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75836: MUNSTER, Anna. - Materializing New Media : Embodiment in Information Aesthetics.
55231: MUNTEANU, Basil. - Geschichte Der Neueren Rumanschen Literatur.
69593: MURAKAMI, Yasusuke. YAMAMURA, Kozo trans. & intro. - An Anticlassical Political-Economic Analysis: A Vision for the Next Century.
69509: MURAKAMI, Masato ed. - Melt Processed High Temperature Superconductors.
68126: MURASKIN, William Alan. - Middle-class Blacks in a White Society: Prince Hall Freemasonry in America.
75485: MURDOCH. TODD, Richard. - Iris Murdoch: The Shakespearian Interest.
52000: MURDOCH, James. - Australia's Contemporary Composers.
47712: MURDOCH, James. - Australia's Contemporary Composers.
75606: MURFETT, Malcolm H., MIKSIC, John N., FARRELL, Brian P. & SHUN, Chiang Ming. - Between Two Oceans: A Military History of Singapore from First Settlement to Final British Withdrawal.
53192: MURLLESS, Dr. Frederic T., RAPER, Dr. Howard R., HICKOX, Dr. Curtiss B. et al. - Horace Wells - Dentist: Father of Surgical Anesthesia. Proceedings of Centenary Commemorations of Wells' Discovery in 1844 and Lists of Welss Memoribilia Including Bibliographies, Memorials and Testimonials.
72163: MURPHY, Margaret C. - Women Writers and Australia: A Bibliography of Fiction, 19th Century to 1987.
69442: MURPHY, Brian, RAWSON, Andrew, RAVENSCROFT, Loren, RANKIN, Madeleine & MILLARD, Russell. - Paired Site Sampling for Soil Carbon Estimation - New South Wales.
67278: MURPHY, Thomas P. - Government Management Internships and Executive Development: Education for Change.
64407: MURPHY, Walter F. - Elements of Judicial Strategy.
63947: MURPHY, Irene L. - Public Policy on the Status of Women: Agenda and Strategy for the 70's.
59772: MURPHY, Edmond A. - A Companion to Medical Statistics.
59260: MURPHY, Robert F. - The Dialectics of Social Life: Alarms and Excursions in Anthropological Theory.
54232: MURPHY, Elymer J. - Beyond Darwin: An Alternative to the Theory of Evolution.
52305: MURPHY. SPECTOR, Robert Donald. - Arthur Murphy.
76308: MURRAY, Frederick N. - The Stratigraphy and Structural Hydrology of the Grand Hogback.
62693: MURRAY, Jan & MONRO, Mary eds. - Uranium and Nuclear Energy: 1980. proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium held by The Uranium Institute.
61021: MURRAY, Sue. - Bibliography of Australian Poetry: 1935-1955.
58385: MURRAY, Robert & WHITE, Kate. - The Ironworkers: A History of the Federated Ironworkers Association of Australia.
54321: MURRAY, Robert K. - The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory and Practice in the Harding-Coolidge Era.
52066: MURRAY, John & SMITH, Fran ed. - Language Arts and the Learner.
48303: MURRAY, James. - The Pale Sergeant.
75936: MURRAY, Bruce & ROBERTSON, Kevin eds. - A Pictorial Parade of Southern Region Road Vehicles.
71753: MURRELLS, Joseph. - The Book of Golden Discs.
53001: MURRELLS, Joseph. - The Book of Golden Discs.
59688: MURRY, Katherine Middleton. - Beloved Quixote. The Unknown Life of John Middleton Murry.
52298: MURRY. GRIFFIN, Ernest G. - John Middleton Murry.
51740: MURRY, Katherine Middleton. - Beloved Quixote. The Unknown Life of John Middleton Murry.
70872: NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM. - Catalogue of the Library of the National Maritime Museum. Volume 1. Voyages and Travel.
67032: THE BRITISH MUSEUM. - The British Museum Quarterly. Volume 35, Numbers 1-4, Spring 1971.
56137: BRITISH MUSEUM. - Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Museum. Accessions: Part 53 - Music in the Hirsch Library.
55887: MUSGRAVE, P.W. - Technical Change and the Labour Force and Education: A Study of the British and German Iron and Steel Industries, 1860-1964.
67409: MUSSOLINI. LAMB, Richard. - Mussolini as Diplomat: Il Duce's Italy on the World Stage.
69577: MUSSORGSKY, M.P. RAVEL, Maurice orch. - Tableaux d'une Exposition. Pictures From an Exhibition.
58648: MUTH, Carl. - Schopfer und Magier: Drei Essays.
58636: MUTHESIUS, Prof. Dr. Hans ed. - Alice Salomon: Die Begrunderin des Sozialen Frauenberufs in Deutschland.
68710: MUTOH, Hiromuchi, SEKIGUCHI, Sueo, SUZUMURA, Kotaro & YAMAZAWA, Ippei eds. - Industrial Policies for Pacific Ecomomic Growth.
63374: MUTOH, Hiromuchi, SEKIGUCHI, Sueo, SUZUMURA, Kotaro & YAMAZAWA, Ippei eds. - Industrial Policies for Pacific Ecomomic Growth.
73501: MUZZARELLI, Ricciardo, JEUNIAUX, Charles & Gooday, Graham E. eds. - Chitin in Nature and Technology.
59600: MYERS, Ramon H. ed. - A Unique Relationship: The United States and the Republic of China Under the Taiwan Relations Act.
58349: MYERS, Norman & KENT, Jennifer. - Perverse Subsidies: Tax $s Undercutting Our Economies and Environments Alike.
56972: MYERS, Gerald E. ed. - Self, Religion, and Metaphysics: Essays in Memory of James Bissett Pratt.
54861: MYERS, Robin ed. - A Dictionary of Literature in the English Language. From Chaucer to 1940.
47279: MYRSIADES, Linda S. MYRSIADES, Kostas trans. - The Karagiozis Heroic Performance in Greek Shadow Theater.
63536: NACHMIAS, David. - Public Policy Evaluation: Approaches and Methods.
61960: NACHMIAS, David. - Public Policy Evaluation: Approaches and Methods.
60871: NACHMIAS, David. - Public Policy Evaluation: Approaches and Methods.
72982: NADEL, S.F. - The Foundations of Social Anthropology.
65074: NADEL, Jay A. - Physiology and Pharmacology of the Airways.
60455: NADER, Claire & ZAHLAN, A.B. eds. - Science and Technology in Developing Countries. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 27 November - 2 December 1967.
57244: NADLER, David A., GERSTEIN, Marc S., SHAW, Robert B. et al. - Organizational Architecture: Designs for Changing Organizations.
68724: NAGARA, Bunn & EAN, Cheah Siew eds. - Managing Security and Peace in the Asia-Pacific. Papers Presented at the Eighth Asia-Pacific Roundtable, June 5-8, 1994, Kuala Lumpur.
64332: NAGEL, Stuart S. - Improving the Legal Process: Effects of Alternatives.
64105: NAGEL, Stuart S. - The Policy-Studies Handbook.
55566: NAGEL, Kurt. - The 6 [ Six] Keys to Company Success: Strategy, Organisation, Human Resources, Leadership Style, Information Systems, and Customer Orientation.
68251: NAHAS, Dr. Gabriel & SCHAEFER, Dr. Karl E. eds. - Carbon Dioxide and Metabolic Regulation.
67818: NAIDU, Dr. R.A. & REDDY, Prof. P.S. eds. - Metropolitan Government and Development: Present and Future Challenges.
62934: NAIR, K.K. - ASEAN-Indochina Relations Since 1975: The Politics of Accommodation.
63883: NAIRN, Bede. - Civilising Capitalism: The Labor Movement in New South Wales 1870-1900.
63899: NAKAMURA, Hajime. - Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan.
63719: NAKAMURA, James I. - Agricultural Production and the Economic Development of Japan 1873-1922.
67712: NAKAO, Makoto & PACKER, Lester eds. - Organization of Energy-transducing Membranes.
59879: NAKATSU, Yukiko, CHIURA, Michiko & KIDDER, J. Edward Jr. eds. - Shimbashi Site Report.
48840: NANIA, Georges. - Complete Multilingual Dictionary of Computer Terminology. English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese.
55996: NAPARSTEK, Arthur J., BIEGEL, David E. & SPIRO, Herzl R. - Neighborhood Networks for Humane Mental Health Care.
51809: NAPIER, William, GILBERT, John, & HOLLAND, Julian. - Eastern Islands, Southern Seas. A History of Discovery and Exploration.
47870: NAPOLEON. LACHOUQUE, Henry. - The Last Days of Napoleon's Empire.
72442: NARASIMHAIAH, C.D. ed. - The Literary Criterion: The Floweing of Australian Literature.
60213: NARAYAN, Jayaprakash. PRASAD, Bimla ed. - Socialism Sarvodaya and Democracy.
55011: NARAYAN, Jayaprakash. PRASAD, Bimal ed. - A Revolutionary's Quest: Selected Writings of Jayaprakash Narayan.
60059: NARY, R. William ed. - Documents on Disarmament 1976.
66714: NASH, John & FOROUTAN, Faezeh eds. - Development. Issues Number Six: Trade Policy and Exchange Rate Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa.
61546: NASH, Howard P. Jr. - Third Parties in American Politics.
59784: NASH, Henry T. - Nuclear Weapons and International Behavior.
57490: NASH, Bradley D. with EISENHOWER, Milton S., HOXIE, R. Gordon & SPRAGENS, William C. - Organizing and Staffing the Presidency.
57010: NASH, Manning. GOLDSCHMIDT, Walter ed. - American Anthropologist. Machine Age Maya: The Industrialization of a Guatemalan Community. Vol. 60, No. 2, Part 2, April 1958.
56236: NASH, June, DANDLER, Jorge & HOPKINS, Nicholas S. ed. - Popular Participation in Social Change: Cooperatives, Collectives, and Nationalized Industry.
53704: NASH, Gary B. - Quakers and Politics: Pennsylvania, 1681 - 1726.
75054: NATALE, Antonella Riem, CAMAIORA, Luisa Conti and DOLCE, Maria Renata. - The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education.
66223: NATAN, Alex ed. - German Men of Letters: Twelve Literary Essays. Volume Three.
72466: NATANSON, I.P. - Konstruktive Funktionentheorie.
58495: NATANSON, Maurice. - Literature, Philosophy, and the Social Sciences: Essays in Existentialism and Phenomenology.
58803: NATH, S.K. - A Reappraisal of Welfare Economics.
55945: NATHAN, Andrew J. - Chinese Democracy: The Individual and the State in Twentieth Century China.
53242: NATHAN, Andrew J. - China's Crisis. Dilemmas of Reform and Prospects for Democracy.
49055: NATHANS, Sydney. - Daniel Webster and Jacksonian Democracy.
64848: NATIONAL UNIFICATION BOARD, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. - A White Paper on South-North Dialogue in Korea.
64847: NATIONAL UNIFICATION BOARD, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. - A White Paper on South-North Dialogue in Korea.
57130: NATIONAL UNIFICATION BOARD, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. - A White Paper on South-North Dialogue in Korea.
76398: NATIONS, James D. - The Maya Tropical Forest: People, Parks, and Ancient Cities.
68714: United Nations. - Strengthening of Regional Cooperation in Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific. With Special Reference to the Social Implications of Sustainable Economic Growth.
60473: SECRETARIAT OF THE UNITED NATIONS. - A Survey of Treaty Provisions for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 1949-1962.
55490: NAUERT, Charles G. Jr. - The Age of Renaissance and Reformation.
69856: NAVARATNAM, Ramon V. - Managing the Malaysian Economy: Challenges and Prospects.
74161: NAVARRETE. CUMMINS, J.S. ed. - The Travels and Controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete 1618-86. Volum II.
71284: NAVARRO, Domingo Tafalla. - El Lucentum Hispano Romano de Benalua - Antigons. Siglo II d. C. Historia de Alicante Y Castillo.
76384: NAVARRO, Tami. - Virgin Capital: Race, Gender, and Financialization in the US Virgin Islands.
69550: NAYA, Seiji Finch & TAN, Joseph L.H. with MARK, Shelly eds. - Asian Transitional Economies: Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation.
69549: NAYA, Seiji Finch & TAN, Joseph L.H. with MARK, Shelly eds. - Asian Transitional Economies: Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation.
56639: NAYA, Seiji Finch & TAN, Joseph L.H. with MARK, Shelly eds. - Asian Transitional Economies: Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation.
55094: NAYA, Seiji, SANDHU, Kernial S., PLUMMER, Michael & AKRASANEE, Narongchai ed. - ASEAN-U.S. Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations for Improved Economic Relations. Joint Final Report.
62770: NAYLER, Winifred G. - Calcium Antagonists.
59021: NAYLER, Winifred G. - Calcium Antagonists.
71047: NAYLOR, Edward W. - Shakespeare And Music With Illustrations From The Music of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
72591: NAYROU, Felicie and RUDY, Alain eds. - La Rencontre: Figures du Destin.
63339: NAYYAR, Deepak ed. - Economic Relations Between Socialist Countries and the Third World.
62135: NAYYAR, Deepak. - India's Exports and Export Policies in the 1960s.
55141: O'NEAL, Charles & BERTRAND, Kate. - Developing a Winning J.I.T. Marketing Strategy: The Industrial Marketer's Guide.
73698: NEALE, R.G. ed. - Documents on Australian Foreign Policy 1937-49. Volume I: 1937-38.
69155: NEALE, R.G. - Britain and American Imperialism. 1898 - 1900.
71831: NEARY, S.J., SYMES, M.S. & BROWN, F.E. eds. - The Urban Experience: A People-Environment Perspective.
73294: NEDELEC, Jean-Claude. - Acoustic and Electromagnetic Equations: Integral Representations for Harmonic Problems.
54425: NEE, Victor & STARK, David ed. - Remaking the Economic Institutions of Socialism: China and Eastern Europe.
62492: NEEDHAM, Joseph ed. - Science, Religion and Reality.
64913: NEEDLEMAN, Saul B. ed. - Protein Sequence Determination: A Sourcebook of Methods and Techniques.
57281: NEEDLEMAN, Martin L. & Carolyn Emerson. - Guerrillas in the Bureacracy: The Community Planning Experiment in the United States.
