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Boomer's Books 273 N Stark Hwy, Weare, NH 03281, USA Email: boomers@gsinet.net | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
36076: Niven, Larry and Edward M. Lerner - Fate of Worlds.
12257: Niven, Paul R. - Balanced Scorecard. Step-By-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results.
30432: Niven, Larry & Jerry Pournelle - Inferno.
30602: Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle - The Gripping Hand.
30603: Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle - The Gripping Hand.
30605: Niven, Larry - The Integral Tress.
30455: Niven, Larry/Barnes, Steven - The Barsoom Project.
24199: Noblin, Annie England - Just Fine with Caroline.
26796: Nock,O.S. - Encyclopedia Of Railroads.
15779: Noel, Jean-Nicolas-Auguste and Rosemary Brindle (Editor) - With Napoleon's Guns: The Military Memoirs Of An Officer Of The First Empire.
31546: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Messerschmitt Me262A (Aero Detail 9).
16273: Nohara, Shigeru & Nobuhiko Okazaki - Vickers-Supermarine Griffon Spitfire. Aero Detail 30.
16274: Nohara, Shigeru & Ryuichi Mochizuki - Nakajima Ki-43 "Oscar" Hayabusa. Aero Detail 29..
16278: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka - Nakajima Ki-84 "Frank" Hayate. Aero Detail 24..
16280: Nohara, Shigeru & Tomoo Yamada, Masato Tanaka - Grumman F4F Wildcat. Aero Detail 22..
16281: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka - Messerschmitt Bf 110. Aero Detail 21..
16282: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka - Junkers Ju88. Aero Detail 20..
16283: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka, Nobuhiko Okazaki - Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress. Aero Detail 19..
16284: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka - Heinkel He111. Aero Detail 18..
16287: Nohara, Shigeru & Nobuhiko Okazaki - Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. Aero Detail 14..
16290: Nohara, Shigeru & Hajime Ohsato - Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I - V. Aero Detail 8.
16291: Nohara, Shigeru & Hajime Ohsato - Hawker Hurricane. Aero Detail 12.
16295: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Focke-Wulf Fw 190D. Aero Detail 2..
16296: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Mersserschmitt B1 109E. Aero Detail 1..
16298: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Messerschmitt Bf 109G. Aero Detail 5.
16299: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Arado Ar 234 Blitz. Aero Detail 16..
20635: Nohara, Shigeru & Masato Tanaka - Junkers Ju88. Aero Detail 20..
31549: Nohara, Shigeru & Masatsugu Shiwaku - Mersserschmitt B1 109E. Aero Detail 1..
17488: Nohara, Shigeru and James F. Lansdale - Camouflage & Markings of the I.J.N. Fighters.
17693: Nohara, Shigeru & Hajime Ohsato - Hawker Hurricane. Aero Detail 12.
28500: None - Mountain Flowers of New England.
26186: Nonte, George C. Jr. - Firearms Encyclopedia.
24136: Noonan, Harold W. - Hume on Knowledge.
24692: Norbu, Jamyang - Sherlock Holmes The Missing Years. The Adventures of the Great Detective in India and Tibet..
20285: Nordeen Jr, Lon O. - Air Warfare In The Missle Age.
13528: NOAA with Norden, Wendy & Esperanza Stanicoff (Project Coordinators), Susan White (Editor). - A Guide to Common Marine Organisms Along the Coast of Maine..
30067: Nordoff, Charles and James Norman Hall - Falcons of France.
34797: Norman, Maj. Michael - Chieftain and Leopard (Development) (AFV Weapons Profile 18).
34798: Norman, Maj. Michael - Soviet Mediums T44, T54, T55 & T62 (AFV Weapons Profile 23).
36158: Norman, Elizabeth M. - We Band of Angels.
7598: Norman, C.B. - Battle Honours Of The British Army.
36066: Norman, Ernest L. - The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation.
36963: Norman, Ernest L. & Colored Frontis Portrait - INFINITE PERSPECTUS.
34796: Norman, Maj. Michael - Chieftain and Leopard (Development) (AFV Weapons Profile 18).
34794: Norman, Maj. Michael - Conqueror Heavy Gun Tank (AFV Weapons Profile 38).
36516: Norman, Maj. Michael - Soviet Mediums T44, T54, T55 & T62 (AFV #23).
34795: Norman, Maj. Michael - Russian KV and IS (AFV Weapons Profile 17).
22733: Norman, A.V.B. & G.M. Wilson - Treasures from the Tower of London.
36514: Norman, Maj. Michael - Russian KV and IS (AFV #17).
36064: Norman, Ernest L. - Infinite Contact.
36065: Norman, Ernest L. - Tempus Procedium.
22853: Normandi, James "Jimmy Sierra" & Robbie Krueski (editor) - Finding Gold Nuggets II.
33168: Norris, John - Logistics In World War II 1939-1945.
28688: Norris, Geoffrey - The Short Empire Boats.
36638: Norris, Geoffrey - The Short Stirling ( No. 142).
14441: North, Oliver and Joe Musser - The Jericho Sanction.
15817: North, Oliver and William Novak - Under Fire: An American Story.
22715: Dr. Gary North - Government by Emergency.
28182: Northrop, Henry Davenport (Henry M. Stanley) - Wonders Of The Tropics Or Explorations And Adventures Of Henry M. Stanley And Other World-Renowned Travlers, Including Livingstone, Baker, Cameron, Speke, Emin Pasha, Du Chaillu, Anderson, etc., etc. Containing Thrilling Accounts of Famous Expeditions, Miraculous Escapes, Wild Sports Of The Jungle And Plain, Curious Customs of Savage Races, Journeys In Unknown Lands, And Marvelous Discoveries In The Wilds Of Africa, Together With Graphic Descriptions Of Beautiful Scenery, Fertille Valleys, Vast Forests,.
9159: Northrop, F.S.C. - Man, Nature and God A Quest For Life's Meaning.
35685: Norton, Andre - The Opal-Eyed Fan.
33834: Norton, Andre - Dragon Magic.
32752: Norton, Andre - Sorceress Of The Witch World.
35690: Norton, Andre - Operation Time Search.
30426: Norton, Andre - High Sorcery.
20361: Norton, G.G. and Edited by LT GEN SIR BRIAN HORROCKS - THE RED DEVILS. From Bruneval to the Falklands (FAMOUS REGIMENTS SERIES).
963: Jones & Norton - NEW CRUISING COOKBOOK.
30457: Norton, Andre - Merlin's Mirror.
30171: Norton, Andre - The Hunters. Jack Lovejoy.
29950: Norton, Andre - PLAGUE SHIP.
31322: Norton, Andre - Dark Piper.
30462: Norton, Andre - Spell Of The Witch World.
30601: Norton, Andre - Brother to Shadows.
35542: Norton, Andre - Ice Crown.
34154: Norton, Andre & Susan Shwartz - Empire of the Eagle.
30415: Norton, Andre - Key Out Of TIme.
30597: Norton, Andre - Daybreak...2250 A.D./Beyond Earth's Gates.
30599: Norton, Andre - Here Abide Monsters.
30600: Norton, Andre - Here Abide Monsters.
33795: Norton, Andre - Garan The Eternal.
32753: Norton, Andre - Warlock Of The Witch World.
32751: Norton, Aiden H. (editor) - Hauntings and Horrors: Ten Grisley Tales.
18062: Norton, Jim - Granite Lines.
32605: Norton, Andre - Breed To Come.
31344: Norton, Andre - Gryphon In Glory.
11996: Norwood, John B. - Rio Grande Narrow Gauge. From Birth To Abandonment..
34070: Norwood, Warren - The Windhover Tapes. An Images of Voices..
36759: Noszczak, Maciej - Ilyushin Il-2 AM-38 All models.
33980: Novak, Milan w/James A. Baker, Martyn E. Obbard, Bruce Malloch (editors) - Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America.
27988: Novak, Milan w/James A. Baker, Martyn E. Obbard, Bruce Malloch (editors) - Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America.
23449: Nowak, Ed. - New York Central Cars.
33131: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle. Der Schutzenpanzer Warrior der British Army. (Tankograd - British No 9035).
33129: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle. Der Schutzenpanzer Warrior der British Army. (Tankograd - British No 9035).
33130: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. FV510 Infantry Section Vehicle. Der Schutzenpanzer Warrior der British Army. (Tankograd - British No 9035).
33127: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades. Varianten - Einsatze - Kampfwertsteigerungen. (Tankograd - British No 9036).
33128: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades. Varianten - Einsatze - Kampfwertsteigerungen. (Tankograd - British No 9036).
33126: Nowak, Daniel - Warrior. Variants - Operations - Upgrades. Varianten - Einsatze - Kampfwertsteigerungen. (Tankograd - British No 9036).
23025: Nowarra, Heinz J - Richthofens Dreidecker Und Fokker D VII.
35336: Nowarra, Heinz J, Brown, Kimbrough & Robertson, Bruce (Editors) - Von Richthofen And the "Flying Circus".
25646: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers Ju 290 - Ju 390 etc..
34905: Nowarra, Heinz J - Heinkel He 162 "Volksjager".
34906: Nowarra, Heinz J - Heinkel He 162 "Volksjager".
34898: Nowarra, Heinz J - Blohm & Voss. Bv 222 "Wiking" - Bv 238.
32809: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers Ju 87 The Stuka Story (Caler Illustrated Series).
12380: Nowarra, Heinz J, Maloney, Edward T. & Uwe Feist - Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka" (Aero Series Volume 8)..
21516: Nowarra, Heinz J - Dornier Do 335 "PFEIL" The Last and Best Person - Engine Fighter of the Luftwaffe.
32807: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers JU-88 Type A-5 & A-4 (Caler Illustrated Series).
32808: Nowarra, Heinz J - Marseille Star Of Africa. (Caler Illustrated Series).
34889: Nowarra, Heinz J - German Airships Parseval-Schutte-Lanz-Zeppelin.
17526: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Flying Pencil, Dornier DO17, DO 215.
21595: Nowarra, Heinz J - Grey Wolves of the Sea - German U-Boat Type VII.
9833: Nowarra, Heinz J, Maloney, Edward T. & Uwe Feist - Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Aero Series Volume 9).
34902: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Focke-Wulf FW 190.
34895: Nowarra, Heinz J - FW 200-Condor Battle Companion of the U-Boat.
