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Acanthophyllum Books 243 Pensby Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH61 5UA, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)151 342 8287 Email: a.books@mac.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
26726: Botanical Society of the British Isles - Report of Recorders' Conference Dublin September 1972
36854: Isserman, M. & weaver, S. - Fallen giants: a history of Himalayan mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes
27472: Touring Club Italiano - Sardegna
27473: Touring Club Italiano - Sicilia
17445: Van Iterson, G. - Mathematische und mikroskopisch-anatomische Studien über Blattstellungen (etc.)
8656: Ito, T. & Matsumura, J. - Tentamen florae Lutchuensis (sect. 1 only)
10683: Itten, H. - The alpine garden of Schynige Platte
28125: IUCN - Caring for the earth: a strategy for sustainable living
21377: IUCN - Biosphere reserves: myth or reality
21379: IUCN - Benefits beyond boundaries: proceedings of the 5th IUCN world parks congress
21378: IUCN - Tanks and thyme: biodiversity in former Soviet military areas in Central Europe
21380: IUCN - Reefs at risk: a programme of action
21753: IUCN - Draft international covenant on environment and development
16952: IUCN - The use of ecological guidelines for development in the Tropical Forest Areas of South East Asia
28126: IUCN; Prescott-Allen, R, & C. - In situ conservation of wild plant genetic resources: a status review and action plan
33642: IUCN - Polar bears: proceedings of the ninth working meeting of the IUCN/SSC polar bear specialist group
27808: IUCN - 1990 red list of threatened animals
27807: IUCN - 1988 red list of threatened animals
23576: IUCN - Landscape conservation law
23578: IUCN - Report of the global biodiversity forum 1997
23577: IUCN - Report of the global biodiversity forum 1999
21168: IUCN - A working system for classification of world vegetation
21748: IUCN - Directory of wetlands of international importance
39243: IUCN - World conservation strategy: living resource conservation for sustainable development
39242: IUCN - Estrategia mundial para la conservacion
31286: Ivanov, A., Coulter, G., Timoshkin, O. & Riedel, F. - Speciation in ancient lakes, SIAL III
32144: Ivens, G.W. - East African weeds and their control
5144: Ivens, G.W., Moody, K. & Egunjobi, J.K. - West African weeds
35700: Kingswood School; A.G. Ives - Kingswood School in Wesley's day and since
11066: Ivey, R.D. - Flowering plants of New Mexico
29892: Ivimey-Cook, R.B. - Atlas of the Devon flora
22475: Ivins, W.M. - Art and geometry: a study in space intuitions
14208: Iwatsuki, Z., Vitt, D. & Gradstein, S.R. - Bryological herbaria: a guide to the bryological herbaria of the world
34184: Iwatsuki, Z. - New catalog of the mosses of Japan
21381: Iza, A. & Rovere, M.B. (eds.) - Gobernanza del agua en América del Sur: dimensión ambiental
37653: Izaguirre, P. & Beyhaut, R. - Las leguminosas en Uruguay y regiones vecinas: parte 1. Papilionoideae
28551: Jack, F. - The woman's book of household management
23432: Jack, I. - Sir Walter Scott
11407: Jackman, E.R. & Long, R.A. - The Oregon Desert
14996: Jackman, L. - The seashore naturalist's handbook
32145: Jacks, G.V. - Soil
26562: Jackson, W.E. - Local government in England and Wales
38574: Jackson, W. - Becoming native to this place
26566: Jackson, E. - Parlophone rhythm style
10584: Jackson, B.D. - Linnaeus (afterwards Carl von Linné)
4217: Jackson-Stops, Gervase - Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
34364: Jackson, C.E. - Bird etchings: the illustrators and their books, 1655-1855
20893: Jackson, A.B. - The identification of conifers
7180: Jackson-Stops, Gervase - An English Arcadia 1600-1990
20883: Jackson, D. - Buying a sustainable future? Timber procurement policies in Europe and Japan
10515: Jackson, A.R.W. & J.M. - Forensic science
16561: Jackson, M.H. - Galapagos: a Natural History.
13865: Jackson, B.D. - A glossary of botanic terms
30758: Jackson, C.E. - Great bird paintings of the world, vol. 1: the Old Masters
22243: Jackson, I.; Arnold, A. (ill.) - An Antiquarian ABC
29670: Jackson, E.E., Ogilvie, M.A. - The world of wildfowl
36539: Jackson, M.H. & De Beer, C. - Eighteenth century gunfounding
14062: Jackson, M., Ford-Lloyd, B. & Parry, M. (eds.) - Plant genetic resources and climate change
35633: Jackson, H. - Shell houses and grottoes
12139: Jackson, W. (foreword by Paul Ehrlich) - Man and the environment
36384: Jackson, F.M. - Index to A.C.H. Seymour's The life and times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon
25036: Jackson, B.D. - Guide to the literature of botany
38271: Jackson, A. & Day, D. - Good Housekeeping do-it-yourself book
36326: Jackson, Christine E.; Davis, Peter - Sir William Jardine: a life in natural history
29983: Jackson, M.H. - Galapagos: a Natural History.
13894: Jackson, S.E., Ones, D.S. & Dilchert, S. (eds.) - Managing human resources for environmental sustainability
34471: Jackson, J.W. - Catalogue of types and figured specimens in the geological department of the Manchester Museum
34585: Jackson, C.E. - John James LaForest Audubon: an English perspective
30757: Jackson, C.E. - Bird painting: the eighteenth century
29869: Jackson, I. (ed.) - Britain beneath our feet
19983: Jackson, W.P.U. - Origins and meanings of South African plant genera
20352: Jackson, A.A. - Bedrock geology UK South
26789: Jacob, P.R. - A fortunate fellow
12726: Jacobs, H. (ed.) - Advance in the astronautical sciences, vol. 5
26005: Jacobs, J. (ed.) - Celtic fairy tales
503: Jacobs, Surrey & Pickard, J. - Plants of New South Wales: a census of the cycads, conifers and angiosperms
24965: Jacobs, M. - The tropical rain forest: a first encounter
39207: Jacobs, M. - The tropical rain forest
17742: Jacobs, W.W.; Greiffenhagen, M. (ill.) - Many cargoes
26283: Jacobsen, H. - The cultivation of succulents
4853: Jacquard, P., Heim, G. & Antonovics, J. (eds.) - Genetic differentiation and dispersal in plants
28261: Jacques, D. & Van der Horst, A.J. (et al.) - The gardens of Wlliam and Mary
30025: Jacques, David - Georgian gardens: the reign of nature
33508: Jacquet, P.; Grinfeder, M. (ed.) - Une répartition des Orchidées sauvages de France
17466: Jacson, M.E. - Botanical Lectures and the Florist's Manual
39042: Jadan, D. - A guide to the natural history of St. John
19299: Jaeger, E.C. - The North American deserts
15036: Jaeger, E.C. - The California deserts
5766: Jaffré, T., Reeves, R.D. & Becquer, T. - The ecology of ultramafic and metalliferous areas / Ecologie des milieux sur rochers ultramafiques et sur sols metalliferes
5295: Jain, S.K. & Botsford, L.W. (eds.) - Applied population biology
7842: Jain, S.K. & Sastry, A.R.K. - Threatened plants of India: a state-of-the-art report
27793: Jain, S.K. & Rao, R.R. - An assessment of threatened plants of India
28326: Jairajpuri, M.S. - Snakes and human welfare
23402: Jakobs, K.-H. et al.; Liedtke, K. (ed.) - Landschaften der DDR
31950: Jakucs, P. (ed.) - Ecology of an oak forest in Hungary: results of ""Sikfökut Project"" (vol. 1 only)
20582: Jalas, J. & Suominen, J. (ed.) - Atlas Florae Europaeae vol. 3: Caryophyllaceae
11531: Jalas, J. & Suominen, J. - Atlas Florae Europaeae part 3: Salicaceae to Balanophoraceae
11532: Jalas, J. & Suominen, J. - Atlas Florae Europaeae part 4: Polygonaceae
11534: Jalas, J. & Suominen, J. - Atlas Florae Europaeae part 5: Chenopodiaceae to Basellaceae
20581: Jalas, J. & Suominen, J. (ed.) - Atlas Florae Europaeae vol. 2: Angiospermae (part)
9830: Jalas, J. - Zur Kausalanalyse der Verbreitung einiger Nordischen Os- und Sandpflanzen
28374: James, W. - Famous buildings from the air
11875: James, A. Ll. - Our spoken language
24250: James, H. - English hours
24249: James, H. - Daisy Miller
24247: James, H. - The notebooks of Henry James
24252: James, H. - What Maisie knew
24251: James, H. - The Bostonians
22874: James, C. - Sentenced to life; poems 2011-2014
24253: James, H. - Selected stories
34841: James, C. - Green odyssey: conversion of a geologist
42508: James, H. - The turn of the screw, The aspern papers, and seven other stories
31557: James, H. - The Europeans
2680: James, Robert Rhodes - Henry Wellcome
33990: James, P. - Lichens and air pollution
42073: James, G.W. - Arizona the wonderland
42182: James, H. - The princess Casamassima
36352: James, F.A.J.L. (ed.) - Chemistry and theology in mid-Victorian London: the diary of Herbert McLeod, 1860-1870
34274: James, M.R. - A guide to the windows of King's College Chapel Cambridge
34275: James, M.R. - An illustrated guide to the windows of King's College chapel, Cambridge
10316: James, E.; Benson, M. (ed.) - From Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains: Major Stephen Long's expedition 1819-1820
33620: James, W.O. - An introduction to plant physiology
26284: James, M. (ed.) - Complete guide to home gardens
29651: James, M.R. - Abbeys
17890: James, K.W. - ""Damned nonsense!"" - the geological career of the third Earl of Enniskillen
30493: Jameson, H.G. - Illustrated guide to the trees and flowers of England and Wales
36811: Jameson, E. - The natural history of quackery
40276: Jamie, K. - The tree house
27367: Jamieson, F. - Drummond Castle gardens
39574: Jamieson, A. - A dictionary of mechanical science, arts, manufactures, and miscellaneous knowledge (etc.)
