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Aucott & Thomas 57 High Street, LE67 6LH, Ibstock, Leicestershire, Great Britain. Tel.: +44 1530 267385 Email: books@aucott.co.uk | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
55816: Hackett, Ronald Geoffrey - South African war books: an illustrated bibliography of English language publications relating to the Boer War 1899 - 1902.
69204: Hackwood, Frederick W. - Inns, ales and drinking customs of Old England.
61707: Hadfield, John (ed.) - The Saturday book 23.
60801: Hadfield, John (ed.) - The Saturday book 18.
65750: Hafner, Kurt - Legende LANZ bulldog.
68436: Hage, Rawi - Carnival.
66808: Hagedorn, Annette & Wolf, Norbert (ed) - Islamic art.
65724: Haining, John & Tyler, Colin - Ploughing by steam. A history of steam cultivation over the years.
63982: Halberstadt, Hans - F-111 Aardvark (Wings).
63395: Hale, Edward E. - The life and letters of Edward Everett Hale: Volume II (2).
68591: Hale, Lesley; Colledge, John & Wileman, Michael - Banded together: Leicestershire's worst mining disaster at Whitwick Colliery in 1898.
68424: Hales, Joe (Designer) - The Royal Academy Schools Show 2015.
54958: Halifax, M. C.; Miller, Thomas; Wood, Frances H. et al - Gilbert's first voyage: and other stories.
53747: Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. - The book of the Thames: from its rise to its fall.
69053: Hall, A. Rupert & Bembridge, B. A. - Physic and philanthropy A history of the Wellcome Trust 1936-1986.
67371: Hall, Sir A. D. & Robinson G. W. - The soil: an introduction to the scientific study of the growth of crops (BB interest).
63961: Hall, George & Handleman, Philip - Nellis: the home of Red Flag, with, Edwards: home of the right stuff, with, Navy Jax: sub-hunters and light strikers, with, Williams: the quest for silver wings [4 books].
65523: Hall, Stanley & Kent, Elizabeth (aka Rochester, Geo E.) - Island of dreams, with, A menace to men. 2 stories in the Miracle Library series nos 126 & 128.
53776: Hall, Mabel Lilian - The human figure in fashion drawing technique.
69145: Hall, Gaston - Quadruped octaves.
67841: Halldorsson, Olafur - Danish Kings and the Jomsvikings in the greatest saga of Olafr Tryggvason.
63370: Halliwell, Leslie - Mountain of dreams: the golden years of Paramount Pictures.
61672: Hambleton, F. C. - Famous paddle steamers.
62218: Hambley, John A. S. - London Transport buses and coaches 1939 - 1945, with, facsimilie 1939 London bus map.
62260: Hambley, John A.S. - London Transport buses and coaches 1946 including a supplement of photographs covering the years 1939-45 and 1948-55..
62210: Hambley, John A. S. - London Transport buses and coaches 1947 (Includes 1948 supplement).
54800: Hambly, Peter - Race under sail.
69137: Hamilton, Peggy - Wild Irishman : The story of Bill Hamilton, New Zealand father, inventor, engineer and jet boat pioneer.
52253: Hamilton, Rebecca - The forever girl: volume one, Sophia's journey.
47709: Hammer, Patricia R. - The new topiary: imaginative techniques from Longwood Gardens.
68511: Hammerton, Sir John (ed) - World Digest of current fact and fiction No. 87 July 1946 includes Magic call of the marshes by BB (Denys Watkins-Pitchford).
64883: Hammett, Dashiell (selected by) - Modern tales of horror.
66442: Hampson, Norman - The First European Revolution, 1776-1815.
66908: Hampson, Frank - Dan Dare: Pilot of the future in the man from nowhere. Volume 1.
60588: Hance, Capt. J. E. - School for horse and rider.
66165: Hancock, Cyril (foreword) - Lightweight cycle catalogues: volumes 1 - 3 [3 books].
63955: Hancock, Rutherford M. - Flight cadet: Royal Air Force College, Cranwell.
65689: Handel, G. F. & Prout, Ebenezer (ed) - The Messiah: a sacred oratorio. Edited, and the pianoforte accompaniment largely rewritten by Ebenezer Prout.
66060: Handel, George Frederick - Royal Fireworks musick arranged for piano solo by Granville Bantock, with, The Water Music arranged and edited by Josiah Pittman (2 pieces of sheet music).
64333: Handford, Michael - The Stroudwater canal: volume 1, 1729-1763.
62139: Handley, Colonel Phil 'Hands' - Nickel on the grass: reflections of a U. S. Air Force pilot.
65570: Hands, A. R. - The Romano-British roadside settlement at Wilcote, Oxfordshire, volume III. Excavations 1997- 2000.
61869: Hands, David - Chester the cat.
55057: Hansen, Joseph - Troublemaker, with, The man everybody was afraid of (2 Dave Brandstetter books).
32116: Hansen, Gary - Australia: impressions of a continent.
43286: Hantover, Jeffrey & Gilbert King - City in time: Boston.
51246: O'Hara, Mary - Green grass of Wyoming.
65924: Harbach, Otto; Hammerstein, Oscar (music) and Friml, Rudolf (words) - Indian love call, with, Rose Marie.
68526: Harding, D. W. - The Iron Age in North Britain Celts and Romans, natives and invaders.
67014: Harding, Paul - The anger of God.
69004: Harding, Celia (ed) - Aggression and destructiveness Psychoanalytic perspectives.
69308: Hardy, Janet W - The Toybag guide to canes & caning.
62437: Hardy, Sir Alister - Weekend with Willows - London to Oxford in an old-fashioned gas balloon.
68046: Hardyment, Christina - Ransome blue water sailing.
57271: Hare, Augustus J.C. - Shropshire.
67856: Hare, Steve (ed) - Father and son.
45028: Harford-Cross, Michael - Cockatoos and coral trees.
63488: Harman, Bob - The ultimate dream: 75 years of the Tote Cheltenham Gold Cup.
68356: Harman, Richard (Compiler) - Countryside mood: contributions from Adrian Bell, Henry Williamson, H.J. Massingham, Frances Pitt and J. Wentworth Day plus others.
69193: Harmansah, Ömür (ed) - Of rocks and water Towards an archaeology of place.
62120: Harper, Harry - Riders of the sky: the saga of the flying men.
62094: Harper, Harry - Lords of the air.
53748: Harral, Thomas - Picturesque views of the Severn: with historical and topographical illustrations (volumes 1 and 2).
65264: Harris, R. E. - Cornerstone mathematics: Book 5 with answers and Book 5 without answers (2 books).
69168: Harris, Rex - Jazz, with, Music 1952 (Pelican nos. A247 & A258).
67722: Harris, Valerie - The Lavendon collection of bobbin lace patterns.
67616: Harris, John - William Talman maverick architect.
69024: Harris, Catherine - The ponies of Cuckoo Mill farm.
50457: Harris, John - Covenant with death.
64246: Harris, Woody and Deane, Eddie V. - Rock-A-Billy: recorded by Guy Mitchell.
68161: Harris, T. F. W - Greater Cook Strait: Form and flow.
62251: Harris, Nicholas & Healey, Keith - Hebble.
50492: Harris, J. Rendel - A popular account of the newly-recovered gospel of St. Peter.
67624: Harris, Eileen - The furniture of Robert Adam.
65433: Harris, Valentina - Southern Italian cooking: 150 healthy regional recipes.
68924: Harrison, R. D. (ed) - Book of data: Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics.
63089: Harrison, Harry & Gordon, Theodore J. (eds) - Ahead of time: noted scientists prove that truth can be stranger than fiction.
64101: Harrison, Robert - Catalogue of the London Library with preface, laws and regulations, list of members and classified index of subjects.
61332: Harrison, Harry - The stainless steel rat.
61487: Harrison, W. Jerome - Elementary mechanics or first lessons in natural philosophy: first year's course.
68499: Harrison, F. - Is it all right?.
56013: Harrop, Beatrice - Robert and the black hen, with, Jean and the yellow kitten (Second stories nos 1 & 2).
53228: Hart, B. H. Liddell - The lawn tennis masters unveiled.
64354: Hart, Andrew - All Saints' Church, Earls Barton.
65256: Hart, Robert; Aitchtey, Rodney; Purchase, Graham & Bookchin, Murray et al - Deep ecology & anarchism.
64890: Hart, Frances Noyes - The Bellamy Trial.
69118: Harter, James & Gavin, L. J. D. - A souvenir of the Battlefields Pilgrimage August, 1928 Organised by the British Legion in co-operation with the British Empire Service League.
64174: Hartley, P. J. - Introduction to BASIC: a case study approach.
67874: Hartley, Robert F. & Elkin, Kathleen (ed) - The medieval earthworks of south-west Leicestershire, Hinckley and Bosworth.
63707: Hartley, Robert F.; Elkin, Kathleen (ed.) - The medieval earthworks of South and South-East Leicestershire (Harborough district). A free copy of Medieval Leicestershire with each purchase.
53092: Hartley, Dorothy - Lost World: England 1933 - 1936.
68432: Hartley, Robert F.; Elkin, Kathleen (ed.) - The Medieval Earthworks of Rutland. A free copy of Medieval Leicestershire with each purchase.
63893: Hartley, J. R. - J. R. Hartley casts again: more memories of angling days.
65992: Hartley, Robert F. & Elkin, Kathleen (ed) - The medieval earthworks of south-west Leicestershire, Hinckley and Bosworth.
66485: Harvey, Stephen - Directed by Vincente Minnelli.
58347: Harvey, David; Marks, John and Douglas, Alton - A nostalgic look at Birmingham trams 1933 - 53: Volume 1 the northern routes, with, Birmingham in the age of the tram: the eastern and western routes, with, Birmingham trams on old picture postcards, with, Memories of Birmingham. 4 books.
61837: Hasluck, Paul N - Amateur mechanics: an illustrated monthly magazine. Vol I.
65980: Hasluck, Paul N. (ed) - Electro-plating.
53847: Hassenstein, Bernhard - Information and control in the living organism: an elementary introduction.
55624: Hastings, Macdonald & Street, A. G. - Country Fair: Vol 1 July - December 1951.
67257: Hastings, Macdonald & Street, A. G. - Country Fair: Vol 1 July - December 1951, with, Vol 2 January - June 1952 (2 books).
64885: Hastings, Selina - Evelyn Waugh: a biography.
68649: Hatley, Victor A. (Intro) - James Pigot & Co's National Commercial Directory 1830 Northamptonshire.
68657: Hatley, Victor A. et al - Snobopolis: Northampton in 1869.
56314: Hatton, J. L. (ed) - The songs of England: a collection of 200 English melodies, including the most popular traditional ditties, and the principal songs and ballads of the last three centuries. Vol. I only (100 songs), Royal edition.
66880: Hatton, Jean - George Fox: the founder of the Quakers.
61365: Hauck, Werner & Rokos, Dr. Kitty (trans) - Vibrato on the violin.
60419: Hauff, William - The silver florin: and other stories.
68404: Havers, Elinore M. - Wigwam Island.
69033: Havers, Elinore - The great pony mystery.
68091: Hawker, Mike and Raymonde, Ivor - I only want to be with you recorded by Dusty Springfield.
67760: Hawker, R. S. - Footprints of former men in far Cornwall.
63632: Hawkins, Walter - Old John Brown.
60298: Hayden, John O. (ed) - William Wordsworth: the poems vol 1.
