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Click on booknumber for full information
21623: Amicis, Edmondo de - Holland. Translated from the... Italian by Helen Zimmern
25989: Amiel, Ruth & Gerhard, Happy - Finally It Fits; the No-Scare Home Patternmaking System for Everyone, Every Size [by] Ruth Amiel & Happy Gerhard
41331: Amis, Martin - House of Meetings
013824: Amis, Kingsley - Ending Up
003734: Amis, Kingsley - Stanley and the Women
015941: Amis, Martin - The Information
35670: Amis, Martin - The Information
35676: Amis, Kingsley - Girl, 20
35604: Amis, Kinsley - We Are All Guilty
35590: Amis, Martin - Night Train
016477: Ammers-K ller, Jo van - Jenny Heysten's Career. Translated from the Dutch by H. Van Wyhe
27657: Amory, Thomas C. - Class Memoir of George Washington Warren with English and American Ancestry... Together with Letters, Valedictory Poem. Odes, Etc.
45790: Amory, Cleveland - The Best Cat Ever
013626: Amory, Cleveland - The Cat Who Came for Christmas
42614: Amory, Cleveland - The Cat and the Curmudgeon
40359: Amory, Cleveland - Ranch of Dreams : The Heartwarming Story of America's Most Unusual Animal Sanctuary
29579: Amos, Deborah - Lines in the Sand: Desert Storm and the Remaking of the Arab World
31028: Amsden, John P. - The Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital Its Third Quarter Century, 1943 - 1968
25407: Amster, Shirley - The Complete Book of Family Boating
39957: Amsterdam, Herman van - Holland Fascinating Flowerfields
27877: Anacreon - Anacreon Teius, Poeta Lyricus, Summa Cura Et Diligentia, Ad Fidem Etiam Vet. Ms. Vatican, Emendatus, Pristino Nitori, Numerisque Suis Restitutus, Dimidia Sere Parte Auctus. Aliquit Nempe Justis Poematiis, Et Fragmentis Plurimis, Ab Undiquaque Conquisitis... Opera Et Studio Josuae Barnes. Editio Tertia Auctior & Emendatior.
016479: Anand, Valerie - The Proud Villeins: Bridges over Time, Book I
34461: Anastas, Peter - Glooskap’S Children; Encounters with the Penobscot Indians of Maine. Photos. By Mark Power.
975: Anderman, Janusz - Poland Under Black Light
27361: Anders, Nedda Casson - Casserole Specialties
31419: Andersen, Hans Christian - Pictures of Travel in Sweden, Among the Hartz Mountains, and in Switzerland, with a Visit at Charles Dickens's House
34208: Andersen, Jon - Stomp and Sing : Poems
43691: Andersen, Christopher P. - Jagger Unauthorized
43305: Andersen, Hans Christian - Fairy Tales Everyman's Library No. 4
26726: Andersen, Christopher - Young Kate
006190: Andersen, Hans Christian - Something
005192: Andersen, Hans Christian - The Snow Queen
37604: Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian) - Andersen's Fairy Tales
23564: Anderson, R. C. (Roger Charles) - The Rigging of Ships in the Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720
39976: Anderson, Laura Killen - Handbook for Proofreading
018609: Anderson, Poul - Fire Time
018610: Anderson, Poul - The Day of Their Return
018627: Anderson, Poul - The Dancer from Atlantis
018628: Anderson, Poul, and others - The Day the Sun Stood Still: Three Original Novellas of Science Fiction
018640: Anderson, Poul - A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
27579: Anderson, Christopher - Jagger Unauthorized
27580: Anderson, Christopher - Jagger Unauthorized
41162: Anderson, Fay - Crewel Embroidery
009095: Anderson, Isabel - Circling Africa
34340: Anderson, Isabel - Circling Africa
34141: Anderson, M. T. - Me, All Alone, at the End of the World
003892: Anderson, Isabel - A Yacht in Mediterranean Seas
26947: Anderson, Maxwell - The Bases of Artistic Creation; Essays by Maxwell Anderson, Rhys Carpenter [and] Roy Harris. Rutgers University. Publications of the one hundred seventy-fifth anniversary celebration, no. 1
39535: Anderson, Maxwell & Hickerson, Harold - Dii Della Folgore. (Gods of Lightning) Prima Traduzion Italiana Di F. Guadagni
39522: Anderson, Maxwell - Key Largo; a Play in a Prologue and Two Acts, by Maxwell Anderson
41501: Anderson, Sherwood - Tar: A Midwest Childhood; a Critical Text. Edited with an Introd. By Ray Lewis White
014488: Anderson, Nancy Scott & Dwight - The Generals: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee
43532: Anderson, Bernice G. - Indian Sleep-Man Tales : Authentic Legends of the Otoe Tribe / by Bernice G. Anderson ; Illustrated by Sears Frank and the Author.
43506: Anderson, Jack - Washington Expose
46787: Anderson, Sherwood - The Modern Writer, by Sherwood Anderson
008473: Anderson, Richard Clough - Animals in Social Captivity
013926: Anderson, Janice & Swinglehurst, Edmund - Train and Transport: A Collector's Guide
012906: Anderson, Isabel - From Corsair to Riffian
016714: Anderson, Joan - Christmas on the Prairie
007351: Anderson, Isabel - The Spell of Belgium
012592: Anderson, Bertha C - Tinker's Tim and the Witches
012630: Anderson, Poul - We Claim These Stars!
012472: Anderson, Robert Gordon - The City and the Cathedral; a Reflection of the Glory of the Gothic and the Middle Ages... In the City by the Seine
43224: Anderson, Jack - The Anderson Papers
28337: Anderson, Patricia - All of Us : Americans Talk About the Meaning of Death
016493: Anderson, Barbara Tunnell - The Days Grow Cold
006855: Anderson, Christopher - Jagger Unauthorized
002953: Anderson, Tom - Shiyak: Misadventures of the Schooner Lottie Bennett
003081: Anderson, Jean - Processor Cooking
42926: Anderson, Fay - Crewel Embroidery
010911: Anderson, John & Fulop-Miller, Rene - The American Theatre and the Motion Picture in America
2067: Anderson, R. Rowand; Ross, Thomas, et al., eds. - Examples of Scottish Architecture from the 12th to the 17th Century...
28894: Anderson, J. R. L. (John Richard Lane) - Vinland Voyage [by] J.R. L. Anderson
1882: Anderson, Isabel - From Corsair to Riffian
1880: Anderson, Isabel - A Yacht in Mediterranean Seas
1881: Anderson, Isabel - Circling South America
41343: Anderson, Walter - Courage Is a Three-Letter Word
23719: Anderson, Bob, editor - Sportsource
37785: Anderson, Frederick O. - How to Grow Herbs for Gourmet Cooking, Including 100 Recipes from 25 Countries, by Frederick O. Anderson
26173: Anderson, Romola & R. C. - The Sailing-Ship: Six Thousand Years of History
45858: Anderson, Edwin P - Audels Electronic Devices and Their Application, by E.P. Anderson
46061: Anderson, M. T. - The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation. V. #2 the Kingdom on the Waves
7770: Anderson, Lindsay - About John Ford...
43015: Andoh, Elizabeth - An American Taste of Japan
42139: Andrew, Christopher M. & Gordievsky, Oleg - Kgb : The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev
013302: Andrew, A. Piatt - Friends of France: The Field Service of the American Ambulance Described by Its Members
015063: Andrews, Lynn V - Star Woman: We Are Made from the Stars and to the Stars We Must Return
009595: Andrews, Roy Chapman - All About Whales
015428: Andrews, V. C. - Dark Angel
015429: Andrews, V. C. - Darkest Hour
015431: Andrews, V. C. - Fallen Hearts (Casteel Series #3)
015433: Andrews, V. C. - Heart Song (Logan Family Series, No 2)
015438: Andrews, V. C. - Midnight Whispers
015439: Andrews, V. C. - My Sweet Audrina
015441: Andrews, V. C. - Raven (the Orphans)
015444: Andrews, V. C. - Seeds of Yesterday
015445: Andrews, V. C. - Tarnished Gold (No 1 New York Times Bestselling Landry Family Series)
015447: Andrews, V. C. - Web of Dreams (Casteel Series #5)
27623: Andrews, Phillip & Engel, Leonard, editors - Navy Yearbook
004126: Andrews, Lynn V - Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime
25573: Andrews, Charles M., compiler - Ideal Empires and Republics : Rousseau's Social Contract, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun
014902: Andrews, Clarence L - The Story of Alaska
27050: Andrews, O. W. - Seamarks and Landmarks; Being Leaves from the Log of Surgeon Captain O.W. Andrews, C.B. E. , R.N.
17572: Andrews, V. C. (Virginia C.) - Gates of Paradise
014352: Andrews, William L. - Literary Romanticism in America
013079: Andrews, Jim - Twelve Ships a-Sailing : Thirty-Five Years of Home-Water Cruising
016491: Andrews, V. C. - My Sweet Audrina
016452: Andrews, William & Lang, Elsie M. - Old English Towns
006782: Andrews, Lynn V - Star Woman: We Are Made from the Stars and to the Stars We Must Return
011643: Andrews, John Williams - Hill Country North
005772: Andrews, Jane - Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now
24222: Andrews, Linton & Taylor, H. A. - Lords and Laborers of the Press: Men Who Fashioned the Modern British Newspaper. Foreword by Howard Rusk Long
005137: Andrews, Edward Deming - The People Called Shakers: A Search for the Perfect Society
21524: Andrews, Bart - The Tv Addict's Nostalgia, Trivia & Quizbook
009925: Andrews, Coleman - Flavors of the Riviera: Discovering Real Mediterranean Cooking
26189: Andrews, Jim - Catamarans for Cruising
916: Andrews, Ralph W. - Indian Primitive
43973: Andrist, Ralph K. - The California Gold Rush, by the Editors of American Heritage. Narrative by Ralph K. Andrist, in Consultation with Archibald Hanna American heritage junior library
43974: Andrist, Ralph K. - Andrew Jackson, Soldier and Statesman, by the Editors of American Heritage. Author: Ralph K. Andrist. Consultant: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr American heritage junior library
43976: Andrist, Ralph K. - The Erie Canal, by the Editors of American Heritage. Author: Ralph K. Andrist. Consultant: Carter Goodrich American heritage junior library
013611: Andrist, Ralph K., ed. - The American Heritage History of the Making of the Nation
39396: Angas, William Mack - Rivalry on the Atlantic
353: Angel, Nicolas - Capsize in a Trimaran: A Story of Survival in the North Atlantic.
