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95835: Gedney, Ann (1937-2002). American artist & children's book author & illustrator. - Two Original Signed Watercolor Paintings by the Children's Book Author and Illustrator Ann Gedney, Portraying the Adventures of a Young Dragon.
1172: Gehrkens, Karl Wilson. - Essentials in Conducting.
34277: Geikie, James. - Structural and Field Geology / for Students of Pure and Applied Science. Third Edition, Revised.
97675: [Geisel, Theodore Seuss]. Dr. Seuss. - The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss.
6544: Geisinger, Marion. - Plays, Players, & Playwrights: An Illustrated History of the Theatre.
97421: Gelinas, Gratien. - Tit-Coq. Piece En Trois Actes. [Inscribed & Signed by Gratien Gelinas].
13828: Geller, Matthew. - Hidden Away in a Musty Chamber.
947: (Geller, Barry). Untermeyer, Bryna Ivens. - Memoir for Mrs. Sullavan.
15263: Gellner, David N.; Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna; and Whelpton, John; editors. - Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal.
94929: Javits, Jacob K. (1904-1986). New York Attorney General and U.S. Senator. - Typed Letter Signed by Senator Jacob K. Javits to the American Dancer & Choreographer Agnes de Mille.
34847: Kellogg, Frank B. (1856-1937). Winner of the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize; Lindsay, Sir Ronald. (1877-1945). British diplomat; Manning, William T. (1866-1945). Episcopal Bishop of New York; Davis, John W. (1873-1955). U.S. Solicitor General and Ambassador to th - Newspaper Portrait Taken When British Ambassador Sir Ronald Lindsay Was Welcomed to the United States at a Dinner Given by the Pilgrims of the United States. Signed by Lindsay and by the Three Other Guests Pictured: Frank B. Kellogg, Winner of the 1929 Nobel Peace Prize; William T. Manning, Episcopal Bishop of New York; and John W. Davis, American Ambassador to the U.K.
97309: (State of New York Adjutant General). - Register of Officers Commissioned in Volunteer Regiments from the State of New York, 1861-1865. (Annual Report of the Adjutant General 1868, Volume Three).
33583: Anson, George. (1797-1857). British Army major-general and Whig politician, appointed Commander-in-Chief in India in 1856. - Signed Close by George Anson British Army Major-General and Whig Politician, Appointed Commander-in-Chief in India in 1856 with an Engraved Portrait.
35628: Hamley, Sir Edward Bruce (1824-1893). British general and literary figure. - A Four-Page Autograph Letter Signed by the British General and Literary Figure Sir Edward Bruce Hamley to Mrs. Mary Ford, Widow of Richard Ford Who Wrote the Popular "Handbook for Travellers in Spain".
33058: Hamley, Sir Edward Bruce. (1824-1893). British general and literary figure. - Autograph Letter Signed on House of Commons Letterhead, and Manuscript Leaf from His Novel "Lady Lee's Widowhood".
97304: (Generalic, Ivan). Tomasevic, Nebojsa. - The Magic World of Ivan Generalic. By Nebojsa Tomasevic. Translated from the Italian by John Shepley.
1682: (Genet, Jean). Driver, Tom F. - Jean Genet.
16769: (Stinehour Press). De Gennaro, Richard. - Research Libraries Enter the Information Age. Seventh of the R.R. Bowker Memorial Lectures / New Series / November 13, 1979.
24590: Di Genova, Giorgio. - Storia Dell'Arte Italiana Del '900 Per Generazioni: Generazione Primo Decennio.
96397: Foucou, Felix (born 1831). French engineer, geologist and author. - Histoire Du Travail, la Nature Et L'Homme.
6497: Georg, Carl. - Verzeichnis Der Litteratur Ueber Speise Und Trank Bis Zum Jahre 1887.
22511: Hauman, George and Doris. - Surprise for Timmy.
16957: George, Charles H. - English Calvinist Opinion on Usury, 1600-1640. Reprinted from Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, October, 1957. (Cover Title).
4704: George, Henry. - A Perplexed Philsopher: Being an Examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's Utterances on the Land Question with Some Incidental Reference to His Synthetic Philosophy.
19415: Gerdts, William H. - The Great American Nude: A History in Art.
11773: (Allston, Washington). Gerdts, William H.; and Stebbins, Theodore E., Jr. - A Man of Genius: The Art of Washington Allston 1779-1843.
98410: (Gericault, Theodore). Grunchec, Philippe. - Master Drawings by Gericault.
8974: Germain, Felix. - Men and Mountains of Savoy. Translated by Dora Dickson and Jeanne Germain.
21592: Gernsheim, Helmut. - The Origins of Photography.
13821: Gerold, Th. - Histoire de la Musique / Des Origines a la Fin Du Xive Siecle. Ouvrage Illustre de 166 Exemples Musicaux Et de 32 Planches Hors-Texte.
23904: Gerstenberg, Joachim. - Thule: Eine Fahrt Nach Groenland.
6495: (Geske, Norman A.). - Photographs. Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
14124: Ghandhi, Sorab K. - Vlsi Fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide.
26619: (White Ghost). - Teddy Regan. By White Ghost.
24785: (Giacometti, Alberto). Svendsen, Louise Averill. - Alberto Giacometti: Sculptor and Draftsman.
19766: Giacometti, Alberto. - Alberto Giacometti. With an Introduction by Peter Selz and an Autobiographical Statement by the Artist. The Museum of Modern Art, New York in Collaboration with the Art Institute of Chicago, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art & the San Francisco Museum of Art. (Catalog).
23717: Giacometti, Alberto. - Alberto Giacometti.
28977: (Giacometti, Alberto). Zevi, Claudia Beltramo Ceppi; Restellini, Marc; editors. - Giacometti Et Les Etrusques.
3433: (Giamatti, A. Bartlett). Valerio, Anthony. - Bart: A Life of A. Bartlett Giamatti by Him and About Him.
96171: Gibb, Sir Philip; Lord Dunsany; Nash, Ogden; Street, Julian; et al. Balmer, Edwin; editor. - Redbook Magazine. January 1934, Vol. 62, No. 3.
36041: Gibbons, Herbert Adams. - The New Map of Africa (1900-1916). A History of European Colonial Expansion and Colonial Diplomacy.
6444: (Gibbons, Stanley). - Catalogue of Antiquarian Books; Antique Maps and Prints; Playing Cards and Packs. Spring 1980. (Catalogue).
24316: (Beuys, Joseph; Fernandez, Dominique; Consolo, Vincenzo; Di Stefano, Eva; Damiani, Damiano; et al). Associazione Orestiadi di Gibellina. - Labirinti.
95879: Gibson, Arthur; Hewitt, C. Gordon; Criddle, N.; et al. - Forty-Second Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1911.
36606: Gibson, Thomas Milner. (1806-1884). British Liberal politician who served as President of the Board of Trade under Lord Palmerston (1859-1866). - Signature of British Liberal Politician Thomas Milner Gibson on the Latter Half of a Letter.
96073: Gibson, Arthur; Caesar, L.; Hudson, H. F.; Wood, A. A.; et al. - Fifty-Fifth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1924. Ontario Department of Agriculture.
30269: (Gibson, Charles Dana). Chambers, Robert W. - The Streets of Ascalon: Episodes in the Unfinished Career of Richard Quarren, Esqre.
31248: Gide, Andre; Romains, Jules; Colette; Mauriac, Francois. - La Guirlande Des Annees: Images D'Hier Et Pages D'Aujourd'Hui. / Printemps, Par Andre Gide / Ete, Par Jules Romains / Automne, Par Colette / Hiver, Par Francois Mauriac. Vingt-Cinq Chefs'd-Ouevre de la Miniature.
13886: (Gide, Andre). Souday, Paul. - Andre Gide.
3948: Gide, Andre. - Madeleine (Et Nunc Manet in Te). Translated from the French, with an Introduction and Notes, by Justin O'Brien.
4288: Gide, Andre. - Corydon. With a Comment on the Second Dialogue in Corydon by Frank Beach, Department of Psychology, Yale University.
98138: Gielgud, John; Markham, David; Coward, Noel; Eddison, Robert; Howard, Trevor; Harvey, Laurence; Michell, Keith; Redgrave, Michael; Scofield, Paul; Mac Liammoir, Micheal; Tutin, Dorothy; Westbrook, John; Mason, Brewster; Segal, Jeffrey; Russell, Mairhi. - An English Theatrical Autograph Album from the Early 1950's Featuring John Gielgud and Noel Coward Among Others.
2420: Gifford, Denis. - British Cinema: An Illustrated Guide.
94499: Gifford, Ed. - Hair. [the Original 1969 "Souvenir Book"].
398: (Kerouac, Jack). Gifford, Barry; and Lee, Lawrence. - Jack's Book: An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac.
94959: Gifford, John. [John Richards Green; 1758-1818]. - A Short Address to the Members of the Loyal Associations on the Present State of Public Affairs; Containing a Brief Exposition of the Designs of the French Upon This Country, and of Their Proposed Division of Great Britain and Ireland Into Three Distinct and Independent Republics. With a List of the Directories and Ministers of the Same, As Prepared by the Directory at Paris.
96265: Gifford, George. - An Address on the Patent Laws, Delivered on Invitation of the American Institute, in Castle Garden, at Its Twenty-Second Annual Fair.
12676: Gilbert, Anne Hartley. - The Stage Reminiscences of Mrs. Gilbert. Edited by Charlotte M. Martin.
24812: Gilbert, Bernard. - Bly Market: Moving Pictures of a Market-Day.
24606: (Grosvenor Gilbert). - Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine 1899 to 1936 Inclusive. With a Foreword "the National Geographic Society and Its Magazine" by Gilbert Grosvenor.
2481: Gilbert, W. S. - Book and Lyrics of the Best-Known Gilbert & Sullivan Operas and the Bab Ballads.
6653: (Gilbert, W. S.). Searle, Townley. - A Bibliography of Sir William Schwenk Gilbert with Bibliographical Adventures in the Gilbert & Sullivan Operas and an Introduction by R.E. Swartwout.
96350: Gilbert, Anne Hartley (Mrs. G.H. Gilbert) [1821-1904]. British-born actress who performed in the US. - British-Born Actress Mrs. G.H. Gilbert's Autograph Penned and Dated on Card Stock.
98615: (Gilbert, George). [Cameron, Lucy Lyttelton, 1781-1858]. - Marten and His Two Little Scholars at a Sunday School. By the Author of "the Two Lambs", Etc. ; Revised by the Committee of Publication.
8975: (Kredel, Fritz). Gilbert, William; and Sullivan, Arthur - H.M. S. Pinafore. Story and Music Arrangements Adapted from Gilbert and Sullivan by Opal Wheeler
31376: Gilbert, Sir Wiiliam Schenck. (1836-1911). - A Stage Play.
34662: Ulmar, Geraldine (1862-1932). American soprano known for her roles in Gilbert and Sullivan. - Autograph Sentiment Signed by American Soprano Geraldine Ulmar, Known for Her Roles in Gilbert & Sullivan.
11463: Gilder, Eric; Port, June G. - The Dictionary of Composers and Their Music. Every Listener's Companion Arranged Chronologically and Alphabetically.
32984: (Gilels, Emil Grigoryevich; 1916-1985). Gara, Emmerich. - A Stunning Black & White Portrait of the Great Russian Pianist Emil Gilels Soulfully Looking Up from the Piano.
1402: Giles, Dorothy. - Singing Valleys: The Story of Corn.
29720: (Gill, Eric). Gill, Evan. - Bibliography of Eric Gill. Foreword by Walter Shewring. (1973 Edition).
51: Gill, Evan R. - A Bibliography of Eric Gill. Foreword by Walter Shewring.
6364: (Gill, Eric). - The Book Source Monthly. March 1988. Vol. 3, No. 12.
33123: Gill, Bartholomew. - The Death of an Irish Sinner. A Peter Mcgarr Mystery.
7071: Gillis, Ruth J. - Children's Book for Times of Stress: An Annotated Bibliography. With Technical Assistance from Louise S. Spear.
17331: Gillis, H. R. - The Makings of a Poet: A Description of the Poetic Experience.
22176: (Gillon, Edmund V., Jr.). Spero, James. - The Great Sights of New York: A Photographic Guide. Text by James Spero. Photographs by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr. Foreword by Mayor Edward I. Koch.
4841: (Gillson, Joseph L.; editor-in-chief). - Industrial Minerals and Rocks (Nonmettallics Other Than Fuels)... . Sponsored by the Seeley W. Mudd Memorial Fund.
5855: Gilman, M. D.; compiler. - The Bibliography of Vermont or a List of Books and Pamphlets Relating in Any Way to the State with Biographical and Other Notes.
94875: Gilpin, William. - Observations Pittoresques Sur Differentes Parties de L'Angleterre; Particulierement Sur Les Montagnes Et Les Lacs Du Cumberland Et Du Westmoreland. (2 Volumes).
97407: Ginder, Major-General Philip De Witt (1905-1968). American career soldier who commanded the Thunderbirds in Korea. - Original Photograph on Card Stock of Colonel Philip de Witt Ginder in Europe. The Future Major-General Is Holding a Bouquet of Flowers As He Greets a Woman Bearing American Flags at the End of World War 2.
37395: Gingrich, Arnold. - The Fishing in Print: A Guided Tour Through Five Centuries of Angling Literature.
25400: (Ginsberg, Allen). Sanders, Ed. - The Ginsberg Method: How to Keep from Getting Boxed in in a Chaotic World. A. The Legacy of the Beats. B. Allen Ginsberg: The Proactive Bard. (Photocopy of a Typed Lecture). Signed by Ed Sanders.
13671: (Ginsberg, Allen). Sanders, Ed; editor. - Woodstock Journal. Vol. 2 No. 4 Through Vol. 2, No. 7, Plus Number 9. (February 23, 1996 to April 19, Plus May 3rd, 1996). (5 Issues).
98649: (Giocondo, Giovanni, editor; Manutius, Paulus, editor/printer). Hirtius, Aulus; Caesar, Julius. - Hoc Volvmine Continentvr, Commentariorum de Bello Gallico Libri VIII ; de Bello Ciuili Pompeiano Libri III ; de Bello Alexandrino Liber I ; de Bello Africano Liber I ; de Bello Hispaniensi Liber I. Pictura Totius Galliae, & Hispaniae, Ex C. Caesaris Commentariis. Nomina Locorum, Urbiumq[Ue] & Populorum Galliae, & Hispaniae, Ut Olim Dicebantur Latine, & Nunc Dicantur, Iuxta Litterarum Ordinem. Pictura Pontis in Rheno, Item Auarici, Alexiae, Vxelloduni, Massiliae. Cum Correctionibus Pauli Manutii.
1755: (Gipe, Lawrence). (Frank, Peter; Drohojowska, Hunter). - Lawrence Gipe: Paintings 1986-1989. Karl Bornstein Gallery. (Catalogue).
17262: (Girard, Stephen). Arey, Henry W. - The Girard College and Its Founder: Containing the Biography of Mr. Girard, the History of the Institution, Its Organization and Plan of Discipline, with the Course of Education, Forms of Admission of Pupils, Description of the Buildings, &C. &C. , and the Will of Mr. Girard. By Henry W. Arey, Secretary of the Girard College.
97255: (Doré, Gustave; and Fath, G.). Girardin, Mme. Émile de. - Stories of an Old Maid Related to Her Nephews and Nieces. Translated from the French... By Alfred Elwes.
27497: Giraudoux, Jean. - The Madwoman of Chaillot. English Adaptation by Maurice Valency.
19217: Giraudoux, Jean. - Ondine / Adapted by Maurice Valency.
96062: (Gishford, Anthony; editor). - Covent Garden Books - Number 1: Ballet 1946-1947. Editor: Anthony Gishford. (Paperback).
29738: Gisolfi, Anthony M.; and Coleman, Chester; editors. - Classical Italian Songs; a Student's Anthology with Literal Translations, Pronunciation, and Notes.
36869: (Gladstone, William Ewart). British Conservative Party. - The Wasted Session of 1873.
32992: Gladstone, William Ewart; Rearden, Denis Joseph. - Correspondence between the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P. , and Mr. Rearden, M.P. With an Appendix.
97170: Glasgow, Ellen (1873-1945). Pulitzer Prize winning American novelist. - The Voice of the People. Illustrated by Henry Troth.
26187: Glasgow, Ellen. - The Voice of the People.
1420: Glasgow, Ellen. - I Lugnt Vatten. Roman. Bemyndigad Oversã¤Ttning Av Teresia Euren.
94625: Glasmeier, Michael. (b. 1951). - Texte Ober Texte.
21388: (Glasmeier, Rolf; Hausser, Robert; Thull, Hans-Rudolf; Walther, Pan). - Vier Aspekte Zeitgenossischer Deutscher Fotografie/Four Aspects of Contemporary German Photography: Rolf Glasmeier / Robert Hausser / Hans-Rudolf Thull / Pan Walther. Goethe House New York, German Cultural Center / May 10 to June 23, 1984.
33803: Glass, Philip; Goldsleger, Cheryl; Calzada, Humberto; Sonnier, Keith; et al. Harper, Glenn; editor. - Art Papers. January/February 1991. Volume 15 Number 1. (Cover Title).
96625: Glasser, Howard T. (1930-2017). - Eisteddfod": 8 Original Posters for Southeastern Massachusetts University's Eisteddfod Folk Music, Arts & Crafts Festival Designed by Howard T. Glasser.
30259: (Glenville, Peter). Williams, Tennessee. - Summer and Smoke.
30186: Glibota, Ante. - Olympiade Des Arts / Olympiad of Art.
783: Gloag, John. - British Furniture Makers.
36302: Glueck, Nelson. - Deities and Dolphins: The Story of the Nabataeans.
