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Bookshop Baltimore 3311 Taney Road, Baltimore MD 21215, USA. Tel.: +1 410 764 0293 Email: bookshopbaltimore@yahoo.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
18445: WILLIAMS, HAROLD A. - The Baltimore Sun, 1837-1987
25376: WILLIAMS, C. K. - The Singing: Poems
9216: WILLIAMS, GERALD F - A Handful of Ashes
7715: WILLIAMS, WALTER - Social Policy Research and Analysis: The Experience in the Federal Social Agencies
28055: WILLIAMSON, MARIANNE - A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles
28407: WILLINK, JOCKO - Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual
26812: WILLIS, GWYN; SHIFRA STEIN (EDITED BY) - Shifra Stein's Day Trips from Greater Baltimore: Getaways Less Than 2 Hours Away
20737: WILLIS, RUPERT A - Pathology of Tumours
24751: WILLIS, SARAH - The Rehearsal
13731: WILMER, VALERIE - Jazz People
20560: WILSON, COLIN - The Sex Diary of Gerord Sorme
27653: WILSON, RICHARD - The Story-Tellers Hall
21355: WILSON, EDMUND - To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History
15195: WILSON, LANFORD - The Hot L Baltimore Book Plus Playbill
26886: WILSON, H W (INTRODUCTION) - His Majesty the King 1910-1935 Twenty Five Years of a Glorious Reign Told in Pictures
28560: WILSON, EARL - Show Business Laid Bare
23463: WILSON, EDMUND - Europe without Baedecker
19633: WILSON, ANGUS - A Bit Off the Map and Other Stories
26117: WILT, JOY - A Kid's Guide to Managing Money: A Children's Book About Money Management
22622: WIND, SOLOMON - Mi-Keneset Ad Keneset: Sekirah Be-Toldot Yisrael Mi-Galut Bavel Ad Medinat Yisrael
7288: WINDSOR, PATRICIA - The Hero
21853: WINEBERG, SHOLOM B; MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON (ADAPTED FROM THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE) - From the Wellsprings of Chassidus: Essays on the Weekly Torah Portions and Jewish Holidays
23322: WINEBERG, SHOLOM B; MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON (ADAPTED FROM THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE) - The Chassidic Dimension: Interpretations of the Weekly Torah Readings and the Festivals
17788: WINEFORDNER, DAVID W - Exploring Career Decision-Making : Teacher's Edition
15080: WINGATE, WILLIAM - Fire Play
17899: WINLOCK, H. E., DIRECTORT - Francisco Goya : His Paintings, Drawings and Prints
11437: WINSLOW, ANNE (EDITOR) - Issues Before the 20th General Assembly (United Nations) Human Rights, Arms Control, Atomic Energy,
26295: WINSTON, PINCHAS - If Only I Understood Why
26335: WINSTON-MACAULEY, MARNIE - Yiddishe Mamas: The Truth About the Jewish Mother
6271: WINSTON, PATRICK H. (EDITOR) ; PRENDERGAST, KAREN A. (EDITOR) - The Ai Business (Artificial Intelligence Ser. )
25495: ISABELLA REYNOLDS; ROSEMARY WINSTON - Crochets for Babies Infants and Toddlers
25823: WISE, WILLIAM - Albert Einstein: Citizen of the World
16290: WISEMAN, RICHARD & JOHN KIRKUP - Of Wounds, of Gun-Shot Wounds, of Factures and Luxations
25808: WITHERELL, DAVID (EDITOR) - Managing Our Nation's Fisheries: Past, Present and Future
20918: WITHERING, WILLIAM; K. D. WILKINSON - An Account of the Foxglove
27731: WITHERS, CARL - A Treasury of Games, Riddles, Mysteries, Stunts
28580: WITTY, ABRAHAM & RACHELLE WITTY - Exploring Jewish Tradition: A Transliterated Guide to Everyday Practice and Observance
28376: WOFSEY, MARVIN M - Management of Automatic Data Processing
25737: WOHL, LAUREN L - Matzoh Mouse
23485: WOLF, E - Sefer Mah She-Hayah Hu She-Yihyeh: Al Inyene Purim
10527: WOLF, VIKTORIA - Das Weisse Abendkleid: Roman (the White Evening Dress)
28442: WOLF, SUSAN LEVENSON (PROJECT EDITOR) - Courage and Hope: Inspirational Writings By Youth of Gush Etzion
