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ABC_45566: [MARTIME LAW]. - Boek der zee-rechten.Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesbergh, 1665 [with the index of the 1663 edition]. With:(2) Extract uyt het register van de willekeuren der stadt Amsterdamme ....Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesberg, 1662.(3) Quintyn WEYTSEN. Een tractaet van Avarien ... The Hague, Jasper Doll, 1651 (colophon: Leyden, Philips de Croy, 1651).(4) Taco van GLINS. Aenmerckingen ende bedenckingen over de Zee-rechten, uyt het Placcaet van Koninck Philips uytgegeven den letsten Octobris 1563 …Amsterdam, Joost Pluymer, 1665.4to. All titles with woodcut title-vignettes and some with woodcut head- and tailpieces or woodcut initials. All titles are interleaved. Contemporary vellum over boards.
97BAU501U79O: MARTIN, Robert Montgomery. - The Hudson's Bay territories and Vancouver's island, with an exposition of the chartered rights, conduct, and policy of the Honorable Hudson's Bay Corporation.London, T. Brettell for T. and W. Boone, 1849. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed map by James Wild, hand-coloured in outline, and a woodengraving of an "Indian village at the Red River settlement". Original publisher's blind-blocked brown cloth.
ABC_46868: MARTIN, Johann Karl Ludwig. - Westindische Skizzen. Reise-erinnerungen.Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1887. 4to. 22 plates, of which 14 chromolithographs and 8 collotypes, and 1 folding lithographed map of the Surinam River by W.L. Loth. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
ABC_48374: MARTIN, Cornelis and Pieter BALTEN (illustrator and publisher). - Les genealogies et anciennes descentes des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandre, avec brieves descriptions de leurs vies et gestes le tout recueilly des plus veritables, approvees et anciennes croniques et annales qui se trouvent...Antwerp, (colophon: Andre Bax for) Pierre Balthasar (also known as Pieter Balten), [1580]. Folio. With an engraved title-page, a full-page engraved plate with the dedication, a full-page engraved plate showing the coats-of-arms of the Foresters of Flanders and the counts of Flanders and a map of Flanders, a full-page engraving showing verse below an allegorical scene of death, 40 full-page engraved portraits of the Foresters and Counts of Flanders, 30 small coats-of-arms in the text, and numerous woodcut decorated initials. All illustrations (except for the initials) are expertly coloured by hand. Contemporary parchment, sewn on 4 supports laced through the joints, with remnants of green closing ties.
19543: MARTIN, Grégoire. - Lettres instructives et curieuses sur l'éducation de la jeunesse. ...[Grenoble, for the author], 1760. 12mo. Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco richly gold-tooled spine, ornamental borders on sides, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges.
6739: MARTINET, Jean. - Emblesmes royales a Louis le Grand.Paris, Claude Barbin, 1673. 8vo. With 60 numbered half-page engraved emblems and one unnumbered emblem on extra inserted leaf. Modern marbled boards.
A2REGMTH4G5B: MARTÍNEZ, Crisóstomo (Chrysostomus). - [Nouvelles figures de proportions et d'anatomie du corps humain].[Paris, engraved ca. 1687/88]. 71 x 53.5 cm. An extremely large engraved anatomical print (plate size 69 x 52.5 cm; engraved image 68.5 x 51.5 cm). In a passe-partout, under glass in a wooden frame painted black with the inside edge gilt (92 x 73 cm).
G7VBJ0FKWOQZ: MARTINI, Martino. - Tartaros en China, historia.Madrid, Joseph Fernadez de Buendia for Lorenço de Ibarra, 1665. Small 8vo (14.5×10 cm). Late 18th-century gold-tooled mottled goatskin.
LALAD7L9DY67: MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). - Opus quibuslibet aromatariis: necessariu[m]. Mesue in vulgare rescripto. Primo che se rechercha allarte della aromataria como se conosseno le medicine simplice & composte li quattro canone p[er] arte in vulgare declarate alla antidotario: li dubie al configere qlle resolute.[Napels or Venice, ca. 1500?]. 4to (14.5 x 19.8 cm). Half calf over marbled boards [ca. 1900], gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled red spine label, red sprinkled edges.
L7NAYKM7EWW1: MASAWAIH al-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). - De re medica libri tres, Jacobo Sylvio interprete.Lyon, Guillaume Rouillé (colophon: printed by Philibert Rollet), 1550. 8vo. With Rouillé’s woodcut device on the title-page (eagle on a globe, flanked by 2 snakes), numerous woodcut decorated initials, and an arabesque decoration below the colophon. 19th-century marbled boards, manuscript spine label.
L7NA2E7L5WJB: MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). - De re medica libri tres. Jacobo Sylvio medico interprete. Cum annotationibus & scholiis eiusdem. Index locupletissimus cum capitum, tum omnium quae scitu digna sunt operi praefixus est.“Paris” [= Venice], [Girolamo Scotto], 1553. 8vo. With Scotto’s woodcut device on the title-page (showing what are probably two of the wild mares of King Abderus being devoured by the mares of King Diomedes of Thrace devouring either Abderos or Diomedes himself) and about 22 woodcut decorated (nearly all pictorial) initials (7 series) plus a few repeats. Contemporary vellum, traces of ties.
ABC_46568: [MASCARENHAS, Jose Freire de Monterroyo]. - Noticia da destruiçam da Armada Argelina, que foya Turquia buscar soccoro para sitiar Oran por mar, e terra.Lisbon, Pedro Ferreira, 1733. 4to. Disbound
ABC_46569: MASCARENHAS, Jose Freire Monterroio. - Oran conquistado ou relacam histórica, em que se dà noticia desta Praça, da sua conquista, e da sua perda, e restauraçaõ, colhida de varios avizos, e dedicada ao excellentissimo senhor D. Domingos Capecelatro, Marquez de Capecelatro, filho dos excellentissimos Duques de Siano, do Conselho de Sua Magestade Catholica na sua Camara de Indias, e seu Embayxador na Corte de Portugal.Lisbon, Pedro Ferreira, 1732. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With a full-page woodcut map of Oran and surrounding forts, a letterpress siege plan representing troops with typographic ornaments.With: (2) MASCARENHAS, Jose Freire Monterroio. Oran conquistado, e defendido, relaçam historica em que se referem diariamente os successos militares, que tem havido depois da conquista desta Praça, no seu territorio, ate a Armada Real del Rey Catholico se recolher aos portos de Hespanha. Parte II.Lisbon, Pedro Ferreira, 1733. Half mottled calf (ca. 1785?), gold-tooled red morocco spine label.
ABC_45752: MASCARENHAS, José Freire de Monterroio. - Noticia da viagem, que fez segunda vez ao estado da India o ... senhor Marquez do Louriçal, e primeiros progressos do seu governo.Lisbon, Luiz Jozé Correa Lemos, 1742. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With a Maltese cross on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece and a woodcut decorated initial. Later marbled stiff paper wrappers, new endpapers.
L52FKKATLOQT: MASON, Charlotte. - The lady’s assistant for regulating and supplying the table; being a complete system of cookery. Containing the most select bills of fare, properly disposed, for family dinners of five dishes to two courses of eleven and fifteen ... likewise directions for brewing, making English wines ... the ninth edition, enlarged, corrected, and improved to the present time.London, printed by T. Gillet for Vernor and Hood [and many others], 1805. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked.
3785: MASSA, Niccolò. - Liber de morbo Gallico: noviter editus: in quo omnes modi possibiles sanandi ipsum: mira quadam & artificiosa doctrina continentur: ... Addita est epistola ad eximium Thomam Cademustum in qua quamplurima ad perfectionem operis totius, & multarum aliarum egritudinum curam leguntur.(Colophon: Venice, Francesco Bindoni, Maffeo Pasini, May) 1536. 4to. With title in a woodcut architectural border showing 4 charming monsters, 6 sentries and a winged putto. 19th-century panel-stamped and blind-tooled parchment.
J8FGMHIR9IUV: MASSARD, Jacques. - Divers traitez sur les panacées, ou remedes universels, et sur les abus de la medecine ordinaire. ... Seconde edition augmentée par l’auteur.Amsterdam, Johannes & Gillis Janssonius van Waesberge, 1686. 16mo. Contemporary boards.
ABC_45851: MATHAM, Jacob (engraver), Hendrick GOLTZIUS (artist) and Cornelius SCHONAEUS (author). - Andromeda.[Haarlem, Hendrick Goltzius,] 1597. 26.7 x 37 cm. Copper engraving.
89PGECXLIWS6: MATTEI, Giuseppe. - Compendio della storia della persecuzione mossa contro la Cattolica religione nell' impero della Cina l'anno del signore MDCCLXXXIV.Florence, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1789. 8vo. Contemporary (?) vellum.
ABC_45717: MATTHIAS, Johannes (Johannes Matthiae Gothus). - Copie van een brief van Joh. Matthias Luthers bisschop in Sweden aen de koningh van Sweden inde welcke hy Sijn Majesteyt versoeckt, de Kerckelijcke eendracht onder de evangelische, te willen promoveren. Uyt het Latijn over gheset.1656. 4to. Modern boards.
K79A8RA7BDDI: MATTIOLI, Pietro Andrea and Antoine DU PINET (transl.). - Les commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medicin Senois, sur les six livres de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbéen de la matiere medicinale.Lyon, Pierre Rigaud, 1620. Folio. With the title-page printed in red and black, a woodcut author's portrait (repeated on the last page) and 1478 woodcuts in text. Early 20th-century(?) half sheepskin parchment.
G59JD701U79O: MAU, August. - Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji … Mit 20 Tafeln in einer Mappe. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1882. 1 text volume & 1 portfolio with plates. 8vo (text volume) and 1mo (plates portfolio 53 x 43 cm). With 20 large numbered plates showing Pompeii wall paintings in situ, mounted on card stock, loose in a separate portfolio with letterpress title-leaf and contents leaf: 9 sepia collotypes (21 x 16 to 26.5 x 24.5 cm) and 11 chromolithographs (21.5 x 19 to 37 x 36 cm), no. 18 actually comprising 7 small chromolithographs on 1 card, each plate with a letterpress label on the back; and 7 black and white floor plans in the text. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment (text); contemporary blue half cloth portfolio (plates).
G57GEMOOUCTS: MAUGENDRE, Adolphe. - Société anonyme des mines et fonderies de zinc de la Vieille Montagne[.] Album de 30 vues.Paris, (printed by Auguste Bry), 1850-1851. Oblong 1mo (55.5 x 38.5 cm). Tinted lithographed title-page and 30 tinted lithographed plates (55.5 x 38.5 cm, one slightly smaller: 35 x 50.5 cm), all in fine contemporary hand-colouring. Loose in modern clamshell box.
S269: MAUNDRELL, Henry and G. MUNTENDAM (translator) - Reize van Aleppo naar Jeruzalem, op Paasschen, in 't jaar 1698.Utrecht, Willem van Poolsum, 1705. 4to. With engraved frontispiece and 9 engraved plates (including 5 folding). Later half vellum, marbled sides.
L4OB7O34I76D: [MAURITS, Prince of Orange]. - Clare af-beeldinghe, ofte effigien, der voornaemste conspirateurs, staende op het lichaem vande hoofdeloose Arminiaensche slange. Waer in vertoont word hoe den orangien boom, mitsgaders religie ende justitie (in spijt van 't bedrogh, en den vervallen boom) door de strael Gods, beschermt word.Utrecht, Jan Amelisz. (printed by Jan Adrieansz. in Amsterdam), 1623. 1mo. Broadsheet (41 x 31 cm), with engraved illustration (16 x 22.5 cm), letterpress title at the head and a letterpress poem in 3 columns below.
L3SD9JQYNXC1: [MAURITS, Prince of Orange]. - Clare verthooninghe, ofte af-beeldinghe des gantschen handels deser schrickelijcke ende moordadighe conspirateurs, (jeghens den heere Prince van Orangien, mitsgaders den staet ende wel-varen van 't land) vervaetende het begin , totten eynde haerder justitien toe.Utrecht, Jan Amelissz., 1623. 1mo. Broadsheet (40 x 31.5 cm), with engraved illustration (15 x 25.5 cm) below the title, and a letterpress dialogue in verse in three columns plus and explanation of the plate, below.
G51FJXNTU56Q: [MAURITS VAN NASSAU]. - Placcaet by den hoochgheboren Grave Maurits van Nassau, ende ... mijnen heeren vanden Rade van State: waer-mede verboden wordt de navigatie ende coophandel op Spangnien, Portugael ende alle andere eylanden ende plaetsen onder de ghehoorsaemheyt des Conincks van Spangnien wesende. Delft, Aelbrecht Hendricksz., 1585. 4to. Disbound.
B1LDK9U3DHU9: MAURITS, Prince of Orange. - [Declaration for Jan de Roo].[The Hague], 4 December 1589. 1mo (41 x 31.5). Document written in brown ink on one side of a whole sheet of paper in an upright gothic cursive hand, with the autograph signature "Maurice de Nassau" and with his armorial seal (3 x 2.5 cm) stamped on a slip of paper over red sealing wax. With (separately added) Maurits's signature clipped out of another document and mounted on a paper slip.
ABC_46286: MAURY, William Lewis & Silas BENT. - Sailing directions and nautical remarks; by officers of the late U.S. naval expedition to Japan, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry.Including (with a divisional title): Fac-simile of the original treaty with Japan, with the English version.Washington, A.O.P. Nicholson, public printer, 1857. Large 4to (ca. 29.5 x 23 cm). With a large folding map of the coast of China and of the Japanese and other islands, including the Marianas and the Philippines; and the facsimile of the 14-page treaty in Japanese printed on both sides of 7 integral leaves, with the English text printed letterpress on both sides of the following leaf. Original publisher’s half purple cloth, Spanish-marbled paper sides (grey with red, blue, black, yellow and white veins), letterpress paper label with the title in a built-up decorative border on the front board: "Sailing directions for the coasts of Japan and China".
ABC_47017: 'AMMAR IBN 'ALI AL-MAWSILI (Max MEYERHOF, translator). - Las operaciones de catarata de 'Ammâr ibn 'Alî al-Mausilî. [= The cataract operations of ... = Les opérations de cataracte de ... = Die Staroperationen des ...]El Masnou (Barcelona province), Laboratorios del Norte de España, 1937. Large 8vo. With the text printed in Spanish, English, French and German, each with its own title-page and each with some passages in Arabic (set in Arabic type). With 6 photographs of the original Arabic manuscript bound at the end of the book. The main text for each language opens with a coloured decorated initial, mounted on the first page. With the device of the Laboratorios del Norte de España at the end. Original publisher's printed wrappers.
H6MDSNXPK29V: MAYEUX, F. J. - Les Bédouins, ou Arabes du désert. Ouvrage publié d'après les notes inédites de Dom Raphaël, sur les mœurs, usages, lois, coutumes civiles et religieuses de ces peuples.Paris, Ferra jeune, 1816. 3 volumes. 12mo. With 24 steel engraved plates, coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary long-grained gold-tooled red morocco, each board with fillets and decorative frames, decorations on the raised bands, gilt edges.
23251: MAZZELLA, Scipione. - Sito, et antichita della citta di Pozzuolo, e del suo amenissimo distretto …Naples, Tarquinio Longo for Giorgio Varisco (part 1) and Bartholomeo Carampello (part 2), 1606. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). With 3 title-pages, a large folding woodcut map with letterpress title and text (the woodcut itself 17 x 24.5 cm) showing Pozzolo and the surrounding area (omitted in some copies), 15 woodcut illustrations (plus 4 repeats) in text. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment.
21791: MAZZOTTA, Benedetto. - De triplici philosophia naturali, astrologica, et minerali. In quibus differit cohaerenter de elementis, & variis mixtorum proprietatibus. ... Opus theol. philos. medicis, chymicis, & astrologis jucundum, ac simul utile.Bologna, Giovanni Bapttista Ferroni, 1653. 4to. With an engraved heraldic and allegorical frontispiece drawn and engraved by Bartolomeo Coriolano with the arms of the dedicatee Hipolyto Cattaneo, a full-page engraving (with 7 figures) on an integral leaf, and 2 engraved illustrations and 2 woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards covered with a vellum leaf from a 16th-century(?) plain-chant manuscript antiphonary.
ABC_47354: MCCOMBIE, Thomas. - The colonist in Australia; Or, the adventures of Godfrey ArabinLondon, George Slater, 1850. Small 8vo. Title on binding in woodcut border, vignettes depicting Australian rural sceneries. Publisher’s original green paper boards.
I18DA1ERKAY8: MCFARLAND, Samuel Gamble, ed. - Siamese hymnal.Phetchaburi (in Thailand), Samuel Gamble McFarland, 1876. 8vo. With Western round-head letterpress music notation. Set in Thai type with incidental roman. This copy with the letterpress presentation slip on blue paper tipped in (from McFarland and his wife), for people who contributed to the project. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, probably bound for presentation.
K7GECAQNM0IK: MCLACHLAN, Robert. - A monographic revision and synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European fauna.London, John van Voorst; Berlin, Friedländer (colophon: printed by Napier, London), 1874-1880. Royal 8vo (25 x 17.5 cm). With 59 lithographed plates. Contemporary half calf.
F28F4U7YDX9D: MEARES, John. - Tvänne resor från Ostindien till Americas nordvåstra kust, åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.Stockholm, printed by J.S. Ekmanson for I. Utters, 1797. 8vo. 19th-century half scheepskin, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, marbled sides.
GA1LWVIQL20B: [MECCA - PAPER CARAVAN CUT-OUTS]. - Carawane nach Mecca. Vienna, Matthias Trentsensky (printed by E. Sieger), ca. 1855. Oblong folio (25 x 40 cm). With 19 (of 24) numbered leaves containing about 135 lithographic pen-drawings, each drawing including a base so that one can cut them out, paste them on card stock, stand them up and arrange them in three-dimensional scenes. Loose leaves in a later paper folder.
K6RH3H862BN4: MECHELEN, Hans van. - Perill[ust]ri. ac reverend[issimo]. d[omi]no D. Michaeli Ophovio ex. ord. praedic. Episcopo Buscoducensi S. Dominicum Gusmannum eiusdem ordinis fundatorem D.D.[Antwerp], Hans van Mechelen, [ca. 1629]. 24mo (11 x 7 x 0.6 cm). Wholly engraved print series printed on vellum, comprising an engraved title-page and 12 engraved scenes from the life of Saint Dominic. The title-page cartouche and all 12 scenes coloured by a 17th-century hand and highlighted in gold. 17th-century richly gold-tooled armorial black morocco, each board with a Lante della Rovere coat of arms, with a marquis's crown, in an elaborate frame built up from fillets and rolls, with further decorative stamps between the frame and arms, the smooth spine with 2 crowned eagles (centred in the lower and the upper half) and various abstract decorations, gold-tooled board edges: in total hundreds of impressions of dozens of stamps, rolls and fillets.
ABC_47229: [MEDICAL MANUAL AND RECIPE BOOK]. - Examen: vor ein neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, daß er in seinem examen bestehet, und wohl erfunden wird, so muß er dieses alles auswendig lernen, daß er antworten kann, über dasjenige was ihm gefragt wird. Anno 1806.Franconia and Alsace (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg), 1800-1826. 4to (17 x 23 cm). German (and Latin) manuscript by various hands. Contemporary boards with vellum corners and modern cloth spine.
K8L0EZ7PGV23: [MEDICINE - RECIPES]. - Recepten boek.[The Netherlands], album [ca. 1700], written [ca. 1720] to 1758 or possibly later. Large agenda 8vo (20.5 x 12 cm). Manuscript in dark brown ink on laid paper, with 1 printed and 10 manuscript slips with recipes loosely inserted (late 18th & early 19th centuries). Recased ca. 1720 in its own original ca. 1700 blind-tooled parchment, with a large centrepiece on each board.
21723: MEERBEECK, Adriaan de. - Theatre funebre ou sont representéez les funerailles de plusieurs princes et la vie, trespas, & magnifiques obseques de Albert Le Pie de tres haulte memoire Archiduc d'Autrice, Duc de Bourgoigne, Brabant, &c. faicts a Bruxelles le 12. de Mars, 1622.Brussels, Ferdinand de Hoeymaker [printed by Henrick van Hastens in Louvain], 1622. 8vo. With a small woodcut decoration on the title-page and a full-page woodcut representing a “chapelle ardente” on the verso; a large folding woodcut plate with two horses, one dressed as a “cheval de bataille” and the other as used “à la pompe funebre du ... Archiduc”. Further with 3 woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and 2 woodcut factotums. Contemporary vellum, remnants of ties.
5625: MEESTER, Andries de (Andreas DEMETRIUS). - Der Griecken opganck ende onderganck.Dordrecht, Isaac Jansz. Canin, 1599. 4to. With the opening words of the title printed from a woodblock, a fine engraved biblical scene with a Latin motto apparently intended as Ecclesiastes 10:8 (a warning of the consequences of injustice) on title-page, and a folding engraved map of Ancient Greece by Joannes van Doetecum (not included in all copies). Contemporary gold-tooled calf.
K7DCHTEY7RY6: [MEIBOM, Anna]. - Relation veritable de l'horrible et detestable assassinat commis en la personne de Mr. De Schade, conseiller et resident du Roi de Pologne a la cour de Dannemarc; avec les cruelles persecutions & les injustices criantes, qui lui ont été faites pendant son sejour a Copenhague, & qu'on a continué d'exerces après sa mort contre sa veuve.Utrecht, widow of Ernestus Voskuyl, 1713. 8vo. With a woodcut vase of leafy flowers on the title-page, a woodcut decorated initial, Contemporary tanned half sheepskin.
H8DFLVKBKMKQ: MEIJLAN, Germain Felix. - Japan. Voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat ryk, byzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky.Amsterdam, M. Westerman & son, 1830. 8vo. With engraved title-page with hand-coloured vignette lightened with gold and 2 folding aquatint plates. Modern green half cloth, with the front of the original letterpress-printed wrappers mounted on front board and the back wrapper loosely inserted.
ABC_46189: MEIJLAN, Johann Leonard. - Atlas portatilis coelestis. Oder Compendiöse Vorstellung des gantzen Welt-Gebäudes in den Anfangs-Gründen des wahren Astronomie...; sondern auch zugleich daraus, sich einen bessern Begriff von dem wahren Fundament sowol der Geographie als Schiffahrt zueignen kan.Nürnberg, Johann Christoph Weigel, printed by Johann Ernst Adelbulner, 1723. Large 8vo. With a double-page title-page printed in red and black and XXVIII (38) engraved plates (1 double-page) with celestial maps, globes, armillary spheres and astronomical diagrams and constellations, coloured by a contemporary hand and tipped onto the fore-edge, folding out so that they can be viewed while reading the book. Contemporary calf.
5771: MELA, Pomponius. - De situ orbis Hermolai Barbari fideliter emendatus. [Venice], (colophon: printed by Albertino da Vercelli, 14 May 1502). Small 4to (20.5 x 15.5 cm). With printed guide letters left for manuscript initials (not filled in). Gold-tooled red half sheepskin (ca. 1820?).
I47G92YWY32F: MELDER, Gerard. - Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive... By-gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons...Amsterdam, Johannes van Waesberge, 1664. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece (dated 1658 from the first edition), folding letterpress table, 41 numbered woodcut illustrations in text (31) and on inserted leaves (10), numerous unnumbered woodcut illustrations in text, and 2 folding woodcut plans, signed A and B, in the Appendix. Contemporary vellum.
6454: MELDER, Gerard. - Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive. Een compagnie, een regiment, een leger te voet en te peert te logeren, en in verscheyde soorte van bataillons te stellen… By gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons, met een korte wederlegginge der sustenu van H. Ruse over de hedendaeghsche fortificatie.Utrecht, Jan van Waesberge, 1658. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved title-page, letterpress title-page, 13 woodcut folding fortification plans, and numerous woodcut illustrations and figures in text. Contemporary vellum.
3941: MELLINUS, Abraham. - Eerste deel van het groot recht-ghevoelende Christen martelaers-boeck ...Dordrecht & Amsterdam, Isaack Jansz. Canin & Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1619. Folio. With an engraved title-page and 106 very vivid woodcut illustrations of tortured and/or executed martyrs (several repeats), the text alternately set in roman and gothic type. 17th- or 18th-century gold-tooled calf, sewn on 6 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a red morocco title label lettered in gold in the second compartment, with remnants of ties.
E45FGGE8HFA5: [MELON, Steven]. - Attestatie, hoe sich den vice-admirael Isaac Sweers gequeten heeft in de Zee-slag op den 14. Juny, 1673. Amsterdam, Hieronymus Sweerts, 1673. 4to. 19th-century wrappers.
22355: MELON, Jean-François. - Mahmoud le Gasnevide, histoire orientale. Fragment traduit de l'Arabe, avec des notes.Rotterdam, Jean Hofhoudt, 1730. 8vo. Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spine, boards, board edges and turn-ins, both boards with the gold-tooled coat of arms of Louis Marie Alexandre, Duc d'Aumont, gilt edges.
I6SGNAXC56TL: [MELYN VAN DOORNINCK, Cornelis?]. - Amsterdams Dam-praetje, van wat outs en wat nieuws en wat vreemts.Amsterdam, Jan van Soest, 1649. 4to. With woodcut illustration on title-page, repeated as tailpiece. Modern half sheepskin parchment.
I6SFLAQJWXDP: [MELYN VAN DOORNINCK, Cornelis?]. - Amsterdams tafel-praetje, van wat goets en wat quaets en wat noodighs.Gouda, Jasper Cornelisz, 1649. Small 4to (20 x 14 cm). Modern half vellum.
18006: MENASSEH Ben Israel. - De creatione problemata XXX: cum summariis singulorum problematum, & indice locorum Scripturae, quae hoc opere explicantur.Amsterdam, the author, 1635.With: (2) MENASSEH Ben Israel. De resurrectione mortuorum libri III. Quibus animae immortalitas & corporis resurrectio contra Zaducaeos comprobatur: caussae item miraculosae resurrectionis exponuntur: deque judicio extremo, & mundi instauratione agitur...Amsterdam, the author, 1636. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down.
ABC_47242: MENDES DE VASCONCELOS, Luís. - Arte militar dividida em tres partes. A primeira ensina a peleijar em campanha aberta, a segunda nos alojamentos, & aterceira nas fortificaçoes. Com tres discursos antes da arte ...Alenquer, Vicente Alvarez, 1612. Small folio (20 x 27.5 cm). With 13 letterpress folding plates, woodcut initials and diagrams in the text. Later stamped cream morocco by Antonio Possas of Porto (with his ticket).
ABC_47104: MÉNESTRIER, Claude-François. - Abbregé methodique des principes heraldiques ou du veritable art du blason.Lyon, Benoist Coral, 1665. 12mo. With an engraved title-page (still dated 1661, as in the first edition), a double-page engraving of the coronation of Charles I, King of Naples and Sicily, and 8 (of 10) engraved plates with a total of 209 (of 293) figures, nearly all coats of arms, with all plates coloured by a contemporary hand. Also with small woodcut coats of arms in the text. Polished gold-tooled tan calf (ca. 1840/49) by F. Koehler.
ABC_47155: MENGIN, Felix. - Geschiedenis van Egypte, onder de regering van Mohammed-Ali of verhaal der staatkundige en militaire gebeurtenissen, die plaats gehad hebben sedert het vertrek der Franschen tot in 1823.Amsterdam, Johannes Christoffel van Kesteren, 1828. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 8 engraved plates and 2 engraved folding maps. Contemporary half sheepskin, marbled sides, red morocco spine label with title in gold.
K4HGJ1CLPW9E: [MENORCA]. - La ilustre junta provincial de sanidad de la isla de Menorca.[Menorca], 15 March 1861. Folio (42.5 x 30.5 cm). Broadside with a wood-engraved border, the wood-engraved royal coat of arms of Spain at the head and a woodcut map of Mahon in the centre of the certificate. With on the verso three manuscript statements (in French, English and Portuguese), signed and stamped.
ABC_47124: MENOU, Jacques-François ("Abdallah") de Boussay de. - Copie de l’ordre du général en chef ... 5 Fructidor an 8 [= 23 August 1800] [and six more to] 16 Brumaire an 9 [= 7 November 1800].Cairo, Imprimerie Nationale, [23 August - 7 November 1800]. Folio (22 x 31.5 cm). 8 sets of regulations issued in 10 weeks, printed in French and Arabic in two parallel columns, each set with 2 to 24 pages. Each with a drop title with a woodcut vignette (either of 2 different blocks) representing the French Republic personified as Marianne with the motto "Liberté Egalité".
ABC_46222: MENOU, Jacques-François de Boussay de. - Ordre du jour, du 29 nivôse an 9 [19 janvier 1801].Cairo, Imprimerie nationale, [19 January 1801 CE =] 29 nivôse an IX. Small folio (21.5 x 31 cm). Printed in French and Arabic in two columns.
ABC_47125: MENOU, Jacques-François ("Abdallah") de Boussay de. - Proclamation aux habitans de l’Egypte. Cairo, Imprimerie Nationale, 6 brumaire an 9 [28 October 1800 CE]. Folio (141 x 42.5 cm). Five small oblong sheets, printed in French and Arabic in parallel columns, pasted together one above the other to form a single long broadside.
A5FCO31WXHOD: MERCKLEIN, Georg Abraham. - Neu ausgefertigtes historisch-medicinisches Thier-Buch in vier besonderen Theilen verabfasset; ... Wobei verschiedene, wieder allerhand Kranckheiten bewehrte Geness-Mittel: angezeiget.Nuremberg, Johan Friedrich Rüdiger, 1714. 8vo. With a double-page engraved frontispiece, engraved by Johan Lorentz Hönnig, a double-page letterpress title-page printed in red and black, and 95 engraved plates, each depicting several animals. Contemporary vellum.
ABC_45556: MERCURIALE, Girolamo. - Liber responsorum et consultationum medicinalium. Nunc primùm á Michaele Columbo collectus & in lucem editus.Basel, Conrad Valdkirch, 1588. With a woodcut arabesque tailpiece and decorated initials, a headpiece and other decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments.With: VALLERIOLE, François. Observationum medicinalium lib. VI. Denuo editi, & emendatiores quàm antea in lucem emissi: in quibus multorum gravissimorum morborum historiae, eorundem causae, syntomata atque eventus, tum etiam curationes miro, utili & compendioso ordine describuntur.Lyon, Antoine Blanc [printed in Geneva?], 1588. With Blanc’s woodcut device on the title-page, woodcut decorated initials and headpieces built up from typographic ornaments. 8vo. 17th-century overlapping vellum over boards, manuscript title on spine.
21898: MERIAN, Matthäus. - Topographia Helvetiae Rhaetiae et Valesiae. Das ist, Beschreibung und eigentliche Abbildung der vornembsten Stätte und Plätz, in der hochlöblichen Eydgnoßschafft, Grawbündten, Walliß, und etlicher zugewanten Orten. [Frankfurt am Main], Matthäus Merian, 1642. Folio. With richly engraved title-page, 74 (of 76) engraved maps, plans and views on 54 (of 56) plates normally included the 1642 first edition (nearly all double-page) plus 1 large folding plate from the 1653 Anhang, and 67 additional engravings from the 17th and 18th century, including at least 16 by or after Merian. Altogether there are 3 general maps (1 of Germany and surroundings and 2 of Switzerland), 4 detail maps, and numerous city plans and views. Lacking the bird's eye view of Herisau and the second of two views of Neuchâtel. Tanned sheepskin (ca. 1700?), gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47838: MERIAN, Matthäus. - Theatrum Europaeum. Beschreibung aller Geschichten so sich 1617[-1718] zugetragen haben.Frankfurt am Main, Daniel Fievet, Johann Görlin et al., ca. 1633-1738. 21 vols. Folio (ca. 22 × 33.5 cm). With 19 (of 20) engraved title-pages, 1 engraved title vignette, 1 armorial plate, 646 (of 686) engraved views, plans, and maps, many folding or double-page-sized, 690 (of 692) engravings in the text (mostly portraits on interleaves), and several folding tables. Early 18th century full leather bindings with gold-tooled spines (titles and crown crest) and blind-tooled frame on the boards; slightly differing from vol. 16 onwards with gilt supralibros “Academ. Marburg.”.
K7DD2K8S694H: MERULA, Paulus. - Placaten ende ordonnancien op 't stuck vande wildernissen.The Hague, Beuckel Cornelisz. Nieulandt, 1605. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31 x 20 cm). With attractive engraved title-page (showing Diana, goddess of the hunt, a hunter and a falconer surrounding an elaborate cartouche together with hounds, birds of prey, and prey) and 2 double-page woodcut plates showing the castles of Teylingen and Warmond. Contemporary vellum.
18975: MESA, Sebastian de. - Jornada de Africa por el Rey Don Sebastian y union del reyno de Portugal a la corona de Castilla. Barcelona, Pedro Lacavalleria, 1630. 4to. Each page framed with thin printed rules. Contemporary gold-tooled leather (blackened and flaking), each board with the helmed and mantled arms of the Mazarin family in the centre.
20863: MESMER, Franz Anton. - Mémoire sur la découverte du magnétisme animal.Geneva & Paris, Pierre François Didot le jeune, 1779. Small 8vo. Later mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine with red morocco label, red sprinkled edges.
K8VDJ4FBG0KG: [MESOPOTAMIA]. [Indian Army General Staff]. - For official use only. Field notes. Mesopotamia. General staff, India. February 1917.Including: Index to field notes, Mesopotamia, 1917.Calcutta, Superintended government printing, 1917. Small 8vo. With 1 folding heliozincographed map of "Lower Mesopotamia", with some routes in red, and three folding letterpress tables. Original green cloth.
ABC_47726: [MESOPOTAMIAN CAMPAIGN]. - Critical study of the campaign in Mesopotamia up to April 1917. Part II - Maps.Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1925. 25 (of 26) folding maps, sketches etc., as always lacking the "Explanation of the Method of giving Map Co-ordinates adopted in Chapters XIII and XX". Original tan cloth map-case with original printed label to cover.
ABC_46255: MESUE the younger (MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI). - Opera. De medicamentorum purgantium delectu, castigatione, & usu, libri duo ...Venice, Lucantonio Giunta, 1581. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio (23 x 34 cm). With 39 woodcut illustrations in the text. Near-contemporary vellum, black morocco spine label with title in gold.
FAOEI9M1HTV7: [METEOROLOGY - HAIL STONE]. - Abbildung der Größe, u. ganz besondern Farbe der 6 Zoll langen, u. 3 Zoll diken Schlossen, von 2. bis 3. ll. schwer welche d. 13. August. 1802. . ..Nuremberg, Fr[au] Kraerin, Fr[au]. Daucherin, [1802]. 4to (20.5×17.5 cm). Engraved print on laid paper, coloured by a contemporary hand as published. Mounted on a piece of paper (ca. 1926?).
5459: METEREN, Emanuel van. - Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis Belgii sub quatuor Burgundis & totidem Austriacis principibus coniunctionem & gubernationem breviter. Turbas autem, bella et mutationes tempore regis Philippi, Carli V. Caesaris filii, ad annum usque 1598. plenius complectens, conscripta. [Cologne, A. Mylius, 1598]. Folio. With letterpress title-page in engraved border with scenes of trade and war (Verduyn, pl. XIV), additional engraved medallion portrait of the author mounted on blank back of title-page, by Hendrik Hondius the Elder, double-page engraved map of the Netherlands, by Frans Hogenberg and 22 engraved portraits on 19 plates. Contemporary vellum.
ABC_47140: METIUS, Adriaan Adriaansz. - Adriani Metii Alcmar. D.M. & professoris mathematici. Astrolabium, hoc est astrolabii utriusque accurata descriptio, eorundem fabricam, usumque in astronomia et geographia multiplicem complectens, ...Franeker, Ulderick Balck [for Hendrick Laurensz, Amsterdam], 1626. 8vo. With many woodcut geometrical and astronomical illustrations and figures in the text, a woodcut title vignette and woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum with remnants of ties.
ABC_47939: MEULEN, Daniël van der and Hermann von WISSMANN. - Hadramaut, some of its mysteries unveiled.Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1932. 8vo. With a folding map of the region as a frontispiece, a very large folding map (ca. 75 x 106 cm) in the back behind a blue cloth strip mounted on the inside of the back board, and numerous black-and-white photographic illustrations throughout. Original navy blue buckram.
ABC_47943: MEULEN, Daniël van der. - Aden to the Hadhramaut. A journey in South Arabia.London, John Murray, [1947]. 8vo. With a double-page map (printed on coated paper) signed: "drawn by M. W. Hawes from a sketch map by Prof. von Wissmann." and 91 black and white photographic illustrations. Original light grey/ beige cloth, with gold-lettering on the spine.
A3KBBFCAXE78: [MEUSNIER DE QUERLON, Anne-Gabriel]. - [Half-title:] Naufrage et retour en Europe de monsieur de Kearny.[Paris?, the author?, 1764?]. 8vo. With a headpiece built up from Fournier's rococo cast fleurons. Set in Fournier types, including decorated titling capitals. 20th-century decorated paper wrappers in lavendar, green and brown, red sprinkled edges.
74LECDH5VARZ: MEXIA, Pedro. - Coloquios o dialogos compuestos por el magnifico cavallero Pero Mexia, vezino de Sevilla, en los quales se disputan y tratan varias y diversas cosas de mucha erudicion y doctrina. Al illustrissimo senor don Perasan de Ribera Marques de Tarisa &c.Antwerp, widow of Martinus Nutius, 1561. Small agenda 12mo (14 x 6.5 cm). With Nutius's woodcut device on the title-page. 17th-century(?) blind-tooled overlapping vellum, each board with the coat of arms of the Landgrave of Hesse, gilt edges.
21533: [MEXICO]. - Traktaat van vriendschap, scheepvaart en handel, tusschen de Nederlanden, en de Vereenigde Staten van Mexico. | Traité d'amitié, de navigation et de commerce, conclu entre le Roi des Pays-Bas, et les États-Unis du Mexique.[Brussels], November 1828. 8vo. Sewn.
22384: [MEYER von SCHAUENSEE, Maurus]. - Lettres familieres sur la Carinthie et la Stirie, adressées a madame Bianchi, de Bologne. Par un officier général Français, prisonnier de guerre en Autriche. 1799.Leoben (Austria) and Paris, Louis-François Prault, an IX [= 1800/01]. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page. Contemporary green half calf, gold-tooled spine.
EBNCC8MWLRBM: MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. - Abregé chronologique de l'histoire de France. ... Divisé en six tomes.Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1673-1674. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe and full-page engraved portrait of Louis XIV by A. Zylevelt in volume 1, 61 engraved portraits of French rulers in text.With: (2) MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. Histoire de France avant Clovis. Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1688. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe. 2 works in 7 volumes. 12mo. Uniform polished, crushed, gold-tooled red morocco by the leading Brussels bookbinder Charles DE SAMBLANX (1855-1943).
G41CT045EWHY: MICHAELIS, Johann David. - Recueil de questions, proposées à une société de savants, qui par ordre de Sa Majesté Danoise font le voyage de l'Arabie.Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde; Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven & comp., 1774. 4to. Set in roman type with incidental Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac and 1 word in Coptic. Near-contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
J819ZDO6SPU3: MICHAELIS, Johann David. - Mosaïsch recht, of de ziel der wetten van Moses; ...Including: Byvoegsels en verbeteringen op het Mosaïsch recht, ... achter aan eenige byzonderheden over de oudste geschiedenisse der paarden en stoeteryen in Palaestine en de nabuurige landen, in zonderheid Aegypten en Arabien.Haarlem, Jan van Walré, 1781-1782 (parts 1-2); Jan Bosch, 1774-1776 (parts 3-6), 1778 (part 7). 7 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary, uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines.
LAUCKDNI1XAV: [MICHAUD = CREVECOEUR, Michel Guillaume Jean de (John Hector ST. JOHN)] - Reis door Opper-Pensilvaniën, en den staat van Nieuw-York; door Michaud. Uit het Fransch. In drie deelen ... Eerste deel [all published].Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. 8vo. With a large folding engraved map (ca. 50x35 cm.) by Amsterdam cartographer Cornelis van Baarsel (1761-1826), after the map in the French edition, of the north eastern United States. And with 2 engraved portraits of Native Americans. Modern brown half calf with marbled sides, with title-label on spine.
22388: MICHELENA Y ROJAS, Francisco. - Viajes científicos en todo el mundo, desde 1822 hasta 1842; durante los cuales fueron visitadas ... Dedicados a la nacion Venezolana.Madrid, I. Boix, 1843. 4to. With full-page author's portrait by Leopoldo Lopez, woodcut coat of arms on dedication, 12 full-page lithographed illustrations by J. Aragon after J. Abrial, and 2 large lithographed folding maps (showing Sydney and the route of the voyage). Contemporary gold-tooled half sheepskin.
K89CYTN2OJMB: MICHELIN, Jean Louis Hardouin. - Iconographie zoophytologique, description par localités et terrains des polypiers fossiles de France et pays environnants.Paris, P. Bertrand (back of title-page: printed by Fain & Thunot), 1840-1847. 4to. With 79 lithographed plates by Ludovic Michelin and Delarue fils. Contemporary half calf.
L5SFGVA3FPOD: MICHELOT, Henri. - De waare wegwyzer voor de stuurlieden en lootzen in de Middelandsche zee.Leiden, Johan Arnold Langerak (colophon at the end of the main text: printed by Jacques Gueryn, Paris; colophon at the end of the work: printed by Hendrik van Damme, [Leiden]), 1745. 4to. With a large engraved armorial headpiece above the dedication, a folding engraved plate, a letterpress folding table and an engraved volvelle. Contemporary boards, rebacked with calf.
ABC_47800: [MICROGRAPHY]. - S. Antonius cortinet si quaeris.[Italy, 17th century]. 11.3 x 7.7 cm. Brown ink, charcoal, and watercolour on vellum.
ABC_45242: MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERCA. - Middle East Studies Association Bulletin [8 issues].New York, Middle East Studies Association of North America, 1973-1978. 8 volumes.
ABC_47243: [MIDDLE EAST - WALL MAP]. - Mapah carta shel ha-mizrah ha-tikhon. (Carta's Map of the Middle East).[Jerusalem], Carta, 1973 121 x 92 cm. Colour-printed map (folded). Scale 1:20,000,000.
H8JA71UGQ5YY: MIERIS, Frans van. - Histori der Nederlandsche vorsten, uit de huizen van Beijere, Borgonje, en Oostenryk; welken, sedert de regeering van Albert, Graaf van Holland, tot den dood van Keizer Karel den Vyfden, het hooggezag aldaar gevoerd hebben.The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1732-1735. 3 volumes. Large folio (41 x 26.5 cm). With an engraved dedication page by Jan Wandelaar, a number of engraved vignettes and ca. 1000 engraved reproductions of both sides of coins and medals. Volume 1 with 2 letterpress folding genealogical tables. Lacking the frontispiece by Bernard Picart. Modern red half morocco.
21389: MIGNET, François Auguste Marie. - Het leven van Benjamin Franklin. ... Een volksboek, ter voorbeeld hoe men door eigen vlijt en deugd tot rijkdom en aanzien kan geraken.Deventer, A. ter Gunne, [ca. 1858]. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Contemporary gold- and blind-stamped cloth.
B3BB26BBNOWB: [MIGOEN, Jacobus Wilhelmi]. - Proeve des nu onlangs uyt-ghegheven drooms, oft t'samenspraack tusschen den coningh van Hispanien ende den Paus van Roomen. Met noch eenen anderen droom, contrarie den voorschreven. Mits gaders eene vermaninghe, aan alle vroome ende ghetrouwe vader-landers, hoe zij haar in dezer tijdt te draghen hebben (...). Beschreven door een lief-hebber aller menschen, maar in sonderheydt den Godt-zoeckeñ ende trou-hertighen in gheboorne dezer vrijer provincien. Door NISEMVOLBG472HC58A22W.[Gouda, J.W. Migoen, 1607]. 4to. Modern wrappers.
J7QC7ABMU1X7: MILDENHALL, John, John CARTWRIGHT and [Samuel PURCHAS (editor)]. - Oost-Indise voyagien van Johan Mildenhal en Johan Cartwright; onder veel avontuuren en opmerkelyke waarnemingen, (in de jaren 1599 en 1606) te water en te lande, gedaan na de landen van Persien en den Grooten Mogol.Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706. Folio. With an engraving on the title-page by Jan Goeree, 2 engraved illustrations in text and a woodcut tailpiece. Modern decorated cloth, dark blue title-labels.
ABC_45536: [MILITARIA - MAURITIUS]. CAMPBELL, Alexander. - [Warrant to authorize the occupation of a house for His Majesty's forces in Mauritius and Bourbon].Port-Louis, 24 June 1813. 4to. Manuscript warrant written in ink on paper, signed. Loosely inserted in a later orange paper folder.
8CFB37BBNOWB: [MILITARIA - JAPAN]. - De soldaten-school voor de Koninklijke Nederlandsche infanterie.[copy imprint:] The Hague & Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1833 (last leaf: Tokyo, Juij Masuda, 1856). 8vo. Printed from woodblocks on Japanese paper in the traditional Japanese manner on the outside of double leaves with the fold at the fore-edge. With woodcut Japanese text on the half title and last leaf. With an illustrated title-page printed on paper which has been dyed red, facing the half-title, showing three soldiers. Contemporary Japanese brown paper covers, side stitched and oversewn through 4 holes (near the head and near the foot and 2 holes between them). In a modern Japanese gold brocade cloth chitsu (folding case) with 2 bone fastenings and a brown paper label.
I7CG8L8E69GQ: [MILITARY UNIFORMS]. - [Military and quasi-military uniforms, portraits and scenes of battles, uprisings etc.].[Austria or Saxony?, ca. 1870?]. Large folio album (39 x 30.5 cm). With 84 large watercolour drawings (28 x 16 cm to 25.5 x 36 cm) on wove paper, with captions in German and/or French, mounted on the (ca. 1962) album leaves, and with the coat of arms of Von Lindeman(n) of Sachsen-Anhalt (in coloured gouaches plus gold) mounted on the first page. Early 20th-century(?) half tanned sheepskin.
I2KL46GGL54C: [MILITARY UNIFORMS]. - Uniformes des gardes d'honneur des différens corps dans les sept départemens de la Hollande; formés pour la réception de ... l'Empereur et Roi. ...| Uniformen van de gardes d'honneur, van de onderscheiden corpsen in de zeven départementen van Holland; opgericht tot de ontfangst van ... den Keizer en Koning. Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [1811]. Royal folio (42.5 x 32 cm). With 12 aquatint costume plates (plate size 32.5 x 23 cm), in the publisher's original hand-colouring, with the original tissue guard leaf tipped onto each plate. Recent boards, with the original plain paper wrappers laid down. Kept in a matching green half morocco clamshell box.
C7RFKWVT15U0: [MILITARY]. - Geometria of meetkonst ... Vestingbou of fortificatie ... [Artillerie]. [Netherlands, ca. 1750]. 3 related works in 1 volume. Folio. With numerous mathematical diagrams, fortification plans and measured drawings of artillery and ammunition, including 12 full-page watercolour drawings (3 fortification plans and 9 beautifully rendered canons) and many more watercolour drawings in the text. With a large folding fortification plan tipped in, a large folding artillery drawing loosely inserted, and several smaller drawings tipped in or loosely inserted. Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
A63FBXO3ZHUC: [MILITARY UNIFORMS]. - [De schutter- en jagerkorpsen. De legerkorpsen | Infanterie. De Oost- en West-Indische korpsen en marine | Kavallerie, artillerie, genie, etc.].[Utrecht, Johannes Paulus Houtman, 1831-1832]. 8vo (17.5 x 11.5 cm). 73 unnumbered lithographed prints plus 3 duplicates (leaf size 17 x 11 cm) with a brief caption in a round-hand script below each image, showing Dutch military personnel (including 1 woman) in their uniforms, the cavalry often shown on horseback and many others with flags, musical instruments, swords, firearms, backpacks, etc., coloured by a contemporary hand, probably for the publisher. Contemporary paperboard portfolio in a paperboard slipcase.
21817: MILIZIA, Francesco. - Principi di architettura civile. Finale, Jacopo de' Rossi, 1781. 3 volumes. 4to. With tables of proportion in text and on a large folding leaf, and 18 architectural measured drawings and perspective and other views of domes, pinnacles, arches, curves and spires on 8 full-page engraved plates, all bound in the third volume.Contemporary half sprinkled calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spines with black morroco spine labels, red sprinkled edges.With:(2) CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista. Indice delle figure relative al Principi di architettura civile di Francesco Milizia. Rome, Nella stamperia Salomoni, si vende da Giov. Pietro, 1800. 8vo. With numerous illustrations on 27 double-page plates, illustrating Milizia's work, showing architectural measured drawings and perspective and other views of buildings and details of buildings, theatres, bridges, gardens, etc., models of ornament and decoration, technical building instruments, building materials, etc. (10 plates for vol. 1, 12 plates for vol. 2, 5 plates for vol. 3). Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, red edges.
I4FA9EMN5JN2: MILLER, Moriz von. - Vorlesungen über die Feldverschanzungs-Kunst, in Verbindung mit dem Pionnier- und Pontonnier-Dienste, so wie über die stehende Befestigung und die Lehre des Angriffs und der Vertheidigung fester Plätze.Karlsruhe and Freiburg, Herder, 1831. 2 volumes. 4to. With 58 double-page lithographed plates, each displaying several figures, and both with a double-page lithographed title-page. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers.
3518: MILLER, John. - Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei, ... | An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus, ...London, published and sold by the author at his house ..., [1770-]1777. 3 volumes. Imperial folio (54 x 38 cm). Richly engraved frontispiece with medallion portraits of Miller and Linnaeus at the head, 3 identical engraved title-pages, 2 series of engraved botanical plates, each series printed from the same 104 plates, but that in volume 1 in proof-states and beautifully hand-coloured, that in volumes 2 & 3 in black and white with titles and imprints, and 4 further plates, numbered I-IV, showing 178 varieties of leaves, finely hand-coloured. With a full-page allegorical dedicatory pen and watercolour drawing for Queen Charlotte of England on the end-leaf before the frontispiece of the first volume, and a professionally lettered index covering all 3 volumes, specially made for this dedication copy, at the end of volume 3. Contemporary uniform gold-tooled mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
F7AF6ZYD4ZB1: MILLS, Charles. - Histoire du Mahométisme ... traduite de l´Anglais sur la deuxième édition ...Paris, Boulland et Cie, 1825. 8vo. With hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece (''L'Evèque ou Wladika''). Late 19th-century textured cloth, gilt edges.
J6GE9R96N5OK: MILLS, Charles. - An history of Muhammedanism: comprising the life and character of the Arabian prophet, and succinct accounts of the empires founded by the Muhammedan arms: an inquiry into the theology, morality, laws, literature, and usages of the Muselmans, and a view of the present state and extent of the Muhammedan religion.London, Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, booksellers (back of title-page: printed by Cox and Baylis), 1818. 8vo. Contemporary red half sheepskin.
ABC_47739: MIMOSO, João Sardina. - Relacion de la real tragicomedia ...Lisbon, Jorge Rodriguez, 1620. 4to. With the elaborate woodcut coat-of-arms of the dedicatee, the Duke of Braganza, on the title-page, and the woodcut coat of arms of Portugal and/or King Philip II of Portugal at the head of his dedication on leaf [6]r, all text is set within a double fillet frame, and with woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary parchment binding with manuscript title on spine.
KABDG0KNIIO2: [MINERAL SPRINGS – FRANCE]. - [30 scientific and promotional publications on mineral springs in France].France, 1870-1888. 30 works in 1 volume. 8vo. One work with 5 leaves with wood engraved illustrations and some others with an illustration on the title-page. Contemporary red half sheepskin, with gold fillets and title-label on spine, and the original wrappers of each work bound in.
ABC_46168: [MINERAL BATHS - BALNEOLOGY]. - De balneis omnia quae extant apud Graecos, Latinos, et Arabas, tam medicos quàm quoscunque caeterarum artium probatos scriptores: qui vel integris libris, vel quoquo alio modo hanc materiam tractauerunt: nuper hinc inde accurate conquisita & excerpta, atque in vnum tandem hoc volumen redacta. In quo aquarum ac thermarum omnium, quae in toto ferè orbe terrarum sunt, metallorum item, & reliquorum mineralium naturae, vires, atque vsus exquisitissime explicantur: indicibus quatuor appositis, ...Venice, (colophon:) heirs of Lucantonio Giunta [= Tomasso Giunta], 1553. Folio. With 5 full-page woodcuts with plans and views of mineral baths and a woodcut title vignette and initials. 18th-century vellum, manuscript title on spine.
ABC_48016: [MINIATURE BOOKS - DUTCH]. - Bibliotheek in miniatuur.Comprising:(1) De aardrijkskunde.(2) De gewijde geschiedenis.(3) Vaderlandsche geschiedenis.(4) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der viervoetige dieren.(5) De natuurlijke geschiedenis der vogelen.(6) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der insekten, kruipende dieren en visschen.(7) De kruidkunde.(8) Zedelijke verhalen.(9) Arabische vertellingen.(10) De mythologie.Amsterdam, M. Westerman, 1823. 10 volumes. Ca 7.7 x 6.5 cm. With 31 engraved plates and 5 engraved maps, including a folding world map. In the original pink and green cardboard case with glass lid, green printed paper wrappers, with cream paper dust jackets with the titles in manuscript on the front.
4617: [MINIATURE BOOK - ALMANACK - LONDON]. - London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1788.London, T. Carnan, [1788]. 24mo(?) (5.7 x 3.3 cm). With an engraved armorial title-page, 4 full-page engraved portraits, and a half-page engraved view. Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, the gold-tooled boards are beautifully decorated with a white morocco trellis-like (mosaic) pattern with red and green lozenge shaped morocco inlays, gilt edges, marbled endpapers.
4618: [MINIATURE BOOK - ALMANACK - LONDON]. - London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1851.[London, Company of Stationers, 1851]. 24mo(?) (5.8 x 3.3 cm). With a steel-engraved armorial title-page, a four-page steel-engraved view, and a steel-engraved half-page armorial vignette. Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled black morocco, both boards show a beautiful geometrical design of gold-tooled black, white, and green morocco, gilt edges, in a matching slipcase.
82NHM8O8K9DU: [MINIATURE - GERMAN]. - [The Arrest of Christ].[Flanders (Bruges?), or Nürnberg, ca. 1520]. Miniature painted on vellum (7.8 x 5.6 cm) in numerous colours, highlighted with gold and in a gold border, probably from a book of hours, but with no text.
ABC_46048: [MINIATURE BOOK - BIBLE]. - Kern des Bybels.The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1750. 128mo (or possibly 96mo) in 4s (4.5 x 3 x 1 cm). Title-page in red and black with a woodcut title-vignette (an open book on a shell, with decorations), 7 full-page (3.3 x 1.6 cm!) woodcuts depicting important scenes from the Bible (1 as frontispiece and 1 opening each of the 5 “books” and the appendix). Contemporary gold-tooled calf.
J8EGPDJNY5W9: MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. - Leerboek der artsenij-gewassen. Nieuwe uitgave, in verband met de Nederlandsche apotheek.Utrecht, Amsterdam, C. van der Post, 1859. 8vo. Original publisher’s boards covered with grey paper with printed title in ornamental border and shortened title on spine.
ABC_46258: [MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm.]. - Over de Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewaschen. [Rotterdam?, 1836?]. 4to. Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, written in Dutch in a small but neat Latin hand.With: [MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm?]. Pharmacie.[Rotterdam?, ca. 1845?]. 8vo. Manuscript in brown ink on wove paper, written in Dutch in a small but neat Latin hand. Near contemporary half cloth (impressed with a diamond diaper pattern), marbled sides (light brown unusual spots on dark brown shell spots, the interior of the unusual spots looking more like “tourniquet” or “Gustav” marbling than Stormont or “cassés”), sewn on 2 tapes. With the second manuscript never sewn or bound and loosely inserted.Together with: (2) MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. De Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke (back of title-page: printed by C.A. Spin), 1836-1837. 8vo. With 30 partly hand-coloured lithographed plates. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers over boards.
C1FF72F80OVG: MITTLER, Ludwig. - Taschenbuch für Cactusliebhaber. Auf neue Erfahrungen gestützte Kultur und Uebersicht der im teutschen Handel vorkommenden Cactuspflanzen.Leipzig, Ludwig Schreck, (colophon: printed by Friedrich Andrä), 1841. Small 4to or imperial 16mo (17.5 x 13 cm). With colour-printed frontispiece. Plain beige boards.
K15FD0MAD6FO: MIZAULD, Antoine. - Memorabilium, utiliu[m], ac jucundorum centuriae novem, in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulchrè digestae. Paris, Fédéric Morel, 1566. 8vo. With Morel's woodcut tree device on the title-page, 2 woodcut headpieces and 7 woodcut decorated initials (plus 3 repeats), the headpieces and initials in an unusually delicate design, finely executed. Set in italic types with the preliminaries in roman, and incidental Greek. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment.
J8FGVH9VVL9C: MIZAULD, Antoine. - Mizaldus redivivus. Sive centuriae XII memorabilium, utilium ac iucundorum in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulchre digestae.Nürnberg, Andreas Knorzius for Johann Zieger, 1681. Small 8vo. With allegorical frontispiece and some woodcut headpieces. Half vellum with black 19th-century paper sides.
ABC_46148: MODENE, Leo de; Abraham GODART (transl.); Richard SIMON. - Kerk-zeeden ende gewoonten die huiden in gebruik zijn onder de Jooden. Uit het Italiaans van Leo de Modene. ... Waar by noch een tweede deel is gevoegt, welkers opschrift is: Vergelyking de Joodsche Kerk-zeeden met de Leere der Kerke … door de Hr. Simonville, ende in ’t Nederduitsch vertaalt door A. Godart.Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1683.Including: (2) Richard SIMON; Abraham GODART (transl.). Vergelyking der Joodsche ceremonien of kerk-zeeden. ...[Amsterdam], Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1683.2 works in 1 volume, issued as 1. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, dated 1684, of a circumcision and 4 folding engraved plates (ca. 14 x 17 cm) of a Jewish wedding, a Jewish divorce, a refusal to marry the widow of your brother and a circumcision. Also with woodcut vignettes on the title-pages and woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine.
5423: [MODERN DEVOTION]. [VLIEDERHOVEN, Gerardus de]. - Quattuor novissima cum multis exemplis pulcherrimis & de terroribus mortis cum eterne beatitudis gloria.Deventer, Jacobus de Breda, 1502. 4to. With a woodcut illustration (9.5 x 8.5 cm) on title-page with the symbols of the four Evangelists.19th-century blind-tooled calf, title in gold on spine, preserving some contemporary endpapers but also with later ones.
ABC_47316: MOFFAT, James. - Vexation and strife.Kolkata (Calcutta), 1797. Oblong folio. Aquatint etching on paper (leaf: ca. 29 x 38 cm.; plate: 27 x 35 cm; illustration: 24.5 x 31.5 cm). Aquatint etching showing domestic scene of a couple fighting at a table, with a dark figure watching on in the background. Signed "Calcutta J M del. et sculp. 1797" and captioned "vexation and strife". Printed on laid paper made by James Whatman the younger, watermarked.
8ANA6AV03MLM: MÖKERN, Philipp van. - Ostindien, seine Geschichte, Cultur und seine Bewohner. Resultate eigener Forschungen und Beobachtungen an Ort und Stelle. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe.Leipzig, Hermann Costenoble, 1857. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
K7BC7632IMES: MOLDENHAWER, Johann Jacob Paul. - Beyträge zur Anatomie der Pflanzen.Kiel, Königlichen Schulbuchdruckerei (printed by C.L. Wäser), 1812. 4to. With 6 engraved folding plates, 3 partly handcoloured. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine, black spine label.
J7OB4TWBTW5J: MOLÉ, Joseph. - Épreuves de caractères Arabes, gravés et fondus par Molé Jeune, sous la direction de M. L. Langlès.Paris, (back of title-page: Imprimerie d'Éverat), 1823. 4to. Modern boards.
L81EGXE65DEO: MOLL, Herman. - The Turkish empire in Europe, Asia and Africa, divided into all its governments, together with the other territories that are tributary to it, as also the dominions of the Emperor of Marocco.London, Herman Moll, John Bowles, Thomas Bowles & John King, ca. 1730. A large engraved map in two sheets (61 x 101 cm as assembled) at a scale of about 1:7,100,000, with 3 insets containing 6 topographic and architectural views. Coloured.