96563: Goddard, Paulette (1910-1990); and DeMille, Cecil B. (1881-1959). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Director Cecil B. Demille Giving the Beautiful Hollywood Star Paulette Goddard a Bath on the Set of "Unconquered".
31522: Goddard, Arabella. (1836-1922). Concert pianist. - Autograph Letter Signed by Arabella Goddard to Charles Halle.
4957: Goddard, Pliny Earle. - Indians of the Southwest. By Pliny Earle Goddard, Late Curator of Ethnology. American Museum of Natural History / Handbook Series No. 2 (Fourth Edition).
30038: Godden, Geoffrey A. - An Illustrated Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain.
30840: Godfrey, Dave. - Death Goes Better with Coca-Cola.
13934: Godwin, Parke. - Political Essays. (from Contributions to Putnam's Magazine. )
36545: Godwin, Gail. - Dream Children.
37283: Goedecke, Christopher J.; Hausherr, Rosmarie. - The Wind Warrior: The Training of a Karate Champion.
36931: Goering, Ernestus Henricus. - De Tracheotomia. Dissertatio Inauguralis Chirurgica Quam Consensu Et Auctoritate Gratiosi Medicorum Ordinis in Alma Litterarum Universitate Friderica Guilelma Ad Summos in Medicina Et Chirurgia Honores Rite Capessendos Die IV. M. Augusti A. Mdccclxv.
25773: Goethe, Johann W. (1799-1830). - Postcard Portrait of the Great German Poet.
35616: Goetschius, Percy. - The Homophonic Forms of Musical Composition: An Exhaustive Treatise on the Structure and Development of Musical Forms from the Simple Phrase to the Song-Form with "Trio". For the Use of General and Special Students of Musical Structure.
6369: (Goff, Frederick R.). - The Rare Books Division: A Guide to Its Collections and Services.
28088: Goffman, Judy; et al. - The Great American Illustrators / Amerikan Irasutoreshon Ten: Ogon Jidai No Gaka Tachi.
98189: (Van Gogh, Vincent). - Van Gogh: Paintings and Drawings. A Special Loan Exhibition. The Metropolitan Museum of Art / the Art Institute of Chicago 1949-1950.
24346: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Barr, Alfred H., Jr. - Vincent Van Gogh.
97985: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Hulsker, Jan. - The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings - Drawings - Sketches.
98909: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Bailey, Martin; Silverman, Debora. - Van Gogh: Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man in England. Exhibition Selected and Introduced by Martin Bailey. Essay by Debora Silverman.
98541: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Wilkie, Ken. - In Search of Van Gogh.
98522: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Homburg, Cornelia (editor). - Van Gogh Up Close.
98081: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Hulsker, Dr. Jan; van Gogh, Dr. Vincent Willem; Meijer, Emile R. - Vincent: Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum Vincent Van Gogh : A Quarterly Devoted to the Study of the Life and Works of Vincent Van Gogh. Volume 1, Number 1 - Volume 4, Number 4. (16 Issues Complete - All Published).
98882: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Homburg, Cornelia. - Vincent Van Gogh and the Painters of the Petit Boulevard. With Essays by Elizabeth C. Childs, John House, Richard Thomson, and a Chronology by Lynn Dubard.
97981: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Bonafoux, Pascal. - Van Gogh Self Portraits with Accompanying Letters from Vincent to His Brother Theo. By Pascal Bonafoux, Translated by Daniel Simon.
32709: Gold, Herbert. - Dreaming.
27366: Gold, Herbert. - The Magic Will: Stories and Essays of a Decade.
33572: Gold, Herbert. - A Walk on the West Side: California on the Brink.
96415: Goldberg, Mark H. - Ships of the Libera Line. Foreword by Frank O. Braynard.
8165: (Goldberg, Rube). - Rube Goldberg (Cover Title). (Sale Catalogue).
8166: (Goldberg, Rube). - Rube Goldberg: Inventions and Comics. January 7 to February 5, 1977. Truman Gallery 38 E 57 N.Y. C. (Catalogue).
25580: Golden, John (1874-1955). Producer, songwriter, and playwright. - Portrait, Inscribed to City Center Producer Jean Dalrymple, Signed by John Golden.
96664: Golden, Christopher; and Lebbon, Tim. - Mind the Gap: A Novel of the Hidden Cities.
98697: Goldhaber, Jacob K.; Ehrlich, Gertrude. - Algebra.
5598: Goldhar, Pinchas. - Derzeilungen Fun Australie.
24362: Goldin, Marco; editor. - La Nascita Dell'Impressionismo and Da Courbet a Manet: La Scuola Di Barbizon E L'Impressionismo. L'Opera Su Carta. 2 Volumes.
15471: Golding, Louis. - Prophet and Fool: A Collection of Poems.
28079: (Lippi, Filippino). Goldner, George R.; Bambach, Carmen C.; et al. - The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and His Circle.
17267: Goldoni, Carlo. - Scelta Di Alcune Commedie Del Goldoni, Per Uso de' Dilettanti Della Lingua Italiana. Nona Edizione. Accuratamente Corretta Da Bellingeri.
4592: Goldovsky, Boris; and Peltz, Mary Ellis. - Accents on Opera. A Series of Brief Essays Stressing Known and Little Known Facts and Facets of a Familiar Art. By Boris Goldovsky. With Vital Statistics on Operatic Premieres by Mary Ellis Peltz. Sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, Inc. , New York.
8181: Lion-Goldschmidt, Daisy; Moreau-Gobard, Jean-Claude. - Chinese Art: Bronze, Jade, Sculpture, Ceramics. Translated by Diana Imber, with a Foreword by George Savage.
23215: (Lucien Goldschmidt, Inc.). - Illustrated Books from the Renaissance to the Present. (Catalogue No. 40).
4398: (Goldsmith, Wallace). Trowbridge, John T. - Darius Green and His Flying-Machine.
28076: Goldstein, Judith A.; editor. - Positively Posters / Auction: Sunday, May 5, 1996 at 11 A.M. (Sale No. XXII).
6148: Goldstrom, John. - A Narrative History of Aviation.
595: Goldwater, Robert. - What Is Modern Sculpture?
97272: (Goll, Johann Jakob; Pestalozzi, Heinrich). (Neue Helvetia). - Ueber Die Schweizerischen Kanale. (Fortresung. ) Linthkanal. Hiedie Karte Des Unteren Linththales. [with a Large Folding Map. ] in: "Neue Helvetia: Eine Schweizerische Monatsschrift. Zweiter Jahrgang. Januar Und Februarheft".
30984: Gollek, Rosel; editor. - Der Blaue Reiter IM Lenbachhaus Munchen: Katalog Der Sammlung in Der Stadtischen Galerie.
98753: Goneim, M. Zakaria. - Excavations at Saqqara. Horus Sekhem-Khet. The Unfinished Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Volume 1. [All Published].
11560: Gooch, Winslow L. - Forest Industries of the Philippines by Winslow L. Gooch, Forest Products Utilization Specialist (Special Technical and Economic Mission to the Philippines), United States Mutual Security Agency.
31400: Goodman, Paul. - The Empire City.
95730: (Goodman, Cecil P.; Pardy, Mr. C. M.). - Cricketana: Including the Collections of the Late Cecil P. Goodman and the Late Mr. C.M. Pardy; to Be Sold by Auction Wednesday 17 June 1987 at 12 Noon in the Blenstock Room... .
35922: (Pollock, Jackson; Hartley, Marsden; Calder, Alexander, et al.) Goodrich, Lloyd. - Amerikanskai Zhivopis I Skul'Ptura [American Painting and Sculpture Toured by the Archives of American Art to Moscow July 25-September 5, 1959. ] [Titled in Cyrillic].
17410: (Goodrich, Charles A., The Rev.). - Result of a Mutual Ecclesiastical Council, Convened at Worcester, Nov. 14, 1820, to Consider the Expediency of Granting the Request of the Rev. Charles A. Goodrich to Be Dismissed from the Pastoral Care of the First Church and Parish in Worcester. To Which Are Prefixed the Documents Upon Which Said Result Was Founded.
17581: Goodrich, Samuel G.; editor. ["Peter Parley"]. - Robert Merry's Museum. Volume XXI and Volume XXII. (2 Volumes in 1).
7778: Goodwin, June. - Cry Amandla! South African Women and the Question of Power.
2254: (Coppola, Francis). Goodwin, Michael; and Wise, Naomi. - On the Edge: The Life and Times of Francis Coppola.
95743: Gorbatko, Viktor; and Glazkov, Yuri. - An Original First Day Cover Signed by the Soyuz Astronauts Victor Gorbatko and Yuri Glazkov.
3804: (Gordimer, Nadine). - Salmagundi. A Quarterly of the Humanities & Social Sciences Published by Skidmore College. No. 62, Winter 1984. Nadine Gordimer: Politics & the Order of Art.
27545: Gordon, Caroline. - Old Red / and Other Stories.
8182: (Monet, Claude). Gordon, Robert; and Forge, Andrew. - Monet.
96328: Gordon, G.E. - What Is the Relation of the State to Religion? an Answer in Four Parts: I. The Nature of the American State. II. The Duty of the State with Regard to Organized Religion. III. The Treatment by the State of the Property of Religious Societies. IV. The Attitude of the State Toward Religious Teaching and Services in Public Schools and State Institutions. By G.E. Gordon, Pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, Milwaukee, Wis. Being an Address Delivered in the Assembly Chamber at Madison, February 1st, 1878.
35816: Gordon, Giles. - Two Elegies.
6301: (Gordon, Watson M.). - A New England Keepsake Presented to All Craftsmen Registered at the 19th Annual Convention of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen Incorporated / Held at the Hotel Statler, August 14-17, 1938 / Boston, Massachusetts.
3404: (Gordon, Charles George). Elton, Lord. - Gordon of Khartoum. The Life of General Charles George Gordon by Lord Elton.
94819: Gordon, Fred. - Benjamin Grabbed His Glicken and Ran: An Autobiography.
16195: Gorelick, Aaron. (1880-1955). - Sturemdige Youren.
34640: Gores, Joe (1931-2011). American mystery writer. - 6 Typed Letters Signed by the American Mystery Writer Joe Gores to His Friend the Science Fiction Writer Reginald Bretnor.
97680: Gorey, Edward. - Dancing Cats and Neglected Murderesses. [Signed by Gorey].
97712: (Gorey, Edward). Spark, Muriel. - The Very Fine Clock. Drawings by Edward Gorey. [Signed by Edward Gorey].
97719: Gorey, Edward. - Whatever Next? Dogear Wryde Postcards. [Signed Limited Edition by Edward Gorey].
97700: Gorey, Edward. - Amphigorey Also. [Signed by Edward Gorey].
97905: Gorey, Edward. - The Remembered Visit. A Story Taken from Life.
97679: Gorey, Edward. - Le Melange Funeste. [Signed by Gorey].
97922: (Gorey, Edward). Neumeyer, Peter F. - Donald and the...
97961: Gorey, Edward. - The Sinking Spell.
97948: Gorey, Edward. - The Deadly Blotter. Thoughtful Alphabet XVII. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey]. [Together with]: A Postcard Advertisement Announcing the Publication of the Book.
97881: Gorey, Edward. - The Broken Spoke.
97962: Gorey, Edward. - The Unknown Vegetable. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97707: Gorey, Edward. - Das Geheimnis Der Ottomane. Ein Pornographisches Werk. [the Curious Sofa]. Translated Into German by Wolfgang Hildesheimer. [Signed by Edward Gorey].
97885: Gorey, Edward. - The Headless Bust. A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium.
98721: Gorey, Edward. - The Retrieved Locket. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97927: Gorey, Edward. - The Broken Spoke.
97928: Gorey, Edward. - Trilogia Di Edward Gorey. L'Altra Statua, IL Pipistrello Dorato and L'Ospite Ambiguo.
97930: Gorey, Edward. - Categor Y Fifty Drawings. [Signed by Edward Gorey].
98887: Gorey, Edward. - Gorey Endings: A Calendar for 1979.
97934: Gorey, Edward. - The Stupid Joke by Eduard Blutig. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97704: (Ogdred Weary). Gorey, Edward. - The Curious Sofa / a Pornographic Work by Ogdred Weary. [Signed by Edward Gorey with the Anagram of His Name].
97955: (Gorey, Edward). Neumeyer, Peter F. - Donald Has a Difficulty.
97956: (Gorey, Edward). Moss, Howard. - Instant Lives. Drawings by Edward Gorey. [Limited Edition Signed by Howard Moss and by Edward Gorey].
97957: Gorey, Edward. - Edward Gorey Sticker Book. Featuring More Than 150 Reusable Stickers! [Cover Title].
97703: Gorey, Edward. - The Utter Zoo Alphabet. A Book of Postcards.
98346: (Gorey, Edward). Dickens, Charles. - Bleak House. (Arranged for Modern Reading). Centennial Edition with an Introduction by Donald Friede. Illustrated by Edward Gorey.
97912: Gorey, Edward. - The Dwindling Party. A Pop-Up Book. [Signed by Edward Gorey].
97713: Gorey, Edward. - The Haunted Tea-Cosy. A Dispirited and Distasteful Diversion for Christmas. [Limited Edition of 500 Copies Signed by Edward Gorey].
97715: (Gorey, Edward). Wilson, Edmund. - The Rats of Rutland Grange. Drawings by Edward Gorey. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97875: (Gorey, Edward). Russ, Travis. - Gorey. The Secret Lives of Edward Gorey. Original Playbill Signed by the Cast Members.
97950: Gorey, Edward. - The Fraught Settee. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97710: (Gorey, Edward). Heide, Florence Parry. - Treehorn's Wish. Drawings by Edward Gorey. [Signed by Edward Gorey and Florence Heide].
97692: Gorey, Edward. - Dracula: A Toy Theatre. The Sets and Costumes of the Broadway Production of the Play Designed by Edward Gorey. [Signed by Gorey].
97923: Gorey, Edward. - Les Urnes Utiles. [Limited Edition Signed by Edward Gorey].
97909: Gorey, Edward. - The Listing Attic by Edward Gorey.
97883: Gorey, Edward. - The Other Statue. The Secrets: Volume One.
97908: Gorey, Edward. - [Postcards]. A Collection of 6 Postcards with Edward Gorey Illustrations Issued by Gotham Book Mart & Gallery in New York City, Four Promoting Publication of New Books and Two Promoting Exhibitions.
97694: (Gorey, Edward); Gore, Aedwyrd. - Figbash Acrobate by Aedwyrd Gore (Pseudonym of Edward Gorey). [Signed by Gorey with His Pseudonym].
97940: (Gorey, Edward). Whyte, Malcolm. - Gorey Cats Paper Dolls by Edward Gorey. With Text by Malcolm Whyte.
97702: Gorey, Edward. - Alms for Oblivion Series: Dogear Wryde Postcards.
28500: Gorfunkel, Aleksandr Haimovic. - Katalog Inkunabulov.
20836: (Gorgoni, Gianfranco). Hunter, Sam. - Art in Business: The Philip Morris Story / by Sam Hunter, Professor, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University / with Photographs by Gianfranco Gorgoni.
2592: Gorki, Maxim. - Reminiscences of Leonid Andreyev. By Maxim Gorki. Translated from the Russian by Katherine Mansfield and S.S. Koteliansky.
98890: (Gorky, Arshile). Mattison, Robert S. - Arshile Gorky: Works and Writings.
24569: (Gorky, Arshile). Seiz, William C. - Arshile Gorky: Paintings Drawings Studies.
98255: (Gorky, Arshile). Waldman, Diane. - Arshile Gorky 1904-1948: A Retrospective.
98258: (Gorky, Arshile). Auping, Michael. - Arshile Gorky: The Breakthrough Years. Organized by Michael Auping with Essays by Dore Ashton, Michael Auping, Matthew Spender.
98254: (Gorky, Arshile). Rand, Harry. - Arshile Gorky: The Implications of Symbols.
98185: (Gorky, Arshile). Jordan, Jim M. - Gorky: Drawings.
97249: Gorki [Gorky], Maxim. - [3 Interviews]: 3 Interv'Yu: Zhrets Morali: Interv'Yu; Odin Iz Koroley Respubliki: Interv'Yu; Chozjaeva Zizni: Interv'Yu.
98760: Gorman, Greg. - Greg Gorman / Perspectives.
98759: Gorman, Greg. - Greg Gorman / Inside Life.
32622: O'Gorman, Ned; Rorem, Ned. - Five Seasons of Obsession: New and Selected Poems.
94801: Kent Gorton, Sally. (1915-2000). Widow of artist Rockwell Kent. - Signature of Sally Kent Gorton, Artist Rockwell Kent's Widow, on Pressman Fridolf Johnson's Book Label.
3839: (Goryaev, V.N.). Kostin, V.I. - [Rusian Title: "V.N. Goryaev"].
22157: Gos, Charles. - Alpinisme Anecdotique.
22158: Gos, Charles. - L'Epopee Alpestre: Histoire Abregee de la Montagne Et de L'Alpinisme de L'Antiquite a Nos Jours.
11674: Gossmann, Erika. - Die Fleischlose Diatkuche: Kochbuch Fur Gesunde Und Kranke.
7657: Gostick, Joseph. - German Literature.
6681: (Sinclair, Upton). Gottesman, Ronald; and Silet, Charles L. P. - The Literary Manuscripts of Upton Sinclair.
1151: Gottheil, Richard J. H. - Zionism.
95276: Gottheim, Larry. - Be-Hold. Catalog 43.
98263: (Gottlieb, Adolph). - Adolph Gottlieb: The Complete Prints. January 13 - February 26, 1994.
6370: (Goudy, Frederic W.). Orton, Vrest. - Goudy: Master of Letters. With an Introduction by Frederic W. Goudy.
7779: Gould, Richard A.; editor. - Man's Many Ways. (the "Natural History" Reader in Anthropology). Richard A. Gould / University of Hawaii. Natural History Magazine / the American Museum of Natural History.
