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76556: - Dans la Retraite
84719: - Annals of English Literature 1475-1925: The Principal Publications of Each Year Together with an Alphabetical Index of Authors with Their Works
85203: H. L. L. (EDITOR) - The Illustrated Book of Songs for Children
82741: - The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments in the Authorized King James Version
86141: [HALLIDIE, ANDREW S. (FOUNDER)] - Cable Railway Company's System of Traction Railways for Cities and Towns (1973 Facsimile Edition)
84601: - The Modern Art Journals, Numbers 1 - 24 (Bound Together, Entirely in Korean Language)
86221: - The Holy Bible: New International Version (Zondervan Gift & Award Bible, Words of Christ in Red)
87029: - Collins Atlas of the World
79501: - The Bluebird Books Book Bag: 2 Each (American Made)
81542: H. A. L. ("THE OLD SKEKARRY); [LEVESON, HENRY ASTBURY] - Sport in Many Lands, in Two Volumes, Vol. II Only
85188: - Set of Two Pocket Guides: Perennials -and- Annuals
73003: - Gesangbuch Fur Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Des Konigreichs Sachsen
78557: - Distinctive Denver: The Romance of an American Capital
84383: - Human Body (Pocket Guide to the Human Body)
82376: [HALIBURTON, THOMAS CHANDLER] - The Attaché; or Sam Slick in England (New Revised Edition)
77097: - Railway Age June 24, 1968
88594: N. S. D. A. R. - Pioneers of the San Juan Country, Volume III
84904: - The New Yorker Album of Art & Artists
85206: [NEAL, ALICE B.] ( "COUSIN ALICE" ) - Watch and Pray or Helen's Confirmation: A Sequel to Helen Morton's Trial
83856: - Impressionist / Modern Art Sales Review, London 2012
75634: - Biblischer Katechismus über Die Hauptlehren Der Heiligen Schrift; English-German (Bible Catechism of the Main Teachings of Scripture)
80840: ABBOTT, WILBUR CORTEZ - The Expansion of Europe: A Social and Political History of the Modern World, 1415-1789 (Volumes I and II Bound As One)
86130: ABDILL, GEORGE B. - This Was Railroading [in the Pacific Northwest]
83206: ABDILL, GEORGE B. - A Locomotive Engineer's Album: The Saga of Steam Engines in America, Fifth in the Old Railroad Series
88033: NOBEL FOUNDATION AND THE SWEDISH ACADEMY - Nobel Prize Library: William Faulkner / Eugene o'Neill / John Steinbeck
85241: ACKROYD, PETER - The Clerkenwell Tales
87504: ACKROYD, PETER - London: The Biography
84798: ADAMS, ANDY - The Log of a Cowboy: A Narrative of the Old Trail Days
88206: ADAMS, HENRY - Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
87363: ADAMS, HENRY - The Education of Henry Adams (Modern Library #76. 2)
82807: ADAMS, KRAMER A. - Logging Railroads of the West
87879: ADAMS, HENRY - The Education of Henry Adams (Modern Library #76. 2)
84345: ADAMS JR., LESLIE B. (PUBLISHER) - The Collected Papers of Joseph, Baron Lister (Volume I Only, of Two)
76805: ADAMS, ANSEL; ALINDER, MARY STREET - Ansel Adams: An Autobiography (a New York Graphic Society Book)
76806: ADAMS, ANSEL - The Portfolios of Ansel Adams (a New York Graphic Society Book)
88195: ADDAMS, JANE - Twenty Years at Hull-House, with Autobiographical Notes (the Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
84653: ADDISON, JOSEPH; STEELE, RICHARD ET AL. - The Spectator (Volume 1 Only, of 4) (Everyman's Library, #164)
77473: ADDISON, JOSEPH - The Works of Joseph Addison. Complete in Three Volumes. (Volume III Only)
86209: ADKINS, JAN (AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR) - Moving on: Stories of Four Travelers (Signed, with Original Drawing by the Author)
88460: AESCHYLUS; COOKSON, G. M. (TRANSLATION) - Aeschylus: Plays (Everyman's Library #62)
81560: AESCHYLUS; BLACKIE, JOHN STUART (TRANSLATOR) - The Lyrical Dramas of Aeschylus (Everyman's Library "Flatback" Binding Style 1, el #62)
71333: AGEE, JAMES - A Death in the Family
86245: D'AGOSTINO, BRUNO (TEXT) - Monuments of Civilization: Greece
87349: AIKEN, CONRAD (COMPLILER & EDITOR) - A Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry (Modern Library #101. 3)
81471: AIKEN, CONRAD (COMPLILER & EDITOR) - A Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry (Modern Library #101. 3)
83428: DE ALARCÓN, PEDRO A. - The Three-Cornered Hat (Borzoi Spanish Translations Series)
74714: ALBERT, SUSAN WITTIG - Wormwood
86263: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY ET AL. - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XIV, Part I) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume an Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. November 1886 to April 1887
87753: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY ET AL.; DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XI, Part I) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. November 1883 to April 1884
88043: ALCOTT, LOUISA M. - Jo's Boys, and How They Turned out: A Sequel to "Little Men. "
88271: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY; DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XI, Part II) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. May, 1884 to October, 1884
88272: ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY; DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XIV, Part II) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. May, 1887 to October, 1887
88396: ALEICHEM, SHOLOM - Selected Stories of Sholom Aleichem (Modern Library #145. 2)
86139: ALEXANDER, EDWIN P. - Iron Horses: American Locomotives 1829-1900
86142: ALEXANDER, EDWIN P. - American Locomotives: A Pictorial Record of Steam Power, 1900-1950
86135: ALEXANDER, EDWIN P. - The Collector's Book of the Locomotive
73690: ALISON, SIR ARCHIBALD - History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in Mdcccxv [1815] to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in Mdccclii [1852]. Volume IV Only: June 1844 Through 1852.
78376: ALLAN, IAN - Locospotters' Annual 1964
87811: [GILBERT, W.S.; SULLIVAN, ARTHUR]; ALLEN, REGINALD (EDITOR) - The First Night: Gilbert & Sullivan (14 Librettos in Box Set with Facsimilies of First-Night Programmes)
86336: ALLEN, JAMES LANE - Flute and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales and Romances
83226: ALLEN, DOUGLAS; ALLEN JR., DOUGLAS - N.C. Wyeth: The Collected Paintings, Illustrations and Murals
84575: ALLEN, GEOFFREY FREEMAN - Luxury Trains of the World
86086: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Portrait in Sepia
86070: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Daughter of Fortune
84908: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Island Beneath the Sea
78487: ALLEY, RONALD - Gauguin (the Colour Library of Art)
87572: VAN ALLSBURG, CHRIS - The Polar Express
85611: AMBLER, ERIC - The Schirmer Inheritance
85614: AMBLER, ERIC - Journey Into Fear
85613: AMBLER, ERIC - A Coffin for Dimitrios (a Black Widow Thriller)
86424: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. - The Victors, Eisenhower and His Boys: The Men of World War II
83311: AMIS, MARTIN - Night Train: A Novel
87131: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Getting Up and Going Home (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
82805: ANDREWS, RALPH W. - Redwood Classic
80832: ANDREWS, JANE - Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now
74120: ANG, TOM - Digital Photographer's Handbook
84893: ANGELO, VALENTI (DECORATIONS); GORDIS, ROBERT (INTRODUCTION) - The Book of Proverbs from the Authorized King James Version
80776: ANGLE, PAUL M. (EDITOR) - The Lincoln Reader
87094: D'ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE - The Child of Pleasure (Likely Modern Library First Edition, ML #98. 1)
85816: D'ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE - The Flame of Life; (IL Fuoco) (Modern Library #65. 1)
83436: ANONYMOUS; ALEMAN, MATEO; DE QUEVEDO, FRANCISCO - Romans Picaresques Espagnols (Picaresque Spanish Novels, in French Language)
86147: ANTHONY, GENE; LOSSON, JILL - The Great Cable Car Adventure Book, Up and Down San Francisco: A California Guide
82260: ANTHONY, H.E. (TECHNICAL EDITOR) - Animals of America - "Mammals of America"
81053: APPLEGATE, JESSE A.; PORTER, LAVINIA HONEYMAN (AUTHORS); RIDGE, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Westward Journeys: Memoirs of Jesse A. Applegate and Lavinia Honeyman Porter Who Traveled the Overland Trail (the Lakeside Classics, #87)
85790: APULEIUS, LUCIUS; PATER, WALTER - The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
72797: ARDAGH, JOHN - Germany and the Germans an Anatomy of Society Today
83645: ARISTOPHANES - The Acharnians, and Three Other Plays of Aristophanes: The Plays of Aristophanes, Volume I (Everyman's Library "Flatback" Binding Style 1)
88397: ARISTOTLE - Aristotle's Politics: In the Complete and Unabridged Jowett Translation (Modern Library #228. 1)
87765: ARISTOTLE - Politics & Poetics
85727: ARISTOTLE; BAMBROUGH, RENFORD (EDITOR) - The Philosophy of Aristotle
84750: ARISTOTLE; MCKEON, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Introduction to Aristotle (Modern Library #248. 1)
73079: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT H - A Guide to the Birds of Alaska
85204: ARNETT, ANNA W.; HALLOCK, RUTH MARY (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Little Kansans Primer
81634: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems (No. 132, the Riverside Literature Series)
88300: ARRIAN (FLAVIUS ARRIANUS); BRUNT, P. A. (TRANSLATOR) - Anabasis of Alexander, Books I - IV and Books V - VII (Loeb Classical Library #236 & 269)
88605: ARTHUS-BERTRAND, YANN (PHOTOGRAPHY); TAURANAC, JOHN (TEXT) - New York from the Air: An Architectural Heritage
86340: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Buy Jupiter and Other Stories
88648: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Beginnings: The Story of Origins-of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe
87153: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - The Mythic West in Twentieth-Century America
85321: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - The Coloradans
88337: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - Westward the Briton: The American Far West, 1865-1900, Seen and Described by More Than 300 Traveling Englishmen -- Capitalists and Cowboys -- Homesteaders and Sportsmen -- Ladies and Lords (Signed First Edition)
85332: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - Westward the Briton: The Far West, 1865-1900 As Seen by British Sportsmen and Capitalists, Ranchers and Homesteaders, Lords and Ladies (Bison Book #155)
88334: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - The Mythic West in Twentieth-Century America (Signed by Claire Athearn)
85069: ATHEARN, ROBERT G. - William Tecumseh Sherman and the Settlement of the West
74508: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE - Mrs. Pendleton's Four-in-Hand
79579: ATKESON, RAY (PHOTOS AND TEXT) - Western Impressions
71345: ATKINSON, RICK - The Long Gray Line
83607: ATKINSON, BROOKS (FOREWORD) - New Voices in the American Theatre (Modern Library #258. 3)
86107: ATKINSON, MICHAEL - Hemingway Cutthroat