003039: Angel, Nicolas - Capsize! a Story of Survival in the North Atlantic.
42247: Angel, Marie - A Bestiary [and] a New Bestiary
22021: Angell, Roger - Late Innings: A Baseball Companion
1230: Angelo, Valenti - The Merry Marcos
1346: Angelo, Valenti - Paradise Valley
44063: Angelou, Maya - A Song Flung Up to Heaven
011145: Angelou, Maya - Shaker, Why Don't You Sing?
42805: Angelou, Maya - The Heart of a Woman by Maya Angelou (1984, Paperback)
23960: Angelou, Maya - Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas
42663: Angelou, Maya - A Brave and Startling Truth
35528: Angelou, Maya - Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now
36899: Angier, Natalie - The Canon : A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science
25167: Angle, Paul M., editor - Pioneers: Narratives of Noah Harris Letts and Thomas Allen Banning, 1825-1865 Lakeside Classics 70
32731: Anglo, Michael - Nostalgia Spotlight on the Fifties
016556: Angoff, Charles - Something About My Father and Other People
016557: Angoff, Charles - In the Morning Light
29605: Angus, S. F. Ian - Collecting Antiques
016548: Annandale, Barbara - The Bonnet Laird's Daughter
41944: Anobile, Richard J., editor - Who's on First?: Verbal and Visual Gems from the Films of Abbott & Costello
1775: Anobile, Richard J., ed. - Why a Duck? Visual and Verbal Gems from the Marx Brothers Movies. Introduction by Groucho Marx.
013483: Anobile, Richard J., ed. - Hooray for Captain Spaulding: Verbal and Visual Gems from 'Animal Crackers'
1737: Anobile, Richard J. - A Flask of Fields: Verbal & and Visual Gems from the Films of W.C. Fields
010940: Anobile, Richard J., ed. - Who's on First?: Verbal and Visual Gems from the Films of Abbott & Costello
7632: Anobile, Richard J., ed. - Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam
003791: Anolbile, Richard J - Why a Duck? Visual and Verbal Gems from the Marx Brothers Movies. Introd. By Groucho Marx
009368: Anscombe, Roderick - The Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula
1541: Anson, Peter F. - A Pilgrim Artist in Palestine
018611: Anthony, Piers - Orn
34343: Anthony, Katharine Susan - Queen Elizabeth, by Katharine Anthony
39717: Anthony, Piers - Three Complete Novels: Dragon's Gold, Serpent's Silver, Chimaera's Copper
39620: Anthony, Katharine Susan - Queen Elizabeth, by Katharine Anthony
39621: Anthony, Katharine Susan - Queen Elizabeth, by Katharine Anthony
23302: Anthony, Katharine Susan - Queen Elizabeth, by Katharine Anthony
42134: Anthony, Irvin - Paddle Wheels and Pistols. Illustrated and Decorated by Manning Dev. Lee and Lyle Justis
016546: Anthony, Evelyn - Anne Boleyn
006089: Anthony, Piers - Shade of the Tree
011594: Anthony, Irvin - Down to the Sea in Ships
016103: Anthony, Evelyn - Victoria and Albert
004958: Anthony, Piers - Tatham Mound
35707: Anthony, Piers - With a Tangled Skein Incarnations of immortality ; bk. 3
42414: Anthony, Katharine Susan - Queen Elizabeth, by Katharine Anthony
23360: Antolini, Holly Lyman, editor - Sunset Seafood Cook Book
39233: Antonio, de Beatis - The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis : Germany, Switzerland, the Low Countries, France and Italy, 1517-1518 Translated from the Italian by J.R. Hale and J.M. A. Lindon ; Edited by J.R. Hale. Hakluyt Society ; 2nd ser., no. 150
26614: Antrobus, Paul; Ross, Bob; Hammond Geoffrey - Ocean Racing Around the World: Admiral's Cup, Southern Cross Cup; Southern Ocean Racing Conference and Onion Patch
33907: Aperture - Weegee, with an Essay by Allene Talmey Masters Series
27861: Aphthonius - Aphthonii Progymnasmata, Partim a Rod. Agricola, Partim a Joh. Maria CatanæO Latinitate Donata: Cum Scholiis R. Lorichii. Novissima Editio. Superioribus Emendatior & Concinnior.
46102: Appelbaum, Paul S. - Almost a Revolution: Mental Health Law and the Limits of Change
42008: Appelfeld, Aharon - The Retreat. Translated by Dalya Bilu
016544: Appelfeld, Aharon - The Age of Wonders. Translated by Dalya Bilu
21673: Appelfeld, Aharon - Tzili, the Story of a Life. Translated by Dalya Bilu
008414: Applegarth, Margaret T - Merry-Go-Round: A Pilgrim's Progress Around the World. With Decorations by the Author.
016547: Appleman, Philip - Shame the Devil
007048: Appleton, Victor - The Moving Picture Boys in the Jungle; or, Stirring Times Among the Wild Animals
015533: Appleton, Victor - Don Sturdy on the Desert of Mystery; or, Autoing in the Land of the Caravans
33677: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift and His Flying Boat
33678: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship
46457: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship
33675: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift Circling the Globe
33676: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift and His War Tank
33679: Appleton, Victor - Tom Swift and His Airline Express
43526: Aptheker, Herbert - History and Reality
38438: Aptheker, Herbert - The World of C. Wright Mills
016535: Apuleius, Lucius - The Golden Asse... Translated out the Latin by William Aldington with and Itroduction by E.B. Osborn
43451: Arabian Nights - The Arabian Nights Entertainment; or, the Thousand and One Nights. The Complete, Original Translation of Edward William Lane
015303: Arabian Nights - The Arabian Nights Entertainment
006479: Arabian Nights - The Arabian Nights Entertainment
33869: Arana, Marie - American Chica : Two Worlds, One Childhood
42504: Araskog, Rand V. - The Itt Wars
016564: Arathorn, D. W. - Kamal
27415: Araton, Harvey & Bondy, Filip - Selling of the Green
42069: Aratow, Paul - 100 Years of Erotica; a Photographic Portfolio of Mainstream American Subculture from 1845-1945
37865: Arbit, Naomi & Turner, June - Ideals Quick and Delicious Gourmet Cookbook
010571: Arbus, Diane - Untitled
26494: Arbuthnot, May Hill - Children and Books
1851: Arce, Hector - The Secret Life of Tyrone Power
41328: Archer, Jeffrey - A Twist in the Tale
41610: Archer, R. S. (Robert Samuel) - Molybdenum; Steels, Irons, Alloys [by] R.S. Archer, J.Z. Briggs [and] C.M. Loeb, Jr.
017182: Archer, Jeffrey - First Among Equals
012945: Archer, Jeffrey - A Twist in the Tale
43228: Archer, Jeffrey - False Impression
006866: Archer, Jeffrey - A Twist in the Tale
005754: Architectural Forum - Building, U.S. A. : The Men and Methods That Influence Architecture in America Today
30287: Arden, Harvey & Wall, Steve. - Wisdomkeepers : Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders The Earthsong collection
34734: Ardoin, John - The Callas Legacy
016562: Ardrey, Robert - Worlds Beginning
26384: Ardrey, Robert - The Territorial Imperative; a Personal Inquiry Into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations. Drawings by Berdine Ardrey
43470: Arenas, Reinaldo - The Color of Summer, or, the New Garden of Earthly Delights [by] Reinaldo Arenas ; Translated from the Spanish by Andrew Hurley.
24291: Arenas, José Fernández - The Key to Renaissance Art The Key to art
40956: Arenson, Roberta - Manu and the Talking Fish
28347: Arets, W. M. J. - Wiel Arets. Edited by Xavier Costa. Photographs by HéLène Binet
24138: Ariès, Philippe & Duby, Georges, editors - A History of Private Life
27635: Aristophanes - The Frogs. Translated from the Greek by William James Hickie, with an Introd. By Gilbert Seldes, and Wood-Engravings by John Austen
33033: Aristophanes - Lysistrata, an English Version by Dudley Fitts
33068: Aristophanes - The Frogs. An English Version by Dudley Fitts
43373: Aristophanes - The Acharnians and Two Other Plays of Aristophanes, Tr. By J. Hookham Frere Everyman's Library No. 344
009661: Aristotelian Society - Psychical Research, Ethics and Logic
009663: Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: New Series - Vol. LVII
009666: Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: New Series-Vol. LXII
009667: Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: New Series-Vol. LXIII
009668: Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: New Series-Vol. LXIV
43374: Aristotle - A Treatise on Government; Translated from the Greek... By William Ellis Everyman's Library No. 605
17515: Arlen, Michael - Lily Christine, a Romance
016560: Arlen, Michael - Young Men in Love
40519: Arlington Mills, Lawrence, Mass. - Tops, a New American Industry; a Study in the Development of the American Worsted Manufacture. The Arlington Mills.
25024: Arliss, George - Up the Years from Bloomsbury, an Autobiography
33084: Armitage, Christopher M., compiler - Sir Walter Ralegh, an Annotated Bibliography
173: Armitage, Isabelle & Merle - Fit for a Queen
005473: Armitage, Merle - Operations Santa Fe: Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, Edited by Edwin Corle
38917: Armitage - Donkey Engines. Plan Book No. 9. O Scale
36266: Armitage, Merle - The Railroads of America
45507: Armitage, M. Teresa (Marie Teresa), ed. - A Singing School : Our Songs
24859: Arms, Myron - Cathedral of the World : Sailing Notes for a Blue Planet
23629: Arms, Myron - Riddle of the Ice : A Scientific Adventure Into the Arctic
31473: Armstrong, M. F. (Mary Frances) & Ludlow, Helen W. - Hampton and Its Students. By Two of Its Teachers, Mrs. M.F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow. With Fifty Cabin and Plantation Songs, Arranged by Thomas P. Fenner.