26027: Gould, Jay Reid; and Olmsted, Stirling P.; editors. - Exposition / Technical & Popular.
27827: Gould, Stephen Jay. - An Urchin in the Storm: Essays About Books and Ideas.
37258: Gould, Glenn; et al. McGreevy, John; editor. - Glenn Gould by Himself and His Friends.
34467: Gould, Wallace (1882-1940). - 4 Typed Letters, Including 3 Signed, by the Modernist Poet Wallace Gould Admired by William Carlos Williams & Marsden Hartley.
97342: Gould, F.J. - The Life Story of Auguste Comte. By F.J. Gould. The Dramatic Career of a Great Teacher, Profound Thinker and Naive Character Who Tried to Take Superstitious Ideas out of Religion.
19245: (Arnold, Corey). (Ryan, Kay; Pound, Ezra; Galgut, Damon; Baker, David; et al). Gourevitch, Philip; editor. - The Paris Review Vol. 50 No. 187 Winter 2008.
34206: Bartlett, Dewey Follett, Sr. (1919-1979). Oklahoma Governor and Senator. - Typed Letter Signed to Arthur Sohmer, Former Chief-of-Staff of Vice President Spiro Agnew, Signed by U.S. Senator Dewey Follett Bartlett, Sr.
1174: (Goya, Francisco). Horwitz, Sylvia L. - Francisco Goya: Painter of Kings and Demons. Preface by Elizabeth Borton de Treviã±O.
27835: Goyen, William. - The Faces of Blood Kindred: A Novella and Ten Stories.
29292: Goyen, William. - In a Farther Country: A Romance.
13323: Garcia Goyena, Rafael. - Fabulas. Prologo de Carlos Samayoa Chinchilla.
97105: Graesse, Johann Georg Theodor. - Tresors de Livres Rares Et Precieux Ou Nouveau Dictionaire Bibliographique Contenant Plus de Cent Mille Articles de Livres Rares, Curieux Et Recherchã©S, D'Ouvrages de Luxe Etc. Avec Les Signes Connus Pour Distinguer Les ã©Ditions Originales Des Contrefaã§Ons Qui En Ont ã©Tã© Faites, Des Notes Sur la Raretã© Et le Mã©Rite Des Livres Citã©S Et Les Prix Que Ces Livres Ont Atteints Dans Les Ventes Les Plus Renommã©Es de L'Europe. (8 Volumes in 4).
6157: Graf, J. H., Prof. Dr. - Litteratur Der Landesvermessung: Cataloge Der Kartensammlungen, Karten, Plane, Reliefs, Panoramen. 4 Parts Bound in 1 Volume.
98034: Grafton, C.W. - The Rat Began to Gnaw the Rope. Abridged Edition.
17881: (Graham, Andrew J.). - First Standard-Phonographic Reader. / in the Corresponding Style.
14875: Graham, Frances W.; Gardenier, Georgeanna M. - Two Decades: A History of the First Twenty Years' Work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York / 1874-1894. Written by Request of the Twentieth Annual Convention of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Held at Syracuse in October 1893. Preface by Mary Towne Burt.
98631: Graham, Bill. - A Fillmore East, Bill Graham Presents, Original Concert Program: John Mayall / It's a Beautiful Day / Flock.
32300: Graham, Philip. - The Art of the Knock.
98632: Graham, Bill. - A Fillmore East, Bill Graham Presents, Original Concert Program: Derek and the Dominos Featuring Eric Clapton - Bobby Whitlock - Carl Radle - Jim Gordon. Also: Ballin' Jack and Humble Pie.
97658: Grainger, Percy (1882-1961); Landi,. Elissa (1904-1948). - Signature of Australian-Born Composer/Pianist Percy Grainger with the Signature of Film Actress Elissa Landi on the Verso.
24104: (Janus; Brizio, Giorgio; et al). Granchi, Andrea. (b. 1947). - Andrea Granchi / a Cura Di Janus. Accademia Delle Arte Di Disegno. (Catalog).
95906: Grangeon, Andre. - Mon Jardin, Monde Enchante. Tome II [Complete in Itself]: L'Araignee, la Libellule, la Grenouille, le Lombric, le Lezard, la Cigale.
12621: Granger, Amos P. - Remarks of Hon. A.P. Granger of New York, in the House of Representatives, January 21, 1859, on the Bill for the Payment for Indian Depredations on the People of Georgia and Alabama.
35192: Granier, Claire. - Groenland: Passion Extreme.
1894: Grant, Madison. - The Caribou. Reprinted from the Seventh Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society.
1124: (Grant, Gordon). Baldwin, Arthur H. - Sou'Wester Sails.
95962: (Grant, Ulysses S.). Townsend, E.D. - Joint Resolution to Aid in Relieving from Peonage Women and Children of the Navajo Indians. (General Orders No. 69. Headquarters of the Army. Adjutant General's Office. Washington, August 14, 1868. [Public Resolution - No. 65. ]).
96488: Grant, Francis (1803-1878). Scottish portrait painter. - Autograph. Signed and Dated Signature of the Scottish Portrait Painter Francis Grant.
1111: Grant, Gordon. - Ships Under Sail: An Outline of the Development of the Sailing Vessel.
18095: [Grant, James; 1822-1887]. - Adventures of a Witchfinder.
15900: Grant, Margaret; and Hettinger, Herman S. - America's Symphony Orchestras / and How They Are Supported.
1924: Grant, The Rev. George M. - Ocean to Ocean: Sandford Fleming's Expedition Through Canada in 1872. Revised Edition.
9724: Gratz, Simon. - A Book About Autographs.
6654: (Graves, Robert). Higginson, Fred H. - A Bibliography of the Works of Robert Graves.
98442: Graves, Bradford; Taggart, John. - Prompted. Poems by John Taggart. Drawings by Bradford Graves.
16311: (Graves, Nancy). O'Connor, Patrick. - Nancy Graves / Prints 1972-1988 / January 5 - 30, 1988. (Catalog).
20098: Graves, Henry. - The Maid of Vercheres: A Dramatic Cantata for Soprano and Baritone Solo, and Chorus by Henry Graves.
7590: (Graves, Nancy). (Tuchman, Phyllis). - Nancy Graves / Sculpture/Drawings / Films 1969-1971.
4620: Graves, Robert. - Collected Poems 1955.
4450: Graves, Robert. - Watch the Northwind Rise.
29500: Graves, Robert; Cameron, Norman; Hodge, Alan. - Work in Hand: Robert Graves / Norman Cameron / Alan Hodge.
5602: Graves, Robert. - Poems: 1938-1945.
3324: Graves, Robert - Love Respelt
35542: Graveson, Samuel; editor. - Penny Postage Centenary: An Account of Rowland Hill's Great Reform of 1840 and of the Introduction of Adhesive Postage Stamps with Chapters on the Birth of the Postal Service.
25619: Gray, Linda; with Innes, Jocasta. - The Complete Book of Decorating Techniques.
96109: Gray, Darrell (1945-1986). - The Catastrophic Unrush of Beauty. An Original Broadside Poem by Darrell Gray.
34237: (Gray, Thomas). Starr, Herbert W. - A Bibliography of Thomas Gray 1917-1951. With Material Supplementary to C.S. Northup's Bibliography of Thomas Gray.
16939: (Harvard University). Gray, Francis Calley. - Mr. Gray's Letter to Governor Lincoln in Relation to Harvard University.
36661: (Golden John L.; et al). Greaza, Walter N.; editor. - Lambs Script. Vol. XII. January and February, 1945. Nos. 1 and 2.
18684: (Greco, Jose). - Jose Greco and His Spanish Ballet, with Nana Lorca, Carmen and Justo Quintero ("Los Salaos"), Luis Rivera, Antonio Del Castillo, Nelida Imperio, Paco Doniz, Alba Merce, Antonio Jaen, Susana Miranda, Paco Alonso, (Special Guest Artist) Teo Santelmo. Ricardo Modrego, Guitarist; Juan Jiminez, Guitarist; Musical Direction Roger Machado; Managing Director John F. Nonnenbacher.
17203: Greeley, Horace (1811-1872). - Horace Greeley. His First Autobiography, with Memoirs of His Later Years and Death.
29534: Green, Henry. - Doting.
34901: Green, William. (1873-1952). President of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952. - Cut Signature of William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor.
27768: (Green, Elizabeth Shippen). Van Dyke, Henry. - The Mansion.
263: Green, Theo; editor. - Inkblot 5: Ants & Alchemy.
96469: Green, Warren Everett (1869-1945). Governor of South Dakota. - Typed Note Signed by South Dakota Governor Warren Green.
3761: Green, Paul. - In Aunt Mahaly's Cabin: A Negro Melodrama in One Act.
5950: (Greenaway, Kate). Engen, Rodney. - Kate Greenaway: A Biography.
37432: Greenaway, Kate. - A / Apple Pie.
19095: (Greenaway, Kate). Holme, Bryan. - The Kate Greenaway Book.
37299: Greenaway, Kate. - Almanack for 1890.
37304: Greenaway, Kate. - Almanack for 1886.
37305: Greenaway, Kate. - Almanack for 1884.
37300: Greenaway, Kate. - Kate Greenaway's Birthday Book for Children.
22905: (Greenberg, Mark D.; editor). - Masterpieces in the Brooklyn Museum.
30678: Greenberg, Michael. - Hurry Down Sunshine.
13463: (Greenberg, Jonathan). - The Etchings of John Sloan. March 15-April 14, 1984. (Cover Title). (Catalog).
26089: Greenburg, Dan. - Moses Supposes: The Bible As Told to Dan Greenburg.
6543: Greene, Herbert Wilbert; editor. - The Musical Blue Book of America 1921-2. Compiled Under the Editorial Supervision of Herbert Wilbert Greene. B.H. Goldsmith Associate Editor.
27821: Greene, Graham. - The Comedians.
5901: Greene, Evarts B.; and Morris, Richard B. - A Guide to the Principal Sources for Early American History (1600-1800) in the City of New York.
5991: (Denslow, W. W.). Greene, Douglas G.; and Hearn, Michael Patrick. - W.W. Denslow. With an Introduction by Patricia Denslow Eykyn.
33786: Greene, Graham. - Doctor Fischer of Geneva or the Bomb Party.
1946: Greene, Graham. - The Heart of the Matter.
15375: [Greek New Testament]. (Greenfield, William, editor). - Novum Testamentum Ad Exemplar Millianum, Cum Emendationibus Et Lectionibus Griesbachii, Praecipuis Vocibus Ellipticis, Thematibus Omnium Vocum Difficiliorum, Atque Locis Scripturae Parallelis. Studio Et Labore Gulielmi Greenfield. Hanc Editionem Primam Americanam, Summi Curari Recensuit , Atque Mendis Quam Plurimis Expurgavit, Josephus P. Engles, A.M.
34304: Greenfield, Jeff. - The World's Greatest Team: A Portrait of the Boston Celtics, 1957-69.
96434: Greenhalgh, Wentworth; De Joncaire, Louis Thomas; and Johnson, William. - Papers Relating to the Iroquois and Other Indian Tribes. 1666-1675.
97239: (Waldor Greenhouses). - Presenting Waldor Aluminum Greenhouses.
24063: (Greenland). - Greenlandskommissionens Betaenkning. (6 Parts in 9 Volumes, Complete).
96191: (Addams, Charles; Getz, Arthur; Arno, Peter; Steinberg, Saul; et al). Greenman, Ben; and Mouly, Francoise. - The Big City: Cover Stories. Supplement to the New Yorker. (Cover Title).
35140: Greenough, Sarah; Snyder, Joel; Travis, David; and Westerbeck, Colin. - On the Art of Fixing a Shadow. One Hundred and Fifty Years of Photography.
5931: Greenough, Chester Noyes. - A Bibliography of the Theophrastan Character in English with Several Portrait Characters. Prepared for Publication by J. Milton French.
12716: Greenwood, James. - The Seven Curses of London.
27761: Greenwood, W[illiam]. J[ohn]. - Foreign Stock Exchange Practice and Company Laws of All the Chief Countries of the World. Methods of Selling British Securities Abroad. Foreign Laws Affecting British Works and Branches Established Abroad.
13853: Greey, Edward. - Atae. (a Chinese Love Story).
5869: Gregor, Joseph. - Der Schauspielfuhrer: Band I: Das Deutsche Schauspiel Vom Mittelalter Bis Zum Expressionismus.
95044: Gregory, William King. - Biographical Memoir of Frank Michler Chapman 1864-1945. Presented to the Academy at the Autumn Meeting, 1947.
526: Gregory, Dick. - From the Back of the Bus. Edited by Bob Orben.
16677: Gregory, Edward W. - The Furniture Collector: An Introduction to the Study of English Styles of the Seventeeenth and Eighteenth Centuries with 55 Illustrations of Typical Pieces of Furniture from Public and Private Collections.
35237: Grennan, Eamon. - Wildly for Days.
392: Grew, Edward Sharpe. - The Growth of a Planet.
33942: Grey, Henry, 3rd Earl Grey (1802-1894). English Statesman who served as Secretary of War from 1835 to 1839. - A 4-Page Autograph Letter Signed by Henry Grey Regarding the 1871 Newcastle Labor Strike for Nine Hour Days.
26656: (Grey, Zane). - En Su Proprio Derecho": A Vintage Lobby Card with an Original Photo for the Mexican Release of the Western Movie "the Dude Ranger" from a Story by Zane Grey.
97811: de Grey, Thomas. - The Compleat Horse-Man and Expert Ferrier. In Two Books. The First, Shewing the Best Manner of Breeding Good Horses, with Their Choice, Nature, Riding and Dieting, As Well for Running As Hunting, and How the Rider Ought to Behave Himself in the Breaking and Riding of Colts... The Second, Directing the Most Exact and Approved Manner How to Know and Cure All Maladies and Diseases in Horses: A Work Containing the Secrets and Best Skill Belonging Either to Ferrier or Horse-Leach: The Cures Placed Alphabetically; with Hundreds of Medicines Never Before Imprinted in Any Authour. The Third Edition Corrected with Some Additions.
4706: Gribble, Francis. - Romances of the French Theatre.
37567: Gridley, Richard L.; editor. - Pittsburgh Plate Products. Volume XLVIII, Number Five. September-October, 1939.
6080: (Grien, Hans Baldung). Oldenbourg, M. Consuelo. - Die Buchholzschnitte Des Hans Baldung Griend: Ein Biblographisches Verzeichnis Ihrer Verwendungen.
98555: Gretzel; Griesinger, Wilhelm; Nothnagel, Hermann; von Ziemssen, Hugo Wilhelm; Landois, Leonard; Eulenburg, Albert; Posner, Dr. Louis (editor). - Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift. Organ Fur Practische Aerzte. Mit Berucksichtigung Der Preussischen Medicinalverwaltung Und Medicinal Gesetzgebung Nach Amtlichen Mitteilungen. Redigirt Von Dr. L. Posner. Dritter Jahrgang. [53 Issues Bound in One Volume].
35893: Griffin, Jonathan. - In the Transparent Forest.
5907: Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. - Bibliography of American Historical Societies (the United States and the Dominion of Canada).
35894: Griffin, Jonathan. - In Time of Crowding: Selected Poems (1963-74).
16836: Griffin, Edward Dorr. (1770-1837). - A Sermon, Preached October 20, 1813, at Sandwich, Massachusetts, / at the Dedication of the Meeting House, Recently Erected for the Use of the Calvinistic Congregational Society in That Town. By Edward D. Griffin, D.D. , Pastor of Park Street Church, Boston. Published at His Request.
30989: Griffith, T. Gwynfor. - Italian Writers and the "Italian" Language.
98690: Griffith, Phillip A. - Infinite Abelian Group Theory.
2297: (Griffith, D. W.). Barry, Iris. - D.W. Griffith: American Film Master. With an Annotated List of Films by Eileen Bowser.
30606: (Griffith, E. M.). - First Annual Report of the State Forester 0f Wisconsin 1906.
27453: Griffiths, A. B. - The Physiology of the Invertebrata.
2300: (Griffth, D. W.). Williams, Martin. - Griffith: First Artist of the Movies.
30073: (Henry Moore). Grigson, Geoffrey. - Henry Moore.
98946: (Grima, Michel'Angiolo, 1729-1798). Cacioli, Giuseppe. - Lettera Anticritica Del Dottore D. Giuseppe Cacioli Di Firenze Chirurgo Del Reggimento Infanteria Val Di Mazzara, Diretta Al Signor D. Giuseppe Marino Dottore in Chirurgia, Peritissimo Litotomo, E Chirurgo Maggiore Del Regio Ospedale de' Militari Della Citta Di Trapani.
759: Grimes, Martha. - The Five Bells and Bladebone.
770: Grimes, Martha. - The Old Silent.
17451: Grimshaw, H. - The Kitchen Boiler and Water Pipes. A Few Words on Their Arrangement and Management; More Especially Their Treatment During Frost, and How to Avoid Explosions. By H. Grimshaw, F.C. S.
98233: (Gris, Juan). Rosenthal, Mark. - Juan Gris.
98234: (Gris, Juan). Soby, James Thrall. - Juan Gris.
24613: (Grisi, Laura). Celant, Germano. - Laura Grisi: A Selection of Works with Notes by the Artist.
95446: (Gromaire, Marcel; 1892-1971). Besson, George. - Gromaire.
28580: (Gromaire, Marcel; 1892-1971). George, Waldemar. - Gromaire.
15119: Gronover, Sabine Schulze. - Ansichtssachen: Ein Kunstbuch Der Westfalischen Klinik Fur Psychiatrie Und Psychotherapie Munster. Mit Beitragen Von Mitarbeitern Und Mitarbeiterinnen Aus Den Kunstlerisch-Therapeutischen Fachbereichen.
27534: Groom, Winston. - Better Times Than These.