K7GC4SIOL48M: MÖLLER, Christian Heinrich. - Lexicon Entomologicum, oder entomologisches Wörterbuch, in welchem alle in diese Wissenschaft einschlagende Begriffe und die in den Linneischen und Fabrizischen Schriften vorkommende Terminologien überstezt, erklärt und mit Beyspielen, nach beyden Systemen, erläutert werden.Erfurt, Georg Adam Keyser, 1795. 8vo. Contemporary blue boards.
23543: MOLLIEN, Gaspard Théodore. - Reis door de Republiek van Columbia, in het jaar 1823; ... Uit het Fransch vertaald door A. Bruggemans.Dordrecht, Blussé and Van Braam, 1825. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. With 6 lithographed plates (1 bound as frontispiece). Contemporary brown half roan, gold-tooled spine.
G6JD3MR1MSG6: MONLUC, Blaise, Seigneur de. - The commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc, Mareschal of France.London, Andrew Clark for Henry Brome, 1674. Folio. With engraved frontispiece full-length portrait of the author. Contemporary blind-tooled mottled calf. Expertly rebacked in similar blind-tooled calf.
ABC_46958: MONNERET DE VILLARD, Ugo. - Les couvents près de Sohâg (Deyr el-Abiad et Deyr el-Ahmar).Milan, Tipografia Pontif. Arciv. S. Giuseppe, 1925-1926. 2 volumes. 4to. With 222 numbered illustrations on coated paper (photographic half-tone views, and architectural plans reproduced sometimes in line and sometimes in half-tone) bound at the end of each volume, and numerous small line illustrations printed with the text. Contemporary half green cloth, beige paper sides, grey endpapers.
JC4CQCORXW8D: [MONS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Codex medicamentarius amplissimi senatus Montensis auctoritate munitus.Mons, Henri Bottin, 1755. 4to. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
I4E9GHIH388R: MONTALEMBERT, Marc-René de. - La fortification perpendiculaire, ou essai sur plusieurs manieres de fortifier la ligne droite, le triangle, le quarré, & tous les polygônes, ...Paris, Philippe-Denys Pierres, 1776-1778. 4 (of 5) volumes. Large 4to. With an engraved portrait of the author as frontispiece in volume 1 and with a total of 87 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47809: MONTANUS, Arnoldus. - De nieuwe en onbekende weereld: of beschryving van America en ’t Zuid-Land, vervaetende d’oorsprong der Americaenen en Zuidlanders, gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds,...Amsterdam, Jacob Meurs, 1671. Folio. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, 16 double-page engraved maps, including a large folding general map, 6 full-page engraved portraits, 32 double-page engraved views, including 2 large folding views of New Mexico and Mauritius, and 70 almost half-page engraved maps, views and illustrations in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black and contains Meurs' large engraved 'invidae prudentia victrix' device. Additionally, with a large, engraved head-piece showing Joann Maurits van Nassau's coat of arms on the first dedication leaf and with numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 2 series). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum binding.
E9LCYI7HNBLJ: [MONTE CARLO AUTOMOBILE RALLY]. - [A collection of manuscript documents, photographs, magazines and newspaper clippings concerning the 1937 Monte Carlo Automobile Rally]. [The Netherlands, Monte Carlo, etc.], 1937.
I929MB81DTUO: MONTFAUCON, Bernard de (editor). - Collectio nova patrum et scriptorum Graecorum, Eusebii Caesariensis, Athanasii, & Cosmae Aegyptii.Paris, Claudius Rigaud, 1707. 2 volumes. Folio. With 4 engraved plates, and 3 woodcut illustrations in the text. Each volume with an engraved headpiece, the first incorporating the coat of arms of Pope Clement XI, and the second that of Jean-Paul Bignon. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine and binding edges.
E6QC3MR6XH4W: MONTGÉRY, Jacques-Philippe Mérigon de. - Mémoire sur les mines flottantes et les petards flottans, ou machines infernales maritimes. Paris, Bachlier, libraire pour la marine (printed by De Fain), 1819. 8vo. With a finely engraved folding copperplate of a ship being blown up by a mine (16.5 x 17.5 cm). Lacking the half-title and the final leaf with the publisher's list of books, but with the folding plate, often lacking. Contemporary half tree calf, stormont marbled sides.
ABC_47509: MONTGOMERY WATT, William. - Muhammad at Mecca.Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953-1956. With: (2) IDEM. Muhammad at Medina.London, Clarendon Press, 1972.2 volumes. 8vo. With genealogical charts and tables. Original grey dust jacket with blue lettering over blue cloth, with the spine lettered in gold.
V2014: MONTHANS, P.J., Carl BRUZELIUS and Engelbert JÖRLIN. - Underrättelse om Hö-Slagen Avena elatior, Knyl-Hafre eller Fromental och Trifolium hybridum, ett nytt Klöwerslag.Lund, 1783. 4to. With a folding engraved plate. Disbound.
ABC_48326: MONTI, Giuseppe. - Catalogi stirpium agri Bononiensis Prodromus gramina ac hujusmodi affinia complectens ... Bologna, Constantinum Pisarri, 1719. 4to. With 3 engraved plates of plants (1 folding, 2 full-page), an engraved printer's device on the title-page, 2 woodcut initials, woodcut head- and tailpieces at the beginning and end of each chapter, and the title-page printed in red and black. Early 19th-century gold-tooled quarter black sheepskin, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, purple paste paper sides, yellow reading ribbon.
BC7DFM1IF05P: MONTULÉ, Édouard de. - A voyage to North America, and the West Indies, in 1817.London, for Sir Richard Phillips and Company, 1821. 8vo. With 5 plates (4 full-page engraved views, folding aquatint plate), 4 wood-engraved views in text. Later red half morocco.
ABC_46152: MOOR, Bartholomaeus de. - Veris oeconomiae animalis, seu potius humanae, principiis innixae pathologiae cerebri delineation practica: in qua morborum soporosorum, per notas characteristicas, distinction: nec non spasmorum accuratior distribution traditor.Amsterdam, Gerardus Borstius I, 1704. Small 4to. Title-page in red and black, with Borstius’s woodcut palm-tree device, woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and tailpieces. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with a centerpiece on each board, title in ink on spine.
K88FHDW38PMS: MOQUIN-TANDON, Alfred. - Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de France. Contenant des studes sur leur anatomie et leur physiologie et la description particulière des genres, des espèces et des variétés.Paris, Bailliere, 1855. 2 text volumes and 1 atlas volume. Royal 8vo. With 54 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf.
2158: MOREAU, Pierre. - Les Sainctes prieres de l'ame Chrestienne Escrites & gravées apres le naturel de la plume. Paris, I. Henault, 1656. Small 8vo. With fine engraved calligraphic title within architectural borders, engraved dedication to the Queen of France, 31 mostly full-page illustrations, some repeated, representing Christ on the cross, Mary with child, the Seven Deadly Sins, etc., and 179 engraved pages with calligraphed prayers within richly decorated borders with flowers, fruits, animals, insects, etc. Contemporary sharkskin, spine ribbed, with silver clasps including monogram.
21477: [MOREAU, Jacob-Nicolas]. - Lettres d'un François a un Hollandois au sujet des differends survenus entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne, touchant leurs possessions respectives dans l'Amerique Septentrionale.“Paris” [The Netherlands?], “P. La Rive”, 1755. 4to. Early 20th-century half cloth, with the original marbled wrappers bound in.
HCHBSH8HVNAB: MOREL, Pierre. - Methodus praescribendi formulas remediorum. Cum adjuncto materiae medicae systemate.Amsterdam, Casparus Commelinus, 1665. 12mo. With engraved title-page, showing the interior of a pharmacy, woodcut device on title-page and letterpress folding table. Contemporary vellum.
18877: MORELET, Arthur. - Voyage dans l'Amérique centrale, l'île de Cuba et le Yucatan.Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1857. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 pages of letterpress music, a folding lithographed map of Yucatan, Guatemala and Cuba, and 22 wood-engraved illustrations, after drawings by the author, heading each chapter. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, preserved in modern chemises and slipcase.
E12CZEQ58VPF: MORELL, Charles (pseudonym of James Kenneth RIDLEY). - The tales of the Genii; or the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar.London, printed for G. and T. Wilkie, 1786. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 2 letterpress title-pages and 14 engraved plates (including the 2 frontispieces) illustrating the various tales. Near contemporary, uniform calf (ca. 1800?), gold-tooled smooth spines in 6 fields, with a green (title) and red (volume) label in the 2nd and 4th fields, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins.
21427: MORELLET, André. - Prospectus d'un nouveau dictionnaire de commerce.Including: Catalogue d'une bibliotheque d'économie politique.Paris, Les freres Estienne, 1769. 8vo. Contemporary tan calf, gold-tooled spine, gold triple fillet border on both sides, gold fillet on board edges, gold-tooled turn-ins, decorative endpapers (block-printed in gold), edges gilt over marbling.
ABC_47593: MORÉNO Y MAÏZ, Thomas. - Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur l'erythoxylum coca du Perou et la cocaïne.Paris, A. Parent, imprimeur de la faculté de médecine, 1868. 4to. With a lithographic plate of coca leaves and 7 figures in the text showing the tension on the arteries after ingesting coca in various ways. Side stitched through 2 holes.
23333: MORIS, Giuseppe Giacinto and Giuseppe de NOTARIS. - Florula Caprariae sive enumeratio plantarum in insula Capraria vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum.Torino, Ex Regio Typographeo, 1839. Large 4to (31 x 23 cm). With 6 numbered engraved botanical plates. Publisher's original printed blue paper wrappers.
K5MA7TN6ZXX1: [MOROCCO - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. - Tractaat van vreede en commercie, geslooten tusschen sijne Majesteit den Keiser van Marocco en de … Staaten Generaal der Vereen. Nederlanden.Including:[drop-title:] Formulier van het pasport …[drop-title:] Translaat van de brief van Muley Abdala, Keiser van Marocco, …The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1777. Small 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. Disbound.
K6MD1SLCSTGK: MORRIS, Beverley Robinson. - British game birds and wildfowl.London, Groombridge and sons (colophon: Benjamin Fawcett), [binding: 1889]. 4to. With 60 hand-coloured lithographed plates by Bernjamin Fawcett. Original publisher's blue cloth, with title and decorations in gold.
K15FJGWIVXLF: MORT, Jacobus le. - Idea actionis corporum. Motum intestinum praesertim fermentationem delineans.Leiden, Frederik Haaring, 1693. 12mo. Contemporary vellum, blue edges.
ABC_45531: MORT, Jacobus le. - Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aa’s herald angel device on title-page.With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils.Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: “Le Mort opera omnia”.
ABC_45501: MORT, Jacobus Le. - Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aa’s herald angel device on title-page.With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils, Vander Aa’s woodcut herald angel device, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: “Le Mort opera omnia”.
F26BDJ01U79O: [MORTIER, David du (& son)]. - Nieuwe zak-atlas der Bataafsche Republiek, volgends derzelver tegenwoordige verdeling in departementen en ringen.Leiden, David du Mortier and Son, 1800. Narrow 8vo (16 x 6.5 cm). With 9 hand-coloured folding engraved maps (ca. 16 x 20 cm). Contemporary red half sheepskin, sprinkled sides.
5729: MORTIMER, George. - Engelsmannen Joh. Hindric Cox Resa Genom Söderhafvet Till On Amsterdam, Marien-Oarna, O-Taheiti, Sandvichs-och Räf-Oarna, Tinian, Unalaska och Canton i China.Nyköping, Peter Winge, 1798. With: (2) RISBECK, Gaspard. Bref, Rörande Tyskland, Scrifne af en resande Fransos til sin broder i Paris. Ofwersättning. Andra Uplagan. Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1797-1798. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half calf.
ABC_48370: [MOSAIC BINDING - BIBLE]. LEEMPUTTE, Henricus van den (editor). - Het nieuwe testament ons salighmaeckers Jesu Christi, mitsgaders: d'epistelen uit het oude testament, soo die door 't jaer in den dienst der H. Kercke gelesen worden.Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussen (for Niclaes Braau in Haarlem), 1696. 8vo. With 39 detailed woodcut illustrations in the text, and woodcut decorated initials and small printed manicules. The text is set in a Gothic letter, with incidental use of Roman type. Exquisite 18th-century gold-tooled multi-colour morocco mosaic binding. Gilt edges and green silk covered end papers.
K6RCD1W8TTAM: MOUCHERON, Isaac de. - Plusieurs belles, et plaisante veües et la cour de Heemstede, dans la Province d'Utrecht. | Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten van Heemstede, gelegen in de Provintie van Utrecht.[Amsterdam], Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1731/40]. Oblong 4to. With 26 numbered engraved plates, including the title-page. Slightly later half cloth.
ABC_46670: MOUCHERON, Isaac de. - Plusieurs belles, et plaisante veües et la cour de Heemstede, dans la Province d'Utrecht. | Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten van Heemstede, gelegen in de Provintie van Utrecht.[Amsterdam], Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1731/40]. Small oblong folio (22 x 32.5 cm). With 26 numbered engraved prints, including the title-page. 20th-century half vellum, marbled paper sides.
D54F2LUCAGWQ: MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. - Observations chronométriques faites pendant la campagne de circumnavigation de la corvette La Capricieuse, commandée par M. Roquemaurel, capitaine de vaisseau.Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1855. With 4 folding plates. With:(2) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Longitudes chronométriques des principaux points de la cote du Brésil, rapportées au premier méridien de Rio-Janeiro. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1863.(3) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Positions géographiques des principaux points de la cote orientale de l'Amérique du Sud comprise entre la Guyane Française et le Paraguay. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1868.3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary grained red half sheepskin.
E96DC5TINBLU: [MOUNTAINEERING]. - [A collection of brochures and folders on mountaineering].[Austria and Switzerland, ca. 1920- ca. 1980]. Ca. 653 brochures (including a few duplicates and variant issues).With: [A collection of books relating to mountaineering].[Globally, ca. 1830- ca. 2000]. Ca. 875 books (including a few duplicates and variant issues, and several multiple-volume titles).
ABC_47150: [MOUSSET, Louis-Marie and Louis-Savinien DUPUIS]. - Vocabulaire Français-Tamoul.Pondicherry, Imprimerie des Missionnaires Apostoliques de la Dite Congrégation, 1850. 8vo. With the text printed in two columns in roman and Tamil type. Contemporary speckled sheepskin, gold-tooled title label on spine, gold-tooled spine, blue sprinkled edges.
ABC_47565: MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, Joaquim. - Guia medica para prevenir, e tratar o cholera-morbo offerecida ao provedor, e irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericordia.Santos, Typographia commercial de G. Delius, 1855. With the title on the front wrapper set within a decorative frame and the front wrapper and the title page show the same decorative device, including medical instruments, books, the profile of a head with a name(?) in Greek letters. Original publisher's green wrappers.
ABC_47720: [MOVABLE DOLLS, subject]. - De weldadige Louize of het meisje in zesderlei gedaanten. Een onderhoudend geschenk voor meisjes. Met zeven gekleurde beweegbare plaatjes.Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Arum, [1828]. 12mo. One paper doll printed on cardstock plate with slits above left shoulder and below feet, into which tabs on six outfits printed on cardstock plates can be placed. Paper doll and outfits are hand-coloured. Rear paste-down functions as an envelope. Contemporary boards, upper board is printed with title and a decorative border. In custom box.
ABC_45889: MU'AMMAR, Sayid Ya'coub; B.L. STRACHAN. - Exchange of notes concerning an interest-free development loan by the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.London, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1970. 4to. With the UK coat-of-arms on title-page. Text in English and Arabic in naskh type. Stapled.
L8Q8Y7ATJR8W: MUHAMMAD ALI UTAY. - [Egyptian ABC book].[Cairo, ca. 1925]. 8vo. Illustrated throughout with numerous black and white illustrations in the text. The title-page with a frame of foliage (oval inside, rectangular outside) and part of its text printed from a woodblock. Further with a portrait of King Fuad I of Egypt and illustrations of animals, etc. Original publisher’s printed-paper wrappers, matching the title-page but with the frame in green and the text in red.
3777: MULLENS, Gelasius [= Guilielmus SALDENUS]. - Neerlands interest, tot vrede der kercke, en wegh-neminge van alle opkomende misverstanden in de selve.Middelburg, Yemant Hendrickss., 1664. With:(2) [SALDENUS, Guilielmus]. Den God-vrughtigen boer ... tot verdedigingh van Jan Bakhuys den ghenaamden Boer van Ebbink-hoven, en Desiderius Pacius over sijn zedigh versoek aan Juffrouw Schurman. Utrecht, Jacob van Doeyenborgh, 1670. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum.
R1135: MÜLLER, Christian Gottlieb. - Verzeichnis von Nürnbergischen topographisch-historischen Kupferstichen und Holzschnitten.Nuremberg, printed for the author, 1791. 4to. Later boards.
A3JAH5E7TL3M: MÜLLER, Otto Frederik. - Von Würmern des süssen und salzigen Wassers.Copenhagen, Nicolas Möller for Heineck & Faber, 1771. 4to. With an engraved vignette after Bissel on title-page, 16 plates with half-page engravings and 3 engraved tables (2 full-page and one half-page with illustrations). Contemporary vellum.
S585: MÜLLER, Friedrich Christoph. - Vollständige Beschreibung der Sparöfen und Heerde welche in der Graffschaft Mark schon seit vielen Jahren gebräuchlich und bewährt befunden sind. Nebst einer Nachricht vom Brodtbacken, Bierbrauen und Branntweinbrennen bei Steinkohlen und einem Anhange über Thermolampen, Fumivoren und Phylogoscopen der Franzosen.Weimar, Landes=Industrie=Comtoirs, 1803. 8vo. With 7 folding engraved plates. Contemporary turquoise boards, gold-tooled spine.
618AEFYOC0PZ: MÜLLER, Franz Hubert and Joseph VÖLLINGER. - Grossherzoglich Hessisches Militair. Nach der Natur aufgenommen von . . . der Grossherzoglichen Gemaelde Gallerie in Darmstadt und auf Stein gezeichnet von J. Völlinger.Karlsruhe, Johann Velten, [ca. 1830]. Royal folio (45×32 cm.) With a lithographic title-page and dedication to the Archduke Ludwig von Hessen (both by Johann Evangel. Mettenleiter), contents list and 30 numbered lithographs of army officers and enlisted men, many on horseback, all beautifully coloured by hand with watercolour, gouache and glazed highlights. Modern red half morocco.
H3DCAGCAEVA4: MÜNSTER, Sebastian. - Cosmographia, das ist: Beschreibung der gantzen Welt, …Basel, heirs of Sebastian Henricpetri, 1628. Folio (38 x 24.5 cm). With engraved title-page, letterpress title-page printed in red and black with woodcut portrait of Münster on the back, 26 numbered double-page woodcut maps on inserted bifolia, 72 double-page woodcut maps, plans and views on integral leaves, and about 1500 woodcut illustrations in the text (including repeats) showing maps, plans, views, plants, animals, monsters, etc. Contemporary vellum.
4118: MÜNSTER, Sebastian. - Compositio horologiorum, in plano, muro, truncis, anulo, con concavo, cylindro & variis quadrantibus, cum signorum zodiaci & diversarum horarum inscriptionibus: ... Basel, Henricus Petrus, 1531 (changed in manuscript to 1535). With woodcut on title-page showing sundials of various kinds, Petri's woodcut device on last page, large folding woodcut plate (31.5 x 40.5 cm) of a wall sundial, and 56 woodcut illustrations in the text (many full-page).With: (2) GLAREAN(US), Heinrich. De geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore iam tertio recognitus.Freiburg im Breisgau, (colophon: Joannis Faber), 1533. With Faber's device on title-page with a larger version on last page, and 21 woodcut illustrations in the text (several full-page). 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
3309: MUNTING, Abraham. - De vera antiquorum herba Britannica, eiusdemque efficacia contra stomacaccen, seu scelotyrben, Frisiis & Batavis de scheurbuyck. Dissertatio historico-medica.Amsterdam, Hieronymus Sweerts, 1681. With: (2) IDEM. Aloidarium, sive Aloës Mucronato Folio Americanae Majoris, Aliarumque ejusdem specie historia. In qua Floridi illius temporis, loci, naturae, culturae, nec non qualitatum ratio paucis enarratur.[Amsterdam], [Hieronymous Sweerts], 1680.2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With a finely engraved allegorical frontispiece, a full-page engraved portrait of Hendrik Casimier of Nassau, and 24 finely engraved plates with flowering plants in the Herba, and 8 finely engraved plates with various aloës in the Aloidarium. Modern half green morocco.
ABC_47422: MURMELLIUS, Joannus. - Joannis Murmelii de discipulorum officiis q[uo]d Enchiridion scholasticon inscribitur. Ep[istol]a seu volumen divi Hieronymi ad Nepotianum de clericorum officiis cu[m] Murmellii commentariis. Hermanni Buschii carmen saphicu[m] in urbem Ruremundensem. Joa[n]nis Murmellii ode saphica de duplici voluptate.Zwolle, Pieter van Os, ca. 1505. 4to. Woodcut title page illustration of Saint Jerome (88 x 66 mm), woodcut colophon illustration (73 x 55 mm). Later sheepskin parchment, wove paper pastedowns and late 18th-century endleaves (laid paper, watermarked 1783).
ABC_48376: [MUSHROOMS - FUNGI]. - [Mushroom album].[France, after 1910].Comprising: (1) ROLLAND, Léon. Prospectus [for the] Atlas des champignons de France, Suisse et Belgique.Paris, Paul Klincksieck, 1908.(2) [PERIODICAL]. L'ami du Médécin.Paris, March, April, May, July, and August 1909.(3) [BENARDIN, Ch.]. Les champignons. [Extrait de Soixante champignons comestibles, Fascicules V-VI and IX-XIII]. [Saint-Dié-des-Vosges and Raon-l’Étape, M. Weick and Papeteries des chatelles, ca. 1903?].(4) [WATERCOLOUR DRAWINGS - MUSHROOMS]. [Eight leaves containing original watercolour drawings of mushrooms].(5) [MANUSCRIPT - FRENCH - M.C. COOKE]. Les champignons. [Extract from Bibliothèque scientifique internationale, tome XV]. [in/after 1882]. 5 works in 1 volume, the second in 5 issues. Ca. 25 x 19.5 cm. Ad 1 with 4 colour-printed plates designed by A. Bessin and engraved by Lassus, ad 2 with 10 colour-printed plates (2 per issue) and some black and white illustrations in the text. Contemporary half white goat leather, marbled paper sides, end papers with a printed marbled design. Ad 2 with the original blue printed paper wrappers bound in.
JBEDBBSH9LXF: MYDORGE, Claude. - Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques.Rouen, Charles Osmont, 1643, 8vo. With numerous woodcut illustrations illustrating the problems. Contemporary limp vellum.
I21GLAXQTZE0: MYNSICHT, Adrian von. - Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum.Venice, Johann Gabriel Hertz, 1707. 4 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved title-page. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
B2OA1MYNZ8OA: [NAERANUS, Johannes]. - Af-gedrongen verantwoordinge tegens eenige onbillijke en vreemde proceduuren, gehouden by de Kerken-Raad der Remonstranten tot Rotterdam.Rotterdam, Joannes Naeranus, 1656. With letterpress ornament on title-page and 2 woodcut initials. 19th century blue boards.
ABC_46262: NAIRNE, Alexander Kyd. - A handbook for revenue officers in the presidency of Bombay.Bombay (Byculla district), Education Society's Press, 1872. Large 8vo. Original publisher's green cloth, title in gold on spine.
KC3E5IO24NK1: [NAMIBIA - AFRICA]. - Angra Pequena. Correspondence respecting the settlement at Angra Pequena, on the S.W. coast of Africa. ... [C.-4190].With:(2) Copy of a despatch from the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby, K.G., Her Majesty's high commissioner in South Africa, relative to the establishment of a German protectorate at Angra Pequena and along the neighbouring coast. ... [C.-4265].(3) Further correspondence respecting the settlement at Angra Pequena on the south-west coast of Africa (in continuation of [C.-4190] ...) ... [C.-4262].London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1884. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. With a folding map in ad 1 and a full-page map in ad 3. Modern blue paper wrappers.
BALBE4O3ZHUC: [NAPOLEON BONAPARTE - PUZZLES]. - La veille d'Austerlitz. With: (2) La Nuit de Lodi. (3) Clémence de l'empéreur.Paris, Ulysse, [1814 or 1815]. Three (from a set of four?) jigsaw puzzles (each 19.5 x 24.5 cm), each comprising an engraved print mounted on thin wood, coloured by a contemporary hand and cut to form a jigsaw puzzle, with an engraved caption and short description below the image. Kept in the original publisher’s paperboard box covered with green paper, with an etched and engraved sample print for a fourth puzzle (with a caption headed “Équité de l'empereur”) mounted on the top, coloured by a contemporary hand and framed with strips of gilt paper embossed with a decorative pattern. Each puzzle with the original pink paper wrap-around slip preserved.
ABC_46945: NATALIS, Hieronymus (Jerónimo NADAL). - Evangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine evangeliorum, quae toto anno in missae sacrificio recitantur, in ordinem temporis vitae Christi digestae.Antwerp, [Martinus Nutius], 1593.With: (2) IDEM. Adnotationes et meditationes in evangelia quae in sacrosancto missae sacrificio toto anno leguntur. Cum evangeliorum concordantial historiae integritati sufficienti. …Antwerp, Martinus Nutius, 1594 (colophon dated 1595). 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Each work with an engraved allegorical title-page, extensively highlighted in gold, and woodcut initials and headpieces. Ad 1 contains a print series showing the life of Christ in 153 full-page engravings by the Wierix brothers, Jan II and Adriaen Collaert and Charles de Malery after Bernardo Passari and Maarten de Vos. It also has an engraved allegorical and ornamental headpiece on A2, reading “IHS In nomine Jesu”. Mid 19th-century light brown calf with a blind-tooled ornamental frame on both boards, a gold-tooled spine, a black morocco spine label with the title in gold, red edges and marbled endpapers.
K4QGELE8L2SH: [NATURAL HISTORY - DRAWING]. - [Album with natural history drawings].[Netherlands?, ca. 1700?]. Small 4to (18 x 13 cm). Album with 22 drawings on 21 leaves, mostly in watercolour and pencil. Contemporary marbled boards.
ABC_46059: [NATURAL HISTORY - ANIMALS - MYTHOLOGY]. - Ausführliche und accurate Beschreibung nebst genauer Abbildung einiger vorhin fabelhafter Geschöpfe welche in der heutigen Naturgeschichte berühmter Schriftsteller ganzlich verändert und ins Licht gestellet sind.Leipzig, [W. Nauck], 1784. 8vo. Set in roman and fraktur type. With 8 contemporary hand-coloured engraved folding plates bound at the end, depicting the fabulous dragons, reptiles, sea-dragons, snakes, unicorn and flying dragons and birds (including a phoenix). Contemporary or early 19th-century blue marbled paper over stiff boards, blue sprinkled edges.
ABC_47503: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. - Syria. April 1943.With:(2) IDEM. Palestine and Transjordan. December 1943.(3) IDEM. Western Arabia and the Red Sea. June 1943.Stationery Office, University Press Oxford, 1943-1946. 3 volumes. Many plates, tables and photographs. Each volume including separate fold-out maps, one in colour. Contemporary green cloth with the title in gold on the front boards and the spines.
K3198N5J78WP: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. [MASON, Kenneth, a.o.]. - Iraq and the Persian Gulf. September 1944. B.R. 524 (restricted) geographical handbook series for official use only.[Oxford,] Naval Intelligence division, 1944. 8vo. With numerous diagrams, reproductions of photographs and (folding) maps, including a loose map in the pocket at the back. Publisher's green cloth.
ABC_46528: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. - Palestine and Transjordan. Geographical handbook series.(colophon:) Oxford, University Press, December 1943. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. With 1 large folding map stored in a pocket on the back board of the communications of Palestine (air fields and landing grounds, railways, roads and sea plane moorings), 2 other folding maps (geological map of Palestine; map of Haifa Harbour), 1 double-page plan of the church of Holy Sepulchre and 58 other figures in the text. Also with 154 half-tone photographs, inserted on separate leaves and all numbered and captioned. Original publisher's green cloth, gilt-lettering on front board and spine.
ABC_46527: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. - Persia. Geographical handbook series for official use only.(colophon:) Oxford, University Press, September 1945. Large 8vo. With 1 large folding map of Iraq, Arabia and Persia bound at the end of the book, 11 smaller folding maps and 50 illustration figures in the text (smaller maps, current and wind charts, sections, diagrams on the rainfall, etc.). Also with 337 half-tone photographs, inserted on separate leaves and all numbered and captioned. Original publisher's green cloth, gilt-lettering on front board and spine.
K7OGM5TTFAQS: NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, [SCOTT, Hugh, a.o.]. - Western Arabia and the Red Sea, B.R. 527 (restricted) geographical handbook series for official use only.(Colophon: Oxford, University press), Naval Intelligence division, 1946. 8vo. With 357 reproductions of photographs on 90 plates, numerous (folding) maps and illustrations in text and 1 separate folding map. Original publisher's green cloth.
LC4E9Q4RAGZB: [NAVIGATION]. [VRIES, Klaas de, and others]. - Schatkamer of konst der stuurlieden.[Holland?], [ca. 1735/40?]. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). A manuscript course in navigation written in brown ink on laid paper in a largely upright cursive hand, with 6 colour figures, including 2 volvelles, about 100 black and white diagrams, and numerous tables of data, highlighted with a yellow wash. Green paper wrappers (made from a discarded prospectus or the wrapper of an instalment of a book, [ca. 1865?]), later green cloth spine.
K3CC18ANEAK3: [NAVIGATION - RED SEA]. - Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot comprising the Suez canal, the gulfs of Suez and 'Aqaba, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, ...Including: Supplement no. 1-1957 relating to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot, tenth edition ...London, published by the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1955-1957. 8vo. With a folding map (printed on both sides), 2 coloured plates with diagrams (printed on both sides), 28 plates showing coastlines and occasionally a map (many printed on both sides), and many some illustrations in text. Original blue cloth; supplement with original printed paper wrappers.
ABC_46470: [NAVIGATION - RED SEA - PILOT GUIDE]. - Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot comprising the Suez Canal, the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the South-East coast of Arabia from Ras Baghashwa to Ras Al Hadd, the coast of Africa from Ras Asir to Ras Hafun, Socotra and its adjacent islands.London, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 1967. Large 8vo. The main work with 3 maps (including 2 folding) and 82 views of coastal profiles on 52 plates. The supplement with 2 folding maps (on the two sides of a single folding leaf) and 4 views of coastal profiles on 3 pages. With: [NAVIGATION - RED SEA - PILOT GUIDE]. Supplement No. 7 - 1977 to Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot (eleventh edition, 1967) corrected to 4th March, 1977 Whenever reference is made to the pilot this supplement must be consulted.London, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 1977.Grey-blue back wrapper; the two quires, map and back wrapper held together by two metal staples. Blue cloth with title information in yellow on front cover and spine, the supplement loosely inserted at the end of the volume.
83GC2FWCCH2U: NEALE, Adam. - Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey.London, (back of title-page: printed by A. Straham), 1818. 4to. With 15 hand-coloured aquatints on 11 plates by I. Clark after drawings by author. 19th-century half morocco (Root bookbinders, London), richly gold-tooled spine.
J7VBJ94UVHU2: [NEDERDUITSCHE APOTHEEK]. - Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. Modern orange paper wrappers.
ABC_48470: [NEDERLANDSCH BLOEMWERK]. - Nederlandsch bloemwerk. Door een gezelschap geleerden.Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1794. 4to. With 54 contemporary hand-coloured engraved plates of flowers, including an engraved title-page signed by Paul Theodor van Brussel and Hendrik Leffert Myling. (Near-) contemporary gold-tooled half calf.
1063: NEEFF, Adriaan de. - Cijffer-boeck der heylige schrift. Over de gelden, gewigten, ende maten der Hebreen arithmetisch gereduceerd op gelden, gewigten ende maten onsen lande en tijdt gebruykelijck. Middelburgh, Gijsbertus Noorman, 1682. Small 8vo. 2 parts in 1 volume. With woodcut vignette on 2 titles, and at the end of the second work, showing identical blank escutcheons. Contemporary vellum.
ABC_47360: [NÉEL, Louis-Balthazar]. - Voyage de Paris a St. Cloud par mer, et retour de St. Cloud a Paros par terre. Quatrieme édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée, avec une carte très-exacte, dont le plan a éte levé sur les lieux.Paris, Duchesne, 1762. 8vo. Woodcut headpieces and endpieces, initials [1,5 x 1,5 cm], bound with fold out map [16 x 25.5 cm]. Contemporary vellum binding.
ABC_46276: NEPOS, Cornelius. - Vitae excellentium imperatorum, observationibus ac notis commentatorum … illustratae. Accesserunt huic edition praecipuorumn Graeci Imperatorum icons … ut & Index rerum & verborum praecidenti multo auctior & emendatior.Amsterdam, Pieter and Joan Blaeu, prostant apud Abr. Wolfgang, Gillis & Joh. II Janssonio-Waesbergios, Widow Dirk & Henrik Boom, Widow Joh. à Someren, & Rembertus Goethals, 1687. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by Jan Visscher (Hollstein Dutch, 175-1(4)), 14 small engravings (mainly used as tailpieces), 11 depicting Greek and Carthaginian commanders in a medallion. Contemporary vellum, author's name written on the spine.
I14GULZX55OA: [NETHERLANDS & BELGIUM – PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Pharmacopoea Belgica.The Hague, Typographia Regia, 1823. Large 4to (26 x 22 cm). With an engraved plate showing a hygrometer. This copy numbered 1361 and with the authentication signature of Prof. Jac. Van Maanen. Contemporary gold-tooled tree calf.
I179226YKMGU: [NETHERLANDS & BELGIUM – PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Pharmacopoea Belgica.The Hague, Typographia Regia, 1823. Large 4to (26 x 21 cm). With an engraved plate showing a hygrometer. This copy numbered 541 and with the authentication signature of Prof. Jac. Van Maanen. Contemporary boards, rebacked with cloth and the original calf backstrip laid down.
G4NE8XSUFIAQ: [NETHERLANDS - STATES GENERAL - TREATY]. - Tractaat tusschen haar hoog mog. de Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en de regeeringe van Tripoli. Geslooten in het jaar 1728.The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus II, 1729. 4to. Modern paper-covered boards.
I4BE7TCN21AG: NEUBAUER, Christian. - Discoursus et vera architecturae militaris praxis, oder Gründliche Beschreibung, und Nützlicher Unterricht der neu inventirten fortification...Stargard, Berger Campe, 1679. Small folio (28 x 19.5 cm). With an engraved title-page and 24 numbered engravings on 7 folding leaves. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, marbled sides.
D7RBORMFQHCT: NEUGEBAUER, Salomon. - Icones & vitae principum ac regum Poloniae omnium.Frankfurt am Main, Jacob de Zetter, Hartman Palthenius, 1620. With:(2) SICCAMA, Sybrand (editor). Lex Frisionum, sive antiquae Frisiorum leges, a reliquis veterum Germanorum legibus separatim aeditiae & notis illustratae.Franeker, Johannes Lamrinck, 1617.(3) [VENICE]. Risposta in difesa delle ragioni del. ser.mo Arciduca Ferdinando contra il manifesto publicato per la Republica di Venetia, per occasione della presente guerra. Con l'oratione di Lodovico Eliano oratore di Lodovico XII. re di Francia, havvta da lui contro la medesima Republica, in augusta, nel convento de' Prencipi di Germania, alla presenza dell' imperatore Massimiliano I, l'anno 1510. [Italy?], Con Licenza de' superiori, 1617.3 works in 1 volume. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With engraved title-page and engraved portraits in text. 18th-century gold-tooled calf, red sprinkled edges.
6436: NEWBURY, John. - Philosophie der tollen en ballen; of het Newtoniaansche zamenstel van wysbegeerte, geschikt naar de vatbaarheid der eerste Jeugd, en gemeenzaam en vermaaklyk gemaakt door voorwerpen, welke aan haar zeer bekend zyn: bestaande in ses lessen, geleezen voor de Lilliputiaansche Maatschappie, door Tom Telescope.Middelburg, Christiaan Bohemer, 1768. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a little boy, Tom Telescope, standing on a table and explaining matter and motion to a group of other small children with some adults present too, a woodcut showing a pair of telescopes, and 8 fine engraved plates showing the solar system, an air-pump and air-gun, globes and armillary spheres, Vesuvius, etc. Contemporary half calf.
954DIPA8GF64: NEWHOUSE, Charles B. - The roadsters album.London, George Thomas Fores & Arthur Blücher Fores, 1845. Large folio (38 x 28.5 cm). With an extensively illustrated aquatint title-page, unsigned, but drawn by Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851), and 16 aquatint plates drawn by Newhouse. Title-page and plates coloured in great detail by a contemporary hand in opaque gouaches and watercolours, and highlighted with shellac. Gold-tooled, red morocco for Henry Arthur Johnstone (ca. 1900), leather endleaves with Johnstone's 1899 blind-stamped ex-libris, top edge gilt.
L7VBHBHDPKGW: NICANDER of Colophon. - Theriaca.Including: NICANDER of Colophon. Alexipharmaca.-In Nicander Theriaca scholia auctoris incerti, et vetusta et utilia. In eiusdem Alexipharmaca diversorum auctorum scholia.Paris, Morelius, 1557. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Each part with its own title-page, with a woodcut caduceus device on all three. Set in roman and Greek types. 17th-century(?) richly gold-tooled red morocco, gilt edges; subtly rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down.
I14AJ6T9YN8X: NICANDER of Colophon and Jean de GORRIS. - Alexipharmaca. Io. Gorraeo Parisiensi medico interprete.Paris, Michel de Vascosan, 1549. 8vo. Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
ABC_47409: NICERON, Jean-François. - La perspective curieuse du reverend P. Niceron. Minime divisee en quatre livres. L’optique et la catoptrique du R. P. Mersenne du meseme ordre, mise en lumiere aprés la mort de l’autheur. Oeuvre tres-utile aux peintres, architects, sculpteurs graveurs, & à tous autres qui se meslent du dessein.Paris, Jean du Puis, 1663.Including: MERSENNE, Marin. L'optique et la catoptrique du reverend Pere Mersenne minime. Novvellement mise en lumiere, aprés lar mort de l’autheur. Paris, the widow of F. Langlois, 1651.2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With a (partially) folded full page engraved portrait of the author as a frontispiece, an engraved title-page, a large woodcut vignette on the title-page, 50 full page engraved plates (including 1 folding), all numbered in a decorative banner in the plate.Contemporary or near contemporary (late 17th or early 18th century) brown calf.
9040: NICOLAI, Johannes. - Tractatus de siglis veterum omnibus elegantioris literaturae amatoribus utilissimus, in quo continentur, quae ad interpretationem numismatum, inscriptionum, juris et fere omnium artium requiruntur, cujus subsidio facile literae explicari possunt.Leiden, Abraham de Swart, 1703. 4to. With title-page printed in red and black with engraved vignette, 8 engravings in text (1 full-page). Contemporary vellum.
K5NEG1RSJS0W: NICOLS, Thomas. - Beschreibung der Steine sowohl Edel als Gemeine. Darinnen derer Gestalt, Kräffte, Tugenden, Medicin, Eigenschafften, Preiss und Werth auf das Deutliches gezeiget wird. Samt beygesetzten Warnungen sich fuer derer Verfaelschung wohl zu hueten wegen seiner Fuertrefflichkeit.Culmbach, for Nathanael Lumscher, by Friedrich Elias Dietzel, 1734. 8vo. Modern beige sheepskin.
K5NF1LV66QRI: NICOLS, Thomas. - Edelgestein-Büchlein, oder Beschreibung der Edelgesteine. Derer Gestalt, Kräffte und Tugenden, Eigenschafften, Preis und Werth. Samt bengefügten Warnungen für Betrug an alle diejenigen, so mit Edelsteinenen handeln und umbgehen ... Übersetzet und herausgegeben von Johann Langen.Hamburg, Johann Naumans and Georg Wolff, 1675. 8vo. Contemporary vellum.
ABC_47553: NIDER, Johannes. - Preceptorium divine legis [preceded by] Prologus in expositionem decalogi [= Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive expositio decalogi]. [Colophon:] Ulm, Johann Zainer the elder, [1478/79]. Chancery (Foolscap) folio. Set in a rotunda gothic type, the preliminaries in two columns, with spaces for manuscript paragraph marks and initials, filled in in red ink, the initials Lombardic, one with interior decoration. Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over square-edged wooden boards (from an Augsburg bindery active 1473-1494: Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002141), sewn on 3 double supports. Further with a brass catchplate on the front board and a brass anchor plate on the back board. The anchor plate still secures remnants of the leather strap that would have had a brass clasp.
LA9LQ6PN39AT: NIEBUHR, Carsten, and others (Johan Louis GERLAGH, compiler and draftsman). - Aanteekeningen uit de Reise naar Arabie, en andere omliggende landen, van Carsten Niebuhr, geteekent en geschreeven door Joh. Louis Gerlagh.[Hoeven? (near Breda)], 1785. Folio (29 x 22 cm). Manuscript in Dutch, written in ink on paper, with two loosely inserted supplements (2 bifolia), with a calligraphic title-page and 39 pages of (mostly) ink and grey ink wash drawings, plus a small drawing of an inscription and a few written examples in the text. Contemporary half canvas, sides covered with printed pattern paper.
ABC_46629: NIEBUHR, Carsten. - Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde; Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven & Comp. (vol. 1) and Bartholomeus Wild (vol. 2) (colophons: printed in Utrecht by Johan Joseph Besseling), 1776-1780. 2 volumes. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm). With 2 engraved title-pages, each with the same vignette, 35 maps and plans (9 folding and the large map of Yemen coloured by hand in red and green outlines), 21 views (12 folding) and 69 other illustrations (19 folding) of people, sculptures and examples of ancient script, engraved by C. Philips, Th. and C.H. Koning, C.J. de Huyser, C.F. Fritsch, C. Brouwer and others. Half calf, sprinkled paper sides, gold-tooled spine with a red title label with gold lettering.
EBMD5MLVOA3M: NIEBUHR, Carsten. - Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde; Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven and company (vol. 1) and Bartholomeus Wild (vol. 2) (colophons: Utrecht, printed by J.J. Besseling), 1776-1780. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, each with a vignette, 31 engraved maps and plans and 94 other engraved plates. 19th-century half calf. Untrimmed.
E9RAOHHZ87FO: NIEBUHR, Carsten. - Voyage en Arabie & en d'autres pays circonvoisins. Tome premier[- second]. Traduit de l'Allemand.Amsterdam, Steven Jacobus Baalde; Utrecht, Barthelemy Wild (colophon: printed by Joh. Jos. Besseling, Utrecht, 1775), 1775-1780. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 engraved integral title-pages, 124 engraved plates (many folding) and a folding map of Yemen (in partial colour). Contemporary gold-tooled calf.
ABC_46421: NIEBUHR, Carsten. - Beschrijving van Arabie, uit eigene waarnemingen en in 't land zelf verzamelde narigten opgesteld door Carsten Neibuhr. Uit het Hoogduits vertaald, en vermeerderd met een volledig register van 't geheele werk.Amsterdam and Utrecht, S.J. BAalde and J. van Schoonhoven & Comp., MDCCLXXIV [= 1774]. 2 works in one volume. 4to. With engraved title-page, 24 (partly folding, a few coloured) maps and views, including a long folding map of the Red Sea, a folding genealogical table of the rulers of Sana, and the large map of Yemen (coloured in outline). With some parts (some sentences) of the text printed in Arabic script. With: (2) MICHAËLIS, Johann David [transl. Jacob van EKERS]. Vragen aan een gezelschap van geleerde mannen, die op bevel zynder majesteit des konings van Denemarken naar Arabie reizen. Voorgesteld door den hooggeleerden en wydberoemden heer Johann David Michaëlis. Koninglyken Grootbrittanischen en keurvorstlyken Brunswyk- Lunenburgschen hofraad, hoogleeraar in de wysbegeerte te Gottingen, en bestierder van de societeit der wetenschappen aldaar. Waarby gevoegd is, beoordeling van Niebuhrs beschryving van Arabie door den zelfden schryver, getrokken uit deszelfs orientalische en exegetische bibliotheek , IV. deel. In 't Neerduitsch vertaald en uitgegeven door Jacob van Ekers, bedienaar des goddelyken woords te Medenblik.Amsterdam and Utrecht, S.J. Baalde and J. van Schoonhoven and Comp., MDCCLXXIV [=1774].Contemporary half calf marbled sides, gold-tooled spine, red and black spine labels with the two titles lettered in gold.
76OFMZ3CJTCQ: NIEBUHR, Carsten. - Beschryving van Arabie. Amsterdam, Steven Jacobus Baalde; Utrecht, Johannes van Schoonhoven & comp. (colophon: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, Utrecht), 1774. With engraved title-page and 25 engraved plates, including 7 folding showing 1 view of military exercises, 2 Kufic inscriptions (coloured by hand) and 4 maps. The unnumbered map of Yemen (plate size 58.5 x 39 cm) is coloured by hand in outline. With: (2) NIEBUHR, Carsten. Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen.Amsterdam, Steven Jacobus Baalde; Utrecht, Johannes van Schoonhoven & comp. (colophons: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, Utrecht), 1776-1780. With 2 engraved title-pages and 125 engraved plates (38 folding). 2 works in 3 volumes. Large 4to (28.5 x 22.5 cm). Contemporary sprinkled and polished half calf. Untrimmed.
H8IFJPNFM8N3: NIEKAMP, Johann Lucas. - Kurtzgefasste Missions-Geschichte oder Historischer Auszug der evangelischen Missions-Berichte aus Ost-Indien von dem Jahr 1705 bis zu Ende des Jahres 1736, … Halle, Waisenhaus, 1740. 4to. With 2 engraved folding maps (the second crudely highlighted in colour by a later hand). Contemporary tanned sheepskin.
19528: NIEMEYER, August Hermann. - Ueber Oeffentliche Schulen und Erziehungsanstalten. Nebst einigen Zusätzen zu den Grundsätzen der Erziehung und des Unterrichts für die Besitzer der ersten und zweyten Ausgabe. Halle, the author, Waisenhaus-Buchhandlung, 1799. 8vo. With engraved vignette on title-page. Contemporary boards.
ABC_47922: NIEROP, Dirck Rembrantz. van. - Des aertryks beweging en de zonne stilstant, bewijsende dat dit geensins met de Christelijke religie is strijdende.Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesbergh [colophon: printed by Tymon Houthaak], 1661. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, showing how the earth revolves around the sun, 29 mathematical and astronomical woodcut illustrations in the text, 3 decorated woodcut initials, 2 woodcut tailpieces, and a woodcut printer's device of a turtle on the title-page. Contemporary marbled paper wrapppers, stitched on 3 vellum tapes.
A86ACTMRTZ41: [NIEROP, Adriaen van or Simon van MIDDELGEEST?]. WAER-MOND, Yemand van (pseudonym). - Codicille van de Nederlandsche Oorloghe, waer in sy eenighe Vrienden, Wel-Doenders ende Dienaren, in haer principael Testament van date den tweeden Februarij 1609. vergheten zynde, ... den 12. Martij des selven jaers. Noch een Wellecom-Dicht van het Bestandt. Noch andere ghedichten van bestandighe vrede."Franc end al" [= Amsterdam?], "Frederijck de Vrije", [1609]. Small 4to. Poems celebrating the truce with Spain (though attributed to a former opponent of the truce), with the Dutch poems in textura types and Latin marginal notes in roman. Disbound.
58QEFDBBNOWB: NIEUWENTYT, Bernard. - Het regt gebruik der werelt beschouwingen, ter overtuiginge van ongodisten en ongelovigen aangetoont.Amsterdam, Joannes Pauli, 1740. Large 4to. With title printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, portrait of the author, and 28 engraved folding plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine.
V2527: NILSSON, Sven and J. G. KEMNER. - De variis mammalia disponendi modis dissertatio, ...Lund, Litteris Berlingianis, 1812. 4to. Disbound.
K93EAZNG3PAI: NIRSO, Tomas Sabattinno. - Instrucção summaria sobre o modo de cultivar as amoreiras, e de crear os bichos da seda, offerecida ao Illmo. e Excmo. Senhor Marquez de Pombal.Lisbon, Na Regia Officina Typografica, 1772. Small 8vo. Contemporary marbled paper boards.
ABC_46601: NISBET, Henry. - [Letter to his sister Sarah Nisbet].Upolu, Samoa, 7 January 1844. Folio. Written in one column in brown ink in a cursive 19th-century hand. Folded.
642BT0WJLUF0: NODAL, Bartholome Garcia de & Gonzalo. - Relacion del viage, que por orden de su magestad, y acuerdo de el real consejo de Indias ... Including: ECHELEVAR, D. Manuel de, J.M. y J. Instruccion exacta, y util de las derrotas, y navegaciones ...Cadiz, Don Manuel Espinosa de los Monteros, Impressor de la Real Marina, [1766?-1769]. 4to. With a folding map of the Strait of Magellan drawn and engraved by D.M. de Rueda, dated 1769. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment by the Cadiz printing office's own bindery.
K3DD78TRHAUC: NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. - Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides.
95EAM501U79O: NOÉ, Juan Nicolas. - Epitome de gramatica Castellana. ... Para escuelas primarias.Valparaiso, Imprenta de la Bandera, 1837. 12mo. With the title in woodcut borders, a woodcut printer's vignette and some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary blue paper wrappers, with protective paper cover.
ABC_45522: NOMSZ, Johannes. - [A choice collection of 6 original plays written by Johannes Nomsz and 10 plays of French playwrights - Racine, Corneille, Voltaire and others - together with other texts highly interesting for the history of the Amsterdam stage, and Nomsz’s historical work on the life of Mohammed in 2 volumes].Amsterdam, Izaak Duim, Johannes Smit, David Klippink, widow of David Klippink, Hendrik Gartman, Johannes Smit, heirs of David Klippink, 1764-1780. 16 plays, 3 essays and 1 biography bound in 11 volumes. 8vo. With two portraits of Nomsz by Reinier Vinkeles (vol. I) and J. Houbraken (vol. IX), a portrait of Mohammed by J. Houbraken (vol. I) and 14 frontispieces by the best engravers of the time: Jan Punt, Reinier Vinkeles, Simon Fokke, P. Tanjé and Th. Koning. Uniform contemporary vellum with a blind-tooled centrepiece and cornerpieces on each board, manuscript titles on spines.
72AEW3M1ZMVC: NOORT, Olivier van. - Journael van de wonderlijcke vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes...Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [1663]. 4to. With a woodcut of two ships on title page; full-page woodcut, 2 engraved and 4 woodcut illustrations in the text. Further with 1 woodcut decorated initial and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman. 19th-century brown cloth, sewn on 3 recessed cords, grey endpapers.
DCLE7201U79O: NOOT, Jan van der. - Cort begryp der XII. boeken Olympiados. ... Abregé des douze livres Olympiades.Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1579. With 1 engraved plate (portrait of the author), 17 full-page engravings (ca. 16 x 11.5 cm.) by Dirk Volkertsz. Coornhert after designs of the monogrammist CVSK and a full-page woodcut of an obelisk at the end, signed with the monogram "HE". With:(2) NOOT, Jan van der. Lofsang van Braband. ... Hymne de Braband. Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1580. With 4 full-page woodcuts (portrait of the author, allegorical illustration, arms of Brabant and the other 16 provinces, and an obelisk).(3) NOOT, Jan van der. Verscheyden poeticsche werken. ... Divers oeuvres poetiques.Antwerp, Gillis van den Rade, 1581. With full-page woodcut portrait of the author, and a full-page woodcut obelisk at the end. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. All 3 works with text in Dutch and French. Early 18th-century gold-tooled mottled calf.
ABC_47016: NOOT, Jan van der. - De poeticsche werken van mijn Heer vander Noot. Les oeuvres poetiques du Sr. Jan vander Noot.Antwerp, Daniel Vervliet and Arnout Coninx (shared printing), "1594" [=1588-1595]. Folio. With the general title-page bearing Vervliet’s 1594 imprint, the only part-title (for the Inkomste bifolium) bearing s’Conincx’s 1594 imprint, 7 small bust portraits, 2 portraits of the author, 10 small rectangular illustrations, 2 medium illustrations and 8 full-page illustrations (on integral leaves), all woodcut, some (and the 2 title-pages) in architectural and/or arabesque woodcut frames. The text is variously set in 1, 2 or 3 columns, sometimes even mixing them on one page, each page in a frame (made partly from rules) and with the running titles in Dutch and French at the foot of the page. An occasional bifolium includes a woodcut decorated initial. The text, in Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, and Greek, is set in dozens of roman, italic, textura, civilité, fraktur and Greek printing types plus interlaced typographic capitals and arabesque typographic ornaments. Blind-tooled calf (ca. 1725/30?) by the so-called “Minnewit” bindery in Amsterdam, sewn on 6 supports, each board with two double-fillet frames, the inner field sprinkled and the outer field blackened, with a large centrepiece and 2 different corner pieces, the smaller inside and the larger outside each corner of the inner frame, headbands in red and green, red sprinkled edges, plain endpapers.
89PBMXY3Z0MC: NORBERT de Bar-le-Duc (= Pierre PARISOT or NORBERT von Lothringen). - Oraison funebre de Monseigneur Visdelou Jesuite, Evêque de Claudiopolis, vicaire apolostique de la province de Kuey-cheu dans l'empire de la Chine, & administrateur de la province de Huguang dans le même empire, &c. décéde le onze Novembre 1737. & inhumé dans l' eglise des RR. PP. Capucins de Pondichery, missionaires apolostiques, & curés en lad. ville. Prononcée le onze Décembre de la même année par le R.P. Norbert de Bar Le Duc, Capucin missionaire apolostique.[Avignon?], [no publisher], 1742. 8vo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, marbled endpapers, red edges.
ABC_46031: NORBURY, Paul Fitzgerald. - An abridged Arabic grammar with one hundred and fifty simple conversational scentences and a vocabulary of two thousand five hundred words.Aden, printed at the Aden Special Prison Press, [1917]. Square 8vo. Printed in English and Arabic type. With a tipped-in paper slip on the title-page: "Since the issue of the first edition it has been possible to test this grammar in regard to its utility in Mesopotamia. The result has been to confirm the correctness of the claim made in para four of the preface". Original publisher's printed hard board covers with red cloth spine.
C79DXBHARQJQ: [NORTHWEST PASSAGE - PAINTING]. - [The ships Erebus and Terror in the Arctic]. [England?, ca. 1850?]. Oil painting on canvas (65.5 x 91 cm), showing 2 ships in a rough sea amid dangerous rocks and ice. Later mounted on another canvas and stretched over a wooden frame, with a handwritten note about the painting pasted on the back.
18819: [NOSTRADAMUS, Michel]. - Vingt prophéties de Michel de Nostradamus, derniérement trouvées manuscrites dans une célèbre bibliotheque des Pays-Bas. Avec explication et figures.Liège, [ca. 1789]. 8vo. With 20 engraved emblems at the beginning of each chapter, several by Pieter Balthazar Bouttats. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, marbled edges.
L7VEMLF5MP2P: NOVELLA, Cosme. - Al rey nuestro señor. Memorial … Contiene el hecho; en la causa de la preparacion de la colocynthida.[Zaragoza, 1613]. Small 4to (20 x 15 cm). With the woodcut arms of Philip III of Spain on title-page. Loosely inserted in contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
E169MJ01U79O: NUMAN, Alexander. - Waarnemingen omtrent de horzel-maskers, welke in de maag van het paard huisvesten.Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1834. 4to. With 6 hand-coloured engraved plates (1 folding) by D. Sluyter after H. van Oort. Contemporary stiff grey wrappers.
1146: NUMAN, Philip. - Historie vande mirakelen die onlancx in grooten ghetale ghebeurt zyn, door die interesse ende voor-bidden van die H. Maget Maria. Op een plaetse genoemt Scherpen-heuvel by die stadt van Sichen in Brabant.Brussels, Rutgeert Velpius, 1606. With: (2) IDEM. Toe-voechsele van den mirakelen gheschiedt op Scherpen-heuvel, door het aenroepen van onse Lieve Vrouwe ...Brussels, Rutgeert Velpius, 1606.2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved vignette of the Holy Virgin on the title-pages of ad 1 and ad 2, woodcut decorated initials (at least 2 series) and head-pieces. 19th-century gold-tooled half red leather and marbled paper sides, with the title lettered in gold on the spine.
ABC_48383: NUÑEZ DE AVENDAÑO, Pedro. - Aviso de Cazadores y Caça.Madrid, Pedro Madrigal, 1593. With: (2) [bound before ad 1] NUÑEZ DE AVENDAÑO, Pedro. De exequendis mandatis regnum Hispaniae, quae rectoribus civitatum dantur, & hodie continentur in titulo.Madris, Pedro Madrigal, 1593.2 works in 1 volume. Folio (27 x 18.5 cm). With the woodcut printer's device on the title-page of ad 1, and two decorated woodcut initials. Further with the woodcut coat-of-arms of Habsburg Spain on the title-page of ad 2, numerous decorated woodcut initials, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, and headpieces made up of typographical ornaments in the first few chapters. Later limp vellum, sewn on 2 vellum tapes laces through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties.
ABC_48391: NUNEZ DO LEÃO, Duarte. - Leis extravagantes collegidas e relatadas pelo licenciado Duarte Nunez do liam per mandado do muito alto & muito poderoso Rei Dom Sebastiam nosso Senhor.Including: NUNEZ DO LEÃO, Duarte. Annotacões sobre as ordenacões dos cinquo livros.Lisbon, Antonio Gonçalvez, 1569. Folio. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of King Sebastião on the title-page and the divisional title-page of the second work, 6 large historiated woodcut initials, and numerous small decorated woodcut initials. Later vellum, with the manuscript title in Gothic script on the spine, red sprinkled edges.
L6KG3SQXAGDY: [NURSERY CATALOGUE - JAPAN]. - Yuri hana shashin [= Drawings of lily flowers, from life].[Yokohama?, ca. 1875?]. Very large 4to (39.5 x 27.5 cm). 24 Japanese flower drawings in black and grey ink with watercolour and gouaches, on Japanese (kozo/paper mulberry?) paper, with the romanized Japanese name, and the price of the bulbs (in francs and centimes) and sometimes colours or other information in French. Contemporary brown Japanese paste-paper wrappers with a bird and flower motif, stab-sewn at the head.
A6HDNEEQG78N: NYENBORGH, Johan van. - Variarum lectionum selecta, figuris æneis applicata.Groningen, Jacobus Sipkes, 1660. Small 8vo. With an engraved vignette showing Europa on a bull, and 21 full- or half-page engravings in the text from various series or suites: one by Cornelis Kittensteyn (1598-1652) after A. van de Venne (p. 17) and 8 by Cornelis Visscher after a series with Roman Heros by Hendrick Goltzius. Further with one decorated woodcut initial and a small woodcut tailpiece on the last page of a castle and three roses. Contemporary vellum.
K7VHCMRFSFON: O'CONOR, James Edward. - Review of the accounts of the trade and navigation of India for 1874-75, as compared with previous years.Calcutta, Office of the superintendent of government printing, 1876.With:(2) Memorandum reviewing the accounts of the trade and navigation of British India for 1875-76. Dated the 24th February 1877. [Calcutta?], Government central press, 1877.(3) Review of the trade of British India for the official year 1876-77.Calcutta, 25 October1877.(4) Review of the trade of British India with other countries, for the official year 1878-1879.[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1879.(5) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1879-80.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1880.(6) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1880-81.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1881.(7) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1881-82.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1882.(8) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1883.Simla, Government central branch press, 1883.(9) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1884.Simla, Government central branch press, 1884.9 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Near contemporary red cloth.
H8LB9XDBRFRY: OBICINI, Tommaso and Elija bar SHINAJA (Elias BARSINAEUS) of Nisibis. - Thesaurus Arabico-Syro-Latinus.With: Index alphabeticus. …Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Set in Arabic, Syriac, roman and italic types. Contemp. reversed sheep, blank spine in five compartments.
ABC_45627: OBOLENSKY, Prince Yevgeny Petrovich; Prince Augustin GALITZIN (transl). - Souvenirs d'un exilé en Sibérie.Leipzig, Franck'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1862. 8vo. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
E3FC79WYY30J: OCKLEY, Simon. - The conquest of Syria, Persia, and Aegypt, by the Saracens: containing the lives of Abubeker, Omar, and Othman, the immediate successors of Mahomet, giving an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, &c. ...London, for R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, R. Smith and J. Round, 1708. 8vo. Contemporary panelled calf with gold-stamped red label to gilt spine, leading edges gilt, red sprinkled edges.