61269: NEEL, J.V. & SCHULL, W.J. - The Effect of Exposure to the Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
74756: NEELAKANTAM, S., MURALI, N.C. et al. - National Seminar on Exploration and Survey for Noble Metals and Precious Stones : Special Publication No. 58.
66447: NEELY, Richard. - How Courts Govern America.
59065: NEF, John U. - War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization.
69542: NEFF, Thomas. - The International Uranium Market.
70975: NEHRU. PANIKKAR, K.M. & PERSHAD, A. eds. - The Voice of Freedom: Selected Speeches of Pandit Motilal Nehru.
62321: NEHRU. DAS, M.N. - The Political Philosophy of Jawaharlal Nehru.
76249: NEHRU. NANDA, B.R. - The Nehrus: Motilal and Jawaharlal.
63125: O'NEIL, Robert M. - Free Speech in the College Community.
67667: O'NEILL, Robert ed. - The Defence of Australia - Fundamental New Aspects. The Proceedings of a Conference Organised by the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ANU October 1976.
63129: O'NEILL, Robert ed. - Insecurity! The Spread of Weapons in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
59340: O'NEILL. BOGARD, Travis. - Contour in Time: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill.
55331: O'NEILL. CHOTHIA, Jean. - Forging a Language: A Study of the Plays of Eugene O'Neill.
54216: O'NEILL. CARPENTER, Frederic I. - Eugene O'Neill.
53822: O'NEILL, Michael. - The Politics of European Integration. A Reader.
73143: NEILSON, N. ed. & BALLARD, Adolphus. - I. A Terrier of Fleet, Lincolnshire From a Manuscript in the British Museum [ and ] II. An Eleventh-Century Inquisition of St. Augustine's, Canterbury.
63840: NEILSON, Peter D. - Cerebral Palsy: A Neurophysiological and Systems Theory Analysis.
56148: NEJELSKI, Paul ed. - Social Research in Conflict with Law and Ethics.
72108: NELKIN, Dorothy, WILLIS, David P. & PARRIS, Scott V. eds. - A Disease of Society: Cultural and Institutional Responses to AIDS.
56443: NELKIN, Dorothy. - Technological Decisions and Democracy: European Experiments in Public Participation.
57494: NELLI, Humbert S. - The Italians in Chicago: 1880-1930. A Study in Ethnic Mobility.
55026: NELSEN, Harvey W. - The Chinese Military System: An Organizational Study of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
72221: NELSON, W. Dale. - The President Is at Camp David.
71431: NELSON, Daniel & WHITE, Stephen eds. - Communist Legislatures in Comparative Perspective.
70181: NELSON, Shiela M. - The Violin and Viola.
69505: NELSON, David L., WHITTINGHAM, M. Stanley & GEORGE, Thomas F. eds. - Chemistry of High-Temperature Superconductors.
67909: NELSON, Richard R., PECK, Merton J. & KALACHEK, Edward D. - Technology, Economic Growth, and Public Policy.
64417: NELSON, Joan M. - Access to Power: Politics and the Urban Poor in Developing Nations.
61754: NELSON, William H. ed. - Theory and Practice in American Politics.
57930: NELSON, Daniel. - Unemployment Insurance: The American Experience, 1915-1935.
57621: NELSON, Fiona. - Lesbian Motherhood: An Exploration of Candian Lesbian Families.
57471: NELSON, Ralph L. - Economic Factors in the Growth of Corporation Giving.
75420: NELSON, Nici ed. - African Women in the Development Process.
75757: NELSON. HAYWARD, Joel. - For God and Glory: Lord Nelson and His Way of War.
49026: NELSON, Walter. - The Minstrel Code.
48867: NELSON, Brian ed. - Naturalism in the European Novel. New Critical Perspectives.
76287: NEMETZ, Peter N. ed. - The Pacific Rim: Investment Development and Trade.
74570: NENONEN, Keijo & NURMI, Pekka A. eds. - Geoscience for Society 125th Anniversary Volume.
60422: NEPRASH, Jerry Alvin. - The Brookhart Campaigns in Iowa, 1920-1926: A Study in the Motivation of Political Attitudes.
68125: NERLICH, Graham. - The Shape of Space.
71916: NESBITT, Cecil J., VAN EENAM, Marjorie L., TROWBRIDGE, Charles L. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1952 ] Volume IV.
72161: NESON, Barbara J. & CHOWDHURY, Najma eds. - Women and Politics Worldwide.
55820: NETHERCOTE, J.R., GALLIGAN, Brian & WALSH, Cliff eds. - Decision Making in Australian Government: The Cabinet & Budget Processes.
55819: NETHERCOTE, J.R., GALLIGAN, Brian & WALSH, Cliff eds. - Decision Making in New Zealand Government.
58166: NETTEL, Reginald. - Sing a Song of England: A Social History of Traditional Song.
59007: NETTL, J.P. - The Eastern Zone and Soviet Policy in Germany: 1945-50.
64390: NETTLESHIP, Martin A., GIVENS, R. Dale, NETTLESHIP, Anderson eds. - War: Its Causes and Correlates.
70268: NEUBERGER, A. & VAN DEENEN, L.L.M. eds. - Modern Physical Methods in Biochemistry. Part B.
63637: NEULINGER, John. - The Psychology of Leisure.
60011: NEUMARK, S. Daniel. - Foreign Trade and Economic Development in Africa.
75319: NEUMEIER, Beate, BRAUN, Boris & HERCHE, Victoria eds. - Nature and Environment in Australia.
65581: NEUMEYER, Martin H. - Juvenile Delinquency in Modern Society.
75692: NEUSTADT. JONES, Charles O. ed. - Preparing to be President: The Memos of Richard E. Neustadt.
63767: NEUSTUPNY, J.V. - Post-Structural Approaches to Language: Language Theory in a Japanese Context.
57000: NEUTZE, Max. - Urban Development in Australia: A Descriptive Analysis.
42348: NEUWELT, Edward A. ed. - Implications of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Manipulation. Volume 2: Clinical Aspects.
62039: NEVAKIVI, Jukka. - The Appeal That Was Never Made: The Allies, Scandinavia and the Finnish War, 1939-1940.
74165: LE NEVE, John. - Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541. I Lincoln Diocese.
75462: NEVE, Ernest F. - Beyond the Pir Panjal: Life and Missionary Enterprise in Kashmir.
53726: NEVILLE, Gwen Kennedy. - Kinship and Pilgrimage: Rituals of Reunion in American Protestant Culture.
61758: NEVINS, Allan. - The New Deal and World Affairs: A Chronicle of International Affairs, 1933-1945.
61047: NEVINS, Alland ed. - American Social History As Recorded By British Travellers.
61403: NEW, William H. ed. - A Political Art: Essays and Images in Honour of George Woodcock.
58397: NEWCOMB, William W. Jr. - North American Indians: An Anthropological Perspective.
58990: NEWELL, R.W. - Objectivity, Empiricism and Truth.
42543: NEWELL, Guy R. & HONG, Waun Ki ed. - The Biology and Prevention of Aerodigestive Tract Cancers. Advances in Expermental Medicine and Biology Volume 320.
69320: NEWHOUSE, John. - U.S. Troops in Europe: Issues, Costs, and Choices.
73419: NEWMAN, M.F. ed. - Topics In Algebra. Proceedings, 18th Summer Research Institute of the Australian Mathematical Society, Australian National University, Canberra, January 9 - February 17, 1978.
69382: NEWMAN-SANDERS, C.W. - Scottish Dancing: How To Do The Eightsome Reel and Other Scottish Dances.
59850: NEWMAN, James L. - The Ecological Basis for Subsistence Change Among the Sandawe of Tanzania.
58482: NEWMAN, Bertram ed. - English Historians: Selected Passages.
56480: NEWMAN, Otto. - Gambling: Hazard and Reward.
47711: NEWMAN, Ernest. - A Musical Critic's Holiday.
57653: STAFF of US NEWS. - Triumph Without Victory: The History of the Persian Gulf War.
59783: NEWSTEAD, S.E., IRVINE, S.H. & DANN, P.L. eds. - Human Assessment: Cognition and Motivation.
76030: NEWTON, Maxwell, WALKER, R.R. et al. - Nation. Number 167. April 17, 1965. The McEwen Domain.
70389: NEWTON, William E. & OTSUKA, Sei eds. - Molybdenum Chemistry of Biological Significance.
64887: NEWTON, Jennifer. - Preventing Mental Illness.
63164: NEWTON, Arthur Percival. - The Universities and Educational Systems of the British Empire.
61992: NEWTON, R.G. - The Complex j-Plane.
68243: NEXO, Martin Andersen. - Pelle the Conqueror. Volume 2: Apprenticeship.
57536: NGAI-HA, Ng Lun. - Interactions of East and West: Development of Public Education in Early Hong Kong.
42548: NGO, That T. ed. - Molecular Interactions in Bioseparations.
74080: NICHOLLS, Jonathan. - Cheerful Sacrifice: The Battle of Arras, 1917.
73829: NICHOLLS, Jonathan. - Cheerful Sacrifice: The Battle of Arras 1917.
58503: NICHOLLS, David. - Three Varieties of Pluralism.
75207: NICHOLLS, Garth ed. - The Bearded Collie Club Year Book 1986.
70523: NICHOLS, Fiona, SANDMAN, Dr Peter M., KILANI, Dr John S. et al. - The Code: Delivering Results. Australian Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management. 23rd Annual Environmental Workshop. Proceedings.
67575: NICHOLS, Roy F. - Blueprints for Leviathan: American Style.
66238: NICHOLS, Thomas L. - Journal in Jail, Kept During a Four Months' Imprisonment for Libel, in the Jail of Erie County.
65834: NICHOLS, Brevet Major George Ward. - The Story of the Great March From the Diary of a Staff Officer.
58520: NICHOLS, Michael P. - The Self in the System: Expanding the Limits of Family Therapy.
47955: NICHOLS, David. - Financing Elections. The Politics of an American Ruling Class.
62703: NICHOLSON, Richard H. ed. - Medical Research with Children: Ethics, Law, and Practice.
59729: NICHOLSON, T.R. - European Cars: 1886-1914.
52214: NICHOLSON, Max. - The New Environmental Age.
69737: NICKLES, Thomas ed. - Scientific Discovery, Logic and Rationality.
51636: NICODEMUS. - Renascence. An Essay in Faith.
66300: NICOLL, Allardyce. - A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. Volume V: Late Nineteenth Century Drama 1850-1900.
55052: NICOLL, Allardyce. - A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. Volume I: Restoration Drama 1660-1700.
54088: NICOLL, Allardyce. - A History of the Early Eighteenth Century Drama, 1700 - 1750.
70299: NICOLSON, Harold. - The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity: 1812-1822.
68846: NICOLSON, Garth L., RAFTERY, Michael A., RODBELL, Martin & FOX, Fred C. eds. - Cell Surface Receptors.
51804: NICOLSON, Catherine. - The Golden City.
69993: NICULESCU, Alessandro. - Strutture Allocutive Pronominali Reverenziali in Italiano.
67151: NIDIFFER, Jana & BASHAW, Carloyn Terry eds. - Women Administrators in Higher Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.
61746: NIEBURG, H.L. - In the Name of Science.
58985: NIEHANS, Jurg. - The Theory of Money.
69111: NIELSEN, Carl. - The Four Temperaments / Die Vier Temperamente Op. 16 for Orchestra.
69110: NIELSEN, Carl. - Symphony in G-minor Op. 7.
63412: NIELSEN, Lawrence E. - Mechancial Properties of Polymers and Composites. Volume 1.
75357: NIELSEN, Ebbe S. & KRISTENSEN, Niels P, - Primitive Ghost Moths. Morphology and taxonomy of the Australian genus Fraus Walker (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae s. lat.).
76476: NIEMEYER, Hans Georg & SCHIPPMANN, Klaus. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 104.
55432: NIERENBERG, Gerard I. - Negotiating the Big Sale.
61734: NIEUWENHUIJZE, C.A.O. van. - Development: A Challenge to Whom? An Essay on the Present State and the Next Stage in Development Studies, With Special Reference to Sociology, and With Examples From the Middle East.
72119: NIEUWENHUYSEN, John P. & NORMAN, Neville R. - Australian Competition and Prices Policy: Trade Practices, Tariffs and Prices Justification.
62508: NIEUWENHUYSEN, John P. & NORMAN, Neville R. - Australian Competition and Prices Policy. Trade Practices, Tariffs and Prices Justification.
60439: NIEUWENHUYSEN, John P. ed. - Australian Trade Practices: Readings.
54495: NIEUWENHUYSEN, John P. & NORMAN, Neville R. - Australian Competition and Prices Policy. Trade Practices, Tariffs and Prices Justification.
63025: NIGHSWONGER, William A. - Rural Pacification in Vietnam.
70865: NIISEKI, Kinya ed. - The Soviet Union in Transition.
56752: NIKAM, N.A. - Some Concepts of Indian Culture: A Philosophical Interpretation.
73103: NILSEN, Laurie ed. - Lake Macquarie: Past and Present.
73280: NIN, Anais. - Delta of Venus, Erotica
59889: NISBETT, Alec. - The Sound Studio.
75471: NISSAN. - Nissan Pick-up Model D21 Series Service Manual.
70245: NIVEN, Ivan. - Diophantine Approximations.
54922: NIVEN, Sir Rex. - The War of Nigerian Unity: 1967-1970.
63441: NIXON. BURKE, Vincent J. & Vee. - Nixon's Good Deed: Welfare Reform.
61720: NKRUMAH. PHILLIPS, John. - Kwame Nkrumah and the Future of Africa.
56121: NOACK, Horst ed. - Medical Education and Primary Health Care.
67159: NOAKS, Lesley, LEVI, Michael & MAGUIRE, Mike eds. - Contemporary Issues in Criminology.
75108: NOBBS, Raymond. - George Hunn Nobbs, 1799-1884: Chaplain in Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands.
57859: NOBEL. ASTON, Francis William, PREGL, Fritz, ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf et al. - Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. Chemistry, 1922 - 1941.
53213: NOBEL. DAM, Henrik, DOISY, Edward Adelbert, ERLANGER, Joseph, GASSER, Herbert Spencer et al. - Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. Physiology or Medicine, 1942 - 1962.
