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Bookshop Baltimore 3311 Taney Road, Baltimore MD 21215, USA. Tel.: +1 410 764 0293 Email: bookshopbaltimore@yahoo.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
27107: HALPERN, CHAIKY - Here and There: Stories for a Shabbos Afternoon
11782: HALPRIN, BEN (EDITOR) - Petersen's Guide to Photo Lighting Techniques
8835: HALSEY, WILLIAM D. (EDITORIAL DIRECTOR) - The Magic World of Words: A Very First Dictionary
23679: HALSTEAD, MURAT - The Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey from Montpelier to Manila
19346: HALTER, MAREK - La Force Du Bien
21865: HAMILTON, LYN - The Xibalba Murders (Uncorrected Proof)
21144: HAMILTON, EDWIN T - Popular Crafts for Boys
23252: HAMMER, LEON & TED KAPTCHUK - Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies: Psychology, Energy & Chinese Medicine
7446: HAMMOND, PETER B. - Cultural and Social Anthropology: Selected Readings
9002: HAMMOND, INC - Landmarks of Liberty
28053: HANAGID, SHMUEL; AVRAHAM MEIR HABERMAN, EDITOR - Shire Milhamah (Selected Poems of Shmuel Hanagid)
20865: HANCOCK, NIEL - The Fires of Windameir
28646: HANCOCK, SIBYL - Theodore Roosevelt
27668: HANDFORD, MARTIN - Where's Waldo? in Hollywood
19778: HANDLIN, OSCAR - This Was America: True Accounts of People and Places, Manners and Customs
28122: HANH, THICH NHAT - Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh
22014: HANS, SAGAN - Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Mathematical Physics
22587: HANSEN, MARK VICTOR & ROBERT G. ALLEN - The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth with 2 Cd's
22235: HANSEN, MARK VICTOR & ROBERT G. ALLEN - Cracking the Millionaire Code: Your Key to Enlightened Wealth Dvd Plus Hardcover
22226: HANSON, TOM; BIRGIT ZACHER HANSON - Who Will Do What By When? How to Improve Performance, Accountability and Trust with Integrity
24145: O'HARA, JOHN - Pal Joey
24141: O'HARA, JOHN - The Doctor's Son and Other Stories
22610: HARAMATI, SHLOMO; ROSENBERG, ASENATH - Hebrew in the Kindergarten: A Dictionary for Teachers Working with Young Children
26340: DUBY TAL; MONI HARAMATI - Skyline - Israel from Above
25270: HARARI, HAIM - View from the Eye of the Storm: Terror and Reason in the Middle East
20477: HARDING, RICHARD AND MARY DYSON (EDITORS) - A Book of Condolences: From the Private Letters of Illustrious People
26909: HARDING, HELEN - Hamlet and Other Tragedies Old and New Hamlet, Electra, Beyond the Horizon
11056: HARDY, THOMAS - The Return of the Native
26788: HARKNESS, DAVID JAMES (COMPLIED BY) - Southern Heroines of Colonial Days and Southern Heroines of the Confederacy
19684: HARMAN, AVRAHAM - Be-Asor le-Yisrael (Israel)
26846: HARMEL, KRISTIN - The Winemaker's Wife
28611: HARMEL, KRISTIN - The Book of Lost Names
24059: HARMON, PAUL & DAVID KING - Expert Systems: Artificial Intelligence in Business
236: HARPER, DAVID - The Hanged Men
14869: HARPOLE, JAMES - Body Menders
1321: HARRINGTON, WILLIAM - The English Lady
18868: HARRIS, C. J; J. M. E. VALENCA - The Stability of Input-Output Dynamical Systems, Volume 168
15698: HARRIS, LEONARD - The Masada Plan
17211: HARRIS, LAWRENCE - Teach Yourself Ole Programming in 21 Days (Russian)
26010: HARRIS, LIS - Holy Days: The World of a Hasidic Family
14445: HARRIS, JENNIFER; BECKER, PAMELA - My Big Book of Princesses
6952: HARRISON, SHIRLEY; HARRISON, JOHN - Austria and Switzerland: A Rand Mcnally Pocket Guide
21438: HARRISON, R. K - Biblical Hebrew
13675: HARRY ESSRIG, PH.D., EDITOR AND PUBLISHER - The American Rabbi: Volume 29, Number 1, Fall 1996
10561: HARRY, MAURICE H (INTRODUCTION) - Hebraic Literature: Translations from the Talmud Midrashim and Kabbala
22242: HARRY A. OLSON, PH. D. - The 8 Keys to Becoming Wildly Successful and Happy
16872: HART, HENRY (EDITOR) - Films in Review: August-September, 1970 Stephanie Powers, Cover
18144: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review: December, 1962 Judy Garland, Cover
11305: HART, HENRY (EDITOR) - Films in Review: June-July 1970 Jack Lemmon (Cover)
26164: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review: Volume Xxi, No 4, April 1970
21574: HART, HENRY - Films in Review December, 1970 Sara Miles in Ryan's Daugther, Cover
19966: HART, HENRY (ED.) - Films in Review / Vol. Xx, No. 7 / Aug. -Sept. 1969 Catherine Deneuvre, Cover
9555: HART, JAN SIEGEL - Hanna, the Immigrant
18165: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review: March 1963 George Peppard (Cover) Joan Fontaine
15381: HENRY HART (EDITOR) - Films in Review Vol Xiv N0 2 February 1963
16661: HART, HENRY (EDITOR) - Films in Review: May 1971 Jennifer O'neill (Cover)
17143: HART, HENRY (EDITOR) - Films in Review: Aug-Sept 1967 Sean Connery (Cover)
26924: HART-CORELL, BELLE OLIVER - Footprints a History of the General Claire L. Chennault United Daughters of the Confederacy Award, United States Air Force Academy, 1959
19967: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review March, 1970 Elizabeth Taylor, Cover
18160: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review: January 1971, Vol Xxii, No. 1
19964: HART, HENRY (ED. ) - Films in Review / Vol. Xxii, No. 3 / March 1971 Mankiewicz Films
17024: HART, HENRY (ED) - Films in Review: November 1970 Francoise Truffant (Cover)
18244: HART, HENRY (EDITOR) - Films in Review: August-September 1964 (Elke Sommer, Cover)
17699: HENRY HART (EDITOR) - Films in Review Vol Xiv N0 6: June - July 1963 Marilyn Monroe, Cover
9819: HARTE, BRET - From Sand Hill to Pine: A Tourist from Injianny
8927: HARTE, BRET - A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's: Jeff Brigg's Love Story
28241: HARTMAN, DAVID & ABRAHAM HALKIN - Crisis and Leadership: Epistles of Maimonides
27122: HARTMAN, TOM - Swastika at War: A Photographic Record of the War in Europe As Seen By the Cameramen of the German Magazine Signal
24300: HARTMAN, DAVID; CHARLIE BUCKHOLTZ - The God Who Hates Lies: Confronting & Rethinking Jewish Tradition
28050: HARTT, FREDERIC - Sandro Botticelli -1444/5 - 1510
10363: HARVEY, LEON (EDITOR) - Jigsaw #1
18864: HASKINS, JAMES - Scott Joplin: The Man Who Made Ragtime
17454: HASS, AARON - The Aftermath: Living with the Holocaust (Signed)
24155: HASSLER, JON - The Dean's List
24156: HASSLER, JON - Rookery Blues
24164: HASSLER, JON - Dear James
20879: HASTINGS, MAX - Victory in Europe: D-Day to V-E Day
26941: HATCH, ALDEN - The Mountbattens: The Last Royal Success Story
25225: PHYLLIS RUSK; SYLVIA HATCHER - A-E-I-O-U Variant Vowels
23744: HATFIELD, MARCUS P. - Physiology and Hygiene of the House in Which We Live
25381: HATHORN, GUY BRAMLETT; HOWARD R. PENNIMAN; MARK F. FERBER - Government and Politics in United States
24791: HAUSDORFF, DAVID M. - The Golden Heritage: An Inspirational Treasury of Jewish Thought for Young Adults of All Ages
6253: HAUSER, SJON - Thailand: Zacht Als Zijde Buigzaam Als Bamboe
26227: HAUTALA, RICK - Winter Wake (Numbered and Signed)
27446: HAVENS, RONALD & CATHERINE WALTERS - Hypnotherapy Scripts: A Neo-Ericksonian Approach to Persuasive Healing
27245: HAWKING, STEPHEN W. - A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
24774: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - Passages from the American Note-Books: 2 Volumes in One
28266: HAWTHORNE, PERRAULT, ET AL - Fairy Tales and Legends
14044: HAYES, SARAH - Crumbling Castle
23416: HAYES, WILLIAM - City in Time: New York
27342: HAYES, CARLTON J. H. - A Political and Social History of Modern Europe - 2 Volumes
4462: HAYES, E. KENT - Why Good Parents Have Bad Kids : How to Make Sure Your That Your Child Grows Up Right
18883: HAYS, H. R - Portraits in Mixed Media
28227: HAYWOOD, JOHN - The Ancient World
25461: HAZAN, L - Sefer le Bar-Mitzvah
23823: HAZAZ, HAIM - Gates of Bronze
27038: HAZONY, DAVID - The Ten Commandments: How Our Most Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life
18997: HEADLEY, ROBERT KIRK JR - Exit: A History of Movies in Baltimore
26840: HEADY, SUE - Emeralds: Are a Girl's Best Friend
15917: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH - Eating Hints - Recipes and Tips for Better Nutrition During Cancer Treatment
19048: HEALY, RAYMOND J - The Quiz Book: 764 Question and Answers
26386: SOCIEDED HEBRAICA - Cancionero
27154: HECHT, N. S. & B. S. JACKSON & S. M. PASSAMANECK & D. PIATTELLI & A. M. RABELLO (EDITED BY) - An Introduction to the History and Sources of Jewish Law
21740: HECHT, HANS H. (EDITOR) - The Electrophysiology of the Heart
22608: HECKELMAN, DVORAH - Shabbat and the Young Child
23813: HEDGE, LEVI - Elements of Logick Or a Summary of the General Principles and Different Modes of Reasoning
26704: HEDLEY DONAVAN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Time Magazine Special 1776 Issue Thomas Jefferson
27027: HEDLEY DONAVAN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Time Magazine October 29, 1973 - Anwar Sadat, Cover
14031: HEDRICK, LUCY H. - 365 Ways to Save Time with Kids
9119: HEFLEY, JAMES AND MARTI - Arabs, Christians, Jews: They Want Peace Now!