9AIGJTA06EZ4: OERTEL (ORTELIUS), Hieronymus. - Chronologia oder historische Beschreibung aller Kriegsempörungen unnd Belägerungen der Stätt und Vestungen auch Scharmützeln und Schlachten so in Ober und Unter Ungern auch Siebenbürgen mit dem Turcken von Ao. 1395 biss auff gegenwertige Zeit denckhwürtig geschehen.Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604.With: (2) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Continuatio des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegwesens vom 1. Januari anno 1603 bis auf jetziges 1604.Nuremberg, Christoff Lochner for Johann Sibmacher, 1604. With engraved title in elaborately decorated border with cavalry, arms and armour, large engraved folding map (28×51 cm), 30 double-page engraved views, 26 full-page engraved portraits, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces.(3) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Viertter Thail des Hungerischen und Sibenbürgischen Kriegswesens, was sich seithero Anno 1604 bis auf Ao. 1607 inn der ausgestandnen Rebellion mit dem Türcken, Rebellen und ihrem Anhang . . . zugetragen . . . [Nuremberg, ca. 1613]. With engraved title-page, and engraved portrait of the author signed "H.V." (4) OERTEL, Hieronymus. Appendix partis quartae Chronologiae Ungaricae, das ist; warhafftige ausführliche historische Beschreibung: was gestallt der aller durchleuchtigist Fürst und Herr herr Matthias Ertz Herzog zu Oesterreich, etc. Montags den 19 Novembris anno 1608 . . . und zum Römischen Kayser erkäret worden (ist; 1612) . . . Nuremberg, Wolffgang Endter for the heirs of the author, 1622. With engraved portrait of author on the back of the title-page, and a folding engraved plate showing cavalry. 4 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary vellum.
H8R9H170RVQY: OGAWA Kazamusa. - Famous castles & temples in Japan.Tokio, [Kazamusa Ogawa?], (colophon in Japanese: Meiji 28 = 1895). Oblong (27 x 36.5 cm). With 35 hand-coloured collotypes, with captions. Slightly later black, gold-tooled morocco, with initials C.R. at the foot of the spine.
ABC_47144: OIKONOMOS, Konstantinos (Bonaventure F. SLAARS, translator and editor). - Etude sur Smyrne.Smyrna, Boghos Tatikian, 1868. Large 8vo. Set in roman type with some phrases in Greek type. Original publisher's blue printed paper wrappers.
L2FB7C8EALK3: [OIL]. IMPERIAL MINERAL RESOURCES BUREAU. - The mineral industry of the British Empire and foreign countries. War period. Gypsum (1913-1919).With:(2) Strontium minerals (1913-1919).(3) Molybdenum (1913-1919).(4) Silver (1913-1919).(5) Graphite (1913-1919).(6) Petroleum and allied products. (1913-1919).London, His Majesty's stationery office, 1923. 6 works in 1 volume. Contemporary red cloth, paper title-label on spine.
L2EG76GNBQ6G: [OIL - MIDDLE EAST]. - The Petroleum Times. [drop-title]: Review of Middle East oil. A comprehensive illustrated review of all aspects of current developments based on a recent extended tour by Dr. C.T. Barber, ...London, Brettenhem house, June 1948. 30 x 23.5 cm. With many reproductions of photographs, ground plans, maps, and cross-sections. Later cardboard binder.
ABC_45582: [OIL-PETROLEUM HISTORY]. [ABADAN]. BURRARD, Sidney Gerald (ed.). - [Map with the Abadan Petroleum Refinery, the first oil refinery in the Middle East]Calcutta, Survey of India, 1912-1915. 59 x 46.5 cm. Heliozincograph in colour.
A2CDRS01U79O: [OLDMIXON, John]. - Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika, Zynde eene Beschryving van de Ontdekking, Bevolking, Inwoonders, het Klimaat, den Koop-handel, en tegenwoordigen Staat van alle de Britannische Coloniën, In dat gedeelte der Wereldt... Uit het Engelsch, Als mede een omstandig Berecht aangaande Koffy en Koffy-plantery, Uit het Fransch vertaald. Amsterdam, Rudolf & Gerard Wetstein, 1721. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Part I: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720, title in red and black, 5 folding engraved maps, engraving in text, woodcut headpieces and initials. Part II: Engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree dated 1720 (same as in part I), title in red and black, 3 folding engraved maps, folding engraved plate, 2 full-page engraved plates, woodcut head- and endpieces and initials. The maps are by J. Keyser after H(erman) Moll. Contemporary full calf.
H6OD7QRTZTIT: OLIPHANT, Laurence. - Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59.Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1859. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 20 chromolithographed plates, 50 wood-engravings in text and 5 engraved folding maps. Contemporary gold-tooled green morocco, richly gold-tooled spine.
F4JFS4VJU27H: OLIPHANT, Laurence. - De zending van graaf van Elgin naar China en Japan in 1857, 1858, 1859.Utrecht, Nolet and son, [1860]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 5 full-page chromolithographed plates, 3 lithographed maps (2 folding), some letterpress tables in text. Contemporary blue calf, purple textured cloth sides.
95OFFEAVRKP6: [OLIVÁN, Alejandro]. - Informe a la junta de gobierno del Real Consulado sobre el ensayo del nuevo tren de elaborar azucar, sentado en el ingenio de San Jose, por la comison encargada de presenciarlo, seguido de un oficio de D. Alejandro Olivan, referente al propio abgeto: impreso por acuerdo de la misma Junta de Gobierno.Havana, Imprenta Fraternal, 1831. Small 4to. With a woodcut Havana coat-of-arms (crowned shield with 3 towers and a key) on the title-page, with attributes of agriculture and commerce. Disbound.
ABC_47066: OLIVEIRA, Custodio José de. - Diagnosis typografica dos caracteres gregos, hebraicos, e arabigos, addiccionada com algumas notas sobre a divisão orthografica da linguage latina, e outras da Europa, ... Lisbon, Impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. Text set in roman, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic type. With a small Portuguese woodcut coat of arms on the title-page and 4 engraved plates on 2 leaves bound at the end of the book. Later blue paper wrappers.
R1213: OLSCHKI, Leo S. - Choix de livres anciens, rares et curieux en vente... Première [-Douzième] partie.Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 1907-1940. 12 volumes. 8vo. Cloth.
ABC_46672: [OMAN NAVIGATION LOGBOOK]. MCKINNELL, Thomas, assistant master. - Log of the proceedings. HMS "Cyclops". W. J. S. Pullen Esq. Captain. Commencing Monday 7th February 1859, ending Wednesday 22nd of May, 1861. Kept by Thos. McKinnell, Mast. Asst.HMS Cyclops: Oman, Khuriya Muriya Islands, Yemen, Egypt, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other places, 1857-1861. Folio (20 x 31.5 cm). Over 360 pp. of manuscript entries, written with brown ink in a legible hand on watermarked laid paper with a blue cast. With 8 pen and ink nautical charts and 5 sketches of coastal sites, including the city of Muscat (8 on the logbook pages and 5 on separate thick album leaves). Contemporary brown cloth over boards, rebacked in period-style black calf with the spine lettered in gold: "Log H.M.S. Cyclops".
L94GKF3SGETD: [OMAN]. - Oman news.With: Oman report.Washington, D.C., Embassy of Oman, 1976-1978. 4to. One issue of the Oman News and three issue of the Oman Report.
ABC_45772: ONGANIA, Ferdinando (ed.). - Calli e canali e isole della laguna [frontispiece: “Calli et canali in Venezia”].Venice, Tipografia Emiliana, 1894-1895. Imperial folio (ca. 55 x 37 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece showing a gondola in a Venice canal and 100 colletypes of the Venice canals, streets and buildings, mounted on guards and covered with flyleaves, index printed in red and black. Original publisher’s half brown sheepskin, beige cloth sides with blind-tooled frame on the front and back board and with a centrepiece with a boat in the lagoon of Venice and the gold-stamped title and author's name on the front board.
ABC_47937: OORT, Jan Hendrik. - The stars of high velocity. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen...Groningen, Gebroeders Hoitsema, 1926. Folio. With 12 figures, illustrating star velocity, and 30 tables (only 27 are numbered). Original grey paper wrappers, with the title and name of the author printed on the front wrapper and the spine, in a protective semi-opaque coated paper dust jacket.
K7ABAL3IXWMO: OOSTEN, Hendrik van. - De naauwkeurige bloemist, of de nieuwe Nederlandsche bloemhof, waarin onderrigt wordt, hoe men alle soorten van bloemen, planten en boomen moet aankweeken, onderhouden en vruchtbaar maken. Benevens eene beschrijving om de boomen goed en wel te snoeijen, ten einde dezelve goed vruchtbaar te houden, enz. enz.Amsterdam, Wouter Brave, [1825]. 8vo (16.5 x 10.5 cm). With an engraved frontispiece and 5 engraved plates. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers.
HC3BI6LO1WK7: OOSTEN, Hendrik van. - De Neederlandsen hof, beplant met bloemen, ooft en orangerijen; ... Den tweeden druk.With: (2) OOSTEN, Hendrik van. Register van alle de soorten der voornaamste vrugten, ... Dito een register van alle de saaden, behoorende tot de moestuinery. ...Leiden, “voor den uitgeever” [= Hendrik van Oosten], sold by Johannes Du Vivié and Isaac Severinus, 1703. Small 8vo & large 16mo. With an engraved frontispiece after Jan Goeree by P. Sluyter, and 5 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.
D6OGYBAMZ2KR: OOSTER, William Alexandre and Carl von FISCHER-OOSTER. - Protozoe Helvetica. Mittheilungen aus dem Berner Museum der Naturgeschichte über merkwürdige Thier- und Pflanzenreste der schweizerischen Vorwelt.Basel and Geneva, H. Georg (colophon: printed in Bern, Haller'sche Buchdruckerei), 1869-1871. 2 volumes in 5 separate parts. 4to. With lithographed map and 32 lithographed plates (numbered 1-13 and 1-19), including 13 double-page. All parts in original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
ABC_45553: OOSTERDIJK, Nicolaas George. - Praecepta medicinae practicae in usum academicum digesta.Leiden, Abraham & Jan Honkoop, 1783. 8vo. With a decoration built up from rococo typographic ornaments on the title-page, woodcut headpieces. Contemporary marbled paper over thin boards.
F9CB0K23SY47: OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. - De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels.
ABC_45583: [OPPENHEIM, Max von]. - Tell-Halâf-Stadt 1913.[Tell Halaf], 1913. 92 x 126 cm. Whiteprint (diazotype) on thick paper. Title, scale and compass executed in manuscript in blue pen.
J3SAAAC9887M: OPPENHEIM, Max von. - Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf durch den Hauran, die Syrische Wüste und Mesopotamien.Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1899-1900. 2 volumes. Large 8vo. With 2 (of 3) folding maps in pockets on the inside of the back board and numerous illustrations in the text and on photographic plates. Original illustrated green cloth.
ABC_47427: OPPIAN of Anazarbus and OPPIAN of Syria (C. RITTERSHUSIUS, translator). - Oppiani poetae Cilicis de venatione libri IV. De piscatu libri V.Leiden, Fransiscus Raphelengium (Officina Plantiniana), 1597. 8vo. With Raphelengius’s woodcut compasses device on the title-page, an arabesque woodcut tailpies (plus repeats) and woodcut decorated initials. Near contemporary (1602) calf with the elaborately blind-tooled coat of arms and monogram of Johann Beckmann "I B M 1602", with later gold tooling and a red morocco spine label lettered in gold, red edges, modern endpapers.
ABC_46175: [ORANGISTS]. - Kort verhael van den oorspronck en onderganck der Loevesteynsche factie. Mitsgaders een vertoogh van ’t recht dat de gemeente in Zeelandt gehad heeft, om in den jare 1672. Sijn Hoogheyt Prins Willem Hendrik, … te herstellen … ende hoe de bedienaers des goddelijcken woorts in Zeelandt haer daar omtrent gedragen hebben …[The Hague or Amsterdam?], voor de liefhebbers van Sijn Hoogheyd, 1673. 4to. Modern brown wrappers.
19684: ORBIGNY, Alcide d'. - Fragment d'un voyage au centre de l'Amérique Méridionale; contenant des considérations sur la navigation de l'Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia). Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, widow Levrault (printed by Berger-Levrault), 1845. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed map (43 x 52 cm) of the centre of South America. Modern half red morocco.
K9SDWEF9PDQZ: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Publicatie van het departementaal bestuur van Overijssel houdende reglement op het afnemen der examina van heelmeesters, vroedmeesters, apothekers, en vroedvrouwen, door de departementale commissie van geneeskundig onderzoek en toevoorzicht van Overijssel. Gearresteerd den 8 maart 1805.Zwolle, H. Tijl, J. de Vri & F. Clement, 1805. 8vo. With a woodcut coat-of-arms of Overijssel on the title-page. Bound as sewn.
K9QFLQVGL7CS: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Gelykheid, vryheid. Publicatie. Het departementaal bestuur van den Rhyn ... doet te weten: ... dat verscheiden lieden, uit vreze voor gestrenge examina, ... zich haasteden, om, vóór de invoerings des geneeskundigen bestuurs, zich, voornamelyk ten platten lande, en in kleine steden, alwaar geen toereikend geneeskundig toeverzicht plaats had, ter uitoeffening der genees- heel- verlos- en artsenymengkunde, neder te zetten ...Arnhem, Abraham van Goor, 1800. 4to. Disbound.
K9QHC9O45M6T: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Gelykheid! Vryheid! Notificatie. Het departementaal bestuur van den Rhyn ... doet te weten: dat, ten einde de meest in het oog lopende misbruiken, welke in het administreren van onderscheiden takken der geneeskunde binnen dit gemeenebest, door onkundige en ongequalificeerde uitoefenaaren, plaats hebben ...Arnhem, Abraham van Goor, 1801. 4to. Disbound.
K9RG9WLEOJN7: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Extract uit het geadviseerde door de stads-doctoren, op resolutie van burgermeesteren schepenen ende raad der stadt Harderwijck, van d. 18. october 1779. ter vergadering overgegeven, om, onder Gods zegen, de grasserende pers-loop, soo veel mogelijk, te praevenieren.[Harderwijk, Johannes Mooijen?, 1779]. 4to. Bound as sewn.
K9IDTLC2J5DF: [ORDINANCE - PHARMACY]. - Nieuwe geamplieerde en gealtereerde ordonnantie voor het Collegium pharmaceuticum, ende het gehele gilde van de apothekarissen binnen de stadt Leyden.Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1765. 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page. Bound as sewn.
K9IGADU2PFQY: [ORDINANCE - PHARMACY]. - Reglement vervattende een ordre, waar na een ieder zig in het verkoopen van rottekruit ten platten lande in deesen geheelen furstendom en graafschap zal moeten gedraagen.Arnhem, widow of Hendrik van Goor, 1772. 4to. With a woodcut coat-of-arms on title-page. Bound as sewn.
K9IA34TFE6UE: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Vernieuwde, ende geamplieerde ordonnantie op het stuck vande pest, ende tegens het voortsetten van dien, item over 't begraven der dooden in tijden van pest en anders binnen der stadt Deventer. Mitsgaders van het loon der bidders ende dragers, als mede van het maecken der graven, het luyden der klocken, met den vorderen aenkleven, soo wel in als buyten pesten-tijden.Deventer, Joan Cost, 1666. 4to. With a woodcut Deventer coat-of-arms on the title-page. Disbound.
K9IBIMJ64SUG: [ORDINANCE - PHARMACY]. - Ordonnantie voor het Collegium Pharmaceuticum, ende het gehele gilde van de apothekarissen binnen de stadt Leyden.Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1718. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Leiden on the title-page. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers.
K9LA52MJJ9UK: [ORDINANCE - MEDICINE]. - Publicatie van het departementaal bestuur van Gelderland, houdende verordeningen op de uitoeffening van alle de takken der geneeskunde in het departem. Gelderland. Gearresteerd den 9 december 1802.Arnhem, J.H. Moeleman jr., [1802]. 4to. With woodcut coat-of-arms of Arnhem on the title-page. Disbound.
E2EBB1V3O29B: [ORDINANCE - MAASTRICHT]. - Memorie der levens-middelen en der selver prysen, soo als die ten dienste der Armée door den edelen achtbaaren raad der stad Maastricht getaxeert zyn, voor den tyd van drie weeken te beginnen met dato den 25. july 1746.[Maastricht, 23 July 1746]. Folded half-sheet (36 x 44 cm).
ABC_46700: [ORDINANCE - CRIME - HOLLAND]. [CHARLES V]. - Ordonnancie va[n] die Keyserlijcke Mayesteyt roerende die dootslaghers cessionanten ende banckeroeten. Ghepubliceert inden jare duysent vijfhondert vier ende veertich.The Hague, sold by Frans Duyck Pietersz. (colophon: Delft, printed by Symon Jansz.), May 1544. 4to. With the woodcut crowned coat of arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (with the order of the Golden Fleece, a column on either side and the motto “plus oultre”) on the title-page. Set in 2 sizes of textura gothic type, with 2 lombardic initials (cast type). Modern half brown buckram, marbled paper sides, blue endpapers, with an older (ca. 1840?) front wrapper bound in.
ABC_45564: [ORDINANCES - DUTCH REPUBLIC]. - Recueil van verscheyde placaten, ordonantien, resolutien, instructien, ordres en lysten, etc. betreffende de saacken van den oorlogh, te water en te lande.The Hague, Jacob Scheltus, Aelbrecht Hendriksz, the heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz van Wouw, Paulus Scheltus, 1591-1716. 4to. With woodcut publishers' devices, title vignettes and decorated initials. Vellum over boards, manuscript title on spine, remains of green ties.
KAADGC8B9ZXB: [ORIENTAL STUDIES IN SCANDINAVIA]. - [A collection of 38 academic theses plus 2 duplicates].Lund, Uppsala, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Turku, 1747-1854. 40 volumes. Mostly 4to.
ABC_47587: ORTA, Garcia de, Carolus CLUSIUS and Nicolás MONARDES. - Due libri dell'historia de i semplici aromati..Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1582. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page, 17 woodcut illustratons in text and numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 4 series). 18th-century limp parchment, sewn on 2 leather supports, laced through the joints.
ABC_47591: ORTA, Garcia de, Nicolás MONARDES and others. - Dell'historia dei semplici aromati, et altre cose: che vengono portate dall'Indie Orientali pertinenti all'uso della medicina.Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1589. 2 volumes bound as 1, the first in 4 parts and the second in 2 parts. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page of volume 1 and the divisional title page of volume 2, 28 woodcut illustrations in text.Later yellow painted (sheepskin) parchment.
ABC_47770: ORTEGA, Casimiro de (translator), [Charles CLERKE (attributed)]. - Viage del comandante Byron al rededor del mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del almirantazgo de Inglaterra.Madrid, Don Francisco Mariano Nipho, 1769. 4to. With a full-page, copper-engraved frontispiece, a large, folding, copper-engraved map of the Strait of Magellan in the back with the coasts highlighted in blue, and ornamental head-pieces throughout. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title and a (later) shelf mark ("143") on the spine.
ABC_45563: OS, Georgius Jacobus Johannes. - [Flowers and fruits on a marble plinth].[Paris or Holland], [ca. 1815-1825]. Four watercolour drawings on paper, three signed “G.J.J Van Os”, edged with a thin black border.
ABC_47805: OSBECK, Peter and Olof TORÉN. - Dagbok öfwer en Ostindisk resa åren 1750, 1751, 1752. Med anmärkningar uti naturkunnigheten, främmande folkslags sprak, seder, hushållning m.m. jåmte 12 tabeller och afledne skepps-predikanten Torens bref.Stockholm, Lorentz Ludwig Grefing (printed by N. von Oelreich), 1757. 8vo. With 12 folding engraved plates (numbered 1-12), a small woodcut ornament at the start of the dedication and a decorated initials and an elaborate head-pieces, both built up from typographical ornaments. Contemporary(?) gold-tooled half sprinkled calf, with a beige title-label lettered in gold on the spine, sprinkled paper sides, red edges.
17027: OSIANDER, Andreas. - Harmoniae Evangelicae libri quatuor, in quibus Evangelica historia ex quatuor Evangelistis ita in unu[m] est contexta, ut nullius verbum ullum omissum, nihil alienum immixtum, nullius ordo turbatus, nihil non suo loco positum. ... Elenchus harmoniae, ... (Colophon: Antwerp, Matthias Crom, 1540). 8vo. With a woodcut vignette at the foot of the title-page and the head of the first page of the main text (illustrating Luke 11), 1 full-page and 97 half-page woodcut illustrations by Levinus de Witte (including a few repeats). 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment.
G8BDG6UHOWTO: OTHO, Georg. - Palaestra linguarum orientalium, hoc est: quatuor primorum capitum Geneseos, I. Textus originalis tam ex Judaeorum quàm Samaritanorum traditionibus. II. Targumim seu paraphrases orientales praecipuae, nempe I. Chaldaicae, (Onkelosi, Jonathanis et Hierosolymitana) II. Syriaca, III. Samaritana, IV. Arabica, V. Aethiopica, VI. Persica. Omnia cum versione Latinâ ...Including: OTHO, Andreas. Glossarium linguarum orientalium octuplex: Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Arabicum, Aethiopicum, Persicum et Rabbinicum …Frankfurt am Main, published by Friedrich Knoch, printed by Martin Jacquet, 1702. 4to. With one woodcut initial. Set in roman, Arabic, Hebrew, Samaritan and Ethiopic types. 2 parts in 1 volume. Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled sides.
K9OCOGXVC696: OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. - Nieuwe kaart van de Vyf Heeren landen gelegen tusschen den Dief en Zouwen dyk.Amsterdam, Reinier and Josua Ottens, 1741. Engraved map on 4 sheets (85 x 98 cm as assembled), with an engraved title ("Kaart van de Vyf Heerenlanden") with the coat of arms of the water district at the head, and surrounded by 14 engraved coats of arms at the left, right and foot (measuring 122 x 134 cm in total). The map with the title and publisher at the foot left, together with a scale (ca. 1:19,000) and the name of the engraver at the right (Jan van Jagen). Framed.
91ID5AWLMDEG: OTTENS, Reinier and Josua OTTENS. - Nieuwe kaart van de Vyf Heeren landen gelegen tusschen den Dief en Zouwen dyk.Amsterdam, Reinier and Josua Ottens, 1741. Engraved map on 4 sheets (85 x 98 cm as assembled), coloured by a contemporary hand. With the title and publisher at the foot left, together with a scale (ca. 1:19,000) and the name of the engraver at the right (Jan van Jagen). Framed.
6204: OTTO VAN PASSAU. - Boeck des gulden throene of der xxiiij ouden. Utrecht, [printer with monogram "tC"], [30 March] 1480. Folio. With 24 illustrations in text (ca. 9 x 6.2 cm), printed from 1 complete woodcut (plus 4 repeats) and 15 components assembled in different combinations, all rubricated and with architectural frames. The book has no printed initials, but spaces for manuscript initials, which have been filled with letters in the uncial style. Each of the 24 chapters begins with a large manuscript initial (the first 5-line with a penwork face in profile and further 4-line), 11 with two or more colours (mostly with penwork decoration extending into the margin), and others with interior white decoration. A smaller (2-line) initial with penwork extending into the margin opens the book's first page and there are numerous further 1-line and 2-line initials. Set in a textura type with capitals rubricated throughout. Woodcut printer's device at the end: a date palm tree with monogram "tC" (6.5 x 5.5 cm), the "t" perhaps also (or instead) representing a cross. Contemporary (Utrecht?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, each board in a panel design with the central part ruled in a lozenge pattern with about 200 impressions of 4 small separate stamps; re-backed, with modern morocco title label.
6871: OTTO VON PASSAU. - Boec des gulden throe[n]s of der xxiiij. ouden en[de] hoemen elke[n] vinden mach en[de] va[n] hoerre leringhen die si leren om te comen totten ewighen leven.(colophon: Haarlem, [Jacob Bellaert], 25 October 1484). Folio (29 x 21.5 cm). With large woodcut printer's device (142 x 82 mm) on verso of last leaf (with the arms of the city of Haarlem above an eagle holding a larger blank shield, here filled in by a contemporary owner); 4 woodcut illustrations and 20 repeats, representing the 24 elders, each showing one of the male elders, standing, teaching a female novice kneeling before him. Further with spaces left for initials, all filled in with uncials by hand, about 25 with penwork decoration in 1 or 2 additional colours: 1 blue 6-line initial with decorations in red and violate extending far into the margin, about 24 red 3 to 9-line (mostly 7-line) initials with lavendar penwork (1 with 2 green dots), some extending into the margin, and more than 70 2-line red initials without penwork decoration; a few spaces left for ¶-marks, also filled in in red; capitals rubricated throughout. Set entirely in Baellart's textura (99 or 100 mm/20 lines or about 14.5 point). Lacking leaf 137 (the second to last text leaf) and the final blank. Modern sheepskin.
ABC_47241: [OTTOMAN ATLAS - MANUSCRIPT]. - [Atlas of the western Ottoman Empire].Ottoman Empire, ca. 1910. Oblong 4to (26.5 x 19.5 cm). 14 leaves with 10 pen-and-ink maps, hand coloured with watercolours. Tissue guards. Gold-stamped cloth with the tughra of Mehmed V (ruled 1908-18) on the front board (when reading right to left) and "Album" on the back board (the front when reading left to right), with an inscription below the tughra and the European numerals “16” and “2” flanking an ornament below the inscription, the whole framed by 4 large floral cornerpieces.
G84EBF01U79O: [OTTOMAN EMPIRE]. - [Drop-title:] Distinto ragguaglio della solenne udienza che alli 4. Settembre ebbe dall' Augustissimo Imperatore Carlo VI. re della Spagne, d'Ungheria &c. a Vienna nel Palazzo Cesareo della Favorita l'ecc[ellentissi]mo sig[nor]. grande ambasciatore Ottomano visire Mückerem Ibrahim Pascia, …Including: Racconto della solenne visita, che alli 7. Di Settembre 1719. Il Sig[nor]. Grande Ambasciatore Ottomano Ibrahim Pascià diede al Seren[issimo]. Prencipe Eugenio di Savoja, …(Colophon: Rome, Giovanni Francesco Chracas, 1719). 4to. With a hatched roman capital used as an initial. Set in roman types with extensive italic. Modern boards covered with chemical-marbled paper, black morocco spine label.
G4TESVVUF9FD: [OTTOMAN-MAMLUK WAR]. - Omnia que gesta sunt in Orie[n]te inter Sophi & Maximum Turcarum & Suldanum, & que[m]admodum dux Turcaru[m] caepit Alepum & Damascum & Hierusalem cum om[n]ibus circumiace[n]tibus oppidis, & quo[rum] maximus Turcaru[m] voluit audire una[m] missam apud sanctu[m] sepulchru[m] Iesu Christi.[Basel, Pamphilus Gengenbach, 1518]. 4to. With woodcut illustration on title-page. 19th-century pink wrappers.
D55H803XSZ3Z: [OTTOMAN PORT]. [PEETERS, Johannes (Jan) (after)]. - [Ladimistri nel' archipelago].[The Netherlands(?), ca. 1720?]. Oblong folio (19.5 x 31.5 cm). Pen and blue-black ink-wash drawing on laid paper, showing the city of Edremit, its harbour and fortifications, with an Ottoman and a Dutch(?) ship, and a lighthouse, in a brown thick-thin-thin border, signed in the border below right, but difficult to read (I. P. Sto...?, I. P. Ste...?). Framed (37 x 49 cm).
ABC_47147: [OTTOMAN CAPITULATIONS OF 1740]. - [Kitabi-i ahdname-i hümayun-u saadet-makrun].[Paris or Istanbul?], [1816 or 1835?]. Large 4to (31.5 x 24 cm). The text of an Ottoman-French treaty, set in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet, a version of the Arabic script. Half calf, marbled paper sides, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47795: OTTONI, José Eloi. - Parafraze dos proverbios de Salomão em verso portuguez, dedicada ao serenissimo principe da beira nosso senhor.Bahia, Brazil, Manuel Antonio de Silva Serva, 1815. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on title page and with head-pieces built-up from typographical ornaments throughout. Contemporary gold-tooled tanned sheepskin with a black morocco label on the spine, blue sprinkled edges.
ABC_45254: [OVERIJSSEL - MEDICINE & PHARMACY]. - Lijst der Medicinae Doctoren, Heelmeesters, Vroedmeesters, Heelmeesters ten Platten Lande, Apothekers, Vroedvrouwen en Drogisten in de Provincie Overijssel, voor den Jare 1821.[1821]. 8vo. Unbound.
1603: OVID. (Jacob REENSTIERNA, translator). - Nägre fabler af Ovidii Metamorphoses, förswanskade (af Jacob Reenstierna).Stockholm, Julius G. Matthiae, 1708. 8vo in 4s. With woodcut device on the title-page, engraved armorial headpiece to the dedication, 19 small engraved illustrations in the text by N. Guerard (ca. 5 x 6 cm), and woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold.
844: OVIDIUS NASO, Publius (Lodovico DOLCE, translator). - Le trasformationi, ... . In questa quarta impressione da lui in molti luoghi ricorrette.Venice, Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari, 1557. 4to. With title in a richly designed architectural woodcut frame, a half-page woodcut hemispherical map of the Americas, Europe and Africa and 82 large woodcut illustrations (plus 2 repeats) with fine ornamental and grotesque borders at either side. Contemporary(?) Polish(?) blind-tooled calf. 17th- or 18th-century endpapers.
1573: OVIDIUS NASO, Publius (OVID). - Den metamorphosis ofte herscheppinghe … In onse Nederduytsche tale overgeset ende met figuren verciert elck tot sijnder historien dienende. Seer nut voor alle schilders, beeltsnijders, goutsmeden, ende liefhebbers der historien.Rotterdam, Pieter van Waesberge, [1635]. 8vo. With engraved title-page, a full-page woodcut depicting the Creation in 6 small scenes, and 178 nearly half-page woodcuts in text after Virgil Solis. Contemporary vellum.
L81FZ6SPTTZP: OWEN, William Fitzwilliam (ed.) & Richard OWEN. - Tables of latitudes, and longitudes by chronometer, of places in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans; principally of the west and east coast of Africa, the coasts of Arabia, Madagascar. &c. resulting from the observations of H.M.S. Leven and Barracouta, in the years 1820 to 1826 inclusive, ... To which is prefixed an essay on the management and use of chronometers ...London, George Duckworth and William Ireland, 1827. 4to. Contemporary blue boards for the Danish Navy Library, later backed with cloth.
F4IG9TO8K9DU: OXLEY, John. - Reizen in de binnenlanden van Australie, in de jaren 1817 en 1818, . . . Uit het Engelsch, met platen en kaarten.Dordrecht, Blussé, Van Braam, 1821. 8vo. With 2 engraved views (1 folding) by J.C. Bendorp and 2 engraved folding maps by C. van Baarsel & son (30.5×62 and 21.5×63 cm). Contemporary sprinkled half sheepskin.
L3QBH5TGC256: OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. - Marine militaire ou recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent a la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'ataque et la deffense des ports.Paris, Chereau, [ca. 1775]. Large 8vo (25 x 17 cm). A wholly engraved book, with 50 engraved plates (1 folding), including a title-page in an architectural frame and 44 leaves with illustrations of ships. 18th-century brown half morocco, with owner's (?) initials at the foot of the spine "I.G.".
766DK3IF1Z51: OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. - Recueil des combats de Duguay-Trouïn [= Les campagnes de Duguay-Trouin]. Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, [1774]. Engraved print series with XV plates (2 double-page) and 7 leaves with engraved text on both sides. Lacking a half-title present in some copies. With: (2) OZANNE, Pierre. Recueil des combats de Jean-Bart, chef d'escadre sous Louis XIV, suivis de l'abrégé de sa vie.Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, 1806. With 19 numbered engraved half-page plates by Le Gouaz after Ozanne. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio (41.5 x 29 cm). Contemporary half green sheepskin parchment.
S2553: OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. - Marine militaire ou recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent a la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'ataque et la deffense des ports. Paris, the author, J. François Chereau, [1762]. 8vo. A wholly engraved book, with a title-page in an architectural frame, armorial dedication illustration with allegorical figures, 50 engraved leaves (1 folding), including 44 with illustrations of ships. Modern half calf.
ABC_45721: P.T. Med. Doct. - Chemia rationalis rationibus philosophicis, observationibus medicis, debitis dosibus, &c. illustrata, cum indice capitum, medicamentorum, eorumque dosium. Accedit Praxis chymiatrica rationalis, demonstrans qua in re singularum partium consistat operatio, per quam causam tollatur, & per quænam remedia (utpote chymicalia vegetabilibus justa methodo mixta) possit restitui. Cum triplici indice. Uno capitum, altero remediorum, tertio simplicium, ad calcem adjecto. Leiden, Jacobus Mocquee, 1687. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With woodcut title-vignettes, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum, blue sprinkled edges.
D6OGI3DA92AU: PABST, Gustav and Walther Otto MÜLLER. - Cryptogamen-Flora enthaltend die Abbildung und Beschreibung der vorzüglichsten Cryptogamen Deutschlands.Gera, C.B. Griesbach, 1874-1877. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to (33 x 24.5 cm). With 12 numbered lithographed plates by C. Bollman in part 1; several wood engravings in text and 25 (numbered 23) chromolithographed plates by J.G. Bach in part 2; 1 lithographed and 8 numbered chromo-lithographed plates by Franz Dietsch in part 3. Original decorated publisher's cloth.
L3S9919SCNGF: [PADDENBURGH, Gerrit Gijsbert]. - Beschrijving van het eiland Curaçao en onderhoorige eilanden. Uit onderscheidene stukken, bijdragen en opmerkingen opgemaakt, door een bewoner van dat eiland.Haarlem, heirs François Bohn, 1819. 8vo. With folding letterpress table. Contemporary half calf.
H41CKHT6O8F8: PADDOCK, Judah. - A narrative of the shipwreck of the Oswego, on the coast of South Barbary, ... London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (printed by Andrew Strahan), 1818. 4to. 20th-century tan goatskin morocco.
ABC_45746: PADOVANI, Giovanni. - Opera nuova ... tradotta di Latino in volgare, laqual dichiara l’uso del maraviglio so istrumento astronomico da lui intitulato horoscopio. ...Verona, Paolo Ravagnano, 1560. 4to. With Ravagnano’s woodcut emblematic device on the title-page (a hand emerging from a cloud and holding a stalk with three lilies, the whole in an oval in a rectangular scrollwork cartouche, with the motto, “candidio animus”), a folding plate (oblong long folio: 15.5 x 41.5 cm) containing 2 woodcuts (12.5 x 22 cm & 12 cm diameter with the 4.5 cm gnomen making it 14 x 13 cm) designed to be cut up to make the author’s “horoscopio” in the form of a volvelle and the sundial-lunar dial, 3 decorated woodcut initials (pictorial), planetary and zodiac signs, and numerous tables of numerical data. 19th-century(?) boards, covered with block-printed decorated paper (black on white).
I479UIWA9D18: PAGAN, Blaise François. - Nieuwe vesting-bouw, ... vermeerdert door Johan Jacob Wertmuller. ... Tweeden druk.Dordrecht, Christoffel der Moey, 1745. 8vo. With an engraved half-title, 18 folding engraved plates and letterpress tables. 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_45224: PAGET, William Henry, MASON, A. H. & others (editors). - Frontier and overseas expeditions from India. Compiled in the intelligence branch of the divisions of the chief of the staff army head quarters India. In six volumes. For official use only.Simla, Government Monotype Press, 1907-1911. 8 volumes (6 plus 2 supplements). 8vo. With 43 maps and 8 plans.Uniform contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped spine labels.
L1ABDB3KUTB6: [PAINTINGS - DENMARK]. - Four miniatures of people wearing pearl earrings.[Denmark?, first half 18th century?]. Collection of four paintings, oil on paper or paperboard, two measuring 8 x 5.5 cm (frame 10.5 x 7.5 cm) and two measuring 8.5 x 5.5 cm (frame 10 x 7 cm), all with a gilt wooden frame.
K88CZG2AM23W: PAIVA, Antonio, Barone de Castello de. - Monographia molluscorum terrestrium fluvialium, lacustrium Insularum Maderensium.Olispone, typis Academicic, 1868. 4to. With 2 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Modern black half goatskin, author's name and title in gold on spine, preserving the original printed front wrapper.
L85ABZKGTT4J: PALACIOS, Felix. - Palestra pharmaceutica, chymico-galenica, en la qual se trata de la eleccion de los simples, sus preparaciones chymicas, y galenicas, y de las mas selectas composiciones antiguas, y modernas, usuales, tanto en Madrid, como en toda Europa, descritas por los antiguos, y modernos, con las anotaciones necesarias, y mas nuevas, que hasta lo presente se han escrito, tocantes à su perfecta elaboracion, virtudes, y mejor aplicacion en los enfermos. Obra muy util, y necesaria para todos los profesores de la medicina, medicos, cirujanos, y en particular boticarios; muy anadida en esta tercera impression.Madrid, heirs of Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1737. Folio. With the title-page in a border built up from cast fleurons, and 5 engraved plates.Contemporary sheepskin parchment; recased, with later endpapers.
21260: PALATINO, Giovambattista. - Libro nuovo d'imparare a scrivere tutte sorte lettere antiche et moderne di tutte nationi, con nuove regole misure et essempi. Con un breve & utile trattato de le cifere. (Colophon: Rome, Benedetto Giunta; printed by Baldassare Carolari, 12 August 1540). Small 4to (21 x 14.5 cm). With large oval woodcut portrait of Palatino on the title, large oval woodcut emblematic author's device on last page, 70 full-page woodcuts: 1 showing writing implements and related equipment and the others a wide variety of scripts (including Greek, Hebrew, Ethiopic and Arabic) and rebuses, another sample page showing 2 sizes of rotunda type with upper and lowercase alphabets and woodcut decorative initials, and 30 pages of letterpress text. Most of the text pages and writing samples in frames of thick-thin rules, a few in decorative woodcut frames. Old sheepskin parchment over flexible boards.
15240: PALAU Y DULCET, Antonio. - Manual del librero Hispano-Americano. Bibliografía Española e Hispano-Americana desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos con el valor comercial de los ompresos descritos, ... Segunda edición, corregida y aumentada por el autor.Barcelona, Librería anticuaria de A. Palau; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1948-1977. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 28 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.With: (2) PALAU CLAVERAS, Augustin. Indice alfabetico de titulos-materias, correcciones, conexiones y adiciones del Manual del librero Hispano Americano.Empúries, Palacete Palau Dulcet; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1981-1987. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 7 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
LBEG60X1NJ1Q: [PALESTINE]. UNITED KINGDOM COLONIAL OFFICE. - Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the Year 1932 ... Colonial no. 82, 58-82.London, His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1933. 4to in 16s. With two folding maps showing parts of the Palestine territory that had been surveyed in detail.Original publisher's printed wrappers.
ABC_47949: [PALESTINE - UNITED NATIONS]. - [Collection of United Nations publications about Palestine from the 1980s].New York, United Nations, 1979-1985.Comprising (in chronological order):(1) UNITED NATIONS. The question of Palestine. New York, 1979.(2) IDEM. The international status of the Palestinian people. New York, 1979.(3) IDEM. The status of Jerusalem. New York, 1979.(4) IDEM. The question of the observance of the fourth Geneva convention of 1949 in Gaza and the West Bank, including Jerusalem occupied by Israel in June 1967. New York, 1979.(5) IDEM. Israel's policy on the West Bank water resources. New York, 1980.(6) IDEM. Social, economic and political institutions in the West Bank and the Gaza strip. New York, 1982.(7) IDEM. Commitee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. New York, 1983.(8) IDEM. The United Nations and the question of Palestine. [New York?], 1985.8 volumes. Ca. 13.5 x 21 cm. All in original blue, green or white printed paper wrappers.
ABC_47952: [PALESTINE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT - PERIODICAL - ENGLISH]. - Fateh. Vol. III, no. 2.Beirut, Palestine National Liberation Movement, April 12, 1971. 42 x 29 cm. Folded. Numerous black-and-white (photographic) illustrations.
ABC_47727: PALGRAVE, William Gifford. - Personal narrative of a year's journey through Central and Eastern Arabia (1862-63).London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1871. 8vo (ca. 13 x 19 cm). With a linen-backed folding map and 3 extending plans. Contemporary half morocco with maroon cloth over boards, gilt, front board stamped with the owner's initials "G.W.T.", marbled endpapers.
ABC_48382: [PALHARES, João]. - [Costumes Portugueses].[Lisbon, ca. 1850]. Folio. With 46 contemporary hand coloured numbered lithographs showing Portuguese dress. Contemporary gold-tooled, quarter green buckram, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, green (pseudo-) marbled paper sides.
ABC_47611: PALINGH, Abraham. - 't Afgerukt Mom-aansight Der Tooverye ...Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertz, 1659. Small 8vo. WIth a woodcut title-vignette showing a witch on a broomstick leaving a house through the chimney (4.3 x 5.2 cm), 13 etched full-page illustrations on 8 plates by Salomon Savry. Contemporary overlapping vellum.
ABC_47416: PALLADIO, Andrea. - I quattro libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio. Ne' quali, dopo un breve trattato de' cinque ordini, et di quelli avertimenti che sono piu necessari nel fabricare; si tratta delle case private, delle vie, de i ponti, delle piazze, de i xisti, et de' tempii.Venice, Bartolomeo Carampello, 1581. Folio. 4 volumes bound as 1. With 4 title-pages, each with the same richly decorated woodcut architectural frame, more than 200 woodcut illustrations, Carampello’s woodcut device, woodcut headpieces and decorative initials.
3677: PALLAS, Peter Simon. - Lyst der plant-dieren, bevattende de algemeene schetzen der geslachten en korte beschryvingen der bekende zoorten. ... Vertaald, en met aanmerkingen en afbeeldingen voorzien door P. Boddaert.Utrecht, Abraham van Paddenburg and Johannes van Schoonhoven, 1768. 8vo. With 14 folding engraved plates by J. van Hiltrop. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_45571: PALLAS, Peter Simon (M. GAUTHIER DE LA PEYRONIE, transl.). - Voyages de M. P.S. Pallas en differentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie septentrionale.Paris, Lagrange (vol. 1), Maradan (vol. 2-5; colophon of vol. 5: printed by Demonville), 1788-1793. 5 text volumes (4to) and 1 atlas volume (Imperial 4to: 33.5 x 25 cm). With 123 engraved plates and maps (27 folding), including a large folding map of the Russian Empire. Uniform gold-tooled tree calf, gilt edges.
ABC_45555: PALLAS, Peter Simon. - Observations faites dans un voyage entrepris dans les gouvernements méridionaux de l'Empire de Russie dans les années 1793 et 1794.Paris, Strasbourg, Amand Koening; Leipzig, Godefroi Martini, 1799-1802. 2 text volumes and 1 atlas volume. 4to (text) and oblong folio (atlas: 24 x 40 cm). With 28 engravings in the text and 1 woodcut in each text volumes (23 hand-coloured), and 55 engraved plates and maps (43 hand-coloured) in the atlas volume. Text volumes in contemporary and uniform gold-tooled mottled calf. Atlas in matching contemporary mottled half calf.
19716: PALLAS, Peter Simon. - Description du Tibet, d'après la relation des Lamas Tangoutes, établis parmi les Mongols.Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1808. 8vo. With engraved illustration on title-page. Modern half calf, gold-tooled spine.
S508: PALLAS, Peter Simon. - Voyages du professeur Pallas, dans plusieurs provinces de l'empire de Russie et dans l'Asie septentrionale; Traduits de l'allemand par le C. Gauthier de la Peyronie. Nouvelle Édition, Revue et enrichie de Notes par CC. Lamarck ... et Langlès...Paris, Maradan, an II [1794]. 8 text-volumes and 1 atlas-volume. 8vo (text) and large 4to (atlas). With 8 title-pages and 8 half-titles, 108 engraved plates and maps, of which 22 folding and 2 double-page. Uniform contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines.
14729: PALLAVICINO, Ferrante. - Devises & emblemes d'amour, ancienes & modernes moralisees en vers Francois, & expliquées, en sept langues.Amsterdam, Daniel de la Feuille, [1696]. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece by G. van Gouwen after Frans de Kaarsgiter, 2 title-pages in red and black, each with De la Feuille’s woodcut DLF cypher-monogram, and 24 full-page engravings on integral leaves, each containing six circular emblems by Jan van Vianen, with a woodcut tailpiece at the end. Including: PALLAVICINO, Ferrante. Devises & emblemes d'amour, anciens & modernes moralisez & expliquez en sept sortes de langues.Amsterdam, Daniel de la Feuille, 1696.Half red goatskin morocco (ca. 1870?) by the Brussels bookbinder Émile Bosquet (signed “BOSQUET” in gold italic capitals with swash letters B and T on the front turn-in, at the foot, near the hinge).
ABC_47485: PALLEGOIX, Denis-Jean-Baptiste. - Grammatica liguae Thai, auctore D.J. Bapt. Pallegoix, episcopo mallensi vicario apostolico Siamensi.Bangkok, ex typographia collegii assumptionis B.M.V., 1850. 4to. Title in a frame built up from of typographic ornaments, the texts is set in Thai and Latin script and with one page (p. 36) of music notation. Contemporary half gold-tooled mottled sheepskin, decorated paper over boards, marbled endpapers.
23497: PALLIERE, Jean Léon. - Album Palliere. Escenas Americanas. Reduccion de cuadros, aquarelles y bosquejos. Buenos Aires, Fusoni brothers, [1864?]. Oblong Royal folio (32.5 x 52 cm). With lithographed title-page and 52 tinted lithographed plates (image size mostly about 19 x 32 cm), lithographed by J. Pelvilain after designs by Juan Léon Palliere. Contemporary, gold-tooled green morocco.
A34ATCUCAGWQ: PALMER, John. - Dagverhaal eener reize in de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-America, en Neder-Canada, gedaan in 1817. Uit het Engelsch, met eene inleiding, bevattende een statistisch overzigt der Vereenigde Staten van Noord-America, volgens de beste en nieuwste berigten. Met eene nieuwe kaart.Haarlem, heirs of François Bohn, 1820. 8vo. With large folding map of America (34.5 x 44.5 cm), engraved by D. Veelwaard after John Melish, borders and outlines in contemporary hand-colouring. Contemporary half calf.
ABC_45635: PALMQUIST, Erich. - Nagre widh sidste Kongl. ambassaden till Tzaren i Muskou giorde observationer öfwer Ryszland, dess wäger, pasz med fästningar och gräntzer - Sammandragne aff Erich Palmquist anno 1674.Stockholm, Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, [1898]. Large oblong folio. With the 1674 title-page, the text, 14 maps and charts, 13 full-page illustrations and several figures on one page (1 page illustrating flags hand-coloured as published). All lithographed after the original manuscript. Paper imitating tree calf, with a gilt-stamped frame, gold-tooled spine.
B5EF7E1VU06I: [PAMPHLET - DUTCH-SPANISH WAR]. - Een goedt advijs, opt stuck vande vrede ende oorloghe in dese Nederlanden: by een edel-man ende oprecht lief-hebber syns vader-landts ende der ghemeyner ruste, aen eenen synen goeden vriendt, by forme van missive, overgheschreven. Na de copie.[Delft], [Aelbrecht Hendricksz.], 1584. 4to. Woodcut interlaced capital 'o' on title, woodcut headpiece.
ABC_46089: [PAMPHLET - BATAVIA]. - Kort verhaal van d’oproer der Chineesen, op het eiland Java, dog voornamentlyk wegens de stad Batavia, voorgevallen in de maand October des jaers 1740.[Amsterdam?, 1741]. 4to. 19th-century brown wrappers.
ABC_46232: [PAMPHLET - HOLLAND & WESTFRIESLAND]. - Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens ’t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Blue modern wrappers, new endpapers.
21131: [PANCHATANTRA/BIDPAI]. [CAPUA, Johannes de, and Anton von PFORR (translators)]. - Der alten Weisenn exempel sprüch, mit vil schönen Beyspilen und Figuren erleüchtet.(Colophon:) Strasbourg, printed by Jacob Frölich, 1539. Folio. With half-page woodcut illustration on title-page, further 1 full-page and 112 smaller (ca. 9 x 14 cm) woodcut illustrations in the text (including a small number of repeats), a woodcut royal procession above and woodcut device of a swan playing a viol below the colophon, numerous woodcut pictorial and decorative strips. Modern blind-tooled calf in 16th-century style.
ABC_47649: [PANORAMA - ROTTERDAM]. Johan Conrad GREIVE jr. (illustrator). - Panorama de Rotterdam.Amsterdam, [printed by R. de Vries for] François Buffa & Sons, [1861]. Oblong (14.5 x 25 cm). The panorama is made up of 6 numbered views, which were originally published on three loose leaves of 2 views per leaf. The viewer looks northward from the river Meuse over the city from the old "sailor's house" (zeemanshuis) in the west along the Willemskade and the Haringvliet to the train station and large warehouse (rijks entrepot) in the east. Original brown blind-stamped wave-grained cloth.
ABC_47223: [PANORAMA - ITALIAN WAR 1859]. - Panorama de la guerre d'Italie. Magnifique album développé formé d'une série de grandes lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie précédé d'un compte-rendu de cette mémorable campagne.Pont-à-Mousson (France), Élie Haguenthal (colophon: Paul Toussaint), [1860/65]. (Size of the whole when folded and closed:) 22.5 x 18 cm. Lithographed folding panorama, showing 8 different lithographed scenes, captioned in and beneath the illustrations, of the Italian War of 1859 from the French-Italian perspective. The 8 scenes (5 3-leaf scenes and 3 single leaf scenes) are assembled to make a single long foldout (as assembled with the text: 21.5 x 395 cm; image size 19 x ca. 310 cm), coloured by a contemporary hand. Half red cloth and hand coloured, lithographed paper sides.
15033: PANSERON, Pierre. - Recueil de jardinage. [Ier]- IVme volume. [vols. 2-4 with title: Recueil de jardins Anglois et Chinois]. Paris, the author, Denos, Mondare, Basan (vols. 3-4: the author only), 1783-1788. With 4 engraved title-pages, 2 engraved ll. with explanatory text, and 110 engraved illustrations on 109 plates. At least the present copy also includes a 3-page engraved price list for both the Recueil de jardins and the Recueil des décorations. With:(2) PANSERON, Pierre. Recueil des décorations propre a embellir les jardins Anglois et Chinois.Paris, the author, 1785. With engraved title-page and 56 engraved plates in ten series.(3) PANSERON, Pierre. Catalogue des ouvrages d'architecture du Sieur Panseron.Paris, the author, [ca. 1783]. 2 works plus publisher's catalogue in 5 volumes. 4to. Contemporary mottled sheepskin, gold-tooled spines. Panseron's price list offered copies bound in "bazanne", so the present copy may be in the publisher's own binding.
L7VEH0MUD6TR: PANTALEONE DI CONFIENZA (CONFLUENTIA). - Pillularium omnibus medicis quam necessarium … Summa lacticiniorum completa omnibus idonea.Including: ZERBI, Gabriele. Cautele medicorum no[n] inutiles.(Colophon: Lyon, Antoine Blanchard [and Laurent Hyllaire], 7 January 1525[=1526]). Small 4to (20 x 14 cm). Title-page with a 4-piece woodcut border (using material from Laurent Hylaire). Modern limp sheepskin parchment.
21856: PANTOJA, Diego de. - Advis ... envoyé de Paquin cité de la Chine, au R.P. Loys de Gusman ... Sur le succes de la religion chrestienne au royaume de la Chine. De l'entree d'aucuns peres de ladire compagnie en la cour du roy, & de plusieurs choses memorables, qu'ils ont veu en ce païs.Lyon, Pierre Rigaud, 1607. 12mo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, remains of ties.
23071: PAPINOT, Edmond. - Dictionnaire Japonais-Français des noms principaux de l'histoire et de la géographie du Japon. Suivi de 17 appendices sur les empereurs, shogun, nengo, sectes bouddhistes, provinces, départements, mesures, etc.Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1899. 8vo. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, engraved tailpieces and Japanese characters. Contemporary blind-tooled glazed purple calico over boards, title in gold on spine.
A6HFJ7L8XMRT: PARADIN, Claude and Gabriel SYMEON. - Symbola heroica. M. Claudii Paradini, beliiocensis canonici et D. Gabrielis Symeonis. Multo, quàm antea, fideliùs de Gallica lingua in Latinam conversa.Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1583. 12mo. With 216 woodcut illustrations in text, namely 179 for Paradin and 37 for Simeon. 19th-century gold-tooled red morocco, gilt edges; bound by Thompson.
ABC_48388: [PARAGUAY - KING NICOLAS I]. - Histoire de Nicolas I. Roy du Paraguai, et Empereur des Mamelus.Saint Paul [= São Paulo, but the work was likely printed somewhere in Western Europe], 1756. 8vo. With a typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary brown paste paper wrappers.
23018: PARDONNET, Georges de. - Émigration au Kansas (États-Unis de l'Amérique du Nord). Le Kansas, ses ressources et produits, ses concessions gratuites de terres, conseils pratiques aux émigrants, la compagnie du chemin de fer du "Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway" et ses immenses possessions réputées les meilleures terres du centre des États-Unis.Antwerp, Frédéric Tuetey [Colophon: Paris, printed by Lahure], [1874]. 8vo. Modern half calf, original blue printed wrappers preserved.
HCHB08RSGIM2: [PARIS UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF MEDICINE]. PUYLON, Denis. - Statuts de la Faculté de medecine en l’université de Paris, avec les pieces justisicatives de ses privileges & les droits & soûmissions à elle deubs par les apothicaires & chirurgiens.Including:- Pieces justificatives des priviliges de l’université de Paris appartenans à la Faculté de medecine.- Arrests et sentences contre les empiriques & les medecins non approuvez par la Faculté de Medecine de Paris.- Reglemens en faveur de la Faculté de medecine de Paris, ontre le premier medecin du roy, pour la reception des apoticaires & des chirurgiens és villes, bourgs & lieux où il n’y a point de jurez en la prevoste & vicomte de Paris.- Pieces concernans les apoticaires, et la visite des drogues.- Reglemens pour la visites des boutiques& pour les examens & receptions des apoticaires-epiciers du roy, privilegiez suivans la cour, sous la charge de monsieur le Grand Prevost de l’Hôtel.- Arrestes, sentences et contracts d’entre la Faculté de medecine de Paris, & le premier barbier du roy, & la communauté des maistres chirurgiens - barbiers & jurez de Paris…- Arrests portans defenses d’enlever les cadavres sans permission du doyen de la faculté de medecine de Paris, de faire anatomie qu’en la presence d’un docteur de ladite faculté, aux officiers de justice de prendre aucuns droits pour l’enlevement desdits cadavres, & à l’executeur de la haute justice d’exiger plus grande somme que de trois livres.- Arrests pour la renvoy au parlement de Paris des instances d’entre la Faculté de medecine en l’université de Paris & le premier barbier du roy.- Arrests faisans defenses d’imprimer aucuns livres de medecine, de chirurgie ou autres sans l’approbation de la Faculté de medecine de Paris.Paris, François Muguet, 1672. 4to. With a few woodcut headpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine.
I14C51BKX03Z: [PARIS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. MARTINENQ, Jean Baptiste Thomas. - Codex medicamentarius, seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis, ex mandato facultatis medicinae Parisiensis in lucem edita M. Joanne-Baptista-Thoma Martinenq, Decano. Editio auctior & emendatior.Paris, widow of Pierre Mergé for Guillaume Cavelier Sr., 1748. Large 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette, an ornamental typographical headpiece and some woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges.
I14FZ8RYN18N: [PARIS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. HARDOUIN DE SAINT-JACQUES, Philippe. - Codex medicamentarius seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis. Ex mandato facultatis medicine Parisiensis in lucem edita. Paris, Olivier de Varennes, 1645. 4to. 19th-century tanned sheepskin, decorated with ink.
ABC_48352: PÂRIS, François-Edmond. - Souvenirs de Jérusalem. Album dessiné par M. le contre-amiral Pâris ...Paris, Arthus-Bertrand, [1862]. Large folio (ca. 64 x 49 cm). With an etched and coloured vignette plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre mounted on the title-page and 14 lithographs, including 12 printed in colour, by Albert Adam, Charles claude Bachelier, Hubert Clerget, Charles Fichot, and Jules Gaildrau after François-Edmond Pâris. Stored loosely, as issued, in the original paper wrapper showing the title and in a modern half brown cloth portfolio.
5532: PARKINSON, Sydney. - Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de sa majesté Britannique l'Endeavour, … précédé d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précédé l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des deux derniers voyages du capitaine Cook, … Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais. Par le C. Henri.Paris, Guillaume, 1797. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 6 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf.
5AVEJPN6Y1BW: PARRY, William Edward. - Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1819-20, in his Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper. With an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations.London, (printed by William Clowes for) John Murray, 1821. Large 4to (27 x 21.5 cm). With 6 engraved maps and charts (4 folding), and 14 plates (9 lithographed and 5 engraved); many figures and tables in the text (1 folding). Contemporary richly gold-tooled calf.With: (2) SABINE, Edward. The North georgia gazette and winter chronicle.London, (printed by William Clowes for) John Murray, 1821. 4to. Later half calf. Untrimmed, leaving deckles intact.
I7BB16JXCIK6: PARRY, William Edward. - Reis ter ontdekking van eene noordwestelijke doorvaart, uit de Atlantische in de Stille Zee, gedaan in de jaren 1819 en 1820 door de schepen The Hecla en The Griper...Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1822. 8vo. With engraved title-page, 1 large folding map and 3 plates (2 folding). Contemporary half calf.
ABC_46954: PASHA, Ahmed Muhtar - Riyaz ül-muhtar, mirat ül-mikat ve 'l-edvar.Cairo, Bulaq Matbaasi, 1303-1313 AH [= 1885-1896 CE]. 3 volumes bound as 1 (plates, text, and appendix). Large 4to (29.5 x 21 cm). Text in Ottoman Turkish, set in a naskh Arabic type, most pages in a thin-thick-thin-rule frame. With a separate title-page and 36 full-page, numbered plates (including 1 double-page) on 36 leaves at the beginning of the book and 1 folding plate at the end. Later elaborately gold- and blind-tooled brown calf, each board with a blind ornamental frame with corner pieces and a gold centre piece. Spine with the title in gold Arabic lettering in the 2nd of 6 compartments, the other 5 with blind ornaments and gold fillets on the 5 raised bands, marbled endpapers, red ribbon marker.
H4AG4TD4QKAW: PASI, Bartolomeo. - Tariffa de i pesi, e misure corrispondenti dal Levante al Ponente: e da una terra, e luogo allaltro, quasi p[er] tutte le parti dil mondo: con la dichiaratione, e notificatione di tutte le robbe: che si tragono di uno paese per laltro … Con la sua tavola copiosissima, e facilissima a trovare ogni cosa per ordine.Venice, (colophon: Pietro di Nicolini da Sabbio), 1540. 8vo. With the title in an architectural woodcut border. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment.
E6IBJN01U79O: PASI, Bartolomeo. - Tariffa de i pesi, e misure corrispondenti dal Levante al Ponente.Venice, per Paolo Gherardo (colophon: per Comin da Trino), 1557. 8vo (15.5 x 11 cm). With the title in a woodcut border of 4 matching parts, and with a crowned eagle device. 18th-century half green morocco, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47149: PASQUIER, L.M.C. - Précis de l'histoire de l'Hindoustan, contenant l'établissement de l'Empire Mogol, ses progrès et sa décadence, l'invasion et les établissements successifs des Européens, la coalition des princes de l'Afghanistan contre les Anglais, l'examen des diverses religions établies chez les Hindous, ainsi qu'un tableau de leurs lois primitives, de leurs moeurs, usages et coutumes, et un résumé des lois qui régissent les établissements français.Paris, Paulin and Ledentu (facing the title-page: Arbois, Imprimerie d'Auguste Javel), 1843. 8vo. 19th-century green polished calf by Bradel-Derome (bookbinder's ticket on front paste-down.
H8LBEG9KQC1M: PASSALACQUA, Giuseppe. - Catalogue raisonné et historique des antiquités découvertes en Égypte ... contenant: 1. Le catalogue ... 2. Des notes et observations ... 3. Des notices et dissertationes scientifiques ...Paris, Galerie d’Antiquites Égyptiennes, 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographic plates. Later paper-covered boards, rebacked in cloth.
86EFDGB2S9UX: PASSE, Crispijn de. - OVID. - P. Ovid. Nasonis XV. Metamorphoseon librorum figurae elegantissime a Cr[i]spiano Passaeo laminis aeneis incisae. Quibus subiuncta sunt epigrammata Latine ac Germanice conscripta ... autore Guilhelmo Salsmanno.Cologne, Crispijn de Passe I; Arnhem, Jan Jansz., 1607. 4to. With an engraved title-page (15 x 12.5 cm) and 2 unnumbered and 132 numbered engravings (ca. 8.5 x 13.5 cm) by Crispijn de Passe I. Contemporary vellum.