25095: WOLLMAN-TSAMIR, PINCHAS (EDITED BY) - The Graphic History of the Jewish Heritage
15684: WOLPER, CAROL - The Cigarette Girl
14392: WOLPERT, TOM; LEE BENNETT HOPKINS - The Random House Achievement Program in Literature: Teacher's Guide
22816: WOLPIN, NISSON - Celebrate Succos with an Esrog and Lulav
14496: WOLPIN, RABBI NISSON (EDITOR) - The Jewish Observer: May 2005 Features: The Lesson of Churban (Holocaust) Europa and How to Teach Them 1945-200
28324: WOLPIN, NISSON - Seasons of the Soul
17828: WOOD, PETER - Black Majority: Negroes in South Carolina from 1670 Through the Stono Rebellion
19892: WOODFORD, PROTASE E; CONRAD J. SCHMITT - A Bordo - Glencoe Spanish 2
4457: WOODHEAD, JUDITH & MARTIN - All Our Children from the Major Bbc Television Series
16806: WOODSTONE, NORMA - Up Against the War; a Personal Introduction to U.S. Soldiers & Civilians Fighting Against the War in Vietnam
18173: WOODWARD, BOB - Wired: The Short Life and Fast Times of John Belushi
16528: WOODWARD, BOB - State of Denial: Bush at War, Part Iii
16523: WOODWARD, THEODORE E - Department of Internal Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1807-1981
16455: WOODY, ROBERT HENLEY - Business Success in Mental Health Practice: Modern Marketing, Management, and Legal Strategies
28066: WOOLGER, ROGER J. - Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives
27603: WOOLLCOTT, ALEXANDER; SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS - 4 Books: A. Woollcott: His Life and His World ; the Letters of Alexander Woollcott; Long, Long Ago; Woolcott's Second Reader
3637: WOOLLEY, NICHOLAS AND SUE CLAYTON - Just for William, a Family's Fight Against Leukaemia
18285: WOOLMAN, JOHN - Journal of John Woolman & a Plea for the Poor
23923: WORCH, RENEE - Flight: A Jewish Family's Valiant Struggle to Escape Nazi Occupation
24829: WORLD BOOK, INC. STAFF - 1992 the World Book Year Book
23474: WORLD BOOK, INC. STAFF - 1986 the 1986 World Book Year Book
19067: WORTABET, JOHN; HARVERY PORTER - Wortabet's Pocket Dictionary: Arabic-English, with a Supplement of Modern Science Terminology
20868: J. WORTH ESTES, GUEST EDITOR - Caduceus Vol Xi, No 2, Autumn 1995: Changing Fashions in Therapeutics
439: WORTIS, JOSEPH - Basic Problems in Psychiatry
18596: WORZOGER, SHLOMO (SHLOMO WARZAGER) - Azoy Tsu Zogn Eseyen: (Azoi Tzu Zogn Esei'en) - Signed As Follows - Essays
9375: WOUK, HERMAN - The Caine Mutiny: A Novel of World War Ii
28423: WOUK, HERMAN - The Lawgiver
26043: WOUK, HERMAN - 2 Books - War and Remembrance and the Winds of War (2 Books)
6459: WRAGE, KARL; TRANSLATED BY STANLEY S. B. GILDERN - Man and Woman: The Basics of Sex & Marriage (Mann Und Frau)
24149: WRIGHT, IRVING S (CHAIRMAN OF THE AHA) ; MAURICE CAMPBELL (CHAIRMAN OF THE CARIDA SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND) - Standardization of Blood Pressure Readings: Joint Recommendations of the American Heart Association and the Cardiac Society of Great Britain and Ireland
16575: WRIGHT, DAVID K - Frank Lloyd Wright: Visionary Architect
25849: WRIGHT, LAWRENCE - The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11
25436: WRIGHT, RICHARD - Black Boy : A Record of Childhood and Youth
6241: WRIGHT, JEROME DYSON - One Hundred and Ten African American History Questions and Answers (Signed)
25838: WRIGHT, RICHARD; JERRY W. WARD JR (INTRODUCTION) - Black Boy (American Hunger) : A Record of Childhood and Youth
26440: VARIOUS WRITERS - My Story: Forty-One Individuals Share Their Personal Encounters with the Rebbe
25579: VARIOUS WRITERS - Return to the Source: Selected Articles on Judaism and Teshuva
21753: VARIOUS WRITERS - Anthologie de la Nouvelle Poésie Française