56453: Haydn, Josef - Sonaten von Joseph Haydn mit fingersatz versehen von Louis Kohler und F. A. Roitzsch Bd. I No 1-10,.
65399: Haydn, Josef - Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo (Little organ mass).
66057: Haydn, Joseph - String quartets: Op. 20 no. 5 F minor, with, Op. 33 no. 2 E major, with, Op. 64 no. 6 E major, with, Op. 71 no. 1 B major, with, Op. 77 no. 2 F major (5 books).
67571: Hayes, Gerald R. - Musical instruments and their music 1500-1750 II The viols, and other bowed instruments.
67090: Haymaker, Webb & Schiller, Francis (eds.) - The founders of neurology: one hundred and forty-six biographical sketches.
68543: Hayman, Richard - Riddles in stone Myths, archaeology and the Ancient Britons.
59312: Haynes, J. H. & Parker, Tim - Renault 6-850 and 6-1100 owners workshop manual 1968 to 1975.
68825: Haynes, Barry - Working-class life in Victorian Leicester The Joseph Dare reports.
67786: Haynes, Barry - Working-class life in Victorian Leicester The Joseph Dare reports.
68561: Haywood, John - The Celts Bronze Age to New Age.
61856: Hazlewood, Rex (ed) - The Scout annual 1960.
68182: Heale, Martin - The dependent priories of Medieval English Monasteries.
68673: Healy, James N. (ed) - The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads Volume Four (4) - No Place Like Home.
62601: Heap, Jean Walmsley - The family: PenDelfin village tales.
59016: Heath, E. G. - Archery: a military history.
51806: Heathcote, Violet M. - Fiander's horses.
68298: Heathcote, J. Clee & Thompson, D. - Arbor Low: To-day, the days of old, and the years of ancient times, with, Arbor Low (2 booklets).
64450: Hedges, Elvin; Malcolm, Fred & Le Clero, Arthur - Oh Charley take it away: sung by Miss Florrie Forde.
69037: Heiney, Paul - George Soper's horses: a celebration of the English working horse.
67570: Heitzmann, Carl and Louis - Anatomy descriptive and topographical in 625 illustrations.
65764: Heldt, P. M. - The automotive chassis (without powerplant).
52959: Hellard, Colonel R. C. - Ordnance Survey 2 miles to 1 inch large sheet series: Brighton, sheet 39.
61370: Heller, Stephen & Scholtz, Herrmann (revised) - Progressive studies for the pianoforte: Op 47.
66492: Helme, Eleanor - Mayfly the grey pony.
66484: Helme, Eleanor & Paul, Nance - Seek there: a story of Braemar.
66483: Helme, Eleanor & Paul, Nance - Roddy and Scuttle.
66491: Helme, Eleanor - Runaway Mike.
50264: Helme, Eleanor - Dear Busybody.
51162: Helme, Eleanor & Paul, Nance - The Joker and Jerry.
58870: Helsey, M - A history of the Charnwood Forest Railway.
61456: Henderson, Sara - A year at Bullo.
68300: Hendy, Eric - A guide to the Hall-I'th-Wood, Bolton: Its history and arrangement as a Folk Museum.
64091: Heneage, James - The walls of Byzantium.
55693: Hennessy, Charles - Marco: the making of Marco Pierre White, the sharpest chef in history.
69287: Henri, Edwin J. - The kiss of the whip.
56711: Henshaw, Nevil - The inheritance of Jean Trouve.
51098: Henty, G. A. - With Moore at Corunna: a tale of the Peninsular war.
62467: Herbert, Flight-Lieutenant - L for Lucy.
61564: Herbert, Kathleen - Ghost in the sunlight.
34262: Herbert, David & Smollett, Tobias - The works of Tobias Smollett: carefully selected from the most authentic sources with a life of the author etc..
69154: Herbert, Tom et al; Morwood, John (ed) - Self steering.
68331: Herbert, Michael (ed) - Ruth and Eddie Frow The working class movement library North West Labour History Journal No.13, 1988.
68939: Herrick, Robert - Poems with an Introduction by Alice Meynell.
51719: Herries, J. W. - Storm island: and other stories.
43416: Hertling, L. and Kirschbaum, E. - The Roman catacombs.
69055: Hesse, Hermann & Manheim, R. (translator) - Rosshalde.
64608: Hesse, Hermann - Narziss und Goldmund.
50581: Heward, Constance - Ameliaranne gives a Christmas party.
68180: Hewlings, Richard (ed) - English Heritage historical review: Volumes 1 (2006) and 2 (2007) 2 paperbacks.
67715: Hewlings, Richard (ed) - The Georgian group journal Volume XII (12) 2002.
68085: Heyhoe, Malcolm , Kruszona, Irena & Carroll, Paul (eds) - Liquorice magazine no. 3 (Autumn 1975) featuring Fairport Convention, Andy Mackay and Edgar Broughton.
68724: Heylin, Clinton - From the Velvets to the Voidoids: A pre-punk history for a post-punk world.
68014: Heylin, Clinton - Richard Thompson: Twenty years of doom and gloom.
67987: Heylin, Clinton - No more sad refrains The life and times of Sandy Denny.
68013: Heylin, Clinton - Richard Thompson: Twenty-one years of doom and gloom.
68439: Hibbert, Christopher - Redcoats and rebels The war for America 1770 - 1781.
68838: Hickman, Trevor - East of Leicester.
57203: Higgins, D. S. - Rider Haggard: the great storyteller.
56224: Higgins, Charlotte - It's all Greek to me: from Homer to the Hippocratic oath: how ancient Greece has shaped our world.
63259: Higham, Charles - Charles Laughton.
59162: Highet, Campbell - All steamed up!: reminiscences of a Motive Power Officer.
59711: Higson, Kit - Lily White.
48170: Hill, Robert H. (ed.) - The year book 1973: a record of the events, developments, and personalities of 1972.
60865: Hill, John Harwood - The history of Market Harborough: with that portion of the Hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire, containing the parishes of etc..
57261: Hill, Reginald - Fell of dark.
68429: Hill, Susan - Through the kitchen window.
56953: Hill, Paul A. - 365: the story of Hinckley's postal service.
57462: Hillary, Richard - The last enemy.
68318: Hillier, Kenneth & Hewes, Alison; Crane, Arthur and Jones, T. L. - Ashby Church of England Infant School 1836 - 1986, with, The Parish Church of Saint Helen, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, with, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle (3 booklets).
50056: Hilmar-Jezek, Kytka - Reiki for children: using healing touch and raw foods to tap into the power of the universe.
63187: Hilton, Jack - Catch more carp.
54699: Hindemith, Paul - In praise of music (Frau musica) Opus 45 Nr. 1: Vocal score plus 2 copies of the score for string quartet.
68746: Hinton, Barry & Wall, Geoff - Ashley Hutchings The Guv'nor and the rise of Folk Rock - Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span and The Albion Country Band.
55838: Hinton, David A. & Rowley, Trevor - Excavations on the route of the M.40.
67943: Hinton, Barry & Wall, Geoff - Ashley Hutchings The Guv'nor and the rise of Folk Rock - Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span and The Albion Country Band.
56213: Hipkins, Danielle - Contemporary Italian women writers and traces of the fantastic: the creation of literary space.
59344: Hirsch, Edwin W. - The power to love: a psychic and physiologic study of regeneration.
50537: Hirschhorn, Clive - The Warner Bros. story.
68959: Hirschmann, E. E. - On human unity.
67680: Hiscock, W. G. - John Evelyn and his family circle.
67460: Hiscock, Eric - Around the world in Wanderer III, with, Atlantic cruise in Wanderer III (2 books).
68690: Hitler, Adolf & Murphy, James (Translator) - Mein Kampf (My struggle): unexpurgated edition. Two volumes in one edition.
59337: Hobbs, George - Stops along the Manx Electric Railway or what we did on our holidays.
60569: Hobday, Ruth - Agility is fun! (book 2): control and handling techniques for competitors at all levels of agility.
67523: Hobson, E. W. & Jessop, C. M. - An elementary treatise on plane trigonometry.
68473: Hocart, Richard - The country people of Guernsey and their agriculture, 1640-1840.
59549: Hochschild, Adam - To end all wars: how the First World War divided Britain.
60578: Hodges, Jo & Pilliner, Sarah - The equine athlete: how to develop your horse's athletic potential.
68243: Hodgetts, Michael - Life at Harvington 1250-2000.
64737: Hoffmann, E. T. A. - Das fraulein von Scuderi.
62506: Hogg, Ian V. - Twentieth-century artillery: 300 of the world's greatest artillery pieces.
67928: B B (Watkins-Pitchford, Denys) & Holden, Bryan (ed) - Confessions of a coastal gunner.
66889: Holder, P. A. - The Roman army in Britain.
55631: Hole, Christina (ed) - Folklore: the journal of the Folklore Society, volume 72, December 1961.
56527: Hole, Dean S. Reynolds - Then and now.
64810: Hollamby, Lilian - Young children living and learning.
60382: Holland, Phil et al. - More memories of Huddersfield.
58827: Holland, Julian & Spaven, David - Mapping the railways: the journey of Britain`s railways through maps from 1819 to the present day.
68642: Holland, James - Sicily '43 The first assault on Fortress Europe.
60613: Holle, Erich - You can draw people.
44171: Hollett, Dave - Fast passage to Australia: the history of the Black Call, Eagle, and White Star Lines of Australian packets.
69262: Hollinghurst, Alan - The swimming-pool library.
60591: Hollings, Nigel - Practical showing.
64341: Hollingsworth, T. H. - Historical demography.
54654: Hollins, Ben & Charlotte - The fight for Fordhall Farm: the battle to save a way of life.
50538: Holliss, Richard & Sibley, Brian - The Disney studio story.
65396: Holst, Gustav - The planets.
66055: Holst, Gustav - Toccata for piano founded on the Northumbrian pipe-tune Newburn lads.
65290: Holt, Michael and Marjoram, D. T. E. - Mathematics through experience: nos. 4 & 5 (2 books).
33816: Home, Michael - This string first.
33925: Home, Michael - This string first.
56796: Honeybone, Michael - Wicked practise and sorcerye: the Belvoir witchcraft case of 1619.
55380: Honnighausen, Lothar - William Faulkner: the art of stylization in his early graphic and literary work (Cambridge studies in American literature and culture).
67699: Honour, Hugh - Chinoiserie: the vision of Cathay.
58654: D'Hooghe, Alain & Bruwier, Marie-Cecile - The great pyramids of Giza.
51590: Hooke, Nathaniel - The Roman history: from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Four volumes.
65793: Hooke, Dr Della (ed) - Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society transactions for 2004: Volume 108.
52179: Hope, Lieut.-Col. C. E. G.(ed) - Pony magazine annual 1972.
69250: Hope - Moncrieff, A. R. - Romance & legend of chivalry.
52041: Hope, Lieut Col C. E. G. - Horses & ponies pictorial 1959 and Equestrian who's who.
52181: Hope, Lieut.-Col. C. E. G.(ed) - Pony magazine annual 1971.
52040: Hope, C. E. G. - Horses & ponies pictorial 1960 and Equestrian Who's Who.
63647: Hope, Lieut-Colonel C. E. G. - Horse and pony annual illustrated 1954-1955.
52180: Hope, Lieut.-Col. C. E. G.(ed) - Pony magazine annual 1971.
52183: Hope, C. E. G. (ed) - Pony magazine annual 1968.
61075: Hopkins, Lydia - The complete poodle.