B1GGR2474I77: [PASSE, Crispijn de (the younger) and Jan VOS]. - Verklaringe van verscheyden kunst-rijcke wercken en hare beweginghe, door orlogie-werck ghedreven, … Alles te sien in 't Oude Doolhof tot Amsterdam, op de hoeck van de Loyers-gracht.Amsterdam, Tymen Houthaeck, 1648. Small 4to (19 x 15 cm). With a engraved illustration of a labyrinth on title-page, an engraved plate by P. Holsteyn after A. Vinckenbrinck, 3 engravings in text and a folding engraved plate of David & Goliath. Modern marbled wrappers.
ABC_46070: PASSE, Crispijn de (the elder) [after Maarten de VOS]. - [The acts of mercy, including the Last Judgement].Antwerp, Adriaen Collaert (7 plates with the Acts of Mercy) & Johannes Galle (the Last Judgement), ca. 1580-1588. Folio (7 of 8 plates trimmed). 8 engravings (ca. 17.5 x 20.5 cm) on laid paper by Crispijn de Passe I (the elder) after Maarten de Vos with the central scene framed by an exquisite ornamental border showing crafts, tools and scenes relating to the subject. All engravings captioned with engraved Latin text in a cartouche below the images. Loose prints.
1995: [PASSPORT]. - Alder-doorluchtichste, … heeren … die dese opene letteren sullen sien … doen wy burgermeesteren .. der stadt Amsterdam te weten, dat schipper Jurriaen Gerritsz. van Amsterdam … dat het schip genaemt de Helena …Amsterdam, 7 November 1710. Small 1mo (41 x 30.5 cm). Letterpress passport, with a large woodcut initial and spaces where the city, skipper, ship and size are filled in, with two seals, signed in the left margin by François Fagel (1659-1746) and at the foot by J. Aley(?).
86EG1JFQPCMI: [PATTISON, John]. - Neu-Südwales. Seine Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, oder Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen während eines zwölfjährigen Aufenthaltes in Australien.Leipzig, Christian Ernst Kollmann, 1850. 8vo. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin.
L9BFCKU5JLZP: PAULUS OF AEGINA (ed. by Otto BRUNFELS and Wilhelm KOPP). - Pharmaca simplicia, Orthone Brunfelsio interprete.Including: De ratione victus Gukielmo Copo Basiliensi interprete.(Colophon: Strasbourg, Georg Ulricher, September 1531). With a finely executed woodcut on the title-page repeated on the verso of the otherwise blank last leaf.With:(2) VALLA, Giorgio. De simplicium natura liber unus.Strasbourg, Heinrich Sybold, (colophon: August 1528). With the title in a woodcut architectural frame.(3) ODO OF MEUNG (misattributed to Aemilius MACER). De herbarum virtutibus, cum Joannis Atrociani co[m]mentariis, ...Including: STRABO, Walafrid. Hortulus vernantissimus.Freiburg im Breisgau, (colophon: Johann Faber, 1530). (4) MARBOD OF ANJOU (with notes and additions by Georg PICTORIUS). De lapidibus pretiosis encheridion, cum scholiis Pictorii Villingensis. Eiusdem Pictorii De lapide molari carmen.[Freiburg im Breisgau], [Johan Faber], 1531. With a woodcut initial with pictorial decoration. Set in an Aldine-style italic.4 editions containing 6 works, in 1 volume. 8vo (16.5 x 11 cm). Blind -tooled pigskin (Freibrug or vicinity? ca. 1570?) over tapered wooden boards, each board with fields edged by multiple fillets, the outer field containing a frame made from a large roll with allegorical female figures representing the four theological virtues. The front board with owner's initials "A W", and with 2 engraved brass fastenings.
J4AL0ZX7PQRK: PAVEL (PAUL) I, Tsar. - [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Traité d'alliance défensive conclu entre leurs majestés, Empereur de toutes les Russies et le Roi de Prusse le 16/28 Juillet 1800.St Petersburg, Imperial Printing Office, 1801. Folio (29.5 x 21.5 cm). Treaty between Russia and Prussia in Russian and French in 2 parallel columns in cyrillic (left) and roman (right) types. Loose bifolia (and 1 singleton leaf).
S316: PAVLOV, Ivan Petrovitch. - Lektsii o rabote bolshikh polushary golovnogo mozga [Lectures on the function of the cerebral hemispheres].Moscow, Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo, 1927. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with the publisher's logo on the title-page and half-title, a small cartouche with publication data on the back of the title-page, and 1 graph in the text showing the results of experiments. Original publisher's paper wrappers, letterpress-printed in 2 colours.
I31CYM5QKKFG: PAYNE, John. - The true portraicture of His Ma[jes]ties. royall ship the Soveraigne of the Seas built in the yeare 1637. [London, Peter Pett, 1637/38]. Large engraving (66.5 x 91 cm), printed from two plates on two sheets, assembled to make a single print. With title in English across the head, a slightly different Latin title across the foot (both outside the image area), Payne's name and privilege to the right of the Latin title, and two decorated cartouches with laudatory verses in the upper corners. In passepartout (not mounted) and easily detachable framed (90 x 114 cm).
98UC10YNZ8OA: PAZ SOLDAN, Mariano Felipe. - Atlas geografico del Peru.Paris, Firmin Didot brothers, children and comp., 1865. Large folio (51.5 x 37.5 cm). With 50 engraved maps, plans and views (including 20 coloured) and 24 tinted lithographs by F. Delamare. Contemporary black half sheepskin, rebacked.
6BAFGX2RE1PI: PEŠINA Z CECHORODU, Tomáš Jan. - Mars Moravicus. Sive bella horrida et cruenta, seditiones, tumultus, praelia, turbae: & ex ijs enatae crebrae et funestae rerum mutationes, dirae calamitates, incendia, clades, agrorum depopulationes, urbium vastitates, aedium sacrarum et prophanarum ruinae, arcium et oppidorum eversiones, pagorum cineres, populorum excidia, & alia id genus mala, quae Moravia hactenus passa fuit.Prague, Joannis Arnolti de Dobroslawina, 1677. Folio. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece by Wenceslaus Wagner after A. Lublinsky, a full-page engraved portrait of the author, and large folding engraved map of Moravia (50 x 38 cm) by Samuel Dworzak, dated Prague 1677. Further with numerous woodcut decorated initials and woodcut ornamental head- and tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum, red edges, remnants of green closing ties.
6236: PECKHAM, John and Georg HARTMANN. - Perspectiva communis. Ideo sic dicta, quod contineat elementa tès optigès, omnibus philosophiae studiosis necessaria.Nürnberg, Johan Petreius, 1542. Small 4to (18 x 15 cm). With 44 woodcut diagrams in text. Modern boards.
ABC_45599: PEDEMONTANUS, Alexius (Girolamo RUSCELLI) (Johann Jakob Wecker, translator). - De secretis libri sex mira quadam rerum varietatereferti, ex Italico in Latinum sermonem nunc primum translate per Joannem Jacobum Weckerum.Lyon, Guilelmus Rovellius, 1561. 8vo. Later vellum.
15309: PEDEMONTE, Don Carlos. - Discurso que, en el segundo dia del Octavario de Cincepcion, y anniversario de la batalla de Ayacucho, con motivo de la constitucion y presidencia Vitalicia del libertador en el Peru, pronunció el ilustrisimo señor Arzobispo electo de Lima, doctor Don Carlos Pedemonte.Lima, Imprenta de la Libertad, por José Maria Masias, 1826. Small 8vo. Disbound.
ECKGKFGE41JO: [PEIKHART, Franz (original compiler)]. - Andachtsübungen eines Christen vor die Morgens- und Abendszeit, Heilige Mess, Beicht und Communion: mehrentheils aus denen Psalmen Davidis gezogen.[Vienna?, ca. 1800]. 8vo. Manuscript in German on laid paper. 19th-century elaborately gold-tooled green morocco, spine with raised bands and red morocco label lettered "A.M.C.Z." in gold, gold-tooled turn-ins, paste-paper endleaves, gilt edges.
S718: PENTHER, Johann Friedrich. - raxis Geometriae, worinnen nicht nur alle bey dem Feld-Messen vorkommende Fälle, mit Stäben, dem Astrolabio, der Boussole, und der Mensul, in Ausmessung eintzeler Linien, Flächen und gantzer Revier, welche ... eine Land-Carte ausmachen, auf ebenen Boden und Gebürgen, die Abnehmung derer Höhen und Wasser-Fälle, nebst beygefügten practische Hand-Griffen, deutlich erörtert... Neunte Edition. With: (2) PENTHER, Johann Friedrich. Zugabe zur Praxi Geometriae, worinn noch verschiedene zur ausübenden Geometria nützliche Stücke, dabey auch zweyerley Arten architectonische Schnecken ... zu zeichnen angeweisen werden, und endlich eine Zusammensetzung einer guten Wasser Waage, wie auch derselben Gebrauch mitgetheilet wird. Augsburg, J.M. Probst, 1788-1790. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With 2 engraved frontispieces, second title-page with half-page engraved town view, and 39 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf.
D6MEU67YDX9D: [PERAU, Gabriel-Louis Calabre]. - L'Ordre des Francs-Maçons trahi, et le secret des mopses revelé.Amsterdam, 1745. 8vo. With vignette on the title-page and 14 engraved plates (4 folding). 19th-century half calf.
K89G0RTF12AB: PERCHERON, A. - Bibliographie Entomologique, comprenant l'indication par ordre alphabétique 1. Des ouvrages entomologiques publiés en France et à l'étranger, depuis les temps les plus réculés jusques et y compris l'année 1834; 2. Des monographies et mémoires contenus dans les recueils, journaux et collections académiques françaises et étrangères.Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1837. 2 volumes bound in 1.. 8vo. Contemporary half calf, spine with gilt lettering.
ABC_47523: PERCY, Thomas (editor). - Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chinese.London, printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1762. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece with Chinese characters in volume 1 and a quote from Confucius in Chinese characters and a Latin transliteration and translation serving as a vignette on both title-pages. Contemporary sprinkled calf.
ABC_47346: PEREIRA DE MACEDO, Francisco de Santo Agostinho. - Vida del grande d. Lvis de Attayde, tercer Conde de Attogvia, y Virrey de la India dos vezes. Madrid, Imprenta del Reino, 1633. 4to. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine.
ABC_46045: [PÉREZ DE HITA, Ginés (ABENHAMIN)]. - Historie van Granada, van de Borgherlijcke Oorlogen, ende andere, die in het Granadijnsche coninckrijcke geschiet sijn, van de Mooren tegens de Christenen, tot dat de stadt ghewonnen wert van den koninck Don Fernando de vijfde. Met een discours van de incomste der Mooren in Spaengien (ende hare geschiedenissen) met haren uytgang. Getraduceert uyt de Spaensche in Nederduytsche tale, door Isaac Jansz. Bijl.Haarlem, Vincent Casteleyn, for Jan Evertsz.Cloppenburch, Amsterdam, 1615. 8vo. Woodcut vignette on the title-page. Contemporary overlapping vellum.
21393: PÉRIN, René. - Beautés historiques de la maison d'Autriche.Paris, Delaunay, 1811. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 16 illustrations on 8 full-page engraved plates. Contemporary light brown mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
14825: PÉRON, François Auguste and Louis Claude de Saulses de FREYCINET. - Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, fait par ordre du gouvernement, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; historique.Paris, (printed by Lebel for) Arthus Bertrand, 1824. 4 text volumes (8vo) and 1 atlas volume (folio). With lithographed portrait of François Péron; the atlas with engraved title-page and 68 (27 hand-coloured) lithographed plates, maps and charts, including a double-page map of Australia. Contemporary gold-tooled red half sheepskin.
ABC_45359: [PEROVSKY, Vasily Aleksyeevic]. - A narrative of the Russian military expedition to Khiva, under General Perofski in 1839.Calcutta, Office of superintendent government printing, 1867. 8°. With 1 folding plate (plan of the camp, with the positions of the troops) and 1 folding map of the region Orenburg, Kazachstan. Original publisher’s green cloth; re-backed with original backstrip laid down.
4888: PERPONCHER SEDLNITZKY, Willem Emmery Baron de. - Nieuwe aardryks-beschryving voor de Nederlandsche jeugd, tot gebruik zyner kinderen, opgesteld. Utrecht, widow of Johannes van Schoonhoven, 1784-1786. 3 volumes. 12mo. With 4 folding engraved plates illustrating the planets, the solar system and the stellar constellations. Contemporary marbled stiff paper wrappers.
6457: PERRENOT, Abraham. - Bedenkingen over de beoeffening der rechtsgeleerdheid, benevens vier verhandelingen over wysgeerige stoffen.Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé and son (colophon: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, [Utrecht]), 1781. With: (2) PERRENOT, Abraham. Considérations sur l'étude de la jurisprudence, … Nouvelle edition. Berlin, G.J. Decker; Utrecht, Henrikus Spruit, 1776. 8vo. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary red morocco, richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled boards (triple fillets, with floral ornaments in each corner), board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. Bound by the Dutch court bookbinder Abraham van Rossum (active in Amsterdam 1812-1854), one of the "major binders" (Storm van Leeuwen) of that period.
65SFNHU5FJ79: [PERRINET D'ORVAL, Jean Charles]. - Manuel de l'artificier.Paris, Charles-Antoine Jombert, 1757. 8vo. With 5 folding tables and 12 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
F1AE361IF05P: [PERRY, Matthew Calbraith]. - Ethiopian concert. United States steam frigate Powhatan, Hakodadi, Island of Yesso, Empire of Japan, May 29th [1854]. An Ethiopian entertainment will be given by the Japanese Olio Minstrels, on board this ship, this evening, weather favorable, to which the Officers invite your attendance.[On board the Powhatan], Japan Expedition Press, [1854]. 19 x 26 cm as opened flat. A programme and invitation, printed letterpress on washi mulberry tissue paper with a lace-like decorative flower pattern in white.
ABC_47715: [PERSIA - TRAVEL GUIDE]. - [Manuscript travel guide].[Qajar Iran, ca. 1850s]. 8vo (12.5 x 22 cm). Persian manuscript on polished paper. Black nasta'liq script in 15 lines per page, ruled in green and blue, with rubricated chapter headings and marginal medallions. Contemporary limp leather and woven floral-patterned cloth.
ABC_46570: [PERSIA - ANONYMOUS]. - Relacam da celebre embaixada, que o Principe dos Bezancudos mandou ao Schach da Persia, Tha'mas Kouli-khan, para o conciliar seu Aliado temendo o seu poder; e se fez esta funçao em 8 de Junho deste presente anno de 1744. com huma breve noticia dos Bezancudos, e seu Paiz.Lisbon, Pedro Ferreira, 1744. 4to (19.5 x 13.5 cm). With a printer's device on the title-page. Modern half red morocco.
ABC_47840: [PERSIA - BRITISH AUTHORITIES - NOTABLE PERSIAN TRIBES & PEOPLE]. - Tribes and personalities of Western Persia.Baghdad, printed at the Government Press, 1918. 8vo. With 2 folding genealogical charts, respectively showing the family trees of the royal Qajar house and the chiefs of the Qaraguzlu tribe, and a printed ornament on the front wrapper. Restored red printed paper wrappers, with a clear plastic protective wrapper.
ABC_47713: [PERSIAN ALMANAC]. - [Persian manuscript almanac].[Qajar, Iran, 1869 CE =] 1285 AH. 8vo (11.5 x 18.5 cm). Persian and Arabic manuscript on laid paper. Black and red nasta’liq script in rubricated rows and columns with Arabic headings in fine riq’ah script and gilt floral ornaments to each page. Contemporary blind-tooled brown leather, pink paste-downs.
19009: PERSIUS FLACCUS. - Satirarum opus [= Satyrae/Saturae].(Colophon: Venice, Dionysius de Bertochus & Pelegrinus de Paschalibus Bononienses, 10 September 1484). Small folio (29.5 x 21 cm). With the verse text surrounded on three sides by Fonzio's prose commentary, Bertochus and Pelegrinus's woodcut device next to the colophon on the last printed page, with spaces left for manuscript initials without guide letters (not filled in). Set in 2 sizes of Venetian-style roman type (110 and 83 mm/20 lines) with an occasional Greek letter. 19th-century(?) sheepskin parchment.
6471: PESTALOZZI, H. - Al de werken over het onderwijs en de opvoeding. Naar[!] het Hoogduitsch bewerkt, onder opzigt van P.J. Prinsen.Zutphen, W.C. Wansleven, 1826-1831. 8 volumes. With printed music in the first volume, and mathematical figures on 5 folding engraved plates illustrating the morphology in vol. VI. Contemporary sprinkled paper over boards.
6472: PESTALOZZI, Johann Heinrich. - Sämmtliche Schriften. Stuttgart, Tübingen, J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1819-1826. 15 volumes. 8vo. With folding leaf of music in the first volume and mathematical figures on 5 folding engraved plates in volume 15. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
19406: PESTALOZZI, Johann Heinrich. - Meine Lebensschicksale als Vorsteher meiner Erziehungsinstitute in Burgdorf und Iferten. Leipzig, Gerhard Fleischer, 1826. 8vo. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers.
A55FS0A5LQQ2: PÉTAU, Denis (Dionysius PETAVIUS). - Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum libri duo, in quibus de episcoporum dignitate, ac potestate; deque aliis ecclesiasticis dogmatibus disputatur.Paris, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1641. 8vo. With Cramoisy's engraved coupling storks device on the title-page. Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco (ca. 1700?), gilt edges.
K1VE5E3V8EEQ: PETER II, Tsar and Shah ASHRAF. - [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, zwischen dem russischen Reich und dem Sultan Eschref, jetzigem Besitzer des persischen Thrones zu Ispahan. Von russischer Seite ertheilet.St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1729.With: (2) ANNA, Tsarina and Shah TAHMASP II. [Title in Russian followed on the same page by:] Tractat, so zwischen Ihro Kayserl. Majest. von allen Reussen und des persischen Schachs Majest. in der Provintz Gilan zu Rätsche durch die von beyden Seiten bevollmächtigte Ministros am 21. Jan. 1732 geschlossen worden.St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1732. Two treaties between Russia and the Safavid Empire in Russian and German in 2 parallel columns. Small folio (27.5 x 19.5 cm). Disbound.
I9NC2NCJ2PYF: PETIT, Victor Jean-Baptiste. - Bagneres de Luchon et ses environs.Paris, Charles Boivin; Pau, Auguste Bassy, [ca. 1850]. Oblong folio (26.5 x 37.5 cm). With a lithographed title-page with a hand-coloured vignette, and 29 numbered lithographed plates, all coloured by hand and some double-page (including 1 folding out vertically) or folding panoramas. All plates mounted on thick wove paper with letterpress captions. Contemporary gold- and blind-blocked dark green cloth, gilt edges.
ABC_47804: PETRARCA, Francesco (attributed). - Psalmi confessionales.[Deventer, Albert Pafraet, ca. 1514-1517]. 8vo. With 2 allegorical woodcut illustrations. The first, on the title-page, shows "Cognitio" leaving the room to go inquire who wounded the Daughter (of) Zion. The second, on the last page, shows "Spes", "Fides" and "Cognitio" comforting the Daughter (of) Zion, who is lying in bed. Later sheepskin parchment with the title lettered in gold on the spine.
19720: PETRI (PETRUS), Suffridus. - De scriptoribus Frisiae, decades XVI. Et semis: in quibus non modo peculiares Frisiae, sed & totius Germaniae communes antiquitates plurimae indicantur, & veterum historicorum ac geographorum loci, hactenus non intellecti, explicantur.Franeker, Jacobus Horreus, 1699. 12mo. Contemporary vellum.
E9RE8MOEETNL: PETRUS DE NATALIBUS. - Catalogus sanctorum & gestorum eorum ex diversis voluminibus collectus: ... (Colophon: Strasbourg, printed by Martin Flach, 1513). Folio (22.2 x 32 cm). Title-page with a woodcut decorated initial and a 4-piece woodcut border by Hans Wechtlin, 1 full-page woodcut by Urs Graf, hundreds of woodcut decorated uncial initials. Set mostly in rotunda gothic types. Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, in a panel design, with 2 brass clasps on leather straps with brass catchplates and anchorplates.
IA6ACDJ2MWDK: PETTIGREW, Thomas Joseph. - A history of Egyptian mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians; with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, and observations on the mummies of the Canary Islands, of the ancient Peruvians, Burman priests, &c.London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman (back of title-page and colophon: printed by P.P. Thoms), 1834. 4to. With 13 numbered lithographed plates (the first used as frontispiece), including 3 fully and 1 partly coloured by a contemporary hand, of which 2 highlighted in gold. Contemporary half calf, restored and rebacked with parts of the original backstrip laid down, with new tooling and title-label on spine, cloth sides, later endpapers.
ABC_45878: PEUCKER, Karl. - Musil’s explorations in Northern Arabia, 1908-9.[London, W. Clowes, May 1910]. With a full-page black and white lithographed map (19x12.5 cm). 4to. With a full-page lithographed black and white map. Modern blue wrappers.
E4PBJL5NT60T: PFEIFFER, François Joseph junior, Jacob van LENNEP and Gerrit van ENST KONING. - Tooneel decoratief, voorgesteld in op steen geteekende platen door F.J. Pfeiffer Jr. Amsterdam, Coenraad Weddepohl, 1845. Folio. With a lithographed portrait of the artist (mounted), 8 lithographed plates of stage designs, and 9 poems in red decorated letterpress frames, the lithographs by Desguerrois & Co. With the 8 plates of stage designs hand-coloured as published. Original publisher's cloth, with a gold-blocked lyre in the centre of each board.
ABC_46385: PFIZMAIER, August. - Wörterbuch der japanischen sprache.Vienna, P.P. Mechitharisten for Carl Gerold & Sohn, 1851. Large 4to (342 x 266 mm). Original yellow printed wrappers.
ABC_45645: [PFUEL, Ernst von]. - Geschiedkundig tafereel van den aftogt der Franschen uit Rusland. Vertaald naar het origineel, te Petersburg uitgegeven in 1812.Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1813. 8vo. Sewn.
22302: PFYFFER ZU NEUECK, Joseph Jacob Xaver. - Esquisses de l'ile de Java et de ses divers habitants, recueillies pendant un séjour de huit années fait dans cette île; … traduit de l'Allemand par Girodz du Villard, revu et mis en ordre par G. Guénot Lecointe. Brussels, P.J. Voglet for Société Belge de Librairie, Hauman, Cattoir and company, 1837. 12mo. Modern grained brown half calf preserving the original lithographed wrappers, partly uncut.
ABC_45419: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri quinque, Ad optimas quasque editions emendati.Paris, G. Franciscus Quillau for Coustelier, 1742. 12mo. With frontispiece by Etienne Fessard after C.A. Coypel, the woodcut Elzevier "non-solus" printer’s device on both title-pages, some woodcut initials and border, 1 engraved headpiece of Aesop and the animals. Mottled calf over boards with triple gilt ruling along the edges of both covers, spine gilt in compartments with red title label lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, gilt edges.
ABC_45454: PHAEDRUS (Jean Etienne Judith Forestier BOINVILLIERS, ed.). - Julii Phaedri, Caesaris Augusti Romanorum Imperatoris, Liberti, Fabulae, in quinque libros ex aequo divisae, ab omni genere obscenitatis expurgatae … Cui operi accesserunt et novellae quaedam fabulae Phaedro attributae, et singulae quas Fontanius versibuus polivit, et Mythologia gallica latine convertenda, Editione et auctore J.S.J.F Boinvilliers ... Sexta edition, ad usum quintanorum.Paris, August Delalain, 1825. 12mo. Half vellum and blue paper over boards.
ABC_45192: PHAEDRUS - LA FONTAINE. - Fables de Phèdre Affranchi d’Auguste, en Latin et en François, Avec les Fables de La Fontaine qui y sont relatives; L’interlinaire des deux premiers livres suivi ds Regles de Syntaxe … Le dictionnaire des termes dont l’Auteur a fait usage, &c.Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1769. 8vo. With an ornamental vignette on title. Mottled calf over boards, ribbed spine with red title label lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, blue painted edges
ABC_45447: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Augusti Liberti, Fabularum Aesopicarum Libri Quinque. Nova edition, cui accesserunt Publii Syri et aliorum Veterum Sententiae. Editio stereotypa.Paris, ex officina stereotype Pierre l’ainé & Firmin Didot, Anno VI [=1799]. 12mo. With the Didot printer’s device (initials P, F. D.) on the title. Half calf, gilt spine with green title label lettered in gold, boards covered with marbled paper.
ABC_45383: PHAEDRUS. - Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque; notis perpetuis illustrati, & cum integris aliorum observationibus. In lucem editi à Johanne Laurentio JCto.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, & the widow of Elizeus Weyerstraet, 1667. 8vo. With a frontispiece and 103 half-page engravings (ca. 7 x 9 cm), illustrating the prologues and the 92 fables. Full calf, ribbed spine gilt in compartments, marbled endpapers, red painted edges.
ABC_45426: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri quinque cum novo commentario Petri Burmanni.Mitau (now: Jelgava, Letland), Jacobus Fridericus Hinzius, 1773. 8vo. Some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Sprinkled black 18th-century paper over boards with paper label on spine lettered in ink.
ABC_45404: PHAEDRUS - SYRUS. - Phaedri Fabulae, et P. Syri Mimi Sententiae, Hac quinta editione auctiores, cum notis & emendationibus Tanaquilli Fabri. Accedit & Gallica versio ferè de novo reficta.Amsterdam, widow of Paul Marret, 1712. 8vo. With a frontispiece in two compartments, title-page printed in red and black with printer’s device ("Eadem Ubique"), some small woodcut initials and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, ribbed spine gilt in compartments with title lettered in gold, red painted edges.
ABC_45409: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Fabulae, et P. Syri Mimi Sentantiae. Hac sexta editione auctiores, cum notis & emendationibus Tanaquilli Fabri. ...The Hague, Petrus Gosse, 1725 8vo. With a frontispiece in two compartments, title-page printed in red and black with printer’s device, some small woodcut initials and tailpieces. Calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments with red morocco title label lettered in gold, marbled endpapers.
ABC_45412: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Augusti Liberti, Fablarum Aesopiarum Libri Quinque. Cum novo commentario Petri Burmanni.Leiden, for Samuel Luchtmans, 1727. 4to. With the well-known engraved frontispiece by Jacob Folkema (1692-1767) after the original by Joseph Mulder and Tiedeman, folding engraved portrait of Petrus Burmannus by J. Houbraken after H. van de My (painted 1727) and I. Luchtmans. Title-page printed in red and black, with woodcut printer’s device; some woodcut headpieces and initials. Full calf over boards, spine in compartments and lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, edges painted red, marbled endpapers; on the front cover: ‘P. E. D. L. D. C.’ and date: ‘1731’ in gold.
ABC_45427: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Aug. liberti, fabularum Aesopiarum, libri V. cum integris commentariis Marq. Gudii, Conr. Ritterhusii, Nic. Rigaltii, Is. Neveleti, Nic. Heinsii, Joan. Schefferi, Jo. Lud. Praschii, & excerptis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno. Editio quarta emendatior.Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1778. Large 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut printer's device on the title-page and some woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later half black morocco, blue marbled sides, title in gold on spine, marbled endpapers, marbled edges.
ABC_45442: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Et Novarum Fabularum Appendix. E recensione Petri Burmanni. Ed. tertia.Nuremberg, ex off. Libraria Riegeliana, 1783. 16mo. With frontispiece: a reduced version of the frontispieces for the great Burman editions after Joseph Muller/Tydeman (98 x 60 mm.). Half calf, marbled paper over boards, red painted edges.
ABC_45444: PHAEDRUS - AESOP. - Phaedri Augusti Liverti Fabulae Aesopiae novissime recognitae et emendatae. Accedunt Publii Syri Sententiae Aviani et Anonymi Vereris Fabulae denuo castigatae. Editio accurate.Zweibrücken, 1784. 8vo. With a fantastical engraving on the title-page. Sprinkled paper over boards, red sprinkled edges.
ABC_45448: PHAEDRUS (Herman BOSSCHA, ed.). - Initia lectionis scholasticae of eerste leesoefeningen voor de Latijnsche scholen. Edente Hermanno Bosscha. Twede, en verbeterde druk.Deventer, L. Leemhorst and son, 1803. 8vo. Contemporary brown decorated paper on cardboards.
ABC_45452: [PHAEDRUS?]. - Noviter detectae Phaedri Fabulae Triginta. E manuscipto Bibiothecae Regiae Neapolitanae Codice nuperrime editae; ad commodiorem lectitantium usum hanc in formam recusae.Stuttgart & Tübingen, apud J.C. Cotta, 1812. 8vo. Later marbled wrappers.
ABC_45421: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Aug. Liberti, Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Cum integris commentaribus Marq. Gudii, Conr. Ritterhusii, Nic. Rigaltii, Is. Neveleti, Nic. Heinsii, Joan. Schefferi, Jo. Lud. Praschii & excerptis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno. Ed. tertia emendatior, & majoris in quarto Ed. Indice aucta.Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans & and son, 1745. 8vo. With the well-known engraved frontispiece after the original by Joseph Mulder and Tiedeman; Title-page printed in red and black, with woodcut printer’s device; some woodcut headpieces and initials. Mottled calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments with red and green title labels lettered in gold, edges painted red.
ABC_45422: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusto Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Recte tandem captui puerorum accomodati. Oder: deutliche und nach dem Begriff der Jugend endlich recht eingerichtete Erklärung der Aesopischen Fablen welche Phaedrus … in fünf Büchern hinterlassen: … durch Emanuelem Sincerum.Frankfurt and Leipzig, [Heinrich Ludwig Brönner?], 1762. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with 2 typographical head- and tailpieces. 19th-century light blue paper over boards.
ABC_45420: PHAEDRUS - AVIANUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti, et Avieni Fabulae Cum adnotationibs Davidis Hoogstratani. Accedunt Fabulae Graecae Latinis respondents, et Homeri Batrachomyomachia cum expositione singulorum verborum accratissima.Naples, Angeli Carfora, 1742. 8vo. With frontispiece by Filippo da Grado, Title printed in red and black with woodcut ornament, some woodcut initials and tailpieces. Vellum over boards.
ABC_45423: PHAEDRUS - SYRUS (Gabriel FAERNO transl.). - Phaedri Fabulae. P. Syri Sententiae. Faerni Fabularum Libri quinque. Nova edition, cui accesserunt notae Gallicae ad usum scholarum accomodatae.Paris, J. Barbou, 1765. 12mo. With small woodcut vignette on title-page. Mottled calf over boards, ribbed spine.
ABC_45424: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Aug. Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. In gratiam studiosae Juventutis notis illustrati. Cura Davidis Hoogstratani. Editio Septima, prioribus multo accuratior.Amsterdam, for D. Onder de Linden and son, 1772. Small 8vo. Title printed in red and black, with frontispiece (139 x 78 mm.) after Muller/Tiedeman, with the imprint: Amsterdam, D. Onder de Linden; engraved printer’s device. Modern vellum over boards.
ABC_45414: PHAEDRUS - AVIANUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti, et Avieni Fabulae cum adnotationibs Davidis Hoogstratani. Accedunt Fabulae Graecae Latinis respondentes, et Homeri Batrachomyomachia cum Latina versione recens addita ad exemplar Patavinae editionis.Naples, Felix Musca for Josephi Ponzelli, 1729. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut title-vignette and some woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later vellum over boards, red morocco spine label with title in gold, new paste-downs and endpapers.
ABC_45406: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Aug. Liberti, Fablarum Aesopiarum Libri V. Cum integris Commentariis Marq. Gudii, Conr. Rittershusii, Nic. Rigaltii, Is. Neveleti, Nic. Heinsii, Joan. Schefferi, Jo. Lud. Praschii & excerpis aliorum. Curante Petro Burmanno.The Hague, Henricus Scheurleer, 1718. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece by Joseph Mulder after Tiedeman: Phaedrus is writing in the foreground, inspired by his Muse, on the ‘stage’ (background) is Aesop communicating with the animals (100 x 166 mm.); Title-page printed in red and black, with woodcut printer’s device; some woodcut headpieces and in initials. Contemporary overlapping vellum, brown morocco spine label with the title in gold.
ABC_45408: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Aug. liberti fabularum Aesopiarum libri V. et novarum fabularum appendix. Cura et studio Petri Burmanni.The Hague, Henricus Scheurleer, 1719. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece by D. Coster and a woodcut printer's device n the title-page. Contemporary vellum, red sprinkled edges.
ABC_45411: PHAEDRUS. - P. Terentii Afri Comoediae. Recensuit, notasque suas et Gabrielis Faerni addidit Richardus Bentleius. Editio Altera.Amsterdam, R. & J. Wetstein, G. Smith, 1727. 4to. With a frontispiece of Aesop, including the portrait of William August (1721-1765) Duke of Cumberland. Vellum over thick boards, ruled in gold with gold corner pieces and a gilt stamp of Minerva with the coat-of-arms of The Hague in the center, ribbed spine gilt in compartments (‘price-binding of the Latin School in The Hague (Spoelder, The Hague, 3).
ABC_45413: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri fabulae, et publii Syri Sententiae.Paris, ex Typographia Regia, 1729. 24mo. With an engraved frontispiece by Ph. Simonneau. Late 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine, black morocco spine label with title in gold, gilt-stamped ornamental border on both sides, gilt edges, marbled paste-downs and endpapers.
ABC_45399: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Caesaris Liberti Fablarum Aesopiarum Libri quinque. Notis doctorum selectioribs, novisque passim & conjecturis & explicationibus illstrati. Opera Tho. Johnson, A.M. In usum Scholae Etonensis. Ed. secunda.London and Eton, for B. Walford, M. Atkins, and J. Slater, 1708. 8vo. With a separately inserted leaf with the printed coat-of-arms of Eton College in between the title-page and the preface "To the reader", title printed in red and black. Mottled calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments with red title label lettered in gold.
ABC_45395: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Aug. liberti fabularum Aesopiarum libri V. Cum notis perpetuis Jo. Fred. Gronovii, P. & emendationibus Jacobi Gronovii, F. Accedunt Nicolai Dispontini in Phaedrum collectaneea.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, 1703. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece showing Phaedrus and Aesop on the stage of a theatre filled with men with animal-heads, title in red and black, some woodcut tailpieces and initials. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine.
ABC_45391: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri, Aug[usti]. Liberti fabularum Aesopiarum libri V...Amsterdam, Henricus Wetstein, 1698. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, title-page in red and black, woodcut title vignette and woodcut decorated initials. Mottled calf, gold double fillets on sides, gold-tooled spine with title in gold, gold-tooled board edges.
ABC_45389: PHAEDRUS. - Liberti fabularum Aesopiarum libi quinque. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Petrus Danet … In usum serenissimi Delphini.Paris, Fredericus Leonard, 1675. 4to. With a beautiful frontispiece, a woodcut printer’s device on the title-page and some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges, sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers.
ABC_45396: PHAEDRUS; HOOGSTRATEN, David van (transl.). - Ezopische Fabelen van Fedrus, gevryden slaef des Keizers Augustus. In Nederduitsch dicht vertaelt en met aenmerkingen verrykt door D. van Hoogstraten.Amsterdam, François Halma, 1704. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, 106 engraved illustrations in a roundel, a large armorial headpiece for the dedication and 5 large and 4 smaller head- and tailpieces, 9 engraved initials and many woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine.
ABC_45385: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque cum annotationibus Joannis Schefferi … et Francisci Guyeti notis. Editio tertia … In qua jungitur, interpretatio Gallica cum notis, & index Latinus uberrimus.Hamburg, Gottfried Schultze; Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge, 1673. 8vo. With woodcut title vignette. Contemporary gold-tooled vellum, each board with the coat-of-arms of Gouda (prize binding made for the city of Gouda) and double fillets, gold-tooled spine with red label lettered in gold.
ABC_45196: PHAEDRUS. - Fabularum libri quinque, cum notis Danielis Hartnacci, Pomerani, historicis, ritualibus, moralibus, & philologicis.Lübeck, Johann Wiedemeyer (printed by Heinrich Urban in Rudolfstadt), 1697.With: (2) PHAEDRUS. Fünff Bücher seiner Fabeln, oder Gedichte und Geschichte... Frankfurt & Leipzig, for Johann Wiedermayer in Lübeck, 1696.2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved plate and an engraved frontispiece, title-page in red and black. Marbled paper over boards with vellum spine label.
ABC_45191: PHAEDRUS. (David van HOOGSTRATEN, trans.). - Ezopische fabelen van Fedrus, gevryden slaef des Keizers Augustus. In Nederduitsch dicht vertaelt en met aenmerkingen verrykt door D. van Hoogstraten. Met nieuwe konst-platen.Amsterdam, Steven van Esveldt, 1769. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with an engraved frontispiece by Simon Fokke and a vignette on title-page, and 16 engraved plates with 6 fable illustrations each, also by Fokke, mostly after the illustrations for the first Latin Hoogstraten edition (1701) by Jan van Vianen. Contemporary boards covered with sprinkled paper, manuscript spine label.
ABC_45443: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum libri V. Cum notis et supplementis Gabrielis Brotier. Accesserunt parallelae Joannis de la Fontaine Fabulae.Paris, Joseph Barbou, 1783. 12mo. With frontispiece (12 x 7 cm.) of Mercure addressing Aesop, engraved by Etienne Fessard (1714-1777) after Louis Durand. Fessard also engraved the 5 fable illustrations (ca. 4 x 6.5 cm., all dated 1747) at the beginning of each of the five fable books, woodcut vignette on title-page, woodcut head- and tailpieces. Mottled calf over boards with triple gilt ruling along the edges of both covers, spine gilt in compartments with label lettered in gold, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, gild edges.
ABC_45441: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulorum Aesopiarum Libri V. Ex recensione Petri Burmanni. Cum selectis variorum notis et suis observationibus edidit Io. Gottl. Sam. Schwabe.Halle, for Joannes Jacobus Gebauer, 1779-1781. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With some woodcut headpieces. Three-quarter calf over boards, ribbed spine tooled and lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, edge painted red.
ABC_45445: PHAEDRUS. - Phaedri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Ex recensione Petri Burmanni Cum notis selectioribuus.Venice, Thomas Bettinelli, 1787. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece of Mercure addressing Aesop by P. Scataglia after Etienne Fessard and Louis Durand, title in an ornamental engraved frame with the illustration for the first fable (the wolf and the lamb) by the same artist, some woodcut typographical head- and tailpieces. Half calf, ribbed spine gilt in compartments, lettered in gold, stamped ornamental paper over boards, red painted edges.
I14EGKUR6HJE: [PHARMACOPEIA - THE NETHERLANDS]. - Pharmacopoea Batava.Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. Large 8vo. With 2 folding tables. Prize-book of the Latin School at Haarlem: polished mottled calf with gilt panel of the city-virgin of Haarlem holding the coat-of-arms of the city as her shield; underneath the motto: ‘Vicit vim virtus’, on both sides, ornamental gilt border along the edges of both sides, spine gilt with orange title label lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, green ties. Complete with the dedication of the Latin school, presenting the book to Jacob Warning, dated Haarlem, 17 Dec. 1817 and signed by the rector and teachers of the school, bound in before the first fly-leaf.
I179IKI8TYIP: [PHARMACOPEIA - MADRID]. - Pharmacopoeia Matritensis regii, ac supremi Hispaniarum protomedicatus auctoriate, jussu atque auspiciis elaborata. Editio secunda locupletior, en longè emendatior.Madrid, Antonio Perez de Soto, 1762. 4to. Title printed in red and black with a title-engraving with a view on Madrid engraved by Crutz, with a small portrait in a roundel of the dedicatee, King Carlos III, also engraved by Crutz, and woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges.
I14DVA32F2X0: [PHARMACOPOEIA]. TAZEWELL, William. - Vade-mecum medicum, in duas partes divisum, ...Leiden, Abraham and Jan Honkoop, 1800. 12mo. Contemporary mottled boards.
I17AMZ1TNVFN: [PHARMACOPOEIA - EDINBURGH] - Pharmacopoeia collegii regii medicorum Edinburgensis. Secundum editionis Edinburgensis. Novissimae exemplar recusa. In usum praelectionum academicarum.Bremen and Leipzig, Georg Ludewig Förster, 1766. With engraved emblematical vignette with the motto ‘Nemo me impune lacessit’ in the title-page, typographical headpieces and curious tailpiece.(2) Pharmacopoeia pauperum, in usum Nosocomii Regii Edinburgensis.Frankfurt a/M & Leipzig, Officina Fleischeriana, 1760. 8vo.With engraved oval vignette with the coat-of-arms and seal of the Edinburgh hospital and its motto ‘Patet omnibus’ in an oval, title in ornamental frame. With two added handwritten receipts. 8vo. Calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments.
L4ADNKY1AWHW: [PHARMACY - RECIPES]. - Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. 8vo. Modern orange paper wrappers.
ABC_46484: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - Arabian jubilee.London, Robert Hale Limited, 1952. 8vo. With a portrait of king 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn Sa'ud as the frontispiece, 1 map of Arabia in 1950, and 16 double-sided plates. Black cloth.
ABC_46483: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - Arabian jubilee.London, Robert Hale Limited, 1954. 8vo. With a portrait of king 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn Sa'ud as the frontispiece, 1 map of Arabia in 1950, and 16 double-sided plates. Black cloth with title information in gold on spine.
ABC_46426: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - The empty quarter, being a description of the Great South Desert of Arabia known as Rub' al Khali.London, Constable, 1933. 8vo. With 3 folding maps an 47 illustrations on 32 plates. Original publisher's gilt-stamped green cloth.
ABC_46425: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - The land of Sheba (The Geographical Journal Vol. 92, no. 1).[United Kingdom, The Royal Geographical Society], July 1938. 8vo. With 1 large folding coloured map, 1 smaller uncoloured folding map, and numerous photographs on 7 plates. Later half black cloth.
ABC_46424: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - Halévy in the Yaman (The Geographical Journal Vol. 102, no. 3). [United Kingdom, The Royal Geographical Society], September 1943. 8vo. Contemporary blue cloth with gilt-stamped abbreviated title to front cover: "Philby - Yaman".
ABC_46422: PHILBY, Harry St. John Bridger and Alfred Felix Landon BEESTON. - Sheba's daughters beign a record of travel in southern Arabia. With an appendix on the rock inscriptions by A.F.L. Beeston. London, Methuen & Co., [1939]. 4to. With photographic frontispiece, 46 photographic plates (1 of which double-page), 1 folding map of southern Arabia, and several photographic illustrations in the text. Contemporary light yellow cloth with giltstamped title and ornament to the spine.
G1ADEZWS9QAF: PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. - Routes in South West Arabia. From surveys made by J. B. Philby.London, 1938. Colour-printed map (56 x 36 cm)
S942: PHILES, Manuel. - De animalium proprietate, ex prima editione Arsenii et libro Oxoniensi restitutus a Joanne Cornelio de Pauw, cum ejusdem animadversionibus et versione Latina Gregorii Bersmanni. Accedunt et eodem libro Oxoniensi non pauca hactenus inedita.Utrecht, Willem Schouw (colophon: printed by Pieter Muntendam), 1730. 4to. Modern gold-tooled brown half morrocco.
17317: PHILIDOR, André Danican. - Analyse du jeu des échecs. Avec une nouvelle notation abrégée et des planches ou se trouve figurée la situation de jeu pour les renvois et les fins de parties. Nouvelle édition. Paris, Chez Causette (colophon: Strasbourg, printed by Amand Koenig), 1820. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, 42 full-page colour-printed plates and numerous chess-notations in text. Contemporary half morocco.
HCLAD73TWO2S: [PHILIP II, King of Spain]. - Ordinancie, statuyt ende policie gemaect byden coninck onsen aldernadichsten Heere, op tfeyt vande contracten vande asseurancien ende versekeringen in dese Nederlanden. Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1571. 4to. With armorial woodcut on title-page. Modern vellum.
ABC_46561: PHILIP III, King of Spain (Jan Huygen van LINSCHOTEN, translator). - Missive ofte placcaet van den coninck van Spangien ghesonden aenden hartoch van Lerma, aengaende het bannen ende verjaghen van de Moriscos, dat zijn de oude landtsaten vant coninckrijck van Valencien in Spangien.Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1609. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title vignette and a woodcut initial. Modern marbled paper over boards, new endpapers.
19076: PHILIPPON, Adam. - Curieuses recherches de plusieurs beaus morceaus d'ornemens antiques, et modernes, tant dans la ville de Rome, ques autres villes et lieux d'Italie. Croissant, Adam Philippon, 1645. Wholly engraved print series consisting of a title-page, dedication, privilege, and 50 plates. The leaves are numbered 1-42, followed by 10 plates with their numbers changed by hand, and the privilege. With: (2) LE PAUTRE, Jean. Frizes feuillages ou Tritons marins antiques et modernes.Paris, P. Mariette, [ca. 1664]. Series of 6 numbered engraved plates, each with two friezes . 2 series in 1 volume. Small folio (26.5 x 18.5 cm). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
23523: PHIPPS, Constantine John. - A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's command 1773.London, William Bowyer and John Nichols for J. Nourse, 1774. Large 4to. With 15 large double-page and larger folding engraved plates, and many letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled board edges, rebacked soon after with a richly gold-tooled spine with globes and numerous floral stamps, red morocco spine-label.
ABC_45756: [PHOTO ALBUM - PAKISTAN]. G.W. CURTIS (compiler). - [Album of photographs documenting a British military tour on the Northwest Frontier].Waziristan/Pakistan, 1923-1925. 4to album (22.5 x 17.5 cm). With 97 black & white photographs (each ca. 11 x 6.5 cm) inserted in “frames” on 24 paperboard leaves, with 2 "frames" on each page (1 frame has 2 photos in it). Contemporary cloth.
I7D9LIPN5PS6: [PHOTOGRAPH - HAND COLOURED]. LAFAYETTE STUDIO. - [Crown Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia].[London, 1935]. Matt silver print (ca. 28 x 36 cm), watercolour, pastel, gouache and oil paint. Mounted on paper in a passe-partout. Signed "Lafayette" in pencil on the mount. In a wooden frame (ca. 53 x 64 cm), under glass.
ABC_47178: [PHOTOGRAPHS - MAFIA - SICILY]. SCAFIDI, Nicola. - [Photographs showing mob killings, grieving families and funerals].Palermo, [ca. 1961-1966?]. 5 loose silver gelatin photographic prints on baryta paper, ca. 24 x 30 cm, all but one with manuscript captions on the reverse.
I3OEKR47KBBK: [PHOTOGRAPHS - IRAQ]. REYNISH, William. - [Views, scenes, monuments, airplanes, military vehicles, British troops and local inhabitants].[Iraq (plus Malta and Egypt), ca. 1928-1933]. Oblong albums (25 x 34.5 cm & 21.5 x 28.5 cm). Two albums containing about 275 silver halide photographic gelatin prints (6 x 8.5 cm to 16 x 21.5 cm) assembled and mostly taken by a British Royal Air Force pilot while stationed in Iraq and then briefly Malta, with a visit to Egypt. The photos mounted with paper corner-mounts in two contemporary cloth-covered albums, the larger with padded boards covered in alligator-skin patterned dark green cloth, with the photographs on both sides of 24 dark grey album leaves, each leaf with a glassine paper guard-leaf (embossed with a spider-web pattern) bound in before it; the smaller covered in black cloth with a grey-white bird in a cloud painted on the front board and the word “snaps”, with the photographs on both sides of leaves 2-35 & 51-52 of 54 light brown album leaves.
ABC_46121: [PHOTOGRAPHS - PAKISTAN & INDIA - BRITISH ROYAL AIR FORCE]. EADY, Thomas William George. - [RAF aircraft, pilots, etc. during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion on India’s North-West Frontier].[India and Pakistan, especially their border region], 1929-1930. A collection of photographic silver-gelatin prints of aircraft, the squadron, aerial reconnaissance etc., made and compiled by Thomas William George Eady, flying officer of the no. 28 Squadron of the RAF. It comprises 3 photo albums (contemporary with the photos), 53 loose photos (20 x 15 cm, some with manuscript comments on the back), 5 related documents (dated 1928-1932) and a separate photographic portrait of Eady, in total nearly 2000 prints. The first and largest album, covers 1929, oblong folio (30 x 39.5 cm) in blue cloth with brown cord ties, contains 183 prints in various sizes, mounted on 16 brown paper leaves with India ink captions by Eady in English. The second album, oblong 4to (33.5 x 24 cm) in green cloth with brown cord ties, contains 72 prints made during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion, in various sizes and mounted on 20 brown paper leaves with neat India ink captions in English by Eady. The small third album, oblong small 4to (19 x 27 cm), consisting of 4 brown paper leaves tied together with black cord ties, contains 33 prints in various sizes mounted on the leaves, some duplicating prints in the largest album, with larger captions in black ink, probably not by Eady.
ABC_47478: [PHOTOGRAPHY - CHINA]. - [Chinese photographic album]. Album Chinois.[Shanghai?], ca. 1860. 4to. 41 albumen printed photographs (most measuring 11 x 8 cm). Original publisher's black calico cloth, rebacked with black leather, blind-tooled boards with the title lettered in gold on the front board, gilt edges, yellow endpapers.
ABC_47179: [PHOTOGRAPHY - THIRD ARAB-ISRAELI WAR - ISRAEL] DONY, Bianca. - [Album with photographs showing parts of Israeli captured territories including the Golan Heights, the West Bank, parts of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula].Israel, 1967. Oblong album (ca. 20 x 26 cm); photographs in slightly varying sizes (ca. 18.5 x 24 cm). 44 silver gelatin photographs (including 2 duplicates and 1 other loosely inserted). Grey faux-leather photo album with a small white label on the front board: "42 x Israël 1967 23-24-25 Juli".
H9GCKI5261RR: [PHOTOGRAPHY - ZANZIBAR - MADAGASCAR - MAYOTTE]. - [Album with unique panoramic photographs of Zanzibar and Madagascar].[Zanzibar, Madagascar, Mayette, 1900]. Oblong album (25 x 34 cm) with 47 silver gelatin photographic prints, many with handwritten captions in French. The photographs vary in size from 8 x 5.5 cm to 27 x 20.5 cm. The 30 panorama photographs measure 5.5 x 17.5 cm. Brown cloth album made by M. Andouard in Paris, decorated endpapers.
J1NH6Y7HYA75: [PHOTOGRAPHY – EROTICA – SADOMASOCHISM]. RABIER, Hector (compiler). - [Binding title:] Peines [et] supplices.[France/Belgium, early 20th century]. 4to (23.5 x 20 cm). Album containing 24 small contact prints and 153 albumen or gelatin silver prints, 16 photographic reproductions of paintings or drawings, 2 albumen prints of nudes and 17 silver gelatin prints of sadomasochistic scenes. Contemporary black cloth, with the title ("H. Rabier - peines - supplices") on the spine.
G8JG8TV3X9TJ: [PHOTOGRAPHY - BAHRAIN]. - HH Sheikh Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa with three other sheikhs.Gulf region, 1920s. Black and white photograph (gelatin silver print, 8 x 7 cm) mounted on brown cardboard (9 x 8.5 cm). Captioned in white ink.
G84BDE85OGMK: [PHOTOGRAPHY - HORSES].SCHNAEBELI, H.. - [Binding title:] Album des Trabrenn-Sport.Berlin, H. Schnaebeli & Co, 1879. Oblong 8vo (33 x 26.5 cm) album with 16 original albumen prints (ca. 20.5 x 15 cm), mounted on paperboard. Original richly decorated cloth. Title on front cover: "Album des Trabrenn-Sport. H. Schnaebeli & Co. Hof-Photographen u. Kunstverlag. Berlin Unter den Linden 30".
DCJGG4BV62VD: [PHOTOGRAPHY - MEXICO]. GONZALEZ, F.M. - [Panoramic photograph overlooking Mazatlán].[Mexico, ca. 1880-1900]. Albumen print (ca. 17 x 71 cm) in 3 parts with photographer's credit in white in the negative, mat mount. Pasted on heavily spotted and browned contemporary wove paper.
D4TCASY3Z0MC: [PHOTOGRAPHY - NEW ZEALAND - TASMANIA]. - [Collection of 18 photographs of New Zealand and Tasmania].[New Zealand, ca. 1890]. Including 13 Maori portraits, 4 albumen prints of Hobart and locality, a loose albumen print of the North Shore Native and Aquatic Regatta at Auckland in 1898.
ABC_47521: [PHOTOGRAPHY - EGYPT]. ZANGAKI BROTHERS. - [Cover title:] Aegypten 1891.[Egypt, Zangaki brothers, 1891]. Oblong album (31.5 x 41 cm). With 34 large albumen prints mounted on heavy cardstock leaves. Most of the photographs are numbered and captioned in French in the negative and signed 'Zangaki'. The last one is signed Sebah & Joallier. The Zangaki prints measure 22.5 x 28.5 cm; the Sebah & Joallier one is 20.5 x 26.5 cm. Original gold-stamped bubble-grained maroon cloth over boards.
ABC_46443: [PHOTOGRAPHY - SPAIN - PORTUGAL]. - Espagne - Portugal 1899.[Spain?, Hauser & Menet and others?], 1896-1899. Oblong album (32 x 41 cm). An album with 58 photographic prints (including one tinted) varying in size (20.5 x 15.5 to 27.5 x 21.5 cm ), each on thick paperboard. Half black leather, blind-stamped boards (title in gold on front board).
ABC_45905: [PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - HUNTING]. - [Photograph album showing hunting society in Britsh India].[Cambridge, Mumbai, New Delhi], Scott & Wilkinson, Clifton & Co, Hamilton Studios and Kinsey Bros., [ca. 1933-1935]. With 105 photographs mounted in the album (ranging from 16 x 28 cm to 4 x 6 cm), 2 photographs loosely inserted and a watercolour mounted at the back (11.5 x 21 cm). Oblong half morocco photograph album by W. Johnson & sons, London.
ABC_47532: PHOTOGRAPHY - CARTE DE VISITE - JAPANESE EMBASSY - EUROPEAN ROYALTY]. - [Carte de visite album showing members of the first Japanese embassy to Europe in 1862, European royalty, and other prominent 19th-century figures].[France?], [various photographers], 1850s-1860s. Album: ca. 15 x 12 cm; cartes de visite: ca. 10 x 6.5 cm. With 26 carte de visite images and photos showing European royalty and other prominent figures, including 3 reproductions of drawings in colour, and 3 (landscape) views. Most of the photos are albumen prints. All images are mounted on thick paper to make the carte de visite and are inserted into the specially made leaves of the album, each leaf holding 2 images and framing them in a gold-printed triple fillet frame. Contemporary, richly blind-tooled green leather with ornamental brass clasps, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, white watered silk endpapers, gilt edges.
ABC_45702: [PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [W. RAHN (photographer).] - [Album with photographs of the Tirah Expedition].Including:- Key [manuscript identifying sitters in 1 photograph in the album]. 2 loose leaves.- [Manuscript list of captions to 10 photographs in the album]. 1 leaf.Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, [1898]. Folio album (40 x 33 cm). A photo album with 53 photographic prints on 12 paperboard leaves, hinged to stubs with 3 cords. Including 9 large albumen prints from 21 x 26.5 cm to 13.5 x 29 cm, 43 gelatin silver prints from 12 x 18 cm. to 9 x 10.5 cm., and a loosely inserted large albumen print 21 x 28.5 cm on a similar paperboard support. Contemporary cloth with closing straps. Manuscripts loosely inserted in the album.(2) PARK, Superintendent. 1898. Catalogue of photographs by Sergeant A.J. Clarke R.E. taken during Tirah Expedition, 1897-1898. [Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, 1898]. Small folio (22 x 14.5 cm), [4] pp. With a lithographed title-page. Loosely inserted in the album.
ABC_45656: [PHOTOGRAPHY - EGYPT]. - Book I-[II] Egypt 1906-7. Book III Naples, Rome, Florence. Book IV Criccieth N. Wales, Zara, Khargeh Upper Egypt, Cairo, Freshwater Bay I.W.Egypt, Naples, Rome, Florence, Criccieth and the Isle of Wight, 1906-1908. Oblong (23 x 32 cm). An album in 4 volumes with 323 silver gelatin prints (8 x 5.5 cm to 14 x 8 cm, mostly ca. 10 x 7 cm). Side-stitched.With: (2) LEHNERT & LANDROCK. Souvenir of Cairo. 12 real artistic photos. Serie A.Egypt, [late 1920s]. Envelope containing 12 silver gelatin prints (12 x 9 cm).(3) [PHOTOGRAPHY - SINGAPORE?]. Photograph of a woman and a baby sitting in a rickshaw, with a child in front and the rickshaw puller.[Singapore?], [late 1920s]. Silver gelatin print (7.5 x 12.5 cm).
ABC_46925: [PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. - [Manuscript title on the front paste-down:] Views of Calcutta.Calcutta, [ca. 1874/79]. Oblong 8vo. With 33 mounted sepia albumen prints (ca. 15/15.5 x 10.5/11 cm), all captioned. Manuscript title and captions of the pictures in English, written in brown ink in a neat 19th-century cursive hand. Contemporary gold-tooled half red morocco, brown cloth sides.
ABC_47522: [PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [DESAI, R. L. (photographer)]. - [Album containing photos of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales in Gwalior, India during his 1921-22 Eastern Tour].[Gwalior, India, 1922]. Oblong folio (27.5 x 37 cm). With 72 gelatin silver photographs mounted on both sides of the stiff paper leaves, varying in size from 7.5 x 10.5 cm to 21 x 28 cm. Including one panorama photograph of the Gwalior Army (4 photos mounted on cloth, 13.5 x 72.5 cm). Each photograph is captioned in print on a small strip of paper mounted below each photo. Contemporary blind-stamped ("H.R.H. The Prince of Wales in Gwalior 1922") red cloth, gold- and blind-tooled red leather corners, re-backed in gold- and blind-tooled cream leather.
ABC_47153: [PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - TIGER HUNTING]. - [Photograph album showing tiger hunting in British India].[Guna, Baramba, Ubri Kehra, Eta and surroundings], April and May 1886. Oblong folio. With 16 sepia-toned albumen photographs mounted on a sheet of paper and captioned by hand and then mounted on strong cardboard. Original black cloth portfolio with silk-watered cloth on the inside, front board lettered in gold reading "Central Indien. 1886".
ABC_47981: [PHOTOGRAPHY]. RUSTWIJK, George Gerhardus Theorodurus. - [Portrait of a Surinamese woman].[Paramaribo?], 1890. 39 x 34 cm. Crayon enlarged photographic print. Mounted in a passepartout (50 x 40 cm).
ABC_47975: [PHOTOGRAPHY - EGYPT], SÉBAH, Jean Pascal. - [Collection of 34 albumen prints of Egypt].[Cairo?, 1888-1900?]. 34 albumen prints (ca. 22 x 27 cm) mounted on cream cardstock (ca. 28 x 35.5 cm).
ABC_47563: [PHOTOGRAPHY - AUSTRALIA, EGYPT & FRANCE]. - [Album containing photographs of Australia, Egypt and France].[ca. 1895]. Oblong folio (28 x 39 cm). With 58 printed photographs (ca. 21 x 25.5 to 13.5 x 20 cm). Mounted on both sides of the leaves in the album. Contemporary black morocco, gold-tooling to boards and spine and gilt on all edges.
ABC_47974: [PHOTOGRAPHY - ALHAMBRA]. MAUZAISSE, Charles (photographer). - [Collection of 13 photographs of the Alhambra in Granada].[Granada, ca. 1865]. All albumen photographic prints (18 x 24 cm) are mounted on black card stock (29.5 x 21 cm).
ABC_46444: [PHOTOGRAPHY - ALGERIA - TUNISIA] - Algerie - Tunisie.[Tunis, Photographie Garrigues, late 19th century]. Oblong album (32 x 41 cm). Album with 50 photographic prints of various sizes (13.5 x 9.5 to 29 x 21.5 cm , each pasted on thick paperboard. Half black leather with title in gold lettering on front board.
ABC_47963: [PHOTOGRAPHY - ALHAMBRA - ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE]. LAURENT, Jean (photographer). - [Photograph album containing pictures of Spain and its Islamic architectural treasures].[Madrid, ca. 1870s]. Oblong folio (62 x 46.5 cm). With 72 large size albumen photographic prints with architectural views, including numerous views of Spanish and Western Islamic architectural treasures, 3 large composite photographic panoramas, and 5 photographs of people. 58 of the 72 photographs contain the name of photographer, title and number of the image in the negative. Contemporary gold- and blind-stamped green leather, green watered silk endpapers, gilt edges.
