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25663: ABERNETHY, GEORGE L.; THOMAS A. LANGFORD (EDITORS) - History of Philosophy: Selected Readings.
17017: THE NOBEL FOUNDATION AND THE SWEDISH ACADAMY - Nobel Prize Library: William Faulkner, Eugene o'Neill, John Steinbeck
17008: THE NOBEL FOUNDATION AND THE SWEDISH ACADAMY - Nobel Prize Library: Ernest Hemingway, Knut Hamsun, Hermann Hesse
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22986: ADDISON, JOSEPH; RICHARD STEELE; EUSTACE BUDGELL - The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers
25567: ADDISON, JOSEPH; SAMUEL THURBER (ED) - De Coverley Papers
25253: ADDISON, JOSEPH; RICHARD STEELE; ET AL. - The Guardian (Two Volumes, Complete)
13225: ADDISON, JOSEPH; RICHARD STEELE; EUSTACE BUDGELL - The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers
26260: ADERS, GEBHARD - History of the German Night Fighter Force 1917-1945
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25950: ADLER, DAVID A. - Cam Jansen and the Catnapping Mystery
24504: ADLER, BILL (EDITOR) - The World According to Martha
7655: ADLER, DAVID A. - Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery
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13824: ADORJAN, CAROL - The Copy Cat Mystery
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28728: AESCHYLUS - Oresteia
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29251: AESOP; SIR ROGER L'ESTRANGE, KT. - Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists with Morals and Reflections
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24479: AGEE, JON - Elvis Lives and Other Anagrams
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10717: U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Gardening for Food and Fun
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17868: AKSHARPITH, SWAMINARAYAN - Mandir: Concepts and Tradition
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9616: ALBERT, SUSAN WITTIG - A Dilly of a Death
9625: ALBERT, SUSAN WITTIG - Indigo Dying
12063: ALBOM, MITCH - The Five People You Meet in Heaven
24790: ALBOM, MITCH - The Five People You Meet in Heaven
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4280: ALDISS, BRIAN W. - No Time Like Tomorrow
4730: ALDRED, CYRIL - Tutankhamun: Craftsmanship in Gold in the Reign of the King: A Medaenas Monograph on the Arts
28948: ALDRED, CYRIL - Jewels of the Pharaohs: Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic Period
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25105: ALEKHIN, ALEXANDER - My Best Games of Chess 1908-1923
6877: BETTAGNO ALESSANDRO (ED) - Canaletto: Disegni - Dipinti - Incisioni
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7158: ALEXANDER, MAXINE, ET AL. (EDS) - Southern Exposure (Vol. XII, No. 6, Liberating Our Past, Nov/Dec 1984)
7099: ALFREDSSON, GUDMUNDUR; GORAN MELANDER; PER-ERIK NILSSON - Raoul Wallenberg Institute: Report No. 17: A Compilation of Minority Rights Standards, a Selection of Texts from International and Regional Human Rights Instruments and Other Documents, with Particular Reference to Romania
17177: ALGER, HORATIO, JR. - Struggling Upward
21915: ALGREN, NELSON - The Last Carousel
9344: ALGREN, NELSON - The Neon Wilderness
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9907: ALIGHIERI, DANTE; ROBERT PINSKY (TRANS) - The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation (Bilingual - English and Italian - Edition)
15036: ALIKI - Marianthe's Story: Painted Words and Spoken Memories
27856: ALKER, DR. HUGO - Blockflöten-Bibliographie. Ergänzungen Und Nachträge, Anhang: Instrumentenkunde.
13687: ALLAN, TONY - Titans and Olympians: Greek & Roman Myth
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13529: ALLEN, BETSY - The Clue in the Blue
16171: ALLEN, TIM - Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man
25753: ALLEN, JOHN L. - The Rise of Benedict XVI: The Inside Story of How the Pope Was Elected and Where He Will Take the Catholic Church
18741: ALLEN, ALLYN - Lone Star Tomboy
11338: ALLEN, ELSA GUERDRUM - The History of American Ornithology Before Audubon
26348: ALLEN, JOHN L., JR. - Conclave: The Politics, Personalities, and Process of the Next Papal Election
24610: ALLEN, JAMES P.: TURNER, EUGENE - The Ethnic Quilt Population Diversity in Southern California
24985: ALLEN, PHILIP S.; FRANK L. SCHOELL - French Life: A Cultural Reader for the First Year
7517: ALLEN, HERVEY - Toward the Morning
11238: ALLILUYEVA, SVETLANA - Only One Year
22362: VAN ALLSBURG, CHRIS. - The Garden of Abdul Gasazi
29494: ALTER, JONATHAN - The Defining Moment: Fdr's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope
24114: ALTGELD, JOHN P. - Oratory: Its Requirements and Its Rewards
28740: WELLESLEY COLLEGE ALUMNAE - A Wellesley Welcome: A Warm Welcome to President Paula A. Johnson from the Alumnae Community
15155: AMADO, JORGE - The Swallow and the Tom Cat: A Love Story
29708: AMALRIK, ANDREI - Notes of a Revolutionary
22187: AMAN, REINHOLD (ED) - Maledicta 9: Lillian Mermin Feinsilver Festschrift 1986-1987: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression
13351: D'AMATO, BRIAN - In the Courts of the Sun
13786: D'AMATO, BARBARA - Killer. App
10761: AMBLER, ERIC - The Schirmer Inheritance
17000: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E.. - The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s over Germany 1944-45
29939: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. - Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West
29515: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E.; SAM ABELL (PHOTOGRAPHY) - Lewis & Clark: Voyage of Discovery
23132: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. - The Good Fight: How World War II Was Won
7066: AMBROSE, STEPHEN E. JR. - The Victors: Eisenhower and His Boys-the Men of World War II
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4499: THE EDITORS OF ART IN AMERICA (EDS) - The Artist in America
21553: THE EDITORS OF ART IN AMERICA - The Artist in America
13403: THE EDITORS OF ART IN AMERICA - The Artist in America
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5555: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - The Laureates' Anthology: Vol II
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23036: DE AMICIS, EDMONDO - Holland and Its People
29495: AMIEL, BARBARA - Friends and Enemies: A Life in Vogue, Prison, & Park Avenue
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26796: AMIS, MARTIN - The Information
21833: AMMERS-KULLER, JO VAN - Der Apfel Und Eva
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18011: AMOS, SHARON AND RICHARD ROSENFELD - The Ultimate Gardening Book over 1,000 Inspirational Ideas and Practical Tips to Transform Your Garden
23257: AMOS, JAMES H., JR. - Focus or Failure: America at the Crossroads
16463: AMOSS, BERTHE; ERIC SUBEN - Ten Steps to Publishing Children's Books: How to Develop, Revise, & Sell All Kinds of Books for Children
13973: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - Andersen's Fairy Tales; Shorter Tales; Longer Stories (Three Volumes, Complete, in Slipcase)
11748: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER - Bill and Hillary the Marriage
23271: ANDERSEN, CHRISTOPHER - Jackie After Jack: Portrait of the Lady
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21212: ANDERSEN, KURT - Turn of the Century
25893: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - Andersen's Fairy Tales
7455: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - The Emperor's New Clothes: An All-Star Illustrated Retelling of the Classic Fairy Tale
29585: ANDERSON, DONALD M. - Elements of Design
10382: ANDERSON, MAXWELL - The Masque of Kings a Play in Three Acts
14224: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Getting Up and Going Home
20627: ANDERSON, IAIN F. (INTRODUCTION) - Scotland L'Ecosse: Schottland a Book of Photographs
4415: ANDERSON, POUL - Time and Stars
4376: ANDERSON, POUL - The Winter of the World
23064: ANDERSON, LAURIE HALSE - Chains (Seeds of America Trilogy)
29938: ANDERSON, SHERWOOD - Winesburg, Ohio
24766: ANDERSON, JEAN; ELAINE HANNA - The Doubleday Cookbook Volume I: Complete Contemporary Cooking
