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Click on booknumber for full information
015800: Costain, Thomas B. & Beecroft, John, compilers - More Stories to Remember
40978: Costales, Bryan - Sendmail
30991: Costantini, Vincenzo - Michelangelo. Eight Colour Plates with an Introduction by Vincenza Costantini
39801: Costello, David - Here They Come!
26792: Cotlow, Lewis - The Twilight of the Primitive [by] Lewis Cotlow
26791: Cotlow, Lewis - In Search of the Primitive [by] Lewis Cotlow
42390: Cott, Jonathan - Dylan.
26835: Cotterell, Geoffrey - Westward the Sun
009721: Cotton, Charles - Poems from the Works of...
009537: Cotton, Leo, ed. - Old Mr. Boston: De Luxe Official Bartender's Guide
33594: Cotton, Leo, ed. - Old Mr. Boston: De Luxe Official Bartender's Guide
015396: Cottrell, Leonard - Seeing Roman Britain
41475: Cottrell, John & Cashin, Fergus - Richard Burton, Very Close Up, by John Cottrell and Fergus Cashin
17765: Couffer, Jack & Mike - Salt Marsh Summer
2226: Coughlin, Jack - Thirteen Irish Writers. Portraits by Jack Coughlin. On Ireland, Selections by Robin Skelton
42597: Couhat, Jean Labayle, ed. - Combat Fleets of the World 1984/85
27035: Coulter, Stephen - The Devil Inside; a Novel of Dostoevsky's Life
009423: Council of the Boston Symphony Orchestra - The Boston Symphony Cookbook
29222: Country Life Limited - Gardens, Old and New; the Country House & Its Garden Environment.
34437: Couperous, Louis - Arrogance : The Conquests of Xerxea
29044: Courlander, Harold - The Master of the Forge : A West African Odyssey
27899: Courlander, Harold - The Son of the Leopard. Woodcuts by Rocco Negri
005441: Cournos, John - A Boy Named John
26827: Courter, Gay - Code Ezra
28175: Courthion, Pierre - Impressionism. Text by Pierre Courthion
27061: Courtney, Mary King - The Pictures of Polly
43158: Cousin, John William - A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John W. Cousin Everyman's Library No. 449
37013: Cousins, John - Secret Valleys
30399: Cousins, Norman. - Who Speaks for Man?
011631: Cousins, Norman - Dr. Schweitzer of Lambarene
21698: Cousins, Norman - Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by Th
30008: Cousteau, Jacques Yves - The Ocean World
39106: Cousteau, Jacques Yves - Life and Death in a Coral Sea [by] Jacques-Yves Cousteau with Philippe Diolé The Undersea discoveries of Jacques-Yves Cousteau
42344: Cousteau, Jacques Yves - The Whale: Mighty Monarch of the Sea The Undersea discoveries of Jacques-Yves Cousteau
30726: Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger & Rebecca R. - First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy.
26701: Coville, Bruce - The Monster's Ring
17393: Covington, Dennis - Lasso the Moon
016150: Cowan, Gibson - The Log of the Pelican
42666: Cowan, John - Small Decencies : Reflections and Meditations on Being Human at Work
006099: Coward, Noel - The Noel Coward Diaries. Edited by Graham Payn and Sheridan Morley
016927: Cowart, Jack - Roy Lichtenstein, 1970-1980
31463: Cowell, Adrian - The Heart of the Forest
40958: Cowell, Stephanie - Nicholas Cooke, Actor, Soldier, Physician, Priest : A Novel/ Stephanie Cowell
23970: Cowie, Alexander - The Rise of the American Novel American literature series
014897: Cowles, A. A. - Semitones, by A.A. C.
018036: Cowles, Edith M. - Giotto. The Legend of St. Francis As Depicted in the Frescoes and Faithfully Copied... With a Foreword by G.K. Chesterton
29714: Cowles, Virginia - Gay Monarch, the Life and Pleasures of Edward VII
27036: Cowley, Joy - Man of Straw
33016: Cowley, Malcolm - A Second Flowering; Works and Days of the Lost Generation
33002: Cowley, Malcolm - A Second Flowering; Works and Days of the Lost Generation
33003: Cowley, Malcolm - The Flower and the Leaf : A Contemporary Record of American Writing Since 1941
017102: Cowley, Malcolm - The Flower and the Leaf: A Contemporary Record of American Writing Since 1941. Edited by Donald W. Faulkner
17394: Cowley, Marjorie - Dar and the Spear-Thrower
010902: Cowley, Malcolm - Exile's Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920's
015851: Cowley, Malcolm - A Second Flowering: Works and Days of the Lost Generation
34301: Cowper, William - Poems by William Cowper with Illustrations by Hugh Cameron
46247: Cowper, William - Tirocinium: Or, a Review of Schools. By William Cowper... A New Edition
25366: Cox, Vic - Whales and Dolphins
30085: Cox, E. H. M. & P. A. - Modern Shrubs.
24540: Cox, Doris & Warren, Barbara - Creative Hands : An Introduction to Craft Techniques
22623: Cox, Warren E. - The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, Vol. 1
38984: Cox, S. S. - The Surplus and the Tariff. Speech of the Hon. S.S. Cox of New York in the House of Representatives, May 17, 1888
42416: Cox, Harvey Gallagher - Fire from Heaven : The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-First Century
37528: Coxe, George Harmon - Uninvited Guest
42919: Coxe, George Harmon - Fashioned for Murder
1252: Coxe, George Harmon - Error of Judgement: A Jack (Flash) Casey Mystery
35711: Coxe, Daniel - A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards Call'd Florida, and by the French la Louisiane Bicentennial Floridiana facsimile series
26836: Coyle, Harold - Trial by Fire : A Novel
29609: Coysh, A. W. - The Buying Antiques Reference Book
29986: Cozby, Paul C.; Worden, Patricia E.; Kee, Donald W. - Research Methods in Human Development
31347: Cozzens, Frederic S. (Frederic Swartwout) - Acadia, or, a Month with the Blue Noses by Frederic S. Cozzens
46721: Cozzens, James Gould - The Just and the Unjust
27037: Cozzens, James Gould - By Love Possessed
27038: Cozzens, James Gould - Children and Others
27039: Cozzens, James Gould - Morning, Noon, and Night
27057: Cozzens, James Gould - Children and Others
27058: Cozzens, James Gould - The Just and the Unjust
27065: Cozzens, James Gould - The Last Adam
26972: Cozzens, James Gould - A Time of War : Air Force Diaries and Pentagon Memos, 1943-45. Edited by Matthew Bruccoli
26829: Cozzens, James Gould - The Just and the Unjust
011677: Cozzens, James Gould - S.S. San Pedro
011149: Cozzens, James Gould - Confusion
1253: Cozzens, James Gould - The Just and the Unjust
1254: Cozzens, James Gould - Morning Noon and Night
012587: Crabbe, George - George Crabbe, an Anthology, Chosen by F.L. Lucas
44014: Crace, Jim - Quarantine
40208: Craft, Robert - Prejudices in Disguise; Articles, Essays, Reviews
35989: Craig, Maurice James. - Irish Bookbindings The Irish heritage series, 6
014118: Craig, John - Danger Is My Business
40770: Craig, James - Phototypesetting : A Design Manual
40731: Craig, Philip R. - Dead in Vineyard Sand : A Martha's Vineyard Mystery
38745: Craig, Suze - Tails & Tales : Small Farming in New England
31477: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock - The Little Lame Prince and His Traveling-Cloak
009008: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock - The Little Lame Prince and His Traveling Cloak by Miss Mulock
43264: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock - John Halifax, Gentleman Everyman's Library No. 123
016084: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock - The Little Lame Prince and His Traveling Cloak by Miss Mulock
27040: Crain, Mark - Comeback Man : A Novel
006247: Craine, E. J. - Airplane Boys on the Border Line
23510: Crais, Robert - Voodoo River
006384: Cram, Ralph Adams - Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts
015498: Cram, Ralph Adams - The Great Thousand Years
009766: Crane, Hart - The Bridge: A Poem by... With an Introduction by Malcolm Cowley
009197: Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage. Edited by Richard Chase Riverside Editions A 46
39696: Crane, Frank - George Westinghouse : His Life and Achievements
27041: Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage. Afterword by Clifton Fadiman. Illustrated by Herschel Levit The Macmillan classics, 14
27059: Crane, Stephen - Great Stories of Heroism and Adventure The Macmillan classics, 14
003386: Crane, Cheryl - Detour: A Hollywood Story
006631: Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage
22439: Crane, Cheryl - Detour: A Hollywood Story
011759: Crane, Nathalia - Swear by the Night and Other Poems. With an Introduction by Louis Untermeyer
38899: Crane, Nathalia - The Pamphlet Poets
23995: Crane, John Kenny - The Legacy of Ladysmith : A Novel
46486: Crane, Walter - Queen Summer, or, the Tourney of the Lily & the Rose / Penned & Portrayed by Walter Crane.
42259: Crane, Walter - The Baby's Opera
57: Crane, Walter - India Impressions, with Some Notes of Ceylon During a Winter Tour, 1906-7, by Walter Crane, R.W. S. With a Frontispiece in Colour and Numerous Other Illustrations from Sketches by the Author
017293: Crankshaw, Edward - The Shadow of the Winter Palace: Russia's Drift to Revolution, 1825-1917
44569: Crankshaw, Edward - Khrushchev; a Career
17885: Cranwell, John Philips - Fast and Fancy Cookery: Recipes for Those Who Work from Nine to Five...