34900: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Flying Pencil, Dornier DO17, DO 215.
34901: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Focke-Wulf FW 190.
17527: Nowarra, Heinz J - "Uhu" He 219 Bester Nachtjager des Zweiten Weltkrieges..
34899: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Flying Pencil, Dornier DO17, DO 215.
12900: Nowarra, Heinz J. - Aircraft & Legend. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 & Ta 152.
31079: Nowarra, Heinz J - German Helicopters 1928-1945.
18343: Nowarra, Heinz J - German Tanks 1914-1968.
34907: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers JU52.
34908: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers JU52.
25914: Nowarra, Heinz J. & Edward T. Maloney - Junfers Ju 87.
19446: Nowarra, Heinz J - German Guided Missles.
34897: Nowarra, Heinz J - Blohm & Voss Bv 138.
21513: Nowarra, Heinz J - "Uhu" He 219 Best Night Fighter of World War II.
35166: Nowarra, Heinz J - The Messerschmitt 109 A Famous German Fighter.
21505: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers Ju 88 Type A-5 & A-4 (Caler Illustrated Series).
21506: Nowarra, Heinz J - Junkers Ju 87 The Stuka Story (Caler Illustrated Series).
32502: Nowicki, Jacek - Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (#37).
15509: Nowlan, Philip Francis - Armagedon 2419 A.D. (The Original "Buck Rogers" Novel).
31438: Nowotny, Walter - Berichte Aus Dem Leben Meines Bruders Gesammelt Und Erzahlt Von Rudolf Nowotny.
7997: Noyes, Alfred - Collected Poems Volume One.
23123: Noyes, Harlan A. - Where Settlers' Feet Have Trod. A Pictorial History Of Dunbarton's Old Homes And Structures.
18047: Nutter, Waldo E. - Manhattan Firearms.
13374: Nye, Naomi Shihab - Mint Snowball.
18658: Oakeshott, Ewart - European Weapons and Armour From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution.
12872: Oakley, Harvey - Rememberin' The Roamin' Man of the Mountains, Wiley Oakley..
32961: Oakley, Mark R. - Volume 1: 1975 Hesketh 308 1/12 scale (MRO F1 Engineering).
32962: Oakley, Mark R. - Volume 1: 1975 Hesketh 308 1/12 scale (MRO F1 Engineering).
32963: Oakley, Mark R. - Volume 1: 1975 Hesketh 308 1/12 scale (MRO F1 Engineering).
1187: Oates, Joyce Carol - MYSTERIES OF WINTERTHURN.
7857: Ober, Scot - Contemporary Business Communication Fifth Edition.
9158: Oberg, Erik - Developing A Gaging System for Interchangeable Manufacture.
14394: Mount Washington Observatory - Mount Washington..
28389: Ockert, Wolfgang/Uebanke, Axel - The Panther- Battalion "Brandenburg" 1945 and it's Prehistory as I./Pz.Rgt. 26 (Cherkassy - Budapest - Oder Font - The Halbe Pocket).
20758: Odgers, George - Australia in the War of 1939-1942, Series Three: Air, Volume II, Air War Against Japan 1943-1945.
24124: Oehser, Paul H. (editor) - National Geographic Society Research Reports. Abstracts and reviews of research and exploration authorized under grants from the National Geographic Society during the years 1955-1960.
28206: Offenberg, Jean - Lonely Warrior. The Journal of Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot Jean Offenberg with a preface by Group Captain Peter Townsend, D.F>C. with Bar and D.S.O..
5628: US Government Printing Office - Report of the Joint Committee on The Conduct of the War at the Second Session Thirty-Eighth Congress.
30262: Northern Ireland Office - Northern Ireland Fair Treatment For All.
9480: The War Office - Royal Armoured Corps Training Volume II - Vehicles (Pamphlet No. 4) Daimler Armoured Car..
35310: United States Government Printing Office - Pilot's Manual for F-82 Twin Mustang.
35311: United States Government Printing Office - Pilots Manual for Republic P-47 Thunderbolt.
35309: United States Government Printing Office - Pilots Manual for Curtiss P-40 Warhawk.
35312: United States Government Printing Office - Pilots Manual for Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star.
35313: United States Government Printing Office - Pilots Manual for F4U CORSAIR.
24388: Offley, Ed - The Burning Shore. How Hitler's U-Boats Brought World War II To America.
33547: Offutt, Andrew J - Messenger of Zhuvastou.
30080: Offutt, Andrew J - Conan and the Sorcerer.
31130: Offutt, Andrew J (editor) - Swords Against Darkness V.
34055: Offutt, Andrew J - The Iron Lords.
7043: Ogasapian, John K. - Church Organs A Guide to Selection and Purchase.
18012: Ogawa, Morihiro and Transalted by W. Chie Ishibashi - Japanese Swords & Sword Furniture in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
34802: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - Missile Armed Armoured Vehicles (AFV Weapons Profile 56).
24937: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - Modern Swedish Light Armoured Vehicles. AFV Profile Series # 42.
34799: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - Vickers Battle Tank (AFV Weapons Profile 45).
34800: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - AMX-30 Battle Tank (AFV Weapons Profile 63).
24938: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - Modern Swedish Light Armoured Vehicles. AFV Profile Series # 42.
34801: Ogorkiewicz, R.M. - S-Tank (AFV Weapons Profile 28).
12669: Ohsawa, George and Herman Aihara - The Order Of The Universe and "The Spiralic Concept Of Man" by Herman Aihara..
27282: Olds, Sharon - One Secret Thing.
24690: Olive, Michael and Robert Edwards, Chris Evans, Editor - Operation Barbarossa 1941.
19515: Olive, Michael - Steel Thunder On The Eastern Front. German and Russian Artillery in WWII..
15346: Olive, Michael and Robert Edwards, Chris Evans, Editor - Operation Barbarossa 1941.
21252: Oliver, Dennis - Sherman Tanks. British Army And Royal Marines, Normandy Campaign 1944. (Tank Craft 2).
21254: Oliver, Dennis - Sherman Tanks. British Army And Royal Marines, Normandy Campaign 1944. (Tank Craft 2).
18622: Oliver, Dennis and Stephen Andrew - Soldaten. The German Soldier In World War 2. 1. Holland (Firefly Collection No. 8).
18624: Oliver, Dennis and Stephen Andrew - Soldaten. The German Soldier In World War 2. 1. Holland (Firefly Collection No. 8).
18625: Oliver, Dennis and Stephen Andrew - Soldaten. The German Soldier In World War 2. 1. Holland (Firefly Collection No. 8).
25989: Oliver, Stefan - An Introduction To Heraldry.
8039: Oliver, Edward - Trail Of Prophecy.
33262: Oliver, Dennis - Panther Medium Tank German Army And Waffen-SS Eastern Front, Summer 1943 (TankCraft 34).
16312: Oliver, Dennis - Westwall. German Armour In The West, 1945. (Firefly Collection Under The Gun #3).
16313: Oliver, Dennis - Westwall. German Armour In The West, 1945. (Firefly Collection Under The Gun #3).
33190: Oliver, Tony L. - D.D.R. Collectors Reference Guides 1949-1990. (Vol. 1).
31524: Oliver, Dennis - Panther Medium Tank IV.SS-Panzerkorps Eastern Front, 1944 (TankCraft 32).
22874: Oliver, Dennis - Churchill Tanks - British Army North-West Europe 1944-1945.
33100: Oliver, Dennis - Hetzer Jagdpanzer 38 Tank Destroyer German Army and Waffen-SS Western Front, 1944-1945. Tank Craft 29.
20796: Oliver, Rev. G. - A Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry..
31523: Oliver, Dennis - Panther Medium Tank IV.SS-Panzerkorps Eastern Front, 1944 (TankCraft 32).
17178: Oliver, Dennis - Westwall. German Armour In The West, 1945. (Firefly Collection Under The Gun #3).
17179: Oliver, Dennis - Westwall. German Armour In The West, 1945. (Firefly Collection Under The Gun #3).
31520: Oliver, Dennis - SDKFZ 251 251/9 And 251/22 Kanonenwagen German Army And Waffen-SS Western And Eastern Fronts, 1944-1945 (Landcraft 8).
34885: Oliver, Kingsley M. - The RAF Regiment at War 1942-1946.
23405: Olmstead, Robert P. - West End Rails.
26600: Olmsted, Bill - Blue Skies. The Autobiography of a Canadian Spitfire PIlot in Word War II..
27856: Olsen, John (editor) - Shooter's Bible. (No. 57 1966 Edition).
26206: Olsen, Lillian - Ceres Celestial Legend. (volume 1).
28558: Olsen, Bob - Rhythm Rides the Rocket (Science Fiction Classics No. 6).
11004: Olson, Karen E. - Secondhand Smoke.
30248: Olson, Bjorn w/Curt Svenson - Hamnbilder fran Goteborg..
464: Olson, Paul F. - DEAD END: CITY LIMITS.
28756: Oltrooge, Keith D. - Massey Tractor Data Book.
28738: Ondaatje, Michael - Anil's Ghost.
13244: St. Onge, Marie Louise (Executive editor) - Ad Hoc Monadnock. A Literary Anthology..
15307: Oosbree, Gerard van - YPR765 in Dutch Service Military Ordnance Special # 21.
15306: Oosbree, Gerard van - YPR765 in Dutch Service Military Ordnance Special # 21.
19355: Oosbree, Gerard van - YPR765 in Dutch Service Military Ordnance Special # 21.
1843: Northern Tier Co-Op - CREATIVE CO-OP COOKING.
5770: Opel, Frank - Tales of Bygone New England.
31535: Opel, Andy - The Weirs. A Winnipesaukee Adventure.
23437: Openo, Woodard D. - Tugboats on teh Piszataqua. A Brief History of Towing on One of America's Toughest Rivers. (Publication No. 18).
35982: Sayeret Matkal Operators - Entebbe Declassified: The Untold First-Hand Stories of the Legendary Rescue Operation.
24891: Opie, James - Toy Soldiers (Shire Album 102).
30030: Oppel, Kenneth - Airborn.
25485: Oppel, Kenneth (editor) et al - Isn't it funny when... 219 Stories by Canadian Children (Que c'est drole quand... 219 nouvelles par des jeunes Canadiens.
24337: Oppenneimer, Joel - the uses of adversity.
9135: Oprisko, Kris (Editor) - IDW's Tales of Terror, Volume 1..