31389: Jammes, F. - Le Bon Dieu chez les Enfants
32168: Janes, E.R. - The flower garden
33218: Janes, R. - The Psalter, or psalms of David (etc.)
42402: Janitch, V. - Dolls' houses and dolls' house families
29734: Jankevi_ius, K. et al. - Lietuvos TSR raudonoji knyga [Red date book of the Lithuanian SSR]
22328: János, O. & József, S. - Kombinált rekultiváció a gyöngyösvisontai külfejtéses hányókon [Combined recultivation of Gyöngyös spoil heaps, Visonta]
38730: Jansen, P.C.M. et al. (eds.) - Plant resources of South-East Asia: basic list of species and commodity grouping
38301: Jansen, P.C.M. et al. (eds.) - Plant resources of South-East Asia: basic list of species and commodity grouping
25089: Jansen, P.C.M. et al. (eds.) - Plant resources of S.E. Asia: basic list of species and commodity grouping
37142: Janson, S.E. - Descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating glass technology
31000: Janssen, R. & J. - Egyptian household animals
39208: Janssen, A. - Flora und Vegetation der Savannen von Humaitá und ihre Standortbedingungen
16796: Janssens, P.A. - Palaeopathology: diseases and injuries of prehistoric man
29889: Janzen, D.H. - Ecology of plants in the tropics
39109: Janzen, D.H. - Ecology of plants in the tropics
21815: Janzen, D.H. - Swollen-thorn Acacias of Central America
38469: Wild Bird Society of Japan - A field guide to the birds of Japan
20388: Geological Survey of Japan - Geological map of Japan (3 sheets)
29166: Jaramillo, A, Burke, P. - New world Blackbirds: the Icterids
28911: Jaramillo A, Burke P & Beadle D - Field guide to the birds of Chile including the Antarctic Peninsula, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia
24918: Jardine, N., Secord, J.A. & Spary, E.C. (eds.) - Cultures of Natural History
16283: Jardine, N., Secord, J.A. & Spary, E.C. (eds.) - Cultures of Natural History
35049: Jardine, Sir W. - Memoirs of Hugh Edwin Strickland, M.A. (etc.)
31287: Jardine, N.K. - The dictionary of entomology
9873: Jardine, Sir W. - The natural history of monkeys
30350: Jardine, Sir W.; Macgillivray, W. - The naturalist's library, Mammalia, vol. 7: British quadrupeds
35948: Jardine, R. (foreword) - The Sheffield smelting company limited 1760-1960
22183: Jarman, C. - Atlas of animal migration
29841: Jarman, R.H. - The King's grey mare
40826: Jarratt, V. - Italian cinema
13486: Jarrett, D. - The English landscape garden
10309: Jarvis, C. - Order out of chaos: Linnaean plant names and their types
29953: Jarvis, D.I, Padoch, C. & Cooperm H.D. - Managing biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems
37048: Jarvis, A. - Samuel Smiles and the construction of Victorian values
37146: Jarvis, R. - Art and old iron
33316: Jarvis, C. - Order out of chaos: Linnaean plant names and their types
20406: Jarvis, D.I., Padoch, C. & Cooper, H.D. (eds.) - Managing biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems
30211: Jasen, D.A. - The theatre of P.G. Wodehouse
28475: Jason, D. - My life
5943: Jastrow, J.D., Zimmerman, C.A., Dvorak, A.J. & Hinchman, R.R. - Comparison of lime and fly ash as amendments to acidic coal mine refuse: growth responses and trace-element uptake of two grasses
20392: Javanaphet, J.C. - Geological map of Thailand (southern part)
20180: Jay, R. - Sacred gardens
31208: Jay, R. - Sacred gardens: creating a space for contemplation and meditation
27605: Jay, M. - Mount Usher gardens
34842: Jay, W. (Rev.) - Autobiography & reminiscences of the Revd. William Jay
34604: Jay, M. - The atmosphere of heaven: the unnatural experiments of Dr Beddoes and his sons of genius
37561: BAPPEDA-Dati I Irian Jaya et al. (sponsors) - The Irian Jaya Biodiversity conservation priority-setting workshop
29119: Jayasaro, A. - Seen in their true light
463: Jee, Nigel - Guernsey's natural history
23863: Jeffares, A.N. - Cowper: selected poems and letters
19156: Jefferies, R. - Chronicles of the hedges and other essays
35302: Jefferies, R.; Looker, S.J. (ed.), Parker, A.M. (ill.) - The old house at Coate and other hitherto unpublished essays
35303: Jefferies, R.; Looker, .J. (intro.), Parker, A.M. (ill.) - The life of the fields
35304: Jefferies, R.; Looker, .J. (intro.), Parker, A.M. (ill.) - The spring of the year
35305: Jefferies, R.; Looker, .J. (intro.), Parker, A.M. (ill.) - Field and hedgerow
21527: Jefferies, R.; Clarke, M.U. (ill.) - The life of the fields
18124: Jefferies, R. - Field and hedgerow, being the last essays of Richard Jefferies
32841: Jefferies, R. - The pageant of summer
31288: Jefferies, R. - Nature near London
30351: Jefferies, R. - Nature near London
40277: Jeffers, R. - Selected poems
42133: Jefferson, J. & Gordon, M. McC. - The quilter's guide to Amish quilts
15270: Jefferson-Brown, M. & Howland, H. - The gardener's guide to growing lilies
33660: Jefferson-Brown, M. & Upward, M. - The rock garden month-by-month
32277: Jefferson, A. - Sir Thomas Beecham: a centenary tribute
15269: Jefferson-Brown, M. - A plantsman's guide to lilies
24623: Jeffords, J.M. - My declaration of independence
40871: Jeffrey, I. - The photography book
12873: Jeffrey, C. - An introduction to plant taxonomy
31951: Jeffrey, D.W. - Soil-plant relationships: an ecological approach
37922: Jeffrey, C. - An introduction to plant taxonomy
16953: Jeffrey, R.C.V., Chbwela, H.N., Howard, G. & Dugan, P.J. - Managing the wetlands of Kafue Flats and Bangweulu Basin
20710: Jeffrey, C. - Biological nomenclature
26790: Jeffrey, D.W. (ed.) - North Bull Island, Dublin Bay - a modern coastal natural history
35606: Jeffreys, H. - Earthquakes and mountains
26686: Jekyll, G. - Wall & water gardens
3997: Jekyll, Gertrude - Colour schemes for the flower garden
19762: Jekyll, G. - Home and garden
27018: Jekyll, G. & Mawley, E. - Roses for English gardens
19382: Jekyll, G. - Home and garden: notes and thoughts, practical and critical, of a worker in both
7634: Jellicoe, Geoffrey - The collected works of Geoffrey Jellicoe: the studies of a landscape designer over 80 years, vol. 3
23103: Jencks, C. - What is Post-Modernism?
31952: Jeník, J. - Alpinská vegetace Krkono_, Králckého Sn__níku a Hrubého Jeseníku [Alpine vegetation of Krkono_e, Králké Sn__ník and Hrubé Jeseník]
37234: Jenkin, A.K.H. - The story of Cornwall
12149: Jenkins, D. - Conserving otters
26143: Jenkins-Jones, A.; Giannini, J. (ill.) - Nanw nain llanwnnen
31489: Jenkins, A.C. - The naturalists: pioneers of natural history
24538: Jenkins, Simon - Thatcher & Sons: a revolution in three acts
25917: Jenkins, A.C. - Wild encounters
25765: Jenkins, E. - The princes in the Tower
34041: Jenkins, D.H. & Wilson, H. van P. - Enjoy your house plants
34769: Jenkins, I. & Sloan, K. - Vases and volcanoes: Sir William Hamilton and his collection
31077: Jenkins, J.T. - The fishes of the British Isles
30947: Jenkins, A.C. - Wildlife in the city
19080: Jenkins, A.C. - The naturalists: pioneers of natural history
11011: Jenkins, C.F. - The historical background of Franklin's tree
22368: Jenkins, M. - Seashore studies
35947: Jenkins, A.E. - Titterstone Clee Hills: everyday life, industrial history and dialect
40031: Jenkins, J.G. - Life and tradition in rural Wales
24766: Jenkins, S. - Thatcher and Sons
22200: Jenkins, G.H. (ed.) - Iaith carreg fy Aewyd: iaith a chumuned yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg [My Household's Stone Language: language and community in the nineteenth century]
15037: Jenkins, M.D. (ed.) - Madagascar: an environmental profile
29347: Jenks D - A history of Devonshire Ornithology
22659: Jenkyns, R. - The Victorians and ancient Greece
28205: Jenner, P. & Smith, C. - Landscapes of Catalu–a: the Ebro delta and Puerto de Beceite
12961: Jenner, Michael - Ireland through the ages
13622: Jenner, E. - A Flora of Tunbridge Wells (etc.)