008607: Craven, Avery O - The Growth of Southern Nationalism, 1848-1861
008603: Craven, Wesley Frank - The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689
40808: Craven, Thomas - Men of Art
003433: Craven, Thomas - Men of Art
17937: Craven, Thomas - Modern Art: The Men, the Movements, the Meaning
7551: Craven, Avery O - Rachel of Old Louisiana. With Illustrations by the Author
003971: Crawford, Francis Marion - Ave Roma Immortalis: Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
23511: Crawford, Cheryl - One Naked Individual : My Fifty Years in the Theatre
27045: Crawford, Francis Marion - Saracinesca
27060: Crawford, Francis Marion - A Tale of a Lonely Parish
008780: Crawford, John N - Chats on Writers and Books... With an Introduction by Horatio W. Seymour
013979: Crawford, Mary Caroline - Romantic Days in the Early Republic
39353: Crawford, Mary Caroline - Little Pilgrimages Among Old New England Inns; Being an Account of Little Journeys to Various Quaint Inns and Hostelries of Colonial New England
32367: Crawford, Albert Beecher, ed. - Phi Beta Kappa Men of Yale 1780 - 1959 Men of Yale Series, Vol. IV
015860: Crawford, Mary Caroline - The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees
21564: Crawford, Francis Marion - Man Overboard ! Little Novels by Favorite Authors
1530: Crawford, Mary Caroline - St. Botolph's Town: An Account of Old Boston in the Colonial Days
32237: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion) - Greifenstein,
42216: Crawford, William H - Holidays in Wales
45511: Crawford, Mary Caroline - St. Botolph's Town: An Account of Old Boston in the Colonial Days
42123: Crawford, Michael H. (Michael Hewson) - The Roman Republic
45201: Crawford, Matthew B. - Shop Class As Soulcraft : An Inquiry Into the Value of Work
28474: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion) - Via Crucis; a Romance of the Second Crusade,
45875: Crawford, Marion - Mother and Queen; the Story of Queen Mary
45877: Crawford, Marion - Elizabeth the Queen : The Story of Britain's New Sovereign
27042: Creasey, John - The Theft of Magna Carta; the 42nd Story of Roger West His Superintendent West stories
37377: Creasey, John - The Toff Is Back
22971: Creasey, John - Gideon's Drive
007313: Creasey, John - The Smog: A Story of Dr. Palfrey
42877: Creasey, John - Hit and Run
015731: Creasey, John - Inspector West Takes Charge
7587: Creasey, John - The Masters of Bow Street
34627: Crébillon, fils - Sextravaganza by M. De Crebillon le Fils ; with an Introduction by Esar Levine.
45870: Credland, Geoffrey Denis & Murray, George T. (George Thursby) - Scotland: A New Look [by] Geoffrey D. Credland & George T. Murray
009805: Creed, Percy R., ed. - The Boston Society of Natural History, 1830-1930
24293: Creekmore, Betsey Beeler - Making Gifts from Oddments & Outdoor Materials, by Betsey B. Creekmore
010729: Creel, George - Ireland's Fight for Freedom. Setting Forth the High Lights of Irish History
44496: Creger, William P. - Annual Review of Medicine: Selected Topis in the Clinical Sciences, Vol. 38, 1987
011917: Crehan, Herbert F. with James W. Ryan - Lightning in a Bottle: The Sox of '67
41717: Crehan, Herbert F. with James W. Ryan - Lightning in a Bottle: The Sox of '67
31349: Creighton, Helen - Folklore of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia National Musem of Canada, Bulletin no. 117
41978: Crenshaw, Ben - A Feel for the Game : To Brookline and Back
41394: Crenson, Victoria - Norman Rockwell’S Portrait of America, Written by Victoria Crenson ; Designed by Steve Barber.
44812: Cressey, Roger F. - The Genus Argulus (Crustacea: Branchiura) of the United States, by Roger F. Cressey. Biota of freshwater ecosystems identification manual no. 2Water pollution control research series
7601: Cresti, Carlo - Le Corbusier
24552: Creswick, Paul - The Adventures of Robin Hood : An English Legend The World's Best Reading series
22727: Crew, Linda - Nekomah Creek Christmas
44332: Crewe, Quentin - In Search of the Sahara... Photographs by Tim Beddow.
29715: Crewe, Quentin - The Frontiers of Privilege; a Century of Social Conflict As Reflected in the Queen. [by] Quentin Crewe. Art Editor: Charles Rosner
24122: Crews, Donald - Parade
014645: Crichton, Michael - Disclosure
008857: Crichton, Michael - Airframe
27043: Crichton, Michael - A Case of Need
27044: Crichton, Robert - The Camerons; a Novel
39419: Crichton, Michael - Timeline
39307: Crichton, Michael - The Lost World : A Novel
29573: Crichton, Michael - Five Patients: The Hospital Explained
36501: Crichton, Michael - Sphere : A Novel
004621: Crichton, Michael - Rising Sun
38051: Crichton, Michael - Disclosure
42354: Crichton, Michael - State of Fear
28686: Crichton, Michael - Disclosure : A Novel
009884: Crichton, Michael - The Lost World
28475: Crichton, Michael - Sphere : A Novel
28308: Crick, Francis - The Astonishing Hypothesis : The Scientific Search for the Soul
39641: Crispin, Gill - The Duchy of Cornwall
43494: Crispin, A. C. - Star Trek: Sarek
003273: Crissey, Forrest - Alexander Legge, 1866-1933, the Life Story of a Truly Great American Who Loved and Served His Country Well,...
25484: Critchfield, Richard - Those Days : An American Album
28476: Critchfield, Richard - Those Days : An American Album
28511: Crociani, Paola - Bedouin of the Sinai
25096: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Barbecue Cookbook
25097: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook
25098: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Step-by-Step Picture Cookbook
25099: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Working Woman's Cookbook
012988: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Cooking Calendar: A Year-Round Guide to Meal Planning with Recipes and Menus
016624: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Party Book
22700: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's New Christmas Cookbook
38209: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Microwave Cooking
37779: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Hamburger Cookbook
31592: Crocker, Betty - Betty Crocker's Family Dinners in a Hurry. Director of Photography: Stephen. .
28483: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - The Standard Bearer,
34457: Crockett, W. S. (William Shillinglaw), - Abbotsford, Painted by William Smith, Jr. , Described by W.S. Crockett
014703: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - Red Cap Adventures: Being the Second Series of Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
17654: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - Kit Kennedy, Country Boy
014374: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - The Stickit Minister
016635: Crockett, James Underwood - Vegetables and Fruits
012628: Crockett, Davy - The Life of Davy Crockett
28519: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - The Raiders ; Being Some Passages in the Life of John Faa, Lord and Earl of Little Egypt, by S.R. Crockett
40679: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - The Men of the Moss-Hags : Being a History of Adventure Taken from the Papers of William Gordon of Earlstoun in Galloway and Told over Again
28484: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) - The Stickit Minister's Wooing, by S.R. Crockett
30864: Croft, Herbert - The Abbey of Kilkhampton; or, Monumental Records for the Year 1960 [I.E. 1980]
006281: Crofut, William - Troubadour: A Different Battlefield. Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy
30360: Croly, George. - Life and Times of His Late Majesty George the Fourth Harper's Family Library no. XV
014612: Cronin, A. J. - The Judas Tree
017233: Cronin, Isaac; Harlow, Jay & Johnson, Paul - California Seafood Cookbook: A Cook's Guide to the Fish and Shellfish of California, the Pacific Coast and Beyond
39187: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - The Green Years, by A.J. Cronin
28487: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - Beyond This Place
28485: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - A Thing of Beauty
28488: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - The Northern Light
28627: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - The Judas Tree
28626: Cronin, A. J. (Archibald Joseph) - A Song of Sixpence, by A.J. Cronin
014242: Cronkite, Walter - A Reporter's Life
43356: Cronkite, Walter - A Reporter's Life
006185: Cronyn, George - The Fool of Venus: The Story of Piere Vidal
004364: Cronyn, George - The Fool of Venus: The Story of Peire Vidal
28323: Crosby, Cathy Lee - Let the Magic Begin : Opening the Door to a Whole New World of Possibility. .
004650: Crosby, Katherine - Blue-Water Men and Other Cape Codders
36330: Crosby, Alfred W. - Throwing Fire : A History of Projectile Technology
28490: Crosby, John - An Affair of Strangers : A Novel
25142: Crosby, William F. - Small Boat Racing
42343: Crosby, Elisha Oscar - Memoirs of Elisha Oscar Crosby; Reminiscences of California and Guatemala from 1849 to 1864, Edited by Charles Albro Barker
46086: Crosby, Everett Uberto - The Making of Nantucket : Family Lives and Fortunes in the Nineteenth Century
23971: Crosland, Margaret - Colette - the Difficulty of Loving : A Biography
40232: Cross, Milton - Complete Stories of the Great Opera
009396: Cross, Amanda - An Imperfect Spy
27397: Cross, Jennifer. - The Supermarket Trap: The Consumer and the Food Industry
43981: Cross, Wilbur - Naval Battles and Heroes, by the Editors of American Heritage. Narrative by Wilbur Cross, in Consultation with John B. Heffernan American heritage junior library
26733: Cross, Jean - Granny's Recipes, Remedies, and Helpful Hints : A Treasury of Country Lore and Wisdom
002721: Cross, Wilbur L. - Connecticut Yankee
013581: Crothers, Samuel McChord - The Children of Dickens
006482: Crothers, Samuel McChord - The Children of Dickens
22426: Crothers, Samuel McChord - The Pardoner's Wallet
7940: Crouch, Steve - Steinbeck Country: Photographs and Words by Steve Crouch
009411: Crouse, Anna & Russel - Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Landmark Books 85
44038: Crouse, Anna & Russel - Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Landmark Books 85
016573: Crouse, Russel, compiler - The American Keepsake
631: Crowder, Richard - Carl Sandburg Twayne's United States Authors Series 47
28628: Crowe, John - Bloodwater [by] John Crowe A Buena Costa County mystery
46301: Crowe, Eyre - With Thackeray in America. By Eyre Crowe
38819: Crowell, Grace Noll - Songs of Hope
004139: Crowninshield, Ethel - Robert Louis Stevenson Songs
013971: Crowninshield, B. B. (Bowdoin Bradlee) - Fore-and-Afters. With Introduction by Charles Francis Adams
25052: Crowther, Bosley - Vintage Films
25056: Crowther, Bosley - Vintage Films
7669: Crowther, Bruce - Hollywood Faction: Reality and Myth in the Movies
43378: Cruden, Alexander - A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of Te Old and New Testaments... New Ed. , with a List of the Proper Names in the Old and New Testaments, by the Rev. Alfred Jones, M.A.