32934: Office of The Chief of Ordnance - Catalogue of Japanese Enemy Ordnance Material.
25949: Ordonez, Jose A.G. - The Education of a Schoolmaster. My Years at St. Paul's School.
36071: Ore, Rebecca - Becoming Alien.
34085: Ore, Rebecca - The Illegal Rebirth of Billy the Kid.
29057: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Information Service - NATO Facts and Figures.
33348: Weare Bi-Centennial Committee Organization - Bi-Centennial Program Weare, New Hampshire July 9, 10, 11, 12, 1964.
36545: Orlemann, Eric C. - LeTourneau Earthmovers.
36546: Orlemann, Eric C. - Euclid and Terex Earth-Moving Machines.
5305: Ormrod, W.M. - The Reign of Edward III.
35491: Orr, Norman - 2nd Battalion The Essex Regiment "The Pompadours" 'D' Day to 'VE' Day in North West Europe.
14699: Orr, David R. & David Truesdale - A NEW BATTLEFIELD. The Royal Ulster Rifles in Korea 1950-51.
11068: Orr, Joel N. - Structure is Destiny. The Dandelion Paradox..
33146: Orr, David R. & David Truesdale - Home Rule And The Ulster Volunteer Force 1886-1922. "Ulster Will FIght" Volume 1.
20246: Ortenburg, Georg - Waffe und Waffenngebrauch im Zeitalter der Kabinettskriege. (Heerwesen der Neuzeit Herausgegeben von Georg Ortenburg, Abteilung II Das Zeitalter Der Kabinettskriege, Band 1)..
20816: Ortenburg, Georg - Waffe und Waffenngebrauch im Zeitalter der Millionenheere. (Heerwesen der Neuzeit Herausgegeben von Georg Ortenburg, Abteilung V Das Zeitalter Der Millionenheere, Band 1)..
20817: Ortenburg, Georg - Waffe und Waffenngebrauch im Zeitalter der Einegungskriege. (Heerwesen der Neuzeit Herausgegeben von Georg Ortenburg, Abteilung IV Das Zeitalter Der Einigungskriege, Band 1)..
15628: Osborne, W. F. - America At War.
20958: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
20956: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
20957: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
26321: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
26322: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
26323: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
26319: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Danish Leopard 1A5DK1 (Model Foto Focus Series).
26320: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Biber Leopard 1 Bridgelayer (Model Foto Focus Series).
26316: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Danish Leopard 1A5DK1 (Model Foto Focus Series).
26318: Ostergaard, Kenneth - Danish Leopard 1A5DK1 (Model Foto Focus Series).
16919: Ostertag, Bob - Creative Life. Music Politics People and Machines.
32926: Osterwald, Doris B. - Ticket To Toltec, A Mile By Mile Guide for the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.
27041: Ostric, Sime I. & Cedomire J. Janic - Aircraft Profile 242. IK Fighters (Yugoslavia: 1930-40s).
26215: Oswald, Werner - Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr. Katalog aller Typen und Modelle 5. Auflage.
19778: Oswald, Werner - Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr. Katalog der deutschen Militarfahrzeuge von 1900 bis heute..
26046: Otis, James - Mary Of Plymouth. A Story Of The Pilgrim Settlement.
18728: Ott, Major General David Ewing - Field Artillery 1954-1973 (U.S. Army Vietnam Studies Series).
36569: Oughton, James D. - Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (Profile 218).
29835: Ousterhout, Robert G. - STUDIES ON ISTANBUL AND BEYOND The Freely Papers, Volume 1.
34968: Ovcacik, Michal & Karel Susa - Westland Wyvern TF Mks.1, 2, T Mk.3, S Mk.4.
33603: Ovcacik, Michal & Karel Susa - MiG-19P All-weather Interceptor variants MiG-19P, PG, PM, PML, Shenyang J-6A, Nanchang J-6B, Guizhou J.61V.
34967: Ovcacik, Michal & Karel Susa - Westland Wessex HAS.1, HAS.2, HAS.31, HC.2, HAR.2, HCC.4, HU.5, Mk.50 Srs..
16359: Ovecka, Janice (Illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden) - Cave of Falling Water.
21320: Ovens, Colin - Interceptor Force Fighter Command 1950-1968..
26005: Overton, Hollie - Baby Doll.
25454: Overy, R.J. - The Air War 1939-1945.
1699: Cunliffe-Owen, Marguerite - Emerald And Ermine - A Tale of Argoat.
23955: NH OWLs - Recognition of New Hampshire Women Legislators of The Twentieth Century. 1921-2000 Millennium Edition.
24419: Owsley, James (editor) - Spider-Man. Comics Magazine.
31698: Ozgul, Murat et al.... - British at War #1 (Los Britanicos en Guerra).
31697: Ozgul, Murat et al.... - British at War #1 (Los Britanicos en Guerra).
32344: Ozgul, Murat - WWII German Most Iconic Vehicles. Volume 1..
31696: Ozgul, Murat et al.... - British at War #1 (Los Britanicos en Guerra).
21838: Pace, Steve - B-25 Mitchell Units of the MTO (Osprey Combat Aircraft 32).
32480: Pace, Steve - P-59 Airacomet. Air Force Legends Number 208.
31554: Pace, Steve - Vought's F-8 Crusader Development And Testing Foreign Users And F8U-3 Part One (Naval Fighter's Number Sixteen).
17238: Packard, Winthrop - White Mountain Trails. Tales Of The Trails To THe Summit of Mount Washington and Other Summits of the White Hills.
20566: Packe, Michael - First Airborne.
22811: Paculski, George R. Jr. - Sword of the Samurai. The Classic Art of Japanese Swordsmanship.
36189: Padfield, Peter - Aim Straight A biography of Sir Percy Scott, the father of modern naval gunnery.
9988: Page, Victor W. - Questions And Answers Relating To Modern Automobile Design, Construction, Driving And Repair. Includes All the Latest 1918 Developments..
13241: Page, Walter H. (Editor) - The School Of To-Morrow. A Collection Of Prize Essays From The World's Work.
35261: Page, Ron and Cumming, William - Fleet-The Flying Years.
33236: Page, Gerald W. (editor) - Nameless Places.
34392: Page, Gerald W. (editor) - The Year's Best Horror Stories Series VII.
18028: Page, Jonathan Conant - Ringing the Gotchnag. Two American Missionary Families in Turkey, 1855-1922..
20569: Pagen, Dennis - Hang Gliding and Flying Conditions/Micrometerology for Pilots.
10723: Paget, Richard - Beyond Death's Door.
24248: Paige, Lucius R. - Selections From Eminent Commentators, Who Have Believed In Punishment After Death; Wherein They Have Agreed With Universalists, In Their Interpreatation Of Scriptures Relating to Punishment..
30018: Paine, Ralph - The Ships And Sailors Of Old Salem. The Record Of A Brilliant Era Of American Achievement.
13652: Paisley, Joe & Paige Paisley - Western Scroll Saw and Inlay Patterns.
14034: Palin, Sarah - America By Heart. Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag. (Signed Copy).
14035: Palin, Sarah - America By Heart. Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag. (Signed Copy).
22016: Palinckx, Werner with J.F. Borsarello - Camouflage Uniforms Of The German Wehrmacht. A Photographic Reference..
14950: Palinckx, Werner with J.F. Borsarello - Camouflage Uniforms Of The German Wehrmacht. A Photographic Reference..
7231: von Palleske, Heidi - Erato.
34291: Pallud, Jean-Paul, David Parker, and Ron Volstad - Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny.
13909: Palmer, Slim - Albert the Third.
23682: Palmer, Alan - Victory 1918.
33882: Palmer, Robin - Mickey Never Fail.
25068: Palmer, Phil & Mike - The Cable Cars of San Francisco.
8583: Paludan, Phillip Shaw - A People's Contest The Union and Civil War, 1861-1865 (New American Nations Series).
13710: Palumbo, Dennis - Mirror Image.
6835: Palumbo, Donald - Erotic Universe Sexuality And Fantastic Literature (Contributions To The Study Of Science Fiction And Fantasy, Number 18).
32400: Panek, Robert - Henschel Hs 123 (MMP Orange Series No. 8115).
23919: Paneth, Philip - Eduard Benes A Leader Of Democracy.
30524: Panshin, Alexei & Cory - Earth Magic.
18362: Panshin, Alexei - Transmutations A Book Of Personal Alchemy.
19756: Panzeri, Peter - Little Big Horn 1876 Custer's Last Stand (Osprey Campaign 39).
33414: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33415: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33994: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30930: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33991: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30931: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33416: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33995: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33992: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
26153: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30927: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30928: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30929: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
30926: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
33993: Papademtriou, K. & G. Koufogiorgos & K. Grigoropoulos & D. Varsami - Salamis 480 BC The "Wooden Walls" that saved Greece (Great Battles of the World 7004).
13168: Pape, Robert A. - Dying To Win. The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism..
4513: Pappas, Alceste T. - Reengineering Your Nonprofit Organization.
22251: Paradis, Wilfrid H. - Upon This Granite - Catholicism in New Hampshire 1647 - 1997.
26669: Paradis, Wilfrid H. - Upon This Granite - Catholicism in New Hampshire 1647 - 1997.
23714: Paretti, Sandra - The Magic Ship. A Novel in Old Bar Harbor.
15853: Paris, Michael - Over The Top, The Great War And Juvenile Literature In Britain.
24766: Park, Paul - Celestis. A Nebula Award finalist for Best Novel.
36043: Park, Paul - Celestis.
23057: Park, Linda Sue - Keeping Score.
22924: Park, Robert E. - Treasure Hunting on a Budget; Finding a Fortune without Spending a Fortune.
28766: Parker, Mike - Running The Gauntlet.
409: Parker, T. Jefferson - LITTLE SAIGON.
31528: Parker, David w/Mark Neville & Andy Taylor - Scrapyard Armour Modelling Scences From Russian Armour Scrapyard.
27323: Parker, Robert B. - Widow's Walk. A Spenser Novel.
36207: Parker, David (Editor) - AFV modeller 007 Shaken not Stirred...Wittman's Tiger no.135 mar/apr 2023.
29684: Parker, David L. w/Lee Engfer & Robert Conrow - Stolen Dreams.
13002: Parker, Richard B. - The Politics of Miscalculation In The Middle East.