71056: NOCHLIN, Linda & GARB, Tamar ed. - The Jew in the Text: Modernity and the Construction of Identity.
56977: NOCHLIN, Linda & GARB, Tamar ed. - The Jew in the Text: Modernity and the Construction of Identity.
59492: NOCK, O.S. - Steam Locomotive: A Retrospect of the Work of Eight Great Locomotive Engineers.
74670: NOEL. E.B. - Winchester College Cricket.
52145: NOEL, Thomas. - Theories of the Fable in the Eighteenth Century.
57024: NOER, David M. - Healing the Wounds: Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsided Organizations.
70033: NOETHER, Gottfried E. - Elements of Nonparametric Statistics.
72271: NOLAN, Janne E. ed. - Global Engagement: Cooperation and Security in the 21st Century.
47565: NOLAN, William F. - The White Cad Cross-Up.
68340: NOLAND, Robert L. - Industrial Mental Health and Employee Counseling.
65615: NOLL, A. Michael. - Television Technology: Fundamentals and Future Prospects.
62902: NOLL, Roger G., PECK, Merton J. & MCGOWAN, John J. - Economic Aspects of Television Regulation.
68326: NONA, S., CRONLY-DILLON, J., FERGUSON, M. & STAFFORD, C. eds. - Development and Regeneration of the Nervous System.
46988: NORDIN, D. Sven. - Rich Harvest. A History of the Grange 1867 - 1900.
59827: NORDLINGER, Eric A. - On the Autonomy of the Democratic State.
71948: NORMAN, E.R. - The Conscience of the State in North America.
69554: NORMAN, M.J.T., PEARSON, C.J. & SEARLE, P.G.E. - The Ecology of Tropical Food Crops.
57779: NORMAN, Neville R. & MEIKLE, Kathryn F. - The Economic Effects of Immigration on Australia. Volume 1.
73950: NORRIS, John. - The Disaster Gypsies: Humanitarian Workers in the World's Deadliest Conflicts.
67163: NORRIS, Pippa. - A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies.
57152: NORRIS, Vera. - Mental Illness in London.
47554: NORRIS, Graeme ed. - Australian Artists Today.
66728: NORRISH, Peter. - New Tragedy and Comedy in France, 1945-70.
71491: NORRMAN, Ralf & HAARBERG, Jon. - Nature and Language: A Semiotic Study Of Cucurbits In Literature.
72195: NORTH, Richard D. - Life on a Modern Planet: A Manifesto for Progress.
69243: NORTH, Christine. - Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. New Series II. Volume III. Parts 3 and 4 2000.
57049: NORTH, Robert C. - Moscow and Chinese Communists.
76431: NORTH. CHAN, Mary & KASSLER, Jamie C. eds. - Roger North's The Musical Grammarian 1728.
51639: NORTH, Marianne. - A Vision of Eden. The Life and Work of Marianne North.
76450: NORTH. CHAN, Mary & KASSLER, Jamie C. eds. - Roger North's The Musical Grammarian 1728.
64588: NORTHCOTE, D.H. ed. - Biochemistry Series One - Volume 11: Plant Biochemistry.
58936: NORTHEDGE, F.S. - Descent From Power: British Foreign Policy, 1945-1973.
72496: NORTON, W.E. - A Model of the Australian Economy: A Progress Report.
71876: NORTON, W.E., GARMSTON, P.M. & BRODIE, M.W. - Australian Economic Statistics. 1949-50 to 1980-81: I Tables.
71877: NORTON, W.E., GARMSTON, P.M. & BRODIE, M.W. - Australian Economic Statistics. 1949-50 to 1980-81: II Graphs.
71874: NORTON, W.E., KENNEDY, P.J. - Australian Economic Statistics. 1949-50 to 1984-85: I Tables.
70694: NORTON, W.E. - The Deterioration in Economic Performance. a Study of the 1970'S With Particular Reference in Australia.
67340: NORTON, Herter. - The Art of String Quartet Playing: Practice, Technique and Interpretation.
59765: NORTON, Lord Kings, CROWTHER, Sir Geoffreys etc. - Cars for Cities: A Study of Trends in the Design of Vehicles with Particular Reference to Their Use in Towns. Reports of the Steering Group and Working Group Appointed by the Ministry of Transport.
48377: NOSCHIS, Kaj ed. - Architecture & Comportement/ Architecture & Behaviour. Vol. 3 (1986/87) No. 3/4.
48376: NOSCHIS, Kaj ed. - Architecture & Comportement/ Architecture & Behaviour. Vol. 3 (1986/87) No. 3/1.
48374: NOSCHIS, Kaj ed. - Architecture & Comportement/ Architecture & Behaviour. Vol. 1 (1980/81) No. 3/4.
60788: NOSHIRO, K., MATORIN, A.P., PONTRYAGIN, L.S. et al. - American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. Volume 8.
71863: NOTMAN, Malkah T. & NADELSON, Carol C. eds. - The Woman Patient: Medical and Psychological Interfaces. Volume 1, Sexual and Reproductive Aspects of Women's Health Care.
61360: NOTT, Kathleen. - Philosophy and Human Nature.
59072: LA NOUE, George R. ed. - Educational Vouchers: Concepts and Controversies.
60623: NOURSE, Hugh O. - Regional Economics: A Study in the Economic Structure, Stability, and Growth of Regions.
55562: NOVACK, Dr. Robert A., LANGLEY, Dr. C. John Jr. & RINEHART, Dr. Lloyd M. - Creating Logistics Value: Themes for the Future.
57682: NOVAK, Michael. - Taking Glasnost Seriously: Toward an Open Soviet Union.
51604: NOVAK, Maximillian E. ed. - English Literature in the Age of Disguise.
75098: NOVAK, Michael & COOPER, John W. eds. - The Corporation: A Theological Inquiry.
72679: NOVE, Alan. - Glasnost in Action: Cultural Renaissance in Russia.
67951: NOWAK, Stefan. LEPA, Maria Olga trans. - Methodology of Sociological Research: General Problems.
62844: NOWAKOWSKA, Maria. - Language of Motivation and Language of Actions.
69040: NRIAGU, Jerome I. ed. - Environmental Biogeochemistry. Volume I: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Selenium Cycles. Volume II: Metals Transfer and Ecological Mass Balances.
56538: NRIAGU, Jerome O. ed. - Aquatic Toxicology.
68004: NUCCITELLI, Richard & DEAMER, David W. eds. - Intracellular pH : Its Measurement, Regulation, and Utilization in Cellular Functions: Proceedings of the Kroc Foundation Conference, Santa Ynez Valley, CA, July 20-24, 1981.
67486: NUECHTERLEIN, Donald E. - America Overcommitted: United States National Interests in the 1980s.
55276: NUERNBERGER, Phil. - Increasing Executive Productivity: A Unique Program for Developing the Inner Skills of Vision, Leadership, and Performance.
74260: NUGENT, Neill ed. - At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission.
72230: NUNBERG, Geoffrey ed. - The Future of the Book.
52417: NUNN, Harry W. ed. - Select Documents of the Nineteenth Century.
64610: NURCOMBE, Barry. - Children of the Dispossessed: A Consideration of the Nature of Intelligence, Cultural Disadvantage, Educational Programs for Culturally Different People, and of the Development and Expression of a Profile of Competencies.
59117: NURCOMBE, Barry. - Children of the Dispossessed: A Consideration of the Nature of Intelligence, Cultural Disadvantage, Educational Programs for Culturally Different People, and of the Development and Expression of a Profile of Competencies.
62715: NURKSE, Ragnar. - Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries.
76445: NURMI, Ruth. - A Plain and Easy Introduction to the Harpsichord.
65497: NUTTONSON, M.Y. - The Physical Environment and Agriculture of Australia with Special Reference to Its Winter Rainfall Regions and to Climatic and Latitudinal Areas Analogous to Israel.
58533: NYBERG, David ed. - The Philosophy of Open Education.
59979: NYE, Russel B. - Fettered Freedom: Civil Liberties and the Slavery Controversy, 1830-1860.
54296: NYE, Joseph S. Jr. ed. - The Making of America's Soviet Policy.
68323: NYHAN, William L. ed. - Heritable Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism: Patterns of Clinical Expression and Genetic Variation.
48681: OAKELEY, E.M. - Clifton College Register. A List of Cliftonians From September, 1862, to July, 1880.
67165: OATES, Whitney Jennings. - The Influence of Simonides of Ceos Upon Horace.
64611: OATES, Dr Kim ed. - Child Abuse: A Community Concern.
63890: OATES, Kim ed. - Child Abuse and Neglect: What Happens Eventually?
63137: OATES, Dr Kim ed. - Child Abuse: A Community Concern.
63057: OATES, Dr Kim ed. - Child Abuse: A Community Concern.
68287: OBER, William B. ed. - Great Men of Guy's.
59841: OBERAI, A.S. & SINGH, H.K. Manmohan. - Causes and Consequences of Internal Migration: A Study in the Indian Punjab.
73724: OBERMAIR, Hannes. - Bozen Sud-Bolzano Nord: Schriftlichkeit Und Urkundliche, Uberlieferung Der Stadt Bozen Bis 1500; Band 1: Regesten Der Kommunalen Bestande 1210-1400: Volume 1: Regesti Dei Fondi Comunali 1210-1400.
64216: OBIECHINA, Emmanuel. - Culture, Tradition and Society in the West African Novel.
68532: OBOUSSIER, Philippe. - Arranging Music for Young Players.
61453: OCHI, Hirotomo. - The Control of Human Aging: An Evolutionary, Biochemical and a Japanese Nutritional Approach Towards Extending the Healthy Years of Life Span.
57899: OCKEGHEM. KRENEK, Ernst. - Johannes Ockeghem.
52453: ODAGIRI, Hiroyuki. - Growth Through Competition, Competition Through Growth. Strategic Management and the Economy in Japan.
53694: ODAKA, Konosuke & SAWAI, Minoru ed. - Small Firms, Large Concerns: The Development of Small Business in Comparative Perspective.
58631: ODDIE, G.A. ed. - Religion in South Asia: Religious Conversion and Revival Movements in South Asia in Medieval and Modern Times.
54592: ODHAMS. - Odhams Motor Manual. How Your Car Works and How to Service It.
54593: ODHAMS. - Odhams Motor Manual. How Your Car Works and How to Service It.
69921: ODIWUOR, Wycliffe Humphrey. - HIV/Aids and Primary Education in Kenya: Effects and Strategies.
72703: ODOZOR, Paulinus Ikechukwu. - Richard A. McCormick and the Renewal of Moral Theology.
76220: ODUM, H.T., COPELAND, B.J. & MCMAHAN, E.A. eds. - Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States II.
48248: OESER, O.A. & HAMMOND, S.B. ed. - Social Structure and Personality in a City.
72911: OESTEN, Max. - Selbst-Unterrichts-Briefe. Methode Rustin. Musikalische Formenlehre.
54666: OFFE, Claus. - Varieties of Transition: The East European and East German Experience.
75147: OFFER, Avner. - The Challenge of Affluence: Self-Control and Well-Being in the United States and Britain Since 1950.
73444: GENERAL POST OFFICE. - Edinburgh and Leith Post Office Directort 1954-55 Containing the Following Sections: General abd Suburban, Register of Streets, Streets, Professions and Trades, Banks, Churches, Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Educational, Medical, Military, Law, Parliamentary, Public Departments, Associations, Clubs, Masonic and Friendly Societies, Conveyance, Postal, Country etc. etc.
72665: International Labour Office. - Mechanisation and Employment in Agriculture: Case Studies from Four Continents.
69967: LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OFFICE. - New South Wales Legislative Council Consolidated Index to the Minutes of the Proceedings and Printed Papers, Second Session of the Twenty-Third Parliament to Fourth Session of the Thirtieth Parliament (Commencing 3rd March 1914 and ending 26 February 1934). Volumes 82 to 111. Volume 4.
69968: LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OFFICE. - New South Wales Legislative Council Consolidated Index to the Minutes of the Proceedings and Printed Papers, Fifth Session of the Thirtieth Parliament to Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament (Commencing 24th April 1934 and ending 6th January 1954). Volumes 112 to 136. Volume 5.
69966: LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OFFICE. - New South Wales Legislative Council Consolidated Index to the Minutes of Proceedings and Printed Papers (Volumes 1 to 23) First Session of the First Parliament to Third Session of the Seventh Parliament (Commencing 22 May 1856 and ending 25 June 1874). Volume 1.
68129: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. - Labour Absorption in Agriculture.
67921: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. - Poverty and Landlessness in Rural Asia.
66805: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 13 December 1975: Election Statistics, Victoria.
66802: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 10 December 1977: Election Statistics, New South Wales.
66801: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 10 December 1977: Election Statistics, South Australia.
66799: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 10 December 1977: Election Statistics, Northern Territory.
66800: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 10 December 1977: Election Statistics, Tasmania.
66798: AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE. - Senate Election and General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, 10 December 1977: Election Statistics, Western Australia.
64427: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. - Poverty and Landlessness in Rural Asia.
56141: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. - Collective Bargaining in Industrialised Market Economies.
75639: GENERAL POST OFFICE. - Post Office Aberdeen Directory. 1968 - 1969.
60868: OGBURNm William F. DUNCAN, Otis Dudley ed. - William F. Ogburn: On Culture and Social Change.
52136: OGG, Frederic Austin. - The Opening of the Mississippi. A Struggle for Supremacy in the American Interior.
59953: OGOT, Bethwell A. ed. - War and Society in Africa: Ten Studies.
56342: OGURA, Takekazu. - Can Japanese Agriculture Survive? A Historical Approach.
55000: OHANNESSIAN, Sirapi, FERGUSON, Charles A. & POLOME, Edgar C ed. - Language Surveys in Developing Nations: Papers and Reports on Sociolinguistic Surveys.
69746: OHLSSON, R., HALL, K. & RITZEN, M. eds. - Genomic Imprinting: Causes and Consequences.
68183: OHNISHI, S. Tsuyoshi & ENDO, Makoto eds. - The Mechanism of Gated Calcium Transport Across Biological Membranes.
68083: OJIMA, Dennis ed. - Modeling the Earth System. Papers Arising from the 1990 OIES Global Change Institute.