26162: Jennett, S. - The making of books
40440: Jennett, S. - The making of books
26163: Jennett, S. - The making of books
28581: Jennings, O.E. - A manual of the mosses of western Pennsylvania and adjacent regions
7413: Jennings, Arthur Seymour & Rothery, Guy Cadogan - The modern painter and decorator: a practical work on house painting and decorating (vol. 2 only)
27325: Jennings, J.N - Karst
20181: Jennings, A. - Victorian gardens
28428: Jennings, M.C. - Birds of the Arabian Gulf
30352: Jennison, G. - Natural history animals: an illustrated who's who of the animal world
38354: Jensen, W.A. - The plant cell
17459: Jensen, P.B. - Growth hormones in plants
7102: Jensen, J., Parr, B. - San Francisco
1102: Jensen, Adolf - Pianoforte compositions: Elfin Dance (Reigen)
37289: Jentzsch - Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft
21383: Jepma, C.J. - Tropical deforestation: a socio-economic approach
36691: Jepson, L. - A practical guide to keeping healthy fish in a stable environment
28056: Jerdon, T.C. - The mammals of India: a natural history (etc.)
39718: Jeremy, D.J. & Shaw, C. (eds.) - Dictionary of business biography, 5 v.+ Supplement
37148: Jeremy, D.J. - Transatlantic industrial revolution: the diffusion of textile technologies between Britain and America, 1790-1830s
16226: Jermy, A.C. & Tutin, T.G. - British sedges
38355: Jermy, A. Clive & Tutin, Thomas Gaskell - British sedges
31953: Jermy, A.C. & Kavanagh, K. P. (eds.) - Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak: an account of its environment and biota (etc.)
34077: Jermy, A.C. et al. (eds.) - Biodiversity assessment: review; Field Manual 1; Field Manual 2
11096: Jermy, A.C., Crabbe, J.A. & Thomas, B.A. (eds.) - The phylogeny and classification of the ferns
38252: Jermy, A.C. & Tutin, T.G. - British sedges
39156: Jermy, A. Clive & Tutin, Thomas Gaskell - British sedges
27083: Jermy, C. & Camus, J. - The illustrated field guide to ferns and allied plants of the British isles
21858: Jermy, A. Clive & Tutin, Thomas Gaskell - British sedges
32080: Jermy, A.C. & Tutin, T.G. - British sedges
23616: Jermy, A. Clive & Tutin, Thomas Gaskell - British sedges
13628: Jermyn, S.T. - Flora of Essex
11604: Jermyn, S.T. - Flora of Essex
32262: Jernstad, T.F. - The biodiversity of Korea
10570: Jesse, E. (ed.); White, Gilbert - The natural history of Selborne
19984: Jessop, N.R. & Nudds, C.J. - Guide to collections in Dublin libraries
34703: Jessup, R. - Man of many talents: an informal biography of James Douglas 1753-1819
28528: Jeuda, B - ""The Knotty"": an illustrated survey of the North Staffordshire railway
36913: Jevons, H.S. - The British coal trade
42509: Jewett, S.O. - The country of the pointed firs
36914: Jewitt, L. - The life of William Hutton, and the history of the Hutton family (etc.)
30555: Jex-Blake, A.J. - Gardening in East Africa
33197: Jex-Blake, A.J. - Gardening in East Africa
42704: Jiménez-Fuentes, E., De Broin, F. (eds.) - Studia palaeocheloniologica II
37853: Tan Teong Jin - Travels in the Malaysian rainforest
12627: Zhang Jingwei - The alpine plants of China
5373: Jang Jintian - The land use map of China, sheet I-49 (Xian)
25358: Jirou_ek, A. - Slovakia
28128: JNCC - Pesticide use, avian food resources and bird densities in Sussex
36033: Joad, C.E.M. - The untutored townsman's invasion of the country
21188: Joaquin, N. - The Philippines: a manifold land
33998: Job, D. & Jarman, M. - Central place provision in theory and practice
33999: Job, D.A. - Runoff and sediment output from a small lowland catchment
39494: Jobbins, J.R. (drawn and engraved by) - Geological map of Birmingham country
37788: Jobim, T. & Araujo, Z. - Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
34830: Jobler, J. - The reluctant surgeon
5128: Joenje, Wouter - Plant colonization and succession on embanked sandflats
28129: Joffe, J. - Maintaining the natural balance
27538: Johannsen, A. - A Key for the Determination of Rock-forming Minerals in Thin Sections.
15127: Johanson, D.C. & Edey, M.A. - The dramatic discovery of our oldest human ancestor Lucy
29079: Johansson, S. - The dawn of language: how we came to talk
27176: Johansson, B. - VOEr vintergröna trädgOErd [Our evergreen garden]
34185: Johansson, L. - Applications of aquatic mosses as monitors of heavy metal pollution
34186: John, V.; Koschwitz, J. (intro.) - Atlas der Flechten in Rheinland-Pfalz (2 parts)
34851: John, A. - Chiaroscuro: fragments of an autobiography
41235: John, B. - The Stonehenge bluestones
35892: John, A.H. - The industrial development of South Wales
38394: Johns, C.A. - British birds in their haunts
26137: Johns, R. (ed.) - Our friend the poodle, miniature and standard
38263: Johns, C.A. - Flowers of the field
37761: Johns, R.J. (ed.) - Holttum memorial volume
16562: Johns, C.A. - British Birds in their Haunts.
13766: Johns, C.A. - Botanical Rambles
35235: Johns, C.A. - British birds in their haunts
31984: Johns, C.A. - Flowers of the field
36251: Johns, J.R. - Doctor by nature: Jonathan Couch, surgeon of Polperro
38517: Johns, C.A. - British birds in their haunts
36010: Johns, G.F. & Stein, J.A. (eds.) - Automobile Quarterly
30353: Johns, C.A. - British birds in the haunts
38719: Johns, T. - With bitter herbs they shall eat it
42183: Johns, W.E. - The bumper Biggles book: five adventures of the intrepid aviator
37638: Johns, R.J. - Index Filicum supplementum sextum pro annis 1976-1990
37639: Johns, R.J. - Index Filicum supplementum septimum pro annis 1991-1995
25226: Johns, R. - Common forest trees of New Guinea
12285: Johnsgard, P.A. - Ducks in the wild: conserving waterfowl and their habitats
16565: Johnsgard, P.A. - Cranes of the world
16567: Johnsgard, P.A. - The Quails, Partridges, and Francolins of the World
18539: Johnsgard, P.A. - The grouse of the world
31558: Johnson, S. - The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
28373: Johnson, P. - British cathedrals
1752: Johnson, Samuel - The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia: a tale
10088: Johnson, P. - Heart in art: a life in paintings
33767: Johnson, P. - British castles
32445: Johnson, P. - Welsh narrow gauge: a colour portfolio
28127: Johnson, B. - Resourceful Britain: an overview
29913: Johnson, D. (ed.) - Palms for human needs in Asia
14031: Johnson, C.G. & Smith, L.P. (eds.) - The biological significance of climatic changes in Britain
32960: Johnson, T.; Gilmour, J.S.L. (ed.) - Journeys in Kent & Hampstead
37563: Johnson, H. - The international book of trees
32478: Johnson, P. - Isle of Man steam railway in colour
26434: Johnson, S. - Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia
7891: Johnson, Timothy H. - Biodiversity and conservation in the Caribbean: profiles of selected islands
33060: Johnson, A.T. & Smith, H.A. - Plant names simplified
41435: Johnson, K.A. & Sainty, M.R. - Genealogical research directory national and international
17420: Johnson, W. - The nature-world of London 1. Trees and plants
32858: Johnson, J.E.; Sowerby, J.E. (ill.) - The useful plants of Great Britain
22014: Johnson, V. - American Eden
20895: Johnson, D.V. - Rattan glossary and compendium glossary with emphasis on Africa
41436: Johnson, K.A. & Sainty, M.R. - Genealogical research directory national and international
35392: Johnson, A.T. & Smith, H.A. - Plant names simplified
37389: Johnson, K.A. & Sainty, M.R. - Genealogical research directory national and international
15916: Johnson, W. - Gilbert White
40972: Johnson, C. - The country school in New England
40973: Johnson, C. - The country school
11670: Johnson, W. - Gilbert White
959: Johnson, Hewlett (the Very Reverend) - The claims of beauty in modern life
42481: Johnson, S. - Lives of the English poets (2 v.)
42004: Johnson, P. - A history of the American people
11138: Johnson, D. - Palms for human needs in Asia
34394: Johnson, D.E. - Literature on the history of botany and botanic gardens 1730-1840: a bibliography
30354: Johnson, W. - Animal life in London
40827: Johnson, P. - How to make camera pictures
35058: Johnson, B.C. - A British Museum legend: the extraordinary death of Henry Symons (etc.)
