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72891: BAYTON, Mavis. - Frock Rock: Women Performing Popular Music.
69019: BAZHANOV, V.V. & BURDEN, C.J. eds. - Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory: Proceedings of the Seventh Physics Summer School.
53996: BAZLEY, J.H.R. WEATHERALL, Norman L. rev. - Coarse Fishing: A Practical Treatise on the Sport and Choice of Tackle and Water.
68598: BEACH, A. Stephen, COOK, John H. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1990 ] Volume XLII.
65066: BEACH, Frank A., HEBB, Donald O., MORGAN, Clifford T., and NISSEN, Henry W. (eds.). - The Neuropsychology of Lashley. Selected Papers of K.S. Lashley.
76152: BEACONSFIELD. EWALD, Alexander Charles. - The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and His Times. Volumes I to V.
68740: BEADLE, N.C.W. - Students Flora of North Eastern New South Wales. Part I: Pteridophytes; Part II: Gymnosperms, Key to Angiosprem Families, Angiosperms: Families 37-83; Part III: Angiosperms: Families 84-106.
67292: BEADLE, N.C.W. - Students Flora of North Eastern New South Wales. Part III: Angiosperms: Families 84-106.
67291: BEADLE, N.C.W. - Students Flora of North Eastern New South Wales. Part II: Gymnosperms, Key to Angiosprem Families, Angiosperms: Families 37-83.
64719: BEADLE, N.C.W., EVANS, O.D., and CAROLIN, R.C. - Handbook of the Vascular Plants of the Sydney District and Blue Mountains.
64471: BEADLE, N.C.W. - Students Flora of North Eastern New South Wales. Part I: Pteridophytes; Part II: Gymnosperms, Key to Angiosprem Families, Angiosperms: Families 37-83; Part III: Angiosperms: Families 84-106; Part IV: Angiosperms: Families 107-136.
61127: BEADLE, N.C.W. - Students Flora of North Eastern New South Wales. Part I: Pteridophytes; Part II: Gymnosperms, Key to Angiosprem Families, Angiosperms: Families 37-83; Part III: Angiosperms: Families 84-106.
75875: BEAL, Peter & EZELL, Margaret J.M. eds. - English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700. Volume 9: Writings by Early Modern Women.
64601: BEAN, R. - Comparative Industrial Relations: An Introduction to Cross-National Perspectives.
55828: BEAN, Philip. - Rehabilitation and Deviance.
74510: BEARD, James B. - Beard's Turfgrass Encyclopedia for Golf Courses, Grounds, Lawns, Sports Fields.
65833: BEARD, Charles A., and BEARD, Mary R. - America In Midpassage. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
73554: BEARDSLEY, Theodore S. Jr. - Hispano-Classical Translations Printed Between 1482 and 1699.
74035: BEARE, Hedley. - Creating the Future School: Student Outcomes and the Reform of Education.
70183: BEARE, Hedley & SLAUGHTER, Richard. - Education for the Twenty-First Century.
60565: BEARE, Hedley, CALDWELL, Brian J., & MILLIKAN, Ross H. - Creating an Excellent School: Some New Management Techniques.
55373: BEARE, Hedley, CALDWELL, Brian J., & MILLIKAN, Ross H. - Creating an Excellent School: Some New Management Techniques.
73827: BEARMAN, Sidney ed. - Strategic Survey 1996/97.
73163: BEASTALL, T.W. - History of Lincolnshire Volume VIII: The Agricultural Revolution in Lincolnshire.
75077: BEATON, George. - Doctor Partirdge's Almanack for 1935 With an Account of his Resurrection from the Grave after lying dead in it for 2 Centuries by G. Robinson Also a Brief Exposition of his Religious & Astrological Teaching by Professor Blish.
63985: BEATTIE, J.M. - Crime and the Courts in England: 1660-1800.
63411: BEATTIE, Alan ed. - English Party Politics. Volume II: 1906-1970.
63410: BEATTIE, Alan ed. - English Party Politics. Volume I: 1660-1906.
75664: BEATTIE, Martin, VELLINGA, Marcel et al. - Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. Volume XIV, Number 11, Spring 2003.
65412: BEAULIEU, Lionel J. (ed.). - The Rural South in Crisis: Challenges for the Future.
52584: BEAUMONT. FLETCHER. OLIPHANT, E.H.C. - The Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. An Attempt to Determine Their Respective Shares and the Shares of Others.
64704: BEAVER, Stanley H., JAMES, John R., LESZCZYCKI, Stanislaw et al. - Problems of Applied Geography. II. Proceedings of the Anglo-Polish Seminar Keele, September 9-20, 1962.
68602: BEAVIS, Colin, SIMPSON, Paul, SYME, Jim & RYAN, Chris. - Chemicals for the Protection of Ornamentals and Turf.
54957: BECHER, Tony ed. - Governments and Professional Education.
58907: BECK, Anatole ed. - Recent Advances in Topological Dynamics: Proceedings of the Conference on Topological Dynamics, held at Yale University, June 19-23, 1972, in honor of Professor Gustav Arnold Hedlund on the occasion of his retirement.
72472: BECKER, Lee B., FRUIT, Jeffrey W., CAUDILL, Susan L et al. - The Training and Hiring of Journalists.
65824: BECKER, Franklin D.. PLANET, Janet (artwork). - Housing Messages.
61237: BECKER, James F. - Marxian Political Economy: An Outline.
60229: BECKER, Abraham S., HANSEN, Bent & KERR, Malcolm H. - The Economics and Politics of the Middle East.
54416: BECKER, David G. - The New Bourgeoisie and the Limits of Dependency: Mining, Class, and Power in " Revolutionary" Peru.
53072: BECKER, George J. - Master European Realists of the Nineteenth Century.
75954: BECKER, William E. & BAUMOL, William J. - Assessing Educational Practices: The Contribution of Economics.
75223: BECKER, Peter. - The Pathfinders: A Saga of Exploration in Southern Africa.
75302: BECKERS, Nathalie. - The Impact of Incentives on Group Creativity.
52309: BECKETT. BARNARD, G.C. - Samuel Beckett: A New Approach. A Study of the Novels and Plays.
52285: BECKETT. WEBB, Eugene. - Samuel Beckett. A Study of His Novels.
60814: BECKNER, Earl R. - A History of Labor Legislation in Illinois.
73012: BEDER, S. - Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism.
70494: BEDFORD, Richard, CAMERON, Jan, CARTWRIGHT, Silvia et al. - Population of New Zealand. Volumes 1 & 2.
58873: BEDFORD, D. Evan. - Harvey's Third Circulation De Circulo Sanguinis In Corde: The Harveian Oration of 1968.
71124: SMETANA Bedrich. - Prodana Nevesta. [ The Bartered Bride ].
72384: BEEAFF, Dianne. - A Grand Madness: Ten Years on the Road with U2.
69601: BEECH, H.R. & FRANSELLA, Fay. - Research and Experiment in Stuttering.
69148: BEECH, H.R. & FRANSELLA, Fay. - Research and Experiment in Stuttering.
42382: BEECH, H.R. & FRANSELLA, Fay. - Research and Experiment in Stuttering.
69750: BEENSTOCK, Michael. - A Neoclassical Analysis of Macroeconomic Policy.
73880: BEER, Eric & GASCOIGNE, Alwyn. - Plough of the Pakeha.
65505: BEER, Barrett L., JACK, Sybil M. eds. et al. - Camden Miscellany XXV. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 13.
69952: BEERS, Roland F. Jr. & BASSETT, Edward G. eds. - Cell Membrane Receptors for Viruses, Antigens and Antibodies, Polypeptide Hormones, and Small Molecules.
67049: BEERS, Henry A. - A History of English Romanticism In The Eighteenth Century.
42442: BEERS, Howard W. ed. - Indonesia. Resources and Their Technological Development.
74192: BEETHOVEN. FISKE, Roger. - Beethoven's Missa Solemnis.
71478: BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van. - Streich-Quartette / String Quartets Op 18 Nr. 1-6.
71288: BEETHOVEN. SCHMIDT-GORG, Joseph, STRAVINSKY, Igor, BERNSTEIN, Leonard et al. - Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1970.
68992: BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van. HESS, Willy ed. - Missa Solemnis in D Major for Soli, Chorus, Orchestra and Organ. Op. 123.
66679: BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van. - String Quartet in D Major. Op. 18, No. 3.
67018: BEEVER, E.A. - Launceston Bank For Savings, 1835-1970: A History of Australia's Oldest Savings Bank.
55894: BEGAB, Michael J., HAYWOOD, H. Carl, & GARBER, Howard L. ed. - Psychosocial Influences in Retarded Performance. Volume II: Strategies for Improving Competence.
75852: BEGLEY, W.E. - Visnu's Flaming Wheel: The Iconography of the Sudarsana-Cakra.
68451: BEHERA, Navnita Chadha, EVANS, Paul M. & RIZVI, Gowher. - Beyond Boundaries: A Report on the State of Non-Official Dialogues on Peace, Security and Cooperation in South Asia.
61468: BEHIELS, Michael D. - Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution: Liberalism Versus Neo-Nationalism, 1945-1960.
72551: BEHNKE, H. & THULLEN, P. - Theorie Der Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Veranderlichen.
76102: BEHRENS. WINDSOR, Alan. - Peter Behrens: Architect and Designer, 1868 - 1940.
57925: BEIDELMAN, Thomas O. - A Comparative Analysis of the Jajmani System.
70409: BEIGBEDER, Yves. - Management Problems in United Nations Organizations: Reform Or Decline?
54126: BEIJE, P.R., GROENEWEGEN, J., KOSTOULAS, I., PAELINCK, J., & VAN PARIDON, C. - A Competitive Future for Europe? Towards a New European Industrial Policy.
53045: BEILBY, Peter & ROBERTS, Michael ed. - Australian Music Directory.
69717: BEILHARZ, Peter. - Transforming Labor: Labour Tradition And The Labor Decade In Australia.
63392: BEIRNE, Joseph A. - Challenge to Labor: New Roles for American Trade Unions.
63728: BEISER, Leo. - Holographic Scanning.
71587: BEITCHMAN, Philip. - I Am a Process With No Subject.
72489: BEJEROT, Nils. - Addiction and Society.
57212: BELEVAL, Yvon. - Leibniz: Critique de Descartes.
71810: BELFORD, D.J. & SCHEIBNEROVA, V. eds. - The Crespin Volume: Essays in Honour of Irene Crespin.
74877: BELL, Peter. - If Anything, Too Safe: The Mount Mulligan Coalmine Disaster of 1921.
74646: BELL, Kenneth N. & MORRELL, W.P. eds. - Select Documents on British Colonial Policy.
74515: BELL, Stephen. - Australia's Money Mandarins: The Reserve Bank and the Politics of Money.
71114: BELL, Diane & DITTON, pam. - Law: The Old and the New. Aboriginal Women in Central Australia Speak Out.
67720: BELL, Stephen. - Australian Manufacturing and the State: The Politics of Industry Policy in the Post-War Era.
65231: BELL, Inglis F., and BAIRD, Donald. - The English Novel, 1578-1956: A Checklist of Twentieth Century Criticisms.
64676: BELL, D.S. & GAFFNEY, J. eds. - Contemporary European Affairs. Volume 4, 1991, Number 4. European Minorities.
62983: BELL, Martin. - Internal Migration in Australia: 1981-1986.
61115: BELL, C.A., PETERSEN, J.C. et al. - Asphalt Paving Technology 1983: Proceedings Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Technical Sessions. Volume 52. Atlanta, Georgia, February 28, March 1 and 2, 1983.
59583: BELL, Stpehen & HEAD, Brian eds. - State, Economy and Public Policy in Australia.
59262: BELL, Roger J. & BICKERTON, Ian J. eds. - American Studies: New Essays from Australia and New Zealand.
55441: BELL, Stephen. - Australian Manufacturing and the State: The Politics of Industry Policy in the Post-War Era.
54397: BELL, Aubrey F.G. - Portuguese Literature.
54138: BELL, Coral. - The American Alliance and the Revolution in Military Affairs.
75245: BELL, Barry. - Bangkok: Angelic Allusions.
55771: BELLAH, Kent. - Book of Pistols and Revolvers.
48920: BELLAIRS, George. - Death Before Breakfast.
48368: BELLAIRS, George. - Death of a Tin God.
60393: BELLAMY, Margot & GREENSHIELDS, Bruce eds. - Agriculture and Economic Instability.
60022: BELLAMY, William. - The Novels of Wells, Bennett and Galsworthy: 1890-1910.
57492: BELLAMY, David J., PAMMETT, Jon H., & ROWAT, Donald C. ed. - The Provincial Political Systems: Comparative Essays.
54358: BELLAMY, David J., PAMMETT, Jon H., & ROWAT, Donald C. ed. - The Provincial Political Systems: Comparative Essays.
67976: BELLEAR, Sol et al. - The Media and Indigenous Australians Conference. 15-17 1993, Brisbane. Conference Proceedings.
54281: BELLEW, P. - Point of View.
62646: BELLINI, James, PFAFF, William et al. - The United Kingdom in 1980: The Hudson Report.
57396: ANTIQUARIAN PIANO DUET SHEET MUSIC. BELLINI. - Select Airs from Bellini's Admired Opera La Sonnambula, Arranged for Two Performers on the Piano Forte, under the Immediate Direction of the Author. Book 1. [ PIANO DUET SHEET MUSIC]
60355: BELLMAN, Richard & SMITH, Charlene Paule. - Simulation in Human Systems : Decision-Making in Psychotherapy.
58928: BELLMAN, R.E. & DENMAN, E.D. eds. - Invariant Imbedding. Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Invariant Embedding Held at the University of Southern California, June-August, 1970.
67479: BELLO, Walden, KINLEY, David, and ELLISON, Elaine. - Development Debacle: The World Bank in the Philippines.
55489: BELLOT, H. Hale. - American History and American Historians: A Review of Recent Contributions to the Interpretation of the History of the United States.
66350: BELLOW, Saul. - The Actual.
60234: BELLOW. CRONIN, Gloria L. & HALL, Blaine H. - Saul Bellow: An Annotated Bibliography, Second Edition.
59274: BELOFF, Max. - Soviet Policy in the Far East: 1944-1951.
