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Chilton Books The Lodge, Chilton Mount, Newton Road, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2RS, UK Email: beckhambooks@msn.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
22605: SANGSTER, P.E. - Speech in the Pulpit. (Foreword by Leslie D. Weatherhead.)
22606: SANGSTER, W.E. - These Things Abide. A Book of Devotional Meditations in Dark Days.
18411: SANSBURY, KENNETH. - Truth Unity and Concord. Anglican Faith in an Ecumenical Setting.
3405: SANSOM, MICHAEL - Liturgy for Ordination: The Series 3 Services. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship No. 60).
38278: SANTA ANA, JULIO DE. - Good News to the Poor: The Challenge of the Poor in the History of the Church.
10593: SANTA ANA, JULIO DE. - Towards a Church of the Poor.
30261: SANTER, MARK. - Their Lord and Ours: Approaches to Authority, Community and the Unity of the Church.
17013: SARA, EDMUND W. - Young Men and Maidens. A Study of Youth in the Parish.
47232: SARACHEK, JOSEPH. - Faith and Reason: The Conflict Over the Rationalism of Maimonides.
33417: SARAPION, BISHOP. / WORDSWORTH, JOHN (INTRODUCTION, NOTES INDICES).. - Bishop Sarapion's Prayer-Book: An Egyptian Sacramentary Dated Probably About A.D. 350-356.
46182: SARGEANT, FRANK P. - A Complete Parish Priest. Peter Green (1871-1961).
28453: SARGENT, MAJ.-GEN. H.N. - The Servant Nation.
46677: SARMA, D.S. - Studies in the Renaissance of Hinduism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
47578: SAROS. - The Saros Seminar. Lords of All We Survey? (Transcript).
28975: SARTELLE, JOHN P. - What Christian Parents should know about Infant Baptism.
44378: SARTON, MAY (1912-1995) . - Coming Into Eighty. New Poems by May Sarton .
43948: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED. - The Weald of Youth.
28976: SATGE, JOHN DE. - Christ and the Human Prospect. The Unity of Existence Here and Hereafter.
10959: SATTERTHWAITE, MARJORIE. - Labrador Retrievers. (De complete rashondengids).
21003: SATTILARO, ANTHONY J., WITH MONTE, TOM. - Living Well Naturally. (With a 21-day course to help you gradually incorporate health-restoring ideas into your daily life.)
51063: H.P. SAUCE. - Nursery Rhymes with a Dash of Sauce.
30017: SAUNDERS, IRENE. - The Right Word in Chinese.
5453: SAUNDERS, TEDDY & SANSOM, HUGH. - David Watson. A Biography. Foreword by George Thomas, Viscount Tonypandy.
26988: SAUNDERS, LESLEY (ED). - Action for Health. Initiatives in Local Communities.
20522: SAUNDERS, J.G. - Decimal Money.
51226: SAUNDERS, GILL AND YORKE, MALCOLM. - Bawden Ravilious and the Artists of Great Bardfield.
48288: SAUNDERS, JOHN E. - Taught To Be Good. The History of St Edmund's Catholic School.
3394: SAUNDERS, BETTY. - O Blest Communion! The Home Life of the Church of England.
38738: SAUNDERS, H.W. - The Official Papers of Sir Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, Norfolk, as Justice of the Peace 1580-1620.
31265: SAURAT, DENIS. - Regeneration. (Preceded by a Letter from General de Gaulle).
15364: SAURAT, DENIS. - Angels and Beasts. New short stories from France, selected and introduced by Denis Saurat.
7240: SAURAT, DENIS. - Literature and Occult Tradition. Studies in Philosophical Poetry. (Translated from the French by Dorothy Bolton).
42044: SAVA, GEORGE. - Patients' Progress.
39472: SAVAGE, STEPHEN; CHARMAN, SARAH & COPE, STEPHEN. - Policing & The Power of Persuasion. The Changing Role of the Association of Chief Police Officers.
12334: SAVARY, LOUIS M. - The Way of the Cross for Children. ( illustrated by Rita Goodwill ).
16080: SAVARY, LOUIS M. - Who has Seen the Wind? The Holy Spirit in the Church and World.
27947: SAVIGEAR, ELFRIDA. - Garden Pests and Predators. The Wildlife in Your Garden and its Ecological Control.
44056: SAVILE, HENRY / COOPER, WILLIAM DURRANT.(EDITOR). - Savile Correspondence. Letters to and from Henry Savile, Esq. Including Letters from his Brother George Marquess of Halifax.
25591: SAVILLE, MALCOLM. - Come to Devon.
7509: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Come and See. A Lent Journey. (Drawings by Arthur Baker, Helen Herbert, Roy Mitchell).
26990: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Including Children. A Practical Companion to the Alternative Service Book.
1425: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Man Born to be King. A Play-Cycle on the Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
18906: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Jesus is Here. A Children's Communion Book (Illustrated by Jennifer Carter).
20523: SAYERS, SUSAN. - New Intercessions for the Church Year. (A weekly companion to ASB).
4495: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - Strong Meat.
10884: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Springboard to Worship. Ideas and Resources for Sundays and Festivals. A companion to ASB Years 1 & 2.
50512: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Emperor Constantine. A Chronicle.
13378: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Intercessions for the Church Year. A Companion to ASB Years 1 & 2.
34446: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Just Vengeance. The Lichfield Festival Play for 1946.
29733: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Now You're Confirmed. A Young Person's Guide to Growing in the Anglican Church.
50597: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Mysterious English. (Macmilllan War Pamphlets No.10).
9816: SAYERS, SUSAN. - Springboard Two. Ideas & Resources for All-Age Worship. A Weekly Companion to ASB.
35559: SAYLE, ALEXEI. - Short Stories: Taken from Barcelona Plates and The Dog Catcher.
50551: SAYLES, MARY B. - The Problem Child in School. Narrative from Case Records of Visiting Teachers.
2616: SAYWELL, GEORGE. - Christian Confidence. Saturday articles from The Times.
39786: SCALLON, FATHER KEVIN. - I Will Come Myself. Experiencing the Risen Christ.
25372: SCANNELL, VERNON. - Drums of Morning. Growing Up in the Thirties.
34097: SCANNELL, VERNON. - The Winter Man.
18027: SCANZONI, LETHA AND MOLLENKOTT, VIRGINIA RAMEY. - Is the Homosexual my Neighbour? Another Christian View.
49223: SCARBOROUGH, ELIZABETH. - Song of Sorcery.
50413: SCARFE, NORMAN. - Suffolk in the Middle Ages.
31782: SCARFE, NORMAN. - Suffolk in the Middle Ages.
44805: SCARFE, NORMAN. - Cambridgeshire. (Shell Guide).
41041: SCARFE, NORMAN. - To the Highlands in 1786. The Inquisitive Journey of a Young French Aristocrat.
49572: SCARFE, NORMAN. - Innocent Espionage. The La Rochefoucauld Brothers' Tour of England in 1785.
19878: SCARRE, ELFRIDA. - The 'Word' in song: The Life of Our Lord.
23947: SCHAEFER, JAMES. - Program Planning for Adult Christian Education.
20429: SCHAEFER, HERMANN. - Im Lande Der Konige. Streifzuge durch Persien.
12502: SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS, & EDITH. - Everybody Can Know. Illustrated by Franky A. Schaeffer V.
12998: SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS. - The God Who is There. Speaking Historic Christianity into the Twentieth Century.
7089: SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS A. - Death in the City.
13379: SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS A. - The Church Before the Watching World. A Practical Ecclesiology.
8421: SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS A. - Escape from Reason.
6422: SCHAFER, STEPHEN. - Restitution to Victims of Crime. (Published under the auspices of The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency).
47113: SCHAFF, PHILIP. - The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles or the Oldest Church Manual.
19426: SCHARF, BETTY R. - The Sociological Study of Religion.
48737: SCHARLEMANN, ROBERT P. (EDITOR). - Theology at the End of the Century. A Dialogue on the Postmodern.
49439: SCHARLIEB, DR MARY. - Reminiscences.
27285: SCHECK, JOANN. - The Man Who Couldn't Wait. (Illustrated by Alice Hausner).
26992: SCHEFFBUCH, WINRICH. - Christians Under the Hammer and Sickle.
6158: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD. - For the Sake of the Gospel. (Translated by John Bowden).
31945: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD. - God is New Each Moment. (In Conversation with Huub Oosterhuis & Piet Hoogeveen).
3740: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD. - Jesus. An Experiment in Christology. (Translate by Hubert Hoskins).
6884: SCHILLER, FERDINAND CANNING SCOTT. - Problems of Belief.
30314: SCHILLING, HAROLD K. - The New Consciousness in Science and Religion.
10886: SCHIMIDT, MICHAEL. - An Introdution to 50 Modern British Poets.
9911: SCHLATTER, VICTOR. - Where is the Body? Discovering the Church in the Heart of Israel.
35398: SCHLINK, BASILEA. - Countdown to World Disaster. Hope and Protection for the Future.
26523: SCHLINK, BASILEA. - Behold His Love. (Meditations on the Passion of Jesus).
10439: SCHLINK, M. BASILEA. - Israel at the Heart of World Events. A perspective on the Middle East situation written during the Gulf War.
15808: SCHLINK, BASILEA. - Ruled by the Spirit.
10755: SCHLINK, BASILEA. - Realities. The Miracles of God Experienced Today.
12747: SCHLINK, M. BASILEA. - God is Always Greater.
22972: SCHLITZER, ALBERT L. (EDITOR.) - The Spirit and Power of Christian Secularity.
20524: SCHLUTER, MICHAEL. - Christianity in a Changing World. Biblical Insight on Contemporary Issues.
25511: SCHLUTER, DR. MICHAEL AND LEE, DAVID. - Keeping Sunday Special. The Fight Against The Shops Bill.
48632: SCHMERLE, WILLY. - The Chimpy Family...
6568: SCHMIDT-HAUER, CHRISTIAN. - Gorbachev. The Path to Power.
14816: SCHMITTER, DEAN MORGAN. - Mark Twain. A collection of criticism .
45585: SCHNÄDELBACH, HERBERT. - Philosophy in Germany 1831-1933. (translated by Eric Matthews).
15875: SCHNEID, HAYYIM. (COMPILER). - Family.
11274: SCHOEPS, HANS-JOACHIM. - An Intelligent Person's Guide to the Religions of Mankind. (Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston).