36206: Parker, David (Editor) - AFV modeller 007 Shaken not Stirred...Wittman's Tiger no.135 mar/apr 2023.
36204: Parker, David (Editor) - Air modeller 113 Wunderbar April/May 2024.
36205: Parker, David (Editor) - Air modeller 113 Wunderbar April/May 2024.
31529: Parker, David w/Mark Neville & Andy Taylor - Scrapyard Armour Modelling Scences From Russian Armour Scrapyard.
26059: Parkinson, Roger - A Day's March Nearer Home. The War History from Alamein to VE Day based on the War Cabinet papers of 1942 to 1945.
24472: Parkinson, C. Northcote - So Near So Far.
26700: Parkman, Francis - The Jesuits In North America.
26696: Parkman, Francis - Count Frontenac And New France Under Louis XIV.
26731: Parmenter, Ross - Lawrence In Oaxaca. A Quest For The Novelist In Mexico.
26283: Parra, Nicanor (Translated by Sandra Reyes - Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui.
9847: Parrish, Richard - The Dividing Line.
28044: Parson, Kitty - Gloucester Sea Ballads. True Tales of Gloucester Fishermen.
30303: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
24492: Parsons, Charles - New Hampshire Clocks & Clockmakers.
30302: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
30300: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
30301: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
30299: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
25557: Parsons, Ian - Armor Models. SU-85, Deutsches Afrikakorps Second Lieutent, Luchs 4.Pz.Div., Modelling Lessons: Painting a Statue..
27415: Parsons, Eleanor - Thachers island of the twin lights.
27711: Parsons, Theophilus - Memoir Of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice Of The Supreme Judicial Court Of Massachusetts; With Notices Of Some Of His Contemporaries..
27712: Parsons, Theophilus - Memoir Of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice Of The Supreme Judicial Court Of Massachusetts; With Notices Of Some Of His Contemporaries..
30304: Parsons, Gary - Alpine Hornets: F/A-18 in the Swiss Air Force.
31169: Parsons, John E. - The Peace-Maker and its Rivals an account of The Single Action Colt.
36281: Parsons, Charles - New Hampshire Clocks & Clockmakers.
29176: Parsons, Gary - Rutland Harriers. The last of the RAF's Harriers at Cottesmore 1999-2010..
29177: Parsons, Gary - Rutland Harriers. The last of the RAF's Harriers at Cottesmore 1999-2010..
29179: Parsons, Gary - Rutland Harriers. The last of the RAF's Harriers at Cottesmore 1999-2010..
25185: Parsons, Ian - Applied Modeling Encyclopaedia. Military Vehicles Volume.
14421: Parton, James - "Air Force Spoke Here" General Ira Eaker & The Command Of The Air..
17972: Partridge, Andrew and Petr Brojo - Humber F.W.D. 4 x 4 Heavy Utility Car, Light Ambulance, 8cwt PU. (Army Wheels In Detail 010).
28927: Partridge, A.E. - The Vest Pocket Astrology in a Nutshell and Horoscople Delineator. Be Your Own Astrologer.
20467: Partridge, Andrew and Petr Brojo - Humber F.W.D. 4 x 4 Heavy Utility Car, Light Ambulance, 8cwt PU. (Army Wheels In Detail 010).
20466: Partridge, Andrew and Petr Brojo - Humber F.W.D. 4 x 4 Heavy Utility Car, Light Ambulance, 8cwt PU. (Army Wheels In Detail 010).
6450: Partridge, George F. - History of the Town of Bellingham Massachusetts 1719-1919.
13361: Pascal, Blaise - The Wager.
22888: Pascucci, Vincent C. - Metal Detecting Previously Hunted Sites - Second Edition.
13822: Pasley, Ben - Enter the Worship Circle.
36567: Passingham, Malcolm and Waclaw Klepacki - Petlyakov Pe-2.
27045: Passingham, Malcolm and Waclaw Klepacki - Aircraft Profile 216 Petlyakov Pe-2 and Variants.
24787: Pasternack, David & Ed Levine - The Young Man & the Sea Recipes & Crispy Fish Tales from Esca.
35244: Pate, Charles W. - Smith & Weston American Model in U.S. and Foreign Service.
25441: Paterson, Lawrence - U-Boat War Patrol. The Hidden Photographic Diary of U 564..
16102: Patrick, Lowth, Arnald, Whitby, And Lowman - A Critical Commentary And Paraphrase On The Old And New Testament And The Apocrypha. A New Edition, With The Text Printed At large, In Four Volumes..
18333: Patterson, James - The Big Bad Wolf.
12342: Patterson, James - Four Blind Mice.
32055: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
32052: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
32047: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
30891: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30892: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32261: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32262: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32263: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32054: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
32251: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32252: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32253: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32254: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32256: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32255: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32257: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32258: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32259: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30898: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30899: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
28946: Patton, Kenneth L. (editor) - Readings For Celebration Of Life.
30893: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32264: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32048: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
32049: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
32053: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
18439: Patton, Robert H - Hell Before Breakfast. America's First War Correspondents making History and Headlines from the Battlefields of the Civil War to the Outer Reaches of the Ottoman Empire..
32051: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
29905: Patton, Kenneth L. - This World, My Home.
16988: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30894: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32046: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
30895: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30896: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
30897: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces (Squadron Signal # 6077).
32782: Patton, Lisa - Rush.
32056: Patton, W. Wayne - Aces 3 Squadron/Signal 6088.
28309: Patynowski, Zbigniew - Submarine Hunter. Fairey Gannet ASW.1 in Service with the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm. (MMP White Series 9103).
14710: Paulson, Arvid and Clayton Edwards with Illustrattions bu Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis - The Story Of Don Quixote.
33662: Pautigny, Bruno - Corsair. 30 Years of Filibustering 1940-1970.
35897: Pauwels, Louis & Jacques Bergier - The Morning of the Magicians.
34298: Pavlovic, Darko - The Austrian Army 1836-66 (2) Cavalry (Men-At-Arms 329).
36388: Pawlas, Karl R. - Arado Ar 234 Der Erste Strahlbomber Der Welt.
7453: Pawson, Tony - Flyfishing Around The World The International Guide for the Gamefisher.
36073: Paxson, Diana L. - The Wolf and the Raven.
28961: Paxton, Louise w/Margaret Hebenstreit, E. Harris Mucklow & Lillian Young - Winterworks: An Anthology.
13290: Payne, Michael - Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the West, 1937-1940. (Luftwaffe At War Series No. 5).
28226: Payne, Robert - The Dream And The Tomb. A History of the Crusades.
35940: Payne, Stanley G. - Falange A History of Spanish Fascism.
5331: Payne, Karen editor - Between Ourselves Letters Between Mothers & Daughters.
24245: Payne, Kenneth W. (Executive Editor) - The Reader's Digest. Good Reading - A Satisying Comrade. August 1946.
24503: Payne, Robert - The Life And Death Of Trotsky.
5686: Peabody, James Bishop ed. - John Adams, A Biography in His Own Words 2 Volumes (Newsweek Founding Fathers Series).
36543: Peacock, Lindsay - AH-1 Huey Cobra (Combat Air #9).
31561: Peacock, Lindsay - McDonell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Variants (Warpaint Series No.3).
3368: Peacock, Lindsay T. - U.S. Air Force in the 1970s.
19168: Pearce, Nigel - The Shield and the Sabre: The Desert Rats in the Gulf 1990-1991.
25122: Pearce, Dave - Outdoor Survival. A Step-By-Step Guide To Practical Bush Craft And Survival Outdoors.
17670: Pearcy, Arthur - Lend-Lease Airraft In World War II.
27031: Pearcy, Arthur - Aircraft Profile 249. Douglas R4D variants (USNs DC-3/C-47s).
26972: Pearcy, Arthur - Douglas Dakota Mk I-IV (Profile 220).
7628: Pears, Iain - An Instance of the Fingerpost.
25939: Pears, Iain - An Instance of the Fingerpost.
10247: Pearson, George F. - Olde Boston Towne.
23882: Pearson, Charles H. - English History In The Fourteenth Century.
30470: Pearson, Ryne Douglas - October's Ghost.
712: Pearson, T. R. - CRY ME A RIVER.
16176: Pearson, Henry Clemens - His Opportunity.
15624: Pease, R. - Cape Cod (Part IV Of A Four Volume Work Titled Voyages).
8281: Pease, Robert - Boston-South End 1965-1970 (Voyages Part III).
36438: Peaslee, Budd J. - Heritage of Valor.
21824: Peble, Edward - An Auto Biography. A Tale of Truth - And Ruth. (Illustrated by E.R. Lee Thayer).
12866: Peck, James Glenn - Night Camp. Tales Of The Adirondacks.
12867: Peck, James Glenn - Night Camp. Tales Of The Adirondacks.
18766: Peck, Carol - The Buffet Book. Inspired Ideas for New-Style entertaining, with 175 Recipes..
18562: Peck, Theodore S. (Adjutant General, State of Vermont) - Revised Roster Of Vermont Volunteers And Lists Of Vermonters Who Served In The Army And Navy Of The United States During The War Of The Rebellion 1861-66..
32401: Peczkowski, Robert - Republic P-47 Thuderbolt "Bubbletop" (MMP No. 6128).
28938: Peddie, John - Invasion. The Roman invasion of Britain in the year AD 43 and the events leading to their occupation of the West Country.
36874: Peden, Murray, - A THOUSAND SHALL FALL.
35496: Peel, John & Nation, Terry - The Official Docter Who & the Daleks Book.
34993: Peers, Chris & Christa Hook - Late Imperial Chinese Armies 1520-1840 (Men-at-Arms #307).
7088: Peers, Chris J. - Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200 BC (Osprey Men At Arms Series 218).
35107: Peers, Chris - Warrior People of East Africa 1840-1900 (Men-at-Arms #411).
34992: Peers, Chris J. & David Sque - Medieval Chinese Armies 1260-1520 (Men-at-Arms #251).
34863: Peers, Chris J. & Perry, Michael - Imperial Chines Armies: (1) 200 BC - 589 AD (Osprey Men-at-Arms #284).
17578: Peeters, Willy & Francios Verlinden - McDonnell Douglas F 15 C/D Eagle (Lock On No. 4 Aircraft Photo File).
21793: Peeters, Willy - Panther Ausf. A (Ed.Kfz. 171) Armor in Detail No. 2, From the Saumur Tank Museum Collection..