40933: Johnson, S.; Crystal, D. (ed.) - Johnson's dictionary: an anthology
39313: Johnson, A.T. - Hardy heaths and some of their nearer allies
39312: Johnson, A.T. - Hardy heaths and some of their nearer allies
39311: Johnson, A.T. - Hardy heaths
23994: Johnson, A. - This boy: memoir of a childhood
23959: Johnson, B. - Complete plays
17842: Johnson, M. - Atlas of the mammals, reptiles and amphibians of Lincolnshire and South Humberside
19985: Johnson, L. - Every lady her own flower gardener
15038: Johnson, A. - Mosses of Singapore and Malaysia
35472: Johnson, A. - Mosses of Singapore and Malaysia
38777: Johnston, B. - Ojibway heritage
4515: Johnston, Stanley H., Jnr. - The Cleveland herbal, botanical, and horticultural collections: a descriptive bibliography of pre-1830 works from the libraries of the Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Medical Library Association, and the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland
15545: Johnston, S.H. - Cleveland's treasures from the world of botanical literature
28460: Johnston, R.G. - Sheep farming
21558: Johnston, Sir H. - British mammals
41503: Johnston, J. - The life, manners and travels of Fanny Trollope
36266: Johnston, M. - Mettle & Mines: the life and times of colonial geologist Edward Heydelbach Davis
36167: Johnston-Saint, P. - Castanets and carnations
39989: Johnston, H.H. - Additions to the Flora of Orkney (12 parts)
39474: Johnston, J.L. - Scotland's nature in trust
30355: Johnston, Sir H. - British mammals
30356: Johnston, J.F.W.; Church, A.H. (rev.) - The chemistry of common life
18230: Johnston, J.L. - A naturalist's Shetland
19403: Johnstone, G.S. - British regional geology: the Grampian Highlands
41585: Jolly, J. (ed.) - The Gramophone classical music guide 2010
39184: Jolly, A., Oberlé, P. & Albignac, WR. (eds.) - Key Environments: Madagascar
41456: Jones, G.D.B. & Grealey, S. - Roman Manchester
29591: Jones, T.Ll. - Cyfrinach y Lludw [The secret of ashes]
31811: Jones, M.G. - Elizabeth Morgan: garddwraig um Môn yn y ddeunawfed ganrif / Eighteenth century Anglesey gardener
27434: Jones, R.W. - The Challenger expedition (1872-1876), Henry Bowman (1835-1891) and the Challenger Foraminifera; the Lady Blake collection; and others.
25164: Jones, G. & Peel, R.A. - Herbert Spencer, the intellectual legacy
40706: Jones, G.T. - Rivers of Anglesey
19441: Jones, W.P. - The rambler's guide to wild flowers
26228: Jones, E.G. (inferred) (ed.) - Index to the classified catalogue
41185: Jones, I. - Printing and printers in Wales É and Monmouthshire
23302: Jones, I.W. - Y llinyn Arian: aagweddaau o fywyd a chyfnod Thomas Gee 1815-1898
37062: Jones, S.K. - Dr Williams and his library
18313: Jones, C., Gadler, S.J. & Engstrom, P.H. - Pollution: the waters of the earth
15528: Jones, M.M. - The lookers-out of Worcestershire
31391: Jones, L.E. - The Observer's book of old English Churches
23015: Jones, Dewi - The botanists and guides of Snowdonia
22513: Jones, G. - A history of the Vikings
28808: Jones, E.G. - A bibliography of the dog
35019: Jones, J. - Morals, motives and markets: Adam Smith 1723-90
30250: Jones, S. - Y: the descent of man
39575: Jones, Rev. W. - Sermons: practical, doctrinal, and expository
41845: Jones, E. - An introduction to the birds of West Africa
35375: Jones, E. & Woodward, C. - A guide to the architecture of London
10168: Jones, Nigel - Shropshire meres and mosses
26141: Jones, M.E. - Welsh crafts
225: Jones, S.G. - Introduction to floral mechanism
23017: Jones, G.A. - Bywyd a Gwaith Owen Morgan Edwards 1858-1920
19223: Jones, J.W. - Fur-farming in Canada
30014: Jones, J.W. - The Salmon
41949: Jones, G. (ed.) - The Oxford book of Welsh verse in English
34343: Jones, B. - The life and letters of Faraday (vol. 2 only)
33037: Jones, Dewi - The botanists and guides of Snowdonia
23016: Jones, F.P. - Crwydro Dwyrain Dinbych
36984: Jones, P. - Ove Arup: master builder of the twentieth century
31591: Jones, B.M. - Famous men and women of Wales, Book 2
36871: Jones, C.C. (ed.), Widgery, L. (compiled by) - Historic Cardiganshire homes and their families
33896: Jones, J.W. - Rhyl and round about
31078: Jones, D. - The Country Life guide to spiders of Britain and northern Europe
40034: Jones, G.P. - Welsh place names
40035: Jones, T. - Gerallt Gymro / Gerald the Welshman
39043: Jones, T.T. - Windblown: landscape, legacy and loss, the great storm of 1987
25488: Jones, H. - A rambler's guide to building stones in Warwickshire
19777: Jones, F.E. - The battle for peace
27084: Jones, D.L. - Encyclopaedia of ferns
34505: Jones, Dewi - The botanists and guides of Snowdonia
40705: Jones, G.I.L. - Anglesey churches
35366: Jones, D. - Microphones and muddy boots
33421: Jones, P.A. - The British Isles: a trivia gazetteer
36350: Jones, L.-A. - The definitive biography of Freddie Mercury: Bohemian Rhapsody
37499: Jones, H.M. & Cohen, I.B. (ed.) - Science before Darwin
34780: Jones, J.E. - The descendants of Philip Henry
41236: Jones, I.W. - Gold frankenstein and manure
11049: Jones, J.W. - The Salmon
14827: Jones, D.T. - A field guide to British earthworms - test version
30449: Jones, H.F. (ed.) - The note-books of Samuel Butler, author of ""Erewhon""
25596: Jones, W. - The biblical cyclopľdia, or, dictionary of the holy scriptures (etc.), 2 v.
20982: Jones, A. & Sefton, N. - Marine life of the Caribbean
20983: Jones, J. - Spiders
41614: Jones, R. - Mull in the making
41615: Jones, R. - Mull in the shaping
25326: Jones, S. - Almost like a whale
41310: Jones, B. &Howell, B. - Popular arts of the First World War
30828: Jones, E. & Van Zandt, E. - The city: yesterday, today and tomorrow
22133: Jones, L.E. - The Observer's book of old English churches
34261: Jones, T.G. - The culture and tradition of Wales
30179: Jones, E.D. (ed.) - English critical essays (16th, 17th and 18th centuries)
40897: Jones, A. - Welsh chapels
40898: Jones, G.T. - The fords of Anglesey / Rhydau Môn
23013: Jones, A. - Welsh chapels
1961: Jones, Dewi - Naturiaethwr mawr - môr a mynydd: bywyd a gwaith J. Lloyd Williams
36649: Jones, L.W. - The population of Borneo
21298: Jones, G.I. - Ibo art
24576: Jones, Ll. - Mister Pip
40033: Jones, G.T. & Roberts, T. - Enwau Lleoedd Môn / The place-names of Anglesey
37923: Jones, C.E. & Little, R.J. (eds.) - Handbook of experimental pollination biology
31200: Jones, J.M. - Morwyr y cilie
39759: Jones, T.A. - A retrospect of thirty-five years (1910-1944)
17032: Jones, J.I. - A new geography of Wales
19987: Jones, Dewi - The botanists and guides of Snowdonia
35406: Jones, B. - Formula One: the complete facts stats and records of Grand Prix racing
33955: Jones, G. & Rowlands, J. - Profiles: an account of Welsh and English language writers in Wales today
41688: Jones, H. - A ramblers' guide to building stones in Warwickshire
24048: Jones, T. - The dark heart of Italy
17667: Jones, W.E. - A key to the genera of British seaweeds
21191: Jones, C.P. - Investments: analysis and management
38757: Jones, R. - Extreme insects
17826: Jones, N.S. - British Cumaceans
35894: Jones, S.K. - Brunel in South Wales
35893: Jones, I.W. - Llechwedd: its slate and its people
14975: Jones, S. - The single Helix: a turn around the world of science
29590: Jones, J.G. - Ar draws ac ar hyd [Across and along]
6914: De Jong, Erik - Nature and Art: Dutch garden and landscape architecture, 1650-1740
16928: De Jong, B.H.J. & Spaans, A.L. - Waterfowl and wetlands in Suriname
18753: Jongbloed, M., Llewellyn-Smith, R. & Sawaf, M. - A field guide to the terrestrial mammals of the UAE
19294: Jongman, R.H.G. (ed.) - Ecological and landscape consequences of land use change in Europe
13765: Jonsell, B. - Studies in the north-west European species of Rorippa s. str.
24120: Jonson, B.; Beaurline, L.A. (ed.) - Epicoene or the silent woman
26098: Jonson, B.; Duncan, R. (ed.) - Selected poems of Ben Jonson
24121: Jonson, B.; Hibbard, G.R. (ed.) - Bartholmew Fair
24123: Jonson, B. - The alchemist
24122: Jonson, B. - Volpone, or the Foxe
24118: Jonson, B. et al. - The R.S.C. production of Eastward Ho!
24117: Jonson, B. et al. - Eastward Ho!