20768: SCHOFIELD, MICHAEL ET AL. - Behind the Drug Scene (A Family Doctor Booklet).
12913: SCHOFIELD, J.N. - Introducing Old Testament Theology.
48976: SCHOFIELD, DAVID. - Troubled Water. Living with Myeloma.
47233: SCHOLEM, GERSHOM. - Origins of the Kaballah.
21304: SCHOLES, PERCY. - God Save the King! Its History and its Romance.
23948: SCHOLES, PERCY A. - A Miniature History of Music.
45186: SCHOLES, PERCY A. - The Life and Activities of Sir John Hawkins. Musician, Magistrate and Friend of Johnson.
24134: SCHOMP, GERALD. - Overcoming Anxiety. A Christian Guide to Personal Growth.
5922: SCHONELL, FRED J. - The Psychology and Teaching of Reading.
48519: SEDBERGH SCHOOL. - The Sedberghian. Vol.LXXVVIII. No.1. (March 1957).
48520: MALSIS SCHOOL. - The Malsis Chronicle. Vol.XIV. No.6. (August 1959).
49861: SCHORI, KATHARINE JEFFERTS. - The Gospel in the Global Village. Sharing God's Dream of Shalom.
28977: SCHRAMM, VICTOR JUDSON. - Use Guide for The Church in History.
25967: SCHREY, H.H. - Faith and Action. Basic Problems in Christian Ethics: A Selection of Contemporary Discussions.
11947: SCHROEDER, WILLIAM LAWRENCE. - The Divine Element in Art and Literature.
29901: SCHUBERT, JOHN. - Running: A Celebration of the Sport and the World's Best Places to Enjoy It. (Illustrations by Jim Deal.)
19879: SCHULTZ, HANS JURGEN. - Jesus in His Time.
15172: SCHULTZ, KARL A. - Calming the Stormy Seas of Stress.
12748: SCHULTZ, RIMA LUNN. - The Church and the City. A Social History of 150 Years at Saint James, Chicago.
16554: SCHULZ, CHARLIE M. - You're in Love Charlie Brown.
13944: SCHUR, NORMAN. - British Self-Taught: with Comments in American. (Illustrated by Graham).
30775: SCHWAB, PETER. - Africa: A Continent Self-Destructs.
14560: SCHWARTZ, HARRY. - Russia's Soviet Economy.
20372: SCHWARZ, HANS. - The Search for God.Christianity. Atheism. Secularism. World Religions.
28558: SCHWEINITZ, ELIZABETH DE AND SCHWEINITZ, KARL DE. - Interviewing in the Social Services. An Introduction.
1450: SCHWEITZER, ALBERT . - On The Edge Of The Primeval Forest. The Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa .
13193: SCHWEIZER, EDUARD. - The Good News according to Mark.
23949: SCHWEIZER, EDUARD. - Lordship and Discipleship.
8438: SCHWEIZER, EDUARD AND OTHERS. - Spirit of God.
8712: SCHWEIZER, EDUARD. - Jesus. (Translated from the German by David E. Green).
9000: SCHWEIZER, EDUARD. - The Good News according to Matthew. (Translated by David E. Green).
37840: SCIAMA, DENNIS/ KILMISTER, C.W./ HOYLE, FRED/ BONDI, HERMANN. - A New Kind of Physics. A Broadcast Symposium.
33753: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. - Review of the Present Safety Arrangements for the Use of Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture and Food Storage.
23950: SCITOVSKY, TIBOR. - Economic Theary and Western European Integration.
22608: SCOFIELD, ARTHUR G. - Chiropractice. The Science of Specific Spinal Adjustment.
32431: SCORE, G.F. - Guide to Wimborne Minster. Its Monuments and Curiosities.
15072: SCORER,C.G. - Life in Our Hands. A Study in Human Values.
12161: SCOTHERN, PETER. - God of Wonders. Inspiring Bible ministry for this hour.
41248: SCOTLAND, NIGEL. - 'Good and Proper Men': Lord Palmerston and the Bench of Bishops.
25889: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. - The Church Faces the Challenge. The Report of the Church of Scotland Commission on Communism.
12288: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. - The Future of the Family. A Crisis of Commitment.
16117: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. - Advancing in the Church. A programme of Christian education for 14-15 year olds vol 1.
36277: SUPREME GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND . - The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. Installation and Vernal Equinox Celebrations Friday, 18th March 1966 .
42830: EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN SCOTLAND. - The Scottish Liturgy. For the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist and Administration of Holy Communion Commonly Called the Scottish Communion Office.
41818: SCOTT, EILEEN. - Stories for School Prayers.
20769: SCOTT, RICHRNDA C. - A Quaker Interpretation of Experience..
11796: SCOTT, CAROLYN. - Slave Ship Captain. The Story of John Newton.
48813: SCOTT-JAMES, ANNE. - Down To Earth. (Illustrated by Osbert Lancaster).
2618: SCOTT, ERNEST F. - Man and Society in the New Testament.
18907: SCOTT, SIR WALTER. - Two Stories.
26121: SCOTT, HAROLD. - English Song Book. (Collected and Edited with an Introduction by Harold Scott.)
21097: SCOTT, AMORET AND CHRISTOPHER. - Discovering Stately Homes.
11759: SCOTT, HARDIMAN. - Part of Silence.
6077: SCOTT PECK, M. - The Road Less Travelled. A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth.
2671: SCOTT, ERNEST FINDLAY. - The Literature of the New Testament.
47766: SCOTT, WALTER SIR (1771-1832) . - Miniature Library Of The Poets : Poems Of Sir Walter Scott. In Two Volumes.
2617: SCOTT, ERNEST FINDLAY. - The Validity of The Gospel Record.
33834: SCOTT-PALMER, WILLIAM. - Pilgrim Man.
47707: SCOTT, CLEMENT 1841-1904. - The Drama Of Yesterday & To-Day By Clement Scott. In Two Volumes .
46072: SCOTT, W. T. - Antiquities Of An Essex Parish, or, Pages From The History Of Great Dunmow. By W. T. Scott.
46888: SCOTT, CYRIL. - The Greater Awareness. (A Sequel to An Outline of Modern Occultism).
50592: SCOTT, ROSEMARY E. - The Porcelains of Jingdezhen. Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia No.16.
50535: SCOTT, WALTER . - The Lay Of The Last Minstrel, A Poem; By Walter Scott, Esq. The Thirteenth Edition.
5549: SCOTT, DAVID. - Building Common Faith.
42090: SCOTT, HARDIMAN. - When the Words are Gone.
36410: SCOTT, HARDIMAN.(EDITOR). - Sir Thomas Wyatt. Selected Poems.
48848: SCRIBE E. - History of the Saye & Sele R. A. Chapter No.1973 Compiled from the Minutes 1885-1935 B Scribe E.
41830: SCRIVEN, R.C. - The Seasons of the Blind and Other Radio Plays in Verse.
42717: SCRIVENER, JOHN. - Faith & Worship. The Prayer Book Society Review. Number 75. Trinity 2014.
15459: SCULLY, KEVIN. - Women on the Way. Meditations for Lent.
39943: SCUTT, JOAN. - African Hands.
49859: SCUTTS, JERRY. - Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF. (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces. 7).
16941: SEABROOK, MIKE. - The Pub Trivia Quiz Book. (Illustrated by Morse Modaberi).
50470: SILVERED BRONZE MAREGUYNE SEAL - A Lovely cased Art Deco Silvered Bronze Mareguyne Seal .
7801: SEALE, MORRIS S. - The Desert Bible. Nomadic Tribal Culture and Old Testament Interpretation.
18908: SEALY, HOPE. - Prayer for the Day. Selection from the BBC Radio 4 Programme.
28978: SEAMANDS, DAVID A. - Healing for Damaged Emotions.
45484: SEAR, DAVID R. - Roman Coins and Their Values.
30887: SEARIGHT, SARAH. - Steaming East. The Forging of Steamship and Rail Links Between Europe and Asia.
27949: SEARLE, JOHN D. - Twentieth Century Christians. (Twelve Mini-Biographies).
45672: SEATON, A.A. - The Theory of Toleration under the Later Stuarts.
20011: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY. - Care of the Dying. Proceedings of a National Symposium held on 29th Nov. 1972.
27531: SEDDON, PHILLIP. - The New Age - An Assessment. (Grove Spirituality No.34).
25279: SEDGWICK, PETER. - Rethinking Sentencing a Contribution to the Debate. A Report from the Mission and Public Affairs Council.
31651: SEEKINGS, HERBERT. - The Men of the Pauline Circle.
34952: SEELEY, MABEL. - Woman of Property.
9445: SEELY, JOHN. - In Context. Language and Drama in the Secondary School.
15474: SEELYE, JOHN. - Melville: The Ironic Diagram.
3750: SEGAL, LOUIS.(EDITOR). - New Complete Russian-English Dictionary. (New Orthography).
14146: SEGUNDO, JUAN LUIS. - Evolution and Guilt - a theology for a new humanity. (vol.5).
19628: SEIBOLD, RONALD L. - Cereal Grass. Nature's Greatest Health Gift.
37925: SEITZ, CHRISTOPHER R. - Figured Out. Typology and Providence in Christian Scripture.
2621: SELBIE, W.B. - The Validity of Christian Belief.
33673: SELBIE, REV. W.B. - Religion and Life. (Being the William Belden Noble Lectures delivered in Harvard University, 1930).
22773: SELBY, PETER. - Liberating God. Private Care and Public Struggle.
45984: SELDERHUIS, HERMAN J. - John Calvin. A Pilgrim's Life.
42538: SELDON, ARTHUR (ET AL). - Agenda for Social Democracy.
26250: SELF, DAVID. - Leading a Parish Discussion Group. A Straightforward Guide for Discussion Group Leaders.
10969: SELFE, ROSE E. - The Work of the Prophets.
29301: SELINCOURT, AUBREY DE. - One Good Tern. (Illustrated by Guy De Selincourt.)
42876: SELLERS, JAMES. - Warming Fires. The Quest for Community in America.
9058: SELLMANN, PER AND GITA. - The Complete Sprouting Book. Trans. by Kit Zweigbergk & Palden Jenkins.
44083: SELLON, EDWARD. - Annotations on the Sacred Writings of the Hindus.
27950: SELMAN, PROF. I.W. - Science in the Garden. (The Handbook of the A.T.V. Series).