87844: ATKINSON, RICK - The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (Liberation Trilogy, Volume 2)
86422: ATKINSON, RICK - An Army at Dawn : The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 (the Liberation Trilogy, Vol. One)
81829: ATKINSON, BROOKS (FOREWORD) - New Voices in the American Theatre (Modern Library #258. 3)
88061: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Rector of Justin (First Modern Library Edition, ML #383. 1)
87110: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Rector of Justin (Franklin Library Signed Limited Edition Series)
87997: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Exit Lady Masham (Franklin Library Signed First Edition Society Series)
72930: AUDEN, W H - Collected Shorter Poems 1927 1957
86635: AUDEN, W. H. - Nones
84110: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES; PETERSON, ROGER TORY - Favorite Audubon Birds of America
74126: AUERBACH, JOHN - Tales of Grabowski Transformations, Escape & Other Stories
87270: SAINT AUGUSTINE - The Confessions of Saint Augustine
88529: AUSTEN, JANE - Jane Austen: The Complete Novels
84655: AUSTEN, JANE - Pride and Prejudice (Everyman's Library #22)
88550: AUTENRIETH, GEORG - A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges
87672: AUTRY, JAMES A. - Life After Mississippi
87671: AUTRY, JAMES A. - Nights Under a Tin Roof: Recollections of a Southern Boyhood
87526: AYER, JEAN - Donald Duck and His Friends (Walt Disney Story Books Series)
88204: BACON, SIR FRANCIS - Three Principal Writings of Francis Bacon: Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum; New Atlantis (Franklin Library 25th Anniversary Limited Edition of the Great Books of the Western World Series)
87905: BAGEHOT, WALTER - Literary Studies by Walter Bagehot (in Two Everyman's Library Volumes, el #520 & 521)
81356: BAILEY; VICTORIA J.; CRANDAL, KIM K. - Savor a Taste of the California Desert: Signature Restaurant Recipes - Enhanced Edition
86268: BAILEY, MARTIN - Vermeer (Phaidon Colour Library)
74849: BAILEY, TEMPLE - Wild Wind
71379: BAILY, PAUL - England, First and Last
85489: BAKER, C. H. COLLINS; WARK, R. R. (REVISOR) - Catalogue of William Blake's Drawings and Paintings in the Huntington Library (Second Edition)
85512: BAKER, GEORGE PIERCE - The Development of Shakespeare As a Dramatist
84759: BAKER, JILL (PUBLISHER) - Geographica: The Complete Illustrated Atlas of the World
84266: BAKKE, DIANE; DAVIS, JACKIE - Places Around the Bases: A Historic Tour of the Coors Field Neighborhood, Plus Denver's Baseball Heritage
73888: BALDRY, H. C. - Greek Literature for the Modern Reader
87134: BALDWIN, JAMES - Go Tell It on the Mountain (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
78104: BALGASSI, HAEMI - Tae's Sonata
83352: BALL JR., DON - Portrait of the Rails: From Steam to Diesel
72267: BALLANTYNE, R M - Martin Rattler
88425: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Droll Stories (Modern Library #193. 1)
85450: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Eugénie Grandet
84226: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Junggesellenwirtschaft ("a Bachelor's Establishment")
86765: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Droll Stories: Thirty Tales
87451: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Père Goriot -and- Eugénie Grandet (Modern Library #245. 1)
81424: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Droll Stories (Franklin Library Collected Stories of the World's Greatest Writers Series)
85347: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Old Goriot (le Père Goriot) (Everyman's Library #170)
81187: BALZAC, HONORé DE - Béatrix the Edition Definitive of the Human Comedy, Scenes of Private Life, Volume X (Limited Edition)
74445: BANCROFT-HUNT, NORMAN (TEXT); FORMAN, WERNER (PHOTOS) - People of the Totem the Indians of the Pacific Northwest
87984: BANKS, ARTHUR - A World Atlas of Military History, 1860-1945
84696: BANVILLE, JOHN - The Sea
87044: BARBER, MICHAEL - Anthony Powell: A Life
74350: BARCLAY, DONALD A.; MAGUIRE, JAMES H.; WILD, PETER (EDITORS) - Into the Wilderness Dream: Exploration Narratives of the American West 1500-1805
84361: BARICH, BILL - Big Dreams: Into the Heart of California
84692: BARKER, PAT - Union Street (Virago Modern Classics #414)
88506: BARNEY, LIBEUS - Letters of the Pike's Peak Gold Rush, or Early Day Letters from Auraria (One of a Limited Edition of 975 Copies)
86296: BARR, ROBERT - A Rock in the Baltic
82570: BARR, GLADYS H. - The Pilgrim Prince: A Novel Based on the Life of John Bunyan
84390: BARRETT, DANIEL & BETH R, - High Drama: Colorado's Historic Theatres
85208: BARRIE, J. M. - The Little Minister
87551: BARRON, T. A. (PROSE & POETRY); FIELDER, JOHN (PHOTOGRAPHY) - To Walk in Wilderness: A Rocky Mountain Journal
86248: BARTLETT, JOHN - Familiar Quotations: Being an Attempt to Trace to Their Source Passages and Phrases in Common Use (Author's Edition)
83932: BASKER, JAMES G.; AHLSTROM, JUSTINE (COMPILERS) - Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation: A Selection of Documents for Teachers
83937: BASLER, ROY P. (EDITOR) - The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly, Vol. VI, June 1950, No. 2
84673: BATEMAN, ALAN M. - The Formation of Mineral Deposits: Second Edition
88266: BAUGHMAN, MEL - National Geographic Reference Atlas to the Birds of North America
88155: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Land of Oz: A Sequel to the Wizard of Oz
83817: BAUSCH, RICHARD - In the Night Season
86089: BAXTER, CHARLES - A Relative Stranger: Stories
87225: BAYNE, S. G. - Quicksteps Through Scandinavia, with a Retreat from Moscow
74904: BEACH, REX - The Silver Horde
80493: BEACH, REX - The Ne'Er-Do-Well
80501: BEACH, REX - The Auction Block: A Novel of New York Life
85246: BEATTIE, ANN - The Doctor's House
82009: BEAUCE, EUGENE A. - The San Francisco Girl and Other Rhymes (Including Some Gloom Chasers)
86839: BECK, PAUL (TEXT) - Uncover a Race Car: Take a Three-Dimensional Look Inside a Race Car!
75345: BECKER, BELLE; LINSCOTT, ROBERT N. (EDITORS) - Bedside Book of Famous French Stories
84574: BEEBE, LUCIUS; CLEGG, CHARLES - Steamcars to the Comstock: The Virginia and Truckee Railroad, the Carson and Colorado Railroad, Their Story in Picture and Prose (Third Edition)
85919: BEEBE, LUCIUS - Trains in Transition
84578: BEEBE, LUCIUS; CLEGG, CHARLES - The American West: The Pictorial Epic of a Continent
83578: BEERBOHM, MAX - Zuleika Dobson (Modern Library #116. 2)
85821: BEERBOHM, MAX - Zuleika Dobson (Modern Library #50. 2)
85444: BEERBOHM, MAX - Zuleika Dobson (Modern Library #116. 2)
81331: BEERS, HENRY A. - From Chaucer to Tennyson: With Twenty-Nine Portraits and Selections from Thirty Authors (Chautauqua Reading Circle Literature)
82679: BEERS, RONALD A. (GENERAL EDITOR) - Life Application Study Bible: New International Version
80652: BEESLY, EDWARD SPENCER - Queen Elizabeth (Twelve English Statesmen Series)
84688: BEGLEY, LOUIS - Mistler's Exit: A Novel
78509: BEHLE, WILLIAM H.; PERRY ,MICHAEL L. - Utah Birds: Check-List, Seasonal and Ecological Occurrence Charts, and Guides to Bird Finding
75234: BELASCO, DAVID - The Girl of the Golden West.
78225: BELDEN, JACK - Still Time to Die
84662: BELL, QUENTIN - Virginia Woolf: A Biography, Volumes One and Two (Bound Together in a Single Volume)
88399: BELLAMY, EDWARD - Looking Backward 2000-1887 (Modern Library #22. 3a)
86099: BELLOW, SAUL - Mr. Sammler's Planet
88188: BELLOW, SAUL - Humboldt's Gift (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series, in Full Leather Binding)
76280: BENDER, JAMES - How to Sleep
87226: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT - John Brown's Body
81992: BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE - The Dust Which Is God: A Novel in Verse
87552: BENNETT, EDNA MAE AND JOHN F. - Turquoise Jewelry of the Indians of the Southwest (Signed Second Printing)
87454: BENNETT, ARNOLD - The Old Wives' Tale (Modern Library #184. 1)
87622: BENNETT, ARNOLD - Riceyman Steps
87956: BENSON, JACKSON J. - The True Adventures of John Steinbeck, Writer
87030: BENSON, VERA (DIRECTOR OF CARTOGRAPHY) - Hammond Atlas of the World
85549: BENTINCK-SMITH, WILLIAM - The Harvard Book: Selections from Three Centuries (Program Edition)
77280: BENTLEY, ELIZABETH PETTY - Directory of Family Associations
83928: BENTLEY, E. C. - Trent's Last Case
77282: BENTLEY, ELIZABETH PETTY - The Genealogist's Address Book
77281: BENTLEY, ELIZABETH PETTY - County Courthouse Book
85914: BERGEN, PHILIP - Old Boston in Early Photographs, 1850-1918: 174 Prints from the Collection of the Bostonian Society
72470: BERGER, THOMAS - Changing the Past a Novel
31519: BERGER, THOMAS - Reinhart's Women
79193: BERGER, THOMAS - Killing Time
88414: BERGSON, HENRI - Creative Evolution (Modern Library #231. 1)
86244: BERGSTRÖM, THEO - Stonehenge: A Picture Book
85285: BERKELEY, GEORGE (AUTHOR); TURBAYNE, COLIN M. (EDITOR) - Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (the Library of Liberal Arts, Number Thirty-Nine)
86896: BERKOW, ROBERT (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - The Merck Manual of Medical Information: Home Edition
84715: BERNBAUM, ERNEST - Guide Through the Romantic Movement
88382: DE BERNIÈRES, LOUIS - The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts: A Novel
75149: BERNSTEIN, THEODORE; WAGNER, JANE (COLLABORATOR) - Bernstein's Reverse Dictionary
81982: BERRYMAN, JOHN - John Berryman: Selected Poems (American Poets Project #11)
85327: BERTHRONG, DONALD J. - The Cheyenne and Arapahoe Ordeal: Reservation and Agency Life in the Indian Territory 1875-1907 (Volume 136 in the Civilization of the American Indian Series)
71236: BERUBE, MARGERY S. (DIRECTOR OF EDITORIAL OPERATIONS) - The American Heritage Dictionary
82313: BETTS, DORIS - Souls Raised from the Dead
83325: BETTS, DORIS - Heading West
77579: BEWICK, THOMAS - My Life
84669: BEYSCHLAG, PROF. DR. F.; VOGT, PROF. J. H. L.; KRUSCH, PROF. DR. P. - The Deposits of the Useful Minerals & Rocks. Their Origin, Form, and Content, Vol. II: Lodes-Metasomatic Deposits-Ore Beds-Gravel Deposits (Vol. II Only, of 3)
74443: BINGHAM, SAM - The Last Ranch a Colorado Community and the Coming Desert
85716: BINSWANGER, HARRY - The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts
83409: BIRD, DAVID M. ET AL. (CONSULTANT) - Discovery Channel: Birds (an Explore Your World Handbook)
73772: BIRNEY, HOFFMAN - Forgotten Cañon
84765: BISE, GABRIEL (TEXT) - Illuminated Manuscripts: Tristan and Isolde
74238: BIZET, GEORGES; JOHN, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Carmen English National Opera Guide 13
84202: BLACKBURN, SIMON - Being Good: An Introduction to Ethics
86597: BLACKMORE, R. D. - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor (in Maroon Leatherette Covers, Everyman's Library #304)
85053: BLACKMORE, R. D. - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
77479: BLAIR, HUGH; BLAKE, REV. J. L. - An Abridgement of Lectures on Rhetorick: Greatly Improved by the Addition, to Each Page, of Appropriate Questions by Rev. J.L. Blake.