67161: Horder, Mervyn - The little genius: a memoir of the first Lord Horder.
66868: Horgan, Paul - Maurice Baring restored.
69303: Horne, Mark - J. R. R. Tolkien The mind behind the rings.
68286: Horne, Harold - Didsbury Church and its folk.
68287: Horne, Harold - Didsbury Church and its folk.
66173: Horner, Heather A. and MacGregor, Herbert C. - Normal development in newts (Triturus) and its arrest as a consequence of an unusual chromosomal situation. Extract form the Jounal of Herpetology Vol 19 no.2 1985.
50035: Hornsey, Patricia - Science fiction monthly : vol. 1 no. 11.
62071: Horrabin, J. F. & Starr, Kathleen - Japhet & Happy annual.
65985: Horrabin, J. F. & Starr, Kathleen - Japhet & Happy annual 1951 and 1952 (2 books).
64082: Horseman, Martin & Calvert, Denis J. - N. A. T. O. air power album.
56735: Horsfall, D. W. - Adelina: or the canal memoirs of a coal washing man.
58304: Horstel, Jurgen - Straßenbahnen zwischen Rostock und Görlitz.
68167: Hoskins, W. G. & Taylor, Christopher - The making of the English landscape.
67677: Hoskins, W. G. - Two thousand years in Exeter.
61328: Hoskins, Robert (ed.); Anderson, Poul; Asimov, Isaac - Infinity One.
68803: Hoskins, W. G. - Essays in Leicestershire history, with, The heritage of Leicestershire (2 paperbooks).
68893: Hoskins, W. G. - Touring Leicestershire, with, Rutland (2 paperbacks).
68708: Hoskyns, Barney - Small town talk: Bob Dylan, the Band, Van Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix & friends in Woodstock.
57470: Hospers, John (ed.) - Introductory readings in aesthetics.
67883: Houghton, Mick - I've always kept a unicorn The biography of Sandy Denny.
68706: Houghton, Mick - I've always kept a unicorn The biography of Sandy Denny.
33453: de la Houpliere, Vianney - Zanders ikono showbook: 50 outstanding designers and their works.
68109: Hourihane, Ursula - The friendly adventures of Buttons and Mac.
51670: Houston, Robert - Bisbee '17: a novel.
50206: Howard-Wright, Miriam - Eyewitness Australian ghosts.
41934: Howard, Joseph Jackson - Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica: volume III, new series (3).
61195: Howcroft, Wilbur G. - The bushman who laughed.
66005: Howell, Cicely - Land, family and inheritance in transition: Kibworth Harcourt 1280 - 1700.
67467: Howie, G. P. & Taylor, J. S. - Royal S. A. Yacht Squadron: The first 100 years.
67077: Howlett, Dorothy M.; Howard, Constance; Petherbridge, Jeanette et al - Encyclopaedia of needlecraft.
61173: Hoyer, M. A. & Heppel, M. L. - The Welsh border: its churches, castles and dyke.
68536: Hoyle, Sir Fred - On Stonehenge.
68105: Hubbard, Clifford L. - The Observer's book of dogs.
62772: Hubbard, L. Ron - Final blackout.
63569: Hubbard, Clifford L. - The Observer's book of dogs.
66846: Hudson, Roger (ed) - The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters 1955-1962: a selection.
57785: Hudson, W. H. - A little boy lost.
67670: Hughes, R. G. - Derbyshire clock and watchmakers.
67275: Hughes, David - The Fairport Tour. The acclaimed internet diary of Fairport Convention's winter tour '98..
57570: Hughes, Pat & Leech, Annette - The story of Worcester.
68485: Hughes, John C. - Launde Abbey The story of the Abbey.
58941: Hughes, H. D. - A history of Durham Cathedral Library with an introduction and additional chapter on 'Some Later Durham Bibliophiles' by J. Meade Falkner.
45622: Hughes, G. Bernard - Antique Sheffield plate.
50215: Hughes, Lyn (ed) - Visions of wanderlust 2: the world of travel photography, with, Visions of wanderlust 3: the world of travel photography, with, Wanderlust volume 4: travel photo of the year (3 books).
69173: Hughes, Gwilym et al - The Lockington gold hoard An early Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Lockington, Leicestershire.
68592: Hughes, Margaret - Once upon a time in Atherstone.
68722: Hugill, Stan - Sailortown.
68239: Hugill, Robert - Borderland castles and peles of the English Border.
41076: Huie, William Bradford - The crime of Ruby McCollum.
68632: Huizinga, Johan - Erasmus and the Age of Reformation.
67908: Hull, Helen - Heat lightning.
68818: Hulme, John Ordish - The history of Thurlaston, Leicestershire, including Normanton Turville, New Hall Park, and Bassett House: collected from various sources, and written in narrative form.
68247: Humphery-Smith, Cecil R. - The Phillimore atlas and index of Parish Registers.
63398: Humphrey, George M. (foreword) - President Eisenhower's cartoon book.
68551: Humphrey, Jodie - Re-searching the Iron Age Selected papers from the Proceedings of the Iron Age Research Student Seminars, 1999 and 2000.
67389: Humphreys, Bill - A distant cuckoo calls.
68705: Humphries, Patrick - Richard Thompson Strange Affair.
68076: Humphries, Patrick - Meet on the Ledge A history of Fairport Convention.
68075: Hunt, Ken; Beer, Mike & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. 13 issues from Vol 1 No. 1 (1979) to No. 13 (1988).
68768: Hunt, Ken; Beer, Mike & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Volume 1 Number 1 (1979) Shirley and Dolly Collins interest.
68771: Hunt, Ken; Beer, Mike & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 4 Pete Bellamy and John Kirkpatrick interest.
68774: Hunt, Ken (ed) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 9 Flaco Jimenez and Alan Garner interest.
57070: Hunt, Stephen - The Alpha initiative: evangelism in a post-Christian age.
68775: Hunt, Ken (ed) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 10 Home Service & Ralph Steadman interest.
68776: Hunt, Ken (ed) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 11 & Ralph Steadman and Richard Thompson interest.
68777: Hunt, Ken (ed) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 12 & Ry Cooder and June Tabor interest.
68778: Hunt, Ken (ed) - Swing 51 roots, rock & beyond. Number 13/14 & Dick Gaughan and June Tabor interest.
68437: Hunt, Giles - The Duel Castlereagh, Canning and deadly Cabinet rivalry.
68769: Hunt, Ken; Beer, Mike & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Volume 1 Number 2 Shirley and Dolly Collins interest.
67817: Hunt, Peter - Approaching Arthur Ransome.
68770: Hunt, Ken; Turner, Ian & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 3 Shirley and Dolly Collins and John Kirkpatrick interest.
68773: Hunt, Ken & Coady, Tom (Eds) - Swing 51 a magazine of the folk revival. Number 8 Richard Thompson and Kate & Anna Mc Garrigle interest.
68475: Hunt, B P W Stather - Pakefield: The church and the village.
53538: Hunter, Allen - Walter Matthau.
55657: Hurst, Geoff (intro.) - Sheaffer no-nonsense guide to the World Cup.
49910: Hurt, Freda - Mr. Twink takes charge.
58415: Hurt, Raymond - George Guthrie: soldier and pioneer surgeon.
61954: Hutchinson, Robert - Thomas Cromwell: the rise and fall of Henry VIII's most notorious minister.
66961: Hutton, Edward - The Franciscans in England 1224 - 1538.
67793: Hutton, W.S. & Nichols, J. - The Battle of Bosworth Field: Between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485. Wherein is described the approach of both armies, with a plan of the battle, its consequences, the fall, treatment, and character of Richard.
59744: von Hutton, Baroness - Pam.
58182: Iamblichus & Taylor, Thomas (trans) - Life of Pythagoras.
59485: Ibbotson, Eva - Madensky Square.
68029: Idle, Eric - Always look on the bright side of life A sortabiography.
69000: Ikonen, Pentti & Rechardt, Erro - Thanatos, shame and other essays On the psychology of destructiveness.
62111: Ingersoll, Frances - Peter gets his wish.
69186: Ingold, Tim - The perception of the environment Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill.
66954: Ingrams, Richard - Four old copies of Private Eye - no's 380, 418, 442 and 549.
58216: Ingrams, Richard - Rushton in the Eye: a Private Eye special.
61347: Innes-Smith, Robert; Landsberger, James; Barman, R. J.; Hadfield P. & Gibling, Derek et al - Derbyshire church guides: notable churches of Derbyshire, Derby Cathedral, Youlgreave Parish Church, Melbourne Parish Church, Saint Giles, Hartington and St John the Baptist, Tideswell.
69187: Insoll, Timothy (ed) - The archaeology of identities A reader.
69203: Insoll, Timothy - Archaeology, ritual, religion.
51498: Ireland, Samuel [Hogarth, William] - Graphic illustrations of Hogarth: from pictures, drawings and scarce prints, etc..
65440: Irish, William (Woolrich, Cornell) - Phantom lady.
57958: Irving, Washington & Blakely, Gilbert Sykes (ed) - Oliver Goldsmith: a biography.
62862: Irving, Washington: Moore, Anee Carroll (ed.) - The bold dragoon: and other ghostly tales.
53494: Irving, Bill & Bobbie - The dancing years.
68740: Isaacs, Neil D & Zimbardo, Rose A. - Tolkien and the critics; Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien's the Lord of the Rings,.
52675: Jacks, L. P. - The heroes of Smokeover.
64677: Jackson, Howard - Analysing English: an introduction to descriptive linguistics.
68468: Jackson, Jean & Frank - The making of the Parson Jack Russell Terrier.
54158: Jackson, G. Gibbard - Arctic air terror.
59972: Jackson, Tony - The hunting year.
67990: Jackson, Jean & Jackson, Frank - The making of the Parson Jack Russell terrier, with, The Parson & Jack Russell terriers (2 books).
60343: Jackson, Edgar (ed) - The gramophone: popular record catalogue master editions. Vol. 5 no. 4 (April 1959), with, vol.6 no. 4 (April 1960).
69270: Jackson, Master - Sir! More Sir! The joy of S and M.
65041: Jackson, Mrs F. Nevill - Toys of other days.
57165: Jacob, W. M. - The making of the Anglican church worldwide.
63761: Jacobs, David - Citroen 2CV.
54896: Jaffe, Nigel S. & Margaret Allenby - Denmark (European folk dance series).
59790: Jaffe, April - Satin & Silk.
60585: Jago, Wendy - Solo schooling: learn to coach yourself when you're riding on your own.
13360: Jago, Lucy - Regency house party.
62039: Jakab, Peter L. - Visions of a flying machine: the Wright Brothers and the process of invention.
62411: Jamall, Enver - I remember: a mosaic of memories on the Sub-Continent.
65840: James, M. R. - Suffolk and Norfolk: a perambulation of the two counties with notices of their history and their ancient buildings.
61500: James, J. N. - The voyage of Mariner IV [article in Scientific American, March 1966].
55024: James, Louis (ed) - Print and the people 1819 - 1851.
68148: Jamieson, James & Pike, W. T. (ed) - Northumberland at the opening of the twentieth century.
59228: Jane, F. W. - The structure of wood.
55319: Janish, Joseph - Dogue de Bordeaux.
68428: Jankowski, Paul - Verdun The longest battle of the Great War.
68214: Jarrett, Michael G. - The deserted village of West Whelpington, Northumberland: second report.