48275: SELOUS, FREDERICK COURTNEY. - Travel and Adventure in South East Africa.
51187: SELWOOD, DOMINIC. - Knights of the Cloister. Templars and Hospitallers in Central-Southern Occitania 1100-1300.
3709: SELWYN, EDWARD GORDON. - The First Epistle of St Peter. The Greek Text with introduction, notes and essays.
34977: SELWYN, E.GORDON. - Short History of Christian Thought. (Christian Challenge series).
42087: SEMPLE, ANDREW B. - Report on the Health of the City of Liverpool for 1959 by the Medical Officer of Health.
12750: SEN, K.M. - Hinduism. The World's Oldest Faith.
2080: SENCOURT, ROBERT. - Saint Paul. Envoy of Grace.
50882: SEPHARIAL. - The New Dictionary of Astrology.
46746: SERJEANT, CONSTANCIA . - A Tale Of Red Pekin By Constancia Serjeant .
41808: SERMOISE, PIERRE DE. - Joan of Arc and Her Secret Missions.(Translated by Jennifer Taylor).
46243: SERMON, DAVID. - Men, Not Walls, Make the City.
27112: SERPELL, ROBERT. - Culture's Influence on Behaviour.
28671: SERVICE, GILL. - The New Zealand Lamb International Cookbook.
39278: ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE . - Order And form Of The Thanksgiving Service For The Preservation Of The Cathedral. Wednesday, 25th June, 1930 At 12 Noon.
48416: SERVICE, ROBERT W. - Ballads of a Cheechako.
50873: PRAYER BOOK - CORONATION SERVICE . - The Form and Order of the Service That is To Be Performed and the Ceremonies That are to be Observed in the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II ... on Tuesday, the second Day of June, 1953
34826: SERVICE, ROBERT. - Carols Of An Old Codger.
49828: SESSIONS, WILLIAM K. - The First Printers at Ipswich in 1547-1548 and Worcester in 1549-1553.
48729: VICTORIAN BIBLE & PRAYER BOOK SET. - The Holy Bible, Containing The Old And New Testaments: Translated Out Of The Original Tongues....
45988: SETERS, JOHN VAN. - The Life of Moses. The Yahwist as Historian in Exodus-Numbers.
39695: SETH, VIKRAM. - Arion & The Dolphin. (A Libretto).
2239: SETON, WALTER. - Chalmers of New Guinea. The Martyr Missionary.
29248: SETON-WATSON, R.W. - The Future of Bohemia.
11330: SEUSS, DR. - Dr. Seuss's. ABC.
43891: SEVERN, J. MILLOTT. - The Life Story and Experiences of a Phrenologist. (with thirty illustrations).
26994: SEWELL, DOLLY. - It's Kids Stuff. Children's Anecdotes.
47665: SEWELL,GEORGE H. - Film-Play Production for Amateurs.
50242: SEXTON, LINDA & MANN, PATRICIA. - Sisters in Adversity. The Women's Institute and the 1953 East Coast Floods.
14472: SEYMOUR, STANLEY. - London - Day by Day.
15073: SEYMOUR,STANLEY. - Making Christ Known.
41548: SEYMOUR-SMITH, MARTIN. - The English Sermon. Volume One 1550-1650.
47666: SHAFFER, PETER. - Five Finger Exercise. A Play.
48418: SHAIKH, ANWAR. - Faith and Deception.
35684: SHAKESHAFT, RUTH WITH GREAVES, LINDY. - Eggs, Fish and Banana Leaves.
20771: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - The Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare (with an Introduction and Bibliography).
47027: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - MINIATURE BOOK . - The Rape Of Lucrece , [ By William Shakespeare] .
50727: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - PAINTED VELLUM - MINIATURE BOOK . - The Merchant Of Venice By W. Shakespeare .
46903: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - MINIATURE BOOK . - The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth : By William Shakespeare .
30430: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM/BRANAGH, KENNETH. - Hamlet. Screenplay, Introduction and Film Diary. (Film Diary by Russell Jackson, photographs by Rolf Konow & Peter Mountain.)
1468: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. - Histories. (Vol 2. in series of 3).
46902: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - MINIATURE BOOK . - The Winter's Tale : By William Shakespeare .
50693: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - MINIATURE BOOK . - As You Like It , [ By William Shakespeare] .
50694: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - MINIATURE BOOK . - King John, [ By William Shakespeare] .
26995: SHALLIS, RALPH. - From Now On.....
48974: SHAMY, EILEEN. - A Guide to the Spiritual Dimension of Care for People with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia.
18360: SHANDS, ALFRED R. - The Liturgical Movement and the Local Church.
50591: SHANKAR, RAVI. - My Music, My Life.
16084: SHANKS, HERSHEL. - The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
46806: SHANKS, ANDREW. - Anglicanism Reimagined, An Honest Church?
15460: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Silent Lamp. The Thomas Merton Story.
26525: SHARKAWI, A.R. - Egyptian Earth.
51159: SHARP, MRS. (ELIZABETH AMELIA SHARP 1856-1932). - Songs and Poems of the Sea (Sea-Music) .
26887: SHARP, WILLIAM. - American Sonnets. (Selected and Edited with an Introduction).
47721: SHARP, CECIL J. - English County Folk Songs.
16233: SHARP, P.F AND PERKINS, A.C. - Physics and Engineering in Medicine in the New Millennium.
35676: SHARP, DOREEN. - Man of Compassion - Man of Prayer: The Guiding Hand of God in the Life of John Harris of the Leprosy Mission.
37397: SHARP, JOHN . - A Sermon Preach'd Before The King And Queen At White-Hall, The 12th of November, 1693. Being the Day for a Publick Thanksgiving To Almighty God, for the Gracious Preservation of His Majesty, And His Safe Return. By John, Lord Archbishop of York...
37398: SHARP, JOHN, 1645-1714. - A Sermon About the Government of the Thoughts, Preach'd before the King and Queen, at White-Hall, the 4th of March, being the 2d Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the Most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Arch-Bishop of York.
29984: SHARP, W.R; EVANS, D.A; AMMIRATO, P.V AND YAMADA, Y. - Handbook of Plant Cell Culture. Volume 2: Crop Species.
20069: SHARPE, ERIC P. - Treasures of Christian Worship. (Living Issues Booklets).
16085: SHARPE, REV. A.R. - Perfection and the Only Alternative. A Treatise on Growth in Holiness, adapted, for the use of English clergy and Lay people, from the Directorium of Father Scaramelli.
21158: SHARPE, A.B. - Mysticism: Its True Nature and Value. With a Translation of the 'Mystical Theology' of Dionysius, and of the letters to Caius and Dorotheus (1,2 and 5).
16086: SHAVE, ERIC. - Before the Dawn or "The Same Night in Which He was Betrayed".
28421: SHAW, CAROL P. - Collins Gem: Whisky.
14627: SHAW, GILBERT. - Christian Prayer. A Way of Progress.
14628: SHAW, GILBERT. - Creation and Re-Creation. An Approach to Prayer.
1470: SHAW, BERNARD. - Saint Joan. A chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue.
31658: SHAW, DICK (RICHARD BRADSHAW) AND HAMPSHIRE, GERALD. - A Feathered Magi. (Illustrator Wendy Theobald) / Child's Play: Nuts Away.(Illustrator John Claypole).
50999: SHAW, REV. GEORGE. - Councillor Kerwood's Investment And What Came Of It.
41549: SHAW, JOHN MACKINTOSH. - The Christian Gospel of the Fatherhood of God.
50542: SHAW, HENRY ( 1800-1873 ). - Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Ages By Henry Shaw F.S.A.
50543: SHAW, HENRY ( 1800-1873 ). - The Hand Book of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices. By Henry Shaw, F.S.A. Author of Devices and decorations of the Middle Ages &c. &c.
9632: SHAW, GLADYS. - We Came to a Village.
18028: SHEA, JAMIE. - NATO 2000. A Political Agenda for a Political Alliance. (Brassey's Atlantic Commentaries No. 3.
13127: SHEARLOCK, DAVID. - The Practice of Preaching.
34203: SHEARMAN, DAVID. - Born to Win!
45177: SHEARMAN, A.T. - The Development of Symbolic Logic. A Critical-Historical Study of the Logical Calculus.
13381: SHEASBY, PETER. - Companion to the Lectionary. Volume 5. All Together for Worship.
2746: SHEBBEARE, CHARLES J. - Problems of Providence.
34995: SHEBBEARE, C.J. - Christianity and Other Religions.
6483: SHEBBEARE,C.J. - The Problem of the Future Life.
9845: SHEDD, W.G.T. - Sermons to the Spiritual Man.
48734: SHEEHAN, THOMAS. - Making Sense of Heidegger. A Paradigm Shift.
6402: SHEEN, REV. H.E., L.TH. - Ye are to take care!
32132: SHEEN, FULTON J. - In the Fullnes of Time. Christ-Centred Wisdom for the Third Millennium.
49345: SHEILDS, BRO. DOUGAL. - Villa Blye Pawla Malta G.C. Sketch of a Masonic Hall.
1475: SHEILS, W. J. - The Puritans In The Diocese Of Peterborough 1558 - 1610 .
29302: SHELDON, CHARLES M. - In His Steps.
20773: SHELDRAKE, PHILIP. - Befriending our Desires.
16821: SHELDRAKE, RUPERT. - The Rebirth of Nature. The Greening of Science and God.
28979: SHELDRAKE, PHILIP (ED). - The Way. Contemporary Christian Spirituality. Deaths and Dyings. Vol.33. No.4.
16441: SHELEMON, BARBARA LEAHY. - Healing Prayer.
50155: SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE 1792-1822 / FORMAN, H. BUXTON (HARRY BUXTON FORMAN 1842-1917 ) - EDITOR - The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Given from his own editions and other authentic sources: Collated with many manuscripts and with all editions of authority ...
30865: SHELTON, H.S. - The Credibility of the Christian Faith.
49083: SHEPHERD, WENDY. - Fordham's Finest. Preserving the Memory.
31225: SHEPHERD, DR CHARLES. - Living With M.E: The Chronic/Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome.
46441: SHEPHERD, DAVID. - The Man Who Loves Giants. An Artist Among Elephants and Engines. (Signed).
18638: SHEPHERD, JOHN J. - Experience, Inference and God.