32410: Peeters, Willy - Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress. Lock No. 24 Aircraft Photo File..
32414: Peeters, Willy - AH-1S Cobra. Lock On No. 6 Aircraft Photo File.
32416: Peeters, Willy - A7D/K Corsair. Lock On No. 9 Aircraft Photo File.
32418: Peeters, Willy - Lockheed S-3B Viking. Lock On No. 23 Aircraft Photo File..
32420: Peeters, Willy & Francios Verlinden - McDonnell Douglas F 15 C/D Eagle (Lock On No. 4 Aircraft Photo File).
20041: Peeters, Willy & Francios Verlinden - Warmachines No 1., M108 - M109 - M109A1/A2 Self Propelled Artillery Vehicle. (Verlinden MIlitary Photo File 496)..
21211: Peeters, Willy & Francios Verlinden - Warmachines No 1., M108 - M109 - M109A1/A2 Self Propelled Artillery Vehicle. (Verlinden MIlitary Photo File 496)..
20055: Peeters, Willy - Warmachines Plus Volume I MIlitary Photo File inlcuding Willy's Dodge GMC's Diamond T.
20056: Peeters, Willy - Armor In Detail No. 1: Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 181) From the Saumur Tank Museum Collection.
20057: Peeters, Willy - Armor In Detail No. 2: Panther Ausf. A (Sd.Kfz. 171) From the Saumur Tank Museum Collection.
23382: Pegg, Martin. - Luftwaffe Transport Units 1939-1943, Volume One.
23383: Pegg, Martin. - Luftwaffe Transport Units 1943-1945, Volume Two.
20233: Pegg, Martin. - Luftwaffe Ground Attack Units 1939-45 (Aircam/Airwar 4).
17359: Pegg, Martin. - Luftwaffe Ground Attack Units 1939-45 (Aircam/Airwar 4).
34805: Pegler, Martin & Chappell, Mike - British Tommy 1914-1918 Osprey Warrior Series 16.
19403: Peikalkiewicz, Janusz - BMW Motorcycles In World War II. R12/R75..
28929: Peirce, Rev. Bradford K. - Notes On The Acts Of The Apostles. Designed For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, And Private Reading.
34041: Peirce, Hayford - Ben Bova Presents Phylum Monsters.
6602: Peirce, Stephen R. - U.S. Naval Carrier Aviation (D500-10937-1).
13411: Pelikan, Jaroslav (Editor) - Luther's Works, Volume 14. Selected Psalms III..
13412: Pelikan, Jaroslav (Editor) - Luther's Works, Volume 13. Selected Psalms II..
18831: Pelikan, Jaroslav (Editor) - Luther's Works. Companion Volume, Luther The Expositor. Introduction To The Reformer's Exegetical Writings..
17643: Pellegrino, Charles - Dust.
23928: Pelliccia, Hayden (substantially revised) - Symposium. The Benjamin Jowett Translation, substantially Revised by Hayden Pelliccia..
29645: Peloubet, F.N., D.D. - The Teachers' Commentary On The Acts Of The Apostles.
27523: Smith & Pelz - Shoulder Sleeve Insignia Of The U.S. Armed Forces* 1941-1945.
23804: Pemberton, W. Baring - Lord Palmerston.
18705: Pemble, John - The Raj, the Indian Mutiny, and the Kingdom of Oudh, 1801-1859.
23093: Penfield, Thomas - America on Guard. Army, Navy & Marine Corps. Facts, Insignia, Uniforms.
20775: Peniakoff, Lt-Colonel Vladimir (Popski) - Private Army.
14484: Peniston, Bradley - No Higher Honor. Saving The USS Samuel B. Roberts In The Persian Gulf..
33205: Penman, Sharon Kay - Cruel As The Grave. A Medieval Mystery.
27162: Penn, Charles (editor) - The Model Craftsman. Vol. 6 No. 1, April 1938 (Build It In Your Own Workshop).
26002: Pennell, Kathleen - The Phantom Stallion. Pony Investigators #4.
26003: Pennell, Kathleen - Circus of Fear. Pony Investigators #3.
32805: Pentland, Geoffrey & Anthony Shennan - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Described Part 1 (Series 1 No. 5 Technical Manual).
17219: Pentland, Geoffrey - Wirraway and Boomerang Markings.
31674: Peoples, Kenneth - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants (Aerofax Datagraph 4).
11058: Perez, Rolando - The Electric Comedy.
26773: Perini, Betty L. (compiled & edited) - The Train Collectors Quarterly. (Vol. 34, No.3; 1988 Directory Of Information).
26799: Perini, Betty L. (compiled & edited) - The Train Collectors Quarterly. (Vol. 33, No.3; 1987 Directory Of Information).
24118: Perkins, John - The Secret History of the American Empire. Economic Hit Man, Jackals, And The Truth About Global Corruption.
35296: Perkins, Paul; Patterson, Dan - Mustang: North American P-51.
21118: Perkins, Paul; Patterson, Dan - Mustang: North American P-51.
23759: Perkins, David Lane - Manchester Up To Date. Story Of The City. Stories, Anecdotes, and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Manchester Men..
29648: Perlman, Fredy - Against His-story, Against Leviathan! An Essay..
23589: Perman, Michael - Emancipation And Reconstruction (The American History Series).
34941: Perrett, Bryan - Iron Fist, Classic Armoured Warfare Case Studies.
19731: Perrett, Bryan - The Tiger Tanks (Osprey Vanguard 20).
2209: Perrett, Bryan - Mechanized Infantry.
2260: Perrett, Bryan - THE PzKpfw V Panther (Osprey Vanguard 21).
13868: Perrett, Bryan - GERMAN LIGHT PANZERS : 1932-1942 (NEW VANGUARD SERIES , NO 26).
24732: Perrett, Bryan - CHURCHILL TANK ( VANGUARD SERIES #13).
13870: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen IV (Osprey Vanguard 18).
13869: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
35821: Perrett, Bryan - Knights of the Black Cross.
9582: Perrett, Bryan - CHURCHILL TANK ( VANGUARD SERIES #13).
9583: Perrett, Bryan - CHURCHILL TANK ( VANGUARD SERIES #13).
9584: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
9585: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
9592: Perrett, Bryan - German Light Panzers 1932-42 (Osprey Vanguard 33).
9604: Perrett, Bryan & Jim Laurier - Panzerkampfwagen IV Medium Tank 1936-1945 (Osprey New Vanguard # 28).
19944: Perrett, Bryan - The Tiger Tanks (Osprey Vanguard 18).
27739: Perrett, Bryan - Hitler's Panzers. The Years Of Aggression. (Tanks Illustrated No.27).
27747: Perrett, Bryan - Allied Tanks North Africa World War Two.
27748: Perrett, Bryan - Allied Tanks Italy World War Two.
16462: Perrett, Bryan - The Tiger Tanks. Osprey Vanguard Series No. 20.
25323: Perrett, Bryan - CHURCHILL TANK ( VANGUARD SERIES #13).
19752: Perrett, Bryan - German Armoured Cars And Reconnaissance Half-Tracks 1939-45. Osprey New Vanguard Series No. 29.
26336: Perrett, Bryan - Weapons Of The Falklands Conflict.
26080: Perrett, Bryan - Hitler's Panzers. The Years Of Aggression. (Tanks Illustrated No.27).
21970: Perrett, Bryan - Allied Tanks Italy World War Two (Tanks Illustrated 20).
2107: Perrett, Bryan - The Tiger Tanks (Osprey Vanguard 20).
2108: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
25727: Perrett, Bryan - The Stuart Light Tank Series (Osprey Vanguard 17).
2104: Perrett, Bryan - CHURCHILL TANK ( VANGUARD SERIES #13).
25326: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
5101: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen IV (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
5103: Perrett, Bryan - The Panzerkampfwagen III (Osprey Vanguard 16)..
5123: Perrett, Bryan - The Stuart Light Tank Series (Osprey Vanguard 17).
22381: Perrigault, Jean-Claude & Rolf Meister - Gotz Von Berlichingen Tome I (Traductions John Lee et Hermann Laage).
1784: Perrin, Noel (editor) - ADVENTURES OF JONATHAN CORNCOB.
12096: Perry, J. - The American Conspiracy. An Agent's Beginning..
26211: Perry, Maria - The Sisters Of Henry VIII.
27507: Pershing, Lewis - Mercedes Benz Type G4 (W31). The Ultimate Study.
27508: Pershing, Lewis - Mercedes Benz Type G4 (W31). The Ultimate Study.
27509: Pershing, Lewis - Mercedes Benz Type G4 (W31). The Ultimate Study.
27510: Pershing, Lewis - Mercedes Benz Type G4 (W31). The Ultimate Study.
15219: Persico, Joseph E. - Roosevelt's Secret War, FDR And World War II Espionage.
27955: Persico, Joseph E. - Roosevelt's Secret War, FDR And World War II Espionage.
25174: Bureau of Naval Personnel - Seamanship.
34432: Peters, Ellis - Dead Man's Ransom.
8038: Peters, Robert - The Gift To Be Simple A Garland for Ann Lee.
29946: Peters, Ray - The Lafitte Case A Historical Mystery.
33350: Petersen, Mary & Laurence (editor) - A Collection Of New Hampshire Stories.
4010: Petersen, Glen S. - Customer Relationship Management Systems ROI and Results Management.
13165: Peterson, Daniel R. and Gilbert M. Peter - Introduction to Industrial Mathematics.
25022: Peterson, Phillip - Standard Catalog of Military Firearms (The Collector's Price and Reference Guide 5th Edition).
7577: Peterson, Nancy L. - Early Intervention For Handicapped And At-Risk Children An Introduction to Early Childhood-Special Education.
23281: Peterson, Phillip - Standard Catalog of Military Firearms (The Collector's Price and Reference Guide 4th Edition).
27338: Peterson, Matthew - Paraworld Zero (Parellel Worlds Book One).
28749: Peterson, Harold L. - American Knives.
21944: Peterson, Phillip - Standard Catalog of Military Firearms (The Collector's Price and Reference Guide 7th Edition).
5690: Peterson, Merrill D. ed. - James Madison, A Biography in His Own Words 2 Volumes (Newsweek Founding Fathers Series).
36700: Peterson, Daniel - Wehrmacht Camouflage Uniforms & Post-War Derivatives.
