si Queue D'âne M'était Conté la Vie Sexuelle de Bérurier : Pocket N° 1945
18912: SANCTON PAMELA - French Recipes North Americans Love , Montreal's Great Chefs Share Their Most Popular Dishes.
27258: SANDBURG, CARL - The People, Yes
3757: SANDBURG, HELEN - The Great and Glorious Romance the Story of Carl Sandburg and Lilian Steichen
23609: SANDS, KEVIN - Blackthorn Key, Book One of the Blackthorn Key Series
23609: SANDS, KEVIN - Blackthorn Key, Book One of the Blackthorn Key Series
26326: SANDWELL, BERNARD K. - Les Villes Du Canada : Reproductions de Peintures de la Collection Seagram
26188: SANSAL, BOUALEM - Gouverner Au Nom D'Allah: Islamisation Et Soif de Pouvoir Dans le Monde Arabe (Hors Série Connaissance) (French Edition)
22242: SANSONE VITO, KEITH HAMMOND, TRANSLATOR - Siberia: Epic of the Century
19172: SANTMYER, HELEN HOOVEN - Fierce Dispute, the a Novel
6450: SARUP, MADAN - Marxism and Education a Study of Phenomenology and Marxist Approaches to Education
4421: SATRAPI, MARJANE - Embroideries
2364: SAUL JOHN RALSTON - Paradise Eater, the
6863: SAUL, JOHN RALSTON - Collapse of Globalism, the and the Reinvention of the World
15231: SAUL JOHN - An Eye for an Eye: The Doll, Twist of Fate; the Locket, Ashes to Ashes: The Dragon's Flame, in the Shadow of Evil, the Handkerchief, Day of Reckoning: The Stereoscope, Asylum. The Blackstone Chronicles, Six Volumes
1764: SAUL JOHN RALSTON - Paradise Eater
25205: SAUNDERS, IRENE - Right Word in Chinese
26294: SAVIGNEAU, JOSYANE - Marguerite Yourcenar: L'Invention D'Une Vie
8399: SAVONA DIANE - What Did You Do in School Today? Preschool - Kindergarten - Grade 1
2031: SAWATSKY JOHN - Mulroney the Politics of Ambition
14123: SAWYER, ROBERT J. - Rollback
9473: SAWYER ROBERT J. - Calculating God
9435: SAYER CHARLES MARSHALL - Book of Wood Carving, the Technique, Designs and Projects
1391: SAYERS VALERIE - How I Got Him Back / Under the Cold Moon's Shine
8410: SCAMBRAY, KENNETH - Surface Roots Short Stories
24733: SCHAEFER, ELIZABETH - Star Wars the Force Awakens Storybook
2330: SCHALLER LYLE E. - 44 Steps Up Off the Plateau
26449: SCHARF, AARON. - Art and Photography
14869: SCHECHTER, HARRIET - Let Go of Clutter
16045: SCHETAGNE SYLVAIN, ANDREW JACKSON - Un Pas en Avant: L'Indice de Securite Personnelle 2001
10513: SCHETAGNE, SYLVAIN & ANDREW JACKSON & SHELLEY HARMAN - Gaining Ground, 2001 the Personal Security Index
19408: SCHIFF, NANCY RICA - A Celebration of the Eighties: Portraits
27160: SCHLEM GRAND - Le Bridge
8585: SCHLESINGER H. I. - General Chemistry
8287: SCHLOSS, BARBARA, N. A. GIESBRECHT - Murder in Canada: A Report on Capital and Non-Capital Murder Statistics, 1961-1970
27450: SCHMECK HAROLD M. - The Semi-Artificial Man a Dawning Revolution in Medicine
27547: SCHMIDT JOEL - Dictionnaire de la Mythologie Grecque Et Romaine
21763: SCHMITT, ERIC-EMMANUEL - Monsieur Ibrahim Et Les Fleurs Du Coran
26158: SCHMITT, ERIC-EMMANUEL - Odette Toulemonde Et Autres Histoires
27390: SCHMITZ, JAMES H. - Demon Breed
27391: SCHMITZ JAMES H. - Witches of Karres
26448: SCHNETZLER, JEAN-PIERRE - La Meditation Bouddhique, Bases Theoriques Et Techniques
26200: SCHOENER ALLON EDITOR - Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America 1900-1968
24597: SCHOLASTIC - Mindup Curriculum : Grades Prek - 2, Brain-Focused Strategies for Learning-and Living
25335: SCHOLASTIC - Mindup Curriculum: Brain-Focused Strategies for Learning - and Living. Grades 3-5
14503: SCHOLEFIELD E. O. S. - British Columbia, from the Earliest Times to the Present, Volume 1
26586: SCHOLL DR, WILLIAM M. - Practipedics; the Science of Giving Foot Relief and Removing the Cause of Minor Foot and Shoe Troubles
27082: SCHREYER L. - Les Anges: Collection Priere de L'Art
25148: SCHUHL JEAN - JACQUES - Telex N° 1
26924: SCHULL, JOSEPH. - Edward Blake the Man of the Other Way
22294: SCHULL, J. - Un Astre Centenaire. Les Cent Premières Années de Sun Life Du Canada Compagnie D'Assurance-Vie.
23611: SCHULTZ NICHOLSON, LORNA - Roughing: It's All About Respect
23611: SCHULTZ NICHOLSON, LORNA - Roughing: It's All About Respect
24251: SCHUMPETER, JOSEPH A. - Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
2013: SCHURE A. - Basic Television: Organization of the Tv Receiver, Volume 2
13097: SIMON AND SCHUSTER STAFF - Short Stories from the New Yorker
6534: SCHUTZE WALTER, JON BINGEN, EDITORS - Europe at the End of the 90s
12061: SCHWARTZ, LYNNE SHARON - Disturbances in the Field
1564: SCHWARZ WALTER AND DOROTHY - Breaking Through Theory and Practice of Wholistic Living
16227: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - Scientific American Cumulative Index, 1948-1971
2034: SCOTT SIR WALTER - Heart of Midlothian
27484: SCOTT DUNCAN CAMPBELL - Lundy's Lane and Other Poems
27262: SCOTT, F. R - Overture
27324: SCOTT, SIR WALTER - Ivanhoe
7531: SCOTT-MONCRIEF DR. CHRISITNA - Reader's Digest Natural Health at 50 the Vital Guide to Living Longer and Looking Good
13495: SCOTT IAN - Green Paper on Pay Equity
1799: SCOTT WALTER SIR - Quentin Durward
1231: SCOTT SIR WALTER - Lay of the Last Minstrel
27538: SCOTT, SCHOMBERG - Crathes Castle
16080: SCOTT KATHERINE, PROJECT DIRECTOR - Progress of Canada's Children 1997
13098: SCUDDER VIDA D. - Introduction to the Study of English Literature
1236: SEAGRAM - Spirit of Hospitality: A Guide to Successful Entertaining
6528: SEARLES, HAROLD - Le Contre-Transfert
26550: SEARLES, BAIRD - Films of Science Fiction and Fantasy
26689: SEARS, VAL - Hello Sweetheart, Get Me Rewrite : Remembering the Great Newspaper Wars
9523: SEDARIS, DAVID - When You Are Engulfed in Flames
9972: SEDGES, JOHN - Townsman, the
12071: SEE, LISA - On Gold Mountain the 100-Year Odyssey of a Chinese-American Family
2477: SEGAL, ERICH - Doctors
27476: SEGAL, HUGH - No Surrender Reflections of a Tory Warrior
27257: SEGUR COMTESSE DE - Le General Dourakine,
639: SELVADURAI SHYAM - Cinnamon Gardens
25095: SELVER PAUL - Art of Translating Poetry, the
25266: SELYE, DR HANS - Stress Sans Détresse
26653: SEMENZATO CAMILLO - Anatomy Theatre; History and Restoration
27695: SEMIN, DIDIER - Edward Hopper Et la Modernité Etranger a Ce Qui Vient
26623: SEMPé - Quelques Jours de Congé
26624: SEMPé - Quelques Philosophes
22340: SENDAK MAURICE - Hector Protector & As I Went over the Water
27757: SENDAK, MAURICE - We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and Guy
11742: SERLING ROD - Rod Serling's Twilight Zone Revisited.