31039: Armstrong, Margaret - Fanny Kemble: A Passionate Victorian
43835: Armstrong, Beryl - Design and Build Your Own Dollhouses
013519: Armstrong, Jennifer - Mary Mehan Awake
008229: Armstrong, Margaret - Trelawny : A Man's Life
003722: Armstrong, Margaret - Fanny Kemble: A Passionate Victorian
010454: Armstrong, William - Cleopatra's Daughter : Romance of a Branch of Roses
42681: Armstrong, Charlotte - The Charlotte Armstrong Reader. Preface by Alice Cromie
33928: Arnason, H. Harvard - History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
011387: Arnason, H. Harvard - History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
009916: Arnett Peter - Live from the Battlefield: From Vietnam to Baghdad, 35 Years in the World's War Zones
2352: Arnold, Matthew - Discourses in America
41510: Arnold, Matthew - Essays in Criticism. First Series
41511: Arnold, Matthew - Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold
25403: Arnold, Edwin - The Voyage of Ithobal
43329: Arnold, Matthew - The Poems of Matthew Arnold, 1840 to 1866 Everyman's Library No. 334
016563: Arnold, Elliott - A Night of Watching
016553: Arnold, Michael - The Archduke
38132: Arnold, A. James (Albert James) - Monsters, Tricksters, and Sacred Cows : Animal Tales and American Identities New World studies
28777: Arnold, Matthew - The Strayed Reveller, and Other Poems. By a
002699: Arnold, Oren & Hale, John P. - Hot Irons: Heraldry of the Range
17764: Arnov, Boris & Mindlin, Helen Mather-Smith - Wonders of the Deep Sea
003590: Aronin, Ben - Walt Whitman's Secret
36685: Aronson, Marc - Witch-Hunt : Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials
014097: Arrow, Neill - 10,000 Miles to Boston
016781: Art Institute of Chicago - Chicago Architects Design: A Century of Architectural Drawings from the Art Institute of Chicago
36871: Arthur, Catherine Rogers - Homewood House
015213: Arthur, Elizabeth - Binding Spell
22592: Arthur, William - An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names, with an Essay on Their Derivation and Import
41215: Arts, Communication - Photography Annual One : A Juried Selection
015212: Artzibashev, Michael - Sanine, a Russian Love Novel. Translated Into English by Percy Pinkerton
40652: Aruego, Jose - The King and His Friends
27859: Asaria, Gerald, editor - The World of Sail and Power 3
26538: Asaria, Gerald - Challenge: Lone Sailors of the Atlantic. Translated by Frank George.
013107: Asbury, Herbert - Sucker's Progress: An Informal History of Gambling in American from the Colonies to Canfield
015707: Asbury, Herbert - The French Quarter: An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld
017175: Asch, Sholem - East River, a Novel. Translation by A.H. Gross
41783: Asch, Sholem - East River, a Novel. Translation by A.H. Gross
005911: Ascher, Barbara Lazear - Playing After Dark
016469: Ascherson, Neal - The Struggles for Poland
26102: Asensio Cerver, Francisco - City Planning Urban Architecture Arco colour collection
33195: Ash, Russell & Higton, Bernard, compilers - Spirit of Place: London
24272: Ash, Russell - Impressionists and Their Art
37810: Ash, Lee - Subject Collections; a Guide to Special Book Collections and Subject Emphases As Reported by University, College, Public and Special Libraries in the United States, the Territories, and Canada
43924: Ashbee, Paul - Ancient Scilly from the First Farmers to the Early Christians : An Introduction and Survey
46603: Ashbrook, Frank Getz - The Red [Blue, Green] Book of Birds of America
28036: Ashby, Thomas - Turner's Visions of Rome
23119: Ashe, Geoffrey - Kings and Queens of Early Britain
22419: Ashe, Geoffrey - The Discovery of King Arthur
24180: Ashe, Rosalind - More Literary Houses
008627: Ashford, Daisy - The Young Visiters; or, Mr. Salteena's Plan. With a Preface by J.M. Barrie
31360: Ashley, Maurice, ed. - Dawn of a New Era, 1209-1402. Milestones of History Vol. 3.
018397: Ashley, Elizabeth & Firestone, Ross - Actress: Postcards from the Road
013865: Ashley, Leonard R. N. - Colley Cibber
43058: Ashley, Mike, editor - Historical Detectives
36172: Ashley, Mike, editor - The Pendragon Chronicles : Heroic Fantasy from the Time of King Arthur
46545: Ashman, Charles R - Kissinger; the Adventures of Super-Kraut [by] Charles R. Ashman
017161: Ashton, Helen - The Lost Captain
017162: Ashton, Helen - The Half-Crown House
017163: Ashton, Rosalind - Moths
007493: Ashton-Warner, Sylvia - Three
017004: Ashton, Dore - A Fable of Modern Art
46728: Ashton-Wolfe, H. (Harry) - The Thrill of Evil, by H. Ashton-Wolfe
24189: Ashurst, Elizabeth - Collage
018616: Asimov, Isaac and others, editors - Young Witches & Warlocks
018629: Asimov, Isaac - Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain
018638: Asimov, Isaac - Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain
009249: Asimov, Isaac & Silverberg, Robert - The Ugly Little Boy
014936: Asimov, Isaac - Prelude to Foundation
39515: Asimov, Isaac - I. Robot
36700: Asimov, Isaac - The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science
017277: Asimov, Isaac - Robots and Empire
003737: Asimov, Isaac - The Robots of Dawn
016268: Asimov, Isaac - Asimov's Guide to Science
38060: Asimov, Isaac and others, editors - The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction
010061: Asimov, Isasac - Nemesis
35591: Asimov, Isaac - The Winds of Change and Other Stories
35529: Asimov, Isaac - The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science. Vol. 1: The Physical Sciences; Vol. 2: The Biological Sciences
45050: Asimov, Isaac & Ciardi, John - A Grossery of Limericks
011231: Askue, Russell Pettis - The Greener Field
25729: Asquith, Cynthia, editor - Sails of Gold
012377: Asquith, Margot - Margot Asquith, an Autobiography
657: Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, New York - The Circulation of the Brain and Spinal Cord: A Symposium on Blood Supply.
004718: Astley, Thea - Hunting the Wild Pineapple
45894: Aston, James & Story, Edward B - Wrought Iron, Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications, by James Aston... And Edward B. Story...
017164: Astor, Mary - A Place Called Saturday
008554: Asturias, Miguel Angel - Viento Fuerte
011002: Asturias, Miguel Angel - Soluna
004887: Ater, Malcolm - Success Through Handwriting Analysis
23073: Athearn, Robert G. - The Mythic West in Twentieth-Century America
27670: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - A Whirl Asunder
43612: Atherton, Nancy - Aunt Dimity Down Under
017076: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - Black Oxen
003738: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - Rulers of Kings: A Novel
22608: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - American Wives and English Husbands
45275: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - The Conqueror; a Dramatized Biography of Alexander Hamilton
005372: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - American Wives and English Husbands
40661: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - Dido, Queen of Hearts
010612: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - Ancestors: A Novel
010620: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn - The Avalanche, a Mystery Story
45609: Atkin, William & John - The Book of Boats, Edited by William and John Atkin ; Assisted by Bill W. Atkin, Dorcas Atkin and Shirley Kramer.
004789: Atkins, Fred C - Mushroom Growing to-Day
35524: Atkins, Robert C. - Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution
27144: Atkinson, Brooks - Broadway
012200: Atkinson, Rick - The Long Gray Line
29234: Atkinson, Brooks - Once Around the Sun
26471: Atkinson, Brooks - The Cingalese Prince
38776: Atkinson, Jay - Legends of Winter Hill : Cops, Con Men, and Joe Mccain, the Last Real Detective
35584: Atkinson, John - Finnish Grammar
35530: Attanasio, A. A. - The Dragon and the Unicorn
22820: Attenborough, David - The Living Planet : A Portrait of the Earth
010996: Attenborough, David - Life on Earth: A Natural History
37935: Attenborough, David - Life on Earth : A Natural History
39665: Atwood, Margaret - Alias Grace
39666: Atwood, Margaret - Wilderness Tips
43613: Atwood, Margaret - The Robber Bride
013828: Atwood, Margaret - Lady Oracle
017173: Atwood, Margaret - Cat's Eye
003741: Atwood, Margaret - The Robber Bride
005834: Atwood, Margaret - Wilderness Tips
005738: Atwood, Margaret - Cat's Eye
011052: Atwood, Margaret - Bluebeard's Egg and Other Stories
010590: Atwood, Margaret and Pachter, Charles - The Journals of Susanna Moodie: With a Memoir by Charles Pachter
36326: Atwood, Margaret Eleanor - Negotiating with the Dead : A Writer on Writing
008862: Aub, Joseph C. & Hapgood, Ruth K. - Pioneer in Modern Medicine: David Linn Edsall of Harvard
015842: Aub, Joseph C. & Hapgood, Ruth K. - Pioneer in Modern Medicine: David Linn Edsall of Harvard. Foreword by Paul Dudley White
017169: Auchincloss, Louis - A World of Profit
017170: Auchincloss, Louis - The Golden Calves
017167: Auchincloss, Louis - The Book Class
017168: Auchincloss, Louis - A World of Profit
22647: Auchincloss, Louis - The Cat and the King
010872: Auchincloss, Louis - Love without Wings, Some Friendships in Literature and Politics
7805: Auchincloss, Louis - The Embezzler
43117: Audemars, Pierre - Fair Maids Missing
006977: Auden, W. H. - Oxford Poetry 1926, Edited by Charles Plumb & W.H. Auden
42415: Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh) - Academic Graffiti [by] W.H. Auden. Illustrated by Filippo Sanjust
30023: Audrain, Lawrence A., editor - Print, Vol. 10, No. 3, June-July 1956
009872: Audry, Colette - Behind the Bathtub: The Story of a French Dog. Translated from the French by Peter Green.
46556: Audubon, John James - Journal of John James Audubon Made While Obtaining Subscriptions to His "Birds of America" 1840-1843, Edited by Howard Corning, Foreword by Francis H. Herrick.