8315: Petherick, Wayne - Criminal Profile Into the Mind of the Killer.
22856: Petralia, J.F. - Gold! Gold! A Beginners Handbook and Recreational Guide: How and Where To Prospect for Gold!.
8959: Pettem, Silvia - Boulder A Sense of Time and Place.
15442: Phelan, James D, (Sterling B.F. Clark), and Commentary by Ella Sterling Mighels - How Many Miles From St. Jo? The Log Of Sterling B.F. Clark A Forty-Niner, Together With A Brief Autobiography of James Phelan, 1819-1892, Pioneer Merchant.
10113: de Phelps, Kathy - One Hundred of the Best Known Birds of Venezuela.
14816: Alpha Gamma Chapter of Chi Delta Phi - Lanterns Archways Vine Leaves A Student Anthology of Creative Writing.
36093: Philbrick, Nathaniel - The Last Stand.
30627: Phillifent, John T. - King of Argent, The Planet Made It's Own Rules and Crowned Another's Pawn.
30628: Phillifent, John T. - King of Argent, The Planet Made It's Own Rules and Crowned Another's Pawn.
30629: Phillifent, John T. - King of Argent, The Planet Made It's Own Rules and Crowned Another's Pawn.
14542: Phillips, Louis - The Bus To The Moon And Other Stories.
10300: Phillips, Robert F. - To Save Bastogne.
15394: Phillips, Glen - Walk Around Allison Engined Mustangs (Squadron # 5513).
25408: Phillips, Joseph J. - Operation Elbow Room. An Interplanetary Ecofiction.
18295: Phillips, Jenny - Letters from the Dhamma Brothers.
22538: Phillips, Glen and Kevin Hjermstad - Building The P-40 Warhawk. A Scale Modeler's Project Handbook..
8072: Phillips, Glen - Walk Around Allison Engined Mustangs (Squadron # 5513).
8073: Phillips, Glen - Walk Around Allison Engined Mustangs (Squadron # 5513).
32440: Phillips, Glen and Kevin Hjermstad - Building The P-40 Warhawk. A Scale Modeler's Project Handbook..
27352: Phillips, Jonathan - The Fourth Crusade And The Sack Of Constantinople.
15452: Phillips, Gary L., William D. Schmid, and James C. Underhill - Fishes Of The Minnesota Region.
20582: Phillips, Glen and Kevin Hjermstad - Building The P-40 Warhawk. A Scale Modeler's Project Handbook..
29298: Phillips, Joseph J. - Operation Elbow Room. An Interplanetary Ecofiction.
35746: Phillpotts, Eden - The Good Red Earth.
2837: Philpott, Bryan - German Bombers Over England: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
35823: Philpott, William - Three Armies on the Somme The First Battle of the Twentieth Century.
16073: Philpott, Bryan - RAF Bomber Units July 1942-1945 (Osprey Airwar 19) ..
19987: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighters Over Russia: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19989: Philpott, Bryan - FIghters Defending The Reich: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
13867: Philpott, Bryan - German Bombers Over England: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz. (WORLD WAR 2 Photo Album Number 2).
11051: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighters of World War 2 Airfix Magazine Guide 23.
19984: Philpott, Bryan - German Bombers Over Russia: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19961: Philpott, Bryan - German Maritime Aircraft: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19982: Philpott, Bryan - German Bombers Over England: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19983: Philpott, Bryan - German Bombers Over The Med: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19985: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighters Over England: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
19986: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighters Over the Med: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz..
3152: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighter of World war 2.
6440: Philpott, Bryan - German Fighters Over the Med (World War 2 Photos Album #6).
18038: Philpott, Bryan - "Airfix Magazine" Guide 10. Luftwaffe Camouflage of World War Two.
16072: Philpott, Bryan - RAF Bomber Units 1939-42 (Osprey Aircam/Airwar 5) ..
27982: Pickard, Mary Ann - Feasting Naturally From Your Own Recipes Creative Sugar-free Cooking.
20541: Picken, Bruce - Fire Support Bases Vietnam. Australian and Allied Fire Support Base Locations and Main Support Units..
24103: Pickett, Paul - H-60 Black Hawk in action. Aircraft Number 133.
13603: Lasalle Corbell Pickett (Mrs. General George E. Pickett) - The Bugles Of Gettysburg.
5481: Pickett, Sarah Elizabeth - The American National Red Cross Its Origin, Purposes and Service (Second Printing).
18818: Pickford, Ian (editor) - Jackson's Hallmarks. English, Scottish, Irish Silver & Gold Marks From 1300 To The Present Day. (Pocket Edition).
35972: Pickler, Tim & Larry Milberry - Canadair the first 50 years.
35077: Pickles, Tim - New Orleans 1815 Andrew Jackson Crushes the British (Campaign 28).
35007: Pickles, Tim - Malta 1565, Last Battle of the Crusades.
19209: Piehl, Hauptmann (Translated by David Johnston) - The German Fallschirmjager In World War II.
13943: Piehler, G. Kurt - World War II (The Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series: American Soldiers' Lives).
20332: Piekalkiewicz, Janusz - Die 8.8 Flak im Erdkampf-Einsatz (German Edition).
36972: Piekalkiewicz, Janusz - CAVALRY OF WORLD WAR II.
25364: Pierce, James Wilson - Photographic History Of The World's Fair And Sketch Of The City of Chicago..
22630: Pierce, Wesley George - Goin' Fishin' The Story of The Deep-Sea Fishermen of New England.
25247: Pierce, John J. - When World Views Collide. A Study in Imagination and Evolution..
34156: Pierce, Meredith Ann - A Gathering of Gargoyles (Volume II of the Darkangel Trilogy).
35444: Pierce, Tamora - Wild Magic.
4131: Pierre, George - American Indian Crisis.
19083: Touzin Pierre - Les Vehicules Blindes Francais 1945-1977.
24161: de Saint Pierre, Bernardin - Paul And Virginia (cAXTON EDITION).
20589: Touzin Pierre - Les Vehicules Blindes Francais 1945-1977 (Vehicles of the French Military 1945-1977).
35295: Pignato, Dott. Nicola - Le Armi Della Fanteria Italiana Nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Monografie Di Informazione Storica Serie Armi 1.
7621: Pike, Robert W. - Creative Training Techniques Handbook Tips, Tactics, and How-To's for Delivering Effective Training.
25450: Pimlott, John - B-29 Superfortress.
26436: Pimlott, Dr. John - Wehrmacht. The Illustrated history of the German Army in WWII.
18930: Pinchera, Rich - Top Shelf Productions Presents Crust..
34461: Pinette, Richard E. - Northwoods Heritage: Authentic Short Accounts Of The Northland In Another Era.
21960: Pinette, Richard E. - Northwoods Echoes A Collection of True Short Stories and Accounts of the North Country.
7414: Pinkerton, Allan - Bank-Robbers And The Detectives.
35793: Pinkerton, Allan - The Spy of the Rebellion; being a true History of the Spy System of the United States.
1446: Pinson, Koppel S. - MODERN GERMANY.
8671: Piotrow, Phyllis Tilson & D. Lawrence Kincaid & Jose G. Rimon & Ward Rinehart - Health Communication Lessons from Family Planning and Reproductive Health.
23921: Piotrowski, Thaddeus M. - A Bibliographical Index To Manchester's (N.H.) Ethnic Groups.
33543: Piper, H. Beam - Four-Day Planet and Lone Star Planet.
8034: Koranteng-Pipim, Samuel - Receiving the Word How New Approaches To The Bible Impact Our Biblical Faith And Lifestyle.
28032: Pirone, P.P. - Tree Maintenance.
34393: Piserchia, Doris - Spaceling.
34006: Piserchia, Doris - The Fluger.
33704: Piserchia, Doris - Star Rider.
30615: Piserchia, Doris - Earth-Child.
36368: Pistalo, Vladimir - Tesla A Portrait with Masks; A novel.
10224: Piszkiewicz, Dennis - The Nazi Rocketeers Dreams of Space and Crimes of War (Stackpole Military History Series).
8942: Piszkiewicz, Dennis - The Nazi Rocketeers Dreams of Space and Crimes of War (Stackpole Military History Series).
4028: Pitino, Rick - Success is a Choice..
34234: Pitta, Robert - UN Forces 1948-94 (Osprey Elite 54).
3287: Pitts, Robert A. & David Lei - Strategic Management Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage.
19296: Pivka, Otto Von - Napoleon's German Allies (5): Hessen-Darmstadt & Hessen-Kassel.
34488: Pivka, Otto Von - Napoleon's German Allies (1): Westfalia and Kleve-Berg (Osprey MAA 44) Reprint/Revised Edition..
19509: Von Pivka, Otto - The King's German Legion (Osprey MAA Early Title).
34674: Von Pivka, Otto - Napoleon's German Allies 5 Hesse (Osprey MAA 122(.
9304: Platonov, S.F.; Wieczynski, Joseph L. (Translator) - Ivan the Terrible (The Russian Series Volume 28).
32641: Platt, Charles & Hilary Bailey (editors) - New Worlds #6.
15908: Plaut, James S. - The House Of Anri, A Popular Account Of Woodcarving In The South Tyrol.
27498: Pletcher, Larry - Massachusetts Disasters. True Stories Of Tradegy And Survival.
22961: Dariusz Ploszajski - Transporter Opancerzony Sd. Kfz. 251 cz.V (Male monografie 8).
4142: Plotnick, Charles K. and Stephan R. Leimberg - Consumer Reports Books How To Settle An Estate.
10602: Plourde, Lynn and Paul Knowles - A Celebration Of Maine Children's Books.
35739: Plowden, Alison - The House of Tudor.
14855: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of The Valentines In New Zealand Service (Progres Armor Color Gallery #10).
14856: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of The Valentines In New Zealand Service (Progres Armor Color Gallery #10).
11239: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage and Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-45. Armor Color Gallery #3.
17084: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of The Valentines In New Zealand Service (Progres Armor Color Gallery #10).
13641: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage and Markings of the Stewarts in New Zealand Service. Model Centrum Progres Armor Color Gallery #7.
13640: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage and Markings of the Stewarts in New Zealand Service. Model Centrum Progres Armor Color Gallery #7.
11238: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage and Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-45. Armor Color Gallery #3.
27133: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of Axis Armor In The Balkans Campaigns 1940-1942. (Armor Color Gallery #16).