15890: SERLING ROBERT J. - President's Plane Is Missing, the
25399: SERRE, CLAUDE - Petits Anges
25400: SERRE, CLAUDE - Le Sport
25401: SERRE, CLAUDE - Humour Noir Et Hommes en Blanc
27460: SERVICE, ROBERT - Songs of a Sourdough
14418: SUPPLY AND SERVICES - Electoral Districts, Proposals for the Province of Ontario / Circonscriptions Electorales / Propositions Pour la Province de L' Ontario
1664: SEULING BARBARA - Casey and the Runaway Baby
26357: SEUSS, DR. - Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose
8398: SEVALY, KAREN & MARGARET BOLZ - Autumn Idea Book a Creative Idea Book for the Elementary Teacher
17336: SEVEN-UP COMPANY, THE - 7-Up Goes to a Party Recipes for Barbecues, Guest Dinners, Open Houses, Holiday Events Vintage
17336: SEVEN-UP COMPANY, THE - 7-Up Goes to a Party Recipes for Barbecues, Guest Dinners, Open Houses, Holiday Events Vintage
20779: SEWARD, SHIRLEY B. - Future of Social Welfare Systems in Canada and the United Kingdom Proceedings of a Canada/Uk Colloquium, October 17-18, 1986, Ottawa/Meech Lake
97: SEYMOR GERALD - In Honour Bound
14145: SEYMOUR-SMITH, MARTIN - Robert Graves His Life and Works
1498: SEYMOUR E.L.D. - New Garden Encyclopedia: A Complete, Practical and Convenient Guide to Every Detail of Gardening.
253: SHAFFER HAROLD - How to Be a Successful Retailer in Canada
8724: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM; BIDGOOD, JOHN (NOTES); COWPERTHWAITE, W. A. (CHARACTER SKETCHES) - Merchant of Venice , the Canadian Edition of Swan Shakespeare
1195: SHAKESPEARE - King Lear
1548: SHAKESPEARE - Twelfth Night or What You Will
27622: SHAKESPEARE, EDITED BY G. B. HARRISON - Tragedy of King Lear B4, the Winter's Tale B19, Love's Labour's Lost B23, Richard the Third B24, the Tragedy of Coriolanus B20, Henry the Eighth B34. Six Volumes
1384: SHANNON DELL - With Intent to Kill: A Luis Mendoza Mystery
13567: SHAPIRO, LINDA. - Yesterday's Toronto, 1870-1910, Copy of the Proclmation from Queen Elizabeth
1407: SHAPIRO LIONEL - Torch for a Dark Journey
shaprio: SHAPIRO KARL - Edsel
20420: SHARMA, ROBIN S. - The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari a Spiritual Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny
8425: SHARMA BHOGENDFRA, EDITOR - Voice Against Organised Violence December 1996, Issue No. 18
1516: SHARPE MICHAEL - Attack and Interceptor Jets
2641: SHAW, ROBBIE - Us Air Power in Colour 1 Us Air Force
13564: SHAW BERNARD - Everybody's Political What's What?
8580: SHAW BERNARD, PLAY BY ALAN JAY LERNER - My Fair Lady a Musical Play in Two Acts
21465: SHAW BERNARD - Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy
2296: SHEEHAN MICHAEL J. - Arms Control Theory & Practice
111: SHEEHY GAIL - Man Who Changed the World. The the Lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev
14634: SHELDRAKE, RUPERT - Rebirth of Nature, the the Greening of Science and God
21280: SHEPHERD, SUE & PETER GIBSON & WILLIAM D. CHEY - Complete Low-Fodmap Diet: A Revolutionary Plan for Managing I B S and Other Digestive Disorders
9418: SHEPHERD MARGARET - Learning Calligraphy a Book of Lettering, Deisgn, and History
26611: SHERMAN, CINDY - Cindy Sherman
1784: SHERMAN EDITH BISHOP - Mistress Madcap the Exciting Adventures of Two Young Girls of Revoluntionary Days
24340: SHEW BETTY SPENCER - Mid Pleasures and Palaces
25202: SHIELDS, CAROL - Dressing Up for the Carnival ** Signed **
12062: SHIELDS, CAROL - Dressing Up for the Carnival
26297: SHIELDS, CAROL - Collected Stories
27513: SHIELDS, CAROL - Stone Diaries
14629: SHIRLEY CANON JOHN - Pictorial History of Canterbury Cathedral, the the Mother Church of English Christendom
2010: SHREVE ANITA - Sea Glass (Large Print)
18046: SHULTZ, WILLIAM - Shiatsu Japanese Finger Pressure Therapy
24189: SHUMSKII, P. A. DAVID KRAUS, TRANSLATER - Principles of Structural Glaciology: The Petrography of Fresh-Water Ice As a Method of Glaciological Investigation.
26535: SHUTE NEVIL - On the Beach
27413: SHUTE NEVIL - Rainbow and the Rose
27539: SHUTE, JENEFER - Sex Crimes
19710: SIEGEL ROBERT - Onion: Ad Nauseam, the Complete News Archives, Volume 13
26192: SIEGEL, FRED - The Future Once Happened Here: New York, D C, L a & the Fate of America's Big Cities
17565: SIJELMASSI, MOHAMED - Moroccan Painting
14286: SILLITOE, ALAN - Death of William Posters
14163: SILVER HENRY K. , C. HENRY KEMPE - Handbook of Pediatrics
23503: SILVERBERG, ROBERT - Tower of Glass
23499: SILVERBERG, ROBERT - Son of Man: A Great Primal Odyssey Into the New Dawn of Man
11441: SILVERMAN, RICHARD A. & MATHEMATICS - Introductory Complex Analysis
22577: SIMARD, GUY - Verriers Du Quebec
27472: SIMON, HILDA. - Feathers, Plain and Fancy.
6875: SIMPSON JEFFREY - Spoils of Power: The Politics of Patronage
16128: SIMPSON, JEFFREY - Spoils of Power. **Signed** the Politics of Patronage
2319: SIMPSON LIZ - Awakening Your Goddess
5397: SIMPSPN A. B. - A Larger Christian Life
27576: SINCLAIR, MAX - How Do I Live with Limitations Finding Dignity and Contementment Inspit of Permanent Loss
1638: SINCLAIR JIM - Crossing the Line: Canada and Free Trade with Mexico
1387: SINCLAIR DONNA - A Woman's Book of Days
15291: SINGER MANUFACCTURING - Singer Home Decoration Guide: How to Make Draperies, Slip Covers, and Other Fabric Furnishings
116: SINGER SEWING REFERENCE LIBRARY - Quick & Easy Sewing Projects
11736: SINGER, ISAAC BASHEVIS - A Friend of Kafka, and Other Stories
19621: SINGH, SIMON - Cracking Code Book, the How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It.