58732: Jarvis, Eric - City to city: a journey through Whitwick from the City of Dan to the City of Three Waters.
58649: Jarvis, Eric - Porter to signalman 1937 - 1965: bygone stations of Leicestershire.
68789: Jarvis, Eric - Porter to signalman 1937 - 1965: bygone stations of Leicestershire.
48501: Jayne, Leonard - Pony racing: including the story of Northolt Park.
61734: Jeans, W. T. - The creators of the age of steel.
67195: Jecks, Michael - The merchant's partner, with, A moorland hanging (Nos.2 & 3 in the Knight's Templar series).
67022: Jecks, Michael - The traitor of St Giles.
60786: Jeffares, A. Norman - W. B. Yeats: man and poet.
69246: Jefferies, Richard - The gamekeeper at home Sketches of natural history and rural life.
56672: Jefferies, Richard - The dewy morn: Vol II only.
68933: Jefferies, Richard - The open air.
62018: Jefferies, Jeff - Davy Crockett: frontiersman.
59319: Jeffery, John & Waszak, Peter - Nene Valley railway stock book, with, Nene Valley Railway - a visitor's guide 1977 ( 2 booklets).
63853: Jeffreys, Alan - The British Army in the Far East 1941-45 (Battle Orders).
54555: Jenkins, Katherine - Time to say hello.
65366: Jenkins, Anthony - The making of Victorian drama.
60314: Jenkins, Dan - You call it sports, but I say it's a jungle out there.
66248: Jenkins, T. A. - The Liberal ascendancy, 1830 - 1886.
68634: Jennings, Christian - At war on the Gothic Line Fighting in Italy, 1944-45.
68173: Jennings, Bernard - Yorkshire monasteries; cloister, land and people.
55941: Jennings, Paul & Tookey, John - East Anglia.
63792: Jenyns, Soame - Later Chinese porcelain: the Ching Dynasty 1644-1912.
31206: Jermyn, Stanley T. - Flora of Essex.
67872: Jerram, Derek and Reid, David - The story of Ferrand Spence and The Spence's Pension Charity for the ancient parish of Market Bosworth.
54793: Jerram, Michael - Sporting and homebuilt aircraft.
67420: Jesch, Judith - The Viking diaspora.
54180: Jeuda, Basil - Memories of the North Staffordshire Railway.
53703: Jewel, Jimmy - Three times lucky.
54168: Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor - Angelo, or the pine forest in the Alps.
66810: Franquin et Jidéhem - Gaston R3 - Gare aux gaffes du gars gonflé.
68026: Johns, Capt W. E. - Biggles breaks the silence.
65058: Johns, Capt W. E. - Gimlet's oriental quest.
53634: Johns, Capt. W. E. - Biggles in the Orient.
61360: Johns, Capt W. E. - Biggles: & Co, with, defies the swastika, with, gets his men (3 books).
49562: Johns, Capt. W. E. - Biggles in the Orient.
49561: Johns, Captain W. E. - Sergeant Bigglesworth C. I. D..
67547: Johns, Capt W. E. - Biggles sweeps the desert.
60567: Johnson, Alan - The long and winding road.
65267: Johnson, Dr Samuel and Murphy, Arthur - The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. A new edition in twelve volumes with an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy, Esq. Volumes I - III and V - XII (1 - 3 and 5 -12) 11 books.
65809: Johnson, Liz and O'Neill, Cecily - Dorothy Heathcote: collected writings on education and drama.
69322: Johnson, Samuel and Boswell, James - Journals of the Western Isles. A journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, with, The Journal of a tour of the Hebrides.
56769: Johnson, Martin - Martin Johnson The autobiography.
68970: Johnson, Dr Samuel - Johnson's Dictionary of the English language with a portrait to which are added a list of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, in England and Wales The days on which markets are held and how far distant from London in measured miles.
67743: Johnson, Joan - Stow on the Wold a history of a Cotswold town.
56383: Johnson, James Turner - Morality and contemporary warfare.
68878: Johnson, Brian - The history of Leicester's cinemas.
62422: Johnson, Wing Commander G. W. Johnnie - Finals - three greens a life in aviation.
64064: Johnstone, Sandy - Spitfire into war.
56127: Johnstone, Janet and Anne Graham (illustrators) - Nursery rhymes.
56640: Lennon & McCartney: David & Jonathan - Michelle.
66444: Jones, Max; Chilton, John & Feather, Leonard - Salute to Satchmo.
67044: Jones, Diana Wynne - Yes dear.
67099: Jones, Steve & Keynes, Milo - Twelve Galton lectures: a centenary selection with commentaries.
67039: Jones, Diana Wynne - The spellcoats.
66416: Jones, Rupert - Memoirs of a Motor Sporting Clergyman.
51752: Jones, Bruce - In deep: a novel of suspense.
65108: Jones, Alex & others - A Romano-British livestock complex in Birmingham: excavations 2002-2004 and 2006-2007 at Longdales Road, King's Norton, Birmingham.
68163: Jones, Philip - Ochre and rust: Artefacts and encounters on Australian frontiers.
66003: Jones, Elaine - The Oakham parish field walking survey: archaeology on the ploughland of Rutland.
68053: Jones, Roy E. - A basic poultry guide. With five chapters for the domestic poultry keeper (BB interest).
68372: Jones, Owen (ed) - Albion Sunrise Nos 2, 3 & 4 1983, 1984 & 1985 Folk Music Magazine.
56724: Jones, Emyr Wyn - Bosworth field and its preliminaries: a Welsh retrospect.
41423: Jones, Julia - The beading book.
65979: Jones, Bernard E. - Electric bells and telephones.
54367: Jones, Malcolm (ed.) - Essays in lore & language : presented to John Widdowson on the occasion of his retirement.
68702: Jones, Kathy - In the nature of Avalon: Goddess pilgrimages in Glastonbury's sacred landscape.
65573: Jones, Laurence & Woodward, Ann & Buteux, Simon - Iron Age, Roman and Saxon occupation at Grange Park: excavations at Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, 1999.
43698: Jones, Harry - East and west London; being notes of common life and pastoral work in Saint James's Westminster and in Saint George's-in-the-East.
67972: Jones-Hughes, Steffan: Farr, Amanda & Lawson, Helen (eds) - Folk art and fairy tales.
50930: Jones, David - Chartism and the Chartists.
16884: Jordan, Michael - The green mantle: an investigation into our lost knowledge of plants.
12718: Jordan, D; Haddon-Reece, D & Bayliss, A - Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981.
59480: Jordan, Humfrey - Overdue - arrived.
61826: Joubert, Air Chief Marshal Sir Philip - Fun and games.
69296: Jourdan, Eric - Les mauvais anges.
62928: Jovanovic, Rob - Kate Bush: the biography.
58657: Jovanovic, Pierre - An inquiry into the existence of guardian angels.
58360: Joyce, J.; Wyse, J. & Wiseman, R. J. S. (eds) - 7 magazines: The modern tramway: Vol 24 no.277 (Jan 61); Modern tramway and light railway review: Vol 26 no.310 (Oct 63), Vol 27 no.317 (May 64), Vol 35 no.417 (Sept 72) & Vol 54 no.637 (Jan 91) and Tramway review: nos. 162 and 164 (Summer & Winter 1995).
58356: Joyce, James - Operation Tramaway: the end of London's trams, 1950-1952.
59416: Joyce, James - Blackpool's Trams: centenary edition 1885-1985.
67065: Joynes, Heather - Wreaths and garlands for embroidery.
61527: Judge, A. W. - Automobile electrical maintenance : a practical handbook for all car owners and service and maintenance engineers.
50059: Julian, Desmond & Braunwald, Eugene (eds) - Management of acute myocardial infarction.
57386: Julliard, Jacques - Les gauches françaises 1762 - 2012: histoire, politique et imaginaire.
54035: Kagan, V. K. & Kondrat'ev, K. Ya. - Elements of the information theory of atmospheric visibility.
69316: Kahn, Ashley - Kind of blue The making of the Miles Davis masterpiece.
67231: Kainh, H. - Aiaohkh: Greek New Testament text with critical apparatus.
34256: Kaiser, Philip M - Journeying far and wide: a political and diplomatic memoir.
51204: Kalashnikoff, Nicholas - Jumper.
64254: Kalmar, Bert; Ruby, Harry and Snyder, Ted - Who's sorry now?: recorded by Connnie Francis.
57162: Kampf, Harold - In search of serenity: a guide to successful meditation.
57393: Kanfer, Stefan - Ball of fire: the tumultous life and comic art of Lucille Ball.
64616: Kant, Immanuel - Ausgewählte schriften. Die grundlagen des kritischen denkens.
51926: Kaplicky, Jan - Looking back in envy.
58170: Kapp, Reginald O. - Towards a unified cosmology.
65193: Karloff, Boris (ed) - The Boris Karloff horror anthology.
67835: Karlsson, Stefan - The Icelandic language.
54999: Karpeles, Maud - An introduction to English folk song.
68704: Karpeles, Maud - Cecil Sharp: His life and work.
57455: Kasson, John F. - Amusing the million: Coney Island at the turn of the century.
69266: Katz, Jonathan Ned - Love stories Sex between men before homosexuality.
65240: Kay, George & Cornelia - Games and play for the sick child - mini book edition.
60595: Kearley, B. L. - You and your horse: how to buy, train and enjoy owning a horse.
60596: Kearley, B. L. - Let's go hunting.
68311: Kearsey, Hugh - Index to Oxfordshire Census 185: Vol 7 Witney Union including parts of Faringdon Union.
68719: Keating, H. R. F. - Crime & mystery: The 100 best books.
66302: Keating, H. R. F - 4 books - Bats fly up for Inspector Ghote; I. G. hunts the peacock; I. G. trusts the heart; I. G. breaks an egg.
65458: Keating, H. R. F. (ed) - Agatha Christie: first lady of crime.
65211: Keating, H. R. F - Bats fly up for Inspector Ghote.
65349: Keating, H. R. F - Filmi, filmi, Inspector Ghote.
53147: Kee, Howard Clark - The beginnings of Christianity: an introduction to the New Testament.
66238: O'Keeffe, Paul - Some sort of genius: a life of Wyndham Lewis.
66246: Keegan, John - The face of battle.
67519: Keeler, Harry Stephen - The ace of spades murder.
54803: Keep, William J. - Cast iron: a record of original research.
64566: Keighley, Charles - Discovering Wychwood.
65525: Keith, Elena & Riley, Paul - Beyond the shadow, with, A love pact.
63300: Kelleam, Joseph E. - When the Red King woke.
67414: Kelliher, Dan T. - Cottonwood law.
62718: Kellock, E.M. - The story of riding.
54682: Kelly, William H. - Indians of the SouthWest: a survey of Indian tribes and Indian administration in Arizona.
51215: Kelsey, Alice Geer - I give you my colt.
61550: Kelso, William M. - Jamestown, the buried truth.
66390: Kemelman, Harry - Wednesday the Rabbi got wet.
66185: Kemelman, Harry - Saturday the rabbi went hungry.
61176: Kendon, Frank - Mural paintings in English churches during the middle ages: an introductory essay on the folk influence in religious art.
57258: Kendrick, Michael - Sons and daughters: volume two.
68290: Kendrick, T. D. - The Sutton Hoo ship burial. a provisional guide.
66418: Kennan, George F. - Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin.
55170: Kennedy, Peter and Wales, Tony - Folk song today: nos 1, 2, 4 & 5 (4 booklets).
62023: Kennedy, A. E - Farmyard stories.