71664: BELSEY, Andrew & CHADWICK, Ruth eds. - Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media.
55782: BELSHAW, Cyril S. - The Conditions of Social Performance: An Exploratory Theory.
54127: BEMIS, Samuel Flagg ed. - The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy.
76350: BEN-HAIM. HIRSHBERG, Jehoash. - Paul Ben-Haim: His Life and Works.
73611: BENATZKY with Interpolated Songs by STOLZ, Robert. - White Horse Inn.
47623: BENCHLEY, Peter. - The Deep.
65622: BENDER, Thomas. - Community and Social Change in America.
62573: BENDER, Jim. - Future Harvest: Pesticide-Free Farming.
42534: BENDINELLI, Mauro & FRIEDMAN, Herman ed. - Mycobacterium Tubercolosis. Interactions With the Immune System.
67039: BENEDEK, P., VON DER EMDE, W., and TENCH, H.B. (eds). - Developments in Design and Operation of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants.
73804: BENEDICT, Ruth. - Patterns of Culture.
75722: BENEDICT, Paul K. - Austro-thai Language and Culture with a glossary of Roots.
73572: BENESCH, Otto. BENESCH, Eva ed. - Otto Benesch. Collected Writings. Volume I: Rembrandt.
57652: BENEWICK, Robert & DOWSE, Robert E. - Readings on British Politics and Government.
72126: BENIGER, James R. - Trafficking in Drug Users: Professional Exchange Networks in the Control of Deviance.
70641: BENJAMIN, Marina ed. - Science and Sensibility: Gender and Scientific Enquiry, 1780-1945.
65624: BENJAMIN, B. - Social and Economic Factors Affecting Mortality.
63874: BENJAMIN, A. Cornelius. - Operationism.
60513: BENJAMIN, Bernard, COX, Peter R. & PEEL, John eds. - Resources and Population. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Society London 1972.
57681: BENJAMIN, Roger & ELKIN, Stephen L. eds. - The Democratic State.
56315: BENJAMIN, Roger & KUDRLE, Robert T. ed. - The Industrial Future of the Pacific Basin.
53764: BENJAMIN, Martin. - Splitting the Difference: Compromise and Integrity in Ethics and Politics.
64871: BENN, Gottfried. SANDER, Volkmar (ed.). - Prose, Essays, Poems.
59642: BENN, S.I. & MORTIMORE, G.W. ed. - Rationality and the Social Sciences. Contributions to the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences.
54775: BENN, F.R., EDEWOR, J.O. & MCAULIFFE, C.A. - Production and Utilisation of Synthetic Fuels: An Energy Economics Study.
46975: BENN, S.I. & MORTIMORE, G.W. ed. - Rationality and the Social Sciences. Contributions to the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences.
67602: BENNET, Glin. - The Wound and The Doctor: Healing, Technology and Power in Modern Medicine.
74928: BENNETT, Andy & DAWE, Kevin eds. - Guitar Cultures.
74490: BENNETT, Tony, EMMISON, Michael & FROW, John. - Accounting for Tastes: Australian Everyday Cultures.
72141: BENNETT, William. - Health and Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
71271: BENNETT, Bruce ed. - Australia In between Cultures. Specialist Session papers from the 1998 Australian Academy of the Humanities Symposium.
70654: BENNETT, Gordon A. - Huadong: The Story of a Chinese People's Commune.
69259: BENNETT, Michael, GORDON, John, MASHER, Sharon et al. ALLISTER, Paul ed. - A Guide to Environmental Law in Western Australia. Proceedings of the EDO's Inaugural Seminar, A Community Guide to Environmental Law in WA, Perth 25-26 October, 1996.
68191: BENNETT, M.R. - Autonomic Neuromuscular Transmission.
67609: BENNETT, Bruce ed. - The Australian Academy of the Humanities: Proceedings 1998.
65736: BENNETT, F.J., JUNOD, V., SAXTON, G.A. etc. - Conditions de Vie de L'Enfant en Milieu Rural en Afrique / Living Conditions of the Child in Rural Environment in Africa. Colloquium organized in Dakar (Senegal) from February 20 to 25, 1967, under the chairmanship of Professor Robert Debre.
61187: BENNETT, David H. - Demagogues in the Depression: American Radicals and the Union Party, 1932-1936.
57170: BENNETT, Bruce ed. - A Sense of Exile: Essays in the Literature of the Asia-Pacific Region.
52610: BENNETT, Josephine W., CARGILL, Oscar, & HALL, Vernon. - The English Renaissance Drama.
52277: BENNETT, R.J. - Central Grants to Local Governments. The Political and Economic Impact of the Rate Support Grant in England and Wales.
51687: BENNETT, Joan. - Sir Thomas Browne. A Man of Achievement in Literature.
63607: BENNEY, Mark, GRAY, A.P. & PEAR, R.H. - How People Vote: A Study of Electoral Behaviour in Greenwich.
60583: BENNINK, H.J.T. Coelingh, VEMER, H.M. & VAN KEEP, P.A. eds. - Chronic Hyperandrogenic Anovulation.
72915: BENOIT, Pierre. - Koenigsmark.
65990: BENSON, K. Blair. - Television Engineering Handbook.
62103: BENSON, Philip ed. - The Biochemistry of Development.
53750: BENSON, Lee. - The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy. New York as a Test Case.
53749: BENSON, Lee. - The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy. New York as a Test Case.
48090: BENSON, Arthur Christopher. - The Upton Letters.
71267: BENSOUSSAN, Alan and MYERS, Stephen P. - Towards a Safer Choice: the Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Australia.
70139: BENSUSAN-BUTT, D.M. - On Economic Man: An Essay on the Elements of Economic Theory.
69325: BENSUSAN-BUTT, D.M. - On Economic Knowledge: A Sceptical Miscellany.
62929: BENSUSAN-BUTT, D.M. - On Economic Man: An Essay on the Elements of Economic Theory.
62555: BENSUSAN-BUTT, D.M. - On Economic Man: An Essay on the Elements of Economic Theory.
61512: BENTHALL, Jonathan. - The Body Electric. Patterns of Western Industrial Culture.
51743: BENTHALL, Jonathan. - The Body Electric. Patterns of Western Industrial Culture.
73813: BENTINCK. ROSSELLI, John. - Lord William Bentinck: The Making of a Liberal Imperialist, 1774-1839.
74008: BENTLEY, Robert - Audi Fox Service Manual: 1973/1974/1975/1976/1977/1978/1979.
63106: BENTLEY, Gillian R. & MASCIE-TAYLOR, C.G. Nicholas eds. - Infertility in the Modern World: Present and Future Prospects.
71953: BENTON, Peter. - Riding the Whirlwind: Benton on Managing Turbulence.
58270: BENTON, Peter. - Riding the Whirlwind: Benton on Managing Turbulence.
56757: BENTON, D'Arcy Masius & BOWLES. - Marketing: Communicating with the Customer.
56970: BENVENISTE, Guy. - The Politics of Expertise.
74166: DE BENVENUTI, Angelo. - Fortificazioni Venete in Dalmazia.
72856: MERCEDES-BENZ. - Mercedes-Benz 280 SE / 9 3.5, 280 SEL 3.5 Owner's Manual.
76466: BERAN, Thomas, NAUMANN, R., BOSSERT, E.-M., OTTEN, Heinrich et al. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 94.
76463: BERAN, Thomas, NEVE, PEter, FISCHER, Franz, BITTEL, Kurt, Otten, Heinrich et al. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 91. Vorlaufiger Bericht uber die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy im Jahre 1957.
76465: BERAN, Thomas, NEVE, Peter, FISCHER, Franz, FISCHER, Franz, Otten, Heinrich et al. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 93. Vorlaufiger Bericht uber die Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy in den Jahren 1958 und 1959.
76235: BERCOVITCH, Jacob & RUBIN, Jeffrey Z. - Mediation in Internatonal Relations: Multiple Approaches to COnflicy Management.
52013: BERCOVITCH, Jacob ed. - ANZUS in Crisis. Alliance Management in International Affairs.
67118: BERDAHL, Robert O., MOODIE, Grame C. & SPITZBERG, Irving J. Jr. - Quality and Access in Higher Education: Comparing Britain and the United States.
51720: BERDICHEWSKY, Bernardo ed. - Anthropology and Social Change in Rural Areas.
58861: BERENBAUM, May R. - Ninety-Nine Gnats, Nits, and Nibblers.
57906: BERES, Louis Rene. - Apocalypse: Nuclear Catastrophe in World Politics.
75074: BERESFORD, Quentin & PARTINGTON, Gary eds. - Reform and Resistance in Aboriginal Education: The Australian Experience.
76340: BERESFORD, Quentin & PARTINGTON, Gary eds. - Reform and Resistance in Aboriginal Education: The Australian Experience.
58731: BEREZANSKII, Ju. M. - Expansions in Eigenfunctions of Selfadjoint Operators.
70549: BERG, Alban. GRUN, Bernard ed., trans. & annotated. - Alban Berg: Letters to His Wife.
62097: BERG, Charles. - Fear, Punishment, Anxiety and the Wolfenden Report.
75910: BERG, Alban. - Symphonische Stucke aus der Oper Lulu nach dem Tragidien "Erdgeist" und "Buchse der Pandora" von Frank Wedekind.
75914: BERG, Alban. - Drei Orchesterstucke
75915: BERG, Alban. - Der Holzgeschnitzte Prinz, The Wooden Prince, Le Prince de Bois
74343: BERGENER, M., ERMINI, M. & STAHELIN, H.B. eds. - Crossroads in Aging. The 1988 Sandoz Lectures in Gerontology.
73370: BERGER, Karol. - Musica Ficta: Theories of Accidental Inflections in Vocal Polyphony from Marchetto da Padova to Gioseffo Zarlino.
71399: BERGER, Florence & FERGUSON, Dennis H. - Innovation: Creativity Techniques for Hospitality Managers.
55480: BERGER, Raoul. - Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
53286: BERGER, Dr A. - Der Heiligenil.
71063: BERGERSEN, F.J. ed. - Methods for Evaluating Biological Nitrogen Fixation.
51880: BERGHAHN, Marion. - Continental Britons. German-Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany.
51843: BERGHAHN, Volker R. & KARSTEN, Detlev. - Industrial Relations in West Germany.
48896: BERGHAHN, Volker R. & KARSTEN, Detlev. - Industrial Relations in West Germany.
51642: BERGHOUSE, Ray ed. - Australian Motor Racing Year 1984/85.
66311: BERGOFFEN, William W. - 100 Years of Federal Forestry.
70098: BERGQUIST, G. William ed. - Three Centuries of English and American Plays: A Checklist. England: 1500-1800. United States: 1714-1830.
74029: BERGREEN, Laurence. - As Thousands Cheer: The Life of Irving Berlin.
62001: BERGSMAN, Joel. - Brazil: Industrialization and Trade Policies.
64254: BERGSON, Abram. - Productivity and the Social System - The USSR and the West.
61481: BERGSON, Abram & KUZNETS, Simon eds. - Economic Trends in the Soviet Union.
60217: BERGSTEN, C. Fred. - Toward a New International Economic Order: Selected Papers of C. Fred Bergsten, 1972-1974.
63965: BERK, Sarah Fenstermaker. - The Gender Factory: The Apportionment of Work in American Households.
67793: BERKELEY, R.C. & GOODFELLOW, M. eds. - The Aerobic Endospore-Forming Bacteria. Classification and Identification.
57353: BERKELEY, Humphrey. - The Myth That Will Not Die: The Formation of the National Government 1931.
57799: BERKENHEAD. THOMAS, P.W. - Sir John Berkenhead, 1617-1679. A Royalist Career in Politics and Polemics.
58796: DE BERKER, Paul ed. - Interaction: Human Groups in Community and Institution. Nine Studies.
67533: BERKI, R.N. - On Political Realism.
62143: BERLAND, Joseph C. - No Five Fingers are Alike: Cognitive Amplifiers in Social Context.
65689: BERLIN, Howard M. - The 555 Timer Applications Sourcebook, with Experiments. Techniques, Applications, and Experiments Using the 555 IC Timer.
67574: BERMAN, Larry. - The Office of Management and the Budget and the Presidency, 1921-1979.
56064: BERMAN, Larry. - The Office of Management and the Budget and the Presidency, 1921-1979.
54402: BERMAN, D.L., GUSAK, D.V. KOROLJUK, V.S., SKOROHOD, A.V. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 5.
75002: BERMAN, Russell A. - Enlightenment or Empire: Colonial Discourse or Empire in German Culture.
74755: BERNDT, R.M. ed. - Aboriginal Sites, Rights and Resource Development.
52297: BERNDT, Ronald M. & LAWRENCE, Peter ed. - Politics in New Guinea: Traditional and in the Context of Change: Some Anthropological Perspectives.
75835: BERNDT, R.M. ed. - Aborigines and change: Australia in the '70s.
68707: BERNHARDT, Rudolf, BERNINI, Giorgio et al. - European Perspectives: Thirty Years of Community Law.
61552: BERNIER, Charles L. & YERKEY, A. Neil. - Cogent Communication: Overcoming Reading Overload.
70623: BERNSTEIN, Dorothy L. - Existence Theorems in Partial Differential Equations.
67081: BERNSTEIN, Robby. - Economic Loss.
66887: BERNSTEIN, David. AUDLEY, Rex. - Put It Together, Put It Across: The Craft of Business Presentation.
64351: BERNSTEIN, Ann & BERGER, Peter L. eds. - Business and Democarcy: Cohabitation or Contradiction?
64318: BERNSTEIN, Dan ed. - Gender and Motivation.
58644: BERNSTEIN, Thomas P. - Up to the Mountains and Down to the Villages: The Transfer of Youth From Urban to Rural China.
61788: BERQUE, Jacques. - French North Africa: The Maghrib Between Two World Wars.
65546: DE BERQUELLE, Raymond. - The University of Sydney: Photographic Essays.
57545: BERRIDGE, G.R. - International Politics: States, Power and Conflict Since 1945.
70564: BERRY, Francis. - I Tell of Greenland. An Edited Translation of the Saudarkrokur Manuscripts.
64612: BERRY,Dianne & HART, Anna eds. - Expert Systems: Human Issues.
