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3488: BOYCOTT, GEOFFREY - In The Fast Lane - West Indies Tour 1981
4038: BOYCOTT, GEOFFREY - Boycott on Cricket
4186: BOYCOTT, GEOFFREY - Opening Up
19792: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology - Silver Anniversary - Volumes I and II
3047: BOYD, LIZZIE - EDITED BY - Window Gardens
11410: BOYD, WILLIAM - Armadillo
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22480: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology - Volume XI
10611: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology - 1962
10612: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology - 1968
26629: BOYD, LIZZIE - EDITED BY - British Cookery (Second Edition)
19794: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology 1978 - 1979
26742: LUCY BOYD - Kitchen Memories
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19793: BOYD, BENJAMIN F. - Highlights of Ophthalmology 1978 - 1979
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26290: BOYLE, TISH AND MORIARTY, TIMOTHY - Grand Finales: The Art of the Plated Dessert: The Art of Plated Desserts
4936: BRABBS, DERRY - English Country Pubs
9978: BRACE, GRAHAM (DESIGN) - Official Handbook of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
10566: BRACEGIRDLE, BRIAN - Wellcome Museum of the History of Medicine a part of the Science Museum, The
16249: BRADBURY, JIM - Medieval Archer, The
12587: BRADBURY, MALCOLM - MOTTRAM, ERIC AND FRANCO, JEAN - Penguin Companion to Literature - U.S.A. and Latin America
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20737: BRADLEY, MARTHA - British Housewife: Or, the Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion - Volume III April, May
20845: BRADLEY, RICHARD - Country Housewife and Lady's Director, The
5846: BRADLEY, JOHN - Illustrated History of the Third Reich, The
6958: BRADLEY, MARION ZIMMER - Lady of Avalon
24243: BRADLEY, ALICE - Candy Cook Book, The
17292: BRADLEY, JOHN - Geraldine Tralee - An Irish Medieval Town
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12191: BRADLEY, MARION ZIMMER - Ghostlight
12761: BRADLEY, MARION ZIMMER - Gravelight
13078: BRADLEY-HOLE, KATHRYN - Garden Lovers' Guide to Britain, The
20735: BRADLEY, MARTHA - British Housewife: Or, the Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion - Volume I January
12038: BRADLEY, JANE - Living Doll
20736: BRADLEY, MARTHA - British Housewife: Or, the Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion - Volume II February & March
20740: BRADLEY, MARTHA - British Housewife: Or, the Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion - Volume VI October, November, December
20739: BRADLEY, MARTHA - British Housewife: Or, the Cook, Housekeeper's, and Gardiner's Companion - Volume V August, September
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13834: BRAITHWAITE, BRIAN - Ragtime to Wartime: "Good Housekeeping" 1922-39
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2582: BRAMBOCK, PETER - Art Nouveau - Collectors Art Editions
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7594: BRANDRETH, GYLES (FOREWORD BY) - Teddy Bear Craft Book, The
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6489: BRANSON, ANDREW (CONSULTANT EDITOR) - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Predators, The
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22507: BRASH, JAMES COUPER - Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Thorax and Abdomen - Volume II
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12474: BRAUN, MATT - Cimarron Jordan
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16467: BRAY, W. M., SWANSON, E. H. AND FARRINGTON, I. S. - Ancient Americas, The
26422: PETER BREARS - Food and Cooking in 16th-Century Britain: History and Recipes
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21368: BRENNAN, JENNIFER - Curries and Bugles : A Memoir and Cook Book of the British Raj
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7758: BRICKELL, C. D. (REVISED BY) - Guide to Wisley Garden
14904: BRIDE, JOHNNY MACK - Horse Thieves - Black Horse Western Series
22590: BRIDGE, TOM - Golden Age of Cookery, The
25899: BRIDGE, TOM - Ultimate Game Cookbook, The
12920: BRIDGE, TOM - Cookshelf - Pasta
23599: BRIDGE, TOM - Ultimate Game Cookbook, The
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2298: BRIGGS, PHYLIS - Cat of Pine Ridge, The
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9623: BRIGHT, MARILYN - Little Pasta Cookbook, A
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10920: BRIN, DAVID - Sundiver
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24537: BRISCO, VIRGINIA - Torquay Motto Wares
27640: BRISSE, BARON - 366 Menus & 1200 Recipes In French and English
27439: BRISSENDEN, CONSTANCE; BREWER, STEPHEN; CARMIN, ANITA - DK Eyewitness Pacific Northwest (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide)
12010: BRITAIN, KRISTEN - Green Rider
27629: BRITTEN, F. J. - Old Clocks & Their Makers
27603: BRITTEN, F. J. - Old Clocks and Watches & Their Makers
1567: BRITTEN, F. J. - Watch & Clock Makers' Handbook - Dictionary and Guide, The
10517: BRITTON, FERN - Saxby's - Fern Britton's Cooking at Home
3987: BROAD, CHRIS - Home Truths from Abroad
24177: BROBECK, FLORENCE - Good Salad Book, The
18874: BROBECK, FLORENCE - Chafing Dish Cookery
19593: BROCKINGTON, JOHN L. - Sacred Thread, The
19582: BROCKINGTON, J. L. - Hinduism and Christianity
9980: BRODERICK, ALAN HOUGHTON - People's France, The - Touraine with Anjou and Maine
8314: BRODIE, T. G. - Essentials of Experimental Physiology, The - for the use of Students
25225: BRODY, ESTHER - 500 Best Muffin Recipes
12193: BROMLEY, TOM - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
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11904: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE - Great Novels of the Bronte Sisters, The (The Golden Library)
16319: BRONZ, RUTH ADAMS - Miss Ruby's American Cooking: From Border to Border, & Coast to Coast, the Best Recipes from America's Regional Kitchens
3275: BROOKE, RUPERT - Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke: With a Memoir, The
1059: BROOKE, STOPFORD A. - History of Early English Literature - 2 Vols.
13173: BROOKE, RUPERT - Collected Poems, The
26394: BROOKE, JUSTIN - Dessert Pears
11684: BROOKE, L. LESLIE - DRAWN BY - Johnny Crow's New Garden
8566: BROOKER, JEWEL SPEARS - Placing of T. S. Eliot, The
26909: SUSAN BROOKES - Brookes Cooks This Morning
11856: BROOKESMITH, PETER - Age of the UFO, The
12039: BROOKFIELD, AMANDA - Godmother, The
948: BROOKS, TERRY - Wishsong of Shannara - Volume Three in the epic Shannara Trilogy
25412: BROOKS, JEFFREE SAPP - Art of Accompaniment, The - Making Condiments
7364: BROOKS, TERRY - Elfstones of Shannara, The - the long awaited Sequel
8536: BROOKS, BRIAN - Furniture for Children
10837: BROOKS, TERRY - Tangle Box, The - A Magic Kingdom of Landover
27532: BROOM, DAVE - Gin: The Manual
27157: BROSNAN, JOHN - War of the Sky Lords
16152: BROUGHTON, KATHLEEN - Cooking the Natural Way
22941: BROWN, ANTONY - Three Hundred Years of Lloyd's : A Lloyd's List Special Supplement
22015: BROWN, CELIA BROOKS - Entertaining Vegetarians
3661: BROWN, STEWART J. (EDITOR) - Buses Year Book 1992
3708: BROWN, STEWART J. (EDITOR) - Buses Year Book 1996
26707: CELIA BROOKS BROWN - Vegetarian Foodscape
26708: CELIA BROOKS BROWN - Vegetarian Foodscape
4035: BROWN, LIONEL H. - Victor Trumper and the 1902 Australians
4219: BROWN, F. LUCY RUDSTON (TEXT) - Story of Jesus, The - Bookano Living Pictures Series
3707: BROWN, STEWART J. (EDITOR) - Buses Year Book 1989
4633: BROWN, IVOR - Women in Shakespeare's Life, The
27117b: BY DALE M. BROWN (EDITOR) ET AL - Arabian Peninsula (Library of Nations S.)