22484: Audubon, John James - The 1826 Journal of John James Audubon. Transcribed from the Original... With a Foreword and Notes by Alice Ford
003804: Auel, Jean M - The Mammoth Hunters
017179: Auel, Jean M - The Mammoth Hunters
017180: Auel, Jean M - The Plains of Passage
005605: Auel, Jean M. - The Plains of Passage
003891: Auel, Jean M - The Clan of the Cave Bear
35502: Auel, Jean M. - The Plains of Passage
41454: Auerbach, Red - Let Me Tell You a Story : A Lifetime in the Game
45072: Auerbach, Berthold - Black Forest Village Stories, by Berthold Auerbach. Translated by Charles Goepp. Author's Edition
23707: Auerbach, Arnold - On and Off the Court
45416: Augustine, of Hippo, Saint - The Confessions of St. Augustine, Translated by E.B. Pusey, D.D. , Illustrated by Valenti Angelo
36994: Auletta, Ken - Greed and Glory on Wall Street : The Fall of the House of Lehman
27468: Aulicino, Armand - The New International Cuisine: Slimming Dishes from the World's Great Chefs
37838: Aulicino, Armand - The New French Cooking : Minceur Cuisine Extraordinaire
013253: Aumonier, Stacy & Belcher, George - Odd Fish: Being a Casual Selection of London Residents Described & Drawn by [the Authors]
29731: Auslander, Joseph - The Unconquerables: Salutes to the Undying Spirit of the Nazi-Occupied Countries.
009011: Austin, F. Britten - A Saga of the Sea
23120: Austin, James E. - Managing in Developing Countries : Strategic Analysis and Operating Techniques
018491: Austin, Ellen Lake - The School Playhouse. A Group of Plays for Children
013393: Austin, Phil - On Bethel Ridge: A Christmas Fable
29667: Austin, Lewis - Japan : The Paradox of Progress
29235: Austin, James C. - Fields of the Atlantic Monthly: Letters to an Editor, 1861-1870
38360: Automatic Voting Machine Corporation, Jamestown, N.Y. - The Automatic Voting Machine
23774: Autry, Gene - Gene Autry Goes to the Circus. Illustrated by John Ushler
21724: Avery, Ira - The Five Fathers of Pepi
018666: Aviation Education Research Group, Columbia University - Science of Pre-Flight Aeronautics
31147: Avila, Manuel - Tradition and Growth: A Study of Four Mexican Villages
42505: Avishai, Bernard - A New Israel : Democracy in Crisis, 1973-1988 : Essays
39414: Avocato, Lori - Deep Sea Dead: A Pauline Sokol Mystery
29179: Axelrod, Alan & Phillips, Charles - The Macmillan Dictionary of Military Biography
45714: Ayars, James Sterling - We Hold These Truths : From Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights
017171: Ayer, Ethan - The Enclosure
017191: Ayer, Frederick - Where No Flags Fly
24787: Aymar, Gordon - A Pictorial Primer of Yacht Racing Rules & Tactics. With a Foreword by Philip J. Roosevelt
24788: Aymar, Gordon - A Pictorial Primer of Yacht Racing Rules & Tactics. With a Foreword by Philip J. Roosevelt
014737: Aymar, Brandt - The Complete Cruiser
33458: Aymar, Brandt, editor - The Personality of the Cat
23746: Aymar, Brandt, editor - The Personality of the Cat
010174: Ayme, Marcel - The Second Face
015086: Ayres, Ruby M. - The Man in Her Life
7943: Ayres, Alfred - The Orthoepist: A Pronouncing Manual Containing About Four Thousand Five Hundred Words
015158: Ayrton, Michael - British Drawings
017187: Ayrton, Elisabeth - Two Years in My Afternoon
42221: Ayscough, Florence Wheelock - A Chinese Mirror: Being Reflections of the Reality Behind Appearance [by] Florence Ayscough; with Drawings by Lucille Douglass
44463: Baard, Henricus Petrus - Frans Hals Museum Haarlem. Translated from the Dutch by J.J. Kliphuis The Little art book. edited by Berthold Fricke
012108: Baay, Henry Van L. - Boats, Boat Yards, and Yachtsmen. Introduction by William H. Taylor.
43335: Babbitt, Natalie - Tuck Para Siempre Square Fish
22285: Babbitt, Natalie - The Devil's Other Storybook
44635: Babcock, Robert S - State & Local Government & Politics
24226: Babcock, Louis L. - Manual for the Use of Troops in Aid of the CIVIL Authority
24079: Babington, Percy L. - Bibliography of the Writings of John Symonds
003388: Bacall, Lauren - By Myself
27823: Bach, Steven - Dazzler : The Life and Times of Moss Hart
39722: Bach, Richard - Illusions : The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
014853: Bach, Richard - Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit
23341: Bach, Johann Sebastian - The Six Brandenburg Concertos Bwv1046-1051. From the Bach-Gesellschaft Edition Dover miniature scores
014318: Bach, Richard - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
017166: Bach, Alice - When the Sky Began to Roar
43038: Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Passion According to St. Matthew (1769) Incorporating Music by Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Ulrich Leisinger The complete works. Series IV, Oratorios and Passions / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach ; v. 4.1
21534: Bach, Richard - One : A Novel
21424: Bach, Richard - One
40380: Bach, Johann Sebastian - Thirteen Chorales from the Church Cantatas and Motets
17818: Bach, Richard - One: A Novel
45945: Bach, Johann Sebastian - The Coffee Cantata, Arranged for Soli and Chorus by J. Michael Diack and Harry Edgar Baker
45946: Bach, Johann Sebastian - Coffee and Cupid (the Coffee Cantata) : An Operetta by Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Charles Sanford Terry.
46474: Bachelder, Louise, ed. - On Friendship; a Selection. With Illustrations by Eric Carle
17482: Bacheller, Irving - A Man for the Ages: A Story of the Builders of Democracy
17483: Bacheller, Irving - Darrel of the Blessed Isles
017185: Bacheller, Irving - Eben Holden: A Tale of the North Country
41582: Backus, John - The Acoustical Foundations of Music
41535: Bacon, Francis - The Essays or Counsels, CIVIL and Moral
015420: Bacon, Edward - Archaeology Discoveries in the 1960's
41953: Bacon, Edward - Archaeology: Discoveries in the 1960’S
43215: Bacon, Francis - Francis Bacon Essays Selected by A. T Quiller-Couch
45259: Bacon, Edwin M - Boston: A Guide Book, with Illustrations and Maps
37828: Bacon, Francis - The Essays; or, Counsels CIVILL & Morall
23121: Badaracco, Joseph & Ellsworth, Richard R. - Leadership and the Quest for Integrity
44700: Bade, Patrick - Renoir
31334: Baden-Powell, George - The Saving of Ireland : Industrial, Financial, Political
45376: Badman, Keith - Marilyn Monroe : The Final Years
22384: Badre, Paul & Martinez, Alberto - Classic Sports Cars
006718: Baedeker, Karl - L'Italie Des Alpes a Naples
22190: Baedeker, Karl - Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers
014818: Baer, Brigitte - Picasso the Engraver: Selections from the MusˆE Picasso, Paris
29438: Baer, Morley - The Wilder Shore, Photographs by Morley Baer, Text by David Rains Wallace. Foreword by Wallace Stegner
44922: Baeumler, Alfred - ästhetik Von Alfred Baeumler Handbuch der Philosophie
003655: Baez, Joan - And a Voice to Sing with: A Memoir
45732: Bagehot, Walter - Physics and Politics: Or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of 'Natural Selection' and 'Inheritance' to Political Society
014840: Bagg, Elma W. - Cooking without a Grain of Salt. Foreword by A. Gregory Jameson
31391: Baglin, Douglass & Austin, Yvonne - Australia
33520: Bagnold, Enid - Autobiography
33445: Bagnold, Enid - The Chalk Garden
012118: Bagnold, Enid - National Velvet
40424: Bahat, Dan - Jerusalem, Stone and Spirit : 3000 Years of History and Art
30872: Bahti, Tom - Southwestern Indian Arts & Crafts
012693: Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
015035: Bailey, Temple - The Star in the Well, a Christmas Story
31236: Bailey, L. H. - The Gardener : A Book of Brief Directions for the Growing of the Common Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers in the Garden and About the House
31062: Bailey, James Montgomery - Life in Danbury : Being a Brief But Comprehensive Record of the Doings of a Remarkable People, Under More Remarkable Circumstances, and Chronicled in a Most Remarkable Manner, by the Author, James M. Bailey, "the Danbury News Man"; and Carefully Compiled with a Pair of Eight-Dollar Shears, by the Compiler.
42088: Bailey, Gilbert P. - Boot, a Marine in the Making
39513: Bailey, Temple - Silver Slippers
39514: Bailey, Temple - Wallflowers
17481: Bailey, Temple - Wild Wind
17478: Bailey, Temple - The Tin Soldier
39373: Bailey, Arthur Scott - The Tale of Betsy Butterfly Tuck-me-in Tales
007011: Bailey, Bernadine - Little Greta of Denmark
28209: Bailey, Roy Rutherford - Sure Pop and the Safety Scouts
29125: Bailey, Ronald H. - Partisans and Guerrillas World War II
29131: Bailey, Ronald H. - The Home Front: U.S. A World War II
29133: Bailey, Ronald H. - The Air War in Europe World War II
010619: Bailey, H. C. - Colonel Greatheart
36343: Bailey, James Montgomery - Life in Danbury : Being a Brief But Comprehensive Record of the Doings of a Remarkable People, Under More Remarkable Circumstances, and Chronicled in a Most Remarkable Manner, by the Author, James M. Bailey, "the Danbury News Man"; and Carefully Compiled with a Pair of Eight-Dollar Shears, by the Compiler.
1957: Bailey, Hiram P. - Shanghied out of 'Frisco in the 'Nineties.
35508: Bailey, L. H. - Gardener's Handbook, Successor to the Gardener : Brief Directions for the Growing of the Common Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits in the Garden and About the Home
45000: Bailey, Bernadine - The Little Woodsman of the North, by Bernadine Bailey; Illustrated with Photographs Taken by the Author. Children of America stories
1537: Baily, J. T. Herbert - Emma, Lady Hamilton: A Biographical Essay with a Catalogue of Her Published Portraits
010870: Bailyn, Bernard; Fleming, Donald; Handlin, Oscar; Thernstrom, Stephan - Glimpses of Harvard's Past
005527: Bain, Linda Morgan - Evergreen Adventurer: The Real Frank Harris
27574: Bainbridge, Beryl - Master Georgie, a Novel
008710: Baine, Rodney M - The Scattered Portions: William Blake's Biological Symbolism
36110: Baines, Anthony - Woodwind Instruments and Their History
27239: Baird, Pat - The Pyramid Cookbook : Pleasures of the Food Guide Pyramid
17495: Baird, Thomas - People Who Pull You Down
32965: Baird, Henry C. - Autograph Signature Clipped from Letter.