47826: SHEPHERD, A. F. / COFFIN, E. (ILLUSTRATOR) . - Links with The Past: A Brief Chronicle of the Public the Service of a Notable Institution. By A. F. Shepherd With Reproductions From Old Prints & Photographs & Illustrations By E. Coffin .
17895: SHEPHERD, MURIEL. - Emmanuel Songs. 4.
16403: SHEPHERD, F.W. - Early Garden Crops. (Wisley Handbook 30).
47555: SHEPHERD, THOMAS H. (ARTIST) / W. WALLIS (ENGRAVER) . - Salters-Hall. with dedication: "To Alderman Venables during whose Mayoralty the edifice was completed, this plate is respectfully dedicated by the Publishers.
16371: SHEPPARD, DAVID AND WORLOCK, DEREK. - Better Together. Christian Partnership in a Hurt City.
12427: SHEPPARD, DAVID. - Parson's Pitch.
27163: SHEPPARD, LANCELOT C. (TRANSLATOR.) - Religious Life v Chastity.
4450: SHEPPARD, LANCELOT C. - Lacordaire. A Biographical Essay.
8511: SHEPPARD, DAVID & WORLOCK, DEREK. - Better Together. Christian partnership in a hurt City.
44895: THE CHURCH OF ST JAMES SHERE. - The Book of Reckonings and Other Memoranda 1500-1612.
44580: SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY (1751-1816) . - The Critic; or, a tragedy rehearsed; a dramatic piece, in three acts. As performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Printed under the authority of the managers, from the prompt books.
48830: SHERIFF, KEITH. - The Rough Ashlar. The History of English Freemasonry in Gibraltar 1727-2002.
50885: SHERLOCK, DAVID. - Signs for Silence. The Sign Language of the Monks of Ely in the Middle Ages.
37399: SHERLOCK, WILLIAM, 1641?-1707. - A Vindication Of The Case of Allegiance due to Soveraign Powers, in reply to An answer to a late pamphlet intituled Obedience and submission to the present government demonstrated from Bishop Overal's Convocation-book...
30164: SHERMAN, HENRY C. - Foods: Their Values and Management.
31576: SHERRACOMBE, WILL. - Devonshire Folk. Stories From Remote Villages Farms and Hills.
10694: SHERRILL,JOHN - Mother's Song
45718: SHERRINGTON, SIR CHARLES. - The Endeavour of Jean Fernel.
43619: SHERWELL, JOHN W. - A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Guild of Saddlers of the City of London. Written and Compiled by John W. Sherwell. Clerk Of The Company.
19880: SHERWIN, DAVID R. CURRIN, JIM AND THOMPSON, JOHN. - Evangelism Across the Diocese. Two Diocesan Initiatives in Evangelism (Grove Evangelism No.34).
24903: SHEWELL, CHRISTINA, & DEAN, VIRGINIA. (EDITORS.) - A Way with Words. Favourite Pieces chosen by Famous People. (Foreword by Jonathan Miller.)
50099: SHIELDS, CYRIL. - Broadcast Conjuring Tricks.
13593: SHILTON, LANCE R. - Speaking from the Holy Land.
22903: SHINDLER, PHYLLIS. - 100 Favourite After-Dinner Stories from The Famous.
41040: SHINDLER, KAROLYN. (SIGNED). - Discovering Dorothea. The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-Hunter Dorothea Bate.
43870: NIPPON GAKUJUTSU SHINKOKAI. - The Noh Drama. Ten Plays from the Japanese Selected and Translated by the Special Noh Committee, Japanese Classics Translation Committee.
19291: SHINN, ROGER L. - Faith and Science in an Unjust World. Report of the World Council of Churches' Conference on Faith, Science and the Future. Vo.1. Plenary Presentations.
11208: SHIPMAN, M.D. - Sociology of the School.
2749: SHIRLEY, F.J. - Richard Hooker and Contemporary Political Ideas.
26251: SHIRLEY, F.J. - Elizabeth's First Archbishop. (A Reply to Mr.J.C. Whitebrook's Consecration of the Most Revered Matthew Parker).
51200: SHOBERL, FREDERIC, 1775-1853 / EXTRA ILLUSTRATED (GRAINGERIASED) - A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Suffolk; Containing an account of its towns, churches, castles, monuments ... : accompanied with biographical notices of eminent and learned men to whom this county has given birth.
48464: SHOBERL, FREDERIC, 1775-1853. - A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Suffolk; Containing an account of its towns, churches, castles, monuments ... : accompanied with biographical notices of eminent and learned men to whom this county has given birth.
24904: SHOEMAKER, HELEN SMITH. - Power Through Prayer Groups. Their Why and How. (Introduction by Bishop Everett H. Jones.)
44617: SHOHARA, HIDE AND YAMAGIWA, JOSEPH K. - Intermediate Dialogues in Japanese.
42532: SHONFIELD, ANDREW. - Europe: Journey to an Unknown Destination. An Expanded Version of the BBC Reith Lectures 1972.
30315: SHONFIELD, ANDREW. - The Attack on World Poverty.
33987: SHORE, WENDY. (EDITOR). - Symbolism and Surrealism.
33988: SHORE, WENDY. (EDITOR). - Major Styles of Modern Art.
1878: SHORT, MARTIN. - Inside the Brotherhood. Further secrets of the Freemasons.
20877: SHORT, A RENDLE. - Archaeology Gives Evidence. Bible History and Eastern Discovery.
21829: SHORTALL, SALLY, BRANDTH, BERIT AND VERSTAD, BERIT. - Sociologia Ruralis. Vol.38. No 3 December 1998. The Empowerment of Farm Women.
21455: SHORTER, AYLWARD. - Revelation and its Interpretation.(Introducing Catholic Theology).
44706: SHOTT, PATSY. - My Friends Are A Mixed Bunch. True Tales for Animal Lovers.
7352: SHRAKE, EDWIN. - But not for Love.
21710: SHRESTHA, D.B AND SINGH, C.B. - Some Prominent Festivals in Nepal.
21711: SHRISUNDER, DAVID S. - A Short Introduction to Asian Religions in England.
47751: SHUBIK, IRENE. - Play for Today: The Evolution of Television Drama.
3040: SHUCKBURGH, EVELYN S.(EDITOR). - An Apologie for Poetrie by Sir Philip Sidney. Edited for the syndics of the University press(From Olney's text of 1595) with notes, illustrations and glossary.
14239: SHUHEI, AIDA. - The Humane Use of Human Ideas. Discoveries Project and Eco-Technology.
21606: SIBLEY, BRIAN, & SAGE, ALISON. - A Treasury of Narnia. The Story of C.S. Lewis and his Chronicles of Narnia. (Illustrated by Pauline Baynes.)
17097: SIDER, RONALD J. AND KING, MICHAEL A. - Preaching About Life in a Threatening World.
11532: SIDER, RONALD. - Christ and Violence.
19292: SIDER, RONALD. - Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger. (20th Anniversary Edition).
45194: SIDNEI, SIR PHILIPPE. [SIDNEY]. - The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia.
6876: SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. (EDITED BY EDWARD ARBER). - Apologie for Poetrie 1595.
21148: SIEFF, MARCUS. - Marcus Sieff on Mangemant. The Marks & Spencer Way.
18639: SIEGAL, ARANKA. - Upon the Head of the Goat. A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944.
30145: SIEGEL, MARCIA B. - The Tail of the Dragon: New Dance, 1976 - 1982.
46241: MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA . - Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena: Historical Notes.
47556: SIEVEKING, CAPT. L. DE / NASH, PAUL (EDITOR). - Dressing Gowns and Glue. (Illustrations by John Nash).
13477: SILBERMAN, NEIL ASHER. - The Hidden Scrolls. Christianity, Judaism, and the War for the Dead Sea Scrolls.
4363: SILBERMAN, NEIL ASHER. - The Hidden Scrolls. Christianity,Judaism, and the War for the Dead Sea Scrolls.
28980: SILF, MARGARET. - The Miller's Tale and Other Parables.
26419: SILKIN, JON. - Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War.
26022: SILLERY, ANTHONY. - Africa: A Social Geography.
15083: SILVANI, PAUL. - La Corse en Couleurs.
30616: SILVER, NORMAN. - Python Dance.
18910: SILVERSIDES, MARK. - Folk Religion: Friend or Foe? (Grove Pastoral Series No.25).
49231: SIMAK, CLIFFORD D. - The Trouble with Tycho.
28672: SIMAK, CLIFFORD D. - Project Pope.
50076: SIMBLET, SARAH / DAVIS, JOHN (PHOTOGRAPHER). - Anatomy for the Artist.
11644: SIMCOX, CARROLL E. - The Promises of God. An Exercise in Biblical Thinking.
42873: SIME, WILLIAM. - Sacred Geography: Or a Dictionary, Historical and Descriptive, or Every Place Mentioned in the Bible.
42419: SIMIYU, STELLA AND HARRIS, PETER. - Caring for Creation. Part of our Gospel Calling? (Grove Ethics E149).
51261: SIMKIN, THE VENERABLE W.J. - The College of St John the Evangelist, Auckland, New Zealand.
24824: SIMMONDS, DAVID. - Believers All. A Book of Six World Religions.
2751: SIMMONDS, LESLIE. - The Framework of Faith.
18911: SIMMONDS, PAUL. - Reaching the Unchurched. Some Lessons from Willow Creek. (Grove Evangelism. No.19).
32729: SIMMONS, CONSTANCE M. - The Priory Church of St Laurence, Blackmore, Essex: A Short History and Guide.
21712: SIMMONS, JEAN. - Scottish Smugglers.
14054: SIMMONS, ERNEST J. - Tolstoy. (Routledge Author Guides).
36172: SIMMONS, R.W.G. / HARVEY, C.W.M./ WILLIAMS, N.H. - The Colne Valley Chapter No.2154. A Centenary History 1891-1991.
29739: SIMMONS, DAN. - Song of Kali.
33632: SIMMONS, JACK. - The Victorian Railway.
1485: SIMMS, G.O. - The Book of Kells. A selection of pages reproduced with a description and notes.
24137: SIMMS, YVONNE. - A Christian's Guide to Discovering God's Will.
25281: SIMON, WILLIAM GLYN HUGHES. (BISHOP OF LLANDAFF). - Then and Now. A Charge Delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Diocese of Llandaff at his Primary Visitation. October 1961.
14544: SIMON, GERHARD. - Church State and Opposition in the U.S.S.R. (Translated by Kathleen Matchett in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Religion & Communism).