29563: ANDERSON, SCOTT - Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly, and the Making of the Modern Middle East
14637: ANDERSON, SHERWOOD - Winesburg, Ohio
28557: ANDERSON, KEN - Winky Solves a Mystery
28598: ANDERSON, KEN - Winky: Lost in the Rockies
29428: ANDES, GEORGE M. - Descriptive Bibliography of the Modern Library: 1917-1970
23201: ANDRES, GLENN; HUNISAK, JOHN M.; TURNER, A. RICHARD - The Art of Florence (Volumes I and II, Complete)
19225: ANDREW, WAYNE - Architecture in Chicago & Mid-America a Photographic History
25428: ANDREWS, JAMES PETTIT - History of Great Britain, from the Death of Henry VIII to the Accession of James VI of Scotland to the Crown of England: Being a Continuation of Dr. Henry's History of Great Britain, and Written on the Same Plan (Volume One, Only)
28147: ANDREWS, PETER (ED) - Christmas in Germany
28155: ANDREWS, PETER (ED) - Christmas in Colonial and Early America
29226: ANDREWS, CHARLTON - A Parfit Gentil Knight
28193: ANDREWS, PETER (ED) - Christmas in Germany
14551: ANDREWS, MARY R.S. - The Perfect Tribute
8934: ANDREWS, WAYNE - Architecture in New York a Photographic History
29586: ANDRIST, RALPH K. (ED) - George Washington: A Biography in His Own Words
25244: ANDRONICOS, MANOLIS - Pella Museum
25243: ANDRONICOS, MANOLIS - Herakleion: Herakleion Museum and Archaeological Sites of Crete
4918: D'ANGELO, ARISTIDE - The Actor Creates
24780: ANGELOU, MAYA - Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now
26851: ANGLE, PAUL M. - On a Variety of Subjects
11691: ANGLE, PAUL M (EDITOR) - The Lincoln Reader
29532: ANGLE, GLENN D. (ED) - Aerosphere - 1942 (Including Modern Aircraft, Aircraft Armaments, Modern Aircraft Engines, Aircraft Statistics, and the Buyer's Guide)
28044: ANGLE, PAUL M.; EARL SCHENCK MIERS (EDS) - The Living Lincoln: The Man, His Mind, His Times, and the War He Fought, Reconstructed from His Own Writings
23928: ANNAN, NOEL - Leslie Stephen: The Godless Victorian
27528: ANNESLEY, CHARLES - The Standard-Operaglass: Containing the Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifteen Celebrated Operas with Critical and Biographical Remarks, Dates, &C. , &C.
26553: ANONYMOUS (JOE KLEIN) - Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics
29003: ANONYMOUS (PSYCHO-PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY) - Life and Its Manifestations: Past, Present, and Future. (Vol. III, Only, of IV)
27520: ANONYMOUS - A Boy Musician; or, the Young Days of Mozart
29004: ANONYMOUS (PSYCHO-PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY) - Life and Its Manifestations: Past, Present, and Future. (Vol. III, Only, of IV)
13595: ANONYMOUS, M.D. - The Healers
25373: ANONYMOUS - Stories from Fairyland
29123: ANONYMOUS - Ricordo Di Firenze: 32 Vedute
29001: ANONYMOUS (THE PSYCHO-PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY) - Life and Its Manifestations: Past, Present, and Future. (Four Volumes, Complete): "a Series of Revelations from Angelic Sources,Containing a New System of Spiritual Science and Philosophy. "
15917: ANONYMOUS (SIR JOHN BARROW) - A Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great
28527: ANONYMOUS - Dissertationes Historica Miscellaneae: (Miscellaneous Historical Dissertations) an 18th Century Sammelband Containing 23 18th Century Historical Texts
29002: ANONYMOUS (PSYCHO-PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY) - Life and Its Manifestations: Past, Present, and Future. (Vol. III, Only, of IV)
10468: ANSELMETTI, FERDINANDO - Quelli Che Contano
21562: ANTHONY, KATHARINE - Catherine the Great
29470: ANTHONY, PIERS - Robot Adept
8646: ANTHONY, EVELYN - The Doll's House
17166: APEL, WILLI - Harvard Dictionary of Music
8482: APERTURE, INC. - Aperture (No. 87, 1981)
8487: APERTURE, INC. - Aperture (No. 86, 1982)
8488: APERTURE, INC. - Aperture (No. 85, 1981)
8490: APERTURE, INC. - Aperture (No. 82, 1979)
25608: APPEL, SHERRY CONWAY - From Mother to Daughter: Advice and Lessons for a Good Life
19631: APPELBAUM, BARBARA B. - Live in Wellness Now: A Proactive Guide to Living Well
28338: APPELBAUM, BARBARA B. - Live in Wellness Now: A Proactive Guide to Living Well
19919: APPLEGATE, JESSE A.; LAVINIA HONEYMAN PORTER; MARTIN RIDGE (ED) - Westward Journeys: Memoirs of Jesse A. Applegate and Lavinia Honeyman Porter Who Traveled the Overland Trail
29394: APPLETON, VICTOR, II - Tom Swift and the Cosmic Astronauts
29447: APPLETON, VICTOR, II - Tom Swift and His Rocket Ship
27518: APPLETON, VICTOR - Tom Swift and His Talking Pictures, or the Greatest Invention on Record
27519: APPLETON, VICTOR (HOWARD GARIS) - Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures
29593: APRILE, DIANNE - The Abbey of Gethsemani: Place of Peace and Paradox (150 Years in the Life of America's Oldest Trappist Monastery)
17860: ARBEIT, EAUM FUR - Working Spaces Espaces de Travail
9165: ARBO, SEBASTIAN JUAN - Cervantes: Adventurer, Idealist and Destiny's Fool
22588: ARCHER, JEFFREY - As the Crow Flies
2442: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Sons of Fortune
22314: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Best Kept Secret
11818: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The Fourth Estate
11855: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The Eleventh Commandment a Novel
5368: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Honor Among Thieves
5786: ARCHER, JEFFREY - First Among Equals
6489: ARCHER, JEFFREY - First Among Equals
9386: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The Prodigal Daughter
13794: ARETZ, GERTRUDE - Napoleon and His Women Friends
6442: ARETZ, GERTRUDE - Napoleon and His Women Friends
29885: ARISTOPHANES - Five Comedies
23856: ARISTOPHANES - The Birds and the Frogs
10379: ARIYOSHI, RITA - National Geographic Traveler: Hawaii
14523: ARLISS, GEORGE - Up the Years from Bloomsbury: An Autobiography
29215: ARMSTRONG, KAREN - Islam: A Short History
22448: ARMSTRONG, LANCE; CHRIS CARMICHAEL - The Lance Armstrong Performance Program the Training, Strengthening, and Eating Plan Behind the World's Greatest Cycling Victory
26718: ARMSTRONG, JEREMY - Early Roman Warfare: From the Regal Period to the First Punic War
9694: ARNO, PETER - Hell of a Way to Run a Railroad
19428: ARNOLD, DENIS - Monteverdi
27689: ARNOLD, PETER - 100 Indoor Games You Can Play
26070: ARNOLD, WENDY - The Historic Country Hotels of England: A Select Guide
28576: ARNOLD, EDWIN - Poetical Works of Edwin Arnold: Containing the Light of Asia; the Indian Song of Songs; and Pearls of the Faith
16115: ARNOLD, SARAH LOUISE AND CHARLES B. GILBERT - Stepping Stones to Literature a Reader for Sixth Grades
29093: ARNOLD, ISAAC N.; JAMES A. RAWLEY (INTRO) - The Life of Abraham Lincoln
29040: ARNOLD, R. DOUGLAS - The Logic of Congressional Action
6437: ARNOLD, JAY (ARRANGER) - Classics in Swing for Clarinet with Piano Accompaniment: No. 1
25798: ARONSON, THEO - Grandmama of Europe: The Crowned Descendants of Queen Victoria
11794: ARONSON, JOSEPH - The New Encyclopedia of Furniture
3252: R. S. JOHNSON FINE ART - A.L. De Sanctis Collection: Works on Paper: Manet to Picasso
21953: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - A Flight of Butterflies
3251: R. S. JOHNSON FINE ART - Homage to Pablo Picasso: 1881-1972: Works on Paper a Homage on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Death of the Artist
24801: THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - Treasures from the Bronze Age of China: An Exhibition from the People's Republic of China
24478: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - Masterpieces of European Painting, 1800-1920, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
24461: MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART - Collective Vision: Creating a Contemporary Art Museum
29751: TERRA MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART - American Super Realism: From the Morton G. Neumann Family Collection
24377: THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Hermitage
26006: THE NORTH CAROLINA MUSEUM OF ART - E.L. Kirchner, German Expressionist