24988: Cruikshank, Jeffrey L. - A Delicate Experiment : The Harvard Business School, 1908-1945
26194: Cruising Club of America - The Year Book of the Cruising Club of America 1962
36571: Crum, Bartley Cavanaugh - Behind the Silken Curtain, a Personal Account of Anglo-American Diplomacy in Palestine and the Middle East, by Bartley C. Crum
002722: Crump, Irving - The Boys' Book of Cowboys
014838: Cruse, Heloise - Heloise All Around the House
014513: Cruse, Heloise - Heloise's Kitchen Hints
42430: Cruso, Thalassa - Making Things Grow: A Practical Guide for the Indoor Gardener
8066: Cruso, Thalassa - Making Things Grow: A Practical Guide for the Indoor Gardener
1825: Csida, Joseph & June Bundy - American Entertainment: A Unique History of Popular Show Business
28324: Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly - The Evolving Self : A Psychology for the Third Millennium
28629: Cuddon, J. A. (John Anthony) - Acts of Darkness [by] J.A. Cuddon
013602: Culbertson, Ely - Contract Bridge Complete: The Gold Book of Bidding and Play
010900: Culbertson, Ely - Total Peace: What Makes Wars and How to Organize Peace
27527: Culinary Institute of America - From Our Kitchens
38240: Culinary Arts Institute - The Mixer, Hand Mixer and Blender Cookbook
004207: Cullen, Countee - Color
22908: Cullen, M. O. - How to Carve Meat, Game and Poultry
22909: Cullen, M. O. - How to Carve Meat, Game and Poultry
008299: Cullen, Countee - The Black Christ & Other Poems
17692: Culler, John & Wechsler, Chuck, eds. - Second to None
32712: Culler, Jonathan D., editor - Harvard Advocate. Centennial Anthology
28491: Cullum, Ridgwell - The Trial of the Axe; a Story of the Red Sand Valley, by Ridgwell Cullum
006476: Culver, Henry - Forty Famous Ships, Their Beginnings, Their Histories, Their Ultimate Fate
45825: Cumberland, Richard - Memoirs of Richard Cumberland. Written by Himself. Containing an Account of His Life and Writings, Interspersed with Anecdotes and Characters of Several of the Most Distinguished Persons of His Time, with Whom He Has Had Intercourse and Connection
23544: Cumings, Elizabeth - Josephine in War Time
016213: Cumming, Duncan - The Gentleman Savage: The Life of Mansfield Parkyns, 1823-1894
29816: Cummings, Joe. - Laos : A Travel Survival Kit / Joe Cummings.
29817: Cummings, Joe. - Myanmar (Burma) : A Travel Survival Kit / Joe Cummings, Tony Wheeler.
003297: cummings, e. e. - Poems, 1923-1954
011381: Cummings, Prentiss - The Statue and the Bust of Browning & Other Papers Read Before the Boston Browning Society & the Brookline Thursday Club.
24148: Cummins, W A - King Arthur's Place in Prehistory : The Great Age of Stonehenge
2365: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
2364: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
2362: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
2363: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
2361: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
17395: Cuneo, Mary Louise - Anne Is Elegant
2413: Cuneo, John F., ed. - Cuneo Christmas Book
45827: Cunliffe, Marcus - The American Heritage History of the Presidency, by Marcus Cunliffe and the Editors of American Heritage. Editor in Charge: Kenneth W. Leish
17519: Cunliffe, Marcus & Winks, Robin W., editors - Pastmasters: Some Essays on American Historians. Edited by Marcus Cunliffe and Robin W. Winks
013607: Cunliffe, Barry - Rome and Her Empire
013066: Cunliffe, Tom - Easy on the Helm Boat Handling Under Sail and Power
003540: Cunliffe-Owen, Marguerite, supposed author - Imperator Et Rex: William II of Germany, by the Author of "the Martyrdom of an Empress
015810: Cunliffe-Owen, Marguerite de Godart, supposed author - Gray Mist, a Novel by the Author of "the Martyrdom of an Empress
31351: Cunningham, Alison - Cummy's Diary; a Diary Kept by R.L. Stevenson's Nurse, Alison Cunningham, While Travelling with Him on the Continent During 1863, with a Preface and Notes by Robert T. Skinner.
018553: Cunningham, Carol & Berger, Joel - Horn of Darkness: Rhinos on the Edge
27112: Cunningham, Laura Shaine - A Place in the Country
22917: Cunningham, Eugene - Texas Triggers
012853: Cunningham, Bill - The Pearl of Her Sex
22395: Cunningham, Lawrence - The Catholic Experience : Space, Time, Silence, Prayer, Sacraments, Story, Persons, Catholicity, Community, and Expectations
29242: Cunningham, Bill - The Pearl of Her Sex
35712: Cunningham, John Edward - Handbook of Remote Control & Automation Techniques
34631: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Notes on the District of Menteith, for Tourists and Others, by R.B. Cunninghame Graham
009795: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Richard Taylor, Soldier Prince of Dixie
015385: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Visions of the American West
45804: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Settings & Costumes of the Modern Stage, by Theodore Komisarjevsky and Lee Simonson. The Sudio Winter Number Edited by C.G. Holme
45805: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Modern Practical Masonry; a Comprehensive Treatise on the Practice of the Various Branches of the Craft, General, Monumental, Marble, and Granite, for the Use of Craftsmen, Students, Teachers, Builders, & Architects;
39642: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Great Dock Strike, 1889
41034: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Hands at Work : Portraits and Profiles of People Who Work with Their Hands /Photography by Summer Moon Scriver ; Stories by Iris Graville
37033: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Mogreb-El-Acksa : A Journey in Morocco
43408: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Wanderings : Chaim Potok's History of the Jews
012344: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Making of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend
006927: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Old Brick: Charles Chauncy of Boston, 1705-1787
005565: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Outwitting the Gestapo
010519: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - A Very Social Time; Crafting Community in Antebellum New England
44831: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology : A Collection of Songs from the Musical Stage, Categorized by Voice Type. . Mezzo-Soprano/Belter. Volume 2
44824: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology : A Collection of Songs from the Musical Stage, Categorized by Voice Type. . Mezzo-Soprano/Belter. Volume 1
44825: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology : A Collection of Songs from the Musical Stage, Categorized by Voice Type. . Mezzo-Soprano/Belter. Volume 3
44826: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Broadway Belter's Songbook: Piano/Vocal
44823: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology : A Collection of Songs from the Musical Stage, Categorized by Voice Type. Mezzo-Soprano/Belter. Volume 4
009842: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Why the Allies Won
933: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine) - Jose Antonio Paez
013623: Cunnington, E. E. - Chess Openings for Beginners
40520: Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow, Sir - My Command in South Africa, 1874-1878; Comprising Experiences of Travel in the Colonies of South Africa and the Independent States
28631: Cuomo, George - Among Thieves
32899: Curie, Eve - Journey Among Warriors
002931: Curie, Eve - Journey Among Warriors
42746: Curie, Eve - Madame Curie : A Biography by Eve Curie. Translated by Vincent Sheean
23747: Currah, Ann, editor - The Cat Compendium
010826: Curran, Richard F. - Please Come Back
23821: Curran, Donald J. - Metropolitan Financing: The Milwaukee Experience, 1920-1970 [by] Donald J. Curran
35608: Curran, William Henry - The Life of the Right Honorable John Philpot Curran, Late Master of the Rolls in Ireland, by His Son...
28492: Currie, Barton Wood - Officer 666
42573: Currie, J. Winfield - Beyond All Reason
23545: Curry, Tom - Riding for Custer, a Captain Mesquite Novel
24753: Curry, Manfred - Racing Tactics. Completely Revised by Edward J. Cox & Edward D. Muhlfeld
17396: Curry, Ann - The Book of Brendan
005804: Curry, S. S. - Classic Selections from the Best Authors Adapted to the Study of Vocal Expression
42508: Curry, Richard Orr - Freedom at Risk : Secrecy, Censorship, and Repression in the 1980s
46278: Curry, John Steuart - John Steuart Curry
25361: Curti, Jeremiah, compiler - Seneca Indian Myths
27076: Curtin, Daniel Thomas - The Land of Deepening Shadow; Germany-at-War,
36838: Curtin, Jeremiah. - The Mongols in Russia
7653: Curtin, Dennis - The Darkroom Handbook
45833: Curtis, George William - Prue and I, by George William Curtis; Illustrated from Drawings,by Albert Edward Sterner...
39532: Curtis, Charles P. - Lions Under the Throne : A Study of the Supreme Court of the United States...
24590: Curtis, Natalie - Songs and Tales from the Dark Continent. Recorded from the Singing and the Sayings of C. Kamba Simango, Ndau Tribe, Portuguese East Africa and Madikane Cele, Zulu Tribe, Natal, Zululand, South Africa.
36708: Curtis, Tony - Tony Curtis : The Autobiography
32937: Curtis, Charles Pelham - An Oration, Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1823, in Commemoration of American Independence...
012930: Curtis, John Gould - History of the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts, by John Gould Curtis; a Memorial to Edward W. Baker; Prepared Under the Direction of the Brookline Historical Society.
42716: Curtis, Edith Roelker - Anne Hutchinson : A Biography by Edith Curtis ; with an Introduction by M.A. Dewolfe Howe
28825: Curtis, Mary Isabel - England of Song and Story
43962: Curtius Rufus, Quintus - Q. Cvitii Rvfi Historiarum Libri, Accuratissime Editi
014360: Curts, Paul Holroyd - Readings in Scientific and Technical German: An Introduction to General Science in German
27744: Curwood, James Oliver - God's Country -- and the Woman
018447: Curwood, James Oliver - Kazan
27067: Cushing, Richard - Call Me John; a Life of Pope John XXIII
29509: Cushing Memorial Park Commission - First Annual Report of the Cushing Memorial Park [Delafield, Wisc. ] Commission to the Department of Wisconsin G.A. R. , June 1, 1927
7960: Cushing, Richard, Cardinal - Call Me John: A Life of Pope John XXIII
21823: Cushwa, Frank W. - An Introduction to Conrad
008842: Cussler, Clive - Flood Tide
006848: Cussler, Clive - Shock Wave
004989: Cussler, Clive - Inca Gold
004990: Cussler, Clive - Dragon
28634: Cussler, Clive - Inca Gold : A Novel
27490: Cutler, Carol - The Six-Minute Souffle and Other Culinary Delights
27438: Cutler, Carol - The Woman's Day Low-Calorie Dessert Cookbook
25813: Cutler, Carl C. - Five Hundred Sailing Records of American Built Ships
014625: Cutler, Katherine N. - The Beginning Gardener
22489: Cutler, Thomas J. - The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 23-26 October, 1944
29243: Cutler, John Henry - Put It on the Front Page, Please!