86786: BLAKE, WENDON - Creative Color for the Oil Painter: A New Edition of Creative Color
83033: BLOEM, WALTER - Unvergängliches Deutschland: Ein Buch Von Volk Und Heimat
83194: BLOUNDELLE-BURTON, JOHN - The Desert Ship: A Story of Adventure by Sea and Land
87786: BILL W.; DR. BOB ET AL. - Best of the Grapevine
86585: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron (Complete Two Volume Set) (Everyman's Library #845 & 846)
87206: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron (Modern Library #71. 3)
87483: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron (Modern Library #71. 3)
87835: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron
82612: BOCK, EMIL - Schwäbische Romanik: Baukunst Und Plastik IM Württembergischen Raum. Ein Kapitel Kulturgeschichte in Bildern (Architecture of Swabia in German Language)
82718: BOGEN, STEPHEN D. ET AL. - Steam Passenger Service Directory: Fourth Annual, 1969 (with Golden Spike Tribute)
88186: DU BOIS, W. E. BURGHARDT - Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series in Full Leather Binding)
81952: BOK, EDWARD W. (AUTHOR); LEWIS, W. DAVID (EDITOR) - The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After (Lakeside Classics No. 98)
73936: BOND, TERANCE J. - Birds: The Paintings of Terance James Bond
73274: BOOKS, LORENZ - Webster's Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary
86447: BOROVSKY, VICTOR - Chaliapin: A Critical Biography
87007: BORROW, GEORGE - The Romany Rye (Everyman's Library #120)
85740: BORROW, GEORGE - Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gipsy, the Priest (Everyman's Library #119)
84652: BORROW, GEORGE - The Romany Rye (Everyman's Library #120)
81248: BOSSE, MALCOLM - The Vast Memory of Love
84948: BOSTRUM, JACK (TEXT EDITOR) - National Geographic Visual History of the World
79814: BOSWELL, PEYTON - Modern American Painting: With Eighty-Nine Illustrations in Full Color Selected from the Series on Contemporary American Artists Published in "Life"
78675: BOSWELL, JAMES; HILL, GEORGE BIRKBECK (EDITOR) - Boswell's Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey Into North Wales (6 Volume Set)
88257: BOSWELL, JAMES; POTTLE, FREDERICK A. (EDITOR) - Boswell's London Journal 1762-1763
87055: BOSWELL, JAMES; POTTLE, FREDERICK A. (EDITOR) - Boswell's London Journal 1762-1763
87440: BOSWELL, JAMES - The Life of Samuel Johnson: Abridged, with an Introduction by Bergen Evans (Modern Library #282. 1)
86367: BOTKIN, B. A. (EDITOR) - A Treasury of American Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of the People
86952: BOURJAILY, VANCE - A Game Men Play (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
73771: BOWER, B. M. - Lonesome Land
73776: BOWER, B.M. - Trouble Rides the Wind
82576: BOWER, DONALD E. - Fred Rosenstock: A Legend in Books and Art
74607: BOWLES, CHESTER - Ambassador's Report
87996: BOX, C. J. - Storm Watch: A Joe Pickett Novel
82020: BOYD, BEVERLY - Chaucer and the Medieval Book
83322: BOYLE, T. C. - After the Plague and Other Stories
88641: BOYLE, ROBERT - The Sceptical Chymist (Everyman's Library #559)
88656: BRADFORD, ERNLE - The Battle for the West: Thermopylae
72156: BRADLEY, JAMES & RON POWERS - Flags of Our Fathers
84726: BRADLEY, A. C. - A Commentary on Tennyson's in Memoriam (Second Edition, Revised)
88514: BRADSHAW, HELEN MILES - The Church of the Seven Candles: Saint Mark's Episcopal, 1875 - 1975 (Signed, Limited Edition)
82021: BRAITHWAITE, RODRIC - Moscow 1941: A City and Its People at War
74896: BRAND, MAX - Storm on the Range
78571: BRECHT, BERTOLT - A Penny for the Poor
85295: BRENGLE, RICHARD L. (EDITOR) - Arthur, King of Britain: History, Romance, Chronicle & Criticism, with Texts in Modern English, from Gildas to Malory
78397: BRENNEMAN, BILL - Miracle on Cherry Creek: An Informal History of the Birth and Re-Birth of a Neighborhood
87841: BRETTELL, RICHARD R. (TEXT); CLEMENTS, GEOFFREY; FINN, DAVID (PHOTOS) - An Impressionist Legacy: The Collection of the Sara Lee Corporation
88516: BRETTELL, RICHARD R. - Historic Denver: The Architects and the Architecture, 1858-1893
88511: BRETZ, JAMES - Mansions of Denver: The Vintage Years 1870 - 1938
78890: BREWER, WILMON - Still More Adventures
78889: BREWER, WILMON - Adventures Further
87418: BREWERTON, GEORGE DOUGLAS - Overland with Kit Carson: A Narrative of the Old Spanish Trail in '48
86615: BREWSTER, TODD - Lincoln's Gamble: The Tumultuous Six Months That Gave America the Emancipation Proclamation and Changed the Course of the CIVIL War
71331: O'BRIAN, PATRICK - The Far Side of the World (Movie Tie-in Edition)
80522: O'BRIAN, PATRICK - The Unknown Shore
87156: BRICKLIN, JULIA - Polly Pry: The Woman Who Wrote the West
88342: BRIDGES, HAL - Lee's Maverick General: Daniel Harvey Hill
86100: O'BRIEN, TIM - July, July: A Novel
87839: BRODER, PATRICIA JANIS - The American West: The Modern Vision
84261: BRODERICK, ROBERT C. (GENERAL EDITOR) - The New American Bible: The New Catholic Translation
71774: BRONSON, WALTER C. - American Poems
88386: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE; BRONTË, EMILY; BRONTË, ANNE - The Complete Novels of the Brontë Sisters: Jane Eyre, Villette, the Professor, Shirley, Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey and the Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Deluxe 7-Volume Boxed Set)
87272: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - Shirley (Everyman's Library #288)
88687: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - Jane Eyre (the World's Classics Series)
82146: BRONTË, EMILY - Wuthering Heights (Popular Classics Library)
88037: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - Jane Eyre (Harper's Modern Classics Series)
88048: BRONTË, EMILY - Wuthering Heights (Modern Library #106. 2)
85995: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - Shirley (Everyman's Library #288)
84869: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - The Professor (Everyman's Library #417)
84835: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - The Professor -and- Emma: A Fragment (Everyman's Library #417)
86083: BROOKNER, ANITA - The Rules of Engagement: A Novel
87513: BROOKNER, ANITA - Family and Friends
88193: BROOKS, VAN WYCK - The Flowering of New England 1815 - 1865 (the Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
86658: BROOKS-DAVIES, DOUGLAS (EDITOR) - Four Metaphysical Poets: Donne, Marvell, Herbert and Vaughan
75086: BROOKS, JONATHAN - Jimmy Makes the Varsity
84194: BROOKS, GERALDINE - The Secret Chord
84538: BROOKS, AMANDA - I Love Your Style: How to Define and Refine Your Personal Style
82728: BROWN, DEE - Hear That Lonesome Whistle Blow: Railroads in the West
86628: BROWN, D. ALEXANDER - The Galvanized Yankees
87700: BROWN, DEE - Creek Mary's Blood (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
74551: BROWN, LESLIE - Birds of Prey Their Biology and Ecology
84308: BROWN, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Between Hume and MILL: An Anthology of British Philosophy, 1749-1843; Selected Readings from Hartley to Ferrier (Modern Library Giant #99. 1)
87527: BROWN, MARGARET WISE - Little Pig's Picnic and Other Stories (Walt Disney Story Books Series)
87019: BROWN, DALE - Tiger's Claw
87722: BROWN, ABBIE FARWELL (AUTHOR); WHEELER, JOE (INTRODUCTION AND AFTERWORD) - The Christmas Angel (Focus on the Family Great Stories Series)
88629: BROWNE, SIR THOMAS - Religio Medici (Everyman's Library #92)
87940: BROWNE, SIR THOMAS - The Religio Medici and Other Writings (Everyman's Library #92)
79332: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Poems of Robert Browning
82899: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning, 1833-1844: Volume I (Everyman's Library Flex Leatherette Binding, el #41)
88556: BROWNING, ROBERT - Justinian and Theodora
84991: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Poems of Robert Browning
88240: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning (Modern Library Giant #G17. 1)
82676: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Poems & Plays of Robert Browning, 1844-1864: Volume II (Everyman's Library Flex Leatherette Style, el #42)
84546: BROWNING, ROBERT (AUTHOR); LOVETT, ROBERT MORSS (EDITOR) - Selections from Browning
86857: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Ring and the Book (Everyman's Library #502)
80106: BRUMMITT, CHARLES D. (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF); HEALY, JOANNE (MANAGING EDITOR); VASHOLZ, LOTHAR (BUSINESS MANAGER) - The 1951 Coloradan: Diamond Jubilee Edition (Yearbook of the University of Colorado at Boulder)
86659: BRUNO, ELDA - Dimensione Uomo (Man Size) (Presented in Italian Language)
77443: BRYAN, WILLIAM J[ENNINGS]. - The First Battle
74277: BUBER, MARTIN - Good and Evil
88251: BUCHAN, JOHN (LORD TWEEDSMUIR) - The 39 Steps (the Thirty-Nine Steps)
73780: BUCHANAN, ROBERT WILLIAMS - North Coast, and Other Poems
86123: BUCK, PEARL S. - Kinfolk
80953: BUCK, PEARL S - The Three Daughters of Madame Liang: A Novel of China Today
84041: BUCKLEY JR., WILLIAM F. - The Story of Henri Tod (Franklin Library Signed First Edition Society Series)
87275: BULFINCH, THOMAS - Legends of Charlemagne (Everyman's Library #556)
88537: BULFINCH, THOMAS - Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, the Age of Chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne (Modern Library Giant #G14. 1)
88627: BULLETT, GERALD (EDITOR) - Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard: Earl of Surrey, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir John Davies (Everyman's Library #985)
88474: BULLETT, GERALD (EDITOR) - Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard: Earl of Surrey, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir John Davies (Everyman's Library #985)
85460: BULWER-LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE (LORD LYTTON) - The Last Days of Pompeii
80986: BULWER-LYTTON, SIR EDWARD G. E. - The Last Days of Pompeii
87438: BUNYAN, JOHN - The Pilgrim's Progress, from This World to That Which Is to Come (Everyman's Library #204)
72293: BURCH, MONTE - The Home Cabinetmaker Woodworking Techniques, Furniture Building, and Installing Millwork
77274: BURCHALL, MICHAEL J. (EDITOR) - 1985 National Genealogical Directory
85439: BURCKHARDT, JACOB - The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Modern Library #32. 4)
71352: BURGESS, ANTHONY - Flame Into Being the Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence
82497: BURGESS, ANTHONY - Shakespeare
85479: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - The Crooked Little Path: A Book of Nature Stories
87387: BURGESS, THORNTON W. (AUTHOR); CADY, HARRISON (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Adventures of Peter Cottontail (the Bedtime Story-Books Series)
74165: BURGESS, THORNTON W. (AUTHOR); KERR, GEORGE (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Mother West Wind's Animal Friends
87384: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - The Adventures of Bobby Coon (the Bedtime Story-Books Series)
87385: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - Buster Bear's Twins (Burgess Green Forest Series)
60071: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum
60070: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - The Adventures of Bobby Coon
86801: BURK, JOHN N. - The Life and Works of Beethoven (Modern Library #241. 2)
84015: BURKE, JAMES LEE - A Stained White Radiance: A Dave Robicheaux Novel