44747: Baird, R. Dennis - The Brazen Serpent Chronicles : The Caduceus
36185: Baird, Robert H - The American Cotton Spinner, and Managers’ and Carders’ Guide: A Practical Treatise on Cotton Spinning... Compiled from the Papers of the Late Robert H. Baird.
40459: Bairstow, Edward C. - Handel's Oratorio 'the Messiah'
014791: Bak, Hans - Malcolm Cowley: The Formative Years
014912: Bakalar, Ruth Beck, & Walter, Elizabeth, eds. - The Gourmet Cookbook
44235: Baker, Herschel Clay - Hyder Edward Rollins; a Bibliography, by Herschel Baker
27824: Baker, David - Scientific American Inventions from Outer Space : Everyday Uses for Nasa Technology
25026: Baker, Carroll - Baby Doll, an Autobiography
441: Baker, Stanley L. & Kunz, Virginia Brainard - The Collector's Book of Railroadiana.
39715: Baker, Michael - Our Three Selves : The Life of Radclyffe Hall
44610: Baker, Samuel White, Sir - Wild Beasts and Their Ways; Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa and America African Collection series
008946: Baker, Russell - The Rescue of Miss Yaskell and Other Pipe Dreams
2471: Baker, Willard F. - Bob Dexter and the Club House Mystery; or, the Missing Golden Eagle
30177: Baker, Russell. - So This Is Depravity.
30178: Baker, Russell. - The Good Times.
30179: Baker, Russell. - There's a Country in My Cellar.
30189: Baker, Russell. - The Good Times.
17489: Baker, Will - What a Piece of Work
17491: Baker, Russell - The Rescue of Miss Yaskell and Other Pipe Dreams
17493: Baker, Elliott - The Penny Wars
17494: Baker, Gladys - Our Hears Are Restless
39465: Baker, Samuel White - Ismailïa; a Narrative of the Expediton to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
016666: Baker, William F. - Running Her Easting Down: A Documentary of the Development and History of the British Tea Clippers,... Cutty Sark
012460: Baker, William A - A History of the Boston Marine Society, 1742-1981
22619: Baker, Nola - The Raft Dog : Tangoroa Aboar the Lehi
43229: Baker, Tiffany - The Little Giant of Aberdeen County : A Novel
26624: Baker, William Avery & Tryckare, Tre - The Engine Powered Vessel from Paddle-Wheeler to Nuclear Ship
25168: Baker, George Pierce, editor - Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell ("Dora") Private Correspondence between Charles Dickens and Mrs. Henry Winter (Née Maria Beadwell), the Original of Dora Spenlow in 'Daviod Copperfield' and Flora Finching in 'Litle Dorrit'
40657: Baker, Samuel White - Cast Up by the Sea
1216: Baker, Alfred - The Life of Sir Isaac Pitman (Inventor of Phonography)
32296: Baker, Liva - I'm Radcliffe! Fly Me! : The Seven Sisters and the Failure of Women's Education
32298: Baker, George P., editor - Plays of the Harvard Dramatic Club, Vol. 2, 1st Series The Harvard Plays. A Collection of One Act Plays
32299: Baker, George P., editor - Plays of the 47 Workshop, Vol. 4, 2nd Series The Harvard Plays. A Collection of One Act Plays
32300: Baker, George P., editor - Plays of the 47 Workshop, Vol. 5, 4th Series The Harvard Plays. A Collection of One Act Plays
010175: Baker, Carlos - The Talismans and Other Stories
28845: Baker, Ernest A. - The History of the English Novel
35776: Baker, Nicholson - Double Fold : Libraries and the Assault on Paper
44877: Baker, Bill - House of Ideas; Creative Interior Designs
37751: Baker, Mark - Women : American Women in Their Own Words
17875: Baker-Carr, Janet - Evening at Symphony: A Portrait of the Boston Symphony Orchestra
26097: Baker, Richard - Mozart
36660: Bakke, Kit - Miss Alcott's E-Mail : Yours for Reforms of All Kinds : A Bio-Memoir
41525: Balakian, Nona - Critical Encounters : Literary Views and Reviews, 1953-1977
43679: Baland, Timothy & St. Martin, Hardie, compilers - Miguel Hernández and Blas de Otero: Selected Poems. Edited by Timothy Baland and Hardie St. Martin. Translations by Timothy Baland [and Others]
17484: Balchin, Nigel - Seen Dimly Before Dawn
23923: Baldacci, David - The Winner
009685: Baldwin, Hanson W. - The Navy at War: Paintings and Drawings by Combat Artists. Introduction by A.J. Hepburn
24759: Baldwin, Hanson W. - The New Navy
42053: Baldwin, James & Livengood, W. W, - Sailing the Seas; the Log of Tom Darke, by James Baldwin and W.W. Livengood, Introduction by Edward N. Hurley... Illustrated by Kerr Eby and Leon D’Emo
17756: Baldwin, Faith - Hotel Hostess
17757: Baldwin, Faith - Career by Proxy
17758: Baldwin, Faith - The High Road
17759: Baldwin, Faith - White Magic
17760: Baldwin, Faith - Rich Girl, Poor Girl
30201: Baldwin, Hanson. - Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II.
17492: Baldwin, Faith - Blaze of Sun
018298: Baldwin, Faith - Betty
17476: Baldwin, Faith - The West Wind
26757: Baldwin, James - The Story of Roland
005611: Baldwin, James - Reading from Giovanni's Room and Another Country
015715: Baldwin, Hanson W. & Stone, Shepard, editors - We Saw It Happen: The News Behind the News That's Fit to Print, by Thirteen Correspondents of the New York Times
004245: Baldwin, James - The Story of Roland
004243: Baldwin, James - Just Above My Head
42227: Baldwin, Henry - The Orchids of New England : A Popular Monograph
17820: Baldwin, Faith - No Bed of Roses
17821: Baldwin, Faith - White Collar Girl
42226: Baldwin, James - The Amen Corner
46082: Baldwin, Marian - Canteening Overseas, 1917-1919, by Marian Baldwin
7755: Baldwin, Faith - Three Faces of Love
7756: Baldwin, Faith - Alimony
016439: Balfoort, Dirk J - De Viool En Hare Meesters. Ten Deele Vrij Bewerkt Naar Jos. Wilh. Von Wasielewski
37707: Balish, Chris - How to Live Well without Owning a Car : Save Money, Breathe Easier, and Get. .
30919: Balk, Robert - Geology of the Newcomb Quadrangle. New York State Museum Bulletin, no. 290, Oct. 1932
014819: Ball, Edward - Slaves in the Family
006956: Ball, Don - America's Colorful Railroads
1633: Ball, Don & Whitaker, Rogers E. M. - Decade of the Trains: The 1940s
45598: Ballantyne, R. M. [Robert Michael] - The Lifeboat: A Tale of Our Coast Heroes
17825: Ballantyne, Sheila - Imaginary Crimes
17826: Ballantyne, Sheila - Life on Earth: Stories
17717: Ballard, J. G - The Kindness of Women
24379: Ballard, Robert D. & NcConnell, Malcolm - Explorations: My Quest for Adventure and Discovery Under the Sea
016667: Ballard, Robert D. - The Lost Ships of Guadalcanal
21364: Ballard, J. G. - War Fever
38089: Ballard, J. G. - The Day of Creation
28776: Ballas, Gila Cohen - Moshe Gat
005307: Ballentine, George - Autobiography of an English Soldier in the United States Army. Edited by William H. Goetzmann Lakeside Classics 84
006624: Ballerini, - The Hunter of the Alps. Translated from the Italian of Rev. Father Ballerini, S.J. By J.C. Curtin
014114: Ballou, Maturin M. - Travels Under the Southern Cross... ; or, Travels in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Samoa, and Other Pacific Islands
012203: Ballou, Maturin M. - The New Eldorado: A Summer Journey to Alaska
22434: Ballou, Robert, editor - The Living Bible, a Shortened Version for Modern Readers Based on the King James Translation
35511: Ballou, Ellen B. - The Building of the House; Houghton Mifflin's Formative Years [by] Ellen B. Ballou
38166: Baltimore & Ohio Transportation Museum - B & O
44890: Baltimore Museum of Art. - The Great American Cover-Up: Counterpanes of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
012806: Baltzell, E. Digby - Sporting Gentlemen: Men's Tennis from the Age of Honor to the Cult of the Superstar
44244: Balzac, Honor‚ de - Balzac's Contes Drolatiques : Droll Stories, Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine; Translated Into English, Complete and Unabridged.
014593: Balzac, Honore de - Jesus Christ En Flandre
37398: Balzac, Honor de - Droll Stories. Edited by Ernest Boyd
006632: Balzac, Honore - Pere Goriot
42860: Balzac, Honore - La Cousine Bette
23989: Balzac, Honoré de - Le Père Goriot, by Honoré de Balzac; with an Introduction by Horatio Smith . . The Modern student's library. [French series]
28106: Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez, seigneur de, 1597-1654 - Les Entretiens de Feu Monsieur de Balzac
23851: Balzac, Honor de - Droll Stories
17827: Balzac, Honor‚ de - Droll Stories, Collected in the Monasteries of Touraine
17828: Balzac, Honor‚ de - Old Goriot, Translated from the French by Ellen Marriage with an Introd. By François Mauriac
014281: Ban Breathnach, Sarah - Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
32999: Bancroft, Jessie H. - Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium
2267: Bancroft, Griffing - The Flight of the Least Petrel
011452: Bancroft, Jessie H. - Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium
42251: Bang, Molly - The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher
42250: Bang, Molly - Dawn
37523: Bangs, John Kendrick - The Pursuit of the House-Boat on the Styx. Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, Under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq.
446: Bangs, John Kendrick - The Pursuit of the House-Boat on the Styx. Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, Under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq.
016403: Bangs, John Kendrick - The Idiot
006313: Bangs, John Kendrick - Mr. Munchausen; Being a True Account of Some of the Recent Adventures...