7800: BROWN, SARAH - Sarah Brown's Secret England - Over 50 walks in town & Country
8658: BROWN, DALE M. (SERIES DIRECTOR) - Healthy Home Cooking - Fresh Ways with Vegetables
22802: BROWN, KATE - Daily Telegraph Weekend Cookbook
10881: BROWN, F. LUCY RUDSTON (TEXT) - Story of Jesus, The - Bookano Living Pictures Series
10964: BROWN, BARBARA B. - Stress and the Art of Biofeed Back
11153: BROWN, COLIN - Game Cookbook, The
11446: BROWN, CRAIG - Hounding of John Thomas, The
12194: BROWN, ALAN - Airmen in Exile: The Allied Air Forces in the Second World War
14368: BROWN, COLIN - Game Cookbook, The
14436: BROWN, MICHAEL AND SYBIL - Food & Wine of France
15297: BROWN, DEE - American West, The
27618: BROWN, CELIA BROOKS - New Vegetarian: 50 Fresh and Flavourful Recipes
24587: BROWN, MICK - American Heartbeat
12896: BROWN, SARAH - Fruit Desserts - Healthy Eating Cookbooks
27668: BROWN, DR. JOHN - Little Book of Children, Being the Child Stories of Dr. John Brown
26893: BROWN, CELIA BROOKS - Entertaining Vegetarians
3693: BROWN, STEWART J. (EDITOR) - Buses Year Book 1990
26890: BROWN, CELIA BROOKS - Entertaining Vegetarians
23632: BROWN, LYNDA - Fresh Thoughts on Food
24199: BROWNE, PHYLLIS - Year's Cookery, A
16726: BROWNE, PHYLLIS - Year's Cookery, A
5078: BROWNE, CAPTAIN T. H. - History of the English Turf 1904 - 1930, A, 2 Volumes
9985: BROWNING, ROBERT - Fifine at the
27584: BRUCE MILTON, MAJORIE (EDITOR) - Book for the Home in 4 Volumes
27585: BRUCE MILTON, MAJORIE (EDITOR) - Book for the Home in One Volume
27586: BRUCE MILTON, MAJORIE (EDITOR) - Book for the Home in One Volume
11648: BRUCE, J. P. AND CLARK, R. H. - Introduction to Hydrometeorology
19749: BRUCE-MILNE, MARJORIE - Home Catering and Cookery
25298: BRUCK, LESLEY HEWITT - Breadwinners
26637: AXEL BRüCK - Painting and drawing with liquid colours
24409: BRUIN, MRS. - Rainbow Annual 1957
20013: BRUNHOFF, JEAN DE - Babar, The Story of - The Little Elephant
25665: BRUNING, TED - Guide to Real Cider
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27582: BRUNT, ANDREW - Guide to Furniture
027981: BRUTON, ERIC - Hallmarks & Date Letters on Silver, Gold & Platinum
23507: BRUUN, ALICE - 18 Gange - Frisk Fisk Med små Tips, Der Letter Tilberedningen - Fresh Fish with......
23514: BRUUN, ALICE - 18 x Fisk i Søndagshumør - 18 x Fish in Sunday Mood
18634: BRUYERE, M. DE LA - Works, The - Two Volumes
15945: BRYAN, BETTY; MORRIS, HELEN AND LEA, DEBORAH - Home Produce Cookbook
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7563: BRYSON, BILL - Notes from a Small Island
20324: BUCCHIERI, THERESA F. - Feasting with Nonna Serafina
4165: BUCHAN, CHARLES - Soccer Gift Book 1968 - 69
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20361: BUCKMASTER, JOHN CHARLES - Buckmaster's Cookery
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27819: ALGIS BUDRYS - Some Will Not Die
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5327: BUFFORD, BILL (EDITOR) - Granta - 29 - New World
5328: BUFORD, BILL (EDITOR) - Granta - 22 - With Your Tongue Down My Throat
5329: BUFORD, BILL (EDITOR) - Granta - 7 - Best of Young British Novelists
11456: BUGG, JUDY - Italian Farmhouse Cooking
20051: BUGIALLI, GIULIANO - Bugialli on Pasta
23379: BUGIALLI, GIULIANO - Bugialli on Pasta
10798: BUGLIOSI, VINCENT WITH GENTRY, CURT - Manson Murders, The
23414: BUISHAND, TJERK - HOUWING, HARM P. AND JANSEN, KEES - Complete Book of Vegetables, The
14142: BUIST, ROBERT - Food Intolerance: What it is & how to cope with it
15465: BULIK, CYNTHIA AND TAYLOR, NADINE - Runaway Eating: The 8-Point Plan to Conquer Adult Food and Weight Obsessions
24308: BULL, THOMAS - M.D. - Hints to Mothers
27664: BULLA, CLYDE ROBERT - Johnny Hong of Chinatown
6107: BULLER, FRED & FALKUS, HUGH - Freshwater Fishing
26669: MICHAEL BULLER - French Chef's Cooking
2338: BULLETT, GERALD - George Eliot - Her Life and Books
27290: BULLIVANT, GARLAND - Little Lass
4510: BULLIVANT, GARLAND - Little Lass
22415: BULLOCK, HELEN MRS - Williamsburg Art of Cookery, The
15805: BULLOCK, HELEN MRS - Williamsburg Art of Cookery, The
20318: BULLOCK, HELEN MRS - Williamsburg Art of Cookery
22583: BULLOCK, HELEN MRS - Williamsburg Art of Cookery, The
20610: BULLOCK, HELEN MRS - Williamsburg Art of Cookery, The
24281: BUNIN, IVAN - Shadowed Paths
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3386: BUNT, CYRIL G E - Gothic Painting
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17414: BURGESS, G. H. O. ET AL - Fish Handling & Processing
22779: BURKE, HELEN - Good Fish From The Sea
22932: BURKE, GERALD L. - Visual Approach to Urban Evolution, A
22933: BURKE, GERALD L. - Visual Approach to Urban Conservation, A
22934: BURKE, GERALD L. - Approach to Aesthetics of Town Planning, An
7918: BURKE, THOMAS - Britain in Pictures - The British People in Pictures - English Inns
17734: BURKE, HELEN - Good Fish From The Sea
15775: BURKE, HELEN - Kippers to Caviar - Cooking for all Occasions
19165: BURKE, HELEN - Cooking from Around the World : Compiled from the Cooking for Pleasure Series
19770: BURKE, HELEN - Good Fish From The Sea
18146: BURKE, HELEN - Albatross Cookery Book, Economy Supplement to the
6860: BURLEY, W. J. - Wycliffe and the Redhead
9372: BURNAY, THE COUNTESS CHINA DE - Under the Influence of Bright Sunbeams - Centuries of Natural Cuisine in Recipes for Today
14124: BURNAY, THE COUNTESS CHINA DE - Under the Influence of Bright Sunbeams - Centuries of Natural Cuisine in Recipes for Today
15114: BURNAY, THE COUNTESS CHINA DE - Under the Influence of Bright Sunbeams - Centuries of Natural Cuisine in Recipes for Today
9453: BURNELL, MARY SETON - Pictures in Verse
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4836: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON - Little Princess, A
4959: BURNETT, W. R. - Pale Moon - a novel of the South-West
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27752: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON - Little Lord Fauntleroy
028069: JEREMY BURNHAM - Raven
14905: BURNHAM, CHARLES - Nighthawk, The - Black Horse Western Series
8814: BURNS, ROBERT - Complete Illustrated Poems, Songs & Ballads
3375: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Jungle Girl
18005: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan Annual
10103: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan Annual
16428: BURROWS, JESSIE WHARTON - What's for Dinner?