5539: WURZBURGER, WALTER S. , EDITOR - Tradition: Volume 18, No. 1, Summer 1979 Special Thirtieth Anniversary of the State of Israel Guide
26031: WUTHNOW, ROBERT - After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s
20882: WUTZKY, ANNA CHARLOTTE - Der Freischutzroman: Roman Des Deutschen Muskiers
23449: WYMAN, LEVI PARKER - The Hunniwell Boys in the Secret Service
21884: WYSE, LOIS - Come Live with Me
28347: BAIS YAAKOV - A Lasting Legacy - 20th Century Portraits of Survival and Rebirth - an Oral History Project of Bais Yaakov of Baltimore
16619: YABLOKOFF, HERMAN - Der Payatz: Around the World with Yiddish Theater
22721: YAHEL, O. - A Farewell Smile: The Story of Esther Hadas
24426: YAHYA, HARUN (ADNAN OKTAR) - Israil'in Kürt Karti : Israil'in Ortadogu Stratejisi Ve "Kürt Devleti" Senaryolari
22222: YAMASHITA, KEITH & SANDRA SPATARO - Unstuck: A Tool for Yourself, Your Team, and Your World
20580: YARBRO, CHELSEA QUINN - Blood Roses: A Novel of the Count Saint-Germain
20886: YARMISH: RINA AND JOSHUA YARMISH - Assembly Language Fundamentals 360/370 Os/Vs Dos/Vs
14833: BARUCH YASHAR (SCHLECTER) - Torat Hayim: Dine Yisrael U-Minchagim (the Laws of Israel and Their Customs for Mothers an Daughters)
23624: HEBRON YEHIVA - A Jewish Pocket Encyclopedia : A Treasury of Brief and Reliable Information on Basic Jewish Subjects in Alphabetical Order
24232: YEHUDA, , EDITOR; DAVID WEINSTEIN, ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Ben-Yehuda's Pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary
24271: YEKU'EL, GABI - Matematikah le-Talmide: 3 Yehidot Limud
25353: YENNE, BILL - The Pictorial History of American Aircraft
22678: YEOMAN, R.S. - The Red Book of United States Coins 1972 Silver Anniversary Edtion a Guide Book of United States Coins, 25th Revised Edition
12787: YERBY, FRANK; THORNTON WILDER; JOHN MARQUAND; RICHARD JOSEPH; JAMES HILTON; PHILIP WHYLIE; HANSON BALDWIN - Best-in-Books ,18. "the Treasure of Pleasant Valley", "the Best of H.T. Webster" (Cartoon Feature), "the Bridge of San Luis Rey", "Think Fast, Mr. Moto", "Hawaii" (Photo Feature), "H.R. H. The Story of Philip, Duke Fo Edinburgh", "the Answer", "Sea Fights
10549: YERBY, FRANK - Benton's Row
9364: YEVTUSHENKO, YEVGENY - Selected Poems
28608: YEZIERSKA, ANZIA - Bread Givers
16347: YGLESIAS, JOSE - The Franco Years
8620: YOLEN, JANE AND BRUCE COVILLE - Armageddon Summer
26585: YONAY, DR SHAHAR; DR RINA YONAY - Din, Hag U-Minhag : Hesberim Ve-Targilim le-Limud Dine Yisra'el, Hagav U-Minhagav - Part 1
26956: YONAY, DR. SHAHAR & DR. RINA YONAY - The Jewish Law Part 3 Din, Hag U-Minhag : Hesberim Ve-Targilim Lelimud Din Yisrael, Haagav U-Minhagav
9594: PHILLIPS NEW YORK - In Celebration of Libery: Americana: July 2, 1986
9557: PHILLIPS NEW YORK (AUCTIONEERS) - European and American Paintings and Drawings: Sale No. 379
9560: PHILLIPS NEW YORK (AUCTIONEERS) - American and European Paintings and Prints June 30, 1981
7252: YOUNG, JOHN E - Global Network: Computers in a Sustainable Society
26787: YOUNG, ISABEL N - The Story of Coffee: History Growing Preparation for Market Characteristics Vacuum Packing Brewing
21524: YOUNG, J.Z. - The Life of Vertebrates
21458: YOUNG, CHARLES SUMNER - Clara Barton: A Centenary Tribute to the World's Greatest Humanitarian
18200: YOURDON, EDWARD - Techniques of Program Structure and Design
18801: YURICK, SOL - Someone Just Like You
28401: ZAFON, CARLOS RUIZ - The Shadow of the Wind
28359: GREG PALMER & MARK S. ZAID (EDITORS) - The Gi's Rabbi: World War Ii Letters of David Max Eichhorn
20709: ZAIDNER, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Jewish Travel Guide 1999 : International Edition
24888: ZAKAI, AHARON - Dvar Torah Al Ha-Shulhan
25186: ZAKKAI, AARON - Heaven Sent