26099: Jonson, B.; Nicholson, B. & Herford, C.H. (eds.) - Ben Jonson
24119: Jonson, B.; Kifer, D.R. (ed.) - The staple of news
2866: Jonsson, Marita - Linné pOE Gotland
39384: Jonsson, L. - Birds of Europe
36447: Jope, E.M. - Celtic art: expressiveness and communication through 2500 years
20117: Jordan, M. - The practical botanist
8129: Jordan, Paul - Neanderthal man and the story of human origins
5119: Jordan, William R., III; Gilpin, Michael E. & Aber, John D. *(eds.) - Restoration ecology: a synthetic approach to ecological research
22369: Jordan, M. - The practical botanist
36336: Jordanova, L.J. - Lamarck
22259: Jorgensen, H. - Ice houses of Iran: where, what, why
18451: Jorgensen, N. - A guide to New England's landscape
33470: Joseph, J. - Warning: when I am an old woman I shall wear purple
5986: Joseph, Freiherr von Eichendorff - Gedichte
30627: Josephy, A.M. - Now that the buffalo's gone: a study of today's American Indians
30787: Josephy, A.M. (ed.) - America in 1492: the world of the Indian Peoples before the arrival of Columbus
41748: Josephy, A.M. - 500 nations: an illustrated history of North American Indians
41820: Jourdain, F. - L'Impressionnisme: origines, consequences
34401: British Medical Journal - Porphyria:a royal malady
40152: John Clare Society journal - A group of five numbers (26-30)
26795: Kildare Archaeological Society journal - Journal of the Kildare Archaeological Society
31613: Art Journal - The Art Journal (vol. 14 only)
38986: Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants - Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants
35821: ISIS journal - Cumulative index 1953-1982
29842: Jowett, J. - The Lancashire-Lakeland link
19704: Joy, N.H. - British beetles: their homes and habitats
29223: Joy N H - How to know British birds
34800: Joyce, M. - My friend H: John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton of Broughton de Gyfford
42014: Joyce, P.W. - Pocket guide to Irish place names
22703: Joyce, J. - A portrait of the artist as a young man
34161: Joyce, J. - A portrait of the artist as a young man
28696: Joyce, J. - A portrait of the artist as a young man
19937: Joyce, J. - Ulysses
23824: Joyce, J. - Dubliners
42510: Joyce, J. - Ulysses
34506: Joyner, P. (ed.) - Dolbadarn: studies on a theme
37924: Judd, W.S., Campbell, C.S., Kellogg, E.A. & Stevens, P.F. - Plant systematics: a phylogenetic approach
39576: Judd, J.W. (ed.) - The student's Lyell: a manual of elementary geology
6932: Judd, John W. (ed.) - The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology (etc.)
29072: Judge, A.W. - The properties of aerofoils and aerodynamic bodies
29539: Judson, D. - Ghar Parau
36665: Judson, O. - Dr Tatiana's sex advice to all creation
24720: Judt, T. - Reappraisals: reflections on the forgotten twentieth century
29914: Judt, T. - Ill fares the land
17178: Juengst, K.P., Komarek, P. & Maurer, W. (eds.) - Use of superconductivity in energy storage
39577: Jukes, J.B. - The student's manual of geology
41196: Jukes-Browne, A.J. - The building of the British Isles: a study in geographical evolution
17179: Jukes, D.J. - Food legislation of the UK
19404: Jukes-Brown, A.J. - The Cretaceous rocks of Britain, vol. 1: the Gault and Upper Greensand of England
13331: Jukoniené, Ilona - Lietuvos kiminai ir _aliosios samanos
33268: Juler, C. - Searching for Sarmizegetusa
21384: Juliano, A.M. - RPPN: un novo conceito de propriedade
20769: Julien, M.H. & Griffiths, M.W. (eds.) - Biological control of weeds
4994: Jung, Gerald A. - Crop tolerance in suboptimal land conditions
36999: Jungnickel, C. & McCormmach, R. - Cavendish: the experimental life
30544: Juniper, T. & Parr, M. - Parrots
38185: Juniper, T.; King Charles III (foreword) - What has nature ever done for us?
30244: Jupp, B. - Heritage gardens inventory 1992
40278: Justice, D. - Collected poems
18357: Justino, M.J.; Krajcberg, Franz (ill.) - A tragicidade da natureza
20712: Kaandorp, J. (ed.) - Transmissible diseases handbook
17180: Kabanov, B.N. - Electrochemistry of metals and adsorption
37031: Kabrna, P. - John Milne: the man who mapped the shaking earth
20817: Kabuye, C.H.S. - Ethnobotany and conservation of cultural and biological diversity
33090: Kadas, S. - Mount Athos: an illustrated guide to the monasteries and their history
17130: El-Kaddah, N. (ed.) - Thermal plasma applications in materials and mettalurgical processing
12728: Kafatos, M. & Michalitsianos, A. - Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
12729: Kahn, F.D. & Palmer, H.P. - Quasars
37687: Kahn, F. (comp.) - Las palmeras de los bosques tropicales ; Les palmiers des foręts tropicales / Palms in tropical forests
37673: Kahn, F. & Moussa, F. - Las palmeras de Peroe
37683: Kahn, F. - Les palmiers de l'Eldorado
37681: Kahn, F. - The palms of Eldorado
32397: Kahn, J. - The charm of the Cotswolds
12730: Kaiser, T.R. (ed.) - Meteors: proceedings of a symposium on meteor physics
34110: Guan Kaiyun (ed.) - Highland flowers of Yunnan
37722: Kalin Arroyo, M.T./ Elias, T.S. - The systematics of the legume genus Harpalyce (Leguminosae: Lotoideae) [with] A monograph of the genus Hamelia (Rubiaceae)
35497: Kalkman, C. et al. (eds.) - Flora Malesiana Series 1, vol. 11 part 2
35496: Kalkman, C. et al. (eds.) - Flora Malesiana Series 1, vol. 11 part 1
33868: Kalkman, V. et al. (eds.) - European red list of dragonflies
17851: Kalmus, H. - Simple experiments with insects
17963: Kalogeraki, Stella - Greek mythology
16703: van de Kam, J., Ens, B., Piersma, T. & Zwarts, L. - Shorebirds; an illustrated behavioural ecology.
33444: Kambanis, M. - _____________ ___ _____ ____ 1990-2009[Paintings of the Holy Grail]
36855: Kamler, K. - Doctor on Everest
18320: Kamukala, G.L. & Crafter, S.A. - Wetlands of Tanzania
14151: Kanda, H. - Catalog of moss specimens from Antarctica and adjacent regions
14499: Kanellopoulos, N. (ed.) - Small-scale gas to liquid fuel synthesis
37042: Kanigel, R. - The man who knew infinity: a life of the genius Ramanujan
28130: Kankane, P.L. - Status survey of Chinkara and Desert Cat in Rajasthan
38884: Kanninen, M. et al. - Do trees grow on money?
31163: Kanouchi, T. / ____ - Wild birds / __
24700: Kanter, R.M. - Move: putting America's infrastructure back in the lead
42244: Kaplan, F. - Henry James: the imagination of genius
30816: Kaplan, H. - Furskin processing
23998: Kaplan, J. - Mr Clemens and Mark Twain
5310: Kapoor-Vijay, Promila & White, James - Conservation biology: a training manual for biological diversity and genetic resources
5016: Kapoor-Vijay, Promila & Usher, Michael B. - Identification of key species for conservation and socio-economic development
39244: Kapoor-Vijay, P. & White, J. (eds) - Conservation biology
41511: Kapp, J. - The loves of Richard Wagner
29954: Kappelle, M. (ed.) - Costa Rican ecosystems
38186: Kappelle, M. - Los bosques de Roble (Quercus) de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica
38109: Kappelle, M. - Ecology of mature and recovering Talamancan Montane Quercus forests, Costa Rica
24933: Karasz, L. - WorldFont for Windows: user guide
5127: Karataglis, Stilianou S. - Adaptation and tolerance to toxic heavy metals by Agrostis tenuis and Festuca rubra
4958: Karataglis, Stelios - Fisiologia fyton [Plant Physiology]
42094: Karfeld, K.P. (ed.) - My Leica and I: Leica amateurs show their pictures
16955: Karim, G.M.M.E., Akonda, A.W. & Sewitz, P. (eds.) - Conservation of wildlife in Bangladesh
35236: Karpinski, J. (ed.) - Capital of happiness: Lord Grey of Fallodon and the charm of birds
8658: Karpowiczova, L. - 150 lat ogrodu botanicznego uniwersytetu warszawskiego [150 years of botany at Warsaw University]
27095: Karsten, M.C. - The Old Company's garden at the cape and its superintendents
39124: Kartawinata, K. & Whitten, A.J. - Krisis biologi
14059: Kasbekar, D.R. & McCluskey, K. (eds.) - Neurospora: genomics and molecular biology
8376: Kashyap, Shiv Ram - Liverworts of the Western Himalayas and the Panjab Plain, parts 1 & 2
18359: Kastner, J. - The bird illustrated: 1550-1900
16289: Kastner, J. - A world of naturalists
39478: Katambo, M.L.M. - A systematic study of African Solanum L. section Solanum (Solanaceae)
12732: Katasev, L.A. - Photographic methods in meteor astronomy
37970: Ten Kate, K. & Laird, S.A. - The commercial use of biodiversity
37743: Kato, M. (ed.) - The biology of biodiversity
38929: Kato, M., Kawakami, S. & Shimizu, H. (eds.) - Proceedings of the first conference of International Association of Botanical Gardens, Asian Division
32146: Katsura, N. (intro.) - International workshop on genetic resources: Wild legumes
39209: Katz, D.R. & Chapin, M. (eds.) - Tales from the jungle: a rainforest reader
42669: Kauffman, S.A. - The origins of order
22385: Kaul, B.L. - Man and environment: some interesting facts
33091: Kavafi, K.P. - _ą____ ą_______ [Reply to poems]
33713: Kavaler, L. - Mushrooms, moulds and miracles: the strange realm of fungi
29122: Kavanagh, J. - Nature Alberta: an illustrated guide to common plants and animals
40739: Kavina, K. - Atlas of fungi
30301: De Kay, J. - Natural History of New York, part 1: Zoology
20074: Kay, M. & Colbert, E.H. - Stratigraphy and life history
41769: Kay, M.W. (ed.) - A supplement to Webster's third new international dictonary: 6000 words
10605: Kay, Paul - Ireland's hidden depths
20770: Kays, S.J. & Silva Dias, J.C. - Cultivated vegetables of the world
33092: Kazantzaki, N. - ____ ___ ą_______ ___ _____ ____ą_ [Alexi Zormpa's life and times]
23501: Kazantzakis, N. - The fratricides
27491: Kazimatis A.E. - Crete
28016: Kazmierczak, K. & Singh, R. - A birdwatcher's guide to India
19988: Keane, M. - The Burren, County Clare
24258: Keane, M. - The rising tide
24255: Keane, M. - Loving and giving
24256: Keane, M. - Devoted ladies
25365: Keane, J. - Tom Paine: a political life
36365: Keane, J. - Tom Paine: a political life
23826: Keane, M. - Full house
16571: Kear, J. & Bergere, A.J. - The Hawaiian Goose
34155: Kear, J. - Man and wildfowl
29661: Kearley, B.L. - You and your horse
28915: Kearton C - The Island of Penguins
15491: Kearton, R. (ed.) - The natural history of Selborne
30362: Kearton, R. - Wonders of wild nature
30358: Kearton, R. - Wild nature's ways
30360: Kearton, R. - Nature's carol singers
30361: Kearton, R. - Our bird friends
23727: Kearton, R. - Baby birds at home
28529: Keary, P. & Brooks, M. - An introduction to geophysical exploration
16573: Keast, A. & Morton, E.S. (eds). - Migrants birds in the Neotropics: ecology, behaviour, distribution and conservation
21084: Keast, A. (ed.) - Biogeography and ecology of forest bird communities
27423: Keast, A. (ed.) - Biological biogeography of Australia (3 v.)