24632: CURATORIAL STAFF OF METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART - Art Treasures of the Metropolitan a Selection from the European and Asiatic Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
6598: R. S. JOHNSON FINE ART - Master Prints 1475-1825
23617: ARTHUR, JOHN; AMY SHAPIRO - Color Class Identity: The New Politics of Race
8236: ARTHUR, KAY - Israel, My Beloved
27121: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Pablo Picasso: Meeting in Montreal
28871: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Pablo Picasso: Meeting in Montreal
5020: SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Francesco Guardi: 1712-1793
19608: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION ON ARTS - The Drawing Society National Exhibition: 1965
27152: ARUZ, JOAN (ED); RONALD WALLENFELS (ED) - Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium from the Mediterranean to the Indus
7492: ASBELL, BERNARD - When F.D. R. Died
28579: ASCH, SHOLEM - Moses
8090: ASH, RUSSELL - The Top 10 of Everything 2000
167: ASHE, GEOFFREY - The Landscape of King Arthur
165: ASHE, GEOFFREY - Miracles
163: ASHE, GEOFFREY - King Arthur: The Dream of a Golden Age
164: ASHE, GEOFFREY - King Arthur's Avalon: The Story of Glastonbury
166: ASHE, GEOFFREY - The Discovery of King Arthur
24383: [FRANCIS BACON] FRANCE BOREL AND LINDA ASHER (TEXT) - Bacon: Portraits and Self-Portraits
228: ASHLEY, MIKE (ED ) - The Pendragon Chronicles
11604: ASHTON, GRAHAM, B. A. - The Realm of King Arthur Rex Quondam, Rex Futurus
27709: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Murder at the Aba: A Puzzle in Four Days & Sixty Scenes
29504: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space
3666: ASIMOV, ISAAC - The Collapsing Universe: The Story of Black Holes
12691: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Earth Is Room Enough
29412: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Words from the Myths
6739: ASIMOV, ISAAC; MARTIN HARRY GREENBERG AND CHARLES G. WAUGH (EDS) - The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (Two Volumes in One)
7914: ASIMOV, ISAAC - Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain
13028: ASINOF, ELIOT - The Name of the Game Is Murder an Inner Sanctum Mystery
14432: ASKINS, CHARLES - The American Shotgun
14806: ASKINS, CHARLES - Rifles and Rifle Shooting
18537: ASQUITH, MARGOT - An Autobiography (Volume 2, Only, of 4)
27703: ASQUITH, CLARE - Shakespeare and the Resistance: The Earl of Southampton, the Essex Rebellion, and the Poems That Challenged Tudor Tyranny
22552: ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Laws of the State of Illinois Enacted by the Fifty-Fifth General Assembly at the Biennial Session
4837: READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION - Stories Behind Everyday Things
15904: THE READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION (ED) - Our Magnificent Wildlife How to Enjoy It and Preserve It
18740: NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION - Journal of the Proceedings and Addresses of the Forty-Sixth Anual Meeting Held at Cleveland, Ohio, June 29-July 3, 1908
18738: NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION - Fiftieth Anniversary Volume 1857-1906
18739: NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION - Journal of the Proceedings and Addresses of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting Held at St. Louis, Missouri June 27-July 1, 1904
28433: AMERICAN SUNBATHING ASSOCIATION - Sunshine & Health: Official Organ of the American Sunbathing Association: An Educational, Scientific and Cultural Publication (Formerly the Nudist) (Vol. IX, No. 12, December 1940)
29239: AUTOMOBILE LEGAL ASSOCIATION - The Ala Green Book: Detail Maps of All States East of the Mississippi River, Ontario, Quebec, and Maritime Provinces. Showing Main Travelled Highways, Important Connections, Federal and State Highway Numbers, and Local Miliages. City Traffic Maps, Index to All Cities and Towns, Historical Notes, Hotels, Bridge, Ferry, and Regional Information
23003: AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Quality of Life: The Later Years
6183: WORLD HISTORY ASSOCIATION - Journal of World History (Vol 19, No. 1, March 2008)
6184: WORLD HISTORY ASSOCIATION - Journal of World History (Vol 19, No. 2, June 2008)
15018: ASWELL, MARY LOUISE - The Dickens Digest Four Great Dickens Masterpieces Condensed for the Modern Reader
11032: ATHERTON, GERTRUDE - Tower of Ivory
28883: ATIL, ESIN - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
24065: ATKINS, ACE - The Broken Places a Quinn Colson Novel
29800: ATLAS, JAMES - The Book Wars: What It Takes to Be Educated in America
24864: ATTANASIO, A. A. - The Last Legends of Earth
9555: ATWELL, SARAH - Pane of Death; a Glassblowing Mystery
9556: ATWELL, SARAH - Snake in the Glass
14061: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Life Before Man: Cats Eye
15844: AUBOYER, JEANNINE; ROGER GOEPPER - The Oriental World
467: AUBRY, OCTAVE - The King of Rome: Napoleon II - L'Aiglon
12488: AUBRY, OCTAVE - Napoleon
10063: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - A World of Profit
19455: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - A World of Profit
13435: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Winthrop Covenant
29916: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Winthrop Covenant
26537: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Diary of Ayuppie
14172: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Partners
25858: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Atonement and Other Stories
26321: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - Writers and Personality
25875: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Book Class
26399: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Fine Books and Manuscripts (Wednesday, 6 August 2014)
13627: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Old Master, Modern Contemporary Prints and Photographs (September 12, 2011)
13628: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Property from the Estate of Dr. Paul J. Vignos Jr. (November 6-8, 2011)
13629: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Old Master, Modern Contemporary Prints and Photographs (September 12, 2011)
13630: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts (February 12-14, 2012)
13631: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Property from o'Hara's Gallery Chicago, Illinois (January 22-24, 2012)
13624: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Leslie Hindman Auctioneers: Fine Jewelry and Timepieces: Sunday 4 December 2011, Monday 5 December 2011
13625: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts (February 12-14, 2012)
10294: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts (October 2 & 3, 2011)
7301: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts (October 2 & 3, 2011)
28847: AUDEN, W. H. - Collected Poems
28825: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES; ROGER TORY PETERSON (COMMENTARY) - Audubon: Birds of America: A Portfolio of 30 Full-Page, Full-Color, Prints with Commentaries by Roger Tory Peterson
8403: AUEL, JEAN M. - The Mammoth Hunters
9774: AUEL, JEAN M.; BACON, PAUL - The Mammoth Hunters
25270: AUGIER, EMILE; JULES SANDEAU; EDWIN CARL ROEDDER (EDITOR) - Le Gendre de M. Poirier: Comedie en Quarte Actes
28187: SAINT AUGUSTINE - The Confessions of Saint Augustine
28188: SAINT AUGUSTINE - The Confessions of Saint Augustine
29312: D'AULAIRE, INGRI & EDGAR PARIN - D'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants
25924: AULT, SANDI - Wild Inferno
17059: AUSTER, PAUL (EDITOR) - I Thought My Father Was God: And Other True Tales from Npr's National Story Program
5296: AUSTIN, PAUL BRITTON - 1815 the Return of Napoleon
18793: D'AUVERGNE, EDMUND B. - Switzerland in Sunshine and Snow
27154: AVEDON, RICHARD - Richard Avedon Portraits
13066: AVI-YONAH, MICHAEL - Jerusalem the Holy
28513: AVIGAD, NAHMAN - Discovering Jerusalem
9449: AVILA, MANUEL - Tradition and Growth: A Study of Four Mexican Villages
5883: AVORN, JERRY - Powerful Medicines: The Benefits, Risks, and Costs of Prescription Drugs