17085: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of The Shermans In New Zealand Service 1943-45 (Armor Color Gallery #3).
35307: Plowman, Jeffrey - Camouflage & Markings Of German Armor in Italy From Anzio Landing to the Alps January 1944-May 1945. (Armor Color Gallery #17).
17895: Plowman, Jeffrey & Malcolm Thomas - 4TH NEW ZEALAND ARMOURED BRIGADE IN ITALY (KIWI ARMOUR 1).
17896: Plowman, Jeffrey & Malcolm Thomas - 4TH NEW ZEALAND ARMOURED BRIGADE IN ITALY (KIWI ARMOUR 1).
19584: Po, Enrico - Tanks Of The Great Armies (Carri Armati Dei Grandi Eserciti).
35352: Poberezny, Paul H. (Publisher) - Sport Aviation December 1975 Vol. No.12.
29184: Podhoretz, Norman - The Prophets. Who They Were, What They Are..
36111: Podlaski, John - Cherries; A Vietnam War Novel.
5074: Poe, Robert - Return to the House of Usher.
12175: The Federal Poets - Poetry from the Potomac. An Anthology of Verse by the Federal Poets of Washington D.C..
18268: Pogue, David - OS X Mountain Lion The Missing Manual.
23773: Pohanka, Brian C. - Don Troiani's Civil War.
34135: Pohl, Frederik - JEM.
33509: Pohl, Carol & Frederick (editors) - Science Fiction: The Great Years.
34142: Pohl, Frederik - The Early Pohl.
35992: Pohl, Frederik & Frederik Pohl IV - Science Fiction Studies in Film.
35367: Pohland, Klaus-Peter - The Uhlan Wilhelmain Investigation Bulletin No.1-9.
6307: Polidoro, J.P. - Rapid Descent Disaster In Boston harbor.
28746: Interchurch Group on Faith and Politics - Towards Peace and Stability?.
36724: Polkinghorn, R.S. - Pino Grande. Logging Railroads of the Michigan-California Lumber Co..
35799: Pollack, Kenneth - Arabs at War.
31451: Pollendine, Chris - Campaign Volume 1 1914 Uniforms & Equipment of the British Servicemen in the First World War.
31330: Pollotta, Nick - Full Monster.
22613: Polmar, Norman (Illustrated by Rikyu Watanabe) - Aggressors Carrier Power vs Fighting Ship, Volume 2..
23122: Polmar, Norman w/Mark Warren & Eric Wertheim - Dictionary Of Military Abbreviations.
28538: Polnay, Peter De - The Magnificent Idiot.
15641: Pomerleau - Sketches Of A Church: A Brief History Of The Diocese Of Springfield, Massachusetts.
9250: Ponders, Kim - The Art of Uncontrolled Flight.
22971: Poolman, Kenneth - The Speedwell Voyage. A Tale of Piracy and Mutiny in the Eighteenth Century.
5325: Poorman, Alfred - Applied Mechanics.
26584: Pope, Norris - Dickens And Charity.
24458: Pope, Dudley - Ramage's Touch. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 10.
24459: Pope, Dudley - Ramage's Signal. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 11.
24460: Pope, Dudley - Ramage's Challenge. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 15.
36171: Pope, Maurice - The Story of Deciperment: from Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script.
26598: Pope, Dudley - Life in Nelson's Navy..
24455: Pope, Dudley - Ramage & The Dido. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 18.
24456: Pope, Dudley - Ramage & The Renegades. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 12.
24457: Pope, Dudley - Ramage's Devil. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 13.
24461: Pope, Dudley - Ramage at Trafalgar. The Lord Ramage Novels, No. 16.
36173: Pope, Dudley - 73 North.
33750: Popkes, Steven - Caliban Landing.
33617: Popov, P.P. & A.V. Kozlov & B.G. Usik - Turning Point. Recollections of Russian participants and witnesses of the Stalingard Battle.
28610: Porges, Irwin - Edgar Rice Burroghs, The Man Who Created Tarzan Vol 1 & 2.
33640: Porter, David - Das Reich At Kursk 12 July 1943. Visual Battle Guide..
19158: Porter, Joe - Modeler's Special Edition Guide to the Kubelwagen.
13618: Porter, Robert J. (Editor) - U.S. Navy Mobile Construction Battalion Four (4). June 1955 - September 1956.
29784: Porter, Horace - Campaigning With Grant.
6875: Potter, Beatrix - Peter Rabbit A Puzzle Play Book.
15847: Potter, Joey - A Different Point Of View.
31648: Pottgiesser, Hans - Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Ostfeldzug 193901944. Mit 25 Abbidungen, 3 Skizzen, 5 Anlagn, II. erweiterte Auflage.
15358: Pottinger, Ron - A Soldier In The Cockpit, From Rifles To Typhoons In WWII.
18897: Potts, Carl - Last of the Dragons.
27414: Poulin, Susan - Finding Your Inner Moose. Ida LeClair's Guide to Livin' the Good Life.
29662: Pournelle, Jerry - Starswarm A Jupiter Novel.
34110: Pournelle, Jerry & Jim Baen (editors) - Far Frontiers. Volume IV/Winter 1985.
30173: Pournelle, Jerry & Jim Baen (editors) - Far Frontiers. Volume VI/Fall 1986.
31127: Pournelle, Jerry & Jim Baen (editors) - Far Frontiers. Volume III/Fall 1985.
27912: Powaski, Ronald E. - Lightning War. Blitzrieg in the West, 1940.
20359: Powell, Geoffrey - Devil's Birthday. The Bridges to Arnhem, 1944.
8763: Powell, Mary Reynolds - A World of Hurt. Between Innocence & Arrogance in Vietnam.
29640: Powell, Jr. Robert H. - The 'Bluenosed Bastards' of Bodney. A Commemorative History.
1896: Power, Susan - GRASS DANCER.
21430: Powers, Anne - Smoke from Small Fires.
29845: Powers, Thomas - THINKING ABOUT THE NEXT WAR.
11805: Powley, A.E. - Broadcast From The Front. Canadian Radio Overseas in the Second World War..
15368: Collection dirigee par Denys Prache - Les Soldats De Napoleon.
25513: Practchett, Terry & Stephen Baxter - The Long Mars.
23111: Practchett, Terry - The Light Fantastic.
20252: Prados, John - Operation Vulture. The True Story of America's Secret Plan to Drop a Nuclear Bomb on Vietnam in the 1950's.
20069: Prager, Ellen - Adventure On Dolphin Island.
17406: Prasad, Chandra - Death Of A Circus.
35497: Prasil, Michal - Skoda Heavy Guns. 24cm Cannon, 38cm Howitzer, 42cm Howitzer and Gasoline-Electrical Trains.
35912: Pratchett, Terry & Stephen Baxter - The Long Mars.
36084: Pratchett, Terry - Mort.
34441: Pratchett, Terry - Sourcery.
30092: Pratchett, Terry - The Light Fantastic.
34930: Pratchett, Terry - Monstrous Regiment.
7512: Pratt, Larry - On The Firing Line Essays in the Defense of Liberty.
35425: Pratt, Fletcher & de Camp, L. Sprague - Land of Unreason.
25244: Pratt, Jason - Cry of Justice.
24186: Pratt, Don & Lee Blair - Salmgundi Vietnam.
35448: Pratt, Fletcher - Double in Space.
4263: Pratt, Arthur Hayden - Rhyme and Reason.
20847: Editors: Prause, Gunnar; Venesaar, Erve; KErsten, Wolfgang - International Business- Baltic Business Development.
32620: Preiss, Byron (editor) - Weird Heroes. Volume Six.
26573: L'Institut Ricci - Centre D'Etudes Chinoises (prepared by) - Dictionnaire Francais De La Langue Chinoise (French - Chinese Dictionary).
13997: Preston, Douglas & Lincoln Child - Cemetery Dance.
36787: Preston, Douglas & Lincoln Child - STILL LIFE WITH CROWS.
26987: Preston, Anthony - Warship A Quarterly Journal Of Warship History No. 3.
30135: Preuss, Paul - Human Error.
18579: Prewit, John - The "Lucky" Bastard.
22610: Price, Alfred Dr. (Illustrated by Rikyu Watanabe) - Aggressors Patrol Aircraft vs Submarine, Volume 4.
36174: Price, Alfred - Aircraft versus Submarine.
36562: Price, Alfred - Messerschmitt Bf 110 Night Fighters (Profle 207).
36580: Price, Alfred - Dornier Do 217 variants (Aircraft Profile 261).
26967: Price, Alfred - Messerschmitt Bf 110 Night Fighters (Profle 207).
36540: Price, Alfred - German Air Force Bombers of World War Two Volume One.
10172: Price, David A. - Love And Hate In Jamestown. John Smith, Pocahontas, And The Heart Of A New Nation..
36574: Price, Alfred - Heinkel He 177 (Aircraft Profile 234).
30532: Price, John Allen - Phoenix Caged.
3072: Price, Alfred - German Air Force Bombers of World War Two Volume One.
27026: Price, Alfred - Aircraft Profile 261. Dorier Do 217 variants.
1873: Price, Molly - IRIS BOOK.
20315: Price, Alfred - The Spitfire story.
23833: Price, Lawrence Marsden - Lachendes Land. Drei Geschiten von Wildenbruch. (Oxford German Series by American Scholars).
33041: Price, Alfred - Messerschmitt Bf 110 Night Fighters (Profle 207).
36641: Price, Alfred - The Junkers Ju 88 Night Fighters (Profile Publications No. 148 Two Shillings).
24924: Price, Brick - The Model-Building Handbook.
33053: Price, Alfred - Aircraft Profile 261. Dorier Do 217 variants.
27043: Price, Alfred - Aircraft Profile 207 Messerschmitt BF 110 Night Fighters.
4475: Price, Flo - Coffee-Time Desserts.
33048: Price, Alfred - Messerschmitt Bf 110 Night Fighters (Profle 207).
23640: Prichard, Pete - Submarine Badges And Insignia Of The World. An Illustrations Reference for Collectors.
28288: Prichard, Pete - SUBMARINE BADGES AND INSIGNIA OF THE WORLD An Illustrated R.
27626: Pride, Mike & Mark Travis - My Brave Boys To War with Colonel Cross and the Fighting Fifth.
9871: Pride, Mike and Mark Travis - My Brave Boys To War with Colonel Cross & the Fighting Fifth.