27673: SIPRIOT PIERRE - Montherlant par Lui-Mème
26947: SISTER LOUISE MARGUERITE - Un Héritage / a Light Rekindled le Couvent de la Rue Rideau : Rideau Street Convent
27198: SJOWALL, MAJ - Terrorists: The Last Martin Beck Mystery
23961: SKRESLET, LAURIE & ELIZABETH MACLEOD - To the Top of Everest
1253: SLAUGHTER FRANK G. - Sword and Scalpel
1590: SLAUGHTER FRANK G. - Surgeon's Choice
27656: SLOAT, TERI & ROBERT SLOAT - Hungry Giant of the Tundra
26340: SLUDER, LAN - Adapter Kit Belize: A Traveler's Tools for Living Like a Local
11681: SMART ELIZABETH - By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
6512: SMILEY, DONALD V - Canada in Question; Federalism in the Seventies
27300: SMITH, ELMER - Le Franco-Ontarien Une Histoire de Prostitution
16973: SMITH BRYAN - Depraved
11821: SMITH LEE - Last Girls, the
26797: SMITH, LINDSAY - Politics of Focus, the Women, Children, and Nineteenth-Century Photography
2395: SMITH, MARK - Henna Body Art
27775: SMITH WOODROW W. - Twelve Who Walked in Galilee: Character Studies of the Members of Jesus' Cabinet
27393: SMITH, E. E. - Subspace Encounter: Book 2 of the Subspace Series
23489: SMITH, DEAN WESLEY, KRISTINE KATHRYN RUSCH - Invasion, the Soldiers of Fear, Book Two in the Ultimate Star Trek Saga
26385: SMITH, I. NORMAN - Journal Men, the ** Signed **. P.D. Ross, E. Norman Smith and Grattan o'Leary of the Ottawa Journal, Three Great Canadian Newspapermen and the Tradition They Created
27807: SMITH MINNA CAROLINE - Mary Paget: A Romance of Old Bermuda.
13037: SMITH, CHRISTOPHER J. - China People and Places in the Land of One Billion
1223: SMITH A.J.M. - Modern Canadian Verse: In English and French
27392: SMITH " DOC" E. E. - Skylark of Valeron (1966 ) Skylark (1966 ) Galactic Patrol ( 1966 )
2168: SMITH DENNIS - Report from Ground Zero the Story of the Rescue Efforts at the World Trade Center
1258: SMITH SHELLY - A Grave Affair
7562: SMITH GRANT F. O. - Man Robert Burns, the
21160: SMITH, THOMAS VERNOR & MARJORIE GRENE - Philosophers Speak for Themselves from Descartes to Locke
1225: SMITH GOLDWIN - Canada and the Canadian Question the Classic Case for Union with the U.S.
27759: SMITHERMAN, P H - Cavalry Uniforms of the British Army
27760: SMITHERMAN, P H - Infantry Uniforms of the British Army: 2 Volumes, 1660-1790, 1790-1850
27758: SMITHERMAN, P H - Uniforms of the Scottish Regiments
8578: SMOLINSKI, JILL; FRASER, MARY ANN & ANN BOGART - Holiday Origami Holiday Paper Fun
27653: SNELL, GORDON. ASLIN - Further Fabulous Canadians: Hysterically Historical Rhymes
27586: SNELLING, O. F. - 007 James Bond a Report
26741: SNOW, C. P. - Malcontents, the
1599: SNYDER LAURENCE H. SC. D. - Principles of Heredity
26456: SNYDER, ROBERT - Anais Nin par Elle-Meme
4162: SOAMES, MARY - The Profligate Duke George Spencer Churchill, Fifth Duke of Marlborough and His Duchess
17876: SOFTWORKS, BETHESDA - Elder Scrolls IV, the Oblivion: Prima Official Game Guide
16069: SOLICITOR GENERAL CANADA - Solicitor General's Study on Conditional Release / Etude Du Solliciteur General Sur la Mise en Liberte Sous Condition. Report of the Working Group, March 1981
26463: SOLLERS, PHILIPPE - Studio
1445: SOLOTAROFF IVAN - Last Face You 'LL Ever See, the the Private Life of the American Death Penalty
24060: SOMERS, JANE ( DORIS LESSING) - If the Old Could...
336: SOMERS SUZANNE - Get Skinny on Fabulous Food
21980: SONNEBURGER P - Allison Power of Excellence 1915-1990 Transmissions
1305: SONNENSCHEIN EDWARD A. - T. Macci Plavti Rvdens
27763: SORENSON, STEPHEN - Growing Up Isn't Easy, Lord
27134: SORLIN PIERRE - L'Antisemitisme Allemand
287: SOROSKY MARLENE - Entertaining on the Run
27457: SOULIE MAURICE - Les Proces Celebres Des Etats-Unis
26765: SOUSTER, RAYMOND - No Sad Songs Wanted Here
26771: SOUSTER, RAYMOND - A Local Pride
19412: SPARKE, PENNY - Design in Context
26654: SPEIGHT, PHYLLIS - A Study Course in Homoeopathy
27812: SPELT JACOB - Urban Development in South-Central Ontario
1412: SPENSER EDMUND, KELLOGG ROBERT, STEELE OLIVER (EDITORS) - Faerie Queene the, Books I & I I the Mutability Cantos and Selections from the Minor Poetry
13964: SPICER, KEITH - Life Sentences ** Signed ** Memoirs of an Incorrigible Canadian
27289: SPIEGELMAN, ART - In the Shadow of No Towers by Spiegelman,
27317: SPIESS LINCOLN BUNCE - Historical Musicology: A Reference Manual for Research in Music
14281: SPINDLER, ERICA - Dead Run
861: SPINK KATHRYN - Invitation to a Royal Wedding
7652: SPINRAD NORMAN - Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde, the
3003: SPOTO, DONALD - Diana the Last Year
2086: SPRING HOWARD - All the Day Long
1397: SPRINGBOARD - Newsroom: User's Manual, the (1986)
14276: SPRINKLE, PATRICIA HOUCK - Murder at Markham a Sheila Travis Mystery
1677: ST. JOHN AMBULANCE STAGG - First Aid, First on the Scene
27432: ST. MICHAEL MICK - Elvis Costello, an Illustrated Biography
26675: STACEY, C. P. - Quebec 1759: The Siege and the Battle
27787: STACEY, C. P. - Mackenzie King and the Atlantic Triangle. The 1976 Joanne Goodman Lectures
7999: STAFF - Last Post, the Vol. 1, No. 8 Summer 1971
6687: STAFF, UNITED NATIONS - Image & Reality Questions and Answers About the United Nations - What It Does, How It Works, Who Pays for It
26430: STAFF FRANK - Penny Post, 1680-1918
1688: BRUCE & STAN - God Is in the Small Stuff and It All Matters
26467: STANFORD, PETER - Devil, the a Biography
6451: STANKIEWICZ W. J. - In Defense of Sovereignty
27442: STANLEY GEORGE F. G. - Louis Riel
24190: STANTEFORD HENRY S. - Advanced Concepts and Techniques in the Study of Snow and Ice Resources
26372: STANTON, JOHN - Running Room's Book on Running
20390: STARKE, LINDA - Signs of Hope Working Towards Our Common Future
2772: STARKMAN RANDY - Let the 94 Games Begin
26652: STARNES, JOHN - The Cornish Hug
26958: STARR OCKENGA, INTRO BY JOHN UPDIKE - Mirror After Mirror: Reflections on Woman
7722: STATISTICS CANADA - Women in the Labour Force 1994 Target Groups Project
8867: STATUS OF WOMEN - Child Care Needs of Parents and Families Series 5
10005: STEFFLER, JOHN - Afterlife of George Cartwright, the
27736: STEIN, JANICE GROSS - Cult of Efficiency
69: STEIN BEN - How to Ruin Your Financial Life
8448: STEIN, STEVEN J. & HOWARD E., M.D. BOOK - E Q Edge, the Emotional Intelligence and Your Success
27573: STEIN, GAIL & HEYWOOD WALD - Barron's French at a Glance Phrase Book & Dictionary for Travelers
27602: STEINBECK, JOHN - The Short Reign of Pippin IV: A Fabrication
14282: STEINBERG, JANICE - Death - Fires Dance
26194: STEINER, GEORGE - Extraterritorialité. Essai Sur la Litterature Et la Revolution Du Langage.