50574: Kennedy, Paul M. (ed) - The war plans of the great powers, 1880 - 1914.
53011: Kennedy, Douglas; Douglas, Leta M. - The North Skelton sword-dance and the Newbiggin rapper sword-dance; with, The Boosbeck traditional long sword dance [2 booklets].
66225: Kenney, William Howland - Chicago jazz: a cultural history, 1904 - 1930.
69331: Kent, Alexander - The flag captain.
69332: Kent, Alexander - In gallant company.
60422: Kent, Nora - The disenchanted.
64267: Kern, Jerome & Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd - Show boat: pianoforte selection, with, Can't help loving that man.
26686: Kerr, J. L. - Heat engines and accessories.
54684: Kerrigan, Colm - A history of Tower Hamlets.
61750: Kershaw, Alex - The Few: July - October 1940.
62703: Kester, Max & Kenney, John - The ambush.
63198: Ketteridge, Christopher & Mays, Spike - Five miles from Bunkum: a village and its crafts.
63186: Ketting, Kees & Boer, Nico De - 200 Rod building tips.
62419: Keyhoe, Donald E. - Flying with Lindbergh.
64647: Kiaupa, Zigmantas; Maesalu, Ain; Pajur,Ago & Straube, Gvido - The history of the Baltic countries.
68299: Kidd, Gladys; Spare, Lorna & Baker, Joan - Stanton by Bridge: a village history, with, Life in Stanton by Bridge: a Derbyshire village, with, The Church of St Michael and All Angels Stanton by Bridge a visitor's guide (3 booklets).
68491: Kidson, Frank & Neal, Mary - English folk-song and dance.
68246: Kidson, Alex - George Romney 1734-1802.
54149: Kiely, Benedict - A cow in the house and nine other stories.
62350: Kiernan, R. H. - Captain Albert Ball.
64576: Kim - The boys of Puhawai.
67152: King, M. Truby - Mothercraft.
68646: King-Hall, Stephen & Dewar, Ann - History in Hansard 1803 - 1900 An anthology of wit, wisdom, nonsense and curious observations to be found in the debates of Parliament.
64844: King, Rufus - Malice in Wonderland.
67153: King, M. Truby - Feeding and care of baby.
65731: King, Alan C. - Huber 1890 .. 1948 Data book no. 5.
64439: King, Irving - Show me the way to go home: featured with enormous success by Jack Hylton and his Orchestra.
59369: Kingscott, Geoffrey - Lost railways of Warwickshire.
57056: Kingslake, Brian - Inner light: Swedenborg explores the spiritual dimension.
51221: Kinnaird, Jean - Finding our stirrups.
69151: Kinsey, Herbert - The foundations of violin playing and musicianship.
56123: Kirkland, K. D. - Colt: America's premier gunmakers.
60380: Kirkland, Katie; Cyzer, Elaine & Richard - A view of the century 1901 - 1991.
69008: Kirschenbaum, Howard - The life and work of Carl Rogers.
67597: Kitchen, Fred - The ploughman homeward plods.
59863: Kitchen, Fred - Nettleworth Parva.
51553: Kitto, John - Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature - Volume I Aaron - Hyssop & Volume II Ibzan - Zuzims.
67424: Klaesoe, Iben Skibsted (Ed) - Viking trade and settlement in continental Western Europe.
31832: Klein, Mina C. & Klein, H. Arthur - Temple beyond time: the story of the site of Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem.
69074: Klein, Gerard - Starmaster's gambit.
60390: Kleinschmidt, Karl - Erbe und Wachstum.
68796: Klickmann, Flora - The school girl's annual Vol. II (2).
61220: Klonsky, Milton - William Blake: the seer and his visions.
56062: Knatchbull-Hugessen, Eva - The night-hawks.
61319: Knatchbull-Hugessen, Eva - The night-hawks.
62570: Knight, Stanley Macbean - The history of the Great European War, its causes and effects. Volumes I, II, III, IV, V & VI (1 - 6). 6 books.
67441: Knobloch, Philip G. - Architectural details from the early twentieth century: a book of traditional details.
69292: Knoppka, Reinhard - Achim, Rudiger und andere jungs.
68023: Knotts, C. A. & Moore, Pete - Diamond in the sky: A pictorial history of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. 25th anniversary edition.
66610: Knowles, W. & Howard, H. E. - Longmans' practical arithmetics: teachers' series Books IV(4), V(5) & VI(6). A course of practical arithmetic correlated with geometry and practical work based on the scheme of C. T. Millis.
64007: Knowles, Cecilia - We went to live in Scotland.
52989: Knowles, Oliver; Tschudin, Vera & Brown, Laurence (eds) - Numinis / De numine: The newsletter of the Alister Hardy Research Centre for Religious Experience. Nos. 1 - 3, 6 - 17 & 21 (16 issues between July 1987 & Sept 1996).
60587: Knowles, Josephine - The ABC of Horse and Pony Problems.
34725: Knystautas, Algirdas - The natural history of the USSR.
55521: Kodaly, Zoltan & Young, Percy M. - Bicinia Hungarica: nos I, II, III and IV.
60995: Kohfeldt, Mary-Lou - Lady Gregory: the woman behind the Irish renaissance.
60156: Kolbe, Dr. Werner - Kunstliche intelligenz: Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch.
60123: Koschnick, Wolfgang J. - Standard Worterbuch Fur Werbung, Massenmedien Und Marketing Deutsch-Englisch. (Standard Dictionary of Advertising, Mass Media and Marketing).
60233: Kotur, Alexandra (ed.): Bowles, Hamish (intro.) - The world in Vogue: people, parties, places.
63381: Kotzwinkle, William - The leopard's tooth.
52250: Kress, Nancy - Dynamic characters: how to create personalities that keep readers captivated.
58337: Kreutz, Walter - Straßenbahnen, Busse und Seilbahnen von Innsbruck [Strassenbahnen].
69279: Kreutz, Heinrich - Rilke's Duineser Elegien: Eine interpretation.
64644: Kreutzer, Dietmar - Männermodels Pur: Träume, Jobs und Agenturen.
55301: Krieger, Dolores - Accepting your power to heal: the personal practice of therapeutic touch.
68524: Kristiansen, Kristian - Europe before history.
68984: Kruger, Maria and Sygietynski, Tadeusz - Klimek i klementynka, with, Mazowsze tanczy i spiewa (2 paperbacks).
57426: Kuehl, John & Bryer, Jackson R. (eds) - Dear Scott/Dear Max: the Fitzgerald-Perkins correspondence.
64667: Kuhlman, Kathryn - Captain Levrier believes in miracles.
58243: Kuliesis, Albinas - Keliones po Lietuva akimirkos 2.
60107: Kuna, Marian (ed) - Dictionary of drilling terminology, Dictionnaire de la terminologie relative aux Forages, Terminologisches Wörterbuch für das geologische Erkundungsbohren, etc..
66692: Kurosawa, Susan - Coasting: a year by the Bay.
69073: Kurten, Bjorn - Dance of the tiger.
69110: Kuwashima, T. & Welch, A. R. - Judo in forty - one lessons in themodern science of jiu-jitsu.
66512: A Society of Ladies - The Lady's Monthly Museum or polite repository of amusement and instruction; Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the fancy, interest the mind or exalt the character of the British fair. Vol XI Jan-June & XII July-Dec improved series.
66177: A Society of Ladies - The Lady's Monthly Museum or polite repository of amusement and instruction; Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the fancy, interest the mind or exalt the character of the British fair. Vol XII Jan-June & XIII July-Dec new series improved.
61058: A Lady & Sewell, Rev. W. (ed.) - Amy Herbert: volumes I and II (1 & 2).
68668: Laity, R. P. - St. Ives in the 1800's.
57961: Lake, Deryn - Death in the setting sun (John Rawlings series).
57079: Lakeland, Paul - Church: living communion.
67078: Lamb, Charles & Mary with Stobbs, William (illustrator) - Tales from Shakepeare; from the collection by Charles and Mary Lamb.
61308: Lamb, Charles and Mary - Tales from Shakespeare.
65122: Lamb, Hugh (ed) - Victorian tales of terror.
62697: Lamb, John; Masters, Robert - Masters' history of the College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the University of Cambridge.
69273: Lambert, Royston - Beloved and God The story of Hadrian and Antinous.
52287: Lambie, Alexander - A stranger in our midst and some Western fables.
67465: Lambourn, Elizabeth - Abraham's luggage: A social life of things in the Medieval Indian Ocean world.
63166: Lambourne, John - The kingdom that was.
51969: Lamin, Bill - Letters from the trenches: a soldier of the Great War.
65900: Lanceley, William - From hall-boy to house steward.
62140: Lanchbery, Edward - Against the sun: the story of Wing Commander Roland Beamont.
67146: Lancisi, Giovanni Maria; Wright, Wilmer C. - De aneurysmatibus: opus posthumum. aneurysms, the Latin text of Rome, 1745.
56690: Landais, Napoleon - Grammaire generale des grammaires Francaises presentant la solution analytique, raisonnee et logique de toues les questions grammaticales anciennes et modernes.
67142: Landsteiner, Karl & Pauling, Linus - The specificity of serological reactions.
68438: Lane, Sheila - Fresh start tomorrow.
52495: Lane, Harlan - The deaf experience: classics in language and education.
34003: Lane, Wheaton J. - Pictorial history of Princeton.
61480: Lang, Ruth (ed.) - Laboratory and workshop notes.
60225: Lange, Klaus; Ferval, Luc & Kellmann, Kurt - International construction contracts terminology in French and English with German vocabularies.
64730: Langeweische, Karl Robert - Deutschesland in 111 Flugaufnahmen.
68666: Langford, Jerome J. - Galileo, Science the Church.
61410: Langford, John Alfred; Mackintosh, C. S. & Tildesley, J. C. - Staffordshire and Warwickshire: past and present. Volume 1 Div I & II only.
50355: Langholm, A. D. - Queen rider.
60842: Langley, Noel - Nymph in clover.
65000: Lanham, Edwin - Murder on my street.
69284: Larivière, Michel - Les amours masculines de nos grands hommes 60 portraits homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres.
69261: Larivière, Michel - Pour tout l'amour des hommes Anthologie de l'homosexualité dans la littérature.
64434: Larkin, David (editor) - Arthur Rackham.
66395: Larkin, Philip - All what jazz: a record diary, 1961 - 1971.
62141: Larom, Betty - Wimsy and Pinky.
60550: Larson, Sidney - Frank Stack: etchings & lithographs.
63657: Larson, Glen and Belland, Bruce - Big Man.
64236: Larson, Glen and Belland, Bruce - Big man: recorded by The Four Preps.
69321: Latham, Robert & Pepys, Samuel - The shorter Pepys.
63321: Latham, Philip - Five against Venus.
65483: Lathen, Emma - Double double oil and trouble.
64453: Lauder, Harry - Stop yer tickling Jock!.
64008: Lavin, Mary - A single lady: and other stories.
60460: Lawrence, Christopher & Ghislaine - No laughing matter: historical aspects of anaesthesia. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 8 June to 25 September 1987.
61361: Lawrence, D. H.; Hall, Willis, Eliot, T. S.; Fry, Christopher; Anouilh Jean; Wesker, Arnold, Lessing, Doris et al - Three plays, with, The long and the short and the tall plus The dumb waiter & A resounding tinkle, with, four modern verse plays, with, three European plays, with, New English dramatists 1 (5 books).
