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Acanthophyllum Books 243 Pensby Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH61 5UA, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)151 342 8287 Email: a.books@mac.com | ||||
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41078: O'Guiheen, M. - A pity youth does not last: Peig Sayers' son reflects
24915: Guillaumet, J.-L., Belin, M. & Puig, H. - Phytogéographie tropicale: réalités et perspectives
40743: Guillemard, F.H.H. (ed.) - Cambridge County Geographies (7 v.): Carnarvonshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, North Lancashire, Staffordshire, West London and Westmorland
13574: Guillèn, R.F.I. - La flora de les comarques litorals compreses entre la riera d'Alforja i el riu Ebre
40226: Guillory, D. - The alligator inventions
20643: Guinness, B. & Knox, J. - Garden your way to health and fitness
39965: Guinness - Guinness
24357: Guinochet, M. & Vilmorin, R. de - Flore de France (3 fascicules)
13776: Guittonneau, G.-G. - Contribution à l'étude biosystématique du genre Erodium L'Hér. dans le bassin méditerranéen occidental
34073: Gummer, J. et al. - Biodiversity: the UK Action Plan
39234: Gummer, J. et al. (foreword) - Biodiversity: the UK Action Plan
24875: Gunawardane, H.G. - Kanneliya - Dediyagala - Nakiyadeniya forest complex: a biodiversity hotspot in Sri Lanka
41523: Gundrey, E. - Fun in the garden
31745: Gundrey, E. (ed.) - Then: 1901
34573: Gunn, P. - The Actons: remarkable people
27433: Gunn, Angus Sutherland - Australia 1788: a mine of botanical novelty
27030: Gunn, M. & Codd, L.E. - Botanical exploration of sourthern Africa
38348: Gunn, J.A. - An introduction to pharmacology and therapeutics
37976: Gunn, C.R. & Dennis, J.V. - World guide to tropical drift seeds and fruits
4480: Gunn, Angus Sutherland - Australia 1788: a mine of botanical novelty
38685: Gunn, C.R. - Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Mimosoideaeae (Fabaceae)
38684: Gunn, C.R. - Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae (Fabaceae)
2122: Gunnerus, Johan Ernst; foreword by Harald Nissen - Hans opvaekkelige hyrdebrev til det belaervaerdige, hoj- og bellaerde Praestestab i Trondheims Stift
37388: Gunnis, R. - Dictionary of British sculptors 1660-1851
35300: Gunston, D.; Lake, A. (ill.) - Lawnswood chronicles
10686: Gunston, H.W. & Hawkes, C.W. - Principles and practice of school gardening and connected handwork
37503: Guntau, M. (ed.) - Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Lateinamerika
32133: Günthart, L. - Water colors & drawings
36576: Günther, A. - The history of the collections contained in the natural history departments of the British Museum, vol. II. Appendix: general history of the department of Zoology from 1856 to 1895.
37326: Gunther, A.E. - John Geoge Children, F.R.S. (1777-1852) of the British Museum, mineralogist and reluctant Keeper of Zoology
42697: Günther, A. - Catalogue of the Colubrine snakes in the collection of the British Museum
34968: Gunther, R.W.T. (ed.) - Further correspondence of John Ray
35170: Gunther, A.E. - The founders of science at the British Museum 1753-1900
39560: Gunther, R.W.T. - Further correspondence of John Ray
37496: Gunther, A.E. - Matthew Maty MD, FRS (1718-76) and science at the foundation of the British Museum, 1753-80
37488: Gunther, A.E. - Edward Whitaker Gray (1748-1806), Keeper of natural curiosities at the British Museum
36289: Gunther, A.E. - The miscellaneous autobiographical manuscripts of John Edward Gray (1800-1875)
34581: Gunther, R.T. (ed.) - The diary and will of Elias Ashmole
16849: Gupta, A.K. & Ayoob, S. - Fluoride in drinking water: status, issues, and solutions
21877: Gurdon, J.B. - The control of gene expression in animal development
30977: Gurney, J.H. - Early annals of ornithology
41174: Gurney, R.W. - Ions in solution
15606: Gurney, J.H. - Early annals of ornithology
40227: Gurney, I. - Ivor Gurney: everyman's poetry
26404: Gürtzig, E. (ill.); Pettigrew, E. (text) - Snowy, the Easter Rabbit
41306: Gussow, A. - A sense of place: the artist and the American land
27910: Gustafson, A.F. et al. - Conservation in the United States
19352: Gustafsson, . - Apomixis in higher plants
28831: Guthrie-Smith, H. - Mutton birds and other birds
9241: Guthrie, D.M. - Neuroethology
39794: Guthrie, D. (ed.) - History of the Royal Medical Society 1737-1937
34467: Gutomar, N. - Catalogue: Castellane Musée Sirènes & fossiles (Museum mermaids and fossils)
21364: Gutzwiller, K.J. - Applying landscape ecology in biological conservation
6733: Gwirl, Peter - Kirchberg, Ashau im Spertental (Tirol, Austria): Wanderführer / Hiking guide
33210: Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I. & Barnes, B. - The structure and development of the fungi
36106: Ha_ek, J. - The good soldier _vejk and his fortunes in the world war
16943: Haarmann, K. & Pretscher, O. - Die Feuchtgebiete internationaler Bedeutung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
21076: Haas, M. - Extremely rare birds in the western Palearctic
14060: Haas, T.C. - Introduction to probability and statistics for ecosystem managers
34468: Haas, W, (ed,) - 150 Jahre Palaeontographica
11872: Habel, E., Gröbel, F. - Mittellateinisches Glossar
36163: Habeler, P. - Everest: impossible victory
34469: Haber, F.C. - The age of the world, Moses to Darwin
33331: Habib, M.A.R. (ed. & tr.) - An anthology of modern Urdu poetry
30086: Hacker, J. - The complete ""Yes Minister"": the diaries of a Cabinet Minister
38960: Hackett, C. & Carolane, J. - Edible horticultural crops (Parts II, III and IV)
38833: Hackney, P. (ed.) - Stewart & Corry's Flora of the North-east of Ireland
28750: Hackney, F. & I. - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
13727: Hackney, P. (ed.) - Stewart & Corry's Flora of the North-east of Ireland
41945: Haddakin, L. - The poetry of Crabbe
16532: Hadden, D. - Birds of the North Solomons.
13028: Hadding, A. - The pre-Quaternary sedimentary rocks of Sweden, III: The paleozoic and mesozoic sandstones of Sweden
27169: Hadfield, M. - A history of British gardening
27248: Hadfield, M., Harlling, R. & Highton, L. - British gardeners: a biographical dictionary
27249: Hadfield, Miles - Pioneers in Gardening
14307: Hadfield, J. (ed.) - The Shell book of English villages
25392: Hadfield, M. - The art of the garden
163: Hadfield, Miles - Pioneers in Gardening
34850: Hadfield, C. & Skempton, A.W. - William Jessop, engineer
13471: Hadfield, M. - The art of the garden
31065: Hadfield, M. - Everyman's wild flowers and trees
36151: Hadfield, J. (ed.) - The Shell guide to England
6471: Hadfield, Miles - Pioneers in gardening
40228: Hadfield, J. - Nigh-no-place
35649: Hadfield, C. & Norris, J. - Waterways to Stratford
35647: Hadfield, C. - British canals
35648: Hadfield, C. - Thomas Telford's temptation
36904: Hadfield, Sir R.A. - The history and progress of metallurgical science
35650: Hadfield, C. - The canals of the West Midlands
42454: Hadow, W.H. - Beethoven's Op. 18 quartets
34764: Haeckel, E.; Gifford, G.B. (tr.) - The story of the development of a youth
34765: Haeckel, E.; Gifford, G.B. (tr.) - Monism, as connecting religion and science
36662: Haeckel, E. - The evolution of man (vol. 1 only)
36577: Haeckel, E. - The evolution of man (2 v.)
25246: Haegens, R. - Taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeography of Baccaurea, Distichirhops and Nothobaccaurea (Euphorbiaceae)
16533: Haffer, J. - Avian speciation in Tropical South America
37820: Haffer, J. - Avian speciation in tropical South America
28454: Hafiz, A. & Aziz, M. - Conversational dictionary of spoken Arabic
38317: Häflinger, E. & Scholz, H. - Grass weeds 1: weeds of the subfamily Panicoideae
15479: Hagberg, Knut; tr. by Alan Blair - Carl Linnaeus
20707: Hagberg, Knut (tr. Vos) - Carl Linnaeus, de bloemenkoning
16534: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. - The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds.
4652: Hagen, Hermann August - Bibliotheca entomologica: die Literatur ueber das ganze Gebiet der Entomologie bis zum Jahre 1862
32621: Haggard, H.R. - Queen Sheba's ring
32623: Haggard, H.R. - Swallow
32605: Haggard, H.R. - Ayesha: the return of She
32606: Haggard, H.R. - Beatrice
32608: Haggard, H.R. - Dawn
32611: Haggard, H.R. - The holy flower
32612: Haggard, H.R. - The ivory child
32616: Haggard, H.R. - Montezuma's daughter
32620: Haggard, H.R. - The people of the mist
32626: Haggard, H.R. - The witch's head
32627: Haggard, H.R. - The yellow gold: an idol of Africa
30325: Haggard, H.R. - The holy flower
32625: Haggard, H.R. - When the world shook
32624: Haggard, H.R. - The treasure of the lake
32603: Haggard, H.R. - Allan Quatermain
32615: Haggard, H.R. - Marie
32619: Haggard, H.R. - Pearl-maiden: a tale of the fall of Jerusalem
32609: Haggard, H.R. - Fair Margaret
32610: Haggard, H.R. - Heart of the world
32604: Haggard, H.R. - Allan's wife
8294: Haggart, D.A. - Botanical notes: Appin, Fortingall, Schiehallion and Ben Lawers
27853: Hágsater, E. & Dumont, V. (eds.); Pridgeon, A.M. - Status survey and conservation action plan: Orchids
42432: Municipality of The Hague - In the Hague Old Town Hall
35697: Haileybury College [Cheltenham]; Speakman, L.A. - Haileybury Register 1862-1922
38508: Hails, C., Jarvis, F. - Birds of Singapore
16535: Hails, C. & Jarvis, F. - Birds of Singapore
39281: W.W.F.; Hails, C. (compiled by) - The importance of biological diversity
2211: Haines, Will E., Towers, Leoo & Ford, Victor - Gracie's album of 12 song hits!