010093: Cutler, Carol - Carol Cutler's Great Fast Breads. 100 Choice Recipes, Popovers to Panettone in Two Hours or Less
46561: Cuttriss, Frank - Romany Life : Experienced and Observed During Many Years of Friendly Intercourse with the Gypsies / by Frank Cuttriss ; Illustrated with a Large Number of Unique Photographs and Other Pictures by the Author
35977: D'Annunuzio, Gabriele - The Flame of Life Modern Library 65
29862: D'Aulaire, Ingri & Edgar Parin - Don't Count Your Chicks
016381: d'Entremont, John - Southern Emancipator: Moncure Conway, the American Years 1832-1865
014922: Da, Lottie & Alexander, Jan - Bad Girls of the Silver Screen
33145: Da Costa, John Chalmers - Selections from the Letters and Speeches
24608: Da Costa, Beverley, ed. - Historic Houses of America Open to the Public. Introduction by Marshall B. Davidson
016527: Da Silva, John - Golfing in New England: The Essential Guide for the New England Golfer
38904: Dacey, Philip - Gerard Manley Hopkins Meets Walt Whitman in Heaven and Other Poems. Wood Engravings by Michael Mccurdy
015946: Daehler, Marvin W. & Bukatko, Danuta - Cognitive Development
45424: Daelemans, Kathleen - Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen : 200 Easy Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss
013094: Daggett, Charles with Shaffer, Kris - Diving for the Griffin
22376: Daglish, Eric Fitch - The Life Story of Beasts
31230: Dahl, Roald - Danny : The Champion of the World
33270: Dahl, Roald. - Boy : Tales of Childhood
46636: Dahl, Francis W - Birds, Beasts and Bostonians, a Book of Cartoons by Francis W. Dahl
014001: Dahl, Francis W - Dahl's Boston. Text by Charles W. Morton
24387: Dahl, Norman - The Yacht Navigator's Handbook
38551: Dahl, Roald - Switch Bitch
7589: Dahl, Francis W - What! More Dahl? Cartoons by... With an Introductory Verse by Ogden Nash
015350: Dahlberg, Edward - The Confessions of Edward Dahlberg
38117: Dahlinger, Charles W. - Pittsburgh : A Sketch of Its Early Social Life
44870: Daiches, David - White Man in the Tropics; Two Moral Tales: Heart of Darkness [by] Joseph Conrad [and] the Beach of Falesa [by] Robert Louis Stevenson
23412: Dalby, Liza et al. - All Japan: The Catalogue of Everything Japanese. Introduction by Oliver Statler
016727: Dalby, Richard, compiler - Mistletoe and Mayhem
44908: Dale, Chester - Twentieth Century French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection
36162: Dale, Daphne, editor - Living Thoughts in Words That Burn : From Poet, Sage and Humorist : A Vast Collection of Choice Literature of All Ages, Gathered from the World’S Greatest Libraries. Profusely Illustrated with Fine Steel Plate and Wood Engravings.
34192: Daley, Michael J. - Space Station Rat
018180: Daley, Rosie - In the Kitchen with Rosie: Oprah's Favorite Recipes
28493: Daley, Robert - Hands of a Stranger
28494: Daley, Robert - The Dangerous Edge
28637: Daley, Robert - Strong Wine, Red As Blood : A Novel
28636: Daley, Robert - A Faint Cold Fear : A Novel
25587: Dalgliesh, Alice - First Experiences with Literature
8005: Dali, Salvador - Dali by Dali. Translated from the French by Eleanor R. Morse
34484: Dallas, Sandra - No More Than Five in a Bed : Colorado Hotels in the Old Days
015985: Dallas, E. S. - Kettner's Book of the Table. Preface by Derek Hudson
33048: Dallinger, Frederick W. - Recollections of an Old Fashioned New Englander
016728: Dalrymple, Andrew Angus - God Bless Us Every One! Being an Imagined Sequel to a Christmas Carol
44325: Dalrymple, John, - Manuscript Letters (Retained or File Copies) from Admiral John Dalrymple to Various Royal Navy Captains Under His Command. Includes an Inquiry About a Supposed American, James Murray, Impressed from the American Ship Betsy and Mary, Also Includes a Transcript of Horatio Nelson Instructions to the Fleet on the King of the Two Sicilies Intended Visit to Dine with Nelson on Board the Hms Vanguard
31663: Dalrymple, Byron W. (Byron William) - Complete Guide to Hunting Across North America [by] Byron Dalrymple. Maps by Delos D. Rowe Associates. Basic Maps Courtesy of Rand Mcnally & Co An Outdoor life book
013646: Daly, Kathleen N. - Making Friends
011757: Daly, Thomas A - Mcaroni Ballads and Other Verses
40017: Dalzell, Robert F. - Daniel Webster and the Trial of American Nationalism, 1843-1852 [by] Robert F. Dalzell, Jr
38700: Dame, Lawrence - New England Comes Back. With an Introduction by Stewart H. Holbrook
42577: Damien, Jonathan - Catchers in the Sky: Mission: Korea
42911: Damioli, Carol - Rogue Angel : A Novel of Fra Lippo Lippi
005720: Damon, Bertha - A Sense of Humus
30113: Damrell & Moore, and George Coolidge. - The Boston Almanac for the Year 1857. Number XXII.
010663: Damrosch, Walter - My Musical Life
014274: Dana, Richard Henry - Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative. With an Afterword by Wright Morris
32948: Dana, Richard Henry. 1787-1879 - Poems
32949: Dana, Richard Henry, editor - The Idle Man, No. II
2229: Dana, Richard Henry - To Cuba and Back
28561: Dana, Richard Henry - Two Years Before the Mast
018687: Dana, Richard Henry - Two Years Before the Mast, a Personal Narrative of Life at Sea
28640: Dana, Olive E. - Under Friendly Eaves, by Olive E. Dana
36268: Dandin - Dandin’S Dasha-Kumara-Charita [Microform] : The Ten Princes / Translated from the Sanskrit by Arthur W. Ryder
009708: Dane, Clemence - The Arrogant History of White
015307: Dane, G. Ezra, in collaboration with Beatrice J. Dane - Ghost Town: Wherein Is Told Much That Is Wonderful... About Life During the Gold Rush and Later in the Town of Columbia...
010419: Dane, Clarence - Will Shakespeare: An Invention in Four Acts
28641: Dane, Clemence - The Babyons, the Chronicle of a Family,
28642: Dane, Clemence - The Flower Girls
31357: Daniel, Glyn, editor - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Archaeology
41895: Daniel, Hawthorne - Judge Medina
005824: Daniel, Clifton - Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir
37743: Daniel, Lucille, editor - Appalachia, New Series, Vol. 54, No. 1, June 2002
45683: Daniels, Jonathan - Frontier on the Potomac, by Jonathan Daniels
45569: Daniels, Bruce Colin - Puritans at Play : Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England
37016: Danielson, Frances Weld - Little Animal Stories
24839: Danielsson, Bengt - Raroia: Happy Island of the South Seas. Translated from the Swedish by F.H. Lyon
007424: Danielsson, Bengt - From Raft to Raft
31573: Danielsson, Bengt - From Raft to Raft
008656: Daniken, Erich von - The Gold of the Gods
010705: Danks, Denise - Frame Grabber
016619: Dannenbaum, Julie - More Fast & Fresh
35474: Dannenbaum, Julie - More Fast & Fresh
42897: Dante Alighieri - Dante's Comedy : 1. The Inferno. Translated by Nicholas Kilmer; Illustrated by Benjamin Martinez
40594: Danz, Louis - Personal Revolution and Picasso. Foreword by Merle Armitage
25883: Danzig, Allsion - Oh, How They Played the Game : The Early Days of Football and the Heroes Who Made It Great
17398: Danziger, Paula - The Divorce Express
44724: Darbishire, Helen - The Poet Wordsworth
45791: Darcy, Kyle - Under Current Conditions
009793: Dardis, Tom - Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright
28890: Dark, Sidney - London, by Sidney Dark; with Illustrations by Joseph Pennell
28826: Dark, Sidney - London, by Sidney Dark; with Illustrations by Joseph Pennell
24445: Darling, Mary G. - In the World
24521: Darling, F. Fraser - The New Naturalist Natural History in the Highlands & Islands
24528: Darling, Mary G. - In the World American Girl's Series
008231: Darnton, John - Neanderthal
45305: Darracott, Risdon - Scripture Marks of Salvation : Drawn Up to Help Christians to Know the True State of Their Souls by the Rev. Risdon Durriot[Sic]...
36549: Darrieussecq, Marie - Pig Tales : A Novel of Lust and Transformation The New Press international fiction series
43420: Darroch, Sandra Jobson - Ottoline : The Life of Lady Ottoline Morrell
009145: Darrow, Clarence - Verdicts out of Court. Edited with an Introduction by Arthur and Lila Weinberg
41896: Darrow, Clarence - Attorney for the Damned, Edited and with Notes by Arthur Weinberg. Foreword by William O. Douglas
012067: Darrow, Whitney - You'Re Sitting on My Eyelashes
43897: Darsa, Jan - The Jews of Poland
28495: Dart, Iris Rainer - I'LL Be There
40466: Dart, Thurston - The Interpretation of Music
22728: Dartez, Cecilia Casrill - Jenny Giraffe Discovers Papa NoëL
41188: Darwin, Charles - The Illustrated Origin of Species by Charles Darwin ; Abridged & Introduced by Richard E. Leakey
25132: Darwin, George Howard - The Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. The Substance of Lectures Delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
014798: Dary, David - Red Blood & Black Ink: Journalism in the Old West
7800: Dary, David - Entrepreneurs of the Old West
42382: Dash, Joan - A Life of Ones Own : Three Gifted Women and the Men They Married
40347: Daskam, Josephine - The Memoirs of a Baby
25220: Dater, Judy - Imogen Cunningham : A Portrait
44842: Datlow, Ellen & Windling, Terri, eds. - A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales
41928: Daudet, Alphonse - Premier Voyage, Premier Mensonge : Souvenirs de Mon Enfance Illustrations de Bigot-Valentin
36457: Daudet, Alphonse & Prevost, Antoine Francois - Sapho : Manon Lescaut Modern Library 85
36458: Daudet, Alphonse & Prevost, Antoine Francois - Sesame and Lilies, the Two Paths, the King of the Golden River Everyman Library 219
27187: Daughterty, James - West of Boston
010265: Daumier, Honore - Law and Justice. Twenty-Four Lithographs
42298: Daumier, Honore - Doctors & Medicine in the Works of Daumier [by] Henri Mondor. Notes and Catalogue by Jean Adhémar. Preface by Arthur W. Heintzelman. [Translated from the French by C. De Chabanne].