K53AKICPY8C5: PICART, Bernard, partly after REMBRANDT and others. - Recueil de lions, dessinez d'après nature par divers maitres & gravez, ... Divisé en six livres chacun de six feuilles.Amsterdam, Bernard Picart [title-print also: Paris, François Chereau], 1729 (engraved 1728-1729). Oblong 4to (18.5 x 24 cm). With a letterpress title-page in red and black with Picart's engraved "device, 1 title-print and 42 lion prints in 6 series, on 37 leaves, all engraved by Bernard Picart after drawings made by himself (8, all from life), Rembrandt (18), Charles le Brun (6), Albrecht Dürer (1), Paulus Potter (1) and unattributed (8). Late 19th-century pimpled red cloth with the spine at the head of the pages. Rebacked in red cloth.
61MGOAVUF9FD: PICART, Bernard. - Diverses modes dessinées d'après nature.Amsterdam, Bernard Picart, 1728. Oblong 4to (21 x 27.5 cm). Series of 12 engraved prints: 11 costume prints plus a title-page (title in a stunning and delicate cartouche, plate size: 12.5 x 7 cm) on 6 oblong 4to leaves (which could make 12 8vo leaves). 6 of the plates are signed by the engraver Gaspard Duchange, all after the designs of Bernard Picart. Unbound.
H4MFOFCVLPJB: [PICHON, Thomas]. - Lettres et memoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle, civile et politique de Cap Breton, ...The Hague, Pierre Gosse; London, Jean Nourse [printed in England], 1760. 12mo. Half brown morocco (ca. 1885?), by Frank J. Pfister in New York, gold-tooled spine, round gold stamp of Henry Gurdon Marquand on the front.
I25D7GU9X1DL: PIEDMONT, Alexis of (Girolamo RUSCELLI). - De secreeten ... inhoudende seer excellente ende wel geapprobeerde remedien, tegen veelderhande krancheden, wonden ende andere accidenten: met de maniere van distilleren, perfumeren, confituyren maecken, te verwen, coloeuren ende gieten.Amsterdam, Hendrick Laurensz., 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Modern sheepskin.
A2FEIZINTMYH: PIGAFETTA, Filippo and Duarte LOPEZ. - Relatione del reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade tratta dalli scritti & ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez. Rome, Bartolomeo Grassi, [1591]. 4to. With an integral engraved architectural title-page (with the coat of arms of the dedicatee Antonio Migliore, Bishop of San Marco), large folding engraved general map of Africa (64×44 cm), large folding engraved map of the Congo (43.5×51.5 cm) and 8 numbered folding engraved plates of plants, animals and inhabitants of the country, by Natalis Bonifazio. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
HALCSZKGO2PH: PIKE, Zebulon Montgomery. - Reize naar Nieuw-Mexico en de binnenlanden van Louisiana, voorgegaan door eenen togt naar de bronnen der Mississippi.Amsterdam, Cornelis Timmer (colophon: printed by A. Breeman & Co.), 1812. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 3 engraved folding maps: the first two showing the interior of Louisiana and the third the Mississippi River. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
3799: PILE, Alfred. - Culture pratique du rosier dans l'Afrique du Nord. ... augmenté d'une notice: les ennemis du rosier par Théophile Pagliano.Tunis, G. Finzi, [1926]. 8vo. With numerous illustrations in text, including botanical drawings and reproductions of photographs, some full-page, and 2 folding plates. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, with advertisements printed on the paste-down.
G6AGK9U6QRO5: PIMENTEL, Manuel. - Arte de navegar, em que se ensinão as regras praticas, e os modos de cartear, e de graduar a Balestilha por via de numeros, e muitos problemas uteis aì navegac¸ão, e roteiro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guineì, Angola, Brazil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes ... Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1762. Folio (30 x 20.5 cm). With 21 engraved plates (1 folding), 1 nearly full-page engraving of a compass rose and about 10 woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary or near contemporary tanned sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine, new endpapers.
23339: PIÑEYRO, Luys. - Relacion del sucesso que tuuo nuestra santa fe en los reynos del Iapon, desde el año de seyscientos y doze hasta el de seyscientos u quinze, Imperando Cubosama. Madrid, widow of Alonso M. de Balboa, 1617. Folio. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, repeated at the end of books 1, 2 and 3. Contemporary parchment.
22992: PINTER VON DER AU, Johann Christoph. - Neuer, vollkommener, verbesserter und ergäntzter Pferd-Schatz.Frankfurt am Main, Johann Philipp Andrea for Georg Heinrich Oehrling, 1688. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 25 engraved folding plates (with figures numbered 1-40). 19th-century half calf.
H6OGJH78SEA5: PINTO, Fernão Mendes and Jan Hendrik GLAZEMAKER (translator). - De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando Mendez Pinto; die hij in de tijt van eenëntwintig jaren in Europa, Asia en Afrika... gedaan heeft.Amsterdam, printed for Jan Rieuwertsz I and Jan Hendricksz Boom, 1653. 4to. With an engraved title-page and 7 engraved plates. Modern vellum.
D5IEBBRBPUPB: PIRCKHEIMER, Willibald. - Germaniae ex variis scriptoribus perbrevis explicatio.Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner, 1530. Small 8vo (15.5 x 10.5 cm). Title in a wide woodcut ornamented border, 2 woodcut historiated initials. Set in an Aldine-style italic with a word of Greek. Modern brown shell-marbled boards.
L4PCMMOJ18LT: PIRI REIS (Paul KAHLE, ed.). - Bahrije. Das türkische Segelhandbuch für das Mittelländische Meer vom Jahre 1521.Berlin and Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1926-1927. 3 volumes. Large 8vo (26 x 18 cm). Volume 1 with 137 reproductions of manuscript pages of Ottoman Turkish text and maps and volume 2 with 4 plates. Publisher's original printed wrappers.
J26EBDD2OXM8: PIRSCHER, Karl Dietrich. - Abbildungen Herzoglich-Braunschweigischer Gestüt-Pferde … 1tes Heft.Braunschweig, 1827-1828. Oblong 1mo (47.5 x 63 cm). First instalment of 6 lithographed plates of horses, plus 1 additional lithographed view, all beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand with highlights in gum arabic, and including two with the captions and artist’s name in manuscript. All loosely preserved in a proof state of the original publisher's lithographed paper wrappers, including a list of plates. Preserved in a modern portfolio.
H8BGVAMJWXUB: PITHOIS (PITHOYS), Claude. - Cosmographie ou doctrine de la sphere. Avec un traitté de la geographie. Sedan, François Chayer, 1661. 8vo. Near contemporary half vellum.
KC4B75RDX774: PIUS V, Pope. - Freiheit und Bulla des allerheiligsten in Gott vatters und Herren, Herren Pii, des namens fünfften Bapsts, uber die Erhoehung und Schoepffung des durchleüchtigsten Fürsten und Herren, Herren Cosmi Medices, Hertzogen zu Florentz, &c. Zu einem Groszhertzoge und koenigmässigem, der provintz Ethrurien, ime underworffen. Geschehen zu Rom, den 27. Augusti. Anno M.D. LXIX.[Germany], 1570. Small 4to (20 x 15 cm). With a woodcut figure of the Pope on the title-page. Set in Schwabacher gothic type with fraktur headings and incidental roman. Half maroon goatskin morocco (1930s?), gold-tooled spine.
A6KDVO01U79O: PLACENTIUS, Johannes Leo. - Catalogus omnium antistitum Tungarorum, Traiectensium, ac Leodiorum, & rerum domi, bellique gestarum compendium. Antwerp, Willem Vorsterman, [1530?; preface dated 14 September 1529]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 10 cm). Title with woodcut coat-of-arms of Cardinal Everard van de Marck in a 4-piece woodcut border, a large woodcut coat of arms on the last page, 2 woodcut illustrations, one showing Mary and Jesus with Saint Anne (63 x 42 mm), and the other a bishop in his study (45 x 43 mm), each in the same 4-piece woodcut border (different from that on the title-page). Capitals rubricated throughout, some woodcuts also rubricated and some headings and other words underlined in red. Vellum (ca. 1700?).
L4NBANWANWJD: [PLAGUE]. - Papers relating to the modern history and recent progress of Levantine plague; prepared from time to time by direction of the president to the local government board, with other papers. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1879. C.-2262.London, George Edward Eyre & William Spottiswoode, 1879. Folio. With two folding lithographed maps, one centered on the Middle East and the other detailing the seats of the plague in Mesopotamia and south-west Persia.Original publisher’s blue printed paper wrappers.
F5OGBDYNZ8OA: [PLAN - AMSTERDAM CITY HALL]. [CAMPEN, Jacob van]. - Le pavé de la grand' sale des bourgeois. [Amsterdam, Gerard Valk, 1719]. Very large engraved folding plan comprising 1 1/2 sheets (measuring 46 x 83 cm as assembled), engraved by Danckert Danckertsz. and his father after drawings by Jacob Vennekool, including the two hemispheres of the world map and a celestial map of the constellations of the northern hemisphere (each 10 cm in diameter).
B2JH719LG7AK: PLANA, Giovanni Antonio A. - [Drop title]: Équation de la courbe formée par une lame élastique, quelles que soient les forces qui agissent sur la lame.Including: Mémoire sur l'intégration des équations linéaires aux differences partielles du second et du troisième ordre.[Turin, Félix Galetti, 1811?]. 4to. With folding engraved plate by Amati & Tela. Contemporary wrappers.
ABC_45832: PLANELLI, Antonio. - Dell'opera in musica trattato del cavaliere Antonio Planelli dell'ordine Gerosolimitano.Napels, Donato Campo, 1772. 8vo. Contemporary half vellum with a 19th-century spine label.
17919: PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. - Amsterodamum monogrammon.Including:-Quisquiliae seu elegiarum liber unus.-Emblemata quinquaginta.Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1616. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, woodcut on individual title-pages and 51 woodcut emblems with a diameter of ca 73 mm.With: (2) PLEMP, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Musius, sive rhythmi cum poematiis.Amsterdam, Joannes Walschart, 1618. With woodcut device on title-page, a woodcut illustration in text (same in ad 1), and some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces.2 works in 1 volume. 4to. 19th-century boards.
LB5G8KQ5OPPB: PLENCK, Joseph Jakob and A. SCHRAGE (transl.) - Heelkundige artzeny-winkel of chirurgyns-apotheek. Vervattende alle beproefde en hedendaagsch gebruikelyke bereide en samengestelde heelmiddelen, ter geneezing van uitwendige ziekten.Antwerp, C.H. de Vos, 1798. 8vo. Contemporary calf, heavily restored.
ABC_48583: PLEY, Pieter. - 't Eijlandt Ansuanij.[Batavia], 1738. Ca. 480 x 405 mm. Contemporary coloured manuscript map, oriented to the west, with red, brown and black ink on paper, a compass rose, rhumblines and scale bar. Housed in a modern slipcase of purple cloth, with a red morocco title label on the front cover, lettered in gold.
K7GAXLMCHM25: PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius (PLINY the Elder). - Historiarum naturae libri XXXVII, post omnes omnium editiones, ...Paris, Jean Parvum (index: Jean Petit), 1532. Folio. 18th-century cat's paw calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
I44FL3PUPRNN: PLINIUS Secundus, Gaius (Pliny the Elder) - The Historie of the World, commonly called the Naturall Historie.London, Adam Islip, 1634. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (23.5 x 32 cm). Elaborate woodcut device on title-page; woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, spine in six compartments, tooled and lettered in gilt.
I1IAH7BK1EO8: PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius. - Naturalis historiae opus ...(Colophon: Cologne, Eucharius Cervicornus, 1524.) Folio. With both title-page and part-title in a decorated woodcut border in four pieces. Calf (ca. 1700?), with gold-tooled spine; rebacked with original backstrip laid down.
I1IA4OJ0TJOW: PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius. - Opus divinum, cui titulus historiae naturalis, multoqua[m] antehac unqua[m] prodiit in luce[m] castigatius, una cu[m] annotationibus Hermanolai Barbari ...Paris, Jean Petit (colophon: Nicolaus Sauetier), 1526. 2 parts in 1 volume (bound in reverse order). Folio. With title-page to the main work (bound second) printed in red and black and title-page to the index (bound first), each in a four-piece woodcut border. Contemporary or near contemporary calf, with the boards richly blind-tooled in a panel design; rebacked with part of the original backstrip laid down.
764: PLUTARCHUS. - Moralia, quae usurpantur. sunt autem omnis elegantis doctrinae penus: id est, varij libri: morales, historici, physici, mathematici, deniq; ad politiorem litteraturam pertinentes & humanitatem: omnes de Graeca in Latinam linguam transscripti. Basel, Thomas Guarini, 1570. Folio. With woodcut printer's device on title-page and repeated on last page, some mathematical woodcuts in text and numerous historiated woodcut initials. Early 17th-century Jesuit prize binding in richly gold-tooled light brown calf, sides with arabesques in the style of Gascon, richly gold-tooled double borders and inner panel with small bands in a geometrical pattern.
17634: PLUTARCHUS. - Aureus libellus, Peri paidoon a'googès, id est, de educatione liberorum, tum interpretatione Latinam, ad verbum ferè applicatam, & paraphrasi Gallico-Germanicam… Petit livret de Plutarche,… Das güldene Büchlein Plutarchi, von der Kinderzucht. Frankfurt, Erasmus Kempffer, 1612. 8vo. Set in 2 columns. Contemporary green vellum.
L6CG0FK2P7YW: POCOCK, Nicholas. - East India views islands headlands &c.[London, ca. 1790?- ca. 1805]. Ten watercolour coastal profiles in grey and blue, of widely varying sizes (30 to 119 cm long), with contemporary captions and other notes in pencil or black ink. 20th-century brown cloth with the artist's original laid-paper wrappers bound at the end.
H6OFI7AUIASW: POCOCKE, Richard. - Beschryving van het Oosten, en van eenige andere landen, …Utrecht, Gijsbert Tieme and Abraham van Paddenburg; Rotterdam, Jacobus Bosch and Reinier Arrenberg; Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1776-1786. 3 volumes (in 6 parts) bound as 6. 4to. With 205 engraved folding plates (irregularly numbered I-CIII), including maps, plans, views and other illustrations, depicting temples, antiquities, plants, animals, etc. Contemporary half calf.
FBJDK7M9SETA: POCOCKE, Edward. - Specimen historiae arabum; ... Accessit historia veterum Arabum ex Abu'l Feda: cura Antonii I. Sylvestre De Sacy. Edidit Josephus White, ...Oxford, Clarendon Press [= Oxford University Press], 1806. 4to. Title-page with engraved view of the Clarendon Building, aquatint author's portrait and 1 full-page etched plate. Contemporary boards.
76RAIK01U79O: POCOCKE, Richard. - Beschryving van het Oosten, en van eenige andere landen. Uit het Engelsch overgezet en met aantekeningen voorzien, door Ernst Willem Cramer.Utrecht, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, G.T. en A. van Paddenburg, J. Bosch, R. Arrenberg, and M. de Bruyn, 1776-1786. 3 volumes (in 6 parts) bound as 6. 4to. With 205 folding engraved maps, plans, views and plates. Contemporary half calf.
6731: POIRTERS, Adriaan. - Het masker vande wereldt afgetrokken.Antwerp, widow and heirs of Jan Cnobbaerts, [1646]. 4to. With engraved title-page by Antony van der Does and 13 engraved emblems and 8 engravings in text by Frederic Bouttats. 18th-century half calf.
6001: POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES, Gabriel Adrien Marie. - Vie politique et militaire du général A.M.G. Poissonnier-Desperrières …, écrite par lui-même, et publiée de son vivant.Paris, C.J. Trouvé, 1824. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Dapuhin by Constans after a drawing by Eugénie Lebrun. Contemporary richly gold-tooled straight grained orange/brown morocco, gold- and blind-tooled boards with the arms of William I on each side, gold-tooled spine with plumed helmets, a dark-brown title-label and the name of the binder ("SIMIER.R.DU.ROI"), gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges.
77KG4EYOC0PZ: POLIZIANO, Angelo. - Omnia opera Angeli Politiani, et alia quaedam lectu digna, quorum nomina in sequenti indice vedere licet.Venice, Aldus Manutius, 1498. Folio. Early 18th-century (?) polished calf, spine richly gilt in compartments with red morocco title label, both sides with triple gilt fillets along the edges and large gilt oval coat-of-arms in the centre, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers. The coat of arms is of Henri-Louis Loménie, comte de Brienne (1658-1743), son of Louis Henry Loménie de Brienne.
L12F60FHQ0DF: POLO, Marco. - Reisen, en beschryving der Oostersche lantschappen; ...Including:-HETOUM of Corycus. Historie der Oostersche lantschappen; ...-[BRACCIOLINI, Poggio, and Girolamo di SANTO STEFANO]. Reysen naar Indien, en d'oostersche landen; gedaan by Nicolaus Venetus, en Jeronymus van St. Steven.-[Anonymous VOC officer in Formosa]. Verhaal van de verövering van 't eylant Formosa door de Sinesen.Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1664. With 4 engraved plates. With:(2) BOURGES, Jacques de. Naaukeurig verhaal van de reis des Bisschops van Beryte uit Frankryk te lant en ter zee naar China.Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1669. With 8 half-page engraved illustrations in text.(3) Verhaal van drie voorname reizen naar Oostindien, te weten van Johan Jacobsz Saar, Volkert Evertsz, en Albrecht Herport.Comprising:-SAAR, Johann Jacob. De reisbeschryving ... naar Oostindien, sedert ... 1644. tot ... 1659. ...-OLEARIUS, Adam. De beschryving der reizen van Volkert Evertsz. [= Volquard Iversen] naar Oostindien. ... uitgevaren in ... 1655. en in ... 1668 ... gekeert.-HERPORT, Albrecht. De beschryving der Oostindische reizen ... sedert ... 1659. tot ... 1668. ...Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz & Pieter Arentsz, 1671 (works 2 and 3 dated 1670 on their title-pages). With 8 engraved plates, the last 4 sometimes attributed to Romeyn de Hooghe or his school.3 editions (the 1st containing 4 works and the 3rd containing 3 works) in 1 volume. 4to.Contemporary vellum.
HBAAD7RNMBG1: [POMARIUS (VALERIUS), Petrus]. - Enchiridion medicum, dat is: een kort begrijp van den gantschen loop der medicyne.Amsterdam, widow of Joost Broersz., 1659. 4to. Contemporary vellum.
19024: POMODORO, Giovanni & Giovanni SCALA. - La geometria prattica. Cavata da gl'elementi d'Euclide e d'altri famosi autori, con l'esposizione di Giovanni Scala famoso matematico ridotta in cinquanta tavole scolpite in rame dalle quali con facilita si possono apprendere tutte le cose, che al buon geometra appartengono.Rome, (colophon: printed by Andrea Fei, 1623, for) Gio. Angelo Ruffinelli, 1624. Folio. With title within engraved architectural border and 51 full-page engraved illustrations, the first 44 (number 1-44) after designs by Pomodoro and the last 7 plates (numbered 1-7) by Scala, colophon with large woodcut printer's device of Andrea Fei. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
H7KDHVPEEDL7: POMPE VAN MEERDERVOORT, Johan Lidius Cathrinus. - Vijf jaren in Japan. (1857-1863.) Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Japansche Keizerrijk en zijne bevolking. ... Eerste[-tweede] deel.Leiden, Van den Heuvel and Van Santen, 1867-1868. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. Each volume with a different double-tinted lithographed view as frontispiece, further with a large folding tinted lithographed map of Japan and the Chinese coast, 2 lithographed views and 10 chromolithographed costume plates finished by hand. 19th-century light brown half sheepskin, rebacked, with the original backstrip laid-down.
G9JEUNGG8CB7: POMPE VAN MEERDERVOORT, Johan Lidius Cathrinus. - Vijf jaren in Japan. (1857-1863.) Bijdragen tot de kennis van het Japansche Keizerrijk en zijne bevolking. ... Leiden, Van den Heuvel and Van Santen, 1867-1868. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a different double-tinted lithographed view as frontispiece, further with a large folding tinted lithographed map of Japan and the Chinese coast, 2 lithographed views and 10 chromolithographed costume plates by P.W.M. Trap (the chromolithographs finished by hand). Original publisher's blind- and gold-blocked maroon cloth, marbled edges, green ribbon markers.
18818: PONA, Francesco. - Cardiomorphoseos sive ex corde desumpta emblemata sacra. Verona, superiorum permissu, 1645. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page (signed ''G.G.'' below right) showing King David and Saint Paul holding a heart, with the arms of the dedicatee, Cardinal Jules Mazarin, at the foot, 101 engraved emblems in text, each on the theme of the heart, with a letterpress title in any of about 7 different woodcut panels, and a letterpress explanation below, continuing onto the verso. Each is printed from an oval plate (10.5 x 8 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
BCGC99UCAGWQ: PONS D'HOSTUN, L.H. de. - L'écuyer des dames, ou lettres sur l'équitation, contenant des principes et des exemples sur l'art de monter à cheval; ouvrage utile à l'un et à l'autre sexe, et orné de figures gravées d'après les dessins d'H. Vernet. Paris, de l'imprimerie et dans la librairie de Madam Huzard (née Vallat la Chapelle), 1817. 8vo. With 3 full-page engraved plates by H. Vernet. Contemporary gold-tooled marbled calf, spine with gold-tooled horses, brown title-label lettered in gold, gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled endpapers, gilt edges.
15245: PONS, François Raymond Joseph de. - Voyage a la partie orientale de la Terre-Ferme, dans l'Amérique méridionale, fait pendant les années 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804: contenant la description de la Capitainerie générale de Caracas, composée des Provinces de Venezuela, Maracaïbo, Varinas, la Guiane Espagnole, Cumana et de l'Ile de la Marguerite; ...Paris, F. Buisson (back of half-title: Imprimerie de Fain et compagnie), 1806. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 folding engraved maps, including a large map of Caracas and surroundings and 3 smaller showing groundplans of Caracas, Puerto Cabello and La Guaira. All engraved by J.B. Tardieu. Contemporary half calf.
6810: PONTOPPIDAN, Erich. - The natural history of Norway ...London, printed for A. Linde, 1755. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a large folding engraved map of Norway by Johann Baptist Homann, and 28 engraved plates depicting minerals, shells, fishes, birds, mammals, plants, and the inhabitants of Norway. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf, with gold-tooled corner edges of the boards, gold-tooled turn-ins and marbled edges.
5650: PONTOPPIDAN, Erik and Hand de HOFMAN. - Den Danske Atlas, eller Konge-Riget Dannemark, med dets naturlige Egenskaber, Elementer, Indbyggere, Vaexter, Dyr og andre Affödninger, dets gamle Tildragelser og naervaerende Omstaendigheder i alle Provintzer, Staeder, Kirker, Slotte og Herre-Gaarde. Forestillet ved en udförlig Lands-Beskrivelse, ... Tomus I[-VII].Copenhagen, Andreas Hartvig Godiche, Royal University Printer (vols. I-V) and heirs (vols. VI-VII), 1763-1781. 7 volumes. 4to. With 296 mostly folding engraved maps, plans and views of Denmark and Danish cities, castles, houses and gardens, including engraved plates showing Danish antiquarian relics, plants, animals and costumes. Contemporary uniform calf, richly gold-tooled spines.
ABC_47607: [POPULAR LITERATURE - FORTUNE TELLING]. - De vermakelyke heydin, of wonderbare goedergelukzegster, zeggende op een vermakelyke wys, een yder zyn geluk, of ongeluk, wat hem overkomen zal, op twee duyzent, drie hondert en sestig differente manieren.The Hague, Burger Vermeulen, [second half of the 18th century]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and the title-page printed in red and black. Later red and white floral-patterned decorated paper wrappers.
21269: PORCIA, Jacopo di (Jacobus PURLILLARUS). - De liberorum educatione. (Colophon: Strasbourg, Johannis Schot for Georg Übelin, 10 August 1510). 4to. With charming woodcut vignette at end showing a running hare between ornamental flowers. Later boards.
4680: PORTAL, Paulus. - De practyk der vroed'meesters, en vroed'vrouwen, of de wyse van een vrouw' te helpen in haar kinderbaren. Uyt de Franse in de Nederduytse tale overgeset.Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn. 1690. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of the author facing the title page and 8 full-page engraved plates of embryos and a placenta. Contemporary vellum, purple library stamp on the front board.
5727: PORTER, Robert Ker. - Travelling sketches in Russia and Sweden, during the years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808.London, for John Stockdale (back of title-page: Strahan and Preston), 1813. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 41 etched plates (12 sepia washed views, 1 uncoloured portrait, and 28 aquatint costume-plates) by J.C. Stadler after drawings by the author. Contemporary half cloth.
G7TGHSIBAK7I: [PORTLAND MUSEUM]. [LIGHTFOOT, John]. - A catalogue of the Portland Museum lately the property of the Duchess Dowager of Portland, deceased: which will be sold by auction ...With: (2) A catalogue of a very valuable collection of cameos, intaglios, and precious stones, and other curiosities; being part of a late much celebrated cabinet, many out of the Arundel collection; which will be sold by auction ...[London, Skinner and Co., 1786]. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With full-page engraved frontispiece showing the interior of the Portland Museum with numerous objects from its collection. Contemporary gold-tooled vellum.
I7DA2EVCF777: PORTLOCK, Nathaniel. - Reis naar de noord-west kust van Amerika. Gedaan in de jaren 1785, 1786, 1787 en 1788.Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1795. 4to. With folding engraved map (34.5 x 46 cm) showing the routes of the ships King George and Queen Charlotte, 1 plate with engraved music and 8 folding engraved plates (last plate partly hand-coloured). Modern red half leather.
I18BANB4CQTU: [PORTO – PHARMACOPOEIA]. PORTUGAL, Antonio Rodrigues.n - Pharmacopea Portuense, em a qual se achaõ muitas das compoziçoens que estaõ mais em uzo, e se naõ achaõ nas nossas pharmacopeas portuguezas, tiradas das pharmacopeas de Londres, de Edinburgo, de Pariz, de Fuller, da Medulla, e de outros varios authores.Porto, Francisco Mendes Lima, 1766. 8vo. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin.
I17ERD520PLV: [PORTUGAL – PHARMACOPOEIA]. SANTO ANTONIO, Caetano de. - Pharmacopea Lusitana reformada methodo pratico de preparar os medicamentos na fórma Galenica, & Chimica.Lisbon, Monastery of São Vicente de Fóra, 1711. Small folio (29 x 21 cm). With engraved arms as fronstipiece. Modern sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
I14GSHQ8NCJE: [PORTUGAL - PAMPHLET]. - Noticia breve das novidades da Azia mandadas de Ali-Xarife da cidade de Babilonia; para Soliman morador na Corte de Constantinopla, e desta para a cidade de Sevilha a hum contratador de vidros.(Colophon: Madrid, heirs of Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1742). 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). Disbound.
15445: POST, Pieter. - Les ouvrages d'architecture.Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1715. 8 parts in 1 volume. Royal folio (46 x 29.5 cm). With an engraved general title-page with a rectangular frame and a cartouche with Athena, architecture books and buildings, letterpress general title-page in red and black with engraved vignette (Athena with a view of Leiden, drawn by J. Goeree), 8 letterpress part-titles, 3 engraved part-titles, engraved dedication, a folding engraved portrait of Prince Johan Maurits after Govert Flinck by C. van Dalen (filling a whole Imperial sheet: plate size 60.5 x 46 cm!), and 8 series of 6, 12, 8, 5, 11, 7, 4 and 23 mostly double-page and some larger folding etched and engraved numbered plates after designs by Pieter Post, showing architectural plans, elevations, sections, etc. In total about 80 copperplates. Mottled calf (ca. 1750).
6C1EQ20BWJBF: [POST-INCUNABLE - ROOKLOOSTER - WINDESHEIM]. - Ordinarius divini officii pro ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Capittuli sive Congregationis Wyndesemensis. Anno Domini. M.CCCCC.XXI.Deventer, Albert Pafraet, April 1521. With: (2) [POST-INCUNABLE]. Statuta capituli Windeshemensis. - Incipiunt statuta capituli de windesim. impressa amstelredammis Et primo de elecione intronisatione & confirmatione novi prioris. Den Hem (near Schoonhoven), Regular canon Frater N., 1508.(3) [MANUSCRIPT - LATIN]. Forma inclusionis.[Rooklooster, after 1480 (ca. 1490)]. 4to. Ad 1: With the title set within a magnificent woodcut frame consisting of four pieces. Further with two smaller woodcuts in the text, woodcut initials and a full-page woodcut illustration at the end. All illustrations are beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand. The text is set in roman type (with some occasional Gothic type), rubricated throughout. Ad 2: With a large handcoloured woodcut beneath the two lines of the title, the text is set in Gothic type, rubricated throughout. Ad 3: Latin manuscript written in a neat littera hybrida with the titles written in a littera textualis, rubricated throughout. In a beautifully and richly paneled original and signed binding of the famous Rooklooster (the "Red monastery"), the Augustinian Abbey of St. Paul in Oudergem (Auderghem) in the "Soniënbos" (Forest of Zonia) near Brussels: contemporary polished calf over wooden boards with (on both sides) two borders of three lines with rolls in between and a stamp of the Holy Lamb in the four corners and lozenge-shaped floral ornaments in the centre divided by three lines with a little floral double-rose stamp on the crossings; below the central panel on the front side a stamp "Roedencloester" flanked by eight little stamps of a star within a circle; one brass clasp and catch at the fore edge, brass strips at the edges of the corners; vellum pastedowns.
ABC_47947: [POSTCARDS - IRAQ - OIL]. - [Set of 14 postcards from the Iraqi Ministry of Oil].Baghdad, Ministry of Oil, 1977. Oblong (10 x 23 cm). With photographic illustrations, all postcards are printed in colour. Original sturdy plastic case.
G9AH2T67K7JP: POSTEL, Guilliaume. - De la republique des Turcs: & là ou l'occasion s'offrera, des meurs & loy de tous Muhamedistes, ...Including: -Histoire et consideration de l'origine, loy, et coustume des Tartares, Persiens, Arabes, Turcs, & tous autres Ismaelites ou Muhamediques, dits par nous Mahometains, ou Sarrazins.-La tierce partie des orientales histoires, ou est exposee la condition, … de l'empire Turquesque: …Poitiers, Enguilbert de Marnef, 1560. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With Marnef's printer's device on title-page (repeated on the 2 part-titles). Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled calf, restored and rebacked with a large part of the original backstrip laid-down, modern endpapers.
KBKGL3YA882L: POTOCKI, Józef and Piotr STACHIEWICZ. - Notatki mysliwskie Z Afryki: Somali.Warsaw, Gebethner & Wolff, 1897. Large 4to (40 x 31 cm). With a colour-printed frontispiece, 18 photogravure plates (5 double-page), 5 numbered full-page tinted plates, and ca. 60 illustrations in text (mostly tinted). Publisher's original pictorial beige cloth, with a lion's head on the front board and zebra-patterned endpapers.
4860: POZZO, Andrea. - Perspectiva pictorum et architectorum ... | Prospettiva de pittori et architetti ...Rome, Antonio de Rossi (part 1) and Johannis Jacobi Komarek Bohemi (part 2), 1702 (part 1) and 1700 (part 2). 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Part 1 with a large woodcut vignette on both title-pages (one in Latin and one in Italian), an engraved architectural frontispiece dated 1693 (behind the title-pages of part 1), a full-page engraved plate with drawing instruments before the preface, and 102 numbered engraved plates with perspectival and architectural plans and illustrations, including a large folding view of Pozzo's "trompe-l'oeil" fresco on the ceiling of the St. Ignazio church in Rome. Part 2 with a large woodcut vignette on both title-pages (one in Latin and one in Italian), an engraved architectural frontispiece by Teodoro Ver Cruys (behind the title-pages of part 2), an introductory allegorical plate, and 118 numbered engraved plates with perspectival and architectural plans and illustrations, and a full-page engraved plate on fresco painting to the added treatise at the end. Contemporary gold-tooled sprinkled (mottled?) calf, sewn on 6 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold in the second compartment, the other compartments with detailed gold-tooled decorations. The boards show a double fillet frame in an ornamental frame with ornamental cornerpieces on the outer corners, all within a double fillet frame, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, red sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers.
K6SCIA3579X8: PRAETORIUS, Johann. - Storchs u. Schwalben Winter-Quartier. Das ist, eine ungemeine Vergnügung der curiosen Gemüther, durch einen vollständigen physicalischen Discurs, von obgedachten Sommer-Boten, wie auch andern unstetlebenden Vögeln und Thieren: ...Frankfurt and Leipzig, Christian Weidmann, 1676. 8vo. With the title-page printed in red and black. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine and board-edges.
18016: PRAETORIUS, Johann. - Philologemata abstrusa de pollice: in quibus singularia animadversa vom Diebes-Daüme, et manu: item de patibulo, virgula Mercuriali, alruna, esu casei magico &c. Gerrae profanorum refutatae, cum revelata origine vera et admiranda superstitionum; et virga critica castigata habentur aliquot loca ambigua primaria celeberrimorum grammaticorum.Leipzig, Elias Fiebig; printed in Zagan (now in Poland) by Johann Ockel, 1677. Small 4to (19.5 x 16 cm). With a woodcut illustration on title-page showing a hand with turned up thumb, and one woodcut in text (p. 195) showing a hand divided into alphabetical compartments. 18th-century vellum.
L36DA1K61Z1P: [PRAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Dispensatorium medico-pharmaceuticum Pragense, juxta quod per totum regnum bohemiae praepranda et dispensanda venint. Authoritate et mandato … Prague (Staré Mesto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1739. With an allegorical frontispiece.With: (2) Taxa seu valor omnium medicamentorum, tam simplicum, quam compositorum, chymicorum, atque galenicorum in Officinis Pragensibus prostantium ... Der Werth oder Preiss aller Artzneyen, so wohl einfachen als zusammen gesetzten …Prague (Staré Mesto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1737. 2 complementary publications in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary overlapping vellum.
18950: [PRAYER BOOK]. - Piae precationes ad missas devote celebrandas, et sacrosanctam eucharistiam sumendam. Cum variis orationibus ex bonis & probatis authoribus collectis. Rome, Aloysius Zannettus, 1604. 8vo. With woodcut title-page and some ornamented woodcut initials in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled brown morocco, with gauffered edges; both sided with 2 pairs of fillets along the edges with little flowers at the corners and a floral border in between; a pattern of loose gilt stamps of flowers in a spiral line, vases with flowers, lions, stars and so-called "foglia accartocciata" ("feuilles mortes") and a crucifixion in an oval border in the centre of the front cover and the Virgin with child in an oval border in the centre of the back board.
EC3AEHA2G73N: [PRAYER BOOK - BINDING]. - Le tableau de la croix representé dans les ceremonies de la Ste. Messe ensemble la tresor de la devotion aux soufrances de N[ot]re. S[eigneur]. I[esus]. C[hrist]. le tout enrichi de belles figures.Paris, Francois Mazot, "1651" (privilege dated 20 September 1652). 8vo & small 4to (16.5 x 11.5 cm). With engraved title-page and 48 engraved leaves by Guillaume de Gheyn, J. Collin, and J. Durant. Later 17th-century French red morocco, elaborately gold-tooled with pointillé tools in a panel design with 2 roll borders and hundreds of impression of numerous tools, the 6 spine compartments gold-tooled, gilt edges.
18196: [PRAYERBOOK - SPANISH AMERICAN]. - Novena del Señor de las piedades patron jurado de la valerosa ciudad de La Paz, que se venera en la iglesia auxîliar de los curas rectores, al cuidado del Colegio Seminario de ella. Reimpresa á solicitud de su humilde mayor domo Estavan de Asin.Buenos Aires, Real Imprenta de Niños Expósitos, 1798. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). Modern red sheepskin.
G92FKAZYM6XY: [PRAYERS - CHRISTIAN - MAORI]. - He inoi ma nga tamariki.[Napier?, printed by Robert Coupland Harding?, 1889?]. 8vo (18 x 12.5 cm). Single leaf, printed on 1 side.
A6HBE45M5FFF: [PRÉVOST D'EXILES, Antoine François]. - Voyages du Capitaine Robert Lade en differentes parties de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique: contenant l'histoire de la fortune, & les observations sur les colonies & le commerce des Espagnols, des Anglois, des Hollandois, &c. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois.Paris, Claude Simon for François Didot, 1744. 2 volumes. 12mo. With two folding engraved maps by F. Desbruslins after Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, showing the American Atlantic coast and the route of the journey. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
ABC_45630: PRINCE FREDERIK. - Frederik, Prins der Nederlanden, grootmeester nationaal der Orde van V.·.M.·. [= Vrijmetselarij] in het Koningkrijk der Nederlanden aan de S.·.P.·.R [maltese cross] [= Soeverein Prinsen van het Rozenkruis] behorende tot de kapittels, gevestigd in de noordelijke provintien van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. [dated at the head:] In het O.·. [= Oosten] van 's Gravenhage den [manuscript: “24”] Januarij 1820, P.S. [= profane stijl].The Hague, [24] January 1820. 8vo. Contemporary stiff marbled paper wrappers.
J4KFBSDT2LDV: [PRINT]. DUTTON, Thomas Goldsworth. - Clipperfregatschip met hulpstoomvermogen "Utrecht", kapitein A. Hoogenstraten.London, William Foster, 1869. Double-tinted lithograph, finished in colour (ca. 48 x 66.5 cm) in a passepartout and framed (ca. 67.5 x 88.5 cm).
1358: [PRINT ALBUM]. - Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde, bevattende LXXVI. Afbeeldingen van Landschappen, Landsdouwen, Watergezichten, enz. enz. Allen zoo veele Studiën van Silvestre, Perelle, Quinault, Du Moulin, Della Bella, Zaftleven, Almeloveen, Van Schyndel, Nolpe, Vermeulen, Visscher en Schenk, ten dienste van Teekenaaren, Plaatsnijders, Goud- en Zilversmeden en drijvers: bijzonder nuttig voor hun, die zichzelven het teekenen willen leeren zonder hulp van meester. Vooräfgegaan de eerste beginselen der Teekenkunst.Amsterdam, Jan Steven van Esveld-Holtrop, [ca. 1808-1833]. Oblong 8vo. With 76 full-page engraved plates in various styles and sizes. The last 6 folding. Contemporary half calf with gold-tooled spine, blue title-label and marbled sides.
ABC_45802: PRIOR, James. - Beschrijving eener reis naar de Indiesche zee met het fregat de Nisus en naar de Kaap De Goede Hoop, de eilanden Bourbon, Mauritius en andere; naar Madras, de eilanden Java, Sint Paul en Amsterdam gedurende de jaren 1810 en 1811.Amsterdam, J.C. van Kesteren, 1820. With a view of Mauritius on the engraved title-page. Contemporary half calf, black morocco spine label, marbled sides.
G1AEY9MP8EP8: PRISSE D'AVENNES, Achille Constant Théodore Émile. - Oriental album. Characters, costumes, and modes of life, in the valley of the Nile. London, James Madden (back of title-page: printed by John Wertheimer & Co.), 1851. Super Royal folio (33 x 45.5 cm). With 31 tinted and hand-coloured lithographed plates, including the frontispiece, and a black-and-white illustration on the title-page. Contemporary gold-tooled red half morocco.
FAS9ES01U79O: PRISSE D'AVENNES, Achille Constant Théodore Émile. - Oriental album. Characters, costumes, and modes of life, in the valley of the Nile. London, James Madden, 1848. Imperial folio (52.5 x 37.5 cm). With an additional decorative title-page, separately chromolithographed in black, gold and 7 colours, tinted and hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece portrait of the dedicatee, and 30 tinted and hand-coloured lithographs. Numerous wood-engraved illustrations in the text. Modern half calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
G5KFMNCDMSG7: [PROCLAMATION]. - Placcaet van … den Staten Generael ... daer by de Spaigniaerts ende alle heure goederen, voor goede prinse verclaert worden.The Hague, Aelbrecht Hendricksz, 1599. 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. 19th-century blue paper wrappers.
6CGB0WVA4WT3: [PROCLAMATION - NETHERLANDS - ZEELAND]. - Placcaet ende ordonnantie vanden Staten van Zeelandt, teghens den opcoop ende uuytvoer vande inlandtsche granen. Middelburg, Richard Schilders, 1595. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Zeeland on title-page. Disbound.
97BCB5C3UKU0: PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA. - De bello Persico. Liber primus-secundus.Including: De bello Vandilico. Liber tertius-quartus.Rome, Eugarius Silber alias Franck, 1509. Folio. With numerous decorative woodcut initials of 4 to 8 lines. 18th-century paper boards.
K3D9M4LU8KNH: PROKESCH, Anton, Ritter von Osten. - Mehmed-Ali Vize-König von Aegypten. Aus meinem Tagebuche 1826-1841.Vienna, Wilhelm Braummüller (colophon: Adolf Holzhausen), 1877. 8vo. Contemporary blind-blocked cloth.
H41CDA95VBRW: PROKESCH, Anton, Ritter von Osten. - Das Land zwischen den Katarakten des Nil. Mit einer Karte, ...Vienna, Carl Gerold, 1831. 12mo (the book) and 17.5 x 25 cm (the folder with the folded map). With a separate large folding lithographed map (98 x 69 cm; image area 93 x 64 cm) assembled from 2 sheets, with the cultivated areas along the river hand-coloured in green as published, also showing 17 floor plans of temples and a plan of a Roman wall. The book in the publisher’s original light green paper wrappers and the map in a matching green paper folder.
9A5BDK01U79O: [PROPAGANDA FIDE]. - Africa [-] Greci - Italo Greci [-] Armeni di Venezia [-] varie.[Rome and perhaps elsewhere, ca. 1758-1764 (transcribing original documents going back to at least 1664)]. 4to. Collection of manuscript transcriptions of about 30 letters and other documents. Contemporary Italian sheepskin parchment over flexible boards.
G8PG5FMXVFJ6: [PROPAGANDA FIDE]. - (1) Alphabetum Armenum iussu S.D.N. Gregorii XV. ...(2) Alphabetum Aethiopicum, sive Abyssinum. (3) Alphabetum Arabicum …(4) Alphabetum Barmanum seu Bomanum …(5) Alphabetum Brammhanicum …(6) Alphabetum Chaldaicum, …(7) Alphabetum Chaldaicum …(8) Alphabetum Cophtum sive Aegyptiacum …(9) Alphabetum Graecum …(10) Alphabetum veterum Etruscorum …(11) Alphabetum Ibericum, … (12) [Alfabeta].(13) Alphabetum Hebraicum …Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1629-1776. 13 works in 1 volume. 8vo and small 4to. Sheepskin parchment (ca. 1776).
4844: [PROSTITUTION]. - Les filles en cage, ou Déguerpissons! Par un abonné au cachet des maisons de plaisir de la capitale.Paris, Peytieux (colophon: Sétier), 1830. 8vo. With a lithographed title-page with an illustration and a small woodcut decoration on the letterpress title-page. Later black half morocco.
ABC_45675: [PROTESTANT REMONSTRANTS]. - Verklaring van het monument voor de Remonstranten.[ca. 1825]. Plano (27.4 x 34.5 cm). Manuscript text in ink on paper with 2 drawn borders in red, text in 3 colums, caligraphic title.
A5UBMRUCAGWQ: [PROVENCE - FORCALQUIER]. MASSÉ, Louis and others. - Statuta provinciae Forcalqueriique comitatum. Cum commentariis L. Massae I.C.... Accesserunt F. Fortii, I.C. Andini, in illa curia advocati, notae ad marginem. Cum indice. On à ajousté un livret, de la genealogie des Comtes de Provence, tiré du livre en Latin de feu Maitre F. de Clappiers, sieur de Vauvenargues, conseiller du Roy, en la Cour des Aydes, & Chambre des Comptes en Provence.Aix-en-Provence, Nicolas Pillehotte & Jean Tholosan, 1598. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. Title printed in red & black with woodcut fleur de lis (coat-of-arms of the Départ. Alpes-de Haute-Provence), woodcut coat of arms of Forcalquier and initials in text; the second part with woodcut coat-of-arms of Henri IV on its part-title and woodcut initials. Later vellum with printed title on spine.
I14CHIG4XIGB: [PRUSSIA - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich]. - Pharmacopoea Borussica. Editio quarta.Berlin, Academia Regiae Scientarium, 1827.With: (2) [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich]. Appendix ad pharmacopoeam Borussicam. Editionis quartae.Berlin, Carolus Fridericus Plahn (back of title-page: printed by G.C. Nauk), 1829. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, gold-tooled spine.
S1909: PRZEWALSKI, Nicolai Michailovich. - Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N.M. Przewalski nach Central-Asien unternommenen Reisen auf Kosten einer von seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit dem Grossfürsten Thronfolger Nikolai Alexandrowitsch gespendeten Summe herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zoologischer Theil. Band III, Abth. 2. Fische. Bearbeitet von S. Herzenstein. Lieferung 1[-3].St. Petersburg, for the Royal Academie of Science, 1888-1891. 3 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With 3 title-pages, recto printed in cyrillic, verso in German, and 25 lithographed plates by R. and I. (or J.) Koch, and several illustrations in text. Later cloth.
H85G3EPNVKAV: [PUCKEY, William Gilbert and William COLENSO (translator)]. - Ko nga upoko ewitu o te Pukapuka a te Poropiti a Raniera: me te Pukapuka ano hoki a te Poropiti a Hona: …Paihia (New Zealand), "Perehi o nga Mihanere" (= Missionary Press [operated by William Colenso]), 1840. Large 12mo (20 x 12 cm). contemporary grey paper wrapper.
S3041: PUGET, Louis de. - Observations sur la structure des yeux de divers insectes, et sur la trompe des papillons, contenuës en deux lettres au R.P. Lamy, ... Lyon, Leonard Plaignard, 1706. 8vo. With 3 folding engraved plates with 16 figures (original-size and microscopic views), woodcut cipher-monogram (JC for Jean Caffin?) on title-page, woodcut head- and tailpieces, decorated initial letters, and cast fleurons. Contemporary French calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
ABC_45276: [PUNJAB-BRITISH SECRETARIAT]. - Press lists of old records in the Punjab Secretariat - Volume VII. - North-West Frontier Agency. Correspondence with Government, 1840-1845. Lahore, printed by the superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, 1915. 1 volume bound as 2. Folio. With an addendum slip facing p. 197. Brown calf, with “Book 1” and “Book 2” in gold on the spines.
G2BGW9XJGGJT: [PURCHAS, Samuel], John SANDERSON, Henry TIMBERLAKE and others. - Seer gedenckwaerdige vojagien, van Johan Sanderson, Hendrick Timberly, en Capt. Johan Smith, door Europa, Asia en America. …Amsterdam, Joachim van Dyck, 1678. 4to. With engraved title-page, letterpress title-page with a woodcut floral ornament, 4 folding engraved illustration plates (including 1 with 4 small views). 18th-century half vellum.
L72EVGQNIG9W: PURDY, John. - The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India Islands, from Porto-Rico to Trinidad, inclusive: with the coasts of Guyana, from the Maranon to the Orinoco, the Colombian or Leeward Isles, from Margarita to Curazao, and the coast of Venezuela, from the Gulf of Paria to La Guayra. Including descriptions of the navigation described in the work, and equally adapted to the particular plans of all the principal harbours, by which the general chart is accompanied.London, printed [by J. Rider] for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller of the Admiralty, 1839. 8vo. With 12 steel-engraved coastal profiles. Contemporary half black cloth, marbled sides.
ABC_46325: PURDY, John (Alexander George FINDLAY ed.). - The new sailing directory for the Ethiopic or Southern Atlantic Ocean; including the coasts of Brasil, etc., to the Rio de La Plata, the Coast Thence to Cape Horn, and the African Coast to the Cape of Good Hope, etc.; including the islands between the two coasts.London, printed for R.H. Laurie by J. Rider, 1844. 8vo. With Laurie’s RHL device on the title-page, and 32 small images in the text, mostly coastal profiles. The title-page includes some lines in sans-serif capitals. Half cloth.
6036: PUTEO, Augustino á. - Gnomonices biformis ...Venice, Antonio Bosio, 1679. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, a woodcut "fides" printer's device on each of the 4 typographical title-pages (for part 1, part 2-1, part 2-2, and parts 3 and 4 together, 73 engraved perspectival illustrations and figures in the text, a large folding plate showing a table and diagram, 183 full-page plates with tables and diagrams, a folding engraved plate and 2 near full-page plates of the globe's declinations. Further with woodcut decorated initials, head- and tailpieces throughout. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled vellum over wooden boards, sewn on 4 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a detailed Jesuit "IHS" device as a center-piece on the front board and a similar device with different letters on the back board. Further with brass clasps (1 complete, other only a catchplate) a paper label on the spine with the manuscript title in brown ink and the manuscript title and shelfmark at the head of the fore-edge in brown ink, blind-tooled board edges and turn-ins, red edges.
I1TG729PBDLD: PUTMAN, Eduardus and Abraham Lenertsz VROLINGH. - Putmans manuael, dat is een kleyn pest-boecxken ... gecorrigeert ende vermeerdert ...Antwerp, Marcelis Parijs, 1663 (colophon: 1662). 8vo. Later boards, covered with decorated paper.
3625: PUYSEGUR, Jean-François DE CHASTENET, MARQUIS DE. - Art de la guerre, par principes et par règles. Mis au jour par M. le Marquis De Puységur son fils.Paris, Ch.A. Jombert, 1749. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 title-pages, each with a large engraved vignette, engraved headpiece to the dedication, 2 fine engraved headpieces at the beginning of each volume, and illustrations of war camps, battle arrays, formations of marches, plans etc. on 51 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf, red and black spine label.
K899NFWBU4RE: QUENSTEDT, Friedrich August von. - Das Flözgebirge Würtembergs. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Jura.Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1851. 8vo. Contemporary boards covered with paste-paper.
K8GG3HCH6177: QUILLIAM, Andrew. - An abridged collection of photographs, taken in various departments of some of the hospitals which I have attended whilst a student 1940-43.[England], 1940-1943. With 137 gelatin silver prints (including many repeats) and 161 celluloid negatives, most of them measuring ca. 5.5 x 8 cm, but some larger formats. Five albums of varying sizes with photographs, one box with some loosely inserted photographs and 2 albums with negatives.
ABC_45508: QUINCY, John. - The Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in London ...London, W. Bowyer for R. Knaplock, B. Took etc., 1721. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignette on title-page, head- and tailpieces and initials. Full calf in two colors.
L1SF96MILEY5: QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. - [De institutione oratoria]. (Colophon: Florence, Filippo I Giunta, October 1515). Small 8vo (14.5 x 10 cm). With a title-page containing only the author's name, but with the title in the heading to liber I, and Giunti's woodcut device on the verso of the otherwise blank final leaf. Set entirely in an Aldine-style italic (with upright capitals). Vellum (ca. 1850?).
8BFG3801U79O: QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. - [Institutiones oratoriae]. (Colophon: Venice, "aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri" [= Aldus Manutius & Andre Torresani d'Asola], August 1514). 4to. With Aldus's famous woodcut anchor device on the title-page, repeated on the back of the last text page. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1700), rebacked and given a black morocco spine label in the 19th century.
8BGE7R1IF05P: QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. - Institutionum oratorium libri XII diligentius recogniti M D XXII. Index capitum totius operis. Conversio dictionum Graecarum, quas ipse author in latinum non transtulit. (Colophon: Venice "In Aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri" [= André d'Asola & sons], January 1521 [= 1522]). Narrow 4to in 8s (21 x 13 cm). With Aldus's anchor and dolphin publisher's device on the first and last pages. Set entirely in a single size of Aldine italic, with some headings, running heads, etc., set in its (upright) capitals. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1700), each board with delicate centre-piece a petit fers, rebacked in gold-tooled red morocco.
L3IAB9SKQR6T: QUINTINIE, Jean-Baptiste de la. - Trattato del taglio de gl'alberi fruttiferi del fù monsu' della Quintinye'.Bassano, Giovanni Antonio Remondini, 1697. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut mongram on title-page and 11 folding engraved plates. Contemporary vellum.
ABC_45862: QUINTINYE, Jean Baptise de la. - Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers, avec un traité des orangers, et des réflexions sur l’agriculture. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée, et augmentée d’une instruction pour la culture des fleurs.Paris, La Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1756. 2 volumes. Large 4to. With 13 engraved plates (2 folding), 13 woodcut illustrations in the text, woodcut and engraved headpieces, tailpieces and woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, brown morocco spine label with title in gold, red edges.
ABC_47174: [QUR'AN]. MA TAT NG, Imam Muhammad Yaqub bin Ibrahim, editor. - Ya-Sin. A chapter in the Holy Quran.Hong Kong, [on the back wrapper:] Hong Kong Muslim Press, 1385 AH [= 1965 CE]. 8vo (19 x 13 cm). With the upper half of each page opening with the text in Arabic, followed by a transliteration in the Latin alphabet and the Chinese, while the lower half has 2 columns of text: translations into English (right column) and Chinese (left column). With a small overview of the system of transliteration on the inside of the front wrapper and a vignette of the Hong Kong Muslim Press on the back wrapper. Original publisher's orange printed wrappers.
ABC_47525: [QURAN - ENGLISH]. SALE, George, (translator). - The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Translated from the original Arabic with explanatory notes, taken from the most approved commentators to which is preffixed a preliminary discourse. A new edition.Bath, Printed by S. Hazard for J. Johnson, Vernor and Hood, Ogilvy and Speare, J. Sewell, H. Gardner and C. and G. Kearsley, 1795. 2 vols. 8vo. Engraved fold-out map of Arabia, 3 genealogical tables of which two folding, 1 plate illustrating the Temple of Mecca, all taken from the first editon of 1735. Old calf.
K2NG1EC6V6WR: [QURAN]. - Mahomets Alkoran, door de hr. Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche taal gestelt; benevens een tweevoudige beschrijving van Mahomets leven; en een verhaal van des zelfs reis ten hemel, gelijk ook zyn samenspraak met de Jood Abdias.Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1696. 8vo. With an integral engraved title-page, and 6 engraved plates showing the Prophet Mohammed, engraved by Caspar Luyken. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine.
K2JGEJLEHQYJ: [QURAN]. - Mahomets Alkoran, door de hr. Du Ryer uit d'Arabische in de Fransche taal gestelt; benevens een tweevoudige beschyving van Mahomets leven; en een verhaal van des zelfs reis ten hemel, gelijk ook zyn samenspraak met de Jood Abdias.Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1698. 8vo. With an integral engraved title-page (dated 1696), engraved by J. Lamsvelt, and 6 engraved plates showing the Prophet Mohammed, engraved by Caspar Luyken. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum.
H4GD9LIIY5ST: [QURAN - ARABIC & LATIN]. MARRACCI, Ludovico (editor). - Alcorani textus universus ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, ... Eadem fide, ... in Latinum translatus; appositis unicuique capiti notis, atque refutatione: ...[vol. 2 title:] Refutatio Alcorani, in qua ad Mahumetanicae superstitionis radicem securis apponitur; ...Padova, Typographia Seminaria, 1698. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (35.5 x 25 cm). Blind-tooled vellum (ca. 1800?), reusing and retooling vellum from a slightly earlier blind-tooled binding.
ABC_47724: QUTB AL-DIN AL-SHIRAZI. - Durrat al-taj wa-khulasat al-nitaj fi ‘ilm al-musiqa. Shiraz, 1151 AH [= 1738/39 CE]. 4to (ca. 16.5 x 21 cm). Persian manuscript on gold-flecked paper. In tidy black naskh script in 22 lines, with highlights and important words and phrases picked out in red. WIth numerous tables and diagrams. Contemporary leather-backed patterned boards.
J1JGUCWIUUXK: RABBÉN, Johan and Carl Adolph AGARDH. - Dissertatio botanica, sistens caricographiam scanensem.Lund, Berling, 1806 [handwritten correction: 1807]. 4to. Bound as sewn.
K69C2D7T77OO: RABENHORST, Ludwig and Georg WINTER. - Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auglage ... Erster band: Pilze.Leipzig, Eduard Kummer, 1884 (Weinheim, J. Cramer, 1963). 8vo. Modern black half calf.
L7NBLF1PS3N8: [RACE HORSES - RUSSIA]. - [12 photographs of race horses].[Russia, ca. 1900]. Each photo ca. 27 x 37 cm. Pasted on cardboard.
ABC_48314: RADEKER, Johannes. - Korte beschryving van het beroemde en prachtige orgel, in de groote of St. Bavoos-kerk te Haerlem.Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé en zoonen, 1775. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on page 32, showing cherub holding a book with the motto "musica dis curae est" Contemporary marbled wrappers, side stitched through 3 holes.
H9TEK7X1EFK4: RADERMACHER, Jacobus Cornelis Matthieu de. - Naamlyst der planten, die gevonden worden op het eiland Java. Met de beschryving van eenige nieuwe geslagten en soorten, … Batavia, Egbert Heemen (vols. 1-2) and Pieter van Geemen (vol. 3), 1780-1782. 7 parts in 3 volumes, bound as 1. 4to. Lacking pp. 85-102 in vol. 3. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers.
J7KGLU3FHQYW: RAFFLES, Sir Thomas Stamford and Jacques Eduard de STURLER. - Geschiedenis van Java ... vertaald, wat betreft de onderwerpen, welke voor Nederland en Indië wetenswaardig zijn, en voorzien van aanteekeningen, tot verbetering, beoordeeling en vervolg van het oorspronkelijke werk, door J.E. de Sturler.The Hague and Amsterdam, Van Cleef, 1836. 8vo. With folding letterpress table. Modern half parchment, gold-tooled spine, gilt upper edge.
ABC_45156: RAGHEB-BIN-RAFIQ, Muhammed & Bernard Rawdon REILLY. - Treaty of friendship and mutual co-operation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and of India and the king of the Yemen (with exchange of notes). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1934. With a woodcut British Royal arms on the title-page.In a blue paper wrapper.
ABC_47821: [RAILWAY GUIDE - SUDAN]. - Wadi Halfa and the Nile through lower Nubia south of Assuan. Holidays of rest and quiet under sunny desert skies.London, The Sudan railways, printed by McCorquodale and Co. Ltd., [1960s]. 8vo. With a folded map in the back of the Cairo-Mombasa train route, a full-page map of the train route between Luxor and Wadi Halfa, and numerous black-and white photographic prints throughout. Original printed yellow and brown paper wrappers.
G2PEK0DXFFRQ: RAIMONDI, Eugenio. - Delle caccie ... libri quattro ...(Colophon: Naples, Lazaro Scoriggio, 1626). 4to. With an engraved title-page and 13 full-page engraved illustrations (plus 8 repeats) on integral leaves. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
ABC_47476: RAMBERTI, Benedetto. - Delle cose de Turchi. Libri tre. ...(Colophon:) Venice, Bernardino Bindoni, 1541. 8vo. With a small typographical ornament on the title-page. Modern vellum, sewn on 4 tapes, laced through the joints.
18057: RAMEAU, Pierre. - Le maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la regularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas.Paris, Jean Villette, 1725. 8vo. With etched frontispiece and 59 etched plates (including 3 double-page and 1 larger folding) showing 2 couples dancing the minuet before King Louis XV and his court, individuals and couples demonstrating dance positions, dance steps, positions and movements of the hands and arms during the dance, drawn and mostly etched by the author. Further with numerous charming woodcut headpieces and tailpieces (2 signed "V.LS" or "V.LS in"), woodcut decorated initials, and decorations built up from cast fleurons. Green morocco (ca. 1900?), gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled turn-ins, fillets on board edges, curl-marbled endpapers, gilt edges (stamp on endleaf: "Gloss. Elldt Jnr"?).
64TC1INFMRTG: [RAMÍREZ Y FITA, Cayetano?]. - Exposicion que hase [sic] el Canton provincia de Porto-viejo, de los motivos legales y políticos que há tenido para declararse unanimente incorporada a la Republica de Colombia segun la ley fundamental del estado dictada por el Congreso general, y sancionada por el voto de los pueblos.Lima, San Jacinto, [1822]. 4to. Side stitched.
JB7C58SDENRP: [RAMPOLDI, Giovanni Battista]. - [Annali Musulmani].[Tuscany?, ca. 1825]. 4to (20.5 x 14 cm). Manuscript in Italian, written in dark brown ink on (mostly) laid paper. Contemporary or near contemporary half maroon cloth.