19240: AXSOM, RICHARD H. - The Prints of Ellsworth Kelly: A Catalogue Raisonne 1949-1985
23961: AYERS, JAMES T. - CIVIL Was Diary of James T. Ayers
21946: BABEL, ISAAC - You Must Know Everything: A New Collection of Stories by the Russian Master Translated, for the First Time: Stories 1915-1937
19594: BACA, ELMO; SUZANNE DEATS - Santa Fe Design
10043: BACH, RICHARD - One: A Novel
10119: BACH, RICHARD - Out of My Mind: The Discovery of Saunders-Vixen
23365: BACH, IRA J. - Chicago's Famous Buildings
5991: BACH, DAVID - The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich
14900: BACIGALUPA, DREW - Journal of an Itinerant Artist
21986: BACKES, DAVID - A Wilderness Within: The Life of Sigurd F. Olson
28962: BACKMAN, FREDRIK - My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry
15395: BACON, FRANCIS - Essays
20097: BACON, FRANCIS; W. ALDIS WRIGHT (NOTES AND INDEX) - Bacon's Essays; and Colours of Good and Evil
1934: BACON, FRANCIS - The History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh
23984: BACON, FRANCIS - Essays
27393: BACON, FRANCIS - Essays and Ancient Fables of Francis Bacon
16: BACON, EDWARD - Archaeology: Discoveries in the 1960s
8031: BACON, FRANCIS - The Effayes or Counsels CIVILL and Morall of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban
29379: BADCOCK, C. R. - Evolution and Individual Behavior: An Introduction to Human Sociobiology
27626: BADER, DAVID M. - Haiku U. : From Aristotle to Zola, 100 Great Books in 17 Syllables
26790: BAEDEKER, KARL - Great Britain: Handbook for Travellers
26788: BAEDEKER, KARL - Northern France from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire, Excluding Paris and Its Environs: Handbook for Travellers
15968: BAHUGUNA, BULBUL - The Ghosts That Come between Us Nargis's Journey, a Novel
23414: BAIGELL, MATTHEW - The Western Art of Frederic Remington
1935: BAIGENT, MICHAEL, ET AL - The Elixir and the Stone the Tradition of Magic and Alchemy
4805: BAIGENT, MICHAEL AND RICHARD LEIGH - The Temple and the Lodge
27399: BAILEY, JANET - Chicago Houses
22235: BAILEY, JANET - Chicago Houses
27277: BAILEY, CYRIL (ED); H. H. ASQUITH (INTRO) - The Legacy of Rome
26562: BAILEY, LEE - Lee Bailey's Long Weekends: Recipes for Good Food and Easy Living
25588: BAILEY, LEE - Lee Bailey's California Wine Country Cooking
17443: BAILEY, PRESTON AND MARIE TIMELL - Preston Bailey's Design for Entertaining Inspiration for Creating the Party of Your Dreams
26569: BAILEY, LEE - Southern Food & Plantation Houses
26261: BAILEY, THOMAS A. - A Diplomatic History of the American People
29053: BAILEY, ALICE COOPER - Kimo: The Whistling Boy: A Story of Hawaii
26568: BAILEY, LEE - Lee Bailey's Cooking for Friends
21301: BAILEY, COLIN B. - Renoir's Portraits: Impressions of an Age
4195: BAILEY, SUSAN - Essential History of American Art
29056: BAILEY, ALICE COOPER - The Skating Gander
26841: BAILEY, LEE; THE PILGRIMAGE GARDEN CLUB - Lee Bailey's Southern Food & Plantation Houses
24151: BAILEY, JANET - Chicago Houses
11073: BAILEY, B. N., M. B., B. S., F. R. C. S. - Bedsores
22633: BAILLIE, HUGH - High Tension the Recollections of Hugh Baillie
22939: BAILYN, BERNARD; DAVID BRION DAVIS - The Great Republic a History of the American People
12231: BAKE, WILLIAM ; KILPATRICK, JAMES J. - The American South Four Seasons of the Land
17064: BAKER, CHARLOTTE ALICE - True Stories of New England Captives: Carried to Canada During the Old French and Indian Wars
23023: BAKER, KEVIN - The Big Crowd
28131: BAKER, NORMAN B. - Early Houses of New England
15279: BAKER, GEORGE PIERCE - The Development of Shakespeare As a Dramatist
23312: BAKER, JUDITH - Group Rights
21513: BAKER, SAMM SINCLAIR & NATALIE - Introduction to Art a Guide to the Understanding and Enjoyment of Great Masterpieces
24496: BALAKIAN, PETER - The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response
21540: BALDACCI, DAVID - Divine Justice
17442: BALDACCI, DAVID - The Collectors
21992: BALDACCI, DAVID - Last Man Standing
21544: BALDACCI, DAVID - True Blue
21171: BALDACCI, DAVID - Split Second
21163: BALDACCI, DAVID - Hour Game
24812: BALDACCI, DAVID - The Winner
8647: BALDACCI, DAVID - Last Man Standing
10565: BALDRIGE, LETITIA (ED) - The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette a Guide to Contemporary Living
14736: BALDRIGE, LETITIA - Letitia Baldrige's Complete Guide to Executive Manners
1664: BALDRY, A. LYS - Burne-Jones (1833-1898)
18636: BALDWIN, JAMES ET AL. - Perspectives: Angles on African Art
18903: BALDWIN, CAROLE C. AND JULIE H. MOUNTS - One Fish, Two Fish, Crawfish, Blue Fish the Smithsonian Sustainable Seafood Cookbook
24524: BALDWIN, LELAND DEWITT - Best Hope of Earth a Grammar of Democracy
22537: BALDWIN, ELMER - History of Lasalle County Illinois: Its Topography, Geology, Botany, Natural History, History of the Mound Builders, Indian Tribes, French Explorations, and a Sketch of the Pioneer Settlers of Each Town to 1840
23743: BALL, DON, JR. - Portrait of the Rails from Steam to Diesel
20776: BALL, ROBERT W.D. - Remington Firearms the Golden Age of Collecting
17390: BALL, DON, JR. - America's Colorful Railroads
19920: BALLENTINE, GEORGE - Autobiography of an English Soldier in the United States Army
23075: BALLIET, WHITNEY - Night Creature a Journal of Jazz, 1975-1980
24041: BALSDON, DACRE - Oxford Life
17649: DE BALZAC, HONORE - The Country Doctor
12435: DE BALZAC, HONORE - Eugenie Grandet Modeste Mignon
29027: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Eugenie Grandet
26170: BALZAC, HONORE DE - The Magic Skin
15458: DE BALZAC, HONORE - The Jealousies of a Country Town and the Thirteen and Other Stories
29847: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Pere Goriot
27502: BALZAC, HONORE DE - Old Goriot (le Pere Goriot)
14234: BAMMES, GOTTFRIED - The Artist's Guide to Animal Anatomy: An Illustrated Reference to Drawing Animals
21568: BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK - Over the Plum Pudding
24747: BANTOCK, NICK - Sabine's Notebook: In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues
20530: BANTOCK, NICK - Sabine's Notebook in Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues
26526: BANVILLE, JOHN - The Untouchable
15401: BAR-AM, MICHA - Israel: A Photobiography the First Fifty Years
29161: BARBACH, LONNIE; LINDA LEVINE - Shared Intimacies: Women's Sexual Experiences
25818: BARBER, NOEL - The Fall of Shanghai
8332: BARBER, RICHARD (ED) - Legends of King Arthur (Single Volume Edition, in Slipcase)
6273: BARBOUR, RALPH HENRY - Behind the Line: A Story of College Life and Football
6326: BARBRI - Barbri Practice Questions: Multistate Testing (Mpq 2005)
12487: BARING-GOULD, S. - The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
8328: BARKER, CLIVE - Mister B. Gone
27411: BARNARD, HARRY - Eagle Forgotten: The Life of John Peter Altgeld
27072: BARNARD, SANDY - Digging Into Custer's Last Stand
26559: BARNARD, MELANIE - Short & Sweet: Sophisticated Desserts in No Time at All
28516: BARNAVI, ELI (ED) - A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People: From the Time of the Patriarchs to the Present
11962: BARNES, LINDA - Deep Pockets
29865: BARNES, MARGARET A. - Years of Grace
11961: BARNES, LINDA - The Big Dig a Carlotta Carlyle Mystery
25933: BARNES, LINDA - Heart of the World
22300: BARNES, H. VERDAIN (ED.) - The Medical Clinics of North America, Volume 59, Number 6, November 1975 Symposium on Adolescent Medicine
11972: BARNES, LINDA - Flashpoint a Carlotta Carlyle Mystery
11190: BARNETT, CORRELLI - Bonaparte
8344: BARNETT, MARY - Gods and Myths of the Romans: The Archaeology and Mythology of Ancient Peoples
9964: BARNETT, CORRELLI - Bonaparte
5237: BARON, NAOMI S. - Computer Languages: A Guide for the Perplexed
27328: BARON, ENID; BARBARA GAZZOLO (EDS) - Weaving the Threads: Discovering the Patterns of Our Lives: 1922-2012
10259: BARONE, JOE - The Body in the Record Room: A Mystery
6879: COLNAGHI; STEPHEN ONGPIN; JEAN-LUC BARONI - An Exhibition of Master Drawings (May 7 - July 11, 1998)
21993: BARR, NEVADA - Destroyer Angel
26297: BARRETT, TERENCE W. - The Search for the Forgotten Thirty-Four: Honored by the U.S. Marines, Unheralded in Their Hometowns?