25497: Haines, G. - Sound under water
31152: Haines, A.L. - The Yellowstone story (2 v.)
14904: Haines, G.H. - Whose countryside?
35811: Haining, J. & Tyler, C. - Ploughing by steam
12084: Hainsworth, M.D. - Experiments in animal behaviour
33096: Mat;haion - __________ ____ ________ [Gospel according to Matthew]
30878: Hakluyt, R. - The Tudor venturers
19102: Hakluyt; Rowse, A.L. (rev. & intro.) - The first colonists: Hakluyt's voyages to North America
30877: Hakluyt, R. - Voyages to the Virginia colonies
36044: Hála, J., Maros, G. - Art geo palota a stefánián: a Földtani Intézet szecessziós épülete [The artistic geopalace on the Stefania: Art Nouveau building of the Institute of Geology
23472: Halbe-Bauer, U. - Mein Agnes: die Geschichte der Agnes Dürer
33722: Haldemann, H.R. - The ends of power
22700: Haldon, J. - The Byzantine wars
29896: Hale, L.J. - Biological laboratory data
15091: Hale, M. (ed.) - Ecology in education
23156: Hale, J.R. (ed.) - A concise encylopaedia of the Italian Renaissance
34178: Hale, M.E., Cole, M. - How to know the lichens
35194: Hale, W.G. - Waders
34177: Hale, M.E., Cole, M. - Lichens of California
7660: Haley, W.B. - Plants and shells of the Spen Valley
36804: Hall, A.R. & Bembridge, B.A. - Physic and philanthropy: a history of the Wellcome Trust 1936-1986
28254: Hall, A.D. & Russell, E.J. - A report on the agriculture and soils of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex
27987: Hall, N. - The romance of Kew
10305: Hall., A.V. (ed.) - Conservation of threatened natural habitats
5302: Hall, A.V. & Veldhuis, H.A. - South African red data book: plants. Fynbos and Karoo biomes.
34180: Hall, G.S. & Minter, D.W. - International Mycological Directory 1994
7993: Hall, H.R. - The ancient history of the Near East from the earliest times to the Battle of Salamis
34160: Hall, P.M. - The Irish marsh orchids
7667: Hall, A.D., revised by E.J. Russell - The book of Rothamsted experiments
31701: Hall, D. (ed.) - Contemporary American poetry
39795: Hall, A.R. - The Cambridge philosophical society: a history 1819-1969
36806: Hall, A.R. & Bembridge, B.A. - Physic and philanthropy: a history of the Wellcome Trust 1936-1986
37054: Hall, R. - Marie Stopes: a biography
31066: Hall, C.A. - A pocket-book of British butterflies, moths and other winged insects
36351: Hall, C.R. - A scientist in the early Republic: Samuel Latham Mitchell 1764-1831
9593: Hall, J. & Waterkeyn, S. - The art of flower arranging
34671: Hall, I. - William Constable as patron, 1721-1791
39957: Hall, D. - The record book: a music lover's guide to the world of the phonograph
35076: Hall-Patch, A. - Charles Blacker Vignoles, FRS
9757: Hall, S.C. & Hall, Mrs - The book of the Thames from its rise to its fall
30826: Hall, P. - The world cities
30827: Hall, P. - London 2000
34179: Hall, G.S. & Hawksworth, D. - International Mycological Directory 1990
38438: Hall, K. & Govett, J. - Where to watch birds: Somset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire
32033: Hall, M.A. (ed.) - Plant structure, function and adaptation
35937: Hall, A.R. & Smith, N. - History of technology (10 v.), discontinuous.
37053: Hall, R. (ed.) - Dear Dr Stopes: sex in the 1920's
38067: Hall, B.G. - Phylogenetic trees made easy: a how-to manual
36823: Hall, B. (indexer) - The cartographic journal: cumulative index vol. 1-15, 1964-1978
16752: Hallack, C. - The legion of Mary
38104: Hallé, F. - Biologie d'une canopée de forêt équatoriale, III.
25686: Hallé, C.; Kennedy, M. (ed.) - The autobiography of Charles Hallé
31888: Hallé, N. - Flore du Gabon no. 2: Sterculiacées
38879: Hallé, F., Pascal, O.. (es.) - Biologie d'une canopée de forêt équatoriale, II.
27884: Hallgrímsson, B. & Hall, B.K. - Epigenetics
28118: Halliday, T. - Vanishing birds: their natural history and conservation
14851: Halliday, T. & Adler, K. - The encyclopaedia of reptiles and amphibians
21078: Halliday, T. - Vanishing birds: their natural history and conservation
16164: Halliday, S. & Lushington, L. - A photographer's eye view of the flowers of northern Cyprus
22034: Halliday, T. - Vanishing Birds: their natural history and conservation
211: Halliday, Geoffrey - Flowering plants and ferns of Cumbria
33694: Halliday, P. - The illustrated Rhododendron (etc.)
23742: Halliday, T. - Sexual strategy
33155: Halliday, S. & Lushington, L. - A photographer's eye view of the flowers of northern Cyprus
28580: Hallingbäck, T. & HolmOEsen, I. - Mossor: en fälthandbook
13774: Hallingbäck, T. (ed.) - Rödlistade mossor I Sverige
13084: Halliwell, B. - The propagation of alpine plants and dwarf bulbs
38961: Halliwell, B - Colourful herbs
27572: O'Halloran, D. et al. (eds) - Geological and Landscape Conservation
37286: Halsall, F. - Shore to summit: a photographic guide to the geology of Britain and Ireland
19683: Halstead, L.B. - The pattern of vertebrate evolution
31067: Haltenorth, T. & Diller, H. - A field guide to the mammals of Africa including Madagascar
39361: Haltenorth, T. & Diller, H. - A field guide to the mammals of Africa
34767: Ham, E.; Gillett, E. - Elizabeth Ham by herself 1783-1820
41928: Hamblin, W.K. & Murphy, J.R. - Gran Canyon perspectives: a guide to the Canyon scenery by means of interpretive panoramas
41683: Hamblin, R.J.O., Warwick, G.T. & White, D.E. - Geological handbook for the Wrens Nest National Nature Reserve
41684: Hamblin, R.J.O., Brown, I.J. and Ellwood, J. - Mineral resources of the Coalbrookdale coalfield: basis of the industrial revolution
33215: Hamblyn, R. - The cloud book
34824: Hamblyn, R. - The invention of clouds
37504: Hamblyn, R. - The invention of clouds
41562: Hamburger, M. - Beethoven: letters, journals and conversations
41340: De Hamel, C. - The Book: a history of the bible
36093: De Hamel, C. - The Corpus Clock
23949: Hamer, E. - The metres of English poetry
22326: Hämet-Ahti, L. - Zonation of the mountain birch forests in northernmost Fennoscandia
4526: Hamilton, Genesta - A stone's throw: travels from Africa in six decades
32368: Hamilton, G. - Geoff Hamilton's paradise gardens: creating and planting a secluded garden
39561: Hamilton, H. - The English brass and copper industries to 1800
27713: Hamilton, G. - Cottage gardens
21366: Hamilton, L. & McMillan, L. - Guidelines for planning and managing mountain protected areas
28433: Hamilton, C. - England is a garden
16944: Hamilton, L.S. & Snedaker, S.C. (eds.) - Handbook for Mangrove Area Management
20157: Hamilton, T. - My brother Geoff: the people's gardener
42479: Hamilton, I. - Against oblivion: some lives of the Twentieth-Century poets
27963: Hamilton, A. & P. - Plant conservation: an ecosystem approach
22107: Hamilton, W.R. - The history of mammals
24518: Hamilton-Paterson, J. - America's boy: the Marcoses and the Philippines
38178: Hamilton, A.C. & Bensted-Smith, R. - Forest conservation in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania
31277: Hamilton, W.R., Woolley, A.R. & Bishop, A.C. - The Hamlyn guide to minerals, rocks and fossils
24985: Hamilton, A. (ed.) - The evolution of phylogenetic systematics
16109: Hamilton, W.R., Woolley, A.R. & Bishop, A.C. - The Hamlyn guide to minerals, rocks and fossils
40732: Hamilton, I. (ed.) - The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry
19774: Hamilton, T.J. - Appeasement's child: the Franco regime in Spain
42483: Hamilton, I. - Robert Lowell: a biography
34530: Hamilton, J.T. & K.G. - History of the Moravian Church
38177: Hamilton, A. (intro.) - World plant conservation bibliography
36115: Hamilton, H. - The industrial revolution in Scotland
39237: Hamilton, L.S. - Tropical rainforest use and preservation: a study of problems and practices in Venezuela
39236: Hamilton, L.S., Steyermark, J., Veillon, J.P. & Mondolfi, E. - Conservacion de los bosques humedos de Venezuela
36961: Hamilton, J. - Turner and the scientists
30074: Hamlett, G. - Best birdwatching sites in the Scottish Highlands
30590: Hamlin, G. - Our birds month by month
36962: Hamlyn, R. & Phillips, M. - William Blake
25345: Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) - Manuel de plantas de Costa Rica, vol. 1
39200: Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) - Manuel de plantas de Costa Rica, vol. 1
29808: Rogers and Hammerstein - Carousel: You'll never walk alone
30090: Hammerton, J.A. (ed.) - The war illustrated (vol. 6 only)
36963: Hammill, G. - The Royal Society's portraits and busts
39421: Hammond, N. (ed.) - Artists for nature in Extremadura
39440: Hammond, N., Pearson, B. - Birds in your garden: an introduction to their way of life
31279: Hammond, N. - RSPB Nature Reserves
976: Hammond, Muriel - Castles of Britain. 3: Wales & Northern Ireland
36807: Hammond, Dr P. - Dr Hammond's covid casebook
31069: Hammond, N. (ed.) - The Wildlife Trusts guide to trees
31278: Hammond, J - Farm animals: their breeding, growth, and inheritance
37220: Hammond, J.L. & B. - The town labourer 1760-1832: the new civilisation
28416: Hammond, R.J.W. - Complete Wales (A Ward Lock Red Guide)
30652: Hammond, N. (ed.) - Ancient Maya civilization
22789: Hammond, R. - A German reference grammar
21592: Hammond, D.B. - Stories of scientific discovery
32508: Hammond, N. & Everett, M. - Birds of Britain and Europe
29179: Hammond, N., Pearson, B. - Waders
36905: Hammond, J.L. & B. - The village labourer 1760-1832
41685: Hammond, M. - Bricks and brickmaking
34017: Hampshire, J. - Money from gardening
17156: Hampshire, S. (ed.) - Non-oxide technical and engineering ceramics
35006: Hampson, R.; Walford, T. - Simeon Shaw on potting techniques in 1835
22130: Hampson, J. - The English at table
28470: Hamza, K. - Dubai
11362: Hanbury, F.J. & Marshall, E.S. - Flora of Kent (etc.)