22690: ZAKON, MIRIAM STARK & ELIYAHU ESSAS - Silent Revolution: A Torah Network in the Soviet Union
27486: ZAKON, NACHMAN - Treasure from Sinai
28479: ZALEWSKI, ANDREW - Galician Portraits: In Search of Jewish Roots
16977: ZALMAN, SHNEUR - Sefer Likute Torah Ve-Hu Likute Amarim, Ma'amarim Yekarim
26903: ZANGWILL, ISRAEL - The Melting-Pot: A Drama in Four Acts
24329: ZANGWILL, ISRAEL - Ikar Ha-Leumim
16082: ZAPPALA, FRANK - Mastering Italian
15252: ZARETSKY, HINDE - Der Ferter Nigun: The Fourth Melody
27687: ZARKI, RABBI ARI (FOREWORD) - The Song of Songs
26833: ZASSENHAUS, HILTGUNT - Walls: Resisting the Third Reich-One Woman's Story
18755: ZEIDLER, JUDY - The Gourmet Jewish Cook (Signed)
25573: ZEIDMAN-DZIUBAS, RUTH - Light in the Darkness: Personal Account of the Holocaust
4143: ZEIGER, L. L - The Way to Castle Garden
23341: ZEITLIN, SHNEUR ZALMAN; HAIM BAR-DAYAN - The Hebrew Calendar and the Cantillations for the Festivals of the Year Miqraey Qodesh
28383: ZEITLIN, SOLOMON (SHNEUR ZALMAN) ; HAIM BAR-DAYAN - Miqraey Qodesh: The Tora and Its Cantillation : Book of Shelomo Rosovsky
17616: ZELENKO, ELLEN - Develop Your Grammar
28111: ZELKOVICZ, HIRSH - El Proceso Dreyfus
28150: ZEMER, RABBI DR MOSHE - Evolving Halakhah: A Progressive Approach to Traditional Jewish Law
18074: ZEVIN, ISRAEL JOSEPH - Tashrak's Beste Ertzehlungen: Books 3 and 4 (2 Books) (Tashraks' Best Stories)
27434: ZEVIN, SHLOMO YOSEF - A Treasury of Chassidic Tales on the Torah: A Collection of Inspirational Chassidic Stories Relevant to the Weekly Torah Readings
22370: ZIDON, ASHER (ASHER TSIDON) - Ha-Knesset Be-Avodatah (Ha-Keneset Be-Avodatah)
27502: RABBI JOSEPH B. SOLOVEITCHIK; DAVID SHATZ; JOEL B. WOLOWELSKY & REUVEN ZIEGLER - Vision and Leadership: Reflections on Joseph and Moses
16283: ZIEGLER, PHILIP - The Black Death
26985: ZIELENZIGER, RUTH - Genesis, a New Student Workbook (Daled)
28389: ZIEMANN, HANS HEINRICH - The Accident
26192: ZIGLAR, ZIG - How to Stay Motivated: Developing the Qualities of Success : 6 Audiotape Program - Volume One
18000: ZILBERMAN, YEDIDYAH - Sefer Hidushe Yedidyah Ha-Lev
28472: ZIM, HERBERT S. & ALEXANDER C. MARTIN - Trees: A Guide to Familiar American Trees
10354: ZIMMER, ZEV (STORY) - Forbidden Worlds #126
27514: ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA; JEANE KIRKPATRICK, AMBASSADOR, INTRODUCTION - The Case Against Arafat: The Campaign By Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian Authority to Destroy Israel
25041: ZISENWINE, DAVID W - Anti-Semitism in Europe: Sources of the Holocaust
27152: ZIV, AVNER (EDITED BY) - Jewish Humor
17204: ZIZMOR, JUDAH; GUIDO LOMBARDI - Atlas of Orbital Radiography
26276: ZLOTOWITZ, MEIR - Shema Yisroel: The Three Portions of the Shema Including the Bedtime Shema
27465: ZOHAR, ORA - For Teachers with Love: Helping Educators Become Significant
13567: ZOLA, EMILE - Nana : Roman
19799: ZOLA, EMILE - The Works of Emile Zola
23659: ZONANA, JOYCE - Dream Homes: From Cairo to Katrina, an Exile's Journey (Signed)
19570: ZORACH, WILLIAM - William Zorach
17817: A., ZOUBEK CHARLES E.,HOSLER RUSSEL J. LESLIE LOUIS - Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges
27449: ZUCKER, DOVID & MOSHE FRANCIS - Chol Hamoed
23757: ZUCKER, DAVID (TRANSLATION BY) - Voice of Rejoicing and Salvation: Commentary of the Dubner Maggid on the Book of Esther
25929: ZUKAV, GARY - Soul Stories
25518: ZUKOFSKY, LOUIS - All the Collected Short Poems 1956-1964
14352: ZUMAN, SAMUEL F - Speech Making Simplified and Debate Theory
22171: ZUMWALT, ELMO R., JR. - Lebanon the Truth Is out! an End to 7 Years of Terror
6372: ZWOCH, GERHARD00000000014 - The Reichstag: Scenes of German Parliamentary History
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