27729: Keats, J.; Groom, B. (ed.) - Selections from Keats
27728: Keats, J.; Forman, H.B. (ed.) - The poetical works of John Keats
31704: Keats, J. - Keats: poems published in 1820
23523: Keats, J. - Selected poems
21619: Keats, J.; Forman, H.B. (ed.) - The poetical works of John Keats
11272: Keay, R.W.J., Onochie, C.F.A. & Stanfield, D.P. - Nigerian trees (vol. 1 only)
31980: Keay, R.W.J., Hepper, F.N. (eds.) - Flora of West Tropical Africa (9 parts)
36834: Kee, R. - Ireland: a history
25378: Keeble, F. & Rawes, A.N. - Hardy fruit growing
28398: Keef, H.W. - Map of North Wirral, Cheshire, shewing public footpaths (etc.)
24494: Keegan, W. - The spectre of capitalism
30471: Keegan, H.L. - Scorpions of medical importance
25558: Keeley, E. & Sherrard, P. - C.P. Cavafy, collected poems
15272: Keeling, J. - The new terracotta gardener
37436: Keeling, D.F. (ed.) - British library history: bibliography 1962-1968
14768: Keen, M.J. - An introduction to marine geology
33831: Keen, B. - Cacti and succulents
24545: Keen, A. - The internet is not the answer
31777: Keen, M. - Colour your garden
39246: Keen, D.H. & Simmons, G.E. - What on earth are we doing?
17182: Keenan, J.H., Keyes, F.G., Hiill, P.G. & Moore, J.G. - Steam tables
20371: Keene, P. - Westward Ho! against the sea
20370: Keene, J. & P. - Northam Burrows estuary environments
20372: Keene, P, Elsom, D. - Lyn in flood: Watersmeet to Lynmouth
40279: Kees, W. - The collected poems of Weldon Kees
20984: Kehimkar, I. - Moths of India
22689: Kehlmann, D. - Measuring the world
20897: Keipi, K. (ed.) - Forest resource policy in Latin America
21467: Keith, Sir A. - The antiquity of Man (2 v.)
21468: Keith, Sir A. - New discoveries relating to the antiquity of Man
24083: Keith, S. & Gooders, J. - Collins bird guide
5312: Yu Ba & Peng Keli (eds.) - The Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem research station: Reports (1979-1988)
31778: Kellaway, Deborah (ed.) - The Virago book of women gardeners
4038: Kellaway, Deborah - The Virago book of women gardeners
20135: Kellaway, D. (ed.) - The illustrated Virago book of women gardeners
21385: Kelleher, G. (ed.) - Guidelines for marine protected areas
21386: Kelleher, G., Bleakley, C. & Wells, S. (eds.) - A global representative system of marine protected areas (4 v.)
23532: Keller, G. - Sämtliche Werke (2 v.)
17184: Keller, H. & Erb, U. - Dictionary of engineering acronyms and abbreviations
34535: Keller, W. - Are the Russians ten feet tall?
11399: Keller, B. A. et al. (eds.) - ______ ________ ____ / Weed flora of the USSR (vol. 2 only)
37144: Kelley, D.W. - Charcoal and charcoal burning
21643: Kelley, A.P. - Mycotrophic nutrition
38110: Kellogg, E. (ed.); Weigand, J, Mitchell, A., Morgan, D. - Coastal temperate rain forests: ecological characteristics, status and distribution worldwide
35099: Kelly, A. - The story of Wedgwood
37751: Kelly, A. & M. (eds.) - Darwin: for the love of science
41022: Kelly, R.B.T. - Mountain and moorland birds
26793: Kelly, J. (ed.) - The letters of Lord Chief Baron Edward Willes to the Earl of Warwick, 1757-1762
16574: Kelly, C.T. - Collins Handguide to the birds of New Zealand
31779: Kelly, J. - Ferns in your garden
25684: Kelly, L. - Cardinal Hume, a spiritual companion
26792: Kelly, G. - Eugene Fitzalan: botanist, pioneer and poet 1830-1911
33483: Kelly, S. & Gorst, A. (eds.) - Contemporary British History vol. 13 no. 2: Whitehall and the Suez Crisis
40974: Kelly, E.R. (ed.) - The Post Office directory of Cheshire (with map)
9926: Kelly, J. (ed.) - The letters of Lord Chief Baron Edward Willes to the Earl of Warwick, 1757-1762
34229: Kelly, T.C. (ed.) - New survey of Clare Island: vol. 9, Birds
31623: Kelly's directories - Kelly's Handbook to the titled, landed and official classes for 1902
38815: Kelman, J.H. & Wood, T. - The sea-shore
17539: Kelman, A. et al. (sourcebook committee) - Sourcebook of laboratory exercises in plant pathology
41749: Kelton, E. - The art of Frank C. McCarthy
28132: Kemball-Cook, D., Baker, M. & Mattingly, C. - The green budget
28408: Kemp, P. (ed.) - The Oxford companion to ships and the sea
39152: Kemp, R.H; Namkoong, G. & Wadsworth, F.H. - Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management: principles and concepts
38400: Kemp, A. - The Hornbills
18540: Kemp, A. & Calburn, S. - The Owls of southern Africa
20182: Kemp, E. - The parks, gardens etc. of London and its suburbs described and illustrated, for the guidance of strangers
37497: Kempe, D.R.C. & Buckley, H.A. - Fifty years of oceanography in the Department of Mineralogy
35409: Kendal, R. - The right way to win prize competitions
25723: Kendall, P.M. - Richard the Third
13231: Kendrick, A.F. - Lincoln: the cathedral and see
23286: Kendrick, T.D. - The druids
10750: Keng, H. - Orders and families of Malayan seed plants
10457: Kenkyujo, T.T. - Garden views III: water & stream gardens
26794: Kennedy, B. (intro. and ed.) - The Penguin book of Irish verse
32118: Kennedy, D. (intro.) - The living cell; readings from Scientific American
40280: Kennedy, C. O'B. (ed.) - American ballads
30653: Kennedy, R.G. - Hidden cities
40441: Kennedy, R. - A boy at the Hogarth Press
37111: Kennett, T. - The Lord Treasurer of Botany: Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean Collections
25269: Kennett, T. - The Lord Treasurer of Botany
24434: Kenney, M. - Biotechnology: the University-Industrial Complex
22269: Kennon, D.R. (ed.) - A republic for the ages
24639: Kenny, C. - The upside of down
39247: Kenny, G.J., Harrison P.A. & Parry, M.L. (eds.) - The effect of climate change on agricultural and horticultural potential in Europe
30696: Kenrick, V. - Horses in Japan
38793: Kenrick, P. & Crane, P.R. - The origin and early diversification of land plants: a cladistic study
24735: Kent, D.H. - index to botanical monographs
32961: Kent. D.H. - List of vascular plants of the British Isles & Supplement
34187: Kent, D.H. - index to botanical monographs
27060: Kent. D.H. - List of vascular plants of the British Isles & Supplement
34368: Kent, D.H. - Memorial issue: Watsonia vol. 23 part 1
11605: Kent, Douglas H. - The historical flora of Middlesex
33201: Kent, D.H. & Allen, D.E. - British and Irish herbaria
19738: Kent, D.H. - Index to botanical monographs
34369: Kent, D.H. - British herbaria (etc.)
23839: Kent, A. & Stephenson, A. - Norwich inheritance
41559: Kenyon, N. - Pocket guide: Bach
40281: Kenyon, J. - Let evening come: selected poems
41787: Kenyon, K.M. - Beginning in archaeology
20713: Keosian, J. - The origin of life
30628: Kephart, H. - The Cherokees of the Smoky Mountains
20881: Kerby, J. et al. (eds.) - Tree seeds and seedlings for restoring forests in northern Thailand
9645: Kermode, J.I. & Phillips, C.B. (eds.) - Seventeenth Century Lancashire
23437: Kermode, F. - John Donne
8494: Kermode, P.M.C. & Herdman, W.A. - Manks antiquities
13934: Kerner von Marilaun, A., tr. Oliver, F.W. - The natural history of plants: subscription edition
11852: Kerner, A. & Oliver, F.W. - The natural history of plants (2 vols.)