21242: Grooms, Red. - Red Grooms: Tourist Traps and Other Places. April 6-28, 1990. Marlborough Gallery, Inc... . (Catalog).
30938: (Gropius, Walter; Bayer, Herbert). Nerlich, Werner. - 3. Internationales Bauhaus Kolloquium 5-7 Juli 1983. Original Poster for the 3rd International Bauhaus Colloquium Designed by Werner Nerlich and Illustrated with Herbert Bayer's Architectural Drawing of Walter Gropius' Office.
5768: (Gropper, William). Freundlich, August L. - William Gropper: Retrospective.
7878: Grosbois, Charles. - Shunga: Images of Spring. Essay on Erotic Elements in Japanese Art.
28966: (Grose, Helen Mason). Wiggin, Kate Douglas. - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
28963: Groslier, Bernard; Arthaud, Jacques. - Angkor: Art and Civilization.
29370: (Diebenkorn, Richard; et al). Grossinger, Richard; Hempel, Amy; Owlfeather, M.; Perelman, Bob; et al. Junker, Howard; editor. - Zyzzyva. The Last Word: West Coast Writers and Artists. Volume III, Number 2, Summer 1987.
28739: Grosz, Georg. - New York.
97989: (Grosz, George). Baur, John I.H. - George Grosz. (Exhibition Catalog).
24781: Groth, John. - Studio: Asia.
23666: Groth, John; and Smith, Pat. - John Groth's World of Sport. Foreword by Arnold Gingrich. Text by Pat Smith.
31858: Grotowski, Jerzy. - Teoria Etica Del Teatro. (in Teatro '70, No. 30/31, Julio-Agosto 1972). (Cover Title).
12637: (Grotowski, Jerzy). Temkine, Raymonde. - Grotowski.
1423: Diagram Group. - Longman Handbook of Orchestral Instruments.
14500: Grousset, Rene. - The Rise and Splendour of the Chinese Empire.
33687: Grover, David S. - The Piano: Its Story from Zither to Grand.
98937: Grubert, Carl (1911-1979) - The Berrys": Peter's Bowling Friends Sneeze and Loudly Talk As He's Throwing His Ball Resulting in a Gutter Ball - Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Carl Grubert, Signed by the Cartoonist.
98933: Grubert, Carl (1911-1979) - The Berrys": Peter Berry, on the Golf Course, Responds to His Friend That His Wife Doesn't Nag Him As He's Completely Trained - Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Carl Grubert, Signed by the Cartoonist.
98934: Grubert, Carl (1911-1979) - The Berrys": Peter Berry and His Friend, Playing Golf on a Beautiful Day, Curse and Break Their Clubs Commenting That "It's Too Bad We Have to Spoil It by Playing This Goofy Game!" - Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Carl Grubert, Signed by the Cartoonist.
98936: Grubert, Carl (1911-1979) - The Berrys": Wilson Sneezes As Peter Berry Is Taking His Golf Swing and Peter Angrily Complains That "There Are Enough Annoying Traps on This Course... . without You Opening Yours!" - Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Carl Grubert, Signed by the Cartoonist.
98468: Grutzner (Gruetzner), Eduard. - Ein Franziskaner-Convent. 20 Charakterkopfe in Kupferatzung Nach Den Originalen. Zweite Auflage.
22944: Grunfeld, A. Tom. - The Making of Modern Tibet.
95063: Grunfeld, Alfred (1852-1924). Austrian pianist & composer. - Autograph. The Austrian Pianist and Composer Alfred Grunfeld's Signature Boldly Penciled Across a Portion of a Page from a Program or Periodical.
1552: Grunfeld, Frederic V.; editor; and Eaton, Quaintance; associate editor. - Music and Recordings 1955.
32040: Grunwald, Lisa. - Summer.
21665: (Grushkin, Philip). (Grushkin, Paul). - Philip Grushkin: A Retrospective. (Catalog).
29204: Grzesczak, Marian. - Naczynie Powazne.
96332: Grzesczak, Marian. - Wiersze Wybrane.
32200: (Azzali, Fabio; et al). Gualteri, Franca Santi; editor. - Tables. (Cover Title).
14496: (Guardino, Leonard). Barrett, William M. - The Unbegotten Paradise.
11127: Guare, John. - Six Degrees of Separation: A Play by John Guare.
98476: (Donleavy, J.P; Oates, Joyce Carol; Mailer, Norman; Wicker, Tom; Adams, Eddie; Chartham, Robert; and Ruffin, Clovis). Guccione, Bob (editor). - Viva: The International Magazine for Women. October 1973. Vol. 1. No. 1. ("Collector's Edition").
30446: (Gudnason, Svavar). Laxness, Halldor. - Svavar Gudnason Et Udvalg Af Billeder Med Indledende Tekst Af Halldor Laxness.
28255: Guedalla, Philip. - The Second Empire: Bonopartism, the Prince, the President, the Emperor.
24132: Guemple, Lee; editor. - Alliance in Eskimo Society.
31080: Guerman, Mikhail; compiler. - Art of the October Revolution.
17454: Guerra, Francisco. - American Medical Bibliography 1639-1783: A Chronological Catalogue, and Critical and Bibliographical Study of Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides, and Articles in Periodicals, Publications Relating to the Medical Sciences... Printed in the Present Territory of the United States of America During British Dominion and the Revolutionary War.
34655: Guerra, Tonino. - Equilibrium. Translated from the Italian by Eric Mosbacher.
95347: Guest, Elissa Haden. - Over the Moon.
31158: Guichard, M. - Essai Historique Sur Les Mesures En Chimie. Vol. I: A) Avant Lavoisier. B) Avec Lavoisier. Vol. 2: C) Apres Lavoisier. (2 Volumes).
1380: Guild, Tricia. - Tricia Guild in Town: Contemporary Design for Urban Living. Photography - Giles de Chabaneix. Text - Elspeth Thompson.
98764: Guillermaz, Jacques. - The Chinese Communist Party in Power 1949 - 1976. Translated by Anne Destenay.
95241: Guisewite, Cathy. - Reflections: A Cathy Collection. Fifteenth Anniversary.
32105: Gunderson, Keith. - 3142 Lyndale Ave. So. Apt. 24: Prose Poems.
94616: Gunnison, Herbert; Young, Richard; Brewster, Eugene V.; et al. - The Realm of Light and Air: Flatbush, the Ideal Home Land. Vol. I. December, 1905, No. 1. Some of the Advantages of Flatbush Described by Well-Known Residents.
15928: Gurganus, Allan. - White People.
23280: Gurnis, Peter. - The Body of Liberties.
15337: Gurung, Harka. - Nepal: Dimensions of Development.
98198: Guston, Philip; Feld, Ross; and Hopkins, Henry T. - Philip Guston.
13270: Guterson, David. - Our Lady of the Forest.
4893: Gutman, Walter. - The Gutman Letter.
12137: Gutsell, B. V. - An Introduction to the Geography of Newfoundland. Information Series No. 1.
17838: (Guynemer, Georges). Bordeaux, Henry. - Le Chevalier de L'Air: Vie Heroique de Guynemer. Par Henry Bordeaux.
28325: (Gwathmey Siegel). Gwathmey, Charles. - Zumikon Residence.
19089: Gwathmey, Rosalie. - Rosalie Gwathmey: Photographs from the Forties.
8509: Gwatkin, H. M.; Whitney, J. P.; editors. - The Cambridge Medieval History. Volume II: The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire. [Volume II Only].
28354: Gyatso, Palden; Shakya, Tsering. - Fire Under the Snow.
96596: Gyberson, Indiana (1879-1944). American painter, born Anna Giberson. A student of the impressionist painter William Merritt Chase. - Autograph Note Signed by the American Painter Indiana Gyberson Diagonally Penned at the End of a Letter by Fridolf Johnson Requesting a Sample of Her Handwriting.
96640: (Haab, Otto; Wessely, Karl; Weve of Rotterdam, Henricus Jacobus Maria; etc.) Hess, Carl (editor). - Archiv Fur Augenheilkunde... Einundachtzigster Band". (Volume 81, 2 Volumes in 1, Including the War Time Supplement). [German Edition].
97573: (Rembrandt). Haak, Bob. - Rembrandt: His Life, His Work, His Time.
30907: Haas, Richard. - Richard Haas: An Architecture of Illusion.
98163: Habachi, Labib; and Riad, Henri. - Aswan: The Town with a Glorious Past and a Promising Future.
32714: Habberton, John. - Some Folks.
3645: Haberman, Daniel. - Poems.
97440: Habermann, Johann. - [Morning and Evening Prayers]. Geistreiche Morgan-Und Abend-Gebete. Denen Beygefuget Sind : Reiss-, Beicht-, Communion-, Stands-, Wetter-, Krancken- Nebst Darzu Gehorigen Morgen-Abend- Und Andern Liedern.
31706: Hackenbroch, Yvonne. - Meissen and Other Continental Porcelain, Faience and Enamel in the Irwin Untermyer Collection. Text by Yvonne Hackenbroch.
7167: Hackett, Alice Payne. - 60 Years of Best Sellers 1895-1955.
16409: Hadas, Moses. - Style the Repository. Monday Evening Papers: Number 4. (Cover Title).
32896: Haddad, Ibrahim K. - Polygon.
553: Hadden, J. Cuthbert. - Modern Musicians: A Book for Players, Singers & Listeners.
96101: Hadleigh, Boze. - The Lavender Screen. The Gay and Lesbian Films: Their Stars, Makers, Characters, and Critics.
15203: Hagen, Toni; Wahlen, Friedrich Traugott; Corti, Walter Robert. - Nepal: The Kingdom in the Himalayas.
10500: Haggin, B. H. - Music for the Man Who Enjoys 'Hamlet'.
8424: Hajek, Lubor. - Chinese Art.
28981: (Hajek, O. H.). Stulle, Johanna; editor - O.H. Hajek: Sculture, Pitture E Opere Urbanistiche. Plastiken, Bilder, Stadtikonographien
2635: (Halbey, Hans A.). - Modern German Book Design: An Exhibition Arranged by Borsenverein Des Deutschen Buchhandels, Frankfurt/M. And Klingspor-Museum, Offenbach Am Main 1959. (Catalog).
98854: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando (the Marmalade Cat) Keeps a Dog. By Kathleen Hale.
97638: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1914-1915 Season. Dr. Karl Muck, Conductor. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
97639: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1913-1914 Season. Dr. Karl Muck, Conductor. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
32743: Hale, Louise Closser. - Oh, New York! New York! or, the Story of Jim.
98858: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando (the Marmalade Cat): A Camping Holiday. By Kathleen Hale.
97640: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1917-1918 Season. Dr. Karl Muck, Conductor, Replaced by Ernst Schmidt. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
97229: (Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Pinkerton, Wagner & McGuigan). Hale, Mrs. Sarah J.; M'Michael; and Godey, Louis A. (editors). - The First Appearance of Drowne's Wooden Image by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and a Superb Polychrome Lithographic Frontispiece by Pinkerton, Wagner & Mcguigan in Godey's Lady's Book, July 1844.
97643: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1910-1911 Season. Max Fiedler, Conductor. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
98857: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando (the Marmalade Cat): His Silver Wedding. By Kathleen Hale.
98847: Hale, Kathleen. - Puss in Boots Illustrated by Kathleen Hale. [Carousel Folding Peepshow Book].
98846: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando's Country Peepshow. [Carousel Folding Peepshow Book].
98874: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando Sails Home (Chapter 6). [an Original Orient Line Cruise Ship Menu Featuring a Cover Illustration of Orlando the Marmalade Cat and Text by Kathleen Hale].
98875: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando Sails to the Tropics (Chapter 4). [an Original Orient Line Cruise Ship Menu Featuring a Cover Illustration of Orlando the Marmalade Cat and Text by Kathleen Hale].
98859: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando (the Marmalade Cat): Buys a Farm. By Kathleen Hale.
98881: Hale, Kathleen. - Orlando and the Three Graces.
97645: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1918-1919 Season. Henri Rabaud and Pierre Monteux, Conductors. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
97644: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1905-1906 Season. Wilhelm Gericke, Conductor. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
97641: Hale, Philip. - Boston Symphony Orchestra Programmes for the 1916-1917 Season. Dr. Karl Muck, Conductor. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. (24 Issues Bound in One Volume).
33921: Hall, Anna Maria. (1800-1881). Irish novelist who wrote under the name "Mrs. S. C. Hall". - Autograph Letter Signed by Anna Maria Hall to Her Publisher.
14044: Hall, Maximo Soto. - Nicaragua Y El Imperialismo Norteamericano. Contraste Entre la Insolencia Norteamericano Y la Vergonzosa Tolerancia de Los Gobiernos de la America Latina.
95048: Hall, E. Raymond. - American Weasels.
24412: Hall, Henning. - Solhverv I Natten: Dagbogsoptegnelser Af Gronlandspraesten Carl W. Wulff 1848-1858.
12107: Hall, Julie. - Tradition and Change: The New American Craftsman. Foreword by Rose Slivka, Editor-in-Chief, Craft Horizons.
1146: (Hall, Arnold). Wyss, Johann David. - The Swiss Family Robinson: The Adventures of a Shipwrecked Family on an Uninhabited Isle Near New Guinea.
3934: (Harvard University Press). Hall, Max. - Harvard University Press: A History.
35481: Hallade, Madeleine. - Arts de L'Asie Ancienne: Themes Et Motifs. II: L'Asie Du Sud-Est.
6542: Halliwell, James O. - Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, Ballads, and Poems. Presented to the Chetham Library, Manchester, by James O. Halliwell, Esq. , F.R. S... .
95166: d'Ornalius d'Halloy, J. J. - Des Roches Considerees Mineralogiquement. Nouvelle Edition.
34182: (Halpeeny, Frances G.; Hamelin, Jean). - Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Volume IX: 1861 to 1870.
13002: Halpern, George; Einhorn, Benjamin; Lewin, Menahem; Post, Anthony; Koos, John; et al. - Eleven. Spring 1970.
94892: (Halsband, Frances). Godwin, Gail. - Evenings at Five.
29392: Halsey, Ashley, Jr. - Illustrating for the Saturday Evening Post.
6060: Halsey, R. T. Haines. - Pictures of Early New York on Dark Blue Staffordshire Pottery.
96069: Hamilton, Joan E. - The Way West: An Exhibition of Books on the Westward Expansion of the United States 1789-1865.
22920: Hamilton, Lawrence S.; editor. - Forest and Watershed Development and Conservation in Asia and the Pacific,
30627: Hamilton, Charles. - The Signature of America: A Fresh Look at Famous Handwriting.
34378: Hamilton, Mary Agnes (1884-1966). Labour Member of Parliament for Blackburn, U.K. (1929-1931). - Autograph of British Labour Party Politician Mary Agnes Hamilton Inscribed Below a Newspaper Portrait to Future New York Politician Seymour Halpern.
32716: [Hamilton, Thomas]. - Men and Manners in America. By the Author of Cyril Thornton, Etc.
36373: Hamilton, General Sir Frederick William. (1815-1890). British Army officer who served as Major General commanding the Brigade of Guards from 1868 to 1870. - Autograph Letter Signed by General Sir Frederick William Hamilton, Commander of the Brigade of Guards from 1868 to 1870, Sending a Review of His Book on the Grenadier Guards.
13940: Hamilton, C. D. P. - Modern Scientific Whist: The Principles of the Modern Game / Analyzed and Extended. Illustrate by over Sixty Critical Endings and Annotated Games from Actual Play.
14760: Hamilton, Charles. - The Illustrated Letter.
5871: Hamilton, Milton W. - The Country Printer: New York State 1785-1830.
22718: Hammacher, A. M. - The Evolution of Modern Sculpture / Tradition and Innovation.
97642: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Hammacher, A. M.; and Hammacher, Renilde. - Van Gogh: A Documentary Biography.
25613: (Modigliani, Amedeo). Hammacher, A. M.; Megged, Matti; Vitali, Lamberto; et al. - Modigliani: Gli Anni Della Scultura.
95831: Hammerstein, Oscar, 2nd. - The King and I. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein, 2nd. Based on the Novel Anna and the King of Siam by Margaret Landon.
6655: (Hammett, Dashiell). Layman, Richard. - Dashiell Hammett, a Descriptive Bibliography.
6656: (Hammett, Dashiell). Mundell, E. H. - A List of the Original Appearances of Dashiell Hammett's Magazine Work.
37397: Hammond, John Hays. - The Truth About the Jameson Raid. As Related to Alleyne Ireland.
94795: [New Hampshire]. - A Journal of the Proceedings of the Hon. House of Representatives of the State of New-Hampshire, at a Session Began and Holden at Dover, on the First Wednesday of June, 1792, Being the Day Appointed by the Constitution for the Annual Meeting of the Hon. General-Court.
22004: Hampsten, Elizabeth. - Settlers' Children: Growing Up on the Great Plains.
12402: Hampton, Christopher. - Total Eclipse.
36885: Hance, William A.; and van Dongen, Irene S. - Dar Es Salaam, the Port and Its Tributary Area. (Cover Title).
4911: Hance, William A.; Kotschar, Vincent; and Peteerc, Richard J. - Source Areas of Export Production in Tropical Africa.
16096: (Hancock, John). Brown, Abram English. - John Hancock: His Book.
11027: (Handel, George Frideric). Myers, Robert Manson. - Handel's Messiah: A Touchstone of Taste.
6675: (Handley, James). Gibbs, Linea. - James Hanley, a Bibliography.
417: Hanley, James. - A Woman in the Sky.
98676: Hanley, Gerald. - Warriors and Strangers.
5342: Hanline, Maurice - Years of Indiscretion
24545: (Hanna, J. L.). - On February 26, 1948 the Board of Directors of Standard Oil Company of California Accepted the Resignation of J.L. Hanna As Director and Vice-President of the Company.