56768: Lawrence, Dr Mike - The Goodwood Road Racing Club: 1998 yearbook.
56595: Lawrence, Elizabeth - Opal Whiteley: the continuing mystery.
65069: Lawrence, Bro. The Rev. John T. - Sidelights on freemasonry.
57387: Lawrence, D. H. & Lacy, Gerald M. (ed) - Letters to Thomas and Adele Seltzer.
65932: Lea, Edward (ed) - The best of Jerome Kern 1885 - 1985.
62131: Lea, John - Reggie: the life of Air Vice Marshall R. L. G. Marix, CBE DSO.
69302: Leavitt, David & Mitchell, Mark - Pages passed from hand to hand The hidden tradition of homosexual literature in English from 1748 to 1914.
65182: Lee, Elizabeth (ed.) - Spine chillers: an anthology of mystery and horror.
56447: Lee, E. Markham; Young, Stuart; Carse, Adam & Helyer, Marjorie - The golden gate: 5 joyous pieces for pianoforte, with, 6 short duets for young students, with, Progressive duets: Book III, with, Fireflies & other pieces for piano & Contrasts for piano duet. 5 booklets of sheet music for those learning to play the piano.
63394: Lee, Walt - Reference guide to fantastic films: Volume 1 A - F.
68079: Lee, John; Swarbrick, Dave; Pegg, Dave et al - Babbacombe Lee.
69013: Lee, Laurie - The bloom of candles: Verse from a Poets year.
33635: Lee, Marshall - Bookmaking: the illustrated guide to design and production.
60153: Lee, C. T. - Glossary of terms for building services engineering: French - English, English - French.
69021: Lee, Laurie - I can't stay long.
67412: Lee, Norman - Ship of adventure.
69023: Lee, Laurie - As I walked out one midsummer morning.
52385: Leech, John - Etchings from Jack Bragg by Theodore Hook, Christopher Tadpole by Albert Smith, & Hector O'Halloran by W. H. Maxwell.
67636: Lees-Milne, James - Tudor Renaissance.
67652: Lees-Milne, James - The age of Inigo Jones.
30700: Lees-Milne, James - Saint Peter's: the story of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.
39630: Leffingwell, Randy & Welty, Pamela - Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: your guide to the lighthouses of California, Oregon and Washington.
57156: Legend, Henry - The ship of a hundred women.
48013: Lehrner, Dr. Heinrich - Piber: das Gestut der osterreichischen Lipizzaner.
62871: Leiber, Fritz - A spectre is haunting Texas.
64242: Leiber, Jerry and Spector, Phil - Spanish Harlem: recorded by Aretha Franklin.
62873: Leiber, Fritz - Ship of shadows.
68319: Leigh, Gertrude - The story of Winchelsea Church: With complete key to the windows and description of the Cinque Ports memorial altar and windows installed in the year 1933.
60112: Leipnitz, Walter - Dictionary of coal chemistry/petrochemistry; Fachworterbuch- carbochemie/petrochemie.
66108: Leitch, Patricia - A rosette for Royal.
66477: Leitch, Patricia - The black loch.
66474: Leitch, Pat - To save a pony.
59761: Lejeune, Marcelle - Shadows.
52089: Lemann, Nicholas - The promised land: the great black migration and how it changed America.
64020: Lemmen, Hans van - Tiles in architecture.
65522: Lennox, Cynthia and Anon - The girl who came back, with, Liliian's inheritance, with, The man she loved. 3 stories in the My Pocket Library series nos 177, 186 & 190.
12557: Lenoir, Philippe (Trans. Dr. Pierre Heim) - Mauritius, former Isle de France.
69233: Leon, Donna - Doctored evidence.
69232: Leon, Donna - Suffer the little children.
69229: Leon, Donna - Friends in high places.
69230: Leon, Donna - A sea of troubles.
69234: Leon, Donna - By its cover.
69228: Leon, Donna - The anonymous Venetian.
69231: Leon, Donna - Wilful behaviour.
69227: Leon, Donna - The first 25 hardbacks in dustwrappers featuring Commissario Brunetti from Death at la Fenice to The waters of eternal youth. 22 UK first editions, 3 US firsts, 2 signed by author, 2 ex library.
63695: Lerner, Alan Jay & Loewe, Frederick - Almost like being in love from Brigadoon.
64438: Leslie, Edgar and Nicholls, Horatio - Shepherd of the Hills: fox-trot ballad with ukulele accompaniment as played by Jack Hylton and his Band.
64460: Leslie, Edgar - I want to be alone with Mary Brown a song fox-trot. Played by Herman Darewski and his famous Melody Band at the Empress Ball-Room, Winter Gardens, Blackpool.
64443: Leslie, Edgar, Goetz, E. Ray and Meyer, Geo. W. - For me and my gal: featured by Jacques Jacobs.
65876: Lester, Norman - Norman's view of Walsall.
65887: Letourneau, P. A. - Twin City tractor photo archive.
61762: Levine, Isaac Don - Flying crusader: the story of General William Mitchell, pioneer of air power ..
63898: Levinson, Horace C. - Chance, luck and statistics.
66842: Lewin, Tony & Borroff, Tony - How to design cars like a pro.
63489: Lewis, Tim - Moonlight sonata: the Coventry blitz, 14/15 November 1940.
55106: Lewis, Roy - The Fenokee project.
53966: Lewis, Helen Prothero - Adventures of Armine de Lancy.
68574: Lewis-Williams, David - The mind in the cave Consciousness and the origins of art.
51194: Lewis, Helen Prothero - Adventures of Armine de Lancy.
60031: Lewis, Ann - Sheila, Squeak and the balloon.
64363: Lewis, Rosa - Through cloud and sunshine.
69251: Lewis, C. S. - The four loves, with, Reflections on the psalms (2 hardback books).
52465: Lewis, C. Day - The Otterbury incident.
59898: Lewis, G. R. - Illustrations of Kilpeck Church Herefordshire.
65804: Lewis, Eric (arranger) - 20 Easy folk songs with guitar chords.
57885: Ley, Charles David (ed) - Portuguese voyages. Everyman's Library no 986.
63305: Ley, Willy - Another look at Atlantis and fifteen other essays.
66228: Liddiard, Jean - Isaac Rosenberg: a half used life.
65995: Liddle, Peter - Community archaeology: a fieldworker's handbook of organisation and techniques.
36781: Lief, Alfred - The Firestone story; a history of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company.
69148: Lifar, Serge & Haskell, Arnold L. (ed) - Lifar on classical ballet.
64858: Lighthill, Professor M. J. - Metric units in primary schools.
64212: Lighthill, M. J. - Fourier analysis and generalised functions: student's edition.
65815: Lightwood, Donald - Creative drama for primary schools a handbook of activities.
68844: Lilly, Jane - The Shops of the Old Village Volume 1.
53895: Lin-Jui, Chen - The Peking Opera: supplement to China reconstructs no 7 1956.
58504: Lind, Ingrid - Astrology & commonsense.
51518: Lindemannus, Fridericus (ed.) [Titus Maccius Plautus; Friedrich Lindemann] - Titi Macci Plauti: Comoediae; Tres captivi; Miles gloriosus; Trinummus.
68876: Lindley, Philip & Hall, Angela (eds); Kempster, Graham - Hinckley as I remember it, with, Hinckley (2 paperbacks).
67416: Braley. E Lindsay - Brickwork: a comprehensive treatise on the theory and practice of the handicraft of the bricklayer, including an exposition of the manufacture of the customary materials with some notes on the measurement of brickwork.
54443: Lindsay, Robert - Letting go.
60659: Lindsay, Jack - Runaway.
67714: Lindsay, Jack - Hogarth His art and his world.
68864: Ling, John - Windmills of Norfolk.
68296: Linkman, Audrey - Caring for your family photographs at home.
66906: Lipson, E. - The economic history of England, volume I: the middle ages.
67177: Lister, Baron Joseph - The collected papers of Joseph Lister Volumes one and two (1 & 2).
56052: Little, Elbert L. - National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees - Western region.
67631: Little, Bryan - Exeter Crediton Cullompton Exmouth Ottery St. Mary Tiverton and TopshamExeter Crediton Cullompton Exmouth Ottery St. Mary Tiverton and Topsham.
69066: Littlechild, Stephen C. - The fallacy of the mixed economy An 'Austrian' critique of recent economic thinking and policy.
50404: Litvag, Irving - Singer in the shadows: the strange story of Patience Worth.
57332: Llewellyn, William - Sing with all my soul.
68364: Llorca, Fernando - Lo que cantan los niños Canciones de cuna, de corro, coplillas, adivinanzas, relaciones, juegos y otras cosas infantiles.
64473: Lloyd, J. Ivester - Joey: the tale of a pony.
66471: Lloyd, Jack Ivester - Up the ladder and down the wall.
65902: Lloyd, Jack Ivester - Don't fall off your boat.
59404: Lloyd, Christopher - Explanation in social history.
69034: Lloyd, J. Ivester - Well ridden!.
69252: Lloyd, Chris & Burnett, Andy - All ten pull-out supplements of the Narrowboat Builder's Handbook.
59993: Lloyd, J Ivester; Craig, C. W. Thurlow; Watkins-Pitchford, D. J.et al - The Shooting Times and Country Magazine 1959 & 1960: nos. 3982 - 3985, 3987- & 3995, 3997 - 4026, 4032 & 4038(Jan 2 - Jan 23, Feb 6 - Apr 3 - Dec 25 1959, Feb 5 1960 and March 18th 1960). 46 issues.
60207: Lloyd, Albert L.; Stabler, Gerhard & Uci, Alfred - Sonne uber Albanien: beitrage zur Albanischen folklore.
53844: Loar, Brian - Mind and meaning.
58012: Lockitt, C. H. (ed) - More one-act plays.
58144: Lockley, R. M - Dream island days: a record of the simple life.
62213: Lockwood, Stephen - Huddersfield trolleybuses.
67234: Lodge, David - Ginger, you're barmy, with, Changing places (2 paperbacks).
55984: Lodge, David - Thinks, with, Nice work.
50411: Lodge, Sir Oliver - Life and matter: a criticism of Professor Haekel's "riddle of the universe".
61838: Loewy, Benjamin - A graduated course in natural science: experimental and theoretical for schools and colleges. Part II - second and third year's course.
64513: Lofting, Hugh - The story of Doctor Dolittle.
65623: Logan, Nick (ed) - The Face: the independent rock monthly no.14 June 1981.
67281: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The song of Hiawatha.
69241: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Everyman no.382.
50143: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: with numerous original illustrations.
69315: Longmate, Norman - The Doodlebugs The story of the flying bombs.
52274: de Longueuil, Raymond - 'Le cantique des cantiques': ou la croix glorieuse (texte de la bible de Jerusalem).
66198: Longworth, Philip - The making of Eastern Europe.
64041: Lord, Mrs E. - The theory and practice of laundry work for scholars.
64249: Lordan, Jerry - I've waited so long: recorded by Anthony Newley from the film Idle on parade.
50925: Lott, F. B. - The centenary book of Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society.
57115: O'Loughlin, Thomas (ed) - Liturgical language and translation: the issues arising from the revised English translation of the Roman Missal (Joint Liturgical Studies no. 77).
68531: Loveday, Roy - Inscribed across the landscape The Cursus enigma.
68200: Lovell, Bernard - Exploring the universe.
52278: Lovesey, Nenia - Punto Tagliato lace.