28182: DAVID HEIDENSTAM EDITOR - Man's Body : An Owner's Manual
18469: HEIGHT, DOROTHY; MAYA ANGELOU (FOREWORD) - Open Wide the Freedom Gates
18608: HEINEMANN, LARRY - Paco's Story
24191: HEINSSART, PAUL - Narrow Exit
24179: HELFAND, HARRIET; LEE M. HENDLER; JUDY MELZER; LARRY SHUMAN (EDITORS, COMPILERS) - Find Yourself a Teacher: [Aseh Lekha Rav] a Cycle of Divrei Torah Celebrating Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman's 20th Anniversary at Chizuk Amuno Congregation
26578: HELFENSTEIN, JOSEF - Klee and America
23417: HELIKER, CHRISTINA - Kilauea. The Newest Land on Earth
26945: HELLER, ABRAHAM MAYER - The Vocabulary of Jewish Life
26722: HELLER, REBBETZIN TZIPORAH & SARA YOHEVED RIGLER - Battle Plans: How to Defeat the Yetzer Hara
19120: HELLMAN, LILLIAN - Pentimento
25835: HELVARG, DAVID - Blue Frontier: Saving America's Living Seas
13031: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - In Einem Andern Land: Roman (a Farewell to Arms)
21723: HEMMINGS, F. W. J - The Life and Times of Emile Zola (Review Copy with Extras)
22527: HENDERSHOT, LELAND (EDITOR) - The Journal of the American Dental Association: April 1964 Cancer Control Month (Cover)
21130: HENDERSHOT, LELAND (EDITOR) - The Journal of the American Dental Association: October 1963
22526: HENDERSHOT, LELAND (EDITOR) - The Journal of the American Dental Association: May 1964
11311: HENDERSON, ROBERT M - D.W. Griffith: The Years at Biograph (the Birth of a Nation)
15175: HENDLER, LEE MEYERHOFF - The Year Mom Got Religion - One Woman's Midlife Journey Into Judaism
19291: HENKIN, HARMON - Crisscross
25124: HENN, DR. P - Ahn's First German Book: Being the First Division of Ahn's Rudiments of the German Language
22410: HENNESSY, B. G - Sleep Tight
24769: O. HENRY (PSEUDONYM OF WILLIAM SIDNEY PORTER) - 11 Volume Set of O. Henry - Cabbage and Kings, the Gentle Grafter, Heart of the West; Options; Roads of Destiny; Rolling Stones; Sixes and Sevens; Strictly Business, the Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million; the Voice of the City, Whirligigs
27610: HENRY, THOMAS R - The White Continent: The Story of Antarctica
25110: HENRY A. BAMMAN, ROBERT WHITEHEAD, CONSULTANTS - Reader's Digest New Reading Skill Builder: Reading Level One, Part One Teacher's Manual
24340: O. HENRY (WILLIAM SYNDEY PORTER) - Whirligigs: Biographical Edition Volume Ii
17220: HENRY, HART - Films in Review May 1967 Jackie Bisset (Cover)
9823: O. HENRY - O. Henry Short Stories
26400: HERBERT, VICTOR - Nutrition Cultism : Facts and Fictions (Signed)
22627: HERCZL, MOSHE; A. E. RIVLIN (EDITOR) - Dinim U-Minhagim / Laws and Customs (Laws and Customs, Part 1)
17358: HERGE (GEORGES PROSPER REMI) - Tintin Au Congo (French Edition)
13534: AMERICAN HERITAGE - American Heritage Magazine: May/June 1995 Special Issue: The End of World War Ii
19412: EDITORS OF THE AMERICAN HERITAGE - The American Heritage Children's Dictionary
22788: JOHN L. HERMAN JR. - Hermanisms: Axioms for Business & Life
15899: HERNDON, BOOTON - The Humor of Jfk
16061: HERNON, PETER - Earthly Remains
23890: HERRERA, SUSANA - Mango Elephants in the Sun
19265: HERRICK, ROBERT - Some Poems of Robert Herrick
28525: HERSEY, JOHN - The Wall a Novel
28207: HERSHFIELD, HARRY; LOUIS NIZER, FOREWORD - Laugh Louder Live Longer
7392: HERSKOWITZ, JOEL - Is Your Child Depressed? : Tired, Irritable and Angry Can Mean "Yes"
27231: HERTZ, JOSEPH H. - The Authorized Daily Prayer Book: First American Revised Edition Complete in One Volume Hebrew Text, English Translation with Commentary, Introductions and Notes
28439: HERTZ, JOSEPH H. - The Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Hebrew Text, English Translation and Commentary
28529: HERTZ, RABBI DR. JOSEPH HERMAN - The Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Hebrew Text, English Translation, and Commentary
27002: HERTZ, J. H - Pentateuch & Haftorahs: Hebrew Text English Translation & Commentary
9680: HERTZBERG, ARTHUR - Jews : The Essence and Character of a People
28220: HERZL, DOCTOR TEODORO - Doctor Teodoro Herzl : (Cincuentenario de Su Desaparición) Homenaje de la Juventud Jherzudeoargentina
2647: HERZOG, ARTHUR - The Swarm
28465: HESSE, KAREN - Letters from Rifka
19987: L'HEUREUX, JOHN - The Clang Birds (Review Copy)
5645: HEWITT, GEOF (EDITOR) - Kumquat 2
26496: HEWITT, VAUNEEN J. & PETER LORIE - Nostradamus - the End of the Millennium : Prophecies 1992-2001
23215: HEYMAN, KEN - The World's Family
8275: HICKS, JOHN; GEORGE MOWRY; ROBERT BURKE - The Federal Union: A History of the United States to 1877
21627: HICKS, JOHN DONALD - A Short History of American Democracy
25387: HICKS, ROBERT - The Masculine Journey: Understanding the Six Stages of Manhood
21548: HICKS, TYLER G AND THEODORE W. EDWARDS - Pump Application Engineering
28089: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - Nisennijiyunen Shiyu Kimpei No Shiyuen
28087: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - Disrupting the Book's "Nuclear" Myth - Japenese Text
28088: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - Amerika No Dairakkan Jidai Ga Hajimaru Japanese
28099: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - Global Cataclysm Has Begun – Iraq and North Korea Emergency Report from Washington (Japanese)
28121: YOSHIKI HIDAKA - Shu Kinpei Ga Senkaku O Senryo Suru Hi
28092: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - American and China: The Unknown Cold War (Japanese)
28097: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI - Kakugo Wa Yoi Ka Nihon : "Shijo¯ Saikyo¯ No Amerika" Ni Do¯ Tachimakau Ka
28090: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI; DR. HENRY KISSINGER - The Post-11 World and Japan Kissinger (Japanese Only)
28091: HIDAKA, YOSHIKI: HENRY KISSINGER - Kissinger's Warning: Conditions for a Resurgence of the 2000 Japan (Japanese)
25189: HIGHAM, CHARLES & CHRISTIAN DE MASSY - Palace: My Life in the Royal Family of Monaco
28236: HIGHAM, CHARLES - Errol Flynn: The Untold Story
13378: HILDENSHEINER - Die Judische Presse: (the Jewish Press) Organ Fur Die Gesamtinteressen Des Judenthums
26904: HILDERBRAND, ELIN - Golden Girl
20343: HILDRETH, GERTRUDE; ALLIE LOU FELTON, MABEL HENDERSON, ALICE MEICHEN - Faraway Ports: Easy Growth in Reading: Third Reader, Level One
16585: HILL, C. STRATTON; RUSSELL K. PORTENOY - Pain Control in the Patient with Cancer
26570: HILL, FRANK ERNEST - Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
18690: HILL, B.J. W. - The History and Treasures of Windsor Castle
26130: HILL, DR. MARGARET BYNUM - From Sharecropping to Non-Stopping: Reflections on Life from a Veteran Educator
21721: HILL, RALPH (EDITOR) - The Concerto
26701: HILLEL, AYIN - Bulbul Lama Kacha
25276: HILLENBRAND, LAURA - Seabiscuit: An American Legend
1128: HILLER, B. B - The Next Karate Kid (Includes Movie Photos)
28462: HILLESUM, ETTY; EVA HOFFMAN (FOREWORD) - An Interrupted Life the Diaries, 1941-1943 and Letters from Westerbork
28583: HILLIARD, ROBERT L. - Surviving the Americans: The Continued Struggle of the Jews After Liberation
26685: HILLMAN, BENJAMIN J - Monuments to Memories - Virginia's Civil War Heritage in Bronze and Stone
24659: HILSENRAD, ZALMAN ARYEH - My Soul Thirsts
25923: HINE, DARYL - The Prince of Darkness & Co
27550: HIRMES, FRIEDA K. - Courage and Hope
23594: HIRSCH, SAMPSON RAPHAEL (COMMENTARIES) - Sefer Shemot: 'im Targum Onkelos, Perush Rashi
26168: HIRSCH, AMMIEL & YAAKOV YOSEF REINMAN - One People, Two Worlds: A Reform Rabbi and an Orthodox Rabbi Explore the Issues That Divide Them
28408: HIRSCH, SAMSON RAPHAEL - Jewish Symbolism: The Collected Writings Volume Iii
805: HIRSCHFELD, BURT - Father Pig
26032: HIRSCHFIELD, BRAD (EDITED BY) - Remembering for Life
24671: HIRSCHLER, GERTRUDE (TRANSLATOR, EDITOR) - The Unconquerable Spirit: Vignettes of the Jewish Religious Spirit That the Nazis Could Not Destroy
16062: HISCOCKS, S.E.R. - Telephone Cards of the World: Great Britain and Ireland Pt. 1
27908: HITCHCOCK, ALFRED - Lot of 3 Books: Tales of Terror; Portraits of Murder; the Best Mystery
25991: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Her Name Was Lola - a Novel
27324: HOBSON, WENDY - Simply Feng Shui - for Home, Office & Garden
27121: HOBSON, LAURA Z. - Laura Z - a Life
28656: HOCHBERG, RABBI REUVEN; RABBI A. J. ROSENBERG - The Book of Kings I and Ii (2 Books)
28657: HOCHBERG, RABBI REUVEN; RABBI A. J. ROSENBERG - The Book of Samuel I and Ii (2 Books)
26613: HODGSON, ILA - Bernadette's Busy Morning
25285: HOFF, LISA D. - Santa Fe New Mexico: Self-Guided Tours in 88 Pictures
24585: HOFFMAN PHD, RABBI LAWRENCE A. - The Relentless Pursuit of Effective Jewish Leadership
19499: HOFFMAN, MOSHE - Harry's Choice
28377: HOFFMAN, EDWARD - Despite All Odds: The Story of Lubavitch