85962: BURKE, JAMES LEE - Dixie City Jam
88642: BURKE, EDMUND - Reflections on the Revolution in France (Everyman's Library #460)
84017: BURKE, JAMES LEE - Cadillac Jukebox
87003: BURKE, EDMUND - Reflections on the French Revolution and Other Essays (First Everyman's Library Edition, el #460)
86039: BURKE, EDMUND - Speeches and Letters on American Affairs (Everyman's Library #340)
74767: BURKE, JOHN - The Legend of Baby Doe the Life and Times of the Silver Queen of the West
74735: BURNETT, W. R. - Captain Lightfoot
88269: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON ET AL.; DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XIII, Part I) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. November, 1885 to April, 1886 (First Appearance of Parts of Burnett's Little Lord Fauntleroy)
83957: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON - A Little Princess
85534: BURNETT, WHIT (EDITOR) - 105 Greatest Living Authors Present: The World's Best / Stories, Humor, Drama, Biography, History, Essays and Poetry
73551: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON - Der Kleine Lord (Little Lord Fauntleroy)--German Language
87642: BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON; LODGE, HENRY CABOT ET AL.; DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume X, Part II) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. May 1893 to October 1893
88477: BURNEY, FANNY - Evelina, or a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World (Everyman's Library Fiction Series, el #352)
85291: BURRA, PETER - Wordsworth (Great Lives Series)
85956: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan the Terrible
85944: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - The Son of Tarzan
85958: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - The Gods of Mars -and- the Warlord of Mars
85950: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - The Cave Girl
85940: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - The Return of Tarzan
88263: BURY, J. B. - A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great (Third Edition)
88518: BUSCH, CORVETTE-CAPTAIN FRITZ-OTTO - Holocaust at Sea: The Drama of the Scharnhorst
85842: BUSCH, WILHELM (AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR); BALZER, HANS (EDITOR) - Wilhelm Buschs Buch Des Lebens (Wilhelm Busch's Book of Life) (in German Language)
87855: BUSH, GEORGE W. - Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors
77335: BUSKIRK, STEVE - Denali (Mount Mckinley): The Story Behind the Scenery
82573: BUTCHART, MARY B. - Up the Ladder Rounds, and Other Stories of Making Good Americans
87208: BUTLER, SAMUEL - The Way of All Flesh (Modern Library #13. 2)
77044: BUTLER, SAMUEL - The Way of All Flesh
88604: BUTTERFIELD, ROGER - The American Past: A History of the United States from Concord to Hiroshima, 1775-1945
85527: BYRD JR., RICHARD EVELYN - Skyward, Boy's Edition: Man's Mastery of the Air As Shown by the Brilliant Flights of America's Leading Air Explorer
85632: BYRD JR., RICHARD EVELYN - Skyward: Man's Mastery of the Air As Shown by the Brilliant Flights of America's Leading Air Explorer
87373: BYRNE, PAULA - Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead
86807: BYRNE, DONN - Messer Marco Polo: A Love Story (Modern Library #43. 3)
87685: BYRON, LORD (BYRON, GEORGE GORDON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron
88647: CABOT, ERNEST THOMPSON (AUTHOR); MCGURDY, ROBERT M. (ARRANGER) - The Nature Library: Animals, Selected from Life Histories of Northern Animals
86247: CACHIN, FRANçOIS (DIRECTOR, MUSéES DE FRANCE) - Cézanne (Cezanne)
88276: CAESAR, JULIUS; GARDNER, JANE F. (TRANSLATOR) - The CIVIL War, Together with, the Alexandrian War, the African War, and the Spanish War by Other Hands
85367: CAHILL, THOMAS - The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels (the Hinges of History Series)
79086: CAIN, CHARLES W. (GENERAL EDITOR) - Aircraft in Profile Volume 1/Part One
86050: CAINE, HALL (INTRODUCTION) - King Albert's Book: A Tribute to the Belgian King and People from Representative Men and Women Throughout the World
74749: CALDER, NIGEL - Einstein's Universe
87654: CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA, FRANCES - Life in Mexico (Everyman's Library #664)
83064: CALDWELL, ERSKINE - God's Little Acre (Modern Library #51. 2)
86909: CALDWELL, ERSKINE - God's Little Acre (Franklin Library Signed, Limited Edition Series)
85731: CALLIL, CARMEN; TÓIBÍN, COLM - A Brief Guide to the Modern Library: The 200 Best Novels in English Since 1950
86990: CALVERTON, V. F. (EDITOR) - The Making of Man: An Outline of Anthropology (Modern Library #149. 2)
88394: CALVERTON, V. F. (EDITOR) - The Making of Man: An Outline of Anthropology (Modern Library #149. 2)
74454: CAMAZINE, SCOTT - The Naturalist's Year 24 Outdoor Explorations
74774: CAMILLERI, ANDREA - Excursion to Tindari
81660: CAMPA, ARTHUR L. (EDITOR) - The Brand Book of the Denver Westerners: Volume XXI (No. 518 of "Regular Edition" of 735 Copies)
87099: CAMUS, ALBERT - The Fall -and- Exile and the Kingdom (Modern Library #352. 1)
75369: CANADAY, JOHN - Mainstreams of Modern Art
71435: CANBY, COURTLANDT (EDITOR) - Lincoln and the CIVIL War a Profile and a History
73757: CANFIELD, DOROTHY - A Harvest of Stories from a Half Century of Writing
79667: CANIN, ETHAN - Carry Me Across the Water
88067: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences (Modern Library #48. 4)
82043: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - In Cold Blood
86622: CARHART, TOM - Lost Triumph: Lee's Real Plan at Gettysburg--and Why It Failed
86289: CARLETON, WILL - City Ballads
86284: CARLETON, WILL - Farm Festivals
85850: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Past and Present (Everyman's Library #608)
85806: CARPENTER, EDWARD - Love's Coming of Age Modern Library Spine 2, ML #51. 1
86965: CARR, CALEB - The Angel of Darkness
82522: CARR, ANTHONY - Shrewsbury: A Pictorial History
85541: CARR, HOWIE - The Brothers Bulger: How They Terrorized and Corrupted Boston for a Quarter Century
86768: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll
86388: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (Modern Library Giant #28. 1)
88502: CARROLL, LEWIS (AUTHOR); TENNIEL, JOHN (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -and- Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (the Heritage Illustrated Bookshelf Series)
86768: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll
87152: CARROLL, LEWIS (AUTHOR); TENNIEL, JOHN (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking-Glass and the Hunting of the Snark (Modern Library #79. 1)
87639: CARROLL, LEWIS (AUTHOR); MOSER, BARRY (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
74682: CARRUTH, JANE (EDITOR) - Horse and Pony Stories
87402: CARTER, HARVEY LEWIS - 'Dear Old Kit': The Historical Christopher Carson
82932: CARTWRIGHT, JEAN AND JOHN - Enjoy Santa Fe More
84913: CARY, JOYCE - Prisoner of Grace
82334: CARY, JOYCE - Mister Johnson: A Novel
86818: CASANOVA, JACQUES - The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova (Modern Library #165. 1)
76282: CASS, ELIZABETH - Spanish Cooking
85776: CASSIS, A. F. (EDITOR) - Graham Greene: Man of Paradox, a Collection of Interviews and Impressions by Friends and Contemporaries
87041: CASTI, JOHN L. - Reality Rules I: Picturing the World in Mathematics--the Fundamentals-- (Vol. 1)
87942: CASTIGLIONE, BALDASSARE - The Book of the Courtier ("IL Libro Del Cortegiano") (Everyman's Library #807)
78379: CATANEO, DAVID - Peanuts and Crackerjack: A Treasury of Baseball Legends and Lore
86379: CATHER, WILLA - My ántonia (Dover Thrift Editions)
87188: CATHER, WILLA - Death Comes for the Archbishop (Modern Library #191. 1)
88522: CATHER, WILLA - Death Comes for the Archbishop (Modern Library #191. 1)
88203: CATHER, WILLA - My ántonia (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
88434: CATHER, WILLA - Death Comes for the Archbishop (Modern Library #191. 1)
88181: CATTON, BRUCE - A Stillness at Appomattox (Signed Limited Edition Society Series)
87130: CATTON, BRUCE; CATTON, WILLIAM B. - The Bold and Magnificent Dream: America's Founding Years, 1492-1815 (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
86870: CECIL, ANN ET AL. (PHOTOGRAPHY) - Hawai'i on My Mind: The Best of Hawai'i in Words and Photographs [over 170 Color Photos of the Hawaiian Islands]
88150: CELLINI, BENVENUTO - Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini: A Florentine Artist; Written by Himself (Everyman's Library #51)
86118: CELLINI, BENVENUTO; SYMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR) - The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, Written by Himself: Volume Two Only
77127: CELLINI, BENVENUTO - The Autobigraphy of Benvenuto Cellini (Modern Library #150. 3)
82068: CERAM, C. W. (EDITOR) - Hands on the Past: Pioneer Archaeologists Tell Their Own Story
87080: CERF, BENNETT; CARTMELL, VAN H. (COMPILERS) - Sixteen Famous British Plays (Modern Library Giant #G63. 1)
79782: CERF, BENNETT; CARTMELL, VAN H. (EDITORS) - Sixteen Famous American Plays (Modern Library Giant #G21. 2)
83592: CERF, BENNETT (SELECTOR AND FOREWORD) - Great Modern Short Stories: An Anthology of Twelve Famous Stories and Novelettes (Modern Library #168. 2)
85138: CERF, BENNETT; CARTMELL, VAN H. (COMPILERS) - Sixteen Famous European Plays (Modern Library Giant #G-71. 1)
85556: CERF, BENNETT (EDITOR) - Great German Short Novels and Stories: An Anthology (Modern Library #108. 2)
87742: CERF, BENNETT (SELECTOR AND FOREWORD) - Great Modern Short Stories: An Anthology of Twelve Famous Stories and Novelettes (Modern Library #168. 2)
86705: CERF, BENNETT & VAN H. CARTMELL & JR. RICHARD WATTS - Thirty Famous One-Act Plays Modern Library Giant #G22. 3
77284: CERNY, JOHNI; ELLIOTT, WENDY - The Library: A Guide to the Lds Family History Library
87343: CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE; DORÉ, GUSTAVE (ILLUSTRATOR) - Don Quixote (Modern Library Giant, ML #G15. 1)
86979: CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE - The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha: Ozell's Revision of the Translation of Peter Motteux (Modern Library #174. 1)
85879: CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE - The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes by John Ormsby (Volume 2 Only of 4)
85099: CHAFFEE, MAURICE A. - Geochemical Exploration Techniques Based on Distribution of Selected Elements in Rocks, Soils, and Plants, Vekol Porphyry Copper Deposit Area, Pinal County, Arizona (Usgs Bulletin 1278-E)
85102: CHAFFEE, MAURICE A. - Geochemical Exploration Techniques Based on Distribution of Selected Elements in Rocks, Soils, and Plants, Mineral Butte Copper Deposit, Pinal County, Arizona (Usgs Bulletin 1278-D)
85105: CHAFFEE, M. A. - Maps Showing Distribution of Anomalies Based on the Use of Scoresum Plots for Selected Groupings of Elements in Samples of Nonmagnetic Heavy-Mineral Concentrate, Walker Lake 1° X 2° Quadrangle, Calif. & Nev. (Usgs Map Mf-1382-M)
85104: CHAFFEE, M. A. - Maps Showing Distribution of Anomalies Based on the Use of R-Mode Factor Analysis for Selected Groupings of Elements in Samples of Minus-60-Mesh Stream Sediment & Nonmagnetic Heavy-Mineral Concentrate, Walker Lake 1° X 2° Quadrangle, Calif. & Nev. (Usgs Map Mf-1382-K)
77699: CHAMBERS, WHITMAN - Invasion!