35462: Hanbury-Tenison, R. - A pattern of peoples
39190: Hanbury-Teniso, R. - Mulu: the rain forest
37555: Hanbury-Tenison, R. - Mulu: the rain forest
33695: Hanbury-Tenison, R. - Worlds apart: an explorer's life
35561: Hancock, G. (inferred) - Fluate, a process for hardening and preserving calcareous building stones and marbles
38405: Hancock, J.A., Kushlan, J.A. & Kahl, M.P.; Harris, A. & Quinn, D. (ill.) - Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the world
29174: Hancock, J. & Kushlan, J. - The herons handbook
21000: Hancock, E.G., Pearce, N. & Campbell, M. (eds.) - William Hunter's world: the art and science of eighteenth-century collecting
29094: Hancock, J. & Kushlan, J.; Gillmor, R. & Hyman, P. (ill.) - The herons handbook
6979: Hand, C.R. - Olde Liverpoole and its charter
26064: Hand, C.R. - The story of the Menai Straits
11452: Handel-Mazzetti, Heinrich Freiherr von - Vegetationsbilder: Mesopotamien
33477: Handel, G.F. - The Messiah, a sacred oratorio, in vocal score
22032: Handrinos, G., Demetropoulos, A. - Birds of prey of Greece
36071: Hanff, H. - 84 Charing Cross Road
37432: Hanham, H.J. - Bibliography of British history 1851-1914
38951: Hanham, H.J. (ed.) - Bibliography of British history 1851-1914
34996: Hankin, C.C. - Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
36906: Hankin, C.C. (ed.) - Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck (2 v.)
16287: Hanley, W. - Natural History in America from Mark Catesby to Rachel Carson
34565: Hanley, K. & Milbank, A. (eds.) - From Lancaster to the Lakes: the region in literature
40759: Hanley, K. & Milbank, A. (eds.) - From Lancaster to the Lakes: the region in literature
39086: O'Hanlon, R. - Into the heart of Borneo
40233: Hannah, S. - Leaving and leaving you
40234: Hannah, S. - Hotels like houses
40235: Hannah, S. - Pessimism for beginners
40231: Hannah, S. - The hero and the girl next door
40232: Hannah, S. - First of the last chances
40229: Hannah, S. - Early bird blues
40230: Hannah, S. - Second helping of your heart
21368: Hannam, I.; Boer, B. - Legal and institutional frameworks for sustainable soils
42403: Hannas, L. - The jigsaw book
19775: Hannington, W. - Ten lean years: an examination of the record of the national government in the field of unemployment
22033: Hansard, P., Silver, B. - What bird did that?
33241: Hansen, E. - Orchid fever
37913: Hansen, B. & Wagner, P. - A comparison of the herbarium specimens from Captain Cook's first and second expeditions housed in the Copenhagen Herbarium ©
19975: Hansen, A. - Checklist of the vascular plants of the Archipelago of Madeira
24815: Hansen, E. - Orchid fever
15995: Hansen, S. - Roaming free: wild horses of the American west
33922: Hansen, P. - Seafood cookbook
25136: Hansgirg, A. - Phyllobiologie: nebst Übersicht de biologischen Blatt-typen (etc.)
29949: Hanski, I. - Messages from island: a global biodiversity tour
19360: Hanson, W.D. & Robinson, H.F. (eds.) - Statistical genetics and plant breeding
4938: Hanson, A.A. & Juska, F.V. - Turfgrass science
37874: Hanson, C.O. - Forestry for woodmen
41307: Hanson, N. (ed.) - Presences of nature: words and images of the Lake District
26778: Hansson, H. - Emily Lawless 1845-1913: writing the interspace
34212: Hanzák, J. - The pictorial encyclopedia of birds
11597: Harant, H. & Jarry, D. - Guide du Naturaliste dans le Midi de la France, t. 2: la Garrigue, le Maquis, les Cultures
11598: Harant, H. & Jarry, D. - Guide du Naturaliste dans le Midi de la France, t. 2: la Garrigue, le Maquis, les Cultures
35399: Harbard, C. - Evenings at the coot and corncrake
41763: Harbison, P. - The archaeology of Ireland
27604: Harbison, P. - Ireland before St. Patrick
38105: Harborne, J.B. - Introduction to ecological biochemistry
36409: Harbottle, S. - The Reverend William Turner: dissent and reform in Georgian Newcastle upon Tyne
38179: Harcourt, C.S. & Sayer, J.A. - The conservation atlas of tropical forests: the Americas
38240: Harcourt, C., Thornback, J. - Lemurs of Madagascar and the Comoros
29660: Hardcastle, M. - The Saturday horse
40965: Hardcastle, W. - Guy's simple chatechism of astronomy
36321: Hardhaugh, B. - Gunpowder and geometry: the life of Charles Hutton
26092: Hardie, J.L. (ed.) - Verse of valour: an anthology of shorter war poems of Sea Land Air
10514: Hardie, L.A. (ed.) - Sedimentation on the modern carbonate tidal flats of northwest Andros Island, Bahamas
12137: Hardin, G. - Biology: its human implications
38984: Hardin, J.W. & Arena, J.M. - Human poisoning from native and cultivated plants
33638: Harding, P.T. & Green, S.V. - Recent surveys and research on butterflies in Britain and Ireland: a species index and bibliography
41021: Harding, J.J. & J.J. - Birding in the Delaware Valley region
23228: Harding, W. - Saxifrages
42699: Harding, J.H. - Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Lakes region
37827: Harding, R.S.O. & Teleki, G. - Omnivorous primates: gathering and hunting in human evolution
33144: Harding, P.T. & Wall, T. - Moccas: an English deer park
42698: Harding, J.H. & Holman, J.A. - Michigan turtles and lizards
19976: Harding, A. - The book of the Peony
38652: Harding, P.; Oxley, V. (art editor) - Wild flowers of the Peak District
24358: Harding, Winton - Saxifrages
15392: Harding, S. - Ingamund's Saga - Norwegian Wirral
19632: Hardouin-Fugier, E. & Grafe, E. - The flower painters: an illustrated dictionary
29840: Hardwick, M. & M. - Dickens' England: the places in his life and works
23485: Hardy, D. - Get by in Greek
35221: Hardy, E. - The birds of the Liverpool area
40236: Hardy, T. - Selected poems of Thomas Hardy, with portrait & title page design (etc.)
16088: Hardy, E. - The birds of the Liverpool area
41481: Hardy, E. (ed.) - Thomas Hardy's notebooks and some letters from Julia Augusta Martin
34773: Hardy, G.H. - A mathematician's apology
27287: Hardy, D.; Fabian, A. (ill. ) - Succulents of the Transvaal
41229: Hardy, P. - The geology of Somerset
32494: Hardy, C. - Francis Frith's Isle of Man
40966: Hardy (""Uncle Hardy"") - Notable shipwrecks, being tales of disaster and heroism at sea
23912: Hardy, T. - The life and death of the Mayor of Casterbridge
23911: Hardy, T. - Under the greenwood tree
40821: Hardy, F. - Scandinavian film
42437: Hardyment, C. - University of Oxford: The official guide
40436: Hare, S. (ed.) - Allen Lane and the Penguin editors 1935-1970
15904: Hare, C.E. - The language of sport
30133: O'Hare, M. (ed.) - Does anything eat wasps?
32949: Hare, A.J.C.; Baddeley, St. Clair - Venice
32948: Hare, A.J.C.; Baddeley, St. Clair - Days near Rome
32947: Hare, A.J.C. - Walks in Rome (including Tivoli, Frascati, and Albano)
32945: Hare, A.J.C. - Florence
10937: Hare, C. Lewis - Constable
35812: Hare, A. (ed.) - The Orchard Street calendar 1750-1805
35515: Hare, K. - The County Books: Gloucestershire
17862: O'Hare, G. & Sweeney, J. - The atmospheric system
23816: Harewood, Earl of & Shmith, M. (eds.) - The new pocket Kobbé's opera book
36532: Hargood-Ash, J. - Looking back at Weston 1535-1900
41140: Hargraves, O. - Mighty find words and smashing expressions
40760: Hargreaves, N.L. & Armer, R.J. - The Kendalian
4449: Hargreaves, Clare - Normandy
20889: Hargreaves, D. & B. - Tropical trees
24431: Häring, N. & Douglas, N. - Economists and the powerful
39196: Haripersaud, P.P. - Collecting biodiversity
27531: Harker, A. - Metamorphism - a study of the transformation of rock-masses.