25763: SIMON, MAURICE. - Moses Mendelssohn: His Life and Times
15876: SIMON, EDITH. - Luther Alive. Martin Luther and the making of the Reformation.
10160: SIMON, EDITH. - The Saints.
22519: SIMON, CHARLIE MAY. - A Seed Shall Serve. The Story of Toyohiko Kagawa, Spiritual Leader of Modern Japan.
23180: SIMON, GLY. ET AL. - The Meaning of Love. Personal Interpretations from Christian Experience.
9448: SIMON, REVD. W.G.H.(BISHOP OF LLANDAFF). - The Landmark.
44465: SIMONS, DANIEL. - A Rowhedge Album.
15461: SIMPSON, A.E. - So God Loved. The Place of the Cross in the Christian Religion.
23466: SIMPSON, JOHN A. - Our Country for Christ. Prayers for Home Mission.
26996: SIMPSON, ROBERT. - The Symphony. Vol.2. Elgar to the Present Day.
48045: SIMPSON, ALAN AND MARY. - Compton-Land Revisited : New Looks at an Oldd Puzzle.
16822: SIMPSON, GEORGE. - Man in Society. Preface to Sociology and the Social Sciences.
2663: SIMPSON, D.C. - Pentateuchal Criticism.
6672: SIMPSON, WILLIAM W. - Jewish Prayer and Worship. An Introduction for Christians.
37296: SIMPSON, A.E. - A Reasonable Faith.
43677: SIMPSON, DOROTHY. - No Laughing Matter
8422: SIMPSON, A.E. (CANON OF CHESTER). - A Parson's Politics.
8714: SIMPSON, J.G., D.D. - The Conception of The Church.
8715: SIMPSON, J.G., D.D. - The Sacraments of The Gospels. September, 1914.
9194: SIMPSON, WILLIAM W. - Jewish Prayer and Worship..
4672: SIMS, NICHOLAS A. - Approaches to Disarmament. An introductory Analysis.
22520: SIMS-WILLIAMS, MICHAEL. - The Christie Saga. A Religion through Drama Course.
51042: SIMS, G. CLIFFORD. - The History of the Royal Yorkshire Lodge No.265, Keighley.
39727: SINAI, ANNE. - Middle East Review: American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East. Vol.XII, No.2. Winter 1979/80.
45648: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - Letters to Judd. An American Workingman.
5423: FERGUSON SINCLAIR B. - The Pundit's Folly. Chronicles of an Empty Life.
15621: SINCLAIR, ANDREW. - Jack. A Biography of Jack London.
15622: SINCLAIR, DAVID. - Edgar Allan Poe.
46993: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - The Industrial Republic. A Study of the America of Ten Years Hence.
51186: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - Presidential Agent.
50688: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - The Goslings. A Study of the American Schools.
46989: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - Upton Sinclair Presents William Fox.
44625: SINCLAIR, WILLIAM MACDONALD. - The Christian's Influence.
45992: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - How I Got Licked And Why.
46116: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - The Profits of Religion. An Essay in Economic Interpretation.
45704: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - Bill Porter. A Drama of O. Henry in Prison.
50689: SINCLAIR, UPTON. - The Goose-Step. A Study of American Education.
9690: SINCLAIR, ANDREW. - The Breaking of Bumbo.
48624: SINÉ. - Car...Toons. Including Auto-Suggestions and Car-icatures.
25516: SINE, TOM. - The Mustard Seed Conspiracy. You Can Make a Difference in Tomorrow's Troubled World.
11054: SING, SUSAN SAINT. - A Pilgrim in Assisi. Searching for Francis Today.
51199: SINGER, ANNE. - Paul Maze. The Lost Impressionist.
32478: MOHINDER SINGH 'CHEEMA'. - The Sikh Bangle.
29741: SINGTON, PHILIP. - Zoia's Gold.
31666: SINKER, MARGARET. - Friend of the Frontier: The Story of Dr Theodore Pennell of North India.
8437: SINKER, EDMUND. - The Holy Communion. What Mean Ye by This Service?
4607: LAWRENCE JOHN SIR. - The Hammer and the Cross.
47152: SIRAT, COLETTE. - A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages.
35457: SITWELL, EDITH. - The Song of the Cold.
47590: SITWELL, EDITH. - Selected Poems. (D16).
19293: SJOGREN, PER-OLOF. - The Jesus Prayer. Learning to Pray from the Heart. (Translated by Sydney Linton).
48273: SKEEN, BRIGADIER ANDREW. - Prelude to Independence. Skeen's 115 Days.
26340: SKELTON, ROBIN. - Third Day Lucky: Poems.
50244: SKELTON, JOHN. - John Skelton. 21st Anniversary Exhibition 10 June - 12 August 1979.
44514: SKETCH, ANTHONY E. - The Way of the Cross. Praying with our Suffering Lord.
51064: SKETCHLEY, ROSE E.D. - English Book Illustration of To-Day.
25970: SKILBECK, C.O. (ILLUSTRATED). - The Vestments. What They Are and What They Mean. (With 14 illustrations).
47339: SKINNER, OTIS. - Footlights and Spotlights. Recollections of My Life on the Stage.
5981: SKINNER, MICHAEL. - House Groups. Declaring the Faith.
1491: SKINNER, CONRAD. - The Gospel of the Lord Jesus.
2750: SKINNER, CONRAD. - Importunate Questions.
15697: SKINNER, CORNELIA OTIS. - Life with Lindsay and Crouse.
41709: SKINNER, JOHN. - The Book of Samuel. (Translated into Colloquial English).
25971: SKIPP, ANNA T. - Double Miracle.
45782: SKIPPEN, R. B. - Over One Hundred Years Of Royal Arch Masonry In St. Luke's Royal Arch Chapter No. 225 1972 .
49087: SKIPPER, KEITH. - Village Post. Lines from Letters Reflecting a Century of Change in the Countryside.
48370: SKIPPER, KEITH. (EDITOR). - Dunt Fergit Ter Hevver Larf!. Old Barney's Broadcasts. ( Volume Three).
30686: SKIPPER, KEITH. - Hidden Norfolk.
31038: SKIPPER, KEITH. - The Norfolk Connection.
50476: SKIPWITH, PEYTON / WEBB, BRIAN . - Edward Bawden's London.
50483: SKIPWITH, PEYTON / WEBB, BRIAN . - Edward Bawden's Kew Gardens.
41859: SKOLNICK, JEROME H AND BAYLEY, DAVID H. - The New Blue Line. Police Innovation in Six American Cities. (signed).
47226: SKUES, KEITH. - Radio Onederland. The Story of Radio One. (Signed).
7511: SLACK, KENNETH. - Uppsala Report.
11562: SLACK, KENNETH. - Nairobi Narrative. The story of the Fifth Assembly of the World Council of Churches 23 Nov-10 Dec 1975.
18529: SLACK, KENNETH. - The Seven Deadly Sins. A Contemporary View.
46668: SLACK, MAJOR JAMES. - History of the Late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment.
9449: SLACK, KENNETH. - Is Sacrifice Outmoded?
9450: SLACK, KENNETH. - The Ecumenical Movement.
7642: SLADE, HERBERT. - Exploration into Contemplative Prayer.
19881: SLATER, PETER. - The Dynamics of Religion. Continuity and Change in Patterns of Faith.
49159: SLATER, STEPHEN. - The Story and Language of Heraldry.
46355: SLAUGHTER, BASIL. (EDITOR). - Bulmer: Then and Now.
19294: SLEEMAN, JOHN F. - Economic Crisis: A Christian Perspective.
5991: SLESSER, SIR HENRY. - The Administration of the Law.
35116: SLIMMING, JOHN. - Green Plums and a Bamboo Horse: A Picture of Formosa.
48358: MINIATURE PRAYER BOOK & HYMN BOOK IN SLIPCASE. - The Book Of Common Prayer And Aministration Of The Holy Communion According To The Use Of The Church Of England.../ Hymns Ancient And Modern for use in the Services Of The Church. Complete Edition.
18530: SLOBIN, DAN I. - Psycholinguistics.
25766: SLOTKI, REV. DR. ISRAEL W. - Moses Maimonides. His Life and Times.
16823: SLOYAN, GERARD S. - The Gospel of Saint Mark.
27532: SLUCKIN, W. - Minds and Machines.
30317: SLUIJTER-SEIJFFERT, NICOLETTE. - Paintings from the Mauritshuis in the Johan de Witthuis.(Translated by Michael Hoyle.)
22095: SMALL, R. LEONARD. - No Other Name.
14817: SMALL, TOM. - Windows on the Cross.
7092: SMALLEY, JOHN. - John - Evangelist & Interpreter.
30372: SMALLEY, BERYL. - Historians in the Middle Ages.
18361: SMALLMAN, BASIL. - The Background of Passion Music. J.S. Bach and his predecessors.
11089: SMALLZRIED, KAY. - Spilled Milk. Litanies for Living.
21196: SMART, NINIAN. - Background to The Long Search.
44336: SMART, HARRY. - Criticism and Public Rationality.
3197: SMEATON, OLIPHANT.(EDITOR). - English Satires.
49014: SMETHURST, W.BRO. HERBERT (MASTER) . - Transactions Of The Manchester Association For Masonic Research. Vol. LV 1965 .
25282: SMILES, SAMUEL. - Self-Help, with illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance. (Unabridged).
3903: SMITH, JOSEPH. - The Book of Morman.
20777: SMITH, RONALD GREGOR. - The Free Man. Studies in Christian Anthropology (uncorrected advance copy).
31280: SMITH, GARY V. - Zionism: The Dream and the Reality. A Jewish Critique.
27789: SMITH, KAJ BIRKET. - Primitive Man and his Ways. Patterns of Life in Some Native Societies. (Translated from the Danish by Roy Duffell.)
25284: SMITH, STUART. - A View from the Iron Bridge.
24825: SMITH, A.G AND KAUFMAN, WILLIAM. - Life in Celtic Times
17225: SMITH, FRASER. - Life after Life. Readings to comfort the Bereaved.
17293: SMITH, GILLY. - Fibrenetics. A Fresh Start For Life.
26344: SMITH, D.HOWARD. - The Pattern in the Mount. Hebrew Ideals and their Influence on Christianity.
14965: SMITH, DOUGLAS A. - Lay Preachers and Pastors. A Practical Handbook.