27687: BARRETT, NINA - The Leopold and Loeb Files: An Intimate Look at One of America's Most Infamous Crimes
11525: BARRETT, CHARLES - The Australian Animal Book
612: BARRETT, ANTHONY A. - Caligula the Corruption of Power
27952: BARRIE, JAMES M. - Tommy and Grizel
27966: BARRIE, J. M. - The Little Minister
27082: BARRIE, J. M. - A Kiss for Cinderella: A Comedy
15337: BARRIE, JAMES M. - Tommy and Grizel
20925: BARRIE, J. M. - The Novels, Tales and Sketches of J.M. Barrie (Eleven Volumes, Complete)
23615: BARRIER, MICHAEL; MARTIN WILLIAMS - A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics
29656: BARRINGTON, E. (PSEUDONYM OF LILY ADAMS BECK) - The Irish Beauties: A Romance of the Luck of the Gunnings
8956: BARRITT, M. K. - Eyes of the Admiralty: J.T. Serres: An Artist in the Channel Fleet
4558: BARROW, JOHN D. - The Origin of the Universe
15969: BARROWS, MARJORIE (ED) - A Book of Famous Poems for Older Boys and Girls
14866: BARRY, DAVE - Dave Barry Does Japan
21806: BARRY, DAVE - Tricky Business
23553: BARRY, DAVE - Dave Barry Does Japan
26452: BARRY, DAVE - Big Trouble
27634: BARRY, BRUNONIA - The Lace Reader
19059: BARTELS, PEGGIELENE; ELEANOR HERMAN - King Peggy: An American Sercretary, Her Royal Destiny and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village
27822: BARTHA, DENES; LASZLO SOMFAI - Haydn Als Opernkapellmeister: Die Haydn-Dokumente Der Esterhazy-Opernsammlung, Mit Musikbeilage. (Two Volumes, Complete with Recording)
28573: BARTHELEMY, JOBERT - Delacroix
18395: BARTHOLOMAY, JULIA A. - The Shield of Perseus the Vision and Imagination of Howard Nemerov
15042: BARTHOLOW, ROBERTS - A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics
17804: BARTLETT, MICHAEL - Celebrating One Hundred Years: Skokie Country Club 1897-1997
18100: BARTLETT, DONALD L. AND JAMES B. STEELE - Critical Condition How Health Care in America Became Big Business- and Bad Medicine
25153: BARTLETT, JOHN - Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
25735: BARTLETT, W. B. - God Wills It!: An Illustrated History of the Crusades
26108: BARTON, SIR. D. PLUNKET; CHARLES BENHAM; FRANCIS WATT - The Story of Our Inns of Court
26740: BARTON, BRUCE - The Book Nobody Knows
4555: BARTUSIAK, MARCIA - Thursday’S Universe: A Report from the Frontier on the Origin, Nature, and Destiny of the Universe
24992: DE BARY, WILLIAM THEODORE (EDITOR) - The Buddhist Tradition in India, China and Japan
599: BARZINI, LUIGI - Julius Caesar
29737: BASBANES, NICHOLAS A. - A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes and the Eternal Passion for Books
29054: BASKIN, LEONARD - Imps, Demons, Hobgoblins, Witches, Fairies & Elves
29092: BASLER, ROY; CARL SANDBURG; ROY P. BASLER - Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings
8479: BASNAGE, [JACQUES CHRISTIAN] - Histoire Des Juifs, Depuis Jesus-Christ Jusqu'a Present (Tome Neuvieme, Premiere Partie) Pour Servir de Continuation a L'Histoire de Joseph
26751: BASSETT, JOHN SPENCER - The Short History of the United States
10136: BASSITY, MATTHEW A.R. - The Magic World of Roses
12310: BATEMAN, GRAHAM (PROJECT EDITOR) - All the World's Animals: Carnivores
21782: BATES, HENRY J.; ROBERT I. BUSENBARK - Parrots and Related Birds
20010: BAUER, JUTTA - Grandpa's Angel
11559: BAUER, CLYDE MAX, PH.D. - The Story of Yellowstone Geysers
20021: BAUER, JUTTA - Grandpa's Angel
20546: BAUGH, ALBERT C. - A History of the English Language
27827: BAUM, L. FRANK - Glinda of Oz: In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good
26874: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Patchwork Girl of Oz
21894: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Emerald City of Oz
17672: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Road to Oz
17669: BAUM, L. FRANK - Rinkitink in Oz
24345: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Land of Oz: A Sequel to the Wizard of Oz
27809: BAUMAN, THOMAS - German Opera 1770-1800: A Collection of Facsimiles of Printed and Manuscript Full Scores (Volume 5: Romeo Und Julie and Der Alchymist)
28488: BAUMGARTNER, FRANK R.; BRYAN D. JONES (EDS) - Policy Dynamics
17577: BAYER, PATRICIA - Art Deco Interiors Decoration and Design Classics of the 1920s and 1930s
22628: BAYER, WILLIAM - Pattern Crimes
17995: BAZAROV, KONSTANTIN - Landscape Painting
21218: BAZELL, JOSH - Beat the Reaper
14296: BAZIN, GERMAIN - The History of World Sculpture
14642: BAZIN, GERMAIN - De David a Cezanne la Peinture Francaise Au Xixe Siecle
5275: BAZIN, GERMAIN - A History of Art: From Prehistoric Times to the Present
7744: BAZIN, GERMAIN - De David a Cezanne la Peinture Francaise Au Xixe Siecle
27556: BEACH, REX - The Barrier
11560: BEAL, MERRILL D. - The Story of Man in Yellowstone
8898: BEAN, JACOB (CURATOR) - 100 European Drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
22383: BEARD, CHARLES A. & MARY R.; WILLIAM BEARD - The Beard's New Basic History of the United States
28349: BEARD, PETER H. - The End of the Game: The Last Word from Paradise
14969: BEARD, CHARLES; MARY BEARD - America in Midpassage
22022: BEARD, JAMES - James Beard's Theory and Practice of Good Cooking and the New James Beard
7276: BEARD, CHARLES A. - The Republic Conversation on Fundamentals
20448: BEARDSLEY, AUBREY - The Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley
20533: BEARDSLEY, AUBREY - Aubrey Beardsley: Sixty Selected Drawings
27320: BEARDSLEY, MONROE C. (ED) - The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche
26363: BEATTIE, ANN - Falling in Place
26303: BEATTIE, ANN - Love Always
4745: THE EDITORS OF COUNTRY BEAUTIFUL - A Man of Destiny: Winston S. Churchill
18500: EDITORS OF HOUSE BEAUTIFUL - House Beautiful 500 Makeovers Great Ideas & Quick Changes
24070: BEAVERS, W. ROBERT - Successful Marriage: A Family Systems Approach to Couples Therapy
26853: THE CAXTON CLUB; BRUCE YOUNG AND BRUCE BECK (EDITORS) - Rhm: Robert Hunter Middleton: The Man and His Letters: Eight Essays on His Life and Career
29581: BECK, KOA - White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind
23136: BECK, GLENN - Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America
29151: BECKER, BENJAMIN M. AND DAVID L. GIBBERMAN - On Trial! Law, Lawyers, and the Legal System
16767: A'BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT - The Comic History of England: With Twenty Coloured Etchings, and Two Hundred Woodcuts by John Leech (Two Volumes Bound in One)
26957: A' BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT - The Comic History of Rome
29397: BEDFORD-JONES, H. - L'Arbre Croche Mission: A Memorable Relation Briefly Setting Forth the Historical Facts and Eschewing All Fable & Legend, As Erected by Untutored Minds, Touching Upon the Justly Famed Mission of the Crooked Tree
1171: BEDIER, JOSEPH - The Romance of Tristan & Iseult
29571: BEDIER, JOSEPH - The Romance of Tristan & Iseult
28558: BEECHER, ELIZABETH - Roy Rogers on the Double-R Ranch
14513: BEER, ANNA - My Just Desire: The Life of Bess Raleigh, Wife to Sir Walter
27444: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN - The Mount of Olives: An Oratorio
28852: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN - Sonata for Violoncello and Pianoforte, Opus 69, First Movement: Facsimile of the Autograph
28851: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN - Sonata for Violoncello and Pianoforte, Opus 69, First Movement: Facsimile of the Autograph