32100: Harker, K.W.; Napper, D. - An illustrated guide to the grasses of Uganda
38609: Harlan, J.R. - Crops & Man
40709: Harley, J.B. - William Yates's map of Lancashire 1786
38016: Harley, R.M. & Simmons, N.A. - Florula of Mucugê
28472: Harley, I. (designer) - Collins encyclopedia of home sewing
28819: Harley, J.L. & Lewis, D.H. (eds.) - The flora and vegetation of Britain
31947: Harley, J.L. & Lewis, D.H. - The flora and vegetation of Britain: origins and changes (etc.)
18181: Harley, B. & J. - A gardener at Chatsworth: three years in the life of Robert Auchtie 1848-1850
38017: Harley, R.M. & Mayo, S.J. - Towards a checklist of the flora of Bahia
25135: Harley, R.M. & Reynolds, T. (eds.) - Advances in Labiate science
37693: Harling, G. - Monograph of the Cyclanthaceae
39199: Harling, G. & Sparre, B. (eds.) - Flora of Ecuador
41632: Harlow, D. - The land of the Beacons Way: scenery and geology across the Brecon Beacons National Park
31739: Byron Harman - The Canadian Pacific Rockies: a series of twenty-four hand coloured Vandyck photogravures
36578: Harmer, S.F. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.) - The Cambridge Natural History (10 vols.)
21568: Harmer, S.F. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.); multiple authors - The Cambridge Natural History: worms, rotifers, and polyzoa (etc.)
21571: Harmer, S.F. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.); Sharp, D. - The Cambridge Natural History: Insects Part 2
21570: Harmer, S.F. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.); Sedgwick, A., Sinclair, F.G. & Sharp, D. - The Cambridge Natural History: Peripatus, Myriapods, Insects Part 1
34470: Harmer, F.W. - The distribution of erratics and drift
27468: Harms - Crete Hania tourist map
27470: Harms - Crete touring map, Eastern part
27467: Harms - Crete Rethimnon tourist map
25347: Harnesk, Helena - Linnaeus, genius of Uppsala
16130: Haro Vera, A. de - Tavole di Zoologia (Invertebrati)
23542: Harper, D.M. (preface) - Proceedings of the symposium on the conservation of primates and their habitats
17889: Harper, C. - We bought a quarry
34862: D.A.T. Harper (ed.) - William King D.Sc.: a palaeontological tribute
12696: Harper, P.G. & Weaire, D.L. - Introduction to physical mathematics
28543: Harrap, J.F. & Bull, D.F. - Soil Survey of England and Wales: Rhyl (sheet 95)
33050: Harrap, S. - Harrap's wild flowers: a field guide to the wild flowers of Britain and Ireland
29095: Harrap, S. & Quinn, D. - Tits, nuthatches and treecreepers
20890: Harrar, E.S. & J.G. - Guide to southern trees
24618: Harré, R. - The philosophies of science
41175: Harré, R. (ed.) - Great scientific experiments
39714: Harré, R. 9ed.) - Some nineteenth century British scientists
33387: Harrer, H. - Seven years in Tibet
32274: Harries, E.R. - Llyfryddiaeth Sir y Fflint / Bibliography of the County of Flint, part 1
17632: Harries, J. - Pugin
36343: Harrington, B.J. - Life of Sir William E. Logan, first director of the geological survey of Canada
39563: Harrington, H.N., Davies, H.E. et al. (eds.) - History of the Birkenhead Literary & Scientific Society 1857-1907
30784: Harriot, T. - A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia
27171: Harris, John (ed.) - The garden: a celebration of one thousand years of British gardening
18967: Harris, V.A. - The life of the Rainbow Lizard
29618: Harris, T. - The natural history of the Mediterranean
28362: Harris, J. - Georgian country houses
15325: Harris, N. - How the earth works, block 4: Evolution of continental crust
32362: Harris, C.C. - Trees and shrubs in the modern garden
28518: Harris, J. - A garden alphabet
28751: Harris, N. - The life and works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh
20944: Harris, E. - Up the Missouri with Audubon
31070: Harris, M. - A Field Guide to the Birds of Galapagos.
33288: Harris, J.P. - An Englishman in the Midi
4710: Harris, Nathaniel - Porcelain figurines
37914: Harris, J.G. - Plant identification terminology: an illustrated glossary
30173: Harris, S. (inferred) - A catalogue of the plants growing in the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Harcourt Arboretum
28725: Harris, B. - Bartholemew city guides: Chester
22070: Harris, E. & J. - The Guinness book of trees
30791: Harris, A.D. - George Catlin's American buffalo
28898: Harris M - A field guide to the birds of Galapagos
36427: Harris, J.R. - The copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of Llanidan
40027: Harris, J.R. - The copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of Llanidan
10204: Harris, T. - The natural history of the Mediterranean
33752: Harris, J.W. - Legal philosophies
32414: Harris, D. (photos); Russell, T. - Cornwall's great gardens
42422: Harris, B. - Philadelphia: a picture memory
38247: Harris, E. - Spotter's guide to trees
25292: Harris, D.J. - Species plantarum, flora of the world: Irvingiaceae
20708: Harris, V.A. - The life of the rainbow lizard
28897: Harris A, Tucker L & Vinicombe K - The Macmillan field Guide to bird identification
19263: Harris, W.T., Allen, F.S. (eds.) - Webster's new international dictionary of the English language (etc.)
35127: Harris, T.R. - Arthur Woolf, the Cornish engineer
33496: Harris, R.A. & Jones, M. - The nature of grazine
29779: Harris, M.C. - Crafts, customs & legends of Wales
29810: Frederick Harris - World famous piano pieces
34730: Harris, W. - Caroline Fox
39378: Harris, A., Tucker, L. & Vinicombe, K. - Bird identification
32413: Harris, D. (photos) - The National Trust's Cornish gardens
36824: Harris, N. - Mapping the world: maps and their history
39564: Harrison, W.J. - Geology of the counties of England and of north and south Wales
39412: Harrison, P. - Seabirds: an identification guide
29895: Harrison, R. & Lunt, G.G. - Biological membranes
22234: Harrison, F. - Guide book to York Minster
31280: Harrison, J. & Grant, P.; Harrison, P. (photos) - The Thames transformed
29216: Harrison P P O - Sea birds of the South Pacific
29215: Harrison P - Seabirds: An identification guide
35222: Harrison, C. - A field guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of European birds (etc.)
34249: Harrison, M. (intro.) - Book of Books
28899: Harrison P - Seabirds of the world: A photographic guide
26191: Harrison, K.C. - Facts at your fingertips
41583: Harrison, B. - Haydn: the 'Paris' symphonies
31071: Harrison, D.L. - Mammals of the Arabian Gulf
19420: Harrison, C.R. - Ornamental conifers
16541: Harrison, J. - A Wealth of Wildfowl.
37221: Harrison, C. - In the company of Friends
26093: Harrison, G.B. (ed.) - A book of English poetry, Chaucer to Rossetti
12016: Harrison, C. (ed.) - The history of Keele
23281: Harrison, S. et al.; Kennett, A.M. (ed.) - Georgian Chester
34391: Harrison, J. - Printing patents: abridgements of patent specifications relating to printing 1617-1857
30177: Harrison, C. - Cley
37025: Harrison, K. & Smith, E. - RIfle-green by nature: A Regency naturalist and his family, William Elford Leach
35814: Harrison, J.F.C. - Early Victorian Britain, 1832-51
35813: Harrison, J. - Encouraging innovation in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: the Society of Arts and Patents, 1754-1904
37222: Harrison, C. (ed.) - The history of Keele
22132: Harrison, M. - Airborne at Kitty Hawk
8995: Harrison, D.J. - Mineral assessment report 116: the limestone resources of the Craven Lowlands
9990: Harrison, C. - An atlas of the birds of the western Palaearctic
19797: Harrison, T. - The modest genius: an exhibition of drawings and works of Thomas Harrison
32853: Harrison, S.G. et al. - The Oxford book of food plants
28533: Harrison, D.J. - The limestone and dolomite resources of the country around Buxton, Derbyshire
39235: Harrison, C.W - Conservation: the challenge of reclaiming our plundered land
18528: Harrison, H.H. - Wood warbler's world
18529: Harrison, J. - A wealth of wildfowl
41454: Harrison, E.E. (ed.) - Surrey archaeological collections
18162: Harrison, M. - The jackals will be there
39379: Harrison, C.W. - A field guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of British and European birds
39380: Harrison, C.W. - A field guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of British and European birds
42011: Harrison, M. & Stuart-Clark, C. - A year full of poems
30923: Harrisson, T. - Afred Russel Wallace and a century of evolution in Borneo
41036: Harrod, W. - The Norfolk guide
40967: Harrod's; Burbidge, R. (managing director) - General price list having currency until May, 1911
14687: Harrop, P.J. et al. (foreword) - The bacteriological examination of drinking water supplies 1982
35698: Harrow School; Welch, R.C. & Dauglish, M.G. (eds.) - The Harrow School register 1801-1900
35699: Harrow School; Vernney, L.J. - The Harrow School register 1971
21369: Harroy, J.-P. - World national parks: progress and opportunities
40238: Harsent, D. - Night
40239: Harsent, D. - A bird's idea of flight
41975: Hart-Davis, L. - Letters (2 vols., comprising 4 of the original volumes)
355: Hart-Davis, Duff - Audubon's elephant
15512: o'Hart, J. - The Hamlyn photographic guide to the wield flowers of Britain and northern Europe
41054: Hart-Davis, L.; Hart-Davis, R. (ed.) - The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters vols. 5 & 6 (in one volume)
40761: Hart, R. - Vintage St. Helens and district
34869: Hart, L. - T.E. Lawrence' in Arabia and after
33525: Hart, H. - Hart's rules for compositors and readers at the University Press Oxford
195: Hart-Davis, Duff - Fauna Britannica: the practical guide to wild & domestic creatures of Britain
20404: Hart, A.B. (ed.) - American history told by Contemporaries (4 vols.)