26160: STEINER, GEORGE & LAURE ADLER - Un Long Samedi Entretiens
26279: STEINER, GEORGE, - Fields of Force Fischer and Spassky at Reykjavik.
1593: STEINFELD J.J. - Our Hero in the Cradle of Confederation
6686: STEKLER HERMAN O. - Economic Forecasting
13086: STENSVOLD, MIKE - In - Camera Special Effects
15120: STENTON DORIS MARY - English Society in the Early Middle Ages, 1066 - 1307
20483: STEPHEN WENDY - IL Grande Libro Della Pasta
5653: STEPHENSON J. N. , EDITOR - Pulp & Paper Magazine of Canada
11646: STEPHENSON, NEAL - Diamond Age, the or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
13251: STERNBERG, ROBERT J. & BERNARD C. BEINS - In Search of the Human Mind Study Guide
1794: STEVENS GERALD - In a Canadian Attic an Invaluable Guide to Almost Every Conceivable Antique or Art Object That Might Be Found in a Canadian Attic
1616: STEVENSON LESLIE - Seven Theories of Human Nature
14143: STEVENSON ROBERT LOUIS - Treasure Island
2353: STEVENSON LESLIE (EDITOR) - Study of Human Nature, the
26306: STEVENSON D. E. - Miss Buncle's Book, Miss Buncle Married, Winter and Rough Weather. 3 Volumes
26307: STEVENSON D. E. - Three Volume Set. Still Glides the Stream, Gerald and Elizabeth, Amberwell
26352: STEWART, MARY - Last Enchantment, the
21769: STEWART, WALTER - Strike: A Picket-Line Perspective on the National Dilemma That Cost Canadians 9,000,000 Man-Days Per Year.
26378: STEWART, RODERICK - Mind of Norman Bethune, the
7750: STEWART WALTER - Shrug Trudeau in Power
152: STEWART WALTER - Towers of Gold, Feet of Clay the Canadian Banks
1386: STEWART MARY - Crystal Cave, the
27704: STEWART RODERICK - Norman Bethune ( French Version)
27415: STEWART, JEAN CANTLIE - Selected Poems of James Elroy Flecker
4270: STEWART WALTER - Divide & con (Canadian Politics at Work)
1420: STEWART BARBARA - She Shoots... She Scores: A Complete Guide to Women's Hockey
27788: STEWART, HILARY - Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast
27197: STEWART, GEORGE R. - Earth Abides
23297: STIRLING, S. M. - Peshawar Lancers, the
26977: STITCH, WILHELMINA - Homespun
26976: STITCH, W - Where Sunlight Falls
21377: STOCK, DENNIS - James Dean Revisited
1297: STOCK DORA, STOCK MARIE - Recueil de Lectures
4362: STODDARD, ALEXANDRA - Daring to Be Yourself
1020: STOJKO ELVIS - Heart and Soul: Elvis Stojko, in His Own Words **Signed**
27206: STOLMAN, STEVEN - Scalamandre Haute Decor: Haute Decor
27725: STONE IRVING - Lust for Life: A Novel Base on the Life of Vincent Van Gogh
3510: STONE IRVING - Jack London, Sailor on Horseback
15780: STORER JAY: HAYNES MANUALS, EDITORS OF - Ford Pick-Ups 1997 Thru 2003 Expedition 1997 Thru 2009
23601: STOTT, JOHN - Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ( I V P Classics )
2209: STOUFFER ELLEN - Country Cross-Stitch Designs
3009: STOWERS, CARLTON - To the Last Breath Three Women Fight for the Truth Behind a Child's Tragic Murder
26153: STRACHEY, LYTTON - Eminent Victorians
27710: STRAND, JEFF - Dweller
2331: STRATH LUCILLE, AVERY HEATHER, TAYLOR KAREN - Notes on the Preparation of Essays in the Arts and Sciences Fourth Edition
22113: STRAYER, JOSEPH R. & ETC. - Western Civilization Since 1500
14127: STREET, JAMES - Velvet Doublet, the
13347: STREETON, RICHARD - P.G. H. Fender
7588: STRIEBER, WHITLEY - Last Vampire , the a Novel
26876: STRONG-BOAG, VERONICA - Heritage: The Diaries of Elizabeth Smith, 1872-1884
27418: STRONG MICHAEL - Danger Feeds My Fear
19342: STUBBS, KENNETH RAY - Tantric Massage
25049: STUCKY - Les Tapisseries de L'Apocalypse D'Angers: Volume 54 of Collection "Orbis Pietus" Translator: Eugene Badoux
15081: STUEBING, DOUGLAS, MARSHALL, JOHN & OAKES, GARY - Trudeau, a Man for Tomorrow
1724: STURSBERG PETER - Diefenbaker Leadership Lost, 1962-67
1723: STURSBERG PETER - Diefenbaker Leadership Gained, 1956-62
27214: STURSBERG, PETER - Lester Pearson and the Dream of Unity
26293: STYRON, WILLIAM - Darkness Visible a Memoir of Madness
26996: STYRON, WILLIAM - Face Aux Ténèbres
2243: STYRON WILLIAM - A Tidewater Morning Three Tales from Youth
27114: SUARèS, ANDRé - Voyage Du Condottiere Vers Venise - Fiorenza - Sienne la Bine-Aimee /Collection de L'Aimant
9838: SUGAR, BERT RANDOLPH - Classic Baseball Cards 98 Collector's Cards Authentically Reproduced in Full Color
7443: SUGAR RANDI AND BERT RANDOLPH - Houdini: His Life and Art
14595: SULLIVAN, MARK T. - Ghost Dance a Spine Tingling Novel of Stalking Evil
21601: SULLIVAN, NORMAN - Brain Power Test Your Intelligence
26847: SULLIVAN, ROSEMARY - Shadow Maker the Life of Gwendolyn Macewen
1721: SUMMERS ANTHONY - Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon
5047: SUMMERS, ANTHONY, AND TOM MANGOLD. - The File on the Tsar the Fate of the Romanovs - New Evidence.