83435: CHANDON, G. (ADAPTOR) - Récits Tirés Du Théâtre Grec (Stories of Greek Theatre)
81123: CHAPLIN, JEREMIAH - The Life of Benjamin Franklin (First Edition)
88668: CHAPMAN, MARISTAN - Glen Hazard Cowboys
82794: CHAPPELL, GORDON - A Short History of Steam Trains over Cumbres: Farewell to Cumbres
88651: CHATTERJEE, SANKAR - The Rise of Birds: 225 Million Years of Evolution
82007: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (AUTHOR); BOYD, BEVERLY (EDITOR) - Chaucer According to William Caxton: Minor Poems and Boece, 1478
85911: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (AUTHOR); MORRIS, REV. RICHARD; SKEAT, REV. WALTER W. (EDITORS) - The Prologue, the Knightes Tale and the Nonne Preestes Tale from the Canterbury Tales
88499: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (AUTHOR); WHYTE, EDNA (WOODCUT ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Canterbury Tales: Translated Into Modern English by Nevill Coghill
85772: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY - The Canterbury Tales, Done Into Modern English Verse by Frank Ernest Hill and Newly Revised for This Edition
88625: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY; WARRINGTON, JOHN (EDITOR) - Troilus and Criseyde (Everyman's Library #992)
87918: CHEEVER, JOHN - The Wapshop Chronicle (Franklin Library Signed, Limited Edition Series)
88400: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Best Plays by Chekhov: The Sea Gull / Uncle Vanya / the Three Sisters / the Cherry Orchard (Modern Library #171. 2)
87812: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Two Plays of Anton Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard and Three Sisters
88068: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Best Plays by Chekhov: The Sea Gull / Uncle Vanya / the Three Sisters / the Cherry Orchard (Modern Library #171. 2)
75139: CHENG, JULIA CHIN - Chinese Home Cooking
85369: CHESTERTON, G. K. - The Pocket Book of Father Brown
88652: CHIAPPE, LUIS; WITMER, LAWRENCE (EDITORS) - Mesozoic Birds: Above the Heads of Dinosaurs
74831: JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CHICAGO - Soupçon (Volume I)
75692: CHILD, JULIA - Julia Child & More Company
87591: CHILD, JULIA; BERTHOLLE, LOUISETTE; BECK, SIMONE - Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume One: The 40th Anniversary Edition
71310: CHILD, JULIA - Julia Child & Company
85966: CHILDRESS, MARK - Crazy in Alabama
71702: CHOWDHURY, A. M. (EDITOR) - Studies in Rural History
84803: CHRISMAN, HARRY E. - Lost Trails of the Cimarron: Second Edition
88045: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - The Mousetrap (Original Title: Three Blind Mice and Other Stories)
74139: CHRONIC, HALKA - Roadside Geology of Colorado (Roadside Geology Series)
84101: CHUN, SUNG-WOO - Gan Song Mun Wha: The Special Memorial Issue for the Gan Song's 20th Anniversary (Number 23 in Kan Song Collection Series)
84602: CHOUNG ZA KIM (ARTIST); SI HWA CHUNG (INTRODUCTION) - Retrospective of Choung Za Kim
88535: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S.; EDITORS OF LIFE MAGAZINE - The Second World War (Two Volume Set in Slipcase)
71032: CHURCHILL, WINSTON - Memories and Adventures
71782: CHURCHILL, WINSTON; BAKER, TIMOTHY (REVISOR) - The Island Race (a History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Abridged Version)
85113: CICERO; GARDNER, R. (TRANSLATION) - Cicero in Twenty-Eight Volumes, XIII: Pro Caelio, de Provinciis, Consularibus and Pro Balbo Loeb Classical Library #447
88121: CICERO; GRANT, MICHAEL (TRANSLATION) - Cicero: Murder Trials
88135: CICERO; GRANT, MICHAEL (TRANSLATION) - Cicero: Selected Works
73121: CLARK, THOMAS CURTIS - Lincoln and Others
80051: CLEMENT, ROLAND C - The Living World of Audubon
85934: CLOSSON, ERNEST - History of the Piano
86253: CLOUSE, WENDY - Step by Step Art School: Acrylics
76516: COLORADO ROCKIES BASEBALL CLUB - Colorado Rockies 2011 Information Guide (Media Guide)
85921: CLYMER, FLOYD - Treasury of Early American Automobiles, 1877-1925
87912: COBBETT, WILLIAM - Rural Rides, Complete Two-Volume First Edition Set (Everyman's Library #638 & 639)
84842: COBBETT, WILLIAM - Rural Rides (Volume Two Only, of 2) (Everyman's Library #639)
74710: COEL, MARGARET - The Drowning Man
74189: COEL, MARGARET - Wife of Moon
84926: COETZEE, J. M. - Slow Man
83073: COHEN, STAN - Yukon River Steamboats: A Pictorial History
86776: COHEN, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Circle of Life: Rituals from the Human Family Album
84264: COKER, ELIZABETH BOATWRIGHT - Blood Red Roses: A Romantic Novel of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, During the War between the States
83695: COLE, G. D. H. - Self-Government in Industry
87944: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR - Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions (Everyman's Library #11)
86927: COLES, ROBERT; COLES, JANE HALLOWELL - Women of Crisis: Lives of Struggle and Hope (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
88084: COLETTE (SIDONIE-GABRIELLE COLETTE) - My Mother's House -and- Sido (Modern Library Isbn Series, Spine 17)
87782: COLLIER, PETER; HOROWITZ, DAVID - The Fords: An American Epic
88558: COLLINGWOOD, R. G. - Roman Britain
87189: COLLINS, WILKIE - The Moonstone: A Romance (Nelson Classics Series)
88235: COLLINS, WILKIE - The Moonstone and the Woman in White (Two Volumes in One, Complete and Unabridged) (Modern Library Giant #G33. 1)
80359: COLLINS, WILKIE - Tales of Terror and the Supernatural
88601: COLLINS, PHILIP - Radios: The Golden Age
80942: COLLODI, C. - Pinocchio (Junior Library, the World's Popular Classics, Art-Type Edition)
87569: COLVILLE, BRUCE (RETELLER); NOLAN, DENNIS (ILLUSTRATIONS) - William Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream
74426: COMBS, BARRY (TEXT); RUSSELL, ANDREW J. (PHOTOS) - Westward to Promontory Building the Union Pacific Across the Plains and Mountains : A Pictorial Documentary
74609: AUMC COOKBOOK COMMITTEE - Arvada United Methodist Church Cookbook (Aumc Cookbook)
73744: PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY - Paints, Varnishes and Brushes: Their History Manufacture and Use Painters, Paperhangers and Glaziers Supplies
79262: COMPTON-BURNETT, I. - A Heritage and Its History
88323: CONFUCIUS; MENCIUS; WILSON, EPIPHANIUS (EDITOR) - The Wisdom of Confucius, with the Sayings of Mencius (Art-Type Edition)
77390: CONGDON, DON (EDITOR) - Combat: The CIVIL War
84890: CONGREVE, WILLIAM - The Way of the World: Comedy in Five Acts
77359: O'CONNELL, NICHOLAS - Beyond Risk: Conversations with Climbers
84825: CONNELL, EVAN S. - Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn
85645: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - Blood Work
87023: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - The Black Box
82383: CONNOR, RALPH - Black Rock: A Tale of the Selkirks
72592: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim an Authoritative Text
87198: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Victory (Modern Library #34. 2)
87235: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Typhoon
88430: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard (First Modern Library Edition, ML #275. 1)
83288: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Three Tales of the Sea: Youth, Typhoon, and the End of the Tether
82272: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim (Modern Library #186. 1)
79120: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Suspense
84186: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim: A Tale
79538: CONROE, ROBERT - The Great Diamond Hoax: And Other True Tales (Wyoming Frontier Series)
88472: CONVERSE, FLORENCE (AUTHOR); WEBB, MARGARET ELY (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The House of Prayer (Everyman's Library #923)
86082: CONWAY, JILL KER - True North: A Memoir
88491: COOK, CAPTAIN JAMES; PRICE, A. GRENFELL (EDITOR) - The Explorations of Captain James Cook in the Pacific As Told by Selections of His Own Journals 1768-1779
83085: COOKSON, CATHERINE - Pure As the Lily
84072: COOKSON, CATHERINE - The Mallen Girl
84074: COOKSON, CATHERINE - The Mallen Streak
83084: COOKSON, CATHERINE - Feathers in the Fire
84073: COOKSON, CATHERINE - The Mallen Lot
74867: COOLIDGE, SUSAN - A Round Dozen
87024: COONTS, STEPHEN; KEITH, WILLIAM H. - Deep Black: Death Wave
87267: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Deerslayer, or: The First War-Path (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
87921: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
87736: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Leatherstocking Saga (Modern Library Giant #G 94. 1)
85792: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Deerslayer, or: The First War-Path
86760: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Pathfinder
74222: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Pathfinder, or the Inland Sea (Modern Library #105. 2)
84399: COOPER, TRACY E. - Renaissance (Abbeville Stylebooks Series)
86900: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN - Michelangelo
81105: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN (EDITOR) - World Architecture: An Illustrated History from Earliest Times
88398: CORVO, FREDERICK BARON; [ROLFE, FREDERICK WILLIAM] - A History of the Borgias (Modern Library #192. 1)
88478: COURNOS, JOHN (EDITOR) - American Short Stories of the Nineteenth Century (Everyman's Library #840)
87009: COUSIN, JOHN W. - A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature (Everyman's Library #449)
72826: COUSIN, JOHN - A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
72386: COWARD, NOEL - Present Indicative
84004: COWLEY, MALCOLM - Blue Juniata: Collected Poems
74558: COX, WARREN E. [EDITOR] - Graphic Arts
85287: COXE, LOUIS - Edwin Arlington Robinson (Pamphlets on American Writers, Number 17)
82831: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Guard of Honor (Modern Library Giant)
76379: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Guard of Honor
82316: CRAIS, ROBERT - Indigo Slam: An Elvis Cole Novel
82314: CRAIS, ROBERT - Sunset Express: An Elvis Cole Novel
71261: CRAMER, RICHARD BEN - Joe Dimaggio the Hero's Life
87856: CRAMPTON, C. GREGORY - The Zunis of Cibola
84511: CRANE, STEPHEN - Men, Women and Boats (Modern Library #102. 1 in Toledano Spine 4)
86885: CRANE, STEPHEN - Stories of Stephen Crane (100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
84748: CRANE, STEPHEN - The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American CIVIL War (Modern Library #130. 4)
84027: CRAWFORD, JERRY L.; SNYDER, JOAN - Acting: In Person and in Style
88534: CREEKMORE, HERBERT - A Little Treasury of World Poetry: Translations from the Great Poets of Other Languages, 2600 B.C. To 1950 A.D. (Little Treasury Series)
83900: CRÈVECOEUR, HECTOR ST. JOHN DE - Letters from an American Farmer (Everyman's Library #640)
86932: CRÈVECOEUR, HECTOR ST. JOHN DE - Letters from an American Farmer (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
75641: CRIST, D.W.; MCPHERSON, JOHN - Chiming Bells for the Day School and Singing School
85242: CRITCHFIELD, RICHARD - Villages
85063: CROOK, GENERAL GEORGE; SCHMITT, MARTIN F. (EDITED AND ANNOTATED BY) - General George Crook: His Autobiography (New Edition)
88264: CROSS, J. W. (EDITOR) - George Eliot's Life, As Related in Her Letters and Journals
83755: CROSSEN, FOREST - Western Yesterdays: Volume II [Twenty-Six Interviews with Venturesome Westerners]
83756: CROSSEN, FOREST - Western Yesterdays: Volume III [Twenty-Five Interviews with Venturesome Westerners]
88151: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD - The Children of Dickens (Scribner Series of Illustrated Classics for Younger Readers)
85223: CROUSE, RUSSEL - Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives: A Note on Their Lives and Times
81631: CULLUM, RIDGWELL - The Law of the Gun
88427: CUMMINGS, E. E. - The Enormous Room (Modern Library #214. 1)
88224: CUMMINGS, E. E. - The Enormous Room (Modern Library #214. 1)
84714: CURLE, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood: A Broken Friendship As Revealed by Their Letters
78897: CURRY, JANE LOUISE - Shadow Dancers
84941: CURRY-LINDAHL, KAI - Europe: A Natural History (the Continents We Live on Series)
86013: CURTI, MERLE - The Growth of American Thought: Second Edition
73030: CURTIS, CAPTAIN PAUL A. - Guns and Gunning
88225: DA VINCI, LEONARDO; LINSCOTT, ROBERT N. (EDITOR) - The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (Modern Library #156. 2)
77046: DAHL, ROALD ET AL. - Treasury of Humorous Stories
86080: DAHL, SOPHIE (AUTHOR); MORRIS, ANNIE (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Man with the Dancing Eyes
86246: DAICHES, DAVID; FLOWER, JOHN - Literary Landscapes of the British Isles: A Narrative Atlas
86701: DALLAS, SANDRA - Gaslights and Gingerbread: Colorado's Historic Homes (Second Revised Edition)
85008: DALLAS, SANDRA; SOMONDS, NANETTE - The Quilt That Walked to Golden: Women and Quilts in the Modern West
76982: DALLEK, ROBERT - An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
88603: DALTON, SUSAN - Denver: A Silver Past, a Golden Future (Denver: Mining Camp to Queen City)
86603: DANA, RICHARD HENRY - Two Years Before the Mast [Including Twenty-Four Years After] (in Maroon Leatherette Covers, Everyman's Library #588)
87231: DANA, NATHALIE - Young in New York: A Memoir of a Victorian Girlhood
86502: DANA, R. H.; ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Two Years Before the Mast -and- Twenty-Four Years After (the Harvard Classics Series)
74302: DANNEN, KENT & DONNA - Hiking Rocky Mountain National Park Including Indian Peaks
85854: DANTE (DANTE ALIGHIERI) - The Vision of Dante Alghieri, or Hell Purgatory and Paradise (Everyman's Library #308)
74719: DANTICAT, EDWIDGE - Krik? Krak!