40659: Bangs, John Kendrick - Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica
17829: Bangs, John Kendrick - A House-Boat on the Styx
7505: Bangs, John Kendrick - A House-Boat on the Styx. Being Some Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades.
8009: Bangs, Edward - Steven Kellogg's Yankee Doodle
37915: Banister, Manly Miles - Bookbinding As a Handcraft
29519: Bank, Mirra - Anonymous Was a Woman
45420: Bank, Melissa - The Wonder Spot
31284: Banks, Ann, editor - First-Person America
39735: Banks, Russell - Cloudsplitter
45610: Banks, Bruce & Kenny, Dick - Looking at Sails [by] Bruce Banks and Dick Kenny ; Illustrated by Peter Campbell ; Photographs by Alastair Black, John Blomfield, and Others
23630: Banks, Iain - Canal Dreams
28057: Banks, Jacqueline Turner - Project Wheels
46503: Bannerman, Helen - Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman, Color Drawings by Cobb X Shinn
006968: Banning, Margaret Culkin - Mesabi
31949: Banning, Margaret (Culkin) 1891- - Lifeboat Number Two A Cass Canfield book
40515: Banning, Kendall - Submarine ! the Story of the Undersea Fighters
17867: Banning, Margaret Culkin - Lifeboat Number Two
17831: Banning, Margaret Culkin - I Took My Love to the Country
003868: Bannister, Don - Sam Chard
28058: Bantle, Lee F. - Diving for the Moon
24190: Bantock, Nick - Griffin & Sabine : An Extraordinary Correspondence
24191: Bantock, Nick - Sabine's Notebook : In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues
24192: Bantock, Nick - The Golden Mean, in Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin and Sabine Concludes
002947: Banvard, Joseph - The American Statesman; or, Illustrations of the Life and Character of Daniel Webster...
37727: Banville, John - Sea Vintage International Series
669: Banzai, Mayumi - A Visit to the Old Post Town in Japan
23873: Barash, David P. - The Whisperings Within
24140: Barbach, Lonnie, editor - The Erotic Edge : Erotica for Couples
017230: Barber, Linda Lee & Lampert, Junko - Tofu: A New Way to Healthy Eating
22420: Barber, Richard, ed. - The Arthurian Legends: An Illustrated Anthology
31739: Barber, Margaret Fairless - The Roadmender by Michael Fairless
37530: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Metipom's Hostage ; Being a Narrative of Certain Surprising Adventures Befalling One David Lindall in the First Year of King Philip's War
24763: Barbour, John A. - In the Wake of the Whale
014714: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Four Afoot: Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Highway
41024: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Barry Locke, Half-Back. Illustrated by C.M. Relyea
22843: Barbour, Ralph Henry & Sarra, La Mar - How to Play Better Basketball
007070: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Around the End
016089: Barbour, Ralph Henry & Holt, H. P. - The Mystery of the Sea-Lark
015825: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Four Afoot: Being the Adventures of the Big Four on the Highway
28813: Barbour, Andrew - Atlantic Salmon: An Illustrated History
17835: Barbour, Ralph Henry - Lady Laughter... With Illustrations in Color by Gayle Hoskins and Decorations by Edward Stratton Hollow
39890: Barclay, Robert - A Catechism and Confession of Faith, Approved of and Agreed Unto by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Christ Himself Chief Speaker in and Among Them.
39853: Barclay, Robert - An Apology for the True Christian Divinity : Being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People Called Quakers. The Ninth Edition in English
43967: Barclay, Robert - An Apology for the True Christian Divinity : As the Same Is Held Forth, and Preached, by the People Called, in Scorn, Quakers... The Seventh Edition in English.
24060: Barclay, John - Jo. Barclaii Argenis. Editio Novissima Cum Clave, Hoc Est, Nominum Propriorum Elucidatione Hactenus Nondum Edita
17836: Barclay, Daphne - Amedeo
45470: Bard, Bob - Making and Collecting Military Miniatures.
17840: Bardos, Marie - Night Light
003156: Barea, Ilsa - Vienna
018034: Barett, Mary Elin - An Accident of Life
39630: Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine) - A Book of Cornwall
012322: Baring-Gould, William S - Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street: A Life of the World's First Consulting Detective
42351: Baring-Gould, William Stuart & Ceil - The Annotated Mother Goose, Nursery Rhymes Old and New, Arr. And Explained by William S. Baring-Gould & Ceil Baring-Gould. Illustrated by Walter Crane [and Others] with Chapter Decorations by E.M. Simon.
003811: Barker, Dudley - The Man of Principle: A Biography of John Galsworthy
37357: Barker, Clive - The Damnation Game
013593: Barker, Melvern J - Southeast of Noman's: A Trip Dragging Aboard the Southern Cross
22124: Barker, William J. & Lewin, Jackie - Denver! [by] Bill Barker and Jackie Lewin
45077: Barker, Matthew Henry, supposed author - Tough Yarns; a Series of Naval Tales and Sketches to Please All Hands, from the Swabs on the Shoulders Down to the Swabs in the Head, by the Old Sailor... Illustrated by George Cruikshank
009900: Barker, Clive - In the Flesh
009882: Barker, Clive - Weaveworld
17847: Barker, Shirley - Rivers Parting: A Novel
45922: Barker, Dudley - Writer by Trade; a Portrait of Arnold Bennett
39230: Barlay, Stephen & Sasdy, Peter - Four Black Cars. Tranlsated from the Hungarian by Paul Tabori
24509: Barley, M. W. - The House and Home: A Review of 900 Years of House Planning and Furnishing in Britain
44785: Barlow, Frank. - Edward the Confessor.
40700: Barlow, Jane - Irish Idylls
38549: Barlow, Randle & Jones, Francis S. - Hit or Miss, Being the Adventures of Driver Randle Barlow, As Told by Francis S. Jones
42249: Barlow, Eleanor Poe - The Master's Cat: The Story of Charles Dickens As Told by His Cat
17849: Barmash, Isadore - Net Net, a Novel
33563: Barnard, Toby - A New Anatomy of Ireland: The Irish Protestants, 1649-1770
011533: Barnard, Patricia - The Contemporary Mouse: A Fable for Art Lovers
46739: Barnard, Charles - The Strawberry Garden : How It Was Planted, What It Cost, What Came of It Financially and Sentimentally : A Very Practical Story
28271: Barnby, H. G. - The Prisoners of Algiers: An Account of the Forgotten American-Algerian War 1785-1797 [by] H.G. Barnby
34629: Barnes, James M. - Picture Analysis of Golf Strokes : A Complete Book of Instruction
33870: Barnes, John - Mother of Storms
42063: Barnes, Linda - Lie Down with the Devil
36951: Barnes, John - Finity
23254: Barnes, Linda - The Big Dig
33204: Barnes, Linda - Flashpoint : A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery
39415: Barnes, John - A Million Open Doors Giraut
30104: Barnes, Josiah, supposed author. - Wolfsden : An Authentic Account of Things There and Thereunto Pertaining As They Are and Have Been. By J.B. [Attributed to Josiah Barnes]
35956: Barnes, John - How to Have More Money
016362: Barnes, Linda - Cities of the Dead
004895: Barnes, Linda - Cold Case
38691: Barnes, Linda - Deep Pockets
42536: Barnes, Linda - Cold Case
37895: Barnes, Julian - Talking It over
17855: Barnes, Margaret Campbell - With All My Heart
17850: Barnes, Jane - Double Lives
37154: Barnet, Sylvan - A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic Terms [by] Sylvan Barnet, Morton Berman [and] William Burto
29038: Barnet, Richard J. - Intervention and Revolution; the United States in the Third World
30056: Barnett, Lincoln, editor - The Sea: The Strange Animals and Plants of the Oceans The Golden Library of Knowledge #7707
012627: Barnett, Correlli - The First Churchill, Marlborough: Soldier and Statesman
016503: Barnett, Lincoln & Eimerl, Sarel - The Wonders of Animal Life: How Animals Adapt for Survival
17856: Barnett, James - The Firing Squad
23919: Barney, Helen Corse - Light in the Rigging
44173: Barnouw, Erik & Krishnaswamy, Subrahmanyam - Indian Film [by] Erik Barnouw and S. Krishnaswamy
015113: Barnum, W. Paul - Black Is the Sun
43750: Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor) - Struggles and Triumphs, or, Forty Years' Recollections of P.T. Barnum Written by Himself.
46687: Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor) - Struggles and Triumphs, or, Forty Years' Recollections of P.T. Barnum Written by Himself. Author's Edition. Revised, Enlarged, Newly Illustrated, and Written Up to February 1873 by the Author
43789: Barolini, Helen - Festa : Recipes and Recollections of Italian Holidays , , , Illustrations by Karen Barbour
015892: Baron, Salon Wittmayer - Steeled by Adversity: Essays and Addresses on American Jewish Life
014854: Barooshian, Vahan D. - V.V. Vereshchagin: Artist at War
014583: Barr, Henriette C. & Drew, Mina P - The Nest
39416: Barr, Nevada - Liberty Falling Anna Pigeon Mysteries
29974: Barr, Alfred H., editor - Picasso : 75th Anniversary Exhibition
012547: Barr, Alfred H., ed. - Masters of Modern Art
22091: Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston - The Man between; an International Romance, by Amelia E. Barr; Illustrated in Water-Colors by Frank T. Merrill
22092: Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston - Trinity Bells; a Tale of Old New York, by Amelia E. Barr... Illustrated by C.M. Relyea . .