890: BURSTALL, PATRICIA - Golden Age of the Thames, The
763: BURT, ALISON - Rondom de Fondue
19645: BURT, ALISON - Cooking and Eating Around the World
12357: BURT, ALISON - Popular Chinese Cookbook
24833: BURTON, GEO. F. - Icing Made Easy
11539: BURTON, ANTHONY - Rainhill Story - The Great Locomotive Trial, The
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26913: DAVID BURTON - French Colonial Cookery: A Cook's Tour of the French-speaking World
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13124: BUSBY, F.M. - Rebel's Seed
24511: BUSH, SHEILA - Italian Cookery
26478: SALLY BUTCHER - Persia in Peckham: Recipes from Persepolis
22441: BUTLER, W. C. - Butler's Modern Cook and Practical Confectioner
12808: BUTLER, CLIFF - Manchester United - Official Yearbook 1994
12880: BUTLER, STEPHEN - Modigliani (Masterpainters Series)
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8757: BUTTERWORTH, NICK - Secret Path, The
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27829: BUTTLAR, JOHANNES VON - Journey to Infinity
25489: BUTTNER, HORST AND MEISSNER, GUNTER - Town Houses of Europe
20334: BUXTON, MOIRA - Medieval Cooking Today
14549: BUZAN, TONY - Use Your Memory
18279: BYERS, ANTHONY - Electric Living - The Philips Key to
27127: BYERS, ANTHONY - Creating a Kitchen
26920: AIDEN BYRNE - Made in Great Britain
15895: BYRON, MAY CLARISSA GILLINGTON - Puddings, Pastries & Sweet Dishes
6292: CABOT, ROBERT - Joshua Tree, The
5796: CACCIATORE, VERA - Swing, The, and two other stories;
10891: CADOGAN, MARY - Easy-to-Cook - Pasta
24646: CADOGAN, MARY - Prepare to Cook
23199: CAHILL, TILDA - South African Vegetarian Cook Book, A
27828: CAIDIN, MARTIN - Mendelov Consiracy, The
8567: CAIN, WILLIAM E. - F. O. Matthiessen and the Politics of Criticism
24298: CAIN, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Aircraft in Profile - Volume 1 Part 2
24297: CAIN, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Aircraft in Profile - Volume 1 Part 1
18374: CAINE, O. V. - Face to Face with Napoleon - An English Boy's Adventures in the Great French War
20107: CAIRNCROSS, ALEC - Economic Policy for the European Community: The Way Forward
22128: CALBOM, CHERIE AND KEANE, MAUREEN B. - Juicing for Life : A Guide to the Health Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing
15322: CALDICOTT, CHRIS & CAROLYN - World Food Cafe
23196: CALLAHAN, GENEVIEVE - California Cook Book, The
25067: CALLAHAN, JOAN C. - Menopause : A Midlife Passage
12410: CALMENSON, STEPHANIE - Babies (Golden Sturdy Book)
15102: CALVIN, MICHAEL - Only Wind and Water: Story of the BT Global Challenge
15154: CAMBRIDGE, MARCHIONESS OF - Royal Blue & Gold Cook Book
11906: CAMERON, JEREMY - Vinnie Got Blown Away
15634: CAMERON, IAN - Young Eagles
27522: CAMERON, DON - White for A Shroud
27639: CAMERON, MISS E.J. - Soups & Stews and Choice Ragouts containing practical cookery Recipes
25120: CAMERON, JAMES - Touch of the Sun
5341: CAMMAERTS, EMILE - Upon This Rock
1458: CAMNER, JAMES AND CONSTANCE - Ballet Quiz Book, The
5950: CAMPANA, MICHELE - European Carpets
23587: CAMPBELL-PRESTON, ROSIE - Inverawe Seasonal Recipes
25884: CAMPBELL, SUSAN - English Cookery New and Old
25851: CAMPBELL, JOHN W (EDITOR) - Formulas for Flavour
25545: CAMPBELL, ALASTAIR - All in the Mind
5595: CAMPBELL, JAMES - Talking at the Gates - A Life of James Baldwin
15519: CAMPBELL, SUSAN - Cook's Companion, The
23659: CAMPBELL, SUSAN - Cook's Companion, The
25824: CAMPBELL, GEORGINA - Meals for All Seasons
22733: CAMPBELL, CAROLYN - Cooking with Soup
9016: CAMPOS, DEOCLECIO REDIG DE AND CALVESI, MAURIZO - Treasure of the Vatican - St Peter's Basilica, The Vatican Museums and Galleries, The Treasure of St Peter's, The Vatican Grottoes and Necropolis and The Vatican Palaces
4988: CANAWAY, W. H. - Hunter and the Horns, The
13003: CANFIELD, JACK - Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul: 101 Stories to Celebrate, Honour and Inspire the Nursing Profession
10633: CANT, J. STANLEY (EDITED BY) - William Mackenzie Centenary Symposium on The Ocular Circulation in Health and Disease, The
26751: CARLA CAPALBO - A Food Lover's Companion to Tuscany
23466: CAPALBO, CARLA - Book of Gingerbread, The
22229: CAPALBO, CARLA - Mediterranean Cooking - Le Creuset
4143: CAPUZZO, MICHAEL & BANIK, TERESA - Cat Caught My Heart - Purrfect Tales of Wisdom, Hope, and Love
19149: CARDIGAN, ROSAMOND - Recipes for Success
4043: CARDUS, NEVILLE - Fourth Innings with Cardus, A
24811: HAZLITT W. CAREW - Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
26230: HAZLITT W. CAREW - Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
13125: CAREY, DIANE - Ghost Ship (Star Trek: The Next Generation S.)
15103: CARGILL, KATRIN - Contemporary Painted Furniture (PHO>Montgomery, David)
23938: CARGILL, LESLIE - Motley Menace
22505: CARLETON, H. M. - Histological Technique
22691: CARLIER, ALEXANDRA - Dinner Party Book, The
27396: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO; CARLUCCIO, PRISCILLA - Meat, Poultry and Game (Carluccio's Collection)
26077: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio Carluccio Goes Wild
26487: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio's Simple Dishes
18397: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio Carluccio's Italian Feast
10318: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio Carluccio's Italian Feast
26510: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio Carluccio's Italia
23299: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Vegetables
25991: CARLUCCIO, ANTONIO - Antonio Carluccio's Vegetables
1604: CARLYLE,THOMAS - Life of John Sterling, The
2075: CLIFTON-MOGG CAROLINE - Doll's House, The
16365: CARON, EMMA C. - Favorite Recipes of Famous Chefs
15104: CARON, ROBIN - Drawing
22271: CARPENTER, HUGH AND SANDISON, TERI - Quick Cooking with Pacific Flavors
26952: GéRALD CARPENTIER - The best recipes from Burgundy
9659: CARR, ANN - Glut of Avocados, A
24189: CARR, ANN - Glut of Plums
13420: CARR, CAROLYN KINDER - Americans
10980: CARRICK, DR. D. J. E. L. (EDITED BY) - Research Reviews and Clinical Trials 1964-65
10667: CARRICK, DR. D. J. E. L. - Research Reviews 1962-63
11187: CARRIER, ROBERT - Robert Carrier's Kitchen - Making the most of Lamb & Pork
16909: CARRIER, ROBERT - Million Menus, A
19772: CARRIER, ROBERT - International Cookery Cards - France
19774: CARRIER, ROBERT - Cookery Cards - Appetisers Vegetables & Salads - Favourite Recipes 3
19775: CARRIER, ROBERT - Cookery Cards - Meat, Poultry & Game - Favourite Recipes 1
3052: CARRINGTON, NOEL & RAE, JOCELYN - This Man's Father - A Pictorial Biography in Two Centuries
19930: CARROLL, LEWIS - Alice in Wonderland
27566: CARROLL, LEWIS - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
22963: CARROLL, ALICE - EDITED BY - Good Housekeeping - Needlecraft Encyclopedia
4479: CARROLL, LEWIS (COLLINS, JOAN, RETOLD BY) - Ladybird Children's Classics - Alice in Wonderland
18479: CARROLL, LEWIS - Alice in Wonderland
4436: CARRUTH, JANE - My First Colour Library - On The Farm
23053: CARRUTH, JANE - Dear Miss Mouse
13683: CARRUTHERS, R. G. - Glacial Drifts and the Undermelt Theory
27338: CARRYL, CHARLES EDWARD - Capital Ship or The Walloping Window-blind , A
4997: CARSON, ROBERT - An End to Comedy
21802: CARTER, CHARLES - Complete Practical Cook - Or, a New System of the Whole Art and Mystery of Cookery
17905: CARTER, GERMAINE - Home Book of French Cookery, The
6073: CARTER, DAVID - Rolling Stones
13126: CARTER, CARMEN - Children of Hamlin (Star Trek: The Next Generation S.)