74713: DANTICAT, EDWIDGE - The Farming of Bones
78683: DARLING, F. FRASER (AUTHOR); TUNNICLIFFE, C. F. (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Seasons & the Fisherman: A Book for Children
83825: DARRACOTT, JOSEPH - England's Constable: The Life and Letters of John Constable
87201: DARWIN, CHARLES - The Origin of Species -and- the Descent of Man (2 Volumes in 1) (Modern Library Giant, G27. 1)
88172: DARWIN, CHARLES - The Origin of Species -and- the Descent of Man (2 Volumes in 1) (Modern Library Giant, G27. 1)
85813: DAUDET, ALPHONSE; PRÉVOST, ANTOINE FRANçOIS - Sapho -and- Manon Lescaut (Modern Library Spine 4, #85. 1)
84427: DAUDET, ALPHONSE; BROUSSARD, JAS. F. (EDITOR) - Contes Choisis de Daudet (Selected Tales by [Alphonse] Daudet, in French Language): With Grammar Reviews and Exercises
74481: DAUDET, ALPHONSE ET AL. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume LXXXI, June to November, 1890 (with Contributions by Henry James and Frederic Remington)
88461: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Tartarin of Tarascon -and- Tartarin on the Alps (Everyman's Library #423)
82382: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - La Belle-Nivernaise and Other Stories
87636: DAVENPORT-HINES, RICHARD - Gothic: Four Hundred Years of Excess, Horror, Evil and Ruin
86078: DAVIES, ROBERTSON - The Cunning Man
87512: DAVIES, PAUL - How to Build a Time Machine
86079: DAVIES, ROBERTSON - What's Bred in the Bone
74880: DAVIESS, MARIA THOMPSON - Andrew the Glad
88517: DAVIS, SALLY; BALDWIN, BETTY - Denver Dwellings and Descendants
79052: DAVIS, WILLIAM C. - An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederate Government
86150: DAVIS, E. O. - The First Five Years of the Railroad Era in Colorado
86638: DAVIS, OWEN - I'd Like to Do It Again
71274: DAVIS, BURKE - To Appomattox: Nine April Days, 1865
88593: DAWSON, J. FRANK - Place Names in Colorado: Why 700 Communities Were So Named, 150 of Spanish or Indian Origin
87164: DEBO, ANGIE - Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place (the Civilization of the American Indian Series)
74913: DEFOE, DANIEL (AUTHOR); POCOCK, NOEL & CAMMEROTA, D. (ILLUSTRATORS) - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, As Related by Himself
75263: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
88526: DEFOE, DANIEL - Roxana, the Fortunate Mistress
88210: DEFOE, DANIEL (C.1659-61-1731); PAGET, WALTER (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, As Related by Himself / by Daniel Defoe. With One Hundred and Twenty Original Illustrations by Walter Paget
87355: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders ("Moll Flanders") (Modern Library #122. 1)
81167: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (Moll Flanders) (Modern Library Spine 7, ML #122. 1)
87151: DELORIA JR., VINE - We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes New Turf
88124: DEMOSTHENES; LELAND, THOMAS (TRANSLATION) - Orations of Demosthenes: Pronounced to Excite Athenians Against Philip, King of Macedon; and on Occasions of Public Deliberation, Revised Edition (the World's Great Classics Series)
86686: DENNIS, JAMES M. - Grant Wood: A Study in American Art and Culture
80399: DENT, ANTHONY (EDITOR) - International Modern Plays (Everyman's Library #989)
86333: DEPEW, ALBERT N. - Gunner Depew
80761: DEQUINCEY, THOMAS - Joan of Arc and the English Mail Coach (Readings for Students)
79443: DEQUINCEY, THOMAS (AUTHOR); PERRY, BLISS (EDITOR) - Little Masterpieces: Thomas Dequincey [Selected Writings from Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and More]
84690: DESAI, ANITA - Fasting, Feasting
86627: DESJARDIN, THOMAS A. - These Honored Dead: How the Story of Gettysburg Shaped American Memory
88023: DEUTSCH, BABETTE (TEXT); EICHENBERG, FRITZ (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Heroes of the Kalevala: Finland's Saga
88688: DEVENS, HON. R. M. - American Progress: Or the Great Events of the Greatest Century, Including Also Life Delineations of Our Most Noted Men
86003: DEVOTO, BERNARD (EDITOR AND INTERPRETER) - The Journals of Lewis and Clark (Sentry Edition #31)
82709: DEWART, WILLIAM T. (PRESIDENT) - Railroad Magazine: January 1942 (Vol. 31, No. 2)
87457: DEWEY, JOHN - Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology (Modern Library #173. 1)
86167: DEWEY, JOHN - Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy (Modern Library Giant #G43. 1)
82028: DEXTER, PETE - The Paperboy
88540: DICKENS, CHARLES - Bleak House
87990: DICKENS, CHARLES - Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty (Crown Edition)
88615: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Bleak House (Everyman's Library #236)
83489: DICKENS, CHARLES - A Christmas Carol / the Cricket on the Hearth / a Tale of Two Cities (with Illustrations by Mark Thomas)
87580: DICKENS, CHARLES - Martin Chuzzlewit
87707: DICKENS, CHARLES - Great Expectations (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
73565: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Boys of Dickens Retold
87428: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); KEEPING, CHARLES (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of '80
86861: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
86511: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Martin Chuzzlewit (Everyman's Library #241)
88584: DICKENS, CHARLES - Hard Times for These Times
76969: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dickens' Stories About Children
86976: DICKENS, CHARLES - Great Expectations (Chatham River Press Classics Series)
84853: DICKENS, CHARLES - Oliver Twist (Everyman's Library #233, Library Binding)
88440: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Our Mutual Friend (Everyman's Library #294)
87482: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield (Modern Library #110. 3)
88686: DICKENS, CHARLES - Great Expectations (Oxford World's Classics Series)
86555: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Personal History of David Copperfield
88539: DICKENS, CHARLES - Our Mutual Friend
88613: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Our Mutual Friend (Everyman's Library #294)
71777: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and Sons (Four Volumes in One)
88538: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
88614: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Little Dorrit (Everyman's Library #293)
88332: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); SCOLLINS, RICHARD (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Hard Times for These Times (Number 1813 of a Limited Edition of 1950 Copies)
83511: DICKENS, CHARLES - A Tale of Two Cities
88536: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Short Stories of Charles Dickens
85625: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club [the Pickwick Papers] (Illustrated Modern Library #204. 1)
82270: DICKENS, CHARLES - Child-Pictures from Dickens
80312: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Pickwick Papers (the Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) (Modern Library #204. 1)
87723: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); WHEELER, JOE L. (EDITOR) - David Copperfield (Focus on the Family Great Stories Series)
87578: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
84829: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Illustrated Life & Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (Companion Edition to Royal Shakespeare Company Production for Television)
74491: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and Son
79512: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Mystery of Edwin Drood -and- Master Humphrey's Clock; As Well As Reprinted Pieces: Sunday Under Three Heads and Other Tales, Sketches, Articles, Etc.
85161: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit: His Relatives, Friends and Enemies: Comprising All His Wills and Ways; the Whole Forming a Complete Key to the House of Chuzzlewit
88541: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and Son
87935: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Personal History of David Copperfield (in Everyman's Library, Library Binding, el #242)
83274: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Personal History of David Copperfield
82415: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Dealings with the Firm of Dombey & Son; Wholesale, Retail & for Exportation [Dombey and Son] (Everyman's Library #240)
85994: DICKENS, CHARLES - Nicholas Nickleby (Everyman's Library #238)
88441: DICKENS, CHARLES - Oliver Twist, or the Parish Boy's Progress (Everyman's Library #233)
85989: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Dombey and Son (Everyman's Library #240)
87484: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Pickwick Papers (the Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) (Modern Library #204. 1)
84045: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son, Wholesale, Retail and for Exportation ["Dombey and Son"] (in Two Volumes)
87487: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Adventures of Oliver Twist
84163: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield
76902: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); WHEELER, JOE (INTRODUCTION AND AFTERWORD) - A Christmas Carol (Focus on the Family's Great Stories Series)
85729: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club [the Pickwick Papers] (Illustrated Modern Library #204. 1)
88644: DICKENS, CHARLES - Martin Chuzzlewit: The Nonesuch Dickens (Facsimile of 1937 Nonesuch Press Edition)
88543: DICKENS, CHARLES - Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of '80
87297: DICKENS, CHARLES (AUTHOR); CHESTERTON, G. K. (INTRODUCTION) - Our Mutual Friend (Everyman's Library #294)
71365: DICKINSON, EMILY - Poems
88528: DICKINSON, EMILY - Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Chatham River Press Classics Series)
88595: DIER, CAROLINE LAWRENCE - The Lady of the Gardens: Mary Elitch Long
80455: DIETER, WILLIAM - Beyond the Mountain
88438: DIETHELM, WALTER - Saint Pius X: The Farm Boy Who Became Pope
86258: DIMBLEBY, DAVID - A Picture of Britain
87147: DIMSDALE, PROF. THOMAS J. - The Vigilantes of Montana, or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains (the Western Frontier Library Series)
88221: DINESEN, ISAK - Seven Gothic Tales (Modern Library #54. 3)
87265: DINESEN, ISAK; D'ANDREA, BERNARD (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Seven Gothic Tales (Franklin Library Collected Stories of the World's Greatest Writers Series)
86053: DINESEN, ISAK - Winter's Tales
80046: DINESEN, ISAK - Carnival: Entertainments and Posthumous Tales
88356: DIPPIE, BRIAN W. - Custer's Last Stand: The Anatomy of an American Myth
81955: DIX, EDWIN ASA - Deacon Bradbury: A Novel
88187: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Loon Lake (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
74587: DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XXVIII: Part II) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume an Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. May to October, 1901
86113: DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine: An Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. November, 1890 to April, 1891 (Volume XVIII, Part I) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume
83546: DODGE, MARY MAPES - Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates: A Story of Life in Holland
85659: DODGE, MARY MAPES - Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates: A Story of Life in Holland
74583: DODGE, MARY MAPES (EDITOR) - St. Nicholas Magazine (Volume XXIX: Part I) Six Issues Bound Into One Volume an Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks. Nov. , 1901 to April, 1902