69913: OJO, Timothy Ibikunle. - The Nigerian Legislature: A Historical Survey. Volume II: Historical Survey of Nigerian Governmental System, 1960-1993.
68612: OJO, Timothy Ibikunle. - The Nigerian Legislature: A Historical Survey. Volume III: The Nigerian Legislature - Its Origins, Organisation, Processes, Procedures and Practices.
68601: OJO, Timothy Ibikunle. - The Nigerian Legislature: A Historical Survey. Volume III: The Nigerian Legislature - Its Origins, Organisation, Processes, Procedures and Practices.
68600: OJO, Timothy Ibikunle. - The Nigerian Legislature: A Historical Survey. Volume II: Historical Survey of Nigerian Governmental System, 1960-1993.
56292: OKIMOTO, Daniel I. & ROHLEN, Thomas P. ed. - Inside the Japanese System: Readings on Contemporary Society and Political Economy.
69164: OKPOSIN, Samuel Bassey, HAMID, Abdul Halim Abdul, & BOON, Ong Hway. - The Changing Phases of Malaysian Economy.
59015: OLAFSON, Frederick A. - The Dialectic of Action. A Philosophical Interpretation of History and the Humanities.
48134: OLAFSON, Frederick A. - The Dialectic of Action. A Philosophical Interpretation of History and the Humanities.
57775: OLBRICH, Freny. - Desouza Pays the Price.
72844: OLDHAM, C.M., MARTIN, G.B. & PURVIS, I.W. eds. - Reproductive Physiology of Merino Sheep: Concepts and Consequences.
68860: OLDHAM, K. Michael. - Accounting Systems and Practice in Europe.
62370: OLDHAM, John M. & BONE, Stanley eds. - Paranoia: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
63968: OLDROYD, David. - The Wider Domain of Evolutionary Thought.
69030: OLESEN, Jes & EDVINSSON, Lars eds. - Headache Pathogenesis: Monoamines, Neuropeptides, Purines, and Nitric Oxide.
58715: OLEVSKII, A.M. MARSHALL, B.P. & CHRISTOFFERS, H.J. trans. - Fourier Series with Respect to General Orthogonal Systems.
55538: OLIFF, Michael D. ed. - Intelligent Manufacturing: Proceedings from the First International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production Planning and Control.
75418: OLIVER, Chadwick D. & LARSON, Bruce C. - Forest Stand Dynamics.
73385: OLIVER, George. - Cars and Coachbuilding: One Hundred Years of Road Vehicle Development.
69826: OLIVER, Kelly. - Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture.
53958: OLIVER, Douglas. - Black Islanders: A Personal Perspective of Bougainville, 1937 - 1991.
76399: OLIVER, Bobbie ed. - 1914: Mobilising for the Great War.
52446: OLIVER, Robert W. - International Economic Co-operation and the World Bank.
76117: OLIVER, Bobbie. - Peacemongers: Conscientious objectors to military service in Australia, 1911-1945.
53681: OLIVERI, Mario. - The Representatives: The Real Nature and Function of Papal Legates.
53284: DE OLIVERIA, Plinio Correa. - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Allocutions of Pius XII. A Theme Illuminating American Social History.
62550: OLLIF, Lorna ed. - Despatch: The New South Wales Military Historical Society, 1968-1988.
54668: OLLMAN, Bertell. - Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich.
64455: VAN OLPHEN, H. & FRIPIAT, J.J. eds. - Data Handbook for Clay Materials and Other Non-Metallic Materials.
73678: OLSEN, Edward A. & JURIKA, Stephen Jr. - The Armed Forces in Contemporary Asian Societies.
70924: OLSEN, John Andreas. - Asymmetric Warfare.
69906: OLSEN, Erling. - International Trade Theory and Regional Income Differences. United States 1880-1950.
71359: OLSON, David, TORRANCE, Nancy & HILDYARD, Angela eds. - Literacy, Language and Learning: The Nature and Consequences of Reading and Writing.
63792: OLSON, Robert E. ed. - Annual Review of Nutrition. Volume 13, 1993.
63173: OLSZAK, W. & SAWCZUK, A. - Inelastic Behaviour in Shells.
59933: OLTHUIS, James H. - Facts, Values and Ethics: A Confrontation with Twentieth Century British Moral Philosophy in Particular G.E. Moore.
76027: OMC. - OMC Service Manual 4.5/7.5 Models.
63911: OMER-COOPER, J.D. - The Zulu Aftermath: A Nineteenth - Century Revolution in Bantu Africa.
76365: OMORI, Hisako. - From Situated Selves to the Self: Conversion and Personhood among Roman Cathlics in Tokyo.
74529: OMOTO, Keiichi & TOBIAS, Phillip V. eds. - The Origins and Past of Modern Humans: Towards Reconciliation. Kyoto 21-23 March 1996.
66975: ONGKILI, James P. - Modernization in East Malaysia: 1960-1970.
58464: ONGKILI, James P. - Modernization in East Malaysia: 1960-1970.
69194: De ONIS, Juan. - The Green Cathedral: Sustainable Development of Amazonia.
72947: ONO, Yoko. - John Lennon: Summer of 1980.
68991: ONO, Y., JANCA, A., ASAI, M. & SARTORIUS, N. eds. - Somatoform Disorders: A Worldwide Perspective.
63805: ONO, KIYOHARU. - A Generative Grammatical Analysis of Japanese Complement Constructions.
55988: ONO, KIYOHARU. - A Study of Syntactic and Discourse Phenomena in Japanese.
55981: D'ONOFRIO-FLORES, Pamela M. & PFAFFLIN, Sheila M. ed. - Scientific-Technological Change and the Role of Women in Development.
60132: OOTS, Kent Layne. - A Political Organization Approach to Transnational Terrorism.
75597: OPESKIN, Brian & WHEELER, Fiona eds. - The Australian Federal Judicial System.
63923: OPIE, Iona and Peter. - Children's Games in Street and Playground: Chasing, Catching, Seeking, Hunting, Racing, Duelling, Exerting, Daring, Guessing, Acting, Pretending.
58941: OPPENHEIMER, Carl H., OPPENHEIMER, Dorothy & BROGDEN, William B. eds. - Environmental Data Management.
75958: OPPITZ, Michael. - Naxi: Dinge, Mythen, Piktogramme.
52787: ORANS, Martin. - The Santal. A Tribe in Search of a Great Tradition.
69629: ORBELL, G.E. - Soils and Land Use of Mid Manuherikia Valley.
68249: ORDY, J. Mark & BRIZZEE, Ken R. eds. - Sensory Systems and Communication in the Elderly.
68147: ORDY, J. Mark & BRIZZEE, Ken R. eds. - Sensory Systems and Communication in the Elderly.
60694: ORE, Oystein. - Theory of Graphs.
66370: OREL, Sinasi & YUCA, Sureya. - Talāt Pasha Telegrams: Historical Fact Or Armenian Fiction?
66325: D'ORLEANS. FOX, John. - The Lyric Poetry of Charles d'Orleans.
56918: ORLEANS, Peter & ELLIS, William Russell Jr. ed. - Race, Change, and Urban Society. Volume 5, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews.
65039: ORNSTEIN, Allan C. & MILLER, Steven I. - Policy Issues in Education.
63803: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 48, 1994.
63804: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 47, 1993.
63802: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 49, 1995.
63801: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 51, 1997.
63800: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 52, 1998.
63777: ORNSTON, L. Nicholas ed. - Annual Review of Microbiology. Volume 50, 1996.
60155: ORR, Kenneth ed. - Appetite for Education in Contemporary Asia.
69048: EARL OF ORRERY. - The History of Henry the Fifth. And the Tragedy of Mustapha, Son of Solyman the Magnificent. As they were Acted at his Highness the Duke of York's Theater. Written by The Right Honourable Earl of Orrery.
72391: ORTIZ, Carlos Buitrago. - Esperanza: An Ethnographic Study of a Peasant Community in Puerto Rico.
69314: ORTIZ, Carlos Buitrago. - Esperanza: An Ethnographic Study of a Peasant Community in Puerto Rico.
58608: ORY, Robert L. & RITTIG, Falk R. eds. - Bioregulators: Chemistry and Uses.
54801: OSAMU. O'BRIEN, James A. - Dazai Osamu.
74837: OSBORN, Henry Fairfield. - Impressions of Great Naturalists.
73064: OSBORN, Arthur W. - The Axis and the Rim: The Quest for Reality in a Modern Setting.
69682: OSBORN, Gordon. - Cowper Country: An Introduction to the Town of Olney and the Immediate Neighbourhood.
54153: OSBORN, David. - The Glass Tower.
48133: OSBORN, Arthur W. - The Expansion of Awareness. One Man's Search for Meaning in Living.
53128: OSBORNE, Charles. - Verdi: A Life in the Theatre.
75536: OSBORNE, C.R. - The Tiwi Language: Grammar, Myths and Dictionary o the Tiwi Language Spoken on Melville and Bathurst Islands, Northern Australia.
75188: OSBORNE, Elizabeth. - Torres Strait Islander Women and the Pacific War.
61997: OSIPOV, G.V. ed. - Studies in Soviet Society. Volume 1: Industry and Labour in the U.S.S.R.
64444: OSMAN, Mohd. Taib ed. - Traditional Drama and Music of Southeast Asia. (Papers presented at the international conference on traditional drama and music of Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, 27th to 30th August, 1969).
58801: OSMANI, Siddiqur Rahman. - Economic Inequality and Group Welfare: A Theory of Comparison with Application to Bangladesh.
47561: OSRIC. HALL, Humphrey & CRIPPS, Alfred J. - The Romance of the Sydney Stage.
66619: VAN OSS, Carel J. - Interfacial Forces in Aqueous Media.
71361: OSSIPYAN, Yu. A. KAHN, A. & VALBUSA, U. eds. - Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures. Volumes 5/6 2001.
65787: OSSOWSKA, Maria. - Social Determinants of Moral Ideas.
42536: OSTENSON, Claes Goran, EFENDIC, Suad & VRANIC, Mladen ed. - New Concepts in the Pathogenesis of NIDDM. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 334.
67511: OSTROFF, Frank. - The Horizontal Organization: What the Organization of the Future Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers
55032: OSWALT, Wendell H. - Alaskan Eskimos.
57198: OTTEN, Terry. - The Deserted Stage: The Search for Dramatic Form in Nineteenth-Century England.
75159: OTTENBERG, Simon. - Seeing With Music: The Lives of Three Blind African Musicians.
70632: OTTES, L., POVENTUD, E., VAN SCHENDELEN, M. & VON BANCHET, G. Segond eds. - Gender and the Built Enviroment: Emancipation in Planning, Housing and Mobility in Europe.
64557: VAN OUDENHOVEN, Jan Pieter & WILLEMSEN, Tineke M. eds. - Ethnic Minorities: Social Psychological Perspectives.
59305: OUGHTON, Frederick. - Fraud and White-Collar Crime.
60968: OULMONT, Charles. - Les Debats du Clerc et du Chevalier dans la Litterature Poetique du Moyen-Age.
66547: OVERGAARD, K.R. - Traffic Estimation in Urban Transportation Planning.
54992: OVERSTREET, Gene D. & WINDMILLER, Marshall. - Communism in India.
74021: OWEN, W.F.L., PHILIP, R.F.B. & LIGERTWOOD, G.C. - Report of the Royal Commission on Espionage, 22 April 1955.
73166: OWEN, Dorothy M. - History of Lincolnshire Volume VIII: Church and State in Medieval Lincolnshire.
70351: OWEN, Bruce, BEEBE, Jack H. & MANNING, Willard G. Jr. - Television Economics.
69866: OWEN, Robert. - A New View Of Society Or Essays On The Formation Of The Human Character Preparatory to the Development of a Plan for gradually ameliorating the Condition of Mankind.
60200: OWEN. HARRISON, J.F.C. - Robert Owen and the Owenites in Britain and America: The Quest for the New Moral World.
51995: OWEN, Jennifer. - Feeding Strategy. Survival in the Wild.
76361: OWEN, L.A. & LEHMKUHL, F. eds. - Late Quaternary Glaciation and Palaeoclimate of the Tibetan Plateau and Bordering Mountains.
76427: OWENS, Samantha, REUL, Barabara M. & STOCKIGT, Janice B. eds. - Music at German Courts, 1715-1760: Changing Artistic Priorities.
70898: OWNES, J.N., SOMSATHAPORNKUL, P. & TANGMITCHAROEN, S. - Manual. Studying Flowering and Seed Ontogeny in Tropical Forest Trees.
68436: OXENHAM, John ed. - Education Versus Qualifications? A Study of Relationships Between Education, Selection for Employment and the Productivity of Labour.
65945: OXLEY, H.G. - Mateship in Local Organization: A Study of Egalitarianism, Stratification, Leadership, and Amenities Projects in a Semi-Industrial Community of Inland New South Wales.
64799: OXLEY, H.G. - Mateship in Local Organization: A Study of Egalitarianism, Stratification, Leadership, and Amenities Projects in a Semi-Industrial Community of Inland New South Wales.
59134: OXLEY, H.G. - Mateship in Local Organization: A Study of Egalitarianism, Stratification, Leadership, and Amenities Projects in a Semi-Industrial Community of Inland New South Wales.
65107: OXNAM, Robert B. & BUSH, Richard C. eds. - China Briefing, 1981.
64638: OXNARD, Charles & FREEDMAN, Leonard eds. - Perspectives in Human Biology. Volume 3 - Human Adaptability: Future Trends and Lessons From the Past.
55821: OYEN, Else. - The Muffling Effect of Social Policy: A Comparison of Social Security Systems and Their Conflict Potential in Australia, The United States and Norway.
54800: OYEN, Else, MILLER, S.M. & SAMAD, Syed Abdus ed. - Poverty: A Global Review. Handbook on International Poverty Research.
54795: OZAKI, Akito. - Requests for Clarification in Conversation Between Japanese and Non-Japanese.
61519: OZANNE, Robert. - Wages in Practice and Theory: McCormick and International Harvester, 1860-1960.
61750: OZAWA, Terutomo. - Multinationalism, Japanese Style: The Political Economy of Outward Dependency.
56167: OZGA, J.T. & LAWN, M.A. - Teachers Professionalism and Class: A Study of Organized Teachers.