24820: BEETON, SAMUEL ORCHART (ED) - Beeton's Great Book of Poetry: From Caedmon and King Alfred's Boethius to Browning and Tennyson. Containing Nearly Two Thousand of the Best Pieces in the English Language; with Sketches of the History of the Poetry of Our Country, and Biographical Notices of Five Hundred of the Poets (Two Volumes, Complete)
4958: BEGNER, EDITH P. - Son and Heir
14757: BEHREND, GEORGE - Luxury Trains from the Orient Express to the Tgv
11952: BEINHART, LARRY - You Get What You Pay for
26517: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Straight Cut
26518: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Zero Db and Other Stories
26519: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Barking Man and Other Stories
26584: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Save Me, Joe Louis
26629: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Doctor Sleep
26511: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Anything Goes
26585: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - The Washington Square Ensemble
29662: BELL, SIR CHARLES - Engravings of the Brain and Nerves
26586: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Soldier's Joy
26516: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - The Year of Silence
15946: BELLAK, LEOPOLD, M.D. - Psychology of Physical Illness Psychiatry Applied to Medicine, Surgery and the Specialties
4829: BELLOC, HILAIRE - Marie Antoinette
14478: BELLOLI, ANDREA P. A. (EDITOR) - A Day in the Country; Impressionism and the French Landscape
15339: BELLONCI, MARIA - The Life and Times of Lecrezia Borgia
3513: BELLOW, SAUL - The Dean's December
28069: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories
21233: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories
29908: BELLOW, SAUL - Humboldt's Gift
19081: BELLOW, SAUL - To Jerusalem and Back a Personal Account
5354: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories
5774: BELLOW, SAUL - More Die of Heartbreak
15233: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
14953: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - Father, Dear Father
5130: BENARDE, MELVIN A. - Our Precarious Habitat
21535: BENCHLEY, ROBERT - Chips Off the Old Benchley
7759: BENDAVID-VAL, LEAH - National Geographic the Photographs
23287: BENDER, LIONEL - Invention
16118: BENEDEK, THERESE, M.D. - Psychoanalytic Investigations: Selected Papers
18066: BENEDETTI-PICHLER, A. A. - Essentials of Quantitative Analysis an Introduction to the Basic Unit Operations
16871: BENEDICT, RUTH - The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture
27442: BENEDICT, SIR JULIUS - St. Peter: An Oratorio: The Words Selected from the Holy Scriptures. Composed for the Birmingham Festival, 1870
12737: BENEDICT, RUTH - Patterns of Culture: An Analysis of Our Social Structure As Related to Primitive Civilizations
6050: BENESCH, OTTO - Venetian Drawings of the Eighteenth Century in America
29109: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - John Brown's Body: A Poem
22711: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - John Brown's Body
11616: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - Western Star
29454: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - John Brown's Body
21583: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT - Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet: Volume Two: Prose
26118: TAPPAN GREGORY (ED); RICHARD BENTLEY; CHARLTON OGBURN; WILLIAM W. CLARY; JOHN N. HAUSER; DOROTHY OGBURN; MARTIN PERES; ARTHUR E. BRIGGS; BENJAMIN WHAM; LOUIS P. BENEZET - Shakespeare Cross-Examination: A Compilation of Articles First Appearing in the American Bar Association Journal
7557: BENFIELD, MARION W., JR. - Social Justice Through Law Series New Approaches in the Law of Contracts
26675: BENHAM, W. GURNEY - Playing Cards: History of the Pack and Explanations of Its Many Secrets
22488: BENJAMIN, DANIEL (EDITOR) - Europe 2030
27686: BENJAMIN, SUSAN S. (ED); WINNETKA HISTORICAL MUSEUM - Winnetka Architecture: Where Past Is Present: A Guide to Timeless Styles
11941: BENJAMIN, CAROL LEA - The Long Good Boy
9654: BENJAMIN, CAROL LEA - The Hard Way: A Rachel Alexander Mystery
9656: BENJAMIN, CAROL LEA - Dash P.I. : This Dog for Hire & the Dog Who Knew Too Much
24331: BENNETT, ARNOLD - Your United States: Impressions of a First Visit
24499: BENNETT, IAN - Oriental Carpet Identifier
11632: BENNETT, DR. WILLIAM J. - America: The Last Best Hope; Volume I: From the Age of Discovery to a World at War 1492-1914
20625: BENNETT, RICHARD - The Black and Tans
25816: BENNETT, DAPHNE - King without a Crown: Albert, Prince Consort of England 1819-1861
24342: BENNETT, ARNOLD - Things That Have Interested Me: Second Series
11832: BENNETT, EDWIN TURNER; THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated (Volume One, Quadrupeds, Only, of Two)
10915: BENNETT, ARNOLD - The Old Wives' Tale
25853: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. - The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals
22770: BENSUAN, S.L. - Velasquez
15210: BENTLEY, ERIC, ED. - Six Plays by Bertolt Brecht
12489: BENTLEY, GERALD EADES - Shakespeare & Jonson Their Reputations in the Seventeenth Century Compared
20309: BENTLEY, E.C. - Trent's Last Case
20797: BERENDT, JOHN - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story
20873: BERENDT, JOHN - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story
21923: BERENDT, JOHN - The City of Falling Angels
23564: BERG, A. SCOTT - Kate Remembered
28977: BERG, A. SCOTT - Goldwyn: A Biography
16527: BERG, A. SCOTT - Lindbergh
29535: BERG, MICHAEL - The Secret: Unlocking the Source of Joy & Fulfillment
5985: BERG, A. SCOTT - Kate Remembered
20969: BERGER, BILL D. AND KENNETH E. ANDERSON - Modern Petroleum a Basic Primer of the Industry
14377: BERGMAN, ROBERT P., DIANE DE GRAZIA - Vatican Treasures; Early Christian, Renaissance, and Baroque Art from the Papal Collections
15824: BERKELEY, GEORGE - Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
7865: BERKI, SYLVESTER E - Hospital Economics
19401: BERKOW, IRA - Red: A Biography of Red Smith
18186: BERKOWITZ, BRUCE - The New Face of War: How War Will Be Fought in the 21st Century
26264: BERKY, ANDREW S.; JAMES P. SHENTON (EDITORS) - The Historians' History of the United States (Two Volumes, Complete, in Slipcase)
29374: BERMAN, AVIS - Rebels on Eighth Street: Juliana Force and the Whitney Museum of American Art
29287: BERMAN, EUGENE - The Graphic Work of Eugene Berman
5550: BERMAN, PAUL - Terror and Liberalism
27118: BERNAL, IGNACIO - 100 Great Masterpieces of the Mexican National Museum of Anthropology
15095: BERNARDI, EDWARD PIACENTINI - The Reluctant Patriot an Italian Tragedy
16162: BERNARDIEN, JOSEPH CARDINAL - The Gift of Peace Personal Reflections
23065: BERNBAUM, ERNEST - Guide Through the Romantic Movement
3362: BERNHEIMER, KONRAD O. - An Art Dealer's Choice: Recent Acquisitions, 1993
4530: BERNHEIMER, KONRAD O. - An Art Dealer's Choice: Recent Acquisitions, 1993
4687: BERNHEIMER, KONRAD O. - An Art Dealer's Choice: Recent Acquisitions 1993
17616: BERNSTEIN, RICHARD AND ROSS H. MUNRO - The Coming Conflict with China
4965: BERNSTEIN, JEREMY - Quantum Profiles
19733: BEROLZHEIMER, RUTH - Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook New Revised Edition