13127: CARTER, CARMEN - Star Trek - the Next Generation: Devil's Heart (Star Trek - The Next Generation (Unnumbered))
14590: CARTER, ANGELA - Black Venus's Tale
1564: CARTER, ERNEST F. - Trams and Tramways
23853: CARTER, GERMAINE - Home Book of French Cookery, The
21568: CARTER, JIMMY - Blood of Abraham, The
27633: CARTER, SUSANNA - The Experienced Cook, and Housekeeper's Guide
21132: CARTER, SUSANNAH - Frugal Colonial Housewife, The
17866: CARTER, A. T. - History of English Legal Institutions
24803: CARTER, CHARLES - Complete Practical Cook - Or, a New System of the Whole Art and Mystery of Cookery
11234: CARTLAND, BARBARA - Health Food Cookery Book
16717: CARVER, ETHEL C. - Practical Catering - A Manual of Applied Dietetics for Schools, Institutions and Families
25517: CARVER, LAWTON - Compact Book of Fish & Game Cookery, The
10885: CARWARDINE, MARK ( RESEARCHED AND WRITTEN BY) - Whale & Dolphin Conversation Society
21816: CARY, PAM - Cheese Cookbook, The : Recipes for Every Occasion
14372: CARY, M. ET AL - Oxford Classical Dictionary, The
25226: CASAS, PENELOPE - Tapas : The Little Dishes of Spain
21396: CASAS, PENELOPE - Tapas : The Little Dishes of Spain
25420: CASS, ELIZABETH - Spanish Cooking
23020: CASS, ELIZABETH - Spanish Cooking
18382: CASS, ELIZABETH - Spanish Cooking
3988: CASSERLEY, H. C. - Railway History in Pictures - Wessex
11275: CASSERLEY, H. C. - Preserved Locomotives
27703: CASTRES, ELIZABETH DE - Collector's Guide to Tea Silver, 1670-1900, A
27126: CATCHPOLE. N - Simple Pruning
8838: FRIENDS OF CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL - Romance of Canterbury Cathedral, The
20416: CATHERINE, MLLE - Manuel Complete De La Cuisinière Bougeoise
22921: CATTERALL, PETER - Contemporary Britain : An Annual Review 1991
19780: CATTRALL, CHRIS - Inland Waterways Association Waterways Directory 1996
27810: CAVE, PETER - Fire Flood
15939: CAWLEY, RICHARD - Artful Cook, The - Secrets of a Shoestring Gourmet
15016: CAWLEY, RICHARD - Artful Cook, The - Secrets of a Shoestring Gourmet
22885: CECIL, LORD DAVID - Two Quiet Lives
5426: CECIL, DAVID - Portrait of Jane Austen, A
1073: ROBERTS CECIL - And so to America
25674: DORSET CEREALS - Breakfast Book, The - Wonderful Recipes for Eggs, Bacon, Muesli & More
2992: CHADWICK, WHITNEY & COURTIVRON, ISABELLE DE (EDITED BY) - Significant Others - Creativity & Intimate Partnership
16702: CHAITOW, ALKIMINI - Greek Vegetarian Cooking : Colourful Dishes from the Eastern Shore of the Mediterranean
10245: CHALABY, ABBAS - Egypt
27160: CHALKER, JACK L. - Masks of the Martyrs
25413: CHAMBERLAIN, NARCISSA AND NARCISSE - Flavour of Italy, The - In Recipes and Pictures
24083: CHAMBERS, DAVID AND MARTINEAU, JANE - Splendours of the Gonzaga
1197: CHAMBERS, JAMES - English House, The
27509: CHAMPION, R.C.; ARNOLD, ERIC CHARLES - Motor Vehicle Calculations and Science: Pt. 1
22792: CHAN, KIT - Quick After Work Chinese Cookbook
11558: CHANDLER, DAVID - Dictionary of Battles - The world's key battles from 405BC to Today
13227: CHANDLER, DAVID G. - Battles and Battlescenes of World War Two
11161: CHANDLER, RAYMOND - Smell of Fear, The
27344: CHANEY, LISA - Elizabeth David: A Biography. A Mediterranean Passion
12041: CHANG, JUNG - Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
16215: CHANNER, NICK - Untrodden Ways
6443: CHANT, CHRISTOPHER - Top Gun - The Ultimate in Airborne Action
136: CHAPMAN, ABRAHAM - Steal Away
16644: CHAPMAN, PAT - Curry Club Vegetarian Cookbook
11282: CHAPMAN, JUDY - Recipes from Chavey Down and Around
6458: CHAPMAN, GILES - Cars that Time Forgot
20413: CHAPMAN, PAT - Curry Club Chinese Cookbook
1270: CHARBONNEAUX, JEAN AND PETERS, ERIC - Greece in Photographs
12196: CHARD, JUDY - Haunted Happenings in Devon
22046: CHARLES, JULIA - EDITOR - Easy Comfort Food
20221: CHARLES, ROBERT - Foodmanship
10613: CHARLES-PICARD, GILBERT - Larousse Encyclopedia of Archaeology
22822: CHARLTON, BOBBY - Bobby Charlton's Book of European Football No. 2
15325: CHARLTON, CAROL - Organic Cafe Cookbook, The
15392: CHARLTON, MICHAEL - Star Wars History, The : From Deterrence to Defence - The American Strategic Debate
027958: CHARLTON, RANDAL - Bewildered Bride, The
20974: CHARPENTIER, MAROLYN - La France Gourmande - A Food Lover's Guide to French Fairs and Festivals
2544: CHARROUX, ROBERT - Lost Worlds - Scientific Secrets of the Ancients
20679: CHARSLEY, SIMON R. - Wedding Cakes and Cultural History
25065: CHARTERIS, LESLIE - Last Hero, The
028081: LESLIE CHARTERIS - Enter the Saint
8424: CHARTERS, KATHERINE - Book of Remembrance, A
26044: CHASE, SARAH LEAH - Cold Weather Cooking
15976: CHATER, MOREEN ELIZABETH - Off the Pantry Shelf - Short Cuts to Gourmet Dining
17474: CHATER, KATHY - Tracing Your Family History
4470: CHATFIELD, KEITH - It's All Humphrey's Fault
4471: CHATFIELD, KEITH - Mummy Never Stops
4472: CHATFIELD, KEITH - Daddy's Good Ideas
6281: CHATTERJEE, UPAMANYU - Last Burden, The
4912: CHATTERTON, RUTH - Southern Wild, The
25484: CHAUNU, PIERRE - La Civilisation De L'Europe Classique
21444: CHAVASSE, PYE HENRY - Advice to a Mother
25676: CHAVEZ, DENISE - Taco Testimony, A - Meditations on Family, Food and Culture
15772: CHEF - News Chronicle Cookery Book
22736: CHEF - News Chronicle Cookery Book
13200: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Russian Master and Other Stories, The (World's Classics)
13927: CHEKHOV, A.P. - Chekhov: The Early Stories, 1883-88
17128: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Life in Letters, A
5861: CHEN, DA - Colours of the Mountain
18677: CHéNIER, ANDRé - Idylles - Bibliotheque Miniature
7921: CHERAMY, PAUL ( EDITED, FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, BY ) - Favourite of Napoleon, A - Memoirs of Mademoiselle George
23461: CHERFAS, JEREMY - EDITOR - Vegetable Finder, The
24955: CHERNOUKHIN, A. E. - Russian English Technical Dictionary
27802: C. J. CHERRYH - Merchanter's Luck
16270: CHESTER - EDITOR - French Cooking for English Homes
18111: CHESTERFIELD, MONA - To Love and to Nourish : A Cookery Book for Brides
19456: CHETANANANDA, SWAMI - Logic of Love, The
16349: CHETWOOD, DOREEN - EDITED BY - Tea Time Favourites
17482: CHETWYND LEY, ALICE - Toast of the Town, The
27541: CHEYNEY, PETER - Dance Without Music
10571: CHICHESTER, FRANCIS (FOREWORD) - Chichester - Souvenir Brochure Gipsy Moth IV Exhibition, St. Katharine Docks, Pool of London
20978: CHIH MA, NANCY - Chinese Cooking for Two
16560: CHIH MA, NANCY - Mrs. Ma's Chinese Cookbook
26231: CHILD, LYDIA MARIA - Frugal Housewife, The
25933: CHILD, JULIA ET AL - Magic in the Kitchen
22808: CHILD, JULIA - Julia Child and Company
1737: CHINERY, M. - Mushrooms - Granada Guides
19592: CHINMOY, SRI - Yoga and the Spiritual Life
12042: CHIRNSIDE, DOUGLAS - Basket Case
19127: CHITTY, SUSAN - Gwen John : 1876-1939
23799: CHOWINGS, J.W. AND DAY, M.J. - Vegetable Varieties for the Gardener
14930: CHRIMES, STANLEY BERTRAM - Henry VII ((English Monarchs))
1713: HARVEY CHRIS - Cars the New Classics - The Greatest Cars Made Since 1945
7738: CHRISTE, YVES (TEXTE) ARENS, GHISLAIN (PHOTOGRAPHIE) - Cluny et le Clunisois - Eglises Romanes
16276: CHRISTI, JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CORPUS - Fiesta: Favorite Recipes of South Texas
26747: GLYNN CHRISTIAN - Glynn Christian Tastes Royal Thailand
27359: CHRISTIAN, ROY - Country Life book of old English Customs
26873: GLYNN CHRISTIAN - Glynn Christians Cookboo
7404: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - At Bertram's Hotel
7416: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Taken at the Flood - A Hercule Poirot Mystery