67177: OZICK. KAUVAR, Elaine M. - Cynthia Ozick's Fiction: Tradition and Invention.
65909: OZOUF, Mona. - La Fete Revolutionnaire, 1789-1799.
59910: PACHT, Otto & ALEXANDER, J.J.G. - Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Volume 2: Italian School.
59909: PACHT, Otto & ALEXANDER, J.J.G. - Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Volume 1: German, Dutch, Flemish, French and Spanish Schools.
62463: United Nations. Economic And Social Commission For Asia And The Pacific. - Private Sector Development and ODA in Indo-China.
65382: PACIONE, Michael (ed.). - Problems and Planning in Third World Cities.
62383: PACIONE, Michael ed. - Progress in Rural Geography.
63022: PACKENHAM, Robert A. - Liberal America and the Third World: Political Development Ideas in Foreign Aid and Social Science.
62925: PACKENHAM, Robert A. - Liberal America and the Third World: Political Development Ideas in Foreign Aid and Social Science.
55056: PACKENHAM, Robert A. - Liberal America and the Third World: Political Development Ideas in Foreign Aid and Social Science.
48043: PACKER, Joy. - The Man in the Mews.
68650: PACKMAN, Jean. - Who Needs Care? Social-Work Decisions About Children.
70906: PACZKOWSKI, Andrzej. CAVE, Jane trans. - The Spring Will Be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom.
56222: PADBERG, D.I., RITSON, C. & ALBISU, L.M. ed. - Agro-Food Marketing.
56858: PADDISON, Ronan ed. - Space and Polity: Volume 1 Number 1 May 1997.
47564: PADELL, Bert. - Hey Babes.
73603: PADGETT, Stephen, PATERSON, William E. and SMITH, Gordon eds. - Developments in German Politics 3.
70144: PADGETT, Stephen. - Organizing Democracy in Eastern Germany: Interest Groups in Post-Communist Society.
47627: PADILLA, Felix M. - The Struggle of Latino/a University Students. In Search of a Liberating Education.
52907: PAELINCK, Jean H.P. ed. - Programming for Europe's Collective Needs.
52675: PAGAININI. DAY, Lillian. - Paganini of Genoa.
65427: PAGE, Talbot. - Conservation and Economic Efficiency: An Approach to Materials Policy.
62968: PAGE, T. - Economics of Involuntary Transfers: A Unified Approach to Pollution and Congestion Externalities.
61843: PAGE, Ivan ed. - French Plays 1701-1840 in the National Library of Australia: A Bibliography.
56974: PAGE. HENRY, Buck intro. YEAGER, Bunny photos. - Betty Page Confidential.
56046: PAGE, William ed. - The Future of Politics: Governance, Movements and World Order.
54276: PAGE. COOPER, John Milton. - Walter Hines Page: The Southener as American, 1855 - 1918.
74623: PAIN, Colin & CRAIG, Mike eds. - AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics. Volume 16, No. 3, 1995. Thematic Issue: Australian Regolith Conference '94.
69828: PAINTER, Martin. - Collaborative Federalism: Economic Reform in Australia in the 1990s.
54808: PAJESTKA, Jozef & FEINSTEIN, C.H. ed. - The Relevance of Economic Theories. Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association in collaboration with the Polish Economic Association at Warsaw, Poland.
67584: PAL, Leslie A. & TARAS, David. - Prime Ministers and Premiers: Political Leadership and Public Policy in Canada.
67862: PALADE, George E. ed. - Annual Review of Cell Biology. Volume 3, 1987.
67802: PALADE, George E. ed. - Annual Review of Cell Biology. Volume 2, 1986.
67801: PALADE, George E. ed. - Annual Review of Cell Biology. Volume 1, 1985.
63697: PALADE, George E. ed. - Annual Review of Cell Biology. Volume 9, 1993.
57239: PALADINI, D. Guglielmo. - Guida Storica ed Artistica della Citta' di Lecce. Curiosita e Documenti di Toponomastica Locale.
63394: PALFREEMAN, A.C. - The Administration of the White Australia Policy.
48282: PALIN, Michael & GILLIAM, Terry. - Time Bandits. A Screenplay.
56109: PALLAY, Steven G. - Cross Index Title Guide to Opera and Operetta.
48818: PALM, Goran. SMITH, Patrick trans. - The Flight From Work.
62291: DI PALMA, Giuseppe. - Surviving Without Governing: The Italian Parties in Parliament.
73926: PALMER, D.J. - The Rise of English Studies: An Account of the Study of English Language and Literature from its Origins to the Making of the Oxford English School.
69035: PALMER, L.R. & BOARDMAN, John. - On the Knossos Tablets: The Find-Places of the Knossos Tablets; The Date of the Knossos Tablets.
67639: PALMER, Imelda ed. - Melbourne Studies in Education: 1983.
67281: PALMER, Joy. - Geography in the Early Years.
64450: PALMER, R.R. ed. & trans. - The School of the French Revolution : A Documentary History of the College of Louis-le-Grand and Its Director, Jean-Francois Champagne, 1762-1814.
63608: PALMER, Michael, LAMBERT, John et al. - European Unity: Co-operation and Integrity. A survey of the European Organisations.
60420: PALMER, John L. & PECHMAN, Joseph A. eds. - Welfare in Rural Areas : The North Carolina-Iowa Income Maintenance Experiment.
59952: PALMER, J.A.B. - The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857.
59866: PALMER, W.G. - A History of the Concept of Valency to 1930.
56709: PALMER, Ingrid. - The Indonesian Economy Since 1965: A Case Study of Political Economy.
52976: PALMER, Joy. - Geography in the Early Years.
52997: PALMIER, Leslie H. - Indonesia and the Dutch.
60333: PALUDI, Michele & STEUERNAGEL, Gertrude A. eds. - Foundations for a Feminist Restructuring of the Academic Disciplines.
69657: PANCHAMUKHI, V.R., RAO, V.L. et al. - Economic Cooperation in the SAARC Region: Potential, Constraints and Policies.
63327: PANDEY, B.N. - South and South-East Asia 1945-1979: Problems and Policies.
75665: CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERT PANEL. - Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution. Report of the Expert Panel.
75769: PANG, Laikwan. - Building a New China in Cinema : The Chinese Left-Wing Cinema Movement, 1932-1937.
59101: PANIKKAR, K.M. - The Foundations of New India.
62548: PANIZZI. MILLER, Edward. - Prince of Librarians: The Life and Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum.
74269: PANJABI, Manohar M. & WHITE, Augustus. - Biomechanics in the Musculoskeletal System.
55434: PANKIN, Boris. - The Last Hundred Days of the Soviet Union.
69076: PANNICK, David. - Sex Discrimination Law.
62674: PANOFF, Michel & Francoise. - L'Ethnologue et son Ombre.
57853: PANT, Y.P. - Population Growth and Employment Opportunities in Nepal.
60009: PANTER-BRICK, S.K. ed. - Nigerian Politics and Military Rule: Prelude to the Civil War.
72373: PAPADAKIS, Elim. - The Green Movement in West Germany.
72346: PAPADAKIS, Elim. - The Green Movement in West Germany.
60756: PAPANDREA, Franco. - Cultural Regulaton of Australian Television Programs.
57013: PAPANDREOU, Andreas G. - Paternalistic Capitalism.
47607: PAPER, Lewis J. - Empire. William S. Paley and the Making of CBS.
63972: PAPI, Ugo & NUNN, Charles eds. - Economic Problems of Agriculture in Industrial Societies.
53787: PAQUETTE, Pierre & SECCARECCIA, Mario ed. - Les Pieges de L'Austerite. Dette Nationale et Prosperite Economique: Alterantive a L'Orthodoxie.
76075: PARADIN, Claude. - Devises Heroiques 1557.
69233: PARER, Michael & PETERSON, Tony. - Prophets and Losses in the Priesthood: In Quest of the Future Ministry.
61540: PARES, Richard. - King George III and the Politicians. The Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford 1951-2.
54189: PARINI. ZURADELLI, Gianna Maria ed. - Poesie Minori e Prose di Giuseppe Parini. Volume secondo delle Opere.
60807: PARIS, CHris & BLACKABY, Bob. - Not Much Improvement: Urban Renewal Policy in Birmingham.
59110: PARIS, Chris. - Critical Readings in Planning Theory.
52984: DE PARIS, Henri Comte. - Memoires d'exil et de combats.
59569: PARISH, William L. & WHYTE, Martin King. - Village and Family Life in Contemporary China.
58498: PARISH, William L. ed. - Chinese Rural Development: The Great Transformation.
51733: PARISH, William L. & WHYTE, Martin King. - Village and Family Life in Contemporary China.
47583: PARISH, James Robert & PITTS, Michael R. - Film Directors: A Guide to Their American Films.
66712: PARK, Yoon S. - Oil Money and the World Economy.
66371: PARK, Jae Kyu & AHN, Byung-joon eds. - The Strategic Defense Initiative: Its Implications for Asia and the Pacific.
64082: PARK, Ungsuh Kenneth. - Balancing Between Panic and Mania: The East Asian Economic Crises and Challenges to the International Financing.
76084: PARK, GEOFF. - Nga Uruora: The Groves of Life. Ecology and History in a New Zealand Landscape.
74833: PARKER, Jane C. - Developing a Herb and Spice Industry in Callide Valley Queensland. A Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
74690: PARKER, Tom and LAMBERT, Ron. - Is that your hand in my pocket? The sales professionals guide to negotiating.
74356: PARKER, James. - Illustrated Rambles from Hipperholme to Tong, Including the Opening of the Bradford Exhibition by Their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Wales; Opening of the Cartwright Hall by Lord Masham, and the Lister Family; Life of Dr. Cartwright; Interesting History of the Bradford Trade.
73395: PARKER, Rowland. - Town and Gown: The 700 Years' War in Cambridge.
68398: PARKER, Neville & PEARN, John. - Ernest Sandford Jackson. The Life and Times of a Pioneer Australian Surgeon.
64185: PARKER, John ed. - Merchants and Scholars: Essays in the History of Exploration and Trade. Collected in Memory of James Ford Bell.
61729: PARKER, R.S. & TROY, P.N. - The Politics of Urban Growth.
61317: PARKER, R.S. & TROY, P.N. - The Politics of Urban Growth.
60664: PARKER, Geoffrey & SMITH, Lesley M. eds. - The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century.
59682: PARKER, Neville & PEARN, John. - Ernest Sandford Jackson. The Life and Times of a Pioneer Australian Surgeon.
52669: PARKER, Seymour & KLEINER, Robert J. - Mental Illness in the Urban Negro Community.
75593: PARKER, Lesley H., RENNIE, Leonie J. & FRASER, Barry J. eds. - Gender, Science and Mathematics: Shortening the Shadow.
76093: PARKES, Alan S. - Off-beat Biologist: The Autobiography of Alan S. Parkes.
73537: PARKHUTIK, Vitali & CANHAM, Leigh eds. - Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology.
63624: PARKIN, Andrew. - Governing the Cities: The Australian Experience.
60006: PARKIN, Michael & ZIS, George ed. - Inflation in Open Economies.
55542: PARKIN, Michael & SUMNER, Michael T. ed. - Inflation in the United Kingdom.
53232: PARKIN, Michael & ZIS, George ed. - Inflation in Open Economies.
73020: PARKINSON, F. - Latin America, The Cold War, And The World Powers 1945-1973: A Study In Diplomatic History.
59829: PARKINSON, Roger. - A Day's March Nearer Home: The War History from Alamein to VE Day Based on the War Cabinet Papers of 1942 to 1945.
55925: PARKINSON, Dilworth B. - Constructing the Social Context of Communication: Terms of Address in Egyptian Arabic.
61057: PARKMAN, Francis. - The Oregon Trail.
63843: PARKYN, G.W. - Success And Failure At University. Volume I: Academic Performance and The Entrance Standard.
69888: PARNES, Herbert S., CROWLEY, Joan E. et al. - Retirement Among American Men.
66455: PARODA, R.S., KAPOOR, Promila, AROBA, R.K. & MAL, Bhag eds. - Life Support Species: Diversity and Conservation. Proceedings of the CSC/ICAR International Workshop on Maintenance and Evaluation of Life Support Species in Asia and the Pacific Region held at NBPGR, New Delhi, April 4-7, 1987.
61122: PARR, Ward K., BROCK, J. Don et al. - Asphalt Paving Technology 1972: Proceedings Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Technical Sessions. Volume 41. Cleveland, Ohio. February 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1972.
76192: PARR. BROMFIELD, David. - Identities: A Critical Study of the Work of Mike Parr, 1970 - 1990.
64782: PARRILLO, Vincent N. ed - Rethinking Today's Minorities.
64995: PARRIS, Ronald G., CICOUREL, Aaron V. et al. - Living in Two Cultures: The Socio-Cultural Situation of Migrant Workers and Their Families.
54412: PARROTT, Bruce. - Politics and Technology in the Soviet Union.
73792: PARRY, V.T.H. ed. - Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, Contents List Volumes 1-6 1936-1974.
65378: PARRY, Geraint (ed.). - Participation in Politics.
59239: PARRY, Geraint. - Political Elites.
58864: PARRY, Meyer H. - Aggression on the Road: A Pilot Study of Behaviour in the Driving Situation.
69324: PARSONS, W.T., EADY, F.C. & RICHARDSON, R.G. eds. - Proceedings of the First Conference of the Council of Australian Weed Science Societies held at National Science Centre Parkville, Vicotira 12-14 April 1978.
62378: PARSONS, T.R., TAKAHASHI, M. & HARGRAVE, B. - Biological Oceanographic Processes.
75394: PARSONS. DAVIS, Richard. - Geoffrey Parsons: Among Friends.
74047: PARTINGTON, Gary. ed. - Perspectives on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education.
71575: PARTINGTON, Dr Geoffrey, FORBES, Dr John, HOWARD, Dr Colin, CALLINAN, Ian et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume 4: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society July 1994.
75131: PARTINGTON, Dr Geoffrey, FORBES, Dr John, HOWARD, Dr Colin, CALLINAN, Ian et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume 4: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society July 1994.
46919: PARTRIDGE, A.C. - Tudor to Augustan English. A Study in Syntax and Style from Caxton to Johnson.
66883: PASCOE, Rob. - The Manufacture of an Australian History.