4785: BEROUL - The Romance of Tristan: And the Tale of Tristan's Madness
13026: BERRA, YOGI - When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It! Inspiration and Wisdom from One of Baseball's Greatest Heroes
26057: BERRA, YOGI; DAVE KAPLAN - When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!: Inspiration and Wisdom from One of Baseball's Greatest Heroes
23371: BERRALL, JULIA S. - The Garden: An Illustrated History
26548: BERRY, WENDELL - Remembering
26255: BERRY, WENDELL - Watch with Me, and Six Other Stories of the Yet-Remembered Ptolemy Proudfoot and His Wife, Miss Minnie, Nee Quinch
26420: BERRY, ERICK - The Four Londons of William Hogarth
13709: BERTELLI, CARLO - Piero Della Francesca
11114: BERTRAND, LOUIS - Histoire de Napoleon
3077: BERZUNZA, JULIO - Alexander the Great and the Alexander Romances: A Tentative Classification of Books, Panphelets and Pictures Concerning Alexander the Great and the Alexander Romances from the Collection of Julio Berzunza
26653: BESANT, WALTER; E. H. PALMER - Jerusalem: The City of Herod and Saladin
9470: BESANT, WALTER - Beyond the Dreams of Avarice
13142: BESCHLOSS, MICHAEL R. - Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989
19061: BESCHLOSS, MICHAEL R. (EDITOR) - Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964
19584: BESLER, BASILIUS; GERALD G. AYMONIN; EILEEN FINLETTER; JEAN AYER; PIERRE GASCAR - The Besler Florilegium: Plants of the Four Seasons
20402: BESOMBES, R. P. JACOBO (JACQUES BESOMBES) - Moralis Christiana Ex Scriptura Sacra, Traditione, Conciliis, Patribus, Et Insignioribus Theologis Excerpta (Tomus I)
28477: BESSETTE, JOSEPH M. - The Mild Voice of Reason: Deliberative Democracy and American National Government
12387: BEST, NICHOLAS - Historic Britain from the Air
19029: BETANCOURT, INGRID - Even Silence Has an End: My Six Years of Captivity in the Colombian Jungle
21488: BETTMANN, OTTO L. - The Bettmann Archive Picture History of the World: The Story of Western Civilization Retold in 4460 Pictures
13972: BETTMANN, OTTO L. - A Pictorial History of Medicine
24181: BEVAN, EDWYN - German War Aims
28144: BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. - Abraham Lincoln 1809-1858 (Volume One, Only, of Two)
8679: BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. - The Life of John Marshall (Four Volumes, Complete)
21871: BEVINGTON, HELEN - Dr. Johnson's Waterfall and Other Poems
18407: BEYLE, MARIE-HENRI (STENDHAL) - The Red and the Black
22640: BHALDRAITHE, TOMAS DE - English-Irish Dictionary
29176: BIANCOLLI, LOUIS - The Book of Great Conversations; Edited, from Historical Sources, in Dramatic Form and with Biographical Sketches
21192: BIBB, PORTER - It Ain't As Easy As It Looks Ted Turner's Amazing Story
29186: BIBLE - The Gospel According to Saint John: Translated out of the Original Greek; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised
28026: BIBLE - New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the Book of Psalms, Translated out of the Original Greek and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, Set Forth in 1611 and Commonly Known As the King James Version
28616: BIBLE - The Holy Bible, the Authorized or King James Version of 1611 Now Reprinted with the Apocrypha. In Three Volumes with Reproductions of 105 of the Sixteenth-Century Woodcuts of Bernard Salomon. (3 Volumes, Complete)
28618: BIBLE - The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments in the Authorized King James Version
24118: BIBLE - Holy Bible: Catholic Edition, Anglicized Text, New Revised Standard Version
28940: BIBLE - The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Greek: Being the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611 Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities, and Revised A.D. 1881
27725: BIBLE - Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures - the New Jps Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
27299: BIBLE - The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised: With Marginal Notes and References: Together with the Apocrypha. To Which Are Added an Index: An Alphabetical Table of All the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with Their Significations; and, What Has Never Before Been Added, an Account of the Lives and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists.
26380: BIBLE - The New American Bible
29464: BIBLE - Bibeln Eller Den Heliga Skrift: Innehållande Gamla Och Nya Testamentets Kanoniska Böcker
25461: BIBLIOTHEQUE D'EDUCATION FRANCAISE, BARONNE STAFFE - De L'Education Des Jeunes Gens Avis de Marquise de Lambert a Son Fils
29112: BICKHAM, GEORGE, THE YOUNGER - The Musical Entertainer (Volumes 1 and 2, Complete in One Volume) (a Facsimile of the 1740 London Edition)
7134: BIDDLE, MARTIN - King Arthur's Round Table: An Archaeological Investigation
15868: BIEHL, JOAO - Will to Live, Aids Therapies and the Politics of Survival
25695: BIERMAN, JOHN - Napoleon III and His Carnival Empire
22420: BIGGIO, GIOVANNI; ERMINIO COSTA; G. L. GESSA; P. F. SPANO - Receptors As Supramolecular Entities
28589: BIGOT, CHARLES - Gloires Et Souvenirs Militaires
19149: BILLARD, JULES B. (EDITOR) - The World of the American Indian
20743: BILLARD, JULES B. (EDITOR) - Ancient Egypt Discovering Its Splendors
13315: BIN LADIN, CARMEN - Inside the Kingdom My Life in Saudi Arabia
19438: BINDLOSS, HAROLD - The Young Traders
22507: BING-WU, LI (ED) - Emperor Qin Shihuang's Eternal Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses a Mighty and Valiant Underground Army over 2,200 Years Back
4688: BINNEY, DON AND CAROLE DEVANEY - Living with Houseplants: Window Boxes and Terraces
18720: BINSTEIN, MICHAEL AND CHARLES BOWDEN - Trust Me Charles Keating and the Missing Billions
22801: BIRMINGHAM, STEPHEN - Real Lace America's Irish Rich
25675: BIRMINGHAM, STEPHEN - America's Secret Aristocracy
2415: BIRSNER, E. PATRICIA - Job Hunting for the 40+ Executive
4311: BISCHOFF, DAVID - Star Spring: A Space Opera
14540: BISHOP, JIM - The Day Kennedy Was Shot
16549: BISHOP, ELIZABETH - The Collected Prose
17323: BISHOP, GEORGE - Rolls-Royce
24861: BISHOP, JIM - The Day Lincoln Was Shot
29457: BISKUPIC, JOAN - American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
29490: BISKUPIC, JOAN - The Chief: The Life and Turbulent Times of Chief Justice John Roberts
18169: BITTMAN, JAMES B. - Options for the Stock Investor
11033: BLACK, WILLIAM - The Strange Adventures of a House-Boat
18083: BLACK, WILLIAM - The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton
18081: BLACK, WILLIAM - Macleod of Dare a Novel
18082: BLACK, WILLIAM - Sunrise a Story of These Times
29178: BLACKFORD, LT. COLONEL W. W. - War Years with Jeb Stuart
22292: BLACKIE, W. G. - The Imperial Gazetteer: A General Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Political. Statistical and Descriptive. Compiled from the Latest and Best Authorities. (Two Volumes, Complete)
10210: BLACKMORE, R. D. - Lorna Doone
17010: BLACKMORE, R. D. - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
27402: BLACKMORE, R. D. - Lorna Doone (Madge Bellamy Edition)
23573: BLAKE, WENDON - The Acrylic Painting Book
10587: BLAKE, WILLIAM - The World Is Mine the Story of a Modern Monte Cristo
1966: BLAKE, WILLIAM - Selections from the Writings of William Blake
16273: BLAKEMORE, KENNETH - The Book of Gold