58060: BERRY, Lloyd E. & CRUMMEY, Robert O. - Rude & [ and] Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers.
55544: BERRY, David. - The Sociology of Grass Roots Politics.
76087: BERRY, P.F.; TINLEY, K.L.; DELL, How. J. et al. - Ecological Survey of Abydos-Woodstock Reserve, Western Australia.
75439: BERRY, P.F., BRADSHAW, S.D. & WILSON, B.R. eds. - Research in Shark Bay: Report of the France-Australe Bicentenary Expedition Committee.
62977: BERSHADY, Harold J. - Ideology and Social Knowledge.
65384: BERSTEIN, Serge. - Histoire de Parti Radical: La Recherche de L'Age D'Or, 1919-1926.
68284: BERTACCINI, G. ed. - Mediators and Drugs on Gastrointestinal Motility II.
51787: BERTHOFF, Warner. - The Ferment of Realism. American Literature 1884 - 1919.
72425: BERTHOLET, D.A. - Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments. Zweiter Band: Die jüdische Religion von der Zeit Esras bis zum Zeitalter Christi.
64445: BERTHOUD, Richard ed. - Challenges to Social Policy.
68093: BERTING, Jan, GEYER, Felix & JURKOVICH, Ray eds. - Problems in International Research in the Social Sciences.
71940: BERTOLO, G., BRUNETTA, E., DELLAVALLE, C, GALLERANO, N., GANAPINI, L., GIBELLI, A., GUERRINI, L., ILARDI, M. LEGNANI, M. & SALVATI, M. - Operai e Contadini Nella Crisi Italiana Del 1943-1944.
73793: BERTOLUZZA, Aldo. - Giuseppe Mor: Padre della Poesia Dialettale Trentina. Tutti i componimenti poetici; Le celebri macchiette dell'antica Trneto; I poemtti "Figaro su, figaro giu", "La mort del Nardin Bernocol". Dialetto Tradizioni, Usi e Costumi Trentini. Antologia del dialetto trentino: volume II.
55731: BERTON, Ralph. - Remembering Bix. A Memoir of the Jazz Age.
52237: BERTON, Pierre. - The National Dream. The Great Railway, 1871 - 1881.
48601: BERTON, Ralph. - Remembering Bix. A Memoir of the Jazz Age.
69918: BERTRAM, Eva, BLACHMAN, Morris, SHARPE, Kenneth & ANDREAS, Peter. - Drug War Politics: The Price of Denial.
68646: BERUBE, Michael & NELSON, Cary eds. - Higher Education Under Fire: Politics, Economics, and the Crisis of the Humanities.
54034: BESANT, Annie. - The Future of Indian Politics. A Contribution to the Understanding of Present-Day Problems.
60469: BESEMERES, John F. - Socialist Population Politics: The Political Implications of Demographic Trends in the USSR and Eastern Europe.
56606: BESEMERES, John F. - Socialist Population Politics: The Political Implications of Demographic Trends in the USSR and Eastern Europe.
61221: BESHIR, Mohamed Omer. - Revolution and Nationalism in the Sudan.
65240: VAN BESIEN, Fred (ed.). - First Language Acquisition.
56823: BESNIER, Niko. - Literacy, Emotion and Authority: Reading and Writing on a Polynesian Atoll.
68522: BESSANT, Bob & HOLBROOK, Allyson. - Reflections of Educational Research in Australia: A History of the Australian Association for Research in Education.
67395: BESSANT, Bob & HOLBROOK, Allyson. - Reflections of Educational Research in Australia: A History of the Australian Association for Research in Education.
60506: BEST, Ron, JARVIS, Colin & RIBBINS, Peter eds. - Perspectives on Pastoral Care.
48401: BEST, Alan & WOLFSCHUTZ, Hans ed. - Modern Austrian Writing. Literature and Society after 1945.
75886: LANCIA BETA - Lancia Beta. 1300, 1400, 1600, 1800 & 2000. 1973 to 1980. All Front-Wheel Drive Models. Owners Workshop Manual.
68660: BETEILLE, Andre. - Studies in Agrarian Social Structure.
68560: BETEILLE, Andre. - Caste, Class, and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village.
42371: BETEILLE, Andre. - Studies in Agrarian Social Structure.
72183: BETHELL, Leslie ed. - Argentina Since Independence.
72179: BETHELL, Leslie ed. - Cuba: A Short History.
71959: BETTELHEIM, Charles. - La Transition vers L'economie Socialiste.
71951: BETTELHEIM, Charles. - Calcul Économique et Formes De Propriétés.
58850: BETTIS, Dale G. ed. - Proceedings of the Conference on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. 19, 20 October 1972, the University of Texas at Austin.
48232: BETTISON, David G., HUGHES, Colin A., & VAN DER VEUR, Paul W. ed. - The Papua-New Guinea Elections 1964.
54096: BETTS, Robert Brenton. - Christians in the Arab East. A Political Study.
66548: BEUS, A.A. AGRANAT, V. trans. - Geochemistry of the Lithosphere.
68240: BEVERIDGE, Michael, CONTI-RAMSDEN, Gina & LEUDAR, Ivan eds. - Language and Communication in Mentally Handicapped People.
74491: BEWICK, Thomas. - A General History of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved on Wood.
59530: BEYER, Dorianne, BOONPALA, Panudda, DIMENSTEIN, Gilberto et al. - Forced Labor: The Prostitution of Children. Symposium Proceedings.
74041: BEZDEK, James. C. & PAL, Sankar, K. eds. - Fuzzy Models For Pattern Recognition: Methods that Search for Structures in Data.
42562: BEZOLD, Dr. Friedrich Von. - Geschichte der Deutschen Reformation. Mit Portraits, Illustrationen und Beilagen.
66077: BEZZINA, Michael & BUTCHER, Jude eds. - The Changing Face of Professional Education. Collected Papers of the AARE Annual Conference Sydney University, 1990.
76310: BHADURI, Amit. - Unconventional Economic Essays: Selected Papers of Amit Bhaduri.
63145: BHAGWATI, Jagdish N. - The New International Economic Order: The North-South Debate.
62323: BHAGWATI, Jagdish N. & SRINIVASAN, T.N. - Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development: India.
58862: BHAGWATI, Jagdish. - The World Trading System at Risk.
56578: BHAGWATI, Jagdish. - Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development: A Special Conference Series on Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development, Volume XI - Anatomy and Consequences of Exchange Control Regimes.
55472: BHAGWATI, Jagdish N. & SRINIVASAN, T.N. - Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development: India.
72573: BHARGAVA, G.S. - After Nehru: India's New Image.
74742: BHARIER, Julian. - Economic Development in Iran, 1900-1970.
69051: BHARUCHA-REID, A.T. - Probabilistic Methods in Applied Mathematics. Volume 1.
63297: BHASKAR, Krish & MURRAY, David. - Macroeconomic Systems.
62303: BHATNAGAR, Joti ed. - Educating Immigrants.
48930: BHATNAGAR, Dr K.C. - Realism in Major Indo-English Fiction. With Special Reference to M.R. Anand, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao.
67928: BHATT, Amil, CARINO, Ledivina V., SHAMS, Khalid et al eds. - Building From Below: Local Initiatives for Decentralized Development in Asia and Pacific. Volumes 1, 2 and 3.
61265: BHATT, V.V. - Aspects of Economic Change and Policy in India: 1800-1960.
67468: BHATTACHARYA, K.C. - Search for the Absolute in Neo-Vedanta.
48436: BHATTACHARYA, Debesh. - The Political Economy of Development.
68555: BHOLE, Vijaya. - Housing and Urban Development in India.
64304: BIALER, Seweryn ed. - The Domestic Context of Soviet Foreign Policy.
59875: BIALER, Seweryn ed. - The Domestic Context of Soviet Foreign Policy.
71330: BIANCHI, Ugo. - Storia Dell'Etnologia.
67274: BIANCHI, Vincenzo. MERCANTI, Ernani ed. - Incastro Ritmico Di Linee-Superfici / Rhythmical Insirtion [sic - Insertion] of Surface-Lines.
59870: BIANCHI, Robert. - Interest Groups and Political Development in Turkey.
72787: BIBO, Irving & JOHNSON, Howard. WARRINGTON, Johnny arr. - Am I Wasting My Time on You. Sheet Music.
72596: BICKEL, Alexander M. - The Supreme Court and the Idea of Progress.
69576: BICKMAN, Leonard ed. - Validity and Social Experimentation: Donald Campbell's Legacy.
75415: BIDDISCOMBE, E.F. - A Vegetation Survey in the Macquarie Region, New South Wales.
60840: BIDELEUX, Robert. - Communism and Development.
61496: BIEDA, K. - The Structure and Operation of the Japanese Economy.
73197: BIELENSTEIN, Hans. - The Bureaucracy of Han Times.
57270: BIENEFELD, M.A. - Working Hours in British Industry: An Economic History.
62917: BIENEN, Henry ed. - The Military Intervenes: Case Studies In Political Development.
76089: BIERACH, Barbara. - Da damliche Gechlecht: Warum es kaum Frauen im Management Gibt.
76042: BIEVER, John. - Briggs & Stratton Twin Cylinder "L" Head Repair Manual.
75441: BIGGE, Rev. H.J. Auditor. - Reports and Papers Rad at The Meetings of the Architectural Societies of the Diocese of Lincoln, County of York, Archdeaconry of Northampton, County of Bedford, Diocese of Worcester, County of Leicester, and Town of Sheffield, During the Year MDCCCLXXV. [ 1875].
74351: Biggs, Tony, LEWIS, Rosemary, MOORE, G.M., HALL, R.G., JAMES E.A. et al. - The International Plant Propagators' Society. Combined Proceedings Volume 32 1982. Eastern Region, Western Region, Southern Region, Region of Great Britain and Ireland, Australian Region, New Zealand Chapter.
60644: BIJVOET, J.M., BURGERS, W.G. & HAGG, G. eds. - Early Papers on Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Volume II.
55070: BILINSKY, Yaroslav. - The Second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine After World War II.
72031: BILL, E.G.W. - A Catalogue of Manuscripts in Lambeth Palace Library Mss. 1222-1860 (With a Supplement to M.R. James's Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace Bu N.R. Ker).
61745: BILLER, Henry B. - Paternal Deprication: Family, School, Sexuality and Society.
69174: BILLINGS, Dwight B., NORMAN, Gurney & LEDFORD, Katherine eds. - Confronting Appalachian Stereotypes: Back Talk from an American Region.
64564: BILLINGTON, Ray Allen. - The Protestant Crusade 1800-1860: A Study of the Origins of American Nativism.
65918: BIMBI, Franca, CASTELLANO, Grazia. - Madri e Padri: Transizioni dal Patriarcato e Cultura dei Servizi.
48024: BINDING, Paul. - The Still Moment. Eudora Welty: Portrait of a Writer.
54407: BINET, F.E., KARTASOV, Ju. V., KOROLJUK, V.S., VOLODIN, I.N. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 10.
47648: BINGHAM, Madeleine. - Henry Irving. The Greatest Victorian Actor.
66656: BINKLEY, Sue. - The Pineal: Endocrine and Nonendocrine Function.
74470: BINNIE, G.A.C. - The Churches and Graveyards of Roxburghshire.
47787: BINNING, D.J. - Target Area.
65788: THE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella: Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, Number XXXV.
70128: BIONDELLI, Bernadino. - Saggio sui Dialetti Gallo-Italici.
73091: BIRCH, Charles & PAUL, David. - Life and Work: Challenging Economic Man.
73016: BIRCH, Charles & PAUL, David. - Life and Work: Challenging Economic Man.
42561: BIRCH, Alan ed. - Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia. Volume 1: 1956/61. Volume 2: 1962. Volume 3: 1963.
67929: BIRD, E.C.F. - A Geomorphological Study of the Gippsland Lakes.
57164: BIRD, A.V. - Birds Eye View: A Glimpse of Social History as Seen From Knysna.
73056: BIRGE, J.R. & MURTY, K.G. eds. - Mathematical Programming: State of the Art 1994.
71755: BIRKELAND, Dr. Janis ed. - Rethinking the Built Environment. Proceedings of Catalyst '95. The Design and Environment Conference.
57333: BIRKELAND, C., DANDONNEAU, Y, BARNES, E.J. et al. - Productivity and Processes in Island Marine Ecosystems. Recommendations and Scientific Papers of the UNESCO/IOC Sessions on Marine Science Co-Operation in the Pacific at the XVth Pacific Science Congress.
69501: BIRKHOFF, George David. - Collected Mathematical Papers. Volume 2 [ of 3]: Dynamics (Continued) / Physical Theories.
69535: BIRKMAYER, W. ed. - Epileptic Seizures - Behaviour - Pain.
60536: BIRNBAUM, Pierre. - States and Collective Action: The European Experience.
68351: BIRNBAUMER, Lutz & O'MALLEY, Bert W. eds. - Receptors and Hormone Action. Volume III.
56481: BIROT, Pierre. JACKSON, C. Ian trans. - The Cycle of Erosion in Different Climates.
64398: BIROU, Alain, HENRY, Paul-Marc & SCHLEGEL, John P. eds. - Towards a Re-Definition of Development : Essays and Discussion on the Nature of Development in an International Perspective.
68469: BIRRELL, Anne. - Popular Songs and Ballads of Han China.
65901: BIRRELL, Dr Michael ed. - The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology. Volume 10, 1999.
72176: BISBROUCK, Marie-Francois & CHAUVEINC, Marc eds. - Intelligent Library Buildings. Proceedings of the 10th Seminar of the IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment, The Hague, Netherlands 24-29 August 1997.
55268: BISCHER, Friedrich Theodor. - Aesthetik oder Wissenschaft des Schonen. Erster Teil: Die Metaphysik des Schonen. Zweiter Teil: Das Schone in einseitiger Existenz. Dritter Teil: Die Kunstlehre. Kunstlehre: Bildnerkunst/Malerei. Kunstlehre: Dichtkunst/Register. Kunstlehre: Die Musik.
59138: BISCHOFF, James L. & PIPER, David Z. eds. - Marine Geology and Oceanography of the Pacific Manganese Nodule Province.