18499: Hannah, Barry. - Geronimo Rex.
30228: (Bastert Van Schaardenburg). Hannema, D.; De Geus, C. - Catalogus Tentoonstelling Van Oud-Aardewerk Uit de Verzameling Bastert-Van Schaardenburg.
7109: (Hanrath, Joh. J). - Exlibris Wereld. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift Van de Exlibriskring Der W.B. -Vereniging. Twintigste Jaargang - Nr. 4 - Winter 1977.
25764: Hanratta, Eugene J. - An Original Vintage Electoral Campaign Calling Card for the "Democratic Candidate for Mayor Eugene J. Hanratta, M.D. " Who Was Elected Mayor of the City of Watervliet, Ny, an Office He Held from 1909-1912.
98645: (Hanriot, Jules-Armand). Aubert, Charles. - Les Nouvelles Amoureuses. [Parts 1 Through 5 (of 10)].
35624: Hansen, Dorothee; editor. - Munch Und Deutschland.
35130: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 49, No. 4, October 1990.
94691: Hansen, Arlen J. - Gentlemen Volunteers: The Story of the American Ambulance Drivers in the Great War August 1914 - September 1918.
35161: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 48, No. 4, October 1989.
35160: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 49, No. 1, January 1990.
26810: Hansen, Jens Peder Hart; Meldgaard, Jorgen; Nordquist, Jorgen. - Qilakitsoq: De Gronlandske Mumier Fra 1400-Tallet.
35133: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 50, No. 1, January 1991.
35165: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 48, No. 2, April 1989.
35162: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 51, No. 1, January 1992.
35163: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 51, No. 2, April 1992.
35164: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 50, No. 2, April 1991.
35166: Hansen, J. P. Hart; Harvald, Bent; editors. - Arctic Medical Research. Vol. 48, No. 1, January 1989.
37650: (Hanson, Howard). - Le Grand Baton: Journal of the Sir Thomas Beecham Society. March 1981. No. 49. Volume 18, Number 1: Howard Hanson Issue.
29083: Hanson, David A. - Signed Limited Photogravure Poster for His Book "the Hudson River".
26242: O hAodha, Micheal. - The Abbey --Then and Now.
31097: (O'Hara, John). Bruccoli, Matthew J. - John O'Hara: A Checklist. With a Previously Unpublished Speech by John O'Hara.
31098: (O'Hara, John). Bruccoli, Matthew J. - John O'Hara, a Descriptive Bibliography.
27407: O'Hara, John. - Sweet and Sour.
96585: O'Hara, Maureen (1920-2015). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph by John Miehle of the Glamorous Hollywood Star Maureen O'Hara As "Shireen" in Rko's "Sinbad the Sailor".
31274: O'Hara, John. - The Time Element and Other Stories.
33235: O'Hara, John. - Sermons and Soda-Water. I the Girl on the Baggage Truck. II Imagine Kissing Pete. III Weâ’Re Friends Again. (3 Volumes).
1564: O'Hara, John Myers. - Pagan Sonnets.
96055: Harbutt, Charles (1935-2015). - [Warrants to Be Cancelled]: An Original Photograph by the American Photographer Charles Harbutt.
96329: Harcourt, Sir William Venables; Pakington, Sir John Somerset, 1st Baron Hampton. - A Pair of Autographed Sentiments Signed by British Liberal Statesman Sir William Harcourt and British Conservative Politician Sir John Somerset Pakington, 1st Baron Hampton.
23255: (Engel-Hardt, Rudolf). Dathe, Dr. F. - Mutter Und Kind IM Tierreich.
22657: Hardy, Thomas. - Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres.
9410: Hardy, Forsyth. - Scandinavian Film.
33266: (Hardy, Thomas). Tomlinson, H.M. - Thomas Hardy.
6682: (Hardy, Thomas). Purdy, Richard Little. - Thomas Hardy, a Bibliographical Study.
18558: Hardy, Thomas. - The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament. With an Etching by H. Macbeth-Raeburn and a Map of Wessex.
22487: (Hardy, Thomas). Danielson, Henry. - The First Editions of the Writings of Thomas Hardy and Their Values. A Bibliographical Handbook for Collectors, Booksellers, Librarians and Others.
6470: Hardy, James D., Jr.; Jensen, John H.; and Wolfe, Martin; editors. - The Maclure Collection of French Revolutionary Materials.
6673: (Hardy, Thomas). Webb, A. P. - A Bibliography of the Works of Thomas Hardy 1865-1915.
5723: Hare, Hugh. - An Historical Relation of the Conspiracy of John Lewis, Count de Fieschi, Against the City and Republick of Genoua, in the Year 1547. Done Into English by Hugh Hare. 2 Volumes in 1.
16031: Hare, Augustin J. C. - The Gurneys of Earlham. 2 Volumes.
36943: Hargraves, Michael; Banning, Jack; Boxer, Adam. - Little Pictures: The Modernist Perspective. Photographs 1912-1955.
36344: Hargraves, Michael. - Little Pictures. (Cover Title).
29762: Harington, Sir John; Packard, Francis R.; Garrison, Fielding H - The School of Salernum: Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum. The English Version by Sir John Harington. History of the School of Salernum by Francis R. Packard, M.D. And a Note on the Prehistory of the Regimen Sanitatis by Fielding H. Garrison, M. D
5966: Harkins, E. F.; and Johnston, C. H. L. - Little Pilgrimages Among the Women Who Have Written Famous Books.
30657: Harlow, S. R.; and Boone, H. H. - Life Sketches of the State Officers, Senators, and Members of the Assembly of the State of New York in 1867.
24081: Harmsen, George. - Gronlands Demografi.
98019: Harnes, Alvin Russell. - Clinical Management of Syphilis. By Alvin Russell Harnes, M.D. , Chief of Congenital Luetic Clinic, New York Hospital.
24078: Harp, Elmer, Jr. - The Archaeology of the Lower and Middle Thelon, Northwest Territories.
32232: Harper, Ella Adelaide. [Ruella Lennox]. - A Face in the Crowd and Other Stories.
530: Harper, Ralph M. - The Voice Governor: Give It a Chance. Correct Body Mechanics Does It.
31865: Harper, George McLean. - Dreams and Memories.
7181: (Lathrop C. Harper, Inc.). - The Development of Science in Europe and America: Manuscripts and Printed Books from the 15th to the 20th Century on Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Navigation and the Physical Sciences. Catalogue 22.
32729: Harrington, Kent. - Dia de Los Muertos.
17116: Harrington, Henry F. - The Comparative Importance of Foreign and Domestic Missions; Including Statistics of Education, Philanthropy, Crime, &C. In Albany: A Discourse, Preached, January 7, 1846. By Henry F. Harrington, Minister of the First Unitarian Society in Albany. Published by Request.
98427: Harris, Joseph. - Harris on the Pig. Breeding, Rearing, Management, and Improvement. By Joseph Harris, Moreton Farm, Rochester, N.Y. Illustrated.
36627: Harris, Roy. - When Johnny Comes Marching Home. (Study Score).
15398: Harris, George L.; Giddens, Jackson A.; et al. - Area Handbook for Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim.
24492: Harris, Jana. - The Clackamas.
8325: Harris, Thaddeus William. - A Treatise on Some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Edited by Charles L. Flint.
37051: Harris, Phil; and Faye, Alice. - Vintage Matte-Finish Photograph of the American Film & Radio Actors and Jazz Musician Phil Harris & His Wife Alice Faye, Inscribed & Signed "Alice & Phil Harris" by Phil Harris.
16115: Harris, Frank; Bruno, Guido; Kingsley, Walter; George, W. L.; Shaw, G. Bernard. - Frank Harris: In Memoriam. Fragments from His New York Days. Privately Printed and Not for Sale. August Twenty-Eighth: The Third Anniversary of His Death.
7147: Harris, William J. - The First Printed Translations Into English of the Great Foreign Classics: A Supplement to Text-Books of English Literature.
6358: Harrison, J. Clement. - Five Hundred Years of the Printed Bible. An Address Delivered on December 6, 1962, in the Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh.
36379: Harrison, Michael. - In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes.
33107: Harrison, Pegram. - Une Affaire de Gout. A Selection of Cookbooks: 1475 to 1873 from the Library of Dr. And Mrs. John Talbot Gernon.
98164: Harrison, Sheila. - Butley Priory 1171-1538. An East Anglian Monastery.
7286: (Gregynog Press). Harrop, Dorothy A. - A History of the Gregynog Press.
26245: (The Beatles). Harry, Bill. - The Beatles: The History of the Beatles in Print (an Illustrated Bibliography).
4746: Hart, C. W. M.; and Pilling, Arnold R. - The Tiwi of North Australia.
19854: Hart, Ruby. - Around the Week.
36234: Hart, E.; Sr. Staff Engineer; Gutlove, N.; Manager, Solid State Imaging Section. - Solid State Technology Study. Contract F 33615-72-C-1036. Control No. 2731. Final Technical Report 29 September 1972. Submitted to: Air Force Avionics Laboratory / Wright Patterson Air Force Base / Ohio 45433.
34704: Hart, George. - The Violin and Its Music.
18395: Hart, Moss; Gershwin, Ira. - Lady in the Dark: A Musical Play by Moss Hart / with Lyrics by Ira Gershwin / and Music by Kurt Weill.
9441: Harte, Bret. - Condensed Novels.
6735: (Harte, Bret). Gaer, Joseph; editor. - Bret Harte: Bibliography and Biographical Data.
32015: Harter, Penny. - The Price of Admission.
30648: Harthan, John P. - Bookbindings. Victoria and Albert Museum.
30649: Harthan, John P. - Victoria & Albert Museum Bookbindings.
98961: Hartley, John F. (1809-1897). Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Andrew Johnson & Ulysses S. Grant. - Holograph Document Signed by John F. Hartley As Assistant Secretary of the Treasury As a Reply to Senator John Sherman of Ohio.
98226: (Hartley, Marsden). Haskell, Barbara. - Marsden Hartley.
98504: (Hartley, Marsden; Stieglitz, Alfred). Voorhies, James Timothy, editor. - My Dear Stieglitz. Letters of Marsden Hartley and Alfred Stieglitz, 1912 - 1915.
3888: Hartmann, Moritz. - Der Krieg Um Den Wald, Eine Historie.
9820: Harvey, Peter. - Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster.
6965: Harwell, Richard. - More Confederate Imprints. Volume I: Official Publications. Volume II: Unofficial Publications. 2 Volumes.
14166: Harwood, Stuart. - The Isle of Forgotten Dreams.
5701: Hasbrouck, Kenneth E.; Heidgerd, William; and Heidgerd, Ruth. - Historic New Paltz. By Kenneth Hasbrouck, Assisted by William & Ruth Heidgerd.
24134: (Hasek, Jaroslav). Frynta, Emanuel. - Hasek the Creator of Schweik.
6422: Haskell, Daniel C. - American Historical Prints, Early Views of American Cities, Etc. Prepared by Daniel C. Haskell / Assistant Bibliographer / Under the Direction of I.N. Phelps Stokes.
20876: (Haskell, Ernest). Lehrer, Ruth Fine. - Ernest Haskell (1876-1925): A Retrospective Exhibition. A Portfolio of Selected Work. Introduction by Ruth Fine Lehrer. Catalogue by Russell J. Moore. Organized by the Bowdoin College Museum of Art / 1976. (Catalog).
97971: Haskell, Barbara. - Charles Demuth.
6901: (Haskell, Daniel C). - A Check-List of Early English Printing in the New York Public Library.
30456: (Hassam, Childe). - Exhibition of a Retrospective Group of Paintings Representative of the Life Work of Childe Hassam, N.A. The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, March 9 to April 8, 1929.
98768: Hassan, M. Selim. - Hymnes Religieux Du Moyen Empire.
98752: Hassan, Selim. - The Great Pyramid of Khufu and Its Mortuary Chapel. With Names and Titles of Vols. I - X of the Excavations at Gã®Za.
27720: Hastings, Michael. - I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.
96007: Hastings, Pattie Belle; and Michel, Karl. - Elegy: An Intuitive Chronicle of War.
36117: Hastrup, Julie. - Tyve Ar Blandt Gronlendere.
12495: Hatfield, Edwin F., Rev. - Universalism As It Is; or, Text Book of Modern Universalism in America.
98641: Haulot, Arthur. - Flying the Colours of Belgium. Preface by John L. Brown. Translated and Adapted by Marnix Gijsen. [Inscribed to Leonard Bernstein].
7597: Haupt, C[arl]. G[erhard]. (b. 1799). - Vorschule Zumstudium Der Griechischen Tragiker Von C.G. Haupt, Doctor Der Philosophie.
34374: Von Haupt, Lois. - The Music Game: A Learn-to-Read-Music Story Book.
6213: Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. - An Introduction to the Woodcut of the Seventeenth Century. With a Discussion of the German Woodcut Broadsides of the Seventeenth Century by Ingeborg Lehmann-Haupt.
6283: Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut; editor. - Bookbinding in America: Three Essays. Early American Bookbinding by Hand by Hannah Dustin French. The Rise of American Edition Binding by Joseph W. Rogers. On the Rebinding of Old Books by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt.
6810: (Hauptmann, Gerhart). (Zeller, Bernhard). - Gerhart Hauptmann: Leben Und Werk. Eine Gedã¤Chtnisausstellung Des Deutschen Literaturarchivs Zum 100. Geburtstag Des Dichters IM Schiller-Nationalmuseum Marbach A.N. (Catalogue).
14692: Hauptmann, Gerhart. - Die Versunkene Glocke: Ein Deutsches Marchendrama.
4105: Haustrate, Gaston; Editor-in-Chief. - Cinema 73: Le Guide Du Spectateur. Juin / No. 177).
4102: Haustrate, Gaston; Editor-in-Chief. - Cinema 73: Le Guide Du Spectateur. (Avril / No. 175).
28360: (Haven, Richard). Park, John C. - Address at a Meeting of the Descendants of Richard Haven of Lynn, at Framingham, Mass. , August 19, 1844. Second Centennial Anniversary of His Landing in New England by John C. Park of Boston. Also, an Account of the Proceedings and Events of the Day, by the Committee of Arrangements for the Occasion.
35569: Havu, I.; Warburton, Th. - Finlands Litteratur 1900-1950. I. Den Finska Litteraturen. II. Den Finlandssvenska Litteraturen. Two Parts in One Volume.
6657: (Hawkes, John). Campbell, Lee G. - John Hawkes: A Bibliographical Checklist. (in American Book Collector, Vol. 4, No. 5, New Series, September/October 1983.
341: Hawkes, Jacquetta. - History in Earth and Stone: Prehistoric and Roman Monuments in England and Wales.
3426: Hawkes, John. - Virginie: Her Two Lives
37496: (Boosey & Hawkes). - Benjamin Britten: A Complete Catalogue of His Works. Together with a Boosey & Hawkes Price-List.
10498: Hawkes, Jacquetta. - King of the Two Lands: The Pharaoh Akhenaten.
14557: [Hawks, Francis Lister (1798-1866)]. - History of the United States: No. II. Or, Uncle Philips's Conversations with the Children About New-York. (2 Volumes).
30677: Hayashi, Fumiko. - Floating Cloud (Ukigumo).
6270: Hayden, Arthur. - Chats on Old Prints.
1662: (Haydn, Joseph). Jacob, H. E. - Joseph Haydn: His Art, Times, and Glory.
22505: Hayes, Bartlett H., Jr. - The Naked Truth and Personal Vision: A Discussion About the Length of the Artistic Road.
98834: (Koerner & Hayes). - The Pussy Family at Home.
98835: (Koerner & Hayes). - Three Little Kittens.
36590: Hayes, Helen. (1900-1993). Actress known as the "First Lady" of American theatre. - Autograph Note Signed by Helen Hayes to City Center Producer Jean Dalrymple.
28672: Hayes, Arthur James; Van Vlissingen, Jean; Devereux, Elsie; et al. Lloyd, Emily; editor. - Milady Beautiful: Emily Lloyd's Magazine. "for the Woman Who Cares". Vol. 7, No. 7. April, 1918.
5838: Hayne, David M.; and Tirol, Marcel. - Bibliographie Critique Du Roman Canadien-Franã‡Ais, 1837-1900.
97370: Hayne, Robert Young, (1791-1839); Webster, Daniel (1782-1852). - Speeches of Messrs. Hayne & Webster, in the United States Senate, on the Resolution of Mr. Foot. (Caption Title).
6101: Haynes, John Edward. - Pseudonyms of Authors: Including Anonyms and Initialisms.
30043: Haynes, Sybille. - Land of the Chimaera: An Archaeological Excursion in the South-West of Turkey.
97411: (Hayward, Judith). - The Italian Presence in American Art 1860 - 1920. November 17 - December 29, 1989. Richard York Gallery. (Catalog).
96551: Hayward, Susan (1917-1975); and Andrews, Dana (1909-1992). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Movie Stars Susan Hayward and Dana Andrews in a Romantic Scene from Universal Studios' "Canyon Passage".
7276: Haywood, Charles. - A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong. Volume One: The American People North of Mexico, Including Canada. Volume Two: The American Indians North of Mexico, Including the Eskimos. Second Revised Edition. (2 Volumes).
7806: Hazard, Daniel L. - The Earth's Magnetism. Serial No. 313. Department of Commerce / U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey / E. Lester Jones, Director / Terrestrial Magnetism. Special Publication 117.
97588: [Hazlitt, William, Sr.]; Philalethes. - An Attempt to Obviate the Principal Objections Made Against the Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; Occasioned by Philaretus's Reply to Augustus Toplady.
14531: Hazo, Samuel. - My Sons in God: Selected and New Poems.
32633: Hazo, Samuel. - The Duel That Is Vertical.
36242: Heacock, William J.; Dyck, Dr. Rudolph H. - A Report of Developments at Fairchild in the Area of High Density, Linear Photoarrays. Report No. Ed-Jx-4. 31 March 1970.
