PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA - Piero Della Francesca - De Prospectiva Pingendi - Saggio Critico / Critical Essay - Two VolumesSansepolcro, Aboca Museum Edizioni. 2008, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9788895642130) Hard Cover Cloth, 307 x 220 x 56 Mm. Piero Della Francesca - De Prospectiva Pingendi - Saggio Critico / Critical Essay - Two Volumes - One with the critical essay by Massimo Mussini and Luigi Grasselli - text in Italian and English. 269 pages, illustrated in color. The other book is a facsimile of the original Prospectiva Pingendi by Piero Della Franceska. Both books as new, linen cloth, very dark blue (nearly black) the text part with golden lettering and tipped in plate on the front. The facsimile is in cremy linen. As New. EUR 400.00 [Appr.: US$ 417.16 | £UK 332 | JP¥ 65206] Book number 006119is offered by:
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