73640: BISHOP, Morris. - A History of Cornell.
64241: BISHOP, Alan J. ed. - Mathematics Education and Culture.
64240: BISHOP, Alan J. ed. - Mathematics Education and Culture.
59211: BISHOP, Jack. - In Pursuit of Freedom.
52389: BISHOP, Donald G. - The Administration of British Foreign Relations.
54353: BISSELL, Richard E. & GASTEYGER, Curt ed. - The Missing Link. West European Neutrals and Regional Security.
52164: BISSELL, Richard E. & GASTEYGER, Curt ed. - The Missing Link. West European Neutrals and Regional Security.
55285: BISWAS, Margaret & PINSTRUP-Anderson, Per ed. - Nutrition and Development.
76470: BITTEL, K., HROUDA, Barthel et al. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 98.
76469: BITTEL, K. & NEVE, P. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 97.
76467: BITTEL, K., NEVE, P., ORTHMANN, W. & OPIFICIUS, R. - Mitteilingen der Deutchen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Nummer 95. Vorlaufiger Bericht uber Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy in den Jahren 1962 und 1963.
56053: BITTLES, A.H. & COLLINS, K.J. ed. - The Biology of Human Ageing.
68716: BIVINS, Thomas H. - Fundamentals of Successful Newsletters: Everything You Need To Write, Design and Publish More Effective Newslatters.
61879: BJORKLUND, A.J. ed. - Geochemical Exploration 1983.
75284: BJORLING, Anna-Lisa & FARKAS, Andrew. - Jussi.
75056: BJORNSON, Richard. - The Picaresque Hero in European Fiction.
74212: BLACK, K.S., PATERSON, D.M. & CRAMP, A. - Sedimentary Processes in the Intertidal Zone.
73553: BLACK, Jan Knippers ed. - Latin America: Its Problems and Its Promise. A Multidisciplinary Approach.
70287: BLACK, David A. - Law in Film: Resonance and Representation.
67513: BLACK, John ed. - Liquid Fuels in Australia: A Social Science Research Perspective.
66225: BLACK, Lionel. - The Life and Death of Peter Wade.
63917: BLACK, R.D. Collison. - Readings in the Development of Economic Analysis: 1776-1848.
61804: BLACK, Alan W. - Organizational Genesis and Development: A Study of Agricultural Colleges.
59795: BLACK, R.D. Collison. - Readings in the Development of Economic Analysis: 1776-1848.
59269: BLACK, John. - Public Inconvenience: Access and Travel in Seven Sydney Suburbs.
55513: BLACK, Jan Knippers. - Sentinels of Empire: The United States and Latin American Militarism.
54995: BLACK, J.M. - Flora of South Australia. Part I: Cyatheaceae-Orchidaceae.
52988: BLACK, Stanley W. ed. - Europe's Economy Looks East. Implications for Germany and the European Union.
76348: BLACK, David & SONE, Sachiko eds. - An Enduring Friendship: Western Australia and Japan - Past, Present and Future.
48222: BLACK, Max. - Margins of Precision. Essays in Logic and Language.
73675: BLACKBURN, Susan. - Women and the State in Modern Indonesia.
55483: BLACKBURN, Joseph D. ed. - Time-Based Competition: The Next Battleground in American Manufacturing.
55704: BLACKHURST, Hector ed. - Africa Bibliography: 1988. Works on Africa Published During 1988.
68029: BLACKMAN, Maurice, MUECKE, Frances & SANKEY, Margaret eds. - The Textual Condition: Rhetoric and Editing.
64968: BLACKMUR, R.P. - Language as Gesture. Essays in the Craft and Elucidation of Modern Poetry.
47577: BLACKMUR, R.P. - Language as Gesture. Essays in the Craft and Elucidation of Modern Poetry.
65108: BLACKSTONE, Bernard. - The Lost Travellers: A Romantic Theme with Variations.
72122: BLACKWELL, Judith C. & ERICKSON, Patricia G. eds. - Illicit Drugs in Canada: A Risky Business.
76255: BLAINES, James Gillespie. - Twenty Years of Congress: From Lincoln to Garfield: With a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860. Volumes 1 and 2.
62608: BLAINEY, Prof. Geoffrey, WHITE, Bob, VOLCKER, Paul et al. - Australia's Foreign Debt: Challenges and Choices.
67698: BLAIR, Roger D. & RUBIN, Stephen eds. - Regulating the Professions: A Public-Policy Symposium.
65348: BLAIR, John G. - The Confidence Man in Modern Fiction. A Rogue's Gallery With Six Portraits.
54237: BLAIR, Dorothy S. - African Literature in French: A History of Creative Writing in French from West and Equatorial Africa.
73610: BLAKE. ERDMAN, DAVID V. and GRANT, John E. - Blake's Visionary Forms Dramatic.
60798: BLAKE, W.T.C. & MOORE, J.M. - Friendly Societies.
60240: BLAKE, John B. - A Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine.
57606: BLAKELEY, L. - The Lindisfarne s/[? no keystroke equivalent] Problem. Reprinted from Studia Neophililogica: A Journal of Germanic and Roman Philology. Vol. XXII No. 1.
71445: BLAKELY, Edward J. - Planning Local Economic Development: Theory And Practice.
62393: BLAKER, Michael. - Japanese International Negotiating Style.
54990: BLAKLEY, R.L. - The Biochemistry of Folic Acid and Related Pteridines.
68856: BLAMBERGER,GUNTER & NEUNER, Gerhard. - Reformdiskussion und curriculare Entwicklung in der Germanistik. Dokumentation der Internationalen Germanistentagung des DAAD 24.-28. Mai 1995, Universitat Gesamthochschule Kassel.
74781: BLAMEY, F.P.C., EDWARDS, D.G., ASHER, C.J. - Nutritional Disorders of Sunflower.
60114: BLANC, Louis. - The History of Ten Years: 1830-1840.
64113: BLANCH, Robert J. - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Reference Guide.
57503: BLANCHARD, Harold F. & RITCHEN, Ralph. - Auto Engines and Electrical Systems.
57228: BLANDY, Richard & NILAND, John eds. - Alternatives to Arbitration.
56168: BLANPAIN, Jan & DELESIE, Luk. MCLACHLAN, Gordon ed. - Community Health Investment: Health Services Research in Belgium, France, Federal German Republic and the Netherlands.
59095: BLANSHARD, Paul. - Communism, Democracy and Catholic Power:
56294: BLASIER, Cole. - The Giant's Rival: The USSR and Latin America.
52789: BLATCHFORD, Peter & SHARP, Sonia ed. - Breaktime and the School. Understanding and Changing Playground Behaviour.
56496: BLAU, Judith R. - The Shape of Culture: A Study of Contemporary Cultural Patterns in the United States.
61349: BLAUG, Mark. - Economics of Education: A Selected Annotated Bibliography.
76335: BLAXLAND, John. - The Australian Army from Whitlam to Howard.
54173: BLEGEN, Theodore C. - Minnesota: A History of the State.
65212: BLEND, Charles. - Andre Malraux: Tragic Humanist.
75759: BLIGH. SCHREIBER, Roy ed. - Captain Bligh's Second Chance: An Eyewitness Account of his Return to the South Seas by Lt George Tobin.
62579: BLISS, Kathleen. - The Service and Status of Women in the Churches.
64187: BLITZ, L. Franklin ed. - The Politics and Administration of Nigerian Government.
58802: BLITZER, Charles R., CLARK, Peter B. & TAYLOR, Lance eds. - Economy-Wide Models and Development Planning.
70767: BLITZSTEIN. GORDON, Eric A. - Mark the Music: The Life and Work of Marc Blitzstein.
72650: BLOCH, Leon. - Ionisation et Resonance des Gaz et des Vapeurs. Recueil des Conferences-Rapports de Documentation sur la Physique, Vol 11.
65521: BLOCH, Raymond. - The Etruscans.
64915: BLOCK, Maxine & ROTHE, Anna eds. - Current Biography: Who's News and Why 1940 - 1949.
56853: BLOCK, Walter E. ed. - Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation.
53155: BLOCK, William J. - The Separation of the Farm Bureau and the Extension Service. Political Issue in a Federal System.
65813: BLODGETT, Geoffrey. - The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era.
68312: BLOEDEL, J.R., DICHGANS, J. & PRECHT, W. eds. - Cerebellar Functions.
57485: BLONSKI, Annette ed. - Shared Visions: Women in Television.
47547: BLOOD, Robert O., Jr. ] - Love Match and Arranged Marriage. A Tokyo-Detroit Comparison.
74769: BLOOM, Harold. - The Breaking of the Vessels.
63368: BLOOM, S.R. ed. - Gut Hormones.
76373: BLOOM, Sandra L. & FARRAGHER, Brian. - Destroying Sanctuary: The Crisis in Human Service Delivery Services.
61912: BLOOR, Colin M. - Comparative Pathophysiology of Circulatory Disturbances.
73560: BLOW, John. WOOD, Bruce ed. - Musica Britannica. A National Collection of Music. Volume L. John Blow. Anthems II: Anthems with Orchestra.
71742: BLOWERS, Geoffrey H. & TURTLE, Alison M. eds. - Psychology Moving East: The Status of Western Psychology in Asia and Oceania.
71717: BLOWERS, Geoffrey H. & TURTLE, Alison M. eds. - Psychology Moving East: The Status of Western Psychology in Asia and Oceania.
71982: NISSAN BLUEBIRD. - Nissan Bluebird Series 3 1985. Service and Repair Manual.
51850: BLUESTONE, Natalie Harris. - Women and the Ideal Society. Plato's Republic and Modern Myths of Gender.
72766: BLUM, Deborah. - The Monkey Wars.
68655: BLUM, Alan & MCHUGH, Peter. - Self-Reflection in the Arts and Sciences.
62547: BLUM, Richard H. et al. - Society and Drugs. Drugs I: Social and Cultural Observations. Students and Drugs. Drugs II: College and High School Observations.
63091: BLUME, Stuart S. - Toward a Political Sociology of Science.
72909: BLUMENTHAL, paul. - Selbst-Unterrichts-Briefe. Methode Rustin. Geschichte der Musik.
71961: BLUNDEN, R.V. ed. - Immunology of Virus Diseases.
71972: BLUNT, Michael J. & MORISON, Patricia N. - Australian Anatomy in the 1920s.
48836: BLUNT, Wilfrid. - In For a Penny. A Prospect of Kew Gardens.
75876: BLUSSE, Prof. Dr. Leonard. - Het verre gezicht. Politieke en culturele relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika.
70904: BLYTH, Alan ed. - Opera on Record.
66259: BLYTH, Alan ed. - Opera on Record.
76025: BMW. BALL, Kenneth. - BMW 2000, 2002, 1966-76 Autobook. Workshop Manual for the BMW 2000 1966-73, CA 1966-70, CS 1966-70, TI 1966-69, TI LUX 1966-70, BMW 2002 1968-76, Tii 1971-76.
76024: BMW. BALL, Kenneth. - BMW 2000 1966-70 Autobook. Workshop Manual for the BMW 2000, A, TI, Tilux, CA, CS, and 2002 1966-70.
74956: BMW. COOMBS, Mark & RENDLE, Steve. - BMW 3-Series Service and Repair Manual. 4-cyl April 1991 to 1996 (H to N Registration) Petrol; 6-cyl April 1991 to 1995 (H to M Registration) Petrol.
76050: BMW. HOUSTON, Donald & ROBINSON, Jeff. - BMW Service Repair Handbook. 1600 and 2002 Series 1967-1973.
75648: BMW. MACARTNEY, Mike. - BMW '02 Restoration Guide.
56427: BOADEN, Noel. - Urban Policy-Making: Influences on County Boroughs in England and Wales.
67138: BOALER, Jo. - Experiencing School Mathematics: Teaching Styles, Sex, and Setting.
60640: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD. - Gold and World Monetary Problems.
53783: NEW SOUTH WALES ANTI-DISCRIMINATION BOARD. - Trade Unions: Membership and Non-Membership. A Report of the Anti-Discrimination Board in Accordance with Section 119 (a) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.
66874: BOARDMAN, Gwenn R. - Graham Greene: The Aesthetics of Exploration.
76068: BOARDMAN, Gwenn R. - Graham Greene: The Aesthetics of Exploration.
52621: BOAS, Frederick S. - Queen Elizabeth in Drama and Related Studies.
63162: BOASSON, Charles. - In Search of Peace Research.
73072: BOAZ, Noel T. & CRONIN, John E. eds. - The Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. Number 50. Berkeley Papers in Physical Anthropology.
72470: BOAZ, David ed. - The Crisis in Drug Prohibition.
71791: BOBERG, Einer ed. - Maintenance of Fluency. Proceedings of the Banff Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 1979.
51734: BOBROWSKI. KEITH-SMITH, B. - Johannes Bobrowski.
63344: BOCCACCIO. GUARINO, Guido A. trans. - Concerning Famous Women.
76326: BOCCAGNI, Paolo. - Migration and the Search for Home: Mapping Domestic Space in Migrants' Everyday Lives.
61550: BOCHMANN, Gregor von. - Concepts for Distributed Systems Design.
53502: BOCHROCH, Albert R. - American Cars of the Seventies.
65660: BOCKRIS, J. O'M. - Energy Options: Real Economics and the Solar-Hydrogen System.
74796: BODIAN, David et al. - Biographical Memoirs Volume XLIII.
55572: BODIAN, Nat G. - NTC's Dictionary of Direct Mail and Mailing List Terminology and Techniques.
54408: BODIN, N.A., SAPAGOVAS, J., VOLODIN, I.N. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 11.
73090: BODY, A.H. - Firm Still You Stand: The Anglican Church of St John The Baptist Canberra: Its Parish and Parishioners 1841 - 1984.
53012: BOEDIJN, K.B. & DE WIT, H.C.D. - Plants of the World. Three Volumes: The Higher Plants I & II, and The Lower Plants.
74489: BOEHA, Beno & MCFARLANE, John eds. - Australia and Papua New Guinea: Crime and the Bilateral Relationship.
67980: BOEHM, Klaus with Silberston, Aubrey. - The British Patent System. I. Administration.
62906: BOEHM, E.A. - Prosperity and Depression in Australia: 1887-1897.