64442: Low, Reg - Father!: a Cockney carol. Sung by Will E. Edwards.
66578: Low, D. M. (ed.); Bawden, Edward (illus.) - London is London: a selection of prose and verse.
68360: Low, David Allan - Heat engines embracing the theory, construction, and performance of steam boilers, reciprocating steam engines, steam turbines, and internal combustion engines.
63269: Lowery, Bruce - Werewolf.
61537: Luard, Elisabeth - Saffron and sunshine: tapas, mezze and antipasti.
67757: Lucas, E. V. - Fireside and sunshine.
55259: Lucas, Duncan; Berry, Tricia & Mastin, Peter - Wigston Magna and South.
68273: Lucas, Robert - A Gower family: The Lucases of Stouthall and Rhosili Rectory.
55118: Luce, Helen - In the midst of death.
44232: Luck, Peter - Australian icons: things that make us what we are.
57359: Lueders, Edward - Carl van Vechten.
5129: Lukowich, Ed. , Ransfjell, Eigil & Somerville, Bud - The joy of curling: a celebration.
67725: Lumley, D. - The story of Tynemouth Priory and Castle.
59671: Lumsdon, Les & Smith, Martin; Waller Martin & Anon - Rambles by rail: no. 1 The Hope Valley Line, with, The Peak Express (Summer/Autumn 2012), with The High Peak & Tissington Railways: a pictorial guide.
59879: Lund, Gilda - Red Riding Hood also Goldilocks and the three bears.
53887: Lupino, Stanley - Crazy days.
52689: Lurie, Alison - Only children.
57876: Luxton, Elsie & Fukuyama, Yusai - Royal Honiton lace.
53515: Luz, Ulrich - New testament theology: the theology of the gospel of Matthew.
54136: Lydon, Michael - Ray Charles: man and music.
59389: Lyman, Susan Elizabeth - The story of New York: an informal history of the city from the first settlement to the present day.
64272: Lyndon, Robert - Hawk quest.
14688: Lyon, Elinor - The house in hiding.
61193: Lysaght, Elizabeth J. - Brother and sister or, the trials of the Moore Family.
63553: Lysons, Daniel and Samuel - Magna Britannia, volume six: Devonshire, part II.
60771: Macalister, R. A. S. - The archaeology of Ireland.
54895: Macaulay, Thomas Babington - Essays: Vol I - William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; Lord Clive and Warren Hastings, with, Vol II - The life and writings of Addison, Horace Walpole, Lord Bacon, Lord Byron and Comic dramatists of the Restoration.
46100: Macaulay, Lord - The history of England from the accession of James the Second: Volumes 2, 3 & 5 (II, III & V).
68973: Macaulay, Thomas Babington - Macaulay's History of England in Three (3) Volumes Nos. 34, 35 and 36 in the Everyman's Library.
56298: MacColl, Ewan et al - The best of folk singing: a programme for a concert at Birmingham Town Hall Saturday 4 December 1965.
60615: MacColla, Fionn - And the cock crew.
68637: MacCulloch, Diarmaid - Reformation Europe's house divided 1490 - 1700.
51738: MacDonald, Margaret F. (ed) - Whistler's Mother: an American icon.
65067: MacDonald, John D. - Planet of the dreamers.
68518: MacDonald, Joy - A dog called Kim.
68674: MacDonald, B. C. - B. L. M. C. 1100/1300 Repairs.
55879: Macdougall, Arthur R. - The trout fisherman's bedside book.
68175: Macfarlane-Grieve, Captain A. A. - A history of Durham rowing.
66140: Macgregor-Morris, Pamela - Show jumping on five continents, with, Show jumping: officer's hobby into international sport (2 books).
60221: Machado, Jose de Paula - Tapajos: the lower Amazon - O baixo Amazonas.
46308: Machlis, Joseph - Introduction to contemporary music.
55124: MacInnes, Hamish - Death reel.
52298: MacKay, Shena (ed) - Such devoted sisters: an anthology of stories.
56834: Mackay, Eric - A lover's litanies.
51271: Mackenzie, Kathleen - Pony and trap.
63416: Mackenzie, Iain; Selby, Terry & Harris, Martin (eds.) - Hunter chasers & point-to-pointers 2005.
63417: Mackenzie, Iain & Harris, Martin (eds.) - Hunter chasers & point-to-pointers 2010.
67089: Mackenzie, Sir James - Principles of diagnosis and treatment in heart affections.
66114: Mackenzie, Kathleen - The pageant.
51273: Mackenzie, Kathleen - Prize pony.
51278: Mackenzie, Kathleen - Nancy and the Carrs.
63455: Mackenzie, Iain & Harris, Martin (eds.) - Hunter chasers & point-to-pointers: 2006.
63442: Mackenzie, Iain; Selby, Terry (eds.) - Hunter chasers & point-to-pointers 1999.
59691: Mackenzie, Kathleen - Jumping Jan.
57702: Mackenzie, Compton - Unconsidered trifles.
63415: Mackenzie, Iain; Selby, Terry (eds.) - Hunter chasers & point-to-pointers 1998.
51268: Mackenzie, Kathleen - Red conker.
55010: Mackerness, E. D. - A social history of English music.
68885: Mackintosh, A. W. P. & Thornton, Philip - Bygone Evington, with, The Stonygate story (2 booklets).
59085: Mackintosh, C. R. - C. R. Mackintosh: book of 30 postcards.
54717: Mackintosh, May - A king and two queens.
24734: Macknight, Anthony & Leader, John - Epithelial ion and water transport.
59766: MacLaurin, Colin; Murdoch, Patrick (ed.) - An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries.
63752: MacLaverty, Bernard - Lamb.
62339: Macmillan, Norman - Tales of two air wars.
64172: Macnab, C. S. - Fortran, with, Extended fortran (2 books).
44878: Macnamara, Rachel Swete - Seed of fire.
69040: MacRory, Patrick - Retreat from Kabul The incredible story of how a savage Afghan force massacred the world's most powerful army.
52380: MacTaggart, Malcolm - The general theory of evolution.
63432: Madsen, Axel - John Huston.
55378: Maeterlinck, Maurice - Drei Alltagsdramen [Der eindringlig; Die blinden; Zu hause].
34763: Maffei, Francesco Scipione - La Merope Tragedia.
69191: Magnusson, Magnus & Palsson, Hermann (Trans) - Laxdaela saga.
62370: Maher, Peter - Three score years and ten 1922 - 1992: the Lancashire Aero Club.
62378: Maher, Peter - Three score years and ten 1922 - 1992: the Lancashire Aero Club.
61395: Mahjoub, Jamal - The drift latitudes.
65397: Mahler, Gustav - Kindertotenlieder, with, Symphony No. 4 in G major.
67362: Mahony, Stephen (ed) - The Muskerry book of hunting fiction includes Denys Watkins-Pitchford, R. S. Surtees, Somerville and Ross, Siegfried Sassoon and G. J. Whyte-Melville.
41467: Mailer, Norman - Marilyn.
63431: Mais, S. P. B. - Raven among the rooks.
68794: Makepeace, Chris - Looking back at Hulme, Moss Side, Chorlton on Medlock and Ardwick.
59767: Malcolm, James Peller - Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London: from the Roman invasion to the year 1700, etc. [volume 3 only of a 3 volume set].
60433: O'Malley, Brian (ed.) - The Roussel symposium on retail pharmacy.
52421: Malmkjaer, Kirsten - The linguistics encyclopedia.
68569: Malone, Caroline - Neolithic Britain and Ireland.
52640: Malossi, Giannino (ed) - Material man: masculinity sexuality style.
61396: Malouf, David - Typewriter music.
20023: Factory Manager - India-rubber goods manufacture: a practical guide to the manufacture of rubber goods.
66558: Manchester, Carole - French tea: the pleasures of the table.
68831: Mander, John - Leicester Schools, 1944 - 1974.
55178: Mandrou, Robert - De la culture populaire aux 17e et 18e siecles.
69157: Mangetot, Andre - Violin technique.
34756: Mangin, Edward. (E. M.) - Oddities and outlines: volumes 1 and 2.
54144: Maniadakis, K - Crete Knossos - Phaestos.
54181: Mankell, Henning - The troubled man.
67764: Mann, A. J. - The Salonika Front.
54854: Mann, Ethel - Old Bungay.
69006: Mann, David & Cunningham, Valerie (eds) - The past in the present Therapy enactments and the return of trauma.
64640: Mann, Stephen - Sadism, songs and stolen liberty.
59054: Manning, Mary - The last chronicles of Ballyfungus.
62013: Mansfield, Howard - Skylark: the life, lies, and inventions of Harry Atwood.
67056: Mantel, Hilary - Bring up the bodies.
61519: Mantell, L. - A manual of motor mechanics and high efficiency tuning: the functional working of the petrol engine.
61717: Mantell, L. - A manual of motor mechanics and high efficiency tuning: the functional working of the petrol engine.
68011: Manwaring, L. A. - The observer's book of automobiles.
68667: Marcuse, Herbert - Counter-revolution and revolt.
63601: Marechal, Joseph - Studies in the psychology of the mystics.
51649: Marein, Shirley - Oriental images: new designs for needlepoint and stitchery.
65460: Margolies, David - Monsters of the deep: social dissolution in Shakespeare's tragedies.
64690: Marjoram, D. T. E. - Teaching mathematics.
60305: Mark, Joan - The king of the world in the land of the Pygmies.
62471: Markham, George - Guns of the Reich: firearms of the German Forces, 1939-1945.
60253: Markhardt, Heidemarie - Worterbuch der Oesterreichischen rechts-, Wirtschafts- und verwaltungsterminologie.
58006: Marks, Harry - I can jump oceans: the world of Alan Marshall.
32445: Marlowe, Olwen C. - Outdoor design: a handbook for the architect and planner.
56772: Marnham, Patrick - Wild Mary: the life of Mary Wesley.
68645: Marozzi, Justin - Tamerlane Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World.
61809: Marples, Rt Hon Ernest MP - Innovation and revival.
55897: Marquard, L.; Lewin, Julius - The native in South Africa.
53903: Marratt, Howard (ed) & Garrett, Betsy - Religious and moral education in secondary schools: a working party report from the RE Council of England & Wales, with, Spiritual development of young people: NCVYS briefing no.10.
62342: Marrett, George J. - Howard Hughes: aviator.
44157: Marriage, Philip (ed.) - Charles Dickens: an exhibition to commemorate the centenary of his death June - September 1970.
58016: Marriott, J. W. (ed) - The best one act plays of 1942 - 43.
56449: Marryat, Florence - Under the lilies and roses.
58427: Marsden, Simon - The journal of a ghosthunter.
62053: Marsden, Barry M. - Portraits of heroes: Derbyshire fighter pilots in the second world war.
57491: Marsh, Madeleine - Modern retro tabletop: living with mid-century modern tableware.
68503: Marshall, H. J. - Exmoor sporting and otherwise.
57569: Marshall, Paul V. - Preaching for the Church today: the skills, prayer and art of sermon preparation.
56495: Martel, Gordon (ed) - American foreign relations reconsidered: 1890-1993.
61547: Martin, Andrew - The Somme stations.
60575: Martin, Ann - The trainers: jumping, dressage, show classes and horse trials.
58355: Martin, Colin - Cheltenham's trams and early buses.
61522: Martin, Thomas Commerford - The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla.
55298: Martin, Esteban & Carranza, Andreu - The Gaudi key.