46750: Daumier, Honoré - Tout L'Oeuvre Peint de Daumier / Introd. Par Pierre Georgel ; Documentation Par Gabriel Mandel ; [Traduit de L'Italien Par Simone Darses]. Les Classiques de l'art
17722: Davenport, Guy - A Table of Green Fields: Ten Stories
42991: Davenport, J. W. - Cape Cod Locater
24152: Davenport, Philippa - 100 Great Dishes Made Easy
44946: Davenport, Marcia - Mozart
23926: Davenport, Bishop - History of the United States, Containing All the Events Necessary to Be Committed to Memory... Revised Ed. By John J. Anderson
002782: Davenport, Marcia - Mozart
017234: David, Daniel - The Great Military Campaigns of History: The 1914 Campaign August-October 1914
28645: David, Marjorie - Primavera
43753: Davids, Arlette - Rock Plants, Drawn by Arlette Davids; Preface by Henry de Montherlant; Translated from the French by S.P. Skipwith.
42955: Davids, Richard C. - Lords of the Arctic : A Journey Among the Polar Bears
31239: Davidson, James Dale - The Squeeze
018624: Davidson, Avram, editor - The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series
27487: Davidson, Basil - The African Genius: An Introduction of African Cultural and Social History
41189: Davidson, Frank Paul - Macro : A Clear Vision of How Science and Technology Will Shape Our Future
43322: Davidson, Abraham A. - The Story of American Painting [by] Abraham A. Davidson
008650: Davidson, Lionel - The Menorah Men
013608: Davidson, Marshall B., ed. - The Horizon Book of Lost Worlds
013347: Davidson, Diane Mott - The Grilling Season
016729: Davidson, Alice Joyce - Christmas Wrapped in Love
22537: Davidson, Donald W. - Lighthouses of New England
011919: Davidson, Basil - The Black Man's Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State
006790: Davidson, Bill - Spencer Tracy: Tragic Idol
43034: Davidson, Robyn - Desert Places
010608: Davidson, Robyn - Desert Places
44843: Davidson, Alan - A Kipper with My Tea : Selected Food Essays
28646: Davidson, David Albert - In Another Country, a Novel by David Davidson
28647: Davidson, Lionel - The Menorah Men
7615: Davidson, Diane Mott - The Grilling Season
41848: Davie, Donald - A Gathered Church : The Literature of the English Dissenting Interest, 1700-1930 The Clark lectures ; 1976
015139: Davies, Robertson - The Merry Heart: Reflections on Reading, Writing, and the World of Books
009103: Davies, Robertson - Fortune, My Foe
33872: Davies, Robertson - The Cunning Man : A Novel
37069: Davies, Robertson - What's Bred in the Bone
013928: Davies, Lucy & Fini, Mo - Arts & Crafts of South America
014028: Davies, W. H. - Songs of Joy and Others
014029: Davies, W. H. - Farewell to Poesy and Other Pieces
013855: Davies, W. H. - Foliage: Various Poems
012519: Davies, Blodwen - Gaspe, Land of History and Romance
004661: Davies, Robertson - The Lyre of Orpheus
42124: Davies, John Kenyon - Democracy and Classical Greece
45847: Davies, Nicholas - Queen Elizabeth II : A Woman Who Is Not Amused
41329: Davis, Philip J. - Thomas Gray, Philosopher Cat
44257: Davis, William, ed. - Punch Bedside Book; Edited by William Davis
25745: Davis, Clinton & Coleman, Douglas - Log Book of the Flying Saucer [Yacht]
26023: Davis, Mildred J. - The Art of Crewel Embroidery
41979: Davis, Lindsey - Two for the Lions
41190: Davis, Philip J. & Hersh, Reuben - The Mathematical Experience
009246: Davis, Peter - Hometown
37099: Davis-Hollander, Lawrence - The Tomato Festival Cookbook : 150 Tempting Recipes for Your Garden's Lush, Vine-Ripened, Sun-Warmed, Fat, Juicy, Ready-to-Burst Heirloom Tomatoes
008933: Davis, Dorothy Salisbury - A Gentle Murderer
41504: Davis, Arthur Kyle - Matthew Arnold's Letters; a Descriptive Checklist
33801: Davis, Deering - Georgetown Houses of the Federal Period, Washington D.C. , 1780-1830, by Deering Davis, A.I. D. , Stephen P. Dorsey & Ralph Cole Hall; Foreword by Nancy Mcclelland, A.I. D.
27163: Davis, Richard Harding - The King's Jackal
43770: Davis-Goff, Annabel - Walled Gardens : Scenes from an Anglo-Irish Childhood
33306: Davis, Richard Harding - The Exiles and Other Stories, by Richard Harding Davis
43705: Davis, Kathryn - The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf
45627: Davis, William Stearns - A Friend of CæSar a Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic
32959: Davis, James J. - Typed Letter Signed to John L. Macvicar, Thanking Him for Copies of Arthur Nash's "the Golden Rule in Business
36668: Davis, Jill A. - Ask Again Later
23100: Davis, Benjamin O. (Benjamin Oliver) - Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. , American : An Autobiography
018256: Davis, Richard Harding - The White Mice
013981: Davis, Richard Harding - Our English Cousins
39381: Davis, Richard Harding - In the Fog, by Richard Harding Davis. Illustrated by Thomas Mitchell Peirce & F.D. Steele
39380: Davis, Richard Harding - The Deserter. By Richard Harding Davis; with an Introduction by John T. Mccutcheon
22826: Davis, William C. - The Deep Waters of the Proud The Imperiled Union ; v. 1
41573: Davis, Mary Lee (Cadwell) - Uncle Sam’S Attic, the Intimate Story of Alaska, by Mary Lee Davis. Illustrated by Author’S Photographs
011934: Davis, Richard Harding - The Bar Sinister
011933: Davis, Richard Harding - The Lion and the Unicorn
39193: Davis, Elmer - But We Were Born Free
29319: Davis, Kenneth S. - Soldier of Democracy : A Biography of Dwight Eisenhower
002968: Davis, Hillary - Celebrate: Traditional Ethnic Entertaining in America
005957: Davis, Richard Harding - Van Bibber and Others
29246: Davis, Elmer - But We Were Born Free
011385: Davis, Charles G. - Ships of the Past. With an Introduction by Irving R. Wiles
29124: Davis, Franklin M. - Across the Rhine World War II
38987: Davis, Andrew McFarland - Indian Games : An Historical Research
29066: Davis, Jerome, editor - Peace or World War III : Symposium
29065: Davis, Jerome, editor - Peace or World War III : Symposium
21574: Davis, Richard Harding - The Princess Aline
29005: Davis, Wade - The Serpent and the Rainbow
42714: Davis, William Stearns - Gilman of Redford; a Story of Boston & Harvard College on the Eve of the Revolutionary War, 1770-1775, by William Stearns Davis
2049: Davis, Charles G. - The Ship Model Builder's Assistant
1993: Davis, Charles G - Ship Models: How to Build Them
2006: Davis, Richard Harding, et al. - The War on All Fronts: With the Allies [Etc. ]
38520: Davis, Harold E. - Social Science Trends in Latin America. Issued in Cooperation with the Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association
31996: Davis, Richard Harding - Soldiers of Fortune. By Richard Harding Davis; with Illustrations by C.D. Gibson
015653: Davis, Clyde Brion - The Anointed
28806: Davis, J. Charles - Salt Water Fishing on the Pacific Coast
28747: Davis, Paxton - One of the Dark Places; a Novel
41408: Davis, Sammy - Yes I Can; [the Story of Sammy Davis, Jr. , by Sammy Davis, Jr. , and Jane and Burt Boyar
25908: Davis, Adelle - Let's Stay Healthy: A Guide to Lifelong Nutrition. Edited and Expanded by Ann Gildroy
28699: Davis, Richard Harding - Van Bibber and Others, by Richard Harding Davis
28696: Davis, Richard Harding - Real Soldiers of Fortune, by Richard Harding Davis
28697: Davis, Richard Harding - Soldiers of Fortune, by Richard Harding Davis; with Illustrations by C.D. Gibson
28694: Davis, Richard Harding - Captain Macklin: His Memoirs,
28695: Davis, Richard Harding - Gallegher, and Other Stories, by Richard Harding Davis
28691: Davis, Maggie Hill - The Far Side of Home
28689: Davis, Clyde Brion - The Anointed [by] Clyde Brion Davis
28692: Davis, Patti - Bondage
28688: Davis, Christopher - First Family
009869: Davis, Tom and Lydia - Doctor to the Islands
41334: Davis, Mac - Strange and Incredible Sports Happenings
28648: Davis, Beale - One Way Street, by Beale Davis
42260: Davis, Katherine - The Little Drummer Boy [Illustrated by] Ezra Jack Keats
46168: Davis, Andrew McFarland - The Cambridge Press, by Andrew Mcfarland Davis
627: Davis, Joe Lee - James Branch Cabell Twayne's United States Authors Series
7876: Davis, Skeeter - Bus Fare to Kentucky: The Autobiography of Skeeter Davis
44212: Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson) - A Book of Songs for Unison and Part Singing, for Grades IV, V and VI, Comp. And Ed. For Use in School and Home Concord Series no. 14
42158: Davison, Charles Stewart - Selling the Bear’S Hide and Other Tales
24039: Davison, Edward - Harvest of Youth
28868: Davison, Verne E. - Homemade Fishing: Bass and Trout Waters You Can Build Yourself
44292: Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson) - Choral Conducting
40109: Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson) - Concord Song Book or Women's Voices Concord Series no. 13
40124: Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson) - 140 Folk-Songs with Piano Accompaniment Concord Series no. 7
35432: Davison, Archibald T. (Archibald Thompson) - Historical Anthology of Music : Baroque, Rococo, and Pre-Classical Music
31302: Davy, Humphrey - Elements of Agricultural Chemistry in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture... To Which Is Added, a Treatise on Soils and Manures...