22088: Barr, Amelia Edith (Huddleston) - A Song of a Single Note; a Love Story
22089: Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston - The Belle of Bowling Green, by Amelia E. Barr... Illustrated by Walter H. Everett
22090: Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston - The Heart of Jessy Laurie
25192: Barr, Roseanne - Roseanne: My Life As a Woman
42035: Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston - Master of His Fate
018033: Barratt, Raven - Coronets and Buckskin
26764: Barret, André - Florence Observed
43790: Barrett, Judith - Saved by Soup : More Than 100 Delicious Low-Fat Soup Recipes to Eat and Enjoy Every Day, , , Photographs by Melanie Acevedo
018218: Barrett, Charles - Around Australia
29944: Barrett, Harry B. - The 19th-Century Journals & Paintings of William Pope... Introduction and Commentary by J. Fenwick Lansdowne
018042: Barrett, William E. - The Wine and the Music
018043: Barrett, William E. - The Shape of Illusion
018044: Barrett, William E. - A Woman in the House
39177: Barrett, Madeleine - Poems
22313: Barrett, Marilyn - Aggies, Immies, Shooters, and Swirls : The Magical World of Marbles
46607: Barrett, William E. (William Edmund) - The Shape of Illusion
018030: Barretto, Larry - Three Roads from Paradise
45623: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Little Minister
013682: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - Echoes of the War
018025: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Little Minister
018026: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Little Minister
010296: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - Auld Light Idylls & Better Dead
010299: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Little Minister
010300: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - Sentimental Tommy
38621: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - M’Connachie and J.M. B. ; Speeches by J.M. Barrie, with a Preface by Hugh Walpole
35669: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Little Minister
010055: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - The Novels, Tales and Sketches of...
010057: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) - Farewell Miss Julie Logan, a Wintry Tale
018029: Barrington, E., pseud. or Beck, L. Adams - The Duel of the Queens: A Romance of Mary, Queen of Scots
018035: Barrington, E., pseud. or Beck, L. Adams - Glorious Apollo
23990: Barris, Alex - Hollywood's Other Men
009378: Barron, John N. - The Language of Painting: An Informal Dictionary
016170: Barrow, Clayton R., compiler - America Spreads Her Sails: U.S. Seapower in the 19th Century
011428: Barrow, John - The Mutiny of the Bounty. Edited by Gavin Kennedy
35615: Barrow, Frances Elizabeth Mease, supposed author - The Little Nightcap Letters
134: Barrows, William, supposed author - The General; or, Twelve Nights in the Hunters' Camp
31277: Barry, Dave - Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States
43704: Barry, Dave - Tricky Business
39582: Barry, William A. - Paying Attention to God : Discernment in Prayer
17638: Barry, Brian - Political Argument
018032: Barry, Jane - A Time in the Sun
011821: Barry, John D - The Princess Margarethe
005485: Barry, Naomi - Rome at Table
40438: Barry, Lynda - Cruddy : An Illustrated Novel
005175: Barsley, Michael - The Other Hand: An Investigation Into the Sinister History of Left-Handedness
017006: Barstow, Charles Lester - Famous Sculpture
44632: Barth, Alan - Government by Investigation
015352: Barth, John - On with the Story
23196: Barth, Richard - The Rag Bag Clan. A Margaret Binton Mystery
018086: Barth, John - Sabbatical: A Romance
003746: Barth, John - Letters: A Novel
012975: Barth, John - Giles Goat-Boy; or, the Revised New Syllabus
22687: Barth, Richard - The Co-Op Kill. A Margaret Binton Mystery
36014: Barth, Edna - Shamrocks, Harps and Shillelaghs : The Story of the St. Patrick's Day Symbols.
17857: Barth, John - On with the Story: Stories
37001: Barthelme, Frederick - Amateurs
37027: Barthelme, Frederick - The Dead Father
37366: Barthelme, Donald - Snow White
23601: Barthelme, Frederick - Painted Desert : A Novel
011318: Barthelme, Frederick - Moon Deluxe
018046: Bartholomew, Cecilia - Outrun the Dark
22764: Bartholomew, Marion - Vogue Christmas. Edited by Helen Moore.
43628: Bartlett, Allison Hoover - The Man Who Loved Books Too Much : The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession
41592: Bartlett, John H. (John Henry) - Folks Is Folks
008751: Bartlett, Robert Merrill - Pilgrim House by the Sea
23067: Bartlett, Michael, editor - The Book of Bests : Exploring the World of Quality
018045: Bartlett, Frederick Orin - The Prodigal Pro Tem
012435: Bartlett, Phyllis - Poems in Process
23924: Bartlett, John - The Shakespeare Phrase Book
26347: Bartlett, Frederick Orin - One Way out : A Middle-Class New-Englander Emigrates to America, by William Carleton [Pseud. ]
41630: Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry) - History of the United States of America, Parts, 15, 16, 17, 26, 29
40246: Bartlett, Samuel, ed. - The Newer Journal of Tuneology and Stuntology
40245: Bartlett, Samuel, ed. - The New Journal of Tuneology and Stuntology
44208: Barton, Stuart - Castles in Britain; an Illustrated Guide
009641: Barton, Charles - Howard Hughes and His Flying Boat
013259: Baruch, Hugo Cyril K. writing as Bilbo, Jack - Jack Bilbo: An Autobiography
39185: Baruch, Dorothy Walter - One Little Boy
011274: Baruch, Dorothy Walter - Walt Disney's Pinocchio. Adapted from Collodi. Told by Dorothy Walter Baruch.
015787: Barwell, Noel - Cambridge
018087: Barwick, James - The Hangman's Crusade
25362: Baryshnikov, Mikhail - Baryshnikov in Color
35512: Barzini, Luigi Giorgio - The Europeans
40274: Barzun, Jacques, editor - Pleasures of Music : A Reader's Choice of Great Writing About Music and Musicians from Cellini to Bernard Shaw
42890: Bascio, Patrick - Priest to Mafia Don
013643: Base, Graeme - The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery
003885: Baselitz, Georg - Paintings Bilder, 1962-1988
24746: Basho, Matsuo - Full Moon Is Rising : Lost Haiku of Matsuo Basho & Travel Haidu of Matsuo Basho, a New Rendering by James David Andrews
25284: Baskin, Leonard - Hosie's Alphabet. Pictures by Leonard Baskin; Words by Tobias, Hosea, Lucretia, and Lisa Baskin
016914: Baskin, Leonard - Iconologia
016787: Baskin, Leonard - The Raptors and Other Birds
22648: Baskin, Barbara Holland & Harris, Karen H. - Notes from a Different Drummer : A Guide to Juvenile Fiction Portraying the Handicapped
004654: Baskin, Leonard - Imps, Demons, Hobgoblins, Witches, Fairies & Elves
26228: Baskin, John - New Burlington : The Life and Death of an American Village
37065: Bass, Thomas A. - The Eudaemonic Pie
011975: Bass, George F., ed. - A History of Seafaring Based on Underwater Archaeology
38711: Bass, Edward Cary - Joseph and Judith; or, a Bundle of Old Love Letters
37839: Bass, Ruth & Milton - Massachusetts: Recipes for All Seasons
006568: Basset, Bernard - Priest in Paradise; with God to Illinois
25774: Bassett, Sara Ware - The White Sail
25778: Bassett, Sara Ware - Shifting Sands
25780: Bassett, Sara Ware - Within the Harbor
39793: Bassett, Mary E. Stone - Judith's Garden. Illustrations by George Wright
018027: Bassett, Sara Ware - The Harbor Road
018028: Bassett, Sara Ware - The Beacon
011491: Bassett, Wilbur - Wander-Ships: Folk-Stories of the Sea with Notes Upon Their Origin
23773: Bassett, Sara Ware - Shining Headlands A Cape Cod romance
23772: Bassing, Eileen - Where's Annie ?
25787: Basso, Hamilton - The View from Pompey's Head
44384: Batali, Mario - The Babbo Cookbook... Photographs by Christopher Hirscheimer
003082: Batchelder, Ann - Ann Batchelder's Own Cook Book
007177: Batcheller, Tryphosa Bates - Italian Castles and Country Seats
43078: Bate, Walter Jackson - Samuel Johnson
27443: Bateman, Ruth Conrad - Fifty Great Buffet Parties
25786: Bates, H. E. (Herbert Ernest) - Fair Stood the Wind for France
24360: Bates, Brian - The Way of the Actor: Path to Knowledge & Power
006675: Bates, Mrs. D. B. - Incidents on Land and Water; or, Four Years on the Pacific Coast
37906: Bates, Joseph D - Fishing : An Encyclopedic Guide to Tackle and Tactics for Fresh and Salt Water
7758: Bates, Katharine Lee, ed. - Tom Thumb Also Drakestail
24882: Batman, Richard - The Outer Coast
016375: Batty, Peter & Parish, Peter - The Divided Union: The Story of the Great American War, 1861-65
008895: Bauer, Douglas - The Book of Famous Iowans
1169: Bauer, Edwin - Bass in America: The Haunts, Habits and Other Secrets of the World's Finest Fresh-Water Game Fish
28061: Bauer, Marion Dane - Our Stories : A Fiction Workshop for Young Authors
46385: Bauer, Marion - Twentieth Century Music; How It Developed, How to Listen to It
014781: Baugham, Peter E. - The Railways of Wharfdale
25785: Baughman, Dorothy - Secret of Montoya Mission
42194: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Scarecrow of Oz.
42193: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Magic of Oz: A Faithful Record of the Remarkable Adventures of Dorothy and Trot and the Wizard of Oz, Together with the Cowardly Lion, the Hungry
42196: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Patchwork Girl of Oz
42190: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Land of Oz: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman... A Sequel to the Wizard of Oz
42191: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - Ozma of Oz
003024: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Sea Fairies
41492: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
37625: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - Tik-Tok of Oz
37624: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Road to Oz
37623: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Patchwork Girl of Oz
37622: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Emerald City of Oz
37621: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - Queen Zixi of IX; or, the Story of the Magic Cloak. Illustrated by Frederick Richardson. With a New Introd. By Martin Gardner
37620: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - Ozma of Oz
37618: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - The Magical Monarch of Mo
37619: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) - Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
17953: Baur, Susan - Confiding: A Psychotherapist and Her Patients Search for Stories to Live by
25092: Baus, Herbert M. - How to Wine Your Way to Good Health [by] Herbert M. Baus. Foreword by Harold C. Torbert
009365: Bausch, Richard - Violence
46318: Baussan, Oliver & Chibois, Jacques - Olive Oil : A Gourmet Guide
44085: Bauwens, Joe & Flower, Marybeth - Piazza : Italy's Heart and Soul... [Edited by] Carrie J. Lightner, Constance Hoffman Phelps.