59188: Martin, Rupert - Sculpted forest: sculpture in the Forest of Dean.
57662: Martin, Lady Helena Faucit - On some of Shakespeare's female characters: Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice, Hermione.
56050: Martineau, Harriet - Feats on the fiord: a tale of Norway.
61932: Martinez, Mario - Lady's men: the saga of Lady Be Good and her crew.
53282: Marx, Arthur - Everybody loves somebody sometimes (especially himself): The story of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
57419: Masefield, John - The Ledbury scene: as I have used it in my verse.
62373: Mason, Herbert Molloy - Lafayette escadrille: the first American flyers to face the German airforce 1914 - 1917.
63980: Mason, Francis K. - Tornado.
56939: Mason, S. G. - British hosiery and knitwear.
68314: Mason, Stewart C. - The Leicestershire experiment and plan.
59737: Mason, Sheila A. - The history of the Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters: the art and mystery of framework knitting in England and Wales.
57450: Massey, Ellen Gray (ed) - Bittersweet country.
57176: Massingham, Betty - Turn on the fountains: the life of Dean Hole.
69138: Massingham, H. J. - English Downland.
68988: Massingham, H. J. - Birds of the seashore.
62920: Masterman, Walter S - The curse of the Reckaviles.
62921: Masterman, Walter S - The crime of the Reckaviles.
55307: Masterson, Whit - The dark fantastic.
55264: Mastin, Peter - South Wigston between the wars 1914 - 1945.
66823: Mastrostefano, Raffaele (ed) - The automobile manual: encyclopedia of every car in the world.
63156: Mathews, Harry - The sinking of the Odradek Stadium.
51341: Mathieson, Eric - Plonk and the forty-nine cats.
51353: Matthew, H. C. G. (ed) - The Gladstone diaries: with cabinet minutes and prime-ministerial correspondence. Volume 13, 1892 - 1896.
52131: Matthews, John (ed) - A Glastonbury reader: selections from the myth, legends and stories of Ancient Avalon.
58468: Matthews, John & Stead, Michael J. - Landscapes of legends: A photographic journey through secret heart of Britain.
60824: Matthews, Bryan - The book of Rutland.
52551: Matthison, A. LL. - Stoving finishes for tin plate decorators and tin box manufacturers.
57398: Mauriac, Francois & Hopkins, Gerald (trans) - The Frontenac mystery (Le Mystère Frontenac).
57391: Mauriac, Francois & Hopkins, Gerald (trans) - The Lamb (L'agneau).
69039: du Maurier, Daphne (ed) - The young George du Maurier A selection of his letters, 1860 - 67.
60968: du Maurier, Daphne - The infernal world of Branwell Bronte.
53005: Mawe, Thomas & Abercrombie, John - Every man his own gardener: being a new, and much more complete Gardener's Kalendar, etc..
57669: Maxwell, James - I never saw an Arab like him.
66945: May, Jeffrey - Prehistoric Lincolnshire.
66821: May, Phil - 20 Silver Ghosts Rolls-Royce: The incomparable pre-World War I motorcar, 1907 - 1914.
26612: May, Phil - 20 Silver Ghosts: Rolls-Royce, the incomparable pre World War 1 motorcar, 1907-1914.
66956: Mayes, Philip & Dean, M. J. - An Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Baston, Lincolnshire.
69081: Mayhar, Ardath - The seekers of Shar-Nuhn.
60319: Mayle, Peter & Robins, Arthur - We're not pregnant: an illustrated guide to birth control.
57194: McAlexander, Hubert H. - Conversations with Peter Taylor.
57002: McAlexander, Hubert H. - Peter Taylor: a writer's life (Southern Literary Studies).
51648: McAslan, John - John McAslan.
51647: McAslan, John - John McAslan.
66684: McBrinn, Maxine (ed.); Lindbergh, Charles & Anne; Heisey, Adriel - Oblique views: aerial photography & southwest archaeology.
66581: McCabe, Eamonn & McNay, Michael - Artists and their studios.
55434: McCaffrey, Anne - The renegades of Pern.
57744: McCann, Graham - Dad's Army: the story of a classic television show.
57081: McCann, Joseph - Church and organization: a sociological and theological enquiry.
63297: McClary, Thomas Calvert - Rebirth: when everyone forgot.
66358: McClellan, Woodford - Revolutionary exiles: The Russians in the First International and the Paris Commune.
54619: McCloskey, Robert - Make way for ducklings.
40075: McClure, Kevin & Sue (eds) - Common Ground: studies at the fringe of human experience no. 7 (circa 1983).
64157: McCoy, Elin & Walker, John F. - Thinking about wine.
65553: McCoy, Edain - Witta: an Irish pagan tradition.
54558: McCullagh, James C. (ed) - Pedal power: in work, leisure, and transportation.
60027: McCutchan, Philip - Convoy North.
42814: McDevitt, Chas - Skiffle: the definitive inside story.
62927: McDonagh, Maitland - Broken mirrors/broken minds: the dark dreams of Dario Argento.
62074: McDowell, D. F. - The boy's own book of warships.
59363: McEwan, Graham J. - Crypts, Caves and Catacombs: Subterranea of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
68082: McGhee, Sean (ed) - R2 Rock'n'Reel magazine Vol 2 no. 40 July/August 2013 featuring K. T. Tunstall, Alanis Morissette, Sean O Riada and Jethro Tull.
64416: McGrann, Molly - The Ladies of the House.
48623: McGrath, Alister - Dawkin's God: genes, memes and the meaning of life, with, The Dawkins delusion: atheist fundamentalism and the denial of the divine (2 books).
65823: McGrath, Kevin - Kippers by post: more songs.
63502: McGregor, A. J. & Perring, W. - Mr. Badger to the rescue.
68664: McGrory, David - The Illustrated History of Coventry's suburbs.
61466: McIver, Joel - Justice for all: the truth about Metallica.
61892: Mckee, Christopher - Sober men and true: sailor lives in the Royal Navy 1900 - 1945.
60359: McKeen, William - Outlaw journalist: the life of Hunter S. Thompson.
54623: McKelvie, Colin (ed) - Beloved land: a Richard Jefferies anthology.
66813: McKenna, Hugh & Slevin, Oliver - Vital notes for nurses: nursing models, theories and practice.
63944: McKirgan, T. V. M. - Probability.
54653: McLaughlin, Corinne & Davidson, Gordon - Builders of the dawn: community lifestyles in a changing world.
64802: McLean, K. R. - The teaching of sets in schools prepared for the Mathematical Association.
64970: McMullen, Mary - Death by bequest.
62441: McNally, Ward - The man on the twenty dollar note: Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith.
68464: McNaughton, John D. - Around Old Burbage.
65286: McNeill, T. E.; Gould, Jim - Excavations at Tamworth castle: 1972 & 1974, with, First report of the excavations at Tamworth, 1967 [2 books].
51768: McNelly, Theodore; Charles L. Kades and Hugh Cortazzi et al. - The transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan: third series volume 17, October 1982.
67208: McPherson, Catriona - After the Armistice Ball a Dandy Gilver murder mystery.
60586: McTaggart, Lieut.-Col. M. F. - Mount and man: a key to better horsemanship.
55841: McWhirr, Alan (ed.) - Studies in the archaeology and history of Cirencester.
56506: Meade, L. T. - Peter the pilgrim.
65649: Meade, L. T. - Water gypsies or Tag, Rag and Bobtail.
69065: Medawar, P. B. - Pluto's Republic.
64490: Medcof, John & Roth, John (eds) - Approaches to psychology.
68847: Mee, Arthur (ed) - Leicestershire and Rutland.
68846: Mee, Arthur - Lincolnshire: A county of infinite charm.
59200: Meehan, Aidan - Celtic design: spiral patterns , with, Knotwork the secret method of the scribes (2 books).
59196: Meehan, Aidan - Celtic design: A beginner's manual.
59199: Meehan, Aidan - Celtic design: animal patterns.
64175: Megarry, Jacquetta - Inside information: computers, communication and people.
64467: Megone, Norfolk - Winifred: valse.
64401: Mehta, Rohit - From mind to super-mind: a commentary of the 'Bhagavad Gita'.
60129: Meinck, Fritz & Mohle, Helmut - Dictionary of water and sewage engineering: English, Deutsch, Francais & Italiano. (Wörterbuch für das wasser- und abwasserfach; Dictionnaire technique de l'eau et de l'assainissement, Dizionario tecnico delle acque e delle acque di rifiuto).
65592: Melbourne, Ida; Armitage, Hazel et al - School friend: no 321 July 7th 1956.
67158: Mellanby, Sir Edward - A story of nutritional research: the effect of some dietary factors on bones and the nervous system. The Abraham Flexner lectures series number nine.
69170: Mellars, Paul A. - The Neanderthal legacy – an archaeological perspective from Western Europe.
68806: Meller, C. (Compiler) - My beloved village Barton The 1840's remembered A reminiscence of village life The way it was (Barton in the Beans).
67868: Mellor, Jean E. & Pearce, Terry - The Austin Friars, Leicester CBA research report 35.
65994: Mellor, Jean E. & Terry Pearce - A Leicester Friary: the Augustinian Friary in Leicester - excavated, 1973 - 1978.
57428: Mellow, James R. - Charmed circle: Gertrude Stein & Company.
24200: Melvoin, Richard I. - New England outpost: war and society in colonial Deerfield.
68940: Mendel, Vera and Meynell, Francis (eds) - The Weekend Book.
65398: Mendelssohn, Felix - Overtures: A midsummer night's dream and Fingal's cave, with, Violin concerto in E minor (2 books).
61010: Mendelssohn, Felix; Taylor, Franklin (ed.) - Mendelssohn's pianoforte works.
54219: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix - Octet for 4 violins, 2 violas and 2 violincellos in E major Op. 20, with, Trio no. 1 in D minor for piano, violin and cello. Op 49.
69244: Mendes, Valerie D. - Black in fashion.
54227: Mendoza, Anne - Chantons!: pupil's part.
55952: Meredith, Laurence - VW bus.
51725: Merrick, Leonard & Wells, H. G. & Blackwood, Algernon et al. - A book of queer stories.
59421: Meskell, Nick - Blackpool Tramway Yearbook: issue 5.
55466: Messenger, John C. - An anthropologist at play: balladmongering in Ireland and its consequences for research.
68535: Metcalf, Peter & Huntington, Richard - Celebrations of death The anthropology of mortuary ritual.
63901: Metzger, Robert W. - Elementary mathematical programming.
57032: Meyers, Jeffrey - Robert Frost: a biography.
60162: Micheli, Laure - Dictionnaire de la domotique: Anglais/Francais & Francais/Anglais.
62129: Michie, Allan A. - Every man to his post.
65299: Middleton, Andrew & Freestone, Ian - Recent developments in ceramic petrology.
68573: Midgley, Magdalena S. - The monumental cemeteries of Prehistoric Europe.
56049: Midwinter, Eric - Make 'em laugh: famous comedians and their worlds.
65641: B., Mike - Dark star: II (no.2) March 1976.
50671: Mileham, P. J. R. - The Yeomanry Regiments: a pictorial history.
58334: Miles, Philip C. - Manx tramways in camera: centenary edition 1893 - 1993.
68688: Miles, W. J. - Modern practical farriery, A complete system of the veterinary art as at present practised at the Royal Veterinary College, London.
62821: Miles, Tony - Big fish angling: a specimen hunter reflects.
64865: Miles, Tony - The complete specimen hunter.
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