88VG9MA06EZ4: [RANDON DE BOISSET, Pierre Louis Paul]. - Catalogue des tableaux & desseins précieux des maîtres célebres des trois écoles, figures marbres, de bronze & de terre cuite, estampes en feuilles & autres objets du cabinet de feu M. Randon de Boisset, receveur géneral des finances. … On a joint à ce catalogue celui des vases, colonnes de marbres, porcelaines, des laques, des meubles de boule & d'autres effets précieux, par C.F. Julliot. La vente se fera le jeudi 27 février 1777 ... Vêndome.Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, 1777. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary red morocco, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, gold fillets on boards and board edges, gilt edges.
ABC_45974: RANOUW, Willem van. - Kabinet der natuurlyke historien, wetenschappen, konsten en handwerken, geopent met de maanden January en February 1719. Verciert en opgeheldert met kopere plaaten.Including: MEERSCH, Pieter van der. Register tot alle de deelen van het kabinet ... van W. v. Ranouw.Amsterdam, Hendrik Strik; Zacharia Moelé and Johannes de Ruiter; Balthasar Lakeman, 1730; 1719-1727; 1732. 21 parts in 9 volumes. 8vo. With an identical engraved allegorical frontispiece in volumes 1-8, different woodcut vignettes on the title-pages and 49 numbered engraved maps and plates, all but one folding. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on the spines.
V6013: RAPP, Otto. - Die Käfer Thüringens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der faunistisch-oekologischen Geographie.Erfurt, by the author, 1933-1935. 3 volumes. Folio (30 x 21.5 cm). With 8 plates with half-tone reproductions of photographs (3 group and 57 individual portaits), and 8 maps. Modern cloth.
KCID8GS8BIJ6: RAPP, Wilhelm. - Ueber die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Actinien insbesondere. Weimar, Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1829. 4to. With 3 engraved plates, printed in colour and finished by hand, by Charles Node, dated 1826. Contemporary purple/brown boards.
K7GFD8IHMM0V: RATZEBURG, Julius Theodor Christian (Edgar Bourée de CORBERON, transl.). - Les hylophtires et leurs ennemis, ou description et iconographie des insectes les plus nuisibles aux forèts, ainsi que des autres animaux causant des dégâts dans les bois, avec une méthode pour apprendre à les détruire et à ménager ceux qui leur font la guerre.Nordhansen, Leipzig, B.G.H. Schmidt, 1842. Large 8vo. With 4 folding tables, 2 woodcuts in text and 6 full-page engraved plates, one with useful insects and five with harmful insects, all six hand-coloured by the publisher. Original green publisher's printed paper wrappers over stiff boards.
I4MFD3F2MI10: RAUNKIAER, Barclay. - Gennem Wahhabiternes land paa kamelryg. Beretning om den af det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab planlagte og bekosterde forskningsrejse i Ost- og Centralarabien 1912.Copenhagen, Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag, 1913. 8vo. With a frontispiece showing the author in Arab garb, 88 illustrations in text, most of them reproductions of drawings and photographs by the author, and a folding map loosely inserted in a pocket at the end. Publisher's green cloth.
F56BKEBV62VD: RAVASI, Fratelli. - Catalogo 1913 ... Placche ferro smaltato e lettere rame ... Milan, Ravasi brothers (colophon: Stabilimento Grafico Matarelli), 1913. Oblong 8vo (16.5 x 24 cm). With very large, loosely inserted, oblong folding tinted lithographed poster (61 x 90.5 cm), showing types and other decorations in full size in black and white on a green-grey background, and 100 numbered half-tone illustrations in text. Also with a tipped in circular letter on pink paper introducing the catalogue, by Luigi and Giovanni Ravasi. Stapled in publisher's gray paper wrappers, printed in blue.
M1LECX5UAX1N: RAY, John. (Johannes RAIUS). - Methodus plantarum, emendata et aucta. In quâ notae maxime characteristicae exhibentur, quibus stirpium genera tum summa, tum infima cognoscuntur & à se mutuo dignoscuntur ... Accedit methodus Graminum, Juncorum et Cyperorum specialis. Eodem auctore"London" & Amsterdam, "Samuel Smith & Benjamin Walford"; J. & G. Janssonius van Waesberge [printed in Leiden], 1703. 8vo. With an integral engraved frontispiece portrait of the author and an inserted letterpress hierarchical table (folded up at the foot). Contemporary calf, rebacked.
H2HFDEQPJ62B: RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas François. - Wysgeerige en staatkundige geschiedenis van de bezittingen en den koophandel der Europeaanen, in de beide Indiën.Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1792-1803. 10 volumes bound as 9. 8vo. With 2 different engraved author's portraits, 8 engraved plates (5 as frontispieces), 12 engraved folding maps and 23 letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_48002: RAZI, Abu Bakr Muhammaed ibn Zakariyya al-. [RHAZES]. - Taqasim al-’ilal. [= Classification of diseases].Western Persia, 996 AH [= 1588 CE]. 2 volumes. Tall 8vo (18.5 x 10 cm). Arabic manuscript on paper. Black naskh script with important words and phrases picked out in red. Stored in a custom-made red cloth box, disbound, originally bound as one.
L1TD25Y44IWG: RAZZI, Silvano. - Vite di cinque huomini illustri, M. Farinata degl'Uberti, Duca d'Athene, M. Salvestro Medici, Cosimo Med. il piu vecchio, e Francesco Valori.Florence, Bernardo Giunta the younger and heirs of his brothers, 1602. 4to. With the Giunta's woodcut device on the title-page. 17th-century(?) sheepskin parchment, later endpapers.
6034: [REBOUL, Guillaume]. - La cabale des Reformez, tiree nouvellement du puits de Democrite.Montpellier [= Lyon?], “chez Le Libertin, imprimeur juré de la saincte Reformation” [= Jacques Roussin?], 1597. With: (2) REBOUL, Guillaume. Apologie ... sur La cabale des Reformez.[Lyon?, Jacques Roussin?], 1598. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 17th-century gold-tooled calf; rebacked, preserving most of the backstrip.
M24AG7P9SDMC: [RECIPE BOOK - TWENTE]. - [Recipe book].[Twente, ca. 1865]. 4to. with many added notes. Contemporary half calf.
I48GDGKRTVBO: REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. - De nieuwe versterkte facen en flancquen, of Verhandeling om de facen ... bestendiger ... te doen zyn ... Opgesteld ten nutte der krygsbouwkunde, en derzelver min of meer gevorderde bearbeiders.Amsterdam, printed for the author [by Izaak and Johannes Enschedé in Haarlem?], sold by Jan Punt junior, [1759]. Large 4to (23.5 x 20 cm). With 3 folding engraved plates with 14 numbered figures drawn by the author and executed by Jan Punt and 2 engravings in text. 19th-century half parchment.
A6BB941ITPKJ: REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. - De nieuw uitgevonden sluis met in- en uitschuivende deuren. With: (2) REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. De nieuw uitgevonden diep-machine. The Hague, Hendrik Christoffel Gutteling; Amsterdam, Jacob Yntema & Jacob Tieboel; for the author, 1774. 2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (49.5 x 31 cm). Ad 1 with 6 large folding engraved plates and ad 2 with 3 large folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf.
S2002: REDOUTÉ, Pierre Joseph and Claude Antoine THORY. - Les roses.Antwerp, De Schutter, 1974-1978. 4 volumes. Large folio (55 x 36 cm). A complete facsimile of the first edition (Paris, Firmin Didot, 1817-1824) with additions from the third edition, portraits, and extensive new material including commentaries, biographies and bibliographies, and an English summary of Thory's text. With 179 colour plates. Finely bound in red half morocco.
ECCBQ7D2JIJ8: REEHORST, Karel Pieter ter. - Woordenboek der zee-, stoom- en scheepsbouwkundige-termen, in de Hollandsche, Fransche en Engelsche talen. - Dictionnaire Français-Hollandais, des termes techniques employés dans la marine à voiles et à vapeur, dans l'architecture navale et commettage. - Dictionary of nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, in the English and Dutch.Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1845[-1847]. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers.
LBSD41NRGEY2: [REGELEMT - FIRING SALUTES]. - Reglement, ten opzigte van het saluut, waar naar alle zoo vlag-officieren als capiteinen en anderen commandeerende eenige schepen, fregatten, of mindere vaartuigen van oorlog, van den staat, zig zullen hebben te reguleeren. Gearresteert by haar Hoog Mogende resolutie van 6 July 1795. Het eerste jaar der Bataafsche vryheid.[1795]. 4to. Sewn upon two supports.
DBSGIMC3UKU0: [REICHARD, Heinrich August O.]. - Malerische Reise durch einen großen Theil der Schweiz vor und nach der Revolution. Jena, H.W.Ch. Seidler, 1805. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece with 4 medallion portraits, engraved title-page with the title on a rock in an alpine scene, 54 numbered engraved plates (1 folding) and 2 folding leaves with built-up letterpress music. With the 4 costume plates hand-coloured. Later 19th-century half cloth.
H8R9G2BV97NM: REIN, Johannes Justus. - Japan: travels and researches. Undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. ... Translated from the German. With twenty illustrations and two maps.London, Hodder and Stoughton (back of title-page: Butler & Tanner, The Selwood printing Works, Frome, and London.), 1888. 8vo. With 8 wood engraved plates, 3 lithographed maps, 4 small engravings in text and 5 black and white phototypes and 2 tinted, lithographed folding maps. Modern half morocco.
ABC_45227: REINAUD, [Joseph Toussaint]. - Description des monumens Musulmans du cabinet de M. le Duc de Blacas.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1828. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 10 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half mottled calf, gold-tooled spines, marbled endpapers and edges.
ABC_48384: REINAUD, Joseph Toussaint. - Extraits des historiens Arabes, relatifs aux guerres des croisades, ouvrage formant, d'après les écrivains Musulmans, un récit suivi des guerres saintes ...[Paris], Imprimerie Royale, 8vo. Contemporary dark green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers.
J82GHNWR3LYC: REINHARD, Johann Christoph. - Etymologia Graeco-Latina oder lexicon manuale philologicum, darin die der Latinitaet oft vorkom[m]ende griechische Wörter mit ihren Grund-Nahmen in Benennung der Kräuter, Thiere &c.Including: Etymologia Graeco-Latina, das ist Gründliche erklährung derer Griechschen und Lateinischen Wörter.Frankfurt an der Oder, Johann Gottfried Conradi (part 1); Tobias Schwartzen (part 2), (1721). 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title-page printed in red and black. Contemporary vellum.
LAGBKKB6VNSK: REITZ, Johann Frederik, and others. - Oude en nieuwe staat van't Russische of Moskovische Keizerryk, behelzende eene uitvoerige historie van Rusland en deszelfs groot-vorsten; benevens de beschryvinge van dat uitgestrekte ryk, de zeden en godsdienst der inwoneren: zyne opkomst en voortgang in koophandel, kunsten, land- en zeemacht, oproeren, oorlogen en verdere wisselvalligheden, tot dezen tegenwoordigen tydt toe.Utrecht, Johannes Broedelet, 1744. 4 volumes. 4to. With 4 folding maps, 3 folding plates and a folding letterpress table. Early 19th-century half red sheepskin.
88UFDG8NJONC: REMY, Pierre. - Catalogue de tableaux, peintures a gouache, bas-reliefs de marbres & de bronze, une très belle pendule qui joue differens airs de flûte, des porcelaines & autres objets qui composent le cabinet de M. De Merval.Paris, Didot the Elder, 1768. 8vo. Contemporary wrappers.
ABC_45229: RENAN, Joseph Ernest. - Mission de Phénicie.Paris, Imprimerie Impériale/Nationale, 1864-1874. 14 volumes bound as 13 (7 of text and 7 of plates, the latter bound as 6). Folio (27,5 x 36,5 and 37 x 55,5 cm). With 70 engraved and lithographed numbered plates (including 1 folding), 1 folding map, and 8 plans(including 3 folding), a few in contemporary hand colouring, and several illustrations in the text.Contemporary wrappers. Plates stored in two half cloth portfolios.
ABC_46313: RENARD, Louis. - Poissons ecrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires, que l'on trouve autour des Isles Moluques et sur les côtes des Terres Australes.Amsterdam, Reinier & Josua Ottens, 1754. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio. Title-page in red and black, a divisional-title for each volume and 100 engraved plates, vividly hand-coloured as published, showing 460 fishes and other marine animals. Contemporary calf, richly-gold tooled spine and bords, green morocco spine label with title in gold, decorated edges, marbled endpapers. Preserved in a professionally made black cloth box.
I2PDBKU7X78X: RENOU (RENODAEUS), Jean de. - Institutionum pharmaceuticarum. Libri quinque quibus accedunt de materia medica. Libri tres. Omnibus succedit officina pharmaceutica, sive antidotarium ab eodem auctore commentariis illustratum.Paris, Laurentius Archiatrus(?), 1608. 4to. 2 parts in 1 volume. With an engraved title-page and engraved author's portrait, both dated 1608 and engraved by Léonard Gaultier, engraved title-page to the second part by Jaspar Isaac, and numerous woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, restored and rebacked, with part of the original backstrip laid down.
22126: RENOUARD DE SAINTE-CROIX, Felix. - Voyage commercial et politique aux Indes Orientales, aux Iles Philippines, a la Chine, avec des notions sur la Cochinchine et le Tonquin, pendant les années 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 et 1807.Paris, Clament frères (printed by Crapelet), 1810. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 2 folding engraved maps (India and Southeast Asia, coloured in outline), and 4 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary gold-tooled tree calf.
S382: REUBELT, John Adam. - Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin.
ABC_46689: REYD, Everhard van. - Oorspronck ende voortganck vande Nederlantsche oorloghen ofte waerachtighe historie vande voornaemste geschiedenissen inde Nederlanden ende elders voorgevallen zedert den jare 1566, tot het jaer 1601, verdeylt in achthien boecken. [engraved title-page:] Historie der Nederlantscher Oorlogen ... tot ... 1601.Arnhem, Jacob van Biesen, 1633. Folio. With an engraved title-page by Crispijn van de Passe, 25 engraved portraits in the text (including one of the author) and with a woodcut printer's device on the title-page, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary richly gold-tooled vellum.
5418: REYD, Everhard van. - Voornaemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlanden ende elders, vanden Jare 1566 totten Iare 1583.Arnhem, Ian Iansz., 1626. 4to. With engraved title-page and 25 portraits, mostly by C. van Sichem and K. van Sichem. Contempory vellum.
K9KEB6ZTIW7D: REYMANN, Daniel Gottlob. - Karte eines Theils von Neu oder West Gallicien welcher die Woywodschaften Sendomier und Krakau enthält nebst einem Theil von Alt Gallicien in XII Blatt, entworffen von Daniel Gottlob Reymann Königl: Preuss: Plan Kammer Inspector und Ingénieu Géographe.[Berlin, S. Schropp & Comp.,] 1797. Engraved map in 12 sheets, cut into 49 (7 x 7) sections (each ca. 22 x 21 cm) with a total size of 154 x 154 cm. Scale ca. 1:180,000. Partly hand-coloured in outline. Mounted on linen.
22642: [REYNARD THE FOX]. - The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox. Newly corrected and purged...London, Thomas Ilive for Edward Brewster,1701.With:(2) [REYNARD THE FOX]. The most pleasant and delightful history of Reynard the Fox. The second part. ...London, Anne Maxwell and Robert Roberts for Edward Brewster, 1681.(3) [REYNARD THE FOX, ADDITIONS]. The shifts of Reynardine the son of Reynard the Fox, ...London, Thomas James for Edward Brewster and Thomas Passenger, 1684. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to.With woodcut of King Lion's court on title-page, 61 woodcuts in text of part 1 (including 23 repeats), 15 woodcuts in part 2, all repeated from part 1. Late 18th-century calf.
ABC_46870: RHEIN, Johannes Kaspar, and Rudolf Wilhelm KRAUSE. - Q. D. B. V. dissertation inauguralis medica De cardamomis, quam rectore magnificentissimo, serenissimo principe ac domino, domino Gvilielmo Henrico, dvce saxoniae, ivliaci, cliviae ac montivm, angariae et westphaliae &c. Ex decreto illustres & gratiotissima facvltatis medicae in florentissima academia jenensi, Praeside Rvdolfo Gvilielmo Cravsio.Jena, Christoph Krebs, [dissertation defended 7 August 1704]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece illustrating the cardamon plant, a woodcut headpiece and tailpiece. Recent decorated paper wrapper.
6BTGHEZB13VJ: [RHETORICIANS]. - Spelen va[n] sinne byde[n] .xix. gheconfirmeerden cameren van rhetorijcken binnen der stede van Ghendt comparerende, verthoont, volghende den octroye vander K. Maiesteyt, Grave va[n] Vlaendren, onsen gheduchte[n] Heere, schepenen der selver stede, en[de] camere van rhetorijcke vander heylige drievuldicheyt, gheseyt de fonteynisten, verleent, en[de] der charte uutghesonde[n] op de questie, welck den mensche stervende, meesten troost is: die selve spele[n] beghinnende by ordre, so hier na volcht, de[n] .xii. junij, int jaer m.ccccc.xxxix. En[de] werde[n] volspeelt en[de] gheeyndt, den .xxiii. vanden jare en[de] maent voorsz. (Colophon: Antwerp, [Matthias Crom], 25 October 1539). 8vo. 18th-century half vellum.
H3HEU9A4RJ5G: RHIJN, Leonard Johannes van. - Reis door den Indischen Archipel, in het belang der evangelische zending.Rotterdam, M. Wijt & zonen, 1851. 8vo. With 1 chromolithographed and 4 lithographed folding maps and 8 tinted lithographed illustrations. Rebacked in modern half cloth and the original gold-tooled green sheepskin backstrip laid down.
I21CHCBCH43T: RHUMEL (RHUMELIUS), Johann Pharamund. - Medicina spagyrica oder spagyrische Artzneykunst. In welcher I. Compendium Hermeticum, … II. Antidotarium chymicum, … III Jatrium chymicum, … mit Hinzuthuung Pharmacopoea chymica und Herbarii Hermetica zusammen gelesen, und in gewisse Ordnung gebracht. [Engraved title-page:] Medicina spagyrica tripartita.Frankfurt, Johann Hüttner, 1648. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece by Sebastian Furck (with his monogram at the foot), including portraits of Hermes Trismegistus and Arnaldus de Villa Nova. Contemporary vellum.
D96AL27EYIKD: RHYNE, Willem ten. - Verhandelinge van de Asiatise melaatsheid, na een naaukeuriger ondersoek ten dienste van het gemeen.Amsterdam, Abraham van Someren, 1687. With an ornament on the title-page. With: (2) BEINTEMA VAN PEIMA, Joannes Ignatius Worp. Tabacologia, ofte korte verhandelenge over de tabak, desselvs deugd, gebruyk, ende kennisse: waar door aangeweesen wordt een wegh om lang, vroolijk, ende gesond te leeven.The Hague, Levijn van Dijck, 1690. Lacking frontispiece. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum.
14935: RIBADENEYRA, Pedro de [and Michel d'ESNE DE BETENCOURT (translator)]. - La vie du pere Francois de Borja ...Douai, Baltazar Bellère, 1603. 8vo. With a woodcut "IHS" vignette on the title-page, some woodcut decorated initials and woodcut head-pieces, and a large woodcut tail-piece on p. 480. Contemporary overlapping vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties.
5817: RIBERA, Giovanni (Juan RIVERA). - Lettera annua della vice. provincia delle Filippine dal Giugno del 1602. al seguente. Giugno del 1603.Venice, Giovanni Battista Ciotti, 1605. 8vo. With a woodcut Jesuit device on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial. Later vellum.
22111: RICCI, Matteo and Nicolas TRIGAULT. - Histoire de l'expedition Chrestienne au royaume de la Chine, entreprinse par les PP. de la compagnie de Iesus.Lyons, for Horace Cardon, 1616. 8vo. With engraved title-page and full-page engraved portrait of prince Philippe Guillaume of Orange, and large folding plan (42.5 x 15 cm). Contemporary overlapping vellum.
HCH9W9ZQH3E0: [RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. - Ricettario utilissimo et molto necessario à tutti gli spetiali, che uogliono preparar le medicine regolatamente...Venice, Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1558. 12mo. Later half sheepskin parchment, decorated paper sides.
HCHC2GNURG4K: [RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. - Ricettario fiorentino di nuovo illustrato.(Colophon: Florence, Pietro Cecconcelli, 1623). Folio. With an elaborate architectural engraved title-page, 3 woodcut illustrations in text and a woodcut device above the colophon. 19th-century vellum.
I17FMMNROLHB: [RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. - Ricettario Fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto all'uso moderno diviso in due parti.Florence, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1789. Large 4to (28 x 21 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, a decorated engraved initial, and a few woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century sheepskin parchment, manuscript title on spine.
G7GEFEW09VO1: RICH, Claudius James and Siegmund Ferdinand von PERGER. - Sammlung und Darstellung verschiedener Pferde intressanter Zuchten, Landeskarten und Rassen ... Vienna, Müllersche Kunsthandlung, 1815. Oblong folio (31 x 42.5 cm). Engraved print series, including a title-page engraved by Dorneck and 6 numbered engravings of horses engraved by Siegmund Ferdinand von Perger, hand-coloured and loose as issued.
D9LCK6ZOP9W8: RICHARDSON, William. - Anecdoten wegens Rusland. In gemeenzaamen brieven geschreven uit Petersburg.Amsterdam, J. Yntema, 1784-1785. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary blind-stamped vellum.
5581: [RICHER, Adrien]. - Vies des plus célebres marins. Paris, Berlin, 1789. 13 parts in 11 volumes. 18mo in 6's. With 10 engraved frontispiece portraits. Original blue boards.
19890: RICHTERN, Christophorus. - Berichtendes Send-Schreiben vom Cometen, so in Christmonat des 1664. Christen-Jahres ist erschienen: darinnen derselbige Astronomicè, Physicè, Astrologicè, Theologicè, betrachtet und erkläret wirt.Leipzig, Ritzsch, 1665. 4to. With a woodcut of a comet on the title-page. Modern boards.
D1QH7F01U79O: [RICKMAN, John]. - Troisieme voyage de Cook, ou Journal d'une expédition faite dans la Mer Pacifique du Sud & du Nord en 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, & 1780 ... Seconde edition.Paris, Belin, 1783. 8vo. With folding engraved plate, illustrating the death of Captain James Cook, and folding engraved chart, depicting the route of Cook's expedition. Modern half calf.
LCCB0V6DUQM9: RIDINGER, Johann Elias. - [Drop titles volume 1:] Das in seiner großen Mannigfaltigkeit und in seinen schönen Farben nach Original-Zeichnungen geschilderte Thier-Reich. …| Representations des animaux selon leur grande varieté et leurs belles couleurs suivant des desseins originels … [engraved frontispiece, volume 2:] Das nach original Zeichnungen geschilderte Thier-Reich. | Les animaux representes suivant des desseins originels.[Augsburg, Martin Elias Ridinger & Johann Jacob Ridinger, 1768]. 2 volumes bound as 1. Large folio (43 x 28 cm). Each volume with an engraved frontispiece printed in red and 63 and 64 engraved illustration plates (plate size 31.5 x 21.5 cm). With the 127 plates coloured by an early hand. Gold-tooled half calf (ca. 1810?).
B9SBZI01U79O: RIDINGER, Johann Elias. - [Naturhistorisches Original-Thierwerk].[Augsburg, Engelbrecht, 1825]. Oblong folio. With 127 numbered engraved plates including frontispiece incorporating a small portrait of Johann Elias Ridinger (1698-1767) in profile on a base with his name and profession, surrounded by animals, and plates showing all kinds of animals classified in 9 (of 10) sections. Lacking the title-page and part of the text, but with all plates complete. Contemporary diced half calf, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides.
9AO9MA223STD: RIDINGER, Johann Elias. - [Drop-title:] Vorstellung der Pferde ... = Description du cheval ...[Augsburg, Martin Elias Ridinger and Johann Jakob Ridinger, 1770 or ca. 1768]. 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece or title-print showing the corner of a garden with an equine statue and an asymmetric decorated shield with text, 50 plates with captions in German and French, conceived, drawn and engraved by Ridinger, each giving a lively and personal portrait of a horse. All plates, including frontispiece, beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand as published, some highlighted with white chalk. Further with decorations built up from cast fleurons. Set in 2 columns, mostly with the German in fraktur type on the left and the French in roman and italic on the right (some lists with the German and French on facing pages). Mottled, tanned half sheepskin (ca. 1840), sewn on 3 tapes, with a hollow back, shell-marbled sides (brown shell with blue veins, similar to Wolfe 128), red edges. Recased, with new headbands.With:(2) [DRAWING - EQUINE]. RIDINGER, Johann Elias. [Die guthe Gestalt eines Pferdes. = La beauté et les parties exterieures du Cheval.][Augsburg, ca. 1765].Drawing in pen and brown ink, ink washes and white chalk on grey-blue paper (24 x 17 cm, frame of pen-drawn rules 18.5 x 13.5 cm, with an empty panel at the foot for the title), for the second plate of Vorstellung der Pferde. With the small ink stamp of an eagle (9.5 x 7 mm) from the collection of Aldalbert Freiherr von Lanna (1836-1909). In a passe partout.
16103: RIDLEY, William. - Kamilaroi, Dippel, and Turrubul: languages spoken by Australian Aborigines.Sydney, Thomas Richards (New South Wales government printer), 1866. 4to. With an armorial vignette printed in several colours and gold (the unofficial “Advance Australia” Australian coat of arms), 4 fine full-page wood engravings of plants and flowers. Original publisher's maroon textured cloth.
H8R9L0YQ8MW6: RIEMER, Jacob de. - Beschryving van 'sGraven-hage, behelzende deszelfs oorsprong, benaming, gelegentheid, uitbreidingen, onheilen en luister, mitsgaders stigtinge van het hof, der kerken, kloosters, kapellen, godshuizen, en andere voornaame gebouwen...Delft, Reinier Boitet (part 1); The Hague, Johannes de Cros (part 2), 1730-1739. 2 parts in 3 volumes. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved dedication in volume 1 and 3, and a total of 57 engraved plates, mostly folding. Contemporary red half sheepskin.
ABC_46081: RIGBY, Colonel Christopher Palmer; Lilian M. RUSSELL-RIGBY (ed.). - General Rigby, Zanzibar and the slave trade with journals, dispatches, etc.London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1935. 8vo. With a folding "Rough sketch-map to illustrate General Rigby’s career in H.M. Service’" (ca. 25 x 29 cm) and the half-page coat-of-arms of Rigby on p. [5]. Original publisher's blue cloth with a blind-stamped centrepiece on the front board and the title in gold on the spine, covered with the original blue publisher's paper wrappers, protected by a plastic wrapper.
L79DCU5WAW3M: RIHANI, Ameen. - Around the coasts of Arabia.London, Constable & Co., 1930. 8vo. With a pictorial map as frontispiece, 31 photographic half-tone plates and a full-page map on an integral leaf. Original publisher’s black cloth, with title in gold on spine.
3768: RINUCCINI, Giovanni Battista. - Historia do Capuchinho Escoces.Lisboa, Bernardo da Costa Carvalmo for Joseph da Cruz Cardozo, 1708. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a general title-page with a woodcut portrait of a monk (in the centre of a large rosette) and a divisional title-page for the second part of the tex. Contemporary richly gold-tooled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gilt and gauffered edges.
G69I86IF1Z51: RIPA, Cesare. - Iconologia, of uytbeeldingen des verstands: … Om uyt te drucken, en te vinden, 't begrip van alle sinnebeelden, invallen, devijsen of sinteykenen. …Amsterdam, Dirck Pietsz. Pers, 1644. 4to. With engraved allegorical frontispiece and 196 emblematic woodcut illustrations (ca. 8.5 x 6 cm) in the text by Jan Christoffel Jegher. Parchment (ca. 1725?).
17878: RISNER, Friedrich. - Opticae libri quatuor ex voto Petri Rami novissimo Fridericum Risnerum per ejusdem in mathematicis adjutorem olim conscripti, ...Kassel, Wilhelm Wessel (sold by Johann Berner in Frankfurt), 1615. 4to. With numerous optical, astronomical and mathematical woodcut diagrams in text, woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and initials, and headpieces built up from cast fleurons. 18th-century tan calf, gold-tooled double fillets, re-backed in sheepskin.
ABC_46543: RITTER, Carl. - Zur Geschichte des Petraïschen Arabiens und seiner Bewohner.[Berlin, Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences], 8 July 1824. 4to. Never bound.
ABC_47221: RIVA DI SAN NAZARRO, Gianfrancesco. - Iura interpretantis in flore[n]ti achademia Avenionensi ad cives Avenionenses de peste libri tres.[Colophon:] Avignon, Jean de Channey, 12 September 1522. 4to. With the title in a 4-piece woodcut border (white on black), a woodcut illustration of the author presenting a book to the dedicatee on the verso of the title-pageWith numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 3 series) throughout the text. Later overlapping vellum.
ABC_45516: RIVETT-CARNAC, John Henry; Archibald Campbell CARLLEYLE; Raja Rajendralal MITRA; and others. - [Manuscript spine title:] Indian antiquities.[Various places, various publishers, 1877-1903]. About 40 publications in 1 volume. Large and occasionally small 8vo. About 40 archaeological works, most written by John Harry Rivett-Carnac, on prehistoric remains in India and on Indian culture, along with loosely inserted prints, with 41 (lithographed?) plates (some folding) showing monoliths, gorges, tumuli, cup-marks, ancient rock carvings, stone implements, spindle whorls and flint tools, all found in India, but also Buddha and Hindu sculptured figures and ancient coins of important Indian dynasties. Also included are 2 lithographs (one of a sculpted Hindu group near Kanouj) and 3 photographic collotypes reproductions of ancient coins. Half black morocco, green cloth sides, title and author's name in gold on spine.
ABC_46273: [ROBERTI, Anthonius]. - Clavis Homerica, sive lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quae in Iliade Homeri, nec non potissimâ Odyssae parte continentur. Accedit brievis appendix de dialectis. Opus prima in Anglia concinnatum, deinde auctum & saepius editum; nunc tandem summon studio correctius recusum.Rotterdam, Arnold Leers, 1655. 8vo. Title printed in red and black, with the woodcut printer's device of Arnold Leers and woodcut initials and headpieces. Contemporary vellum.
G1ADR2DR8JGZ: ROBERTS, A. - The adventures of (Mr T. S.) an English merchant, taken prisoner by the Turks of Argiers, and carried into the inland countries of Africa.London, Moses Pitt [printed by William Wilson?], 1670. Small 8vo. Blind- and gold-tooled calf (ca. 1800).
F6EG2BCFFZDL: ROBERTS, James. - The sportsman's companion: or portraitures, pedigrees and performances, of the most eminent race horses & stallions, represented in variety of attitudes. London, J. Barker, [1798?]. 8vo (22.5×15 cm). With a letterpress title-page, 40 numbered plates of famous race horses drawn by James Roberts and engraved by Henry Roberts, each with a portrait of the horse and rider (ca. 8.5×12 cm), detailed information about the horse and owner and most with an engraved vignette at the foot, engraved index leaf, and publisher's 4-page letterpress catalogue (with woodcut of 2 cocks fighting). Contemporary tan laid paper wrappers.
H6MF5MLBBKBO: ROBERTS, David, George CROLY and William BROCKEDON. - The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia.London, Day & son (vol. 3: New York, D. Appleton & Co.), 1855-1856. 6 volumes bound as 3. Imperial 8vo (30 x 22 cm). With 250 numbered plates (including 6 tinted lithographed title-pages, 2 stone-engraved maps and 239 tinted and double-tinted lithographed and 2 chromolithographed views). Contemporary, richly gold-tooled reddish-brown morocco, gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled endpapers, gilt and gauffered edges. With thin paper guard leaves facing each plate.
ABC_46047: ROBERTSON, William; [Petrus LOOSJES, transl.]. - Geschiedenis van America. Uit het Engelsch vertaald [by P. Loosjes].Amsterdam, Yntema & Tieboell, 1778. 4 volumes. 8vo. With woodcut title-vignettes; 4 folding maps by Thomas Kitchin (1718-1784), representing (1) the Gulf of Mexico with adjacent countries and islands; (2) Mexico or New Spain; (3) South America and (4) Central America and the South Sea; and a folding plate showing part of the 14th-century Mixtec Codex Vindobonensis. Uniform contemporary half calf.
89IGW3UCAGWQ: ROBERTSON, William. - L'histoire de l'Amérique ... Traduite de l'anglais.Paris, Panckoucke, 1778. 4 volumes. 12mo. With 4 title-pages, each with a different woodcut vignette, 4 folding engraved maps depicting the Gulf of Mexico (33 x 49 cm), South America (46 x 33 cm), Mexico (30 x 39 cm), and the northwestern part of South America (39 x 25 cm) and 1 folding engraved plate illustrating the chronology of Mexicans (27 x 24.5 cm). Contemporary French calf, gold-tooled spines with red morocco labels, marbled endpapers and edges.
14769: ROBERTSON, William. - Desseins d'architecture, représentans des sièges de jardins, des portes de maisons de campagne, des entrées de parcs, des volières, des temples, . . . London, printed by A. Dulau & Co. and Leonardo Nardini, and sold by Rudolph Ackermann there and J.G. Beygang in Leipzig, 1800. Oblong Imperial 4to (28×38 cm). With 24 numbered aquatint plates, subtly coloured by hand. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47633: [ROBINSONADE]. [Captain Pierre VIAUD]. - Der französische Robinson. Oder außerordentliche Schicksale des französichen Kaptain Viaud nach seinen eigenen Berichten. Aus dem französischen.Prague, Johann Herrl, 1795. 8vo. Contemporary blind-tooled half calf, red speckled paper sides.
ABC_47614: [ROBINSONADES]. - Gevallen van den oude en jongen Robinson. Behelzende de opvoeding van den jongen Robinson tot Utrecht; zyne deugden, gebreken en Huwelyk. Vertrekt na Madera om zyn Vader uittevinden, bevegt een zeerover [...] Strand op Tabago. Word door zyn Vader van de dood gered, zonder hem te kennen. Oprechting van een nieuw gemeenebest aldaar, en keeren te zamen met veele schatten na Europa [...].Amsterdam, Steven van Esveldt, 1753. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, signed by J.C. Philips, the title-page printed in red and black and with a small ornamental woodcut vignette, two woodcut decorated initials, and one ornamental woodcut tailpiece. Contemporary vellum.
22837: [ROCHEFORT, Charles de]. - Histoire naturelle et morale des Iles Antilles de l'Amérique ...Rotterdam, Arnout Leers, 1658. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With an engraved title-page, a woodcut printer's device on the typographical title-page, a full-page portrait of Amproux, 43 engraved plates in the text of all kinds of plants, trees, animals and costumes from the Antilles. Further with a divisional title-page for the second part, and woodcut decorated initials, head- and tailpieces throughout. Contemporary gold-tooled marbled calf, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges, marbled edges, marbled endpapers, and a bright pink reading ribbon.
74LCHJ01U79O: ROCKSTROH, Heinrich. - Magazijn van belangrijke en leerzame kunststukjes, voor jonge lieden.Zaltbommel, Johannes Noman, 1828. 12mo. With a hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece, 6 lithographed plates, and many smaller wood engraved illustrations in text. Original publisher's printed paper boards.
85GFO0H5VARZ: RODRIGUES DE CARVALHO, Theotonio. - Tratado completo do jogo de florete, em o qual se estabelecem os principios certos dos exercicios offensivos, e defensivos desta arte; obra necessaria a's pessoas, que se destinão a's armas, e util a'quellas, que se querem aperfeiçoar.Lisbon, Na impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. 8 folding engraved plates with 17 numbered figures. Later (ca. 1875/95?) gold-tooled green morocco,.
HA8DIUNED5A1: RODRIGUES GIRÃO, João. - Litterae Iaponicae annorum M.DC.IX et X. ad R. admodum piae mem. p. Claudium Aquavivam generalem praepositum Societatis Iesu A.R.P. Provinciali eiusdem in Iapone Societ. Missae.Antwerp, Petrus and Johannes Bellerus, 1615. 8vo. With woodcut printer's device on title-page. Modern limp parchment, gilt edges.
H68EF5SC3PRL: [RODRIGUES GIRÃO, João and Jean VIREAU? (translator)]. - Histoire de ce qui s'est passé au royaume du Japon l'annee 1624.Paris, Sebastien Chappelet, 1628. 8vo. With a woodcut Jesuit seal on the title page. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, blind-stamped with a fleur-de-lys.
G2PE6S6Q85VW: [RODRIGUES, José Francisco and João RODRIGUES] ("Cesar Fiosconi, e Jordam GUSERIO"). - Espingarda perfeyta, & regras para a sua operaçam . . .Lisbon, António Pedroso Galrão, 1718. 4to. With full-page frontispiece showing the crowned Portuguese coat of arms, title-page with engraved decorative cartouche, 12 engraved plates (including 4 folding) by Manuel Freire and 1 engraved illustration in the text. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
9A5C32YD4ZB1: [RODRIGUEZ GIRAM, Joao]. - Litterae iaponicae annorum M.DC.IX et X. ad R. admodum piae mem. P. Claudium Aquavivam generalem praepositum Societatis Iesu A.R.P. Provinciali eiusdem in Iapone Societ. missae.Antwerp, P. & J. Bellerus, 1615. 8vo. Woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials. Contemp. limp vellum, title in ink on spine with traces of colouring, remnants of ties.
D6OG99AJSZ1C: ROEMER, Friedrich Adolph. - Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolithen-Gebirges.Hanover, Hahn, (colophon: printed by Jänecke brothers), 1836. Large 4to (32.5 x 26 cm). With 16 lithographed plates. Original publisher's printed boards.
21281: ROGEL, Hans the elder. - Capital und Versal Buech, allerhanndt grosser und kleiner Alphabeth, zue den Hauptschrifften und Büechern, dessgleichen in Canntzleyen unnd gemein, zuegebrauchen ganntz zierlich geordiniert. Augsburg, Johann Jacob Schönig, [1680/94, printed from the woodblocks of 1568]. Oblong folio (21 x 34 cm). With a richly calligraphic woodcut title-page (18 x 28 cm), with text in white fraktur lettering on black, with a white panel at the foot with the letterpress imprint in a fraktur type; and 9 (of 10) full-page woodcuts (about 17 x 25.5 cm) showing alphabets in white on black, one dated 1568: 8 with decorated gothic capitals (versals: 22-150 mm) and 1 with textura capitals, textura lowercase and roman capitals, all versos blank. With a small and perhaps fragmentary manuscript on parchment (2 ll., 11.5 x 13.5 cm, written on both sides): a Protestant copybook written (soon?) after 1557, probably in Basle or vicinity, with 7 writing samples, including alphabets of capitals and minuscules, the first two pages in fraktur gothic styles, and the last two in humanistic styles. Vellum (ca. 1985?), in a cloth slipcase.
ABC_46010: ROGHMAN, Roeland; Jacobus SCHYNVOET. - Nederlandsche oudheden, bestaande in zestig vebeeldingen, zo van geheele als vervallene heeren huizen, sloten, burgten en kasteelen, gelegen in Holland, 't Sticht van Utrecht en Gelderland enz. Meerendeels na 't leeven getekent door ...Amsterdam, Hendrik Bosch, 1721. Oblong folio (21 x 29 cm). With 60 etched and engraved plates and a woodcut vignette on the title-page. Contemporary vellum.
H1ELY1VAKKZL: ROLAND HOLST, Richard Nicolaüs. - Over de monumentale schilderkunst en hare beinvloeding door de maatschappij.[Laren?, 1910].With: (2) ROLAND HOLST, Richard Nicolaüs. Over het rythmische en het naturalistische element in de monumentale schilderkunst.[Laren?, 1914]. Small 4to. Neatly written in dark brown ink on machine-made wove paper without watermark. Loosely inserted is a newspaper clipping with an article about Roland Holst's lectures in Paris, from the Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant, 28 November 1923. Sewn in quires and each essay formerly glued (now loose) in dark grey thick paper wrappers.
61KHJE5ZG5BM: ROLEWINCK, Werner. - Formula vivendi canonico[rum] sive vicario[rum] seculariu[m] aut etiam alio[rum] devoto[rum] presbiterorum. (Colophon: Delft, [Christiaen Snellaert], April 1496). 4to (19.5×13.5). With the main text in a rotunda type (64G), quire signatures in a slightly larger rotunda (82G), title and text opening in a larger textura (145G) and a few small printed "Lombardic" uncial initials. Rubricated throughout, with 1 4-line and a few smaller red "lombardic" uncial initials written or drawn in the blank spaces provided, red paragraph marks; type area 14.5×9 cm. Half vellum (ca. 1900?).
H4EC6J1929WL: ROLLIN, Charles. - Histoire ancienne des Egyptiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyriens, des Babyloniens, des Medes et des Perses, de Macedoniens, des Grecs. … Nouvelle edition.Paris, printed for the widow of Estienne & her children and the Estienne brothers; by (the widow of) F.A. Quillau and the widow of Simon, 1748-1769. 13 volumes bound as 14. 12mo. With 3 engraved maps, 2 engraved folding plates and 1 engraved folding plan. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines and binding edges; only volume 11 (bound as 2 volumes) in a different but closely matching binding.
A7GHT301U79O: ROMAGNESI, Henri. - Nouvel atlas des champignons.[Paris], Bordas, 1956-1967. 4 volumes. 4to. With 316 numbered chromolithographed plates after Chenantais and lithographed by Mourlot, 39 full-page black and white illustrations, and 68 illustrations in the text. Publisher's original cloth (each volume a different colour), in the chromolithographed green dust jackets.
ABC_47741: [ROMAN MISSAL]. - Missale ad consuetudinem Ecclesie Romane; ...[Paris], Thielman Kerver, [colophon: anno domini 1506. x. kalendas apriles = 23 March 1507]. 8vo. Printed in red and black throughout in 2 columns, with Kerver’s finely executed criblée armorial device on the title-page, a crucifixion woodcut, hundreds of impressions of at least 28 finely executed lombardic initials with decorations, as well as dozens of spaces left for manuscript initials, about half with printed guide letters, and a two-impression plainchant music type. The capitals are rubricated throughout. The main text is set in a rotunda gothic type, and the Canon in a larger textura gothic. The woodcut crucifixion, Kerver’s device and the criblée initials are all coloured by a contemporary hand. Gold- and blind-tooled black goatskin morocco (1st half of the 18th century), the front board dated “ANNO|DOMINI|1506” in gold, and the spine-title “MISSALE|ROMANUM” in gold, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, 2 brass fastenings.
L3LEN89INLTK: ROMÉ DE L'ISLE (DELISLE), Jean-Baptiste Louis. - Essai de cristallographie, ou description des figures géométriques, propres à differens corps du regne minéral, connus vulgairement sous le nom de cristaux.Paris, Didot, Knapen & Delaguette, 1772. 8vo. With 2 folding letterpress tables and 10 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine.
K88GUB6E61VY: RÖMER, Fritz & Fritz SCHAUDINN (editors). - FAUNA ARCTICA. Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition in das Nördliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898. Herausgegeben von F. Römer und F. Schaudinn..Jena, G. Fischer, 1902-1933. 6 volumes. Large-4to (360 x 280mm). With 2 photogravure portraits (of both editors), 8 lithographed maps, 49 (a few chromo-) lithographed plates and 609 figures in the text. Contemporary half cloth (volumes II-IV & VI) & wrappers (remainder).
L6CF7ZA1GYWT: ROMIEUX, Osmond. - [Watercolour views of sea-coasts in New Caledonia and Peru].[New Caledonia & Peru], [1855/60?]. Album: full-sheet leaves (oblong 1mo) (39.5 × 52.5); drawings: oblong folio and oblong 4to. An album with 21 watercolour drawings on paper with views of sea coasts from the shore (24 × 31 cm to 29.5 × 46.5 cm), one with a 22nd watercolour drawing on the back with a similar view, and one with about 15 human figure drawings in graphite pencil on the back. All bear the artist’s stamp on the front (Lugt 3703) and 4 are signed or initialled by the artist. Richly gold- and blind-tooled green goatskin morocco, white watered silk endleaves.
ABC_45551: ROO, L.W.G. de. - De verkoop van opium op Java. Open brief aan Dr. H.J.A.M. Schaepman lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.Including: Verklaringen van opiumschuivers uit verschillende streken der residentiën Pasoeroean, Besoeki en Rembang.Nijmegen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1892. 4to. Half green cloth, marbled paper sides, title in gold on spine.
ABC_46469: [ROOBACKER, Cornelis Cornelisz.] A. HOTZ (publ.). - Cornelis Cornelisz Roobacker's scheepsjournaal Gamron-Basra (1645); de eerste reis der Nederlanders door de Perzische Golf. Uitgegeven, met inleiding en noten, door A. Hotz. In: BEEKMAN, A.A. etc. (eds.), Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap gevestigd te Amsterdam. Tweede serie Deel XXIV. No. 3 (15 Mei).Leiden, Brill, 1907. 8vo. One folding table and 3 folding maps (1 belonging to another article in the journal). Brown paper wrappers, with title information of the journal on the front and spine, and the contents on the back wrapper.
124: ROORDA, Taco. - Grammatica Arabica, breviter in usum scholarum academicarum conscripta ... Adiuncta est brevis chrestomathia, edita et lexico explanata a P. Cool.Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1835. 8vo. Text set in Roman and Arabic type. Contemporary quarter brown cloth, marbled paper sides, a paper label with the name of the author and the title printed in black on the spine.
21731: ROQUES, Joseph. - Histoire des champignons comestibles et veneneux, ornée de figures coloriées représentant les principales espèces dans leurs dimensions naturelles, où l'on expose leurs caractères distinctifs, leurs propriétés alimentaires et économiques, leurs effets niusibles et les moyens de s'en garantir ou d'y remédier, ouvrage utile aux amateurs de champignons, aux médecins, aux naturalistes, aux propriétaires ruraux, aux maires des villes et des campagnes.Paris, Hocquart aîné, Gosselin, Treuttel, et Wurtz, 1832. 4to. With 24 beautifully handcoloured engraved plates showing all kinds of mushrooms. Contemporary gold-tooled quarter light brown calf, kept in a cardboard slipcase.
18958: ROQUES, Pierre. - Le vray pietisme ou traité, dans lequel on explique la nature & les éffets de la piété; la juste étendue du renoncement au monde; où l'on remonte à la source générale du peu de vertu qu'il y a entre les Chrétiens, où l'on indique les moyens d'acquérir une piété solide; & où l'on fait connoître comment la piété nous dispose à l'égard de ceux qui ne pensent pas comme nous en matière de religion.Basel, Jean Brandmuller, 1731. 4to. With engraved frontispiece portrait of the author by F.A. Störcklein. Contemporary vellum, with large embroidered coat of arms on front board (17.5 x 15.5 x 1 cm), with silver and gold thread.
GBCGR3U5NQ61: RÖSEL VON ROSENHOF, August Johann; Christian Friedrich Carl KLEEMANN (transl.). - De natuurlyke historie der insecten.Haarlem and Amsterdam, C.H. Bohn and H. de Wit (vols. 2-4: C.H. Bohn (and son) and H. Gartman), [1765-1788]. 4 volumes (the fourth in 2 parts). Large 4to (27.5 x 21.5 cm). With 3 hand-coloured engraved frontispieces, an engraved author's portrait and 359 hand-coloured engraved plates on 288 leaves, protected by tissue guards. Modern half sheepskin(?) with red 19th-century gold-tooled spine-labels. Nearly wholly untrimmed.
19671: RÖSEL VON ROSENHOF, August Johann. - Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium in qua omnes earum proprietates, praesertim quae ad generationem ipsarum pertinent, fusius enarrantur. | Die natürliche Historie der Frösche hiesigen Landes worinnen alle Eigenschaften derselben, sonderlich aber ihre Fortpflanzung, umständlich beschrieben werden.Nuremberg, Johann Joseph Fleischmann, [1753]-1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. Royal folio (48 x 33 cm). With hand-coloured engraved frontispiece and 2 sets of the 24 engraved plates. Each of the 24 plates is present twice: beautifully hand-coloured with the figures still unnumbered, and in black and white with the figures numbered (and key letters added) but with Rösel's name erased. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
A8EGJZ5O5SL3: ROSEMONDT, Godschalc. - Confessionale sive libellus modum confitendi pulcherrime co[m]plecte[n]s, necessarius atq[ue] utilis, & cuilibet recte confiteri vole[n]ti, & ipsis sacerdotibus, qui aliorum confessiones audire habe[n]t. Editus a celeberrimo academie Lovanien[sis]. ... Denuo ab eodem recognitus et castigatus anno mil. CCCCC. XIX. men. Junii. die. xxvii.(Colophon: Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, 8 July 1519). Small 8vo (14 x 10 cm). Title-page in red & black with a red woodcut rebus of the author's name at the foot. 17th-century(?) vellum with the vellum.
ABC_45507: ROSEN von ROSENSTEIN, Nils. - Hus- och Rese-Apoteque, pä Hennes Kongl. Maj. Nädigste Befallning upsatt af Archiatern och Riddaren --.Stockholm, Carl Gottlieb Ulfs, 1772. 8vo. Engraved title-page with calligraphic lettering and vignette: a coach driving through a Swedish landscape. Wrappers covered with marbled paper.
A6AE74PURW6R: ROSENBERG, Carl Benjamin Hermann von. - Reistogten in de afdeeling Gorontalo, gedaan op last der Nederlandsch Indische regering.Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1865. 8vo. With 4 folding lithographed maps (3 chromo, 1 tinted), 9 full-page lithographed plates (4 chromo, 5 tinted (of which 2 folding)). 20th-century cloth.
5977: [ROSNEL, Pierre de]. - Le mercure indien, ou, Le tresor des Indes.Paris, Robert Chevillon, 1667. Small 8vo. With an engraved coat of arms on the title-pages. Later vellum.
ACMAJTRBPUPB: ROSNY, Monsieur de. - Le parfait oeconome, contenant ce qu'il est utile & necessaire de sçavoir à tous ceux qui ont des biens à la campagne. [And with separate pagination:]Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With an emblematic woodcut publisher’s device.(2) C., I. [= J?]. Idée ou description d'une maison de campagne. Maison, Basse-court & jardins.[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710]. (3) [C., J.?]. Traité de la maniere de semer dans toutes les saisons de l'année toutes fortes de graines & plantes, tant potageres que fleurs & oignons de fleurs, graines d'arbres & autres.Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1710. With the same woodcut device as ad 1.(4) [Jean MERLET, and/or Claude SAINT-ESTIENNE?]. [Drop-title:] Nouvelle instruction pour connoistre les bons fruits, selon les mois de l'année.[Paris, Claude Prudhomme, ca. 1710/15?]. With a woodcut headpiece, woodcut decorated initial and a decorative band of typographic ornaments. 12mo in 4s and 8s. 4 works in 1 volume. Contemporary sprinkled calf.
ABC_47112: ROSS, D.A. and G. GVIRTZMAN (editors). - Sedimentary geology. Special Issue. New aspects of sedimentation in small ocean basins.Amsterdam, Oxford and New York, Elsevier scientific publishing company, 1979. 24 x 16.5 cm. With approximately 170 maps, graphs, tables, charts and other illustrations in the text. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
L93C10SSDDEH: ROSS, David A., and others. - Red Sea research 1970-1975. Mineral resources bulletin 22.Jeddah, Directorate General of Mineral Resources (colophon: printed by Dar Al Asfahani), 1977. 4to. With a portrait of His Majesty King Khaled Ibn 'Abd Al 'Aziz Al Sa'ud as frontispiece, 6 numbered maps on 5 loosely inserted folding leaves and numerous illustrations in text. Publisher's original green wrappers, decorated front.
C5H9095BG8TA: ROSS, John. - De reizen en lotgevallen van kapitein John Ross, op zijne ontdekkings togten naar de Noordpools gewesten. Voor jonge lieden ... Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1837. 8vo. With the title-page, 6 plates (including frontispiece) and folding map of the Arctic region all lithographed. Slightly later half cloth.
L95G43JXR69R: ROSSER, William Henry. - Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean. With two[=three] illustrations.London, James Imray and son, 1866. 8vo. With 3 folding lithographed charts (the first as frontispiece and the third possibly extra added). Modern brown cloth, spine with a long vertical leather title-label.
ABC_45171: ROSSER, William Henry. - Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean.London, James Imray & son, 1878. 8vo. With 2 folding maps. Original publisher’s blue wrappers.
6177: ROSSETTI, Donato. - Antignome fisico-matematiche con il nuovo orbe, e sistema terrestre.Livorno, Giovanni Vincenzo Bonfigli, 1667. 4to. With 66 woodcut diagrams and other illustrations in text. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, with 2 fastenings made from loops of braided cord on the front cover but only traces of thongs on the back.
21646: [ROSSI, Giovanni Gherardo de]. - Scherzi poetici e pittorici. (Colophon: Parma, Giambattista Bodoni, 1795). 8vo (22 x 14 cm). With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (plate size: ca. 7 x 11 cm). Richly gold-tooled red morocco by Rémy Petit (active 1855-1900), spine with 5 raised bands resulting in 6 compartments, one with black title-label and the other five gold-tooled with black oval inlays; the sides with gilt triple fillet borders, corner ornaments with same oval inlays and a central oval ornament (gold on green); further with gilt fillets on board edges and richly gold-tooled turn-ins with a floral motive, gilt edges.
LA9GXF84KO71: [RÖSSIG, Carl Gottlieb] and Jan Baptist van WINTERSHOVEN. - Handboek voor liefhebbers van vreemde plantzoenen en tuiniers, of aanleiding tot de kennisse van alle in- en uitlandsche boomen en heesters, welke bij ons in de opene lucht kunnen gekweekt worden.Utrecht, Gijsbert Tieme van Paddenburg and son, 1795. 8vo. Small woodcut device on title-page and a small woodcut tailpiece.Contemporary, stiff, sprinkled paper wrappers, letterpress spine label.
LC5A03WM0QJ1: [RÖSSIG, Carl Gottlieb] and Jan Baptist van WINTERSHOVEN. - Handboek voor liefhebbers van vreemde plantzoenen en tuiniers, of aanleiding tot de kennisse van alle in- en uitlandsche boomen en heesters, welke bij ons in de opene lucht kunnen gekweekt worden.Utrecht, Gijsbert Tieme van Paddenburg and son, 1795. 8vo. Small woodcut device on title-page and a small woodcut tailpiece. Contemporary, stiff, sprinkled paper wrappers, letterpress spine label.
FCEKYS01U79O: ROTH, Johann Michaël. - Augsburgische Sammlung derer wegen des höchstbetrübten Untergangs der Stadt Lissabon, … anbey hat man die Stadt Augsburg in Grundriß mit 48. Prospecten der schönsten Gebäude denselben mit beygefüget …Augsburg, Johann Michael Roth, [ca. 1756]. Including:(2) [MAP - GERMANY - AUGSBURG]. KRAUS, Johann Thomas. Accurata recens delineate ichnographia … metropolis Augustae Vindelicorum … = Neu verfertigt accurater Grund Riß der … Statt Augspurg, …Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, [ca. 1750]. Large engraved map on a folding sheet (50 x 61 cm) at a scale of about 1:4000.(3) WEYERMANN, Jakob Christoph. Prospectus praecipuorum aedificorum et locorum intra et extra urbem Augustam Vindelicorum …Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, 1742. 4 large uncut folding sheets (each 40 x 70 cm) containing the engraved title-page in an elaborately decorated cartouche and 47 engraved views of buildings in and around Augsburg (each 16 x 13.5 cm), numbered [I], II-XLIII.1mo (50 x 38.5 cm). With an engraved title-page, the title in the arched doorway of an architectural ruin with a female figure with the Portuguese coat of arms in mourning on the steps, flanked by 2 putti; an engraved report on the earthquake and resulting tsunami on 1 November 1755; and in the first part 60 engraved views, maps and plans printed from 25 copperplates on 13 leaves (4 large folding, including 1 constructed from 2 sheets, the rest on both sides of 9 leaves, except the last, which is blank on the reverse). Gold on black gold brocade paper wrapper, probably from the publisher, sewn without supports at 3 stations, each wrapper made from a whole sheet of the decorated paper, with as centrepiece a statue in a domed gazebo, the dome carried by 4 visible (probably of 6) caryatids. The sheet is further filled with scrollwork decoration with oval portraits in the upper corners, winged angels in the lower corners, 4 more angels plus 2 faces in the scrollwork. Pasted in the centre of the front wrapper is an engraving of the Augsburg pine cone flanked by Neptune with his trident and a river God with an oar, above a city view with cornucopias (10 x 6.5 cm), with a manuscript label below it, "1755 et 1756." The whole is kept is a finely produced modern tanned sheepskin box with the form of a book, the spine with 7 raised bands and a red morocco label, a single brass fastening, and the interior and what would be the edges of the paper lined with marbled paper combining Stormont, zebra and Spanish patterns.
I17B62NI99SY: [ROTTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en chymische apotheek.Rotterdam, Barent Bos and widow of Elias Yvans, 1709. 8vo. With woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine with a tulip motif.
66PGFZJTM38O: ROTTIER, Jacques. - Catalogue d'une très-belle collection de tableaux, dessins encadrés, médailles, bronzes, ivoires, marbres et objets d'art, délaissés par M. Jacques Rottier, avocat et amateur distingué a Gand.Ghent, D.J. Vanderhaeghen, 1834. With folding engraved plate as frontispiece.With: (2) VAN ROTTERDAM. Catalogue d'une précieuse collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise et Italienne délaissés par Mr. Van Rotterdam.Ghent, widow of L. De Busscher-Braeckman, 1835. (3) BALLIN, H. Catalogue d'une belle collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande et Hollandaise délaissés par feu le notaire H. Ballin à Gand. Antwerp, H.P. Vanderhey, 1838. With an engraved plate loosely inserted. (4) MAES, Marie. Catalogue d'une belle collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande et Hollandaise délaissés par feu Marie Maes. Ghent, F.E. Gyselynck, 1837. (5) VRANCKEN, Petrus Jacobus Franciscus. Catalogue d'une précieuse collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise et Française délaissés par Mr. P.J.F. Vrancken à Lokeren. Antwerp, H.P. Vander Hey, 1838. With 3 illustrations on 2 engraved plates. (6) SCHAMP D'AVESCHOOT, Jean. Catalogue des tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise, Italienne, Française et Espagnole, qui composent la magnifique galerie délaissée par M. Schamp d'Aveschoot. Ghent, Librairie Générale de H. Hoste, 1840. 6 catalogues in 1 volume. 8vo. Interleaved. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin.
J3LEQD63X359: ROUSSEAU, Henri-Émilien. - [Bedouin falconer].[Morocco, 1920s]. Oil on wooden panel (21 x 16 cm), signed at the lower left "Henri Rousseau". Contemporary gilded wooden frame (33 x 28 cm).
21797: ROUSSEAU, Jean Baptiste. - Odes sacrées ..., détachées du corps de ses ouvrages.Brussels, Gilles Stryckwant, 1738. 4to. With a woodcut coat of arms of Austria on title-page. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine and board edges.
5238: ROUSSET, A. - Fables. Esope - La Fontaine.Lyon, Impr. Fonville-Brunet et Bonnaviat, (1848-1855). 4 vols. Large 8vo. With 4 nicely illustrated lithographed titles by Genod, 20 wood-engraved half-titles, lithographed portrait of the author, numerous wood-engraved vignettes in text, and 152 full-page lithographed, wood-engraved and etched plates, illustrating the fables, by A. Chaine, Fonville, Bonirote, C. Farine, Louis Guy, Regnier, R. Laurasse, M. d'Auvigny, A. Thieriat, Pinet, etc. Contemporary half brown morocco, spines ribbed and gilt, red mottled edges.
L6QELATS29BD: ROUSSIN, Albin-Reine. - Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale comprises entre l'ile Santa-Catharina et celle de Maranaõ, avec les instructions nécessaires pour atterrir et naviguer sur ces côtes; ...Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1827. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides.
23423: ROUTIER, Gaston. - Le Mexique[.] Limites géographiques. Orographie. Hydrographie. L' agriculture, la flore, la faune et les mines. L' industrie et le commerce. Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1891. 8vo. With a lithographed folding map of Mexico (34.5 x 46 cm). Contemporary half red morocco, gold-tooled spine.
K2FB9FP6XMET: [ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY]. - Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.London, 1824-1834. 3 volumes in 8 parts. 4to. With 80 lithographed plates, including several folding plates and 2 chromolithographed plates, and some smaller illustrations in text. Contemporary blue and grey paper wrappers, kept in two modern half morocco boxes.