27581: Bavier, Bob - The America's Cup: An Insider's View - 1930 to the Present
25273: Bavier, Robert N. - The New Yacht Racing Rules
25274: Bavier, Robert N. - The New Yacht Racing Rules
25277: Bavier, Robert N. - Sailing to Win
24344: Bavier, Robert N. - Sailing to Win
25237: Bavier, Robert N. - The New Yacht Racing Rules
003012: Bavier, Bob - The America's Cup: An Insider's View - 1930 to the Present
28167: Bavier, Robert N. - A View from the Cockpit: Winning the America's Cup
23835: Bavier, Robert N. - The New Yacht Racing Rules
25144: Bavier, Robert N. - Faster Sailing: New Developments in Yacht Racing
28062: Bawden, Nina - A Handful of Thieves
23748: Bawden, Nina - A Woman of My Age
007430: Bax, Clifford, ed. - All the World's a Stage: Theatrical Portraits
012498: Baxter, Katharine Schuyler - In Beautiful Japan: A Story of Bamboo Lands
010889: Baxter, George Owen - The Range-Land Avenger, a Western Story
23991: Baxter, John - Sixty Years of Hollywood
002661: Baxter, Betty - The Unseen Enemy
36718: Bayard, Samuel Preston - Hill Country Tunes : Instrumental Folk Music of Southwestern Pennsylvania
39103: Bayless, Rick - Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen : Capturing the Vibrant Flavors of a World-Class Cuisine
23531: Bayley, Stephen, and others - Twentieth-Century Style & Design
33363: Bayley, John - Elegy for Iris
44546: Bayne, Samuel G. (Samuel Gamble) - On an Irish Jaunting-Car Through Donegal and Connemara, by S.G. Bayne.
28568: Bayrd, Ned - Kyoto Wonders of Man
30882: Bazin, Germain - La Pietà D'Avignon; Texte de Germain Bazin Les Trésors de la peinture française, XIV. siècle
40837: Bazin, Germain - Memling, by Germain Bazin...
40811: Bazin, Germain - A History of Art from Prehistoric Times to the Present
28716: Bazin, Germain - L'école Franco-Flamande, XIV-XV Siécles
28717: Bazin, Germain - L'école Provençale. , XIV-XV Siécles
44188: Beach, Rex - The Spoilers
27519: Beach, Rex - The Auction Block : A Novel of New York Life
27520: Beach, Rex - The Barrier
27521: Beach, Rex - The Silver Horde
27522: Beach, Rex - The Spoilers
003805: Beach, Rex - The Barrier
23145: Beach, Rex - Flowing Gold
003559: Beach, Rex - The Iron Trail: An Alaska Romance
016647: Beach, Edward Latimer - The United States Navy: A 200-Year History
012646: Beach, Rex - The Spoilers
28217: Beach, Rex - The Goose Woman and Other Stories
21795: Beach, Rex - The Silver Horde
21803: Beach, Rex - Rainbow's End
002688: Beach, Rex - The Spoilers Tales of the Frontier series
37936: Beadle, Muriel - The Cat : History, Biology, and Behavior
36564: Beadun, Marriette, supposed author - A Little Hero
34143: Beahrs, Andrew - Strange Saint
012866: Beal, J. Holland - The Mountains, the Main and Members of Our Tribe
39285: Beall, Pamela Conn - Wee Sing Christmas Book
29769: Beals, Carleton - Brass-Knuckle Crusade : The Great Know-Nothing Conspiracy: 1820-1860
31560: Beals, Carleton - Lands of the Dawning Morrow: The Awakening from Rio Grande to Cape Horn
31559: Beals, Carleton - The Coming Struggle for Latin America
21740: Beam, Alex - Fellow Travelers
46027: Beam, Alex - A Great Idea at the Time : The Rise, Fall, and Curious Afterlife of the Great Books
25784: Bean, David - The Day of the Bugles
38847: Bean, Valentine - The Veil, a Play for Women in One Act
27240: Beard, James - James Beard's Theory & Practice of Good Cooking
018076: Beard, James - James Beard's Treasury of Outdoor Cooking
013520: Beard, Jo Ann - The Boys of My Youth
26895: Beard, Charles Austin - America in Midpassage, by Charles A. Beard & Mary R. Beard; Drawings by Wilfred Jones The Rise of American Civilization vol. 3
013230: Beard, James - The New James Beard
011729: Beard, James - Beard on Food. Assisted by Jose Wilson
38716: Beard, James - Beard on Pasta
004503: Beard, James A. & Aaron, Sam - How to Eat Better for Less Money
35610: Beard, Dan (Daniel Carter) - Moonblight and Six Feet of Romance, by Dan. Beard, with Illustrations by the Author
21775: Beardsley, Aubrey & Glasco, John - Under the Hill; or, the Story of Venus Ans Tannhauser...
26541: Beasley, W. G. (William G.) - The Modern History of Japan The Praeger Asia-Africa series
44132: Beaton, M. C. - Death of a Poisin Pen
44001: Beaton, M. C. - Death of a Dustman
44000: Beaton, M. C. - Death of a Dentist
43999: Beaton, M. C. - Death of a Bore
43997: Beaton, M. C. - Death of a Celebrity
43713: Beatrice Bayley Inc. - The Kirkcaldy Family Heritage Book
004230: Beattie, Ann - Picturing Will
39895: Beattie, James - The Minstrel... With Thirty-Three Designs by Birket Foster Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel
33432: Beattie, Ann - The Burning House : Short Stories
003747: Beattie, Ann - Where You'LL Find Me, and Other Stories
26787: Beattie, John - Other Cultures; Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology
005295: Beattie, Ann - Where You'LL Find Me and Other Stories
21839: Beattie, Ann - Picturing Will
21741: Beattie, Ann - Falling in Place : A Novel
21742: Beattie, Ann - Love Always : A Novel
21743: Beattie, Ann - Picturing Will
21744: Beattie, Ann - Secrets and Surprises : Short Stories
21837: Beaty, David - The Four Winds
24285: Beautement, Margaret & Lowcock, Eillen - The Golden Hands Complete Book of Embroidery
7710: Beauvais, John H - Celebrations
37434: Beauvoir, Simone de - Adieux : A Farewell to Sartre
29221: Beauvoir, Ludovic, marquis de, - Voyage Autour Du Monde, Par le Comte de Beauvoir: Australie. Java, Siam, Canton. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco
26994: Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Baron - Politicians and the War, 1914 - 1916
25947: Beck, Ken & Clark, Jim - Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook. Recipes Edited by Julia M. Pitkin
27075: Beck, James Montgomery - The Evidence in the Case; a Discussion of the Moral Responsibility for the War of 1914
015202: Beck, May Randlette - Great Grandpapa Billie: A Down Easter's Adventures North and South from Square Rig to Steam
018185: Beck, Simone & Simon, Patricia - Simca's Cuisine
016874: Beck, Myron & Thornby, Kirk - Dog Tales: Classic Stories About Smart Dogs
1603: Beck, Horace - Folklore and the Sea
32368: Beck, Richard - A Proud Tradition a Bright Future: A Sesquicentennial History of St. Johnsbury Academy
009892: Beck, K. K. - Cold Smoked
39400: Becke, Lois - Pacific Tales
28002: Beckenbach, Edwin F. - Modern Mathematics for the Engineer
43853: Becker, George Joseph - James A. Michener F. Ungar Pub. Co.
003838: Becker, May Lamberton, ed. - Louisa Alcott's People
40890: Becker, Stephen D. - Marshall Field III; a Biography, by Stephen Becker
17647: Becker, Belle & Linscott, Robert N., editors - Bedside Book of Famous French Stories;... With an Introduction by Lewis Galantiere
37435: Becker, Stephen D. - Dog Tags Shoreline Bks.
21794: Becker, Stephen - A Covenant with Death
010145: Becker, May Lamberton, compiler - Golden Tales of New England
009436: Beckett, Samuel - Endgame: A Play in One Act Followed by Act without Words: A Mime for One Player
43880: Beckett, Samuel - Waiting for Godot; Tragicomedy in 2 Acts
29601: Beckett, Ian F. W. - The War Correspondents: The American CIVIL War
010598: Beckett, Samuel - Dream of Fair to Middling Women
015499: - Beckett, Gilbert Abbott - The Comic History of Rome
21465: Beckmann, Petr - A History of Rr (Pi)
21745: Beckner, Morton - Money Plays
46147: Beckwith, T. D. (Theodore Day) & Swanson, Wilbur Harold & Iiams, Thomas M. (Thomas Marion) - Deterioration of Paper; the Cause and Effect of Foxing, by T.D. Beckwith, W.H. Swanson, and T.M. Iiams.
36173: Bednarik, Rudolf, editor - Slovenska Vlastiveda
39934: Bee Gees (Musical group) - Bee Gees Greatest
44258: Beebe, Lucius Morris - The Big Spenders
24628: Beebe, William - Beneath Tropic Seas: A Record of Diving Among the Coral Reefs of Haiti
016454: Beebe, William - Jungle Peace
003028: Beebe, Lucius Morris & Clegg, Charles - The Age of Steam: A Classic Album of American Railroading
44853: Beebe, William - Jungle Peace
39874: Beecher, Henry Ward - Life Thoughts : Gathered from the Extemporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher / by One of His Congregation
32915: Beecher, Lyman - Remedy for Duelling : A Sermon, Delivered Before the Presbytery of Long-Island, at the Opening of Their Session, at Aquebogue, April 16, 1806. By Lyman Beecher.
016717: Beeching, Henry Charles, compiler - A Book of Christmas Verse
23757: Beecroft, John, editor - Cat Magic A Treasury of the World's Best Writing about Cats in Fact and Fiction
008598: Beeding, Francis - The Secret Weapon
41017: Beeler, Nelson F. & Branley, Franklyn M. - Experiments in Optical Illusion [by] Nelson F. Beeler and Franklyn M. Branley; Illustrated by Fred H. Lyon
009551: Beer, Thomas - Collected Stories of... Edited and with an Introduction by Wilson Follett
013884: Beer, Lisl - Punch and Judy. Revised and Adapted from Several Standard Versions
013885: Beer, Lisl - Second Shepherd's Play. Adapted from the Townley Manuscript The Silver Series of Puppet Plays
011800: Beer, Thomas - The Mauve Decade: American Life at the End of the Nineteenth Century
21840: Beer, Thomas - The Road to Heaven
42719: Beer, Thomas - Hanna, Crane, and the Mauve Decade... With an Introduction by Leonard Bacon
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