54536: PASCOLI. RUSSO, Luigi, ANESCHI, Luciano, GETTO, Giovanni et al. - Studi per il Centenario della Nascita di Giovanni Pascoli pubblicati nel Cinquantenario della Morte. Volume III.
75454: TE PASKE, Bradley A. - Rape and Ritual: A Psychological Study.
73069: PASKMAN, Dailey. - Gentlemen, Be Seated! A Parade of the American Minstrels.
57323: PASKMAN, Dailey. - Gentlemen, Be Seated! A Parade of the American Minstrels.
68622: VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT. - Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No. 152. Passat Series 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 Litre.
76039: VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT. - Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No. 152. Passat Series 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 Litre.
60614: PASSIN, Herbert. - Society and Education in Japan.
71946: PASTALAN, Leon A. & COWART, Marie E. eds. - Lifestyles and Housing of Older Adults: The Florida Experience.
54661: PASTERNAK, Boris. HARARI, Manya trans. - An Essay in Autobiography.
54255: PASTERNAK. GIFFORD, Henry. - Pasternak: A Critical Study.
74693: PATAPAN, Haig. - Machiavelli in Love: The Modern Politics of Love and Fear.
75279: PATE, J.S. & MCCOMB, A.J. eds. - The Biology of Australian Plants.
73386: PATEL, Rashida. - Socio-Economic Political Status and Women and Law in Pakistan.
64906: PATEL, Keyur & MCCARTHY, Mary Pat. - Digital Transformation: The Essential of e-Business Leadership.
73401: PATERSON. EVANS, E. Estyn ed. - Harvest Home: The Last Sheaf. A Selection from the Writings of T.G.F. Paterson relating to County Armagh.
68951: PATERSON, R.W.K. - Values, Education and the Adult.
64969: PATERSON, Thomas G. - Soviet-American Confrontation. Postwar Reconstruction and the Origins of the Cold War.
58477: PATERSON, T.T. - Morale in War and Work: An Experiment in the Management of Men.
57713: PATERSON. OLLIF, Lorna. - Andrew Barton Paterson.
53556: PATERSON, William E. & THOMAS, Alastair H. ed. - Social Democratic Parties in Western Europe.
68311: PATON, David M. ed. - The Mechanism of Neuronal and Extraneuronal Transport of Catacholamnines.
73431: PATRICK, Dr Ian. - Contract Farming in Indonesia:Smallholders and Agribusiness Working Together.
57564: PATRICK, Edward A. - Decision Analysis in Medicine: Methods and Applications.
51657: PATRIDES, C.A. ed. - Approaches to Sir Thomas Browne. The Ann Arbor Tercentenary Lectures and Essays.
69544: PATTANAIK, Prasanta K. - Voting and Collective Choice. Some Aspects of the Theory of Group Decision-Making.
73517: PATTEN, Bernard C. ed. - Systems Analysis and Simulation in Ecology. Volume I.
51456: PATTERSON, Frank Allen. - The Middle English Penitential Lyric. A Study and Collection of Early Religious Verse.
46976: PATTERSON, Stephen E. - Political Parties in Revolutionary Massachusetts.
68343: PATTI, Rino J., POERTNER, John, & RAPP, Charles A. eds. - Managing for Service Effectiveness in Social Welfare Organizations.
56985: PATTI, Rino J., POERTNER, John, & RAPP, Charles A. eds. - Managing for Service Effectiveness in Social Welfare Organizations.
42334: PATTILLO, Roland A. & HUSSA, Robert O. ed. - Human Trophoblast Neoplasms. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 176.
57990: PATTISON, Iain. - The British Veterinary Profession: 1791-1948.
52756: PATTON, Phil. - Travels in Dreamland. The Secret History of Area 51.
73387: PAUL, John. - Modern Harpsichord Makers: Portraits of Nineteen British Craftsmen and Their Work.
71832: PAUL, Joseph. - Cracks in the Empire: State Politics in the Vietnam War.
64989: PAUL, J. ed. - Biochemistry Series One - Volume 9: Biochemistry of Cell Differentiation.
63799: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 11, 1993.
63798: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 12, 1994.
63797: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 13, 1995.
63795: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 15, 1997.
63796: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 14, 1996.
63794: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 16, 1998.
63793: PAUL, William E. ed. - Annual Review of Immunology. Volume 17, 1999.
63476: PAUL, James L., NEUFELD, G. Ronald & PELOSI, John W. eds. - Child Advocacy Within the System (Special Education and Rehabilitation Monograph Series No. 11).
51540: PAUL, Sherman. - Repossessing and Renewing. Essays in the Green American Tradition.
47952: PAUL, William. - Laughing Screaming. Modern Hollywood Horror & Comedy.
64794: PAULLIN, Charles O. & PAXSON, Frederic L. - Guide to the Materials London Archives for the History of the United States Since 1783.
52744: PAVLOVA. SVETLOFF, V. GREY, A. trans. - Anna Pavlova.
48859: PAVLYSHYN, Marko ed. - Glasnost in Context. On the Recurrence of Liberalizations in Central and East European Literatures and Cultures.
60524: PAWAR, Manohar S. - Justice Processing Sans Justice: Delays and Plight of Defendants.
70252: PAWSEY, Margaret M. - The Demon of Discord: Tensions in the Catholic Church in Victoria, 1853 - 1864
72799: PAXTON, George & SIRAVO, George. SIRAVO, George arr. - Streamliner. Sheet Music.
68404: PAYNE, Harry C. - The Philosophers and the People.
67421: PAYNE, Johnny. - Voice and Style: How to Develop your own voice as a writer , hone your personal writing style, and create powerful character vocies in your fiction.
65161: PAYNE, Dr Trish. - The Canberra Press Gallery and the Backbench of the 38th Parliament, 1996-98.
59635: PAYNE, Christopher J. & WHITE, Keith J. - Caring for Deprived Children. International Case Studies of Residential Settings.
56725: PAYNE, Joseph N. - Mathematics for the Young Child.
55535: PAYNE, Stanley G. - Politics and the Military in Modern Spain.
55445: PAYNE, James L. - Labor and Politics in Peru: The System of Political Bargaining.
53253: PAYNE, Thomas Edward. - The Twins Stories: Participant Coding in Yagua Narrative.
53145: PAYNE, Christopher J. & WHITE, Keith J. - Caring for Deprived Children. International Case Studies of Residential Settings.
47740: PAYNE, Robert. - Gershwin.
76090: PAZZANITA, Anthony G. - Historical Dictionary of Mauritania. Second Edition.
57037: PEABODY, Frederick W. & COE, Frederick E. - Honour or Dollars: A Critical Examination of the Moral Obligations of America to Her Former Allies.
52051: PEACHEY, J.E. ed. - Nematodes of Tropical Crops.
47960: PEACHMENT, Allan ed. - Westminster Inc. A Survey of Three States in the 1980s.
66412: PEACOCK, W.J. & BROCK, R.D. eds. - The Eukaryote Chromosome.
66029: PEACOCK, Alan. - The Economic Analysis of Government and Related Themes.
65332: PEACOCK. DAWSON, Carl. - His Fine Wit. A Study of Thomas Love Peacock.
62241: PEACOCK, Alan T. & HAUSER, Gerald eds. - Government Finance and Economic Development.
58863: PEACOCK, James L. - Consciousness And Change: Symbolic Anthropology In Evolutionary Perspective.
52509: PEACOCK. DAWSON, Carl. - His Fine Wit. A Study of Thomas Love Peacock.
65904: PEACOCKE, Arthur (ed.). - Reductionism in Academic Disciplines.
74963: PEARCE, A.F. & WALKER, D.I. eds. - Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Volume 74, 1991. The Leeuwin Current: An Influence on the Coastal Climate and Marine Life of Western Australia.
69345: PEARCE, Douglas G. ed. - Tourism in the South Pacific: The Contribution of Research to Development and Planning. Proceedings of UNESCO Tourism Workshop, Rarotonga, June 10-13, 1980.
61177: PEARCE, Lord. - Rhodesia: Report of the Commission on Rhodesian Opinion under the Chaimanship of the Right Honourable the Lord Pearce.
56118: PEARCE, Clifford. - The Machinery of Change in Local Government 1888-1974: A Study of Central Involvement.
52655: PEARCE, David, BARBIER, Edward, & MARKANDYA, Anil. - Sustainable Development. Economics and Environment in the Third World.
75838: PEARCE, Lynne. - Reading Dialogics.
70665: PEARCY, Carl M. - Some Recent Developments in Operator Theory.
73254: PEARD, George. GOUGH, Barry M. ed. - To the Pacific and Arctic with Beechey : The Journal of Lieutenant George Peard of H.M.S. 'Blossom' 1825-1828.
64712: PEARMAN, G.I. ed. - Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Australian Research.
64076: PEARMAN, G.I. ed. - Greenhouse: Planning for Climate Change.
74265: PEARN, John ed. - Health, History and Horizons.
71571: PEARSALL, Paul. - Sexual Healing: Using the Power of An Intimate, Loving Relationship to Heal Your Body and Soul.
59296: PEARSALL, Ronald. - Victorian Popular Music.
73685: PEARSE, Nancy Cotton. - John Fletcher's Chastity Plays: Mirrors of Modesty.
55972: PEARSE, Andrew. - The Latin American Peasant.
73735: PEARSON, John. - Stags and Serpents: The Story of the House of Cavendish and the Dukes of Devonshire.
71298: PEARSON, David. - The Natural House Book: Creating a Healthy, Harmonious and Ecologically Sound Home.
66840: PEARSON, David. - KAL 007: The Cover-Up. Why the True Story Has Never Been Told.
60905: PEARSON, Lionel. - Popular Ethics in Ancient Greece.
59277: PEARSON, Lester. - Memoirs Volume II - 1948-1957: The International Years.
58252: PEARSON, Ronald. - Climate and Evolution.
53124: PEARSON, Hesketh. - Gilbert & Sullivan. A Biography.
52566: PEARSON, Ronald. - Animals and Plants of the Cenozoic Era. Some Aspects of the Faunal and Floral History of the Last Sixty Million Years.
55952: PEATTIE, Roderick. - Look to the Frontiers: A Geography for the Peace Table.
52439: PEATTIE, Lisa & REIN, Martin. - Women's Claims. A Study in Political Economy.
62033: PECHMAN, Joseph A., AARON, Henry J. & TAUSSIG, Michael K. eds. - Social Security: Perspectives for Reform.
57650: PECKHAM, Howard & GIBSON, Charles eds. - Attitudes of Colonial Powers Toward the American Indian.
66337: PECSI, Kalman ed. - Alternative Models of Socialist Economic Systems (Proceedings of the Conference held in March 18-22, Gyor, Hungary). Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jozsef Bognar's 70th Birthday.
55405: PEDLER, Kit & DAVIS, Gerry. - The Dynostar Menace.
10385: PEEBLES, Gavin. - A Short History of Socialist Money.
65636: PEEL, E.A. - The Nature of Adolescent Judgment.
67071: PEELE, Gillian. - Revival and Reaction: The Right in Contemporary America.
56826: PEELE, Gillian, BAILEY, Christopher J., CAIN, Bruce & PETERS, B. Guy eds. - Developments in American Politics 2.
72662: PEGUY. VILLIERS, Marjorie. - Charles Peguy: A Study in Integrity.
61961: PEGUY. SCHMITT, Hans A. - Charles Peguy: The Decline of an Idealist.
74125: PEILE, Pentland. - The Bluffshire Courier: A West Highland Story.
64172: PEIRCE. ALMEDER, Robert. - The Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce.
61405: PEIRIS, Premanie, FREDDOLINO, Paul P. et al. - Proceedings (Vol III). Participating in Change: 1996 Hong Kong. Joint World Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Participation in Change: Social Work Profession in Social Development.
69755: PEITGEN, H.-O. & RICHTER, P.H. - Beauty of Fractals: Images of Complex Dynamical Systems.
56521: PEIXOTO, Rocha. - Etnografia Portuguesa (Obra Etnografica Completa).
50042: PEJSA, Jane. - The Molineux Affair.
71219: PELED, Einat, JAFFE, Peter G. & EDLESON, Jeffrey L. eds. - Ending the Cycle of Violence: Community Responses to Children of Battered Women.
61121: PELL, P.S., COOPER, K.E. et al. - Asphalt Paving Technology 1975: Proceedings Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Technical Sessions. Volume 44. Phoenix, Arizona, February 10, 11 and 12, 1975.
52957: PELLING, Henry. - A History of British Trade Unionism. Second Edition.
75055: PELLON, Gustavo & RODRIGUEZ-LUIS, Julio eds. - Upstarts, Wanderers or Swindlers: Anatomy of the Picaro. A Critical Anthology.
63878: PELTO, Pertti J. - The Snowmobile Revolution: Technology and Social Change in the Arctic.
68577: PELZER, Norbert ed. - Status, Prospects and Possibilities of International Harmonization in the Field of Nuclear Energy Law.
73892: PEMPEL, T.J. & LEE, Chung-Min eds. - Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Architecture and Beyond.
68864: PEMPEL, Fred C. & WILLIAMSON, John B. - Age, Class, Politics, and the Welfare State.
75602: PEN, Dr Luke J. - Managing Our Rivers: A Guide to the Nature and Management of the Streams of South-west Western Australia.
67077: INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS and CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION OF PENANG. - Rural Development and Human Rights in South East Asia.
76222: PENCE, A., DEIBLER, E., HEALEY, P.M., & HOOLEY, B.A. WURM, S.A., HARRIS, J.B. & MALMQVIST, N.G. ed. - Papers In New Guinea Linguistics No. 1.
64508: PENDLETON-JULLIAN, Ann M. - The Road That is Not a Road and the Open City, Ritoque, Chile.
66030: PENELOPE, Julia. - Speaking Freely: Unlearning the Lies of Father's Tongues.
64253: PENG, Fred C.C. ed. - Sign Language and Language Acquisition in Man and Ape: New Dimensions in Comparative Pedolinguistics.
59080: PENLAND, Patrick R. & WILLIAMS, James G. - Community Psychology and Coordination.
58679: PENMAN, Robyn. - Communication Processes and Relationships.
60285: PENN. DRINKER, Sophie Hutchinson. - Hannah Penn and the Proprietorship of Pennsylvania.