I48GLUXG4JHO: ROZARD, Johann Claude de. - Nouvelle fortification Françoise, où il est traité de la construction des places...Nuremberg, Jean George Lochner, 1731. 2 volumes: text (4to) and atlas (oblong folio). With an engraved frontispiece, engraved illustration on title-page and some woodcut initials and tailpieces. Atlas volume with 37 engraved plates, including some folding, and 1 letterpress table. Contemporary vellum, text volume with a red title-label on spine.
K3NAZ0R8AJUJ: RUDOLF, Archduke of Austria and Hungary. - Voyage en Orient. Traduit de l’Allemand. Illustrations d’après les dessins originaux de Franz von Pausinger.Vienna, Imprimerie Imperiale et Royale de la Cour et de l’État, 1885. Folio. With 37 etched plates.Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled front board, spine label, gilt edges.
A86AMHKI23W2: RUDOLF II, Holy Roman Emperor, and the STATES GENERAL. - Brief des Keyserlijcke Majest. van Duytslandt, aende E. Mogende Heeren Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien gheschreven. Op 't stuck vande Nederlantsche Vredehandeling Midtsgaders d'Antwoort vande voornoemde Heeren Staten ...[Amsterdam?], 1608. Small 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page. Disbound.
FA8CAH01U79O: RUEFF, Gottlob Adolf von. - Race, Haar und Gang des Pferdes. Eine hippologische Monographie.Ravensburg, Eugen Ulmer, 1874. Oblong 8vo (17 x 25.5 cm). With 32 chromolithographed plates (in black with 3 or 4 colour tints) with showing horses in full profile, drawn and lithographed by C.H. Votteler and printed by J.C. Henzler (Stuttgart). Original publisher's gold- and blind-blocked maroon cloth.
E4IGP2PR2ETV: RÜFF (RUEFF), Jacob. - 't Boeck vande vroet-wijfs.Amsterdam, Broer Jansz., 1633. 4to. With woodcut illustration on title-page and 35 woodcut illustrations in text, several full-page. Contemporary vellum.
87IFM4PH6BFH: RUGENDAS, Johann Moritz. - Voyage pittoresque dans le Bresil ... Traduit de l'Allemand par Mr. de Golbery. Paris, Engelmann & Cie., 1835. 4 parts in 1 volume. Imperial folio (54 x 36 cm). With lithographed half-title and title-page showing a wide variety of decorative lettering, 100 full-page lithographed plates by V. Adam, Villeneuve, Bonnington, A. Joly and others after Rugendas, numbered in 4 parts (30, 20, 30, 20). Contemporary half red sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
J8GC1XGTPS3V: RULAND, Martin. - Curationum empyricarum & historicarum, in certis locis & notis personis optimè expertarum, & ritè probatum, centuriae decem. Quibus adiuncta de novo eiusdem authoris medicina practica; cum indice rerum omnium uberrimo.Including:Medicina practica recens et nova, continens omnes totius humani corporis morbos, per alphabeticum ordinem collectos: ...Appendix de dosibus, seu justa quantitate, ac proportione medicamentorum compositorum omnium quae hodie officini parata extant: ...Rouen, Johannis Berthelin, 1650. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut device on title-page and 2 divisional title-pages, each with the same woodcut device. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
23544: RUMPHIUS, Georg Everhard. - d'Amboinsche rariteitkamer, behelzende eene beschryvinge van aleerhande zoo weeke als harde schaalvisschen, te weete raare krabben, kreeften, en diergelyke zeedieren, als mede allerhande hoorntjes en schulpen, die men in d'Amboinsche zee vindt: daar benevens zommigen mineraalen, gesteenten, en soorten van aarde, die in d'Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende eilanden gevonden worden.Amsterdam, Jan Roman de jonge, 1741. Royal folio (44 x 27.5 cm). With engraved title-page, engraved author's portrait, 60 engraved plates and 5 engraved vignettes. Contemporary red half roan (sheepskin).
G1ADL3NBKNYZ: RUSCELLI, Girolamo. - Arabia Felice nuova tavola. Venice, Vincenzo Valgrisi, [ca. 1561]. Engraved map. 190 x 260 mm.
I4EGK2V1F9CD: RUSE, Henrick. - Versterckte vesting, uytgevonden in velerley voorvallen, en geobserveert in dese laetste oorloogen, soo in de Vereenigde Nederlanden, als in Vranckryck, Duyts-lant, Italien, Dalmatien, Albanien, en die daer aengelegen landen.Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1654 [or soon after]. With an engraved title-page and 8 numbered double-page engraved plates.With: (2) RUSE, Henrick. Aenwysinge der misverstanden van G. Melder, begaen in sijne Instructie van de fortificatien, ...Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1658. With a large folding engraved fortification plan (36 x 39.5 cm). 2 works in 1 volume. Small folio (32 x 21 cm). Vellum (ca. 1700?).
ABC_47203: RUSSELL, Alexander. - The natural history of Aleppo.London, printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794. 4to With an engraved frontispiece and 20 numbered engraved plates (including 5 folding) on 19 sheets. Contemporary calf with gold-tooled spine labels, red edges.
18774: [RUSSIA - CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION]. - Tarif général ou table alphabétique des droits que payeront les marchandises dans tous les ports et aux douanes des frontières de l'Empire de Russie, excepté à celles d'Astracan, du gouvernement d'Oufa et de Sibérie. Composé dans la Comission de Commerce l'année 1782.St. Petersburg, J.J. Weitbrecht, 1783. 8vo. Contemporary half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges.
433: RUTILIUS LUPUS, Publius and 15 others (François PITHOU, ed.). - [Antiqui rhetores Latini.] ... Omnia ex codd. manusc. emendatiora vel auctiora. Paris, Adrien Périer (ex officina Plantiniana), 1599. Large 4to. Set in roman types with incidental italic, Greek and Hebrew. Contemporary gold-tooled calf with 18th-century restorations, with the arms of Aire-sur-la-Lys (an eagle) flanked by "S.P.Q. ... Arien[sis]". Rebacked with the original backstrip laid down.
23000: RUYSCH, Frederik. - Alle de ontleed- genees- en heelkundige werken. Meerendeels in 't Nederduyts vertaalt door Ysbrand Gysbert Arlebout. Amsterdam, Janssoons van Waesberge, 1744. 3 volumes. Large 4to. Engraved allegorical frontispiece, 3 titles in red & black, engraved portrait of Ruysch designed by I. Wandelaar and executed by D. Hoogstraten, 7 engraved illustrations in text, 2 woodcut illustrations in text and 133 engraved folding plates with anatomical designs and anatomical specimen. Contemporary marbled calf, spines ribbed and gilt with red-morocco title-labels.
M2AEA5KLH35R: RUYTER, Michiel de. - Journael, gehouden op 's landts-schip de Spiegel, van 't gene gepasseert en verricht is op de vloot van haer ho. mo. de heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, soo in de Middellantsche Zee, als op de kusten van Africa en America. Onder 't beleydt van den ed. manhaften heer Michiel de Ruyter, als admirael, en de heer Jan Cornelis van Meppelen, als vice-admirael, in den jare 1664 en 1665.Amsterdam, Jacob Vinckel, 1665. 4to. With an engraved title page by Pieter van de Voorde. Modern half vellum.
M269HHJ54XZA: RYAN, William Redmond. - Avonturen gedurende een tweejarig verblijf in Californië en zijne mijnen.Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, 1850. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. With two lithographed title pages and 20 lithographed illustrations on 10 plates, all drawn by Carel Christiaan Anthony Last after the author. Modern half cloth.
K3MFW2VEINL1: SA'DI SHIRAZI and Stephen SULIVAN (translator). - Select fables from Gulistan, or the bed of roses. Translated from the original Persian of Sadi.London, J. Ridley, 1774. 8vo. Modern half calf (period style), gold-tooled spine.
18919: SABBATTINI, Nicola. - Pratica di fabricar scene, e machine ne'teatri.Pesaro, Flaminio Concordia, 1637. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee Cardinal Grimaldi on the title-page and 49 woodcut diagrams and illustrations of decors and stage settings in the text, many illustrating the use of perspective to give an illusion of three dimensions and some showing mechanical systems, such as screens raised and lowered with pulleys. Decorated paper wrappers (ca. 1700?).
F7F92EA5LQQ2: SABUNDE (SEBONDE), Raymond of and Michel de MONTAIGNE (translator). - La theologie naturelle ... traduite en François ...Rouen, Jean de la Mare, 1641. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment.
K7AAPD33381H: SACHS, Julius. - Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860.München, R. Oldenbourg, 1875. 8vo. Contemporary half cloth, marbled sides, gold-tooled title on spine.
I6EE3KZTXN5Q: SADIQ BEY, Muhammad, Christiaan SNOUCK HURGRONJE and Al-Sayyid ‘Abd al-GHAFFÂR. - [5 photographic lantern slides of Mecca and Medina (silver gelatin glass positives), taken in the years 1880 to 1889].Stuttgart, Lichtbilderverlag Theodor Benzinger, [ca. 1910]. 5 glass positive lantern slides (8.5 x 10 cm), each with a black paper mask, paper tape around the edges, a letterpress slip at the foot giving the publisher's name and city, and a slip at the head with the manuscript title. Kept in a contemporary purpose-made wooden box with brass fittings, with the word "Mekka" on the top of the hinged lid.
K89BFTDW5RQG: SAGE, Balthazar-Georges. - Élémens de minéralogie docimastique ... Seconde édition. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1777. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of B.G. Sage by J. Beauvarlet after F.G. Colson and 2 tables (1 folding).With: (2) SAGE, Balthazar-Georges. Mémoires de chimie. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1778. With 1 folding table. 2 works in 3 volumes (ad. 1 in 2). 8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines with red and black labels, marbled edges, marbled endpapers.
K89C3MB3ETFA: SAGE, Balthazar-Georges. - Description méthodique du Cabinet de l'École Royale des Mines.Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1784. 8vo. Contemporary half calf, paste paper sides.
19736: SAGRA, Ramón de la. - Cuba en 1860 o sea cuadro de sus adelantos en la poblacion, la agricultura, el comercio y las rentas publicas. Supplemento a la primera parte de la Historia politica y natural de la Isla de Cuba.Paris, Simon Raçon and co. for L. Hachette and co., 1862. Folio. With some letterpress tables in text. Contemporary red cloth.
F7393W01U79O: SAGREDO, Giovanni. - Memorias historicas de los Monarcas Othomanos, que escriuio en lengua Toscana … Traduzidas en Castellano por Don Francisco de Olivares Murillo, ...Madrid, Juan Garcia Infanzón, 1684. Folio. 18th-century tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_47993: [SAINCTOT, Nicolas II de]. - [Memoires de Mr. de Sainctot].[Paris?, ca. 1710]. 2 works, with the first in 2 parts, in 2 volumes. Folio (44 x 30 cm). With 3 drawings of layouts and seating plans of the king's audience room, and 24 copper-engravings of ambassadors and court scenes. With: (2) [AVICE, Henry]. La pompeuse et magnifique ceremonie du sacre du roy Louis XIV.Paris, Imprimerie d'Edme Martin, 1655.Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, with the French royal coat-of-arms on the front and back, fleurs-de-lis in the corners and on the spine, the title lettered in gold on the spine, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt and marbled edges, marbled endpapers.
L6D9JJJQJ3D4: [SAINT HELENA - ALMANAC]. - The Saint Helena almanac and annual register for the year of our lord 1850, … Containing a detailed account of the public departments and local institutions.Saint Helena, George Gibb, Government office, [1849]. 8vo. With title-page printed in orange, with the woodcut royal arms of the United Kingdom. Later black half morocco, gold-tooled spine.
ABC_46628: SAINT-AUBIN, Augustin de. - C'est-ici les différens jeux de petits polissons de Paris.Paris, 1770. 4to (ca. 24.5 x 18.5 cm). A series of 6 unnumbered engraved prints (ca. 17 x 22 cm) representing children playing games. Each print is mounted on a paper leaf in a passe-partout (30 x 24 cm).
D97GAINF4ITH: [SAINT-HILAIRE, Émile-Marco de]. - L'arte di fumare e prender tabacco senza racar dispiacere alle belle ...Milan, Giovanni Pirotta, 1828. Small 8vo. Contemporary paper wrappers, pasted on top of the original lithographed wrappers.
4820: [SAINT-SIMON, Maximilien Henri, Marquis de]. - Des jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction et culture.Amsterdam, (colophon fol. X4v: printed by Klaas Eel, 28 March), 1768. 4to. With engraved illustration by J. van Hiltrop on title-page and 10 numbered engraved plates by Jacob vander Schley, with details of several specimens and the last plate showing the layout of flower beds by Voorhelm, Kreps and Cock. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
22102: SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de. - Mémoire sur le système d'agriculture adopté par les Brésiliens, et les résultats qu'il a eus dans la province de Minas Geraes.(Colophon: Paris, A. Pihan de La Rorest, imprimeur de la Cour de Cassation), [1837 or soon after]. 8vo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers.
D5RBRUOTK9DK: SAINT-HILAIRE, Emil Marco de. - Geschichte der Kaiser-Garde.Leipzig, J.J. Weber, 1848. 4to. With 43 full-page plates (of which 39 hand-coloured, mostly woodengraved, after H. Bellangé, E. Lami, Ch. Vernier), many smaller woodengravings in text. Contemporary blue morocco, title lettered in gold on spine, covers gold-tooled, marbled endpapers, gilt edges.
15113: SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de, Adrien de JUSSIEU and Jacques CAMBESSEDES. - Plantes usuelles des Brasiliens.Paris, Grimbert (printed by Casimir), 1824-1828. In 14 instalments. Large 4to (29.5 x 22.5 cm). With 70 lithographed botanical plates, all by Langlumé. Original publisher´s blue printed wrappers, the back wrapper with llists of Gimbert´s publications (4 versions, on parts 1, 2-7, 8-13 and 14) in the same border; the first instalment with a printed part number, but further numbered by hand. With the bolts opened at the head, but wholly untrimmed, preserving all deckles and point-holes. Preserved in a modern green morocco box, with transparent acrylic windows for sides.
5431: SALA, Angelo. - Ternarius Bezoarticorum ou trois souverains medicaments Bezoardiques, contre tous venins et empoisonnements tant externes que internes: corruption de sang, & autres humeurs.Leiden, Govert Basson, 1616. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page in architectural setting with Andromachus and King Mithridates flanking the title. Modern vellum.
M26H386J65YS: SALE, Sir Robert H. (and others). - The defence of Jellalabad, ... drawn on stone by W.L. Walton.London, Joseph Hogarth, Henry Graves & Co., and sold by Hullmandel & Walton, [1845/46]. 1mo (full-sheet leaves) (54 x 37 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece portrait of Sale by Thomas Fairl and after a painting by Scarlet Davis, a lithographed illustrated title-page, a lithographed dedication to Queen Victoria (reproducing Sale’s hand-written and signed dedication), a double-page “Plan of Jellalabad” (51.5 x 60 cm, lithographed by S. Leith in Edinburgh) and 34 tinted lithographic views of the city and its fortifications (in landscape format) on 22 leaves. Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, gold-tooled board edges, yellow endpapers, gilt edges.
HBUD8FCEXJPX: SALLANDER, Hans. - Bibliotheca Walleriana the books illustrating the history of medicine and science collected by Dr. Erik Waller and bequeathed to the library of the Royal University of Uppsala.Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell, 1955. 2 volumes. With 55 plates. Original publisher’s printed paper wrappers.
17646: SALLE, Jean Baptiste de la. - Les règles de la bien-seance et de la civilité Chretienne. Divisées en deux parties. Pour l'instruction de la jeunesse.Rouen, François Oursel, 1729. 8vo. With ornamental woodcut on title-page and some woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. Main text in civilité type. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, red sprinkled edges.
ABC_47596: SALLERON, Louis. - [MANUSCRIPT]. Catalogue général des plantes cultivées a l'école de botanique du jardin du roi. Selon la classification adoptée par M. Ad. Brongniart, et indiquant en synonymes les noms des plantes de l'ancienne école de desfontaines.Paris, 1848. 4to. In a dark green custom case with thte title on the spine in gold lettering, interior of red calfskin lined with suede. Dark green morocco.
S2456: SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. - Index plantarum succulentarum in Horto Dyckensi cultarum.Aachen, J.J. Beaufort, 1834. 8vo. Contemporary brown/yellow wrappers.
C8KGJSLLGCMP: SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. - Observationes botanicae in Horto Dyckensi notatae. Cologne, Th. Fr. Thiriart, 1820-1822. 3 volumes. Small 8vo (15.5 x 9.5 cm). Contemporary green paper wrappers.
C8KGDZXNCZIZ: SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. - Catalogue Raisonné des Espèces et variétés d'Aloès décrites par Ms. Willdenow, Haworth, De Candolle et Jacquin, et de celles, non décrites, existantes dans les Jardins de l'Allemagne, de la France et du Royaume des Pays-Bas.[Schloss Dyck, Düsseldorf, 1817]. 8vo. Paper wrappers.
C1FGFKHIMO03: SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. - Verzeichniss der verschiedenen Arten und Abarten des Geschlechts Aloe, welche von den Herren von Willdenow, Haworth, de Candolle und Freiherrn von Jacquin beschrieben worden sind, oder noch unbeschrieben in den Gärten Deutschlands, Frankreichs und der Niederlanden sich befinden. [Schloss Dyck, near Dusseldorf, 1817]. 8vo. Original blue coated paper wrappers.
S2453: SALM-REIFFERSCHEID-DYCK, Joseph. - Index plantarum succulentarum in horto Dyckensi cultae.Aachen, Beaufort filii, 1822. 8vo. Contemporary wrappers.
ABC_46581: SALMON, Thomas, Matthias van GOGH, Jan WAGENAAR and others. - Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige staat van alle volkeren.Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion and his widow, and other places and publishers, 1729-1803. 44 volumes. 8vo. With 35 (of 36) engraved allegorical title-pages as published in the 44 volumes and the complete set of 386 engraved maps, plans, views, portraits, tables and other illustrations. Vols. 1-33: contemporary sprinkled calf; vols. 34-37: half calf; vols. 38-41: half calf; vol. 42: contemporary half sprinkled calf; vol. 43: contemporary half calf; vol. 44: contemporary blind-tooled sprinkled calf. All volumes with a a black title label.
8C4CINWZQS0D: SALMON, Thomas and Matthias van GOCH. - Hedendaegsche historie, of tegenwoordige staet van alle volkeren; … I. deel. Behelzende de tegenwoordige staet der keizerryken China en Japan, als mede van de Ladrones, Filippynsche en Molukkische eilanden, en van Makassar. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1729. 6 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece by Jan Caspar Philips, 3 engraved folding maps and 7 engraved plates (2 full-page and 5 folding, including 4 signed by Philips and dated 1728-1729). The maps show: (1) China, (2) Japan and (3) the Philippines, including the greater part of Indonesia. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum.
E9KG2ZCAXE78: [SALTPETRE]. - Instruction sur la fabrication du salpêtre brut.[Paris, Régie des poudres et salpêtres, 1794]. 8vo. With engraved folding plate by N. Ransonnette (23.5 x 32 cm). Later marbled paper-covered boards.
12192: SALVÁ Y MALLEN, Pedro. - Catálago de la biblioteca de Salvá."Valencia, Ferrer de Orga, 1782" (=Barcelona, Porter Libros, 1963). 2 volumes. 4to. Many illustrations in text. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
18825: SALVIANI, Ippolito (Hippolito). - Aquatilium animalium historiae, liber primus [all published], cum eorumdem formis, aere excusis.Rome, Hippolito Salviani, 1554 (colophon: January 1558). Folio. With an engraved title-page and 98 figures on 81 full-page engravings (plate size 33 x 22.5 cm) printed on integral leaves, a Salviani's woodcut device on the last page, and about 100 decorated pictorial woodcut initials (2 series) including repeats. Recased in 18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment.
B5QAZR01U79O: SALVIN, Francis Henry and William BRODRICK. - Falconry in the British isles.London, John van Voorst, 1855. 4to (29 x 19.5 cm). With 24 hand-coloured lithographed plates by William Brodrick. Original publisher’s blind- and gold-blocked cloth, front board with title and large illustration of a falcon.
ABC_45277: SALVIN, Francis Henry (William BRODRICK, illustrator). - Falconry in the British Isles.London, John van Voorst, 1873. 4to. With 3 additional original watercolours by the illustrator, William Brodrick, highlighted with gum arabic. And with 28 hand-coloured lithographed plates after William Brodrick, some highlighted with gum arabic. Contemporary half green morocco, gold-tooled spine.
965CY0529B34: SAN JUAN DEL PUERTO, Francisco de Jesús María de. - Mission historial de Marruecos, en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones, y trabajos, que han padecido los missionarios, y frutos que han cogido las missiones, que han cogido las missiones, que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el Imperio de Marruecos, y continùa La Provincia de San Diego de Franciscos descalços de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio. Sevilla, Francisco Garay, 1708. Folio. With engraved allegorical frontispiece by Joannes Carolus Allet in Rome after Pietro de Pietri, title printed in red and black in a border built up from cast fleurons, and woodcut tailpieces and initials. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, leather thong ties.
14731: SÁNCHEZ DE ARÉVALO, Rodrigo (Rodericus SANCIUS or ZAMORENSIS). - Speculum vit[a]e human[a]e. Rome, Joannes Philippus de Lignamine, 31 July 1473. Small folio (26.5 x 20 cm). With spaces left for 2 large (6-line) and about 80 small (3-line) initials. Text block 19.5 x 11.5 mm with 31 lines per page. Set in a single roman type throughout (Lignamine 125R). Limp sheepskin parchment (ca. 1740/50).
5C8G6MOZMOJ3: SANCTA CLARA, Abraham à. - Huy! und Pfuy! der Welt. Huy, oder Anfrischung zu allen schönen Tugenden. Pfuy oder Abschreckung von allen schändlichen Lastern. Durch unterschiedliche sittliche Concept, Historien, und Fabeln vorgestellt. Worinnen der Poet, Prediger, und waserley Standes-Personen für ihren Kram etwas finden können.Nuremberg, Christoph Weigel; Würzburg, Martin Frantz Hertzen, 1707. Folio. With engraved allegorical title-page and 100 engraved emblems in text (measuring 10.5 x 12 cm). Contemporary vellum.
B64C7BHVT055: SANDAHL, Oskar Theodor. - Des bains d'air comprimé. Court aperçu de leurs effets physiologiques et thérapeutiques précédé d'une description de l'établissement médico-pneumatique de Stockholm.Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1867. 8vo. With 1 double-page lithographed plate and 1 mounted illustration, (possibly an original photograph of a lithograph), 1 illustration in text. Publisher's original grey wrappers with illustration on front wrapper.
H8R9Z3A4ASLD: SANDERUS, Antoine. - Chorographia sacra Brabantiae sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia ecclesiarum et coenobiorum description, …Brussels, Philips Vleugaert, 1658-1660. 24 parts in 1 volume. Folio (43.5 x 28 cm). With 26 double-page engraved plates, 2 engraved portraits (the author's portrait in facsimile), 12 engravings on 6 leaves, a full-page engraving, and 10 engravings in text. Most of these are views of churches, castles and abbeys with their gardens, and many by Lucas Vorsterman the Younger. Further with engraved illustrations on 23 (of the 24) title-pages, mostly portraits of saints or coat of arms. 19th-century blind-tooled, tanned sheepskin.
G1ADV7RKD7B6: SANSON, Nicolas. - Estats de L'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turqs ou Sultan des Ottomans en Asie, en Afrique, et en Europe.Paris, 1654. Engraved map (42 x 56 cm), coloured in outline.
H8IAREARF78Q: SANTA ANNA, Joaquim José de. - Elementos de cirurgia ocular oferecidos a sua Alteza Real o Senhor D. João Principe do Brazil.Lisbon, Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1793. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With the woodcut coat-of-arms of Portugal on the title-page and 3 engraved illustration plates, printed on fold-out leaves so that they can be viewed while reading the book. At least the first was drawn by (Henrique José da?) Silva (1772-1834) and engraved by Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine.
18827: [SANTE, Gerrit van]. - Naamlyst gesteld naar 't alphabeth van alle de commandeurs, die sederd den jaare 1700. op Groenland en sedert den jaare 1719. op de Straad Davids, voor Holland hebben gevaren.Zaandam, for the author, by Jan Broekhuysen, 1753. 8vo. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers, preserved in half cloth chemise and matching slipcase.
A6JFEY01U79O: SAPPHO [=Vincenzo Maria IMPERIALE]. - La Faoniade. Inni ed odi di Saffo tradotti dal testo Greco in metro Italiano da S.I.P.A.Parma, Giambattista Bodoni, 1801. 8vo. Contemporary half calf.
ABC_47202: SARMENTO, Francisco Joseph. - Instrucçam militar para o serviço da cavallaria, & dragôes ...Lisbon, Ferreira, 1723. 4to. With a folding woodcut plate. Later half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine and spine-label, marbled endpapers, red edges.
LCCBMFWBQ8EK: SARRE, Friedrich and Hermann TRENKWALD. - Alt-orientalische Teppiche.Vienna & Leipzig, Anton Schroll & Co. and Karl W. Hiersemann for the Österreichischen Museum für Kunst und Industrie, 1926-1928. 2 volumes bound as 4. Imperial folio (60.5 x 44 cm). With 120 collotype plates (67 colour and 53 black & white, 7 of the latter double-page) by Max Jaffé (1845-1939), and 14 wood-engraved full-page illustrations on the integral leaves. Later half calf with cloth sides.
DBOGN601U79O: SARYCHEV, Gavriil Andreevich. - Reis in het Noordoostelijke Siberie, en op de IJszee en den Noordoostelijken oceaan.Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1808. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a large folding engraved map by C. van Baarsel after Sarychev, 10 engraved folding plates, 5 hand-coloured aquatint plates and a folding table. Contemporary half sheepskin.
L95FL4P9FMHF: [SAUDI ARABIA – MAP]. - Road map of Saudi Arabia: accurate and most up to date road map.[Saudi Arabia, 1960s]. Colour-printed folding map (48 x 69.5 cm) of the Arabian peninsula (scale: ca. 1: 5,000,000), with on the back a city map of Jeddah, a plan of the main business quarter of Riyadh, a city plan of Dammam(?), a distance table and 8 photographic city views.
L95FAMFT0CG1: [SAUDI ARABIA – MAP]. - Road map of Saudi Arabia: accurate and most up to date road map.Karachi, Pakistan, printed at Golden block works, [1970s]. Colour-printed folding map (48 x 69.5 cm) of the Arabian peninsula (scale: ca. 1:5,000,000), with on the back a city map of Jeddah, a plan of the main business quarter of Riyadh, a city plan of Dammam(?), a distance table and 8 photographic city views.
8A2BBHNTU56Q: SAUMAISE, Claude de. - De modo usurarum liber. Leiden, Bonaventura and Abraham Elzevier, 1639. 8vo. With title-page in red and black with woodcut publisher's device. Contemporary vellum.
17056: SAVAGE, William. - Practical hints on decorative printing, with illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours ...London, printed by the Type Press [and by John Johnson] and published for the proprietor by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; Robert Triphook and 4 others, “1822” [= 1818-1823]. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to (28 x 23 cm). With 2 colour-printed letterpress title-pages (one printed in gold), a colour-printed frontispiece and 34 other wood-engraved illustration plates, mostly printed in colour; 2 leaves of type specimens, 6 leaves showing 18 colour ink swatches, and 9 pages showing 9 of the woodblocks after they were defaced to make a reprint impossible. Dark blue half goatskin morocco (ca. 1950) by Banyan-Rivière in Bath, gold-tooled spine. Copy no. 58, signed by the author.
A55C18G3BJ1V: SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). - Traicté de l'espee Francoise.Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With engraved emblematic heraldic device on title-page (right hand holding a sword, emerging from a cloud, with crosses and fleurs-de-lis on the sword's blade and in the background, the whole representing King Louis XIII protecting France and the Church) with the motto "Pro religione et regno".With: (2) SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté contre les duels. Avec l'edict de Philippes le Bel, de l'an M.CCC.VI. non encores imprimé.Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With Périer's woodcut compasses device on title-page with motto "labore et constantia", borrowed from Christoffel Plantin. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 18th-century sprinkled calf.
GA9E606HIUWT: SAVARY, (Nicolas) Claude Étienne. - Brieven over Egypte. Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1788-1789. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 numbered engraved folding plates, including maps of Egypt and northern Egypt, a plan of Alexandria, and a cross-section of the Great pyramid. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines and binding edges.
F7BGMB59HWF5: SAVARY, Claude-Etienne. - Morale de Mahomet; ou recueil des plus pures maximes du Coran.Constantinople, [no publisher's name]; Paris, Lamy, 1784. 18mo in 2s. With a woodcut flower ornament on the title-page, a woodcut rococco headpiece, small decorated roman capitals used as initials, decorative rules. Brown goatskin morocco (ca. 1865?), gold-tooled spine in 6 compartments, chemical marbled sides, nonpareil marbled endpapers.
21746: SAVARY, Jacques and Philemon Louis SAVARY. - Dictionnaire universel de commerce.Amsterdam, Janssonius van Waesbergen, 1726-1732. 4 volumes bound as 3. 4to. With a folding engraved portrait of the dedicatee, Jan Six de Vromade, by Houbraken, and 3 large allegorical engraved headpieces. Main text printed in two columns. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines and board edges.
22407: SAVARY, Jacques. (= Jacques TIMENT). - Album hipponae sive hippodromi leges. Ad Christianissimum et invictissimum Galliae et Navarrae regem Ludovicum XIV deo-datum.Caen, Claudius Le Blanc, 1662. 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette and several woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. 19th-century marbled paper over boards, red sprinkled edges.
ABC_45278: SAVIGNY, J.B.H. & Alexander CORRÉARD. - Schipbreuk van het Fregat Medusa, op deszelfs togt naar de Senegal, in het jaar 1816. Of volledig berigt van de merkwaardige voorvallen op het vlot, in de woestijn Sahara, te Str. Louis, en in het leger bij Daccard, benevens eenige landhuishoudkundige berigten nopens de westelijk kust van Afrika, van Kaap Blank tot aan den mond van de Gambia. Met eene afbeelding van het vlot.Haarlem, widow of A. Loosjes, 1818. 8vo. With a plate showing the raft (18.5 x 9.5 cm) with the caption: “Honderd en vijftig menschen zochten hun behoud op deze machine, slechts vijftien vonden redding na een lijden van dertien dagen”. Gold-tooled red morocco.
ABC_48404: SAWYER, Cornelius, - [Drawn studies of Indian boats in an English manuscript notebook].Bengal, 1834. 4to (ca. 19 x 23.5 cm). With 31 drawings in various inks and pencil, the text is written in a cursive script in ink. The paper is watermarked "R Tassel 1831". Contemporary gold-tooled half dark green morocco, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers.
18692: [SAXONY]. - Saxoniae ducum caesarib. creand. viivirum; et caeserorum a Friderico I. ad Christianum II. fratres et agnatos. Genuinae effig: Cum collect. et epigramm. Marci Henningi. A.Augsburg, Ex caelatura et officina. Dominicus Custos eiconoge, 1601. Folio. 34 ll. With engraved title-page, full-page map of Saxony and Thüringen in a cartouche, full-page coat of arms of the Saxomian king, and engraved dedication, beautifully engraved head- and tailpieces and 21 engraved portraits (ca. 182 x 128 mm.) of Saxonian monarchs and dukes from Frederik I Bellicosus till Johannes Ernestus II.With:(2) GENEALOGIA serenissimor. Boiariae ducum et quorundam genuinae effigies. A Wolffg. Kiliano Aug. aeri incisae.Augsburg, Johann Praetorius for Dominicus Custos, 1605. Folio. 16 ll.Engraved title-page, 9 engraved half-page portraits (176x122mm.) by Wolfgang Kilian (1581- Augsburg -1662).Original edition of these beautiful portraits.(3) HENNINGUS, Marcus. Tirolensium principum comitum ab an. Virg. partus M.CC.XXIX usque ad ann. MDC. genuinae eicones. Singulorum insignia: quorundam emblemata.Augsburg, Johannes Praetorius for Dominicus Custos, 1599. Folio. 38 leaves with the last blank.Engraved title-page, engraved dedication and full-page engraved coat of arms, engaved map of Tirol in cartouche and 28 full-page portraits (ca. 220x140mm.). (4) BARLANDUS, Adrianus. Chroniques des ducs de Brabant, composees par adrian Barlande, rhetoricien de Louvain, et nouvellement enriches de leurs figures & pourtraits. Par la despense & vigilance de Jean Bapt. Vrient.Antwerp, Jean Baptist Vrints, 1603. Folio. (18), 192, (6) pp. With engraved coat of arms on the title, engraved dedicatioon, double-page map of Brabant, dated 1599 and 36 full-page portraits (ca. 208x136mm.). (4) BARLANDUS, Adrianus. Chroniques des ducs de Brabant, composees par adrian Barlande, rhetoricien de Louvain, et nouvellement enriches de leurs figures & pourtraits. Par la despense & vigilance de Jean Bapt. Vrient.Antwerp, Jean Baptist Vrints, 1603. Folio. (18), 192, (6) pp. With engraved coat of arms on the title, engraved dedicatioon, double-page map of Brabant, dated 1599 and 36 full-page portraits (ca. 208x136mm.). (5) MARTIN, Cornelius. Les genealogies, et anciennes descentes des forestiers et comtes de Flandre, ... par Corneille Marti Zelandoys, ...Antwerp, Jacques Mesens for Jean Baptist Vrints, 1598. Folio. (6), 120 pp.With engraved title-page, engraved dedication and map of Flandres, 40 full-page portraits (ca. 205x142mm.) and an engraved allegorical plate with an engraved poem by Ch. de Navieres underneath on the last leaf.(6) GALLE, Philippus. Les vies et alliances des comtes de Hollande et Zelande, seigneurs de Frise.Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin for Philippus Galle, 1586. Folio. 75, (3) pp.With title vignette of the Dutch Virgin in an enclosure, engraved by Philippus Galle in 1578 and 36 full-page portraits (ca. 208x122mm) of the counts of Holland and Zealand, engraved, also in 1578, by Philippus Galle after the drawings by Michael Thibaut.(7) PASSE the elder, Crispijn de. Effigies regum ac principum, eorum scilicet, quorum vis ac potentia in re nautica seu marina prae caeteris spectabilis est ... Summa diligentia et artificio depictae, et tabellis aeneis incisae à Crispiano Passaeo Zelando. Adiectis in singulas hexastichis Matthaeiae Quadi chalcographi.[Cologne, 1598]. (1 quire: 6 leaves with the text in letterpress: 'Initium artis navigandi, eiusque praecipui autores et acto', dated: Coloniae, 1598, ipso die Theophoriae.)With engraved title-page, 4 added engravings of ships and 2 engraved celestial maps (Imagines coeli septentrionales and Meridionales) and the 18 portraits (ca. 138x100mm.)belonging to this edition. Added are the beautiful portrait of Fredrik Henry (Hollstein 728) and a second portrait of Maurits (Hollstein 789, dated 1600) and 2 other portraits, pasted on the versos of two portraits: the portraits of Christian IIII of Denmark and Francis Drake, opposite the portraits of the same men by Van de Passe), most of them signed by Crispijn van de Passe and dated 1595-1598.Added are 27 (out of 51) portaits of political figures and authors from the Low Countries from:(8) GALLE, Philippus. Illustrium Galliae Belgicae scriptorum icones et elogi.Antwerpen, Philippus Galle, 1604.Without a title-page. The portraits (ca. 172x118mm.) are: Viglius Zuichemus (19), Gabriel Mudaeus (20), Franciscus Balduinus (21), Jodocus Damhouder (22), , Jacobus Raevardus (23), Petrus Peckius (24), Joannes Wamesius (25), Joh. Goropius Becanus (31), Joannes Beverus Hanno (34), Erasmus (35b), Augustinus Hunnaeus (35), Patrus Nannius (36), Cornelius Valerius (37), and 38-51 (a.o. Willem Canter (40), Jan Lievens (41), Ogier Ghislain de Busbeck (44), Abraham Ortelius (45), Janus Secundus (46), Nicolaus Grudius (47)), Macopedius (48)). all with engraved poem by Franciscus Raphelengius or A. Miraeus, Jac. Rol, Janus Lernutius and others underneath.(9) GALLE, Philippus. Virorum doctorum de disciplinis benemerentium effigies XLIIII a Philippo Galleo.Antwerp, Philippus Galle, 1572.Engraved title-page, 26 (out of 44) engraved portraits (ca. 175x 123mm.) on large paper.The preface by Galle (2 pp.) is lacking. Then follow 26 (out of 44) portraits with the inscriptions underneath engraved in the copperplates: being the second issue (1572b edition). This 1572 edition aims at providing the contemporary reader with a selection of the foremost humanits and scholars of the time.(10) Added are 40 (out of 50) portraits (ca. 17 x 12.5 cm.) from the 1587 edition, the promised supplement to the 1572 edition.10 portrait series in 1 volume. Contemporary full brown calf, both sides magnificently tooled in gold with a floral roll along the edges and four cornerpieces, an oval gilt coat of arms in a wreath with the motto 'Ad Aethera virtus' in the centre, spine profusely gilt in compartments and lettered in gold.The coat of arms is of Jean de Boulonois a clergyman from the Collège at Abbeville and so the book was in his possession ('un chevron chargé de trois besants (boules=Boulonnois) acc. de trois étoiles').
ABC_46972: SAYLER, Johann Wilhelm von (Gottfried Daniel HOFFMANN, praeses). - De libera venatione speciatim Suevo-Memmingensi. Auctioritate illustris iureconsultorum ordinis praeside Godofredo Daniele Hoffmanno philosophiae magistro iuris utriusque doctore sacri caesarei palatii comie serenissimi Wurtembergiae ducis consiliario iuris publici et feudalis professore publico ordinario pro licentia summos in utroque iure honores rite capessendi ad diem V. Maii MDCCLIII.Including: Appendix sive adiuncta dissertationis: Recensio adiunctorum.Tübingen, Johann Philipp Erhardt, 1753. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to (18.5 x 15.5 cm). Ad 1 with an engraved folding map (18.5 x 27 cm) of Memmingen and the Bosserhard by J.F. Rupf, and with an elaborate woodcut headpiece (with a rising phoenix) and a factotum in the form of a person with shield and spear. With: KESSEL, Johann Erhard (Stephan Christoph HARPPRECHT VON HARPPRECHTSTEIN, praeses). Sciagraphiam liberae venationis Germanicae imprimis vero Svevicae, vulgo Die freye Purts-Gerechtigkeit favente supremo numine annuente amplissimo Ictorum ordine publicae ventilationi sistit praeses Stephanus Christophorus Harpprecht, U. J.D. Prof. Jur. Extra-ordin. & serenissimi principis Hohen-Zollerensis Consiliarius.Tübingen, literis Eitelianis [= Johann Konrad Eitel], 1702.Ad 2 with a woodcut decorated initial and a headpiece built up from typographic ornaments.Modern brown decorated paper over boards.
21773: SCALETTA, Carlo Cesare. - Scuola mecanico-speculativo-pratica in cui si esamina la proporzione, che ha la potenza alla resistenza del corpo grave; per l'uso civile, e militare utile e necessaria ad ogni matematico, ingegnerio, architetto, machinista, e bombardiere, ... Edizione prima Veneta.Venice, Antonio Mora, 1745. Folio. With engraved frontispiece and 12 numbered engraved plates with hundreds of figures. Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
ABC_48379: SCALI, Pietro Paolo. - Catalogus omnium animalium testaceorum.(Colophon:) Geneva, ex typographica Haer. Cramer & Fratrum Philibert, 1746. 4to. With a headpiece made up of typographical ornaments on the first page. Later brown paper wrappers, with the manuscript title and author on the front wrapper in a semi-opaque protective coatd paper dust jacket.
K5MAZ0Q1BBYC: SCALIGER, Joseph Justus. - Opus de emendatione temporum: hac postrema ed., ex auctoris ipsius ms., emend., magnáque acces. auctius. Add. veterum Graecorum fragmenta selecta.Including: Computus Arabicus ecclesiae Antiochenae.Geneva, Pierre de la Rovière, 1629. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black and with woodcut printer's device and several woodcut initials. Set in roman and italic types with long passages set in Greek, Arabic and Hebrew and shorter passages in Syriac. The long passages in Samaritan and Ethiopic, printed from meticulous woodblocks. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum.
ABC_47790: SCALIGER, Joseph Justus and Thomas ERPENIUS. - [Kitab al-Amthal] seu proverbiorum Arabicorum centuriae duae.Leiden, Frans van Ravelingen, 1614. 4to (16 × 20 cm). Ad 1 with a woodcut printers’ device on the title-page, woodcut initials and tailpieces. Ad 2 with a woodcut printer’s device on the title-page, woodcut tailpieces and woodcut ornamental frames around typographic Arabic initials. With:(2) Cogitata nova de [kari] Psalm XXII, 17 & Jes. XXXIIX, 13 censurae philologorum committet ho elachistos ton philologounton.[ca. 1615?].(3) [BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - ARABIC]. ERPENIUS, Thomas (editor). [Risalat Bulus al-rasul ila ahl Rumija]. Pauli apostoli ad Romanos epistola, arabice. Leiden, Typographia Erpeniana, 1615. Contemporary marbled calf.
19037: SCALIGER, Josephus Justus. - De aequinoctiorum anticipatione diatriba. Nunc primum edita.Paris, Jérôme Drouart, 1613. 4to. With 5 woodcuts with astronomical diagrams in the text, a woodcut headpiece (pus 1 repeat) and 2 woodcut decorated initials (2 different series, the larger containing a portrait of an astronomer). Contemporary flexible sheepskin parchment,
21793: SCARLATINI, Ottavio. - Homo et eius partes figuratus & symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus, & legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris.Augsburg & Dillingen, Johann Caspar Bencard, 1695. 2 volumes bound as 1. Large folio (37 x 23 cm). With a finely engraved emblematic frontispiece by the Augsburg engraver Leonhard Heckenauer (1655-1704), 2 title-pages with the same large engraved brooding chicken emblem and 42 engraved emblems in decorative cartouches in the text (plate size mostly 14 x 13 cm, but that on p. 232 of vol. 1 3.5 x 8.5 cm) perhaps also by Heckenauer. Contemporary vellum.
S2044: SCHACHTZABEL, Emil. - Illustriertes Prachtwerk sämtlicher Tauben-Rassen. Hundert farbige Bildertafeln mit über 400 nach der Natur aufgenommenen Darstellungen nebst Musterbeschreibungen ...Würzburg, H. Stürtz, [ca. 1910]. Oblong 8vo. With 100 chromolithographic plates. Original publisher's decorated blue cloth.
K79FEANEEDP9: SCHAEFFER, Jacob Christian. - Isagoge in botanicam expeditiorem iconibus aeri incisis et pictis illustrata.Regensburg, F. Zunkel, 1759. 8vo. With engraved illustration on title-page and 4 hand-coloured engraved plates. Modern reddish brown cloth.
J9CG67W21PZ5: SCHARSTRÖM, Theodoro and Jacob Georg AGARDH. - Novitae florae Sveciae ex Algarum familia, quas in itineribus ad oras occidentales Sveciae annis 1832-35 collegit et cum observationibus diagnosticis et geographicis, ...Lund, Berling, 1836. 4to. Disbound.
K6IBJJAU95GU: SCHEEL, Heinrich Otto de. - Memoires d'artillerie, contenant l'artillerie nouvelle, ou les changemens faits dans l'artillerie Françoise en 1765. Avec l'exposé et l'analyse des obiections qui ont été faites à ces changemens.Copenhagen, Claude Philibert and August Frédéric Stein, 1777. 4to. With an engraved illustration on the title-page, 29 folding engraved plates and 6 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
98SC6Y474I77: SCHEFFER, Johannes Gerhard. - Waarachtige en aen-merkens-waardige historie van Lapland: ... Met noch een kort bericht van den toestand der Finnen. Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1682. 4to. With engraved frontispiece and 16 engraved plates by Jan Luyken, and 1 folding engraved map. Contemporary vellum.
I95CNDJHXN2M: SCHELENZ, Hermann. - Geschichte der Pharmazie.Berlin, Julius Springer, 1904. Contemporary brown cloth (24.5 x 16.5 cm).
ABC_47970: SCHELLING, Pieter van der. - Histori van het notarisschap, behelzende den oorsprong, 't begin, en den voortgang van het notarisschap, kancellierschap, sekretarisschap, griffierschap, klerkschap, enz. byzonder in de Nederlanden, enz. mitsgaders de Engelsche praktyk, ... Als ook ontrent het koopen, aanneemen, en administreeren; en het verkoopen, en transporteeren van Engelsche effecten; onder andere gevolgd in de Nederlanden...Rotterdam, Philippus en Jakobus Losel, 1745. 8vo. With the title printed in red and black, a folding engraving of notarial seals, and two decorated woodcut initials. Contemporary parchmen.
87BBGH2XUOX9: SCHELTEMA, Jacobus. - Peter de Groote, keizer van Rusland in Holland en Zaandam in 1697 en 1717.Amsterdam, Hendrik Gartman, 1814. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 engraved title-pages showing a portrait of Peter the Great, 1 letterpress title-page and 2 half-titles, and 3 engraved plates. Mid-19th-century tree calf, each board with a gold-tooled fillets, gold-tooled spine and board edges, antique spot marbled endpapers, green ribbon markers.
84DEPP01U79O: SCHENCK DE TAUTENBURCH, Fredericus. - Enchiridion veri praesulis secundum apostolicam traditionem. Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1526With:(2) ISIDORUS Hispalensis. De officiis ecclesiasticis libri duo ante annos D. CCCC. ab eo aediti, & nunc ex vetusto codice in lucem restituti.Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.(3) WICELIUS, Georgius. Loci ex sacris literis de bonis operibus.Ad haec praeconium Evangelicae gratiae. Theies aliquot. Praecatio pro ecclesia. Matth. v. Quisquis fecerit & docuerit, hic magnus vocabitur in regno coelorum.Antwerp, Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534.(4) AMBROSIUS. De his qui mysteriis initiantur, cum nonnullis aliis hac tempestate scitu dignissimis. Claruit sub Theodosio imperatore clementissimo. Anno domini CCCLXXX. Antwerp, printed by Johannes Graphaeus for Johannes Steelsius, 1534. 4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title-page of Enchiridion within a fine woodcut border, with the portrait of Virgilius Maro, and several decorated woodcut initial letters. 19th-century half calf.
ABC_46669: SCHENK, Pieter. - Delineatio domus recreatricis adjacentiumq[ue] prospectuum amoenissimorum extra urbem Zutphaniensem, auspicys & jussu ... Arnoldi Justi ...Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [1702 or ca. 1720]. Oblong 4to (21 x 27 cm). With an engraved title-page and 16 numbered engraved views (ca. 15 x 19 cm), each with a caption in Dutch and Latin below the border, mostly in two lines. 19th-century grey-brown paste-paper with a wave pattern over boards.
ABC_47577: SCHENK, Pieter. - Verscheide stucken en cieraden van roermakers gereedschap nieuwelijks uitgevonden en uit de voornaamste meesters van Europa getrocken. - Plusieurs pieces et ornements d'arquebuzerie, le plus nouvellement inventées et tirees des premiers maistres d l'Europe.Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk, 1692. Oblong folio. With an engraved allegorical title-page and 7 expertly engraved plates of ornamental designs on arquebuses. Modern half calf and green decorated paper sides.
I17BFLN65KGL: SCHERER, Alexander Nicolaus. - Codex medicamentarius Europaeus. Sectio septima. Literaturam pharmacopoearum exhibens.Leipzig & Soravia, Friedrich Fleischer, 1822. Large 8vo. Contemporary half calf, green paper over boards, gold-tooled spine.
L6OB1JU32FHR: SCHLATTER, Michael. - Getrouw verhaal van den waren toestant der meest herderloze gemeentens in Pensylvanien en aangrensende provintien. Amsterdam, Jacobus Loveringh, 1751. 4to. Finely bound in early 20th-century(?) gold-tooled, tan goatskin morocco, green morocco label covering the entire spine, gold-tooled turn-ins, gold fillets on board edges, with the original Dutch-marbled wrappers bound in.
ABC_45290: SCHLEGEL, Hermann & VERSTER VAN WULVERHORST, Abraham Henrik. - Traité de fauconnerie.Leiden & Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., 1844-1853. Elephant folio (55.5 × 73.5 cm). Tinted lithographed title-page with a pictorial border comprising 11 scenes of hawking by J. B. Sonderland, 2 hand-coloured lithographed plates of falconry equipment by Portman and Von Wouw, and 10 (of 12) hand-coloured lithographed plates of hawks by Wendel after Joseph Wolf (8 mounted on paperboard). Stored loosely in the original publisher’s cloth-backed printed boards.
7BAFJ0SUFIAQ: SCHLOSSER, Johan Albert. - Epistola ad … Ferdinandum Dejean, … de Lacerta Amboinensi. | Brief ... aan … Ferdinand Dejean, … Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis.Amsterdam, for the author, 1768. With a folding engraved plate of the Amboinese lizard in two copies, one coloured by a contemporary hand. With: (2) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad … Johannem Burmannum, … De Chaetodonte argo. | Brief … aan Johannes Burmannus, … Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den gevlakten klipvisch.Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.(3) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad … W. Roëll, … De Testudine cartilaginea. | Brief … aan … W. Roëll, … Behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van de kraakbeenige schildpad.Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.(4) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad … Johannem Oosterdyk Schacht, … De Rana bicolore. | Brief … aan .. Johannes Oosterdyk Schacht, behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van den twee-koleurige kikvorsch. Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With 3 folding engraved plates, coloured by a contemporary hand. (5) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad … Hier. Dav. Gaubium, … De Chaetodonte diacantho. | Brief … aan … Hieronimus David Gaubius, … behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den tweedoornigen klipvisch.Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand. 5 works in 1 volume. Large 4to (31 x 25.5 cm). Contemporary half calf.
74RGR4TJFQ5L: SCHLOSSER, Johan Albert. - Epistola ad virum expertissimum, peritissimumque Ferdinandum Dejean, … de Lacerta Amboinensi, novae plane hujus speciei, pulcherrimae et hucusque fere incognitae, accuratam descriptionem ac fidelem a peritis artificibus elaboratam delineationem aeri incisam, sistens. - Brief … Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis. Benevens eene zeer wel-gelijkende afbeelding deezer vostrekt-nieuwe, fraaije en tot heden toe genoegzaam onbekende soort, door bekwaame kunstenaars vervaardigd.Amsterdam, for the author, 1768. With a beautiful large hand-coloured engraved folding plate (28.5 x 49.5 cm) of an Ambonese lizard by Simon Fokke after Gerrit Dadelbeek. With: (2) BOLTEN, Joachim Frederick. Ad illustrem sytematis naturae authorem Carolum a Linné … epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere. - Uitvoerige beschryving en naauwkeurige natuurlyk gekleurde afbeelding van een nieuwelyks ontdekt geheel onbekend plant-dier. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.Amsterdam, Jan Christiaan Sepp, 1771. With a large folding engraved plate (43 x 27.3 cm), hand-coloured and printed in gold, by Franz Nikolaus Rolffsen after H. Fischer. 2 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 24 cm). Contemporary calf.
S1221: SCHMIDT, Johannes. - Havundersøgelser [A collection of more than 60 papers on fishes]. "1902"[=1904]-1927. 64 papers bound in 1 volume (33.5 x 28 x 15 cm). 4to and 8vo. With a manuscript title-page, portrait of the author in grey washes, manuscript letter, and numerous illustrations in text, plates, tables and maps (many folding). Contemporary fish-skin, with the spine and front boards decorated with bands of eelskin.
S949: SCHMIEDEKNECHT, Otto. - Opuscula ichneumonologica.Blankenburg, 1902-1927[-1936]. 6 volumes + 25 supplement volumes. 8vo. Contemporary half cloth; supplement volumes original publisher’s printed-paper wrappers.
L3IFR0N85T9J: SCHNURRER, Christian Friedrich von. - Bibliotheca Arabica.Halle, I.C. Hendel, 1811. 8vo. Set in roman types, with occasional passages in Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac and Greek. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine.
EBECSA5DFJ62: SCHOKKER, H.W. [and John W. GRIFFITHS]. - Handboek voor de kennis van den scheepsbouw, voornamelijk met het oog op het Amerikaansche stelsel, naar de geschriften van John W. Griffiths en andere bronnen, ... Met eenen atlas van 60 [=69] platen. Amsterdam, Kraay brothers, 1861. 2 volumes. Large 4to (32 x 25 cm). With a chromolithographed view of the ship Nightingale as frontispiece, 2 folding tables, and 8 white on black lithographed illustrations and numerous tables in text. Further with 69 white on black lithographed plates (numbered as 60: I-LX) in the atlas volume, lithographed by Emrik & Binger, Haarlem. Contemporary half morocco, gold-tooled spine.
HCLG9DN38OLL: SCHÖNBORN, Samuel. - Manuale medicinae practicae Galeno-chymicae accessere purgantia. Secundum humores peccantes disposita.Strasbourg, Eberhard Zetzner, 1657. 12mo. With engraved title-page. Modern boards.
H15AI95X9ZY2: SCHOOCK, Martinus. - Imperium maritimum.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1654. 12mo. With woodcut vignette on title-page. Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
ABC_45505: SCHOON, Theodorus. - Defensio medica ofte den doctor van de nieuwe mode Schoon, naakt vertoont, nevens syne kueren, tot des selfs verdedigingh, tegens de frivole snapperyen der plamoters: wegen syn E. weergalooze tractaat, geintituleert, Den apotheker in ’t hembd. Door een beminnaar der waarheyt en rechtzinnige geneeskunde.The Hague, Gillis van Limburg, 1696. With: (2) SCHOON, Theodorus. De apotheker in ‘t hembd, of de wederspannige knegt tegen syn meester.The Hague, Engelbregt Boucquet, 1696.8vo. Modern black marbled stiff paper wrappers, red sprinkled edges.
ABC_45824: SCHOOTEN the elder, Frans van. - Table des sinus des tangentes et secantes pour le rayon 10000000.Rouen, David Berthelin et Jacques Lucas, 1672. 12mo. With a woodcut frontispiece, numerous tables and geometrical figures in the text. Contemporary calf, red title shield, red sprinkled edges.
19909: [SCHOUMAN, Aert]. - [Proboscidea louisianica].[Netherlands, 2nd half of the 18th-century]. Watercolour on laid paper (40.5 x 27 cm) of a flowering Proboscidea louisianica, with fruit and a horned seedpod on the ground. In passepartout (55 x 40 cm).
ABC_47419: SCHOUTEN, Willem Cornelisz. - Historische Beschreibung, der wunderbarlichen Reyse, welche von einem Holländer, Willhelm Schouten genandt, neulicher Zeit ist verrichtet worden: ...Frankfurt am Main, Paul Jacobi for Johann Theodor de Bry in Oppenheim, 1619. Folio. With 2 title-pages, the main one with an engraving showing Magellan and Schouten sitting across from each other with an armillary sphere between them. Loose quires and leaves.
ABC_48329: SCHREBER, Johann Christian Daniël von. - Icones et descriptiones plantarum minus cognitarum. Decas I.Halle (Saale), Germany, J.J. Curt, 1766. Folio (37.5 x 24.5 cm). With 10 full-page numbered engravings of plants, an engraved image on the title-page, and a woodcut initial on the first page of the preface. Never bound, housed in a modern folder with a printed design of 19th-century marbled paper.
K6BBNDACJWRW: SCHROETER, Joseph. - Die Pilze Schlesiens.Breslau, J.U. Kern, 1889-1897. 2 volumes bound in 1. 8vo. Modern black half calf, with the original printed paper front wrapper of the second part bound in.
6915: SCHÜBLER, Johann Jakob. - Grondige en duydelyke onderwyzing der volkomen kolommen-ordening, zoo als men dezelve in de heedendaagse-boukunst, gewoon is te gebruyken. ... Including: Het tweede deel van het Grondig onderwys ..., waar in voorgestelt word zes nieuwe geinventeerde portaalen met sierlyke balkons op vrystaande kolommen; ...Amsterdam, Petrus II Schenk, 1728. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (33.5 x 20.5 cm).. With 2 title-pages, each with the same large engraved illustration of an Amsterdam patrician's residence, 2 engraved architectural frontispieces, and 34 illustration plates (I-XVII, I-XVII), al engraved after the author's drawings, mostly by Renz and Montalegre (the second frontispiece by Johann Christoph Weigel). Modern maroon half calf.
K89CQAREFDXC: SCHUL[T]ZE, Heinrich. - Der Gold- & Silberarbeiter und Juwelier nach allen seinen praktischen Verrichtungen. Ein vollständiges Handbuch dieses Gewerbes...Ilmenau, B.F Voigt, 1823. 8vo. With 8 tables on separate leaves (6 on 3 folding plates bound at the end of the book), 109 tables in the text and 4 lithographed folding illustration plates signed by Uckermann. Contemporary marbled paper over boards, gold-tooled spine with light brown label.
F92FJB9V6DE2: SCHULTENS, Albert. - Institutiones ad fundamenta linguæ Hebrææ. Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg), Sándor (Alexander) Szathmári Pap, 1743. 4to. Set in roman and italic types with extensive Hebrew, incidental fraktur, Greek (2 sizes) and Arabic, and one 3-letter word in Samaritan. Contemporary gold-tooled sprinkled tanned sheepskin, each board with the Diesbach Belleroche coat of arms, probably a son of Nicolas de Diesbach Belleroche (1668-1735) in Switzerland.
S951: [SCHULTZ, Ernst Christoph]. - Portrait d'un monstrueux serin de Canarie, il est sorti de la partie inférieure de son bec une longue corne tortillée. Traduit de l'Allemand.Hamburg, J.P.C. Reuss, [ca. 1780]. 4to. With a finely hand-coloured engraved plate. Original printed boards.
K8NFWEKXOOEP: SCHÜTZERCRANTZ, Adolf Ulrik. - Reseminnen från Orienten.Stockholm, L.J. Hjerta, 1839. Folio. With 6 lithographed plates by Schützercrantz. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers mounted on a larger sheet serving as a folder.
J8I9ZWYDE414: [SCRAP ALBUM]. VISSCHER, J. (compiler or recipient). - [Ausschneidebilder].[The Netherlands?], 28 January 1777 (some of the prints themselves: Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht, [ca. 1750?]). 4to. A scrap album containing about 330 cut-out images from engraved prints, most neatly and uniformly coloured by a contemporary hand (probably for the publisher or publishers). Contemporary half roan sheepskin, sewn on 2 vellum tapes, red-sprinkled paper sides, red-sprinkled edges, with a heart-shaped paper label on the front board with the manuscript inscription, “J. Visscher” above the date (1 above 28, flanked by “17 ... 77”).
JAIAAQ7BXV3W: SCRIBANI, Charles. - Antverpia.Including: [SCHONDONCK, Gilles]. Hê prôtogeneia kai epistrephomonê tychê tês Anbersês.Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page and a woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank page following the main part.With: (2) SCRIBANI, Charles. Origines Antverpiensium.Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank last page, folding engraved map of Antwerp and 6 double-page engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume; 1st work in 2 parts. 4to. Contemporary vellum.
L85EIN5EE1CA: SCRIBONIUS LARGUS ( Jean RUEL ed.). - De compositionibus medicamentorum liber unus, ...(Colophon: Paris, Simon Du Bois, October 1528). Folio (29 x 20 cm). With Du Bois's woodcut tree and 2 birds device at the end with motto, about 40 woodcut decorated initials (7 series?) plus about 100 repeats. Set in roman types with some preliminaries in an Aldine-style italic (with upright capitals) and occasional words in Greek. Recent parchment.
H8IAZBVNADWN: SCRIVERIUS, Petrus. - Batavia illustrata, seu de Batavorum insula, Hollandia, Zelandia, Frisia, territorio Traiectensi et Gelria, scriptores varii notae melioris, nunc primùm collecti, simulqùe editi.Leiden, Lodewijk Elzevier [printed by Jan Paets Jacobszoon], 1609. 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With many woodcut illustrations in text. Early 18th-century calf, richly gold-tooled spine with a red title-label and the crowned monogram of the Duke de La Force and the Duke’s coat of arms in gold on the sides (probably of a later date).
S1604: SCROPE, George Julius Poulett. - The geology and extinct volcanos of central France. ... Second edition, enlarged and improved.London, John Murray, 1858. Large 8vo (22 x 14 cm). With 17 lithographed plates printed in brown (including the frontispiece), mostly folding and including one in colour, two folding chromolithographed maps inserted in a pocket at the back paste-down, and many woodengraved illustrations in text. Contemporary green half morocco, gold-tooled spine, bound by J. Adams.