7419: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Poirot Investigates
7421: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Secret of Chimneys, The
7422: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Peril at End House
7471: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Murder in Mesopotamia
7476: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Cat Among the Pigeons
7478: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - One, Two, Buckle my Shoe
7412: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Murder on the Links, The
7415: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Man in the Brown Suit, The
11516: CHRISTIE-MILLER, JOHN - Development of Stockport 1922-1972, and the History of the Stockport Advertiser, The
7411: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Secret Adversary, The
4600: CHRISTMAS, F. E. - Parson in English Literature, The
22352: CHRISTOPHER, F. J. - Moulding and Casting
10014: CHURCH, RICHARD - Little Kingdom, The - A Kentish Collection
4958: CHURCHILL, RHONA - White Man's God
17716: CHURCHILL, WINSTON SPENCER - Story of the Malakand Field Force, The - An Episode of Frontier War
26219: CIOCCA, GIUSEPPE - Il Pasticciere e Confettiere
27675: FAMILY CIRCLE - Family Circle Home Entertaining
14366: CLAIBORNE, CRAIG AND FRANEY, PIERRE - Cooking with Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey
19756: CLAIBORNE, CRAIG - New York Times Cookbook
22713: CLAIBORNE, CRAIG - Kitchen Primer, A
15532: CLAIR, LADY HARRIET ST. - Dainty Dishes
20933: CLAIR, LADY HARRIET ST. - Dainty Dishes
20619: CLAIR, COLIN - Kitchen Table - A Bedside History of Eating in the Western World
20487: CLAIR, LADY HARRIET ST. - Dainty Dishes
26207: CLAIRE, MARIE - Cuisine Extraordinaire - Real French Cooking
10187: CLANCY, TOM - Ruthless.com - Tom Clancy's Powerplays
12705: CLANCY, TOM - Tom Clancy's Op-centre: Games of State
12881: CLAPHAM, FANNY - Great World Encyclopaedia
14651: CLAPHAM, RICHARD - Foxes Foxhounds and Fox-hunting
27548: CLAPTON, ERIC - Eric Claption 1996 - Programme Royal Albert Hall
16998: CLAREMONT, FRANCESCA - Dead Waters
13708: CLARK, SIMON - Vampyrrhic
27210: PAMELA CLARK - Women Weekly The Complete Book of Slow Cooking
16620: CLARK, MAXINE - Light Italian Dishes, The Book Of
14551: CLARK, THOMAS - Writer's Digest Guide to Good Writing
27683: CLARK, WALTER AND GRIFFITHS, FRANK - Rightway Arithmetics - Pupils BookFour, The
26088: CLARK, MELISSA - In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite: 150 Recipes and Stories about the Food You Love
19542: CLARK, ELEANOR - Oysters of Locmariaquer, The
10464: CLARK, F. IRENE - Bacteriology and Pathology for Nurses
22233: CLARK, SUSAN - Sunday Times Vitality Cookbook
22657: CLARKE, MRS CHARLES ( EDITH NICOLLS ] - High-Class Cookery Recipes as Taught in the School
2181: CLARKE, MARY AND VAUGHAN, DAVID (EDITORS) - Encyclopedia of Dance & Ballet, The
1782: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - Deep Range, The
6974: CLARKE, ETHNE & PERRY, CLAY - English Country Gardens
7292: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - Ghost from the Grand Banks, The
20765: CLARKE, MRS CHARLES ( EDITH NICOLLS ] - Plain Cookery Recipes - Second Series Vol. II
10015: CLARKE, J. ERSKINE (FOUNDED BY) - Chatterbox 1914
13486: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - Building of the eighteenth-century church, The
13710: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - Light of Other Days, The
14699: CLARKE, ETHNE - Water Features for Small Gardens
1783: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - 2010 Odyssey Two
1908: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - Prelude to Space
24454: CLARKE, JAMES - Back to Earth: South Africa's Environmental Challenges
1788: CLARKE, ARTHUR C. - 2061 Odyssey Three
27579: CLAUS, DR. C - Elementary Text-Book of Zoology - General Part And Special Part: Protozoa To Insecta
11774: CLAXTON, W.J. - Outdoor Year, The
4057: CLAY, JOHN F. - British 4-6-0, The
8388: CLAYTON, E. B. - Actinotherapy and Diathermy for the Student
25332: CLAYTON, GERALD - Looking and Cooking in Provence
18103: CLAYTON, BERNARD, JR. - Complete Book of Soups and Stews, The
9970: CLAYTON, TIM AND CRAIG, PHIL - Finest Hour
3637: CLEMENT, HAL - Mission of Gravity
3363: CLEMENTS, JULIA - Julia Clements' Gift Book of Flower Arranging
25192: CLEMENTS, CAROLE - Essential Baking
25955: LE CLERC, JULIE AND - Made in Morocco: A Journey of Exotic Tastes and Places
26206: LE CLERC, JULIE - Cafe Collection - Simple Cafe Food
17009: CLEVELAND-PECK, PATRICIA - Your Own Dairy Cow
24568: CLEWES, EDNA ( ERODE ) - Karruppan the Goatherd
27707: CLEWES, WINSTON - Troy and the Maypole
17712: CLEWS, BRIAN - Birds in a Village - A Century On
17857: CLéZIO, J. M. G. - Fever
17921: CLEZIO, J. M. G. LE - Giants, The
028061: SIMAK-CLIFFORD-D - Enchanted Pilgrimage
1562: CLIFFORD, DAVID - EDITOR - Swanage Railway News, Vol. Two Issue 14 - Winter 1992
21429: CLIFFORD, FRANCIS - Drummer in the Dark
11589: CLINCH, GEORGE - Old English Churches - Their Architecture, Furniture, Decoration, Monuments, Vestments, and Plate
2600: CLINTON-BADDELEY, V. C. - All Right on the Night
5008: CLIVE, WILLIAM - Dando on Delhi Ridge - A novel of the Indian Mutiny
4714: CLOUGH, T. H. MCK. - Horseshoes of Oakham Castle, The
16113: CLUSELLS, SYLVAIN - Cooking on Turning Spit & Grill
26758: CHANTAL COADY - Chocolate: The Food of the Gods
12358: COBB, VICKI - Writing It Down
16082: COBB, JULIET - Chocolate Lovers Cookbook
15854: COBBETT, WILLIAM - English Gardner, The
18812: COBBETT, WILLIAM - Cottage Economy
20852: COBBETT, ANNE - English Housekeeper, The - or, Manual of Domestic Management
22369: COBDEN, UNWIN - INTRODUCTION BY - Hungry Forties, The : Life under the Bread Tax
2108: COCKETT, S. R., M.SC. TECH., F.R.I.C., F.T.I. AND HILTON, K. A., B.SC. TECH., A.R.I.C. - Dyeing of Cellulosic Fibres and Related Processes
3676: COCKMAN, F. G. - British Railways' Steam Locomotives
5103: COCKMAN, F. G. - Discovering Preserved Railways
9681: COCKS, ROS (EDITED BY) - Complete Heinz Cookbook, The - Over 140 delicious recipes using your favourite Heinz Products
23251: CODE, MARY L. - Claire's Little Charge - or, "Sinners Jesus Came to Save"
22807: CODRINGTON, EMMA AND RAFFAEL, MICHAEL - Encyclopedia of Desserts, The St. Michael
20995: COE, ISABEL - La Dolce Vita : Sweet Dreams and Chocolate Memories
9392: COEN, ETHAN - Gates of Eden
19967: COETZEE, J. M. - Life and Times of Michael K
16123: COGGINS, CAROLYN - Fabulous Foods for People You Love
27500: COHEN, LEONARD - The Favourite Game
18506: COHEN, R. L. - Economics of Agriculture, The
19858: COHEN, C. D. - Common Market, The : 10 Years After
2380: COHEN, WILLIAM S. & HART, GARY - Double Man, The
7820: COILEY, JOHN A. - KEEPER (INTRODUCTION BY) - National Railway Museum, The
19554: COLBIN, ANNEMARIE - Food and Healing
27314: COLE, MICHAEL - Annual Register of Book Values: Modern First Editions 1999
16389: COLE, ROSALIND - Of Soda Bread and Guinness
16940: R. O. C. - COLE, ROSE OWEN - National Training School for Cookery, Containing Lesson on Cookery
15428: COLE, TOM - An End to Chivalry
27315: COLE, MICHAEL - Annual Register of Book Values. Children"s Books. 1999
27558: COLE, MICHAEL - Cole's Register of British Antiquarian and Second Hand Booksellers
24730: COLE, MARY MRS. - Lady's Complete Guide - Or Cookery in all Its Branches
3586: COLEMAN, RAY - Survivor - The Authorized Biography of Eric Clapton
4812: COLEMAN, TERRY - Girl for the Afternoons, A
