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PEDERSEN, ARNE MOLLER - Restaurering Af Boger

Wrs. pp.209-225 in bogvennen no.7/ 1971-73.pp.209-232. Illus. in b/w. Contains also: "The oxford lectern Bible monumenta typographica XV", Austin Grandjean (pp.225-229). "Tysklands illustratorer 2", Erik Ellegaard Frederiksen (pp.229-231). "Steen Eiler Rasmussen bibliografi", anmeldt af Steen Stegeager Hansen (pp.231). "Essaya omkring et T Erik Dal: Boghistorie og bogfremstilling", anmeldt af Bent Rhode (pp.231-232) ; 8vo.
EUR 15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.63 | £UK 12.5 | JP¥ 2418] Book number 71389

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