27342: SUMMERSON, JOHN - Classical Language of Architecture, the
1262: SUMNER CID RICKETTS - Sudden Glory
27458: SUTCLIFF ROSEMARY - Brother Dusty - Feet
20417: SUTCLIFF, ROSEMARY - Dragon Slayer: The Story of Beowulf (1970)
26779: SUVOROV, VIKTOR - Inside the Soviet Army
9737: SUYIN, HAN - Till Morning Comes
10646: SWAIN, JAMES - Mr. Lucky a Novel of High Stakes
21603: SWANN, DENNIS - Economics of the Common Market
24339: SWEET, ROBERT - Weekend Navigator: Simple Boat Navigation with Gps and Electronics
2321: SWERLING LISA, LAZAR RALPH - Flying Memos and Other Office Antics
5128: SWIFT, MICHAEL, MICHAEL SHARPE - Historical Maps of World War II Europe
1641: SWIFT JONATHAN - Gulliver's Travels
2041: SWIFT JONATHAN - Gulliver's Travels Introduction by John F. Ross
1294: SWIFT JONATHAN - Gulliver's Travels
26502: SWISHER, CLARICE - A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
23500: SWITHIN, ANTHONY - Winds of Wastelands, the Perilous Quest for Lyonesse, Book Three
26566: SYLVA - Vercors
27163: SYLVESTRE, PAUL-FRANçOIS - Sissy Ou Une Adolescence Singulière
26983: SYMTHIES E. A. - Canadian Duplex Cancellations of the Victorian Era 1860-1902
1354: SZYDLO MARY - Artists in the Kitchen Cook Book
10864: TABORSKY, EDWINA - Man Deer Hunt Cognitive Battery Underlying Social Behavior
24242: TABUCCHI, ANTONIO - Tristano Meurt
27325: TAGORE, RABINDRANATH - Fireflies
4613: TAMIR SHLOMO - Everyday Life in the Kibbutz
2415: TAMMUZ, BENJAMIN - Minotaur
26411: TANAKA, IKKO - Japan Style
25037: TANIZAKI, JUNICHIRô - Journal D'Un Vieux Fou Folio #1246
27810: TARNOPOLSKY WALTER SURMA - Canadian Bill of Rights, the
1709: TATARYN LLOYD - Pundits: Power, Politics, & the Press, the
23085: TAVERNER P. A. - Birds of Western Canada, Museum Bulletin No. 41, Biological Series, No. 10, September 1926
26873: TAYLOR, PATRICK - An Irish Country Girl Irish Country Book 4.
2302: TAYLOR CHARLES, LAFOREST GUY, EDITOR - Reconciling the Solitutes Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism
418: TAYLOR KATE - Mme. Proust and the Kosher Kitchen
1330: TAYLOR SCOTT, NOLAN BRIAN - Tested Mettle: Canada's Peacekeeper's at War
2799: TAYLOR MILDRED D. - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
10640: TAYLOR, LUCY - Nailed
1350: TEBBEL JOHN - Conqueror
21592: TENNANT, EMMA - A B C of Writing
11151: TERENCE - Woman of Andros, the
11731: TERRALL, ROBERT - Wrap It in Flags
1845: THACKERAY WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - History of Henry Esmond
1592: THACKERAY WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero
1803: THACKERAY WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Newcomes, Volume Two, the
1804: THACKERAY WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Newcomes Vol. 1 & 2, the
27444: THéBERGE, JEAN-YVES & VICENT THéBERGE - La Mise en Chair Suivi de Vesses-de-Loup (Les)
9305: THEROUX PAUL - Kingdom by the Sea, the
26487: THEROUX, PAUL - Hotel Honolulu
20777: THEROUX, PAUL - Old Patagonian Express, the
1711: THEROUX PAUL - Happy Isles of Oceania: Paddling the Pacific
27559: THEROUX, PAUL - Mosquito Coast a Novel
11346: THOMAS CAROL - Kite Crazy
27524: THOMAS, D. M. - Charlotte
27310: THOMAS DYLAN - Quite Early One Morning
27311: THOMAS, DYLAN - Deaths and Entrances
1482: THOMPSON HOLLAND, PH. D. - Lands and Peoples: Part 9, Italy
1483: THOMPSON HOLLAND, PH. D. - Lands and Peoples: Part 10, Greece-Albania-Balkans
18607: THOMPSON, JIM - Grifters, the
26935: THOMPSON C. J. S. - Quacks of Old London. The
21840: THOMPSON JOHN - John Thompson's Adult Preparatory Piano Book : Book One ( Sheet Music )
11436: THOMSON, EDWARD WILLIAM - Old Man Savarin Stories Tales of Canada and Canadians
21455: THOMSON, DAVID - Whole Equation, a History of Hollywood
4111: THORNE, SABINA - Reruns
11822: THROWER NORMAN J. W. EDITOR - Man's Domain, a Thematic Atlas of the World
27542: THURBER, JAMES - Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze
27164: THURBER, JAMES - Thurber Carnival
2797: THURM, MARIAN - Way We Live Now, the
26848: THURMAN, JUDITH - Secrets of the Flesh a Life of Colette
2188: THUROW LESTER - Head to Head the Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe, and America
119: TIGER LIONEL & FOX ROBIN - Imperial Animal, the
22722: TIMES IN LONDON - Times History of the War: On Land and Sea
27327: TINKLE LON - Valiant Few: Crisis at the Alamo, the
9988: TIPPETT MARIA - Portrait in Light and Shadow Life of Yousuf Karsh
26636: TISSERON, SERGE - Tintin Chez le Psychanalyste
13706: TKACHUK BRIAN, ROY WALMSLEY - World Prison Population: Facts, Trends and Solutions
7296: TOBOLDT BILL - Fix Your Ford, V8's, 6's, 1974 - 1963
27171: TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE - Voyage en Angleterre Et en Irlande
27293: TODOROV, TZVETAN - Symbolisme Et Interprétation
26255: TODOROV, TZVETAN - Poétique Qu'Est-Ce Que le Structuralisme, T. 02
16520: TOLKIEN, J.R.R. & CHRISTOPHER TOLKIEN - Silmarillion, the
1627: TORREY R. A. - How to Pray
22276: TOURNIER, MICHEL - Médianoche Amoureux
22986: TOURNIER, MICHEL - Eléazar Ou la Source Et le Buisson
2244: TOWNSEND JOHN ROWE - Downstream
27039: TOYE, WILLIAM & LEN RAMPEN - The St. Lawrence.
16199: TOYE, RANDALL - Agatha Christie Who's Who, the
27481: TOYE, WILLIAM & ELIZABETH CLEAVER (PICTURES) - How Summer Came to Canada
27376: TOYNE, SIMON - Sanctus: Book One of the Sancti Trilogy
1241: TRACY BRIAN - Advanced Selling Strategies
27633: TRAIN, JOHN, PREFACE BY GEORGE PLIMPTON - Remarkable Occurrences
3736: TRANSPORT CANADA - Flight Training Manual Third Edition
27819: TRAQUILLE HENRI - Voir Clair Aux échecs
6462: TRAVEN B. - Treasure of Sierra Madre, the
26678: TRAVEN B. - The Rebellion of the Hanged: No. 5 of the Jungle Novels
25042: TREBLE, H. A. , G. H VALLINS - An ABC of English Usage,
14275: TREMAYNE, PETER - Valley of the Shadow a Celtic Mystery, a Sister Fidelma Mystery
27688: TREMBLAY, MICHEL - Le Coeur Découvert #105
27638: TRIGIANI, ADRIANA - Big Stone Gap, #1 of the Big Stone Gap Series
16123: TROLLOPE, JOANNA - Best of Friends, the , ** Signed**
1219: TROLLOPE ANTHONY - Barchester Towers
27435: TROTTIER PIERRE - Un Pays Baroque
24236: TROYAT HENRI - Le Fils Du Satrape
24623: TROYAT, HENRI - Faux Jour, le Vivier, le Mort Saisit le Vif, la Tête Sur Les épaules
26508: TRUDEAU PIERRE ELLIOT - Le Fedéralisme Et la Société Canadienne Française
12489: TRUDEAU, KEVIN - Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
27731: TRUDEAU, PIERRE ELLIOTT - Federalism and the French Canadians
25185: TRUDEAU PIERRE ELLIOT - Trudeau en Direct