9147: Hart, Gavin - Human sexual behavior
23780: Hart-Davis, A. & Bader, P. - 100 local heroes
2347: Hart-Davis, Duff - Audubon's elephant
42123: Harte, B.; Greenaway, K. (ill.) - The Queen of the Pirate Isle
37224: Harte, N. & North, J. - The world of University College London 1828-1978
37223: Harte, N. - The University of London 1836-1986
32137: Harter, J. (ed.) - The plant kingdom compendium
40437: Harthan, J.P. - Bookbindings
41108: Harting, James Edmund; illustrated by Joseph Wolf, C. Whymper, R. W. Sherwin et al. - British animals extinct within historic times, with some account of British wild white cattle
30327: Harting, J.E. - A handbook of British birds
30326: Harting, J.E. - A handbook of British birds
42001: Hartley, D. - Water in England
36456: Hartley, Sir H. (ed.) - Index to Notes and Records volx. 1-20 (1938-1965) and vols. 1 ro 12 (1938-1957)
41544: Hartley, D. - Food in England
10772: Hartley, Tom (foreword) - The county borough of Bury 1876-1926: Jubilee Souvenir
41772: Hartley, D. (ed.) - Thomas Tusser: his farming in East Anglia
4389: Hartley, Sir Harold (ed.) - Index to Notes and Records [of the Royal Society] volumes 1 to 20 (1938-1965)
41899: Hartmann, S. & Hartner, T. - Me and my human: little cat tales
19872: Hartmann, M. - Die Sexualität
1171: Hartnell, Tim & Ruston, Jeremy - The Book of Listings: fun programs for the BBC microcomputer
42602: Hartnoll, P. (ed.) - The concise Oxford companion to the theatre
25766: Hartnoll, P. - A concise history of the theatre
23971: Hartnoll, P. (ed.) - The Oxford companion to the theatre
42341: Den Hartog, J.P. - Mechanics
38106: Hartshorn, H. et mult. al. - Costa Rica: country environmental profie, a field study
37505: Hartson, W. - The drunken goldfish: a celebration of irrelevant research
31647: Hartung, F. - Enlightened despotism
33518: Harvey, J.H. & King, D.G. - Winchester College stained glass
38286: Harvey, Y. et al. (eds.) - The plants of the Bali Ngemba forest reserve, Cameroon: a conservation checklist
14308: Harvey, J. - English cathedrals
33216: Harvey, J.; Oswald, A. - English mediaeval architects: a biographical dictionary down to 1550
12872: Harvey, H.W. - Recent advance in the chemistry & biology of sea water
37225: Harvey, C. & Press, J. (eds.) - Studies in the business history of Bristol
39143: Harvey, L.A. & St. Leger-Gordon, D. - Dartmoor
14724: Harvey, P.H., Partridge, L. & Southwood, T.R.E. (eds.) - The evolution of reproductive strategies
33521: Harvey, Sir P. - The Oxford companion to classical literature
33217: Harvey, J.; Oswald, A. - English mediaeval architects: a biographical dictionary down to 1550
35139: Harvey, John - Early nurserymen
28361: Harvey, J. - The master builders
35184: Harvey, L.A. & St. Leger-Gordon, D. - Dartmoor
36398: Harvey, W.S., Gowns-Rose, G. - William Symington: inventor and engine builder
33231: Harvey, J. - An introduction to Tudor architecture
34392: Harvey, J. - Early horticultural catalogues & supplement
37493: Harvey, A.P. (ed.) - Celebrating one hundred years at South Kensington 1881-1981
26679: Harvey, W.H. - The sea-side book: being an introduction to the natural history of the British coasts
26678: Harvey, W.H. - Synopsis of British seaweeds, compiled from Professor Harvey's Phycologia Britannica
25341: Harvey, Y. et al. (eds.) - The plants of the Bali Ngemba forest reserve, Cameroon: a conservation checklist
33519: Harvey, J.H. - The Wilton Diptych: a re-examination
36243: Harvey, R.A. - The life of Henry Cavendish (chapter 3 only)
30064: Harvey, John - The Gothic World: a survey of architecture and art
33414: Harvey, J.H. - William Worcestre itineraries
15755: Harvey, L.A. & St. Leger-Gordon, D. - Dartmoor
19978: Harvey, J. (intro.) - Flora of the Simla Hills
19979: Harvey, J. (intro.) - Flora of the Simla Hills
36825: Harvey, M. - The island of lost maps: a true story of cartographic crime
7061: Harvey, John - The Perpendicular style
27172: Harvey, J. - Vegetables in the Middle Ages
20035: Harvey, John - York
4739: Harvey, Judy; illustrated by Carole Vincer - Dressage test technique
8848: Harvey, John - The English cathedrals
23751: Harvie-Brown, J.A. & Buckley, TE. - A fauna of the Moray basin (2 vols.)
23752: Harvie-Brown, J.A. - A fauna of the Tay Basin and Strathmore
30448: Harwood, M. & Durant, M. [Audubon] - In search of the real Mr. Audubon
38568: Harwood, R.R. (chair) - Sustainable agriculture and the environment in the humid tropics
41686: Haselden, R. & Hudson, J. - Geology above the ground in Birmingham city centre
33849: Haselhurst, E.W. (ill.); Jerrold, W. - Shakespeareland
41128: Haskell, A. & Lewis, M.; Lewis, S. (ill.) - Infantilia: the archaeology of the nursery
11761: Haskell, F., McBurney, H., Freedberg, D., Solinas, F. & Napoleone, C. - Il museo cartaceo di Cassiano dal Pozzo: Cassiano naturalista
27532: Haslam, H.W. & Plant, J.A. (eds.) - Rock Geochemistry - guidelines for the acquisition and interpretation of lithogeochemical data.
15327: Haslam, S., Sinker, C. & Wolseley, P. - British water plants
32912: Haslam, S.M., Sell, P.D. & Wolseley, P.A. - A flora of the Maltese islands
12163: Haslam, S.M. - The river scene: ecology and cultural heritage
32958: Haslam, S., Sinker, C. & Wolseley, P. - British water plants
27238: Hasluck, A. - Portrait with background; a life of Georgiana Molloy
30625: Hasnain, N. - Tribal India
42093: Hassall, T. - Oxford the buried city
41037: Hassall, T. - Oxford, the buried city
38181: Hassan, R., Scholes, R. & Ash, N. (eds.) - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: ecosystems and human well-being, vol. 1: current state and trends
33447: Hassandakos, G. - Meet Mani in 300 pictures
13167: Hassencamp, R. - The history of Ireland from the Reformation to the Union
32318: Hassencamp, RW. - The history of Ireland from the Reformation to the Union
34689: Hassler, D.M. - Erasmus Darwin
37433: Hastings-Shaddick, H.G. - A guide to the reports and transactions of the Devonshire Association (etc.)
39100: Hastings, H.G. (Shaddick) - A guide to the reports and transactions of the Devonshire Association
39432: Haswell-Smith, H. - The Scottish islands
41430: Haswell, J.F. - The registers of Bridekirk 1584-1812
27533: Hatch, F.H., Wells, A.K. & Wells, M.K. - Petrology of Igneous Rocks.