27041: HOFFMAN, LAWRENCE A (EDITED BY) - Traditional Prayers, Modern Commentaries, Vol. 5 (Morning Blessings)
27510: HOFFMAN, ADINA - Till We Have Built Jerusalem: Architects of a New City
26921: HOFFMAN, ALICE - Magic Lessons
26352: HOFFMAN, LWARENCE A - More Than Managing: The Relentless Pursuit of Effective Jewish Leadership
27725: HOFFMAN, ALICE - The World That We Knew: A Novel
24320: HOFFMAN, ALICE - Faithful
20575: HOFFMAN, MARYHELEN H. PAULICK - Arco Practice for Clerical, Typing, Stenographic for Federal, State and Local Civil Service Positions
10245: HOFFMANN, RUTH - Pauline Aus Kreuzburg
25063: HOFFNER, NAFTALI - Our Life's Aim: A Perspective from the Torah Viewpoint
27278: HOFFNER, RABBI NAFTALI - Our Faith and Strength
17672: HOHENBERG, JOHN - The New Front Page
13030: HOHENSTEIN, LILY - Schiller Der Kampfer Der Dichter
9173: HOKE, HELEN - Terrors, Torments, and Traumas: An Anthology Ray Bradbury, Franz Kafka, Evelyn Waugh Et Al
26503: HOLBERG, RUTH AND RICHARD - Oh Susannah
27559: HOLBOROW, E. J - An Abc of Modern Immunology
16038: HOLDEN, ANTHONY - King Charles Iii: A Biography
28085: DOROTHY KUNHARDT & ADELAIDE HOLL - Little Peewee Or, Now Open the Box and Sylvester the Mouse with the Musical Ear
19654: HOLLANDE, MAURICE - The Champagne Road: Map and Guide
24921: HOLMES, WILLIAM H. - Bacillary and Rickettsial Infections : Acute and Chronic : A Textbook : Black Death to White Plague
27455: HOLT, TERRENCE - Internal Medicine: A Doctor's Stories
20257: HOLT, SID (EDITOR) - The Rolling Stone Interviews:
11357: HOLT, LEE E - Samuel Butler
27005: HOLTZBERG, RABBI AVRAHAM YESHAYA - Kovetz Minhagim: An Anthology of Chabad-Lubavitch Customs Regarding Pregnancy, Childbirth, Circumcision, Pidyon Haben and the Birth of Girls
28354: HOLZER, RABBI ARYEDH (EDITED BY) ; RABBI ZECHARIA HOLZER, ANNOTATED BY - The Rav Thinking Aloud on the Parsha: Sefer Bereishis
19431: HOMERE - Odyssée
15142: HOMMEL, FRITZ - The Ancient Hebrew Tradition As Illustrated By the Monuments: A Protest Against the Modern School of Old Testament Criticism
18810: HOOPES, ROY - Cain: The Biography of James M. Cain
28076: HOPCKE, ROBERT H. - There Are No Accidents: Synchronicity and the Stories of Our Lives
19211: HOPE, HENRY R (EDITOR) - Art Journal: Winter 66/67 (Winter 667) Xxvi/2
19214: HOPE, HENRY R (EDITOR) - Art Journal: Spring 67, Xxvi/3
26525: HOPE, LAURA LEE - The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore
19219: HOPE, HENRY R (EDITOR) - Art Journal: Winter 67/68 Xxxvii/2
19204: HOPE, HENRY R (EDITOR) - Art Journal: Fall 68 Xxviii/1
19203: HOPE, HENRY R (EDITOR) - Art Journal: Winter 68/69 Xxviii/2
2581: HOPKINSON, TOM - Down the Long Slide
25486: HOPKOWITZ, RABBI YAAKOV - The Netziv of Volozhin
20748: HORN, JOSE (I. HORN) - Main Joreve Haim (Un Hogar En Ruinas) Mayn Horeve Heim : A Idish Shtetl in Poiln Tsvishn Beide Velt-Milhomes
16034: HORN, GLADYS M - Spell and Play for the Child Who Reads, Writes, and Wants to Spell
25966: HORN, DARA - In the Image: A Novel
28160: HORNBLOWER, SIMON - The Classical Age - the Greek World 479-323 Bc
12510: HORNUNG, CLARENCE P - Antique Automobiles Coloring Book
2125: HORNWOOD, SANFORD W - Systematic Settlements
27466: HOROWITZ, LEVI YITZCHOK - A Chassidic Journey: The Polish Chassidic Dynasties of Lublin, Lelov, Nikolsburg and Boston
27811: HOROWITZ, REBBETZIN RAICHEL - The Bostoner Rebbetzin Remembers
20032: HOROWITZ, ELLIS & SARTAJ SAHNI - Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms (Autographed)
26753: HOROWITZ, ISAC; BASILE, GIAMBATTISTA - Gian Battista Basile's Wonder Tales
11905: HOROWITZ, JOY - Tessie and Pearlie: A Granddaughter's Story
18394: HOROWITZ, ELLIS - Fundamentals of Programming Languages
20106: HOROWITZ, NAFTALI - Fun Erets Yisro'el Oytser (Fun Erez Israel Otsar)
23270: HOROWITZ, IRVING LOUIS - Games, Strategies and Peace: A Study and Commentary
23972: HOROWITZ, YAKOV - Living & Parenting: A Down-to-Earth Guide
23513: HORSLEY, GUY W; ISAAC A. BIGGER - Operative Surgery: Volume I
7758: HORST KOPLECK, JIMMY BURNETT, COLIN ARTHUR (EDITORS) - Harrap's Pocket German Dictionary
16394: HOSSEINI, KHALED - The Kite Runner
27886: HOTCHNER, A. E. - Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties
27181: HOUGEN, OLAF A; KENNETH M. WATSON - Chemical Process Principles: Part 1 & Part 2 (2 Books) Material and Energy Balances, Part 1 and Thermodynamics, Part 2
15866: HOUGH, B. OLNEY - Ocean Traffic and Trade
26826: HOUGH, RICHARD - The Mountbattens: The Illustrious Family Who, Through Birth and Marriage, from Queen Victoria and the Last of the Tsars to Queen Elizabeth Ii, Enriched Europe's Royal Houses
13172: HOUSE, OXMOOR - Southern Living Our Best Recipes Made Lighter
15057: A. E. HOUSMAN - A Shropshire Lad
11312: HOUSTON, PENELOPE - The Contemporary Cinema with 32 Plates
22415: HOWARD, SPIRO - Clinical Gastroenterology
22091: HOWARD, CECIL - Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru
20016: HOWE, IRVING; MICHAEL WALZER (EDITORS) - Dissent: Spring 1983 Feminism
8476: HOWE, IRVING - World of Our Fathers
13844: HOWE, IRVING; MICHAEL WALZER (EDITORS) - Dissent Magazine: Winter 1982 the Salvador Tragedy (Feature)
20022: HOWE, IRVING; MICHAEL WALZER (EDITORS) - Dissent Magazine Winter 1983 Black Bourgeoise, Homeless, Israel's West Bank
22269: HRDLICKA, ALES - Physiological and Medical Observations Among the Indians of Southwestern United States and Northern New Mexico
20280: HUBBELL, JOHN G - The Animal Rights War on Medicine
20454: HUDSON, STEPHEN - Prince Hempseed
21990: HUDSON, KENNETH - The Archaeology of Industry
12371: HUDSON, JAMES A - Latin America (World Cultures Program)
27696: HUEBNER, DAWN - What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
21020: HUGH THOMAS, INTRODUCTION - Our Twentieth Century World
28547: HUGHES, ROBERT (INTRODUCTION) - The Portable Matisse
15158: HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown's School Days
23990: HUGO, VICTOR - History of a Crime (Deposition of a Witness)
27895: HUGO, VICTOR - A Nyomorultak
18195: HUGO, VICTOR: PIERRE RICHARD; GERARD SABLAYROLLES - Hernani: Drame (2 Different Books)
27234: HULSE, S. M. - Black River
4705: HUMMEL, M. I - M.I. Hummel: The Golden Anniversary Album
21244: HUNT, RICHARD; JEROME D. WAYE - Colonoscopy: Techniques, Clinical Practice, and Colour Atlas
17021: HUNTER, SAM - Henri Toulouse-Laurtrec
23656: HUNTER, STEPHEN - Dead Zero
14983: HURD, CHARLES - The Compact History of the American Red Cross
4674: HURDLE, J. FRANK - A Country Doctor's Common Sense Health Manual
23611: HUREWITZ, JACOB COLEMAN - The Struggle for Palestine
24621: HURWITZ, SHIMON - Being Jewish
21395: HURWITZ, ABRAHAM B; ARTHUR GODDARD; DAVID T. EPSTEIN - More Number Games: Mathematics Made Easy Through Play
13059: HUSIK, ISAAC - A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
12012: HUSSEY, DYNELEY - Verdi
18126: HUTCHINSON, A. S. M. - If Winter Comes
14863: HUTCHINSON, SIR JONATHAN - The Pedigree of Disease; Being Six Lectures on Temperament, Idiosyncrasy and Diathesis, Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons in the Session of 1881
23847: HUXLEY, ALDOUS - The Genius and the Goddess
25300: HWATHORNE, FREDERICK W - Gettysburg: Stories of Men and Monuments: As Told By Battlefield Guides
15699: HYAMS, EDWARD - The Last of the Incas: The Rise and Fall of an American Empire
21802: HYDE, CAMERON (EDITED BY) - Famous French Novels
16986: HYMAN, A (ABRAHAM HYMAN) - Seder Tefilot le-Shabat Ve-Yom Tov Sabbath and Holiday Prayer Book
26804: HYMAN, PAULA E. & DEBORAH DASH MOORE (EDITED BY) - Jewish Women in America - an Historical Encyclopedia
20940: IBEN, HENRIK - Hedda Gabler and Other Plays
21513: IBSEN, HENRIK & ARTHUR MILLER - An Enemy of the People
7868: IJOY, LUCILLE W - A Family Therapy Moment with Ijoy (Signed)
28016: IMRE, BALASSA; GAL GYORGY SANDOR - Operakalauz Zenepeldakkal
28450: JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY INC. - The Torah: The Five Books of Moses, the New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
23743: ORTHO BIOTECH INC - Eponyms in Medicine : 1994 Desk Diary
11946: HAMMOND INC - Hammond's Family Reference World Atlas
17203: INDELMAN, ELHANAN (ADAPTED BY) - Toviah and Yehudith (Books of the Apocrypha) Sefer Toviyah Ve-Sefer Yehudit (Moses and Judith)
23727: INDIGENOUS - Frontier Medicine: From the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1492-1941
19278: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION - Britain and Its People: An Outline
27613: INGELOW, JEAN - Poetical Works of Jean Ingelow Including Shepherd Lady and Other Poems
17620: INGELS, NEIL B. - Coaching Youth Soccer: Attacking the Goal Volume Ii
26965: INGOLDSBY, THOMAS - The Jackdaw of Rheims
14619: NUCLEAR THREAT INITIATIVE - Is Preventing Catastrophic Terrorism a Priority? Or an Afterthought?