20962: Kerr, Sir J.G. - A naturalist in the Gran Chaco
39579: Kerr, G.L. - Elementary coal-mining
33901: Kerr, H.T. - Children's gospel story-sermons
4054: Kerr, Nigel & Mary - A guide to medieval sites in Britain
32294: Kerr, R. - Nature's curiosity shop
12144: Kerrich, G.J., Meikle, R.D. & Tebble, N. - Bibliography of key works for the identification of the British fauna and flora
27561: Kerrick, D.M. - Contact Metamorphism
27558: Kerrick, D.M. - Al2SiO5 polymorphs
42292: Kerrigan, M. - Charles Darwin's The Voyage of the Beagle
34188: Kershaw, K.A. - Quantitative and dynamic plant ecology
36306: Kershaw, I. - Hitler
31954: Kershaw, K.A. - Quantitative and dynamic plant ecology
31955: Kershaw, K.A. - Quantitative and dynamic ecology
12829: Kersting, A.F. - A portrait of English churches
42095: Kersting, A.F. (photos); Vale, E. - A portrait of English churches
18141: Kerton, F.M. & Ning Yan (eds) - Fuels, chemicals and materials from the oceans and aquatic sources
13895: Kerton, F.M. & Marriott, R. - Alternative solvents for green chemistry
16174: Kessler, H.A. (rep.) - Common trees of Pennsylvania
38885: Kessler, P.J.A. & Sidiyasa, K. - Trees of the Balikpapan-Samarinda area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: a manual to 280 selected species
27096: Keswick, M. - The Chinese garden: History, art and architecture
31179: Ketchell, R. - Japanese gardens in a weekend
30630: Ketchum, W.C. - Native American art
39314: Ketelaar, S. & Laros, A.J. (eds.) - Uitgave van de Nederlandse Ericultura Heidevereniging
38187: Kevan, P.G. & Imperatriz-Fonseca, C.L. - Pollinating bees: the conservation link between agriculture and nature
14854: Kew, B. - The pocketbook of animal facts and figures
9277: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew - List of seeds and spores 1968-78
1260: Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens - Hand-list of herbaceous plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Gardens
30629: Kew, D. & Goddard, P.E. - Indian art and culture of the Northwest Coast
20999: Kew - The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: an illustrated guide
8863: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew - Hand-list of Orchids cultivated in the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
15273: Key, H. - Ivies
18212: Key, H. - Pelargoniums
26101: Keyes, S.; Meyer, M. (ed.) - The collected poems of Sidney Keyes
34921: Keynes, M. - The personality of Isaac Newton
36610: Keynes, R.W. - Annie's box: Charles Darwin, his daughter and human evolution
28916: Keynes R D - Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary
34676: Keynes, G. - Some uncollected authors XLIV: George Cumberland 1754-1848
37477: Keynes, G. - Blake: complete writings, with variant readings
34884: Keynes, G. - Some uncollected authors LI: Dr Martin Lister, F.R.S.
34860: Keynes, G. (Kt.) - The gates of memory
34969: Keynes, G. - John Ray: a bibliography
11816: Keynes, Geoffrey - Dr Martin Lister: a bibliography
36229: Keynes, G. - A study of the illuminated books of William Blake, poet, printer, prophet
22580: Al-Khalili, J. - Pathfinders: the golden age of Arabic science
25483: Al-Khalili, J. - Pathfinders: the golden age of Arabic science
31894: Khanam, M. & Hassam, A. - Flora of Bangladesh, no. 58: Lamiaceae
25318: Nguyen Khanh Van (Chu Bien) et al. - C ac bieu do sinh khi hau Viet nam / Bioclimatic diagrams of Vietnam
38816: ________, _._., ___, _._. / Kharkevich, S.S., Buch, T.R. - _____ ___________ ________ _______ / Flora Rossiyskogo Dal'nego Vostoka [Flora of the Russian Far East]
41285: Khayat, M.K. & Keatinge, M.C. - Food from the Arab world
26622: Khayyam, O. - The rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
22353: Khayyam, O. - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and other Persian poems
28783: Khayyam, O. - The Rubáiyat of Omar Khayyam
28989: Khimin, M. / _____, _. - The Atlas of Wintering birds in Lutsk District / _____ ________ ____i_ ________ ______ (1988/9 - 1991/92)
6327: Khoshbakht, Korous - Agrobiodiversity of plant genetic resources in Savadkouh/Iran with emphasis on plant uses and socioeconomic aspects
38575: Khoshoo, T.N. (ed.) - Ecodevelopment of alkaline land: Banthra, a case study
4870: Khoshoo, T.N. (ed.) - Ecodevelopment of alkaline land: Banthra - a case study
28451: Khoury, S.S. - The correct translator
21390: Ki-Zerbo, J. - Vers une gestion durable des plaines d'inondation sahéliennes
37790: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Tan Wee Kiat (introduction) - Proceedings of the 130th anniversary seminar
31826: Kidd, M.M. (Ill.) - Protected wild flowers of the Cape Province / Beskermde veldblomme van Kaapland (part 2 only)
31291: Kidd, J. - The complete horse encyclopedia
16247: Kidd, L.N. & Fitton, M.G. (eds.) - Holden Clough: the natural history of a small Lancashire valley
14644: Kidd, S., Plater, A. & Frid, C. (eds.) - The ecosystem approach to marine planning and management
22674: Kidd, M.M.; Olivier, P.J. (foreword) - Protected wild flowers of the Cape Province / Beskermde veldblomme van Kaapland
38817: Kidd, M.M. - Wild flowers of the Cape Peninsula
40768: Kidd, A. - Manchester (Town and City Histories)
26164: Kidd, J. - Three colour inks
7721: Kidd, M.M.; Olivier, P.J. (foreword) - Protected wild flowers of the Cape Province / Beskermde veldblomme van Kaapland
36540: Kidner, R.W. - The first hundred road motors
13488: Kidson, P., Murray, P., & Thompson, P. - A history of English architecture
24772: Kidson, A. - George Romney 1734-1802
35396: Kiely, B. - Ireland from the air
13126: Kiep, Otto Carl - Mein Lebensweg 1886-1944
14493: Kieran, J. - Natural history of New York City
12844: Kiernan, Colm - Daniel Mannix and Ireland
38022: Kiew, R., Chung, R.C.K., Saw, L.G. & Soepadmo, e. (eds.) - Flora of Peninsular Malaysia series 2: seed plants vols. 1,2,4,5,6,8.9 (7 vols.)
2285: Kiger, Robert W., Tancin, Charlotte A. & Bridson, Gavin D.R. - Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations, together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions
23018: Kightly, C. - Living rooms: interior decoration in Wales 400-1960
22473: Kightly, C. - A mirror of medieval Wales: Gerald of Wales and his journey of 1188
5388: Kik, C. - On the ecological genetics of the clonal perennial Agrostis stolonifera
4990: Kikkawa, Jiro & Anderson, Derek J. (eds.) - Community ecology: pattern and process
38356: Kilford, W.K. - Elementary air survey
23238: Killanin, Lord & Duignan, M.; revised by Peter Harbison - The Shell Guide to Ireland
31167: Killeen, R. - A short history of modern Ireland
34416: Killen, J. - A history of the Linen Hall Library 1788-1988
14230: Killen, J. - A history of the Linen Hall Library 1788-1988
31895: Killick, D. - A field guide to the flora of the Natal Drakensberg
27025: Killingback, S. - Tulips: an illustrated identifier and guide to cultivation
12214: Killington, F.J. - A monograph of the British Neuroptera (2 vols.)