31281: Hatcher, P. & Battey, N. - Biological diversity
18048: Hatcher, R.E. - The genus Trichocolea in north, central and south America
9509: Hatfield, C.W. - The complete poems of Emily Jane Bront‘
29028: Hatfield, G. - Hatfield's herbal the secret history of British plants
13474: Hatje, G. (ed.) - Encyclopedia of modern architecture
34378: Hatley, J.B. & Dunning, R.W. (intro.) - Somerset maps
31463: Hatley, J. - The Observer's book of zoo animals
20121: Hattat, L. - Clematis & Climbers
20225: Hattatt, L. - The water garden
10641: Hattersley, R., Leeming, G., Beck, H. & Warner, H. - Bront‘ Country
36941: Von Hauer, F.; Tietze,E. - Franz v. Hauer, sein Lebensgang und seine wissenschaftlliche Thätigkeit
6319: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta & Krüger, Gundolf (eds.) - Siberia and Russian America: culture and art from the 1700s, the Asch Collection, Göttingen
34400: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta & Krüger, Gundolf (eds.) - James Cook: gifts and treasures from the South Seas / Gaben und Schätze aus der Südsee
31072: Hausman, L.A. - Field book of eastern birds
25253: Havel, J.J. - Training manual for the Forestry College, vol. 3: Forest Botany part 2. Botanical taxonomy
25252: Havel, J.J. - Training manual for the Forestry College, vol. 3: Forest Botany part 1. Terminology
32701: Havet, P., Hirons, G. (eds.) - Third European Woodcock and Snipe workshop
35403: Havins, P.J.N. - The forests of England
13979: Havkí_ek, V. & Spí_ek, J. (eds.) - Natural products analysis: instrumentation, methods and applications
29950: Havlick, D.G. - Bombs away! Militarization, conservation and ecological restoration
29911: Haw, S.G. - The Lilies of China
38349: Hawker, L.E. - The physiology of reproduction in fungi
33989: Hawker, L.E. - Fungi
39480: Hawkes, J.G. - A revision of the tuber-bearing Solanums
28206: Hawkes, N. et al. - The worst accident in the world: Chernobyl, the end of the nuclear dream
38743: Hawkes, J.G., Maxted, N. & Ford-Lloud, B.V. - Vavilov lectures 1994
38569: Hawkes, J.G., Maxted, N. & Ford-Lloud, B.V. - The ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources
30925: Hawkes, J. - A land
17470: Hawkes, J.G. (ed.) - Reproductive biology and taxonomy of vascular plants
38350: Hawkes, J.G., Lester, R.N., Nee, M. & Estrada R., N. (eds.) - Solanaceae III: taxonomy, chemistry, evolution
28625: Hawkes, T. (compiler) - The lilting house: a selection of poetry from the University College, Cardiff
32301: Hawkes, J. - Pharaohs of Egypt
31610: Hawkes, J. - Pharaohs of Egypt
42551: Hawkes, J. - Early Britain
41230: Hawkins, D. - Subterranean Britain: Bath stone quarries
11396: Hawkins, D. - Cranborne Chase
42252: Hawkins, P. - A slow fire burning
29501: Hawkins, R.E. (ed.) - Encyclopedia of Indian natural history
38752: Hawkins, R.D. - Ladybirds of Surrey
38753: Hawkins, R.D. - Shieldbugs of Surrey
32435: Hawkins, P.D. - Tracks on canvas
29891: Hawksworth, D.L. & Rose, F. - Lichens as pollution monitors
25054: Hawksworth, D.L., Clarke, S.D. (eds.) - Biodiversity information: needs and options
14061: Hawksworth, D.L. & Seaward, M.R.D. - Lichenology in the British Isles 1568-1975: an historical and bibliographical survey
17549: Hawksworth, D.L. (ed.) - The biodiversity of microorganisms and invertebrates: its role in sustainable agriculture
37838: Hawksworth, D.L. (ed.) - The biodiversity of microorganisms and invertebrates: its role in sustainable agriculture
12238: Hawksworth, D. (ed.) - The changing wildlife of Great Britain and Ireland
34181: Hawksworth, D.L., Sutton, B.C. & Ainsworth, G.C. - Ainsworth & Bisby's dictionary of the fungi
36125: Hawksworth, D.L. & Seaward, M.R.D. - Lichenology in the British Isles 1568-1975: an historical and bibliographical survey
39238: Hawksworth, D.L. & Richie, J.M. - Biodiversity and biosystematic priorities: microorganisms and invertebrates
37817: Hawksworth, D.L., Clarke, S.D. (eds.) - Biodiversity information: needs and options
2688: Haworth-Booth, Michael - The flowering shrub garden
40869: Haworth-Booth, M. - Photography: an independent art
40870: Haworth-Booth, M. - The golden age of British photography 1839-1900
41349: Haworth, D., Comber, W.M. (eds.) - Cheshire village memories
11131: Haworth-Booth, Michael - The Hydrangeas
40438: Haworth, B. - A tricksy sprite': Ernest Marriott, Portico Librarian - Polymath
32084: Haworth-Booth, M. - The Hydrangeas
39565: Haws, E. - The earth shown to the children
15345: Haws, Duncan - Merchant fleets: Royal Mail Line & Nelson Line
19834: Haws, D. - Merchant Fleets vol. 23: Canadian Pacific Line
42598: Hawthorne, N.; Dulac, E. (ill.) - Tanglewood tales
24241: Hawthorne, N. - The scarlet letter and other tales
27555: Hawthorne, F.C. - Spectroscopic methods
28569: Hay, J. & Farb, P. - The Atlantic shore: human and natural history from Long Island to Labrador
27714: Hay, R. (ed.) - The gardening year
34633: Hay, P. - Brunel, engineering giant
31178: Hay, Roy & Beckett, Kenneth A. (eds.) - Reader's Digest Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants and Flowers
32275: Hay, R.K.M. - Chemistry for agriculture and ecology
36808: Hay, D. - A flickering lamp: a history of the Sydenham Medical Club (1775-2000)
26276: Hay, T. - Plants for the connoisseur
11132: Hay, Thomas - Plants for the connoisseur
21371: Haycock, N.E., Burt, T.P., Goulding, K.W.T. & Pinay, G. (eds.) - Buffer zones: their processes and potential in water protection
42291: Hayden, R. - Mrs Delany: her life and her flowers
15263: Hayden, P. - Biddulph Grange, Staffordshire - a Victorian garden rediscovered
19748: Hayden, T. & Harrington, R. - Exploring Irish mammals
34365: Hayden, Ruth - Mrs Delany: her life and her flowers
37226: Hayden, R., Hill, P.J. - West Blatchington windmill & village
4060: Hayden, Peter - Russian parks and gardens
27092: Hayden, Peter - Biddulph Grange, Staffordshire: A Victorian Garden Rediscovered
39566: Hayden, F.V. - Annual report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the territories embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent territories (etc.)
33248: Hayden, J. - Cyprus: a handbook for Christian visitors
36096: Hayden, Peter - Biddulph Grange, Staffordshire: A Victorian Garden Rediscovered
1101: Haydn, Joseph - Piano Sonata no. 2 in E minor (revised, phrased and fingered by Franklin Taylor)
1100: Haydn, Joseph - Piano Sonata no. 7 in D (revised, phrased and fingered by Franklin Taylor)
22917: Haydon, B.R. - The autobiography and journals of Benjamin Robert Haydon
36301: Haydon, B.R. - Autobiography of Benjamin Robert Haydon
25858: Hayes, C. (ed.); Hird, F. - Stories and tales of old Manchester
40910: Hayes, L.M. - Reminiscences of Manchester, and some of its local surroundings from the year 1840
40763: Hayes, J. - Warrington archive photographs
40762: Hayes, C. - Greetings from around Manchester
19977: Hayes, F.C. - A handy book of horticulture
17157: Hayes, F.H. (ed.) - User aspects of phase diagrams
25554: Hayley, W.; Grimshawe, T.S. (ed.) - The works of William Cowper his life and letters (8 v.)
39413: Hayman, P., Marchant, J. & Prater, T. - Shorebirds: an identification guide to the waders of the world
31999: Haynes, R.H. & Hanawalt, P.C. - The molecular basis of life
28001: Haysom, C.G. - Florists' Auriculas and gold-laced Polyanthus
33177: Hayward, John - A new key to wild flowers
42349: Hayward, L.M. - Survey practice on construction sites
17951: Hayward, Richard - Leinster & the city of Dublin
40722: Hayward, J. (compiled by) - English poetry: an illustrated catalogue of first and early editions exhibited in 1947 at 7 Albemarle Street, London
41946: Hayward, J. - English poetry; a descriptive catalogue
38248: Hayward; Druce, G.C. (rev.) - Hayward's botanist's pocket-book
40240: Hayward, J. (ed.) - Nineteenth century poetry
27093: Hayward, A. - Norah Lindsay: the life and art of a garden designer
26683: Hayward, R.; Piper, R. (ill.) - Munster and the City of Cork
31158: Hayward, P.J. - Seashore
17825: Hayward, P.J. & Ryland, J.S. - British Ascophoran Bryozoans
33641: Haywood, S.M. - Quarries and the landscape
24541: Hazareesingh, S. - How the French think
23538: Hazareesingh, S. - How the French think
37287: Hazen, R.M. & M.H. - American geological literature 1669 to 1850
14958: Hazlewood, N. - Savage: the life and times of Jemmy Button
32218: Shan-an He / ___ - Botanical garden science / ____
37371: Heacox, K. - Shackleton: the antarctic challenge
13475: Head, R. - The Indian style
25871: Head, H. - A simple guide to pictures
41560: Headington, C. - Johann Sebastian Bach: an essential guide to his life and works
39041: Headland, R. - The island of South Georgia
28371: Headley, G. & Meulenkamp, W. - Follies: a guide to rogue architecture in England, Scotland and Wales
29893: Heads, M. - Biogeography of Australia
25088: Heads, M. - Molecular panbiogeography of the tropics
25911: Heald, T. - It's a dog's life
25656: Heald, T. (ed.) - The. Best after-dinner stories
14544: Healey, E. - Emma Darwin: the inspirational wife of a genius
31714: Healey, D. - A ramble around the historic village of Caergwrle
17956: Healy, Elizabeth et al. - The book of the Liffey
17547: Heaney, S. et al. (eds.) - Fungicide resistance
40242: Heaney, S. & Hughes, T. (eds.) - The rattle bag
40241: Heaney, S. & Hughes, T. (eds.) - The school bag
25560: Heaney, S. - Preoccupations: selected prose 1968-1978
40246: Heaney, S. - Human chain
40247: Heaney, S. - Electric light