3786: TRUDEAU, PIERRE ELLIOT - Pierre Trudeau Speaks out on Meech Lake
26639: TRUDEL JEAN - L' Orfevrerie en Nouvelle-France
26840: TRUDEL, MARCEL & GEORGE TOMBS - Canada's Forgotten Slaves Two Centuries of Bondage
26356: TUCHMAN BARBARA W. - Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914; Barbara W. Tuchman's Great War Series
2279: TUDGE COLIN - Famine Business, the
2334: TURNBULL AGNES SLIGH - Gown of Glory, the
22525: TURNBULL, PATRICK - Napoleon's Second Empress: A Life of Passion
1419: TURNER GARTH - Strategy: A Homeowner's Guide to Wealth Creation
21571: TUTE WARREN - Rock, the
26429: TWAIN MARK - On Writing and Publishing
15455: TWAIN, MARK; DEVOTO, BERNARD (EDITOR) - Letters from the Earth New Uncensored Writings by Mark Twain
18619: TWATIO, BILL - Uneasy Neighbours Conflicts That Defined Canada
13481: TYLER, ANNE - Ladder of Years
26757: TZARA TRISTAN - L'Homme Approximatif. 1925-1930
27210: TZU, SUN & B. H. LIDDELL HART & SAMUEL B. GRIFFITH - Art of War the New Illustrated Edition
2264: UCHIDA YOSHIKO - Journey Home
8377: UEBERROTH, PETER; LEVIN, RICHARD & AMY QUINN - Made in America His Own Story
26010: UK, HACHETTE - Borrowed Time Story of Britain between the Wars
14636: ULRICH, H - Enjoyment of a Concert , the
5654: UN GROUP D'INGENIEURS - Cours de Technique Papetiére à L'Usage Des éLèves Du C.A. P. Papetier Et Des Cours Professionels en Usines
15669: UNICEF - First Call for Children Convention on the Rights of the Child
27823: UNKNOWN - Recuerdo de la Corrida de Toros. No. 70
26793: UNKNOWN - Chanel Boutique Automne-Hiver 1996-1997
26346: UNLNOWN - My Red Book of Adventure Stories
25872: UNSWORTH, BARRY - Morality Play
14279: UPFIELD, ARTHUR W. - Bone Is Pointed, the an Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte Mystery
27209: URIS, LEON - Trinity
25173: URQUHART, JANE - Changing Heaven
2341: URSU ANNE - Disapparation of James, the
26749: VACHON AUGUSTE - Heraldry in Canada, Vol. X X I I , No. 3, Sept, 1988
26750: VACHON AUGUSTE - Herlady in Canada / Heraldique Au Canada. Vol. X X I I I , No. 3,September 1989
25091: VACHON ANDRE - Francois de Laval
22281: VACHON, GEORGETTE - Images de Roméo Vachon: Pionnier de L' Aviation Commerciale. Pionnier de L'aéropostale Au Canada; Unique Trophée Mckee Canadien-Français; Membre de la Commission Des Services aériens. ** Signed **
26159: VADIM, ROGER - L'Ange Affamé
27447: VAIRO, CARLOS - Patagonian and Fuegian Cookbook
1831: VALLIERES PIERRE, (TRANSLATED BY RALPH WELLS) - Assassination of Pierre Laporte Behind the October '70 Scenario
26241: VALNET JEAN - Art of Aromatherapy, the
22: VAN WORMER - Talk
8415: VAN HUSS WAYNE H. , ROY K, NEIMEYER, HERBERT W. OLSDON, JOHN A FRIEDRICH - Physical Activity in Modern Living
2223: VAN DIEPAN ALLISON - Street Pharm
6690: VAN DER VEEN B. - Introduction to the Theory of Operational Research
20719: VAN WILLIGEN, JOHN. - Applied Anthropology an Introduction
26956: VAN SCHENDEL, MICHEL - Poèmes de L'Amérique étrangère
26347: VAN DER BELLEN, LIANA - Architectural Images of Yesterday : European Illustrated Folios at the National Library of Canada = L'Architecture D'Hier en Images : Livres Européens Illustrés à la Bibliothèque Nationale Du Canada.
2821: VAN DE WATER FREDERIC - Thunder Shield
7576: VANCE JACK - Marune: Alastor 933
7577: VANCE JACK - City of the Chasch
19802: VANCE JACK - Big Planet
19804: VANCE, JACK - Ecce & Old Earth
2841: VANCE JACK - Emphyrio
19802: VANCE JACK - Big Planet
19803: VANCE, JACK - Dirdir, the. Tschai, Planet of Adventure
19804: VANCE, JACK - Ecce & Old Earth
19803: VANCE, JACK - Dirdir, the. Tschai, Planet of Adventure
21597: VANDERBILT, TOM - Traffic Why We Drive the Way We Do
13094: VANDERBURG, WILLEM H. - Labyrinth of Technology a Preventive Technology and Economic Strategy As a Way out
26968: VANLANDINGHAM, LYNN - Alone I Wait
27654: VANN GERALD - Pain of Christ and the Sorrow of God
280: VARDEY LUCINDA - Belonging: A Book for the Questioning Catholic Today
26664: VARGAS LLOSA, MARIO - El Pez en el Agua / a Fish in the Water Memorias / Memoirs
26498: VARGAS LLOSA, MARIO - Quien Mato a Palomino Molero?
27287: VARIOUS - European Drawings from the National Gallery of Canada Ottawa Colnaghi
26344: VARIOUS - Gospel of Jesus Christ According to John and Romans Canadian Edition
26707: VARIOUS - Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses: The Mystery of All Mysteries
26415: VARNEDOIE KIRK - Duane Hanson
14826: VASAS-BROWN, CATHY - Every Wickedness
1428: VEGOTSKY KEN - Ultimate Power: How to Unlock Your Mind-Body-Soul Potential
26895: VERLAINE, PAUL - Romances Sans Paroles
26461: VERNE JULES - De la Terre à la Lune. Trajet Direct en 97 Heures 20 Minutes. Les Voyages Extraordinaires
27466: VERNE, JULES - Tour Du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours
27703: VERNE, JULES - Michel Strogoff ( French )
27809: VERNE, JULES - Cinq Semaines en Ballon -Voyage de Découvertes en Afrique par Trois Anglais
26519: VERNE JULES - Un Billet de Loterie / le Numero 1274
26978: VEZINA, RAYMOND - Napolean Bourassa, 1827-1916 Introduction a` L'e´Tude de Son Art
12473: VIDAL, GORE - Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace How We Got to Be So Hated
16555: VIEIRA, EMMANUELLE - Design D'Exposition / Exhibition Design Dix Mises in Espace D'Expositions Au Musee National Des Beaux-Arts Du Quebec
26655: VIGREUX HENRI, PREFACE DE M. HALLER. HALLER - Le Soufflage Du Verre Dans Les Laboratoires Scientifiques Et Industriels
17548: VILLENEUVE, RENE - Lord Dalhousie Patron and Collector
26694: VILLENUEVE, RENE - Orfevrerie Quebecoise de la Collection Du Muse´E Des Beaux-Arts Du Canada
25430: VINCENT, RODOLPHE - Quebec: Historic City
7022: VINGE VERNOR - Witling, the
1743: VOADEN HERMAN - Four Plays of Our Time
161: VOIEN STEVEN - In a High and Lonely Place
27157: VON TRAPP MARIA - Maria
1326: VON FRANK ALBERT J. - Trials of Anthony Burns: Freedom and Slavery in Emerson's Boston
21583: VORHAUS, JOHN - Killer Poker Online Crushing the Internet Game
27477: VOS PETER - Scheppingsverhaal
953: VOSS, FREDERICK S.; NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION); - Faces of Time: 75 Years of Time Magazine Cover Portraits
26302: WAINEWRIGHT MAX - How to Code: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Coding. Books 1, 2,3,4
256: WAITE TERRY - Taken on Trust
26768: WALKER, DAVID - Lean Wind Lean : A Few Times Remembered
6525: WALKER LUCY - Follow Your Stars
1466: WALKER CHARLOTTE - A Little San Francisco Cookbook
27417: WALKER, ELLA JACOBY - Fortress North, Illustrations by the Author.