14801: INSTITUTE, NATIONAL CANCER - Chemotherapy and You a Guide to Self-Help During Treatment
10949: CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INSTITUTE - Spec-Data : 1983 Index Including Manu-Spec
17609: LEARNING INSTITUTE - Reading: Reaching Every Child
24161: AMERICAN MUSHROOM INSTITUTE - The Mushroom Recipe Book
20276: JOHNSON INSTITUTE - How to Use Intervention in Your Professional Practice: A Guide for Helping-Professionals Who Work with Chemical Dependents and Their Families
13308: DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE - Arabic Basic Course: (Set of 4 Books)
22135: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - Western Civilization: Origins and Traditions
6989: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - Smithsonian Magazine: October 2002
16669: WESTON INSTRUMENTS - Weston Model 662 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter - Instructions with Parts List
15434: JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE - The Flag of the United States of America
11203: US DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR - Bureau of Mines Research 1978
27783: WORLD BOOK-CHILDCRAFT INTL. - The World Book Encyclopedia - E - Vol 6
23574: IONESCU TULCEA, C. - A Book on Casino Craps, Other Dice Games and Gambling Systems
19226: IRVING, WASHINGTON - Tales of the Alhambra
25138: IRVING, WASHINGTON - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
11840: IRVING HOWE, MICHAEL WALTZER (EDITORS) - Dissent: Summer 1981 Isaac Babel, Black Intellectuals, Abortion in Politics
11772: IRVING HOWE, MICHAEL WALTZER (EDITORS) - Dissent: Winter 1991 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Poland, Afghanistan, Povert, Herbert Marcuse
25097: IRVING, WASHINGTON - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
20480: IRWIN SAMUELS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEFPHOTO - The Forester: Forest Park High School, Baltimore Md
10646: IRWIN, THEODORE - A Colorslide Tour of Holland: Fantastic Land Below the Sea
24861: ISAACS, MARTY - Marty's Walking Tours in Biblical Jerusalem (Signed)
27042: ISAACS, RONALD H. - Every Person's Guide to Hanukkah
25384: ISAACS, SUSAN - Past Perfect: A Novel
20787: ISENBERG, IRWIN - Caesar
27529: ISENBERG, BARBARA - Tradition! the Highly Improbable, Ultimately Triumphant Broadway-to-Hollywood Story of Fiddler on the Roof, the World's Most Beloved Musical
11640: ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER - Exhumations
20361: ISIDORE, EPSTEIN - Judaism; a Historical Presentation
24474: ISKANDER, FAZIL ABDOULOVITCH - Kroliki I Udavy (Rabbits and Boa Constrictors)
24999: ISKANDER, FAZIL ABDOULOVITCH - Sofichka : Povesti I Rasskazy
26774: ISKOWITZ, YAAKOV YOSEF (TRANSLATOR) - Aneni: Special Prayers for Special Occasions
24133: GENERAL FEDERATION OF JEWISH LABOUR IN ERETZ-ISRAEL - Man and His Works: Collection for the Study of the History of Technology in the Land of Israel
20129: ARTISTS IN ISRAEL - The Artists Colony, Safad
19086: DISKIN ORPHAN HOME OF ISRAEL - Ancient Sites in Israel
26959: ISRAEL, STEVE; NOAM ZION - Purim - Crazy Jews, Crazy World
27541: ISRAELEVI, BATSHEVA - Never Leave Me
15231: ISRAELI, RAPHAEL - Fundamentalist Islam and Israel : Essays in Interpretation
21801: ISSA, YAYU, KIKAKU, AND OTHER JAPANESE PETS - Don't Tell the Scarecrow
16004: ISTVAN, SZAVA - Egyedul a Halal Ellen
22740: IVENS, DOROTHY - Glorious Stew
21412: IVINS, HORACE F - Diseases of the Nose and Throat : A Text-Book for Students and Practitioners
21779: IVINSKAYA, OLGA - A Captive of Time (Review Copy)
15262: IZBAN, SHMUEL (SAMUEL IZBAN) - Di Kenigin Izevel: Historisher Roman (Lareina Isabel) - Book Ii
27352: JABLONSKI, EDWARD - Irving Berlin American Troubadour
17673: JACOB, MAX; BLACK, MOISHE & MARIA GREEN - The Story of King Kabul the First and Gawain the Kitchen Boy Followed By "Vulcan's Crown"
26731: JACOBOVITZ, RABBI AVRAHAM - Torah Beauty Beyond Belief
28691: JACOBS, JOSEPH (COLLECTED BY) - English Fairy Tales
15981: JACOBS, JIM; WARREN CASEY - Grease : Event Program (Playbill)
17627: JACOBS, RUTH HARRIET - Button, Button, Who Has the Button (Signed)
27216: JACOBS, TZVI - From the Heavens to the Heart
28648: JACOBS, WILLIAM JAY - Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Happiness and Tears
26659: JACOBSEN, CHARLES W. - Check Points on How to Buy Oriental Rugs
21994: JACOBSON, PAUL; WILLIAM REAVIS; JAMES LOGSDON - The Effective School Principal
27077: JACOBSON, SIMON - Toward a Meaningful Life: The Wisdom of the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
7748: JAFFE, RONA - After the Reunion
18906: JAFFE, BERNARD; GLENN T. SEABORG (INTRODUCTION) - Chemistry Creates a New World
24398: JAHANFORUZ, RITA - The Girl with a Brave Heart: A Story from Tehran
24215: JAMAL, AMANEY; NADINE NABER (EDITORS) - Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects
26794: JAMES, E. L - 2 Books: Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Darker
9169: JAMES, JANET - Wuthering Heights Cliffs Notes
27600: JAMES, HENRY - The Ambassadors
15177: JAMES, P. D - The Children of Men
24046: JAMES, PAUL & PETER RUSSELL - At Home with the Royal Family
27627: JAMES, HENRY; FRED B. MILLETT, INTRODUCTION - The Portrait of a Lady
22582: JAMES, HENRY - The Aspern Papers and the Spoils of Poynton
25552: JAMPOLSKY, GERALD; DIANE CIRINCIONE - Change Your Mind, Change Your Life: Concepts in Attitudinal Healing
19487: JAN M. LIBOUREL, EDITOR - Handguns Magazine February 1992
18621: JANEIRO, UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO RIO DE - Perspectivas Para a Economia Brasileira: Insercao Internacional E Politicas Publicas
20795: JANKOWITZ, MAX - A Bukh Tsum Lakhen
19640: JANOWSKY, OSCAR L (EDITOR) - The American Jew: A Composite Portrait
26133: JANOWSKY, OSCAR L (EDITOR) - The American Jew: A Composite Portrait
19209: JANSON, H. W. (EDITOR) - The Art Bulletin: September 1965, Volume Xlvii, Number 3
7735: SUPREME COURT OF JAPAN - Justice in Japan: Supreme in Japan 1975
25959: JAPRISOT, SEBASTIEN - A Very Long Engagement
26272: JASON ROTSTEIN, DALIA ROTSTEIN, YAAKOV ROTH (EDITORS) - Gam Yachad: A Youth Response to the Crisis in Israel
6613: JASTROW, ROBERT - Red Giants and White Dwarfs Man's Descent from the Stars
21219: JEANNE STAUFFER, EDITOR - Knitting Digest - November 2002
20474: JEFFS, JULIAN - The Dictionary of World Wines Liqueurs, and Other Drinks
19479: JENCKS, CHRISTOPHER - Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America
20927: JENNER, EDWARD; WILLIAM H. WOGLOM; W. R. LAFANU - An Inquiry Into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae
27978: JENO, REJTO (P. HOWARD) - 5 Books: Az Ellopott Futar; Bradley Tamas Visszaut; a Szoke Ciklon; a Lathatatlan Legio; the Blonde Hurricane
28612: JENOFF, PAM - 2 Books: Code Name Sapphire and the Ambassador's Daughter
24866: JENSEN, RANDALL & CHARLES C. TONIES - Software Engineering
26735: JERROLD, CLARE - Road, Rail and Sea: A Picture-Book for Little Folk
26262: CHILDREN'S VILLAGE OF JERUSALEM - Haggadah Shel Pesach - the Passover Haggadah
22503: JESSUP, RONLD - The Wonderful World of Archaeology
26686: T. SUTTON JETT - Arlington National Cemetery (3 Separate Booklets)
6448: JEWELL, DEREK - Frank Sinatra : A Celebration
27604: JEWETT, ELEANOR M - The Hidden Treasure of Glaston
21617: JHABVALA, RUTH PRAWER - Heat & Dust
15552: JHABVALA, RUTH PRAWER - My Nine Lives - Chapters of a Possible Past
18999: JIANG PING-LUN, EDITOR IN CHIEF; SHAW YU-MIN, PUBLISHER - Free China Review: Vol 40, No 4, April 1960
28010: JICK, LEON A. - The Americanization of the Synagogue, 1820–1870
26882: JIRI WEIL, EPILOGUE - I Never Saw Another Butterfly. Children's Drawings and Poems from Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, 1942-1944
11003: JOE ORLANDO, EDITOR - The Phantom Stranger #24
19415: JOE GRAVITT ARMSTRONG, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - 1979: New York Magazine - September 24, 1979
6770: JOEL CARMICHAEL, EDITOR - Midstream: A Monthly Jewish Review - February 1977 Muslims and Spanish Jews (Feature)
6768: JOEL CARMICHAEL, EDITOR - Midstream: A Monthly Jewish Review -- March 1979
9120: JOHN P. FRIEL, DICTIONARY EDITOR FOR THE PUBLISHER - Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
20002: JOHN HARRIS, H. V. KALTENBORN, RUTH PAINTER RANDALL, JOHN F. KENNEDY, GERALD DURRELL - The Best-in-Books: Close to the Wind, It Seems Like Yesterday, the Courtship of Mr. Lincoln, Profiles in Courage, My Family and Other Animals
27940: JOHN CULLER, ED. - South Carolina Wildlife: A Carolina Profile
27735: JOHN WAYLAND, PUBLISHER - Art Folio of the Shenandoah Valley - in Virginia's Famous Valley
20804: JOHN S. HALLER, JR (EDITOR) - Caduceus: A Humanities Journal for Medicine and Health - Autumn 1993 Vol Ix No 2 Interpreting Medical Artifacts (Cover)
20805: JOHN S. HALLER, JR (EDITOR) - Designing for Health Education and Health Care
20905: JOHN S. STEELE, MD (EDITOR) - The Postoperative Chest: Radiographic Considerations After Thoracic Surgery
28244: JOHNS, ERIC - Dames of the Theatre
5280: JOHNSON, DALE E (EDITOR) - Microscopy and Microanalysis: Vol 4, #3, May/June 1998
26111: JOHNSON, LARRY - Fix Your Volkswagen
12446: JOHNSON, UNA E; JEAN VALLERY-RADOT - 2 Volumes: French Drawings and 20th Century Drawings in Slipcases
18573: JOHNSON, RODNEY D. & BERNARD R. SISKIN - Quantitative Techniques for Business Decisions: Teacher's Edition
26245: JOHNSON, MICHAEL P. - Reading the American Past, Volume I to 1877: Selected Historical Documents
21559: THOMAS H. JOHNSON (SELECTION AND INTRODUCTION) - Emily Dickinson's Poems - Final Harvest
26747: JOHNSON, WILLIAM WEBER AND THE EDITORS OF LIFE - The Andean Republics - Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru
6644: JOHNSON, GERALD W - America-Watching : Perspectives in the Course of an Incredible Century
20869: JOHNSON, JUNE - 838 Ways to Amuse a Child: Crafts, Hobbies and Creative Ideas for the Child from Six to Twelve
19563: JOHNSON, HOWARD W. - Holding the Center: Memoirs of a Life in Higher Education
27918: JOHNSON, MAUD - Warm in Winter, Cold in Summer
16883: JOHNSON, ROSSITER (EDITOR) - Little Classics. Exile. First Volume
23719: MONRO-BUTLER-JOHNSTONE - A Trip Up the Volga to the Fair of Nijni-Novgorod
11399: JONES, LOUISE (EDITOR) ; JIM SHOOTER (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Conan the Barbarian Movie Special #1
11451: JONES, BRUCE - Alien Worlds #5
27112: JONES, JAY - Pipeline: Exposing the Darkness
27016: JONES, WALTER B - I Speak for the White Race; Swords Famous in Romance and History
28587: JONG, ERICA - Fear of Flying
21846: JORDAN, NEIL - Night in Tunisia, and Other Stories
28208: JORDAN, RENE´ - Marlon Brando
28499: JORDAN, ROBERT PAUL - The Civil War
28661: JOSEFSBERG, MILT - Jack Benny Show