74992: PENNANT, Thomas. - A Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebrides, 1772. Volume 1.
53897: PENNELL, Paul. - Children's Cars.
68556: PENNIMAN, Howard R. (ed.). - Israel at the Polls: The Knesset Elections of 1977.
65363: PENNIMAN, Howard R. (ed.). - The French National Assembly Elections of 1978.
64822: PENNIMAN, Howard R. ed. - Italy at the Polls, 1979: A Study of the Parliamentary Elections.
57356: PENNIMAN, Howard R. ed. - Canada at the Polls: The General Election of 1974.
56632: PENNINGER, Frieda Elaine. - American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English: An Information Guide Series - English Drama to 1660 (Excluding Shakespeare). A Guide to Information Sources.
71223: PENNYCUICK, John. - In Contact with the Physical World.
71224: PENNYCUICK, John. - In Contact with the Physical World.
66432: PENROSE, Edith T. - The Growth of Firms, Middle East Oil and Other Essays.
74678: PEPER, Christian B. - An Historian's Conscience: The Correspondence of Arnold J. Toynbee and Columba Cary-Elwes, Monk of Ampleforth.
72168: PEPPER, David. - Modern Environmentalism: An Introduction.
70284: PEPPER, Suzanne. - Radicalism and Education Reform in 20th-Century China: The Search for an Ideal Development Model.
62643: PEPPER, Thomas, JANOW, Merit E. & WHEELER, Jimmy W. - The Competition: Dealing with Japan.
69726: PEPYS, M.B. ed. - Acute Phase Proteins in the Acute Phase Response.
60084: PEPYS. HUNT, Percival. - Samuel Pepys in the Diary.
73478: PERCEVAL, Julio. - Te Deum. Coro, Solista, Organo Y Orquesta. Partitura.
73477: PERCEVAL, Julio. - Cantares de Cuyo (Canto Y Piano).
75640: PERCIVAL, Margaret & WOMERSLEY, John S. - Floristics and Ecology of the Mangrove Vegetation of Papua New Guinea.
51680: PERCIVAL, S. - The Lyre. A Cantata for Four Solo Voices, Chorus & Orchestra, The Words selected from Gray's Ode The Progress of Poesy. Op. 7.
73263: PERCY, Joyce W. ed. - York Memorandum Book. Volume III.
67175: PERDIKIS, Nicholas & KERR, William A. - Trade Theories and Empirical Evidence.
76282: PERDRIX, John L. ed. - Australian Journal of Astronomy. Vol. 6 Nos 5 & 6. Novermber 1996.
66944: PEREGOY, Suzanne F., and BOYLE, Owen F. - Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book For K-8 Teachers.
66582: PEREL'MAN, A.I. - Geochemistry Of Elements In The Supergene Zone.
75027: PERERA, Suvendrini. - Reaches of Empire: The English Novel from Edgeworth to Dickens.
74841: PERFECT, Timothy J., MAYLOR, Elizabeth A. (Eds) - Models of Cognitive Aging.
73249: PERISTIANY, John G. ed. - Mediterranean Family Structures (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology).
73247: PERISTIANY, John G. ed. - Mediterranean Family Structures (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology).
71099: PERKINS, Jean A. - The Concept of the Self in the French Enlightenment.
65172: PERKINS, Frances. - Infrastructure for Resource Development: Financing and Pricing Issues.
59580: PERKINS, Edwin J. - The Economy of Colonial America.
56801: PERKINS, Frances. - Infrastructure for Resource Development: Financing and Pricing Issues.
56139: PERKINS, J.O.N. - The Macroeconomic Mix to Stop Stagflation.
55275: PERKINS, J.O.N. - The Reform of Macroeconomic Policy: From Stagflation to Low or Zero Inflation.
47002: PERKINS, Edwin J. - The Economy of Colonial America.
69198: PERLAS, Nicanor. - Overcoming Illusions About Biotechnology.
47732: PERLE, George. - The Listening Composer.
61492: PERLMAN, Mark ed. - The Organization and Retrieval of Economic Knowledge: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Kiel, West Germany.
61281: PERLMAN, Robert & GURIN, Arnold. - Community Organization and Social Planning.
71305: PERLMUTTER, Amos. - Military and Politics in Israel: Nation-Building and Role Expansion.
61310: PERLMUTTER, Marion ed. - Cognitive Perspectives on Children's Social and Behavioral Development. The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology. Volume 18.
55781: PERLMUTTER, Amos. - Military and Politics in Israel: Nation-Building and Role Expansion.
75243: PERLMUTTER, Amos. - Making the World Safe for Democracy: A Century of Wilsonianism and its Totalitarian Challengers.
71887: PERLOFF, Harvey S., BERG, Tom, FOUNTAIN, Robert, VETTER, David & WELD, John. - Modernizing the Central City: New Towns Intown ... and Beyond.
57623: PERNIOLA, Mario. WOODALL, Christopher trans. - Enigmas: The Egyptian Moment in Society and Art.
49087: PERRIAM, Wendy. - Sin City.
75873: DE LA PERRIERE, Guillaume. - Le Theatre des Bons Engins 1539.
64582: PERRIN, Fernand. - Histoire des Sciences Illustree. Essai su l'evolution des connaisances scientifiques.
65488: PERROD, Pierre Antoine. - L'Affaire Lally-Tolendal: Le Journal d'un Juge.
72590: PERRY, R.A. Compiler. - General Report on Lands of the Leichhardt-Gilbert Area, Queensland, 1953-54.
64525: PERRY, T.A. - The Moral Proverbs of Santob de Carrion: Jewish Wisdom in Christian Spain.
61153: PERRY, P.J. ed. - British Agriculture: 1875-1914.
54247: PERSE. KNODEL, Arthur J. trans. & ed. - St.-John Perse [ Saint John or Saint-John]. Letters.
72569: PERSLEY, Gabrielle J. - Beyond Mendel's Garden: Biotechnology in the Service of the World Agriculture.
69327: PERSLEY, Gabirelle J. - Replanting the Tree Of Life: Towards an International Agenda for Coconut Palm Research.
60431: PERSONICK, Stewart D. - Optical Fiber Transmission Systems.
67568: U.S. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. - Basic Construction Techniques for Houses and Small Buildings Simply Explained.
68906: PERSSON, Inga & JONUNG, Christina eds. - Women's Work and Wages: A Selection of Papers from the 15th Arne Ryde Symposium on "Economics of Gender and the Family" in Honor of Anna Bugge and Knut Wicksell.
74863: PESCE, Celestino. JOHNSON, Dennis V. trans. - Oil Palms and Other Oilseeds of the Amazon.
54456: PESEK, Joseph J., MATYSKA, Maria T. & ABUELAFIYA, Riad R. eds. - Chemically Modified Surfaces: Recent Developments.
64434: PESIRI, Giovanni, PROCACCIA, Micaela, RASCINI, Irma Paola & VALLONE, Laura eds. - Archivi di Famiglie e di Persone. Materiali per una Guida. II: Lombardia-Sicilia.
56774: PESSEN, Edward. - Riches, Class, and Power Before the Civil War.
57149: PESZKE, Michael Alfred. - Involuntary Treatment of the Mentally Ill: The Problem of Autonomy.
52397: PETCH, Simon. - The Art of Philip Larkin.
72040: PETCHESKY, Rosalind Pollack. - Abortion and Woman's Choice: The State, Sexuality, and Reproductive Freedom.
60579: PETER, J.H., PODSZUS, T. & VON WICHERTS, P. eds. - Sleep Related Disorders and Internal Diseases.
52718: PETER, John. - Vladimir's Carrot. Modern Drama and the Modern Imagination.
67091: PETERESON, Nicolas (ed.). - Aboriginal Land Rights: A Handbook.
66759: PETERKEN, G.F. (comp.). FOSBERG, F.R. - Guide to the Check Sheet for IBP Areas.
75204: PETERKIN, A. Roy. - The Noisy Mansions: The Story of Swanleigh, 1868-1971.
71760: PETERS, James A. ed. - Classic Papers in Genetics.
76406: PETERS, Nonja ed. - A Touch of Dutch: Maritime, Military, Migration and Mercantile Connections on the Western Third 1616-2016.
75993: PETERS, Roberta with BIANCOLLI, Louis. - A Debut at the Met.
67285: PETERSEN, Klaus. - Interpreting Censorship in Canada.
49016: PETERSEN, Toni ed. - Art and Architecture Thesaurus. Volume 2. Part III: Alphabetical Display (A and to Knotted).
49015: PETERSEN, Toni ed. - Art and Architecture Thesaurus. Volume 1. Part I: Introduction. Part II: Hierarchical Displays.
75508: PETERSEN, Elizabeth H. - Institutional Economics and Fisheries Management: The Case of Pacific Tuna.
74222: PETERSON, J.E. - Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia.
65313: PETERSON, Paul E. (ed.). - The New Urban Reality.
62741: PETERSON, Wallace C. - Transfer Spending, Taxes, and the American Welfare State.
58255: PETHYBRIDGE, Roger. - The Spread of the Russian Revolution: Essays on 1917.
69529: PETITTI, Diana B. - Meta-Analysis Decision Analysis and Cost-Effective Analysis: Methods for Quantitative Synthesis in Medicine.
61820: PETRARCH. COSENZA, Mario Emilio ed. - Petrarch: The Revolution of Cola di Rienzo.
66727: PETRE, Daniel & HARRINGTON, David. - The Clever Country? Australia's Digital Future.
75428: PETRE. EMMISON, F.G. - Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and Home,
48244: PETRE, Daniel & HARRINGTON, David. - The Clever Country? Australia's Digital Future.
75553: PETREJUS, E.W. - Modelling the Brig-Of-War: A Handbook for the Building of Historical Ship-Models.
67329: PETRINOVICH, Lewis. - Darwinian Dominion: Animal Welfare and Human Interests.
68816: PETROBELLI, Pierluigi. - Music in the Theater: Essays on Verdi and other Composers.
62998: PETROPULOS, John Anthony. - Politics and Statecraft in the Kingdom of Greece, 1833-1843.
73299: PETROVIC, Zdravko M. & MRVIC-PETROVIC, Natasa eds. - Naknada nematerijalne stete: Izbor radova sa savetovanja Udruzenja za odstetno pravo, Beograd, 1998-2008 / Compensation of Non-material Damage: Collection of Studies from Conferences of Damage Law Society, Belgrade, 1998-2008.
74178: PETTER, Henri. - The Early American Novel.
64855: PETTER, Henri. - The Early American Novel.
72653: PETTMAN, Ralph ed. - Moral Claims in World Affairs.
66608: PETTMAN, Ralph. - Biopolitics and International Values: Investigating Liberal Norms.
54434: PEWE, Troy L. ed. - The Periglacial Environment: Past and Present.
51961: PEYSER, Joan ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51958: PEYSER, Joan ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51957: PEYSER, Joan ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
47745: PEYSER, Joan. - Boulez. Composer, Conductor, Enigma.
68005: PFALTZ, C.R. & CHILLA, R. eds. - Sialadenosis and Sialadenitis: Pathophysiological and Diagnostic Aspects.
73024: PFEFFER. BUNNING, Erwin. PFEFFER, Helmut William trans. - Ahead of His Time Wilhelm Pfeffer: Early Advances in Plant Biology.
72330: PFEFFER, Richard M. - Understanding Business Contracts in China, 1949-1963.
63451: PFEFFER, Richard M. - Working for Capitalism.
62105: PFEFFER, Naomi. - The Stork and the Syringe. A Political History of Reproductive Medicine.
68788: PFEIFFER, Steven E. ed. - Neuroscience Approached Through Cell Culture.Volume II.
68787: PFEIFFER, Steven E. ed. - Neuroscience Approached Through Cell Culture.Volume I.
67895: PFLUGER, Friedbert. - Die Menschenrechtspolitik der USA. Amerikanische Aussenpolitik zwischen Idealismus und Realismus 1972-1982
74451: PFORDRESHER, John. - A Variorum Edition of Tennyson's Idylls of the King.
53707: PHARR, Susan J. - Losing Face: Status Politics in Japan.
62919: PHAYER, J. Michael. - Sexual Liberation and Religion in Nineteenth Century Europe.
74836: PHELPS, D.G. - Feasibility of a Sustainable Bush Food Industry in Western Queensland: A Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
75813: PANALIPDAN MINDANAO; INPEACE MINDANAO; RURAL MISSIONARIES OF THE PHILIPPINES. - Undermining Patrimony: The Large-Scale Mining Plunder in MIndanao and the People's Struggle and Resistance.
73693: PHILIPS, C.H. - The Evolution of India and Pakistan, 1858 to 1947. Select Documents.
73530: PHILIPS, C.H. ed. - Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon.
69791: PHILIPS, Peter. STEELE, John ed. - Musica Britannica. A National Collection of Music. Volume LXI. Peter Philips. Cantiones Sacrae Octonis Vocibus (1613).
74790: Phillip, G.D and J. - The Hamble River and its Villages.
48446: PHILLIPPS, K.C. - The Language of Thackeray.
73810: PHILLIPS, Peter W.B. - Governing Transformative Technological innovation: Who's in Charge?
72718: PHILLIPS, A.A. - Responses: Selected Writings.
71452: PHILLIPS, Janet & Peter. - Victorians at Home and Away.
71058: PHILLIPS, Daniel Edward. - The Human Element in Literature.
69160: PHILLIPS, Kimberley L. - AlabamaNorth: African-American Migrants, Community, and Working-Class Activism in Cleveland, 1915-45.
63424: PHILLIPS, E. Lakin. - Social Skills Basis of Psychopathology: Alternatives to Abnormal Psychology.
63247: PHILLIPS, Derek. - Making More Adequate Provision: State Education in Tasmania, 1839-1985.
62052: PHILLIPS, John. - Agriculture and Ecology in Africa: A Study of Actual and Potential Development South of the Sahara.
55286: PHILLIPS, Jack J. - Recruiting, Training and Retaining New Employees.
51669: PHILLIPS, Dennis H. - Cold War Two and Australia.
47690: PHILLIPS, C. Henry. - The Singing Church. An outline history of the music sung by choir & people.
42523: PHILLIPS, David & FILMER-SANKEY, Caroline. - Diversification in Modern Language Teaching. Choice and the National Curriculum.