61341: BOEHM, E.A. - Prosperity and Depression in Australia: 1887-1897.
58332: BOEHM, Theobald. - Flute and Flute-Playing in Acoustical, Technical and Artistic Aspects.
58398: BOER, K.W. ed. - Sharing the Sun: Solar Technology in the Seventies. Volume 2: Solar Collectors. Joint Conference of the American Section, International Solar Energy Society and Solar Energy Society of Canada. August 15-20, 1976, Winnipeg.
61776: BOGGS, Carl & PLOTKE, David eds. - The Politics of Eurocommunism: Socialism in Transition.
74358: BOGIN, Barry. - The Growth of Humanity.
74207: BOGIN, Barry. - The Growth of Humanity.
47616: BOGO, Marion & VAYDA, Elaine. - The Practice of Field Instruction in Social Work. Theory and Process with an Annotated Bibliography.
65633: BOHLMAN, K.J. - PAL-D Colour Receiver: Questions & Answers.
42303: BOHN, E. - Die Musikalischen Handschriften des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts in der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Musik im XVI und XVII Jahrhundert.
60865: BOHNING, W.R. - The Migration of Workers in the United Kingdom and the European Community.
70398: BOHR, Harald. COHN, Harvey trans. - Almost Periodic Functions.
52962: BOISOT, Max ed. - East-west Business Collaboration. The Challenge of Governance in Post-Socialist Enterprises.
75792: BOISSERY, Beverley. - A Deep Sense of Wrong: The Treason, Trials and Transportation to New South Wales of Lower Canadian Rebels.
74507: BOISSONNAS, J. & OMENETTO, P. eds. - Mineral Deposits within the European Community.
75841: BOIX, Carles. - Democracy and Redistriution.
64907: BOJE, R. & TOMCZAK, M. eds. - Upwelling Ecosystems.
62450: BOK, Derek. - Universities and the Future of America.
74534: BOLAND, Chris, BARRY, Baker, MONTGOMERY, Narelle et al. - Recovery Plan for Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels.
74458: BOLAND, D.J. ed. - Trees for the Tropics: Growing Australian Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs in Developing Countries.
74297: BOLAND, D.J. ed. - Trees for the Tropics: Growing Australian Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs in Developing Countries.
76263: BOLAND, Roy & KENWOOD, Alun eds. - War and Revolution in Hispanic Literature.
48955: BOLAND, John. - The Fourth Grave.
60371: BOLCHOVER, Richard. - British Jewry and the Holocaust.
59413: BOLHUIS, John J. ed. - Brain, Perception, Memory: Advances in Cognitive Neuroscience.
66907: BOLITHO, Harold, and WALLACE-CRABBE, Chris (eds). - Approaching Australia: Papers from the Australian Studies Symposium.
53199: BOLL, Michael M. - National Security Planning: Roosevelt Through Reagan.
73342: BOLLE, Bert. - Alte Barometer.
74975: BOLLETER, Julian. - Scavenging the Suburbs: Auditing Perth for 1 Million Dwellings.
72047: BOLLI, Giuliana Grego & SPITI, Maria Grazia. - Verifica Del Grado Di Conoscenza Dell'Italiano In Una Prospettiva Di Certificazione: Riflessioni, Proposte, Esperienze, Progetti.
54609: BOLLING, Klaus. - Republic in Suspense. Politics, Parties, and Personalities in Postwar Germany. A Short Political Guide.
73849: BOLTON, G.C. - The Passing of the Irish Act of Union: A Study in Parliamentary Politics.
69178: BOLTON, Barry. - A New General Catalogue of the Ants of the World.
61031: BOLTON, Herbert Eugene. - Texas in the Middle Eighteenth Century: Studies in Spanish Colonial History and Administration.
54340: BOLTON. BANNON, John Francis. - Herbert Eugene Bolton: The Historian and the Man.
76434: BON, Natasa Gregoric & REPIC, Jaka eds. - Moving Places: Relations, Return and Belonging.
48307: BONANNO, Margaret Wander. - Otherwhere.
61637: BONARJEE, N.B. - Under Two Masters.
64422: BONAZZI, Cici. - 'L Cambrin Dela Memoria: Composizioni in Rima in Dialetto Tiranese.
69391: BOND, Michael R., CHARLTON, J.E. & WOOLF, C.J. eds. - Proceedings of the VIth World Congress on Pain.
64292: BOND, Lynne A. & WAGNER, Barry M. eds. - Families in Transition: Primary Prevention Programs That Work.
48704: BOND, Michael. - Thursday Ahoy!
76396: BONDARENKO, Dmitri M. - African Americans & American Africans: Migration, History, Race and Identities.
72899: BONE, J. Drummond eds et al. - The Byron Journal No. 16 1988.
52559: BONN, Ephraim von. MUTIUS, Hans-Georg von ed. - Hymnen und Gebete.
66065: BONNER, Philip. - Kings, Commoners and Concessionaires: The Evolution and Dissolution of the Nineteenth-Century Swazi State.
54371: BONNER, Dr G., SCHOLKENS, Dr B.A., & SCICLI, Dr. A.G. ed. - The Role of Bradykinin in the Cardiovascular Action of Ramipril.
53896: BONNETT, Harold. - Traction Engines.
54767: BONNEY, Richard. - Political Change in France Under Richelieu and Mazarin, 1624 - 1661.
76226: BONNEY, R. - Kedah 1771-1821. The Search for Security and Independence.
48328: DE BONO, Edward. - Handbook for the Positive Revolution.
61981: BONOLA, Roberto. - Non-Euclidean Geometry. [In Russian].
68001: BONTING, S.L. & DE PONT, J.J.H.H.M. eds. - Membrane Transport.
76098: BOOCOCK, Colin. - Locomotive Compendium: Southern.
64090: BOON, James A. - The Anthropological Romance of Bali, 1597-1972: Dynamic Perspectives in Marriage and Caste, Politics and Religion.
64060: BOON, James A. - The Anthropological Romance of Bali, 1597-1972: Dynamic Perspectives in Marriage and Caste, Politics and Religion.
56425: BOON, James A. - The Anthropological Romance of Bali, 1597-1972: Dynamic Perspectives in Marriage and Caste, Politics and Religion.
56424: BOON, James A. - The Anthropological Romance of Bali, 1597-1972: Dynamic Perspectives in Marriage and Caste, Politics and Religion.
56423: BOON, James A. - The Anthropological Romance of Bali, 1597-1972: Dynamic Perspectives in Marriage and Caste, Politics and Religion.
61978: BOONE, Edgar J., WHITE, Estelle E., SHEARON, Ronald W. et al. - Serving Personal and Community Needs Through Adult Education.
60262: BOONE. HARTLEY, Cecil B. - The Life and Times of Colonel Daniel Boone.
71381: BOOTH, David W. & THORNLEY-HALL, Carol eds. - The Talk Curriculum.
70166: BOOTH, Victor. FRANKLIN, Adele revised. - We Piano Teachers.
67702: BOOTH, Alan. - Urban Crowding and Its Consequences.
76106: BOOTH, Charles. PFAUTZ, Harold W. ed. - Charrles Booth on the City: Physical Pattern and Social Structure.
62527: BORCHARDT, D.H. - Checklist of Royal Commissions, Select Committees of Parliament and Boards of Inquiry. Commonwealth, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria, 1960-1980, and South Australia, 1970-1980.
57888: BORCHARDT, Frank L. - German Antiquity in Renaissance Myth.
72928: BORDEAUX, Henry. - La Chartreuse du Reposoir.
59327: BORDOW, Allan ed. - The Worker in Australia: Contributions from Research,
63683: BOREAU, Jacques. - Images of the Seminal Tracts/ Les Images des Voies Seminales: Radiological and Clinical Comparisons.
63287: BOREMANSE, Didier. - Hach Winik: The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Southern Mexico.
68161: BORENSTEIN, Audrey. - Older Women in 20th-Century America: A Selected Annotated Bibliography.
48757: BORG, Jack. - The Cherokee Trail.
63934: BORGER, Robert & CIOFFI, Frank eds. - Explanation in the Behavioural Sciences.
59809: BORGER, Robert & CIOFFI, Frank eds. - Explanation in the Behavioural Sciences.
68286: BORGSTROM, Bengt & BROCKMAN, Howard L. eds. - Lipases.
71929: BORISOV, O.B. & KOLOSKOV, B.T. PETROV, Vladimir ed. - Soviet-Chinese Relations, 1945-1970.
61883: BORKLUND, C.W. - The Department of Defense.
63725: BORKO, Harold. - Automated Language Processing.
74596: BORLAUG, Norman E., AXTELL, John, BURTON, Glenn W. et al. Board on Science, Technology for International Development. - Lost Crops of Africa. Volume 1: Grains.
58034: BORNE, Gerhard von dem. - Der Gral in Europa: Wurzeln und Wirkungen.
54403: BOROKOV, A.A., PETROV, V.V., ZOLOTAREV, V.M. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 6.
62567: BOROWIEC, Andrew. - Yugoslavia After Tito.
59842: BOSANQUET, Helen. - Social Work in London, 1869-1912.
53765: BOSCH, Juan. - The Unfinished Experiment: Democracy in the Dominican Republic.
74979: BOSE, T.K. & YADAV, L.P. eds. - Commercial Flowers.
72571: BOSE, Subhas Chandra. - Selected Speeches of Subhas Chandra Bose. With a Biographical Introduction by S.A. Ayer.
75772: BOSNAK, Robert. - Embodiment: Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art and Travel.
60665: BOSO. ELLIS, G.M. trans. MUNZ, Peter intro. - Boso's Life of Alexander III.
72752: BOSSELMANN, R., LUFFE-LEONHARDT, E. & GELLERT, M. - Variationen des Psychodramas: Ein Praxis-Handbuch nicht nur für Psychodramatiker.
71436: BOSSO, Christopher. - Pesticides and Politics: The Life Cycle of a Public Issue.
62564: BOSTRUM, Harry, LARSSON, Tage & LJUNGSTEDT, Nils eds. - Health Control in Detection of Cancer. Symposium September 23-25, 1975.
75596: BOSWORTH, R.J.B. - Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima: History Writing and the Second World War 1945-1990.
71716: BOSWORTH, Richard & CRESCIANI, Gianfranco eds. - Altro Polo: A Volume of Italian Studies.
65237: BOSWORTH, Richard, and MELIA, Margot (eds.). - Aspects of Ethnicity in Western Australia.
75509: BOSWORTH, R.J.B. - Italy and the Wider World: 1860-1960.
70350: BOTEIN, Michael & RICE, David M. - Network Television and the Public Interest: A Preliminary Inquiry.
72337: BOTELLI, Tristano et al. - Italian Civilization And Non-Italien Scholars. Speeches Of The Winners Of The International Galileo Prize, Sponsored By The Rotary Clubs In Italy. Boethius - Singleton - Rohlfs - Baron - De Tolnay [ etc].
58493: BOTHMER, Roland von, JACOBSEN, Niels, BADEN, Claus, JORGENSEN, Rikke B. & LINDE-LAURSEN, Ib. - An Ecogeographical Study of the Genus Hordeum.
51469: BOTSFORD, Keith. - The Champions of Formula 1. From Fangio to Piquet.
74434: BOTT, Marita ed. - The Bearded Collie Club 1982 Yearbook [ Year Book].
74425: BOTT, Mrs M. ed. - The Bearded Collie Club 1984 Yearbook [ Year Book].
75016: BOTT, Marita ed. - The Bearded Collie Club 1983 Yearbook [ Year Book].
56628: BOTTCHER, Helmuth M. - Sterne Schicksal und Propheten: Dreissigtausend Jahre Astrologie.
48795: BOTTOME, Phyllis. - Fortune's Finger.
66398: BOTTOMLEY, Gillian. - From Another Place: Migration and the Politics of Culture.
55452: BOTTOMORE, T.B. - Sociology as Social Criticism.
75917: BOU, Jean ed. - The AIF in Battle: How the Australian Imperial Force Fought 1914-1918.
71393: BOUBAKER, Sadok, BOUTIER, Jean et al. - Melanges de L'Ecole Francaise de Rome. Italie et Mediterranee. Tome 113 - 2001 - 1. Alle origini biografia femminile: dal modello alla storia.
53026: BOUCHIER, David. - Idealism and Revolution. New Ideologies of Liberation in Britain and the United States.
65220: BOUCOURECHLIEV, Andre, MERLIN, Olivier, PHILIPPOT, Michel, ROSTAND, Claude, SAMUEL, Claude, SAUGUET, Henri, and SCHNEIDER, Marcel. - Stravinsky: Collection Genies et Realites.
66314: BOUGHTON, Walter. - A Century of Water Resources Development in Australia: 1900-1999.
65296: BOUGHTON, W.C. - Effects of Land Management on Quantity and Quality of Available Water: A Review.
75285: BOUILLON, J., BOERO, F., CICOGNA, F., GILI, J.M. & HUGHES, R.G. eds. - Aspects of Hydrozoan Biology.
66713: BOULDING, Kenneth E. - Ecodynamics: A New Theory of Societal Evolution.
70688: BOULEZ, Pierre. - Le Marteau Sans Maitre. Pour voix d'alto et 6 instruments. Poemes de Rene Char. Partition.
64524: BOULLARD, Bernard. - Les Mycorrhizes.
75796: BOULTON. QUICKENDEN, Kenneth, BAGGOTT, Sally & DICK, Malcolm eds. - Matthew Boulton: Enterprising Industrialist of the Enlightenment.
74823: BOUMA, W.J., PEARMAN, G.I., MANNING, M.R. (Editors). - Greenhouse: Coping with Climate Change.
51491: BOUNDS, Elizabeth M. - Coming Together/Coming Apart Religion, Community, and Modernity.
48266: BOUNDS, Elizabeth M. - Coming Together/Coming Apart Religion, Community, and Modernity.
70667: BOURBAKI, Nicolas B. - Éléments de Mathématique. I: Les Structures Fondamentales de l'Analyse, Livre 1:Théorie des Ensembles, Chapitre 4: Structures.
48762: BOURGEON, F. - Les Passagers du Vent (3). Le Comptoir de Juda.
72926: BOURGET, Paul. - Un Divorce.