40243: Heaney, S. - Opened ground: poems 1966-1996
40244: Heaney, S. - Beowulf: a new translation
40245: Heaney, S. - District and Circle
31948: Hearn, K. - Pentland Hills vegetation survey
37227: Hearnshaw, F.J.C. - The centenary history of King's College London
36018: Heat-Moon, W.L. - River-horse: across America by boat
39509: Heath, F.R.; Jowitt, R.L.P. (revised by) - Wiltshire (The Little Guides)
28360: Heath, S.H. - The parts of a manor house
8510: Heath, D.F. - Organo-phosphorus poisons: anitocholinesterases and related compounds
32276: Heath, O.V.S. - Investigation by experiment
29430: Tucker G M & Heath M F - Birds in Europe: Their conservation status
32286: Heath, R.E. - Shrubs for the rock garden and alpine house
23521: Heath-Stubbs, J. - The triumph of the muse, and other poems
30468: Heath, J. (ed.); Harding, P. - Provisional atlas of the crustacea of the British Isles, part 1: woodlice
30469: Heath, J. (ed.) - Provisional atlas of the insects of the British Isles, parts 1 & 2: Butterflies and Moths part 1 [sic]
17550: Heath, I.B. - Nuclear division in the fungi
41858: Heatley, R., Worrall, A. - Patterns of communication
1167: Heaton, Nell, illustrated by W. A Burton & A. R. Harrison - The complete cook
20292: Heaton, P. - Lamport & Holt Line
32472: Heavyside, T. - Narrow gauge branch lines: Douglas to Port Erin
32471: Heavyside, T. - Isle of Man railway journey: steam days in colour
32473: Heavyside, T. - Narrow gauge branch lines: Douglas-Laxey-Ramsey, including the Groudle Glen railway
32474: Heavyside, T. - Narrow gauge branch lines: Douglas to Peel
42668: Hecht, M., Wallace, B. & MacIntyre, R.J. (eds.) - Evolutionary biology vol. 24
25259: Hecht, S., Cockburn, A. - The fate of the forest: developers, destroyers and defenders of the Amazon
27951: Hecht, S. & Cockburn, A. - The fate of the forest
16945: Hecker, N. & Vives, P.T. (eds.) - The status of wetland inventories in the Mediterranean region
32124: Hedberg, I. & O. - Conservation of vegetation in Africa south of the Sahara
38182: Hedberg, O. & I. (edsd.) - Conservation of vegetation in Africa south of the Sahara
31949: Hedberg, O. - Features of afroalpine plant ecology
11133: Hedberg, Olov - Afroalpine vascular plants: a taxonomic revision
14146: Hedenäs, L. - Flora of Madeiran Pleurocarpous mosses (Isobryales, Hypnobryales, Hookeriales)
9334: Hedge, I.C. (ed.) - Plant life of South-West Asia
19931: Hedley, G . & Rance, A. (eds.) - Pleasure grounds: the gardens and landscapes of Hampshire
20172: Hedley, G . & Rance, A. (eds.) - Pleasure grounds: the gardens and landscapes of Hampshire
11788: Hedrick, U.P. - A history of horticulture in America to 1860
19364: Hedrick, P.W. - Genetics of populations
38716: Hedrick, U.P. (ed.) - Sturtevant's notes on edible plants
30832: Heemstra, P. & E. - Coastal fishes of southern Africa
28256: Hegg, O. - Untersuchungen zur Pflanzensoziologie und Ökologie im naturschutzhebiet Hohgant (Berner Voralpen)
23136: Heggie, D. - Megalithic science
9327: Hegi, G.; edited by H. Merxmueller - Alpenflora
17717: Hegi, G.; Conert, H.J., Hamann, U., Schultze-Motel, W. & Wagenitz, G. (eds.) - Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa Band 4 Angiospermae Dicotyledones 2, Teil 1
17719: Hegi, G.; Conert, H.J., Hamann, U., Schultze-Motel, W. & Wagenitz, G. (eds.) - Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa Band 6 Angiospermae Dicotyledones Teil 4
17720: Hegi, G.; Conert, H.J., Hamann, U., Schultze-Motel, W. & Wagenitz, G. (eds.) - Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa Band 2 Angiospermae Monocotyledones 2, Teil 1
19326: Heikell, R. - Ionian Sea, The Inland Sea: sheet G121
19325: Heikell, R. - Nisos Kerkira to Nisos Levkas: sheet G11
27290: Heilmeyer, M. - The language of flowers: symbols and myths
2109: Heimann, Nils (compiler) - Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778: Catalogue Twelve: a catalogue of the works of Linnaeus issued in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the birthday of Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778
11891: Heine, H. - Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances vol. 7
23309: Heine, H. - Buch der Lieder
4061: Heiney, Paul - Ham & Pigs: a celebration of the whole hog
21080: Heintzelman, D.S. - A manual for bird watching in the Americas
35223: Heinzel, H., Fitter, R. & Parslow, J. - The birds of Britain and Europe (etc.)
32821: Heinzel, H., Fitter, R., Parslow, J. - The birds of Britain and Europe (etc.)
28987: Tuck G & Heinzel H - A field guide to the seabirds of Britain and the World
39381: Heinzel, H., Fitter, R., Parslow, J. - The birds of Britain and Europe (etc.)
38570: Heiser, C.B. - Of plants and people
38571: Heiser, C.B. - Seed to civilization: the story of food
32143: Heiser, C.B. - Seed to civilization: the story of man's food
16837: Heiser, C.B. - Seed to civilization: the story of Man's food
38572: Heiser, C.B. - Seed to civilization: the story of food
20466: Heitefuss, R. & Williams, P.H. (eds.) - Physiological plant pathology
12699: Heitler, W. - Elementary wave mechanics
5705: Zhu Hejian - Sustainable development and land utilization
12426: Hele, N.F. - Notes or jottings about Aldeburgh, Suffolk (etc.)
36481: Hellemans, A. & Bunch, B. - The timetables of science (etc.)
24495: Heller, R. - The fate of IBM
25225: Heller, J.L. - Studies in Linnaean method and nomenclature
41893: Hellweg, P. - The Wordsworth book of intriguing words
32165: Hellyer, A.G.L. - The amateur gardening encyclopaedia: flowers in colour
15264: Hellyer, A.G.L. - Encyclopedia of plant portraits
32363: Hellyer, A.G.L. - Shrubs in colour
25390: Hellyer, A.G.L. - The amateur gardener
27715: Hellyer, A.G.L. (ed.) - Roses
26279: Hellyer, A.G.L. - Flowers in colour
26280: Hellyer, A.G.L. - Your new garden
26277: Hellyer, A.G.L. - Amateur Gardening pocket guide
41524: Hellyer, A. - Creative garden planning
32166: Hellyer, A.G.L. - The amateur gardening encyclopaedia: garden plants in colour
41431: Helm, M.L. & A.L. - Genealogy online for dummies
40764: Helm, P. & Sussex, G. - Looking back at Rusholme & Fallowfield
41433: Helmbold, F.W. - Tracing your ancestry logbook
41432: Helmbold, F.W. - Tracing your ancestry
42420: Helms, C.D. - The Sonoran desert
25035: Hemenway, P. - The secret code
30785: Hemming, J. - The conquest of the Incas
33593: Hemming, J. & Ratter, J. - Maracá: rainforest island
30626: Hemming, J. - Red Gold: the conquest of the Brazilian Indians
41870: Hemming, J. & Ratter, J. - Maracá: rainforest island
36851: Hemmleb, J., Johnson, L. & Simonson, E.R. - Ghosts of Everest
35029: Hempel, S. - The medical detective: John Snow and the mystery of cholera
24080: Hemphill, R. - Herbs for all seasons
39477: Henderson, r.J.F - Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae) and related species in Australia
20862: Henderson, R.W. & Hoevers, L.G. - A checklist and key to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Belize, Central America
30202: Henderson, B.L.K. - The English way: a text-book on the art of writing
13808: Henderson, T.F. - The Royal Stewarts
13770: Henderson, D.M. - A checklist of the rust fungi of the British Isles
36391: Henderson, P. - James Sowerby: the enlightenment's natural historian
26511: Henderson, I.F. & W.D.; Kenneth, J.H. (ed.) - A dictionary of scientific terms
5457: Henderson, Douglas & Faulkner, R. (eds.) - Sitka Spruce
30880: Henderson, G.C. - The discoverers of the Fiji islands
37686: Henderson, A., Galeano, G. & Bernal, R. - Field guide to the palms of the Americas
31890: Henderson, M.R. - Malayan wild flowers (2 v.)
25803: Henderson, L. - Strange experiences
24835: Henderson, P. - James Sowerby: the Enlightenment's natural historian
23336: Hendry, G. - Midges in Scotland
32477: Hendry, R. - Rails in the Isle of Man: a colour celebration
32476: Hendry, R. - A century of Manx transport in colour
10792: Hendrych, R. - Generum plantarum orbis geographicus / concise synopsis of the generic geography
35224: Hendy, E.W. - More about birds
32035: Hengeveld, R. - Dynamic biogeography
28440: Henk, R. - Heidelberg
23972: Henn, T.R. - The harvest of tragedy
7343: Hennedy, Roger; revised by Thomas King - The Clydesdale flora: a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the Clyde district (etc.)
7344: Hennedy, Roger; revised by Thomas King - The Clydesdale flora: a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the Clyde district (etc.)
7348: Hennedy, Roger - The Clydesdale flora: a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the Clyde district (etc.)
29951: Hennen, M.; Macnamara, P. (ill.) - The Peregrine returns: the art and architecture of an urban raptor recovery
41507: Hennessy, J.P. - Anthony Trollope
27767: Henny, C.J. - An analysis of the population dynamics of selected avian species
9400: Henrey, Blanche - British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800; 3 volume set.
15534: Henrey, B. - British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800 (3 v.)
36304: Henrey, Blanche (edited by Chater, Arthur) - No ordinary gardener: Thomas Knowlton 1691-1781
213: Henrey, Blanche & Bean, W.J. - Trees and shrubs throughout the year
31702: Henri, A.; McGough, R.; Patten, B. - Penguin Modern Poets 10: The Mersey sound
17029: Henrici, A.T. - The biology of bacteria
10368: Henry, S.M. (ed.) - Symbiosis, vol. 2
40524: Henry, O. - 101 stories
37228: Henry, J. - The scientific revolution and the origins of modern science
16545: Henry, G.M. - A Guide to the Birds of Ceylon.