23993: (Head, James W., III). - Spaceimages.
22503: Heal, Edith. - How the World Began.
17809: Healy, Jeremiah - Blunt Darts. - Inscribed and Signed First Edition
21927: Heath, Michael - Michael Heath's Automata
9298: Hebert, Ernest. - The Passion of Estelle Jordan.
98046: Hecht, Paul. - The Wind Cried. An American's Discovery of the World of Flamenco.
22013: Heckscher, Morrison H.; and Bowman, Leslie Greene. - American Rococo, 1750-1775: Elegance in Ornament.
35387: Hedajat, Sadek. - Hadschi Agha.
37133: Hedlund, Rudolf C.; President. - Sixth Annual Ye Olde Hokum Minstrels by the Hartsdale Square Club, Inc. At the Club House on Wilson Street, Hartsdale, New York. Friday and Saturday Evenings November 30 and December 1 1928. (Cover Title).
98454: (Hodgkin, Howard). Heenk, Liesbeth; and Rosenthal, Nan. - Howard Hodgkin: The Complete Prints.
35543: de Heer, Jozef. - A Quantum Mechanical Study of the Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Quinones: Academic Dissertation.
35787: (Frederick the Great). Hegemann, Werner. - Frederick the Great. Translated from the German by Winifred Ray.
22833: Heidegger, Martin. - De L'Essence de la Verite. Traduction Et Introduction Par Alphonse de Waelhens, Professeur a L'Universite de Louvain, Et Walter Biemel.
13089: Heider, Werner. (d. 1997). - Epiphanies: Poems Recent or Revised.
3956: Heider, Werner. - Griffin Seed.
3471: Heider, Werner. - Image and Answer.
23500: Heilmann, Isak; Boyhus, Else-Marie; Meldgard, Jorgen; Petersen, Robert; et al. - Museumskonference, Nuuk 17. -20. April 1980.
29266: Heine, Heinrich. - Bittersweet Poems of Heinrich Heine.
7013: (Heinemann, William). Whyte, Frederic. - William Heinemann: A Memoir.
14028: (Heinrich, Wilhelm). Winn, Edith Lynwood. - Wilhelm Heinrich: Musician and Man. A Tribute.
20231: (Held, Al). Sandler, Irving. - Al Held 1959-1961. Essay by Irving Sandler. Robert Miller. April 1980. 724 Fifth Avenue, New York. (Catalog).
4871: McKearin, Helen and George S. - Two Hundred Years of American Blown Glass.
97939: (Klee, Paul). Helfenstein, Josef; and Turner, Elizabeth Hutton (editors). - Klee and America.
35330: Helgason, Jon. - Reykjavik: Thaettir Og Myndir Ur Sogu Baejarins 1786-1936.
31240: Heller, Joseph. - We Bombed in New Haven.
26315: Heller, Steven; Editor; Chwast, Seymour; Design. - Design & Style. Number One. (Jugendstil).
32044: Heller, Joseph. - Paragraaf 22 (First Edition in Dutch of Catch 22).
32548: Heller, Joseph; and Vogel, Speed. - No Laughing Matter.
28189: Heller, Michael. - Wordflow: New and Selected Poems.
29464: Hemingway, Ernest. - A Farewell to Arms.
29465: Hemingway, Ernest. - Green Hills of Africa.
18372: Hemingway, Ernest. - A Farewell to Arms.
7715: (Hemingway, Ernest). Samuels, Lee - A Hemingway Check List
94920: Hemley, Cecil. - Porphyry's Journey.
1460: Hempstone, Smith. - Africa--Angry Young Giant.
26460: (Sharaku, Toshusai). Henderson, Harold G.; and Ledoux, Louis V. - The Surviving Works of Sharaku.
31810: Henderson, W. J. - The Orchestra and Orchestral Music.
418: Henderson, George Wylie. - Jule.
19253: Hendricks, Flora Bishop. - Chicago in Autumn & Other Poems.
29365: Hendrix, Jan. - Jan Hendrix: Bitacora. Centro de la Imagen / Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura Y Las Artes / Enero-Marzo 2000. [Together with]: Script / Jan Hendrix: Bitacora. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca / Abril-Junio Del 2000. (2 Catalogs). With an Autograph Note Signed by the Artist.
23595: Henisch, Heinz K.; editor. - History of Photography: An International Quarterly. Volume 6, Number 1, January 1982.
94858: Hennessy, Val. - A Little Light Friction.
26429: Pope-Hennessy, John. - The Study and Criticism of Italian Sculpture.
30468: (Henri, Florence; 1893-1982). du Pont, Diana C. - Florence Henri: Artist-Photographer of the Avant-Garde.
7547: Henriksen, A. D.; and Nielsen, Kay P. - Danske Laege-Exlibris.
27435: (Cyrus, Gerald; Black, Judith; Barber, Craig; Draper, Lou). Henry, Lisa; Berman, Patricia G.; et al. - Contact Sheet 88.
30489: Reid-Henry, Simon. - Fidel and Che: A Revolutionary Friendship.
34242: Hart. Henry. - A Relevant Memoir: The Story of the Equinox Cooperative Press. With a Foreword by Lynd Ward.
32132: Henry, Patrick. - Great American Speeches: Patrick Henry, March 28, 1775.
26679: Hepburn, Audrey; and Finney, Albert. - An Original Lobby Card for the Movie "Two for the Road" Starring Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney.
24791: (Hepburn, Audrey). - A Tribute to Audrey Hepburn: Her Movies, Her Style, Her Life in Photos. (People Weekly Extra. Special Collector's Issue. Winter 1993).
18899: (Ryder, John; Chagnoux, Christine; Ramseger, Ingeborg; Abegg, Dr. Walter; et al). Herdeg, Walter; editor. - 3rd International Survey of Children's Book Illustration / 3. Internationale Ubersicht Uber Die Kinderbuch Illustration / 3e Apercu International Des Illustrations de Livres D'Enfants.
14263: Heredia, Manuel de. - Atencion, Guatemala. (El General Ydigoras Fuentes Y la Realidad Historica de Guatemala). Escrita En Panama, Guatemala Y la Mar Oceanica, a Bordo Del "Cristillina". Enero-Marzo 1962.
3794: Herford, Oliver. - Artful Anticks.
34717: (Hergesheimer, Joseph). Stappenbeck, Herb. - A Catalogue of the Joseph Hergesheimer Collection at the University of Texas, Austin.
8392: Herm, Gerhard. - The Celts: The People Who Came out of the Darkness.
33718: Herman, Zvi. - Peoples Seas & Ships.
97541: Hermance, William Ellsworth (born 1862). - Autograph: Calling Card Signed by Canoeist William Ellsworth Hermance.
30169: Herr, Kincaid. - The Louisville and Nashville Railroad / 1850-1940 / 1941-1959.
591: Herre, Franz; and Lessing, Erich. - Die Geschichte Frankreichs.
16616: Hersey, John. - A Bell for Adano.
98689: Herstein, I.N. - Topics in Ring Theory.
17757: (Hertz, Alfred; Beecham, Sir Thomas). - Le Grand Baton: Journal of the Sir Thomas Beecham Society. (Alfred Hertz Issue). June 1981. Number 50. Volume 18, Number 2.
29303: Hervey, E.W. - Flora of New Bedford and the Shores of Buzzards Bay. With a Procession of the Flowers. Revised Edition.
15291: Herzog, Maurice. - Annapurna: The First Conquest of an 8000-Metre Peak. With a New Introduction by Joe Simpson. Translated from the French by Nea Morin and Janet Adam Smith.
29289: Heske, Marianne. (b. 1946). Morgan, Robert C. - Marianne Hesker: Mountains of the Mind.
96639: (Fleischer, Bruno; Pincus, Friedrich; Salzer, Fritz; Huguenin, Ernst Sidler, et al.) Hess, Carl (editor). - Archiv Fur Augenheilkunde... Dreiundsiebzigster Band". (Volume 73). [German Edition].
744: Hess, Heinrich. - Zeitschrift Des Deutschen Und Osterreishischen Alpenvereins. Redigerts Von Heinrich Hess. Band XXXIX. Jahrgang 1908.
95249: Hettinger, J. - Telepathy and Spiritualism.
98087: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Chris Stolwijk, Sjraar Van Heugten and Jansen, Leo, editors. - Van Gogh's Imaginary Museum. Exploring the Artist's Inner World.
28289: Hewes, Henry; Marowitz, Charles; Waterhouse, Keith; Hall, Willis; Simon, John; et al. - Theatre Arts. May 1962, Vol. XLVI, No. 5.
19339: Hewitt, Abram S. - Labor, Wages, and the Tariff. Remarks of Hon. Abram S. Hewitt of New York, Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 30, 1882. (Cover Title).
7473: Hewlett, John. - Harlem Story.
96815: Hewson, James. - Every Man His Own Lawyer: Or, the Several Modes of Commencing and Conducting Actions in the Court for the Trial of Small Causes in the State of New-Jersey, Rendered Plain and Easy; with a Variety of Forms for Drawing Statements of Demand, Together with Numerous References to the State Laws and Decisions of the Supreme Court. Prepared and Arranged by James Hewson, Justice of the Peace.
33837: Heyen, William. - Mermaid.
95425: (The Metropolitan Opera). Heylbut, Rose; and Gerber, Aime. - Backstage at the Opera.
98446: Heyward, DuBose; Renard, Maurice; Clairouin, Denyse; Rasmussen, Knud; d'Arbaud, Joseph; Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich; Massis, Henri, editor. - Un Homme Chez Les Microbes: Scherzo, Together with the First Edition in French of Porgy, Both Serialized in la Revue Universelle 1928. [Complete Year Consisting of 24 Semimonthly Issues of the Journal. ]
24541: Hiaasen, Carl. - Strip Tease.
11253: Hibbard, William. - String Trio. E.C. S. Facsimile No. 642.
11254: Hibbard, William. - Portraits for Flute and Piano. Score and [Flute] Part.
97469: Hibbard, William. - Parsons' Piece.
1641: Hickey, Des; and Smith, Gus. - Flight from the Celtic Twilight.
24365: Hidalgo, Francisco. - New York.
96228: Hier, Ethel Glenn; Brown, Abbie Farwell. - The Fairy Ring for Soprano, Violin, Cello, & Piano by Ethel Glenn Hier, Poem by Abbie Farwell Brown". A Printed Score from the Holograph Manuscript. [4 Parts, Consisting of the Scores for Voice, Piano, Violin and Violoncello].
96227: Hier, Ethel Glenn; and Teasdale, Sara. - In a Carpenter's Shop by Ethel Glenn Hier, Poem by Sara Teasdale". A Printed Score from the Holograph Manuscript. [4 Parts, Consisting of the Scores for "High Voice", "Soprano, Violin, Cello and Piano", "Violin", and "Violoncello"].
27185: Hiesinger, Kathryn B.; Marcus, George H. - Landmarks of Twentieth-Century Design: An Illustrated Handbook.
98296: Higgins, Dick. - Of Celebration of Morning: A Polysemiotic Fiction. [Signed by Dick Higgins].
98043: (Higgins, Mary Boy;, editor). Reich, Wilhelm. - Beyond Psychology. Letters and Journals 1934-1939. Edited and with an Introduction by Mary Boyd Higgins.
98044: (Higgins, Mary Boyd; editor). Reich, Wilhelm. - American Odyssey. Letters and Journals 1940-1947. Edited by Mary Boyd Higgins.
98465: Higgins, Mary Boyd; Reich, Wilhelm. - Where's the Truth? Letters and Journals 1948 - 1957. Edited by Mary Boyd Higgins. Introduction by James E. Strick, Ph. D.
30578: Higginson, A. Henry. - British and American Sporting Authors: Their Writings and Biographies with a Bibliography by Sydney R. Smith and Foreword by Ernest R. Gee.
6962: Higgs, Henry; editor. - Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy. 3 Volumes.
2376: Higham, Charles. - Warner Brothers.
23163: Hiler, Hilaire and Meyer; compilers. - Bibliography of Costume: A Dictionary Catalog of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals.
24485: Evans, Hilary and Mary. - Sources of Illustration 1500-1900.
36649: Hill, Joe.; Sugar, Maurice; Cornwall, Philip; et al. Robinson, Earl; editor. - America Sings. (Cover Title).
36471: Hill, Rev. George. Pastor of the Leeds, South Parade Baptist Church (1877--1891). - Autograph Letter Signed by the Rev. George Hill, Pastor of the Leeds, South Parade Baptist Church, Sending Thanks for an Offer of Help Which He Cannot Accept.
16563: [Hill, John]. Goldsmid, Edmund; editor. - Lucina Sine Concubitu. A Treatise Humbly Addressed to the Royal Society; in Which Is Proved, by Most Incontestable Evidence, Drawn from Reason and Practice, That a Woman May Conceive and Be Brought to Bed, without Any Commerce with Man. Edited by Edmund Goldsmid, F.R. H. S, F.S. A. (Scot). Collectanea Adamantaea VII.
95488: (Fort Hill, Boston). - Original 19th Century Historic Photograph of Fort Hill, in Boston.
36032: Hilles, Frederick Whiley. - The Literary Career of Sir Joshua Reynolds.
26110: Hillier, J. - Utamaro: Colour Prints and Paintings
35898: (Hillman, Sidney). - Sidney Hillman 1887-1946. [Titled in Yiddish].
16470: Hillyer, Robert. - The Seventh Hill.
31454: Hillyer, Robert. - The Death of Captain Nemo: A Narrative Poem.
15114: Hinckley, Priscilla; Davison, Patricia; Levinsohn, Rhoda; Burt, Eugene C.; et al. - African Arts. May 1983 - Volume XVI Number 3.
8021: Hindsley, Mark H. - Band--at-Ten-Tion! a Manual for the Marching Band. Drill Masters and Drum Majors Edition.
10801: Hindus, Maurice. - The Kremlin's Human Dilemma: Russia After Half a Century of Revolution.
1148: (Hinton, Charles Louis). Martin, George Madden. - Emmy Lou: Her Book and Heart.
3853: Lobach-Hinweiser, Bernd. - Umwelterkenntnisse.
16136: (Charles Elmer Hires). - Happy Hours in Picture Land. (Cover Title).
30085: HIrsch, Richard; director. - Four Centuries of Still Life: A Catalogue of the Inaugural Exhibition.
35293: Hirshorn, Paul; and Izenour, Steven. - White Towers.
98250: (Michelangelo). Hirst, Michael. - Michelangelo Draftsman.
14477: Hirst, Barton Cooke, M.D. - A Text-Book of Diseases of Women.
16360: Hirth, Georg; editor. - Stadt Und Land: Viertes Bilderbuch Der Munchner "Jugend". Aus Dem Bilderschatze Der Munchner "Jugend" Ausgewahlt Und Unter Mitwirkung Der "Freien Lehrervereinigung Fur Kunstpflege" Berlin / Herausgegeben Von Georg Hirth.
34616: (Eichler, Reinhold Max; Engels, Robert; Heilig, Karl; Hoe, Eugen Ludwig; et al). Hirth, Georg; editor. - Marchen Ohne Worte.
6264: Hislop, Richard; editor. - Auction Prices of American Artists Volume 3. Auction Seasons 80/81, 81/82.
12860: Hiss, Alger. - In the Court of Public Opinion.
36998: Eggleston, Edward. (1837-1902) American historian and novelist. - Card Inscribed and Signed by American Historian and Novelist Edward Eggleston, Author of the "Hoosier" Series of Stories.
34558: Padover, Saul K. (1905-1981). A historian and political scientist at the New School for Social Research in New York City. - Typed Letter Signed by Historian and Political Scientist Saul K. Padover As Dean of the New School for Social Research.
33894: Frankl, Peter. (1878-1962). Influential art historian and important architectural analyst. - Autograph Letter Signed by Paul Frankl Concerning His Earlier Statements Regarding Peter Hemmel and the Windows of Walbourg in Alsace.
36415: Knowles, Lees, 1st Baronet. (1857-1928). British barrister, military historian and Conservative politician. - Autograph Letter to Major Pond of the Pond Lecture Bureau Signed by British Conservative Member of Parliament Lees Knowles, 1st Baronet.
7880: Hitler, Adolf. - Rede Des Fuhrers Und Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler Vor Dem Reichstag Am 20. Februar 1938.
7251: Hixson, Richard F. - Isaac Collins: A Quaker Printer in 18th Century America.
35335: Hjern, Kjell. - Ett Svunnet Goteborg.
29561: Hoagland, Edward. - The Circle Home.
95951: Hoagland, Edward. - Walking the Dead Diamond River.
27430: Hoagland, Edward. - Balancing Acts: Essays.
98688: Hobbes, Thomas. - De Mirabilibus Pecci: Being the Wonders of the Peak in Darby-Shire, Commonly Called the Devil's Arse of Peak. In English and Latine. The Latine Written by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. The English by a Person of Quality.
1502: Hobson, J. A. - Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation.
33547: Hochman, Sandra. - Happiness Is Too Much Trouble.
6475: Hocken, T. M. - A Bibliographyof the Literature Relating to New Zealand.
26241: Hockenberry, John. - A River out of Eden.
97530: Hodgson, William Ballantyne (1815-1880). - Competition. A Lecture Delivered by W.B. Hodgson, Esq. , LL. D. On Tuesday, March 15, 1870. Lord Houghton in the Chair.
17648: Hodgson, Fred T - The Up-to-Date Hardwood Finisher. In Two Parts. Part One: Giving Rules and Methods for Hardwoods, with Description of Tools Required... . Part Two: Treats on the Filling, Staining, Varnishing, Polishing, Gilding, Enameling and Finishing All Kinds of Woodwork... By Fred T. Hodgson, Architect
97532: Hodgson, William Ballantyne (1815-1880). - Two Lectures on the Conditions of Health and Wealth Educationally Considered.