72925: BOURGET, Paul. - Lazarine.
72924: BOURGET, Paul. - Coeur de Sceptique.
72923: BOURGET, Paul. - Le Disciple.
72920: BOURGET, Paul. - Le Demon de Midi. Tome I & II.
72918: BOURGET, Paul. - Le Sens de la Mort.
72916: BOURGET, Paul. - Nos Actes nous Suivent. Tome I & II.
47613: BOURJAILY, Vance. - Confessions of a Spent Youth.
65897: BOURNE, Geoffrey H. - The Mammalian Adrenal Gland.
58752: BOURNE, L.S. & SIMMONS, J.W. - Systems of Cities: Readings on Structure, Growth, and Policy.
67794: BOUSFIELD, I.J. & CALLELY, A.G. eds. - Coryneform Bacteria.
74520: BOUSQUETS, Jorge Llorente, ALDRETE, Alfonso N. Garcia, & SORIANO, Enrique Gonzalez eds. - Biodiversidad, Taxonomia y Biogeografia de Artropodos de Mexico: Hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento.
65095: BOUTON, Marshall M. (ed.). - India Briefing, 1987.
74575: BOWDEN, Douglas M. ed. - Aging in Nonhuman Primates.
74435: BOWDEN, Douglas M. ed. - Aging in Nonhuman Primates.
76122: BOWDEN, Douglas M. ed. - Aging in Nonhuman Primates.
62409: BOWDLER, Sandra. - Hunter Hill, Hunter Island.
74514: BOWEN, D.J. - Gold Mines of Mashonaland, 1890-1980.
67248: BOWEN, William G. & BOK, Derek. - The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions.
76402: BOWEN, Ian. - Acceptable Inequalities: An Essay on the Distribution of Incomes.
48642: BOWEN, H.V. - Revenue and Reform. The Indian Problem in British Politics 1757 - 1773.
66599: BOWER, Robert T. & DE GASPARIS, Priscilla. - Ethics in Social Research: Protecting the Interests of Human Subjects.
56579: BOWERMAN, Robert G. & GLOVER, David E. - Putting Expet Systems Into Practice.
65947: BOWERS, Claude G. - Beveridge and the Progressive Era.
54178: BOWERS, Claude G. - Beveridge and the Progressive Era.
60628: BOWEY, Angela M. ed. - Managing Salary and Wage Systems.
57635: BOWIE. CLAIRE, Vivian. - Daivd Bowie: His Private & His Public Lives, His Music, His Films, His Future: a Portrait in Words & Pictures.
74404: BOWKER, John Mitford. - Speeches, Letters , and Selections from Important Papers of the Late John Mitford Bowker, Sometime Resident and Diplomatic Agent with Certain Kaffir and Fingo Tribes.
72227: BOWLBY, Rachel. - Carried Away: The Invention of Modern Shopping.
56635: BOWLER, Peter J. - Life's Splendid Drama: Evolutionary Biology and the Reconstruction of Life's Ancestry, 1860-1940.
51615: BOWLER, Michael. - Track Tests Sports Cars: Thoroughbred & Classic Cars.
59464: BOWLES, Michael. - The Conductor. His Artistry & Craftsmanship.
58070: BOWLES, Michael. - The Conductor. His Artistry & Craftsmanship.
47593: BOWLES, Michael. - The Conductor. His Artistry & Craftsmanship.
61918: BOWLEY, A.L. - Studies in the National Income: 1924-1938.
73248: BOWMAN, Larry W. & CLARK, Ian eds. - The Indian Ocean in Global Politics.
70233: BOWMAN, Larry W. & CLARK, Ian eds. - The Indian Ocean in Global Politics.
58965: BOWMAN, Archibald Allan. - Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. Edited with a Memorial Introduction By Norman Kemp Smith.
48029: BOWMAN, Edward & KOGUT, Bruce ed. - Redesigning the Firm.
76085: BOWYER, Michael J.F. - The Stirling Story.
73159: BOXER, C.R. trans. & ed. - Further Selections from the Tragic History of the Sea 1559-1565 : Narratives of Shipwrecks of the Portuguese East Indiamen Aguia and Garca (1559) Sao Paulo (1561) and the Misadventures of the Brazil-ship Santo Antonio (1565).
64953: BOXER, C.R. - The Golden Age of Brazil: 1695-1750. Growing Pains of a Colonial Society.
69664: BOY, Daniel & MAYER, Nonna eds. SCHOCH, Cynthia trans. - The French Voter Decides.
67064: BOYCE, Patricia, and LLEWELLYN, Hayden, with ALLEN, Geoff D., and NORMAN, Neville R. - World Trade Distortions: A Study in Modern Trade Practice.
55272: BOYCE, Peter. - Malaysia and Singapore in International Diplomacy: Documents and Commentaries.
54944: BOYCE, T.M. - Infrastructure and Security: Problems of Development in the West Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.
52741: BOYCE, P.J. & ANGEL, J.R. ed. - Independence and Alliance. Australia in World Affairs, 1976 - 1980.
48198: BOYCE, P.J. - Foreign Affairs for New States. Some Questions of Credentials.
76203: BOYCHUK, Gerarf William. - Patchworks of Purpose: The Development of Provincial Social Assistance Regimes in Canada.
71549: BOYD, Andrew. - Broadcast Journalism. Techniques of Radio & TV News.
75659: BOYD, Robert. - The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874.
75628: BOYD, Robert ed. - Indians, Fire and the Land in the Pacific Northwest.
74251: BOYDEN, S.V. ed. - The Impact of Civilisation on the Biology of Man. Papers from a Symposium Held on 11-12 September, 1968 at Canberra, sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science.
68075: BOYDEN, Stephen. - Western Civilization in Biological Perspective: Patterns in Biohistory.
67855: BOYDEN, Stephen. - Western Civilization in Biological Perspective: Patterns in Biohistory.
67748: BOYDEN, Stephen. - Western Civilization in Biological Perspective: Patterns in Biohistory.
65600: BOYDEN, S.V. (ed.). - The Impact of Civilisation on the Biology of Man. Papers from a Symposium Held on 11-12 September, 1968 at Canberra, sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science.
56475: BOYDEN, S.V. ed. - The Impact of Civilisation on the Biology of Man. Papers from a Symposium Held on 11-12 September, 1968 at Canberra, sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science.
47702: BOYDEN, David D. et al. - The Violin Family.
72541: BOYER, Paul D. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 36, 1967. Part II.
72540: BOYER, Paul D. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 36, 1967. Part I.
72539: BOYER, Paul D. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 35, 1966. Part II.
72538: BOYER, Paul D. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 35, 1966. Part I.
72534: BOYER, Paul D. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 37, 1968.
62293: BOYER, Samuel P. BARNES, Elinor & James A. eds. - Naval Surgeon: Revolt in Japan, 1868-1869. The Diary of Dr. Samuel Pellman Boyer.
75684: BOYER, M. Christine. - Cybercities: Visual Perception in the Age of Electronic Communication.
74075: BOYLE, Elizabeth, Heger. - Female Genital Cutting: Cultural Conflict in the Global Community.
53905: BOYNE, Walter J. - Power Behind the Wheel: The Evolution of Car Design and Technology.
68180: BOYSE, Edward A. et al. - The Harvey Lectures. Series 71. 1975-1976.
71678: BOZEMAN, Barry, CROW, Michael & LINK, Albert. - Strategic Management of Industrial R&D.
64598: BOZETT, Frederick W. & HANSON, Shirly M.H. eds. - Fatherhood and Families in Cultural Context.
66774: BRABAZON, Tara. - Digital Hemlock: Internet Education and the Positioning of Teaching.
57501: BRACE, Paul. - State Government and Economic Performance.
55264: BRACHER, Karl Dietrich, FUNKE, Manfred, & JACOBSEN, Hans-Adolf. - Nationalsozialistische Diktatur 1933-1945: Eine Bilanz.
76292: BRACKETT, R.W. - The History of San Diego County Ranchos: The Spanish, Mexican, American Occupation of San Diego County and the Story of Ownership of Land Grants Therein.
48143: BRADBROOK, M.C. - John Webster. Citizen and Dramatist.
71993: BRADBURY, Ruth M. - ... And One From England: The Story of an Early Wesleyan Minister.
63904: BRADBURY, Prof. F.R. - Words And Numbers: A Students' Guide To Intellectual Methods.
53007: BRADBURY, Malcolm, DAICHES, David, DUDLEY, D.R., FRANCO, Jean, LANG, D.M., MOTTRAM, Eric, & THORLBY, Anthony ed. - The Penguin Companion to Literature. Four Volumes: Britain and the Commonwealth; Classical, Byzantine, Oriental & African; Europe; U.S.A. and Latin America.
64000: BRADEN, John B., FOLMER, Henk & ULEN, Thomas S. eds. - Environmental Policy with Political and Economic Integration: The European Union and the United States.
67373: BRADFORD, James C. ed, - Admirals of the New Steel Navy: Makers of the American Naval Tradition, 1880-1930.
75630: BRADFORD, Phil & MCHARDY, Alison K. eds. - Proctors for Parliament: Clergy, Community and Politics c.1248-1539. (The National Archives, Series SC 10) Volume II: 1377-1539.
75179: BRADLEY, David. - From Text to Performance in Elizabethan Theatre: Preparing the Play for the Stage.
73937: BRADLEY, Raymond S. & JONES, Philip D. eds. - Climate Since A.D. 1500.
66633: BRADLEY, S.A.J. ed. DUARTE, John W. guitar arr. - Sixty Ribald Songs From Pills to Purge Melancholy.
65832: BRADLEY, A.G. - Captain John Smith.
61535: BRADLEY, F.H. - The Principles of Logic. Volume II.
52521: BRADLEY, Ian. - The Optimists. Themes and Personalitites in Victorian Liberalism.
75253: BRADSHAW, Don. - Vertebrate Ecophysiology: An Introduction to its Principles and Applications.
75678: BRAHMS, Johannes. - Symphonie Nr. I in C-Moll Opus 68 / Symphony No. 1 in C Minor.
60004: BRAIBANTI, Ralph & SPENGLER, Joseph J. eds. - Administration and Economic Development in India.
56971: BRAIBANTI, Raplh ed. - Asian Bureaucratic Systems Emergent from the British Imperial Tradition.
71683: BRAIN, Peter J., SMITH, Rhonda L., & SCHUYERS, Gerard P. - Population, Immigration and the Australian Economy.
64804: BRAIN, Peter J., SMITH, Rhonda L., & SCHUYERS, Gerard P. - Population, Immigration and the Australian Economy.
59304: BRAIN, Peter J., SMITH, Rhonda L., & SCHUYERS, Gerard P. - Population, Immigration and the Australian Economy.
51665: BRAINE, John. - These Golden Days.
68970: BRAITHWAITE, Timothy. - Y2K Lessons Learned: A Guide to Better Information Technology Management.
66566: BRAME, Michael K. - Conjectures and Refutations in Syntax and Semantics.
56889: BRAMELD, Theodore. - Japan: Culture, Education, and Change in Two Communities.
66055: BRANAGAN, D.F. & WILLIAMS, K.L. eds. - Looking to the Pacific for Geological Answers.
70837: BRAND, Jack. - British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power.
47664: BRAND, Simon. - The Australian Film Book. 1930 - Today.
51996: BRANDER, Michael. - The Original Scotch. A History of Scotch Whisky From the Earliest Days.
42315: BRANDES, Joseph. - Herbert Hoover and Economic Diplomacy. Department of Commerce Policy 1921 - 1928.
62049: BRANDIS, W. & HENDERSON, D. - Social Class Language and Communication.
60103: BRANDT, Conrad, SCHWARTZ, Benjamin & FAIBANK, John K. - A Documentary History of Chinese Communism.
56986: BRANDT, A.M. & MARSHALL, I.H. eds. - Brittle Matrix Composites 2.
69636: BRANHAM, Susan J. & THATCHER, Robert C. eds. - Integrated Pest Management Research Symposium: The Proceedings.
59667: BRANSON, Clive. - British Soldier in India: The Letters of Clive Branson.
49128: BRANT, Irving. - James Madison, Secretary of State, 1800 - 1809.
55637: BRAQUE. RAPHAEL, Max. - Raumgestaltungen: Der Beginn der Modernen Kunst im Kubismus und im Werk von Georges Braque.
63611: BRASH, Donald T. - American Investment in Australian Industry.
57295: BRASH, Donald T. - American Investment in Australian Industry.
68053: BRASS, Paul R. - Language, Religion and Politics in North India.
56304: BRASS, Paul R. - Factional Politics in An Indian State: The Congress Party in Uttar Pradesh.
74571: BRAUN, Jean, DOOLEY, Jim, GOLEBY, Bruce, VAN DER HILST, Rob & KLOOTWIJK, Chris eds. - Structure and Evolution of the Australian Continent.
67145: BRAVMAN, Bill. - Making Ethnic Ways: Communities and the Transformations in Taita, Kenya, 1800-1950.
69412: BRAWNER, C.O. ed. - Third International Conference on Stability in Surface Mining June 1, 2, 3 1981 Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada.
68499: BRAY, Mark ed. - Ministries of Education in Small Schools: Case Studies of Organization and Management.
68046: BRAY, Francesca. - The Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Societies.
60573: BRAY, George A. ed. - Obesity: Comparative Methods of Weight Control.
57082: DE BRAY, Wm. Theodore, CHAN, Wing-Tsit, & TAN, Chester ed. - Sources of Chinese Tradition. Volume II.
72615: BRAYBROOKE, Marcus. - Children of One God: A History of the Council of Christians and Jews.
53641: BRAZENDALE, Kevin & ACETI, Enrica ed. - Classic Cars. The World's Finest Designs.
74266: BRAZIL, Patrick & MITCHELL, Bevan eds. - Opinions of Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth of Australia with opinions of Solicitors-General and the Attorney-General's Department. Volume 1: 1901-14
74771: BREARS, Peter C.D. (Ed) - Yorkshire Probate Inventories 1542-1689: Record Series Vol CXXXIV.
68382: BRECHER, Michael & WILKENFELD, Jonathan, - Crisis, Conflict and Instability.
58162: BRECHER, Michael. - Succession in India: A Study in Decision-Making.