26782: Henry, F.; Kells - The book of Kells: reproductions from the manuscript in Trinity College Dublin, with a study of the manuscript by Françoise Henry
42406: Henry, M.; Dennis, W. (ill.) - Brighty of the Grand Canyon
41308: Henry, F.; Kells - The book of Kells: reproductions from the manuscript in Trinity College Dublin, with a study of the manuscript by Françoise Henry
28015: Henry, G.M. - A guide to the birds of Ceylon
26781: Henry, A. - Notes on economic botany of China
26780: Henry, E.; Cullen, C. (ed.) - The world upturning: Elsie Henry's Irish wartime diaries, 1913-1919
42568: Henry, O. - 100 selected stories
23873: Henryson, R.; Wood, H.H. (ed.) - The poems and fables of Robert Henryson, schoolmaster of Dunfermline
42408: Henrywood, D.; Petty, C. (ill.) - Cat-a-List: a compendium of interesting and unusual cat names
41909: Henschel, H. - When soft voices die
32854: Henslow, G. - The uses of British plants
26984: Henslow, J.S. - On the examination of a hybrid Digitalis
19444: Henslow, J.S. & Skepper, E. - Flora of Suffolk: a catalogue of the plants (indigenous or naturalized) found in a wild state in the county of Suffolk
31362: Von Hentig, R. - Coral world
29894: Hentschel, C.C. & Ivimey-Cook, W.R. - Biology for medical students
25250: Henty, E.E. - Harmful plants in Papua New Guinea
42230: Henty, G.A. - In the reign of terror
24935: Henzler, H.A. - Europreneurs: the men who are shaping Europe
15754: Hepburn, Ian - Flowers of the coast
39142: Hepburn, Ian - Flowers of the coast
23060: Hepburn, I. - Flowers of the coast
12468: Hepburn, I. - Flowers of the seaside
29638: Hepburn, I. - Flowers of the seaside
30765: Hepper, F.N. - Pharaoh's flowers
6468: Hepper, F.N. - The west African herbaria of Isert & Thonning
38742: Hepper, F.N. - Historical ethnobotany of ancient Egypt (and two other articles by the same author)
1057: Hepper, F.N. (ed.) - Kew: gardens for science and pleasure
27208: Hepper, F.N. (ed.) - Kew: gardens for science and pleasure
25380: Hepper, F.N. - Planting a bible garden
33609: Hepper, F.N. (ed.) - Plant hunting for Kew
37557: Hepper, F. N. (editor) - Plant Hunting for Kew
17625: Heppner, Sam - Cockie' - an authoritative life of C.B. Cochran - master showman
19696: Hepworth, J. - Rochester & district: a sketch-guide to its geology, flora, and fauna
37530: Herber, M. - Ancestral trails: the complete guide of British genealogy and family history
40250: Herbert, W.N. - The big bumper book of troy
9975: Herbert, W. - The polar world: the unique vision of Sir Wally Herbert
28900: Herbert S (ed) - The Red Notebook of Charles Darwin
33332: Herbert, G. - The Temple: sacred poems and private ejaculations
40248: Herbert, G. - The complete English works
36663: Herbert, S. - The first principles of evolution
31520: Herbert, W. - Amaryllidaceae: preceded by an attempt to arrange the monocotyledonous orders (etc.)
15842: Herbst, J. - New green world
16546: Heredia, B., Rose, L. & Painter, M. (eds). - Globally threatened birds in Europe: Action plans.
33396: Hereman, S. (rev.) - Paxton's botanical dictionary (etc.)
39753: Heringman, N. - Romantic rocks, aesthetic geology
41670: English Heritage - Strategic Stone Study: a building stone atlas of Cornwall & Isles of Scilly
41672: English Heritage - The roofs of England
41673: English Heritage - Stone slate roofing: technical advice note
41669: English Heritage - Strategic Stone Study: a building stone atlas of Northamptonshire
27173: Heriteau, J.; Cathey, H.M. - The national arboretum book of outstanding garden plants
27179: L'Héritier de Brutelle, C.-L. - Sertum Anglicum [an English wreath]
31824: Herklots, G. - Flowering tropical climbers
8766: Herklots, Geoffrey - Flowering tropical climbers
16547: Herklots, G.A.C. - The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
29502: Herman, J.S., McGowan, R.Y. & Swinney, G.N. - Catalogue of the type specimens of recent vertebrates in the National Museums of Scotland
24587: Herman, A. - The Scottish enlightenment
21466: Hermann, C.F. - A manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically examined
31715: Hernon, P. - Sir Watkin's tours: excursions to France, Italy and North Wales, 1768-71
22201: Heron, M. - The hidden gardens of Ireland: where to find them
38018: Herrera, K., Lorence, H.D.H., Flynn, T. and Balick, M.J. - Checklist of the vascular plants of Pohnpei, F.S. of Micronesia, with local names and uses
24113: Herrick, M.T. - Italian comedy in the Renaissance
20468: Herrmann, W.M. - Tripartite symbiotic associations in nitrogen-fixing plants of Mount Changbai nature reserve in Northeast China
15791: Hervey, G.A.K. & Barnes, J.A.G. - Natural history of the Lake District
36688: Hervey, G.F. & Hems, J. - The goldfish
34016: Herwig, R & Schubert, M. - The complete book of house plants
17162: Herzka, A. & Booth, R.G, - Food industry wastes: disposal and recovery
23185: Herzogenrath, W. & Schmidt, J.-K. (eds.) - Dix
40251: Hesketh, P. - The eighth day: selected poems 1948-1978
22366: Heslop-Harrison, J. - New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy
19357: Heslop-Harrison, J. & Flavell, R.B. - The chromosome
214: Heslop-Harrison, J. - New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy
7654: Heslop-Harrison, J.W. - Introduced vascular plants in the Scottish Western isles
32036: Heslop-Harrison, J. - New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy
37915: Heslop-Harrison, J. - New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy
31519: Heslop Harrison, J.W. - The genus Rosa, its hybridology and other genetical problems
18532: Hess, G. - The bird: its life and structure
32167: Hessayon, D.G. - The indoor plant spotter
23242: Hessayon, D.G. - The home expert
41528: Hessayon, D.G. - The container expert
36715: Hessayon, D.G. - The orchid expert
41526: Hessayon, D.G. - The lawn expert
41525: Hessayon, D.G. - The flower expert
675: Hessayon, D.G. - The house plant expert
41527: Hessayon, D.G. - The house plant expert
41529: Hessayon, D.G. - The bulb expert
28656: Hessayon, D.G. - The home expert
34029: Hessayon, D.G. - The vegetable expert
41880: Hessayon, D.G. - Be your own house plant expert
32777: Hesselbo, A. - The bryophyta of Iceland (The botany of Iceland vol. 1)
19757: Hester, R.E. & Harrison, R.M. (eds.) - Coal in the 21st century
19314: Hester, R.E. & Harrison, R.M. (eds.) - Environmental impacts of road vehicles
33833: Hetherington, P.B. - Mosaics
31073: Heu, R. - Mammals: a guide to the living mammals of western Europe
8855: Heutte, Frederic (introd.) - Evergreen shrubs
30854: Hewer, H.R. - British seals
35125: Hewish, J. - The indefatigable Mr Woodcroft; the legacy of invention
31194: Hewish, M. et al. - Air forces of the world
37229: Hewison, Robert - The heritage industry: Britain in a climate of decline
39567: Hewitt, W. - A retrospect of fity years' existence and work
39930: Hewitt, A. - Bach world tour souvenir programme
37230: Hewitt, R. - A revolution of feeling: the decade that forged the modern mind [the 1790s]
37231: Hewitt, R. - A revolution of feeling: the decade that forged the modern mind [the 1790s]
26190: Hewitt, R. - Library management case studies
36716: Hewitt, T. - The complete book of cacti & succulents
37434: Hewitt, C.R. - General index to the journal and reports of the Royal Institute of Cornwall 1818 to 1906, 1st series vols. 1-30
17546: Hewitt, H.G. - Fungicides in crop protection
26149: Hewitt, A.R. - The law relating to public libraries
26148: Hewitt, A.R. - A summary of public library law
38653: Hewson, H. - Australia: 300 years of botanical illustration
39862: Hextall, W. & J. - Ashby-de-la-Zouch
42267: Hey, R.W. & Perrin, R.M.S. - The geology and soils of Cambridgeshire
37531: Hey, L.; Walton, G. - A history of Charlbury; including A geological view of the history of Charlbury
35816: Hey, W. - The Hey papes
31283: Heyerdahl, T. - The Kon-Tiki expedition
30881: Heyerdahl, T. - The Kon-Tiki expedition
42578: Heyerdahl, T. - The Kon-Tiki expedition
42321: Heyne, K.; Ng, F.S.P. (intro.) - Nuttige planten van Nederlandsch Indie (4 v.)
32037: Heywood, V.H. - Plant taxonomy
31891: Heywood, V.H. (ed.) - Flowering plants of the world
37917: Heywood, Vernon Hilton (ed.) - Modern methods in plant taxonomy
24792: Heywood, V.H. & Moore, D.M. - Current concepts in plant taxonomy
38351: Heywood, V.H. (ed.) - Modern methods in plant taxonomy
24823: Heywood, V.H. & Moore, D.M. - International directory of botanical gardens
25048: Heywood, V.H. & Pichi-Sermolli, R.E.G. - Proceedings of the second Flora Europaea symposium
10260: Heywood, V.H. & Pichi-Sermolli, R.E.G. - Proceedings of the second Flora Europaea symposium
32742: Heywood, V.H. (ed.) - Flowering plants of the world
21115: Heywood, I., Cornelius, S. & Carver, S. - An introduction to geographical information systems
34065: Heywood, V.H. (ed.) - Flowering plants of the world
34066: Heywood, V.H. & Moore, D.M. - Current concepts in plant taxonomy
27291: Heywood, V.H. (ed.) - Flowering plants of the world
37916: Heywood, V.H. - Taxonomia vegetal
25299: Heywood, V.H. & McNeill, J. - Phenetic and phylogenetic classification
217: Heywood, Vernon Hilton (ed.) - Modern methods in plant taxonomy
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