25620: BLANCHAN, NELTJE (PSEUDONYM OF NELTJE BLANCHAN DE GRAFF DOUBLEDAY) - Birds That Hunt and Are Hunted: Life Histories of One Hundred and Seventy Birds of Prey, Game Birds and Waterfowls
29192: BLANCHARD, AMOS - Book of Martyrs, or, a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive and Protestant Martyrs, from the Introduction of Christianity, to the Latest Periods of Pagan, Popish, Protestant, and Infidel Persecutions
24320: BLANCK, JACOB - Peter Parley to Penrod: A Bibliographical Description of the Best-Loved American Juvenile Books
22353: DE BLASI, MARLENA - That Summer in Sicily a Love Story
27630: BLAUNER, PETER - The Intruder
15307: BLEVINS, WINFRED - Charbonneau Man of Two Dreams
22455: BLINN, LUCIA - Passing for Normal: Poems and Stories
4368: BLISH, JAMES - The Star Dwellers
4424: BLISH, JAMES AND ROBERT LOWNDES - The Duplicated Man
4372: BLISH, JAMES - The Triumph of Time
4370: BLISH, JAMES - Jack of Eagles
6758: BLISH, JAMES - The Night Shapes
7454: BLITZ, SHMUEL - Bedtime Stories of Jewish Values
15204: BLITZER, WOLF - Territory of Lies: The Exclusive Story of Jonathan Jay Pollard: The American Who Spied on His Country for Israel and How He Was Betrayed
2648: BLOCH, MICHAEL (ED) - Wallis and Edward: Letters, 1931-1937: The Intimate Correspondence of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
12529: BLOCH, MICHAEL (ED) - Wallis and Edward, 1931-1937: The Intimate Correspondence of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
619: BLOCH, RAYMOND - The Etruscans
11727: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - The Burglar on the Prowl
8627: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - A Dance at the Slaughter House: A Matt Scudder Mystery
8675: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - A Walk Among the Tombstones
9198: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - Out on the Cutting Edge
9230: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - Ticket to the Boneyard
9234: BLOCK, LAWRENCE - All the Flowers Are Dying
18300: BLOOM, BARBARA - Ghost Writer / Und Wenn Sie Nicht Gestorben Sind...
13181: BLOOM, HAROLD - Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations: Edward Fitzgerald's the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
9471: BLOOM, MARTIN - The Paradox of Helping; Introduction to the Philosophy of Scientific Practice
10571: BLOW, RICHARD - American Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, Jr.
6757: BLUM, RALPH - The Simultaneous Man
28748: BLUM, DANIEL - A Pictorial History of the American Theatre: 1900-1950
29309: BLUMBERG, PAUL - Inequality in an Age of Decline
10882: BLUME, JUDY - Superfudge
27741: BLUME, FRIEDRICH (ED) - Die Musik in Geschichte Und Gegenwart: Allgemine Enzyklopadie Der Musik: Unter Mitarbeit Zahlreicher Musikforscher Des in-Und Auslandes Herausgegeben Von Friedrich Blume (14 Volumes, Complete, in Addition to Five Supplement Volumes).
23803: BLYTON, ENID - Night-Time Tales: A Bedtime Collection of Three Timeless Fairytales
6404: ENERGY RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD - Review of the National Research Council Report "Physics Through the 1990's"
5686: BOARDMAN, PHILLIP C.; AND CHARLES E. WYATT (EDS) - Forgotten Arthurian Poetry
7047: BOAS, MARIE - The Scientific Renaissance 1450-1630
26378: BOATNER, MARK MAYO - The CIVIL War Dictionary
28828: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron
29116: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - Stories from the Decameron
26873: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron (Two Volumes, Complete)
22736: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron of Boccaccio
28046: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron
23851: BOCCACCIO, JOHN - The Decameron the Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation
908: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
26477: BODANIS, DAVID - E=MC²: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation
1103: BODINI, VITTORIO - The Hands of the South Feldman & Swann (Trans. )
28337: BOEMI, ANDREW A. - Michelangelo's Last Painting: Its Chilling Revelation
23777: BOETTGER, SUZAAN - Earthworks: Art and the Landscape of the Sixties
15745: BOGARD, TRAVIS - Contour in Time: The Plays of Eugene o'Neill
25851: BOGARDE, DIRK - A Gentle Occupation
17200: BOGART, ERNEST LUDLOW - Economic History of the United States
11765: BOGER, LOUISE ADE - House & Garden's Antiques: Questions & Answers
28360: BOGGS, CARL - The End of Politics: Corporate Power and the Decline of the Public Sphere
19766: BOHLEN, P. VON - Das Alte Indien, Mit Besonderer Rucksicht Auf Aegypten. Erster Und Zweiter Theil.
29396: BOHN, DAVE; DAVID BROWER (ED) - Glacier Bay: The Land and the Silence
14027: BOJER, JOHAN - The Great Hunger
14837: BOK, SISSELA - Common Values
14290: BOLL, HEINRICH - Group Portrait with Lady
12216: BOLLER, HENRY A. - Among the Indians: Eight Years in the Far West 1858-1866
6722: BOLUCH, KATHLEEN ANN - Julia's World: Better Times, Part One
16694: BOND, MICHAEL - Paddington and the Marmalade Maze
8767: BOND, LARRY - Day of Wrath
18073: BONE, MUIRHEAD (ARTIST) - The Western Front (Volume 1 Only)
26211: BONETT, EMILY - Old Mrs. Camelot
24882: BONHAMS - Treasures from the Caren Archive: How History Unfolds on Paper
29391: BONNER, JOHN TYLER - Life Cycles: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist
4828: BONSELS, WALDEMAR - An Indian Journey
21476: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Mongol Conquests: Timeframe Ad 1200-1300
442: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - 11. The Age of Calamity A.D. 1300-1400
28287: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Pompeii: The Vanished City
23449: EDITORS OF PREVENTION MAGAZINE HEALTH BOOKS - Everyday Health Tips: 2000 Practical Hints for Better Health and Happiness
18683: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Events That Shaped Our Century
15772: SERENDIPITY BOOKS - Serendipity Books: Catalogue 38: American Fiction of the 1960s. (2108 Listings)
14167: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Aztecs: Reign of Blood & Splendor
14153: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs
2891: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - This Fabulous Century II 1910-1920
22024: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Fresh Ways with Picnics and Barbecues
4210: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - This Fabulous Century 1940-1950
24760: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Eastern Europe
24758: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Soviet Union
24934: ROYAL BOOKS - Royal Books Catalog Forty-Four
21474: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Pulse of Enterprise: Timeframe Ad 1800-1850
25015: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Barbarian Tides: Timeframe 1500-600 Bc
25016: EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - A Soaring Spirit: Timeframe 600-400 Bc
21465: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The Nuclear Age: Timeframe 1950-1990
21466: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Winds of Revolution: Timeframe Ad 1700-1800
21473: THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Voyagers of Discovery: Timeframe Ad 1400-1500
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