67489: PHILLIPSON, Chris. - Capitalism and the Construction of Old Age.
55990: PHILLPOT, Henry. - Antarctic Working Papers.
60158: PHILP, J.E. HERR, R.A. & ROOD, E.A. eds. - A Solomons Sojourn: J. E. Philp's Log of the Makira 1912-1913.
64387: PHIRI, Kings M., MCCRACKEN, John, VAUGHAN, Megan et al. - Malawi: An Alternative Pattern of Development.
68841: PHOLPRAMOOL, Chumpol & SUDUSUANG, Ratree eds. - Proceedings of the First Congress of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies.
69402: PHUA, K.H., WANG, C.M., YEONG, W.Y., LEONG, T.Y., LOH, H.T., TAN, K.C. & CHOU, F.S. eds. - Optimization Techniques and Applications. Volume 1.
64933: PHYSICK, John. - The Wellington Monument.
67661: PIAGET. BROWN, Geoffrey & DESFORGES, Charles. - Piaget's Theory: A Psychological Critique.
58834: PIAGET, Jean. WEDGWOOD, Susan trans. - The Grasp of Consciousness: Action and Concept in the Young Child.
74969: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. NOVELLO, Ivor music. HASSALL, Christopher lyrics. - The Dancing Years. A Musical Play.
74970: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. COWARD, Noel. - Bitter Sweet. An Operrette in Three Acts.
74968: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. LEHAR, Franz. - The Merry Widow. Musical Play.
74932: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. KANDER, John music. EBB, Fred lyrics. - Cabaret.
76155: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. KERN, Jerome. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar & HARBACH, Otto book and lyrics. - Sunny. A Musical Comedy in Two Acts.
74905: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. BRITTEN, Benjamin. - A Midsummer Night's Dream. Ein Sommernachtstraum. Opera in Three Acts Op. 64.
74906: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. KERN, Jerome. - Show Boat. A Musical Play. Adapted from Edna Ferber's novel of the same name.
74904: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. LEHAR, Franz. - Der Graf von Luxemburg. Operette in drei Akten von A.M. Willner und Rob Bodazky.
74903: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. LOEWE, Frederick,(music), LERNER, Alan, Jay. (lyrics). - My Fair Lady.
74901: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. BERLIN, Irving lyrics and music. - Call Me Madam. From the New York Production by Leland Hayward. Lyrics and Music by Irving Berlin.
74902: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. SMETANA, F. - The Bartered Bride. Comic Opera in Three Acts. Libretto by Karl Sabina. English version (from the Czech) by Rosa Newmarch.
74900: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. STRAVINSKY, Igor. - Les Noces / The Wedding / Die Hochzeit. Ballet with Soli and Chorus. English translation by D. Millar Craig. German translation by K. Guttheim and H. Kruger.
74899: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. BERLIOZ, Hector. - Les Troyens a Carthage. Poeme Lyrique en 5 Actes et 8 Tableaux.
74898: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. MALIPIERO, G.F. - La Favola del Figlio Cambiato (Die Legende vom Verttauschten Sohn). Tre Atti in cinque Quadri / Drei Akte in funf Bildern. Libretto di Luigi Pirandello.
74897: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. PFITZNER, Hans. - Palestrina. Musikalische Legende in drei Akten. Klavierauszug mit Text von Felix Wolfes.
74896: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. STRAUSS, Richard. - Der Rosenkavalier (The Rose-Bearer). Comedy for Music in three Acts by Hugo von Hofmannsthal. English version by Alfred Kalisch. Music by Rochard Strauss Op. 59. Vocal Score with English and German Words.
74893: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. SCARLATTI, Domenico. - La Dirindina. Partitura. Farsetta per musica in due parti di / Musical Farce in Two Parts by Girolamo Gigli.
74895: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. HANDEL, George Frederic. - Hercules. An Oratorio. Minature Score.
74892: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. DONIZETTI, Gaetano. - Roberto Devereux. Tragedia lirica in tre atti di Salatore Cammarano.
74891: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. DONIZETTI, Gaetano. - Rita. Opera comica in un atto.
74117: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur. - Princess Ida or Castle Adamant - VOCAL SCORE.
74116: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. LOEWE, Frederick,(music), LERNER, Alan, Jay. (lyrics). - My Fair Lady.
74111: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar. II. & ROGERS, Richard. SIRMAY, Albert ed. - OKLAHOMA! - Vocal Score.
74110: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar. II. & ROGERS, Richard. SIRMAY, Albert ed. - OKLAHOMA! - Vocal Score.
74109: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar. II. & ROGERS, Richard. SIRMAY, Albert ed. - OKLAHOMA! - Vocal Score.
74108: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar. II. & ROGERS, Richard. SIRMAY, Albert ed. - OKLAHOMA! - Vocal Score.
74107: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar. II. & ROGERS, Richard. SIRMAY, Albert ed. - OKLAHOMA! - Vocal Score.
73817: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. FRIML, Rudolf. - The Vagabond King. A New Spectacular Musical Play. Vocal Score.
73731: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. BERLIN, Irving lyrics and music. - Annie Get Your Gun. Vocal Score.
73727: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. RODGERS, Richard & HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar 2nd. - The King and I. A New Musical Play. Vocal Score.
73665: PIANO VOCAL OPERA SCORE. DONIZETTI, Gaetano. - Maria Stuarda.
73664: PIANO VOCAL OPERA SCORE. SAINT-SAENS, Camille. - Samson and Delilah. Opera in 3 Acts by Ferdinan Lemaire. English Version by Eugene Oudin.
73662: PIANO VOCAL OPERA SCORE. MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. - Titus [ La Clemenza di Tito ]. An Opera in Two Acts. Vocal Score.
73663: PIANO VOCAL OPERA SCORE. MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. - Idomeneo [ Re di Creta ]. An Opera in Three Acts. Vocal Score.
73634: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. JONES, Sidney. - The Geisha. A Story of a Tea House. A Japanese Musical Play.
73627: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. ROMBERG, Sigmund. - The Desert Song. A Musical Play.
73612: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. LEHMANN, Liza (Music) and BELLOC, H. (Verses). - Four Cautionary Tales and a Moral.
73493: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. ROMBERG, Sigmund. - The Student Prince. A Spectacular Light Opera.
73365: PIANO VOCAL OPERA SCORE. VERDI, Giuseppe. - Rigoletto. Opera in Four Acts.
76162: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. WOLF, Hugo. - Der Corregidor. Oper in vier Akten.
76008: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. JOHNSON, Laurie. - Lock Up Your Daughters. A Musical Play. Lyrics by Lionel Bart.
76010: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. HERMAN, Jerry. - Mame. A Musical Comedy. Book by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E.Lee.
76009: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. NOVELLO, Ivor. - Valley of Song. A Musical Romance in Three Acts.
76011: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. PORTER, Cole. - Kiss Me, Kate. Vocal Score.
76443: PIANO-VOCAL SCORE. LOEWE, Frederick,(music), LERNER, Alan, Jay. (lyrics). - My Fair Lady.
76277: PIANO SOLO SCORE. MATSHIKIZA, Todd. SHERRIFF, David arranger. - King Kong. A Jazz Musical.
75884: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. FLOYD, Carlisle. - Of Mice And Men. A musical drama in three acts based on the novel and play by John Steinbeck.
76004: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. KANDER, John music. EBB, Fred lyrics. - Cabaret.
76005: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. BERLIN, Irving lyrics and music. - Call Me Madam. From the New York Production by Leland Hayward. Lyrics and Music by Irving Berlin.
76251: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. JOHNSON, Laurie. - Lock Up Your Daughters. A Musical Play. Lyrics by Lionel Bart.
76007: PIANO VOCAL SCORE. KERN, Jerome. - Sally. A New Musical Play in Three Acts. Books and Lyrics by Guy Bolton and Clifford Grey.
74851: PICARD, Michel & WOOD, Robert E. eds. - Tourism, Ethinicity and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies.
48153: PICK, John. - Gerard Manley Hopkins. Priest & Poet.
60122: PICKEN, Fiona Mackay & KAHN, Ann M.C. - Medical Librarianship In the Eighties and Beyond: A World Perspective.
60120: PICKEN, Fiona Mackay & KAHN, Ann M.C. - Medical Librarianship In the Eighties and Beyond: A World Perspective.
57730: PICKEN, Fiona Mackay & KAHN, Ann M.C. - Medical Librarianship In the Eighties and Beyond: A World Perspective.
65181: PICKERSGILL, J.W. and FORSTER, D.F. - The Mackenzie King Record. Volume 2: 1944-1945.
63345: PICKERSGILL, J.W. & FORSTER, D.F. - The Mackenzie King Record. Volume 3: 1945-1946.
69688: PICKFORD, Cedric E. ed. - The Song Of Songs: A Twelfth-Century French Version.
60715: PIERCE, Roy. - Contemporary French Political Thought.
75049: PIERCE, Frank. - Amadis de Gaula.
54469: PIERRE, Andrew J. ed. - Cascade of Arms: Managing Conventional Weapons Proliferation.
69686: PIERSON, Christopher. - Marxist Theory and Democratic Politics.
67256: PIESSE, A.J. ed. - Sixteenth-Century Identities.
67617: PIETRO, Anthony San, GREER, Frances A. & ARMY, Thomas J. eds. - Harvesting The Sun: Phosynthesis In Plant Life.
55298: PIGGOT, R.R., PARTON, K.A., TREADGOLD, E.M. & HUTABARAT, B. - Food Price Policy in Indonesia.
73938: PIGRAM, John J. - Australia's Water Resources: From Use to Management.
64975: PIKARSKY, Milton & CHRISTENSEN, Daphne. - Urban Transportation Policy and Management.
72357: PIKE, Kenneth L. - Phonemics: A Technique for Reducing Languages to Writing.
67069: PIKE, E. Royston. - Political Parties and Policies: A Popular Explanation of the Principles of the Chief Political Parties and a Guide to the Understanding of Current Politics.
65228: PIKE, E. Royston. - Human Documents of Adam Smith's Time.
57325: PILBROW, Richard. - Stage Lighting.
61765: PILISUK, Marc. - International Conflict and Social Policy.
65289: PILOTTI, Laura. - Fonti per la Stori Dell'emigrazione. Volume VI. Il Fondo Archivistico: Serie Z - Contenzioso. Collana diretta dal Direttore generale dell'Emigrazione e degli Affari Sociali.
58960: PIMSLEUR, Paul & QUINN, Terence eds. - The Psychology of Second Language Learning: Papers from the Second International Conference of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge, 1969.
74101: PINCHBECK, Ivy. & HEWITT, Margaret. - Children in English Society: Volume 1 - From Tudor Times to the Eighteenth Century. Volume 2 - From the Eighteenth Century to the Children Act 1948.
57753: PINCHER, Chapman. - Their Trade is Treachery. The Full Unexpurgated Truth About the Russian Penetration of the Free World's Secret Defences.
72543: PINDER, John ed. - National Industrial Strategies and the World Economy.
62818: PINDYCK, Robert S. - Optimal Planning for Economic Stabilization: The Application of Control Theory to Stabilization Policy.
52320: PINERO. LAZENBY, Walter. - Arthur Wing Pinero.
57053: DE PINHO DE BRITO DUARTE SILVA, Maria Paula. - Analyse de Donnees Symboliques Pyramides D'Heritage.
61464: PINKNEY, David H. - Decisive Years in France: 1840-1847.
52310: PINKUS, Philip. - Grub St. Stripped Bare. The Scandalous Lives & Pornographic Works of the Original grub St. Writers, Together with the Bottle Songs Which Led to Their Drunkenness, the Shameless Pamphleteering which Led Them to Newgate Prison, & the Continual Pandering to Public Taste which Put Them Among the First Almost to Earn a Fitful Living From their Writing Alone.
58721: PINSKY, M.A. ed. - Probabilistic Methods in Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Victoria, August 19-20, 1974.
62532: PINTOR, Rafael Lopez & GRATSCHEW, Maria. - Voter Turnout Since 1945. A Global Report.
48586: PIRIE, Chris. - The Australian Scented Garden.
53561: PISANI, Assunta ed. - Euro-Librarianship: Shared Resources, Shared Responsibilities.
69339: PISIAS, Niklas G. & DELANEY, Margaret L. eds. - COMPLEX: Conference on Multiple Platform Exploration of the Ocean.
58052: PITCHFORD, J.D. - A Study of Cost and Demand Inflation.
56710: PITKIN, Hanna Fenichel ed. - Representation.
76076: PITT, E.R., WOOD, M.E., BINSS, K. et al. - Proceedings. First Annual Meeting and Conference. Australian Institute of Librarians.
58693: PITT-RIVERS, Julian. - The Fate of Schechem or the Politics of Sex: Essays in the Anthropology of the Mediterranean.
57691: PITT-KETHLEY, Fiona ed. - The Literary Companion to Sex: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry.
70545: PITTOCK, A.B., FRAKES, L.A., JENSSEN, D., PETERSON, J.A. & ZILLMAN, J.W. ed. - Climatic Change and Variability: A Southern Perspective.
64699: PITTOCK, A.B., ACKERMAN, T.P. CRUTZEN, P.J. et al. - Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War. Volume I: Physical and Atmospheric Effects.
55408: PITTOCK, A.B., FRAKES, L.A., JENSSEN, D., PETERSON, J.A. & ZILLMAN, J.W. ed. - Climatic Change and Variability: A Southern Perspective.
68042: PIXLEY, Jocelyn. - Citizenship and Employment: Investigating Post-Industrial Options.
59601: PIXLEY, Jocelyn. - Citizenship and Employment: Investigating Post-Industrial Options.
56867: PIXLEY, Jocelyn. - Citizenship and Employment: Investigating Post-Industrial Options.
65781: PIZARRO. SMYTH, Clifford. - Builders of America, Volume 3: Francisco Pizarro and the conquest of Peru.
73180: PLAKS, Andrew H. - Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber.
61120: PLANCHER, H., GREEN, E.L. et al. - Asphalt Paving Technology 1976: Proceedings Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Technical Sessions. Volume 45. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 16, 17 and 18, 1976.
64406: PLANT, Sadie. - The Most Radical Gesture: The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age.
58993: PLANT, Marjorie. - The English Book Trade: An Economic History of the Making and Sale of Books.
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