80235: DOLEZ, ALBANE - Glass Animals: 3,500 Years of Artistry and Design
81439: DONALD, DAVID HERBERT - Lincoln
72803: DONALDSON, EMILY ANN - The Scottish Highland Games in America
88333: DONALDSON, STEPHEN - The Runes of the Earth (the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant Series)
71852: DONLEAVY, J. P. - Wrong Information Is Being Given out at Princeton the Chronicle of One of the Strangest Stories Ever to Be Rumoured About Around New York
87374: DONLEAVY, J. P. - The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman (First Edition Society Series)
87752: DONNE, JOHN - The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne (Modern Library #12. 3)
88527: DONNE, JOHN - Poems of Love
88231: DONNE, JOHN; BLAKE, WILLIAM - The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne -and- the Complete Poetry of William Blake (in One Volume) (Modern Library Giant #G70. 1)
84379: O'DONNELL, PETER - Modesty Blaise [ the First Modesy Blaise Novel ]
84025: DONOVAN, MARY DEIRDRE (EDITOR) - From Our Kitchens: The Culinary Institute of America
84725: VAN DOREN, CARL - Contemporary American Novelists 1900-1920
77035: DORSEY, GEORGE A. - Why We Behave Like Human Beings
84939: DORST, JEAN - South America and Central America: A Natural History (the Continents We Live on Series)
85684: DOS PASSOS, JOHN - Three Soldiers (Modern Library #205. 1)
86127: DOS PASSOS, JOHN - Three Soldiers
87698: DOS PASSOS, JOHN - 1919 [Number Two in U.S. A. Trilogy] (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
88408: DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR - The Possessed [a/K/a Demons or the Devils] (Modern Library #55. 3)
87037: DOUBLEDAY, F[RANK]. N[ELSON], - The Memoirs of a Publisher
87362: DOUGLAS, NORMAN - South Wind (Modern Library #5. 3)
87999: DOUGLAS-KLOTZ, NEIL - Desert Wisdom: Sacred Middle Eastern Writings from the Goddess Through the Sufis
85976: DOUGLAS, NORMAN - South Wind
83278: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (the Golden Heritage Series)
88650: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN; BARING-GOULD, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - The Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Four Novels and the Fifty-Six Short Stories Complete (2 Volume Set)
87761: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Complete Original Sherlock Holmes (Facsimile Edition)
85247: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Deluxe Edition)
84590: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The Works of A. Conan Doyle: One Volume Edition
86117: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN (AUTHOR); SMITH, EDGAR W. (EDITOR) - The Later Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Return of Sherlock Holmes (13 Stories) Plus the Hound of the Baskervilles (Volume 2 Only, in Slipcase)
87923: DREISER, THEODORE - Sister Carrie (Franklin Library 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature Series)
88484: DREISER, THEODORE - Plays of the Natural and the Supernatural: Seven Plays Including the Girl in the Coffin
81583: DREISER, THEODORE - Sister Carrie (Modern Library #8. 2)
87694: DRURY, ALLEN - The Hill of Summer: A Novel of the Soviet Conquest (Franklin Library First Edition Society Series)
87693: DRURY, ALLEN - Advise and Consent (Franklin Library Signed Limited Edition Series)
83830: DRURY, ALLEN - Decision (Franklin Library Signed First Edition Series)
87798: DRURY, ALLEN - Anna Hastings: The Story of a Washington Newspaperperson! A.H. (First Edition Society Series)
88609: DRYDEN, JOHN - Dryden's Poems (Everyman's Library #910)
87656: DRYDEN, JOHN - Of Dramatic Poesy and Other Critical Essays: In Two Volumes; Volume Two Only (Everyman's Library #569)
87056: DRYDEN, JOHN - The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volumes I to V (the British Poets Series)
86196: DUBOIS, E. F. - Harvard University Songs
80883: DUBOST, JEAN-CLAUDE; GONTHIER, JEAN-FRANçOIS (EDITORS) - Architecture for the Future
87556: DUCKER, BRUCE (AUTHOR); BEARDSLEY, DUKE (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Home Pool: Stories of Fly Fishing and Lesser Passions
80599: DUFF, CHARLES - England and the English
85617: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The Three Musketeers (Modern Library #143. 1)
88639: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge (Everyman's Library #614)
88673: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (PèRE) - Celebrated Crimes: Massacres in the South (Volume Eight Only, of Eight)
85059: DUMAS (FILS), ALEXANDRE - La Dame Aux Camélias (Camille) (Heritage Press Illustrated Edition in Slipcase)
88670: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (PèRE) - Celebrated Crimes: Volume Three Only (of Eight)
84621: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The Three Musketeers
88672: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (PèRE) - Celebrated Crimes: Mary Stuart (Volume Two Only, of Eight)
88671: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE (PèRE) - Celebrated Crimes: The Borgias (Volume Two Only, of Eight)
78158: DUNBAR, CHAS. S. - Buses, Trolleys & Trams
76645: DUNMORE, SPENCER - Lost Subs: From the Hunley to the Kursk, the Greatest Submarines Ever Lost--and Found
88404: DUNN, ESTHER CLOUDMAN (INTRODUCTION) - Eight Famous Elizabethan Plays (Modern Library, #94. 2)
87068: DUNN, ESTHER CLOUDMAN (EDITOR & INTRODUCTION) - Eight Famous Elizabethan Plays (Modern Library, #94. 2)
78105: DUNNING, JOHN - The Bookman's Wake: A Mystery with Cliff Janeway
82172: DURRANCE, DICK & MIGGS (PHOTOS); JEROME, JOHN (TEXT) - The Man on the Medal: The Life & Times of America's First Great Ski Racer
87823: ECKSTEIN, BOB (EDITOR) - The Ultimate Cartoon Book of Book Cartoons by the World's Greatest Cartoonists
88621: EDGEWORTH, MARIA - Castle Rackrent -and- the Absentee (Everyman's Library #410)
75674: EDITORS; YANES, ROMULO A. (PHOTOGRAPHY) - Gourmet's Parties from the Editors of Gourmet
76010: EDITORS; GOLLUB, MORRIS - That's Our Cleo! and Other Stories About Cats
76953: EDITORS - Great American Mystery Stories of the 20th Century
74756: PETER PAUPER EDITORS - The Little Limerick Book [an Uncensored Collection]
88586: EDMONDSON, CLYDE AND CHLOE - Mountain Passes: Location and Information About Mountain Passes, Including Adventure Roads, Scenic Drives and Places of Interest in Colorful Colorado
86406: EDWARDS, A. B. - Textures of the Ore Minerals and Their Significance
88291: EDWARDS, WALTER ALISON - Roman Tales Retold
76778: EGAMI, TOMI - The Oriental Cookbook
82545: EGGERS, DAVE - A Hologram for the King
85624: EISLER, COLIN - Paintings in the Hermitage
71833: ELIE, PAUL (EDITOR) - Tremor of Bliss Contemporary Writers on the Saints
78454: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
84220: ELIOT, GEORGE (EVANS, MARY ANN) - The MILL on the Floss (Everyman's Library #325)
80773: ELIOT, GEORGE - Silas Marner, [the Weaver of Raveloe]
87582: ELIOT, GEORGE (EVANS, MARY ANN) - The MILL on the Floss
87436: ELIOT, GEORGE - The Best-Known Novels of George Eliot: Adam Bede, the MILL on the Floss, Silas Marner and Romola (Modern Library Giant #G51. 1)
77934: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
80705: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books (#39 in the Five-Foot Shelf of Books Series, "the Harvard Classics")
83820: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
86830: ELIOT, GEORGE - Silas Marner, the Weaver of Raveloe
86521: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes ("the Harvard Classics" Series)
84854: ELIOT, GEORGE - Adam Bede (Everyman's Library #27)
80700: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Continental Drama: Calderon - Corneille - Racine - Molière - Lessing - Schiller (#26 in the Five-Foot Shelf of Books Series, "the Harvard Classics")
81210: ELIOT, ALEXANDER - Three Hundred Years of American Painting
86513: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Modern English Drama: Dryden, Sheridan, Goldsmith, Shelley, Browning, Byron ("the Harvard Classics" Series)
72728: ELIOT, GEORGE (EVANS, MARY ANN) - The MILL on the Floss
87665: ELLIS, RICHARD N. - The Western American Indian: Case Studies in Tribal History
73307: ELLIS, C. HAMILTON - Railways a Pictorial History of the First 150 Years
77490: ELLIS, HAMILTON - The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Railways
88513: ELLIS, RICHARD N.; SMITH, DUANE A. - Colorado: A History in Photographs
88082: ELLISON, RALPH - Invisible Man (Modern Library Isbn Series, Spine 17)
87058: EMBURY, EMMA C. - The Poems of Emma C. Embury: First Collected Edition
87528: EMERSON, CAROLINE D. - School Days in Disneyville (Walt Disney Story Books Series)
86834: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The First Series Mdcccxli, and the Second Series Mdcccxliv
84898: EMMONS, SAMUEL FRANKLIN - Ore-Deposits
81780: ENGERS, JOE (EDITOR); BUCKNER, BILL (PHOTOGRAPHY) - The Great Book of Wildfowl Decoys
88508: ENGLE, MOREY; KELLY, BERNARD - Denver's Man with a Camera: The Photographs of Harry Rhoads
83145: ENGLE, MOREY - Denver Comes of Age: The Postwar Photography of Morey Engle
71193: EPSTEIN, BENJAMIN R.; FORSTER, ARNOLD - . . "Some of My Best Friends... " : The First Fully Documented Story of a Shocking Evil in American Life, Furtively Practiced and Pervasive
83430: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - The Praise of Folly (Modern Library #331. 1)
74905: ERMINE, WILL - Boss of the Plains
82593: ESCHBORN, MICHAEL - Karlstein: Das Rätsel Um Die Burg Karls IV (in German Language)
41245: ESPY, WILLARD R. - The Game of Words
88600: ETTER, DON - University Park, Denver: Four Walking Tours
82974: EUGENIDES, JEFFREY - Middlesex
88451: EURIPIDES - The Plays of Euripides in the Translation of A.S. Way: Volume One Only (of the 2-Volume Set) (Everyman's Library #63)
85057: EURIPIDES; VELLACOTT, PHILIP (TRANSLATOR) - Medea - Hippolytus - the Bacchae
79130: AMHERST COLLEGE FACULTY - Teaching What We Do: Essays by the Amherst College Faculty
85932: FALKUS, CHRISTOPHER - The Life and Times of Charles II
74888: LA FARGE, F. JACQUELIN - Forever After
86254: FARR, DENNIS - Lynn Chadwick [Metal Sculpture]
87345: FARRELL, JAMES T. - Studs Lonigan, a Trilogy: Young Lonigan, Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan and Judgement Day (Modern Library Giant #G41. 1)
87109: FARRELL, JAMES T. - Young Lonigan (Franklin Library Signed, Limited Edition Series)
84585: FARRINGTON JR., S. KIP - Railroading Coast to Coast: Riding the Locomotive Cabs - Steam, Electric and Diesel 1923 - 1950
88220: FAST, HOWARD - The Unvanquished: A Novel of the American Revolution (Modern Library #239. 1)
87351: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Absalom, Absalom! (Modern Library #271. 1)
87335: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Sound and the Fury -and- As I Lay Dying (Modern Library #187. 2)
85685: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Go Down, Moses (First Modern Library Edition, ML #175. 4)
86476: FAULKNER, WILLIAM. - Sanctuary Modern Library #61. 2
86799: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Go Down, Moses (Modern Library #175. 4)
87322: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Light in August (Modern Library #88. 5)
73017: FAUST, IRVIN - The File on Stanley Patton Buchta
86288: FELLEMAN, HAZEL (EDITOR) - Poems That Live Forever
85959: FENTON, ROBERT W. - The Big Swingers: Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) & Tarzan (1912-____)
77083: FERBER, EDNA - Great Son
86668: FERNALD, JAMES C. - Better Say: A Book of Helpful Suggestions for the Correct Use of English Words and Phrases
84947: FERNÁNDEZ, JUAN ANTONIO - Doñana: Spain's Wildlife Wilderness