11330: COLEMAN-COOKE, JOHN - Exmoor - National Park Guide No. 8
11726: COLEMAN, RON & BARRIE, GILES - 525 Ways to be a Better Manager
12615: COLEMAN, MICHAEL - Internet Detectives, The : Net Bandits (Internet Detectives)
12616: COLEMAN, PAT - Smugglers' Cove
1432: COLEMAN, VERNON - Thomas Wisden's Cricketing Almamack, 136th Edition
18440: COLEMAN, VERNON - Man Who Inherited a Golf Course, The
18442: COLEMAN, VERNON - Bilbury Revels
27605: COLEMAN, ROGER - Ways of Drawing Eyes
12043: COLERIDGE, NICHOLAS - Streetsmart
3956: COLES, K. ADLARD - Channel Harbours and Anchorages
16512: COLIN, JANE - Herbs and Spices for Health and Beauty
19695: COLLETT, C. E. - Chow Chow, The
10754: COLLIER, RICHARD - 1940 The World in Flames
24731: COLLINGWOOD, FRANCIS AND WOLLAMS, JOHN - Universal Cook, and City and Country Housekeeper
24085: COLLINGWOOD, HARRY - Under a Foreign Flag
27892: COLLINS, MICHAEL - Lucan Wars
4784: COLLINS, WARWICK - Rationalist, The
7830: COLLINS, WILKIE (EDITED & INTRODUCED BY IRA NADEL) - Iolani, or Tahiti as it was - A Romance
10871: COLLINS, WILKIE - Woman in White, The
12044: COLLINS, NIGEL - On the Spot: A Counselling and Guidance Handbook
15186: COLLINS, JUDITH - Winifred Nicholson
11931: COLLINS, WILKIE - Basil
26981: COLLISTER, LINDA & BLAKE, ANTHONY - Country Bread
25723: COLLISTER, LINDA - Cookies, Biscuits and Biscotti
11764: COLMAN, SAM - This Life
14666: COLVIN, MAGGIE - Decorating Tricks: Touches of Style
15636: COMBE, FERNAND - Sacred Writings of World Religion (Compact Reference Series)
028080: COMPILED BY COMPETENT PERSONS, UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF AN ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF FAMILIES AND MEN OF SCIENCE - The Book of the Household; or, Family Dictionary of Everything Connected with Housekeeping, and Domestic Medicine
4979: COMPTON, D. G. - Palace, The
6684: COMPTON, DENIS (EDITED BY) - Every Boy's Book of Sport for 1951
20167: COMTE, HUBERT - Natures Mortes De L'Antiquite a Nos Jours: La Vie Silencieuse
25061: CONAN DOYLE, A. - White Company, The
20825: CONIL, JEAN - Haute Cuisine
20971: CONIL, JEAN AND CHRISTOPHER - Taste of the World, A - Cuisine Sans Frontières
14406: CONIL, JEAN - Cuisine Fraicheur
17883: CONIL, JEAN - For Epicures Only
10733: CONIL, JEAN - French Touch to Home Cooking, The
20345: CONIL, JEAN - Epicurean Book, The
25343: CONIL, JEAN AND HANSLEY, LIDA - European Cookery
25461: CONIL, JEAN AND WILLIAMS, HUGH - Variations on a Dessert : How to Create Your Own Original Dishes
22677: CONIL, CHRISTOPHER - Country Bakehouse, The
22715: CONIL, JEAN - Jean Conil's Cookery Classes
17881: CONIL, JEAN - Haute Cuisine
1793: CONKLIN GROFF, EDITOR - Possible Tomorrows
4792: CONNELL, EVAN S. JR - Patriot, The
12524: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - Void Moon
3236: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - Poet, The
23048: CONNELLY, THOMAS LAWRENCE, ET AL - Southern Renascence Man, A : Views of Robert Penn Warren
23096: O'CONNER, DANIEL - Story of Peter Pan, The
14099: CONNERY, CLARE - Salad Book
14667: CONNOLLY, EILEEN - Tarot: A New Handbook for the Apprentice
1605: CONNOLLY, CYRIL - EDITOR - Horizon - Vol. XVI No. 92 September 1947
27308: O'CONNOR, DANIEL - Story of Peter Pan Retold from the Fairy Play by Sir J.M.Barrie, The
3382: O'CONNOR, GARRY (EDITOR) - Olivier in Celebration
15406: O'CONNOR, RICHARD - Wild Bill Hickok
5997: CONNOR, JOHN - Comics - A Decade of Comedy at the Assembly Rooms
6834: O'CONNOR, PATTI AND COLE, CATHERINE - One Summer in Israel
19703: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Almayer's Folly
23823: CONRAN, CAROLINE - Good Home Cooking
21039: CONRAN, TERENCE AND PRESCOTT, PETER - Eat London - All about Food
25106: CONRAN, CAROLINE - Traditional Cooking
21935: CONRAN, CAROLINE - Delicious Home Cooking
17293: CONROY, DON - Tiger Who Was A Roaring Success, The
23399: CONTALDO, GENNARO - Italian Home Cooking : Quick and Easy Meals to Feed Family and Friends
27733: CONTE, ANNA DEL - Little Italian Cookbook, A
23484: CONTE, ANNA DEL - Cooking with Coco : Family Recipes to Cook Together
12325: CONTI, FLAVIO - How to Recognize Baroque Art
24479: CONWAY, PETER - Palindrome, The
3835: COOK, JUDITH - Daphne - A Portrait of Daphne Du Maurier
23873: COOK, ROBERT (UNDER MR. LAMB) - Court Cookery: or, The Compleat English Cook
5112: COOK, CHRIS - History of Great Trains, A
2783: COOK, ROBIN - Mutation
2782: COOK, ROBIN - Mind Bend
2781: COOK, ROBIN - Outbreak
10706: COOK, PETER - Antique Buyer's Handbook, The
19857: COOK, CHRIS; FRANCIS, MARY - First European Elections, The : A Handbook and Guide
15664: COOK, JANET - BOND, SHIRLEY - BROOKS, FELICITY - EDOM, HELEN - Where Things Come from "Where Food Comes From", "How Things are made" and "How Things are built"
23276: COOK, MARY ALEXANDER - Cape Kitchen, The
25808: COOK, SIAN - WILLIAMS, MARGARET - GRIFFITHS, ANNE - Women's Institute Complete Christmas : Food and Crafts for a Perfect Christmas
1646: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - April 1959
1648: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - July 1959
1649: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - August 1959
17863: COOKE, T. REV. - Universal Letter Writer, The
1642: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - January 1959
1644: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - February 1959
12528: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Patient Has the Floor, The
1645: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - March 1959
1647: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - June 1959
1650: COOKE, B.W.C., EDITOR - Railway Magazine - September 1959
18324: ITALIAN ACADEMY OF COOKERY - Great Italian Cookbook, The
19091: TANTE MARIE SCHOOL OF COOKERY - Tante Marie's Elegant Economic Entertaining
7629: COOKSLEY, PETER G. WITH ROBERTSON, BRUCE - Encyclopedia of 20th Century Conflict, The - Air Warfare
1012: COOKSON, CATHERINE - Bonny Dawn, The
3051: COOMBS, DAVID (EDITOR) - Complete Antique Collector, The
27477: JOE COOMER - Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God
21723: COOPER, PETER - London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Stock Book - LBSCR
3242: COOPER, J. FENIMORE - Last of the Mohicans, The - A Narrative of 1757
19974: COOPER, WILLIAM - You Want the Right Frame of Reference
13500: COOPER, PETER - Style in Piano Playing
14439: COOPER, JILLY AND HARTMAN, TOM - Violets and Vinegar: An Anthology of Women's Writings and Sayings
1463: COOPER, JILLY & LICHFIELD, PATRICK - Hotfoot to Zabriskie Point; A Unipart Calendar Book
14758: COOPER, J.C. - Aquarian Dictionary of Festivals, The
14813: COOPER, SUSAN - Boggart, The
9308: COOPER, EMMANUEL - Pottery
18830: COOPER, JUANITA - Cook's Book, The - British and Foreign Dishes
26214: COOPER, MICHAEL - Classic Wines of New Zealand
27701: COOPER, W.C. - How to Win Prizes with Vegetables
20490: COOPER, CHARLES - English Table in Literature, The
26855: COOPER, CARINA - Notting Hill Cookbook
6409: COOPER, NATASHA - Creeping Ivy
23337: COOPER, CARINA - Notting Hill Cookbook
15595: COOTE, STEPHEN - William Morris - His Life and Work
17610: COPELAND, DONALDA - Little Eskimos, The Junior True Book of
15695: COPLEY, ESTHER - Housekeeper's Guide, The: Or a Plain & Practical System of Domestic Cookery
24897: CORBETT, LES - Interior Designers Handbook, The
25731: CORBISHLEY, GILL - Ration Book Cookery: Recipes and History (Cooking Through the Ages)
17627: CORDELL, ALEXANDER - Land of My Fathers
5662: CORDER, PHILIP - Verulamium Museum and its Collections - Verulamium Museum Publications No.1, The