18459: Pridgeon, Alec - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids.
36218: Prien, Jochen - Chronik Des JG - 53 PIK-AS.
12870: Priest, John Michael (Editor) - Stephen Elliott Welch of the Hampton Legion (Civil War Heritage Series Volume III).
22245: Priest, Dr. Cinthia - The Union Pacific Diesel. Volume One: Dieselization - 1959..
33558: Priest, Christopher - Darkening Island.
19349: Prigent, John - Warrior Mechanized Combat Vehicle (Museum Ordnance Special Number 16).
15310: Prigent, John - Warrior Mechanized Combat Vehicle (Museum Ordnance Special Number 16).
15309: Prigent, John - Warrior Mechanized Combat Vehicle (Museum Ordnance Special Number 16).
15299: Prigent, John - Scorpion, Scimitar, and Sabre (Museum Ordnance Special Number 23).
15298: Prigent, John - Scorpion, Scimitar, and Sabre (Museum Ordnance Special Number 23).
14750: Prigent, John - Warrior Mechanized Combat Vehicle (Museum Ordnance Special Number 16).
14749: Prigent, John - Warrior Mechanized Combat Vehicle (Museum Ordnance Special Number 16).
24918: Prigent, John - Armour Modeling.
19356: Prigent, John - Scorpion, Scimitar, and Sabre (Museum Ordnance Special Number 23).
20509: Prigent, John - SCALE ARMOR - Modeling the M4 Sherman and the PzKpfw VI Tiger Tanks.
21296: Prigent, John - Armour Modeling.
26078: Prigent, John - Osprey Masterclass. Armour Modelling..
9008: Prindle, Frances Carruth - Vibrations A Book of Verse.
36166: Prior, Frederick J. - Modern American Locomotion.
15995: Pritchard, David and Liam Blake - Irish Pubs.
6825: Pritchard, Gretchen Wolff - Offering the Gospel To Children.
20508: Pritchard, David - The Radar War. Germany's Pioneering Achievement 1904-45..
35319: Pritchard, Andrea David E. Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, Claudia Yapp (Editors) - Alien Discussions Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference Held at MIT, Cambridge, MA.
19407: Pritchett, Scott - Uniforms And Insignia Of The Grossdeutschland Division (Three) 3 Volume Set..
24512: Procter, George H. - The Fishermen's Memorial and Record Book. A List Of Vessels And Their Crews, Lost From The Port Of Gloucester From The Year 1830 to October 1, 1873, Embracing A Period Of Nearly Half A Century.
29925: Procter, George H. - The Fishermen's Memorial and Record Book. A List Of Vessels And Their Crews, Lost From The Port Of Gloucester From The Year 1830 to October 1, 1873, Embracing A Period Of Nearly Half A Century.
22928: Proctor, Clay & Paul Myers - Tips for the Treasure Hunter.
29987: Prodger, Mick J. - Luftwaffe vs. RAF. Flying Clothing of the Air War, 1939-45..
29983: Prodger, Mick J. - Luftwaffe vs. RAF. Flying Equipment of the Air War, 1939-45..
12228: Progoff, Ira - The Symbolic and the Real. A New Psychological Approach to the Fuller Experiment of Personal Existence.
16838: Science Service - Science Program - Roman Archaeology.
27865: Reichminister fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda - Panzergruppe Afrika Kalender 1942.
10564: Proper, David R. - History Of The First Congregational Church, Keene, New Hampshire.
24399: Propst, Milam McGraw - A Flower Blooms On Charlotte Street.
28951: Khun de Prorok, Count Byron - In Quest Of Lost Worlds. Five Archeological Expeditions 1925-1934.
28952: Khun de Prorok, Byron - Mysterious Sahara.
26026: Proulx, Monique, (Translated by David Homel & Fred A. Reed) - The Heart Is An Involuntary Muscle.
260: Prouse, A. Robert - TICKET TO HELL VIA DIEPPE (FROM A PRISONER'S LOG 1942-1945).
12206: Pryor, Fred - Interpersonal Communiation Skills. Dramatically Improve Your Ability to Build Winning Relationships with Everyone, Everyday!.
31140: Ptacek, Kathryn - In Silence Sealed.
33067: Squadron Publication - The "Squadron" Vol. 1, No. 4.
33646: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33644: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33645: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33649: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33647: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33648: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
33650: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
36756: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
36757: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
36758: Kagero Publishing - Supermodel International No. 1, #98001. (decals included!).
36489: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 19 Tank Mark VIII "The International".
36490: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 20 Panzerjager Tiger (P) Elefant.
36487: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 17 M.3 Half-Track APC.
36488: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 18 Hanomag Sd.Kfz/1 APC.
36492: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 22 Light Tank Type 95 Kyu-go.
36476: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 6 M.24 Chaffee.
36477: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 7 A7V Sturmpanzerwagen.
36491: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 21 SU.85 and SU.100 Tank Destroyer.
36493: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 23 Centurion 5.
36485: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 15 Infantry Tank Mk.II Matilda.
36473: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 3 M.4 A3 E8 Sherman.
36486: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 16 Carden Loyd Mk. VI.
36471: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 1 Tank Mark IV.
36494: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 24 M.47 Patton.
36478: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 8 PanzerKampwagen IV (F2).
36479: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 9 T-34/76.
36480: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 10 Chenillette Lorraine.
36481: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 11 Light Tank Mk. VII Tetrarch.
36482: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 12 AMX.13.
36483: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 13 Reneult F.T..
36484: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 14 M 13/40.
36475: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 5 Cromwell Mk.4.
36472: Pugh, Stevenson (Editor) - Armour In Profile Number 2 PanzerKampfwagen VI Tiger 1 (H).
16184: Puglisi, Nancy - Fishing Without A Hook. Catching Moments At Work.
35302: Pugnani, Gen. Angelo - Storia della Motorizzazione Miltare Italiana.
25310: Pulera, Dominic - Green, White, And Red The Italian-American Success Story.
32369: Pulinckx, Kristof - How To Paint IDF Tanks Weathering Guide.
29805: Pullen, John J. - The Twentieth Maine. A Volunteer Regiment In The Civil War.
18617: Pullen, Barbara. - New England Recipes From Nana's Kitchen.
23654: Pullen, John J. - A Shower of Stars. The Medal Of Honor And The 27th Maine.
35263: Punchard, Neal - Daisy Air Rifles and BB Guns the first 100 Years.
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30836: Putnikov, Mikhail - Saab 37 Viggen Walk Around (Squadron Signal 25055).
30833: Putnikov, Mikhail - Saab 37 Viggen Walk Around (Squadron Signal 25055).
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18470: Pyros, John - Mike Gold Dean of American Proletarian Literature.
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17017: Quarrie, Bruce - GERMAN AIRBORNE TROOPS, 1939-45.
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36550: Quarrie, Bruce - WAFFEN-SS IN RUSSIA.
7500: Quarrie, Bruce - Waffen SS in Russia: A SELECTION OF GERMAN WARTIME PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE BUNDESARCHIVE, KOBLENZ (World War Two Photos Album Series 3).
9631: Quarrie, Bruce - PANZERS IN THE BALKANS AND ITALY (World War Two Photo Album Series 19).
19995: Quarrie, Bruce - GERMAN AIRBORNE TROOPS, 1939-45.
19389: Quarrie, Bruce - GERMAN AIRBORNE TROOPS, 1939-45.
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22817: Radding, Sam - Sam Radding's Book of Plans; Volume II - Revised Edition. How to Build Drywashers, View Scopes, Suction Sticks, Sniping Tools, Gold Screens & More. Easy to Understand Custom Designed Plans for the Construction of Lightweight Recreatonal Gold Mining Equ.
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30453: Radford, Irene - The Glass Dragon.
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6909: Ragsdale, Hugh - Tsar Paul And The Question Of Madness An Essay in History and Psychology.
9033: O'Rahilly, Alfred - The Family At Bethany.
11867: Boston & Maine Railroad. - Rules And Regulations Of the Operating Department (Effective June 21, 1909).
13183: Railton, Stephen - Authorship and Audience. Literary Performance In The American Renaissance.
17463: Raimist, Pearl (Illustrator) - Animal World.
9136: Raine, Jerry - Small Change.
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28369: Rainko, Marcin - Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer Volume 2. Gunpower 31..
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27833: Ram, James - A Treatise On Facts As Subjects Of Inquiry By A Jury..
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29493: Ramsey, Dan - Building A Log Home From Scratch Or Kit 2nd Edition.
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14486: Rand, Edward Augustus - Hymns of Help And Hope.
35997: Rand, Ayn - The Fountainhead.
25567: Randier, Jean - Men And Ships Aroung Cape Horn 1616-1939.
31096: Randisi, Robert J. - Full Contact. A Miles Jacoby Myster.
20330: Range, Clemens - Das Heer der Bundeswehr. Geschichte, Organisation, Laufbahnen.
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5923: Rangen, Curt & Diane - The Albert Stevens Inn & Cat's Garden Present The Cat's Meow Cook Book.
33268: Ranger, Alan - Schwerer Gelandegangiger Personenkraftwagen And Successors (Camera On 27).
28728: Rankin, Colonel Robert H. - Helmets and Headdress of the Imperial German Army 1870 - 1918.
18971: Rankin, Hugh F. - The Theater In Colonial America.
36129: Rankin, Edward S. - Indian Trails and City Streets.
8337: Raphaell, Katrina - Crystal Enlightenment The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones Volume I.
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5946: Rashid, Isa with Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier & Julie. H Ziegler with B.L. Greene - The Talmud of Jmmanuel The Original Book of Matthew The Clear Translation in English and German.
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18290: Rasor, Eugene L. - The China-Burma-India Campaign, 1931-1945 Historiography and Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies of Battles and Leaders Series, Number 22).
30295: Rastrenin, Oleg - Ilyushin IL-2 'Sturmovik' (Warpaint Series No. 107).
26497: Ratti, Oscar & Adele Westbrook - Secrets Of The Samurai. A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan..
35357: Rausa, Rosario - Skyraider The Douglas A-1 "Flying Dump Truck".
19111: Raven, Alan - Fletcher-Class Destroyers.
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7461: Ray, R.C. - The Navigation of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Vol. II 2nd Edition (No.64).
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24707: Redmon, Ronald L. & James F. Cuccarese & Ron Volstadt - Panzergrenadiers in Action - Weapons Number Five.
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