24646: JOSEPH P. KNAPP, CHAIR; THOMAS H. BECK, PRESIDENT - The American Magazine: September 1940
19419: JOSEPH MEYERHOFF, PRESIDENT - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra: Sergiu Comissiona, Music Director (Veronia Tyler)
27906: JOSEPH, STEPHEN M (EDITOR) - The Me Nobody Knows, Children's Voices from the Ghetto
28603: JOUBERT, IRMA - Girl from the Train
15345: JOY, CHARLES R - Music in the Life of Albert Schweitzer
21260: JUDD, J. HEWITT; ABE KOSOFF (VALUATION) ; WALTER BREEN (RESEARCH) - United States Pattern, Experimental and Trial Pieces
19582: JUDITH WICKS, EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR - Philadelphia Resource Guide: Access to Information for Individual and Community Growth
14624: JUNG, PINCHOS - The World Is My Teacher: An Imaginative, Refreshing Application of Torah Thinking to Modern Life for All Who Are Young in Spirit
24818: JUNG, C. G. - Dreams
28374: JUNGK, PETER STEPHAN - Shabbat: A Rite of Passage in Jerusalem
27533: JUNGREIS, REBBETZIN ESTHER - The Committed Marriage: A Guide to Finding a Soul Mate and Building a Relationship Through Timeless Biblical Wisdom
27637: JUNGREIS, ESTHER - Life Is a Test: How to Meet Life's Challengs Successfully
26241: JUNGREIS, ESTHER - The Committed Life: Principles for Good Living from Our Timeless Past
28482: JUNGREIS, ESTHER - Zionism: A Challenge to Man's Faith
17067: JUNQUEIRA, - Basic Histology
19999: JUSTMAN, M - Fun Unzer Alten Oytser (from Our Old Treasure)
27178: KAARIS, VIGGO EMIL - Do You Know Denmark - Kender de Danmark? : Denmark in Pictures with Dexcriptive Text in English and Danish
18991: KACMAR, CHARLES J - On-Line Systems Design and Implementation Using Cobol and Command Level Cics
24245: KADUSHIN, RABBI J.L. - Jewish Code of Jurisprudence Talmudical Law Decision Inheritance, Guardian, Marriage, Divorce, Domestic Relations, Law Questions Part Iii Only
18166: KAELLIS, RHODA - The Last Enemy
27397: KAFRA, ESTEE - Cooking Inspired
26777: KAGAN, MENACHEM - A Promise Fulfilled
27060: KAHAN, AHARON YISROEL - She'al Avikha: A Basic Guide to Jewish Law and Heritage- Based on the Classical Yiddish Sefer
20156: KAHAN, ABRAHAM - Palestine: A Bazukh in Yohr 1925 Un in 1929
27301: KAHANA, KALMAN - Daughter of Israel: Laws of Family Purity
26273: KAHANA, KALMAN - Daughter of Israel: Laws of Family Purity
26423: KAHANE, MEIR - Why Be Jewish? Intermarriage, Assimilation and Alienation
28328: KAHANE, MEIR - Forty Years
26607: KAHANE, MEIR - Israel: Revolution Or Referendum
28230: KAHANE, MEIR - Rabbi Kahane Speaks: 1933-1990
18927: KAHANE, MEIR - Nothing But the Truth (Russian Version)
27335: KAHANE, MEIR - They Must Go
15838: KAHANE, MEIR - Never Again: A Program for Survival
23096: KAHANE, MEIR - Never Again: A Program for Survival
23655: KAHANE, MEIR - Le-Sichim Be-Enekhem
26375: KAHANE, MEIR RABBI - Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews
19613: KAHANE, MEIR - The Story of the Jewish Defense League
23055: ESTHER KAHL (EDITOR) - Avihu Giladi
12218: KAHN, ROGER - How the Weather Was
24809: KAHN, ZADOC - La Bible Traduite Du Texte Original Par Les Membres Du Rabbinat Francais Eicha, Esther, Shir Ha Shirim and Iyov
28441: KAHN, YAAKOV - Golden Apples: Parables of the Ben Ish Chai
20115: KAITZ, JOSEPH (JOSEPH KUTZENOGY) - Fun Maiyn Gortn: Kurtze Dertzeilungen
25778: KAKHA GOGOLASCHVILI, PROJECT DIRECTOR - Russian and Georgia: Searching He Way out
23457: KAKU, MICHIO - Einstein's Cosmos: How Albert Einstein's Vision Transformed Our Understanding of Space and Time
25836: KAKU, MICHIO - The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind
26861: KALMAN, MARSHA E. - Civil War a to Z
16992: KAMENETZ, RODGER - The Missing Jew: New and Selected Poems (Signed)
28033: KAMENS, I. L. (PRESIDENT) - Fiddler on the Roof (Playbill)
18928: KAMM, JOSEPHINE - The Story of Sir Moses Montefiore
20006: KAMMEN, MICHAEL G - A Season of Youth: The American Revolution and the Historical Imagination
28663: KANE, ANDREW - Joshua - a Brooklyn Tale
26451: KANE, HARNETT T - Natchez on the Misissippi
26493: KANE, HARNETT T. - A Picture Story of the Confederacy (Signed)
26573: KANE, HARNETT T - The Gallant Mrs Stonewall: A Novel Based on the Lives of General and Mrs. Stonewall Jackson
28563: KANIN, GARSON - Hollywood
17901: KANIUK, YORAM - Rockinghorse
26952: KANIUK, YORAM - Ha-Yehudi Ha-Aharon (the Last Jew)
615: KANTOR, MACKINLAY - The Children Sing
22617: KAPLAN, LOUIS L. - 2 Books: The Books of Genesis and Pupil's Workbook for Genesis a Guide for Teachers in Jewish Religious Schools
6209: KAPLAN, LOUIS L. AND THEODOR SCHUCHAT (FOREWORD BY THE LATE HONORABLE HERBERT H. LEHMAN - Justice - Not Charity: A Biography of Harry Greenstein (Signed)
27654: KAPLAN, ARYEH - Waters of Eden: The Mystery of the Mikvah
26026: KAPLAN, ARYEH - Sabbath Day of Eternity
28069: KAPLAN, LOUISE J. - Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual
21501: KAPLAN, INC - Kaplan Advantage: Academic Skills
27648: KAPLAN, ARYEH - If You Were God
18101: KAPLAN, JUSTIN - Mark Twain and His World
18198: KAPLAN, SHLOMO; MOSHE WILENSKY; YORAM TAHARLEV - Be'alfei Yadayim : All Hands Together
26557: KAPLINSKI, SOLLY - Lost and Found: A Second Generation Response to the Holocaust
25797: KAPP, YVONNE - Eleanor Marx: 2 Volumes - One and Two
25454: KAR-BEN COPIES, INC - Purim Fun from Folgers and Sunny Delight
28637: KARCH, LT. R. RANDOLPH; LT. EDWARD ESTABROOKE USNR - 250 Teaching Techniques
18275: KARIV, YOSEF (EDITOR) ; YIZZACHAR MIRON-MICHROVSKY - Zemirot: Shirim la-Am la-No'ar Ule-Vate-Sefer
27843: KARKOWSKY, NANCY - Grandma's Soup
2039: KARL, FREDERICK R. - A Reader's Guide to Joseph Conrad
21304: KARLEN, ARNO - Napoleon's Glands and Other Ventures in Biohistory
21080: KARLIN, MURIEL SCHOENBRUN & REGINA BERGER - Discipline and the Disruptive Child: A Practical Guide for Elementary Teachers
19309: KARLSTROM, PAUL J. - Louis M. Eilshemius: Selections from the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
18940: KARMIOL, WOLF - Der Koridor - Dertseylungen
27211: KARO, YOSEF; RAFAEL ABRAHAM BEN NISSIM COHEN SOAE (COMPILER) - The Jewish Kitchen: A Code of Jewish Law Following the Rulings of Rabbi Yosef Karo
25165: KARO, YOSEF - Sefer Mishnah Berurah : Ve-Hu Perush Yafeh U-Menupeh Al Shua Orah Hayim: Helek Gimel
20065: KARP, WALTER - Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species
26713: KARPIN, FRED L - The Karpin Point-Count System of Bidding in Contract Bridge
24795: KASHER, RABBI MENAHEM M; RABBI CHARLES WENGROV (TRANSLATOR) - The Western Wall: Hakotel Hama'arvi : Its Meaning in the Thought of the Sages
23904: KASS, EDWARD H AND KATHERINE MURPHEY HAYES - A History of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
17973: KASTER, LOTHAR - Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland: The Federal Republic of Germany, la Republique Federale D'allemagne
24486: KATSAROS, THOMAS; GWENDOLYN JENSEN - The Western Tradition to 1660
22496: KATSH, ABRAHAM (EDITOR) - The Jewish Quarterly Review - October 1980
26104: KATZ, D. - Mystic Chords: Eight Tales Situated in the Jewish Past
28312: KATZ, RABBI MORDECHAI - Lilmode Ul'lamed: From the Teachings of Our Sages: A Compendium of Insights, Homilies and Interpretations of the Weekly Sedra
14304: KATZ, KARL, P.P. KAHANE AND MAGEN BROSHI. - From the Beginning: Archaeology and Art in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
24409: KATZ, RABBI DOVID - Sefer Hamitzvos Hakotzer of the Chofetz Chaim: Volume 1: Positive Commandments
22462: KATZOFF, LOUIS - Dor le Dor Our Biblical Heritage Vol. Xv, No 2 Winter 1986/87
22459: KATZOFF, LOUIS (EDITOR) - Dor le Dor : Our Biblical Heritage Vol Xii, No 4 Summer 1985
27825: KAUFMAN, RABBI MOSHE HILLEL - Money: The Bottom Line
16888: KAUFMANN, EUGEN - Die Administrative Zwangsvollstreckung Wegen Geldorderungen Der Gemeinden in Baden
25453: KAVANAUGH, ROBERT E. - Facing Death
24063: KAY, EDDIE DORMAN, KOBAL COLLECTION - Box Office Champs: The Most Popular Movies of the Last Fifty Years
549: KAYE, MARVIN - The Soap Opera Slaughters
21104: KAYY, W. H - We Can't All Be Sane!
21382: KAZIN, ALFRED - A Walker in the City
4704: KEATING, BERN - The Grand Banks
20289: KEATON, DIANE (ACTOR) - Little Drummer Girl
25107: O'KEEFE, RUTH ANN - Starter 101: A Structured Beginning Reading Program Book 9
20899: KEENAN, SHEILA - Scholastic Encyclopedia of U.S. Women
27659: KEHATI, PINHAS (COMMENTARY) - Sukkah and Betzah
27817: KEHATI, RABBI PINHAS (COMMENTARY) - The Mishnah: Seder Nashim, Vol. 3: Gittin; Kiddushin
27660: KEHATI, PINHAS (COMMENTARY) - Mikva'ot and Niddah
16102: KEIL, CHARLES - Urban Blues: Uncorrected Page Proofs
12840: KEITHLEY, GEORGE - Song in a Strange Land
20396: KELLER, SHARON R (EDITED BY) - The Jews - a Treasury of Art and Literature
27923: KELLER, HELEN - Helen Keller: The Story of My Life
21828: KELLER, PROFESSOR KARL - The Only Kangaroo Among the Beauty: Emily Dickinson and America (Review Copy)
28231: KELLERMAN, JONATHAN - Lot of 4 Hardcover Jonathan Kellerman Books: Devil's Waltz/Bad Love; Flesh and Blood; Rage; Therapy
28209: KELLEY, KITTY - Elizabeth Taylor - the Last Star
28000: KELLNER, MENACHEM - Contemporary Jewish Ethics
22155: KELLOGG, STEVEN - Pinkerton, Behave!
22644: KELLOGG, KAY - Kay Kellogg's Sweet Treats
24124: KELLOGG, MARNE DAVIS - Bad Manners
28675: KELLY, JACQUES - Bygone Baltimore - a Historical Portrait
21757: KELLY, NINA - Pearls of Wisdom
16590: KELLY, EMERSON CROSBY (COMPILER) - Medical Classics: Vol 5, No 8, April 1941 Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis
17159: KELLY, EMERSON CROSBY (COMPILER) - Medical Classics: Vol 5, No 7, March 1941
28422: KEMELMAN, HARRY - Someday the Rabbi Will Leave
28172: YIDDISHER KEMFER - Yiddisher Kemfer: Vol Liii, No. 2079, September 5, 1975
28169: YIDDISHER KEMFER - Yiddisher Kemfer: Vol Lviii, No 2196 April 21, 1978
28170: YIDDISHER KEMFER - Yiddisher Kemfer: Vol Xlvii, No. 1650 April 1, 1966
22914: KEMPLER, NAFTOLI (EDITOR) ; AVROHOM YOSEF ROSENBERG (TRANSLATION, ANTHOLOGIZED COMMENTARY) - The Mishnah, Seder Kodashim : A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources Seder Kodashim: Vol Ii (C) -- Kereisos
21716: KENEALLY, THOMAS - Schindler's List
27334: KENEALLY, THOMAS - Schindler's List (Signed)
23630: KENEN, ISAIAH L - The Rise of Israel and the Arab Confrontation
21044: KENNAN, GEORGE - American Diplomacy: 1900-1950
18898: KENT HOLLINGSWORTH, EDITOR - The Blood-Horse, November 14, 1977, Vol Ciii, No 46
19810: KENT HOLLINGSWORTH, EDITOR - The Blood-Horse: Vol Ciii, No. 52, December 1977
22545: KENT, JACK - The Caterpillar and the Polliwog
20383: KENTON, MAXWELL - Candy (Original, Uncut)
21397: KEON, MICHAEL - Korean Phoenix: A Nation from the Ashes
23991: KERLEY, CHARLES GILMORE AND GAYLORD WILLIS GRAVES - The Practice of Pediatrics. Third Edition, Revised & Reset.