I4BADDTCB1JE: SÉA. - Mémoire sur la fortification permanente, pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain, ... Nouvelle édition.Saint Petersburg, Pluchart et comp., 1818. 2 volumes. Large 4to (26 x 21.5 cm & 27.5 x 22 cm). With 20 (of 21?) engraved plates (13 double-page and 7 large folding), and 3 full-page tables. Contemporary half-calf, gold-tooled spines.
J3HGA8OYHYKW: SEBAH, Pascal, LEHNERT & LANDROCK, Wilhelm HAMMERSCHMIDT, SCHROEDER & Cie and Enrico VAN LINT. - [Photographs, mostly of Egypt].[Egypt and elsewhere], [ca. 1860-ca. 1914]. With 9 carte de visite albumen prints (ca. 8.5 x 5.5 cm) by Hammerschmidt and Van Lint, two albumen prints (9.5 x 12.5 cm) by Sébah mounted on paper, one silver gelatin print (8.5 x 11.5 cm) by Lehnert & Landrock and one silver gelatin print (27 x 21 cm) by Schroeder & Cie in a passepartout.
I45A4CVFDU99: SÉBAH, Pascal, and others. - [Photograph album with views of Egypt and Switzerland].Egypt and Switzerland, [1880s-1890s]. 4to (29.5 x 23.5 cm). 50 photographs of Egypt (albumen prints and cyanotypes) and approximately 40 albumen prints of Switzerland. Contemporary black half morocco.
ABC_47239: SEBAH, Pascal and Antoine BEATO. - Nine photographs of Egypt.[Egypt], 1880. 9 albumen prints (approx. 340 x 260 mm), each mounted on backing cardboard (ca. 400 x 340 mm). Three edges gilt.
21114: SEBASTIANI, Pietro de’. - Nuovo metodo, che facilita la lingua Toscana disteso con regole grammaticali, ...Rome, Paolo Moneta, 1683. Small 12mo (14 x 8 cm). Contemporary marbled wrappers.
ABC_46560: [SECOND ANGLO-DUTCH WAR - BATTLE OF VÅGEN - VOC]. - Zee-journael, ofte autentijcq verhael, uyt d'annotatien van de heeren haer hoogh-mogende volmachtighde inde vloot, der doorluchtighste geunieerde Republique, en andere schriften, aengaende al het ghepasseerde, 't zedert 't vertreck van de vloot uyt Spanjaerts-gat na de Noort, tot het wederkeeren voor Goeree, met alle voorvallen in zee, ontmoetingen, ghevecht in Noorwegen, tempeesten, en wat in 't generael en particulier voorgevallen en geschiedt is, van den 13 juny tot den 6 octob. 1665.[Amsterdam?, Jacobus Venckel?], 1665. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title-vignette. Contemporary half vellum, marbled sides.
M23NGJ7IKRQ5: SECUNDUS, Janus (Joannes or Jan EVERAERTS). - Opera. Nunc primum in lucem edita.Utrecht, Herman van Borculo, 1541. With Van Borculo’s winged stag and book device on the title-page and another on the verso of the otherwise blank last leaf. Small 8vo (16 x 10.5 cm). Contemporary vellum wrapper.
H8RBJ2BK148F: SEGALEN, Victor, Gilbert de VOISINS and Jean LARTIGUE. - Mission archéologique en Chine (1914). L'art funéraire a l'époque des Han.Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1923-1935. 1 text volume (4to) and 2 atlas volumes (38.5 x 28 cm). With 121 illustrations in text and 144 collotype plates in the atlas. Text volume in original printed paper wrappers. Atlas in original half cloth, printed paper sides.
23016: SEMALLÉ, René de. - Les Indiens des États-Unis. Including: SEMALLÉ, René de. [Drop-title:] Note sur les Indiens de l'Amérique du Nord.Paris, A. Marc (colophon of second offprint: E. Martinet), 1869. 2 offprints published as 1. 8vo. Original publisher's letterpress printed wrappers.
2159: SENAULT, Louis (calligrapher & engraver). - Heures nouvelles tirées de la Sainte Ecriture. Écrites et gravées par L. Senault.Paris, “l'autheur” and Claude De Hansy, [1690 or soon after]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a richly engraved title-page with the title in a wreath of flowers with 2 dolphins and the crowned coat-of-arms of the Dauphine, and 260 engraved calligraphic text-pages, richly decorated and illustrated, including 8 engraved divisional titles, this copy with the frontispiece, the 4 illustration plates and 2 otherwise blank pages with gilt borders. 18th-century richly gold-tooled (browned) olive-green goatskin morocco, each board with a wide border, spine with the title in roman capitals in the 2nd of 6 compartments and a flower built up from several stamps plus several decorations in each of the other compartments, rolls on the raised bands and at the head and foot, gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges, 2 silver clasps with a stamped mark, red silk paste-downs, gilt edges, red silk ribbon marker.
ABC_47606: SENNERTUS, Daniel and Daniël JONCTYS (translator). - Verhandelingh der toover-sieckten. Geschil van de schôot- en steeck-vrije. Geschil van de wapen-salve. Paracelsi vrye-konst. Uyt verscheyde Latijnsche boecken vertaelt, en by een geschikt door D. Jonctys.Amsterdam, Jan van Hilten (colophon: printed by Pieter Dircksz. Boeteman), 1646. 4 parts in 1 work. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing a magician laying magic bones at a person's sickbed, a small vignette on the title-page, 3 typographical divisional title-pages, 1 small woodcut illustration in the text (p. 200), 3 decorated initials (3 different series) and 3 ornamental tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum.
K7DD3HZG2WKS: [SERMON ON KINGS AND WHORES]. - Koninglyke dwaesheid, of het gevaer van de verleidingh der hoeren. Vertoont in een predikaetie uitgesprooken te Oxfordt, ... Uit het Engelsch vertaalt.Haarlem, Jan van Lee, 1743. 4to. With a woodcut emblematic device on title-page. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers.
18924: [SERRARIUS, Petrus]. - Goddelycke aandachten ofte vlammende begeerten eens boetvaerdige geheijligd en lief-rijcke ziele.Amsterdam, Salomon Savrij, [1653]. 16mo. With engraved title-page, 46 engraved emblems and a full-page woodcut endpiece. Contemporary vellum.
256: SERRE, Jean Puget de la and Jan DULLAART (translator). - Fatsoenlycke send-brief-schryver...Amsterdam, Jacob Benjamijn, 1663. 12mo. With an engraved title-page (dated 1652), showing a writer at his desk, a small ornamental vignette on the title-page, an ornamental tail-piece, and some woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary overlapping vellum.
K89C8LDE5TAM: SERRES, Marcel de. - Géognosie des terrains tertiaires, ou tableau des principaux animaux invertébrés du Midi de la France.Montpellier and Paris, Pomathio-Durville, 1829. 8vo. With 3 large folding tables and 6 lithographed plates depicting shells. Publisher's printed paper wrappers with shell ornaments on the front and back.
K7ACHLNSQWTK: SERRURIER, J.F. - Fruitkundig woordenboek, behelzende all hetgeen betrekking heeft tot de kennis en het huishoudelijk gebruik der verschillende soorten van fruiten; tot het aankweeken, veredelen, snoeijen en behandelen van vruchtboomen; tot het aanleggen van broeibakken, trekkassen en oranjehuizen enz. Gevolgd naar het hoogduitsch van J.C. Christ en verrijkt met het wetenwaardigste uit het op last van het Engelsch Gouvernement uitgegeven werk van W. Forsijth.Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805-1806. 2 volumes. Royal 8vo. With 18 (17 folded) plates. Publisher's red speckled boards, spines with printed label (preserved in 2 recent boxes).
2216: [SERVASANCTUS DE FAENZA and others] (spuriously attributed to Saint BONAVENTURA). - [Sermones de tempore et de sanctis]. (Colophon: Zwolle, [Johannes de Vollenhoe], 1479). Small (Chancery) folio (27.5 x 20.5 cm). With one 5-line and hundreds of 2- and 3-line spaces left for initials, filled in with manuscript "Lombardic" capitals in red; manuscript paragraph marks in red; and capitals rubricated throughout. Set entirely in a single textura gothic type (103 mm/20 lines) in 2 columns of 39 lines to the page. Early 18th-century tanned sheepskin.
ABC_47528: SEWARD, Anna. - Monody on Major Andrè. To which are added letters addressed to her by Major Andrè in the year 1769.Lichfield, Printed and sold by J. Jackson for the author [etc.], 1781. 4to. Half red morocco, marbled paper sides, gold-tooling on spine.
ABC_45231: SEYFFARTH, Gustav. - Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Literatur, Kunst, Mythologie und Geschichte des alten Aegypten. Erstes Heft: Bemerkungen ueber die Aegyptischen Papyrus auf der Koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin.Leipzig, Joh. Ambros. Barth (colophon: printed by W. Haack), 1826. With 4 lithographed folding plates.With: (2) Beitraege ... zweites, drittes, viertes, fünftes Heft. = Systema astronomiae Aegyptiacae quadripartitum ...Leipzig, Joh. Ambros. Barth, 1833. With a general title-page, a Latin title-page and 4 part-titles, a hand-coloured frontispiece and 10 large folding plates, lithographed throughout. 5 parts in 2 volumes. 4to (22.5 x 26.5 cm). Contemporary richly gold- and blind-tooled polished red morocco in the Romantic style (by the Leipzig master Anton Stumme with his ticket on the first free endleaf).
ABC_47644: SHAKESPEARE, William and Abdullah CEVDET (translator). - [Makbet = Macbeth in Ottoman Turkish].Cairo, Egypt, Kütübhane-i Içtihad, 1909. 8vo. With practically all text set in Arabic type. Half maroon cloth and brown decorated paper sides.
L12G3746UHWJ: SHARAF AD-DIN ALI YAZDI. - Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols et Tartares.Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1723. 4 volumes. 12mo. With an engraved portrait of Timur and 5 folding engraved maps. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines.
CBUB9S1EKBV5: [SHIPWRECKS]. - Merkwaardige schipbreuken en andere lotgevallen ter zee. Uit het Hoogduitsch.Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1822. 8vo. With engraved title-page with aquatint vignette by W.H Hoogkamp after J. van Meurs. Contemporary wrappers.
ABC_47725: SHIRWANI, Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-. - Nafhat al-Yaman fi-ma yazulu bi-dhikrihi al-shajan. [= Breezes from Yemen].Calcutta, printed by Mawlawi Kabir Ud Din Ahmad at the Urdoo Guide Press, 1881. 8vo. Original publisher's pebble-grain lilac cloth.
ABC_45267: SHUR, Chaim. - New Outlook Middle East Monthly [9 issues].Tel Aviv, Tatzpiot Ltd (under auspices of Jewish-Arab Institute at Givat Haviva), 1986. 9 volumes. Original wrappers, staplebound.
ABC_45270: SHUR, Chaim. - New Outlook Middle East Monthly [15 issues].Tel Aviv, Tatzpiot Ltd (under auspices of Jewish-Arab Institute at Givat Haviva), 1984-1985. Original wrappers, staplebound.
79T916EL4X5G: SICARDO, José (Joseph). - Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion que padecio. Memorias sacras, de los martyres de las ilustres religiones de Santo Domingo, San Francisco, Compañia de Jesus; ...Madrid, Francisco Sanz, 1698. Folio (31 x 22 cm). With the title in a frame of vine-leaf ornaments and 2 woodcut armorial headpieces plus 1 repeat. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later lettered spine-title.
1108: SICHEM, Christoffel II van. - 't Schat der zielen, dat is: Het geheele leven ons Heeren Jesu Christi naer de vyer Evangelisten. Naer vervolgh des tijdts by een ghevoeght, in seven stucken verdeelt. Met seer schoon figuren verciert, gesneden door C. van Sichem, voor P. J. P[aets].Amsterdam, Pieter J[acobsz]. P[aets], 1648. With 686 woodcuts, many full-page, by Christoph van Sichem (many with his monogram), after his own designs and after drawings and paintings by Aldegrever, Goltzius, Dürer, Bloemaert, the Wierix brothers, Lucas van Leyden, Maarten van Heemskerck, Joannes Stradanus, etc. 17th-century vellum, manuscript title on smooth spine.
I44C3K2MTDCW: SIDERIUS, Mattheus. - De theorie van de vesting-bouw, vertoont in de drie versterkings manieren van den heer Vauban. ...Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, Gerrit Tresling, 1765. 8vo. With 29 numbered folding plates (I-XXIX) and 2 folding letterpress tables (A & B). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
J47EB7AY5EWT: SIEBOLD, Alexander Freiherr von. - Ph. Fr. von Siebold's letzte Reise nach Japan 1859-1862 ... von seinem ältesten Sohne.Berlin, Kisak Tamai, 1903. 8vo (22.5 x 14 cm). With title-page in Japanese and German, 2 half-tone plates showing photographic portraits of Philip von Siebold (1 with his son Alexander) and 3 photographic views in the text. Original publisher's printed cloth-covered paper wrappers, with publisher's advertisements printed on paste-downs.
I3MF3W9EXBAX: SIKE (SIECKE), Heinrich (editor). - Evangelium infantiae. Vel liber apocryphus de infantia servatoris. Ex manuscripto edidit, ac latina versione & notis illustravit ... Utrecht, François Halma, Willem vande Water, 1697. 8vo. With the main text in Arabic with a parallel Latin translation on the facing pages. Contemporary vellum.
H8PAV7LC5D8A: SILVA, Luiz Augusto Rebello da (et al.). - Corpo diplomatico Portuguez contendo os actos e relações politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal.Lisbon, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias / Imprensa Nacional, 1862-1959. 15 volumes (final volume in 2 parts). Small folio (22.5 x 28.5 cm). Uniformly bound in half tan sheepskin, decorated paper sides, gold-tooled spines, decorated endpapers, sprinkled edges. Some original publisher’s printed wrappers bound in.
KA8C8KR82HZ0: SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine-Isaac, and others. - Mémoires de littérature, tirés des registres de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.... tome quarante-huitième.Including: SILVESTRE DE SACY, Antoine Isaac. Mémoire sur divers événemens de l'histoire des Arabes avant Mahomet.Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1808. 4to. Set in roman, italic, Greek and Arabic type. With a folding engraved plate of a Greek inscription and 5 letterpress tables. Contemporary half calf.
ABC_45232: SILVESTRE DE SACY, [Antoine Isaac]. - Mémoires sur les antiquités de la Perse et sur l’histoire des Arabes avant Mahomet.Paris, Eugène Duverger & Jean-Joseph Marcel, Imprimerie Impériale, [1808-1809]. Large 4to (22 x 27.5 cm). With 4 tables. Later red half morocco, marbled sides, title in gold on spine.
23066: [SILVESTRE, Charles-François?]. - l[']Art de bien dessiner a la plume nouvellement mis au jour pour l[']utilité de la jeunesse.Including:(2): [SILVESTRE, Charles François]. Diverses figures Turcs propre à dessiner a la plume.(3): [SILVESTRE, Charles François]. Second livre de figures Turcs propre à déssiner à la plume.(4): [SILVESTRE, Charles François?]. Diverses figures de caprice propre a dessigner a la plume.[Paris?, ca. 1700?]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Oblong 16mo (13 x 16 cm). Each part with engraved title-page and each with 11 unnumbered engraved plates. Contemporary French sprinkled, gold-tooled calf.
S978: SIMONIN, Louis Laurent. - La vie souterraine ou les mines et les mineurs.Paris, L. Hachette and company (back of half-title: Imprimerie generale de Ch. Lahure), 1867. Large 8vo (26.5 x 16.5 cm). With the title-page printed in red and black, 10 chromolithographed plates depicting minerals, some highlighted with silver (including the frontispiece), 30 (chromo)lithographed maps and 163 wood engraved illustrations in text (36 full-page). Contemporary half sheepskin.
GCTHLCVR423X: SIMPLICIUS of Cilicia. - Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti, ex libris veteribus emendatus. Cum versione Hieronymi Wolfii, et Cl. Salmasii animadversionibus, et notis quibus Philosophia Stoica passim explicatur & illustratur.Leiden, Johannes Maire, 1640. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With three title-pages. Set in roman, Greek and Arabic types. Contemporary French pointillé binding in the style of "Le Gascon", richly gold-tooled in concentric panels on both covers, and in the six compartments of the spine, the second with the title.
ABC_47785: [SINDBAD – SEVEN SAGES]. - Historia septem sapientum Rome.Cologne, Johann Koelhoff the Elder, of Lübeck, (before 6 November) 1490. 4to (200 x 128 mm), 34-37 lines, gothic type, rubricated in red. Illustrated with a large armorial woodcut printer’s device at the end and 23 full-page woodcuts, with two of the woodcuts repeated several times. Bound in contemporary blind-tooled full calf over wooden boards. Remains of clasps. Endpapers from a rubricated incunabular edition of the Biblia cum glossa ordinaria.
L6IBGMM5FCVL: [SINGAPORE - PHOTOGRAPHS]. [SACHTLER, August, and others]. - [Views of Singapore and surroundings].[Singapore, ca. 1870]. 20 large uniform albumen prints (21 x 27 cm), all but 1 in landscape format. Each print mounted on paperboard (24.5 x 32.5 cm) with a manuscript series number and a German caption. Kept in a modern black cloth clamshell box.
ABC_48012: [SKETCH BOOK - AMERICAN SHIPS]. - [Drawings of US Navy ships and other vessels].[United States of America, between 1810-1832 (or after 1832?)]. Oblong (17.5 x 22 cm). With 26 coloured pencil and ink drawings of ships. Stitched through three holes.
CC8ER5ZF1Q3L: SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik, Comte Erik Johansen DAHLBERG and Johann Philip LEMBKE. - Batailles de Charles X Gustave Roi de Suède... Stockholm, A.F. Skjöldebrand, 1806. Large oblong folio (52 x 68 cm). With an engraved title with aquatint vignette, engraved portrait by Sandrart after a painting by Ehrenstrahl, and 11 aquatint plates after drawings by Count Dahlberg and paintings by Lembke, engraved by Skjöldebrand, numbered I-XII, all in sepia. Contemporary half calf with marbled brown boards, gold-tooled spine.
D4TG3TIBBS3O: SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik. - Description des cataractes et du canal de Trollhätta en Suède; avec un précis historique.Stockholm, Charles Delén, 1804. 4to. With an aquatint title-page and 12 aquatint plates, including 1 map, all drawn and engraved by the author. Contemporary grey-blue wrappers.
8715: SKOGMAN, Carl Johan Alfred. - Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden, Åren 1851-1853, under befäl af C.A. Virgin.Stockholm, Adolf Bonnier, [1855]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 3 folding tinted lithographed maps, 26 plates (6 full-page wood-engravings, 20 full-page chromo-lithograps) 18 wood-engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary three quarter calf with gilt lettering on spine, marbled covers.
I7DD3T6LJ6QQ: [SLAVE TRADE]. - Der Sclavenhandel [!]. La vente d'Esclaves.[No place, ca. 1800]. 27 x 40 cm. Aquatint in contemporary hand colour, engraved by "J. L. T." after "J. R. P."
ABC_45244: [SLAVERY - SAUDI ARABIA]. - The Anti-slavery reporter and aborigines' friend Series VI.London, Anti-slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, 1961. Original pictorial wrappers.
K2KBN8BHU6RK: SMITH, Edgar. - Descriptions of five new shells from the Island of Formosa and the Persian Gulf, and notes upon a few known species.Including: BOCK, Carl. Descriptions of two new species of shells from China and Japan.[London], 18 June 1878. With a chromolithographed plate depicting 14 shells. Modern paper wrappers.
ABC_46955: [SMITH, Robert and others]. - The elementary parts of Dr. Smith's compleat system of opticks, selected and arranged for the use of students at the universities: to which are added in the form of notes some explanatory propositions from other authors.Cambridge, printed by J. Archdeacon, 1778. Large 4to (27 x 20.5 cm). With 17 numbered, folding engraved plates. Contemporary gold-tooled brown sprinkled calf, gold-tooled red morocco spine label, gold-tooled board edges.
ABC_45161: SMITH, William Robertson. - Kinship and marriage in early Arabia.Cambridge, C.J. Clay and son, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, 1885. 8vo. Contemporary brown cloth, lettering in gold on the spine.
ABC_47666: [SMITH, Henry Ecroyd]. - Notes of a three weeks ramble in North Yorkshire and South Durham.[England], [18]61. Folio (28.5 x 23 cm). With numerous lithographs, copper- and steel-engravings, and newspaper clippings mounted on the leaves, a folding map of Russia added between pages 63 and 64, and a blank leaf from the guest book of the Hotel des Boulangers in Bern added between pages 75 and 76. All leaves are blind-ruled. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled blue sheepskin.
3904: [SMOUT, Adriaan Joriszoon (reply to)]. - Voorlooper. Over Adriani Smoutii schriftuerlyck jae, dienende tot openinge ende recht verstandt van synen toe-eyghen-brief aen de E.M. Heeren Staten, aengaende de questie: of de vyf verschillighe poincten de salicheyt raecken of niet. Ghestelt door eenen lief-hebber der waerheyt, tot dienste van alle ghetrouwe ondersaten ende vreed-lievende menschen hier te lande.Rotterdam, Matijs Bastiaensz., [1613]. 4to. Disbound.
L6DB0OCTZ9D7: SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. - Log of H.M.S. Cumberland [commanded by] Captain J.B. Dickson bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Provo W.P. Wallis, … commencing 5th April 1857, ending 30th April 1858.With:(2) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Log of H.M.S. Siren . 16 guns, commanded from May 1st to May 8th 1858 by Captain J.H. Selwyn, from May 9th 1858 to [27th July 1858] by Com[ande]r G.M. Balfour.(3) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Journal of T.A. Sneyd Kynnersley acting mate H.M.S. Siren, 16 [guns], commencing July 28 1858, ending [11 April 1860].[In the Atlantic, along the European, African and especially the South American coasts, 1857-1860]. Small folio (32 x 20.5 cm). Three English manuscript ships' logs written in a single album in black ink on laid paper with a blue cast, with 3 hand-lettered title-pages, 2 sea charts showing the routes and 8 colour views (in watercolour, coloured pencil and sepia and black ink, mostly ships on the South American coast, but also camps) are drawn on 9 separate leaves, and 6 sea charts showing the routes and about 15 views drawn directly on the album leaves, mostly in black ink, but including a colour plan of one of the ships. Contemporary black half sheepskin.
3735: SNOY, Reinier & Nicolaus Hug LANDENBURGER (transl.). - Der gantze Psalter dess heiligen unnd königklichen Propheten Davids, mit beygesetzter kurtzer Catholicher Erklärung, auss den alten Vättern, unnd Kirchen Lehrern gezogen. Anfangs in lateinischer Sprach beschriben, nachmalen durch Herrn Nicolaum Hug Landenburger, des Keiserlichen Thumb Stiffts Speier Diacon verteutscht. Anjetzo aber durch instendiges Antreiben dess wolwürdigen, wolgebornen Herzen Joann Werneren, edlen Herren auff Raitnau, zu Langenstein, Sant Johannes Ordens Rittern, & zu mehrerm nutz unnd trost viler frommen unnd Gottliebenden Christen nachgetruckt.St. Gallen, Im Fürstlichen Gottszhaus [= Johann Landorth], 1644. 4to. Title-page in red and black, a headpiece built up from typographic ornaments, and woodcut gothic decorated initials. Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, 2 brass clasps (on calf straps) and catchplates.
EAUC121WXHOD: SÖDERSTROM, Jan Georg Karl. - A. Sparrman's ethnographical collection from James Cook's 2nd expedition (1772-1775).Stockholm, Aktiebolaget Thule, 1939. 4to (29 x 22.5 cm). With 24 full-page numbered collotype plates, reproducing photographs of artifacts, and a few line illustrations in the text. Original publisher's green textured cloth.
HCGAUF2TV4MG: SODRÉ, Antonio Martins (Antonio DOS MÁRTIRES). - Collectaneo pharmaceutico divido em duas partes, nas quaes se acharáõ as melhores perguntas, e respostas, e algumas eleiçoens de simples, com suas explicaçoens ao texto de Mesue, tiradas dos melhores autores antigos, e modernos da arte pharmaceutica. Obra utilissima para se examinarem os novos professores da mesma arte.Porto, Antonio Alves Ribeiro Guimaraens, 1768. 8vo. Contemporary mottled tanned sheepskin, sewn on 4 supports, gold-tooled spine.
H74DZNIHVXHC: SOEMMERRING, Samuel Thomas von, the younger. - Vom Hirn und Rückenmark.Mainz, P.A. Winkopp & Komp., 1788. Small 8vo (15.5 x 9.5 cm). With a decorated rule on the title-page and a few decorations built up from cast fleurons. Set in fraktur types with Latin words in italic and non-German book titles in roman. The present copy has a pomegranate stamped on the title-page after printing and folding but before binding. Near contemporary boards covered with orange paste-paper, gold-tooled spine label, orange and brown sprinkled edges.
CBBFJ7PQHN58: [SOESTDIJK]. KRUYFF, Cornelis de & Frederik Christiaan BIERWEILER. - Maison de plaisir de Soestdijk, vue du coté du jardin.Amsterdam, F. Buffa et fils, [1830-1850]. Framed (61,5 x 75,5 cm).
5904: SOLÍS Y RIBADENEYRA, Antonio de. - Histoire de la conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne par Fernand Cortez.Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1730. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 14 engraved maps, views and plates (12 folding). Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine.
97CDKPZRRNOY: SOLORZANO PEREIRA, Juan de. - Traduccion de la dedicatoria real i epistolas proemiales del segundo tomo del Derecho, i gobernierno de las Indias Occidentals.[Madrid], Francisco Martinez, 1639. Folio. With an elaborate engraved architectural title-page by Roberto Codier. Spanish sheepskin parchment (ca. 1700?).
FA9CJY9V6DE2: SOMMER, Johann Gottfried. - Merkwaardige bijzonderheden, inhoudende de nieuwste ontdekkingen in de natuurkunde, natuurlijke historie, land- en volkenkunde, op alle gedeelten van den aardbol.Amsterdam, Ten Brink and De Vries, 1825-1827. 4 volumes. 8vo. With 4 engraved title-pages, each with one of two aquatint views, plus 10 aquatint views on 8 plates, all by H.W. Hoogkamp. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine.
425: SOMMERHAUSSEN, Hartog. - Hebreeuwsch spel- en lees-boekje voor eerstbeginnenden.Amsterdam, Belinfante & Comp., J. van Embden & son, S.A. Proops, 5570 [=] 1810. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 8vo (15.5 x 9.5 cm). With the authenticating oval stamp at the foot of the last page of the main text in part 2. Set in roman and italic type with 3 sizes of (sephardic) meruba Hebrew plus alphabets of rabbinical (semi-cursive), Yiddisch and script Hebrew types, and printed on Dutch wove paper. Publisher's original yellow, printed paper wrappers over thin boards.
1490: [SONGBOOK - DUTCH]. - Eerste [-Tweede] deel van 't nieu geusen liet boeck, waerinne begrepen is den gantschen handel der Nederlanden, beginnende anno 1564. uit alle oude geusen liet-boecken by een versamelt. Verciert met schoone oude refereynen en[de] liedekens, te voren noyt in eenige liet-boecken ghedruct. Met de figuren der gouverneurs.Amsterdam, Gerrit van Breugel, 1616. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Title-page printed in red and black with borders built up from typographic ornaments, woodcut on title-page, and 10 small woodcut portraits in text of the two parts together. Later limp sheepskin parchment, with remnants of ties.
1480: [SONGBOOK - DUTCH]. - Den nieuwen verbeterden lust-hof, gheplant vol uytgelesene, eerlijcke, amoreuse ende vrolijcke ghesanghen, als mey, bruylofts, tafel, ende nieu jaers liedekens, met noch verscheyden tsamen-spreeckinghen tusschen vryer en vryster...Including: [VLACQ, Michiel]. Bruylofts bancket. Verciert met veerthien liedekens, dienende tot vermakelijckheyt ende stichtinghe, so wel in bruyloften als in andere eerlijcke vergaderinghen van oude ofte jonghe lieden...Amsterdam, Dirck Pietersz Pers, [ca. 1610]. 2 parts in 1 volume. Oblong 8vo. Each title-page with the same large engraving of a company making music after David Vinckboons. Later vellum, manuscript title on spine.
17532: SONNAVILLE, Louis de, S.J. - De nieuwe muziekleermiddelen van het systeem-Sonnaville.[Leiden, Johannes Eggers, ca. 1895]. 25 items in 1 box. All items in a green half cloth box (37 x 29 x 4 cm) which opens at the front and can be closed with cloth strings, with a letterpress title-label mounted on top.
9A8FDY1UV32D: SONNERAT, Pierre. - Voyage aux Indes Orientales et à la Chine, fait par ordre de Louis XVI, depuis 1774 jusqu'en 1781; dans lequel on traite des moers, de la religion, des sciences et des arts des Indiens, des Chinois, des Pégouins et des Madégasses; suivi d'observations sur le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, les îles de France et de Bourbon, les Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines et les Moluques, et de rechereches sur l'histoire naturelle de ces pays, etc, etc. … Nouvelle édition.Paris, Dentu, 1806. 4 text volumes (8vo) and 1 atlas (4to). With 140 numbered engraved plates: a double-page plan of the city of Pondichéry, India, 19 double- and 120 single-page views and plates. Contemporary red half sheepskin (text) and modern red half cloth (atlas).
LB5GIA2WUY60: [SOPHIE, Jacques]. - Noodighe op-rechtinghe van 't collegie de medecyne, opentlyck bewesen aen d'inwoonders der stadt van Brussel, met 't verhael van alle swarigheden daer-overgeresen, ende weder legginge van d'op-sprake, daer-tegen onglanghs voor ghewendt.Brussels, Guilliam Scheybels, 1660. 4to. With an emblematic woodcut on the last page.
ABC_46150: SOPHOCLES. - Tragoediae VII. Una cum omnibus graecis scholiis ad calcem adnexis. Editio postrema.Cambridge, John Field (a false imprint); Leiden, [Pieter, Cornelis and Jacob] Hackius, 1672. With: (2) SOPHOCLES. [In Greek:] Scholia palaia ton panu dokimon, meta kai tres tou trikliniou eis Sophokleous hepta tragedias.Cambridge, John Field, 1668 [reissued Leiden, Pieter, Cornelis and Jacob Hackius, 1672]. Set entirely in Greek, in 2 columns. 2 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo. Contemporary vellum
F78BZ901U79O: SORANZO, Lazzaro. - L'Ottomanno ...Naples, Costantino Vitale, 1600. 4to. 17th-century limp sheepskin parchment.
LC4ENOLIV4DL: SOTHEBY, Charles. - [engraved title-page:] A plan of mathematical learning taught in the Royal Academy Portsmouth performed by [in pencil: Charles Sotheby] a student there.[Portsmouth], “177 ” [recté 1795-1798]. 2 volumes. Imperial 4to (37.5 x 27 cm). Manuscript school exercises with a pre-printed engraved title-page with a blank space for the student to add his name, with 4 full-page and 1 larger folding nautical charts (some partly in colour), 7 full-page fortification plans (in black ink with 1 to 3 colours), 4 full-page astronomical diagrams (2 also with yellow), a full-page compass rose, 23 pen and ink wash views in the text (9 x 15 cm to 12.5 x 22 cm, 1 also with blue washes), and numerous other diagrams (including maps in the surveying section) and some illustrations in the text. Near contemporary (ca. 1803) blind- and gold-tooled half calf, blue sprinkled edges.
K6CFLKWO3UCQ: SOTHEBY'S. - The library of the Earls of Macclesfield removed from Shirburn Castle. Part two: Science A-C; part four: Science D-H; part five: Science I-O; Part six: Science P-Z plus addenda.With: The library of the Earls of Macclesfield … Part one: Natural history.London, Sotheby’s, 2004-2005. 5 volumes. 4to (27.5 21.5 cm). Original decorated blue cloth.
ABC_45292: SOURBETS, Georges; Camille de SAINT-MARC. - Précis de Fauconnerie [...] suivi de l’Éducation du Cormoran. Niort, L. Clouzot, 1887. 8vo. With 4 black and white lithographed plates. Contemporary red morocco-backed cloth.
ABC_46684: SOUSA, João de and José de Santo Antonio MOURA. - Vestigios da lingoa Arabica em Portugal ou lexicon etymologico das palavras e nomes Portuguezes, que tem origem Arabica.Lisbon, Typografia da Mesma Academia [= Academia Real das Sciencias], 1830. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With the academy's woodcut device on the title-page, incorporating the crowned Portuguese coat-of-arms, Athena's owl and Hermes's staff. With: (2) SOUSA, João de. Documentos Arabicos para a historia Portugueza.Lisbon, Academia Real das Sciencias, 1790. With the academy's woodcut device on the title-page (also incorporating the Portuguese coat-of-arms, Athena’s owl and Hermes’s staff, but not identical to the device on the title page of the Vestigios). Set in Arabic, roman and italic types.19th-century half calf, marbled paper sides, titles in gold on spine, blue sprinkled edges.
ABC_46815: SOUSA, João de. - Documentos Arabicos para a historia Portugueza...Lisbon, Academia Real das Sciencias, 1790. 4to. With the academy's woodcut device on the title-page (incorporating the Portuguese coat-of-arms, Athena’s owl and Hermes’s staff). Set in roman, Arabic and italic types. Modern brown paper wrappers. Wholly untrimmed and with most of the bolts unopened, preserving all deckles and point holes.
K88E577GRAHE: SOWERBY, George Brettingham II. - A conchological manual.London, G.B. Sowerby (colophon: printed by George Odell), 1839. 8vo. With 1 handcoloured, engraved frontispiece, 2 folding tables and 23 engraved plates. Late 19th century half calf.
ABC_45916: SOYTER, Magnus. - [Collection of watercolour drawings with manuscript captions].[Augsburg], 1849-1853. 13 loose wove paper folio leaves and 1 loose wove paper bifolium. Large folio (55 x 35 cm). With 64 watercolours and manuscript captions on 15 leaves (each leaf drawn on one side only).
D95ATVMFQHCT: SPAAN, Gerrit van. - Gedenkwaardige geschiedenissen, volgens den rang der jaren, van het begin des werelds, tot het einde van 't jaar zeventien-honderd: behelzende, duure tyden, hongersnooden ... gevolgd van aarbevingen, donder blixem ... nevens goê-koop koorn en wyn.Rotterdam, Pieter van Veen, 1701. 8vo. Contemporary half calf.
792BKEJ1OIBA: SPAAN, Gerrit van. - Het koddig en vermakelyk leven van Louwtje van Zevenhuizen, of het schermschool der huislieden, vervat in twee deelen. Waar agter gevoegt is de Afrikaansche en Aziaansche weg-wijzer, ...Rotterdam, Pieter de Vries, 1752. 4 parts in 2 volumes, bound as 1. 8vo. With engraved allegorical frontispiece, a letterpress general title-page, 4 part-titles. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine.
DAAF54L94WDW: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Sceau de Salomon. Convallaria multiflora. L. from: [Fleurs Dessinées d'Après Nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Folio. Stipple engraved plate, printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Solomons Seal showing a branch with flowers and leaves. Not signed. In passepartout.
DAADD8SWNMQR: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Pivoine double. Paeonia officinalis L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56 x 36.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Paeonia officinalis showing two branches with one flower each, signed "Carrée sculp." Framed (67 x 50 cm).
DAAFNOIXKDLA: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Jacinthe double. Hyacinthus orientalis L. from: [Fleurs Dessinées d'Après Nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Folio. Stipple engraved plate, printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Common Hyacinth, Garden Hyacinth or Dutch Hyacinth with at the left a blue hyacinth without leaves, right a lilac hyacinth with leaves. Signed 'P.F. Le Grand sculp.' Framed.
DAAFJE5ODVIO: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Mufle de veau. Antirrhinum majus. L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (54.5 x 36.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Antirrhinum majus showing a branched stem with flowers in various stages, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout.
DAAEK8F9ITW7: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Anemone double. Anemone coronaria. L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56 x 36.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Poppy anemone or Spanish marigold showing six branches with one flower each: three pink-red, two lilac, and one light-green, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout.
DAABPF3CYDLT: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Neflier cultivé. Mespilus germanica. L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56.5 x 42 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Mespilus germanica, showing a branch with five medlars in various sizes, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout.
DAABXGDWYKFM: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Reine-marguerite. Aster chinensis L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56 x 37.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Callistephus chinensis showing three fully opened and two half opened flowers, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp."In passepartout.
DAA9MLAV59JY: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Chène commun. Quercus robur L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56 x 36.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Quercus robur including two acorns, an empty shell and two buds, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout.
DAAB5NRV8KPF: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Grande Capucine. Tropaeolum majus L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Oblong folio. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (38 x 55.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a branch of the Tropaeolum majus showing three flowers and six buds in various stages. In passepartout.
DAAD6OF6V2JN: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Souci des jardins. Calendula officinalis. L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56 x 36.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Calendula officinalis showing two branches with seven flowers and buds in various stages, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout.
DAACPU39PCFB: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Maïs, Blé de Turquie. Zea mays L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (54 x 39 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of an ear of corn, with 6 leaves and part of the stalk, on a stone wall, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In a passepartout.
DAAECL71G7E6: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Seringat odorant. Philadelphus coronarius L. from: [Fleurs Dessinées d'Après Nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Folio. Stipple engraved plate, printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Sweet Mock-orange or English Dogwood showing six clusters of flowers of which one is out of flower, signed 'P.F. Le Grand sculp.' In passepartout.
DAAA51AMZ2KR: SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. - Digitale pourprée. Digitalis purpurea L. from: [Fleurs Dessinées d'Après Nature,… Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].[Paris, 1799-1801]. Folio. Stipple engraved plate, printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Common Foxglove. With on a sidebranch flowers in various stages, one cut branch and a green shoot, signed 'P.F. Le Grand sculp.' In passepartout.
I14D28YF6BMO: [SPAIN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. - Pharmacopoea Hispana. Editio quarta.Madrid, M. Repullés, 1817. 8vo. With allegorical steel engraving by B. Ametler after Luiz Paret, dated 1794 (date of the first edition) with the motto ‘Ars cum Natura ad Salutem conspirans (85 x 97 mm). Mottled calf.
KA2DB3JRYAJ9: SPANGENBERG, Cyriacus. - Jagteuffel. Bestendiger und Wolgegründter bericht, wie ferrn die Jagten rechtmessig und zugelassen. Und widerumb, warinn sie ... gottloss, gewaltsam, unrecht und verdamlich seind, ... (Colophon: Frankfurt am Main, heirs of Georg Raben and Weygand Hanen), 1566. 8vo. With the title-page printed in red and black and with a woodcut illustration. 18th-century vellum.
M1TL33CDUD1Y: [SPANISH TYRANNY]. - Warachtighe beschrijvinghe ende levendighe afbeeldinghe vande meer dan onmenschelijcke ende barbarische tyrannije bedreven by de Spaengiaerden inde Nederlandes: onder de regieringen van den Keyser Carel V. Philips II. en Philips III. Coningen van Spaengien. [Half-title:] De onmenschelicke, barbarische, en grouwelijcke tyerannije der Spangniaerden in Nederlandt.[Northern Netherlands (Amsterdam?)], [printed by Barent Otsz.?], 1621. Oblong 4to (18 x 22 cm). With an integral engraved frontispiece (15.5 x 20 cm, with 1 large and 3 small views of Spanish atrocities), letterpress title-page with a small bear as ornament (a mounted casting made from a woodcut), 36 full-page engraved city views on integral leaves showing Spanish atrocities (plate size about 13.5 x 16.5 cm, irregularly numbered 3 to 236 and not quite in numerical order), each with a 4-line Latin caption engraved in 2 columns, and 3 engraved portraits on integral leaves (plate size 14 x 12.5 cm). Early 18th-century vellum, sewn on 3 vellum tapes laced through the joints.
K2MC3PXNUGK1: SPARRMAN, Andrea (Anders). - Iter in Chinam. Dissertation praeses Car. v. Linné.Uppsala, Joh. Edman, [1768]. 4to. With a woodcut tailpiece. Sewn as issued.
3590: SPEECHLY, William. - A treatise on the culture of the vine, exhibiting new and advantageous methods of propagating, cultivating, and training that plant, so as to render it abundantly fruitful. Together with new hints on the formation of vineyards in England.York, for the author, 1790. 2 works in 1 volume. Large 4to. With 5 engraved plates (3 folding) with views and other illustrations, including figures showing greenhouse buildings and heating devices on the 3 folding plates.With: FORSYTH, William. A treatise on the culture and management of fruit-trees; in which a new method of pruning and training is fully described. To which is added, a new and improved edition of "Observations on the diseases, defects, and injuries, in all kinds of fruit and forest trees", with an account of a particular method of cure, published by order of government.London, John Nichols and son for T. N. Longman & O. Rees [and 3 others], 1802. With illustrations of trees, the pruning of trees, and pruning tools on 13 folding engraved plates.Contemporary half light brown blind-tooled morocco.
689A52SG7PUR: [SPEELMAN, Cornelis Janszoon]. - Journal, oder kurtze Erzehlung des Anfangs, Fort- und Aussgangs des Krieges, welcher zwischen dem König und mehrerer Regierunge des Reichs Macassar und der Oost-Indischen Compagnie der Vereinigten Niederlanden in den Jahren 1666, 1668 und 1669 geführet worden.Hamburg, Gottfried Schulken, 1670. 4to. Disbound, preserving the original endpapers.
F7TF81I3XBY9: [SPEER, Daniël]. - Zwey nachdänkliche Traum-Gesichte, von dess Türcken Untergang. Zweifels ohn von göttlicher Direction. Herauss gelassen von mehrmals zugetroffen erfahrnem Designante Somniatore. [Ulm, Matthäus Wagner], 1684. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, allegorically illustrating the Ottoman defeat in 1683. Modern wrappers.
ABC_46625: SPEIJK, Jan Carel Josephus van. - [Autograph letter to Johan Arnould Zoutman jr].On board his gunboat "Z.M. kanonneerboot no. 2" off the coast level with 't Wiel, near Antwerp, 13 October 1830. 4to (25 x 22.5 cm). Folded.
F65I2KFKWOQZ: SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Steven van der HAGEN. - Historis journael van de voyage gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, syn eerste reyse. In den jare 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. Als meede beschrijvinge van de tweede voyage ghedaen met 12 schepen na d'Oost-Indien onder den admirael Steven vander Hagen. Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With a woodcut of 2 ships on the title-page and a folding engraved plate with 6 illustrations (each about 8 x 9 cm). Modern brown goatskin.
B86DJ001U79O: SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. - Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum.
ABC_47650: SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Steven van der HAGEN. - Historis journael van de voyages gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den Commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, sijn eerste reyse. Inden jare 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, als meede beschryvinge vande tweede voyage ghedaen met 12 schepen na d'oost-Indien onder den Admirael Steven vander Hagen.Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With a relatively large woodcut illustration of two ships on the title-page, a folding engraved plate showing six scenes of Spilbergen's journey and experiences in the East, a woodcut tail-piece, and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Set in textura types with incidental roman and italic. Modern brown calf.
K4U923K3PAYC: SPINKS, Walter. - [Album of watercolours drawn aboard HMS Myrmidon].On board HMS Myrmidon, [1884-]1886[-1887]. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 25 cm). With 25 watercolours (including 1 double-page) and 13 pencil drawings, most of them captioned in pencil. Contemporary half-sheepskin album.
78UGK856Q9C8: SPINNIKER, Adriaan. - Vervolg der leerzaame zinnebeelden, spiegel der boetvaardigheid en genade en eenige stichtelyke gezangen.Haarlem, Jan Bosch, 1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, engraving on title-page, 30 engraved emblems in text (ca. 10 x 12.5 cm) by Vincent vander Vinne in the first part, and 4 engraved emblems in text (10 x 12.5 cm) by Jan Caspar Philips in the second part. Contemporary marbled wrappers.
14736: SPINNIKER, Adriaan. - Leerzaame zinnebeelden, ... Tweede druk.Haarlem, Jan Bosch, 1757. With engraved frontispiece and 50 beautifully engraved emblems in text. With: (2) SPINNIKER, Adriaan. Vervolg der Leerzaame zinnenbeelden, Spiegel der boetvaardigheid en genade en eenige stichtelyke gezangen.Haarlem, Jan Bosch, 1758. With same engraved frontispiece (with revisions), 30 engraved emblems in text and 4 engraved emblems on plates with letterpress text. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary gold-tooled, tanned sheepskin.
A6CA75ZOP9W8: [SPLENDID CEREMONY - MECHELEN]. - Prael-treyn verrykt door ry-benden, praelwagens, zinne-beelden en andere oppronkingen...Mechelen, J.F. vander Elst, [1775?].With:(2) [SPLENDID CEREMONY - BRUSSELS]. Beschryvinge van de ry-bende ofte cavalcade..Brussels, J. vanden Berghen, [1770].(3) [MEYER, Jean Thomas]. Beschryvinge van het zeven honderdjaerig jubilé van den heyligen Macarius... Ghent, Jean Meyer, [1767].3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved coat of arms, an engraved headpiece, and 16 engraved plates (including 14 folding). Ad 2 with 5 numbered folding engraved plates. Ad 3 with 15 mostly folding engraved plates, including one large folding plate showing fireworks (36.5 x 48 cm). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine.
5AHFMI01U79O: [SPLENDID CEREMONIES]. - [Triumphal arches and catafalques (elaborate funeral biers) erected in the years 1715, 1721-1723 and 1737]. [Sienna, ca. 1728, with 1 addition ca. 1737]. Folio (ca. 29 x 21 cm). 8 original drawings in black ink with ink washes plus 1 additional line drawing of a catafalque added about a decade later. Never bound, but formerly sewn.
ABC_47101: SPOORS, Jakob. - Rapport van Jakob Spoors, als fiscaal van den Hoogen Zee-krygsraad, omtrend het gedrag van den capitein Engelbertus Lucas en verdere commandanten der schepen behoord hebbende tot het esquader in den jaare 1796. Naar de Oost-Indien gedestineerd; benevens de resolutie en sententie ten deze door den Hoogen Zee Krygsraad genomen en geslagen.The Hague, 's Lands-Drukkery, 1798. 8vo. With the woodcut great seal of the Batavian Republic - the French-dominated republican government of the Netherlands from 1795 to 1806 - on the title-page (an allegorical female figure representing Freedom, with spear and freedom hat and with her hand on a book on a stand, next to the Dutch lion holding a Dutch flag). Modern blue cloth, title in gold on spine, new endpapers.
K6BBTF8SRVLW: SPRENGEL, Kurt Polycarp Joachim. - An introduction to the study of cryptogamous plants. In letters.London, J. White, 1807. 8vo. With 10 hand-coloured folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf.
L14C44K6RE5X: SPRENGEL, Kurt. - Versuch einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Arzneykunde.Halle, Gebauerschen Buchhandlung, 1821-1828. 5 volumes bound as 6. 8vo. With 4 engraved frontispieces. Contemporary dark gray paste-paper boards, with letterpress title-labels on spine.
C8PC10DXFFRQ: ST. LO, George. - England's safety: or, a bridle to the French King. Proposing a sure method for encouraging navigation, and raising qualified seamen ...London, William Miller, 1693. 4to. With a pseudo-heraldic woodcut frontispiece (17 x 12 cm) with letterpress title and motto ("This encouraged, England must flourish."), with as bearing an anchor topped by the royal crown, and other nautical attributes, supported by 2 men, one with a globe and the other with a quadrant, each with a compass at his feet. The British flag flies above it with ships in the background. Set in roman and italic types. 18th-century blue paper wrappers, side stitched through 4 holes, with manuscript title-label on front.
G62H5DIG9JPO: STADEN, Hans. - Beschrijvinghe van America, wiens inwoonders, wildt, naeckt, seer godloos, ende wreede menschen-eters zijn; hoe hy selve onder de Brasilianen lange gevangen geseten heeft, die hem dagelijcks dreygden doot te slaen en t'eten: …Including: Avontuerlijcke, vreemde, ende waerachtighe beschryvinge van het landt America, alwaer Hans van Staden onder de Brasilianen, Tuppin Imbas ghenaemt, lange gevangen geseten heeft, ...Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Bouman, 1660. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 2 title-pages, the first printed in red and black, each with a different large (7 x 13 cm) woodcut illustration; and 17 smaller (5 x 6.5 cm) woodcut illustrations (plus 12 repeats) in the text, mostly of Brazilian Indians. 20th-century dark brown calf, with older stiff paper wrappers bound in.
G1ADB6QB0QK2: STANFORD, Edward. - Countries between Constantinople & Calcutta including Turkey in Asia, Persia, Afghanistan & Turkestan.London, 1885. Large folding map (64 x 86 cm), hand-coloured and mounted on linen. Scale 1:6,969,000.
ABC_45154: STANLEY, Edward. - A familiar history of birds.London, Longmans, Green and Co. (at the end: printed by Spottiswoode and Co.), 1865. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece, title-vignette, 2 engraved plates and 102 illustrations in the text.Contemporary gold-tooled calf, probably a school prize binding, with “King Edward's School Bruton” and its "Sealle of the Skolle of Brew" in a frame, the seal showing a Brewer’s tonne (Brew-ton), richly gold-tooled spine with a red morocco label, edges gilt over a fore-edge painting showing a falconry hunting scene.
ABC_45527: STAPHORST, Nicolaus. - Officina chymica Londinensis, sive exacta notitia medicamentorum spagyticorum, quae apud aulam Societatis Pharmaceuticae Londin. Praeparantur, & venalia prostant … Editio tertia juxta exemplar Londini.Jena, Christoph Cröckerus, 1701. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers over thin boards.
ABC_46491: STARK, Freya. - The coast of incense. Autobiography 1933-1939.London, John Murray, 1953. 8vo. With 1 map of the Hadhramaut printed on green paper, 20 double-sided plates, 3 illustrations in the text on pp. 76, 77 and 85, a few small tail pieces throughout, and a green ornament on the title-page. Green cloth with gold lettering on spine.
ABC_46492: STARK, Freya. - Dust in the lion's paw. Autobiography 1939-1946.London, John Murray, 1961. 8vo. With a map of the Middle East, titled "Dust in the lion's paw" on p. 6, 8 double-sided plates, and an illustration of a lion (in red) on the title-page. Green cloth with gold lettering on front cover and spine. With dust jacket, designed by Frank Quilter, and protected by a clear plastic jacket.
ABC_46487: STARK, Freya. - Beyond Euphrates. Autobiography 1928-1933.London, John Murray, 1951. 8vo. With a double-page map on green paper, 40 double-sided plates, a green ornament on the title-page and some decorations in the text. Green cloth with gold lettering on front cover and spine. With dust jacket designed by F. Quilter.
ABC_46485: STARK, Freya. - Traveller's prelude. An autobiography.London, John Murray, 1951. 8vo. With a double page map on blue/green paper, 22 double-sided plates, a green ornament on the title-page, a small woodcut of Asolo on p.336 and some small decorations in the text. Green cloth with gold lettering on front cover and spine. With a dust jacket designed by F. Quilter.
ABC_46496: STARK, Freya. - East is west.London, John Murray, 1945. 8vo. Red and black title-page with a small illustration of two people. With a frontispiece, a map of the Middle East on green paper, titled: "East is west by Freya Stark", and 32 double-sided plates. Blue/green cloth. With dust jacket.
ABC_46497: STARK, Freya. - Seen in the Hadhramaut.London, John Murray, 1938. 4to. With the title-page in red and black, 1 map of the Hadhramaut titled: "Seen in the Hadhramaut", and 50 double sided plates. The plates are included in the pagination. Blue cloth with black lettering on front cover and spine. With dust jacket.
ABC_46231: [STATES OF HOLLAND AND WEST-FRIESLAND]. - Circulaire brief, van de Heeren Ridderschap en Edelen, van Hollandt en West-Vrieslant; nevens ’t antwoort van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Burgermeesteren en Regeerders der stadt Amsterdam, op de voorsz. Brief.[Amsterdam,] Jan Cyprianus van der Graft [= Jacobus Hackius?], 1685. 4to. With a woodcut title vignette. Disbound.
A86BBNF8KOP1: [STATES GENERAL - COPYE]. - Copye vande Brieven der Heeren Generale Staten vande Gheunieerde Provintien. Gheschreven aen den Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, ofte haere E. Ghecommitteerde Raden. Inhoudende de Limiten hoe verre den Stilstandt van Wapenen te Water ende te Lande is streckende.Delft, Jan Andriesz., [1607/08]. Small 4to. With a woodcut rampant lion holding a sword within a garden fence (symbolizing the Dutch Republic) surrounded by a wreath, and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern plain paper wrappers.
H7EF5GTTQELM: STAVORINUS, Johan Splinter. - Voyages par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance dans l'archipel des Molucques, de 1768 a 1771 et de 1774 a 1778 …Paris, Maradan, 1805. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates (3 folding) and 5 folding engraved maps. 19th-century gold-tooled half sheepskin.
ABC_46055: STEEL, Scudamore Winde (subject). - To Major General Sir Scudamore Winde Steel K. C. B. late commander of the forces in Pegue &c ....Madras, 10 April 1856. Manuscript in ink on a large single sheet of vellum (ca. 62 x 73 cm). With the hand drawn coat-of-arms of Scudamore Winde Steel in ink at the head of the text and with 106 signatures of British residents of Madras at the foot of the text. Folded.
K7OE4HCQKX7J: STEENSTRA, Pybo. - Verhandeling over de klootsche driehoeks-meeting. Bevattende alle de regelen, die men nodig heeft, om, op de kortste en gemakkelykste wyze, allerlei soortAmsterdam, J.W. Yntema & Comp., 1801. 8vo. With numerous woodcut geometrical illustrations in text. Contemporary blue paper wrappers.
3555: STEENWIJK, Frans van. - Klaudius Civilis, in zestien zangen, ... Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, 1774. Large 4to. With engraved frontispiece by Reinier Vinkeles, included both uncoloured and beautifully hand-coloured and highlighted with gold. Near contemporary half calf (ca. 1800), richly gold-tooled spine.
H7RBM33W6TKB: STEIN, Marc Aurel. - On ancient Central-Asian tracks. Brief narrative of three expeditions in innermost Asia and north-western China.London, MacMillan and Co., 1933. With frontispiece, map and 147 illustrations (some folding). Original publisher's brown/red cloth.
K7B9HBE4TYDT: STEINBART, Johann Christian - Anweisung zum Seidenbau, wie solcher auf das leichteste und vortheilhafteste zu treiben sey. Aus den richtigsten und zuverlässigsten, theils fremden, theils eigenen vieljährigen Erfahrungen des Züllichauischen Waysenhauses mitgetheilet.Züllichau, R.S. Frommann, 1761. 8vo (17.5 x 10 cm). Contemporary wrappers, stapled.
61MF4123SY47: STENO, Nicolaus (Niels STENSEN). - Elementorum myologiae specimen: seu musculi descriptio geometrica. Cui accedunt canis carchariae dissectum caput, et dissectus piscis ex canum genere.Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge and the widow of Elizeus Weyerstraet, 1669. With many woodcut diagrams and other illustrations in the text and 7 engraved folding plates with figures and tables.With: (2) HOBOKEN, Nicolaas. Anatomia secundinae humanae, quindecim figuris ad vivum propriâ autoris manu delineatis, illustrata. ... Cum annexo S. Specilegio epistolarum, rem potissimum generatoriam referentium.Utrecht, Joannes Ribbius, 1669. With an engraved frontispiece, a full-page portrait of Nicolaas Hoboken by C. Hagens facing the frontispiece and 15 figures on 8 engraved folding plates.8vo. Contemporary vellum, title in ink on spine, blue edges.
815GIKFFSVEW: STERBEECK, Franciscus van. - Theatrum fungorum, oft het tooneel der campernoelien waer inne vertoont wort de gedaante, ken-teeckens, natuere, crachten, voetsel, deught ende ondeught.Antwerp, Joseph Jacobs, 1675. 4to. With folding engraved portrait of the dedicatee (the Antwerp city physician Joh. van Buyten) by Arn. van Westerhout after Car. E. Biset, and 36 mostly folding engraved plates by P. van Sickeleers. Contemporary vellum.
I44EE8UGV899: STEVIN, Simon. - La castrametation, ...Rotterdam, Jan van Waesberge, 1618. With: (2) STEVIN, Simon. Nouvelle maniere de fortification par escluses. ...Rotterdam, Jan van Waesberge, 1618. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With more than 50 woodcut illustrations in the text (many full-page or nearly full-page). Contemporary sheepskin parchment.
I48A877X5NJX: STEVIN, Simon. - Festung-Bawung, das ist, Kurtze und eygentliche Beschreibung, wie man Festungen bawen, unnd sich wider allen gewaltsamen Anlauff der Feinde zu Kriegszeiten auffhalten, sichern und verwahren möge: ...Frankfurt am Main, Wolfgang Richter for the widow of Levinius Hulsius, 1608. 4to. With a woodcut fortification plan on the title-page and about 30 woodcut illustrations in the text. Lacking the 2 woodcut plates and 3 smaller woodcut slips. 20th-century grey-brown half calf.
6237: STEVIN, Simon. - Kurtzer doch gründlicher Bericht von Calculation der Tabularum Sinuum, Tangentium und Secantium. Sampt deroselben gebrauch in Solvierung oder aufsrechnung aller flachen Triangel.Nuremberg, Simon Halbmayern, 1628. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. With several woodcuts in text. Contemporary boards.
ABC_47600: STIEFF, Christian. - De Silesische Robinson, behelzende deszelfs geboorte, opvoeding ... minnenhandel, betoonde dapperheid in verscheide belegeringen, gevangenneming en elendige slaverny onder de Turken ... zyne reizen ... dienstneming by de Oostindische Compagnie ... dienstbaarheid onder de Boecaniers ... droevige schipbreuk en elendig eindeAmsterdam, S. van Esveldt 1755, 2 volumes. With a frontispiece by J. C. Philips and 7 full-page engraved plates. Contemporary gilt half-calf, dark brown moroccan letterpiece to spine.
BCNA1WMFQHCT: STIRLING-CLARKE, J. - Le cheval et l'amazone. Traité complet de l'équitation des dames.Bruxelles, Widow Parent & sons; Paris, Auguste Goin; Leipzig, Ch. Muquardt, 1861. 8vo. With a chromo-lithographed frontispiece, 3 chromo-lithographed plates and several woodcut illustrations in text. Original publisher's light green printed paper wrappers.
G84BEU1EVFHI: STIRLING, Walter Francis. - Arab Types. Syria, [ca. 1918-ca. 1921]. Oblong album (18 x 26 cm). An album containing 14 black and white photographic portraits (mostly about 17 x 12 cm) plus a smaller print of one. Mounted in a ca. 1930 album of black paper leaves (boards covered with black cloth).
K4QBE8QS6PRF: STIRNN, Johannes. - Tractatio juridica de eo quod justum est circa nuptas, vom Recht der Ehe-Weiber; in celeberrima Marburgensium universitate anno 1693. edita.Halle, Hendel, 1734. 4to. Strip of marbled paper on spine.
K4HG7AXDTUUD: STOKRAM, Andries. - Korte beschryvinghe van de ongeluckige weer-om-reys van het schip Aernhem, nevens noch zes andere schepen, onder't gebiedt van den heer Arnout de Vlaming van Outshoorn, van Batavia na het vaderlandt afgevaren, op den 23. december 1661. van welcke gemelte schepen noch drie vermist worden. Amsterdam, Jacob Venckel, 1663. Small 4to (19.5 x 16 cm). Modern marbled wrappers.
5698: STOLBERG, Friedrich Leopold. - Reis door Duitschland, Zwitserland, Italie en Sicilie. Uit het Hoogduitsch.Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1798-1801. 4 vols. + atlas-vol. 8vo. With 19 folding engraved views by D. Vrijdag after the German originals, and 6 folding leaves with engraved musical scores. Contemporary half calf.
ABC_47906: STOLL, Caspar. - Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden en wantzen, in alle vier waerelds deelen Europa, Asia, Africa en America huishoudende.Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, [1780-]1788. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to (ca. 28.5 x 23 cm). With 40 handcoloured plates of insects and a handcoloured floral frontispiece at the start of each volume. Comprising:(1) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden.Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788.(2) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der wantzen.Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788. Contemporary gold-tooled brown calf.
ABC_45813: STOLLS, Maximilian. - Lehrbegriffe von den äusserlichen Arzneymitteln, oder deutsche Materia Chirurgica. Angehenden Wundärzten zum Besten übersezt, von Johann Gottfried Essig.Augsburg, in der Joseph-Wolffischen Buchhandlung, 1789. 8vo. With woodcut printer’s device on title. Contemporary half white paper over boards covered with blue paper.
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