27251: Kilpatrick, J. & Harmer, J. - The Galanthophiles: 160 years of snowdrop devotees
22494: Kilvert, F. - Kilvert's diary
31559: Kilvert, F. - Journal of a country curate: selections from the diary of Francis Kilvert 1870-1879
10734: Kim, J. (ed.) - Advances in nanotechnology and the environment
21387: Kimball, L.A. - International ocean governance
32780: Kimmerer, R.W. - Gathering moss: a natural and cultural history of mosses
14594: Kimmins, D.E. - A revised key to the adults of the British species of Ephemeroptera, with notes on their ecology
29527: Kinahan, G.H. - Irish marbles and limestones
26798: Kinane, V. - A history of the Dublin University Press
22776: Kind, U. - Eine kleine Deutschmusik
21674: King, R. - With silent friends
41799: King, R. - Brunelleschi's dome
31292: King, R. - The world of Kew
42064: King, S.F. - Science Action book 6: Science and movement
31457: King, A. - The Observer's book of garden flowers
16281: King, Ronald - Royal Kew
42062: King, S.F. - Science Action book 4: Science and water
42063: King, S.F. - Science Action book 5: Science and weather
42060: King, S.F. - Science Action book 1: Science and air
42061: King, S.F. - Science Action book 2: Science and time
14585: King, P.E. - British Sea Spiders
33826: King, G. - Foreign phrases
34684: King-Hewle, D. (ed.) - The collected letters of Erasmus Darwin
10440: King, Ronald - The quest for paradise: a history of the world's gardens
33792: King, S. - The day that changed the world: 11.22.63
42018: King, S.F. - Science and flight
24513: King, S.D. - When the money runs out
21388: King, P. - Protect our planet
27209: King, R. - The world of Kew
32212: King, Ronald - The quest for paradise: a history of the world's gardens
19481: King, C.A.M. - The geomorphology of the British Isles: Northern England
29685: King, A. & Clifford, S. - Holding your ground
34688: King-Hele, D. - Erasmus Darwin 1731-1802
5368: King, Philip B., Neuman, Robert B. & Hadley, Jarvis B. - Geology of the Great Smoky Mountains national park, Tennessee and North Carolina
16243: King, R. - Botanical illustration
33020: King, C.J. (ed.) - Catalogue of plants in the Cambridge Botanic Garden
34319: King, A. - The Observer's book of garden flowers
34687: King-Hele, D. - Doctor of revolution: the life and genius of Erasmus Darwin
35674: King Edward VI Grammar School, Bath; Symoinds, K.E. - Alumni of the school [1552-1852]
27326: King, C.A.M. - Oceanography for geographers
42023: King, A., Ottaway, J. & Potter, A. - The declining Otter
35120: King, H. (ed.) - South Pole odyssey: selections from the Antarctic diaries of Edward Wilson
29751: King, H.G.R. - The Antarctic
27435: King, J. - The first settlement: the convict village that founded Australia 1788-90
20136: King, P. - Women rule the plot
31560: King-Hall, M. - The diary of a young lady of fashion in 1764-5
33608: King, R. - The world of Kew
18321: King, W.B. - Endangered birds of the world
31079: King, B.F. & Dickinson, E.C. - Birds of south-east Asia
39385: King, B.F., Woodcock, M. & Dickinson, E.C. - Birds of south-east Asia
17783: King, P.E. - Pycnogonids
16371: King, J. - Reaching for the sun: how plants work
34691: King-Hele, D. (ed.) - The letters of Erasmus Darwin
34690: King-Hele, D. - The essential writings of Erasmus Darwin
34693: King-Hele, D. - Erasmus Darwin: a life of unequalled achievement
27949: Kingdon, J. - Field guide to African mammals
4540: Kingdon, Jonathan - Island Africa: the evolution of Africa's rare animals and plants
25389: Kingdon-Ward, F. - Berried treasure
39077: Kingdon-Ward, F. - Return to the Irrawaddy
18466: Kingdon Ward, F. - Plant hunter's paradise
18274: Kingdon, J. - Field guide to African mammals
38987: Kinghorn, A.D. (ed.) - Toxic plants
40975: Kinglake - Eothen
18189: Kingsbury, P.D. - Lord Burlington's town architecture
8939: Kingsland, G. - The islander: the man who wanted to be Robinson Crusoe
19991: Kingsley, C.; Gosse, P.H. (ill.) - Glaucus, or the wonders of the sea-shore
8640: Kingsley, Charles - The letters and memories of his life, edited by his wife
39580: Kingsley, C. - Town geology
30948: Kingsley, C. - The works of Charles Kingsley, vol. 19: Scientific lectures and essays
21484: Kingsley, Mrs (ed.) - Charles Kingsley: his letters and memories of his life (2 v.)
2044: Kingsley, Charles - Glaucus, or the wonders of the sea-shore
34863: Kingsley, Mrs - Charles Kingsley: his letters and memories of his life (2 v.)
41197: Kingsley, C. - Town geology
30363: Kingsley, J.S. - The standard natural history (5 v.)
30364: Kingsley, C. - Madam how and lady why
31561: Kingsley, M.H. - Travels in West Africa
21621: Kingsley, C. - Poems
39288: Kingsley, C. - Glaucus, or, the wonders of the shore
17866: Kingsley, C. - Madam How and Lady Why
40282: Kingsolver, B. - Another America / Otra America
25537: Kingston, W.H.G. - Peter the whaler
6579: Kingston, W.H.G. - African trader
6640: Kingston, W.H.G. - Adventures in India
19028: Kingston, W.H.G. - Captain Cook: his life, voyages, and discoveries
30365: Kingston, W.H.G. - The western world
28769: Kington, M. (intro.) - The pick of Punch
12492: Kington, M. - Nature made ridiculously simple
41357: Kingwell, D. & Jameson, B. - Kendal pubs: a potted history
37564: Kinnaird, M.F., O'Brien, T.G., Lambert, F.R. & Purmiasa, D. - Project Kakatua Seram: current status and conservation needs of the Seram Cockatoo, Cacatua moluccensis
39581: Kinns, S. - Moses and geology: or the harmony of the bible with science
33389: Kinross, Lord - Europa Minor: journeys in coastal Turkey
28896: Harper P C & Kinsky F C - Southern Albatrosses and Petrels
40283: Kipling, R. - A choice of Kipling's verse made by T.S. Eliot
7600: Kipling, Rudyard - Rudyard Kipling's verse: inclusive edition 1885-1918
25918: Kipling, R.; Stampa, G.L. (ill.) - Collected dog stories
24262: Kipling, R. - Short stories, vol. 2 Friendly Brook and other stories
26631: Kipling, R. - Soldiers three in black & white: the story of the Gadsbys
21679: Kipling, R. - The just so song book; music by Edward German
21681: Kipling, R. - Rudyard Kipling's verse
21677: Kipling, R. - Captains courageous'
24260: Kipling, R. - Just So stories
24261: Kipling, R. - Puck of Pook's Hill
37121: Kipps, E.J. (ed.) - Special Number, September 1910
11815: Kira, Tatuo (prizewinner) - International Cosmos Prize 1995
22865: Kirby, S. - The Yeats country: a guide to places in the West of Ireland associated with the life and writings of William Butler Yeats
16117: Kirby, W.E. - Insects: foes and friends
21567: Kirby, W.F. - A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera (2 vols.)
15467: Kirby, W. & Spence, W. - An introduction to entomology (2 v.)
30366: Kirby, W. & Spence, W. - An introduction to entomology
28292: Von Kirchner, O. & Loew, E. (founders) - Lebensgeschichte der Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas
37237: Kirk, Rev. B. - The Taunton dissenting academy
28391: Kirk, J.W.C. - A British garden flora (etc.)
29352: Kirk C - Wild birds at home
17608: Kirk, W.D.J. - Thrips
24955: Kirkbride, J.H. & Figueiras, T.S. - Indice de Topônymos do Distrito Federal, Brasil
37655: Kirkbride, J.H., Gunn, C.R. & Weitzman, A.L. - Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Faboideae (Fabaceae) (2 v.)
28885: Garrido O H & Kirkconnell A - Birds of Cuba
35607: Kirkham, N. - The draining of the Alport lead mines, Derbyshire (and related papers)
18125: Kirkham, N. - Derbyshire (Vision of England series)
20395: Kirkham, A. (cartography); multiple authors. - The geology of Connemara [Ireland]; 2 sheets
35237: Kirkman, F.B. & Jourdain, F.C.R. - British birds
35383: Kirkpatrick, E.M. (ed.) - Chambers 20th century dictionary
607: ___________, _. _. & _________, _._. / Kirpichnikov, M. Ai. & Zabinkova, N.N. - ______-_________ _______ ___ _________ / Russko-Latinskii Slovar dlya botanikov / Lexicon Rossico-Latinum in usum botanicorum
39760: Kirwan, R. - Geological essays
17895: Kirwan, G.M. et mult al. - The birds of Turkey
28825: Kishor, P.B.K. (ed.) - Plant tissue culture and biotechnology
12874: Kismul, V. (Ed.) - Effects of air pollutants on terrestrial ecosystems in the border area between Russia and Norway
37149: Kiss, L., Kiszely, G., Vajda, P. - Industrial monuments in Hungary / Magyarországipari müemlékei
21167: Kiss, K. & Bräuning, A. - The mountain rainforest: scientific discoveries in a highly diverse ecosystem in southern Ecuador
26799: Kissane, N. - The Irish famine: a documentary history
40443: Kissane, N. - The national library of Ireland
10004: Kitamura, S., Murata, G. & Hori, M.; ill. by Hirosuke Isizu - Genshoku Nihon shokubutsu zukan [Coloured illustrations of herbaceous plants of Japan (Sympetalae)]
30162: Kitson, E. - Marquetry and veneers
29843: Kitto, H.D.F. - The Greeks
24124: Kitto, H.D.F. - Form and meaning in drama
27779: Klaber, D. - Violets of the United States
230: Klackenberg, Jens - The genus Exacum (Gentianaceae)
4936: Klages, K.H.W. - Ecological crop geography
24602: Klare, M. - Blood and oil
42705: Klauber, L.M. - Rattlesnakes: their habits, life histories, & influence on mankind
17538: Klebs, G. - Der Bedingungen der Fortpflanzung bei einigen Algen und Pilzen
41532: Klein, C. - Grow your own veg
23534: Von Kleist, H. - Sämtliche Werke
28314: Klemin, A. - A text-book of aeronautical engineering
25819: Klepac, L. (ed.) - Alan Lowndes: paintings 1948-1972
25818: Klepac, L. (ed.) - Alan Lowndes: paintings 1948-1972
2203: Klindworth, C. and X. Scharwenka, X. (revised by) - Chopin Polonaises (F. Chopin complete piano works)
26433: Klindworth, K. (ed.) - Lieder ohne Worte for the pianoforte composed by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
37150: Klingender, F.D. - Art and the industrial revolution
34357: Klingender, F.D. - Kunst und industrielle Revolution
21085: Klingerman, J. (ed.) - The birds of John Burroughs
27800: Klinowska, M. - Dolphins, porpoises and whales of the world: the IUCN red data book
12038: Klopfer, P.H. & Hailman, J.P. - An introduction to animal behaviour: ethology's first century
12115: Klopfer, P.H. - Behavioral aspects of ecology
38686: Kloppenburg, J.R. - First the seed: the political economy of plant biotechnology
38319: Kloppenstein, E. & Toussaint, Ph. - Orchidaceae Belgicae (5 v.)
31896: Klopper, R.R., Smith, G.F. & Chikuni, A.C. (eds.) - L'Initiative taxonomique mondiale: documenter la biodiversitéen Afrique
31294: Klots, A.B. - A field guide to the butterflies of North America east of the Great Plains
42708: Kluge, A.G. - Phylogenetic relationships in the lizard family Pygopodidae: an evaluation of theory, methods and data
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