140: Davy, John - The Angler and His Friend; or, Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions.
23160: Dawidowicz, Lucy S. - On Equal Terms : Jews in America, 1881-1981
35713: Dawkins, Richard - Climbing Mount Improbable
45026: Dawn, Amber & Kelly, Trish - With a Rough Tongue
016286: Dawnay, Romayne - The Champions of Appledore
33797: Dawson, Mary - The Mary Dawson Game Book : A Manual of Original Games and Guessing Contests for Entertainments of Every Description for All Ages
014846: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson at Lenox High; or, the Champions of the Football League
014848: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson Showing His Speed; or, a Daring Run on the Gridiron
014849: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson's Winning Kick; or, Battling for Honor
014850: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson Hitting the Line; or, Stanley Prep on a New Gridiron
014851: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson's Winning Touchdown; or, Putting Passmore Tech on the Map
014852: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson's Double Signals; or, Vanquishing the Football Plotters
014870: Dawson, Elmer Aurner - Garry Grayson's Forward Pass; or, Winning in the Final Quarter
29818: Dawson, Raymond - The Chinese Experience / [by] Raymond Dawson.
28702: Dawson, Coningsby - The Kingdom Round the Corner
46150: Dawson, Glen - The Plantin Press, Los Angeles : Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Work of Saul & Lillian Marks : A Selection from the Printing Produced at the Plantin Press Since 1931 / Compiled and Arranged by Glen Dawson, & Shown at the University of California Library, Los Angeles, March 1955 ; [Engravings by Ilya Schor, Henry Shire].
009674: Day, Avanelle & Stuckey, Lillie - The Spice Cookbook, by Avanelle Day and Lillie Stuckey. Illustrated by Jo Spier
45122: Day, Clarence - Life with Father Pocketbook 280
27453: Day, George Edward - A Wilderness Cry : The Story of a Great Sacrifice
27214: Day, Clarence - This Simian World
44057: Day, Dorothy - In My Own Words [by] Dorothy Day ; Edited and Compiled by Phyllis Zagano
44056: Day, Dorothy - From Union Square to Rome
37058: Day, Clarence - Life with Father
27054: Day, Alexandra - River Parade
36944: Day, Clarence - Scenes from the Mesozoic
23317: Day, Donald - Woodrow Wilson's Own Story. Selected and Edited by Donald Day
018463: Day, Grove A. & Stroven, Carl, editors - True Tales of the South Seas
23610: Day, Edward - Catholic Church Story: Changing and Changeless
013522: Day, Dianne - The Bohemian Murders: A Fremont Jones Mystery
26823: Day, Holman F. - Squire Phin
011851: Day, Douglas - Malcolm Lowry
011768: Day, Thomas - The History of Sanford and Merton: A Book for the Young
26514: Day, Cyrus Lawrence - The Art of Knotting and Splicing
44679: Day, Bunny - Hook'Em, and Cook'Em
44860: Day Lewis, C. (Cecil) - Short Is the Time; Poems 1936-1943
28703: Day, Holman - Squire Phin; a Novel, by Holman Day
23401: Dayan, Yaël - Israel Journal : June, 1967
28706: Dayan, Yaël - Envy the Frightened
28705: Dayan, Yaël - Dust
44639: De Roussy de Sales, Raoul Jean Jacques Francois - The Making of Tomorrow [by] Raoul de Roussy de Sales
44240: De Valera, Sinéad. - The Miser’S Gold : And Other Stories
46673: De la Mare, Walter - Memoirs of a Midget
44405: De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk - Circus. Photos. By Al Giese
31287: De Quincey, Thomas - Ann of Oxford Street. Illstrated by Philippe Jullian
27815: De Waal, Ronald Burt. - The World Bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson : A Classified and Annotated List of Materials Relating to Their Lives and Adventures
27442: de Groot, Roy Andries - Revolutionizing French Cooking
30933: De Garmo, Charles & Winslow, Leon Loyal - Essentials of Design
44089: De' Medici Stucchi, Lorenza - The Heritage of Italian Cooking
34131: de Angeli, Marguerite - Thee, Hannah
34168: De Haven, Tom - It's Superman ! : A Novel
34060: De la Mare, Walter - Desert Islands and Robinson Crusoe
33919: De Finod, J. - A Thousand Flashes of French Wit, Wisdom and Wickedness.
014926: de la Fontaine, Jean - Adonis. Translated from the French by David M. Glixon
014742: De Quincey, Thomas - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. With an Introduction by William Bolitho
43838: De Brunhoff, Laurent - Babar's Castle
33500: De Vries, Peter - Through the Fields of Clover
27104: De Bono, Edward, ed. - Eureka! an Illustrated History of Inventions from the Wheel to the Computer
33349: De Gouy, Louis Pullig - The Derrydale Cook Book of Fish and Game, by L.P. De Gouy
17774: De Breffny, Brian - The Land of Ireland
43699: De Barbin, Lucy & Matera, Dary - Are You Lonesome Tonight? : The Untold Story of Elvis Presley's One True Love and the Child He Never Knew [by] Lucy de Barbin and Dary Matera.
014287: De Groot, Roy Andries - Cooking with the Cuisinart Food Processor
008821: de Kay, Charles - The Altoviti Aphrodite
43346: De Camp, L. Sprague (Lyon Sprague) & Catherine Crook - The Day of the Dinosaur
37379: De La Mare, Walter - Inward Companion : Poems
23046: De Breffny, Brian - The Irish World : The Art and Culture of the Irish People
29866: De la Mare, Walter - Memoirs of a Midget
013416: De Beatis, Antonio - The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis: Germany, Switzerland, the Low Countries, France and Italy, 1517-1518
016620: De Vinck, Christopher - Songs of Innocence and Experience: Essays in Celebration of the Ordinary
012326: de la Sota, Alejandro - Josep Llinas
39298: De Angelis, Michele A. & Lentz, Thomas W. - Architectture in Islamic Painting : Permanent and Impermanent Worlds
006980: De La Rame, Louisa - A Dog of Flanders: A Christmas Story
011861: de Medina, Pedro - A Navigator's Universe: The Libro de Cosmographia of 1538. Translated and with an Introduction by Ursula Lamb
22457: De Brunhoff, Laurent - Babar's Birthday Surprise
22458: De Brunhoff, Laurent - Babar Visits Another Planet. Translated from the French by Merle Haas
22459: De Brunhoff, Jean - Babar the King. Translated from the French by Merle S. Haas
22461: De Brunhoff, Jean - Babar and His Children. Translated from the French by Merle Haas
22462: De Brunhoff, Jean - The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant. Translated from the French by Merle S. Haas
22467: De Brunhoff, Jean - Le Voyage de Babar [Text in French]
41849: De Jersey, Katherine - Destiny Times Six; an Astrologer's Casebook. With Isabella Taves
016263: De Locre, Elza - Older Than Earth, Record of a Lyrical Experience
29399: De Vries, Peter - Peckham's Marbles
29400: De Vries, Peter - Sauce for the Goose
29401: De Vries, Peter - Slouching Towards Kalamazoo
29376: De Lisser, Herbert George - The White Witch of Rosehall,
29303: de Groote, Roger - Olympic Sports Official Album, Montreal 1976
29318: de Wilde, John C. and others - Handbook of the War
29373: De la Roche, Mazo - The Building of Jalna, by Mazo de la Roche
29375: De Leeuw, Adèle - The Barred Road, by Adèle de Leeuw
011671: De La Roche, Mazo - Growth of a Man
28569: De Mane, Erica - Pasta
005572: De Quevedo, Albert G. - What of the Morrow
41827: De Vaucouleurs, Gérard - The Planet Mars. Translated from the French by Patrick A. Moore
32382: De Hartog, Jan - The Lamb's War
21750: De Jonge, Alex - Stalin, and the Shaping of the Soviet Union
40669: De la Roche, Mazo - Mary Wakefield
004809: De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, Mass. - Glass Routes
010626: De La Mare, Walter - Down-Adown-Derry, a Book of Fairy Poems
010562: De Long, David G., ed., & Spirn, Anne Whiston and others - Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922-1932
21500: De Groot, Roy Andries - Pressure Cookery Perfected
23973: De Vinck, Christopher - Songs of Innocence and Experience : Essays in Celebration of the Ordinary
010529: de Kruif, Paul - Hunger Fighters
44492: De Jong, Russell N. & Sugar, Oscar, eds. - The Yearbook of Neurology and Neurosurgery 1980
37251: De la Mare, Walter - Memoirs of a Midget
40497: De La Mare, Walter - Early One Morning in the Spring
28749: De Forest, John Hyde - Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom
37729: De Duve, Christian - Life Evolving : Molecules, Mind, and Meaning
17860: De Jong, David Cornel - Snow-on-the-Mountain and Other Stories
7967: De Vries, Peter - Sauce for the Goose
8040: De Ferrari, Gabriella - A Cloud on Sand
37841: Deacon, Richard - Microwave Oven Cookbook
28750: Deal, Babs H. - The Walls Came Tumbling Down [by] Babs H. Deal
25422: Dean, Sidney W. - All the Way by Water
43571: Dean, Judy, ed - Distant Waters. Photography by R. Valentine Atkinson
018446: Dean, Graham M. - Bob Gordon, Cub Reporter
29794: Dean, John W. - Blind Ambition: The White House Years
013153: Dean, S. F. X. - Death and the Mad Heroine
012014: Dean, Graham M - Herb Kent West Point Fullback
28753: Dean, Sara - Travers, a Story of the San Francisco Earthquake
28752: Dean, Inga - Memory and Desire
41638: Dean, John W. (John Wesley) - Lost Honor
013038: Dear, Ian - The Champagne Mumm Book of Ocean Racing. An Illustrated History
016673: Dear, Ian - The Champagne Mumm Book of Ocean Racing: An Illustrated History
016145: Dear, Ian - The America's Cup: An Informal History
43042: Dear, Ian, editor - The Oxford Companion to World War II : General Editor, I.C. B. Dear ; Consultant Editor, M.R. D. Foot
27917: Dear, Ian - The Champagne Mumm Book of Ocean Racing: An Illustrated History
7820: Dear, William C. & Stowers, Carleton - Please Don't Kill Me: The True Story of the Milo Murder
26483: Dearborn, H. A. S. - The Life of William Bainbridge, Esq. Of the United States Navy. Edited by James Barnes
010838: Dearmer, Percy; Williams, R. Vaughan; & Shaw, Martin - The Oxford Book of Carols
28769: Deasy, Mary - Cannon Hill
28756: Deasy, Mary - The Corioli Affair
28754: Deasy, Mary - Cannon Hill
28755: Deasy, Mary - The Boy Who Made Good
37784: Debasque, Roger - Eastern Mediterranean Cooking. Exotic Delicacies from Greece Turkey, Israel Lebanon and Iran; Recipe Contributions by Roger Debasque Round the world cooking library series
41164: DeBolt, C. Gerald - The Dictionary of American Pottery Marks, Whiteware and Porcelain : The First Book of Its Kind in over Eighty Years
23246: Debussy, Claude - La Mer: Dover miniature scores
28979: DeConde, Alexander - This Affair of Louisiana
013517: Deedy, Carmen Agra - The Secret of Old Zeb
013348: Deedy, Carmen Agra - The Secret of Old Zeb
015084: Deeping, Warwick - Old Pybus
015223: Deeping, Warwick - Two Black Sheep
28759: Deeping, Warwick - Old Pybus, by Warwick Deeping
28760: Deeping, Warwick - Roper's Row, by Warwick Deeping
28768: Deeping, Warwick - Roper's Row, by Warwick Deeping
28770: Deeping, Warwick - Sorrell and Sons
28758: Deeping, Warwick - Exile
28973: Deering, Fremont B. - The Border Boys Across the Frontier
43660: Dees, Morris & Corcoran,James - Gathering Storm : America's Militia Threat
43659: Dees, Morris & Fiffer, Steve - Hate on Trial : The Case Against America's Most Dangerous Neo-Nazi
29006: Dees, Morris & Fiffer, Steve - A Season for Justice : The Life and Times of CIVIL Rights Lawyer Morris Dees.