75381: BRECK, J. MEYENDORFF, J. & SOLK, E. eds. - The Legacy of St Vladimir. Byzantium; Russia; America.
68954: BRECKENRIDGE, Adam Carlyle. - The Right to Privacy.
74710: BREDON, Juliet. - Peking.
54242: BREDSDORFF, Elias, MORTENSEN, Brita, & POPPERWELL, Ronald ed. - An Introduction to Scandinavian Literature from the Earliest Time to Our Day.
63332: BREDT, Otto. - Quo Vadis Physik? und Komplementare Kausalitat.
68729: BREEN, David & COATES, Kenneth. - Vancouver's Fair: An Administrative and Political History of the Pacific Northwest Exhibition.
63322: BREEN, P., WALSH, C., NICHOLS, S., NORRIS, R., METZELING, L. & GOODERHAM, J. - Urban AUSRIVAS: An Evaluation of the Use of AUSRIVAS Models for Urban Stream Assessment.
55121: BREEN, Richard. - Education and the Labour Market: Work and Unemployment Among Recent Cohorts of Irish School Leavers.
54938: BREEN, Jon L. - What About Murder? ( 1981-1991) A Guide to Books about Mystery and Detective Fiction.
70254: BREESE, Brain. - One in a Crowd. A Memoir.
64780: BREESE, Gerald ed. - The City in Newly Developing Countries: Readings on Urbanism and Urbanization.
61071: BREESE, Gerald ed. - Urbanization in Newly Developing Countries.
59984: BREESE, Gerald ed. - The City in Newly Developing Countries: Readings on Urbanism and Urbanization.
58892: BREESE, Gerald ed. - The City in Newly Developing Countries: Readings on Urbanism and Urbanization.
48224: BREESE, Brain. - One in a Crowd. A Memoir.
71828: BREGY, Katherine. - The Poets' Chantry.
61733: BREHIER, Emile. BASKIN, Wade trans. - The History of Philosophy. Volume VI - The Nineteenth Century: Period of Systems, 1800-1850.
65046: BREISACH, Ernst. - Christina Sforza. A Renaissance Virago.
54991: BREMNER, Robert H. ed. - Children and Youth in America: A Documentary History. Volume II, 1866-1932.
71913: BRENDER, Allen, BROCKETT, Patrick L., COX, Samuel H. Jr. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1984 ] Volume XXXVI.
71910: BRENDER, Allen, BROCKETT, Patrick L., COX, Samuel H. Jr. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1984 ] Volume XXXVI.
69383: BRENNAN, Frank. - Land Rights Queensland Style: The Struggle for Aboriginal Self-Management.
59584: BRENNAN, Geoffrey, GREWAL, Bhajan S. & GROENEWEGEN, Peter eds. - Taxation and Fiscal Federalism: Essays in Honour of Russell Matthews.
56567: BRENNAN, Geoffrey, GREWAL, Bhajan S. & GROENEWEGEN, Peter eds. - Taxation and Fiscal Federalism: Essays in Honour of Russell Matthews.
74339: BRENNER, Sydney & HANIHARA, Kazuro eds. - The Origin and Past of Modern Humans as Viewed from DNA. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Origin and Past of Homo sapiens sapiens as Viewed from DNA - Theoretical Approach. Kyoto, 14-17 December, 1993.
68367: BRENNER, Michael ed. - Social Methods and Social Life.
66470: BRENNER, Daniel L. & RIVERS, William L. - Free But Regulated: Conflicting Traditions in Media Law. (Collected Essays with Commentary).
60847: BRENNER, Michael J. - The Political Economy of America's Environmental Dilemma.
57550: BRENNER, Reuven. - Labyrinths of Prosperity: Economic Follies, Democratic Remedies.
56825: BRENNER, M. Harvey. - Mental Illness and the Economy.
56305: BRENNER, Reuven. - Betting On Ideas: Wars, Inventions, Inflation.
71207: BRENT, Wing Commander Keith CSC. - Masters of Air Power. The Proceedings of the 2005 RAAF History Conference held in Canberra on 12 August 2005.
48685: BRENT-DYER, Elinor M. - Jo of the Chalet School.
64683: BRESILLAC. GANTLY, Patrick. - Marion Bresillac in India: A Study of Twelve Challenging Years.
72919: BRETE, Jean de la. - Mon Oncle et Mon Cure.
74333: BRETON, Albert, BROSIO, Giorgio, DALMAZZONE, Silvana & GARRONE, Giovanna eds. - Governing the Environment: Salient Institutional Issues.
67724: BRETON, Jacques & VERMEGLIO, Andre eds. - The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Centre: Structure and Dynamics.
70155: BRETTSCHNEIDER, Marla ed. - The Narrow Bridge: Jewish Views on Multiculturalism.
69546: BRETTSCHNEIDER, Marla ed. - The Narrow Bridge: Jewish Views on Multiculturalism.
52813: BREUIL, H. & LANTIER, R. - The Men of the Old Stone Age. (Paleolithic & Mesolithic).
66390: BREWER, E. Cobham. - The Reader's Handbook of Famous Names in Fiction, Allusions, References, Proverbs, Plots, Stories, and Poems. A New Edition Revised Throughout and Greatly Enlarged.
65447: BREWER, Graeme. - The Impact of Work On Family Functioning: A Review of the Literature.
62444: BREWER, Garry D. & DELEON, Peter. - The Foundations of Policy Analysis.
48799: BREYER, Siegfried. - Soviet Warship Development. Volume 1: 1917 - 1937.
75143: BREYTENBACH, Breyten. - The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist.
62642: BRIDBURY, A.R. - Historians and the Open Society.
57964: BRIDENBAUGH, Carl. - Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590-1642.
74846: BRIDGE, Carl. - Pacific Prospects: Australia, New Zealand and Future Conflicts.
67014: BRIDGE, T. Peter, MIRSKY, Allan F., and GOODWIN, Frederick K. (eds). - Psychological, Neuropsychiatric, and Substance Abuse Aspects of AIDS. Volume 44: Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology.
64425: BRIDGE, John & DODDS, J.C. - Planning and the Growth of the Firm.
75106: BRIDGE, Carl, BONGIORNO, Frank & LEE, David eds. - The High Commissioners: Australia's Representatives in the United Kingdom, 1910-2010.
55915: BRIDGES, R.C. with ADAMS, Adrian ed. - Senegambia. Proceedings of a Colloquium at the University of Aberdeen.
51685: BRIDGES, William. - Jobshift. How to Prosper in a Workplace Without Jobs.
58247: BRIDGMAN, R.F. STEVENSON, C.R. trans. - Hospital Utilization: An International Study.
48220: BRIDGMONT, Peter. - Liberation of the Actor.
72624: O'BRIEN, Nicholas David. - Nutritional Physiology of Eucalyptus Grandis and Pinus Radiata Irrigated with Municipal Effluent.
70237: O'BRIEN, Richard J. ed. - Report of the Twenty-Second [ 22nd ] Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. Linguistics: Developments of the Sixties - Viewpoints for the Seventies.
70058: O'BRIEN, John C. ed. - International Journal of Social Economics. Volume 25 Number 6/7/8 1998: Essays in Honour of Clement Allan Tisdell, Part V.
68978: O'BRIEN, W.T., MCGREGOR, A.M. et al. - Water 2000: Consultants Report No. 9. In-Stream and Environmental Issues. I. In-stream Uses of Water in Australia. II. Legislative Provisions for Protection of the Aquatic Environment.
61671: O'BRIEN, Patrick. - The Revolution in Egypt's Economic System: From Private Enterprise to Socialism, 1952-1965.
56020: O'BRIEN, Robert, GOETZ, Anne Marie, SCHOLTE, Jan Aart & WILLIAMS, Marc. - Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements.
48131: O'BRIEN, Patrick. - The Saviours: An Intellectual History of the Left in Australia.
75229: BRIGGS, G.A. et al. - Audio Biographies.
66736: BRIGGS, Winslow R. (ed.). - Annual Review of Plant Physiology: Volume 33, 1982.
66735: BRIGGS, Winslow R. (ed.). - Annual Review of Plant Physiology: Volume 35, 1984.
66733: BRIGGS, Winslow R. (ed.). - Annual Review of Plant Physiology: Volume 32, 1981.
66734: BRIGGS, Winslow R. (ed.). - Annual Review of Plant Physiology: Volume 34, 1983.
61658: BRIGGS, Asa & SHELLEY, Julian eds. - Science, Medicine and the Community.
61657: BRIGGS, Asa & SHELLEY, Julian eds. - Science, Medicine and the Community.
65868: BRIGHT, Ruth. - Wholeness in Later Life.
53169: BRIGHT, Rev. J. Franck. - Joseph II.
75859: BRILLIANT, Larry et al. - A World United Against Infectious Diseases: Cross-Sectoral Solutions.
76170: BRILLOUIN, M.L. - Memorial des Sciences Mathematiques. Fascicule XCIX. Influence de la temperature sur l'elsticite d'un solide.
74724: BRIMAH, A.K. ed. - Efficacy and commercialization of Neem Products in Ghana.
66469: BRINKHORST, L.J. & SCHERMERS, H.G. - Judicial Remedies In The European Communities: A Casebook. Second Revised Edition.
60829: BRISCOE, Lynden. - The Textile and Clothing Industries of the United Kingdom.
60691: BRISLIN, Richard W. & PEDERSEN, Paul. - Cross-Cultural Orientation Programs.
52506: BRISSENDEN, R.F. ed. - Studies in the Eighteenth Century. Papers presented at the David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra 1966.
74468: BRITAIN, Ian. - Fabianism and Culture: A study in British socialism and the arts 1884-1918.
59030: BRITTAN, Arthur. - The Privatised World.
56919: BRITTAN, Samuel, DARBY, Michael R., ECKERMANN, Lee et al. - Wage - Price Control: Myth and Reality.
55788: BRITTAN, Samuel. - Capitalism and the Permissive Society.
55718: BRITTAN, Samuel. - A Restatement of Economic Liberalism.
51773: BRITTAN, Samuel. - Second Thoughts on Full Employment Policy.
72694: BRITTEN. WHITE, Eric Walter. - Benjamin Britten: His Life and Operas.
57894: BRITTEN. HOWARD, Patricia. - The Operas of Benjamin Britten: An Introduction.
75498: BRITTEN. EVANS, Peter. - The Music of Benjamin Britten.
75916: BRITTEN, Benjamin. - War Requiem. Op 66.
72611: BRITTON, James. PRADL, Gordon M. ed. - Prospect and Retrospect: Selected Essays of James Britton.
47872: BRITTON, Anna. - Fike's Point.
54057: BROADMAN, Harry et al. - China's Management of Enterprise Assets: The State as Shareholder.
58271: BROADWAY, Frank. - State Intervention in British Industry, 1964-68.
55880: BROCKLEHURST, J.C. & TUCKER, J.S. - Progress in Geriatric Day Care.
74605: BROCX, M. & MENEY, K. eds. - Symposium on Kimberley Marine and Coastal Science. Proceedings of a joint RSWA/WAMSI Symposium held in May 2011.
58041: BRODA, E. - The Evolution of the Bioenergetic Process.
48238: BRODE, John. - The Process of Modernization. An Annotated Bibliography on the Sociocultural Aspects of Development.
76172: BRODEAU, Andre. - Poutres Minces: Flexion, Torsion, Aplatissement.
67496: BRODER, Samuel ed.- - AIDS: Modern Concepts and Therapeutic Challenges.
75093: BRODETSKY. WIBBERLEY, Leonard. - Ah Julian! A Memoir of Julian Brodetsky.
54401: BRODI, S.M., DOBRUSIN, R.L., KOROLJUK, V.S., LUPANOV, O.B. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 4.
70391: BRODSKII, M.S. - Triangular and Jordan Representations of Linear Operators.
60309: BRODSKY, Carroll M. & PLATT, Robert T. - The Rehabilitation Environment.
51477: BRODSKY, Isadore. - Bennelong Profile. Dreamtime Reveries of a Native of Sydney Cove.
75697: BRODSKY. BETHEA, David M. - Joseph Brodsky and the Creation of Exile.
66607: BRODY, Eugene B. - Biomedical Technology and Human Rights.
64396: BRODY, Baruch A. - Life and Death Decision Making.
59093: BROEK, Jan O.M. - Economic Development of the Netherlands Indies.
58201: BROINOWSKI, Alison ed. - ASEAN into the 1990s.
76190: BROINOWSKI, Alison ed. - Understanding ASEAN.
72275: BROMBERG, Joan Lisa. - NASA and the Space Industry.
76262: BROMBERG, Rachel. - Three Pastoral Novels: A Study of Arcadia, Diana and Menina e Moca.
52545: BROME. SHAW, Catherine M. - Richard Brome.
76395: BROMLEY, Daniel W. - Assuring the Future of South Sudan: Coherent Governance and Sustainable Livelihoods.
47620: BROMLEY, Simon. - Rethinking Middle East Politics. State Formation and Development.
65702: BRONFENBRENNER, Urie. - Response to Pressure from Peers Versus Adults Among Soviet and American School Children.
67553: BRONFMAN. MARRUS, Michael R. - Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam.
55455: BRONOWSKI, J. ARIOTTI, Pietro E. with BRONOWSKI, Rita ed. - The Visionary Eye: Essays in the Arts, Literature, and Science.
69166: BRONTE. HOPKINS, Annette B. - The Father of the Brontes.
53122: BRONTE. WINNIFRITH, Tom. - The Brontes and Their Background. Romance and Reality.
52708: BRONTE. MARTIN, Robert Bernard. - The Accents of Persuasion. Charlotte Bronte's Novels.
42332: BRONZETTI, Giorgio, HAYATSU, Hikoya, DE FLORA, Silvio, WATERS, Michael D., & SHANKEL, Delbert M. ed. - Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms III. Basic Life Sciences. Volume 61.
71417: BROOK, Donald. - Writers' Gallery. Biographical Sketches of Britain's Greatest Writers, and their views on Reconstruction.
66359: BROOK, Richard J., ARNOLD, Gregory C., HASSARD, Thomas H. & PRINGLE, Robert M. eds. - The Fascination of Statistics.