5663: CORDER, PHILIP - Verulamium, 1930-40 - Verulamium Museum Publication No.2
7315: CORKILL, W. A. (INTRODUCTION BY) - Railway Modelling
24842: CORNFORD, JOHN - Communism Was My Waking Time
14914: CORNISH, ELIZABETH - Cooking with Vegetables (Microwave Library)
15438: CORNISH, ELIZABETH - Italian Cooking - Tuscan
2903: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Point of Origin
3629: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Hornet's Nest
3992: CORNWELL, E. L. - Still in Steam - A Guide to Working Steam Railways
6205: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Unnatural Exposure
2718: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Unnatural Exposure - Vintage Scarpetta
734: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's Triumph
7506: CORNWELL, PATRICIA D. - Body of Evidence
7509: CORNWELL, PATRICIA D. - All That Remains
7511: CORNWELL, PATRICIA D. - Unnatural Exposure
3221: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Point of Origin
3235: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Cause of Death
8236: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Black Notice
20174: CORR, ANNE QUINN - Seasons of Central Pennsylvania
9825: CORRAN, MARY - Imperial Light;
19909: CORTHIS, ANDRé - Cris Dans Le Ciel
5981: CORY, CHARLOTTE - Unforgiving, The
20819: COSMAN, MADELEINE PELNER - Fabulous Feasts : Medieval Cookery and Ceremony
26522: COSTA, MARGARET - Four Seasons Cookery Book
22054: COSTA, MARGARET - Four Seasons Cookery Book
676: COSTER, IAN - His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
5775: COSYN, MAURICE AND KOLTZ, JEAN-PIERRE - Luxembourg and its surroundings - Official Guide of the City Tourist Office of Luxembourg
22008: COTTER, DENIS - COMPILER - Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me : A Chef's Stories and Recipes from the Land
4909: COTTER, SIR J. L. - Culture of Bulbs, Bulbous Plants and Tubers Made Plain, The
23319: COTTER, DENIS - Paradiso Seasons
19130: COTTERELL, ARTHUR - First Emperor of China, The
26934: YONG YAP COTTERELL - Wok Magic
7038: COTTERILL, H. B. - Ancient Greece
2031: COTTERILL, C. C. AND LITTLE, E. D. - Ships and Sailors ancient and Modern
19598: COTTINGHAM, JOHN T. - Healing Through Touch
15932: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - Guide to Better Cooking and Diet, A
17777: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - Cannon Recipe Booklet
18568: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - Magic in the Kitchen
25134: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - Albatross Self-Raising Flour - Home Cookery Book
18261: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - Chocolate Cookery - Over 100 Tested Recipes
18370: COTTINGTON TAYLOR, D. D. - 101 Ways of Using Allinson Wholemeal Flour
5068: COTTLER, JOSEPH - Man with Wings - The Story of Leonardo da Vinci
3339: COTTON, C. A. - Climatic Accidents in Landscape-Making
24151: COTTON, ELIZABETH REID - LADY HOPE - More About Our Coffee - Room
11769: COTTON, MICHAEL - Classic Porsche Racing Cars
10308: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Lost Cities
2547: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Life Under the Pharaohs
15119: COULDRIDGE, RHODA - Christian's Journey: John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress"
20435: ST. JOHN VIANNEY COUNCIL OF THE C.W.L. - Centennial Cook Book
19100: NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL - Problems of the International Settlement
24583: BERKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - Royal County of Berkshire, The - Official Guide
11976: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Generation X
11977: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Microserfs
1323: COURTHION, PIERRE - Impressionism
24182: COURTINE, ROBERT J. - EDITED BY - Master Chefs of France Recipe Book, The
15941: COURTINE, ROBERT J. - Mon Boquet De Recettes
22763: COURTINE, ROBERT - Feasts of a Militant Gastronome
23753: COURTINE, ROBERT J. - EDITED BY - Master Chefs of France Recipe Book, The
10489: COURTIS, JOHN - Getting a Better Job
526: COWARD, NOEL - Cavalcade
5986: COWARD, ROSALIND - Our Treacherous Hearts - Why Women Let Men Get Their Way
8441: COWDREY, CHRIS WITH LEMMON, DAVID - What's Your Sport - Cricket
15412: COWLES, VIRGINIA - Great Marlborough and His Duchess, The
14376: COWLEY, JOYCE - East Anglia with The Broads, Cambridge, Ely and Peterborough
1954: COWPER, RICHARD - Kuldesak
25150: COX, J. STEVENS - Guernsey Dishes of 1815
16494: COX, HELEN - Traditional English Cooking - New Ways with Old Dishes
25466: COX, NICOLA - Nicola Cox on Game Cookery
3367: COX, E.H.M. & P.A. - Modern Rhododendrons
22598: COX, NICOLA - Good Housekeeping Creative Food Processor Cookery
22603: COX, NICOLA - Entertaining with Magimix
24838: COX, NICOLA - Country Cooking from Farthinghoe
8209: COX, JOSEPHINE - Looking Back
12619: COX, MICHAEL & CROCKETT, DESDA - Subversive Vegetarian
14169: COX, JACK - Outdoor Cook Book
1554: COX, BERNARD - Paddle Steamers
15863: COX, HELEN - Time-Saving Cooking
15984: COX, NICOLA - Nicola Cox on Game Cookery
20261: COX, NICOLA - Country Cooking from Farthinghoe
19105: COX, ARTHUR M. - Prospects for Peacekeeping
4973: COX, HARDING - Dogs of Today
15950: COX, NICOLA - Nicola Cox's Country Cooking: Selected Delicious Seasonal Recipes
18817: COX, HELEN - Traditional English Cooking - New Ways with Old Dishes
20489: COX, NICOLA - Good Food from Farthinghoe - Recipes for all Occasions
18782: COX, HELEN - Traditional English Cooking - New Ways with Old Dishes
24539: COYSH, A. W. - Dictionary of Picture Postcards in Britain 1894-1939 , The
11907: CRACE, JIM - Devil's Larder, The
18170: CRADOCK, FANNY & JOHNNIE - Cooking with Can and Pack
26673: KEVIN CRAFTS - Copenhagen for Dessert: Ebelskivers
18301: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cook Continentale
7260: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Elizabeth Craig's Household Library - Needlecraft
20996: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Elizabeth Craig's Hotch Potch
16368: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cook Continentale
20279: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Elizabeth Craig's Family Cookery
24991: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cooking with Elizabeth Craig
23010: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Elizabeth Craig's Household Library - Cookery
25500: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cooking with Elizabeth Craig
18126: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Bubble and Squeak
25530: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - EDITED BY - New Standard Cookery Illustrated
25529: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - EDITED BY - New Standard Cookery Illustrated
25501: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Cooking with Elizabeth Craig
18414: CRAIG, ELIZABETH - Bubble and Squeak
19939: CRAIGIE, E. HORNE - Bensley's Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit
11019: CRAIK, MRS - John Halifax, Gentleman
27581: CRAMPTON, CHARLES - Canework
27944: CRAMPTON, CHARLES - Canework
1541: CRANE, STEPHEN - Red Badge of Courage, The
5953: CRANE, STEPHEN - Red Badge of Courage, The
20710: CRANSTON, DAVID - Taste of Gleneagles, A
25854: CRANSTON, MICHELE - Marie Claire Food and Drinks
19915: CRAUFURD, RUSSELL - Ramblings of an Old Mummer, The
4862: CRAWFORD, IAIN - Sinclair Exclusive, The
5022: CRAWFORD, OLIVER - Garret, The
12199: CRAWSHAW, ALWYN - Learn to Paint Still Life (Collins Learn to Paint)