88549: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO; BARBAGALLO, CORRADO - A Short History of Rome: The Monarchy and the Republic from the Foundation of the City to the Death of Julius Caesar 754 B.C. - 44 B.C. (Volume One Only, of Two)
85620: FEUCHTWANGER, LION - Power (Jud Süß, in English Language) (First Modern Library Edition, ML #206. 1 in Spine #7)
84061: LE FEUVRE, AMY - The Odd One
86461: FEYNMAN, RICHARD - The Character of Physical Law
80851: FIELD, STEPHEN J.; GORHAM, GEORGE C. - Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California; to Which Is Added the Story of His Attempted Assassination by a Former Associate on the Supreme Bench of the State by George C. Gorham [California Gold Rush]
85871: FIELD, EUGENE - The Poems of Eugene Field, Complete Edition
78154: FIELDER, JOHN - Colorado: Images of the Alpine Landscape
87446: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (the Modern Library, #185. 2)
88449: FIELDING, HENRY - Amelia, Volume One Only (of Two) (Everyman's Library #852)
84837: FIELDING, HENRY - Joseph Andrews [the History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams] (Everyman's Library #467)
88463: FIELDING, HENRY - Joseph Andrews (Everyman's Library #467)
88199: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 2-Volume Set (Franklin Library 25th Anniversary Limited Edition of the Great Books of the Western World Series)
88450: FIELDING, HENRY - Amelia, Volume One Only (of Two) (Everyman's Library #852)
75830: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (Illustrated Modern Library #185. 1)
87871: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones
85969: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
86184: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams (First Modern Library Edition, ML #117. 3)
88363: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams (Everyman's Library #467)
88047: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams (Modern Library #117. 4)
84977: FIELDING, HENRY - Joseph Andrews [the History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams] (Everyman's Library #467)
81261: FIELDS, WAYNE - What the River Knows: An Angler in Midstream
86281: FIGUIER, LOUIS - Primitive Man (L'Homme Primitif) in a Revised English Translation
81763: FILISKY, MICHAEL (AUTHOR); LANDRY, SARAH (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Peterson First Guides: Fishes, a Simplified Field Guide to Common Fishes of North America
77760: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Norman Rockwell's America
81005: FINCHER, JACK - Lefties: The Origins and Consequences of Being Left-Handed
84806: FINERTY, JOHN F. - War-Path and Bivouac, or the Conquest of the Sioux
86126: FIRTH, CHARLES - Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England (Heroes of the Nations Series)
86223: FISCHER, JOHANN PHILIPP - Der Christ Vor Gott (the Christian Before God) (in German Language, Printed in Fraktur Font)
85930: FISCHLER, STAN - The Subway: A Trip Through Time on New York's Rapid Transit
84392: FISHER, STEVE - University Park and South Denver (Images of America Series)
84393: FISHER, STEVE - A Brief History of South Denver and University Park
82714: FISHER, CHARLES E. (EDITOR) - The Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Bulletin No. 107 (October, 1962)
75141: FISK, MARGARET CRONIN - The Gambler's Bible
82524: FITZGERALD, F-STOP (EDITOR) - The Elements of Fly Fishing: A Comprehensive Guide to the Equipment, Techniques, and Resources of the Sport
86942: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - The Last Tycoon: An Unfinished Novel
79588: FITZHARRIS, TIM (TEXT AND PHOTOS) - Wild Wings: An Introduction to Birdwatching
88081: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - Madame Bovary: Patterns of Provincial Life (Steegmuller Translation) (Modern Library Isbn Series, Spine 17)
86814: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - Madame Bovary: Patterns of Provincial Life (Steegmuller Translation) (Modern Library #28. 3)
72771: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - Frau Bovary
72216: FLAVIN, MARTIN - Red Poppies and White Marble a Journal on the Riviera of Antiquity
82501: FLEISSNER, O.S.; MENTZ-FLEISSNER, E. (EDITORS, WITH NOTES AND VOCABULARY) - Der Junge Goethe: Eine Lebens- Und Entwicklungsgeschichte Aufgebaut Auf Dokumenten Der Zeit (in German Language)
75748: FLEMING, THOMAS - Around the Capital with Uncle Hank, Recorded Together with Many Pictures
86327: FLETCHER, KEN - Centennial State Trolleys: The Life and Times of Colorado's Streetcars
86616: FLOOD, CHARLES BRACELEN - 1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History
88505: FLORIN, LAMBERT - Colorado and Utah Ghost Towns
82980: FOLZENLOGEN, DARCY & ROBERT - Walking the Denver-Boulder Region: Second Edition
86269: FORD, SEWELL - On with Torchy
78869: FORD, ALICE - John James Audubon
88013: FOREMAN, LAURA - Alexander the Conquerer: The Epic Story of the Warrior King
86453: FORESTER, C. S. - Commodore Hornblower
86454: FORESTER, C. S. - Lord Hornblower
74268: FORKNER, BEN (EDITOR) - Louisiana Stories
88479: FORSTER, JOHN - The Life of Charles Dickens, in Two Volumes (Volume Two Only) (Everyman's Library #782)
88431: FORSTER, E. M - The Collected Tales of E.M. Forster (Modern Library First Edition, ML #385. 1)
88355: FORSYTH, GENERAL GEORGE A. - Thrilling Days in Army Life
88120: FORSYTH, WILLIAM - Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero: Two Volumes in One, with Illustrations (Sixth American Edition)
84199: FOSTER, STEPHEN - A Treasury of Stephen Foster
72039: FOWLER, H. RAMSEY; AARON, JANE E. - The Little, Brown Handbook
87632: FOWLES, JOHN - A Maggot
83165: FOX, ROBIN LANE - The Search for Alexander
88676: FRANCE, ANATOLE - Thaïs (Thais) (Modern Library #67. 1, Toledano Spine 4)
87366: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Revolt of the Angels (la Révolte Des Anges) (Modern Library #11. 2)
85466: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Gods Are a-Thirst (Les Dieux Ont Soif)
85804: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Red Lily Modern Library Spine 2, ML #7. 1
87808: FRANCE, ANATOLE - Crainquebille [L'Affaire Crainqubille]
85800: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (Member of the Institute) Modern Library Spine 2, ML #22. 1
88093: MARIE DE FRANCE - Lays of Marie de France, and Other French Legends (Everyman's Library #557)
74369: FRANCIS, CLAUDE; GONTIER, FERNANDE - Simone de Beauvoir a Life... A Love Story
84028: FRANKEL, AARON - Writing the Broadway Musical
85137: FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin & Selections from His Other Writings (Modern Library #39. 2)
74628: FRASER, ANTONIA - The Weaker Vessel
87714: FRASER, GEORGE MACDONALD - Flashman and the Tiger, and Other Extracts from the Flashman Papers
83191: FRATER, ALEXANDER (TEXT); GARSMEUR, ALAIN LE - Stopping-Train Britain: A Railway Odyssey
85509: FREEMAN, MAE AND IRA - Your Wonderful World of Science
80957: FREEMAN, L. G.; ECHEGARAY, J. GONZALEZ - La Sombra de Un Cazador de la Edad de Piedra (the Shadow of a Stone Age Hunter)
88057: FREUD, SIGMUND - The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Modern Library Giant #G39. 1)
87493: FRIEDMAN, KINKY - 'Scuse Me While I Whip This out: Reflections on Country Singers, Presidents, and Other Troublemakers
88330: FROISSART, JOHN; JOLLIFFE, JOHN (TRANSLATOR & EDITOR) - Froissart's Chronicles (First Modern Library Edition, ML #387. 1)
84797: FROST, LAWRENCE A. - The Court-Martial of General George Armstrong Custer
82018: FROST, HELEN (EDITOR) - Season of Dead Water
88252: FROST, ROBERT; LATHEM, EDWARD CONNERY (EDITOR) - The Poetry of Robert Frost (Comprehensive and Authoritative Edition)
85026: FROST, ROBERT - The Poems of Robert Frost, with an Introductory Essay "the Constant Symbol" by the Author (Modern Library #242. 1)
82915: FROST, ROBERT - In the Clearing
88658: FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY - Caesar: A Sketch
87018: FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY - Short Studies on Great Subjects, Volume Two (Everyman's Library #705)
71146: FUCHS, VIVIAN & SIR EDMUND HILLARY - The Crossing of Antarctica the Commonwealth Trans-Atlantic Expedition 1955-1958
72318: FUENTES, CARLOS. - A New Time for Mexico Translated from the Spanish by Marina Gutman Castaneda and the Author.
82868: FURST, ALAN - Blood of Victory
82867: FURST, ALAN - Spies of the Balkans
87993: GABALDON, DIANA - Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone: A Novel (#9 in Outlander Series)
84925: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - Name-Dropping: From F.D. R. On
74457: GALLAGHER, TIM - In Search of Birds and Wild Places a Naturalist's Journey Into Parts Unknown
88104: GALSWORTHY, JOHN - The Man of Property
74877: GALSWORTHY, JOHN - The Silver Spoon
74240: GALVIN, JAMES - The Meadow
78348: GANN, ERNEST K. - In the Company of Eagles
85542: GANO, SETH T. (SECRETARY) - Harvard Class of 1907: Thirtieth Anniversary Report, June 1937 (Seventh Report)
85546: GANO, SETH T. (SECRETARY) - Harvard College Class of 1907: Forty-Fifth Anniversary Report, June 1952 (Tenth Report)
83345: GARDINER, ROBERT (EDITOR) - The Naval War of 1812 (Caxton Pictorial Histories Series)
83801: GARDNER, JOHN - The King's Indian: Stories and Tales
79522: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY - The Case of the Lucky Loser
71408: GARDNER, JOHN; BIAMONTE, DANIEL - Freddy's Book
83950: GARDNER, JOSEPH L. (PROJECT EDITOR) - Reader's Digest Atlas of the World + a World of Wonders
82815: GARRATT, COLIN - Colin Garratt's World of Steam
86973: GARRATY, JOHN A.; GAY, PETER - The Columbia History of the World
88599: GARRETT, EDMUND H. (COMPILER AND ILLUSTRATOR) - Victorian Songs: Lyrics of the Affections and Nature (Number 211 of a Limited Edition of 225 Copies)
86642: GATTI, CARLO - Verdi: The Man and His Music
86385: GAUGUIN, PAUL (ART); THOMSON, BELINDA (EDITOR) - Gauguin: Maker of Myth
74086: GAUGUIN, PAUL; GUERIN, DANIEL (EDITOR) - Writings of a Savage
87476: GAUTIER, THEOPHILé - Mademoiselle de Maupin (Modern Library #53. 1; Limp Balloon Cloth, Spine #5)
88319: GAY, JOHN (AUTHOR); TYLER, GILLIAN LEWIS (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Fables by the Late Mr. John Gay (Limited Edition of 1,950 Copies, Signed by Illustrator)
88016: GAYLEY, CHARLES MILLS - The Classic Myths in English Literature and Art: Based Originally on Bulfinch's "Age of Fable" (1855), New Edition Revised and Enlarged
88215: GEE, H. L. - Winter Journey: Some Account of a Friendly Man's Adventures
79583: VAN GELDER, PATRICIA - Wildlife Artists at Work
86535: GENERAL MILLS, INC. - Betty Crocker's Cook Book for Boys and Girls
87095: GEORGE, W. L. - A Bed of Roses (Modern Library #75. 1)
88660: GERARD, JAMES W. - Face to Face with Kaiserism
79646: GERMAIN, FELIX - Men and Mountains of Savoy
86879: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume Two Only (of the 6-Volume Set) (the Great Books of the Western World Series)
83638: GIBBON, EDWARD; MILMAN, REV. H. H. (NOTES) - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: A New Edition, to Which Is Added a Complete Index of the Whole Work (Volume I Only, of Six)
81401: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - Kahlil Gibran: A Self-Portrait
86264: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Earth Gods
80484: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - Kahlil Gibran: A Self-Portrait
86345: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Forerunner
86344: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Prophet
83162: GIBSON, ARRELL MORGAN - The West in the Life of the Nation
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