19882: SMITH, RON. - The A.B.C of Personal Evangelism.
15365: SMITH, F. SEYMOUR. - What Shall I Read Next? A personal selection of Twentieth Century English Books.
17016: SMITH, MICHAEL H AND PERSSE, MARY KAY. - Preparing For Confirmation.
31667: SMITH, DELIA. - Family Fare 2: Summer Cooking.
12162: SMITH, SUSY. (ED). - My Country Childhood.
15323: SMITH, MARTIN L. (EDITOR). - Benson of Cowley.
17701: SMITH, HEDRICK. - The New Russians.
17747: SMITH, GEORGE. - Flower Arranging in House and Garden. Drawings by Charles Stitt.
47936: SMITH, A.H. - East Anglian Songs and Lays.
25013: SMITH, JUDY. - Instant Art for the Church Magazine.
23955: SMITH, AUSTIN. - Journeying with God. Paradigms of Power and Powerlessness.
16883: SMITH, GODFREY. (EDITOR). - The English Reader. An Anthology.
11210: SMITH, GEORGE ADAM. - Four Psalms. XX111, XXV1, L11, CXX1. Interpreted for Practical Use.
13478: SMITH, WILBUR M. - The Word of God and the Life of Holiness.
11140: SMITH, FREDERICK E. - Waterloo.
20881: SMITH, MAY C. - Who? Why? What? A Bible Quiz Book.
22025: SMITH, DELIA. - Delia Smith's Summer Collection. (Photographs by Peter Knab.)
17149: SMITH, AUBREY G (ED). - Working with Beginners. A Handbook for those who work among 3 and 4 year olds in Beginners' department of the church.
12917: SMITH, WILBUR M. - Israeli/Arab Conflict and the Bible.
31531: SMITH, F.HAROLD. - Outline of Hinduism.
31544: SMITH, JOHN. (COMPILER). - A Feast of Poetry.
31285: SMITH, G. BARNETT. - Eminent Christian Workers of the Nineteenth Century.
20387: SMITH, D. HOWARD. - Confucius.
24139: SMITH, E. JOHN. - The Problem of Suffering.
48449: SMITH, LADY ELEANOR. - Ballerina.
11760: SMITH, W.O. LESTER. - Education
20880: SMITH, E. PARKINSON & IKIN, A. GRAHAM. - Morality Old & New.
26998: SMITH, JOAN. - Daughters of the Law.
45490: SMITH, CAPTAIN GEORGE . - The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry; A Work of the Greatest Utility to the Brethren of the Society, to Mankind in General, and to the Ladies in Particular. by Capt. George Smith,
49807: SMITH, E.V. - A Masonic 'A.B.C.'.
18532: SMITH, JIM. - Manhunt. Reaching Men for God.
18533: SMITH, JIM. - The Questions Men Ask.
7300: SMITH, KENNETH M. - Beyond the Microscope.
35695: SMITH, RICHARD HENRY . - Expositions of Raphael's Bible. By the Author of "The Expositions of the Cartoons of Raphael," &c. ; illustrated with photographs by Dunmore .
35721: SMITH, G.ROLAND. - Creative Crayon Craft: A Handbook for Teachers.
5867: SMITH, DELIA. - A Feast for Advent.
5869: SMITH, DELIA. - A Journey Into God.
3613: SMITH, DENNIS E AND TAUSSIG, HAL E. - Many Tables. The Eucharist in the New Testament and Liturgy Today.
17896: SMITH, GEORGE AND HUNT, TERRY. - The Nationwide Book of Literary Quizzes.
25519: SMITH, DONALD. - Thank God for Alison.
15649: SMITH,T.R. - Poetica Erotica. A Collection of Rare and Curious Amatory Verse.
15653: SMITH, REGINALD. - Pagans: Black and White.
6642: SMITH, HERBERT J. - Advent and Lenten Studies. For use in Christian Study & Discussion Groups.
25972: SMITH, JOANN KELLEY. - Free Fall.
47705: SMITH, BETTY. - Corn for the Hens. (The Amateur Concert Party).
37582: SMITH, GRAHAM. - Essex and its Race for the Skies. 1900-1939.
6159: SMITH, ARCHIBALD WILLIAM. - The Singing of Birds and other sermons.
36263: SMITH, ELSIE. - The Sarum Magna Carta 1215. A History of the Document and a Guide to its Translation.
50728: SMITH & PAGET, LTD. - Catalogue Of The Crown Washers Wringers Mangles. Manufactured By Smith & Paget, Ltd. "Crown " Works, Keighley.
31723: SMITH, HUBERT J. - Exploring the Christian Faith. Notes for study groups with points for discussion.
33456: SMITH, MIKE. - Starting Archery.
47429: SMITH, REV. BENJAMIN. - Gems Reset. The Wesleyan Catechisms Illustrated.
3270: SMITH, HAROLD. - The Creeds. Their History, Nature and Use.
51171: SMITH, MALCOLM. - British Reptiles and Amphibians. Illustrated by Paxton Chadwick. (King Penguin No.47).
50926: SMITH, EDWIN W. - Aggrey of Africa. A Study in Black and White.
32588: SMITH, C.D. - The Twelve Days of Christmas.
49107: SMITH, PAT. - From Hemel Hempstead to Stowmarket the Long Way Round. (Via India and Africa).
33675: SMITH, ALAN G.R. (EDITOR). - The Reign of James VI and I.
50720: SMITH, JAMES (1838 -1897) / BALL, T. T. (THOMAS THWAITE.BALL) / SPURGEON, CHARLES (CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON 1834-1892 - PREFACE) . - A Narrative Of The Life And Labours Of The Late Rev. James Smith, (Baptist Minister) Of Tunbridge Wells. By T. T. Ball Old Chesterton Road, Cambridge.
43552: SMITH, RONALD. - Alkan. Volume One: The Enigma.
44755: SMITH, JAMES DAVID. - The Eucharistic Doctrine of the Later Nonjurors. (Grove Liturgical Studies No.46).
35376: SMITH, HAROLD IVAN. - Grieving the Death of a Friend.
35510: SMITH, PHILIP VERNON. - History of the English Institutions.
47069: SMITH, R.A.L. - The Catholic Church and Social Order.
50143: SMITH, JAMES A. - Sudbury Golf Club 1920-1995. The First 75 Years.
7512: SMITH, AUBREY G. (EDITOR). - Working with Young People.
43108: SMITH, REV. JAMES. - The Book of Ezekiel. A New Interpretation.
42290: SMITH, BARRY. - Peter Warlock. The Life of Philip Heseltine.
40643: SMITH, L; ROSE, P; WAHIDA, G. AND WAHIDA, S. (GUEST EDITORS). - Azania. Journal of the British Institute in Eastern Africa. Vol.XXXIX. 2004. (Special Volume).
44393: SMITH, SAMUEL STELLE. - Lewis Morris. Anglo-American Statesman. ca. 1613-1691.
50274: SMITH, EDWIN W. - Knowing the African. (signed).
45529: SMITH, SHEILA. - 20th Century Great Cornard.
37193: SMITH, W.J. - Five Centuries of Cambridge Musicians 1464-1964.
41767: SMITH, GYPSY. - Evangelistic Talks.
37710: SMITH, VERN. - In A Collective Farm Village.
38171: SMITH, H. D. / FRANKEL, S. H. C. [FOREWORD] . - The Centenary History Of St. John's Lodge No. 434 E.C. By Bro. H. D. Smith... With A Foreword By Wor. Bro. S. H. C. Frankel...
50180: SMITH, DONALD. - Fourteen Charges - and the Rest. By The Archdeacon.
44494: SMITH, K.E. - William Cowper: A Reappraisal.
8003: SMITH, DELIA. - A Journey into God.
9289: SMITH, EDWIN, HUTTON, GRAHAM, & COOK, OLIVE. - English Parish Churches. With photos by Edwin Smith.
14741: SMITHER, NELLE. - A History of the English Theatre in New Orleans, 1806-1842.
15810: SMITHS, DR. MIKE. - Dr. Mike Smith's Postbag. Arthritis.
13867: SMOKE, JIM. - Growing Through Divorce.
28177: SMOLEY, RICHARD. - Inner Christainity. A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition.
11598: SMYTH, CHARLES. - The Two Families.
37095: SMYTH, FREDERICK . - Brethren in Chivalry: A Celebration of the Two Hundred Years of the Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta of England and Wales...
28559: SMYTHE, P.R. - A Bibliography of Anglican Modernism.
37490: SMYTHIES, J.R. (WITH CONSULANT W.ROSS ADEY, M.D.). - Brain Mechanisms and Behaviour: An Outline of the Mechanics of Emotion, Memory, Learning and the Organization of Behviour, with Particular Regard to the Limbic System.
49356: SNAFFLES, PSEUD. [I.E. CHARLES JOHNSON PAYNE.] - "I've Heard The Revelly" Snaffles .
23673: SNAITH, NORMAN. - I Believe In......
7899: SNAITH, NORMAN H. - The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament.
13695: SNASHALL, HAZEL. - More Everyday Prayers.
12335: SNASHALL, HAZEL (ED). - When you Pray with 7-10's.
2759: SNELL, ANTONY. - Understand Your Faith.
46112: SNELLING, REV. S.A. - Ages Passed Away.
50941: SNODGRASS, CHARLES ALBERT . - Light From The Sanctuary Of The Royal Arch. Fifth And Final Edition. Revised And Enlarged. A Treatise on the Symbolism, Philosophy and Teachings of Ancient Craft Masonry, Culminating in the Sublime and August Degree of the Royal Arch.
48897: SNOW, C.P. - The New Men.
19180: SNOW, C.P. - The Physicists. A Generation that Changed the World.
25769: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Prayers in Large Print.
22099: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - As Fresh as a Daisy.
22100: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - Here be People.
22101: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - People are People.
22102: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - The Fifth Sparrow.
22098: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - A Show of Hands.
22097: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - 10 Little Tadpoles.
22789: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Sharing Surprises.
22784: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Christianity Close to Life.
22785: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Continually Aware.
22786: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Discoveries That Delight.
22787: SNOWDEN, RITA. - I Believe Here and Now.
22788: SNOWDEN, RITA. - People and Places.
22782: SNOWDEN, RITA. - A Good Harvest.
22778: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - Happy Stories for Happy Children.
22779: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - Lively Stories for Children. For Teachers, Parents, Preachers and Club Leaders.