68562: BROOKE, Stopford A. - Naturalism in English Poetry.
62481: BROOKE, Z.N. - The English Church and the Papacy: From the Conquest to the Reign of John.
60085: BROOKE, John. - The Chatham Administration: 1766-1768.
55711: BROOKE, Prof. C.N.L., IAKOVIDIS, Sp., MCWHIRR, Alan D. et al. - The Antiquaries Journal. Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Volume LVIII, Part I.
55140: BROOKE, Michael Z. - Selling Management Services Contracts in International Business.
51794: BROOKE, Stephen. - The Railways of Australia.
66716: BROOKES, Edgar & MACAULAY, J.B. - Civil Liberty in South Africa.
74045: Brookfield. H. C. & Byron, Yvonne. eds. - South-East Asia's Environmental Future: The Search for Sustainability.
72880: BROOKFIELD, Harold & DOUBE, Leone eds. - Global Change: The Human Dimension.
62389: BROOKFIELD, H.C. ed. - Pacific Market-places: A Collection of Essays.
62126: BROOKFIELD, H.C. - Colonialism Development and Independence: The Case of the Melanesian Islands in the South Pacific.
61401: BROOKFIELD, H.C. - Colonialism Development and Independence: The Case of the Melanesian Islands in the South Pacific.
60497: BROOKFIELD, Harold ed. - The Pacific in Transition. Geographical Perspectives on Adaptation & Change.
60230: BROOKFIELD, H.C. & GLICK, Paula Brown. - The People of Vila: Report on a Census of a Pacific Island Town.
58126: BROOKFIELD, H.C. ed. - Pacific Market-places: A Collection of Essays.
48994: BROOKFIELD, Amanda. - A Cast of Smiles.
47802: BROOKFIELD, Harold ed. - The Pacific in Transition. Geographical Perspectives on Adaptation & Change.
60321: BROOKMEYER, Ron & GAIL, Mitchell H. - AIDS Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach.
71378: BROOKS, Daniel R. & WILEY, E.O. - Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology.
69949: BROOKS, Chandler McC., KOIZUMI, Kiyomi & SATO, Akio eds. - Integrative Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System: An Analysis of the Interrelationships and Interactions of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the Autonomic System in the Control of Body Function.
67276: BROOKS, David W. - Web-Teaching: A Guide to Designing Interactive Teaching for the World Wide Web.
66652: BROOKS, J., GRANT, P.R., MUIR, M.D., VAN GIJZEL, P. & SHAW, G. eds. - Sporopollenin.
58159: BROOKS, Daniel R. & WILEY, E.O. - Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology.
53937: BROOKS, G.H. ed. - The Sporting Car Club's South Australian Motoring History Book No. 6. A Collection of Photographs, 1898 - 1918.
53910: BROOKS, George H. - National Motor Museum, Birdwood Mill, South Australia. Motorcar Catalogue.
76206: BROOKS, Clive & WILLIAMS, Lynne S. - Immigrants and the Labour Market: The 1990-94 Recession and Recovery in Perspective.
63461: BROOM, Leonard, JONES, F.L., MCDONNELL, Patrick, & WILLIAMS, Trevor. - The Inheritance of Inequality.
57690: BROOM, Leonard, JONES, F.L., MCDONNELL, Patrick, & WILLIAMS, Trevor. - The Inheritance of Inequality.
54999: BROOM, Leonard & RIEMER, Ruth. - Removal and Return: The Socio-Economic Effects of the War on Japanese Americans.
67062: BROPHY, Peter, FISHER, Shelagh, and CLARKE, Zoe (eds). - Libraries Without Walls 2: The Delivery of Library Services to Distant Users.
61409: BROPHY, Peter, BUCKLAND, Michael K., & HINDLE, Anthony eds. - Reader in Operations Research for Libraries.
64593: BROSE, David S. - The Summer Island Site: Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Social Organization in the Northern Lake Michigan Area.
48970: BROTHERS, Barbara Jo ed. - Couples Therapy, Multiple Perspectives. In Search of Universal Threads.
58842: BROUGHAN, Kevin A. - Invariants for Real-Generated Uniform Topological and Algebraic Categories.
63388: BROUGHTON. SHAW, G.P. - Patriarch and Patriot : William Grant Broughton, 1788-1853: Colonial Statesman and Ecclesiastic.
69303: DE BROUWER, Gordon. - Financial Integration in East Asia.
68030: DE BROUWER, Gordon. - Financial Integration in East Asia.
75297: BROWN, Steven T. ed. - Cinema Anime: Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation.
74862: BROWN, J.F., OGLE, H.J. (Eds) - Plant Pathogens and Plant Diseases.
74734: BROWN, Michael V. - Managing Maintenance Planning and Scheduling.
74664: BROWN, William L., BRESSANI, Ricardo et al. - Triticale: A Promising Addition to the World's Cereal Grains.
74086: BROWN, David. - Mikhail Glinka.
72436: BROWN, A. Peter. - Performing Haydn's The Creation: Reconstructing the Earliest Renditions.
72248: BROWN, Carol R. - Planning Library Interiors: The Selection of Furnishings for the 21st Century.
72053: BROWN, S.C. ed. - Philosophers Discuss Education.
71909: BROWN, Robert L., CARRIERE, Jacques F. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1994 ] Volume XLVI.
71850: BROWN, Weldon A. - The Last Chopper: The Denouement of the American Role in Vietnam, 1963-1975.
71383: BROWN, Stephane. - Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Developmental Perspective.
71323: BROWN, Laura S. & ROOT, Maria P.P. eds. - Diversity and Complexity in Feminist Therapy.
71002: BROWN, Norman L. - Renewable Energy Resources and Rural Applications in the Developing World.
70382: BROWN, M.A., EVISON, Vera I., AVENT, Richard et al. - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Volume CVII [ 107 ].
69185: BROWN, Lester R. & KANE, Hal. - Full House: Reassessing the Earth's Population Carrying Capacity.
68301: BROWN, A.W.A. - Ecology of Pesticides.
68269: BROWN, J.C. - Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide.
67906: BROWN, Henry Phelps. - The Inequality of Pay.
67555: BROWN, Thomas and Eliza. COWAN, Peter ed. - A Faithful Picture: The Letters of Eliza and Thomas Brown at York in the Swan River Colony 1841-1852.
67352: BROWN, Howard Mayer & LASCELLE, Joan. - Musical Iconography: A Manual for Cataloguing Musical Subjects in Western Art before 1800
67279: BROWN, Sally & SMITH, Brenda eds. - Resource-Based Learning.
66508: BROWN, P.E. & CHAPPELL, B.W. eds. - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences. Volume 83 Parts 1 and 2. The Second Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks.
66480: BROWN, P. & ASHTON, D.N. eds. - Education, Unemployment and Labour Markets.
66376: BROWN, A.J. - The Framework of Regional Economics in the United Kingdom.
65692: BROWN, Lucy M., and CHRISTIE, Ian R. (eds.). - Bibliography of British History, 1789-1851.
64898: BROWN, Jared. - The Theatre in America During the Revolution.
63715: BROWN, Ian. - Economic Change in South-East Asia: c.1830-1980.
62935: BROWN, Seyom. - The Crises of Power An Interpretation of United States Foreign Policy during the Kissinger Years.
61761: BROWN, Neville. - The Future Global Challenge: A Predictive Study of World Security, 1977-1990.
61291: BROWN, Fredda Herz ed. - Reweaving the Family Tapestry: A Multigenerational Approach to Families.
60375: BROWN, David J. & MERRILL, Robert. - Violent Persuasions: The Politics and Imagery of Terrorism.
59605: BROWN, Bernard E. & WAHLKE, John C. ed. - The American Political System: Notes and Readings.
59235: BROWN, Sally & MCINTYRE, Donald. - Making Sense of Teaching.
59231: BROWN, Richard harvey & LYMAN, Stanford M. eds. - Structure, Consciousness and History.
59013: BROWN, S.C. ed. - Philosophers Discuss Education.
57905: BROWN, A. Theodore. - Frontier Community: Kansas City to 1870.
57892: BROWN, Henry Phelps. - The Inequality of Pay.
57869: BROWN, Archie & KASER, Michael eds. - The Soviet Union Since the Fall of Khrushchev.
57231: BROWN, Hedy & STEVENS, Richard eds. - Social Behaviour and Experience: Multiple Perspectives.
57079: BROWN, Lawrence D., FOSSETT, James W. & PALMER, Kenneth T. - The Changing Politics of Federal Grants.
56996: BROWN, Seyom. - The Faces of Power: Constancy and Change in United States Foreign Policy from Truman to Reagan.
56643: BROWN, Emily Clark. - Soviet Trade Unions and Labor Relations.
55132: BROWN, S.C. ed. - Objectivity and Cultural Divergence.
54711: BROWN, Michele. - Teddy Bear Hall of Fame: A Century of Historic Bears.
54322: BROWN, Henry Phelps. - The Inequality of Pay.
54134: BROWN, Bernard E. & WAHLKE, John C. ed. - The American Political System: Notes and Readings.
53397: BROWN, Edward T. - The Owner-Driver's Handbook. How to Drive and Look After Your Car.
53246: BROWN, Charles, HAMILTON, James, & MEDOFF, James. - Employers Large and Small.
52541: BROWN, Chris, HARBER, Clive, STRIVENS, Janet ed. - Social Education: Principles and Practice.
75176: BROWN, A.G. ed. - The Livestock Revolution: A Pathway from Poverty?
52097: BROWN, Bruce ed. - Asia and the Pacific in the 1970s. The Roles of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
75339: BROWN, Kenneth D. - The British Toy Business: A History Since 1700.
48036: BROWN, Lester R., LENSSEN, Nicholas, & KANE, Hal. - Vital Signs. The Trends that Are Shaping Our Future: 1995 - 1996.
47556: BROWN, Frederick. - Theatre and Revolution. The Culture of the French Stage.
47544: BROWN, Robert. - Rules and Laws in Sociology.
46915: BROWN, Ralph H. - Mirror for Americans. Likeness of the Eastern Seaboard.
75740: BROWN, Elizabeth A.R. ed. - Jean Du Tillet and the French Wars of Religion: Five Tracts, 1562-1569.
72949: BROWNE, Ida A. ed. - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales for 1950. Volume LXXXIV Parts I.
72827: BROWNE, Ida A. ed. - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales for 1952. Volume LXXXVI Parts I-IV.
66610: BROWNE, William P. & OLSON, Laura Katz eds. - Aging and Public Policy: The Politics of Growing Old in America.
62096: BROWNE, Steven E. - Videotape Editing: A Postproduction Primer.
62046: BROWNE, Steven E. - Videotape Editing: A Postproduction Primer.
61872: BROWNE, William P. - Private Interests, Public Policy and American Agriculture.
60996: BROWNE, Junius Henri. - Four Years in Secessia: Adventures Within and Beyond the Union Lines: Embracing a Great Variety of Facts, Incidents, and Romance of the War. Including the Author's Capture at Vicksburg, May 3, 1863, While Running the Rebel Batteries; His Imprisonment at Vicksburg, Jackson, Atlanta, Richmond, and Salisbury; His Escape and Perilous Journey of Four Hundred Miles to the Union Lines at Knoxville.
54515: BROWNE, Ray with ARPAD, Susan S. and Joseph J. ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 29: 2, Fall 1995.
54514: BROWNE, Ray and CUNNINGHAM, Bonnie Wilde ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 28: 4, Spring 1995.
54513: BROWNE, Ray ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 29: 1, Summer 1995.
54511: BROWNE, Ray, ZHANG, Zhiyuan and HUANG, Sharong ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 27: 2, Fall 1993.
54512: BROWNE, Ray ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 28: 1, Summer 1994.
54510: BROWNE, Ray and SELBERG, Torunn ed. - Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 26: 4, Spring 1993.
52479: BROWNE, Christopher with SCOTT, Douglas A. - Economic Development in Seven Pacific Island Countries.
52174: BROWNE, R.K. & FOSTER, L.E. ed. - Sociology of Education.
66648: BROWNHILL, Robert. - Education and the Nature of Knowledge.
72663: BROWNING, Rufus P., MARSHALL, Dale Rogers & TABB, David H. - Protest is Not Enough: The Struggle of Blacks and Hispanics for Equality in Urban Politics.
10601: BROWNING, Reed. - Political and Constitutional Ideas of the Court Whigs.
74680: BRUCE, Phillip - Second to None: The Story of the Hong Kong Volunteers.
69632: BRUCE, J.G. - Soils of Part Raglan County, South Auckland.
68871: BRUCE, Vicki & GREEN, Patrick R. - Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychology and Ecology.
61040: BRUCE, Philip Alexander. - Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Higher Planting Class, Together with an Account of the Habits, Customs, and Diversions of the People.
60590: BRUCE, Vicki & GREEN, Patrick R. - Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychology and Ecology.
47916: BRUCE, Dorita Fairlie. - Dimsie Among the Prefects.
76456: BRUCHAC, Margaret M., HART, Siobhan M. & WOBST, H. Martin. - Indigenous Archaeologies: A Reader on Decolonization.
75677: BRUCKNER, Anton. - Symphonie III in D-Moll dur / Symphony No. 3 in D Minor.
72107: BRUER, John T. - Schools for Thought: A Science of Learning in the Classroom.
68712: BRUER, John T. - Schools for Thought: A Science of Learning in the Classroom.
62474: BRUGGER, Bill. - China: Liberation and Transformation, 1942 - 1962.
59593: BRUGGER, Bill. - China: Radicalism to Revisionism, 1962 - 1979.
58658: BRUGGER, Bill ed. - China: The Impact of the Cultural Revolution.
52501: BRUGGER, Bill. - China: Radicalism to Revisionism, 1962 - 1979.
63431: BRUMBAUGH, James E. - Truck Guide: Volume 1 - Engines.
74856: BRUMBY, Ed & VASZOLYI, Eric eds. - Language Problems and Aboriginal Education.
70170: BRUMBY, Ed & VASZOLYI, Eric eds. - Language Problems and Aboriginal Education.
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54819: BRUNNER, Edmund de S., HUGHES, Gwendolyn S., & PATTEN, Marjorie. - American Agricultural Villages.
54152: BRUNNER, John. - Age of Miracles.
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