19455: KERN, EDITH (EDITOR) - Sartre: A Colleciton of Critical Essays
13558: KERNAN, DORIS - Steps to English 4, Teacher's Edition Annotated
24545: KERRIGAN, MICHAEL - Hitler: The Man Behind the Monster
26139: KERTZER, MORRIS NORMAN - Art of Being a Jew
17597: KESENTENBAUM, CLARENCE J; DANIEL T. WILLIAMS (EDITORS) - Handbook of Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents; 2 Vols.
18323: KESSLER, GARY C - Isdn: Concepts, Facilities, and Services
26428: KEVIN MICHALOWKI, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Concealed Carry Magazine Jan 2017
26554: KEVLES, DANIEL J. - The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America
11710: GOLD KEY - Bugs Bunny #163
23942: KIDDER, GAYLE & STUART HARRIS - Official Html Publishing for Netscape: Your Complete Guide to Web Page Design & Production
1732: KIENZLE, WILLIAM X - Kill and Tell
1731: KIENZLE, WILLIAM X - Assault with Intent
28654: KIESZONKOWY, SLOWNIK - Polsko-Rosyjski : Rosyjsko-Polski
27803: KIMMEL, ERIC A (EDITED BY) - A Hanukkah Treasury
13237: KING, CHARLES - The Constitution of the United States
14850: KING, LARRY AND CHAIA KING - Daddy Day, Daughter Day
22025: KING, BRUCE (EDITED BY) - The Later Fiction of Nadine Gordimer
24881: KING, LARRY D; MARGARITA SUNER - Para a Frente: An Intermediate Course in Portuguese
23715: KING, PETER (EDITOR) - Scott's Last Journey
23880: HERMANN HAGEDORN AND JOAN KING - Reader's Digest Great Biographies in Large Type: Albert Schweitzer and Mary Cassatt
25815: KINGSBURY, PAUL; GAVIN J. ANDREWS; ROBIN KEARNS (EDITORS) - Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music
27594: KINGSLEY, ROBERT - Westward Ho - 2 Volumes
27295: KINGSTON, KAREN - 2 Feng Shui Books: Clear Your Clutter and Creating Sacred Space
24753: KINIKLIOGLU, SUAT, EDITOR IN CHIEF - Insight Turkey: April-June 2004
25033: KINZIE, MARY - Ghost Ship: Poems
543: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Soldiers Three: The Story of the Gadsbys in Black and White
19194: KIPLING, RUDYARD; MARION TUCKER, INTRODUCTION - Barrack Room Ballads: Recessional and Other Verses
7053: KIPLING, RUDYARD - How the Leopard Got His Spots
22878: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Captains Courageous
17734: KIPLING, RUDYARD - In the Vernacular: The English in India, Stories By Kipling
24797: KIPNIS, LEVIN - Ve-Kho Amar Saba
13024: KIRBY, JACK - Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1
13025: KIRBY, JACK - Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #5
13026: KIRBY, JACK - Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #8
28129: KIRSCH, JONATHAN - The Woman Who Laughed at God: The Untold History of the Jewish People
28245: KIRSCH, JONATHAN - King David: The Real Life of the Man Who Ruled Israel
25945: KIRSCH, ADAM - The People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature
26800: KIRYKA, FELIKSA - Opatow: Materialy Z Sesji 700-Lecia Miasta
5085: KISHON, EPHRAIM - Woe to the Victors!
26847: KISNER, SARAH - With This Ring: A Novel
28234: KITOV, ELIYAHU - The Book of Our Heritage - 3 Volumes Set in Slipcase
10644: KITTLER, GLENN D - A Colorslide Tour of the Congo: Young Republic: A New Africa Emerges
16399: KITTREDGE, GEORGE L - The Kittredge Shakespeares Tragedy of King Lear
25345: KLAMKIN, MARIAN - Picture Postcards (Signed)
4097: KLAPERMAN, LIBBY M. - Adam and the First Sabbath
28645: KLAPHOLTZ, YISROEL YAAKOV - Dawn of Greatness Great Rebbes When They Were Young, Part I
13896: KLASS, GERT VON - Die Liebe Des Leutnants Wartenstein: Roman
26660: KLEIN, SHMUEL Y - To Teach a Jew
6716: KLEIN, DR. MICHEL - For the Love of Animals: The Autobiography of a Veterinary Surgeon
24183: KLEIN, ISAAC - A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice
22329: KLEIN, EDWARD - Blood Feud: The Clintons Vs. The Obamas
28555: KLEIN, RABBI MAX D; RABBI SEYMOUR ROSENBLOOM - Seder Avodah: Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
28038: KLEIN, ESTHER M. - A Guidebook to Jewish Philadelphia
24037: URI KAPLOUN; HAYYIM SCHEID; MORDELL KLEIN (EDITORS) - 4 Books: Family, Marriage, Passover, the Synagogue
17371: KLIMA, IVAN - Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light (Uncorrected Proof)
20833: KLING, BERTHA - Vi Ikh Shtey Un Gey: Lider (Signed)
5284: KLOCK, CATHARINE - The Complete Home Decorator
27471: KLOTZMAN, RANDY M. - The Enchanted Tree House
27075: KLUG, LISA ALCALAY - Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe
4101: KNIGHT, ERIC - Lassie Come-Home
21110: KNIGHT, ERIC - Lassie Come-Home
12628: KNIGHT, ERIC - Lassie Come-Home
21713: KNIGHTLEY, PHILLIP - The First Casualty: From the Crimea to Vietnam : The War Correspondent As Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker
15273: KNOPFLER, SOLOMON - Kuntres Hinukh Ha-Yeladim Tsiyurim : Purim
25786: KNOPP, DR KONRAD - Theory of Function Part Ii : Applications and Further Development of the General Theory
7752: KNORR, BRYCE - The Horde: Masters of the Universe
21888: KOBALD, KARL - Alt-Wiener Musikstatten
12933: KOBRIN, LEON - Fun a Litvish Shtedtel Biz'n Tenement-Hoyz : Ertsehlungen
13969: KOBRIN, LEON (TRANSLATOR) GUY DE MAUPPANSANT - Gezamelte Werk: Giju de Mopason, Iberzetzt Fun Leon Kobrin, 10 Guy de Mauppasant: Gezamelte Verk, Vol 10
18952: KOBRIN, LEON - Ore Di Bord
19095: KOCHAN, LIONEL (EDITOR) - The Jews in Soviet Russia Since 1917
13448: KODESH, SHLOMO - Leshon Amenu: Book 1 (the Language of Our Nation)
15915: KOEHN, ILSE - Mischling, Second Degree - My Childhood in Nazi Germany
18306: KOENIGSBERG, PATRICIA LAKIN - How Do You Feel When. . .
20338: KOHLER, DAYTON - Books and Reading: A Survey of World Literature
18094: KOHN-ZEDEK, YOSEF - Ne'urim
27049: KOLATCH, ALFRED J. - The Jewish Book of Why - Two Volumes
27004: KOLATCH, ALFRED J. - The Jewish Book of Why
11695: KOLLEK, TEDDY; AMOS KOLLEK - For Jerusalem. A Life By Teddy Kollek with His Son, Amos Kollek (Review Copy)
17460: KOLLEK, TEDDY - For Jerusalem: A Life By Teddy Kollek with His Son, Amos Kollek (Signed)
26017: KOLTUN, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - The Jewish Woman: New Perspectives
27261: KONIGSBERG, RACHEL - Something Different
24887: KONIGSBURG, E. L. - Silent to the Bone
24557: KOOK, RABBI BENZION HACOHEN - Sefer Peninei Tefillah
6614: KOPAL, ZDENEK - The Realm of the Terrestrial Planets
25271: KOPPEL, TED - Lights out: A Cyberattack, a Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath
27162: KORNBLUTH, DORON - Jewish Matters: A Pocketbook of Knowledge and Inspiration
26604: KORNBLUTH, DORON - Raising Kids to Love Being Jewish - from Toddler to Teen, Everything You Need to Inspire Your Children
24321: KORNBLUTH, DORON - Jewish Women Speak About Jewish Matters
22791: KORNREICH, YAAKOV (EDITOR) - Jewish Youth Monthly: A Science and Torah Reader June 1970
27518: KOSINSKI, JERZY N. - The Hermit of 69th Street: The Working Papers of Norbert Kosky
24413: KOSTOFF, LYNN - The Long Fall: A Novel of Crime
25577: KOTKES, LEAH - The Map Seeker
24614: KOUTS, GIDEON - The Hebrew and Jewish Press in Europe : Select Problems in Its History
14736: KOVALSKI, SHALOM DOV - Sefer Nechamat Shalom (2 Volumes)
20780: KOYFMAN, MORDKHE (KAUFMAN, MARTIN) - Prolet-Shtifer (Prolet-Stifer)
24997: KOZAK, WARREN - The Rabbi of 84th Street : The Extraordinary Life of Haskel Besser
17574: KOZODOY, NEAL (EDITED BY) - The Mideast Peace Process: An Autopsy
16208: KRAFT, STEPHANIE - No Castles on Main Street: American Authors and Their Homes - Plus Supplement
24865: KRAMER, CHAIM; OZER BERGMAN (EDITOR) - The Treasury of Unearned Gifts: Rebbe Nachman's Path to Happiness and Contentment in Life
20096: KRAMER, NATHAN - Sipure-No'am Li-Vene Ha-Neurim
16079: KRANTZ, JOHN C. JR. - A Portrait of Medical History and Current Medical Problems
27729: KRANZLER, DAVID - Holocaust Hero: The Untold Story of Solomon Schonfeld, an Orthodox British Rabbi
28415: KRANZLER, DR. GERSHON - Look Back
27498: KRAUSS, NICOLE - Forest Dark: A Novel
27457: KRAUSS, NICOLE - The History of Love
27323: KRAVETZ, NATHAN (COMMENTARY BY) - Hillel Said . . .