22781: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - Travelling Light.
23467: SNOWDEN, RITA. - When My Visitors Go. A Book for One Sick in Hospital or at Home.
13290: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Like Wind on the Grasses.
13291: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Good Company.
22521: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - It's a Pleasure. Devotional Openings for Meetings.
22380: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - The Kindled Flame.
6644: SNOWDEN, RITA. - Christmas - And Always. Celebrating through the year.
24542: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - The Lord's Prayer: The Living Word.
49868: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - His Interpreters. A Book for the Dawning and the Closing of the Day.
15014: SOAMES, MARY. - Clementine Churchill.
35888: SOARDS, MARION; DOZEMAN, THOMAS AND MCCABE, KENDALL. - Year A. After Pentecost 1. Preaching The Revised Common Lectionary.
35889: SOARDS, MARION; DOZEMAN, THOMAS AND MCCABE, KENDALL. - Year A. After Pentecost 2. Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary.
38653: SOARDS, MARION, DOZEMAN, THOMAS AND MCCABE KENDALL. - Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A. Advent/Christmas/Epiphany.
44751: SOBERS, SIR GARFIELD (WITH SCOVELL, BRIAN). - Sobers: Twenty Years at the Top. (Signed).
22217: SOBEY, K.D. (ET AL). - Health and Healing in the Bible. A Study conducted by the Health and Healing Group of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland.
43104: BURY ST EDMUNDS AMATEUR OPERATIC AND DRAMATIC SOCIETY. - "Good-Night Vienna !" A Musical Play In Three Acts. At The Playhouse, Bury St. Edmunds Monday, October 31st, 1938, and all the week.
14588: BIBLE SOCIETY. - Who on Earth are You?
15421: BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. - The Gospel in Many Tongues. Specimens of 875 Languages in which The British & Foreign Bible Society has published or circulated some portion of The Bible.
49692: GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY SOCIETY. - Great Eastern Railway. Diagrammatic Map of System . 25.12.19.(Information Special No.2).
40046: BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. - Sing Psalms! (Melody Edition).
48922: CHAPELS SOCIETY. - Chapels and Chapel People. The Chapels Society Miscellant Two.
48649: CLOSER UNION SOCIETY. - The Framework of Union.
21221: CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. - In One Name. Psalms, Prayers and Lessons with a Selection of Hymns.
21222: CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. - One Family: A Diary of Missionary Intercession.
29046: DEPARTMENT ON CHURCH AND SOCIETY. - Statements of the World Council of Churches on Social Questions.
50421: THE IPSWICH SOCIETY. - Ipswich from the First to the Third Millennium.
46013: FABIAN SOCIETY - The Fabian Society. Fabian Tracts Nos. 1 to 150. With The Tract Index And catalogue Raisonne. The Tracts Are Bound In Order Of Number Those Missing Are Out Of Print Or Withdrawn. Published by The Fabian Society from 1884 To 1910.
27441: ADDITIONAL CURATES SOCIETY. - Holy Communion Outside the Eucharist for the Sick and Housebound. Also A Rite of Penance and A Rite for Anointing the Sick.
48198: ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY. - South-Eastern Catholic History. (Incorporating Essex Recusant and London Recusant). No.1.
12285: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY. - Healing Spiritually. Renewing your life through the power of God's law.
12286: CHURCH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. - The Elizabethan Bishops and the Civil Power.
15069: ROCHESTER DIOCESAN SOCIETY. - An Episcopal Giant An eightieth birthday tribute to Bishop David Say.
26230: PARTIALLY SIGHTED SOCIETY. - Popular Carols.
50227: THE LITTLEPORT SOCIETY. - Littleport. (The Archive Photographs Series).
50803: SUFFOLK RECORDS SOCIETY. - Celebrating Fifty Years and Fifty Volumes 1957-2007.
50804: MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. - The Generations Joined: Winthrops in America.
48920: CHAPELS SOCIETY. - Building the Church. The Chapels Society Journal Volume 2.
51215: FINE ART SOCIETY. - Eric Ravilious in Context.
43730: A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH MUSIC SOCIETY. - Music in Village Churches. (Church Music Society Shorter Papers No.1).
51126: THE FRY ART GALLERY SOCIETY. - The North West Essex Collection. An Introduction.
50451: EXETER DIOCESAN ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY . - Transactions Of The Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society Volume V.
39024: ESSEX ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. - Title Page and Index to Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society. Vol.XXIII. (New series).
48356: NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. - Newport History. Bulletin of the Newport Historical Society. Vol.56, Part 2. Spring 1983. Number 190.
39945: THE BIBLE CHURCHMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. - He Purgeth It. The Story of the Year 1950.
49265: THE FINE ART SOCIETY. - Geoffrey Clarke. Sculpture, Constructions and Works on Paper 1949-2000.
9156: BIBLE SOCIETY. - The GNB Topical Concordance.
2760: SOCKMAN, RALPH W. - How to Believe. THe Questions that Challenge Man's Faith Answered in the Light of the Apostles' Creed.
25285: SODEPAX. - In African Accents. Communications in Development.
1507: SODERBLOM, NATHAN. - The Mystery of the Cross. Thoughts for Holy Week and other Weeks. (Translated by A.G.Hebert).
10330: SOELLE, DOROTHEE. - Celebrating Resistance. The Way of the Cross in Latin America.
17898: SOFRONIOU, S.A. - Modern Greek.
8860: SOGGIN, ALBERTO. - When the Judges Ruled.
5322: DE SOLA CHERVIN, RONDA. - Prayers of the Women Mystics.
24543: SOLLE, DOROTHEE. - Choosing Life.
41116: SÖLLE, DOROTHEE. - The Truth is Concrete. (Translated by Dinah Livingstone).
10803: SOLLY, MARTIN. - Xenophobe's guide to the Italians.
49170: GRAND TILERS OF SOLOMON . - Ritual No. 4 : Grand Tilers of Solomon or Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven : with opening and closing of Lodge. London, 1931.
47931: SOLZHENITSYN, ALEXANDER. - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
27533: SOLZHENITSYN, ALEXANDER. - One Word of Truth. The Nobel Speech on Literature. 1970.
1509: SOMERVELL, DAVID. - A Companion to Palgrave's Golden Treasury.
18312: SOMERVILLE, NEIL. - Radio Times. Radio and Television Trivia Quiz Book.
20138: SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM . - Agricultural Experiments: Five Years Work At The Northumberland County Demonstration Farm.
49578: SOMERVILLE, CHRISTOPHER. - Ships of Heaven. The Private Life of Britain's Cathedrals.
50731: W. SUMMERSCALES AND SONS - W. Summerscales and Sons, Ltd., Laundry Engineers Keighley - Laundry Hints And Suggestions .
15699: SONTAG, FREDERICK. - Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. An In-Depth Investigation of the Man and the Movement.
21457: SOOKHDEO, PATRICK. - Asians in Britain. A Christian Understanding.
6323: SOPER, DONALD. - Popular Fallacies About The Christian Faith.
50958: SOROCOLD, THOMAS, 1561-1617 - Supplications Of Saints; A Book Of Prayers and Praises. In Foure Parts... Wherein are three most excellent Prayers made by the late famous Queen Elizabeth. The 44th Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. By Thomas Sorocold .
7643: SOROS, GEORGE. - The Crisis of Global Capitalism.
8424: SORRELL, MARY. - Out of Silence.
43637: SORTAIN, JOSEPH. - Romanism and Anglo-Catholicism: Lectures.
28674: SOTHEBY'S. - Highly Important Victorian Paintings and Drawings. (Tuesday, 24th October, 1978.)
47898: SOULSBY, SARAH. (EDITOR) . - Sudbury High School Magazine. July, 1961 .
20527: SOUTER, JOHN C. - The Christian in Today's Society. Living Bible Studies in Thessalonians.
4917: SOUTHCOTT, ERNEST. - Receive This Child. Constructive Thinking on Baptism.
6324: SOUTHERN, R. W. - Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages.
15408: SOUTHERN, EDWARD H. - My Remembrances The Melancholy Tale Of "Me" .
45297: SOUTHEY, ROBERT. - The Life Of Nelson By Robert Southey. With Twelve Illustrations By Westall, Printed In Woodburytype, Plans, &c.
27350: SOUTHGATE, D.H. - Draw Near to God. A Book of Meditations.
33451: SOUTHGATE, MRS HENRY. - The Christian Life: Being Thoughts in Prose and Verse from the Best Writers of all Ages. With Appropriate Quotations from Holy Writ.
39963: SOWDEN, LEWIS. - The Land of the Afternoon. The Story of a White South African. (Signed and Hilary Rubinstein associated copy).
47098: SOWERBY, JOHN E. - Two Hand Written Letters Signed ("John E. Sowerby") to 'Geo. E. Frese Esq.
35584: SOWTER, REV. G.A. - The King's Own. Words of Counsel to Young Christians.
43084: SOWTER, REV.G.ARTHUR. - Trial and Triumph.
32839: SOX, DAVID. - The Gospel of Barnabas.
30780: SOYE, DAVID P. - The Transport Manager's Guide to the Tachograph.
17899: SPALDING, PETER. - Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. (Macmillan Master Guides).
46850: SPAN. - Long Melford: The Bull.
22790: SPANGLER, ANN AND TURNER, CHARLES. - Heros. Five Remarkable Christians who influenced......Philip Yancey, Becky Pippert, J.I. Packer, Elisabeth Elliot and Charles Colson.
43460: SPARK, DR WILLIAM. - Musical Reminiscences: Past and Present.
22791: SPARKES, D.J.H. - Depression & the Christian. Some Spiritual Considerations.
18913: SPARKES, RUSSELL. - The Ethical Investor.
29575: SPARROW SIMPSON, W.J. - The Celebrant of the Eucharist
1511: SPARROW SIMPSON, W.J. - The Redeemer.
32671: SPARROW SIMPSON, W. J. - The Prayer of Consecration By W. J. Sparrow Simpson, D.D. Introduction by the right Rev. Chas. Gore, D.D.
7783: SPCK. - Prayers Encircling the World. An International Anthology of 300 contemporary prayers.
49122: SPEAKMAN, FRED J. AND CURTIS, ALFRED T. - A Poacher's Tale.
6820: SPEARMAN, C. - Creative Mind.
8716: SPECK, PETER. - Loss and Grief in Medicine. Foreword by Valerie Hunt.