1449: WALKER JOAN - Repent at Leisure
1521: WALKER ALAN - Start Where You Are
13853: WALKER, ALICE - Warrior Marks Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women
26588: WALKER, ALEXANDER - Elizabeth
27649: WALLACE IVY C. - Pookie
6533: WALLACE, WILLIAM, EDITOR - Dynamics of European Integration, the
1459: WALLACE FRANCIS - Kid Galahad
2215: WALLACE MARILYN - Sisters in Crime 2 More Tantalizing Tales of Mystery & Suspense
26543: WALLACE ROBERT - Le Bernin Et Son Temps 1598-1680
27665: WALLER J. G. & A. B. WALLER - A Series of Monumental Brasses; from the 13th to the 16th Century
8411: WALLER, ROBERT JAMES - Old Songs in a New Cafe Selected Essays
26696: WALLIS E. W. - A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment
26872: WALMSLEY, TOM - Kid Stuff a Novel
27053: WALTER, ANNE - Rumeurs Du Soir
13928: WALTERS, JOSEPH J. & OYEKAN OWOMOYELA - Guanya Pau a Story of an African Princess
27405: WARD, NORMAN - Her Majesty's Mice
10578: WARD MRS. HUMPHREY - Lady Merton Colonist
17062: WARD, J.R. - Lover Enshrined a Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (No. 6)
13578: WARD HUMPHREY - Mating of Lydia, the
26706: WARNER, REX - Why Was I Killed? a Dramatic Dialogue
15667: WARREN ROLAND L. - Community in America, the
8395: WARREN, JEAN; EKBERG, MARION HOPPING - Totline 123 Rhymes Stories & Songs ~ Open-Ended Language (1-2-3 Series) Ages 3-6
27738: WARREN, GEOFFREY. - All Colour Book of Art Nouveau.
146: WARREN PH.D. NEIL CLARK - Triumphant Marriage, the
23415: WATSON, TOM - Don't Bet on It
26156: WATSON SHEILA - Double Hook, the New Canadian Library No. 54
27599: WATZLAWICK, PAUL - Faites Vous-Même Votre Malheur
27396: WAUGH EVELYN - Brideshead Revisited. The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder.
24229: WAUGH EVELYN - Le Cher Disparu
27049: WAUGH EVELYN - Work Suspended and Other Stories Written Before the Second World War
27668: WAUGH EVELYN - The Loved One: An Anglo-American Tragedy
27272: WEARING, ALISON - Honeymoon in Purdah an Iranian Journey
17284: WEBB PADDY - Woman Listening, Selected Poems 1963 - 1990
23493: WEBER, DAVID - A Mighty Fortress Novel #4 in the Safehold Series
21586: WEBER, DAVID - By Heresies Distressed
27175: WEBER LOUISE - Quaker Oats: Old Fashioned Classic Recipes
27771: WEBSTER DOUGLAS - Yes to Mission
16552: WEIR, CAROLYN - Right Honourable John George Diefenbaker 1895 - 1979 a Pictorial Tribute
21556: WEIS, MARGARET & TRACY HICKMAN - Dragon Wing the Death Gate Cycle, Volume 1
26635: WELCH, JAMES - L' Hiver Dans le Sang
19675: WENTWORTH, PATERICIA - Outrageous Fortune (Seven Green Stones )
14035: WERFEL FRANZ, LUDWIG LEWISOHN, TRANSLATOR - Song of Bernadette, the
26712: WERFEL FRANZ - Verdi Ou le Roman de L'Opéra
940: WERIER CLIFF - Harbrace Handbook for Canadians: Fifth Edition
14047: WERNHER HILDA - My Indian Family a Story of East and West Within a Muslim Home
26316: WESLEY, MARY - A Sensible Life
21587: WEST, ROY - 7-Card Stud 42 Lessons How to Win at Medium & Lower Limits
25022: WEST, NIGEL - Faber Book of Treachery
26210: WEST, W. J. - Quest for Graham Greene, the
18952: WEST PAUL - Robert Penn Warren
27618: WESTELL W. PERCIVAL - Animals at Home.
23496: WESTERFELD, SCOTT - Killing of Worlds, the Book Two of Succession
1642: WESTERMAN PERCY F. - Secret of the Plateau
6862: WESTHEIMER RUTH K. DR. AMOS GRUNEBAUM M D - Dr. Ruth's Pregnancy Guide for Couples Love, Sex and Medical Facts
2202: WESTLAND PAMELA - Home Harvest Notes from a Country Kitchen
26214: WEYERGANS, FRANçOIS - Macaire le Copte
27237: WEYERGANS, FRANçOIS - Je Suis écrivain
24352: WEYGAND - Forces de la France - Vocation de la France ** Signed **
26632: WHACKETT KHANYER - Poems for My Friends & More Poems for My Friends, Mainly About My Friends ( Two Volumes)
26926: WHEALY ELIZABETH - Poems and Pleasures
19509: WHEATLEY, DENNIS - V for Vengeance
9955: WHITE, KENNA - Romancing the Zone
1310: WHITE ROBERT W. - Abnormal Personality
27684: WHITE, J. H. AND HOSIE, R. C. - Forest Trees of Ontario : And the More Commonly Planted Foreign Trees : A Guide to Their Identification with 260 Illustrations
26732: WHITE E. B. - Stuart Little & the Trumpet of the Swan. 2 Volumes
1404: WHITMARSH W.F. H. - Complete French Course for First Examinations
27263: WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART & GAIL LEVIN & EDWARD HOPPER - Edward Hopper the Art and the Artist
21294: WICKERT, ERWIN & J. MAXWELL BROWNJOHN - Middle Kingdom, Inside China Today
15765: WIEBE, RUDY & EVA-MARIE KROLLER - Blue Mountains of China, the
1362: WILCOX COLLIN - Doctor, Lawyer...... Another Exploit of Lieutenant Hastings of the San Francisco Pd.
25038: WILDE, OSCAR - Selected Writings
21482: WILDE, OSCAR - Bedside Wilde: Classics for Pleasure
14046: WILDER THORNTON - Ides of March, 1st Edition
1211: WILDER THORNTON - Our Town : A Play in Three Acts
23501: WILHELM, KATE - Huysman's Pets
26709: WILHELM HELLMUT, - I Ching or Book of Changes
11179: WILKINSON, ANDREW M. - Foundations of Language, the Talking and Reading in Young Children,
27690: WILKINSON CHARLES K. - Chess: East and West, Past and Present: A Selection from the Gustavus A. Pfeiffer Collection
2347: WILL GEORGE F. - Restoration Congress, Term Limits and the Recovery of Deliberative Democracy
1205: WILLES JOHN A. - Contemporary Canadian Labour Relations
27321: WILLIAM MICHAEL ROSSETTI - Life and Writings of John Keats
23502: WILLIAMS, LIZ - Empire of Bones
21949: WILLIAMS, GUY R. - World of Model Ships and Boats
407: WILLIAMS JESSE FEIRING - Hygiene and Sanitation, the Essentials of Modern Health Care
26553: WILLIAMS, KIT - Untitled. [the Bee Book].