2382: CREASEY, JOHN - Dangerous Journey
2381: CREASEY, JOHN - Guilt of Innocence
6345: CREECH, J. R. - Music and Crime
8415: CREESE, R. - Recent Advances in Physiology
3903: CREIGHTON, MANDELL - Cardinal Wolsey
7991: CREIGHTON, JOHN - Fire Fighting in Action - The Modern British Fire Service
15439: CREMALDI, CATHERINE TRIO - Cremaldi Cookbook, The
21014: CREWE, QUENTIN - Foods from France
1952: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Sphere
3087: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Andromeda Strain, The
7363: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Timeline
12200: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Airframe
5256: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Jurassic Park and Congo
8988: CRIST, DR RAYMOND E - American Geographical Society - Venezuela - Around the World Program
21279: CRITCHLEY, E. M. R. - Pocket Guide to Migraines and Headaches
5606: CRITCHLEY, JULIAN - Palace of Varieties - An insider's view of Westminster
27071: CRITCHLOW, JOYCE - Recipes from a Rectory Kitchen
15327: CROCE, JULIA DELLA - Italy (Vegetarian Table Series)
15951: CROCE, JULIA DELLA - Pasta Classica: The Art of Italian Pasta Cooking
23405: CROCE, JULIA DELLA - Pasta Classica: The Art of Italian Pasta Cooking
20191: CROCE, JULIA DELLA - Pasta Classica: The Art of Italian Pasta Cooking
18955: CROCKER, BETTY - Betty Crocker's Southwest Cooking
17769: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Cake Making, A
18759: CROFT, SUSAN - Complete Guide to Home Cooking
23161: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Cake Making, A - No. 1 of the Series
23162: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Cooking Vegetables in a New way, A - No. 2 of the Series
23163: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Pastry Making, A - No. 3 of the Series
23164: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Icing Cakes, A - No. 4 of the Series
23165: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Soup & Sauce Making, A - No. 5 of the Series
23166: CROFT, SUSAN - Lesson in Making Puddings, A - No. 6 of the Series
22498: CROFTS, FREEMAN WILLS - Inspector French's Greatest Case
929: CROMBLEHOLM, ROGER & KIRTLAND, TERRY - Steam British Isles, The complete guide to railway preservation, minor and miniature Railways
999: CROMBLEHOLME, ROGER - Guide to the Steam Railways of Great Britain, A
25515: CROMPTON, GILLIAN - BOOTHBY, MAIR - SMITH, JEAN - Alfreton Cookery Book, The
25049: CRONSHAW, H. B. AND LACEY, G. W. - Food Industries Manual
6799: CROSLAND, MARGARET - Louise of Stolberg - Countess of Albany
19973: CROSS, ANTHONY - Wokingham - A Chronology - Compiled By the Wokingham Society
8079: CROSS, ROBERT - Classic 1000 Cocktails, The
6902: CROUCHER, NORMAN - Man and his Mountains, A
13554: CROWELL, JENN - Letting the Body Lead
19535: CROXFORD, BARBARA - EDITOR - Wheelers New Fish Cookery
17672: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE - Four Hundred Humorous Illustrations
19933: CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE - Cruikshank at Home, The - Odd Volume
13713: CRUMMEY, MICHAEL - River Thieves
26991: CRUMPTON, CHARLES - Junior Basket Maker, The
21322: CULBERTSON, ELY REVISED BY MOLLO, VICTOR - Culbertson's Contract Bridge for Everyone
20363: CULSHAW, EILEEN - Taste of Madeleines, The
17230: CUMMING, PRIMROSE - Wednesday Pony, The
9129: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat Goes to Town
11464: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat and the Bees
4290: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat - Makes a Splash
11271: CUNLIFFE, BARRY - Fishbourne - A Guide to the Site
9122: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat's Day in Bed
9130: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat's Christmas Surprise
9121: CUNLIFFE, JOHN - Postman Pat - Makes a Splash
11063: CUNNANE, TONY - Red Arrows - A Year in the Life - The Official Story
4091: CUNNINGHAM, STANLEY - South of Cheviot
18990: CUNNINGHAM-REID, CAPTAIN - Besides Churchill - Who?
21920: CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, R. B. - Vanished Arcadia, A - Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767
8473: CUNNINGTON, REV'D. E. E. - Chess Traps and Stratagems
1399: CURIE, EVE - Madame Curie
7027: CURLE, RICHARD - Stamp Collecting - A New Handbook
25917: CURNONSKY - SAILLAND, MAURICE EDMOND - Recettes Des Provinces De France
16105: CURRAGH, KATHERINE - Lady Into Cook
18061: CURRAGH, KATHERINE - Lady Into Cook
18356: CURRAGH, KATHERINE - Lady Into Cook
7873: CURRIE, WILLIAM B. - Guinness Guide to Game Fishing, The
12620: CURRY, JENNIFER & GRAEME - Complete School Verse, The
3045: CURTIS, TONY - Fortune in your Attic, A
12011: CURTIS, NORMA - Last Place You Look, The
22863: CURTIS, TONY - EDITED BY - Lyle Official Arms and Armour Review 1981, The
10501: CUSACK, DYMPHNA - Chinese Women Speak
3129: CUSHION, JOHN P - Porcelain
25427: CUTHBERT, PIPPA - 100 Great Tapas
18118: CUTLER, CAROL - Haute Cuisine for Your Heart's Delight
22405: CUTTER, SARAH J. - Palatable Dishes
20139: CZAP, DANIEL - Pur Chocolat - Les Meilleurs Desserts
19613: DADD, DEBRA LYNN - Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise
27435: ROY SPEER; MICHAEL DADE - How to Get Planning Permission
26040: DAGUIN, ARIANE - FAISON, GEORGE AND PRUESS, JOANNA - D'Artagnan's Glorious Game Cookbook
27005: SOPHIE DAHL - Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights
12360: DAHL, ROALD - Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, The : And Six More
13422: DAHL, ROALD - James and the Giant Peach - Disney
9199: DAHL, ROALD - Someone Like You
12590: DAICHES, DAVID - Penguin Companion to Literature - Britain and the Commonwealth
13006: DAKERS, CAROLINE - Countryside at War 1914-1918, The
27411: DALE, JEAN - Royal Doulton Figurines (7th Edition) - The Charlton Standard Catalogue
11016: DALEY, ROSIE - In The Kitchen With Rosie - Oprah's Favorite Recipes
12492: DALEY, BRIAN - Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back: The National Public Radio Dramatization: Based on Characters and Situations Created by George Lucas
12493: DALEY, BRIAN (INTRODUCTION) - Star Wars: The National Public Radio Dramatization: Based on Characters and Situations Created by George Lucas
14441: DALEY, IAN - Static: Life on the Site
24202: DALGAIRNS, MRS. ( CATHERINE EMILY ) - Practice of Cookery, The - Adapted to the Business of Every-day Life
26201: DALGAIRNS, MRS. ( CATHERINE EMILY ) - Practice of Cookery, The - Adapted to the Business of Every-day Life
19849: DALGLISH, KENNY - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Annual
18345: DALLAS, ENEAS SWEETLAND ( KETTNER, AUGUSTE ) - Kettner's Book of the Table
12414: DALTON, BASIL - Complete Patience Book
24024: DANCE, H. E. - Sydney Harbour Bridge
5007: DANE, EVA - Shadows in the Fire
11842: DANESKI, GAVIN - Animal Man, The - An RSPCA Inspector's Adventures
24209: DANFORTH, SALLY - Sally Danforth's Cookbook
27027: MARTY DANIEL - The Illustrated History of Phonographs
914: DANIEL, GLYN - Short History of Archaeology, A
868: DANIELL, TIMOTHY TYNDALE - Upstream London on Thames
8183: DANIELL, S. - Story of Cornwall, The
8382: DANIELS, LUCY - Goose on the Loose, Look out - Gussie's in town!
8942: DANIELS, LUCY - Badger in the Basement - A battle against a cruel Sport
8943: DANIELS, LUCY - Tiger on the Track
8961: DANIELS, LUCY - Roo on the Rock - A baby roo escapes the zoo!
8962: DANIELS, LUCY - Hamster in the Hamper - A little hamster causes big trouble...
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