45752: SPEED, JOHN, 1552?-1629 - An Epitomie of Mr. John Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain
5975: SPEEDLING, EDWARD J. - Heart Attack. The Family Response at Home and in the Hospital.
46413: SPEIGHT, HARRY. - Upper Wharfedale.
42473: SPEIRS, JOHN AND GILL. - The Donkey and the Golden Light.
17900: SPELLER, ADRIAN. - Private Sector Involvement in Prisons. Prepared for the General Synod Board for Social Responsibility.
5659: SPENCE, H.D.M. (DEAN OF GLOUCESTER). - The White Robe of Churches of the XIth Century. Pages from the story of Gloucester Cathedral.
18313: SPENCE, HORACE. - Praises with Understanding. A Practical Handbook for Ordinands and the Clergy.
27741: SPENCE, HORACE. - Music in Children's Worship.
39320: SPENCE, LEWIS. - Legends and Romances of Spain.
31249: SPENCER, DUANE EDWARD. - TULIP: The Five Points of Calvinism in the Light of Scripture.
14477: SPENCER, CAPT. W. - The Other Side of the Prison Gate.
10443: SPENCER, SEYMOUR. - "The Good that I Would...." Impediments to Free Moral Responsibility.
50400: SPENCER, HERBERT (1820-1903 ) . - Education: Intellectual, Moral and Physical. By Herbert Spencer .
22524: SPENCER, IRENE AND SMALL, VERA. - Ladies of Letters.
30884: SPENCER, R.J. - Secretarial Practice for Religious and Charitable Bodies.
40362: SPENCER-SILVER, PATRICIA. - Tower Bridge to Babylon. The Life and Work of Sir John Jackson, Civil Engineer.
35567: SPENCER, PATRICIA. - Learning to Worship. Preparation for the Parish Communion.
30836: SPENCER, FREDERICK A.M. - The Future Life. A New Interpretation of the Christian Doctrine.
42347: SPENCER, NICK. - Beyond the Fringe: Researching a Spiritual Age.
35047: SPENCER, FREDERICK A.M. - Civilization Remade by Christ. or Social Applications of the Moral Teaching of Our Lord.
49430: SPENDER, STEPHEN. - European Witness.
45999: SPENSER, EDMUND 1552-1599 [ GROSART, ALEXANDER BALLOCH, 1827-1899 ] - 'The Poet Of Poets.' The Love-Verse from Minor Poems of Edmund Spencer. Alexander B. Grosart, Editor. FIRST EDITION. LONDON : 1893. [ The Elizabethan Library. ]
18030: SPERLING, ABRAHAM. - Psychology Made Simple.
43630: SPERO, CAROL. - Colchester Country Without a Car.
43343: SPERRY, VIRGINIA WALKER. - Fragile Success. Ten Autistic Children, Childhod to Adulthood. (Second edition).
7645: SPERRY, WILLARD L. - Religion in America.
40302: SPERRY, LYMAN B. - Confidential Talks with Young Women.
27954: SPHERE. - House Plants. (Sphere Colour Plant Guides).
31585: SPICER, DOROTHY GLADYS. - Children's Prayers from Other Lands.
19704: SPIEGEL, YORICK. - The Grief Process.
31324: SPINDLER, AILSA. - Hot Air Balloons.
38488: SPINDLER, W.BRO. GORDON. - The Lodge of Virtue and Silence No.332: A History 1811-2011. 200 Years of Suffolk Freemasonry.
21831: SPINK, KATHRYN. - A Sense of the Sacred. A Biography of Bede Griffiths.
5870: SPINK, KATHERINE. (COMPILER). - John Paul II. Things of the Spirit.
7242: SPINKA, MATTHEW. - Christianity Confronts Communism.
18996: SPINKS, G. STEPHENS. - Religion in Britain since 1900.
2764: SPINKS, G. STEPHEN. - The Fundamentals of Religious Belief.
50612: WOODEN ARCHITECTURAL MODEL OF A SPIRE. - Architectural 3D Wooden Model Of A Spire.
41700: SPITZ, ELLEN HANDLER. - Art and Psyche. A Study in Psychoanalysis and Aesthetics.
29173: SPOCZYNSKA, J.O.I. - Fossils: A Study in Evolution. (Line drawings by Melchior Spoczynski.)
19430: SPONG, JOHN SHELBY. - Born of a Woman. A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus.
25973: SPOTTISWOODE, JANE. - Undertaken with Love. The Story of a DIY Funeral.
25596: SPRAGUE, W.B. - Lectures on Revivals of Religion.
28983: SPRAY, RUSSELL E. - Special-Day Sermon Outlines.
23674: SPRIGGS, DAVID. - Dangerous Praying. Inspirational Ideas for Individuals and Groups.
7866: SPROTT, W.J.H. - Human Groups.
15324: SPROUL, R.C. - The Gospel of God. Exposition of Paul's Letter to the Romans.
12753: SPROXTON, VERNON. - Teilhard de Chardin.
49799: SPURGEON, CHARLES H. - 12 Sermons on the Holy Spirit.
49768: SPURGEON, CHARLES HADDON / MURRAY, IAIN. (EDITOR). - Letters of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
20528: SPURGEON, C.H. - The Treasury of David. An Expository and Devotional Commentary of the Psalms. (Vol 4. Psalms 79-103).
20529: SPURGEON, C.H. - The Treasury of David. An Expository and Devotional Commentary of the Pslams. (Vol.5 Pslams 104-118).
25525: SPURGEON, C.H. (FULLER, DAVID OTIS. ED). - Spurgeon's Sermon Notes. Genesis to Revelation.
17489: SPURGEON, CHARLES H. - What Sinners Must do to be Saved.
25974: SPURGEON, C. H. - The Treasury of David. Vol.7 Psalms 125-150.
25976: SPURGEON, C.H. - The Treasury of David. Vol.2. Psalms 27-52.
25977: SPURGEON, C.H. - The Treasury of David. Vol.6. Psalms 119-124.
43331: SPURGEON, C.H. - Farm Sermons. Messages Preached to Country Congregations.
9130: SPURGEON, CHARLES H. - Spurgeon's Prayers.
9131: SPURGEON, CHARLES H. - The Soul Winner.
16944: SPUY, UNA VAN DER. - Wild Flowers of South Africa for the Garden.
26697: SQUIRE, D AND MCHOY, P. - Getting the Best from Fish.
41650: SQUIRES, PETER. - ASBO Nation: The Criminalisation of Nuisance.
33765: ST THOMAS AQUINAS/ BIGONGIARI, DINO.(EDITOR). - The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas. Representative Selections.
48616: ST. LEGER, STRATFORD (1867 - 1935) . - War Sketches In Colour. By Captain S. E. St Leger.
29112: ST.JOHN, HENRY. - The Church and Christian Unity: A Study of the Ecumenical Movement.
29209: ST JOHN-STEVAS, NORMAN. - Pope John Paul II: His Travels and Mission.
21713: STACEY, C.I. - Hants and Dorset's Sailing and Sports.
13596: STACEY, DAVID. - The Man from Nazareth.
13597: STACEY, DAVID. - Fire in my Bones. Prophets and Prophecy, Then and Now.
17099: STACEY, JOHN. - Preaching Reassessed.
7945: STACEY, DAVID. - Interpreting the Bible.
38296: STACKHOUSE, MAX L. - Creeds, Society, and Human Rights: A Study in Three Cultures.
15104: STACY WADDY, R.P. - Philip Loyd. Missionary and Bishop.
7514: STAFF, V.S. - Seven English Poets and Mysticism.
20883: STAFFORD-CLARK, DAVID. - Psychiatry Today.
20374: STAFFORD-CLARK, DAVID. - Five Questions in Search of an Answer. Religion and Life: Some Inescapable Contradictions.
7753: STAFFORD WRIGHT, J. - Christianity and the Occult.
9546: STAFFORD HATFIELD, H. - Inventions and their uses in Science Today.
42429: STAHLIN, WILHELM. - The Mystery of God. (Translated from the German by R.Birch Hoyle).
17413: STAINFORTH, DIANA. - Friends and other Enemies.
37366: STALEY, VERNON. - Ceremonial of the English Church.
49948: STAMMERS, MIKE. - Suffolk Shipping.
28785: STANCHEVA, MAGDALINA. (EDITOR.) - The Bulgarian Contribution to the World Cultural Heritage. (Translated by Annie Georgieva Petkova-Nedeva.)
15175: STANCLIFFE, MICHAEL. - Jacob's Ladder. Sermons.
32168: STANCLIFFE, MICHAEL. - Stars and Angels. Meditations for the Christian Year.
49502: STANESBY, SAMUEL [ILLUMINATOR] . - The Bridal Souvenir Illuminated by Samuel Stanesby .
12504: STANFORD, PETER. - Cardinal Hume and the Changing Face of English Catholicism.
12919: STANFORD, MILES J. - Principles of Spiritual Growth.
7786: STANFORD, DEREK. - John Betjeman. A Study.
45266: STANILOAE, DUMITRU. - The Victory of the Cross.
16092: STANKS, C.J. - The Venerable Bede.
26698: STANLEY, MICHAEL W. - The Ladder of Ascent.
3602: STANTON, G.N. - Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament Preaching. Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series No.27.
24545: STANWAY, DR. ANDREW. - Overcoming Depression. Sympathetic Advice for Sufferers and their Families.
18032: STAPLETON, RUTH CARTER. - The Gift of Inner Healing.
50709: STARGARDT, NICHOLAS. - The German Idea of Militarism. Radical and Socialist Critics 1866-1914.
38969: STARK, ROSE ISABELLA. - Rose Isabella Stark's Alphabet.
25287: STARKEY, NAOMI. - Bible Reading for the Christmas Season
38713: STARKEY, NAOMI. - A World of Prayer. Praying with Women's World Day of Prayer.
46860: STARKIE-BENCE, CAPT. E. R. - Original Victorian postal envelope addressed to Capt. E. R. Starkie Bence - QV 1d pink cover with Charing Cross duplex to Long Melford, Sudbury.
10888: STARR, CHRISTOPHER. - A Guide to Essex Churches.
33036: STARR, ROLAND. - Operation Omina.
32445: ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF THE UNITED STATES. - The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and our Response.
49598: STATHAM, MARGARET. (EDITOR). - Accounts of the Feoffees of the Town Lands of Bury St Edmunds, 1569-1622.
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