31252: Deese, David A. & Nye, Joseph S., eds. - Energy and Security
015137: DeFanti, Charles - The Wages of Expectation: A Biography of Edward Dahlberg [1900-1977]
17400: DeFelice, Cynthia C. - The Ghost of Fossil Glen
44906: Defense Language Institute (U.S.) - Military Situations Russian Prepared at the United States Defense Language Institute Presidio of Monterey, California
42237: Deffontaines, Pierre, editor - Larousse Encyclopedia of World Geography
009206: Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders. Edited by James Sutherland Riverside Editions B 23
37043: Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
37425: Defoe, Daniel - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Illustrated Junior Library
006634: Defoe, Daniel - The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders &C.
011795: Defoe, Daniel - The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Introduction by May Lamberton Becker
37605: DeFoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
888: Defoe, Daniel - The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, As Related by Himself.
008612: DeFord, Alice - Singing River
36550: DeGarmo, E. Paul (Ernest Paul) - Materials and Processes in Manufacturing
17401: Degens, T. - Friends
30394: Dehan, Richard. - That Which Hath Wings : A Novel of the Day.
009372: Deighton, Len - Spy Line
37381: Deighton, Len - An Expensive Place to Die
008293: Deighton, Len - Mexico Set
008294: Deighton, Len - Berlin Game
39308: Deighton, Len - Spy Story
29378: Deighton, Len - Yesterday's Spy
010929: Deighton, Len - City of Gold
010930: Deighton, Len - Mamista
010933: Deighton, Len - London Match
010934: Deighton, Len - Spy Sinker
28762: Deighton, Len - Berlin Game
28764: Deighton, Len - Spy Sinker
28765: Deighton, Len - Ss-Gb : Nazi-Occupied Britain, 1941 : A Novel
35575: Deighton, Len - Berlin Game
35578: Deighton, Len - The Billion Dollar Brain, a Novel
7531: Deighton, Len - Violent Ward
37494: Del Vecchio, John M. - The 13th Valley
39309: Del Vecchio, John M. - For the Sake of All Living Things
29402: Del Vecchio, John M. - For the Sake of All Living Things
24796: Delancey, Morgan - The Dave Matthews Band : Step Into the Light
015147: Deland, Margaret - The Vehement Flame
006674: Deland, Margaret Wade - Florida Days
29392: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - Old Chester Tales
29394: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - The Rising Tide, by Margaret Deland
29379: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - Old Chester Tales
29381: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - The Iron Woman, by Margaret Deland... With Four Illustrations by F. Walter Taylor
29382: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - The Rising Tide, by Margaret Deland... Illustrated by F. Walter Taylor . .
011470: Deland, Margaret - Old Chester Tales
28784: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell - John Ward, Preacher
009973: Deland, Margaret - R.J. 's Mother and Some Other People
30041: Delaney, John J., editor - Why Catholic?
32363: Delano, Frances J. - Susanne Cosy Corner series
46583: Delano, Amasa - A Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Comprising Three Voyages Round the World... By Amasa Delano.
016977: Delbanco, Nicholas - The Beaux Arts Trio
34699: Delbanco, Nicholas - Countess of Stanlein Restored
31775: Delery, John - The Golfer's Companion : An Illustrated Guide to the Highlights, History, and Best Courses, Holes and Players...
011849: DeLillo, Don - Libra
014698: Dell, Ethel M - The Obstacle Race
013664: Dell, Floyd - King Arthur's Socks and Other Village Plays
003642: Dell, Ethel M - Tetherstones
29403: Dell'Osso, Bernardino - Of Human Values
29385: Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May) - The Bars of Iron
29386: Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May) - The Gate Marked "Private
29388: Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May) - The Top of the World, by Ethel M. Dell
010321: Dell, Ethel M - The Knave of Diamonds
010322: Dell, Ethel M - The Rocks of Valpre
17724: Delman, David - Death of a Nymph
27639: Delmar-Morgan, Edward - North Sea Harbours and Pilotage Calais to Den Helder
29404: Delmar, Viña - Grandmère
29406: Delmar, Viña - The Laughing Stranger
29415: Delmar, Viña - The Marcaboth Women
1073: Delmar-Morgan, Edward - Small Craft Engines and Equipment
1195: Delmar-Morgan, Edward Locker - Power-Boat Cruising
012886: Delphian Society, Chicago - Delphian Text. Part Twelve
39082: Delson, Rudolph - Maynard & Jennica
17402: Delton, Judy - Angel's Mother's Boyfriend
29407: Demarest, Phyllis Gordon - The Naked Risk
45779: DeMarinis, Rick - The Art & Craft of the Short Story
29408: Demaris, Ovid - The Vegas Legacy : A Novel
21987: Demas, Corinne - The Same River Twice
43509: deMause, Lloyd & Ebel, Henry, eds. - Jimmy Carter and American Fantasy: Psychohistorical Explorations
33856: DeMille, Nelson - The General's Daughter
23043: DeMirjian, Arto & Nelson, Eve, editors - Front Page History of the World Wars As Reported in the New York Times
24048: Demoustier, Charles Albert - Lettres à émilie, Sur la Mythologie
40386: Denbury, Jo - Huts, Havens and Hideaways
32960: Denby, Edwin - Typed Letter Signed to John L. Macvicar, Thanking Him for Copies of Arthur Nash's "the Golden Rule in Business
26279: Dendel, Esther Warner - New Song in a Strange Land; with Decorations by Jo Dendel
010583: Dening, Greg - Mr. Bligh's Bad Language: Passion, Power and Theatre on the Bounty
39081: Denise, Anika - Pigs Love Potatoes. Illustrated by Christopher Denise
45189: Denisen, Ervin L. - Principles of Horticulture
24295: DeNitto, Elisabeth Brenner - Needlepoint on Plastic Canvas
29416: Denker, Henry - Salome, Princess of Galilee
42453: Dennée, Charles - The International Library of Music for Home and Studio; Study Material... A Manual of Practical Instruction in Pianoforte Playing Combining All the Essentials from the Beginning of Grade One Through Grade Four,
40119: Dennée, Charles - The International Library of Music for Home and Studio
37061: Dennis, Patrick - Around the World with Auntie Mame
014041: Dennis, Patrick - Genius
011247: Dennis, Wesley, ed. - Palomino and Other Horses
45872: Dennis, Geoffrey Pomeroy - Coronation Commentary
45080: Dennison, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis) - E.W. Dennison : A Memorial
27056: Dent, Nicholas - How to Sail: A Practical Course in Boat Handling
012502: Denys, F. Ward - Our Summer in the Vale of Kashmir
015972: DePaola, Tomie - Helga's Dowry: A Troll Love Story
46070: Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. - United States Coast Pilot. Atlantic Coast. Section a, St. Croix River to Cape Cod.
21780: DePauw, Linda Grant - Founding Mothers: Women in America in the Revolutionary Era
30480: Derby, E. H. - The Catholic. Letters Addressed by a Jurist to a Young Kinsman Proposing to Join the Church of Rome.
33111: Derleth, August - It's a Boy's World. Poems by August Derleth. Pictures of Dwig
003770: Derleth, August - Walden West
24277: Deroos, Willy - North West Passage
30268: Dershowitz, Alan M. - Chutzpah.