27776: KRAVITZ, RABBI BENTZION - The Jewish Response to Missionaires
24631: KREMNIZER, R. L - The Curtain Parted: Glimpsing the Week Ahead Volume 1: Bereishis/Shemos
5272: KRINGS, ANTOON - Rosie Auf Dem Bauernhof
6002: KRIPKE, DOROTHY K - Debbie in Dream Land: Her Holiday Adventures (Signed)
15930: KROETER, STEVEN W. - Design Newyork 2004
23329: KROHN, PAYSACH J. - Along the Maggid's Journey: A Collection of All New Inspirational Stories and Parables from Around the World and Across the Generations )
19998: KRONBERGER, LOUIS - A Month of Sundays - a Novel
19172: KROPOTKIN, PETER; JAMES ALLEN ROGERS (EDITOR) - Memoirs of a Revolutionist
9312: KRUGER, MOLLY - Admiral of the Mosquitoes: Columbus and America in Light and Dark Verse
4673: KUBLIN, HYMAN - The Rim of Asia: Japan and Southeast Asia
24528: KUFLIK, KAREN - Grocery Shopping with God: Making the Mundane Meaningful Through Mitzvahs
23476: KUGELMASS, JACK; JEFFREY SHANDLER (CURATORS) - Going Home : How American Jews Invent the Old World : Exhibited at Yivo Institute for Jewish Research, June 13, 1989-February 16 1990
27921: KUMOVE, SHIRLEY & FRANK NEWFELD - Words Like Arrows: A Collection of Yiddish Folk Sayings
24138: KUN, MICHAEL - The Locklear Letters (Signed)
19387: PHILIP KUNDARDT (MANAGING EDITOR) - Life Magazine March 1980 - Mickey Rooney, Cover
8567: KUNDERA, MILAN - The Joke (Translation of Zert)
24408: KUNDNANI, ARUN - The Muslims Are Coming! : Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror
19881: KUNTSLER, DANIEL - Avi Mori
21539: KUNTZ, WALTER N - Modern Corporate Management: New Approaches to Financial Control, Operations, Customer Development and Equity Sources
27884: KUPPERMAN, ROBERT H; DARRELL M. TRENT - Teror : Ha-Sakanah, Ha-Metsi'ut, Ha-Teguvah
26200: KURSHAN, ILANA - If All the Seas Were Ink: A Memoir
18987: KURTS, CHARLES - These Are the Voyages: A Three-Dimensional Star Trek Album
27772: KURTZ, SEYMOUR - Jewish America
22828: KURZWEIL, RAY - The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
26657: KURZWELL, ARTHUR - My Generations, a Course in Jewish Family History
27258: KUSHNER, HAROLD S. - When Bad Things Happen to Good People
27080: KUSHNER, RABBI LAWRENCE - Kabbalah: A Love Story
28228: KUSHNER, HAROLD - To Life! : A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking
28270: KUSHNER, ; THOMAS MOORE INTRODUCTION - Eyes Remade for Wonder
23807: KUSHNER, HAROLD S. - When Children Ask About God
17950: KYLE, R. A. AND SHAMPO, M. A - Medicine and Stamps
28664: LABOVITZ, RABBI EUGENE AND ANNETTE - A Sacred : Stories of Jewish Heritage & History
28553: LABOVITZ, EUGENE & ANNETTE LABOVITZ - The Legendary Maggidim: Stories of Soul and Spirit
21773: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Vietnam: Between Two Truces
26214: LADERMAN, DR SHULAMIT - The Illuminated Torah: Paintings and Essays on the Weekly Portions
9635: LAFRENIERE, LESTER - Signed with Their Honor
13519: LAGASSE, EMERIL; WITH MARCELLE BIENVENU AND FELICIA WILLETT - Emeril's Tv Dinners: Kickin' It Up a Notch with Recipes from Emeril Live and Essence of Emeril
26349: LAGNADO, LUCETTE MATALON & SHEILA COHN DEKEL - Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz
27117: LAHIRI, JHUMPA - The Namesake
27766: LAHR, JANE AND LENA TABORI - Love: A Celebration in Art & Literature
24002: SHAKESPEARE. WILLIAM; LOUIS B. WRIGHT; VIRGINIA LAMAR - Taming of the Shrew: Folger Library
15545: LAMBERTINI, GASTONE - Il Pensiero E I Trovati Di Angelo Ruffini Nella Sua Opera Fisiogenia: The Thoughts and Findings of Angelo Ruffini in His Work Physiogeny
25695: LAMET, ROSALIE - City of Diamonds
24689: LAMM, MAURICE - The Jewish Way in Love and Marriage
1674: LANCASTER, BRUCE - Trumpet to Arms
22403: LANDAU, JULIAN J - Jerusalem: Information Briefing
28320: LANDAY, JERRY M - The House of David
27246: LANDIS, JOSEPH C (TRANSLATOR) - The Great Jewish Plays: The Dybbuk, God of Vengeance, Green Fields; King David and His Wives; the Golem
19104: LANDMANN, SALCIA - Der Judische Witz
28507: LANDSMAN, ANNE - The Rowing Lesson: A Novel
27930: DE LANGE, NICHOLAS - Atlas of the Jewish World
26906: LANGE, NICHOLAS DE (EDITED BY) - Illustrated History of the Jewish People
17526: LANGSTAFF, JOHN - Frog Went a-Courtin'
14067: LANSKY, BRUCE (SELECTED BY) - A Bad Case of the Giggles: Kids' Favorite Funny Poems
17004: HARDAN-HALPERN D; Y PINHAS LAPID (EDITORS) - Sipurim Latino-Amerika'iyim Bene Zemanenu Cuentos Latino-Americanos Modernos: Antologia
24301: LAQUEUR, RENATA - Schreiben Im Kz : Tagebucher 1940-1945 (Signed Note)
11755: LARDNER, RING W - Gullible's Travels, Etc
21775: LARDNER, RING - The Love Nest and Other Stories
27403: LARGARDE, ANDRE; LAURENT MICHARD - 2 Books: Xix and Xx Siecle Collection Litteraire
20251: LARKIN, ROCHELLE; JOSHUA HANFT - Fright Time #1, #3, #10, #13 (4 Different Books)
27882: LARKIN, MARGARET - Ha-Shemesh Lo Amad Dom: The Six Days of Yad-Mordehay
26575: LARKIN, MARGARET - The Six Days of Yad Mordechai
9338: LARNDER, RING - Haircut and Other Stories
28403: LARRANAGA, JIM - The Dead Farmer's Almanac
17066: LARSEN, RONALD J - The Puerto Ricans in America
27752: LARSON, GARY - The Far Side Gallery 3
21482: LASKI, HAROLD - The Strategy of Freedom: An Open Letter to American Youth
10994: LASSEY, WILLIAM R - Leadership and Social Change
27685: LASSON, KENNETH - Trembling in the Ivory Tower: Excesses in the Pursuit of Truth and Tenure
24668: LATHROP, TOM & EDUARDO M. DIAS - Brasil, Lingua E Cultura
19814: LATIMER, JONATHAN - Red Gardenias
21641: LAUER, HENRI; ROBERT LESNICK; LESLIE MATSON - Servomechanism Fundementals
19659: LAUFER, SHLOMO - Yofyo Shel Kvazimodo : Shirim: The Beauty of Quasimodo: Poems
24290: LAUNDY, JOY - Back to Basics - Handy Hints for Around the Home
21215: LAURA SCOTT, EDITOR - Knitting Digest - March 1995
18695: LAVINE, EVIATAR; YAACOV SHIMONI & EVYATAR LEVINE (EDITORS) - Political Dictionary of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century
12753: LAWRENCE, JAMES - Binky Brothers, Detectives
20376: LAWRENCE, D. H - Four Short Novels: The Fox; Love Among the Haystacks; the Ladybird; the Captain's Doll
20377: LAWRENCE, D. H; JULIAN MOYNAHAN (EDITOR) - Sons and Lovers: Text, Background, and Criticism
28599: LAWTON, RICHARD; HUGO LECKEY, CAPTIONS; ELLA SMITH, INTRO - A World of Movies: 70years of Film History
28388: LAWTON, RICHARD; HUGO LECKEY, CAPTIONS; ELLA SMITH, INTRO - A World of Movies: 70years of Film History
26271: LAYTNER, ANSON - Arguing with God: A Jewish Tradition
12542: NAOMI BEN-ASHER; HAYIM LEAF (EDITORS) - The Junior Jewish Encyclopedia
15305: LEAKE, JOHN - A Practical Essay on Diseases of the Viscera
22389: LEARSI, RUFUS - Israel: A History of the Jewish People
27215: LEARSI, RUFUS; ABRAHAM J. KARP (EPILOGUE) - The Jews in America - a History
19912: LEASOR, JAMES - Where the Spies Are
28653: LEBEK, HENRYK & ZOFIA BOCHENSKA - Slowniczek Francusko-Polski I Polsko-Francuski
21927: LECKIE, ROBERT - The Story of Football, a Lavishly Illustrated History of America's Exciting Gridiron
18113: LEDERER, WILLIAM J; DON D. JACKSON - The Mirages of Marriage
23873: LEE, HELEN S. J (EDITOR) - Dates in Infectious Disease: A Chronological Record of Progress in Infectious Diseases over the Last Millennium
22113: LEE CHILD, LUANNE RICE, DICK FRANCIS, CYNTHIA THAYER - Running Blind/ Dream Country/ Shattered/ a Certain Slant of Light
26211: LEE, SPIKE WITH RALPH WILEY - Best Seat in the House - a Basketball Memoir
24812: LEE, JOSEPH ROSS - Advanced Calculus with Linear Analysis
27406: LEFF, RABBI BORUCH - Are You Growing? Closer to Hashem, Closer to Self, Closer to Others
24399: LEFRAK, KAREN - Jake the Philharmonic Dog
18105: LEHANE, BRENDAN - Dublin
21892: LEHMANN, M - Der Sohn Der Witwe: Eine Judische Erzahlung
23855: LEHRMAN, S. M - The Jewish Design for Living
23850: LEHRMAN, HAROLD ARTHUR - Israel: The Beginning and Tomorrow
27952: LEIGH, WENDY - Prince Charming: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story
5528: LEIMAN, YEHOSHUA - The Best of Light Magazine - Volume One
28079: LEIMAN, YEHOSHUA - The Book of Light - Volume Eight
28080: LEIMAN, YEHOSHUA - The Book of Light - Volume Six
27682: LEIMAN, HAROLD J. - Koheleth Life and Its Meaning
24305: LEINHAUSER, JEAN & RITA WEISS - 100 Knitting Projects
27873: LELAND, JOHN - Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year Among the Oldest Old
21918: LEMBERGER, CHAVI W - The Story of the Menorah: A Historical Journey
26809: LEMMIE, ASHA - Fifty Words for Rain - a Novel
28198: LEMMIE, ASHA - Fifty Words for Rain a Novel
13430: LENSEN, GEORGE ALEXANDER - The Soviet Union: An Introduction
20637: LEONARD, THOMAS C. - Above the Battle: War-Making in America from Appomattox to Versailles
16488: LEONARDO, RICHARD A - History of Surgery
24934: LERNER, RABBI A (KIVA) - Hilchos Nidah
26224: LESCHES, ELCHONON - The Third Judge: And Other Stories of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn, the Third Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch
28471: LESLIE, ROBERT F. - The Bears & I
27516: LESSIG, LAWRENCE - Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It
28614: LESTER, NATASHA - The Paris Orphan
28390: LESTER, NATASHA - The Three Lives of Alix St. Pierre
25984: CAROL TICE & DAVID LESTER - How They Started: How 25 Good Ideas Became Great Companies
13463: LESTER, JULIUS - To Be a Slave
21839: LESTER BERNSTEIN, EDITOR - Newsweek December 31, 1979 Crisis in Iran: America's Long Vigil (Cover)
28400: LETTS, BILLIE - Shoot the Moon
27962: LETTS, TRACY - August: Osage County
15464: LEUNG, P. C. & E E OOI - Sars War: Combatting the Disease
26600: LEV, BARUCH - There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence
21955: LEV, AMOS - Ha-Lev Me-Ahore Ha-Diskit
25574: LEVENSTON, EDWARD A; REUBEN SIVAN (COMPILED BY) - The Megiddo Modern Dictionary: English-Hebrew
25793: LEVIN, MALKA - The Purim Machine
12997: LEVIN, YEHUDAH LEIB - Der Zeks Togiker Vunder Krig
14501: LEVIN, MALKA - A Chanukah Miracle
23722: LEVIN, DONNA - Get That Novel Written! from Initial Idea to Final Edit
10412: LEVIN, ALEXANDRA LEE - Vision: A Biography of Harry Friedenwald (Signed)
25442: LEVIN, MALKA; EISEMANN, NAOMI - The Interview: An Anthology of Perushim and Midrashim on Megilas Rus
12358: LEVIN, NORA - The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933-1945
25858: LEVIN, Z (LOUIS LEVIN) - Stories
22220: LEVINE, TERRI - Work Yourself Happy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Joy in Your Life and Work Cd and Book
18330: LEVINE, RABBI AARON - Rosh Hashanah Laws and Customs : An Abridged Version of the New Rosh Hashanah Anthology
25766: LEVINE-MEYER, ROSA - Levine the Spartacist
23941: LEVINE, RABBI AARON - Rosh Hashanah Stories & Parables: Sayings & Anecdotes for Young and Old
28361: LEVINE, AARON - How to Perform the Great Mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim Visiting the Sick
25957: LEVINE, MICHAEL - Guerrilla P.R. : How You Can Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign without Going Broke
27412: LEVINGER, ELMA EHRLICH - Great Jewish Women
21795: LEVINGER, ELMA EHRLICH - Purim Entertainments : A Hand Book
28243: LEVINGER, ELMA EHRILICH - Jewish Adventures in America
24589: LEVINSON, BARRY - Sixty-Six
24099: LEVISON, IAIN - Since the Layoffs
17853: LEVITAS, G. B. (EDITED WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY) - The World of Psychology : 2 Volumes
11002: LEVY, GABE - Phoenix, Vol 1, #3
17965: LEWELLEN, JOHN BRYAN - Toys at Work
23286: LEWIS, RANDINE - The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies
21636: LEWIS, ETHEL - Decorating the Home
26998: LEWIS, BERTAH H (STORIES ARRANGED BY) - Beautiful Masterpieces: 42 Famous Paintings and Their Stories
5957: LEWIS, GERTRUDE - Educating the More Able Children in Grades Four, Five and Six
24110: LEWIS, SARA - The Best of Good - a Novel
25214: LEWIS, COLIN - Bonsai Survival Manual: Tree-By-Tree Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Problem Solving
13924: LEWIS, JOHN - Anthropology Made Simple
18114: LEWIS, ARTHUR L. - My 100 Secrets of Interior Design
28201: LEWIS, EDWARD W; ROBERT MYERS - To Be a Friend: Sayings and Verses Celebrating the Beauty of Friendship
14936: LEWISON, EDWARD F. - Breast Cancer and Its Diagnosis and Treatment
25635: LEWITTES, MORDECAI - Highlights of Jewish History: From Dan to Ramban
28098: LEWITTES, MORDECAI H (EDITED BY) - The Student Bible Chumash la-Talmid
26364: LEY, SANDRA - America's Sewing Book
17682: LIAL, MARGARET L. & CHARLES D. MILLER - Mathematics: With Applications in the Management, Natural and Social Sciences
27147: LIBERLES, ROBERT - Religious Conflict in Social Context: The Resurgence of Orthodox Judaism in Frankfurt Am Main, 1838-1877
23818: LIBERMAN, LENARD; SHAYA COHEN - Faith: Religious Observance in the Ghettos and Death Camps As Resistance to the Nazis
26739: LIBERMAN, DOVID - Real Power: Rise Above Your Nature and Stop Feeling Angry, Anxious, Or Insecure
20734: LIBERTINO, JOHN; LEONARD ZINMAN (EDITORS) - Reconstructive Urologic Surgery: Pediatric and Adult
25444: LIBOUREL, JAN M (EDITOR) - Handguns Magazine January 1992
19017: LICHSTEIN, HERMAN; EVELYN OGINSKY - Experimental Microbial Physiology
28413: LICHTAROWICZ, PAULA - The Snow Hare - a Novel
106: LIDE, MARY - Tregaran
27477: LIEBER, RABBI MOSHE - Fifth Commandment: Honoring Parents : Laws, Insights, Stories and Ideas
11674: LIEBER, LARRY (EDITOR) - Tiger-Man Vol 1, #2
25974: LIEBER, RABBI MOSHE; NOSSON SCHERMAN - Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah
25525: LIEBERMAN, M - Tsiyure Parashat Ha-Shavua - Sefer Vayikra
25526: LIEBERMAN, M - Tsiyure Parashat Ha-Shavua - Sefer Bamidbar
18735: LIEBERMAN, CHAIM - Wen Di Welt Hot Gebrent 1946-1939 (When the World Was Afire) : Second Volume
17327: LIEBERMAN, T (TSEVI LIVNEH) - Be-Hare Yerushalayim (in the Hills of Jerusalem)
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10150: LIEBMAN, ISAAC - Variatias Variations: Selected Poems
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10847: LIEBMAN, ISAAC (EDITOR) - New Yorker Wochenblat: Vol Xxii, No 500, December 31, 1956
26371: LIFE MAGAZINE STAFF; RALPH GRAVES, MANAGING EDITOR - Life Magazine: Off to the Moon, July 4, 1969
22993: LIGHTMAN, ALAN (EDITOR, INTRO) - The Best American Essays 2000
21064: LILA J. PESNER, EXECUTIVE VP, UNIVERSAL DIRECTORY PUB CO - Baltimore City Medical Society 1985-1986 Pictorial Directory
20870: LILLIE, W - An Introduction to Ethics
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22175: LINKLETTER, ART - Oops! Or, Life's Accomplishments
22004: LINTON, CALVIN DARLINGTON - How to Write Reports
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13792: LIPPMAN, BERTRAM - The Scarlet Letter: Chapter Notes and Criticism
25293: LIPPSON, ALICE JANE & ROBERT L. LIPPSON - Life in the Chesapeake Bay (Signed)
25876: LIPTZIN, SAM - Krig Un Zig (War and Victory)
21132: JACOB BEN JACOB MOSESS OF LISSA (YAAKOV OF LISSA) - Nesivos Hamishpat Set, Small, 2 Volumes
1552: LISWOOD, REBECCA - A Marriage Doctor Speaks Her Mind About Sex
27076: LITMAN, JANE RACHEL & DEBRA ORENSTEIN (EDITORS) - Jewish Women on Biblical Themes in Contemporary Life
19704: LITTLE, CHARLES E - Historical Lights: Six Thousand Quotations from Standard Histories and Biographies
28678: LITTLEDALE, FREYA (RETOLD BY) - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
28686: LITTLEDALE, FREYA (RETOLD BY) - The Wizard of Oz
24806: LITVINOFF, BARNET - The Burning Bush: Anti-Semitism and World History
19650: LITWAK, HILLEL - Kuntres Mishpat Tsedek
28391: LIVINGSTONE, NATALIE - The Women of Rothschild: The Untold Story of the World's Most Famous Dynasty
28640: LIVINGSTONE, NEIL C. - Inside the Plo - Covert Units, Secret Funds, and the War Against Israel and the U.S.
13871: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - So Grun War Mein Tal: How Green Was My Valley
11476: LLOYD, WILLIAM B - Peace Requires Peacemakers
26401: LOBENSTEIN, D. & M - Parsha Pearls- Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
19409: LODATO, VICTOR - Mathilda Savitch - a Novel
5753: LOEB, JO - Cathletics: Ways to Amuse and Exercise Your Cat
27199: LOEBENSTEIN, YOSEF (TRANSLATOR) - Kitzur Dinei Taharah: A Summary of the Niddah Laws
25873: LOFTING, HUGH - Doctor Dolittle's Garden
24855: LOFTS, NORAH - Emma Hamilton
23517: LOGUE, PATRICK; JAMES E. SHEAR (EDITED BY) - Clinical Neuropsychology
21135: LON W. MORREY, EDITOR - The Journal of the American Dental Association: Jan 1962
7611: LONDON, JACK - Az Eneklo Kutya - Regeny (Michael, Brother of Jerry)
7340: LONDON, JACK - Before Adam
26901: LONDON, ANNE & BERTHA KAHN BISHOV - The Complete American-Jewish Cookbook in Accordance with the Jewish Dietary Laws
12701: LONDON, JACK - Der Seewolf (the Sea-Wolf)
25090: LONDON, JACK; A . GROVE DAY (EDITOR) - Stories of Hawai'i
28068: LONG, MAX FREEDOM - The Secret Science Behind Miracles, Unveiling the Huna Tradition of the Ancient Polynesians
27782: LONG, JOHN - Welcome to Lumpy Gravy
25005: LONGSTREET, STEPHEN AND ETHEL - The Joys of Jewish Cooking
27607: LONGUS - Daphnis & Chloe
7263: BY THE EDITORS OF LOOK - Look at America: The Country You Know-and Don't Know
18148: LORENZ, KONRAD - On Aggression
26495: LORIE, PETER; LIZ GREENE, ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANT - Nostradamus - the Millennium and Beyond: The Prophecies to 2016
1560: LORINS, RUTH - Years at Eventide
12547: LOTT, BRET; PAUL ALLEN; CAROL ANN DAVIS - Crazyhorse: Number 62, Fall 2002
27029: LOUDERBACK, LEW - The Bad Ones: Gangsters of the '30s and Their Molls
22417: LOVAS, MICHAEL - Wave Marketing : Wave Hello to Increased Sales
21059: LOWENBERG, EDWIN C - Theory and Problems of Electronic Circuits
23461: LOWENBRAUN, YITZCHOK, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Dialogue for Torah Issues & Ideas Vol 1 No 1
25724: LOWENBRAUN, YITZCHOK, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Dialogue for Torah Issues & Ideas Winter 2011-12 Vol 1 No 2
20346: LOWENFELS, WALTER - Reality Prime: Pages from a Journal
5360: LOWENTHAL, RICHARD - World Communism: The Disintegration of a Secular Faith
8306: LOWERS, JAMES K - Shakespeare's King Henry Iv: Part I
4281: LOWRIE, SARAH DICKSON - Strawberry Mansion: First Known As Somerton, the House of Many Masters
27645: LOWRY, LOIS - Son (Giver Quartet 4)
26064: LOWRY, LOIS - Number the Stars
15547: LOWRY, THOMAS P. - The Story the Soldiers Wouldn't Tell - Sex in the Civil War
23211: LOWRY, LOIS - The Giver (Rebound Into Hardcover)
14310: CAS EDITRICE LOZZI - Rome and Vatican New Guide in Colours with Monumental Plan of the City
27844: A. G. N. LTD - Passover Haggadah - Haggadah Shel Pesach
24588: LU, HENRY C. - Chinese Natural Cures: Traditional Methods for Remedies and Prevention
18395: LUCAS, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Game Theory and Its Applications
17339: LUCE, PHILLIP ABBOTT & DOUGLAS HYDE; NEWMAN, PATTY (EDITOR) - The Intelligent Student's Guide to Survival
24709: LUCE, EDITOR HENRY - Life Magazine May 1981
27404: LUCIE SMITH, EDWARD - Concise History of French Painting
21613: LUDER, LINDA - Contemporary Cables: Two Sweaters to Knit
7625: LUKAC, MIROSLAV - O Lasce Se Stalym Zretelem Ke Skutecnosti
23767: LUKAC, M. STEPHEN - Oogie Boogie Central
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