6829: (Aesop). Hodnett, Edward. - Aesop in England: The Transmission of Motifs in Seventeenth-Century Illustrations of Aesop's Fables.
22435: Hoecker, Hauptmann d. L.; and Ompteda, Freih. v. - Liller Kriegszeitung. Vol. I: Eine Auslese Aus Nummer 1-40; Vol. 3: Sommerlese 1916 Der Auslese Dritter Band. Vol. 4: Die Vierte Auslese. [Volumes 1, 3 & 4 Only of 5 Volumes Published].
23957: Hoel, Sigurd. - Tankar I Mork Tid.
23956: Hoel, Sigurd - Jag Har Blivit Kar I En Annan
11326: Van Hoesen, Karl D. - Handbook of Conducting. Revised Edition.
95577: Hoffman, Alice. - Angel Landing.
96480: Hoffman, John T. (1828-1888). The 23rd Governor of New York. - Partially Printed Close from a Document Signed by John T. Hoffman As Mayor of New York City.
29421: Hoffman, Jill. - Mink Coat.
8422: Hoffmann, Karl Friedrich Vollrath [1796-1842] - Die Erde Und Ihre Bewohner; Ein Hand- Und Lesebuch Fur Alle Stände
1078: Hoffmann, Felix. - Hans in Luck: A Story by the Brothers Grimm with Pictures by Felix Hoffmann.
21117: Hofmann, Hans; Seitz, William C. - Hans Hofmann by William C. Seitz with Selected Writings by the Artist. (Catalog).
29426: (Hofmann, Hans). Sandler, Irving. - Hans Hofmann: The Years 1947-1952.
98265: (Hofmann, Hans). Sims, Lowery Stokes. - Hans Hofmann in the Metropolitan Museum of Art [by] Lowery Stokes Sims. Chronology and Selected Bibliography by Tina Dickey.
97614: (Hofmann, Hans). Yohe, James. - Hans Hofmann. Edited by James Yohe.
35623: Hoft, Thomas. - Shiny Shapes: Arms and Armor from the Zeughaus of Graz.
22897: (Wood & Hogan). - Distinguished English Reproductions. Autumn 1960. (Cover Title). (Catalog).
22282: Hogan, Cpl. Charles A.; Welsh, Cpl. John; compilers. - Puptent Poets of the Stars and Stripes Mediterranean.
97148: (Hogarth, William). Trusler, The Rev. John. - The Works of William Hogarth; in a Series of Engravings, with Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency. By the Rev. John Trusler. To Which Is Added, Anecdotes of the Author and His Works. By J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. (2 Volumes).
97861: (Hogarth, Paul). Sassoon, Siegfried. - Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. With an Introduction by David Daiches and Illustrations by Paul Hogarth. [Limited Edition Signed by Paul Hogarth].
36742: Hogarth, Paul; Spender, Stephen. - America Observed.
34688: Hogarth, Paul. - Sons of Adam: A Sketchbook of Southern Africa with a Preface by Father Trevor Huddleston Cr and Excerpts from the Diary of the Artist.
97878: (Hogarth, Paul). Sassoon, Siegfried. - Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man. With Drawings by Paul Hogarth. [Limited Edition Signed by Paul Hogarth].
1555: (Hogg, Jack). Elliott, Charles. - Gone Huntin'.
24075: Hojlund, Niels. - Krise Uden Alternativ: En Anaylse Af Dansk Gronlandsdebat.
27026: (Hokusai, Katsushika). Lane, Richard. - Hokusai: Life and Work.
24572: (Holbein, Hans, the Younger). Hueffer, Ford Madox [Ford Madox Ford]. - Hans Holbein the Younger: A Critical Monograph.
95767: (Holbrook and Fessenden). - The New Universal Letter Writer, Containing Letters on Different Subjects. To Which Are Added, Forms of Cards of Invitation, Titles of Address, &C. &C.
29020: Holbrook, Sabra. - Sir Tristan of All Time.
97011: Holcroft, Thomas. - The Life of Baron Fred. Trenck: Containing His Adventures, and Cruel and Excessive Sufferings, During Ten Years Imprisonment, at the Fortress of Magdeburg, by Command of the Late King of Prussia.
2597: Holden, Bryan; and Leech, Kenneth H. - Portraits of 'Kings': Portraits of Every Western Region 'King' Class Locomotive in Single and Double Chimney Form, with Footplate Comments. With Additional Research & Drawings by Richard S. Potts.
97324: Crossley-Holland, Kevin. - Alderney / the Nunnery. [Signed Limited Edition].
27705: Hollander, John. - Types of Shape.
96615: Hollar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677). - Aeneas in the Underworld": An Original Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar After a Drawing by Francis Cleyn.
96614: Hollar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677). - The Trojans' First Meal in Latium": An Original Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar After a Drawing by Francis Cleyn.
96611: Hollar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677). - Amata and Lavinia Among the Bacchantes": An Original Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar After a Drawing by Francis Cleyn.
96610: Hollar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677). - Camilla Slaying Aunus": An Original Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar After a Drawing by Francis Cleyn.
96609: Hollar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677). - Dido and Aeneas": An Original Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar After a Drawing by Francis Cleyn.
1162: Hollerer, Walter. - Alle Vogel Alle: Eine Komodie in Zwei Akten Samt Einem Bericht Und Anmerkungen Zum Theater.
25765: (Hollingworth, Keith). Doyle, Bob. (b. 1937). - Poems / Bob Doyle / Images / Keith Hollingworth. (Cover Title).
6138: Holloway, Merlyn; compiler. - Steel Engravings in Nineteenth Century British Topographical Books: A Bibliography.
6078: Holloway, Owen E. - French Rococo Book Illustration.
12936: (Holman, Leon). Vestdijk, S[imon]. - De Vliegende Hollander.
16365: Holmberg, Eric. - The Astronomer's Universe -- Reality or Delusion? Monday Evening Papers: Number 1. (Cover Title).
25103: (Bradley, Will; Cassat, Mary; Cameron, D.Y.; et al). Holme, Charles; editor. - The International Studio. (an Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Fine & Applied Art. Vol. XXVII No. 105). November 1905.
19690: Holme, Bryan. - Advertising: Reflections of a Century.
5865: Holmes, Urban T., Jr. - A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: The Medieval Period.
33204: (Dalziel). Holmes, Oliver Wendell. - The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
26075: Holt, Richild. - Richild Holt: Paintings and Drawings.
95111: Homes, A. M. - Music for Torching.
31853: Honig, Edwin; and Zaleski, Jean. - Cow / Lines. Cows by Jean Zaleski. Lines by Edwin Honig.
25728: Honnef, Klaus. - Contemporary Art.
25720: Honnef, Klaus; editor. - Lichtbildnisse: Das Portrat in Der Fotografie / Herausgegeben Von Klaus Honnef / in Zusammenarbeit Mit Jan Thorn Prikker. Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn.
26762: Honnef, Klaus. - Contemporary Art.
11659: Hoogendijk, Johannes Hendrikus.(1889- ). - De Nederlandsche Koopvaardij in Den Oorlogstijd (1914-1918): Eigen Ervaringen Van Gezagvoerders, Stuurlieden En Andere Opvarenden / Bijeengebracht Door J.H. Hoogendijk / Bewerkt Door J.F. De Balbian Verster / Met Een Woord Vooraf Van M.W. F. Treub, Oud-Minister.
13593: Hoogstraten, Harry. - Boxing Days: Poems & Visuals 1975 - 1979.
97183: (Hooker, Josiah). - Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Municipal Register of the City of Springfield, for 1865: Containing City Officers and Committees; Mayor's Address; Reports of the Various Officers; Recent City Ordinances; Members of the City Government Since the Adoption of the City Charter. Published by Order of the City Council.
97768: (Hooks, Mitchell). Farrell, James T. - Young Lonigan. A Limited Edition. Illustrated by Mitchell Hooks. [Signed by James T. Farrell].
32320: Hooks, William H. - Crossing the Line.
27195: (Brackenbury, Deborah; Mihailov, Boris; Neumaier, Diane; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Hufnagel, Amy. - Contact Sheet 79.
27161: (Modica, Andrea; Lugansky, Victor; Bacon, Pat; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Hufnagel, Amy. - Contact Sheet 77.
27162: (Shepp, Accra; Pomeroy, Jim; Martinez-Canas, Maria; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Murtagh, Gina. - Contact Sheet 68.
27436: (Mertin, Roger; Cohen, Lynn; Murtagh, Gina; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Slade, George; Hesse, Gary; Koh, Germaine. - Contact Sheet 89.
27231: (Levin, Mikael; de Swaan, Sylvia; Reis, Jon; Matsumoto, Darrell; Staffeld, William; Blanco, Laura Cano; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Murtagh, Gina. - Contact Sheet 71.
27230: (Maul, Tim; Stewart, Frank; Nicholson, Gail; Breitenbach, Eric; Wilcox, Ronald A.; et al). Hoone, Jeffrey; Murtagh, Gina. - Contact Sheet 69.
27196: (Wallace, Patty; Nickard, Gary; Spence, John; Underhill, Liam; Tsinhnahjinnie, Hulleah). Hoone, Jeffrey; Kotik, Charlotte; et al. - Contact Sheet 86.
26517: Hoover, Herbert. - Assignment of Hoover Party for Landings": Rare Ephemera Listing the Names of President-Elect Herbert Hoover's Party Present on His Voyage to South America.
30502: Hope, Anthony. - The Prisoner of Zenda: Being the History of Three Months in the Life of an English Gentleman.
98210: (Titian). Hope, Charles; Fletcher, Jennifer; Dunkerton, Jill; Falomir, Miguel. - Titian. Essays by Charles Hope, Jennifer Fletcher, Jill Dunkerton, Miguel Falomir. Catalogue Edited by David Jaffe, with Contributions from Nicholas Penny, Caroline Campbell, Amanda Bradley.
12058: Hopkins, Clark. - The Season 1934-35 at Dura.
14763: Hopkins, Frank E. - The de Vinne & Marion Presses: A Chapter from the Autobiography of Frank E. Hopkins.
98659: [Chiswick Press]. (Horace, 65 BC-8 BC). Flacci, Q. Horati. - Opera. [One of 50 Large Paper Copies from the Chiswick Press].
32739: Gregory Horace. - Horace Gregory: Poems 1930-1940.
22507: Horan, James D. - Confederate Agent: A Discovery in History.
7640: Horgan, Thomas P., Captain, USNR. (Ret.). - Old Ironsides: The Story of the Uss Constitution. (Foreword by President John F. Kennedy. Introduction by Samuel Eliot Morison).
98008: Scrutator [pseudonym of William Knightley Horlock, 1802-1882]. - The Science of Foxhunting and Management of the Kennel.
36424: Horn, Maurice. - 75 Years of the Comics. Introduction by Maurice Horn.
11439: Hornblow, Arthur. - A History of the Theatre in America / from Its Beginning to the Present Time. 2 Volumes.
33330: (Wehlen, Emmy; Adams, Maud; Rostand, Edmund; et al). Hornblow, Arthur; editor. - The Theatre (the Magazine for Playgoers). Vol. XIII No. 121 / March 1911.
3118: (Hornby, Lester G.). Kerfoot, J. B. - Broadway.
28077: Hornung, Clarence P. - Treasury of American Design: A Pictorial Survey of Popular Folk Arts Based Upon Watercolor Renderings in the Index of American Design, at the National Gallery of Art. (2 Volumes).
7108: Hornung, Otto. - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Stamp Collecting.
94845: Horowitz, Gene. - Privates.
22593: (Zielske, Horst and Daniel). Pletsch, Alfred. - Deutschland (Lander Der Welt).
36447: Hoskins, Major-General Sir Arthur Reginald. (1871-1942) Senior British Army officer of the First World War. - Autograph Letter Signed by British World War I Army Officer Sir Reginald Hoskins About a Possible American Lecture Tour.
22893: (Galen Hotel). - Galen Hall Sanatorium and Hotel. Open All the Year. Corner Connecticut and Pacific Avenues, Atlantic City, N.J.
95220: Hough, Fred N. - The Thrushes (Turdidae). Their Occurrence in Ulster County, N.Y.
98192: (Renoir, Pierre-Auguste). House, John; Distel, Anne; and Gowing, Lawrence. - Renoir.
31610: Herrick, Glenn W. (1870-1965). Entomologist. Author of "Insects Injurious to the Household" and other works. - Typed Letter About a Beetle Signed by Glenn W. Herrick.
28102: Houseman, John. - Entertainers and the Entertained: Essays on Theater, Film and Television.
33980: Housman, Laurence; and Barker, Granville. - Prunella or Love in a Dutch Garden.
13393: Houssaye, Arsene. - Madame de Maintenon.
2463: Houston, Penelope. - The Contemporary Cinema.
34059: Hoving, Thomas. - Tutankhamun: The Untold Story.
16556: (Howard, Ken); Nardo, Patricia; creator/producer. - Ken Howard's Copies of Shooting Scripts for the Television Series "It's Not Easy": Five Scripts, One of Which Is Inscribed, Plus Two Duplicates.
94779: Howard, Nathan, Jr. - Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Vol. VII.
15901: Howard, John Tasker. - Our Contemporary Composers: American Music in the Twentieth Century / John Tasker Howard with the Assistance of Arthur Mendel.
537: Howard, John Tasker. - Our Contemporary Composers: American Music in the Twentieth Century by John Tasker Howard with the Assistance of Arthur Mendel.
29677: Howat, John K. - The Hudson River and Its Painters. Preface by James Biddle. Foreword by Carl Carmer.
98114: Howat, John K. - American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School.
96249: Howe, Mary (1882-1964). - Ripe Apples. Music by Mary Howe, Words by Leonora Speyer". Reproduction of the Holograph Manuscript Score.
4625: Howe, Juliet Ward. - At Sunset.
26846: Howell, Barbara. - Joy Ride.
26618: Howell, Anthony. - Hot Damn: A Poetic Rage.
26617: Howell, Anthony (b. 1945). - Oslo: A Tantric Ode.
26952: Howells, W[illiam]. D[ean]. - The Mother and the Father: Dramatic Passages.
24966: Howells, William Dean. - Novels 1875-1886: A Foregone Conclusion / a Modern Instance / Indian Summer / the Rise of Silas Lapham.
20758: Howells, William Dean. - William Dean Howells: Novels 1886 - 1888. The Minister's Charge / April Hopes / Annie Kilburn.
19373: Howells, William Dean. - Familiar Spanish Travels. W.D. Howells. Illustrated.
15031: Howitt, Mary. - No Sense Like Common Sense; or, Some Passages in the Life of Charles Middleton, Esq.
4824: Howse, Dean; and Sanderson, Michael. - The Sea Chart: An Historical Survey Based on the Collections in the National Maritime Museum. With an Introduction by Rear-Admiral G.S. Ritchie, President of the Directing Committee of the International Hydrographic Bureau Monaco / Former Hydrographer of the Navy.
37267: Hoyt, Reverend William K. - Autograph Letter Signed by the Rabid Anti-Catholic Reverend William K. Hoyt to the Editor of the Police Gazette Regarding Accusations of "Swindling".
22551: Hoyt, The Misses. - A Lot of Vintage Publicity Material for the Misses Hoyt Who Performed Costume Musicales and Performance Soirees for the Elite in Europe and America - Including Performances at the Waldorf-Astoria.
96852: Hoyt, Darrell. - Sketches of Orleans, Vermont (Originally Barton Landing). An Informal History by Darrell Hoyt. Edited by James Hayford.
36958: Hubbard, Henry [1784-1857]. - Speech of Mr. Hubbard, of New Hampshire, on the Bill Imposing Additional Duties, As Depositaries in Certain Cases, on Public Officers, &C. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 7 and 8, 1838.
36313: Hubbard, Nathaniel Tuthill. - Autobiography of N.T. Hubbard with Personal Reminiscences of New York City from 1798 to 1875.
8193: (Hubbard, L. Ron.). Widder, William J. - Master Storyteller: An Illustrated Tour of the Fiction of L. Ron Hubbard. Preface by Frank Kelly Freas.
1501: Hubbell, Lindley Williams. - Winter-Burning.
15082: Huber, Fortunat. - Das Verhaltnis Der Nationaloekonomie Zur Psychologie.
6932: (Hubert, M. Denis). - Bibliotheque de Feu M. Denis Hubert. Premiere Partie: Livres Illustres Du Xviiie Siecle / Livres Illustres Modernes / Riches Reliures Mosaiquees. (Catalogue).
5361: Hubin, Allen J. - The Bibliography of Crime Fiction 1749-1975: Listing All Mystery, Detective, Suspense, Police, and Gothic Fiction in Book Form Published in the English Language.
3496: Huddleston, Sisley. - Europe in Zigzags. Social, Artistic, Literary, and Political Affairs on the Continent. With 36 Illustrations.
7834: Hudson, W.H. - British Birds. With a Chapter on Structure and Classification by Frank E. Beddard. New Impression.
6648: (Hudson, W. H.) Wilson, G. F. - A Bibliography of the Writings of W.H. Hudson.
12546: (Grabhorn Press). Hudson, Hoyt. - Celebration: A Book of of Poems by Hoyt Hudson.
33343: (Hudson, Henry). Janvier, Thomas A. - Henry Hudson: A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements. To Which Is Added a Newly-Discovered Partial Record Now First Published of the Trial of the Mutineers by Whom He and Others Were Abandoned to Their Death.
97329: Hueter, Theodor F.; and Bolt, Richard H. - Sonics: Techniques for the Use of Sound and Ultrasound in Engineering and Science.
94799: Hughes, Glyn. - Presence.
24501: Hughes, Therle. - Prints for the Collector: British Prints from 1500 to 1900.
29808: Hughes, Richard. - A High Wind in Jamaica (the Innocent Voyage).