017197: Dershowitz, Alan M. - Contrary to Popular Opinion
012486: Dershowitz, Alan M - Chutzpah
41136: Derso, Alois & Kelen, Emery - United Nations Sketchbook, a Cartoon History of the United Nations, by Derso and Kelen
23139: Dertouzos, Michael L. and others - Made in America : Regaining the Productive Edge
011719: Dertouzos, Michael L - What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives
009528: Derval, Paul - The Folies Bergere. Translated by Lucienne Hill with a Preface by Maurice Chevalier
22945: Des Pres, Terrence - The Survivor : An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps
23996: Des Granges, Charles Marc - Les Poètes Français, 1820-1920, Par Ch. -M. Des Granges Collection d'auteurs français d'après la méthode historique, pub. sours la direction de Ch.-M. Des Granges
006928: DeSalvo, Louise - Conceived with Malice
42345: Descharnes, Robert - Salvador Dalí 1904-1989
41567: Deschin, Jacob - Making Pictures with the Miniature Camera : A Working Manual
25864: Deschner, Donald - The Films of W.C. Fields
018531: Deschner, Donald - The Films of Cary Grant. Introduction by Charles Champlin
1727: Deschner, Donald - The Films of Spencer Tracy
004554: Deschner, Donald - The Films of W.C. Fields
39751: Desmond, James - Nelson Rockefeller; a Political Biography
39633: Desmond, Shaw - The Edwardian Story
008423: Desmond, Alice et al - Boys of the Andes
45715: Destler, I. M.; Gelb, Leslie H. & Lake, Anthony. - Our Own Worst Enemy : The Unmaking of American Foreign Policy
30075: Detriot Institute of Arts - Paintings and Sculptures Illustrated, a Companion to the Catalogue
38764: Detroit Institute of Arts - Symbolism in Polish Painting, 1890 - 1914
005476: Dette - The Adventures of Olle, Written and Illustrated by Dette
011388: Detweiler, Susan Gray - George Washington's Chinaware... Prologue and Epilogue by Christine Meadows
41936: Deuel, Leo - Flights Into Yesterday; the Story of Aerial Archaeology. Pref. By Glyn Daniel
41935: Deuel, Leo - Conquistadors without Swords: Archaeologists in the Americas; an Account with Original Narratives
41921: Deuel, Leo - Testaments of Time; the Search for Lost Manuscripts and Records
26394: Deuel, Leo - The Treasures of Time; Firsthand Accounts by Famous Archaeologists of Their Work in the Near East
014481: Deursen, A. van (Arie) - Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Manners & Customs
41920: Deutsch, Hermann B. (Hermann Bacher) - Brennan’S New Orleans Cookbook : With the Story of the Fabulous New Orleans Restaurant Told by Hermann B. Deutsch ; Edited and Illustrated by Deirdre Stanforth
29396: Deval, Jacques - Wooden Swords
44171: Dever, Joseph - Cushing of Boston: A Candid Portrait
006397: Dever, Joseph - Cushing of Boston: A Candid Portrait
44415: Deverell, William Francis - Railroad Crossing : Californians and the Railroad, 1850-1910
44081: Devereux, Roy - Aspects of Algeria, Historical--Political--Colonial
29414: Devereux, William Lovell,Stephen - Raleigh, a Romance of Elizabeth's Court
016144: Devereux, Frederick L. - Practical Navigation for the Yachtsman
25170: Devereux, Mary - Up and Down the Sands of Gold
41210: Devine Designs (firm) - Architectural Lighting Solutions
29397: Devine, Eric, compiler - Down the Hatch Assembled & Introduced by Eric Devine... Illustrated by Alden Mcwilliams Gay Yachting Yarns
29369: Devine, E. J. (Edward James), - Kateri Tekakwitha, the Lily of the Mohawks, 1656-1680
015599: Devine, Eric, compiler - Down the Hatch. Gay Yachting Yarns Assembled and Introduced by Eric Devine
17403: DeVito, Cara - Where I Want to Be
29411: Devon, Gary - Lost
29412: Devon, Gary - Lost : A Novel
29417: DeVoto - Mountain Time
25915: Dew, Robb Forman - The Evidence Against Her : A Novel
8054: Dew, Charles B - Bond of Iron: Master and Slave at Buffalo Forge
23733: DeWaard, E. John & Nancy - History of Nasa: America's Voyage to the Stars
24877: Dewey, Thomas E. - Journey to the Far Pacific
24880: Dewey, Thomas E. - Journey to the Far Pacific
29834: Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) - Journey to the Far Pacific
29843: Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) - Journey to the Far Pacific
43053: Dewey, John - Human Nature and Conduct : An Introduction to Social Pyschology
016730: Dewhirst, Carin - The Nutcracker
29458: Dewlen, Al - Twilight of Honor
009933: Dexter, Colin - Morse's Greatest Mystery and Other Stories
44103: Dezell, Maureen - Irish America : Coming Into Clover : The Evolution of a People and a Culture
21640: Diamant, Anita - The New Jewish Wedding
44765: Diamant, Gertrude - The Days of Ofelia, Illustrated by John O'Hara Cosgrave II
016528: Diamond, Rickey Gard - Second Sight
41868: Diamonstein, Barbaralee - Collaboration, Artists & Architects : The Centennial Project of the Architectural League
36805: Díaz del Castillo, Bernal - The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521. Edited from the Only Exact Copy of the Original Ms. By Genaro Garcia. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by A.P. Maudslay...
40118: Dibdin, Charles - The Music of the Best and Most Esteemed of the Songs of Charles Dibdin, with New Piano-Forte Accompaniments, by Various Composers
41577: Dick, Stewart - Arts and Crafts of Old Japan
013420: Dick, William Brisbane - The American Hoyle; or, Gentleman's Hand-Book of Games, Containing All the Games Played in the United States...
28100: Dick-Read, Robert - Sanamu: Adventures in Search of African Art
38355: Dick Tracy Crimestopper Club - Pad of Dick Tracy Crimestopper Club Summons
009733: Dickens, Homer - The Films of Marlene Dietrich
27434: Dickens, Charles - A Child's History of England
27451: Dickens, Charles - The Life of Our Lord Written for His Children During the Years 1846 to 1849
25865: Dickens, Homer - The Films of James Cagney
25932: Dickens, Charles - Works
27452: Dickens, Charles - A Child's Dream of a Star
37042: Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
46700: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
45547: Dickens, Charles - American Notes for General Circulation. By Charles Dickens; with a Frontispiece by C. Stanfield, R.A.
30100: Dickens, Charles. - Christmas Stories: A Christmas Carol, the Chimes, the Cricket on the Hearth.
43285: Dickens, Charles - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
013648: Dickens, Mary Angela - Children's Stories from Dickens
22730: Dickens, Charles & Magner, Carolyn S. - A Christmas Carol. Retold by Carolyn S. Magner
22731: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol
016731: Dickens, Charles - Christmas Tales
29477: Dickens, Charles - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
29459: Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
006450: Dickens, Charles - The Girls of Dickens Retold
006332: Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist
006280: Dickens, Charles - A Child's History of England
21942: Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist
23932: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
018702: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol
28932: Dickens, Charles - The Unpublished Letters of Charles Dickens to Mark Lemon, Edited by Walter Dexter.
010195: Dickens, Monica - Man Overboard
40596: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol in Prose. Condensed As Read Each Christmas in the Choate Chapel
32101: Dickens, Charles - Nicholas Nickleby Young Reader's Edition.
44749: Dickens, Charles - The Bedside Dickens; an Anthology for Pleasure, Compiled by J.W. Garrod. Illustrated by Leo. Vernon
015490: Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol
45175: Dickens, Charles. - A Tale of Two Cities Illustrated Junior Library
45390: Dickens, Charles - Hard Times. Introduction by G.K. Chesterton Everyman's Library No. 292
44799: Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
22266: Dickerson, Debra J. - An American Story
22212: Dickerson, Debra J. - An American Story
008768: Dickey, James - To the White Sea
006127: Dickey, Christopher - Expats: Travels in Arabia, from Tipoli to Teheran
40306: Dickey, James - Sorties
33582: Dickinson, Emily - Bolts of Melody; New Poems of Emily Dickinson. Edited by Mabel Loomis Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham
013801: Dickinson, Thomas H - The Portrait of a Man As Governor. With a Foreword by George Foster Peabody
016010: Dickinson, Emily - The World in a Frame. Introduction by Christopher Benfey
23997: Dickinson, Barbara M. - A Rebellious House : A Novel
28928: Dickinson, Emily - Poems by Emily Dickinson
010112: Dickinson, Emily - Poems by Emily Dickinson
009431: Dickson, Lovat - H.G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and Times
014874: Dickson, Harry Ellis - Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops : An Irreverent Memoir [by] Harry Ellis Dickson ; Prologue by Ellen Bottomley Fiedler ; Epilogue by John Williams.
014875: Dickson, Harry Ellis - Beating Time: A Musician's Memoir
30386: Dickson, Gordon R. - Way of the Pilgrim.
43518: Dickson, Frederick Stoever - And the Wilderness Blossomed, by Almon Dexter [Pseud. ]
22841: Dickson, Paul - The Official Rules
012680: Dickson, Brenton H - Once Upon a Pung. Foreword by Harold G. Travis
016059: Dickson, Samuel - San Francisco Is Your Home
004856: Dickson, Paul - The Great American Ice Cream Book
22355: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Petits Métiers Du Bois Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22356: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Sciences Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22353: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Musique Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
43115: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Chasses - Pëches Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
43113: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Art Hérealdique Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22323: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Recueil de Planches, Sur Les Sciences, Les Arts Libéraux Et Les Arts Méchaniques Avec Leur Explication.
22324: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Agriculture Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22326: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Architecture Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22329: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Art de la Céramique Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22334: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Art Du Cuir Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22335: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Art de la Charpente Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22338: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Artisanat Au 18ème Siècle Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
22351: Diderot, Denis & d'Alembert, Jean - Menuisier En Voiture Sellier - Carrossier Recueil de Planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques aves leur explication.
1262: Didion, Joan - Democracy: A Novel
1263: Didion, Joan - Miami
44096: Diehl, Gaston - Picasso
35579: Diehl, William - Thai Horse
29681: Diem, Bui & Chanoff, David - In the Jaws of History
014619: Diemberger, Kurt - Spirits of the Air. Translated from the German by Audrey Salkeld
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