21578: WILLIAMS, ANNE & DEBBIE PIERCEY - Start Canoeing
20778: WILLIAMS, ROY H. - Free the Beagle a Journey to Destinae
26767: WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE - In the Winter of Cities February, 1964]
27436: WILLIS-O'CONNOR H. , MADGE MACBETH - Inside Government House
11738: WILLIS, CONNIE - Impossible Things
1613: WILLS GARRY - Kennedy Imprisonment
10308: WILSON, LESLIE - Beardsley
9639: WILSON, KEITH D. - Cause of Death a Writer's Guide to Death, Murder and Forensic Medicine
27386: WILSON, DANIEL H. - Robogenesis
27389: WILSON, F. PAUL - Reprisal: Book 5 of the Adversary Cycle
14284: WILSON, F. PAUL - Deep As the Marrow
27428: WILSON HELEN DACEY - More Tales from Barrett's Landing; : A Childhood in Nova Scotia
1665: WILT JOY - Making Up Your Own Mind: A Children's Book About Decision Making and Problem Solving.
25157: WINCHESTER, SIMON - Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
9488: WINDLING, TERRI & ELLEN DATLOW. EDITORS - Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, the Fifteenth Annual Collection
27394: WINDSOR-SMITH, BARRY - Young Gods and Friends
27186: WINEGARDNER, MARK - Godfather Returns
12974: WINKS, ROBIN W. [EDITOR] - British Imperialism Gold, God, Glory [European Problem Studies]
23895: WINN EDWARD - Winn's How to Play Popular Music, with "Swing" Bass ( Sheet Music)
5042: WINNIPEG PUBLIC LIBRARY STAFF - Hot Pots and Cool Cooks
70: WINSTON STEPHANIE - Getting Organized
5050: WINTERS ROBERT H. , MINISTER OF COMMERCE - Canada Un Siecle 1867 -1967
26854: WINTERS, MICHELLE - I Am a Truck
310: WINTERSON JEANETTE - Written on the Body
21027: WINTON, JOHN - Sir Walter Ralegh
15767: WISEMAN, ADELE - Crackpot New Canadian Librry # 144
1238: WITMER GLENN EDWARD - Protecting Your Home & Property
27141: WITTKOWER RUDOLPH - Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
22874: WOLD ERLING AND MARGE - What Do I Have to Do Break My Neck
23298: WOLF JOAN - Road to Avalon, the
2020: WOLF JILL, RETOLD BY - Story of Easter
12993: WOLFE, JEREMY M. - Readings from Scientific American: Mind's Eye
26190: WOLFE, TOM - From Bauhaus to Our House by Wolfe, (1981)
13084: WOLFE, SUSAN - Last Billable Hour, the
23817: WOLFE, TOM JAMES - From Bauhaus to Our House
27151: WOLINSKI NATACHA, OLIVER MESLAY - Cosmos from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde ( Beaux Arts Magazine)
25211: WOLKENSTEIN, JULIE - L'Heure Anglaise Folio # 4463
7150: WOLLHEIM DONALD A. (EDITOR) - More Adventures on Other Planets Great Stories of Neighbor Worlds
356: WOLMAN BENJAMIN B. - Success and Failure in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
14280: WOMACK, STEVEN - Chain of Fools
26992: WOOD, CLEMENT & MICHAEL S. ALLEN & MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM - Webster's New World Rhyming Dictionary Clement Wood's Updated
24611: WOOD KERRY - Birds and Animals in the Rockies: Banff, Jasper
26387: WOODHOUSE, SARAH - Other Lives
8460: WOODING, SCOTT - Cattle Crisis
27096: WOODLEY, E. C. - La Famille Joseph Et Les Annales de Québec. Un Siècle Et Demi D'Histoire.
17340: WOODS W. C. - You and Your Freezer / Vous Et Votre Congelateur
27519: WOODS, SHIRLEY E - Ottawa the Capital of Canada
17340: WOODS W. C. - You and Your Freezer / Vous Et Votre Congelateur
27603: WOODS, SHIRLEY & CELIA GODKIN, ILLUSTRATOR - Jack: The Story of a Beaver
5651: WOODSIDE LAURENCE M. - Paper Machine Felts Their Manufacture and Application for Improved Papermaking
18124: WOODWARD, MARY ANN - Scars of the Soul: Holistic Healing in the Edgar Cayce Readings
16975: WOOLEY, JOHN, RON WOLFE - Death's Door
25184: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Orlando a Biography
27103: WOOLF VIRGINIA - A Room of One's Own Eleventh Impression
2345: WORICK JENNIFER & BORGENICHT JOE - Action Heroine's Handbook How to Win a Catfight, Drink Someone Under the Table, Choke a Man with Your Bare Thighs... .
19338: WORZEL, RICHARD - Facing the Future ** Signed ** the Seven Forces Revolutionizing Our Lives.
13033: WORZEL, RICHARD. - Facing the Future the Seven Forces Revolutionizing Our Lives.
17332: WRIGHT GERTRUDE - Simply Delicious Cookbook
14285: WRIGHT, EDWARD - Clea's Moon
19508: WRIGHT, RICHARD B. - In the Middle of a Life
27437: WRIGHT, ERIC - A Body Surrounded by Water. A Charlie Slater Novel.
26868: WRIGHT, GLENN, PAST ARCHIVIST FOR LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA - Canadians at War 1914-1919, a Research Guide to World War One Service Records
17332: WRIGHT GERTRUDE - Simply Delicious Cookbook
1224: WRIGHT C.W. - How to Speak in Public
14283: WRIGHT, ERIC - Death in the Old Country an Inspector Charlie Salter Novel
27215: WYNDHAM, JOHN - Day of the Triffids
27493: WYNESS FENTON - Mediaeval Edinburgh : Phases of the Old Town with Brief Historical Notes
27086: Y. W. C. A. WORD FELLOWHSIP COMMITTEE - Japanese Etiquette an Introduction
2004: YAMAGUCHI MASAKAZU - Arm of Kannon
27379: YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN - Roman Dusk: Book 19 of the Count Saint-Germain
27380: YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN - Dark of the Sun. Book 17 of the Count Saint- Germain Series a Novel of the Count Saint-Germain
27827: YARBRO CHELSEA QUINN - Hotel Transylvania: A Novel of Forbidden Love
27378: YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN - Night Blooming: No. 15 of the Saint Germain Series
27377: YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN - Borne in Blood: Book 21 of the Count Saint-Germain
2156: YEAGER CHUCK GENERAL - Press on! Further Adventrues in the Good Life
1263: YERBY FRANK - Floodtide
26565: YOAKAM, GERALD A. AND DAW SEWARD E. - My Spelling, Grade Eight. Revised for Canadian Schools
25124: YORKER, NEW - The New Yorker Book of True Love Cartoons
6227: YOUNG WALTER D. - Democracy and Discontent
337: YOUNG AGATHA - Blaze of Glory
15112: YOUNG, SCOTT - Murder in a Cold Climate ** Signed ** a Crime Novel
26759: YOURCENAR MARGUERITE - Presentation Critique de Constantin Cavafy, 1863-1833. Suivie D'Une Traduction Des Poèmes
26139: YOURCENAR MARGUERITE - Discours de Réception de Madame Marguerite Yourcenar a L'Académie Française Et Réponse de Monsieur Jean D'Ormensson
18251: YOURCENAR, MARGUERITE - Quoi? L'éternité, le Labyrinthe Du Monde, Tome 3
19565: YUN, VENERABLE MASTER HSING - Humble Table, Wise Fare / Modeste Table, Sage Nourriture Hospitality for the Heart
1604: ZACHARIAS LEE - Lessons
21302: ZAHN, TIMOTHY - Vision of the Future Star Wars Legends
11743: ZELAZNY, ROGER - Madwand
14273: ZENCY, ERIC - Panama
27119: ZERI, FEDERICO - Pontormo: The Deposition
4449: ZIEGLER, PHILIP - Mountbatten the Official Biography
25043: ZIMMERMANN D. H. , CENSORES DEPUTATI - La Regle de Saint Benoit.
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