1556: Hughes, Stephen Ormsby. - Tight Lines and Dragonflies.
28262: Hugo, Victor. - The Toilers of the Sea. 2 Volumes.
95612: Hugo, E. Harold (1910-1985). Printing pioneer who worked his way up to become president of The Meriden Gravure Company. - An Archive Consisting of 12 Autograph Letters Signed by E. Harold Hugo to Parker Breese Allen, President of the Meriden Gravure Company, Chronicling Hugo's 1931-1932 Sales Trips on Behalf of the Printing Company Which Specialized in Very High Quality Image Reproduction.
11124: Hugo, Victor. - Angelo, Tyran de Padoue. Drame En Trois Journees. Repertoire Du Theatre Francais a Berlin No. 147.
98778: (Hugo, E. Harold). Nash, Ray. - Of Good Order. A Morality Fragment Shewing How Old Christmas, Through Good Order, Banisht Ryot & Glotony to America... Printed by W. Rastell in 1533 and Now Sent with Old Christmas Wishes by Hope, Ray, Grig & John Nash Hanover, N.H. , 1942.
34252: Hugo, Harold; et al. Walden, Charles C., Jr.; editor. - Printing: News and Management Monthly of the Graphic Arts. Vol. 66 No. 5. May, 1942.
95614: Hugo, E. Harold (1910-1985). Printing pioneer who worked his way up to become president of The Meriden Gravure Company. - Copy of the Typed "Minutes of the Columbiad Club Meeting" Initialed Twice by E. Harold Hugo As Clerk of the Columbiad Club.
23159: (Hugo, Victor). Dubois, L'Abbe Pierre. - Bio-Bibliographie de Victor Hugo de 1802 a 1825.
12376: Hugunin, James Richard. - (You) Read This Book (Cover Title):... . Being an Anthology of Phenomenological Artworks Produced by James Richard Hugunin... .
12965: Hugunin, James. - Re-Treads. (Cover Title).
11909: Hugunin, James Richard. - Greatest Hits. (Cover Title).
8371: (Marie Antoinette). Huisman, Philippe; and Jallut, Marguerite. - Marie Antoinette.
97570: (Lautrec, Henri de Toulouse). Huisman, Ph.; and Dortu, M.G. - Lautrec by Lautrec. Translated and Edited by Corinne Bellow.
25177: Hulten, K. G. Pontus. - The Machine / As Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age.
22330: Von Humboldt, Alexander. - Letters of Alexander Von Humboldt to Varnhagen Von Ense. From 1827 to 1858. With Extracts from Varnhagen's Diaries, and Letters of Varnhagen and Others to Humboldt. Translated from the Second German Edition, by Friedrich Kapp.
32108: Humes, H. L. - The Underground City.
10336: (Humperdinck, Ethelbert). Wette, Adelheid. - Hansel and Gretel: A Fairy Opera in Three Acts by Adelheid Wette / Translated and Adapted Into English by Constance Bache / the Music Composed by E. Humperdinck. Complete Vocal Score by R. Kleinmichel.
32292: Humphrey, William. - Farther Off from Heaven.
96398: Humphreys, Alexander Crombie (1851-1927). President of Stevens Institute of Technology. - Autograph Letter Signed by the President of Stevens Institute of Technology Alexander Crombie Humphreys.
25456: (Feininger, Lyonel; Heartfield, John; Sander, August; Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo; et al). Huneke, Andreas; Ihrke, Gerhard; Neumann, Alfred; Wallenburg, Ullrich; editors. - Medium Fotografie.
31760: (Hunger, Dr. F. W. T.) - Early Herbals from the Library of Dr. F.W. T. Hunger Voorschoten. To Be Sold by Auction November 7,1951.
23549: Hunnewell, James F. - Bibliography of the Hawaiian Islands.
21977: Hunnisett, Basil. - Steel-Engraved Book Illustration in England.
24877: Hunt, Robert; editor. - The Advertising Parade: An Anthology of Good Advertisements Published in 1928.
34281: (Hunt, Leigh). Brewer, Luther A. - My Leigh Hunt Library: The First Editions.
12809: Hunt, Leigh. - A Legend of Florence: A Play in Five Acts. Printed from the Acting Copy, with Remarks, Biographical & Critical by D--G. To Which Are Added, a Description of the Costume, Cast of the Characters, Entrances and Exits, Relative Positions of the Performers on the Stage, and the Whole of the Stage Business, As Now Performed in the Theatre Royal, London.
30518: Hunt, William R. - Arctic Passage: The Turbulent History of the Land and People of the Bering Sea 1697-1975.
7849: (Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller). Titcombe, Marianne Fletcher. - The Bookbinding Career of Rachel Mcmasters Miller Hunt.
5981: Hunt, William R. - Dictionary of Rogues.
3591: Hunter, Mollie. - A Sound of Chariots.
31846: Hunter, Rex. (1889-1960). - The Saga of Sinclair.
34441: Prince William of Sweden (1884-1965).Swedish prince. Big game hunter and author of several books under the nom de plume "Prins Wilhelm". - Cut Signature of Big Game Hunter and Author of Several Books Prince William of Sweden Mounted with a Newspaper Portrait.
22859: Hunter, Sam. - Jackson Pollock.
12090: Huntington, Asahel. - A Discourse, Designed to Comfort the Afflicted, Delivered Feb. 28th, 1806, at the Internment of the Rev. Levi Frisbie, A.M. Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Ipswich.
5688: Hurd, Paul D., Jr.; and Linsley, E. Gorton. - Parasitic Bees of the Genus Holcopasites Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Apoidea).
98102: (Rivera, Diego). Hurlburt, Laurance P.; Campos, Jorge Hernandez; Azuela, Alicia, et al. - Diego Rivera: A Retrospective.
14521: Hurlimann, Josef. - Beitrag Zur Prophylaxis Der Lungenschwindsucht: Ueber Die Fursorge Fur Arme, Chronisch Erkrankte Kinder, Speziell Fur Rhachitische Und Scrophulose. (Referat an Der Versammlung Der Schweizerischen Gemeinnutzigen Gesellschaft in Zug). Von Hurlimann, Arzt, Privatsanatorium in Aegeri. Separatabdruck Ans Der Schw. Ztschr. F.G. , XXXIX Jahrgang, Heft III (Aug. 1900). (Cover Title).
8404: Hurlimann, Martin. - Spain. Introductory Essay and Notes.
27880: Hurlimann, Bettina. - Three Centuries of Children's Books in Europe.
26317: (Hurlimann, Martin). Valery, Paul. - Eternal France
6908: Hurlimann, Bettina. - Three Centuries of Children's Books in Europe. Translated and Edited by Brian W. Alderson.
5753: (Patrons of Husbandry). - Twenty-Ninth Session of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. Worcester, Mass. 1895. Journal of Proceedings.
3718: (Hussar, Lacy). Rich, Edwin Gile; adapter. - The Arabian Nights' Entertainments.
96319: (Husserl, Edmund). Spiegelberg, Herbert (1904-1990). - Perspektivenwandel: Konstitution Eines Husserlbildes. [an Offprint of Herbert Spiegelberg's Article Which Appeared in the Publication Titled "Edmund Husserl 1859-1959. Recueil Commemoratif Publie a L'Occasion Du Centenaire de la Naissance Du Philosophe"].
19528: (Huston, John). Williams, Tennessee. - The Night of the Iguana.
97968: (Hutcheson, Francis). Ramsay, Chevalier. (Ramsay, Andrew Michael, 1686-1743). - The Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion Unfolded in a Geometrical Order by the Chevalier Ramsay Author of the Travels of Cyrus. [Together with]: Appendix to the Foregoing Work Containing a Refutation of the First Book of Spinoza's Ethics by Which the Whole Structure Is Undermined. Volume 1.
96910: Hutton, Betty (1921-2007); Tufts, Sunny (1911-1970); and Chekhov, Michael (1891-1955). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Actress Betty Hutton with Sunny Tufts & Michael Chekhov in a Scene from Paramount's "Cross My Heart".
96911: Hutton, Betty (1921-2007); Tufts, Sunny (1911-1970). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Actress Betty Hutton with Sunny Tufts in a Scene from Paramount's "Cross My Heart".
96902: Hutton, Betty (1921-2007). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Actress Betty Hutton with Her Ventriloquist Dummy in a Musical Scene from Paramount's "Cross My Heart".
314: Hutton, Laurence. - Curiosities of the American Stage.
37295: Huxley, Aldous; editor. - An Encyclopaedia of Pacifism.
29251: Huxley, Thomas Henry. - Critiques and Addresses.
6966: Huyghe, Rene; General Editor. - Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern Art from 1800 to the Present Day.
95211: Hyde, A. Sidney. - The Ecology and Economics of the Birds Along the Northern Boundary of New York State.
95283: Hyslop, James H.; Shaw, J. Austin; et al. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Volume II. No. 4. April, 1908.
98124: Hyslop, Dr. James H.; Lodge, Sir Oliver. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Section "B" of the American Institute for Scientific Research. Vol. IV, No. 2. February, 1910.
95285: Hyslop, James H.; et al. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Volume II. No. 5. May, 1908.
95269: Hyslop, James H.; Hyslop, Robert; et al. - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Volume VI. No. 9. September, 1912.
12360: Hyzer, William G. - Photographic Instrumentation / Science and Engineering: Its Military Equipments, Techniques and Applications. October 1965. Prepared Under Naval Contract #Now 63-0524f for Naval Air Systems Command / Published by Direction of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and the Air Force.
26117: (Icart, Louis). Schnessel, S. Michael. - A Collector's Guide to Louis Icart.
96863: Idriess, Ion L. - Dog of the Desert. By Ion L. Idriess. Written from the Diary of Private Vx13091 J.B. Moody, A.I. F.
26147: Ignatow, Rose Graubart. - Down the American River and Other Stories.
32098: Ignatow, David. - The Notebooks of David Ignatow.
6056: Iguiniz, Juan B. - Bibliografia de Novelistas Mexicanos: Ensayo Biografico, Bibliografico Y Critico.
25579: Elizabeth II and Prince Charles. - A Wonderful Vintage News Photograph Depicting the Queen to Be and Young 2 Year Old Prince Charles.
98745: (Cosgrave II, John O'Hara). Untermeyer, Louis; Frost, Robert. - The Pocket Book of Robert Frost's Poems. With an Introduction and Commentary by Louis Untermeyer.
1120: Ilin, M. - Black on White: The Story of Books. Translated by Beatrice Kincead.
28131: (Illian, George). Rogers, Cameron. - Cyrano.
5760: Illick, Joseph S. - Common Trees of New York: A Handy Pocket Manual of the Common, and Introduced Trees of New York. Presented to the Schools of New York by the Charles Lothrop Pack Forestry Trust.
35716: Wright, Alan. (1864-1927). Illustrator and landscape painter. - Autograph Letter to Author Kineton Parkes Signed by Illustrator and Landscape Painter Alan Wright.
26630: Reed, Philip G. (b. 1908). Illinois-born illustrator and founder in 1930 of the Broadside Press. - Superb Color Woodcut Caricature of a Skinny School Teacher Holding a Switch and a Book in His Hands.
26620: Reed, Philip G. (1908-1989). Illinois-born illustrator and founder in 1930 of the Broadside Press. - Superb Color Woodcut Caricature of Tony Weller, a Large Pipe-Smoking Black Clad Coachman Who Is the Father of Sam Weller in the Pickwick Papers.
96597: Tweedie, Ethel Brilliana (1862-1940). Prolific English author, travel writer, illustrator and women's rights advocate who also wrote as Mrs. Alec Tweedie and as Ethel B. Harley. - Autograph Letter Signed by the English Author, Travel Writer and Illustrator Ethel Brilliana Tweedie Suggesting a New Theme for a Lecture Tour.
30429: (Roosevelt, Franklin Delano). King, Wyncie (1884-1961); American illustrator and caricaturist. - 4 Original Signed Pen & Ink Wash Drawings for "Riding Backwards: The Memoirs of Princess Nira of Newdeal", Serialized in the Saturday Evening Post Satirizing Major Players in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Administration.
97049: Ilmen, Haras. - Jack O' Hearts - or - Her Protege, by Harras Ilmen.
1290: (Moreau le Jeune). Imbert. - Les Bienfaits Du Sommeil: Ou Quatre Reves Accomplis. Poeme En Quatre Chants, Orne de Gravures Par Moreau le Jeune.
33880: South Vietnam Committee for Denunciation of the Crimes of the U.S. Imperialists. - U.S. Imperialists' "Burn All, Destroy All, Kill All" Policy in South Vietnam. (Cover Title).
35779: Hume, Joseph. (1777-1855). Scottish doctor who was surgeon to an army regiment in India and from 1812 an active political reformer. - Cut Signature of Scottish Doctor Joseph Hume Who Was Surgeon to an Army Regiment in India.
35010: Sykes, William Henry. (1790-1872). English naturalist who served with the British military in India. He was known for his work with the army as a politician, Indologist and orthinologist. - Autograph Letter Signed by Ornithologist, Statistician and Indologist William Henry Sykes Who Served with the British Military in India.
30146: Indrimi, Lorenzo. - Ut Pictura Musica.
30147: (Indrimi, Lorenzo). Cossu, Marcella. - Europa: Dipinti Di Lorenzo Indrimi.
30148: (Indrimi, Lorenzo). Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Elegie Romane 1786.
96600: Etnier, Stephen (1903-1984). American realist painter whose industrial and working scenes were imbued with a mixture of realism and luminism. - Autograph Letter Signed by the American Realist Painter Stephen Etnier to Ernest W. Watson, Editor Emeritus of American Artist Magazine.
7858: Ingalls, Jeremy. - Tahl.
6830: (Inge, William) Manley, Frances. - William Inge: A Bibliography. (in American Book Collector, October, 1965, Vol. XVI, No. 2).
36753: (Ingersoll, Robert G.). Stein, Gordon. - Robert G. Ingersoll, a Checklist.
36754: Ingersoll, Robert Green. - Skulls. Col. R.G. Ingersoll's Lectures. No. 1. (Cover Title).
11476: Ingram, John Van Ness; compiler. - A Check List of American Eighteenth Century Newspapers in the Library of Congress.
24396: (Hasbrouck Institute). - The Hasbrouck Sphynx. Published Every Month of the School Year at Hasbrouck Institute, Jersey City. (27 Issues).
26005: (Poster Auctions International). - Premier Posters / to Be Sold at Auction Saturday, March 9, 1985. Sale No. 1.
213: (Internationale). - Internationale Beitrã„Ge Zur Buchgestaltung Buchkunst. Herausgegeben Vom Institut Fur Buchgestaltung Leipzig. Dritter Band.
97315: (Ipsen, Ludvig Sandoe [1840-1920]). (Andersen, Hans Christian). - Christmas Greetings: Compliments of Emerson Piano Co. " [with an Excerpt from Hans Christian Andersen's "Little Gretchen's Christmas" Illustrated by Ludvig Sandoe Ipsen].
29202: Ireland, John. - A London Overture for Orchestra.
96429: Parkinson-Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford, Chichester (1823-1898). British Liberal politician who served as Chief Secretary for Ireland and was later President of the Board of Trade. - Lord Carlingford": A Richly Toned Woodburytype Oval Portrait of the Chief Secretary for Ireland Chichester Parkinson-Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford.
34692: Irving, Sir Henry (1838-1905). Renowned Victorian actor & manager. He was the first actor to be awarded knighthood. - Sir Henry Irving's Autograph, Signed & Dated by Him with the Autograph of the American Actor Samuel Hemple on the Verso.
6688: (Irving, Washington). - The Seligman Collection of Irvingiana: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Other Material Given to the New York Public Library by Mrs. Isaac N. Seligman and Mr. George S. Hellman.
33362: Irving, Clifford. - Tom MIX and Pancho Villa.
36676: Irwin, Dudley M., Jr. - The Buffalo War Council; How One City Met the Challenge of Total War.
3932: Isaacs, Edith J. R.; editor. - Theatre Arts Monthly. Volume XII, January 1928 - April 1928, Numbers 1-4. (4 Issues).
1661: Isham, Giles S. - Guide to California and the Mines.
34780: Isherwood, Christopher. - Exhumations: Stories Articles Verses.
97900: Davis, John W. (1826-1907). Democratic governor of Rhode Island and a strong supporter of women's suffrage. - Autograph: A Card Signed by the Governor of Rhode Island John W. Davis, Who Was a Strong Supporter of Women's Suffrage.
34086: Douglas, Sir Howard. (1776-1861). Soldier, colonial administrator of New Brunswick, author of the "Douglas Code" for the Ionian Islands and author of important naval treatises. - Autograph Letter Signed by Sir Howard Douglas Requesting a Drawing for His "Treatise on Naval Gunnery".
1879: Islas, Arturo. - Migrant Souls: A Novel.
29305: (Credito Italiano). - The Economic Resources of Italy: Their Development During the Last Twenty-Five Years and Their Present Condition / 1895-1920. 2 Volumes.
95359: Crawford, F. Marion. (1854-1909). American author noted for his novels set in Italy and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. - Signature on a Card of F. Marion Crawford, Novelist and Author of Classic Weird and Fantastic Tales.
97406: (Iturbi, Jose; Dalrymple, Jean). - Original Photograph of the Virtuoso Pianist Jose Iturbi Seated at a Piano in Mexico, with Producer & Manager Jean Dalrymple and Three Others in the Background.
96676: Iturbi, Jose (1895-1980). Virtuoso pianist recognized for his prowess in playing classical music as well as boogie-woogie. - An Original Holiday Greeting Card Signed by the Virtuoso Pianist Jose Iturbi with His Endearing Nickname "Pepin", Together with a Calling Card and a Memorial Card Plus Retained Copies of His Friend Jean Dalrymple's Letters.
17016: (George IV and Caroline, King and Queen of Great Britain). - Nero Vanquished. Fourth Edition.
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